Viagra, Cialis, Sildenafil: we compare all drugs for potency. What is better Viagra, Cialis or Levitra

The problem of choice is which pills to buy for you?

Viagra, Cialis and Levitra are the main drugs used to treat erectile dysfunction. The time-tested drug is Viagra (the active ingredient is sildenafil citrate). Viagra was discovered over 25 years ago. The high scientific and evidence base and extensive clinical trials of Viagra are its main and far from the only advantage over other drugs. Levitra (the active ingredient is vardenafil) is a relative newcomer to the pharmaceutical market. Cialis (active ingredient tadalafil) - it appeared in 2003. With a recent appearance - these drugs, however, have been excellent in all clinical studies. All three drugs act on the cavernous body of the penis, contributing to its blood supply, and cause a persistent erection. The mechanism of action of drugs is the same.

The main differences between the three drugs

Depends on many factors. For elderly patients, Cialis is preferable. With erectile dysfunction of a psychogenic nature - Viagra. For metabolic disorders - Levitra. This is the most important step in the treatment of erectile dysfunction.

The problem of choosing a drug depends on many factors. For elderly patients, Cialis is preferable. With erectile dysfunction of a psychogenic nature - Viagra. For metabolic disorders - Levitra. Choosing the right drug is the most important step in the treatment of erectile dysfunction.

Decreased sex drive in men has many causes. Dissatisfaction, lack of good sex and failures in intimate life negatively affect relationships in the family and work. One of the options for solving this dysfunction is taking drugs to enhance erection. Consider the most popular of them and decide which is better: Viagra or Cialis? The opinions of experts on this issue differ.

Viagra: truth and myths

Before proceeding to describe the advantages and disadvantages of tablets, it is worth noting that they should never be taken when you are already using drugs with active nitrate substances. If you ignore this, then it is quite possible that during intercourse your pressure may reach a level that is incompatible with life.

Taking Viagra, you should not count on the fact that after the pill the sexual organ itself will come to the desired state. It's a delusion. Viagra helps to improve blood circulation, that is, it helps erections reach the desired level, so stimulation is indispensable. After sex, the sexual organ returns to normal again (with the exception of side effects).

The best option is to consult a doctor. Perhaps he will advise you to take another drug, referring to the characteristics of your body. In addition, if you have ever experienced hypersensitivity, then you cannot do without consulting a specialist.

This remedy has been on the market for quite a long time, and there are many myths about it. The most common - Viagra treats potency. Convinced of this, we hasten to upset, because Viagra does not heal. Taking this drug can be called symptomatic therapy.

Some are sure that if you take these pills, then in this way you can prevent the transmission of sexual diseases. Alas, this is a profound misunderstanding. Therefore, no one canceled the methods of contraception even while taking it.

Lastly, Viagra is not a hormone. And even more so not an aphrodisiac.

Features of Cialis

Let's start with the fact that the active ingredient of the drug - tadalafil - is not able to change the level of testosterone or affect the characteristics of sperm.

Like Viagra, Cialis requires stimulation of the penis or erogenous zones. This drug does not require a schedule of administration, however, for its maximum effect, it is advisable to consult a doctor.

An overdose of Cialis can lead to bad consequences. For example, a man may experience an erection longer than usual, which will bring discomfort. If the penis does not return to its normal state after 4 hours, then this is a good reason to seek help. Ignoring this symptom is dangerous, as in the future it can cause a complete lack of erection.

Cialis differs from Viagra in that it acts smoothly and gently. That is, if you need a very fast erection, most likely, this drug will not work for you. But along with their smooth action, these tablets are considered more gentle.

As for the pricing policy, Cialis is inferior to Viagra in price. And this is understandable, because the latter is considered a brand. But if you have never taken such drugs before, then it is better to start with Cialis.

Levitra as an alternative

There is another fairly popular drug to enhance erection - Levitra. These pills start working a little earlier than the others. The advantages of this generic include the fact that it can be taken regardless of the meal schedule. But even its action can be dulled a little by being carried away by fatty foods.

