Boris Dubrovsky personal life. A good man is a bad governor Boris Dubrovsky. Political career of Boris Dubrovsky

Just google (here Yandex will help you) how and where, how the May Day and May holidays in general were celebrated by governors in Russia and in our neighboring regions. Yes, just take a look at the official websites of the heads of the subjects and take a look at the list of recent events with their participation, what informational occasions and agendas they use and generate, how and from what angle they are served, and the difference between all of them and Boris Alexandrovich separately somewhere absent on a personal initiative will be visible to the naked eye.

The governor at the head or formally in the front row of the May Day column is both a tradition and an attribute of power. This is a signal to the people and elites that he is the first person, that he keeps his finger on the pulse and at the same time that he, along with the very people of labor, is walking side by side, which means that he at least understands how the region entrusted to him lives, and understands as much as possible what to do with all this. And if he is not around, what other signs do everyone else need, tell me, do they need signs?! ..

In addition, every custom has a context. The current May holidays are the last significant milestone before the dacha-garden season and the autumn election campaign already at times. The most important and, perhaps, the only truly significant elections in Russia and for Russia - including for each head of the region, territory, republic. Simply put, this is the last opportunity to influence the social and social climate in the province before the bulk of the voters go with their thoughts, hopes and phobias to gardens and orchards. And they will return from there not only tanned, but also with a harvest. Including some conclusions and opinions.

The closest geographical and political neighbor of Boris Dubrovsky, the Sverdlovsk governor Yevgeny Kuyvashev, has at least Rezh - his own socially acute and informationally problematic point on the map. Governor Dubrovsky has much more such “points”: offhand, these are Satka, Bakal, Verkhny Ufaley. Trade-union activists of these more and more red in every sense single-industry towns were at the festive rally-procession on May 1 and saw anyone: Myakush, Teftelev, Burmatov, they even saw a camel, but the one who was supposed to address them with the right and at the same time ritual words, they never noticed either in the forefront or on the podium.

The official, politician and man Boris Dubrovsky had more important things to do that day. And he made that very personal decision.

Ahead is another anniversary without any irony and exaggeration of the Great Victory. A holiday that truly unites people, their memory and the feeling of being the successors of something big and more than a thousand years old. A holiday with tears in the eyes of many so far. Boris Dubrovsky sort of promised to be there, and as a resident and voter, I sincerely wish that he kept at least this promise and marched along with the Immortal Regiment and took part in the regional Victory Parade. Because it is unlikely that Myakush, Teftelev, Burmatov and even a camel will be able to replace him on this day for the inhabitants of the region - him, Dubrovsky, voters, not workers, and more importantly, his fellow countrymen, Boris Aleksandrovich.

Russian news


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Thanos, Marvel comics character


Google's Infinity Gauntlet is Destroying Half of Search Results

Karamzin Kantemir Feliksovich Artur Kokoev

compromising- natural@ protonmail. com

At this place there was an article under the heading "Gold dissuaded Summa, or Why the forecast of the Kompromat-Ural editorial board regarding Ziya (v) udin Magomedov comes true." The text of the article dated 04/04/2018 consisted of five paragraphs. Only one of them mentioned Mikhail Kiyko. Mikhail Yuryevich is now the former general director of JSC United Grain Company (OZK). Kiyko stayed in this position for barely a year and a half, and was fired in November 2018. OZK JSC is half owned by a businessman Ziyavudin Magomedov.

The mention in the above-mentioned article of the "relationship of financial dependence" between Magomedov and Kiyko caused displeasure of the latter. Mr. Kiyko's application to remove the disputed article (all five paragraphs, and not just about Kiyko) was considered by a judge of the Arbitration Court of the Sverdlovsk Region Elena Seliverstova. She fully satisfied the far-fetched, in our opinion, claim.

On January 9, 2019, the decision came into force. Following the letter of the law, the editors of Kompromat-Ural removed the text within the prescribed period. Nevertheless, we will continue to appeal against the illegal and absurd, in our opinion, judicial act and we thank all readers who assist in this.

We remind you of the feedback address:compromising- natural@ protonmail. com

The May holidays turned out to be hot for the correspondents of the Kompromat-Ural portal. We have new information at our disposal to continue the anti-corruption investigation against the deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation Nikolay Brykin. This is a former general of the tax police and the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and now a representative of the lower house of parliament in the Supreme Court (Brykin was delegated to the State Duma in 2016 on the list of United Russia from Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, YaNAO and the Tyumen Region).

