The resignation of Governor Dubrovsky is confirmed. The Kremlin agreed on the candidacy of the new governor of the Chelyabinsk region: for the first time, the South Urals can be headed by a woman. What are the strengths and weaknesses of Dubrovsky

Rumors are circulating in the Chelyabinsk region about the governor's successor and his sponsors. However, Boris Dubrovsky is calm. What does he hope for?

Governor Boris Dubrovsky is in limbo. It seems that he has already announced his decision to run, but there is still no good from the Kremlin. Moreover, rumors spread that he had already appointed sponsors for the successor to the head of the region. This was reported by the correspondent of The Moscow Post. How to keep calm here? Does Boris Dubrovsky have a chance to be re-elected for a second term?

The chance in Russia is provided by the Kremlin. And yet, apparently, he is silent. But Dubrovsky's ill-wishers are already spreading rumors that the recently dismissed former Minister of Public Security, General Yevgeny Savchenko, may become the governor's successor. His position in the government was recently reduced. Savchenko's sponsors may be Alexander Aristov, owner of ChEMK, and Igor Altushkin, president of RCC.

Another head of the region would twitch, but Dubrovsky fully justifies his fearless surname, known to everyone from the work of Alexander Pushkin. Nothing can knock Dubrovsky out of his chair, no matter what evil winds and from which side would not come upon the governor. He will not retire on his own. His enemies will not wait for this!

The most painful issue for Dubrovsky was his family's business. This year, the governor began to get rid of him. First, he transferred the assets to his son Alexander, and recently he began to get rid of them. Apparently, the irritation of the elites with the fact that firms affiliated with the Dubrovsky family constantly win state tenders has reached the limit. And the head of the region finally understood this.

However, a week ago at a press conference, he tried to justify his son's growing business by saying that his firms were simply making the best commercial offer. Here, it turns out, is the reason. And someone, in their naivety, thought that the officials conducting tenders specifically give the victory to the governor's son. Apparently, naive people have never heard of the transparency of tenders in the Chelyabinsk region.

At the press conference, Boris Dubrovsky did not forget to mention his business, which he allegedly got rid of. With the Sinai group, which is the basis of the business of the Dubrovsky family, which is well known, everything is clear. And why didn’t anyone ask the governor a question about the Panamanian company Spaceship Consulting S.A, which was owned by Boris Dubrovsky himself? It surfaced as a result of a "leak" of documents from the Panamanian registrar Mossack Fonseca, as reported by the Kompromatural publication. Rumor has it that it was through her that the governor could conduct his financial transactions.

One of the transactions through offshore took place at a time when, according to the law, the governor had to get rid of his business. Three months were allotted for this. Well, I didn't. Probably, this is the only thing Boris Dubrovsky can say in his defense. And for persuasiveness, spread your arms. What if the Panama Papers hadn't come to light? The governor would walk with his head held high. Not caught - not offshore?

Elections of the governor of the Chelyabinsk region will be held next year. As an experienced official, Boris Dubrovsky very correctly identified whose support he needed in the region. And this is not at all Viktor Rashnikov, the owner of the Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works (MMK), where Dubrovsky used to work as a top manager.

Why does the governor need money for elections if he gets the support of Vladimir Putin and the population of the region? And here you can not argue with the governor. In this case, Dubrovsky's chances are 100%. Only here and with that, and other support while all is problematic. Moscow political scientists working in the region cannot determine the degree of weariness of the inhabitants of the region from its head.

Cadres decide everything?

You can successfully manage a region only if you have your own team. But Boris Dubrovsky has a problem with her. During his tenure as head of the region, Dubrovsky was replaced by 7 deputy. ministers, the last of them Anton Bakhaev, who was recently accused of embezzling funds during the Russian-Kazakhstan forum held in November 2017. Deputy Prime Minister Ruslan Gattarov, who has been working with Dubrovsky since 2014, was also under suspicion. At one time he was even considered as a successor to Boris Dubrovsky.

And here's what's interesting! It is possible that Boris Dubrovsky does not have any problem with personnel, and their obvious leapfrog is the result of the governor's subtle calculation. Deputy position minister - a kind of "scapegoat" on which you can blame the flaws of the ministry. But the minister is a completely different level. He, probably, can bring income to the governor in the form of monthly offerings from his work site. And if he stumbles, then the deputy will go to the "expense".

Ruslan Gattarov was framed by the governor?

Boris Dubrovsky, apparently, perfectly uses one of the tools of personnel policy - dismissal. In January, the Minister of Ecology, Irina Gladkova, was fired. She left of her own free will. And who else could be blamed for the problems with the construction of the Tominsky GOK and the garbage dump? The minister is to blame, but the governor has nothing to do with these problems at all.

