Points on the body according to Chinese medicine. III. What to pay attention to before starting work with the device. Chinese medicine: points on the human body

The leading thought of Chinese medicine is the concept of wholeness. The basis of physiology and pathology is the internal organs of zangfu and jinglo channels. A feature of the theoretical system of medicine is dialectical treatment.

Chinese medicine believes that when the disease occupies the body, the regulation of the balance of Yin Yang is first of all affected. The balance of Yin Yang is deregulated and disease ensues. In Shuboshi - Comfortable Doctor - Comfort acupuncture treatment devices, Chinese acupuncture and massage are transformed into healing waves by means of modern high technologies. Based on the concept of a single whole organism, combined with local treatment, these waves affect the corresponding points of the jingluo channels and achieve the goal of restoring the balance of Yin Yang and curing the disease. The method is easy to learn and use. Everyone can master Chinese acupuncture and massage through simple study, and by applying at home Chinese acupuncture and massage, achieve the purpose of prevention and treatment.

What is Yin Yang?

Yin Yang is a generalization of some interconnected and opposed things and phenomena of the natural world. At the same time, there is the concept of opposites and unity.

Everything that moves sharply, what is outside, what is upstairs, what is hot, bright, all this is Yang.

Everything that is in relative peace, what is inside, what is below, what is cold, dark, everything is Yin.

However, the belonging of things to Yin Yang is not absolute, but relative. They are subject to change as conditions change. The balance of Yin and Yang between themselves is also not at rest and is not absolute. Within certain limits and certain time"Yin decreases, Yang increases" and "Yang decreases, Yin increases", thus maintaining a relative balance.

The normal development of the life of the organism is achieved by continuous decrease and increase and continuous maintenance of balance. When the balance is undermined, illness can occur in the body: Yin increases and Yang weakens, Yang increases and Yin weakens. Increasing Yang means hot, increasing Yin means cold.

Chinese medicine believes that illness is inseparable from Yin Yang. We add where there is a shortage, throw away where there is a surplus. Restoring the balance of Yin Yang is the basic principle of treating disease.

Zangxiang relationship and disease

Zang is the internal organs. Xiang is the external manifestations of physiology and pathology. People assert the presence of a disease by observing and examining the physiological and pathological manifestations functions internal organs.

Chinese medicine categorizes the heart, lungs, spleen, liver, kidneys as five zang, and gallbladder, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, bladder, three heaters to category six fu. Brain; spinal cord, bones, blood vessels, gallbladder, uterus are called qihengzhifu.

Chinese medicine believes that the five zang and six fu have jinglo channels related to them, and they are also interconnected. All diseases arising in the five zang and six fu can be treated by acting on the points located on the jinglo channels.

The first of the five zang is the heart

The heart controls blood circulation, controls mood, its outward manifestation is language. The condition of the heart is shown on the face. It corresponds to the human mood "joy" and manifests itself in the liquid - "sweat". His jingluo channel is shoushaoyin xinjing, which is connected to the shoutayangxiaochanjing channel, the channels of the small intestine, and through this interaction Yin Yang is maintained.

The second of the five zang is the lungs

The lungs control the "qi" of the body, breathing, the movement of fluid in the body and all the jinglo channels, our skin. Their external manifestation is the nose. The state of the lungs is manifested in the hairline of the body. The lungs correspond to the human mood "sadness" and are manifested in a liquid - "snot". Their jingluo channel is shoutaiyinfeijing, which is connected to the shouyangmingdachangjing channel, the large intestine channel, and through this interaction, yin yang is maintained. When disease sets in in the lungs, abnormalities can occur in all the physiological activities that they control. In this case, we can treat by influencing the points located on the shou tai yin feijing and shou yang min da chang jing channels.

The third of the five zang is the spleen

The spleen controls absorption by the body nutrients, fluid movement in the body, blood, muscles and limbs. Its external manifestation is the mouth. The state of the spleen manifests itself on the lips, and it corresponds to the human mood "thinking" and manifests itself in the liquid - "saliva". Her jingluo channel is zutaiyinpijing, which is connected to the zuyangmingweijing channel, the stomach channel, and through this interaction yin yang is maintained.

When disease occurs in the spleen, abnormalities can occur in all the physiological activities that it controls. In this case, we can treat by influencing the points located on the zutaiyinpijing and zuyangmingweijing channels.

The fourth of the five zang is the liver

The liver controls the movement of "qi" in the body, controls and stimulates nutrient absorption, blood conservation, joints and movement. Its outer manifestation is the eyes. The state of the liver manifests itself on the nails, it corresponds to the human mood "anger" and manifests itself in the liquid - "tears". Her jingluo channel is the zujueyinganjing, which is connected to the zushaoyangdanjing channel, the gallbladder channel, and through this interaction yin yang is maintained.

When disease occurs in the liver, abnormalities can occur in all the physiological activities that it controls. We can heal by acting on the points located on the Zujueinganjing and Zushaoyandanjing channels.

The fifth of the five zang is the kidneys

The kidneys control growth physical development and reproduction. They control and regulate the intake and output of fluid in the body, the absorption of "qi". It manifests through the ears and anus and urinary organs. The state of the liver manifests itself in the hair of the head, it corresponds to the human mood "fear", and manifests itself in the fluid "semen". Her jinglo channel "Zhushaoyinshengjing", which is connected with the channel "Zutaiyangpanguangjing", the channel Bladder, and through this interaction, Yin Yang is maintained.

When disease occurs in the liver, abnormalities can occur in all the physiological activities that it controls. In this case, we can treat by influencing the points located on the Zhu Shaoyin Jing and Zutai Yang Pan Guang Jing channels.

The main points of the jinglo channels:

II. Rules for working with devices "Shuboshi - Comfort"

First of all, you should carefully read the Instructions for Use of the device in order to master the basic methods of using the device and know what to look for. Only after reading and understanding Shuboshi - Comfort acupuncture devices will serve you best.

How do the devices of the "Convenient Doctor" series help me improve my health?

The device of the "Convenient Doctor" series is a modern representative of Chinese medicine. He accumulated in himself all the best of thousands of years of Chinese medicine. Science and technology have reached today's heights, and we can use these products.

In everyday prevention, Shuboshi-Comfort acupuncture devices can be of great help to children, youth, middle-aged and old people, and women. When faced with illness, Doctor Comfortable stimulates the jingluo channel points and removes ailments and symptoms very effectively. In diseases of the neck, shoulders, back, waist, legs, joints caused by acute injuries, chronic fatigue bone proliferation, etc., the effect of "Convenient Doctor" is very high! But you must remember that when acute injuries, you can start using the device only 24 hours after the injury.

Devices of the “Convenient Doctor” line (JJQ-1 and FZ-1) have 4 modes each, how should I choose them?

The first mode of JJQ-1: TONING MODE. Strengthening the working capacity of the body and systems, the activity of the immune system, stress resistance (corresponds to Mode I of the FZ-1 device, but has a more effective exposure power of 0.55 W (against 0.45 W in FZ-1).

The second mode of the JJQ-1 device: STIMULATION MODE. Activation of the processes of restoration of organs and systems destroyed by the disease. Unlike FZ-1, it affects the deep branches of the channels, which provides a more complete effect on individual organs and systems in order to eliminate chronic diseases (conditionally corresponds to Mode III of the FZ-1 device, but more accurately imitates the function of TCM acupuncture than the FZ device -one).

The third mode of the JJQ-1 device: HARMONIZATION MODE. It balances the course of all basic processes of vital activity in the body. Restores the balance of Yin and Yang and increases the body's defenses, strengthens immune system(very conditionally corresponds to Mode IV in the FZ-1 device).

