Long-term use of corvalol. What to do in case of poisoning with Corvalol. What are the side effects of Corvalol Tincture?

Every time your heart suddenly hurts or you get very excited, someone is sure to get magic drops called Corvalol from your purse. They are recommended as a sedative and as a sleeping pill. Many people really note the fact that relief comes almost immediately, but is Corvalol so safe or is it still fraught with danger?

The benefits of Corvalol

The favorite medicine of people of age really has many useful properties. It can relieve pain and relax the nervous system for the reason that during its application blood vessels begin to expand and act on smooth muscles, which gives a calming effect.

Apply this medicine it is necessary if it is necessary to quickly suppress a strong shock or anxiety, relieve pain in the heart caused by anxiety and excitement. Corvalol can also help overcome insomnia if taken in large doses. Doctors recommend temporarily using this drug for hypertension and tachycardia.

What is harmful use of Corvalol

Along with the fact that Corvalol is positioned by many as cardiac drug, not in all cases it can help. With severe and constant pain in the heart, only proper treatment prescribed by a cardiologist. This drug should not be taken with or without cause, since it contains barbiturates, which can adversely affect human health. One of the components of Corvalol, phenobalbital, is generally banned for use in a number of countries, since it can be highly addictive. As a result of addiction, a person is no longer helped by his usual dose, he has to drink more drops, gradually bringing his body to intoxication. This can be easily checked, it is enough to give up Corvalol for a while and you will notice that you feel unwell and insomnia. These are symptoms of addiction.

Corvalol also contains ethyl bromisovalerianate. As a result of its regular consumption, even in small doses, the substance gradually accumulates in the body and leads to poisoning of the liver, kidneys and other organs. Ethyl bromisovalerianate is made from alcohol production waste - fusel oils.

There are some contraindications for the use of Corvalol. So the drug should not be taken by patients who have intolerance to the drug or allergic reaction to its components or suffer from diseases that are accompanied by liver or kidney failure.

Corvalol, validol, noshpa - are perceived by us as completely safe and harmless drugs. There are almost no contraindications. Corvalol is undesirable to take only with renal and liver failure. Moreover, pregnant and lactating women should drink it carefully.

Such a soft instruction seems to suggest that it is impossible to get poisoned by this medicine. But it is not so. Any medication in the right doses heals, and in the wrong doses, it cripples. Corvalol is no exception. And the habit of our citizens to take drops for a reason and without many makes them simply addicted to a light drug, which is this medicine.

Consequences of an overdose of Corvalol

Corvalol is a mild sedative, moderately antispasmodic and antihypertensive. Correct dose- 15-30 drops three times a day. Drink with water, drip on sugar. What happens if this dose is exceeded? Can an overdose of Corvalol kill? And after what dose come unpleasant consequences?

Phenobarbital is the basis of the drug. Bromisovaleric acid in the form of ethyl ester is an excipient. Caustic sodium. Peppermint oil. Distilled water.

Phenobarbital is a chemical compound with a sedative effect. There is very little in the preparation. It is addictive, which means that the dose has to be increased all the time. Bromisovaleric acid and peppermint oil increase the effects of phenobarbital.

Ethyl bromisovallerianate is also not a completely harmless substance. It contains bromine, which, if taken for a long time, causes poisoning. With a significant excess of the dose, the consequences can be severe:

  • lung diseases;
  • unmotivated depression;
  • allergies of unknown etiology;
  • the clarity of consciousness disappears;
  • apathy.

What dose can cause a person to overdose

Half of the vial is critical for simultaneous administration. Will be dangerous daily dose more than 150 drops. At the same time, you can take no more than 40 drops.

Elderly or childhood age and presence chronic diseases lower the threshold at which we have poisoning.

Consequences from an overdose of Corvalol and signs

Let's talk about the symptoms of an overdose of Corvalol. Symptoms of intoxication are divided into three degrees of severity.

In its mildest and most benign form, drug poisoning looks like general weakness unknown origin. Observed the following symptoms: lethargy, fluidity of thoughts, slight inhibition of actions and speech, drowsiness. Unpleasant phenomena can pass by themselves, even if you do nothing, but simply reduce the dose, or completely stop the drug.

The picture of average intoxication looks much less attractive. . The pathological nature of the condition is already visible to the naked eye, and the symptoms are threatening:

  • it is impossible to wake a person, sleep lasts unnaturally long;
  • salivation;
  • muscle weakness;
  • blood pressure is reduced;
  • a small amount of urine.

Such poisoning requires medical intervention. Necessary measures for intoxication of the body.

A severe degree of intoxication with Corvalol ends in a barbituric coma. Pathological phenomena grow very quickly and often lead to death. Heart failure rapidly increases, wheezing appears, and blood pressure drops sharply. A person begins to turn blue starting from the nasolabial triangle and ending with the cyanosis of the whole body. The heart is working intermittently, which leads to pulmonary edema.

Effect of alcohol on symptom severity

Alcohol enhances the effect of phenylbarbital.

With simultaneous use with alcohol, symptoms of an overdose of Corvalol may occur even at a dose that is significantly less than the critical norm.

This should be taken into account when you go to any holiday where you plan to drink alcohol. In order not to risk earning double intoxication, you should temporarily stop taking the drug or replace it with another one.

Possible causes of overdose

The medicine is taken in order to improve your condition, not worsen it. How then does an overdose of Corvalol occur? Addiction to phenobarbital and as a result, a constant increase in the dose. Combination with alcohol. Simultaneous use of Corvalol and others sedatives or tranquilizers. severe stress. At nervous breakdown a person may not be aware of how much medicine he drank. Deterioration of the general somatic condition. A weakened body can perceive a normal dose as critical. Symptoms of intoxication will appear.

First aid for an overdose of Corvalol?

What to do if you find symptoms of an overdose in a person? Try to determine the severity of intoxication. With the mildest degree - immediately rinse the stomach. Washing should not be completed until clear liquid. Take medications that remove toxins from the body: activated charcoal, other sorbents, enterosgel. They will help reduce the effects. Consult a doctor. No one can guarantee that the patient's condition will not worsen. In moderate and severe cases, the doctor should be called immediately. While the ambulance is coming, lay the person on the floor, release the chest from excessive compression by clothing and turn the head to one side. It is undesirable to do intoxication measures in such cases, since the consequences can be irreversible.

In small doses, Corvalol is safe, and it helps to cope with minor and not very ailments of the body. But they should not be abused. Any medical remedy can bring both improvement and harm to health. Everything depends on the dose.