They started talking about Gattarov as a possible successor, and the case of Bakhaev, who was a protege of the Deputy Prime Minister, immediately appeared. The first was fired, the second lost all chances for the regional throne. Someone whispered to the governor about Yevgeny Savchenko, and immediately his position was reduced along with him. Oh, not just Dubrovsky! Maybe it's too early to write him off?

Today it became known that the mayor of Chebarkul Sergey Kovrigin received a "bad" from the deputies of the City Assembly for his work for the year. And can be fired within a few months. This is what else! The mayor of Miass, Gennady Vaskov, who received "bad luck", is generally under investigation. Apparently, the governor's hands do not reach the small towns of the region. He would have to figure it out in Chelyabinsk.

Chelyabinsk as a mirror of the governor?

This year, the governor has just some kind of attack in the capital of the region. It was not enough for Dubrovsky to have problems with the garbage dump, which was finally closed. And then there was the garbage dump. Perhaps this was to be expected. But the governor, probably, thought - maybe it will blow over. As a result, garbage problems have not been solved so far. The Federal Antimonopoly Service questioned the conditions for the selection of contractors by the TsKS firm, a regional waste operator in the region. And he wants to complain to the prosecutor's office. TsKS appeared in Chelyabinsk from Magnitogorsk. Is she affiliated with the governor?

Is the governor up to the trash? He will hold the SEAN and BRICS summits, but nothing is ready yet. It can be said that the horse did not roll. And the slow-witted residents of Chelyabinsk distract Boris Dubrovsky from carrying out tasks of national importance with some kind of overflowing garbage cans. They have no conscience or understanding. Can't imagine themselves in the governor's "skin"?

Instead of Chip and Dale, Deputy Prime Ministers Anton Siluanov and Vitaly Mutko rush to the governor to help. Apparently, on behalf of Dmitry Medvedev, who met with Boris Dubrovsky in October. Could the prime minister really think that the governor himself could not cope? So after all, they can be removed from office as incapable of solving problems. And you probably don't want to leave your chair. According to Boris Dubrovsky, it is necessary to complete the planned projects. That's why he's going to a second term.

It is believed that Boris Dubrovsky will succeed. And he is not afraid of any rumors about a possible successor. The governor did not solve the problems of deceived equity holders, he allowed the garbage collapse, he failed to hold summits. So what? The main thing is calmness. He is Dubrovsky!

The events of December 31 of the past year in Magnitogorsk will forever be inscribed in the modern history of Russia. In the early morning there was a strong explosion in a huge residential building at 164 Karla Marksa Street. Entrance number 7 seemed to be cut off by a giant saw.

Today the rubble has been cleared. In Magnitogorsk, they say goodbye to the dead: 39 people ended up in the mass grave. The authorities report that the residents of the surviving entrances are "nothing in danger." And they can go back to their apartments. But more than 86,000 people have already signed a petition demanding that the ten-story building be resettled. Residents complain about cracks in the walls.

Earlier it was decided that the remains of the seventh and eighth entrances will be demolished in the 12th entrance building. And for the period of repair, residents of the fifth and sixth entrances will be resettled. Dubrovsky's spokesman, Dmitry Fedechkin, said that after the completion of all restoration work, a final decision would be made on the fate of the house.

But these days, it looks like another decision will be made - about the fate of the governor of the Chelyabinsk region, Boris Dubrovsky, who has been in charge of the region since January 2014. Over these 5 years, Dubrovsky's "baggage" has accumulated a lot of corruption scandals, conflict situations, and unpleasant showdowns.

What indicators did this once powerful industrial region lead to, Mr. BAD: is that what they call Boris Alexandrovich Dubrovsky behind his back? But sometimes the locals call their governor simply Mr. "Promischalkin". Why did Mr. Dubrovsky get such nicknames? The correspondent tried to figure it out The Moscow Post .

The tragedy of the Chelyabinsk "Hollywood"

In connection with the recent events in Magnitogorsk, the tragic present of the village of Roza is also recalled, from which all residents were supposed to be relocated back in 2012, since the village of Roza is slowly but surely slipping into the Korkinsky coal pit, more than 600 meters deep. A 120-story skyscraper can be “lowered” into this quarry. The village of Rosa was nicknamed "Hollywood" in the local media.

Roza ordered the people to be resettled from the village. But Governor Yurevich did not want to deal with this problem, so Mr. Dubrovsky got the village of Roza in all its glory ... Results for 5 years of rule? Of the 30 thousand inhabitants, a little more than 1 thousand people have been resettled. And today, the inhabitants of the village of Rosa look out onto the streets not from windows, but through cracks in the walls of houses. The cracks continue to widen.