As for side effects, unlike other drugs (Viagra, Cialis), Levitra rarely affects the quality of vision. Sometimes men who take generics may see things bluish for a while. However, this side effect will pass along with the action of the drug.

Despite the fact that these pills have much fewer side effects than others, an overdose can lead to the opposite. It is advisable to take the minimum dose of the drug so that sexual intercourse does not fail again.

Viagra, Cialis are drugs known all over the world. In this regard, Levitra is considered a relatively new remedy. Taking both drugs (Viagra, Levitra) is strictly prohibited!

Levitra and Cialis are the same form and dose of pills. Levitra or Viagra, or some other drug - which is better, you choose. To avoid negative consequences, it is best to consult a specialist.

Comparison of popular generics for erection enhancement

Active substance:

  • viagra: sildenafil;
  • cialis: tadalafil;
  • levitra: vardenafil.

Alternative titles:

  • viagra: Malegra, Viprogra, Vectra, Blueberry, Caverta, Delgra, Edegra, Еregra, Eriscta, Dynamiko, Vera, Filagra, Lovegra, Nizagara, Penagra, Slagra, Suhagra, etc.;
  • Cialis: Apcalis, Erectafil, Tadacip, Tadadel, Tadaga, Tadalis, Tadapox, Tadarise, Tadasoft, Vidalista, etc.;
  • Levitra: Zhewіtra, Filitra, Lovevitra, Snovytra, Viprofyl, Joyvitra, etc.

Standard dosage:

  • viagra: 100 mg;
  • cialis: 20 mg;
  • Levitra: 20 mg.

Maximum dosage per day:

  • viagra: 200 mg;
  • cialis: 40 mg;
  • Levitra: 40 mg.
  • viagra: strong enough erection;
  • cialis: erection increases during sex;
  • Levitra: strong enough erection.

Duration of action of tablets:

  • viagra: 4 hours;
  • cialis: 36 hours;
  • Levitra: 5-12 hours.

Start action via:

  • viagra: 45-50 minutes;
  • cialis: 15-20 minutes;
  • Levitra: 30-45 minutes.


  • viagra: there is a desire for multiple sexual intercourse;
  • cialis: increased sexual desire (libido);
  • Levitra: there is a desire to repeat sexual intercourse.

Alcohol Compatibility:

  • viagra: if you use the generic 1 hour before drinking alcohol;
  • cialis: if you use a generic 15 minutes before drinking alcohol;
  • Levitra: the drug is fully compatible with alcohol.

For men, erectile dysfunction is a real disaster. If you are overtaken by this ailment, the doctor will most likely advise a drug from the group of phosphodiesterase inhibitors. This family of drugs is responsible for increasing blood flow to the penis, thereby increasing potency. The most popular in this group are generics of Viagra, Levitra and Cialis.

And although the principle of action of these 3 drugs is quite similar, they have their own nuances: duration of action, dosages, contraindications, etc. To choose the best option for yourself, check out the features of each drug in our article, as well as a comparison of their characteristics.

Features of Levitra

Levitra is a type 5 phosphodiesterase inhibitor. Levitra is based on the vardenafil component, which stimulates the production of nitric oxide and inhibits PDE-5. Simply put, all these biochemical processes are aimed at relaxing the muscles of the penis and providing improved blood access to it.

How to apply

It is necessary to use Levitra 40-50 minutes before intimacy, 10 mg of the active substance at a time. For a day, you can use no more than 20 mg. The effect of one dose lasts approximately 4 hours.


Consider the cases in which the use of Levitra is contraindicated:

  • Intolerance to vardenafil or other components contained in the preparation;
  • Severe diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • Ulcerative diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Kidney or liver disease (renal or liver failure).

Side effects

As for the side effects of Levitra, they are quite rare and relatively harmless (unless, of course, we are talking about an overdose or taking the medicine in the presence of contraindications - in this case, the nervous or genitourinary system may fail).

Side effects that sometimes occur when taking Levitra include:

  • Pain in the temples;
  • Temporary digestive problems;
  • Nasal congestion;
  • The appearance of areas of inflammation in the mouth;
  • Feeling of nausea.