The scandals around Brykin are caused by the fact that the Ugra businessman from the “list Titov» Konstantin Dyulgerov, forced to flee Russia from the pressure of the security forces, openly accused the retired general of organizing a custom-made criminal prosecution. Dyulgerov revealed the details of his misadventures in detail in an up-to-date interview with Novaya Gazeta. The victim in the dubious case of Dyulgerov is Brykin's son-in-law Sergey Kiryanov, and the hero of the scandal, as the editors of Kompromat-Ural found out, before being nominated to the State Duma, re-registered multimillion-dollar development assets on the Black Sea coast to his daughter Valentin Kiryanov(in 2016, Breeze LLC, rewritten to it, had property worth almost half a billion rubles on its balance sheet!). Brykin went to the deputies already as a modest representative of the "patriotic fund" (legally, this was a fiction).

The other day, the editorial office of Kompromat-Ural received a response from the Assistant Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation Valeria Volkova(Valery Georgievich came from the leadership of the Office of the Prosecutor General for Supervision of the Implementation of Anti-Corruption Legislation). We turned to Yuri Seagull on the issue of verifying the reliability of declaration information about the personal wealth of Mr. Brykin. Does the people's servant live within his means, who in the shortest possible time after his dismissal from the Ministry of Internal Affairs turned into a dollar millionaire, and then also quickly got rid of his "deserved" wealth before the elections to the State Duma?

In a recent publication by our colleagues from the Tyumen publication, it was noted that, according to formal declarations, Nikolai Brykin dangles at the bottom of the deputy rating: “in 2017, his income amounted to“ only ”4.8 million rubles. Less than the rest, but do not rush to conclusions. He owns two huge plots of land, a couple of spacious country houses and a modest apartment of 76 squares. His wife has a bigger apartment: 116 square meters. It also recorded four residential country houses and two land plots. And all their family vehicles are registered to Brykin's wife - Toyota Land Cruiser, Shore Land SRV31B trailer and Sea Ray 185S boat. How the lady managed to buy it all herself, earning 2.9 million a year, one can only guess.

Yury Chaika's assistant told the Kompromat-Ural editors that the Duma commission for monitoring the reliability of information about income, headed by Natalia Poklonskaya(She is also Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Security and Anti-Corruption). Therefore, according to the answer of Valery Volkov, the appeal about Brykin was sent to the lower house. The editors of Kompromat-Ural will follow the answers of the apparatus of the speaker of the State Duma Viacheslav Volodin and profile committee. In mid-April, Mrs. Poklonskaya confirmed to reporters that Brykin was indeed one of the five defendants in the anti-corruption checks conducted by the commission she leads. By the way, in this list, Brykin is next to the “pubic” deputy from the Liberal Democratic Party, the hero of immoral sex scandals Leonid Slutsky.

Current Publications

11,000 deceived shareholders of the bankrupt investment fund Yamal can join the depositors of the bank Yugra, whose claims are directed to the banker arrested the other day Alexey Khotyn. As follows from the published documents studied by the editors of Kompromat-Ural, more than a billion rubles from the assets of Yamal were directed to the purchase of obviously illiquid bills of the Krasny Bogatyr company, controlled by Khotin. It is obvious that the banker could pull off such a large-scale scam only in collusion with the former leaders of Yamal and the fund's property management company.

In November last year, the inglorious history of the Yamal Fund OJSC, which was dubbed the “Yamal MMM” in the press, ended with the ruling of the arbitration court on the liquidation of the enterprise. Almost 11,000 residents of the Autonomous Okrug, including representatives of the small peoples of the North, whose small incomes were skillfully used by swindlers, remained deceived by the fund's investors.

In a letter to the Governor of YaNAO Dmitry Kobylkin dated 2010, minority shareholders told how in the early 90s the former CEO of the Fund Evgeniy Sklyarov He actively traveled around the cities and towns of the Okrug, not ignoring even the temporary camps of reindeer herders, met with people and persistently offered them to exchange the recently received privatization checks for the Fund's shares.

At first, the investors who responded to this offer felt confident: the fund converted the collected vouchers into Gazprom shares, which until 2008 accounted for 90% of its investment portfolio. And then events began, which can only be explained by the selfish interests of people authorized to make decisions ...

Perm security officials hope sooner or later to detain the former chairman of the board of JSCB "Ekoprombank" Andrew Tueva(TIN 590301312244), who has been in Cyprus for several years, evading extradition to Russia in every possible way. According to investigators, Tuev's machinations to withdraw assets brought the bank to a financial collapse, sources from the Kompromat-Ural editors say. Today this is perceived as satirical, but the accused New Cypriot himself was a member of the organization “Public Commission for Combating Corruption in the Perm Region” several years ago.

By August 1, 2012, the obligations of Ecoprombank to creditors exceeded the financial capabilities of the institution by 847 million rubles! And by the time the license was revoked on August 18, 2014, this amount had increased to 3.1 billion rubles. Ecoprombank was established in 1992 and ranked 252nd in the TOP-300 banks. It is believed that 53% of the bank's shares belonged to the structures of the ex-general director of Silvinit Petra Kondrasheva, the rest - to the deputy Vladimir Nelyubin(also in the dock, his criminal case is being considered in the Leninsky District Court of Perm) and his companions.