Magnitogorsk, December 31, 2018: the entrance seemed to be cut off by a giant "saw"

What's the latest news? The head of the Korkinsky municipal district, Yevgeny Valakhov, recently met with the residents of the Roza village. The key issue of the meeting is the resettlement of residents in 2019, to the regional center. 74 million rubles have been allocated from the budget for resettlement of emergency residential buildings and barracks.

It's the 21st century outside, and people in the Chelyabinsk "Hollywood" still live in dilapidated houses and barracks!

In the estate of Dubrovsky, the problem of emergency housing remains relevant to this day.

What is Mr. BAD so busy with?

The governor in an Italian zipune arrived quickly at the scene of the tragedy

Offshore and Rothschild bank

Recall that before sitting in the chair of the governor of the Chelyabinsk region - and at that moment this chair resembled an "electric chair", since the former governor sat in this chair until his dismissal and the imminent initiation of several criminal cases - Mr. Dubrovsky managed to visit the first deputy director of Uralvagonzavod, and the general director of the Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works.

We also recall that Dubrovsky constantly plowed through his personal solid business, mainly of the construction plan. Today it is an open secret: in addition to offshore companies, according to some rumors, the family of Boris Dubrovsky also owns various Russian companies.

According to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, Boris Aleksandrovich Dubrovsky still owns the Sinai group of companies, Novatek LLC and Sand and Gravel Quarry LLC. Total according to the portal Rusprofile , Boris Alexandrovich Dubrovsky is the founder of 14 companies.

And with the hoisting of Dubrovsky into the chair of the governor, still warm from Yurevich, many of the companies listed above have significantly increased the volume of government orders they carry out. For example, Sinai LLC received government contracts worth more than 500 million rubles.

The former governor of the Chelyabinsk region, Mikhail Yurevich, who is now hiding in Israel, did not particularly care about social and environmental problems.

And then an international scandal broke out, in which the name of the newly-made Chelyabinsk governor was mentioned: in this way, Dubrovsky overshadowed the glory of his predecessor Yurevich with his notoriety. It was reported " New Newspaper »:

“Boris Dubrovsky used offshore in 2014 to buy bills of exchange from a Russian company, which he controlled himself. By the way, according to the law, Dubrovsky had three months to get rid of foreign financial instruments. However, he didn't."

In the database of the Panamanian offshore Spaceship Consulting S.A. there are documents about two transactions of Mr. Dubrovsky. He talked about this in detail » The first one was carried out on March 27, 2014. On that day, Spaceship Consulting bought promissory notes from Magnitogorsk LLC Property Center (IC) for 5 million rubles. The offshore sold the bills to Boris Dubrovsky for the same amount.

The second deal was done like a blueprint. Only the date has changed - April 24, 2014 and the amount: the offshore company bought bills for 7 million rubles. And again he sold them to Dubrovsky. For money transfers, Dubrovsky used an account in the Swiss BPER, Edmond de Rothschild's private bank.

The second transaction raises some questions: according to the law, Mr. Dubrovsky had to get rid of his Swiss account by April 16 (three months after the appointment of the acting governor). However, he brazenly continued to use his account after April 16th.

According to numerous indirect signs, it can be assumed that Dubrovsky could also be the owner of this offshore. Through his Novatek company, he fully controlled the issuer of the bills, Property Center LLC. And the documents from the "IC" side were signed by a certain Lyudmila Varlamova. As it turned out, Varlamova is a former subordinate of Mr. Dubrovsky in ZAO Vladena. That is, Dubrovsky sold bills to himself, but through a Panamanian intermediary.

Apparently, the investigating authorities have yet to find out all the offshore "accumulations" of Mr. Dubrovsky.

Is it here before the settlement of the village of Rosa? To the barracks and dilapidated houses?

Passion in the city of Kopeysk

If you look back at what Mr. Dubrovsky has managed to do in the region over the past 5 years, you will involuntarily ask yourself the question: why did he end up in the governor's chair at all?

At the end of 2016, that is, 2 years ago, the Petersburg Politics Foundation, together with the Minchenko Consulting holding, published a survival rating for governors. And at the same time, 2 years ago, the head of the Chelyabinsk region was rated “unsatisfactory”. The main reasons for such sad indicators at that time were considered to be the presence of intra-elite conflicts and problems in the municipalities of the region. Governor Dubrovsky, it would seem, had to work on the mistakes, but the BAD ignored the situation. And things started getting worse!

The scandal in the city of Kopeysk showed this especially clearly. In this city, due to conflicts between two deputy "clans", the head of the city had to resign from his post. But what should Dubrovsky do in such a situation? For starters, at least meet with the deputies of Kopeysk. But Dubrovsky is not even able to do this. And he aggravates the situation in Kopeysk even more when he speaks with the approval of the candidacy of the former prosecutor Vladimir Mozhin.

