What helps tangerine peels. Tangerine peels - home use and the best recipes for various sweets. When can I give a child a tangerine

Many housewives throw away tangerine peels, the use of which at home is beneficial and practical. Orange peel, containing a huge supply of ascorbic acid and essential oils, is not only able to make culinary masterpieces healthier, more aromatic and tastier, but also act as a separate dessert: jam or candied fruit.

What can be done with tangerine peels?

Tangerine peels, the use of which concerns many areas of human life, are of interest. Anything can be made from the orange peel: in brewed form it is used in cosmetology and medicine, in crushed form it is used as a seasoning for baking, jam is made from fresh peels, candied fruits and even air fresheners are made.

  1. You can brew tangerine peels with boiling water and get an excellent prophylactic against colds and bronchitis. To do this, 40 g of tangerine peel should be poured with 500 ml of hot water, then simmer for 5 minutes on fire and let it brew for an hour. After that, drink before meals three times a day.
  2. Tangerine dry peels, the use of which at home helps not only to enjoy the aromas of food, but also to establish digestive processes, are scrolled into powder in a coffee grinder and added a teaspoonful to cereals and cottage cheese products.

Candied tangerine peels are the most popular way to dispose of citrus zest. This is due to the fact that homemade delicacy, unlike store-bought counterparts, has a natural composition, is low in calories, and thanks to amino acids and minerals, it is also useful. In addition, they can not only be refreshed with a cup of tea, but also used for decorating pastries.


  • tangerine peels - 290 g;
  • sugar - 290 g;
  • lemon juice - 40 ml;
  • water for syrup - 110 ml;
  • water - 2 l.


  1. At intervals of 6 hours, soak the peels twice in cold water.
  2. Pour fresh and sweat for 10 minutes.
  3. Drain the water and dry the crusts.
  4. Make syrup from water and sugar.
  5. Put crusts in it and simmer for an hour.
  6. 5 minutes before the end, pour in the lemon juice.
  7. Spread candied fruits on parchment and dry in the oven.

Tangerine peel jam will help out at a time when summer preparations are already running out, and store ones are not happy with the price. Such a product can be enjoyed all winter time, because the jam is easy to prepare, and quickly turns into a richly sweet, concentrated aromatic mass that prolongs the New Year's mood.


  • tangerine peels - 350 g;
  • lemon juice - 40 ml;
  • sugar - 350 g;
  • water - 3 l.


  1. Soak the crusts in water for 12 hours.
  2. During this time, change the water three times.
  3. Drain the water, sprinkle the crusts with sugar, add lemon juice, and cook, stirring, for 40 minutes.
  4. Transfer to a jar and refrigerate.

Tangerine zest can be used not only as a seasoning, but also as a base for baking. This is confirmed by the unique, baked from citrus peel ground into flour. Such a product exudes incredible aromas and stands out with spicy bitterness, which skillfully “hides” behind sweet sour cream.


  • peels - 300 g;
  • sugar - 500 g;
  • milk - 250 ml;
  • oil - 200 g;
  • egg - 4 pcs.;
  • flour - 250 g;
  • slaked soda - 1 teaspoon;
  • sour cream - 500 g;
  • mandarin slices - 10 pcs.


  1. Grind tangerine peels into flour.
  2. Add 250 g sugar and hot milk.
  3. Add butter, eggs, flour, soda to the cooled mass and mix.
  4. Put in a mold and bake at 180 degrees for 40 minutes.
  5. Cut the cake into 3 pieces.
  6. For cream, beat sour cream with 250 g of sugar.
  7. Lubricate the cakes with cream and assemble the pie.
  8. Garnish with mandarin slices and refrigerate for 10 hours.

The use of tangerine peels in baking allows you to refuse to buy expensive food flavorings, which is convenient when it comes to the whole family. In this case, a few tablespoons of zest added to the flour will make the texture of the dough more expressive, and the finished product will be fresher and more fragrant.


  • tangerine - 4 pcs.;
  • flour - 240 g;
  • oil - 200 g;
  • powdered sugar - 100 g;
  • starch - 40 g.