Corvalol poisoning

Corvalol is present in almost every home medicine cabinet today. Many consider him universal remedy from pain in the heart anxiety states and also for comfort. Frequent use of Corvalol, according to different reasons and in large doses ah, it can have serious consequences.

What awaits the "lovers" of Corvalol? How much should you drink to be poisoned? What are the symptoms of an overdose? What to do in case of Corvalol poisoning? All this, as well as the rules for first aid and treatment, will be discussed further.

Is it possible to get poisoned by Corvalol and due to what does this happen? You can get poisoned and this happens due to the barbiturate contained in it. long-acting- Phenobarbital.

How many drops of Corvalol do you need to get poisoned? Maximum dose the drug per day can reach up to 150 drops. In case of violation of the activity of the kidneys, as well as in the elderly, it can already cause intoxication. Incorrect selection of the dose to the child also threatens with poisoning. The cause may be anxiety-depressive disorders, and other causes when the maximum dose is exceeded.

Symptoms of Corvalol poisoning

In Corvalol poisoning, symptoms can be mild, moderate or severe.

What to do in case of Corvalol poisoning

In case of Corvalol poisoning, what can be done at each stage of poisoning, how to provide first aid?

In case of mild intoxication, gastric lavage is carried out to clean washing water, the intake of any sorbent available at hand, taking into account the absence of its intolerance, is calculated as one third of the maximum daily dose. At this stage, they also give a saline laxative, make a cleansing enema. Any enveloping drink is also suitable (but this is the last thing). Be sure to call an ambulance, because the severity of the condition can quickly increase.

In a state of moderate and severe severity, an ambulance should be called immediately!

While the medical team is driving, lay the victim on the floor, unfasten tight clothes, turn his head to one side. Assess the presence of cardiac activity by determining the pulsation in the neck.

To recognize whether there is breathing, you need to attach your ear to the chest. Having a stethoscope at home will make the procedure easier. If no cardiac activity is detected, it is necessary to conduct indirect massage heart and give artificial respiration.

Even during the transportation of the patient, he is injected intravenously with the Corvalol antidote - Bemegrid. It is most effective for mild intoxication.

In the hospital, the victim will be under round-the-clock medical supervision. In case of respiratory failure, they are connected to a ventilator (artificial lung ventilation), oxygen inhalation. They give a water load: they inject solutions of sodium chloride, glucose, plasma substitutes. An increase in the volume of urine output is stimulated by Eufillin and osmotic diuretics under the control of the concentration of magnesium and potassium in the blood.

In such patients, tissue nutrition is quickly disrupted, and bedsores develop, so it is very important to carry out careful care and other anti-decubitus procedures. Often this is done by relatives, not by medical staff.

With a high concentration of Phenobarbital in the blood and a stable level blood pressure undergoing hemodialysis. Severe poisoning is an indication for hemosorption with activated carbon, which in 1 session allows you to remove up to 70% of the poison.

Mandatory appointment symptomatic treatment.

Consequences of Corvalol poisoning

In case of Corvalol poisoning, the consequences can be very serious. Starting from severe dermatitis, ending with acute respiratory, cardiac and renal failure. Largest number deaths among drug poisonings are observed precisely from drugs containing Phenobarbital and other long-acting derivatives of barbituric acid. The consequences are largely determined by the dose of the substance taken, the severity of intoxication, and the timeliness of therapeutic measures.

Today, in any pharmacy, you can buy Corvalol without a prescription. Due to the low availability of free medical care, it is easier for a person to drink the same Corvalol or its famous analogue Valocordin and calm down on this. It got easier and better. No wonder they say that in our clinics only the healthiest person can get to the doctor. Today, many heart patients are treated this way. Hence the transferred myocardial infarctions on the legs. Despite this for medical care should still apply. Knowing about the danger improper treatment and intoxication with Corvalol, you must take care of your health and do not take anything without consulting a specialist!

The lethal value of Corvalol is 0.1-0.3 grams per 1 kilogram of weight, or an average of 20 grams of the drug. The average lethal dose of Phenobarbital is 100 milligrams per 1 kilogram of body weight.

Chet lies article! During the night I drank current 2 fanfurics 50 ml, and 2.5 25 ml per day.

The third day I’m sausage, I just can’t move away ... I thought they would be kicked out of work, I didn’t know that there was some kind of drug there.

Sorry, it didn't work out yet, I didn't realize...

This is 20 grams of the drug per 1 kg of body weight, right?

My approximate weight is 100 kg, the physique is not fat ...

2 fanfurics 50 ml, and per day 2.5 fanfuliks 25 ml each = 162.5 ml how it doesn’t work out ... advise how to get out of this state faster ...

The article tells you what to do.

For 4 days, I took 100 ml of Corvalol daily. Now, after reading the article, I am amazed at how I survived?! I drank Corvalol, especially to sleep after a three-day drunkenness. I was afraid to just suffer a hangover.

I drink corvalol when panic attacks I've already suffered from them. It seems to help me. For 50 kg weight 20-30 drops.

Valentin, you don’t think Corvalol itself, but Corvalol along with alcohol and additives.

I drank 2 large vials from a hangover, I almost blew my head off, but the hangover let go. How to be treated?

What alcohol, what are you yelling at? Barbitura and blue is a complete tin.

I drank 6 bottles of Corvalol 30 ml each. Legs started to fail total loss orientation, talking like a drunk - the language is tangled. Falling down at every turn. I thought I had paralysis. But it takes away worse than vodka, the third day I can not move away. Guys, do not repeat the mistakes of others, it is better to buy beer or a bottle of vodka. It's better not to drink at all. And for people like us, alcohol is contraindicated.

15.02.17 daughter died at the age of 24.

In the evening, they drank beer at a friend's house, the next day her chest ached and her arms twisted at her house. Ambulance came and prescribed 40 drops of Corvalol, after 3-5 minutes she wheezed, foam came out of her mouth and that's it.

It is somehow related to alcohol + corvalol.

We, in the IT department, had an intelligent iron man, during the period of binges he jammed Corvalol with furiks.

They say it helps alcoholics with hangover syndrome and getting out of the binge (he was also looking for private traders on the Internet who would take him out of the binge, and he also visited the drug dealer on an outpatient basis).