Dubrovsky already had a chance to reduce all the passions in Kopeisk to zero. He could reconcile the irreconcilable. But the governor chose to act with impudence! By your own rules. But the problem hasn't gone away. The conflict remains.


Let's move on to the "achievements" of Mr. BAD. At the end of 2016, the regions were given the right not to increase the value of the cadastral value due to the unimportant economic situation in the country. The business of the Chelyabinsk region hoped for understanding from Mr. Dubrovsky. Entrepreneurs expected that the head of the region would not increase the cadastral value so that the region would not stop its economic development. But Mr. BAD decided that it was more important to show himself at the federal level as an excellent leader of the region. You just need to throw "dust in the eyes" of Moscow. And to show that things are going so well that the increase in the cadastral value will not affect the economic situation in the region.

At the same time, in the Sverdlovsk region, the authorities went to meet business. And they did not raise the cadastral value. Dubrovsky had a bad luck: the economy of the Chelyabinsk region began to decline rapidly. Business began to flow from the Southern Urals to the same Sverdlovsk region. All this has become a factor in an even greater underestimation of the tax base of the Chelyabinsk region. And there is nothing surprising in the fact that Dubrovsky's rating among the business community has suddenly dropped!

The Chelyabinsk region with a once high sustainability rating under the leadership of Boris Dubrovsky has turned into a region with a loser!

And in the rating of the Petersburg Politics Foundation in 2017, dedicated to the social stability of the regions, the weak subsidized Kurgan region received 5.4 points. And ahead of the donor region (in the past) - the Chelyabinsk region: "the diocese" Dubrovsky received only 4.9 points.

In other words, the Chelyabinsk region with a once high sustainability rating under the leadership of B.A. Dubrovsky turned into a region - a loser! She talked about it in detail, ».

The infamous mayor of Chelyabinsk, a close friend of Boris Dubrovsky, did not want to resign for a long time

For several more years of the governorship of Boris Dubrovsky and the work of the mayor of Chelyabinsk, Yevgeny Teftelev (already departed), the term “NMU” (adverse weather conditions) was fixed in the minds of Chelyabinsk for a long time. But this term did not exist even under Yurevich! The term "NMU" was coined by Dubrovsky's deputy Nikolai Sandakov (now ex) to justify the numerous environmental disasters in the region. Both Teftelev and Dubrovsky directed that public transport is now in a pre-bankruptcy state. It has been farmed out to private companies.

The region was also engulfed in high-profile transport scandals. Of the latter, we can recall the scandal with the cancellation of the Kopeysk-Chelyabinsk route. This route is also unsubscribed to private hands. And this is the only route in this direction: is it a kind of "gold mine"? Travel benefits for pensioners have already been cut by 50%.

The construction business in the region is also barely breathing (which cannot be said about the construction companies of Dubrovsky and his son). But Chelyabinsk has always been one of the leaders in the construction industry in the Urals Federal District.

The terrible situation in the Chelyabinsk region and in the road sector, and housing and communal services. Dubrovsky gave the construction, repair and maintenance of roads at the mercy of commercial structures. Almost all DRSU have already been liquidated. But they had all the necessary road equipment, and qualified specialists. From now on, all tenders for road maintenance are won by unknown companies.

Not so long ago, a scandal erupted over a tender for the repair of roads in the region at a cost of 12.4 billion rubles. The results of this tender were challenged by Promstroyservice LLC from St. Petersburg. Representatives of the company applied to the Federal Antimonopoly Service, as a result of which the results of the auction for the maintenance of roads of regional and intermunicipal significance in 2016-2018. have been cancelled. Representatives of LLC "Promstroyservis" believe that the competition was held for a specific company. And it soon became clear that the co-owner of the company, which won the tender for 12.4 billion rubles, is the son of one of the well-known federal officials. It is interesting that the same company with a residence permit in Magnitogorsk, which won the tender for 12.4 billion rubles, is engaged in roads in the Dubrovsky farm!

What else is interesting? Apparently, Boris Dubrovsky began to prepare his retreat ahead of time: not so long ago, Mr. Dubrovsky bought a luxurious apartment in the center of Moscow on Nikolskaya Street. This was reported by the portal Online ».

Boris Dubrovsky bought a new apartment in Moscow on Nikolskaya Street for 350 million rubles. The apartments are a three-minute walk from the Kremlin

Dubrovsky's capital apartments are located in a historic building of the 19th century. This house is within walking distance from the Kremlin. In the St. Nickolas the Dubrovskys own 220 sq. m. The market value of housing - 350 million rubles. Recall that according to the declaration, Mr. BAD, together with his wife, has 3 more apartments and 5 houses. Will they salt? Or marinate?

