Symptoms, treatment and prevention of nervous fatigue. Mental fatigue and how it manifests

Today we are going to talk about health. There are many factors that often interfere with our good health. These are all sorts of illnesses, insomnia and, of course, fatigue. In this article, we will talk about overwork, what it is, its symptoms, signs and preventive methods that will help cure this sore.

What is fatigue?

So, let's start with the question, what is fatigue? Overwork- this is a tired state of a person, which occurs as a result of a long absence of rest. What is the difference between overwork and fatigue? Fatigue is the exhaustion of the body, and overwork is prolonged fatigue. Overwork is a dangerous phenomenon for human health. And now many modern people are at risk.

Causes of overwork

Causes of overwork quite obvious. This is a discrepancy between the duration of work and rest. That is, a person works a lot and hard and has little rest. Overwork can be both physical and emotional and psychological. For example, a person will experience physical overwork if he continuously engages in sports, say three hours a day. I experienced similar. When I was doing karate, in summer and winter we had 2-day camps, where we practiced for six hours a day. After the end of these training camps, I could not get out of bed, as I felt physical overwork.

Emotional or psychological overwork is associated with constant anxiety and worry. Imagine that you need to go on stage every day and perform in front of an audience, and you are terribly afraid of public speaking. Constant worry and anxiety will suck up all your energy in a few hours, after which you will feel overwhelmed. Another example, a person is afraid to fly, but he is often forced to fly from one place to another. During a flight, a person has the same anxiety and anxiety inside that devours his energy in huge portions. After a successful landing, a person may feel depressed and tired.

The causes of overwork may be dissatisfaction with work, malnutrition, lack of rest, unfavorable living conditions. Stress and depression are powerful energy wasters. And when a person runs out of energy, he feels weak and weak. Fatigue comes with its own symptoms.

Symptoms and signs of fatigue

This is constant sleepiness. Even after a long sleep, a person may feel tired and weak. Constant illness, headaches. This indicates the presence of a weak immune system. Despite constant drowsiness, the person cannot fall asleep. Irritability, apathy appear, attention and memory performance decrease. In a state of fatigue, a person is taciturn. There is also an increase in blood pressure.

With prolonged exposure to the human body of harmful factors of the productive environment, overwork can develop, which is otherwise called chronic fatigue, when a night's sleep does not fully restore the energy expended during the day. This contributes to a decrease in resistance to external influences, as a result of which the level of morbidity and injury increases.

Also, overwork is fraught with nervous breakdowns and tantrums, which in turn can negatively affect relationships with loved ones. The constant desire to be alone with oneself makes a person snap at those who want to be near him, thereby alienating him from himself. And if you want to maintain a harmonious relationship, then you need to know about the methods of preventing overwork.

Prevention of overwork

Now consider the best preventive methods to combat overwork. I have always been helped by ordinary meaningless walks, when you go where your eyes look. This is a great time to think things through. Perhaps a person is not satisfied with his salary, because of which he feels constant dissatisfaction. Or personal life does not add up, which leads to stress and depression, and these two things suck energy like a dust vacuum cleaner. I do not advise you to sit at home all day and suffer from overwork. Better go outside and walk slowly. At this time, realizations may come to you that will help you.

Should be abandoned. Avoid excessive consumption of coffee and tea. Start . Pamper your body with vitamins. It is very important. Avitaminosis is also the main cause of overwork. Replenish your body with them. This is not at all difficult to do. Now pharmacies sell a lot of drugs to get an additional source of vitamins.

Of course, it is worth throwing everything to hell. I expressed myself rudely, but it is really worth doing. Overwork can occur due to boring routine work. I know it myself. When I was at university, after one boring lecture, I felt really exhausted. This boredom exhausted me so much ... If you have such a job that after it you can barely crawl to the sofa, then you will have to find a replacement for it. If you love your job, then you just need to take a break. Give your battery time to recharge.