The former chairman of the board of JSCB Ecoprombank Andrey Tuev fled Russia shortly after the bank's bankruptcy - on December 8, 2015. According to Interpol, Tuev, his wife Tatiana Mazuka, their son has been registered in Germany since 2011. The German identification cards issued by him, which were valid until the end of 2016, gave the defendants the right to permanent residence in Germany and to free movement in 26 countries that are members of the Schengen Agreement, as well as in the Republic of Cyprus and more than ten other states that are not part of this agreement.

On June 2, 2016, Tuev's wife flew from Moscow's Sheremetyevo to the Munich airport and never returned to Russia. In the bankrupt Ecoprombank, she worked as a member of the board, head of the treasury, deputy chief accountant - and became suspected of complicity in the fraud imputed to Tuev.

Do you know about financial abuse? Write to the editorial office of Kompromat-Ural:compromising- natural@ protonmail. com

After sending numerous appeals to the Presidential Administration, the Prosecutor General's Office, the FSB, the Investigative Committee and the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Kompromat-Ural editors became aware of the arrest of the scandalous lawyer involved in numerous frauds with large property assets. Prisoner - 48-year-old Karamzin Kantemir Feliksovich(TIN 773373042820, before the change of passport was Artur Kokoev). In the registers of the Federal Tax Service, he is a director of Nobel Technologies LLC, a co-owner of Lie Detector CJSC and Kamchatsky Medved LLC (a legal entity of one employee) and a former co-founder of International Lottery Company LLC (liquidated by the tax authorities as inactive). Judging by the abundance of the same type of sugary-laudatory links issued by Internet search engines in the first positions, Karamzin tried to hide from the public the unpleasant, with a criminal smell, facts of his biography.

Readers and correspondents of the Kompromat-Ural publication are interested in Mr. Karamzin (Kokaev) in connection with information about his corrupt relations with government officials and involvement in raider attacks. Now Karamzin is in a pre-trial detention center on suspicion of a particularly large-scale fraud. He was detained upon his return to Moscow from the United States, where he ignored the requests of Russian law enforcement officers for a long time. According to Pravo.Ru, the arrest took place at the entrance to the Moscow Arbitration Court. At the same time, Karamzin “became ill”, but the ambulance doctors who arrived in time did not find any reason for his hospitalization. Artistic abilities did not help this time?

The circumstances of the arrest indirectly confirm the exaggerated version of the close acquaintances of the suspect with "werewolves in robes." According to media reports, the measure of restraint for Karamzin was specially chosen not in the capital, but in the Moscow region - in the city court of Balashikha, "because of his connections in the Moscow judicial system."

In the comments of the readers of the Rosbalt news agency, it is reported (literally): "the corrupt judges with whom he was cranking out have long been reassigned and went on promotion ...". Sources from the editorial board of Kompromat-Ural believe that the FSB operatives will be interested in the arrestee's revelations about his connections in the justice system and the actions of the "judicial mafia" (unless, of course, there is one in our impeccable legal state). In the future, the recorded testimony may be useful for the Investigative Committee of Russia and the High Qualifications Board of Judges. Our correspondents, in turn, are also ready to receive interesting information and make it available to the competent authorities. Write:compromising- natural@ protonmail. com

The editors of Kompromat-Ural keep under control information about the schemes and scandals around the Naftagaz company. Recent reports from corporate and law enforcement sources suggest that Tokay Kerimov, the beneficiary of Naftagaz, which includes Naftagaz-Drilling, plans to introduce enterprises into the so-called "controlled bankruptcy". “The scheme may be as follows,” says an employee of law enforcement agencies, “not without the knowledge of Tokay Kerimov and the General Director of Naftagaz-Drilling” Islam Nazaraliyev LLCs are registered for third parties, where machinery and equipment are purchased with the money of creditors. Then all this is leased to NG-Bureniy at prices with all signs that they are obviously higher than market prices. Thus, Kerimov has two killed birds with one stone. Firstly, money is flowing for cash, and, secondly, creditors are increasing in front of the same friendly companies.”

The editors of Kompromat-Ural are collecting new information from knowledgeable experts to evaluate the version presented. According to the economist Andrey Weber, “such a scheme is used, as a rule, when a deliberate bankruptcy is planned. In the situation with Naftagaz-Drilling, the owner Tokay Kerimov and the company's management are acting according to a well-known scenario - they are doing everything to ensure that debts to friendly firms are higher than to other creditors. Then friendly firms will file for bankruptcy of NG-Burenia, Kerimov will appoint his own person as bankruptcy trustee and bankrupt the company as he pleases, most likely, he will transfer all the property to newly created legal entities with front owners. Thus, Tokay Kerimov will be able to bring NG-Bureniye into controlled bankruptcy,” the expert sums up his opinion.