By the way, even under Governor Yurevich, the journalists of the Vesti. Duty Department” filmed a story about the misfortune of people from the village of Roza. And about where the millions allocated for the resettlement of people go.

Rosa village has been waiting for resettlement since 2012

But this TV story was personally banned from showing on the local air by Mikhail Yurevich.

During his 5 years of work as governor, Boris Dubrovsky also seems to have not seen and does not see the problem of Chelyabinsk "Hollywood". But will Magnitogorsk, namely house number 164 on Karl Marx Street, repeat the fate of the mining village of Roza if Mr. Obeshchalkin, aka BAD, aka Dubrovsky Boris Aleksandrovich, continues to be the governor?

The investigating authorities obviously have something to do, if you look closely at all the "exploits" of Mr. Dubrovsky.

The Chelyabinsk political party is actively discussing the information that the governor of the region, Boris Dubrovsky, may leave his post in the coming weeks. The rubbish scandal, the strange disappearance of the region's top official in the midst of this foul-smelling crisis, and the hyperactivity of sociologists became the reason for the conversations. Read more about the reasons for the revival of the agenda and the candidates for possible replacements - on

Recently, in political circles, it has been increasingly said that Governor Boris Dubrovsky is starting to prepare for the 2019 elections. However, so far such statements are heard only from the lips of near-authority political scientists and commentators who report that the procedure for agreeing on the head of the region has begun. Most likely, this is done in order to give a signal to all participants in the political process: Boris Dubrovsky intends to remain at the helm of the Chelyabinsk region for a second term. However, the time for this was chosen, to put it mildly, not the best.

So, almost immediately after Dubrovsky, through pro-government political scientists, announced his intention to retain his post, he received a significant blow to his image in the form of a garbage collapse, which was provoked by waste carriers who did not want to lose income due to the need to transport garbage to a distant landfill in Poletaevo. So, in September, the authorities of the region realized the promise made two years ago to close the city dump. From this, everything began to spin: the city was drowned in garbage. At the same time, the governor commented on the topic for the first time and gave orders only a week after the crisis began. At that time, he was in Moscow, where he met with the head of the presidential administration, Anton Vaino. And then he flew to Japan, leading a large delegation of officials from the Chelyabinsk region. True, the details of the negotiations Dubrovsky held there have not yet been reported in detail.

“All the time of the garbage crisis, Boris Dubrovsky kept the situation under control, called almost every hour even from Japan,” a source at the regional Ministry of Ecology told

Nevertheless, the garbage collapse gave observers a reason to say that the incident had not only economic reasons, but also political ones. In the midst of negotiations with Moscow, turning the city into a garbage dump - what is this if not a provocation?

Another source of rumors was several opinion polls on a political topic that took place in the region over the past week. Among them is a survey by VTsIOM. At least, people calling the mobile numbers of the South Urals call it that way.

Sociologists ask in great detail about the problems in the region and Chelyabinsk, asking them to name the governor's strengths and weaknesses, his achievements and miscalculations.

Clarify whether the respondent knows when the gubernatorial elections will be held? Particularly interesting is the block of questions related to who the respondent would vote for if the elections were held next Sunday.

In a rather long list, in addition to, in fact, Boris Dubrovsky himself, there were three of his deputies: Evgeny Redin, Sergey Sushkov and Ruslan Gattarov. In addition, the list includes almost all local State Duma deputies: Andrey Baryshev, Vladimir Burmatov, Valery Gartung, Vitaly Pashin, Vasily Shvetsov, as well as both senators: Irina Gekht and Oleg Tsepkin. The list is not limited to these, in general, quite logical figures. It also included the speaker of the ZSO Vladimir Myakush, regional deputies Andrey Vazhenin and Olga Mukhometyarova. It was the list that gave rise to rumors that Boris Dubrovsky was being hurriedly searched for a replacement.

“They just didn’t talk about me. Either I am the main oppositionist in the Chelyabinsk region, or a candidate for governor, commented Valery Gartung to - I take it easy. I don't know about it yet, so there's not much to talk about here. And the governor didn't go anywhere. I am ready to help him in resolving issues that will change the situation in the Chelyabinsk region for the better.”

Not going to the governors and his colleague in the State Duma Vladimir Burmatov.

“So far, I have enough work, I don’t complain about the lack of time,” deputy Vladimir Burmatov said. - My task today is to work effectively in the district, which occupies a fifth of the Chelyabinsk region. Plus the committee load. So I have plans until 2021.”