Fatigue is a depressed state. At this point, it is necessary to fill the emotional void. New impressions and emotions cure any disease. This is my other favorite way to come to my senses. No need to sit at home and wait for something to happen by itself. Find something that makes you happy. Go to the zoo, ride the rides, you can sit by the shore and watch the river flow. When I feel bad, I do just that. A surge of positive emotions will bring you back to Earth.

The usual way to get rid of fatigue is to get a good night's sleep. Standard advice. If you don't feel like going anywhere at all, you can just lie on the couch. You have every right to a good rest.

You need to protect yourself from stress. It is impossible to completely avoid stressful situations, but any of us can reduce their number. You just have to want. This step is the most important. Stress, like depression, is a great energy waster. There will be no stress - there will be no depression.

During overwork, you can do sports, but not much - 20 minutes of simple exercises. I often went to the gym in a tired state. Productivity at that moment was zero. It’s better to just jump, do push-ups, stretch. I do not recommend lifting weights, otherwise something else will fall on your or someone else's leg. This is extra stress, and we don’t need it.

And it will be great if you allow your loved ones to be with you. Don't need them "send" because they care. Many people don't even have that. Let someone take pity on you.

Rest and lack of stress defeats fatigue at any level. All you have to do is follow the simple guidelines above.

overwork what is it, fatigue, symptoms of overwork, signs of overwork


Rest is an important part of human life. The lack of quality rest in human mode or exhausting long work can cause negative consequences. Not only the quality of work performance and the level of efficiency can suffer, but also human health. Such loads for the body can be very harmful, and sometimes fatal.

Fatigue and overwork

For a workaholic or a person who is forced to engage in prolonged mental or physical labor, it is important to know how to avoid overwork.

To understand the meaning of those sensations that arise after prolonged exercise, it is necessary to separate two similar terms. Fatigue and overwork are concepts that combine causes and manifestations, but also have a number of absolute differences.

Fatigue is a common manifestation of fatigue that develops as a result of the use of the body's mobile resources. This phenomenon is observed quite often, it tends to quickly regress, subject to quality rest. Overwork is a deeper process, which is essentially pathological fatigue and can last for a long time. This phenomenon is especially dangerous for children and adults with chronic diseases. It can have fatal consequences on the course of pregnancy and the health of the unborn child.

Causes and mechanism of development

The main cause of fatigue is an excessively long or heavy load, which is not compensated by quality rest.

The human body has a certain energy potential, the ability to perform work, which change in quantitative terms. If hard exhausting work consumes all resources, signs of severe fatigue begin to appear, a decrease in efficiency. This bell is given by the body so that a person rests, refreshes himself and gains strength. If this is not done, the reserve energy reserves of a person begin to be spent. Fat reserves of ATP are mobilized in complex compounds that are deposited "for a rainy day." During such a period, the predominant processes of catabolism are trying to squeeze energy out of everything that is possible. Energy depletion can be compensated for some time, but then there comes a moment when the reserves are used up. This is how physical exhaustion develops.

On an emotional level, a person is not so protected from such situations. The speed of mental reactions, including emotional ones, depends on the quality of neural connections and the amount of neurotransmitter in the synapses. This substance promotes the transmission of nerve impulses between neighboring neurons. At some stage, the speed of impulse transmission will slow down due to the lack of a neurotransmitter in the synapses. This is how general weakness, absent-mindedness, drowsiness, mental fatigue develop.

After the consumption of energy resources and the slowing down of mental processes at the neuronal level, a special reaction of the brain occurs. To protect cells from damage due to hypoxia and other metabolic disorders, the human brain responds with a limiting inhibition response. As a result, a person's ability to work is suppressed at a subconscious physiological level in order to preserve the viability of the organism.

There is also a version of the effect of severe stress on increased fatigue. Serious emotional stress, both for an adult and for a child, is highly undesirable, as it leads to the depletion of internal resources. It is difficult to deal with such stress and mentally a person cannot withstand the emotional load, insomnia, a feeling of irritability and anxiety occur. Such a condition must be paid attention to and treated immediately, as it can lead to negative consequences.