The fourth mode of the JJQ-1 device: RELAXATION MODE. Relaxation, elimination of stress, anticonvulsant, antispastic action. A complex effect on the biologically active zones of the foot (partially corresponds to Mode II in the FZ-1 device).

Mode IV of the FZ-1: Combines modes I, II and III of the FZ-1.

The choice of modes is based on the theory of integrity - one of the most important theories of Chinese medicine. It is made on the basis of a specific person, according to various diseases, specific situation, specific approach.

How to regulate the force of impact when using the devices "Convenient Doctor"?

Since the sensitivity of people is different, the treatment is carried out on various places and in different modes, then the force of influence is different. But there are 2 criteria for determining the correctness of the impact force:

  1. At the site of application, the muscles contract, in addition, there are no unpleasant sensations;
  2. At the application site, there is a feeling of numbness, in addition, you are able to endure.

How is the usage time determined?

AT normal conditions the device can be used 1-3 times a day, the duration of the session is from 30 minutes to 2 hours, but not more than 6 hours in total during the day. The course of treatment averages 2 weeks, after which it is usually recommended to take a break for 1 to 7 days and, if necessary, repeat the course of treatment. Usually the therapeutic effect is observed after 1 month.

What to do if after using the Shuboshi devices you don’t feel the result?

  • "Have you found the correct place of use?"
  • "Maybe the force of impact was too low?"
  • "Maybe the treatment period was too short?"

If you solve the above three questions, you will definitely be satisfied. healing effect!

Using the device, I take medication. Should it be stopped?

Don't stop. For Chinese medicine, the treatment of disease is a long process of regulation. Treatment takes time. In addition, Chinese medicine in China has never oppressed Western medicine. The best way treatment is a combination of Chinese and Western medicine.

Before using Shuboshi-Comfort appliances, what preparations do I need to make?

  • Check if the device is correct;
  • Check if the contacts are in good condition;
  • Clean the place of use, wash off grease, dirt and dust from the skin;
  • Relax and start treatment with ease.

What should I do if the device cannot work normally?

  • Sensitivity. The strength of the impact is reduced, there is no way to increase it.
    The battery is dead - replace the battery.
    The stickiness and conductivity of the electrodes have decreased - replace the electrodes.
  • The screen is normal, the indicator is on, but there is no sensation.
    Is the plug well inserted into the inlet? Switch off the device and check the connection.
    Check if the wire is broken, if so, replace the wire.
    The electrodes are completely out of order - replace the electrodes.

    If, after correcting the above problems, the device has started working, continue using it. If the device still does not work, please contact our center.

  • If the screen backlight is weak or almost non-existent, please replace the battery;
  • Using: weak strength impact, the work then stops, then resumes, a feeling of electric shock.
    Poor wire contact - replace wire.
    Insufficient stickiness of the electrodes - replace the electrodes.

    If the wires and electrodes are in order, but the device does not work, contact our center for further instructions.

More detailed answers to popular questions about Shuboshi-Comfort appliances can be found on the Frequently Asked Questions page.

How to take care of the device on a daily basis?

  • The electrodes are a wearing part. To prolong the period of their use, each time before use, clean the place of use, and after use, apply a protective film. If the adhesive surface dries out, slightly moisten it with clean salt water;
  • Do not use the device in a humid environment, as this may affect its normal operation;
  • Store in a cool dry place.

III. What to pay attention to before working with the device

Chinese medicine treats diseases by regulating the Yinyang balance in the body. For this process it takes quite long time. Therefore, when using any of the "Shuboshi" or "Comfort" devices, you should continue to take the medicines that you took before using it.

As you recover, you can reduce the amount of medication taken, up to stopping. Persons with a pacemaker artificial organs, metal parts, it is forbidden to use the "Convenient Doctor" devices.

During use, it is forbidden to glue the paws on the heart area.

Persons with heart disease and hypertensive patients are not recommended too strong force exposure and too long session time.

All pains in the neck, back, lower back, legs, joints should be treated according to the Instructions for Use, according to the principle - where it hurts, glue it there, the impact force is quite high.

When used by children, control over the force of influence by adults is mandatory, which should not be too large. In relation to various diseases, taking into account the individual characteristics of the organism, having received the recommendations of a consultant - a specialist in Chinese medicine on the use of the device, they should be strictly followed.

IV. Prevention with the help of Shuboshi-Comfort devices

Chinese medicine gives great attention treatment of an uncommon disease, prefers prevention, regulates the balance between Yin and Yang so that people do not get sick or get sick less often. The most important function"Shuboshi" - prevention.

1. Prevention in children

1.1 The peculiarity of children is that their internal organs are delicate. Prevention should be aimed at strengthening their integral constitution, regulation physiological functions internal organs to stimulate them healthy growth and physical development.
Selection of points: + (63 + 66).

1.2 In children, lung function is not fully developed. But the lungs are the most important organ the body's resistance to disease. If the lungs are adjusted at this time, the respiratory system can be strengthened and the onset of diseases can be prevented.
Selection of points: + (48 + 48).

1.3 In children, the gastrointestinal function is weakened, the spleen function is not fully developed, which can easily lead to digestive disorders and growth retardation. If the spleen and stomach are adjusted at this time, the digestive system can be strengthened and growth and physical development can be stimulated.
Selection of points: + (52+52).

Attention: Each combination of points should be affected once every 2 days, for 10 minutes, on the 1st or 4th mode. Set the strength of the impact depending on the sensations of the child and the movements of the muscles.

2. Prevention in youth

Young people are integrated into society, they are easily exposed to bad habits: Smoking and excessive drinking is bad. The following points help with regards to quitting smoking and drinking.
Selection of points: + (81 + 70) (on both sides).

Attention: To influence each combination of points 2 times a day for 20 minutes, on the 1st or 3rd mode. The impact force is the maximum that you can withstand.

2.1 In young people, the reproductive and urinary systems are gradually developing, but they can very easily malfunction. There may be low spirits, menstrual disturbances, cold hands and feet, anxiety, and other symptoms. If regulation is made at this time, not only can the above symptoms be eliminated, but the health of the body can also be improved.
Point selection:

Oriental methods of treating diseases are credible. Lose excess weight, help the body to return the tone really by massaging biologically active points. Such points for weight loss in Chinese medicine have been discovered for a long time, the effectiveness of their impact is well known. They are located throughout the body: on the back, crown, sole of the foot, earlobe, palm. The use of acupuncture and acupressure improves the condition of the body, has almost no contraindications, manipulations can be carried out independently.

What are weight loss points

There are plenty of ways to eliminate excess weight - these are diets, sports, massage. But there is another very effective method: Chinese acupressure. There are special zones on the human body, by acting on them, you can achieve weight loss and remove excess fat. fat mass. This is due to the acceleration of metabolism and digestion processes, the breakdown of fats, a decrease in appetite, and an improvement in the functioning of internal organs. The main thing is to know where the zones are located and to influence them correctly.

Acupuncture points for weight loss

To find massage points for weight loss, the eastern cun measurement unit is used, which is individual for each person - the width of the phalanx of the thumb. It is necessary to measure the prescribed number of cun from a certain part of the body, find these biologically active places and massage them. This will improve metabolism, activate blood flow, dull the feeling of hunger, lose weight. It is important to eat rationally and move a lot so that acupuncture gives desired effect

Guan Yuan

One of the most wonderful points for weight loss in Chinese medicine - the Kuan-Yuan point - will help adjust your appetite. Kuan-Yuan is located 3 cun down from the navel (in men, 3-4 cun). It is necessary to lie down, relax the stomach, find a point, put pressure on it and then massage it with rotational rhythmic, slow movements once a day, on an empty stomach, it is more convenient to do this with the pad of your thumb, for about half an hour. This procedure in 25 days will lead to getting rid of 2-3 kilograms, or even more, because the feeling of hunger will decrease.