  1. Remove the zest from the tangerines, squeeze the juice from two.
  2. Grind flour with butter, powdered sugar and starch.
  3. Add zest and juice.
  4. Form cookies and bake at 180 degrees for 15 minutes.

Those who want to always have a tasty and healthy treat on hand can make tangerine peels in sugar. Sugar not only softens bitterness, but also acts as a preservative that increases the shelf life of the product without losing taste and vitamins. The recipe itself is similar to cooking candied fruits, except that the crusts are left in syrup for 12 hours.


  • tangerine peels - 300 g;
  • sugar - 1 kg;
  • water - 1.5 l.


  1. Fill the crusts with a liter of water for a day.
  2. Drain the water, and cut the crusts.
  3. Mix with 600 g of sugar, 500 ml of water and cook for 15 minutes.
  4. Leave the crusts in the syrup for 12 hours.
  5. After that, cook for 10 minutes and spread on parchment.
  6. Roll in sugar and leave to dry for 3 hours.

Tangerine peels, the use of which is surprisingly diverse at home, can become the basis of not only desserts, but also drinks. So, concentrated syrup cooked from crusts, when diluted with carbonated water, quickly turns into vitamin lemonade, which is an excellent alternative to harmful store counterparts.


  • peels - 450 g;
  • boiling water - 2.5 l;
  • sugar - 2 kg;
  • citric acid - 20 g.


  1. Put the crocs in a jar, pour boiling water over it and leave it under the lid for a day.
  2. Boil the resulting broth and refill the jar.
  3. After a day, boil the decoction with sugar and citric acid.
  4. Pour into an airtight container and send the tangerine peel syrup to cold storage.

One of the simplest and most budgetary options for using citrus peels, it cooks very quickly, and even with a minimum amount of ingredients it turns out to be healthy and very tasty. In this case, all that is needed is to pour the crusts with water, add sugar and, having boiled the drink under the lid for 5 minutes, let it brew.


  • peels - 150 g;
  • water - 2.5 l;
  • sugar - 100 g;
  • citric acid - 2 g.


  1. Pour the crusts with water, bring to a boil, add sugar and cook under the lid for 5 minutes.
  2. Pour in citric acid and remove from heat.

Tangerine Peel Tea is the most popular winter drink and requires properly prepared rinds to make. This process includes brushing and thin cutting. So, the crusts give off flavor faster and look more attractive. Then everything is simple: boil the crusts, pour tea and spices with broth and let it brew.


  • black tea - 30 g;
  • peels - 40 g;
  • water - 500 ml;
  • cinnamon - 5 g.


  1. Pour the crusts with water and boil for a couple of minutes.
  2. Put tea, cinnamon in the teapot and pour in the broth.
  3. Infuse tea with mandarin peel for 10 minutes.

Moonshine will appeal to lovers of strong and aromatic alcohol. A natural, soft and alcohol-free product, it is prepared simply, but not quickly, because it must be infused for three weeks - so much time is required for the peels to saturate the drink with taste and fragrant as much as possible.


  • tangerine peels - 70 g;
  • honey - 40 g;
  • moonshine - 1 l.


  1. Fill the crusts with moonshine, add honey and seal tightly.
  2. Shaking occasionally, infuse the product for 3 weeks.
  3. After that, strain and consume.

Homemade tangerine peel liqueur will give odds to store-bought alcohol. It's not even about saving money, but about the opportunity to experiment. So, knowing that liqueurs are characterized by a pronounced aroma, spices need to be added to the crusts. They can be chosen according to personal taste, or you can use the available cinnamon and star anise.

We bring to your attention a few tips on how and where to use tangerine peel - in everyday life, decor, cooking, for beauty and health.