This state is a sequence of body reactions that try to maintain the ability to work, and in the last stages, the viability of a person. The sequence of manifestations is associated with physiological and metabolic changes and may differ depending on the individual characteristics of each organism.

Common symptoms of overwork can be diagnosed by the following signs:

  • severe prolonged fatigue that does not stop after rest, decreased performance;
  • decreased concentration, absent-mindedness, forgetfulness, later slight disorientation;
  • feeling of depression, depression, self-doubt;
  • frequent mood swings, irritability;
  • insomnia, violations of the regime and quality of sleep;
  • Difficulty getting out of bed even after resting
  • low performance;
  • headache;
  • increase in body temperature.

If such signs are observed for quite a long time, there is a risk of development, which can cause extremely undesirable negative consequences for the working capacity and life of a person as a whole. Death from overwork is a rather rare occurrence, however, a fatal outcome is possible in the event of a sharp decompensation of the body's capabilities.


A full and healthy sleep is necessary for a person so that the brain has the opportunity to process the information accumulated during the day and “sort it into pieces” so that in the morning with a fresh head to start new tasks. Often mental fatigue provokes insomnia. So, a brain that has not rested overnight is not able to cope with a large number of impulses and information processing during the day, which leads to daytime sleepiness.

Features of overwork during pregnancy

During this period, a woman needs to take care of herself so that her body can ensure the vital activity of both the mother and the child. During pregnancy, the consumption of energy resources is increased, the emotional state is extremely unstable due to the peculiarities of the hormonal background that is created during pregnancy for the normal development of the child. Therefore, any load that causes fatigue can significantly shake the tuned metabolic mechanism of a pregnant woman. It is important for her to know how to avoid overwork, because prevention for a pregnant woman is the best treatment.

Overwork can occur even with minor exertion, so it is necessary to exclude heavy physical labor during pregnancy. Naturally, there are limitations for mental stress during pregnancy. Stress, emotional upheaval, or long-term stress on the brain can easily provoke nervous overwork. A shaky metabolic balance is easily disturbed by a powerful stress factor, which can even lead to termination of pregnancy.

It is known that in connection with the hormonal background during pregnancy, the emotional sensitivity of a woman changes. That is, those experiences, emotions and stress that she would easily endure if she was not pregnant, in this state can cause significant disturbances in the health, psyche, both of the woman and the unborn child. If at the stage of pregnancy there will be constant fatigue, excessive loads, consequences that may affect the child should be expected. At the stage of formation of fetal organ systems, stem cells are very sensitive to any fluctuations in the homeostasis of the mother's body. The child may experience congenital malformations, developmental delay and other equally serious manifestations.

Ways to treat and deal with stress

Restoring normal working capacity and combating overwork is a rather lengthy and complex process that requires especially careful attention to one's own feelings.

The simplest and most effective ways to fight and treat overwork:

  • By slightly changing your lifestyle, you can achieve a good result and restore efficiency.
  • The easiest way to relieve the symptoms of fatigue is to rest. It is important to consider that physical overwork needs rest from physical labor. The most effective way to get rid of physical overwork is to change your occupation, for example, you can read a book or watch a movie. With mental fatigue, on the contrary, you can cope with the help of physical education exercises. The main rule in the organization of the regime is the harmony and balance of mental and physical stress, and a period of rest.
  • Overwork can also be eliminated with the help of relaxation. Hot sea salt baths can fight fatigue. Complete relaxation promotes unloading, both at the level of brain activity and physical, restores working capacity, restores strength.
  • Correction of insomnia occupies an important place in the restoration of working capacity, because sleep is a very important period for the brain. Natural herbal teas with lemon balm, mint or chamomile will help you quickly get rid of insomnia and the effects of stress. An effective folk remedy - warm milk with honey is considered one of the most famous natural sleeping pills. Tablets should be taken only on the advice and prescription of a doctor in the case when other methods do not help get rid of insomnia.
  • You can get rid of energy deficiency with the help of proper nutrition and supporting the body with vitamins. The importance of vitamins in the treatment of overwork is difficult to overestimate. They help fight symptoms by restoring the functioning of all body systems. At the moment, vitamins are exactly the remedy that can most often be recommended to both adults and children, because they do not cause side effects if taken correctly. Moreover, vitamins can improve the cognitive functions of the brain, increase mental performance.