The area of ​​the knee joint is responsible for metabolism. The Zu-San-Li point is located in this place. Massaging it, you can improve metabolism, restore tone, lose weight. We are looking for a point like this: the legs should be bent at the knees, and the palms should be placed directly on the kneecaps. Zu-San-Li is found in a small depression right under the phalanx of the ring finger. To verify this, measure 3 cun down from patella, 1 cun - slightly away from the leg bone. It is necessary to massage the points on the legs in a relaxed state every day for 15-20 minutes, best before going to bed.

Gian Jing

To find the point that is responsible for blood circulation, you need to count 5 cun from the place where the shoulder and neck meet, on the back. This is the Jian-Jing point. Having found it, it is necessary to make massage, deep, pressing, but not painful movements with one finger. This point for weight loss in Chinese medicine has an important function: by stimulating it, you can improve blood flow, speed up metabolism, and also reduce appetite, remove the feeling of hunger. It is necessary to act for 1-2 minutes, 1-2 times daily.

tai chun

Very effective acupressure for weight loss, if obesity is stressful. Hormonal background Stress is also dangerous because it causes an accelerated increase in body fat. A so-called stressful stomach appears and liver problems arise. The Tai-Chun point comes to the rescue, which means “great crossroads”, which is located on the metatarsus, at the base of 1 and 2 toes, and also proper nutrition and physical activity.

Lau Gong

In the very center of the palm is the Lau Gong point. This point for weight loss in Chinese medicine has great potential: it should be addressed in case of violations of the gastrointestinal tract. It is necessary to press it, hold it a little and massage it in the direction of the clock hands for several minutes. What does it give? A person loses immoderate appetite, eats less, gradually wastes the gained kilograms.

Shao Shan

On the thumbs of both hands we look for and find a saving point. Its location is a tenth of the cun down from the thumbnail, on the inside, to the corner between the fingers. This is the Shao-shan point. Just a few minutes, but every day, we devote to massaging this saving area and feel the appearance of strength and vigor. About food, especially excessive, you want to think less and less.

Nei Guan

The role that the Nei Kuan point plays in the process of losing weight is important. The impact on it leads to the therapy of the whole organism, relieves a person from vascular disorders, hysteria, stress and the desire for obligatory jamming of troubles and problems. Finding it is easy by measuring 2 cun upwards from the wrist on the inside of each hand. Raise your hands above your head while inhaling, and lower them as you exhale - to the middle of the chest, while simultaneously performing slow deep pressure for 2 seconds. Repeat 30 times, paying attention to each hand.

feng shi

Put your hands down and on outside each thigh with the tips of the middle fingers we find the so-called "city of the wind." This is the Feng Shi point. Massage of this zone normalizes the functions of the gallbladder, rids the body of toxins, removes fat from the thighs, helps to cope with appetite, overeating, eliminate insomnia, which can be one of the causes of excess weight. We will influence Feng Shi with a fist, it is convenient to do this at a support. The leg must be taken to the side, raised higher and punched in the indicated place. Do the exercise 30 times.

Acupressure for weight loss at home

Point effect on acupuncture points for weight loss at home - successful method return and preservation of beauty, lightness, harmony, in this Chinese medicine for weight loss is right. Here are a few tips and tricks to follow:

  1. It is necessary to determine the cause of excess weight, to correctly influence specific active points of the body, combining acupressure and acupuncture with diet and physical activity.
  2. Massage each point at least 30 times clockwise, the same number - back.
  3. Choose a comfortable position for massage, relax. It is best to perform the procedures in bed, do them 2-3 times a day, 2-3 hours after eating.
  4. Press with little force and medium intensity, some points on the legs can be affected by gentle blows of the rib of the wrist.
  5. It is acceptable to feel a slight tingling, but pain is contraindicated, it is necessary to loosen the pressure or finish the procedure.
  6. The optimal course is 25 days. You can lose from 1 to 5 kilograms.

Grab your feet...

There is a well-known saying that one cannot carry one's homeland on the soles of one's boots... But in China and in the East in general, they are sure that on the soles, of course, not of boots, but of our feet, one can carry away one's own health!

Wise Chinese for their centuries of history invented not only paper, compass, silk, glass and gunpowder. They found that by massaging certain areas on the soles of the feet, one can mitigate or even eliminate pain in general. various parts body: joints, muscles, internal organs. In this way, you provide unhindered access vital energy Qi to any organ and point of your body.

According to the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, there are more than 60 active zones and points on the feet, and there are also important Jinglo channels, and the “slags” of the human body are also concentrated. Accumulating for a long time in the human body, toxins interfere with normal blood circulation and can cause various diseases.

Foot massage affects the reflex points of the foot, stimulating and balancing the general condition of the internal organs and the body as a whole. Removes nervous stress, fatigue, psycho-emotional arousal, calms and puts the nervous system in order, improves metabolism and strengthens defensive forces organism.

To date, reflexology, as one of the methods of non-drug therapy, has firmly entered the arsenal of Western medicine, and foot massage is necessary for both sick and healthy people taking care of the state of their immunity and nervous system. It is known that there are points on the foot - projections of all internal organs, and by influencing them, we gently and effectively influence the functioning of the body.

Systematic foot massage will help to quickly restore the harmony of body and soul. Remember that with a headache you need to massage thumb, for eye disease - two middle fingers, for pain in the ears - the outer toes, for problems with the spine - inside soles. The remaining options are clearly visible in the above diagram.

Right foot

Left foot

Right palm

Left palm

Reflex zones and areas

Using acupressure at home

Acupuncture has been known for over 5,000 years - Chinese method treatment with gold needles. AT recent times appeared and modern analogue such technique - electropuncture. However, not everyone knows that there is another method - acupressure. In Japan, a similar technique is called shi-atsu (shi - fingers, atsu - pressure).

Acupressure treats with finger pressure. Acupressure is further development acupuncture. It uses the same points and meridians that acupuncture needles are inserted into, but acupressure rejects the use of metal in treatment, making the technique gentler and safer, with little to no reduction in effectiveness. Instead of metal needles, with the same effect, the thumb and forefinger are used (you can use your own, if available).

Pressing-pressing fingers on the right points relieves many ailments and disorders. Acupressure not only relieves pain, but also reduces the time of illness, eliminates the violation of the functional activity of organs, eliminates organic consequences neuroses: anxiety, restlessness, fear.

Every person who knows the most important points on the body and medical indications, following the easy-to-remember rules of accupres- sion, will be able to help himself!

Acupressure relieves pain and effectively treats those diseases that are caused by disorders of the nervous system, and this is every second disease in our hectic time. But above all, accupressure is reliable, safe and effective method pain control - and that without any side effects. This method is especially effective when it is successfully selected and, all the more pleasant, the carrier of influence.

Acupressure does not cause pain from a needle prick, does not cause bleeding, and eliminates the introduction of infection into the body. But most importantly, this doctor is always with you!