There is another candidate that is being discussed and even included in the poll. But they are discussing more as a joke. This is the former first vice-governor of the Chelyabinsk region, and now the head of the company "Ravis" Andrey Kosilov. Once upon a time, Kosilov was trained as a shift by the late ex-governor Pyotr Sumin. In recent years, when Sumin was seriously ill, Kosilov actually led the region. However, the “operation successor” failed, and Mikhail Yurevich took the post of governor. Later, Andrey Kosilov showed himself as an effective manager in the post of general director of Ravis. However, sources close to the presidential administration say that this is unrealistic, since Kosilov is a figure from the past.

Political analysts also note increased activity around the chair of the governor of the Chelyabinsk region.

“Polls are really a sign that a movement has begun around Zwilling 27,” says one of the interviewed political consultants. - Telephone survey is only a part of this work. Back in early September, a certain Moscow group of sociologists conducted a survey among the expert community. Most likely, they worked by order of the regional government. Now, in parallel with the telephone survey of VTsIOM, work is underway on 17 focus groups.”

Another expert believes that the survey, which is presented as the work of VTsIOM, may be the so-called "forming" - a survey whose purpose is not to know public opinion, but to influence it.

Hence such an interest in the problems of the region and the failures of the governor.

“So far it looks like a formative survey,” the expert says. - And there is nothing strange in the fact that the list of potential candidates is so long and so strange. In part, this may be done in order to divert attention from the main candidate, for whom they want to know the real picture. Another option is to show that the world has not converged like a wedge in Dubrovsky and there are still a large number of worthy managers in the region. If this is truly a formative survey, then answering the question of who commissioned it could shed light on things to come in the region.”

At the same time, the political system is built in such a way that the decision on the main candidate for the elections of the head of the region is made not on the ground, but in Moscow. Recent events in Primorye and other regions where protest voting took place indicate that the price of a mistake by the curators of the political process in the region is increasing. This means that you should bet on a candidate with a high rating and a low anti-rating. According to these indicators, Dubrovsky has problems.

“Dubrovsky's candidacy will not be supported in the next election of the governor of the Chelyabinsk region,” a source close to the Russian presidential administration told - This decision was made in the Presidential Administration, because it is considered weak. And it's not just the garbage collapse, which was the last straw. He was given time to correct the situation with his falling rating, but after a few months nothing has changed. Therefore, now Moscow is looking for another candidate for governor.”

The fact that Boris Dubrovsky does not currently have strong support from the Kremlin is evidenced by the attacks against him by the director of the Institute of Actual Economics, Nikita Isaev. Let us recall that he recently visited the South Urals and walked with a tank through the current governor.

“Isaev, despite his opposition, usually does not attack leaders supported by the AP. And his statements about Dubrovsky indicate that the incumbent governor has lost such support, ”says a source familiar with the situation.

Earlier, sources reported that three candidates are being considered for the post of head of the region: a senator and two Varangians with a security past.

The resignation of the governor of the Chelyabinsk region Boris Dubrovsky, which was talked about on the sidelines for almost the entire year, is now closer than ever. The question of Boris Dubrovsky's resignation, which is dissatisfied with the inhabitants of the Southern Urals, and the local elites, and employees of the presidential administration, is only a matter of time.

They started talking about the possible resignation of the governor of the Chelyabinsk region Boris Dubrovsky back in the spring of last year, but then these conversations were more like kitchen gossip. The credit of trust of the head of the region at that time was not exhausted, and the local elites still hoped to hear some message from the head. At the beginning of 2016, talk about Dubrovsky's departure resumed - a role was played by the lack of attention to the road topic, scandals with untransferred business assets, fuel was added to the fire by the deputy heads of the region Ivan Senichev (who spoke obscenely and insultingly towards the entire Chelyabinsk region) and Ruslan Gattarov (who never gave up expensive business class flights). At the same time, Boris Dubrovsky did not receive broad support from political and business circles.

According to one of the sources in political circles, the process of searching for a successor to Boris Dubrovsky in the Kremlin was launched when Vyacheslav Volodin was the first deputy head of the presidential administration.

“When Sergei Ivanov left the presidential administration in August, Dubrovsky remained “naked,” our interlocutor said. - By that time, the negative mass was already voluminous: high anti-rating, the absence of any implemented breakthrough projects.

The last straw, according to our sources, was the elections to the State Duma of the Russian Federation with numerous scandals and a more than modest result of the United Russia party - 38%, which is 16% lower than the average Russian level.