Before you know if a drug is right for you, you need to find out how it interacts with the drugs you are already taking (or have taken). When using Levitra, you should pay attention to the following nuances:

  • With simultaneous use with Erythromycin, you need to be careful: it increases the volume of vardenafil in the body by 2 times;
  • It is forbidden to take Levitra with Nicorandil;
  • With the simultaneous consumption of Levitra with Roinavir, it is necessary to reduce the amount of the first to 10 mg, since due to Rionavir, Levitra will be excreted from the body longer;
  • It is not recommended to use the drug with Ketoconazole, because. Ketoconazole increases the concentration of Levitra components by 4 times. In extreme cases, you must first consult a doctor;
  • It is also not recommended to use Levitra in conjunction with drugs used to suppress HIV infection.

It is not recommended to use Levitra along with alcoholic beverages, but it is not contraindicated either. The price of this drug is in the region of 300 rubles per 1 tablet.

Features of Cialis

The active ingredient in Cialis is Tadalafil. It inhibits cGMP and inhibits PDE-5, which allows the penis to stay in an erect state longer.

How to apply

Cialis should be taken 30-40 minutes before sex at a dosage of 20 mg. It is not recommended to take more than 1 dose of the drug per day. The drug works up to 36 hours.


One of the distinguishing features of Cialis is a short list of contraindications. In fact, it only includes an allergy or intolerance to one of the components of the drug. Cialis is also not recommended for persons under 18 years of age. Also, Cialis should not be taken by women.

There are some diseases in which Cialis is not recommended, but not prohibited. These are high blood pressure, diseases of the cardiovascular system, problems with the nervous system and the presence of degenerative diseases of the retina.

Side effects

The list of side effects from taking the drug includes:

  • Pain in the muscles;
  • redness of the face;
  • Edema of the eyelids;
  • redness of the eyes;
  • Dizziness;
  • Nasal congestion;
  • Headache;
  • Digestive problems.

Interaction with other drugs and alcohol

Regarding the interaction of Cialis with other drugs, the instructions here are as follows:

  • It is strictly forbidden to take this drug with nitrates;
  • It is not recommended to take Cialis with alpha-blockers - this can lead to hypotension;
  • Ritonavir is able to enhance the effect of the drug, so you need to be careful here. The same applies to erythromycin and itraconazole;
  • Hydroxides of aluminum and magnesium increase the time required for the absorption of Cialis;
  • Simultaneous administration of the drug with antihypertensive drugs can reduce the patient's pressure.

With the simultaneous use of Cialis and alcohol, no negative consequences should be observed (except for a slight decrease in the effectiveness of the drug). The price of Cialis is around 250 rubles per tablet.

Features of Viagra

Viagra appeared on the pharmacological market earlier than other PDE-5s. Its main component is Sildenafil citrate, which inhibits PDE-5 and stimulates the release of nitric oxide, which contributes to the stabilization of potency (a similar principle in Levitra).

How to use

It is necessary to take Viagra 2-3 hours before the onset of sexual activity at a dose of 50 mg. The effect of taking the drug lasts approximately 4 hours. It is not recommended to use Viagra more than 1 time per day.


Contraindications for Viagra include:

  • Intolerance to Sildenafil or other components of the drug;
  • recent stroke;
  • recent heart attack;
  • Problems with the liver and kidneys;
  • Problems with the heart and blood vessels;
  • Ulcer in the gastrointestinal tract.

Side effects

The most common side effects of Viagra are:

  • Hypertension and hypotension;
  • hearing problems;
  • Anemia;
  • vision disorders;
  • digestive problems;
  • Nasal congestion;
  • Tachycardia.

Interaction with other drugs and alcohol

Viagra interacts with some drugs in the following ways:

  • It is forbidden to use Viagra together with nitrates (cardilate, nitroglycerin, etc.). This can lead to a heart attack.
  • It is forbidden to share Viagra with beta-blockers, erythromycin and cimetidine.

You can’t mix Viagra with alcohol, and this is one of its main disadvantages, since intimacy often implies prior alcohol intake. The price of the 1st Viagra tablet is around 250 rubles.