Hello! My son died on December 28, 2016 ... He was dependent on Corvalol, although he rarely took it lately. But on December 25, he bought 7 bottles of Corvalol 50 mg each. We live separately and I didn't know about it. December 27 was his birthday, my husband and I stopped by to see him. He didn't look drunk. We had a bottle of champagne and a liter of light beer. And he also asked for phenazepam, because. he had panic attacks and I, in some absent-mindedness (because my mother died for 20 days), gave him 10 tablets, but he never took more than 3-4 pcs. did not accept. I drank champagne and beer, then cooked chicken in the oven and lay down to rest under the covers. But he didn't wake up again. They did an autopsy and said that he died from phenobarbital poisoning (100 mg in the stomach). But how could there be such a large dose of phenobarbital if he did not take phenobarbital pills, and he took Corvalol 5 days ago (the autopsy was done on December 30). It may or may not be. He didn't have any vomiting. He just lay down and lay down. Although at first they diagnosed acute cardiomyopathy.

For all questions, a doctor's consultation is required!

Corvalol is a drug that is classified as a combination drug, its components are well combined with each other and regulate the action of each other. The drug is prescribed for neurosis-like conditions, functional disorders, sleep disturbance and intestinal spasms.

It is safe to say that there is no more popular sedative and cardiac medication. Even today people consider him perfect medicine against feelings of anxiety, discomfort in the heart and insomnia. Drops have been actively used for more than 60 years, but patients began to wonder if Corvalol is harmful, whether it is worth taking it further.

Main contraindications, method of application

Harm from Corvalol occurs when it is given to children, especially up to the age of three years. After three years, the medicine is given only in case of urgent need and always after agreement with the doctor.

To date, there is no accurate data on the effects of drops on the body of pregnant and lactating women, on intrauterine development fetus. Therefore, during this period, women need to give up drops, the doctor will prescribe a more suitable medicine.

The drug is dangerous for craniocerebral injuries, a number of brain diseases, confirmed alcohol dependence. So the most dangerous will be the use of the drug in case of severe impairment of the kidneys and liver, for example, with cirrhosis of the liver and renal failure.

mint oil may cause:

  • allergic reactions;
  • disruption of the digestive tract.

Therefore, people with a tendency to allergies should not use a sedative. In particular rare cases such intolerance provokes severe complications, doctors advise such patients to take analogues of the remedy.

Side effects are aggravated at times if alcohol is consumed along with drops. Even a small amount of alcohol in the blood causes an increase in blood pressure, an acceleration of the heartbeat, and excessive excitability.

The drug after drinking alcohol only partially eliminates the symptoms, but at the same time deals a powerful blow to the internal organs and systems. There is also an increased risk of addiction, development drug addiction. AT severe cases develops the so-called delirium tremens, the person suffers from hallucinations, epileptic seizures.

Prolonged use threatens with bromine poisoning, pathological condition accompanied by apathy, rhinitis, impaired coordination of movements, inflammatory process In eyes.

The dosage of sedative drops that will not cause harm and give the expected effect is determined by the doctor. The instructions for use indicate:

  1. adults take 30 drops at a time;
  2. children from 3 years old give 1 drop for each year of life.

If an adult is diagnosed with tachycardia, the doctor advises using up to 40 drops of the drug. During the day, a sedative can be drunk no more than 3 times. As for children, repeated use of the medicine is allowed, but it is harmful to prescribe drops to your child on your own.

The duration of the course should be determined depending on the diagnosis, age and characteristics of the patient's body. Self-prolonging treatment is dangerous to health.

Cases of overdose, side effects, interaction

Even though the sedative is safe, it can cause adverse reactions organism. These include increased drowsiness, frequent dizziness, slow heart rate, decreased concentration.

It must be borne in mind that prolonged use of drops causes such a phenomenon as bromism, when addiction develops, dependence on the drug, as well as a withdrawal syndrome. If any symptom occurs, you must consult a doctor and stop taking it. As a rule, in this case, the treatment regimen is adjusted or the dosage of the drug is reduced.

There will be no benefit if you take too much sedative, with an overdose, the level decreases blood pressure, coordination of movements is disturbed, the central nervous system is depressed, rhinitis, ataxia, hemorrhagic diathesis develops.

  • caffeine;
  • Niketamide.

It is forbidden to take sedative drops if the patient is already drinking any sedative, both drugs will enhance the effect of each other, an overdose will occur.

Corvalol is able to affect the central nervous system, since it contains ethyl alcohol and phenobarbital. After the use of drops, it is forbidden to drive a motor vehicle, carry out work associated with increased concentration attention.

Any means of a central depressant type enhance the effect of sedative drops. The presence of phenobarbital induces liver enzymes, therefore, parallel use with such agents is undesirable:

  1. coumarin derivatives;
  2. oral contraceptives;
  3. glucocorticoids.

Otherwise, due to an increase in the metabolic rate, their effectiveness decreases.

The drug enhances the effect local anesthetics, sleeping pills and painkillers, which is associated with the presence of barbituric acid derivatives.

So is it good or bad?

There is an increasing debate about how harmful Corvalol is, what benefits and harms it can have for the body. Some time ago, information was spread that they wanted to ban Corvalol in our country, but this remained only at the level of rumors, the drug is still on the pharmacy shelves.

However, sedative drops remain banned abroad, the import of the drug is tightly controlled by the state. Our habit of using Corvalol is so strong that withdrawing it from sale will cause a storm of negative emotions.

At the same time, the drug will gradually be replaced by more modern drops and tablets with proven efficacy and a minimum of adverse reactions. Phenobarbital has a negative effect on the psyche, causes extremely rapid addiction, psychological and physical dependence.

If you abruptly stop taking the medicine, a person develops the so-called withdrawal syndrome, the patient complains of:

  • intense pain in the head;
  • depressed state;
  • constant nausea.

Few people know that phenobarbital is used in some countries to carry out the death penalty.

If within years the drug was used by millions of patients, in the majority of cases there were no negative consequences, is it really so harmful to the body? The undeniable advantage of soothing drops is a quick and most powerful effect.

When used in small recommended doses medicine instantly removes the feeling of anxiety, normalizes heartbeat. With reasonable use, the drops are not dangerous, with regular immoderate intake, it becomes necessary to increase the dosage each time.

The danger lies not in the dose itself, but in getting real euphoria after using Corvalol, the benefits or harms are obvious.

When a person has the listed adverse reactions, relatives noticed mood swings after taking the medicine, it is important to seek medical help. Drug dependence is treated already in specific medical institutions.

Corvalol, validol, noshpa - are perceived by us as completely safe and harmless medicines. There are almost no contraindications. Corvalol is undesirable to take only with renal and hepatic insufficiency. Moreover, pregnant and lactating women should drink it carefully.