  • tangerine peels will be excellent helpers for colds and bronchitis. To do this, take three tablespoons of tangerine peels, pour two glasses of very hot water. Let it brew for a couple of hours and then strain. Add some honey and drink this infusion throughout the day.
  • Elevated blood sugar will help normalize decoction of mandarin peel. Take a liter of water, boil the peel of three tangerines in it and take 30 ml several times a day.
  • Alcoholic infusion of mandarin peels boosts immunity and improves appetite and digestion. To do this, pour the peel of one tangerine with a glass of vodka and insist in a dark place for a week. Take 20 drops 3 times a day before meals.

the beauty

  • The most common recipe is tangerine peel tonic. Making it at home is easy. You just need to pour the peel of one tangerine with a glass of cold drinking or mineral water, let it brew for a day and wipe your face with this liquid several times a day. This tonic will get rid of blackheads and tighten sagging skin.
  • Tangerine peel scrub will improve your mood, will give the skin a pleasant aroma and a good look. The dried peel must be ground in a blender to a powder state and stored in a glass jar. Pour the required amount of water to the state of slurry and use as a regular scrub.
  • Dried tangerine peels you can just wash your body after soaking them in hot water.
  • Tangerine peel is also very useful for nails.. Just wipe your nails with it every time you eat a tangerine - it whitens and strengthens your nails well. And besides, it helps to fight some types of nail fungus.


  • From the peel of the mandarin, excellent candied fruits and jams are obtained. Tangerine skins can also simply be added to tea for flavor.
  • Dried and crushed mandarin peels can be added to meat when frying, they give an unusual and original taste.
  • Mandarin peels can be added to baked goods, decorate cakes with them or make liquor out of them.


  • You can cut out various figures from tangerine peels, combine them into beads, garlands, pendants and decorate the house for the holiday.
  • From neatly cut peel you can make tangerine roses or other flowers.
  • Dried peels can be varnished, painted, voluminous paintings or various crafts can be created from them.


  • The most common use of mandarin peel in everyday life is room aromatization. Just spread the peels around the apartment in the places where it is convenient for you, and enjoy the aroma.
  • Dry tangerine skins Can be stored in wardrobes: This will prevent moths.
  • Besides, tangerine peels are good for disaccustoming cats to mark territory. To do this, you need to lay out the tangerine skins in the "favorite" places for cats.
  • Dried tangerine peels great for lighting a stove or fireplace.

If you love to cook and want to please your family with something tasty and unusual, try making candied tangerine peels. This option for using citrus zest is far from the only one. There are many recipes that help to reveal a specific sweet and at the same time slightly bitter taste.

The benefits and harms of citrus peels

Citrus fruits are a real storehouse of vitamin C and other beneficial minerals and vitamins. It is very useful to eat a few tangerines from time to time. On New Year's Eve, it is generally impossible to do without them.

It is also quite common for people to drink citrus juice for breakfast. Of course, fresh juice with pulp is much more useful than packaged nectar. It is known that the highest concentration of nutrients is concentrated in the peel of tangerines. Therefore, many ways have been devised on how to use the zest for food purposes.

In home-cooked candied fruits, despite sugar and heat treatment, there are still a lot of vitamins. The zest also contains essential oils that have a beneficial effect on the body and can even cheer up a person.

However, despite all the positive characteristics, it is worth considering that crusts can negatively affect your health.

First of all, this is due to the fact that mandarin is a strong allergen and therefore can cause adverse symptoms in some people.

In large quantities, even candied citrus fruits should not be consumed by anyone. It is also important to consider that the peel is most often treated with wax, so you need to thoroughly wash it before further use of the peel.

The most important aspect that can have a harmful effect on the human body is the use of nitrates to accelerate the growth of tangerines. These toxic substances for the body accumulate, as you know, in the peel of the fruit.

How to use peel

If you are sure that citrus peel can be used, then pay attention to how many other ways it can be further used. Often, the peel is simply dried and left as a room air freshener, like a sachet. In fact, you can cook various goodies from it.

What can you do with tangerine peels?

  • Candied fruit. Of course, first of all we are talking about candied fruits. These are healthy sweets, completely on a natural basis. If dyes, flavors, flavor enhancers and other preservatives are used in purchased options, you can be absolutely sure of a home-made product. Therefore, it can be given even to children, because the cooking process is completely under your control;
  • Jam. By a similar principle, you can make fragrant jams and preserves. This is a great addition to tea and biscuits;
  • Lollipops. After boiling the zest with sugar, you can make sucking sweets or boil the mass to the consistency of a citrus-flavored fudge.