Medical treatment for fatigue

The purpose of the pharmacological treatment of this disorder is to help the organs and systems of the body cope with the tasks and load. Such therapy can be corrective and remove some manifestations for a while, improve performance and do it easily and quickly.

The most effective pharmacological agent are vitamins in the form of tablets. This form of release includes practicality, accessibility and ease of use. At the stage of treatment, preference should be given not to vitamin complexes, but to individual representatives.

For example, vitamin A is a natural immunostimulant that protects the body's systems from the influence of foreign agents, eliminates the temperature reaction, loss of strength. Vitamin A is found in cottage cheese, eggs, milk, fish, carrots. It should be taken every day after a heavy meal. B vitamins are able to balance any pathological changes in the nervous system, strengthen the immune system, increase resistance to various viruses and bacteria. In particular, Vitamin B9, known as folic acid, improves mood, prevents the development of depressive symptoms, normalizes emotional fluctuations, and is one of the body's most important means of dealing with stress. Food sources of folic acid are beef liver, cod liver, spinach, walnuts, rye flour, cheese.

If folk methods are not effective in eliminating insomnia, you should turn to pharmacological agents. Pills can only be useful when there is a real sleep problem that cannot be solved by other methods and should only be used as a last resort. Herbal preparations can be effective. Strong drugs should only be taken with a prescription. It should be understood that such drugs affect all organ systems and can cause a number of side effects, and sometimes even reduce performance.

Since pathological fatigue is a serious condition that can cause complications from the somatic condition and the brain, treatment must be approached thoroughly and seriously. If the body is exhausted to the limits of decompensation, the person may even die. Ideally, treatment should be carried out by a specialist - a psychologist or psychotherapist. To combat fatigue, taking pills or other medications is not enough. Only by changing your lifestyle, you can permanently get rid of unpleasant symptoms.


Prevention of fatigue is the best medicine. Adhering to some rules of prevention contributes to high-quality performance and good health.

Important components that can prevent and fight the symptoms of fatigue are:

  • sound healthy full sleep;
  • complex rational nutrition and intake of a complex of vitamins;
  • avoiding the monotony of the work process, changing working conditions;
  • compliance with the regime of work and rest;
  • the ability to relax and give yourself the opportunity to take a break from the hustle and bustle.

Fatigue occurs due to physical or psychological stress. Lack of rest and prolonged work can lead to unpleasant consequences. This affects both the quality of work and health. Increasingly, people are asking the question of whether the temperature can rise from fatigue. The signs of overwork and help are described in the article.

Why does fatigue appear?

Appear in each person at a particular stage. This is usually observed due to an overload of the body, with a lack of time to rest. This often happens when:

  • heavy workload;
  • feelings before exams
  • physical and psycho-emotional stress when doing daily activities.

A person can independently determine why and when overwork appeared by analyzing his own lifestyle. After eliminating the cause that takes away the strength of the body, over time it will be possible to return to normal life.

Other reasons

The exact factors that lead to fatigue are not fully defined. Infectious or bacterial diseases are important. This is due to the stimulation of immunity by infectious cells, which quickly spends the body's strength. Can the temperature rise from fatigue? During this period, the production of cytosines is observed, due to which the temperature rises. Signs of a rise in temperature include:

  • lethargy;
  • muscle pain;
  • malaise.

Other causes of fatigue include inappropriate work of the endocrine system, which causes insomnia. A person will not absorb information well. It is with these signs that patients turn to doctors.