It is worth noting that today Naftagaz-Drilling owes more than 3 billion rubles to real creditors, and a debt to “dummy” ones is likely to be about the same amount.

The largest operator of the waste reform, Municipal Unitary Enterprise of Yekaterinburg "Spetsavtobaza", for which the mayor is responsible Alexander Vysokinsky, under the pressure of public protest and the actions of inspection bodies, was forced to admit the exorbitance of their financial appetites. The day before, correspondents of the Kompromat-Ural project learned that Spetsavtobaza had changed its mind about getting an increase in its tariffs through the courts. Recall that the consideration of the claim in the Sverdlovsk Regional Court ended in failure for the scandalous enterprise: Themis sided with the prosecutor's office.

The resonance from the tricks of the new leadership of the "Spetsatobaza", which appeared in the MUP after the "accession" of Vysokinsky in the mayor's office, has already reached Moscow. So far - to the federal government, but soon Vysokinsky may "fly in" from the Presidential Administration, with which, as any official knows, jokes are bad. Head of the Federal Antimonopoly Service Igor Artemiev took personal control over the money "Wishlist" of EMUP "Spetsavtobaza". The head of the Regional Energy Commission (REC) of the Sverdlovsk Region can get from Artemiev Andrew Grishanov. This governor's appointee Evgeniya Kuyvashev coordinated tariffs for the waste operator together with his subordinates.

The main Russian anti-monopoly officer officially confirmed the fact of an inspection in relation to the regional REC "in order to determine the reliability and economic feasibility of tariffs" of EMUP Spetsavtobaza. According to the editors of Kompromat-Ural, the FAS Russia inspectorate has already pointed out signs of violations of the law committed by the RECs. Now Andrei Grishanov's department has the right to submit objections to the central office of the FAS, but has not yet done so, Artemyev specified. In any case, he promises to hold a special meeting of the commission in Moscow on the problem of the inflated tariffs of the Ekaterinburg Spetsavtobaza. Our correspondents will follow developments.

Meanwhile, the forecast made by the analysts of the Kompromat-Ural portal in one of the previous publications is confirmed. We reported that this Klondike for law enforcement (not only the prosecutor's office, but, for example, the FSB and the TFR) and control and supervisory authorities (primarily the regional OFAS under the leadership Dmitry Shalabodova) may become the procurement activity of EMUP Spetsavtobaza. In other words, where are the billions collected from citizens and businesses under the enslaving "garbage reform" flowing from the municipal enterprise? Particularly interesting are the facts of ignoring the requirements of transparency and manipulation with procurement procedures ...

Observers of the publication "Kompromat-Ural" are working on the development of a public investigation into the activities of EMUE "Spetsavtobaza". We are grateful to readers for interesting messages on a topical topic:compromising- natural@ protonmail. com

Boris Dubrovsky was born on November 22, 1958 in the city of Magnitogorsk, Chelyabinsk Region. He grew up in a simple family of workers. His father worked in a coke production, and his mother worked as a commodity accountant. Parents divorced when the boy was eight years old. His mother subsequently remarried, changing her surname to Kravchenko.

Dubrovsky Boris graduated from Magnitogorsk secondary school No. 56. In 1976 he went to work at the Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works as an apprentice inspector. From 1977 to 1979, the future politician served in the armed forces of the USSR.

At the end of military service, he worked as a mechanic at the same Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works. He quickly climbed the career ladder: from a mechanic for the repair of metallurgical equipment to a foreman of repairmen, then a senior foreman, head of the rolling department, a little later - deputy head, and then took the chair of the head of the sheet rolling shop.

In the late 80s, Dubrovsky studied at the evening department of the local mining and metallurgical institute. In 1990 he received a diploma from the Moscow State Medical Institute with a degree in metal forming. Until 2000, Boris Aleksandrovich worked as the chief rolling agent of OJSC MMK. After that, he took the position of deputy commercial director, later he received an offer to head the equipment management department.

In 2001, Dubrovsky received his second higher education at the Academy of National Economy under the Government of the Russian Federation. It became for him a start to further career growth. In 2002, Boris Alexandrovich Dubrovsky was appointed to two positions at once: the duties of Chief Technical Director and Chief Engineer of OJSC Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works fell on his shoulders.

In the period from 2002 to 2003, Dubrovsky worked part-time as the General Director of OAO Magnitogorsk Hardware and Metallurgical Plant. In 2003, he began working as a sales director in the domestic market of OJSC MMK, and five years later, he became a sales director and executive director of MMK.

Since 2009, for two years, Boris Alexandrovich served as First Deputy General Director of Uralvagonzavod. Since 2011, he returned to MMK, but already as the general director of the enterprise, and worked in this position until January 15, 2014.