Crust preparation

In order for the dessert to turn out delicious, it is important to properly prepare the products for further processing. Thus, before preparing candied fruits, you need to thoroughly rinse the peel of tangerines, as it is treated with special substances to protect it from spoilage. Then, you need to clean off the white threads from the back. The better you choose them, the sweeter the skins will turn out.

In order to remove the bitterness from the tangerines and prepare the zest for further combination with sugar, you need to soak them in cold water. To achieve the maximum effect, it is recommended to add a pinch of salt to the water. You should also change the water regularly. You need to do this 2-3 times a day for 3 days.

Cooking candied fruits

Finally, after you change the water for the last time, you can start cooking candied fruits. To begin with, we recline the crusts so that all the water through the glass colander. Dip them lightly with a paper towel and place them in a cooking pot. Since candied fruits are, in fact, candied fruits, to achieve the desired effect, pour them with sugar syrup.

To achieve the desired consistency, it is recommended to make the syrup in advance. For him, 1 part of water and 2 parts of sugar are taken. All this is melted over low heat, and then, boiled for several minutes, so that a string of syrup begins to stretch from the spoon. After that, cool it slightly and fill it with crusts.

Let the tangerines brew a little in the syrup. Swollen crusts are quickly saturated with sugar. To bring this delicious delicacy to readiness, put the pan on a slow fire and boil for about 10 minutes. Then, cool the candied fruits and repeat the procedure. As a result, the zest should become slightly transparent.

Next, drain the liquid and spread the tangerines on a baking sheet to dry. It is better that they dry naturally, but you can speed up this process by turning on the oven at 50 degrees for about 1 hour. Save the syrup for desserts.

You can also make a drink out of it, add it to a cocktail or boil down to candies.

Mandarin jam

In addition to candied fruits, another delicacy can be made from citrus zest - jam from

tangerine peels. This is a great option for New Year's gatherings with tea. In general, the cooking process itself is not much different from the usual one. You can use the same ingredients as for candied fruits: syrup and skins.

The main difference is that the jam remains with the syrup, so if you don’t want to get a cloying taste, adjust the amount of sugar in a timely manner.

You can start boiling the zest directly with the sugar itself, without a pre-prepared syrup.

As soon as you boil the pan with the ingredients, you will need to remove the foam with a slotted spoon. After that, reduce the heat and leave to simmer for 5-10 minutes, depending on the volume.

Then, cool it all down and repeat the procedure after a certain time. So you need to cook the skins 2-3 times until they get the state you need.

Pour the jam into jars, and put the candied fruits in a bag, and you will always have healthy goodies at your fingertips. Treat yourself and loved ones with healthy sweets!

for treatment:

The peels of this orange fruit contain vitamin C, essential oils, pectins, carotene, antioxidants and other beneficial substances.

When coughing, a decoction of dry mandarin peel separates phlegm from the bronchi and upper respiratory tract.

Mandarin peel is also useful, as it contains essential oils, vitamins C and P, and provitamin A.

In diabetes, a decoction of tangerine peel lowers blood sugar levels. It is necessary to boil the peel of three tangerines in 1 liter of water, cool and drink daily without filtering. Store the decoction in the refrigerator.

Tangerine peel is part of a mixture of medicinal plants to produce a bitter tincture, which is used in medicine to increase appetite and improve digestion, it is taken 10-20 drops 15-30 minutes before meals.

With nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, fresh tangerine peel helps. You can just chew it like chewing gum.

The peel has antitumor properties, and also helps to suppress the aggregation (gluing) of platelets, thereby preventing the formation of blood clots in blood vessels. It also contains synephrine, a substance that has a pronounced decongestant property, and reduces the likelihood of bronchospasm. Therefore, the fruits are shown to people suffering from bronchial asthma.