Such a soft instruction seems to suggest that it is impossible to get poisoned by this medicine. But it is not so. Any medication in the right doses heals, and in the wrong doses, it cripples. Corvalol is no exception. And the habit of our citizens to take drops for a reason and without many makes them simply addicted to a light drug, which is this medicine.

Consequences of an overdose of Corvalol

Corvalol is a mild sedative, moderately antispasmodic and hypotensive agent. The correct dose is 15-30 drops three times a day. Drink with water, drip on sugar. What happens if this dose is exceeded? Can an overdose of Corvalol kill? And after what dose come unpleasant consequences?

Phenobarbital is the basis of the drug. Bromisovaleric acid in the form of ethyl ester is an excipient. Caustic sodium. Peppermint oil. Distilled water.

Phenobarbital is a chemical compound with a sedative effect. There is very little in the preparation. It is addictive, which means that the dose has to be increased all the time. Bromisovaleric acid and peppermint oil increase the effects of phenobarbital.

Ethyl bromisovallerianate is also not a completely harmless substance. It contains bromine, which, if taken for a long time, causes poisoning. With a significant excess of the dose, the consequences can be severe:

  • lung diseases;
  • unmotivated depression;
  • allergies of unknown etiology;
  • the clarity of consciousness disappears;
  • apathy.

What dose can cause a person to overdose

Half of the vial is critical for simultaneous administration. A daily dose of more than 150 drops will be dangerous. At the same time, you can take no more than 40 drops.

Elderly or childhood age and the presence of chronic diseases lower the threshold at which we have poisoning.

Consequences from an overdose of Corvalol and signs

  • The coordination of movements is disturbed.
  • Fainting states.
  • The work of the internal organs (heart, brain activity) is oppressed so much that death occurs.

Let's talk about the symptoms of an overdose of Corvalol. Symptoms of intoxication are divided into three degrees of severity.

In its mildest and most harmless form, drug poisoning looks like a general weakness of unknown origin. The following symptoms are observed: lethargy, fluidity of thoughts, slight inhibition of actions and speech, drowsiness. Unpleasant phenomena can go away by themselves, even if you do nothing, but simply reduce the dose, or completely stop the drug.

The picture of average intoxication looks much less attractive. . The pathological nature of the condition is already visible to the naked eye, and the symptoms are threatening:

  • it is impossible to wake a person, sleep lasts unnaturally long;
  • salivation;
  • muscle weakness;
  • blood pressure is reduced;
  • a small amount of urine.

Such poisoning requires medical intervention. Necessary measures for intoxication of the body.

A severe degree of intoxication with Corvalol ends in a barbituric coma. Pathological phenomena grow very quickly and often lead to death. Heart failure rapidly increases, wheezing appears, and blood pressure drops sharply. A person begins to turn blue starting from the nasolabial triangle and ending with the cyanosis of the whole body. The heart is working intermittently, which leads to pulmonary edema.

Effect of alcohol on symptom severity

Alcohol enhances the effect of phenylbarbital.

With simultaneous use with alcohol, symptoms of an overdose of Corvalol may occur even at a dose that is significantly less than the critical norm.

This should be taken into account when you go to any holiday where you plan to drink alcohol. In order not to risk earning double intoxication, you should temporarily stop taking the drug or replace it with another one.

Possible causes of overdose

The medicine is taken in order to improve your condition, not worsen it. How then does an overdose of Corvalol occur? Addiction to phenobarbital and as a result, a constant increase in the dose. Combination with alcohol. Simultaneous use of Corvalol and other sedatives or tranquilizers. Strong stress. With a nervous breakdown, a person may not be aware of how much medicine he drank. Deterioration of the general somatic condition. A weakened body can perceive a normal dose as critical. Symptoms of intoxication will appear.

First aid for an overdose of Corvalol?

What to do if you find symptoms of an overdose in a person? Try to determine the severity of intoxication. With the mildest degree - immediately rinse the stomach. Washing should not be completed until a clear liquid appears. Take medications that remove toxins from the body: activated charcoal, other sorbents, enterosgel. They will help reduce the effects. Consult a doctor. No one can guarantee that the patient's condition will not worsen. In moderate and severe cases, the doctor should be called immediately. While the ambulance is coming, lay the person on the floor, release the chest from excessive compression by clothing and turn the head to one side. It is undesirable to do intoxication measures in such cases, since the consequences can be irreversible.

In small doses, Corvalol is safe, and it helps to cope with minor and not very ailments of the body. But they should not be abused. Any medical remedy can bring both improvement and harm to health. Everything depends on the dose.

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Corvalol and alcohol

Corvalol is a drug that has a sedative, sedative effect, is used as a hypnotic or antispasmodic. The composition of the drug includes the following substances: phenobarbital, ethyl ether and alcohol, peppermint oil, and α-bromoisovaleric acid. Indications for use: disorders of cardio-vascular system, pressure problems, disorders nervous system, digestive problems. Of course, for remedy there are rules for taking the drug, since the effect of the drug directly depends on how it is absorbed by the body, and this depends on many factors: when to take the drug, how to take it, and which foods or drugs enhance its effect, and which will weaken it.

In this case, the dosage should be strictly adhered to, since this drug can be addictive. For kids single dose is from 5 drops, and for adults 15-30 drops. Use the remedy three times a day, before meals. If they drink Corvalol to get rid of spasms, then the dose can be increased to 50 drops.

Corvalol compatibility with alcohol

Drink alcohol with medicines in most cases it is contraindicated. Corvalol is no exception to the rule, on a scale of compatibility with alcohol, it has three points, which indicates that this mixture is life-threatening. Alcohol has a depressing effect on the body, so its use in itself is harmful, and it is undesirable to take Corvalol without a doctor's recommendation.

Indications for the appointment of Corvalol are:

  • Problems with the cardiovascular system (coronary vasospasm, tachycardia, and others).
  • As an additional treatment for high blood pressure.
  • A disturbed dream.
  • Emotional arousal, irritability, neuroses, stressful conditions.
  • Problems with gastrointestinal tract, intestinal spasms.

Corvalol has the following effect on the body: it depresses the nervous system, drives the body into a state of drowsiness. In addition, it stimulates the release of liver enzymes, so the metabolic processes proceed many times faster. As a result, the effect of alcohol will increase, it will quickly enter the bloodstream and cause abundant intoxication of the body. The inhibitory effect of alcohol on the body will increase significantly, and this will lead to the fact that a person will suffer more heavy hangover. because of increased work liver, a large dose of ethanol breakdown products enters the bloodstream, which will deal a heavy blow to all body systems. Also, the liver is overloaded, which in the future will negatively affect its work.