Can the temperature rise from fatigue along with other symptoms? This symptom is more pronounced in women than in children and men. Another increase occurs in those who work a lot and have little time to rest. If you want to get high results of work, high wages or recognition from your superiors, many bring yourself to a nervous breakdown, which appears when overworked.


Fatigue manifests itself in the form of SARS and other colds. With the transition of the disease to the acute stage, the appearance of:

  • lethargy, constant headaches;
  • depression, aggression.

If these symptoms appear repeatedly, you should consult a doctor. If there is no treatment, the symptoms can become chronic, which is characterized by the duration of the persistence of the manifestations of the disease, which appear daily for 6-12 months.

Who to contact?

Since there are many symptoms, you need to choose a doctor carefully. Each specialist is responsible for specific problems:

  • with insomnia, you need to go to a neurologist;
  • with eczema - to a dermatologist;
  • and for violations of the gastrointestinal tract - to a gastroenterologist.

Treatment does not always lead to the desired result. Often the elimination of the symptoms of the identified ailment does not relieve fatigue and high fever. Then you need an examination and consultation of a therapist who will establish a number of probable causes of fatigue.

Can the temperature rise from fatigue in adults and children? This symptom is common. For a long time, it keeps at the level of 37-37.5 degrees. This confirms the weakening of the immune system, which leads to many unpleasant symptoms.

Many people experience drowsiness, which can turn into insomnia. The reasons for the appearance include a change in the working hours, including the difference in time when changing the place of residence and changing the work schedule. Common symptoms include inattention and impaired performance. Changes in the emotional state are likely - the appearance of depression, apathy, phobias.

In addition to temperature and other symptoms, there may be a sharp weight loss, which is 7-10 kg per month. Possible fear of light, dizziness, dry eyes, swollen lymph nodes. A symptom in women is considered to be severe PMS.


Can a healthy person develop a fever from fatigue? Such a phenomenon is possible. Fatigue can also be caused by temperature. In this situation, the disease has a completely different character, since a high temperature for a long time is considered a sign of the development of an ailment, usually a serious one.

Diagnosis of ailments that are not associated with overwork is performed in the following cases:

  1. A weakness appears that does not go away for a long time or occurs abruptly, and performance decreases several times.
  2. The causes of fatigue are not psychological or emotional.
  3. The temperature increases gradually.
  4. Slight enlargement of the lymph nodes with pain.
  5. There are muscle pains.
  6. Acute headaches.
  7. Decreased performance during physical activity.
  8. Sharp pains in the joints.
  9. Insomnia.

During the examination, the presence of chronic ailments is taken into account. A study of biological material for infections is performed, sometimes an analysis is prescribed to establish HIV infection. Obligatory diagnostics and internal organs.

Possibly chronic fatigue. Can the temperature rise from fatigue in this case? This symptom can be prolonged, and other symptoms also occur. The chronic form appears after suffering injuries, accidents, bruises. In the future, the patient can lead a normal life, but signs of fatigue can appear for a long time.

Can a baby have a fever from fatigue? This phenomenon is allowed, as in children of other ages. It is necessary to provide the baby with rest, proper nutrition and appropriate care.

Giving help

Can a child's temperature rise due to fatigue? Oh sure. What to do in this case? First, you need to reduce physical and psychological stress. It is desirable to reduce the amount of work by 20%. It is necessary to reduce or temporarily eliminate the influence of provocative factors that lead to fatigue and fever.

For some people, treatment is difficult, so it is advisable to attend special trainings and seminars that are conducted by qualified psychologists and leading medical specialists. A person needs to adhere to a sparing regimen and accurately determine whether he will be able to do the planned things.

Psychotherapy is required to compare the level of load and strength of a person in order to correctly distribute the time of work and rest. It is advisable to perform leisurely physical exercises that will allow you to relax and relieve nervous tension.

The daily routine is important: it is necessary to allocate time for sleep and rest, as well as work. You need to take the time to:

  • walks in the fresh air;
  • moderate exercise;
  • water procedures.