For colds and bronchitis, brew 3 tablespoons of dry tangerine peels with two glasses of boiling water. It is necessary to insist the broth for 2 hours. Strain and add 2 tablespoons of honey. It is recommended to use half a glass 4 times a day. This infusion also has an expectorant effect.

If you want to strengthen the immune system, then pour 2 tablespoons of tangerine peels with a glass of vodka and leave for a week or a half. Take the resulting tincture 3 times a day, 20 drops before meals.

With the help of tangerine peels, you can get rid of flatulence, abdominal pain, diseases of the skin and nails. They are an excellent sedative, relieve nervous tension and help with insomnia.

Healing infusion of zest

1 tsp crushed zest pour a glass of boiling water, leave for 1 hour, take 30 minutes before meals. May be mixed with other herbs. Additive to tea: not only improves the taste of this drink, but also has a calming effect on the nervous system. Dried and chopped mandarin peel put in a teapot when brewing tea: 1 tsp. for 300 - 400 ml of boiling water. As a sedative, you can take an infusion of orange peels. Pour two teaspoons of chopped peel with 250 ml of boiling water, close the lid tightly and leave for 10 minutes. Strain and take just before bed and in situations that cause emotional stress.

In cooking

Tangerine peel tincture

Ingredients: for 10 servings: 0.5 l of vodka, 150 g of tangerine peels, 2 coffee beans.

Cooking method: Cut tangerine peels into small pieces, pour over with boiling water and place on the bottom of the bottle.

Pour vodka into a saucepan, heat gently to 60 degrees and pour it into the same bottle. Place freshly roasted coffee beans in a bottle and seal tightly. Let it brew for 30 days, then strain.

The main secret of the tincture is good vodka in the base. Don't skimp on the price!

Tangerine tincture

6 art. l. crushed dried tangerine peel pour 0.75 liters of vodka. Insist for a week. It has a very beautiful, sunny color and excellent taste.

Candied tangerine peels

Cut the crusts into small rectangular pieces and pour cold water with soda (for 1 liter of water - 1 tablespoon of soda). Leave for 12 hours, then rinse. Boil a thick sugar syrup (300 g of sugar per 1 liter of water) and cook until tender for 40 - 60 minutes. After that, take out the candied fruit, put it on a baking sheet and dry it in the ajar oven. Sprinkle finished candied fruits with powdered sugar

Candied tangerine peels

Collect peels from one kilogram of citrus fruits. Fill them with water, boil and, filling with new cold water, boil again. So repeat 3 times.

Then the crusts must be cooled and cut arbitrarily, but not very finely. Put in an aluminum bowl, pour water so that it slightly covers the crusts. Pour 2 cups of sugar, cook over high heat, stirring constantly until the water disappears completely, then remove from the stove and stir in the cold until completely cooled, the crusts will easily separate from each other.

Using this recipe, you can cook jam. In this case, the crusts must be boiled until the syrup thickens. To check the readiness of the jam, you should drop a drop of syrup on a saucer, if it hardens, the jam is ready.

Grind dried citrus peels in a mortar, and they can be used in the preparation of sweet pies and confectionery.

Chicken with tangerines

1 chicken. 1 onion, 1 tablespoon of starch, 20 ml of cognac, anise, ground ginger.

50 ml peanut butter. 0.5 cup tangerines

For the nut filling:

1 cup flour, 0.5 cup shelled peanuts, 0.5 cup shelled walnuts. 0.5 cup shelled apricot pits, 0.5 cup shelled pumpkin seeds, 0.5 cup

shelled hazelnuts, 1 cup peanut butter. 600 g sugar.

Prepare the nut filling:

Roast flour. Peel nuts, chop, mix with flour and sugar, add peanut butter and grind thoroughly.

Prepare chicken:

Gut, wash. Dip the whole carcass in cold water and cook until half cooked. Then salt, add tangerine peels, anise, onion, ginger, cognac, a little broth and steam until tender. Take out the finished chicken, stuff with a sweet nut filling.

fasten the seam. fry in peanut butter until golden brown. But inside the meat should remain white. Serve peanuts with chicken.

So, tangerine zest is used as a flavoring agent for various sweet dishes (curd creams, grandmothers, pancakes, pancakes, etc.)