Corvalol has a negative effect on a person without mixing it with alcohol. If you use too much of the drug, then the following symptoms will occur: lethargy, apathy, slurred speech, slow reactions of the central nervous system. At frequent use, the drug will be addictive, the need to constantly increase the amount of drug consumed. If at the same time you are under the influence of alcohol, then the above symptoms only intensify, the reaction of the body can be unpredictable.

Another dangerous ingredient in Corvalol is phenobarbital, which is essentially a synthetic drug. It can accumulate in muscle tissues and internal organs, impairing their work. Frequent intake of the substance causes deterioration of sleep, memory, and nervous disorders.

Possible consequences

For people suffering from alcoholism, who have undergone treatment for alcoholism, and who have consumed alcohol, taking Corvalol can cause damage to liver cells. Also, from taking the drug, a disulfiram-ethanol reaction may develop. Alcohol, getting into the blood, increases blood pressure, speeds up the heartbeat, leads the nervous system into an excited state. Corvalol is taken to calm the heart, lower blood pressure, so a cocktail of these substances will lead to imbalance and overload. Peppermint oil, which is part of the medicine, dilates blood vessels and thins the blood. If you drink a large dose of alcohol at the same time, then the likelihood of cerebral hemorrhage increases or simply internal bleeding. In addition, at large quantities alcohol and corvalol in the blood, the heart may stop.

Consequences of mixing alcoholic beverages and Corvalol can become an addiction that is even more difficult to get rid of than alcohol. The thing is that Corvalol contains phenobarbitals, which are related substances of barbiturates, dangerous drugs. If you use alcohol and phenobarbitals, the body will fall into a state close to alcohol intoxication. All this is accompanied by a semi-drowsy state and an anticonvulsant effect. But in the morning, instead of a terrible hangover, the same apathetic state awaits a person. Plus, you don't have to drink a lot of ethanol to fall off your feet. With prolonged use, the work of the kidneys, liver, and performance disorders will deteriorate. genitourinary system. Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea appear, urticaria appears on the skin. In addition, there are hallucinations, there is a state of paranoia, delirium tremens.

Despite all the danger, in narcology, such a remedy is sometimes used in the treatment of mentally ill people. An alcohol solution (30 percent) and phenobarbital are used. This mixture greatly depresses the nervous system, which allows you to cope with the sick and help them recover.

Often people take Corvalol for any reason, forgetting that it is dangerous drug requiring careful dosage. It is advisable to use medicines that have similar properties: tinctures of valerian, motherwort, passionflower. Except pharmacy tinctures, you can do independent blanks medicinal plants or buy them in phyto-pharmacies.

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O miraculous properties everyone knows this medicine. It saves from grief, and heals the heart, and soothes pain, and overcomes insomnia ... More than a billion rubles a year dear Russians spend on Corvalol, although the drug is still worth a penny even today. What is so magical about these old drops?

A few years ago, unrest among pensioners almost began in the country. The reason was the appearance in the pharmacies of some cities of notices that the drugs Corvalol and Valocordin will soon be released only by prescription. Citizens began to buy bottles with drops for future use, weekly stocks swept away in a matter of hours and demanded more, huge queues appeared in pharmacies ...

Serious consequences were prevented only after the then Minister of Health Tatyana Golikova, top officials of the State Drug Control Service, Governor of St. Petersburg Valentina Matvienko and State Duma Speaker Boris Gryzlov assured the people that there would be no such changes, favorite medicines would continue to be available without prescriptions. Negligent medical officials were made guilty.

And by the way, with the initiative to put these drops on the list of potent drugs that can only be sold at special prescription, performed by herself federal Service for drug control. And that was the decision. Since the composition of the drops really includes a remedy that is recognized as a hard drug everywhere in the world. It is called phenobarbital or luminal.

Take it from your brother

Luminal production began in Germany in 1912. And until the 50s, he remained the most popular sedative (sedative) drug in Europe, and possibly in the world. They were relieved of spasms in epileptics, it was taken for insomnia, ladies calmed their tender nerves. The drug had many contraindications, it could accumulate in the body, and suicides fell in love with luminal as reliable way sum up a failed life.

Perhaps that is why the Germans were looking for an opportunity to reduce the harm from luminal while maintaining its beneficial properties. And in 1934, in pre-war Germany, valocordin was created - a composition of phenobarbital, oil from hop cones and mint, and a bromine compound with valeric acid. All these components had the ability to calm, dilate blood vessels, relieve spasm, bestow sleep...

After the war, in the 50s, the production of valocordin was restored in the GDR. Apparently, in difficult times, when millions of people were still recovering from the stresses of wartime, he enjoyed great success, which did not pass by the attention of Soviet pharmacologists. And in 1960, at the Kiev Pharmaceutical Plant. Mikhail Lomonosov, without further ado, slyly began to produce an analogue - the well-known Corvalol. True, at the plant itself, Izvestia was informed that the author of the drops was their chief technologist. Perhaps it was he who excluded hop cone oil from the recipe of the brothers in the socialist camp, so that it would not look like a completely banal theft.

Plant them. Lomonosov, founded in 1925, was one of the first enterprises in the Soviet pharmaceutical industry. He is known for the fact that in 1937 (what a wonderful coincidence!) He developed the industrial production of validol, and having evacuated to Kazan in 1941, he set up the production of a powerful anesthetic drug chloroethyl and streptocide, which was used very widely before the era of antibiotics. Both were worth their weight in gold in those years. Today, the plant has turned into a private OJSC "Farmak", having lost the glorious name of the first Russian chemist on the way to capitalism. Mrs. Filya Zhebrovskaya owns a controlling stake, as usual, a former financial director. But Corvalol is still produced here and is even called "the face of our plant."

In the united Germany itself, they stopped drinking valocordin, they produce more modern medicines. So now the company "Krevel Meuselbach GmbH" produces it exclusively for the countries of the former USSR and the former socialist camp.

Blinded from what was

And now I will reveal the second terrible secret of Corvalol. The mysterious compound of bromine with valeric acid - scientifically ethyl bromisovalerianate - is obtained from such raw materials, which are not talked about in a decent society. And, perhaps, many principled citizens, having learned about it, would not drip the usual sedative into a glass of water. Because they get it from fuselage - from the waste of alcohol production.