The political career of Boris Dubrovsky began after the resignation in January 2014 of the governor of the Chelyabinsk region, Mikhail Yurevich. After that, by decree of the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin dated January 15, 2014, Boris Aleksandrovich Dubrovsky was appointed Acting Governor of the Chelyabinsk Region.

In March 2014, Dubrovsky presented to the public a draft updated strategy for the development of the Chelyabinsk region, planned for implementation until 2020. It received the loud name "Strategy-2020". The main goal of this program was to improve the quality of life of the local population. In 2014, Dubrovsky's candidacy was registered for the election of the governor of the Chelyabinsk region from the United Russia party. According to the results of the popular vote, which took place on September 14, 2014, Boris Alexandrovich was elected to the post of head of the region, gaining more than 80% of the vote.

In 2014, Boris Dubrovsky began cooperation with IKEA and instructed his subordinates to find a site for the construction of a shopping center of the same name. The best place was chosen Sosnovsky district of the Chelyabinsk region. The opening of the first company store in the Urals is planned for 2020.

At the end of April 2015, a delegation from Chelyabinsk, headed by the governor, visited the Republic of Belarus on issues of cooperation in creating a machine tool cluster.

In March 2016, Boris Aleksandrovich paid an official visit to Iran. This business visit was made in order to find a sales market and new business partners for the South Urals. Boris Dubrovsky also pays special attention to improving the investment climate in the Chelyabinsk region. For example, on June 9 of the same year in Chelyabinsk, on his initiative, the third forum for representatives of small and medium-sized businesses was held.

In March 2019, Boris Dubrovsky resigned as governor of the Chelyabinsk region.

Family of Boris Dubrovsky

Boris Dubrovsky is married to Vera Gennadievna Dubrovskaya - a woman has a medical education and lives in Moscow. The couple raised two children.

Son Alexander, born in 1983, graduated from the Technical University. Nosov of the city of Magnitogorsk and a branch of URAGS, located in his hometown. Since 2007, he has been the head of the Novatek Management Company, as well as the closed joint-stock company Bobrovsky Plant of Reinforced Concrete Structures Energia. Married, has a son Oleg - the grandson of the governor of the Chelyabinsk region.

Daughter Anna, who was born in 1992, graduated from the Faculty of Global Processes of Moscow State University with a degree in political science. She received her diploma in 2014.

Boris Dubrovsky awards

Boris Alexandrovich has a number of awards, including the medal "For Merit to the Fatherland" II degree, received in 2003, as well as the Order of Honor, which appeared in his collection in 2012. But, according to him, most of all, a politician is proud of the distinction "For Merit in front of the Chelyabinsk region”, which he was awarded in 2013.

Boris Alexandrovich Dubrovsky - former governor of the Chelyabinsk region, in the past - general director of the Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works. He is a metallurgical engineer by education. On March 19, 2019, he resigned of his own free will.

Family and childhood

Boris Alexandrovich Dubrovsky was born into a simple family of workers, whose history goes back to Belarus - there, in the village of Pirogovshchina, his ancestors lived from the 19th century. His father, Dubrovsky A.V., worked at the coke production, his mother, Dubrovskaya V.A., worked as a commodity accountant.

Boris Alexandrovich's parents divorced when the boy was eight years old. His mother subsequently remarried, changing her surname to Kravchenko. Dubrovsky grew up in the Leninsky district of the city of Magnitogorsk, on Lomonosov Street, and after the divorce of his parents, he lived on Lenin Avenue.

Education and work

Dubrovsky Boris graduated from Magnitogorsk secondary school No. 56. In 1976, he joined the Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works (MMK) as an apprentice controller. From 1977 to 1979, the future politician served in the armed forces of the USSR.

Lecture with the participation of Governor Boris Dubrovsky

At the end of his military service, between 1979 and 1990, Dubrovsky worked as a mechanic at the same MMK. He quickly climbed the career ladder: from a mechanic for the repair of metallurgical equipment to a foreman of repairmen, then a senior foreman, head of the rolling department, a little later - deputy head, and then took the chair of the head of the sheet rolling shop.

In the late 80s, Dubrovsky studied at the evening department of the local Mining and Metallurgical Institute (MGMI). In 1990, Boris Aleksandrovich received a diploma from the Moscow State Medical Institute with a degree in metal forming.

Until 2000, Boris Aleksandrovich worked as the chief rolling agent of OJSC MMK. In 2000, he took the position of Deputy Commercial Director, later he received an offer to head the Equipment Management Department, which he gladly accepted.

In 2001, Dubrovsky received a second higher education - at the Academy of National Economy under the Government of the Russian Federation. It became for him a start to further career growth. In 2002, Boris Alexandrovich Dubrovsky was appointed to two positions at once: the duties of Chief Technical Director and Chief Engineer of OJSC Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works fell on his shoulders.