Exercise is essential during treatment. The frequency of execution should be increased depending on the state. A good mood is also important. But each person has their own sources of positive emotions.

Medicines are effective, including plants that increase stress resistance. This applies to chamomile, licorice root, sorrel. The patient needs a full and healthy diet, the inclusion in the menu of products that increase immunity and replenish physical strength. You need to drink more fluids, but avoid alcohol, tobacco, caffeine and foods with sucrose.

Sleep functions

Proper sleep is necessary for all people so that the brain can process the information accumulated during the day, and in the morning start new tasks. Often due to emotional overwork, insomnia appears. A brain that has not rested overnight is not able to overcome many impulses and perform the polishing of these days, which leads to drowsiness.

Can the temperature rise from fatigue and lack of sleep? This is a frequent occurrence, so it is important to provide quality rest. For this you need a suitable bed. Before going to bed, you need to ventilate the room. Bed linen should be changed regularly.


And can the temperature rise from fatigue and stress? This phenomenon is quite common. Sometimes doctors prescribe medication to treat fatigue. It allows the organs and systems of the body to cope with stress. Therapy is corrective, with it many unpleasant symptoms are eliminated, and working capacity improves.

In adults? This phenomenon is common. Doctors often prescribe vitamins in tablet form. The drugs are practical, affordable and easy to take. In the treatment, it is desirable to use not vitamin complexes, but individual representatives.

For example, vitamin A is a natural immunostimulant that is able to protect the body from the effects of foreign agents, eliminate temperature, loss of strength. The component is found in cottage cheese, eggs, milk, fish, carrots. It is taken every day after meals.

Vitamins B normalize processes in the nervous system, strengthen the immune system, increase resistance to viruses and bacteria. For example, vitamin B9 improves mood, protects against depression, restores emotional state. Sources are: beef liver, cod liver, spinach, walnuts, rye flour, cheese.

Can a teenager's temperature rise from fatigue? This often happens to them, because they study a lot, have little rest. Any medication should be used only as prescribed by a doctor. Herbal products are effective. It should be borne in mind that drugs have side effects that can adversely affect performance.

It is undesirable to use energy drinks on caffeine, the intake of which gives strength. With caffeine, a person becomes alert, but not for long. Pathological fatigue is considered a serious condition that causes complications. It is not enough to take pills and other medicines. Requires adjustment and lifestyle.

What can't be done?

At elevated temperatures, you can not:

  • perform rubbing with alcohol tinctures, as this will increase the thermal index of the body;
  • wrap a person in blankets and wear synthetic things;
  • drink sweet drinks;
  • arrange a draft in the room.

Many mistakenly take these actions to restore body temperature, which exacerbates the development of pathology.

Preventive measures

The disease can lead to negative consequences, since stress and depression negatively affect health. The body can eliminate fatigue on its own or with the help of special treatment methods. Overwork causes severe damage to the immune system. Sometimes the temperature rises, which signals a constant voltage.

Prevention includes proper nutrition, moderate exercise, a competent daily routine. Then there will be no fatigue. It is desirable to protect yourself from stress, as well as learn how to recover from them. Whatever the field of activity and the work schedule, a good rest is required.


Fatigue comes from various reasons. Due to ignoring the symptoms, the situation is likely to worsen. Can children get fever from fatigue? This phenomenon is possible, especially if children study a lot and have little rest. Following the rules of prevention allows you to exclude severe fatigue and other related symptoms.

In the ebullient rhythm of life in big cities and with high social activity, many of us are overtaken by the problem of the 21st century - overwork. For those who are overworked or simply not used to properly alternating between periods of activity and rest, it can be truly disastrous. How to recognize this condition in time and what to do if it occurs? What are the origins of the loss of strength and how to stay alert and healthy in stressful conditions?

Normal fatigue or fatigue is characterized by a complex of changes in the physiological state of a person and his well-being. Change comes after doing some work for a long enough time. However, the duration and amount of work that a person is able to do without getting tired, and the sensations that accompany this, are always very subjective.