“It was not possible to fulfill the instruction to exclude ex-governor Mikhail Yurevich from the elections at the regional level, Moscow had to “saw out” him,” our source continued. - In the constituency of Valery Gartung (the main justice of the Chelyabinsk region, according to all opinion polls, he went to the polls by a wide margin, but lost to United Russia Anatoly Litovchenko - ed.) "worked" so that everyone's hair stood on end. Although according to Hartung, there was an opposite signal from the federal center. All this made Dubrovsky's resignation only a matter of time. Only in Volodin's plans was to link the decision with the appointment of his protege Ruslan Gattarov to the post. This part of the plan could not be implemented, and after Volodin left the Presidential Administration, Gattarov's chances can be multiplied by zero. Nevertheless, Voronova (Tatiana Voronova, ex-head of the presidential department for domestic policy - ed.), leaving, said that the process of resigning the governor of the Chelyabinsk region was launched and irreversible, despite the change of power in the presidential administration. It is not clear who will be the successor.

As it became known, in addition to Ruslan Gattarov, two candidates have recently been considered for the post of governor of the Chelyabinsk region - the first deputy head of the region, Evgeny Redin, who is offered as a backup option by the current team, as well as a member of the Federation Council, Irina Gekht, who is supported by the chairman of the Federation Council, Valentina Matvienko . Yevgeny Redina, according to some reports, was taken to the presidential administration for approval by the chairman of the board of directors of MMK, Viktor Rashnikov.

However, there, according to our information, the “applicant” was dissatisfied. But the interview of Irina Gekht was successful, and she was previously agreed to the post of governor of the Southern Urals.

“Hecht is smart, strong-willed, capable of arranging for all groups of influence,” said one of our interlocutors in the political circles of the Southern Urals. - Unlike Boris Dubrovsky, who is used to relying on the opinion of his surroundings and sometimes trusts him too much, she has leadership qualities. In addition, she showed herself well in Moscow and may well oust Redin.

One of the main arguments in favor of Hecht is that she is being promoted by Matvienko. “We can assume that the issue has already been resolved,” says another of our sources, who is familiar with the course of approvals in the Kremlin.

Today, Dubrovsky's incumbent team is making efforts to maintain influence and continues to place its people everywhere. In particular, the version of the appointment of the former vice-governor, and now the head of Traktor Holding Company Ivan Senichev, no less than the speaker of the regional Legislative Assembly, is being discussed.

“This combination has just begun to be probed and attempted to be coordinated in Moscow,” a source in the party in power said. - Ivan Viktorovich was in disgrace with Volodin, but he is now busy with the State Duma. So, you can try to return to big politics, which Senichev likes to do.”

Purely theoretically, this is probably feasible. To do this, one of the deputies elected in single-mandate constituencies (for example, the general director of MMK Pavel Shilyaev) must give up his seat. After that, by-elections will be announced, in which the "necessary" candidate will be elected on a non-alternative basis.

In practice, it is very difficult to implement the plan. Firstly, if the by-elections take place, then only on a single voting day, September 10, 2017, and before that time a lot of water can leak (the main thing is that there will be no political will in the event of a change of governor). Secondly, it is not clear whether Ivan Senichev himself needs this, given his rather big salary at Traktor with a low level of responsibility: coaches, players, lack of funding and so on will always be guilty of team losses. Do not forget about the reputational risks of such a decision - the obscene characterization of the Chelyabinsk region will be remembered by the ex-official for a very long time. If such a person is elected to a representative body and immediately appointed to a leading position (if there are deputies in the Legislative Assembly who have worked for more than one convocation), unnecessary attention to the region cannot be avoided.

In addition to this, we must not forget that the speakers of the representative bodies of the regions, as a rule, head the ruling party in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. It is difficult to imagine Ivan Senichev as the head of United Russia.

In addition, one cannot write off the current head of the United Russia and the Legislative Assembly, Vladimir Myakush, who, according to our information, has recently enlisted support in Moscow and does not intend to give up any of his posts (his sharp speech at a recent meeting of the political council of the United Russia testifies to this).

“Vladimir Myakush, for all his diplomacy and flexibility, today has no relationship with Governor Boris Dubrovsky,” said a source familiar with the situation. - If they had a warm relationship with the late Pyotr Sumin, partner relations with Mikhail Yurevich, now there is a feeling that the legislative and executive branches work on their own. This weakens both leaders, because their subordinates do not see the common goal, where we are going. Some time ago, the Zwilling team had an idea to gradually replace the entire leadership in the Legislative Assembly. Today, I think this process will be suspended as people are busy with their own survival in politics.”

It has not yet been possible to get a comment from the press service of the head of the region regarding the possible resignation of Boris Dubrovsky: press secretary Dmitry Fedechkin does not answer phone calls. But, according to our sources, today the governor of the Chelyabinsk region was summoned to a meeting by the head of the internal policy department, Andrey Yarin.