Fusel oil, or fusel oils, is what gives bad taste and the smell of bad moonshine and low-quality vodka. It consists of a mixture of higher alcohols - isoamyl, isobutyl and propyl. The latter, it seems to me, just asks for a vodka label. The raw materials for Corvalol obtained from this infernal mixture were not pure enough, which caused many side effects. Therefore, in the 90s of the last century at the Institute of Petrochemical Synthesis. Topchiev, by order from above, managed to come up with a simple and reliable method for obtaining highly purified raw materials for Corvalol based on isobutylene gas.

“Our method was of interest at a chemical plant in Perm,” one of the co-authors of the patent, the chief researcher of the institute, Natalia Kolesnichenko, told Izvestia. - But perestroika gradually turned into devastation, they did not give money for the industrial development of the method. And now many of those who invented it have gone to another world. Partly because they turned out to be unclaimed in the new era.

So grandmothers still calm down with their favorite corvalol based on fuselage. But that's not all.

30 drops for fear

And now the most amazing secret of Corvalol. It lies in the fact that it does not cure anything, like many popular medicines in Russia. Well, that is, simply nothing - no heart, no renal colic, no liver, no insomnia. But on the other hand, it calms and thereby relieves what was previously called "hypochondriac syndrome", and now they prefer to call it "somatoform vegetative dysfunction" in a tricky way.

Translated into a common language, this means: disturbances in the functioning of some organs (for example, the heart, liver, kidneys, intestines, etc.) or systems (for example, the nervous system) caused by stress, depression, anxiety, etc. That is, the heart hurts not because something is wrong in it, but because it is scary, lonely, sad and there is no one to give a hand to ... And drink these drops from real illness heart, liver, kidney or soul is as useless as drinking ordinary water. But if you drink them for years to calm down, the effect gradually decreases, and you have to drip more and more into the glass.

A familiar cardiologist told me that sometimes patients come to him for an appointment who, without any result, drink a whole vial of Corvalol at a time. And they really need to treat their hearts with completely different medicines for a long time and seriously. But it's not easy to convince yourself of this. Because they already have drug addiction from your favorite medicine.

On hook

If you try to take a bottle of Corvalol with you on a European tour, you can easily be accused of importing narcotic substance. With prolonged use, it not only impairs the functioning of the liver, kidneys and other important organs, but also weakens memory and even leads to depression. But if a person is used to taking 15-30 ml of the drug per day, then with a sharp cancellation it will be even worse. There are persistent insomnia, anxiety, hallucinations, reminiscent of "delirious tremens".

Ethyl bromisovalerianate also has its own "charms". It accumulates in the body and causes chronic poisoning bromine. And it causes respiratory diseases, allergies, disorders in the genital area, chronic pain and much more.

In Russia, no one has ever tried to conduct a real study of the effect of corvalol on the health of the elderly. If someone dares, I think they will definitely find all these systemic effects. And he will also discover that many pensioners have no other option than to treat their numerous illnesses with Corvalol and similar symptomatic drugs. And these are not only medical problems, but also social ones. It is no coincidence that at the mere threat of losing their usual sedative medicine, they were ready to storm pharmacies, and not only pharmacies.

During the year, Russian citizens consume more than 70 million vials of Corvalol and approximately 9 million vials of Valocordin. It is difficult to calculate the volumes, since the bubbles are different: from 15 to 50 ml. But on average, this is about 40 railway tanks of 60 tons. And this is a symptom not only for doctors, but also for politicians, social workers: Russians do not treat illness, anxiety and mental distress, but bury it .



photo from dom.a42.ru


What is dangerous Corvalol

1. The main ingredients of Corvalol are ethyl alcohol, phenobarbital and ethyl bromisovalerianate, which have a very unpleasant property to accumulate in the body, causing poisoning of internal organs. Effects long-term use Corvalol is not only addictive, dangerous in itself, but also an increased risk of poisoning, which can significantly worsen the functioning of the liver, kidneys and other internal organs.

2. In addition, regular intake of corvalol in a sufficiently large amount can lead to the formation of a kind of addiction - in the conditions of addiction, a sharp cessation of corvalol intake can lead to the appearance of distinct symptoms of the “withdrawal syndrome”, including memory impairment, sleep disturbance (insomnia), depression, anxiety.

3. You can completely upset your genital area abuse of sedatives and sleeping pills containing derivatives of barbituric acid. Even Corvalol is not without sin (the usual dose contains about 18 mg of phenobarbital).

Characteristics of the substance Phenobarbital

A derivative of barbituric acid. White crystalline powder of slightly bitter taste, odorless. Very slightly soluble in cold water, difficult - in boiling water (1:40) and chloroform, soluble in alcohol, ether, alkali solutions.


Pharmacological action - anticonvulsant, hypnotic, sedative.

It interacts with the barbiturate site of GABA A - the benzodiazepine-barbiturate receptor complex and increases the sensitivity of GABA receptors to the mediator (GABA), as a result, the duration of the opening period of neuronal channels for incoming currents of chloride ions increases and the flow of chloride ions into the cell increases. An increase in the content of chloride ions inside the neuron entails hyperpolarization of the cell membrane and lowers its excitability. As a result, the inhibitory effect of GABA and the inhibition of interneuronal transmission in various parts of the central nervous system are enhanced.

It has been shown that at therapeutic concentrations, phenobarbital enhances GABAergic transmission, inhibits glutamatergic neurotransmission, especially mediated by glutamate alpha-amino-5-methylisoxazole-4-propionate (AMPA) receptors. At high concentrations, it affects the current of sodium ions and blocks the current of calcium ions through cell membranes(channels of L- and N-types).

Barbiturates have a non-selective inhibitory effect on the central nervous system. They suppress the sensory areas of the cerebral cortex, reduce motor activity and cause drowsiness, sedation and sleep.

The sedative-hypnotic effect is mainly due to inhibition of the activity of cells of the ascending activating reticular formation of the brain stem, thalamic nuclei, and inhibition of the interaction of these structures with the cerebral cortex.

Barbiturate-induced sleep differs in structure from physiological sleep, because the phase of fast (paradoxical) sleep is shortened and stages 3 and 4 of non-REM sleep are reduced. hypnotic effect develops within 0.5-1 hour (less often - later), lasts 6-8 hours (up to 12 hours) and decreases after 2 weeks of admission.

The anticonvulsant effect is due to the activation of the GABAergic system, the effect on voltage-gated sodium channels, as well as the suppression of glutamate activity, etc. Phenobarbital reduces the excitability of neurons in the epileptogenic focus and prevents the emergence and propagation of impulses. It blocks high-frequency repeated discharges of neurons (due to the effect on the current of sodium ions). Barbiturates also increase the threshold for electrical stimulation of the motor cortex.