Varieties of reflex points

The locations of the acupuncture and acupressure points are known exactly. They are located on 14 meridian lines, which have long been explored. These meridians have certain names, for example, "Big heart" ("Master of the heart"), "Three-degree heater" or "Guverneur meridian", while three types of points are used on each meridian:

  • "Harmonizing points" - lying at the beginning and end of the meridian. Their acupressure gives harmonious echoes in all organs related to this meridian.
  • "Exciting point" - only one on each meridian. Its acupressure activates the reaction and efficiency of the organs related to this meridian.
  • "Calming point" - also only one on each meridian. This point suppresses, soothes, removes nervous state; sensations during her acupressure are most pleasant.

Relief is brought by enhanced acupressure of the system of so-called "Signal (alarm) points ("Moon-points"). Each major organ has its own signal point. Proper acupressure of this point contributes to an immediate improvement in a person's condition and, in particular, a reduction in pain.

In recent years of study at Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, a number of "special points" relating to certain ailments (diseases) have been discovered.

Below are the pictures key points accupres. It can be a "Calming point" for sleep disorders, and an "Exciting point" for low blood pressure, and a "Harmonizing point" for anxiety general neurosis, and "Signal point" for colic and joint pain, and "Special point" for reduced potency.

The figures below show typical hotspot locations. Due to the individual characteristics of the physique, the location of the points may deviate within one centimeter. By using special device, which measures the resistance of the skin, according to reduced value resistance point location is determined with an accuracy of one millimeter. However, for accupressure, such accuracy is redundant (the size of the finger is larger). As a rule, the accupressure point responds to hard pressing a clear pain impulse, which facilitates its search in the desired area of ​​the body.

How to influence the acupressure point?

Doctors of Traditional Chinese Medicine distinguish three degrees of influence on healing points:

  • at acute pain and at primary care shown lung application circular massage of the point, which is performed with the tip of the index finger of the hand. The duration of the massage is from one to five minutes.
  • at chronic diseases, depending on the general condition patient, it is best and more reliable to use acupressure of medium strength. Multiple massage during the day is recommended, the duration of acupressure is up to 30-40 seconds.
  • strong acupressure is done primarily with the thumb, but other variations are possible.

When the desired active point is found on the body, the tip of the index or thumb is touched to skin, then they begin to make circular movements with the finger, shifting the skin relative to the bone or muscle tissue at two revolutions per second. At the same time, attention should be paid to the fact that when exposed, the finger constantly remains on the required point of the body.

With a symmetrical effect on the points of accupressure, one should be especially careful.


Acupressure in its simplified form cannot replace the necessary medical treatment in emergencies, however, it can be used as an additional pain treatment, as well as for first aid. - Acupressure is contraindicated in: - severe organic diseases of the heart and circulatory systems - during pregnancy - during severe overwork- before healing skin disease at the acupressure point (for example, suppuration, lichen, etc.)

On the human body there are points responsible for organs that are biologically active, through which choroid plexus. The body temperature there is much higher than in other places.

And if you influence these points with the help of massage, you can easily stimulate the production of special elements that normalize, maintain and improve health, and also participate in the self-healing of the body.

Acupressure is considered an ancient method of treatment. Thanks to him, there is an effect on biological points on the human body, responsible for the organs, as well as the internal systems of the body. In addition, the method helps to improve vitality or reduce nervous and muscle tension.

The advantages of acupressure are as follows:

  1. No pain is felt. Therefore, the method can be easily used by people with a sensitive threshold.
  2. Human organs are restored.
  3. There are no complications, the skin is not broken, the possibility of infection is excluded.
  4. The first changes can be felt after the first session.


Acupressure is considered a simple method of restoring strength and health, activating internal systems to fight the disease. To perform the massage, only the thumb and forefinger of the hand are required.

You need to click on special points to stimulate the defenses of the human body in order to promote the treatment of the disease from the inside. It is safe, but there are contraindications that must be observed so as not to harm your own body.

You should not use the method when:

  • pregnancy;
  • organic heart disease;
  • skin and fungal diseases;
  • severe fatigue.

Before using the method, it is necessary to consult a doctor and clarify whether massage will adversely affect health in each case.

Rules for influencing active points

Having learned how to massage biologically active points on the human body, which are responsible for all organs, everyone will be able to carry out treatment aimed at:

  • calming the nervous system
  • relieve fatigue and pain,
  • slow aging,
  • weight loss relief,

These points are scattered throughout the body, which are determined by pressing the finger pad on the desired area and the occurrence of pain.

Rules for influencing human biological points:

  1. Sit or lie on your back.
  2. distract from external stimuli and try to be quiet.
  3. Put the index finger on the biological point.
  4. It is easy to press on the skin while performing circular movements with your finger. At the same time, you cannot leave this point.
  5. The period of impact on the point is different and ranges from a couple of seconds to several minutes.
  6. The number of pressures during one session: 3 - 6 times.

The main massage techniques

Massage is a complex of techniques that affect the human body, which are performed one after another without stopping.

As a rule, the execution technique is used, which is divided into 5 main techniques:

  1. trituration,
  2. kneading,
  3. squeezing,
  4. vibration,
  5. stroking,

And it is done with:

  1. palms,
  2. bumps thumbs,
  3. fists,
  4. pads of the second and third fingers,
  5. ulnar edges of the hand.

Stroking massage technique, which consists in gently sliding the hands over the skin, without shifting it and pressing in different ways.

Divided into:

  • planar,
  • embracing,
  • cruciform,
  • rake,
  • comb-shaped,
  • pincer-shaped.

Rubbing works better than stroking because the hand shifts and shifts the skin in all directions, preparing the patient's muscles so that they are not subject to spasms as well as pain.

As a rule, it is performed:

  • circular,
  • zigzag,
  • spirally
  • longitudinally
  • transversely.

Kneading is considered heavy reception, but also the most important, since it occupies most of the execution of all manipulations and performed in the form:

  • squeezing,
  • push ups,
  • squeezing,
  • shifting,
  • capture,
  • grinding,
  • lifting,
  • felting,
  • inflation,
  • pinching,
  • pressing,
  • stretching.

Squeezing technique acting on the skin of the body, on upper layer muscle, connective tissues and subcutaneous tissue.


  • the base or edge of the palm,
  • pads of four fingers or one thumb, slowly moving forward.

Vibration a technique that is desirable to use when the body is already warmed up by rubbing, and gently and gently:

  • palms,
  • fist,
  • phalanges of the fingers.

Dividing on the:

  1. Intermittent vibration: hacking, puncturing, flogging, patting, tapping.
  2. Continuous vibration: chipping, pushing, shaking, planing.

Massage begins and ends with stroking, so that the muscles relax a little. And do not forget that this technique is carried out after each manipulation. The main thing is not to massage the lymph nodes.

The location of points on the human body for the treatment of the digestive system

To improve and normalize digestion, as well as remove toxins and toxins, you need to put pressure on biological desired points on the human body, responsible for this organ, located on the bend of the elbow, on the outside of the forearm. To do this, hold the elbow with one hand, and with the pad of the thumb, gently, with little effort, press on this point.

For colic and constipation

To relieve an attack of pain associated with colic or constipation, you need to apply a soothing acupressure, which includes four points:

  1. On the abdomen on both sides of the navel, at a distance of four fingers, which must be pressed synchronously and only with the index fingers.
  2. On the big toe, in the corner of the nail, which is turned towards the other fingers.
  3. On the outside of the leg, four fingers below the knee and slightly down and then forward from the head of the fibula.
  4. On the inside of the leg, below the knee on the palm, in the corner of the tibia.

For diarrhea, nausea, vomiting

Every second person suffers from diarrhea. The reason for this is malnutrition, overwork, and even stress. Of course, you can take a pill, however, it is better to use acupressure, which can protect the body from chemical interference.