Zest liqueur

Mandarin zest (2 tablespoons each), sugar (3 tablespoons) pour 1 liter of vodka. Leave for two weeks. Strain and consume as an aperitif. It is believed that the peel perfectly adsorbs fusel oils and other harmful substances.

From tangerine peels you can cook excellent jam, which can be enjoyed and treated for colds all year round.

With tangerine peels, an excellent tea is obtained: add some dried peels to the tea leaves in a teapot and pour boiling water over it. In a quarter of an hour you will be able to enjoy a fragrant and healthy drink.

The use of tangerine peels in cosmetology

Tangerine peels are also widely used in cosmetology. Due to their beneficial properties, they can be used in the fight against stretch marks, cellulite, and skin care.

Water tincture on tangerine peel will refresh the skin. To prepare such a citrus tincture, pour 2 tsp. a mixture of orange and tangerine peels taken in equal parts with a glass of cold boiled water. Let it brew for a day and strain.

For oily skin, you can prepare a citrus lotion. To do this, grate the mandarin, add half a glass of vodka to the gruel and insist in a dark place for a week, then strain. If the skin of the face belongs to the normal type, then 2-3 tbsp should be added to the lotion. l. water and 1 tsp. glycerin.

You can make a refreshing face tonic. Pour the tangerine peel with cold boiled water and let it brew for a day. Rubbing the skin dipped in natural tonic

With a cotton pad morning and evening, you will get rid of blackheads and give your skin a radiant look.

Toning face mask. Grind tangerine peels in a blender to make a powder. Mix 1 teaspoon of the resulting powder with egg yolk and a spoonful of sour cream. Stir and apply on face for a quarter of an hour. Rinse with warm water and wipe the skin with tonic. The mask perfectly tones the skin and gives it a healthy look.

The use of tangerine peels in everyday life


Tangerine peels are an excellent moth repellant. You can grind tangerine peels and make sachets out of them. Arrange these sachets on the shelves or hang them in a closet. So, you will not only get rid of annoying moths, but also give a pleasant citrus scent to your things.

To decorate gifts. Various figures can be cut from fresh crusts, dried and used for decoration;

As an air freshener and for interior decoration. You can add a bright citrus scent to your room with tangerine peels. Fill glass vases with pebbles, shells, and tangerine peels. The pleasant aroma of the New Year will always soar in your room;

You can decorate a wooden photo frame, a vase, a floor lamp leg or an album with tangerine peels.

If you are making homemade soaps, you can use tangerine peels to decorate natural soap bars. Orange crusts will give the soap not only a festive look, but also a pleasant aroma.

You can use not only tangerine peels but also the peel of other citrus fruits.

There are a large number of types of citrus fruits: orange, tangerine, grapefruit, lemon, lime, kumquat, citron, and pomelo.

Always wash the peel thoroughly before using it. If possible, buy and use (especially for food) organic fruits, if you cannot find any - be sure to wash the peel well to remove chemicals from its surface.

lemon peels

Lemon peel is so widely used in everyday life that entire books are dedicated to it.

Add crushed lemon zest to the bath - it will not only wash the skin and hair, but also give them a pleasant smell of freshness.

Throw lemon peel into your tea for a rich lemon flavor.

Prepare candied fruit.

Prepare cognac.

Add a few lemon peels when you fry the chicken - the meat will get a piquant taste and a pleasant smell.

Use lemon to garnish cocktails.

orange peels

Put a few orange peels in a jar of brown sugar for better preservation.

Prepare candied fruit.

Make jam.

Decorate salads, smoothies and drinks with orange zest.

grapefruit peel

Cut out figures from the peel and decorate the salad with them - the salad will get a beautiful design and smell nice.

Make marmalade, candies or other sweets from grapefruit zest.

Squeeze out the oil from the peel and use it to make perfume.

Put a piece of peel in your mouth and chew it (preferably use lemon or orange zest) - this will significantly freshen your breath. You can easily replace mints and chewing gums with zest.

Use the peel of any citrus fruit to make sweets that are delicious and healthy.