The antihyperbilirubinemia effect is presumably due to the induction of the enzyme glucuronyl transferase, which regulates the conjugation of bilirubin, which leads to a decrease in the concentration of free bilirubin in serum.

It can cause weak analgesia, but it is also possible to increase the reaction to a painful stimulus.

In small doses, it has a calming effect and, in combination with other drugs (antispasmodic, vasodilator), is effective in neurovegetative disorders.

At high doses (with an overdose), it causes depression of the centers medulla oblongata. Directly depresses the respiratory center (the degree of respiratory depression depends on the dose), reduces the volume of breathing and sensitivity respiratory center to carbon dioxide.

At normal hypnotic doses, it does not have a significant effect on cardiovascular system. In high doses, it lowers blood pressure (except central action- inhibition of the vasomotor center, the effect is mediated by the effect on the heart, ganglia, and is also associated with direct myotropic vasodilating action). Does not have a direct damaging effect on the kidneys, but with acute poisoning oliguria or anuria may develop, largely as a result of noted hypotension. Lowers tone smooth muscle GI tract.

In hypnotic doses, to a small extent reduces the intensity of metabolism in humans. Body temperature slightly decreases due to a decrease in activity and inhibition of the central mechanisms of thermoregulation.

Studies on laboratory animals have shown the ability to lower the tone and contractility uterus, ureters and bladder. However, the concentrations required to produce this effect in humans are not achieved at sedative-hypnotic doses.

Phenobarbital causes the induction of microsomal liver enzymes. When prescribed for more than 3–5 days, barbiturates stimulate their own biotransformation (the rate of enzymatic reactions can increase by 10–12 times).

After oral administration, it is completely but slowly absorbed in the small intestine. Bioavailability - 80%. Plasma protein binding (mainly albumin) is 20-45%. Therapeutic concentration in blood serum, optimal for the manifestation of the anticonvulsant effect, is 10–40 μg / ml. T ½ from plasma in adults - 53-118 hours (average 79 hours), in children and newborns (age less than 48 hours) - 60-180 hours, an average of 110 hours. Distributed throughout organs and tissues, passes through the BBB. It passes well through the placenta and is distributed throughout all tissues of the fetus ( highest concentrations found in the placenta, liver and brain of the fetus), penetrates into breast milk. Metabolized in the liver with the participation of microsomal enzymes with the formation of pharmacologically inactive metabolites. T ½ - 2-4 days (in newborns up to 7 days). It is excreted by the kidneys in the form of glucuronide metabolites and unchanged (25-50%). Excretion by the kidneys depends on the pH of the urine: with alkalization of urine, excretion in unchanged form increases and the concentration in the blood decreases faster, with acidification, on the contrary. Phenobarbital is characterized by a pronounced cumulation. In case of impaired renal function, the action is noticeably prolonged.

In animal studies (mice, rats) treated with phenobarbital throughout their lives, a carcinogenic effect was revealed. Causes benign and malignant hepatocellular tumors in mice and benign hepatocellular tumors in rats late in life. Human studies have not provided sufficient evidence for the carcinogenic effects of phenobarbital.

The use of the substance Phenobarbital

epilepsy, chorea, spastic paralysis, spasm of peripheral arteries, eclampsia, agitation, sleep disturbance, hemolytic disease of the newborn.


Hypersensitivity (including to other barbiturates), a history of manifest or latent porphyria (possibly worsening of symptoms due to the induction of enzymes responsible for the synthesis of porphyrin), severe anemia, respiratory diseases accompanied by shortness of breath or obstruction respiratory tract, hepatic and/or kidney failure, myasthenia gravis, alcoholism, drug or drug addiction, incl. in history, pregnancy (especially I trimester), breastfeeding.

Application restrictions

Depression and / or suicidal tendencies, a history of bronchial asthma, impaired liver and / or kidney function, hyperkinesia, hyperthyroidism (symptoms may increase, since barbiturates displace thyroxine associated with plasma proteins), adrenal hypofunction (weakening is possible systemic action exogenous and endogenous hydrocortisone under the action of barbiturates), acute or persistent pain (paradoxical arousal may be noted or may be masked important symptoms), pregnancy (II and III trimester), childhood.

Side effects of Phenobarbital

From the nervous system and sensory organs: drowsiness, lethargy, depression of the respiratory center, dizziness, headache, nervousness, anxiety, hallucinations, ataxia, nightmares, hyperkinesia (in children), impaired thinking, paradoxical reaction (unusual excitement, insomnia) - especially in children, the elderly and debilitated patients, the aftereffect (asthenia, feeling of weakness, lethargy, decreased psychomotor reactions and concentration).

From the side of the cardiovascular system and blood (hematopoiesis, hemostasis): agranulocytosis, thrombocytopenia, hypotension and megaloblastic anemia (with prolonged use), bradycardia, vascular collapse.

From the digestive tract: nausea/vomiting, constipation.

Allergic reactions: skin rash or urticaria, local swelling (especially of the eyelids, cheeks, or lips), exfoliative dermatitis (Stevens-Johnson syndrome, toxic epidermal necrolysis); death is possible.

Others: with prolonged use - liver damage (jaundice of the sclera or skin), folate deficiency, hypocalcemia, osteomalacia, impaired libido, impotence.

Causes addiction (revealed after about 2 weeks of treatment), drug dependence (mental and physical), withdrawal and "recoil" syndrome (see "Precautions").


It enhances the metabolism of drugs biotransforming in the liver (due to the activation of microsomal oxidation enzymes) and reduces the effect of: indirect anticoagulants, incl. warfarin, acenocoumarol, phenindione, etc. (lowers the level of anticoagulants in the blood, with simultaneous administration, periodic monitoring of PT is necessary to adjust the doses of anticoagulants), corticosteroids, digitalis preparations, chloramphenicol, metronidazole, doxycycline (reduces T ½ of doxycycline, this effect can persist for 2 weeks after stopping the barbiturate), tricyclic antidepressants, estrogens, salicylates, paracetamol, etc. Phenobarbital reduces the absorption of griseofulvin and its level in the blood.

The effect of barbiturates on the metabolism of anticonvulsants - hydantoin derivatives (including phenytoin) is unpredictable (a decrease or increase in the concentration of phenytoin in the blood is possible, monitoring is necessary plasma concentrations). Valproic acid, sodium valproate increase the level of phenobarbital in the blood. Phenobarbital reduces the plasma concentration of carbamazepine, clonazepam.