What to choose: Viagra, Cialis or Levitra

So which is better: Viagra, Cialis or Levitra? It is important to understand that all 3 drugs have the same mechanism of interaction with the body, i.e. their effectiveness is quite comparable. All 3 drugs are the best in the business. However, there are nuances here.

Action speed

If we compare drugs by the speed of the onset of the effect, then Levitra wins: a man will feel the effect from him in half an hour. In turn, Viagra gives the same effect only after 1 hour.

Duration of action

The longest acting remedy is Cialis. It is able to provide the desired effect for 1.5 days, while Viagra and Levitra can boast only 5-6 hours.

Availability of funds for the elderly

Older people often need generics. And it is most important for them that the medicine causes as few side effects as possible. In this regard, Viagra is leading - it will not cause anything worse than mild nausea and headaches.

Generic Levitra, Viagra or Cialis - which is better? This question is often asked by specialists in the field of male sexual disorders. Erectile dysfunction has become one of the most common diseases. According to experts, every fifth man at least once in his life is faced with a lack of erection. Most often, ED occurs in people over 40 years of age, although young men are also susceptible to the disease.

Generics Viagra, Cialis and Levitra are used by modern medicine to restore erection. These drugs have almost completely replaced the previously existing traditional remedies. They are widely used due to their high level of efficiency. Each of them has its own characteristics, which it is advisable to familiarize yourself with before starting the reception. In this comparative review, we will take a closer look at the characteristics of these drugs so that you can determine the best option for you.

Generic Levitra, Viagra, Cialis are drugs belonging to the group Blood vessels leading to the cavernous bodies of the penis are lined with smooth muscle cells. They compress the arteries, preventing blood from entering the penis. To relax smooth muscles, cyclic guanosine monophosphate is needed. With its release, the process of erection begins. However, cGMP can be degraded by the PDE-5 enzyme. To help a man maintain an erection, drugs have been developed that block the action of phosphodiesterase. Smooth muscle cells also line the vessels in the lungs. Therefore, PDE-5 inhibitors can be used to treat pulmonary hypertension.


A truly effective treatment of erectile dysfunction has become possible with the advent of generic drugs such as Cialis, Viagra, Levitra. A comparison of the main characteristics of these drugs is given below. So that everyone can better understand the existing PDE-5 inhibitors, we decided to first dwell on each drug separately.

Viagra (Sildenafil Citrate)

So, which drug is better - Cialis, Viagra or Levitra? Let's go in order. Viagra was the first to appear on the shelves of pharmacies. The active ingredient is Sildenafil, developed by Pfizer. Initially, it was created to combat angina pectoris. However, clinical trials have shown that Sildenafil does not work well for this purpose. But it turned out that the drug is effective in the fight against male impotence. In about 84% of cases, Viagra contributed to the achievement of a stable erection.

Levitra (Vardenafil)

Comparative characteristics of all drugs are given below. In the meantime, let's get acquainted with the next medicine for potency. The resounding success of Sildenafil stimulated scientists to develop new means of combating impotence. The following active substance appeared in the laboratory of Bayer. The effect after the application of Vardenafil is maintained for a slightly longer period. In addition, many men note that Levitra acts softer.

Cialis (Tadalafil)

The youngest of this trio is Cialis. The active substance Tadalafil has a very long period of action. It was approved for sale in the United States in 2003. The active substance was developed by the pharmacological company GlaxoSmithKline. This is the only drug approved for daily use. It is also used in the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia.

Operating principle

The mechanism of action of Levitra, Cialis and Viagra is exactly the same. These drugs promote the release of nitric oxide and relaxation of the smooth muscles of the penis. Along with this, there is an increase in blood circulation. Blood begins to move faster through the arteries, improving the functioning of the whole organism. It is absorbed in large quantities into the cavernous bodies. This leads to their strong increase and, as a result, the emergence of a powerful erection. It should be noted that the described mechanism works only in the presence of a sexual stimulus. Otherwise, even after taking the pill, the penis will be at rest.