The point of influence is located at a distance of the width of three fingers on the side of the navel. You need to put your palm on your stomach and press hard with your fingers for a couple of minutes. It is advisable to close your eyes and try to breathe as deeply as possible.

Nausea is easily relieved when the left hand lies on the inside of the right, the little finger touches the edge of the hand, and the index finger is directed to the biological point, which should be gently pressed. This massage can also be done on the other hand. There is a similar point on the hands.

To do this, put the thumb of the left hand between the right index finger and thumb and massage. Then switch to the other hand. A point located on the inner wrist, between two tendons, three fingers wide from the base of the palm, will help get rid of vomiting.

Atlas of points on the human body for the treatment of vision

The attractiveness of each depends on the expressiveness of the eyes. To keep them clear, as well as eliminate pain, you need to use the biological points located on the head, arms and legs. Which need to be pressed gently.

Pressing on:

  1. A point that is located on the border of hair growth in frontal corners, you can treat vision, relieve headaches or dizziness.
  2. A point near the nose near the inner corner of the eyes can easily increase visual acuity, get rid of swelling and redness of the eyes, help with pain in the eyes, and also get rid of photophobia.
  3. The point located in the deepening of the inner edge of the eyebrows, where they converge, is used to treat any eye diseases. It also helps with hemorrhoids, headaches, nasal congestion, even during a depressive state.
  4. point, on outside brushes when connecting the thumb and forefinger, you can quickly cure sore eyes, as well as get rid of toothache. And also a runny nose, swelling in the neck and sore throat.

When applying eye massage, you must first of all listen to yourself, to own feelings and immediately stop in case of overwork.

Massage has 4 effects:

  1. massaging the eyes with the palms,
  2. light stroking,
  3. vibrating movements,
  4. gentle kneading movements.

Before starting, you need to warm up your palms, rub them and immediately touch inner surface eye. The main thing is not to be cold.

Whatever technique is used, everything must be barely perceptible so that no harm can be done.

Location of points for the treatment of respiratory organs.

Knowing the location of biological points that help in the treatment of respiratory organs, you can easily cure a runny nose, cough, bronchitis and other diseases. As a rule, they are located on the head, neck, chest, arms and legs of any person.

  1. This point can be found between the ends of the eyebrows, which is often used for colds, as well as other respiratory organs. It also relieves headaches, hiccups and nosebleeds.
  2. Above the upper edge of the collarbone is a point that has a beneficial effect on the lungs, normalizes the condition of the trachea and throat.
  3. There is also a point under the nipple in the hypochondrium, thanks to which it is possible to cure colds, as well as relieve pain in the back of the head and pectoral muscles.

With a cold

You can also cure a runny nose with acupressure and preferably at the first symptoms. And it only takes a couple of minutes.

The main thing is to choose the right points and execution technique that are directly related to the nose:

  1. hollows near the wings of the nose,
  2. under the nostrils
  3. nose tip,
  4. intersection of the middle of the eyebrow line and the bridge of the nose,
  5. earlobes,
  6. near the auricle.
  7. from the back side of the wrist,
  8. on top,
  9. at the beginning of the neck from the back.

The main thing is to take into account the moments in which you can not apply massage:

  1. body temperature above 37 degrees,
  2. the necessary biological point coincides with the mole,
  3. pregnancy,
  4. heart disease,
  5. there are skin irritations.

Acupressure is performed by tapping. Bend the thumbs and gently tap the wings of the nose with the bones, as well as the bridge of the nose. Perform 30 seconds - at first, three not too strong blows on each side in turn, then one blow at a time.

Massage the points only with warm hands, press slowly, constantly, and in a circular motion. The runny nose will pass immediately, but we must not forget that this procedure helps if you apply it at the same time. traditional ways treatment.

In addition, it is desirable to use prophylactic when the exacerbation of viral diseases begins.

When coughing

As soon as a cough appears, you need to immediately consult a doctor. Well, acupressure will be a wonderful addition to this.

Before starting a cough massage, you need to find biological points, which are most often located:

  1. in front, on the edge of the chest, at the base of the neck,
  2. on four fingers of the hand, except for the thumb. On the side of the palm, close to the fold, between the first and second phalanges of the fingers.
  3. on the side of the thumb inner fold wrist,
  4. on the back of the hand, at the intersection of lines that continue the index and thumb.

The massage is done until the skin turns red and there is slight pain. When strong, the pressure is loosened and performed softer, but much more often. And preferably daily: once in the morning and twice in the evening, 5 minutes. And at the same time rotational movements clockwise.

For bronchitis and pneumonia

Thanks to massage for bronchitis and pneumonia, the patient quickly recovers. It is only required to know the healing points that really bring salvation.

They are mainly located:

  1. on the shoulder blades. In a recess under the spinous process of the seventh cervical vertebra.
  2. on hands. Starting from the center of the thumb pad, retreat down 3 mm.
  3. on the throat. Where the collarbones meet.
  4. on the foot. Between the second and third toes. And also in the recess on the fold between the foot and lower leg. Press strongly: 3 - 5 times, with rotational or reciprocating movements of the fingers or palms without displacement, counterclockwise for a couple of minutes. And do not carry out if the body temperature exceeds 37 degrees.

With inflammation of the lungs, acupressure is also used: light touch, stroking and deep pressure with fingertips. At the same time strictly vertically and without displacement. And daily for 10 minutes. The patient does not have to feel pain or discomfort.

The most famous are the points located on the back of the hand, at the crossroads between the index and thumb, in the center of the deepening of the jugular cavity, in the lower part of the neck.

Finish the massage, preferably kneading the end phalanges of the thumbs on the hands.

The main thing is that all this is prohibited for patients with:

  1. cancer and stage III hypertension.
  2. blood disease,
  3. tuberculosis
  4. acute febrile condition
  5. ulcer of the stomach or duodenum.

For asthma

With asthma, acupressure is not just tonic but a wonderful prophylactic. Moreover, it complements medical treatment wonderfully.

The purpose of such a massage is to restore breathing, since the airways are too narrow and do not allow air to pass into the body normally, as a result, suffocation begins. In addition, it strengthens the immune system and muscles, improves blood circulation. It is advisable to do every day.

The methodology consists of:

  1. stroking,
  2. kneading,
  3. trituration,
  4. vibration,
  5. pressure,
  6. pushing,
  7. cutting,
  8. stabbing.

The required points are located:

  1. between the spine and shoulder blades, one finger down from the side top edge shoulder,
  2. between the sternum and clavicle
  3. on the outside of the chest, three fingers down from the side of the collarbone,
  4. on the palm, near the thumb,
  5. on the crook of the wrist under the base of the thumb.

To relieve coughing, as well as reduce suffocation during an attack, it is required to press on the right and left sides of the body, between the shoulder blades, and on the back of the neck on each side and the thoracic vertebrae.

Put the patient on his back, do not use a pillow. It is required to press with the thumb on the point of the front surface, and with the other four on three points, on the back of the neck, and do it all at the same time.

It is required to put a pillow under the head and use the hands to perform circular movements, gently pressing on the chest several times, then press vertically down to facilitate exhalation and then press on the stomach.

With shortness of breath

As a rule, shortness of breath is a violation of human breathing, when it is impossible to breathe. Then a special acupressure comes to the rescue, you just need to know which points you want to use.

This point, being under thyroid gland in the region of the collarbone, it helps well with shortness of breath. It takes one to two minutes to press on it. The massage is performed in free time but preferably daily.

In the center of the crown, where the median line of the head and the line connecting the tips of the ears intersect, there is a point with which it is easy to get rid of this disease.