In the period from 2002 to 2003, Dubrovsky worked part-time as the General Director of OAO Magnitogorsk Hardware and Metallurgical Plant. The year 2003 was marked by the beginning of work as a sales director in the domestic market of OJSC MMK, and a little later, five years later, he became a sales director and executive director of MMK.

2009 - 2011 Dubrovsky worked as First Deputy General Director of Uralvagonzavod. Since 2011, he returned to MMK, but already as the general director of the enterprise, and worked in this position until January 15, 2014.

For the high performance of his work, Boris Dubrovsky in 2012 took seventh place in the list of the highest paid top managers in the Russian Federation according to Forbes magazine.

Political career of Boris Dubrovsky

The political career of Boris Dubrovsky began after the resignation in January 2014 of the governor of the Chelyabinsk region, Mikhail Yurevich. After that, by decree of the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin dated January 15, 2014, Boris Aleksandrovich Dubrovsky was appointed Acting Governor of the Chelyabinsk Region.

Governor of the Chelyabinsk region Boris Dubrovsky: big interview

In March 2014, Dubrovsky presented to the public a draft of an updated development strategy for the Chelyabinsk region, planned for implementation until 2020. It received the loud name "Strategy-2020". The main goal of this program was to improve the quality of life of the local population.

In 2014, Dubrovsky's candidacy was registered for the election of the governor of the Chelyabinsk region from the United Russia. According to the results of the popular vote, which took place on September 14, 2014, Boris Alexandrovich was elected to the post of head of the region, gaining more than 80% of the vote.

In 2014, Boris Dubrovsky began cooperation with IKEA and instructed his subordinates to find a site for the construction of a shopping center of the same name. In December 2015, the company's management announced that the budget for the contribution to future construction was about 10 billion rubles. The best place was chosen Sosnovsky district of the Chelyabinsk region. The opening of the first company store in the Urals is planned for 2020.

At the end of April 2015, a delegation from Chelyabinsk, headed by the governor, visited the Republic of Belarus on issues of cooperation in creating a machine tool cluster.

In March 2016, Boris Aleksandrovich paid an official visit to Iran. This business visit was made in order to find a sales market and new business partners for the South Urals.

Boris Dubrovsky also paid special attention to improving the investment climate in the Chelyabinsk region. For example, on June 9 of the same year in Chelyabinsk, on his initiative, the third forum for representatives of small and medium-sized businesses was held.

Personal life of Boris Dubrovsky

Boris Dubrovsky is married to Vera Gennadievna Dubrovskaya - a woman has a medical education (nurse), lives in Moscow. The couple raised two children.

Son Alexander, born in 1983, graduated from the Technical University. Nosov of the city of Magnitogorsk (2005) and a branch of the UrAGS (2009), located in his hometown. Currently engaged in business. Since 2007, he has been the head of the Novatek Management Company, as well as the closed joint-stock company Bobrovsky Plant of Reinforced Concrete Structures Energia. He is married and has a son, Oleg, the grandson of the governor of the Chelyabinsk region.

Governor Boris Dubrovsky passes TRP standards

Daughter Anna, who was born in 1992, graduated from the Faculty of Global Processes of Moscow State University with a degree in political science. She received her diploma in 2014.

Boris Alexandrovich has a number of awards, including the medal "For Merit to the Fatherland" II degree, received in 2003, as well as the Order of Honor, which appeared in his collection in 2012. But, according to him, most of all, a politician is proud of the distinction "For Merit in front of the Chelyabinsk region”, which he was awarded in 2013.

Boris Dubrovsky today

On March 19, 2019, it became known that Boris Dubrovsky submitted his resignation of his own free will. His dismissal was part of another wave of rotation of governors with low ratings, which experts associated with the upcoming September elections in some regions of the Russian Federation: Marina Kovtun (Murmansk region), Alexei Orlov (Kalmykia) resigned at the same time. A day earlier, on March 18, the governor of the Chelyabinsk region was accused of cartel conspiracy in favor of the Yuzhuralmost company, which illegally enriched itself by 2.4 billion rubles with his help. Alexey Teksler, who previously worked as Deputy Minister of Energy, was appointed Acting Governor of the Chelyabinsk Region.

The governor of the Chelyabinsk region, Boris Dubrovsky, is a good person. This is immediately evident, in everything, in every little thing. Someone will say that a “good person” is not a position, but one can argue with this: after all, his predecessor was not a good person, that is, Yurevich and now the person is rubbish (value judgment), and at the same time he also bred former office outright corruption. Maybe Dubrovsky also spread corruption, but at least he is a good, kind, sincere person.

He only wants the best, the best. And what happens as always is because he is kind. Too much.

Details - in the material "website".