Generics Viagra, Cialis, Levitra, which you can read about on our website, have different dosing conditions. For Sildenafil, the recommended dose is 50 mg. If the effect is not observed, you can increase the amount of the active substance to 100 mg. Tablets with increased dosage must be divided into 2 or more parts. Usually they are bought to save money. Levitra and Cialis doctors recommend taking 10 mg each. The maximum dose is 20 mg. Tadalafil 2.5 mg can be taken daily. For all drugs, there is a single rule - within 24 hours you can take the medicine only 1 time.

Side effects

Cialis, Levitra, Viagra can cause a variety of side effects. We list only the most common:

  • Viagra - stuffy nose, headache, dizziness, visual disturbances, indigestion;
  • Levitra - headache, nausea, flushing of the face, indigestion, nasal congestion;
  • Cialis - indigestion, headache, back pain.

As a rule, all PDE-5 inhibitors are well tolerated by the body. Visual anomalies can be observed after taking Viagra and very rarely after Levitra. These two drugs do not contribute to the appearance of myalgia (back pain) as after Cialis. Side effects of Tadalafil last longer, but are less pronounced than from other active substances.

Precautions and contraindications

Before, we strongly recommend that you read the list of precautions and contraindications. All PDE-5 inhibitors are absolutely contraindicated in men taking organic nitrates. Simultaneous administration of erection pills and alpha-blockers is currently allowed. However, the dose of the latter should be stable.

Generic Viagra, Levitra, have a moderate vasodilating and hypotensive properties. Therefore, they cannot be used for certain diseases (uncontrolled hypertension, unstable angina, kidney and liver disease). Cialis is contraindicated in people for whom sexual activity is considered inappropriate. In the presence of kidney or liver disease, the dosage of the drug should be strictly limited.


Characteristics of drugs generic Levitra, Cialis, Viagra are quite different. This must be taken into account when changing or selecting a medicine. Sildenafil and Vardenafil have almost identical half-lives. They have the same start and duration. Tadalafil starts working later, but the effect is observed much longer.

All PDE-5 inhibitors are primarily excreted in the feces. A small amount is eliminated through the kidneys. The long period of action of Cialis allows you to take fewer drugs and makes it possible to make sudden acquaintances without any problems. Below is a table that shows the main differences between the drugs.

Table 1. Comparative characteristicsSildenafil Tadalafil Vardenafil - PDE-5 type inhibitors
Active substanceSildenafilVardenafilTadalafil
Diseases that can be used to treatErectile dysfunction, pulmonary arterial hypertension, high altitude pulmonary edemaErectile dysfunction, premature ejaculationErectile dysfunction, pulmonary arterial hypertension, benign prostatic hyperplasia
Efficacy in the treatment of erectile dysfunction82-84% 80% 81%
Release formTablets, capsules, lozenges, instant platesTablets, dragees for resorptionTablets, capsules, lozenges
The time after which the effect appears30 minutes25 min16-45 min
Duration of action4-5 h4-6 hup to 36 h
Recommended dose50 mg10 mg10 mg
food addictionRecommended to be taken on an empty stomachA high-calorie meal may delay the onset of the effectAction independent of food intake

A breakthrough in the treatment of sexual dysfunction in men occurred with the advent of the well-known drug Viagra. Later, tablets similar in effect to Cialis and appeared on the market. Disputes on the forums do not fade away, what is better than Viagra or Cialis? If the drugs have one purpose, can they be taken together or replace one remedy with another?

Characteristics of drugs

Viagra is one of the most popular and well-known remedies for the treatment of male impotence. The drug is produced in the USA by the well-known pharmaceutical company Pfizer. It is sold in any pharmacy chain and costs 4 tablets from 2,200 rubles. The main active ingredient in Viagra is sildenafil citrate.

Cialis is produced in the UK by Eli Lilly and Company. Four tablets cost from 4,400 rubles. The main active ingredient is tadalafil.

Levitra refers to the means of the latest generation. This is generic Viagra, which surpassed the original drug in many ways. Produced in a dosage of 20 mg. The main active ingredient is vardenafil. The average price for 4 tablets is from 3,500 rubles.