It is also worth pressing the tip of the little finger at the outer edge of the nail, until it hurts, holding it with the thumb and forefinger. At the same time, pressing quickly and intermittently every day in the morning, lying in bed or when an attack occurs.

When quitting smoking

When, when quitting smoking, sometimes you still want to take a cigarette, then you should use the help of three points, thanks to which you can easily get rid of tobacco addiction. In addition, such a massage can be easily done on your own, without resorting to financial expenses or someone else's help. Do only three times during the day, 5 minutes.

  1. Under the thyroid gland, where the clavicle is connected, there is a point that needs to be acted upon briefly, but intensively, at least 15 times. Great for helping with shortness of breath and quitting smoking.
  2. There is also a point located in the deepest part of the auricle, which helps to remove dependence on a cigarette, and in order to find it, you need to feel for the external auditory opening with your index finger, then move it 1 cm towards the back of the head and start pressing. As a result, there is an aversion to tobacco smoke.
  3. A dot behind the line also helps with tobacco addiction. wrist joint, on the continuation of the axis of the little finger. At first, a light touch, and then a gradual increase in intensity.

Atlas of points on the human body for the treatment of the genitourinary system

Sometimes a person is concerned about the genitourinary system and in order to cure everything, it is necessary to use biological points on the body, thanks to which you can easily cope with this disease.

As a rule, they are on the face, back, chest, abdomen and legs, which must be gently pressed.

  1. In the middle of the chin-labial sulcus there is a point that helps in the treatment of the genitourinary system. It also relieves headaches, muscle tension in the back of the neck, pain in the lower jaw.
  2. Under the spinous process of the second lumbar vertebra there is a point used in the treatment of urinary incontinence, as well as other diseases of the genitourinary system. Also eliminates diarrhea, reduces headache, chills and fever.
  3. At the level of the navel, 0.5 cm, away from the midline of the abdomen, there is a point that helps in the treatment of pain in the abdomen, and also relieves bloating, vomiting and constipation.
  4. If you bend the knee, then in the middle of the bend there is a point, massaging which, you can cure urinary incontinence, difficulty urinating. As well as abdominal pain, vomiting, constipation and diarrhea.

With cystitis

Cystitis is considered an inflammation of the bladder. And if applied at the same time complex treatment and acupressure, you can quickly cure not only acute, but also chronic disease. It is only required to find a point located in the middle of the plexus between the big and second toes. And press on it with your thumb for 2 minutes. In this case, breathe correctly and repeat up to four times in one session.

Even during the treatment, two additional points help, on which you need to press for 2 minutes, and are located:

  1. Above the inner bone of the ankle, at a distance of the width of four fingers.
  2. On a bent knee, on the fold of a bone. The palm must move along the outside of the knee towards the foot.

With prostatitis

And during acute prostatitis this point is required to be massaged clockwise, 2 minutes, three times a day. During chronic - it is also required to massage clockwise, 20 seconds, once every day.

The course of treatment is two weeks. Effective in combination with therapeutic exercises.

There is another point on skin fold between average and ring finger, which needs to be stimulated for 10 minutes, gradually increasing the pressure. You need to massage clockwise three times a day.

For urinary incontinence

Urinary incontinence is a violation of the response of the bladder constrictor. And it happens if you drink a lot of liquid or freeze in a dream.

In this case, appropriate treatment is required:

  1. On the lumbar region on both sides there are five points that you need to press on, and then press on three points located in the sacral region.
  2. On the lower part of the abdomen, and on the area above bladder you should also gently press with your palms.
  3. It is also worth pressing on both sides of the back of the neck, on the hillock occipital bone, downwards.

With congestion in the liver and gallbladder

Thanks to the liver, the functioning of the human body occurs. Therefore, to improve blood circulation, as well as reduce pain, gently massage. For passing full course no more than 20 sessions are required.

You should start with circular stroking, around the navel, while lightly touching the fingers of your right hand. It should be done easily, the hand should not touch the stomach. Thus, the muscles of the abdominal cavity relax.

Then you need to grab your stomach with your hand for an easy warm-up. Then press on abdominal wall four fingers of the palm, trying to avoid sudden movements. And at the end to do soft tissues abdomen, kneading technique.

Location and massage of biological points with hearing loss

Massage of biological points quickly restores hearing, improves blood circulation, increases hearing acuity, eliminating tinnitus. It is best to carry out daily, reducing or increasing the intensity. It is required to rub the palms together so that they become warm and soft. Then sit on a chair so that your back is straight.

Work with only three fingers: thumb, index and middle. Massage gently and gently until mild condition pain. If performed correctly, then after the massage the patient must feel calm and light.

Allocate a couple of points that bring a person only one benefit. The main thing is to prepare internally, calm down and tune in to a positive outcome before starting the massage.

They mainly work with points located:

  • between the eyebrows
  • in the temporal region,
  • in the area of ​​the wings of the nose,
  • in the center of the chin fossa,
  • behind the ear.

Atlas of points on the human body for the treatment of the heart and blood vessels

A stressful life often leads to heart palpitations, unpleasant sensations and heartache. Therefore, it is required to use acupressure. The symptoms that have arisen can be easily eliminated by exposure to biological points on the head, chest, back and arms of a person.

  1. In the center of the crown of the head is a point that relieves dizziness and tinnitus. It also helps with shortness of breath, palpitations and arterial hypertension. In addition, it is often used for diarrhea, vomiting, urinary incontinence.
  2. On the chest, on the sides of the nipples, there are special points, also used for hypertension.
  3. In the middle of the wrist crease of the hand, you can find a point that easily relieves pain in the heart area, palpitations, and solves the problem of insomnia. Additionally, it treats colds and infectious diseases.
  4. There is a point at the anterior edge of the calcaneal tendon that is often used during strong heartbeat. It also helps with illness. digestive system, sore throat and nosebleeds, swelling lower extremities, pain in the spine, lower back and legs.
  5. However, a point located on the chest between the pectoral and deltoid muscles is considered effective, which quickly heals chest pain.

With arrhythmia

Arrhythmia is divided into:

  • tachycardia, when the heart rate painfully accelerates;
  • bradycardia, when the heart rate slows down.

And often does not pose a threat to human life, but health suffers. And acupressure helps to improve this condition. For this, a special point is used, which is available on both hands. It is required to sit on a chair, keep your back straight. Left hand put on the lower abdomen, palm up.

After that, with the thumb of the right hand, press the point on the left hand and, best of all, straight down, for 4 minutes. Then, without lifting the massaging finger from the point, horizontally towards the vessels, to the elbow bend, massage several times.

Massage with tachycardia begins easily and gently, slowly increasing pressure.

With bradycardia, you need to immediately press hard. Simultaneously applying vibration and kneading. Then repeat a similar massage on the right hand. A point can be saved from arrhythmia, which can be found if you count from the ankle up 6 cm, above the bone.

Press with vibration small movements for 30 seconds, 2 times a day. Among other things, as a preventive measure, this place is heated.

With cardineurosis, palpitations, yeast in the hands

With cardineurosis, palpitations, yeast in the hands, it is required to work with biological points located on the hands:

  1. If you bend the elbow of the hand at a right angle, then you can easily find the point used for trembling in the hands, heart pain and normalization of pressure.
  2. In the middle, on the skin fold of the wrist farthest from the hand, on the inside of the arm, there is a point that helps with heartbeat. And also saves from insomnia, headaches and weak immunity.
  3. There is a point above the crook of the wrist to help calm the outer shell of the heart. And also save from depression and insomnia.