Yurevich was (and is, of course) evil, and perhaps it’s even better to be angry in the position of head of the region, because anger leads to at least some results, and Boris Alexandrovich’s excessive kindness and decency leads to connivance, carelessness and mismanagement, which you can’t call it otherwise than indifference.

In my subjective opinion, the current "Magnitogorsk team" is a team of absolute indifferences.

And at the same time - good and even beautiful people.

And if Yurevich stole something from the budget, then partly something fell to the city and the region. Well, for example - he built roads, half of the money at least settled in the pockets of his contractors close to him, who robbed subcontractors - some disenfranchised Armenians or Tajiks, while they themselves did nothing.

And today’s wonderful people are the “Magnitogorsk team”, “magnetized” (this was later a meme, apparently “magnetized to their city, to fellow countrymen, and from the interests that everything is: the most delicious contracts and contracts”), or here are the “Agapovskie” - this meme arose just the other day, when journalist Alexander Polozov of Sverdlovsk origin - a gay member of Yurevich's team, who committed a courageous (hehe, even funny for a gay) coming out (openly admitted his orientation) - literally on Facebook by “village” and “collective farmers” this seemingly advanced, if you recall the flagship of the Russian metallurgy, MMK, from which Dubrovsky, Teftelev and many other current officials came out, is a team of regional and Chelyabinsk municipal authorities.

Recall in the text "Iron Kaput" Polozov, in particular, noted that “Magnitogorsk friends began to take offense. They say, why are you slandering us “with Yalom”? ..

... Actually, I'm probably going to say a very tough thing, but don't be offended by me. The main disappointment of the past year for me was Magnitka. When I say this, I do not mean the city, of course. City what? He lives by his own laws somewhere far away, in his almost Magnitogorsk region, and let him live.

The disappointment was something else. While still a journalist, who at one time managed to immerse himself quite well in the life of the Chelyabinsk region, he believed in one infallible truth. Magnet is power. Magnet is power. Magnitogorsk is such an ant structure, with its steel, Prussian organization. And thanks to this, she succeeds. Where Magnitogorsk - there the axes ring, there is order, success, nothing is impossible there. I think my colleagues understand me very well: in this view, I was hardly alone ... "

“In 2013, when the mayor was changed in Chelyabinsk, we all heard one thing: they say, if you want the roads to be cleaned, the lanterns to burn, and the flower beds to be fragrant, then don’t look for the best ... The smirks of my Magnitogorsk colleagues (they say, yes, take it!) flashed apocrypha. Well, how else? This is against the canonical truth, seemingly confirmed by life itself: in the end, it was Magnitogorsk that took Chelyabinsk, and not vice versa.

But the roads are not cleaned for the second winter, the flowerbeds in the center of a million-strong city are overgrown with weeds taller than human height. The lanterns are still burning, but it is already beginning to be believed that only due to the fact that (thank God) the Magnitogorsk guys are not responsible for them yet. I pass by the institution and clearly understand: before the arrival of a new leader (of course, from Magnitogorsk), the lawn was regularly mowed near the institution and the garbage was swept, at least ...»

In general, Evgeniy Nikolaevich is an absolute indifference, and I completely agree with Alexander Polozov.

If the Magnitogorsk company "Yuzhuralavtoban" cleaned the roads of Chelyabinsk from snow badly, so much so that the prosecutor's office "swelled", then let's replace it with another Magnitogorsk company "Yuzhuralmost" - with the same "nice people", change the awl to soap, the main thing is that they are also from their native Magnitogorsk (we are "manipulated" or what?), - let the countrymen rejoice at the Chelyabinsk "grandmothers" from the Chelyabinsk "loshki".

Is there a lot of snow on the roads? Do you remember that last year, at the same time, it was even worse? - says Evgeny Nikolaevich.

Indifference. And all from the kindness of the heart.

Well, Chelyabinsk residents also know other luzls (English lulz, distorted “lol”) from Evgeny Nikolaevich.

Did “marivanna” grow up in the flower bed near the administration? Nothing, let's smoke!

In principle, a lot of waist-deep grass in August, even on highways? But we don't care, we mow magic tryn-grass - in our dreams.

Downpour flooded Chelyabinsk? Cool, he flushed the storm drains!

Salute unimportant on May 9 for a million rubles of taxpayers? Hehe, I liked it!

Is there snow? Blooming for spring!

Ice and everyone fall, break arms and legs! Fuck you! What about skates?

Are the light bulbs on the poles off? Darkness is a friend of youth!

This is approximately how Evgeny Nikolayevich reacts to all the challenges of the time, weather, bad weather, emergency ...

Cheerfully, with humor, with a twinkle. Good, funny person? Well, definitely!