With simultaneous use with other drugs that depress the central nervous system (including sedatives, hypnotics, some antihistamines, anxiolytics), and alcohol, an additive inhibitory effect is possible. MAO inhibitors prolong the effect of phenobarbital (probably due to inhibition of its metabolism).


Symptoms toxic poisoning may not appear for several hours after taking phenobarbital. The toxic dose varies considerably. Ingestion of 1 g causes serious poisoning in adults, ingestion of 2–10 g is usually fatal. The therapeutic level of phenobarbital in human blood is 5–40 µg/ml, the lethal level is 100–200 µg/ml. Barbiturate intoxication must be differentiated from alcohol intoxication, bromide intoxication, with various neurological disorders.

Symptoms acute intoxication: nystagmus, unusual eye movements, ataxia, severe weakness and drowsiness, severe confusion, slurred speech, agitation, dizziness, headache, respiratory depression, Cheyne-Stokes respiration, weakening or absence of reflexes, constriction of the pupils (with severe poisoning, followed by paralytic dilation) , oliguria, tachycardia, hypotension, hypothermia, cyanosis, weak pulse, cold and clammy skin, hemorrhages (at pressure points), coma.

In severe poisoning, pulmonary edema, vascular collapse with a decrease in tone may develop. peripheral vessels, apnea, respiratory and cardiac arrest; death is possible.

At life threatening overdose possible suppression electrical activity brain (EEG may be "flat"), which should not be regarded as clinical death, tk. this effect is fully reversible if the damage associated with hypoxia has not developed.

Overdose can cause the development of complications such as pneumonia, arrhythmia, congestive heart failure, renal failure.

Treatment acute overdose: accelerate the elimination of phenobarbital and maintain vital important functions.

To reduce absorption (if phenobarbital is not completely absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract) - induction of vomiting (if the patient is conscious and has not lost the gag reflex), followed by administration activated carbon, while it is necessary to take measures to prevent aspiration of vomit. If induction of vomiting is contraindicated, gastric lavage should be performed.

To accelerate the excretion of the absorbed drug, saline laxatives are prescribed, forced diuresis is performed (with preserved kidney function), alkaline solutions(for alkalization of urine).

Monitor vital functions and water balance.

Supportive measures: it is necessary to ensure the patency of the respiratory tract, the use of mechanical ventilation and the use of oxygen is possible; the appointment of analeptics is not recommended (in case of severe poisoning, they can worsen the condition); maintenance of normal blood pressure (with hypotension - the use vasoconstrictors) and body temperature; if necessary - infusion therapy or other anti-shock measures; measures should be taken to prevent hypostatic pneumonia (including physiotherapy in the area chest), bedsores, aspiration and other complications; if pneumonia is suspected, antibiotics should be prescribed; it is recommended to avoid fluid or sodium overload, especially if there is a violation of the function of the cardiovascular system.

In severe poisoning, the development of anuria or shock, it is possible to perform peritoneal dialysis or hemodialysis (during and after dialysis, it is necessary to monitor the concentration of phenobarbital in the blood).

Symptoms of chronic toxicity: constant irritability, weakening of the ability to critically evaluate, sleep disturbance, drowsiness, apathy, weakness, imbalance, confused speech, dizziness, severe confusion. Hallucinations, agitation, convulsions, dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular system and kidneys are possible.

Treatment of chronic toxicity: gradual dose reduction (to avoid the development of withdrawal symptoms) until the drug is completely discontinued, symptomatic treatment and psychotherapy.

Dosage and administration

inside. The dosage regimen is set strictly individually, depending on the indications, the course of the disease, tolerance, age, etc. Treatment should begin with the lowest effective dose corresponding to the specific form of pathology. In patients with impaired liver and / or kidney function, elderly and debilitated patients, treatment should be started with lower doses.

As a sleeping pill - for adults 0.1-0.2 g 0.5-1 hour before bedtime; as a sedative and antispasmodic - 0.01-0.03-0.05 g 2-3 times a day (usually in combination with antispasmodics, vasodilators, etc.); with epilepsy: adults - 0.05–0.1 g 2 times a day with a gradual increase in dose until a clinical effect is obtained.

The maximum single dose for adults is 0.2 g, the maximum daily dose is 0.5 g.

The dose for children is selected individually depending on the age, body weight of the child.

Precautions Substance Phenobarbital

With the appearance of dermatological complications, phenobarbital should be discontinued. Hypersensitivity reactions are more common with a history of asthma, urticaria, angioedema, etc.

It should be borne in mind that in the elderly and debilitated patients with usual doses there may be marked agitation, depression, or confusion. In children, barbiturates can cause unusual agitation, irritability, and hyperactivity.

Use with caution in depression (may worsen, especially in elderly patients).

The risk of dependence increases with the use of large doses and with an increase in the duration of administration, as well as in patients with drug and alcohol addiction in history. The constant use of barbiturates in doses 3-4 times higher than therapeutic leads to the development physical addiction in 75% of patients.

Cancellation should be carried out gradually, by reducing the dose over a long time, to reduce the risk of withdrawal syndromes and "recoil". Withdrawal syndrome may develop within 8-12 hours after the last dose and usually manifests itself in the following sequence (minor symptoms): anxiety, muscle twitching, hand tremors, progressive weakness, dizziness, visual disturbances, nausea, vomiting, sleep disturbance, orthostatic hypotension (dizziness, fainting). In severe cases, more significant symptoms (convulsions, delirium) may occur within 16 hours and last up to 5 days after abrupt withdrawal. The severity of the withdrawal syndrome gradually decreases over about 15 days. The risk of delirium and possibly fatal seizures is higher with abrupt withdrawal after prolonged use in people with drug addiction. Sudden discontinuation in epilepsy may cause a seizure or status epilepticus.

When using phenobarbital for the treatment of epilepsy, it is recommended to monitor its level in the blood. At long-term treatment it is necessary to periodically determine the concentration of folate in the blood, control the pattern of peripheral blood, liver and kidney function.

If it is necessary to use barbiturates during childbirth, it is recommended to take delivery in the conditions of readiness of resuscitation equipment.

During the treatment period, the use of alcoholic beverages is unacceptable.

Should not be used while driving Vehicle and people whose activities require a quick mental and physical reaction, and are also associated with an increased concentration of attention.

special instructions

Currently, phenobarbital is practically not used as a sleeping pill.

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