Form of release of medicines:

  • Viagra: Tablets, capsules and dragees, plates for resorption and rapid dissolution in the oral cavity.
  • Cialis: Tablets and capsules to dissolve under the tongue.
  • Levitra: Tableted and in the form of dragees.

All three drugs have many generics at a more attractive price.

Effect on the male body

Viagra, Levitra and Cialis are inhibitors of the PED-5 enzyme. This enzyme is produced in the body of every man and is involved in the process of relaxation of the walls of the vessels of the penis.

Potency comes under the influence of increased blood flow, which rushes to the glans penis of a man. During sexual stimulation, nitric oxide is produced in the cavernous tissue of the penis. The substance activates the production of guanylate cyclase. As a result of the reaction in the vessels of the penis, the enzyme cGMP is produced. With a concentration of cGMP, the walls of blood vessels relax, and blood flow to the penis increases. If the level of cGMP in the body is not enough, then the vessels remain unchanged and an erection does not occur.

PED enzymes in the body break down cGMP. In the vascular system of each part of the body, its own enzymes are produced:

  • FED 5 - in the penis;
  • FED 6 - in the retina;
  • FED 4 - in human lungs.

In the genital organ, PED 5 actively cleaves cGMP and the relaxation of the vessel walls does not occur. Inhibitors slow down the work of PED 5 and the concentration of cGMP in the blood increases.

Impact difference

The drugs have the same effect on the body, the difference is only in the time of onset of the therapeutic effect and in the effect on FED in other parts of the human body.

Let us consider in more detail the therapeutic effect of drugs in the form of a table:

Cialis is a selective inhibitor and only stops FED-5 during its action. Therefore, the drug does not affect the heart and retina. While taking Viagra, 15% of men change their color perception. The inhibitor slightly affects FED 6 and the man loses his susceptibility to blue and green colors. The loss of color perception is temporary and completely disappears after the drug is removed from the body. Levitra also affects vision in men, but only slightly. In 5% of patients after administration, a decrease in the perception of blue color is observed.

If a man wants to get, then you should opt for Cialis or Levitra. Viagra belongs to the drugs of the first generation, and begins to act in 40-50 minutes. But on the other hand, the tablet costs less and will help save the family budget.

Features of taking pills

Viagra, Levitra and Cialis differ in the allowable dosage of the main substance for men:

  • Sildenafil - 50 mg. If after 1 hour an erection does not occur, then the dosage is increased to 100 mg.
  • Tadalafil - 20 mg. With single sexual pathologies, tablets are taken with a dosage of 10 mg. If an erection does not occur within an hour, then the daily dosage is increased to 40 mg.
  • Vardenafil - 20 mg per day.

Drugs are taken a maximum of 1 time in 24 hours.

If a man has a pathology of the liver or kidneys, then the permissible dosage is reduced to a minimum, and the intake is allowed every three days.

Tablets will not cause an uncontrolled erection. The penis will respond to sexual stimulation and the man will be able to control it.

In case of an overdose, Cialis can provoke an uncontrolled erection. If within four hours the unpleasant symptom does not disappear, it is recommended to consult a specialist.

Viagra acts more gently, but the duration of the effect is only 2-3 hours. Levitra - is the golden mean. It acts for 10 hours, and a man can start sexual intercourse 20 minutes after taking the pill.

Viagra and Cialis are not compatible with alcoholic beverages. It is allowed to take Viagra 60 minutes before drinking alcohol. After a Cialis tablet, you can drink weak alcohol after 15-20 minutes. Levitra and alcohol do not affect each other in any way.

It is allowed to take drugs with meals, but heavy, fatty foods will significantly increase the time of onset of action for Viagra

Cialis is effective when taken with any food.

addiction in men

Viagra, Levitra and Cialis are not addictive because they do not affect the human nervous system. But a person can develop psychological addiction. The pill gives a man confidence and with the regular use of a maintenance drug, the fear of sexual intercourse without the use of drugs increases.