Make marmalade, jam or fragrant sauce from the zest.

To stop the brown sugar from clumping together, toss a few rinds of any citrus into the jar.

To kill bad breath, toss the zest of any citrus into your garbage bag.

Dried peel will help you quickly start a fire in the fireplace.

Put a few dried crusts in your closet with clothes, and you can forget about the unpleasant smell for a long time.

Make compost from citrus peels. Cut the zest into small pieces, and then it will rot faster. You can use any citrus zest. If you mix citrus peel with other ingredients, be aware that some people claim that orange oil (because of its antibacterial properties) slows down decomposition, but this claim has its critics. Experiment and decide for yourself how you do it.

Use zest to protect your flower beds from cats. Just put citrus peels in a few places, and local cats will no longer have any desire to dig into your flower beds.

Rub the zest on the leaves of plants, and cats will not approach them.

Use the zest as a freshener.

Boil water in a saucepan and throw in a few citrus peels - a pleasant aroma will disperse not only in the kitchen, but throughout the house.

Use zest to remove tar from shoes.

Use the zest to make a smoothie - the drink will become not only tastier, but also more healthy.

Rub orange peel on your skin before going to bed, and insects will not bother you.

Fill the anthill with the following cocktail: mix the peel of two or three oranges with a glass of warm water in a blender.

Sew a few pieces of dried orange peel into a clean sock and use it as a sachet.

Use half a lemon to sanitize cutting boards.

Prepare a skin scrub by mixing lemon juice with sugar.

Try cleaning the sink with lemon peel.

Scroll in a meat grinder (in a combine it is also possible, even necessary) and 1 to 1 with sugar - and in the refrigerator. It turns out something like jam, or you can have a filling for a roll - buns - it will be very unusual.

If you are tormented by colds and bronchitis, take three tablespoons of tangerine peels, pour two glasses of very hot water, let it brew for a couple of hours and then strain. Add some honey and drink this infusion throughout the day.

Elevated blood sugar will help normalize the mandarin peel decoction. Take one liter of water, boil the peel of three tangerines in it and take 30 ml several times a day.

Alcoholic infusion of mandarin peels improves immunity, as well as improves appetite and digestion. Pour the peel of one tangerine with a glass of vodka and insist in a dark place for a week. Take 20 drops 3 times a day before meals.

Tangerine peels for beauty

The most common recipe is tangerine peel tonic. Pour the peel of one tangerine with a glass of cold drinking or mineral water, let it brew for a day and wipe your face with this tonic several times a day. It allows you to get rid of blackheads and helps to tighten loose skin.

A tangerine peel scrub will improve your mood, give your skin a pleasant aroma and a good look. Grind the dried peel in a blender to a powder state and store in a glass jar. Pour the required amount of water to the state of slurry and use as a regular scrub.

You can simply wash your body with dried tangerine peels, after soaking them in hot water.

Tangerine peel is very useful for nails. Just rub it on your nails every time you eat a tangerine - it whitens and strengthens your nails well. And besides, it helps to fight some types of nail fungus.

Tangerine peels in cooking

From the peel of the mandarin, excellent candied fruits and jams are obtained. It can also be simply added to tea for flavor.

Dried and crushed mandarin peels can be added to meat while frying, they give an unusual and original taste.

Mandarin peels can be added to baked goods, used to decorate cakes, or made into liquor.

Tangerine peels for decoration

You can cut out various figures from tangerine peels, combine them into beads, garlands, pendants and decorate a house for.

Real tangerine roses or other flowers are created from neatly cut peel in a circle.

Dried peels can be varnished, painted, voluminous paintings or various crafts can be created from them.

Tangerine peels at home

Of course, the most common use of mandarin peel in everyday life is to scent rooms. Just spread the peels around the apartment in those places where it is convenient for you and enjoy the aroma.

Dry tangerine skins are laid out in wardrobes with clothes, this prevents the appearance of moths.

Putting mandarin peels in places where cats like to mark, you will wean them from this habit.

Dried tangerine peels will also help you kindle a stove or fireplace.

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