A special commission from Moscow is going to fly over the territory of Chelyabinsk, reports. The purpose of the flight is to check the preparations for the SCO and BRICS summits, which will be held in the capital of the southern Urals. Among other things, the participants in the flight should, first of all, be interested in the main facility that is planned to be built for international forums. This is Congress Hall, where actually and. This object, even without starting to be built, is already beginning to grow into scandals. The fact is that there are three sewer collectors at the construction site. Local residents have long been complaining that the collectors are out of order and therefore throughout the district. What will happen when construction begins and all this is torn apart? Will they drown up to their ears in the fecal waters? So far, no one has given an answer to this question: neither construction specialists, nor officials.

But the effluents can pour directly into the main water artery of Chelyabinsk - the Miass River. Local environmentalists have already sounded the alarm about this. Where and with what money will they build it? Waste water is far from the only problem of the future Congress Hall. It turned out that the construction project involves building on land that belongs to private individuals. Either they didn’t think about it, or they didn’t want to think about it. But after all, it turns out that the construction will be essentially illegal! In this situation, you will have to at least negotiate with the current owners of the land and, most likely, for a lot of money from the regional budget. And there are not so many of them. There is barely enough to solve pressing problems. Money for the construction of the main facility of the upcoming summits is a completely different story. Its cost is estimated at 7 billion rubles.
« The cost of construction is 62.2 thousand rubles per square meter. It is assumed that part of the property (81.8% of the total area) will be sold to cover the costs incurred, and the proceeds will be generated from the lease of office space « , - .

Moreover, according to the plan, it was planned to attract this money at the expense of investors. The only problem is that there are still no investors. Whether they exist at all is an open question. If not, then the government of the Chelyabinsk region will have to build a building at its own expense.

And it's already bustling. Thus, the government of the region has created an economic partnership "Congress Hall" with an authorized capital neither more nor less.

For what, exactly? After all, there is no construction yet at all, and huge money has already been allocated from the budget. An incomprehensible enterprise was created and it is not known why. Isn't it similar to the fact that in the end they will be corny "cut" into bureaucratic pockets?
These questions should be asked, first of all, to the governor of the Chelyabinsk region, Boris Dubrovsky.

Cases "Dubrovskie".

According to the latest sociological research conducted by the pro-Kremlin Petersburg Politics Foundation, Boris Dubrovsky is among all governors.

There have been talks about his early resignation for a long time and more and more stubbornly. Because the messages for this, as they say, are a wagon and a small cart. In fact, according to the participants in the political process, Dubrovsky has lost control over what is happening in the region.

Under him, in particular, the so-called inter-elite wars flourish in a riotous color. The latest scandal happened in the city of Kopeysk. There, as a result of continuous conflicts between the two deputy clans of the city Duma, the mayor of the city was forced to resign.

Instead of meeting with the deputies, putting all the dots and trying to propose some compromise candidate for the mayor's seat, Dubrovsky single-handedly appointed his protege, the former prosecutor Vladimir Mozhin, as acting. This caused a new wave of seething in the already restless Kopeysk.

Boris Dubrovsky also quarreled with local entrepreneurs. The fact is that the government gave the regions the right not to increase the value of the cadastral value due to the poor economic situation in the country. The business of the Chelyabinsk region, of course, hoped for understanding from the governor Dubrovsky. Entrepreneurs expected that the head of the region would not increase the cadastral value - so that the region would not stop economic development.

But Boris Dubrovsky decided that it was more important to show off at the federal level his art of leading the region. Simply put, to throw dust in the eyes of the federal authorities, showing that things are going so well in the region that the increase in the cadastral value.

The terrible situation in the Chelyabinsk region in the road sector and housing and communal services. Boris Dubrovsky actually left the construction, repair and maintenance of roads at the mercy of commercial structures. They eliminated almost all DRSU.

Practically all municipal transport has also been given into private hands. Transport firms began to simply dictate their pricing policy. And by order of Dubrovsky, of course, not without lobbying private traders, travel benefits for pensioners were canceled, which is practiced throughout Russia. The governor is not lost even in his own prosperity. So, already being the head of the region, Dubrovsky acquired a valuable number of firms.

He bought a 100% stake in Sinai LLC (TIN 7444055692), a 100% stake in Sand and Gravel Quarry LLC (TIN 7418019867), a 100% stake in Novatek LLC (TIN 7444050920), a 50% stake in Formula Chistoty LLC ” (TIN 7445042978) and a 75% stake in Stone Gallery LLC (TIN 7456012037).

Having already been elected to the post of governor, Dubrovsky created two more organizations - LLC Chelyabstroykomplekt (TIN 7424032834) and LLC BZZHBK Energia (TIN 7424032841). And in January 2015, Boris Dubrovsky became the owner of a 100% stake in Sanar Granit LLC (TIN 7418019874).

Such are the glorious cases of Boris Dubrovsky in quotation marks. Will he sit in his chair at least until the presidential election? The question is already rhetorical. At least until the summits in his homeland, he definitely should not live.

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