With hypertension

Hypertension leads to undesirable consequences, which means to high pressure needs to be taken as seriously as possible. In this case, acupressure will help, which is considered a wonderful helper for this disease. It quickly prevents arterial hypertension, climatic neurosis and dizziness, and also helps to get rid of tinnitus and palpitations.

The diagram shows the location of biologically active points on the human body.

You need to sit down and relax. With index fingers, gently massage the biological points on the chest a couple of times a day, for a month. Then break for 7 days and start treatment again.

It is also worth constantly working with points located behind the ear:

  1. In the center of the crown.
  2. Under lower jaw where the carotid artery pulsates.

With vegetative-vascular dystonia

During vegetative-vascular distance, spasmodic painful contraction muscles, and in addition, there is a deviation from the normal position of the body, causing pain and inconvenience. Besides, it's impossible to relax.

AT normal condition vasoconstriction is a true physiological response to external changes. But because of this disease, an unmotivated contraction of blood vessels occurs, causing unpredictable drops in blood pressure with pain signs: headache, lethargy and nausea.

To overcome dystonia, you need to put pressure on the point, easily finding it on your feet. You just need to take hold of the foot and press on the point with your thumb, using some effort. Perform 2 times during the day.

For hypotension (low blood pressure)

Hypotension is a disease when the pressure is below normal and is accompanied by a violation of the functions of the heart or cerebral circulation. Therefore, in order to normalize the pressure, it is necessary to press intensively on the necessary points on the human body, which are responsible for the human organs.

To do this, with the nail of the thumb, little by little, but intermittently, press the end of the little finger along the edges of the nail, which is clamped by the thumb and forefinger. It is advisable to do this in the morning in bed or when there is a feeling of lethargy. The point under the thyroid gland, where the collarbones meet, also helps. The impact must be short in time, but preferably strong.

Video about biologically active points on the human body and what they are responsible for

Massage on biologically active points on the face according to the Norbekov system:

Detailed description of reflexology:

Need to remember that any disease is easier to cure or prevent when it is in initial stage and did not have time to lead to those irreversible changes and consequences, when you no longer have to think about the full restoration of health - just to improve the patient's quality of life.
Professor Wu WeiXin.

Chinese medicine. Atlas of active points.
Therapeutic self-massage.

Grab your feet...

There is a well-known saying that one cannot carry one's homeland on the soles of one's boots... But in China and in the East in general, they are sure that on the soles, of course, not of boots, but of our feet, one can carry away one's own health!

Wise Chinese for their centuries-old history invented not only paper, compass, silk, glass and gunpowder. They found that by massaging certain areas on the soles of the feet, one can mitigate or even completely eliminate pain in various parts of the body: joints, muscles, internal organs. In this way, you provide unhindered access to vital energy. qi to any organ and point of your body.

According to the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, there are more than 60 active zones and points on the feet, and there are also important Jinglo channels, and the “slags” of the human body are also concentrated. Accumulating for a long time in the human body, toxins interfere with normal blood circulation and can cause various diseases.

Foot massage affects the reflex points of the foot, stimulating and balancing the general condition of the internal organs and the body as a whole. It relieves nervous stress, fatigue, psycho-emotional arousal, calms and puts the nervous system in order, improves metabolism and strengthens the body's defenses.
To date, reflexology, as one of the methods of non-drug therapy, has firmly entered the arsenal of Western medicine, and foot massage is necessary for both sick and healthy people who care about the state of their immunity and nervous system. It is known that there are points on the foot - projections of all internal organs, and by influencing them, we gently and effectively influence the functioning of the body.

Systematic foot massage will help to quickly restore the harmony of body and soul.

Remember that with a headache, you need to massage your thumb, with an eye disease - two middle fingers, with pain in the ears - the outer toes, with problems with the spine - the inside of the sole. The remaining options are clearly visible in the above diagram.




Reflex zones and areas


Acupuncture has been known for over 5,000 years, a Chinese method of treatment using golden needles. Recently, a modern analogue of such a technique has appeared - electropuncture. However, not everyone knows that there is another method - acupressure. In Japan, a similar technique is called shi-atsu (shi - fingers, atsu - pressure).

Acupressure treats with finger pressure.

Acupressure Sura is a further development of acupuncture. It uses the same points and meridians that acupuncture needles are inserted into, but acupressure rejects the use of metal in treatment, making the technique gentler and safer, with little to no reduction in effectiveness. Instead of metal needles, with the same effect, the thumb and forefinger are used.(you can also own, if available).

Pressing-pressing fingers on the right points relieves many ailments and disorders.

Acupressure not only relieves pain, but also reduces the time of illness, eliminates the violation of the functional activity of organs, eliminates the organic consequences of neurosis: anxiety, restlessness, fear.

Every person who knows the most important points on the body and medical indications, following the easy-to-remember rules of accupres- sion, will be able to help himself!

Acupressure relieves pain and effectively treats those diseases that are caused by disorders of the nervous system, and this is every second disease in our hectic time. But above all, acupressure is a reliable, safe and effective method of dealing with pain - and this without any side effects. This method is especially effective when it is successfully selected and, all the more pleasant, the carrier of influence.

Acupressure does not cause pain from a needle prick, does not cause bleeding, and eliminates the introduction of infection into the body. But most importantly, this doctor is always with you!

Varieties reflex points

The locations of the acupuncture and acupressure points are known exactly. They are located on 14 meridian lines, which have long been explored. These meridians have certain names, for example, "Big heart" ("Master of the heart"), "Three-degree heater" or "Guverneur meridian", while three types of points are used on each meridian:

    "Harmonizing points" - lying at the beginning and end of the meridian. Their acupressure gives harmonious echoes in all organs related to this meridian.

    "Exciting point" - only one on each meridian. Its acupressure activates the reaction and efficiency of the organs related to this meridian.

    "Calming point" - also only one on each meridian. This point suppresses, calms, relieves a nervous state; sensations during her acupressure are most pleasant.

Relief is brought by enhanced acupressure of the system of so-called "Signal (alarm) points ("Moon-points"). Each major organ has its own signal point. Proper acupressure of this point contributes to an immediate improvement in a person's condition and, in particular, a reduction in pain.

In recent years of study at Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, a number of "special points" relating to certain ailments (diseases) have been discovered.

Below are images of the most important points of acupressure. This can be a “Calming point” for sleep disorders, and an “Exciting point” for low blood pressure, and a “Harmonizing point” for an anxious state of general neurosis, and a “Signal point” for colic and joint pain, and a “Special point "with a decrease in potency.

The figures below show typical hotspot locations. Due to the individual characteristics of the physique, the location of the points may deviate within one centimeter. With the help of a special device that measures the resistance of the skin, the location of the point is determined by the reduced resistance value with an accuracy of one millimeter. However, for accupressure, such accuracy is redundant (the size of the finger is larger). As a rule, the acupressure point reacts to strong pressure with a clear pain impulse, which makes it easier to find it in the desired area of ​​the body.

How to influence the acupressure point?

Doctors of Traditional Chinese Medicine distinguish three degrees of influence on treatment points:

    in case of acute pains and in the primary treatment, the use of a light circular massage of the point is indicated, which is performed with the tip of the index finger of the hand. The duration of the massage is from one to five minutes.

    in chronic diseases, depending on the general condition of the patient, it is best and more reliable to use acupressure of medium strength. Multiple massages during the day are recommended, the duration of acupressure is up to 30-40 seconds.

    strong acupressure is done primarily with the thumb, but other variations are possible.