Regular intake of Cialis is allowed. Viagra is used once in a while when the sexual disorder is irregular. After use, the drugs cause a reaction:

  1. Viagra - there is a desire to perform sexual intercourse several times;
  2. Cialis - increases male desire for sexual contact;
  3. Levitra - there is a desire to perform sexual intercourse several times.

Purpose and contraindications

Medications are prescribed in cases where the pathology is associated with both psychological and physiological characteristics of a man.

Before taking it, it is important to understand that Viagra and Cialis do not cure male impotence, but only help to carry out a full-fledged sexual intercourse. The effect of drugs is temporary. To completely get rid of impotence, you need to find out the root cause of the disease.

Some of the most common causes of sexual dysfunction include:

  • Bad habits: smoking, alcohol, drugs;
  • Obesity, starting from the second degree;
  • Disease: diabetes mellitus, prostatitis, varicocele, etc.;
  • Physiological features;
  • Psychological disorder: stress, depression.

Pills are prescribed for men from the age of 18 with pathologies of potency. For men over 70 years of age, tablets are not contraindicated, but the full clinical picture of the patient is taken into account when prescribing.

Viagra, Levitra and Cialis have complete contraindications when taking pills is unacceptable and partial when the medication is used, but under the constant supervision of a specialist.

The use of tablets is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • An allergic reaction to any of the components that make up the composition;
  • Liver failure in severe form;
  • Stroke or heart attack in the next 6 months;
  • Disorders in the work of the heart or blood vessels;
  • Reduced blood pressure.

Under the supervision of specialists, medicines are used in the following cases:

  1. If a man has a predisposition to priapism;
  2. Curvature or deformation of the penis;
  3. Exacerbation of duodenitis, duodenal ulcer, gastritis;
  4. Pathology of the retina of the eyeball.

It is forbidden to take pills along with nitrites and nitrates, nitric oxide donors.

Taking with nitrites and nitrates can lead to a sharp drop in blood pressure or cause side symptoms.

Side effects of tablets

Viagra, Levitra and Cialis cause similar side effects, but they occur in men with different frequencies:

Symptom Cialis
Flushed face 15% 12% 10%
Headache 8% 8% 10%
Exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases 5% 3% 5%
Lowering blood pressure 5% 3% 2%
Arrhythmia, tachycardia, palpitations 3% 2% 1%
Sleep disturbance, nervous tension 1% 1% 1%
Tearing, loss of color vision, eye pain 7% 3% 1%
Hearing loss, tinnitus 1% 1% 1%
Urinary incontinence, frequent urination 1% 1% 1%
Shortness of breath, cough 1% 1% 1%
Pain in muscles and joints 2% 1% 1%
Pain in the lumbar 0% 5% 0%

If symptoms appear, you should consult your doctor

In 99% of cases, after adjusting the dosage, side effects disappear. Symptoms that occur in less than 2% of cases may not always be associated with the drug. They can be provoked by sexual and physical activity. Any of the medicines is contraindicated for people with restrictions in physical activity.

When using any of the drugs for the treatment of erectile dysfunction, you should follow the rules for taking:

  1. After the first dose of the drug, 10-15% of men show symptoms: headache, reddening of the skin on the face, congestion of the ears and nasal passages. Symptoms disappear on their own after the second or third dose of the drug.
  2. Do not mix or enhance the effects of one of the medicines with others.
  3. Stress and nervousness reduce the effectiveness of all drugs. After taking the erection will come, but you should not expect that the pill will cure the disease.
  4. The dosage of drugs should be adjusted. If you started taking Cialis at a dosage of 10 mg and after six months the effectiveness began to decline, then the dose is increased to 15 or 20 mg per day.
  5. Pills can harm a tired man's body. If there is no physical strength for sex, then you should not artificially strengthen the erection.
  6. Drink a glass of water while taking the medication. Physical activity and the use of PED 5 inhibitors can cause dehydration, which will cause headaches and cramps in the muscles of the limbs.
  7. The effectiveness of the drug depends not only on the dosage, but also on the weight of the man. For overweight people, the dosage of Viagra, Cialis or Levitra is increased to the maximum allowable.

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