Now let's remember how A. Polozov described the governor and came up with the Agapovskie meme:

“And when the skeet chief said that the failures of the first year-this is a consequence of the defects of the previous administration (under which the roads were cleaned better, and the flower beds were really fragrant), it became completely uneasy. How is it, Boris Alexandrovich? We thought you were a strong leader. Can a weak leader be at the head of such a structure as Magnitogorsk? But would a strong man allow himself such a remark?

A strong leader himself traveled where necessary and publicly heads for seconds, if something somewhere is not as it should be. And from you we received a horror story about a "landscape catastrophe" that came true - your own expression, which, however, I have not heard from you for a long time and which is not at all surprised.

That is, what happens? And it turns out a busted myth. About all this iron kaput. Magnitogorsk, perhaps, it can, but not all, far from all. And looking at what is happening under Magnitogorsk in Chelyabinsk, you already begin to suspect that Magnitogorsk cannot do a damn thing. From the word "absolutely".

By virtue of my profession, I communicate a lot with Chelyabinsk residents, listen carefully, and compare. These are different people, different occupations, wealth, weight in society. The level of disappointment rolls over, already dangerously bordering on open hatred and contempt, increasing the already implicitly felt antagonism between the two regional centers. Not the best result, you see, even if you take it as an intermediate one.

But the main thing - it is not clear how to deal with it. There are no more direct elections, in which Tarasov "turned his neck" at one time, who also, it seems, could not cope with the snowfalls. Public institutions do not work - they, these simulacra, were created with the sole task of keeping silent. The Duma is also silent, and, judging by the situation with the same passenger transport, it manages to quietly catch fish, taking advantage of the cloudy water.

No one, including the mayor and governor, reacts to critical publications in which those who set up the mayor and governor are directly named. Is it any wonder with what greed and undisguised hope in Chelyabinsk they catch every rumor that they, “these Agapovs”, are about to be “taken away” somewhere?

What did they tell me two years ago? Yes, take it! And please hurry."

And for this truth-womb, Governor Dubrovsky awards the author of "Agapovskie" and "Iron Kaput" gay Polozov on Press Day.

He presented me with a framed diploma and even shook my hand (I hope I washed it later, because it is not clear what part of the body and from whom this hand was holding).

Well done governor, a good person, tolerant, tolerant of criticism, kind, fair, sensitive, self-critical, smart, wise?

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah...

Yurevich would have smeared his critic on the wall. I would initiate a criminal case against a critical journalist through a tame general, the author of these lines knows how this is done - I would ruin his life, undermine his health, destroy his family, rot. Evil person!

All your enemies - to the nail! Kosilova, Vyatkina, who else is there? I would have hounded everyone in the controlled media, filled up with criminal cases, taken away the business, made a nightmare.

Here is such a monster.

Boris Alexandrovich is kind. Maybe a Christian. Maybe he turns the other cheek, while Yurevich, in response to a blow on the cheek, twisted his cheekbone, figuratively speaking, cut his skull.

Dubrovsky forgave everyone. At first, he condescendingly accepted all Yurevich's puppets back into his team. Filichkin, Skvortsov, Surkov, Melnikov, Polozov, Gattarov, Evdokimov - the whole pasta army.

Fuck guys! Here's my pocket - shit right there. Why is there a pocket - two pockets of my expensive jacket.

I am kind!

Gattarov Ruslan, you will oversee the entire economy. All!

Dissertation candidate, my dear, fake!

I extinguished fires with the help of the phone - what an experience, suffered garbage in the Federation Council, invented all sorts of IT gadgets, you are my innovative one. Here's to you for this, my dear man, the whole economy! Curate. Logistics centers, summits and other "adult" things. Bring to the Chelyabinsk market what kind of bus drivers you know, earn kickbacks.

Fly to Moscow business class for 78 sput. To health.

Vadim? Tamada you are my pasta! He made toasts for the health of "Makfa", sambo-judo - well, here's another taekwondo for you! They drank "outdoor", it's a pity or something.

Skvortsov? My dear grandfather, you licked Sumin and Yurevich, how great it is to have such sycophants. Surkov? My dear glavpence! Did you love Yurevich? Do you love me? Love my "Strategy 2020"? Love me as I love all mankind!

Filichkin! You are my dear friend! Killed all Misha's enemies in his "Granada"? Hurray, on you in your newspapers and websites of stomulyonov budget bablos!

These are the wonderful people who run us. Fuckers. But the people are very nice.

That's who is missing Dubrovsky, all of us? Senichev! What was his name - "brutal Vanya". Yes, yo ... naya area, yes swearing. Lacks!

Send everyone to the mother, hit the table with his fist, demand.

No "brutal Vanya"! Passed it all the same "good Boris".

It would be better if he kicked everyone out, and left Senichev.

Tolerance of the Chelyabinsk governor rolls over!

Metal crusher, "crush," said the president? Where???

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