When the desired active point is found on the body, they touch the skin with the tip of the index or thumb, then they begin to make circular movements with the finger, moving the skin relative to the bone or muscle tissue in a rhythm of two revolutions per second. At the same time, attention should be paid to the fact that when exposed, the finger constantly remains on the required point of the body.

With a symmetrical effect on the points of accupressure, one should be especially careful.


Acupressure in its simplified form cannot replace the necessary medical treatment in an emergency, but it can be used as an additional pain relief treatment, as well as for first aid.

Acupressure is contraindicated in:

    severe organic diseases of the heart and circulatory systems

    during pregnancy

    with severe fatigue

    until the treatment of a skin disease at the acupressure point (for example, suppuration, lichen, etc.)

How to do acupressure correctly?

Sit or lie on your back.

Take a break from everything for a while, make sure there are no external stimuli: (conversations of relatives, phone calls, etc.)

Place the tip of your index finger on the desired point of the body (accupressure point).

Lightly press on the skin and at the same time begin to make circular movements with your finger, while making sure that the finger does not leave this point of the body during movement.

The duration of acupressure is from half a minute to five minutes. The action always comes quickly and is felt for a long time.

Acupressure can be repeated many times throughout the day!

See also: Therapeutic Exercises for the Elderly or Chronically Ill. Chinese Wellness Gymnastics Sheng Yoga Therapy

Syndromes and diseases curable with acupressure.

Fear, depression; general neurosis.
Harmonizing Point" Divine Indifference".
Light acupressure up to five minutes, carried out in sitting position index fingers of both hands simultaneously.

Headache, frontal pain.

Calming point (symmetrical) "Hsi-san".
Light acupressure with the thumbs, always synchronous on both sides. During acupressure, the eyes should be closed.

Headache with migraine.

Calming point "Ho-gun".
Holding the point between the forefinger and thumb of the massaging hand, light rhythmic acupressure is performed with the help of the index finger. Duration - up to five minutes.

Headache, neck pain.

Special (symmetrical) point "Fen-chi".
Strong rhythmic acupressure synchronously with both hands, can be carried out with both index and thumbs.

Hypertonic disease(high blood pressure.)

Harmonizing point "Yuan-hsing".
Gentle acupressure with the index finger for up to five minutes. Mandatory rest. At long-term use take a week off.

Pain in the region of the heart.

soothing point "Hi-ti" - "Ha-fun-li".
Acupressure is light, best in lying position, is carried out with the thumb, holding the brush with the index and thumb of the massaging hand. Complete peace.

Fatigue, fatigue.

Exciting (special) point.
Acupressure is performed with the tip of the thumb for an hour, holding the little finger of the right hand between the index and thumb of the left hand.

Circulatory disorders
(blockage of blood vessels, poor blood flow, etc.)

Exciting point "En-mu".
clamp middle finger one hand between the index and thumb of the other. Acupressure is performed by pressing with an average effort with the thumbnail in the rhythm of the heartbeat alternately on both hands, changing the middle fingers in a minute.

Intensive circulation. Reduced blood pressure.

Exciting point "Wuy-ti".
Intense (to the point of pain), but short-term acupressure with the thumbnail of the other hand. With reduced pressure, it is recommended to carry out acupressure in the morning in bed.

Sleep disorders, insomnia.

Special (harmonizing) point "Han-uan".
Light acupressure with the index finger in a state of complete rest. Action is more efficient (faster) with right side than on the left.

Age disorders (transitional age).

Harmonizing point "Tan-Neil" or "Yen-May".
Light pressure with the tip of the index finger, if possible in the morning, with complete rest.

Sexual disorders (including weak male erection)

Special point "Lo-simui".
Light acupressure with the index finger. Partner acupressure is preferred. A state of rest is needed.

Sexual disorders (impotence in men, coldness in women).

Special point "Che-li-ke".
It is carried out by alternating light and intense acupressure with the index finger. It is desirable to conduct acupressure with a partner. A state of rest is needed.

Lumbosacral sciatica.

Special point "Ha-se".
Strong acupressure is carried out with the help of the thumbs simultaneously on both sides. Accupressure duration - up to 2 minutes.

Neck sciatica. Lumbago.

Harmonizing point "Fayuan".
Put your index fingers on the points, and squeeze the body in this place with your thumbs. Acupressure is carried out with the index fingers synchronously on both sides, at first light, then with intensification.

Runny nose, headache from a cold

1. Harmonizing point "Hee-shni". 2. Exciting point "Hu-san".
3. Soothing point "Fusan". 4. Special point "Ni-chi".
All points are symmetrical.
Acupressure is done in mild form with the tips of the index fingers of both hands synchronously on both sides (one minute each pair of points). The sequence of carrying out 1 → 2 → 3 → 4. It also helps as a prophylactic agent.


2. Exciting point "Ku-san". 3. Soothing point "Fu-san".
Acupressure is carried out in a mild form with the tips of the index fingers synchronously on both sides, each point is massaged alternately for one minute.

Sore throat - inflammation, etc.

Exciting point "Hse-khum".
Pinch the thumb between the index and thumb of the other hand. Acupressure is carried out with medium effort, mainly by pressing the thumb, alternately changing hands. The duration is only 10 seconds.

upper respiratory catarrh

Special (symmetrical) point "Slim-by".
Sit quietly, eyes closed. Acupressure is performed with moderate effort with the index fingers of both hands ( thumbs chin up). The duration of the acupressure is 64 circular movements.

Ear ache

Harmonizing point "Yun Yuva".
Soft pressure is carried out with the index finger. Effective only in the affected ear area. The duration of exposure is until improvement occurs.

Sharp pain. Toothache.

Special point "Lo-ba".
Intensive acupressure for 10-15 seconds with the nail of the index finger.

Pain of a rheumatic nature

Calming point.
Gentle but prolonged acupressure - up to 7 minutes, using the index finger alternately on both hands.

Stomach disorders (gastrointestinal pain).

1-Harmonizing point "Du-zhe" - spasms, colic. 2-Harmonizing point "Du-nshi-(li)" - diarrhea. 3-Harmonizing point "Tu-tssi" - constipation.
Only light but prolonged (patient) acupressure with index fingers, preferably while lying in bed. Point "2" requires synchronism on both sides.

Thirst, constant thirst.

soothing point "Yuan Ching".
The only point of the mucous membrane of the human body, located at a distance of about one centimeter from the tip of the tongue. Acupressure is performed in the form of a light biting of the tongue at a given point with the front teeth (incisors) at a rate of 2-3 times per second.

Pain in the joints.

Harmonizing point "Yuin-hai-li".
Acupressure is performed with the index finger. For acute pain - only light acupressure, for chronic diseases - strong, intense acupressure. The duration of exposure is until the condition improves.

Pain in the gallbladder (colic, feeling of fullness).

soothing point "Hunsan".
Light acupressure with the index fingers of both hands at the same time. The duration of exposure is until the condition improves. Effective as a prophylactic.

Asthma. Dyspnea. Cough (smoking cessation).

special point "Hibajax".
Pressure is carried out in a mild form with the index finger for up to 1 minute. Acupressure can be repeated at any time. In the case of smoking cessation, acupressure is performed when there is a desire to smoke again. In this case, a short-term, but intense (to the point of pain) acupressure is performed. It is desirable to carry out also therapy as for hypotension (low blood pressure, see above).

Eye diseases (ripples in the eyes, eyelid trembling, eye pain)

Calming point "Tali-yuan".
Soft acupressure of the eye cavity in the sequence indicated by numbers. During acupressure, the eyes are closed.

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