Fatigue occurs more often with monotonous work without intervals of rest, whether it be physical or mental, or with excessive efforts made in a short time.

As is commonly believed, certain categories of people are able to work 20 hours a day, while others begin to feel bad with minor loads. It is worth understanding what causes such a difference and whether everyone could really “reformat” themselves to a tighter work schedule. In fact, absolutely all people on the planet get tired, and any organism needs regular rest.

How intensely fatigue is expressed depends primarily on the type of nervous system of a particular subject. People of its strong type are less prone to fatigue and recover quickly, people with a weak type of nervous system “burn out” sooner.

However, the signs of fatigue are the same for both groups. The efficiency of the work performed during fatigue decreases, the concentration of attention is scattered, speech and facial expressions become less lively. It serves as an external . Tired people feel pain and heaviness in the eyes, in the head or in the muscles (depending on the type of activity), a desire to sleep, irritation, indifference or even disgust at what they are doing. It becomes extremely difficult to continue working. The typical feeling of fatigue, of course, has visited everyone at some point in life.

From the point of view of physiology, fatigue is characterized by an increase in heart rate and respiratory movements, an increase in blood pressure, and sometimes arrhythmia; in muscle tissue, the production of lactic acid increases, which causes pain.

However, these signals from our body indicate the need for rest and at the same time encourage it to use internal reserves.

Fatigue or fatigue

Is it fair to put an equal sign between fatigue and overwork? In everyday life, we use these words equally, sometimes as synonyms. However, in medicine, these concepts are clearly distinguished.

If fatigue after labor activity is natural for the body, then overwork is considered a pathological process affecting the nervous system. As a result of systematic loads that do not end with proper rest, fatigue "accumulates" and becomes chronic - in fact, enduring fatigue is called overwork. The processes of excitation in the nervous system prevail over the processes of inhibition, so it becomes increasingly difficult for an overworked person to relax. If the body is no longer capable of real rest, or it does not bring relief, it is most likely time to seek medical help.

Why fatigue develops

The first cause of overwork should still be called an imbalance in the regime of work and rest, inconsistency with the rules of labor hygiene. Factors such as insufficient sleep time or disturbed circadian rhythm, simply put, lack of sleep, poor nutrition, physical inactivity, poor living conditions at home or in the workplace increase the likelihood of its symptoms.

If during the work there are factors of psychological oppression, even in a normal physical condition, a person is prone to overwork. This should also include stresses that are not related to work.

Sudden and incommensurable with the forces of an individual stressful situation (the need for hard work, to which he is not accustomed, or the performance of intellectual, mental efforts) can lead to the onset of this state.

The main signs and features of overwork

There are two types of overwork - nervous and physical. The symptoms of both are extremely similar, despite being caused by different types of stress. With nervous overwork, signs of a physical one are manifested, and vice versa. The fact is that it is regulated in any case by the nervous system.

So, an overworked person feels:

  1. Inability to focus on the activities being performed.
  2. Loss of ability to concentrate.
  3. Severe fatigue that does not disappear after a few hours of rest.
  4. Drowsiness that does not disappear after waking up, and difficulty falling asleep (as an option - when, with a significant desire to fall asleep, sleep does not come).
  5. Intrusive heaviness in the head and region of the eyes, sometimes attacks of constrictive headache.
  6. Nausea at the thought of food and lack of appetite.
  7. General feeling of weakness, weakness, lack of muscle tone, pain during movement.
  8. Causeless irritability or detachment from everyday problems (“I can’t think about it now”).

Overwork can also be recognized by appearance - it betrays itself by redness of the eyes, swelling and unhealthy complexion, slowness of movements and reactions. All this persists for quite a long time, especially if a person continues his activity, despite the real danger of getting serious health problems.

There are several stages of overwork, depending on how much the nervous system suffers.

In the first stage, nutrition is also noted - as a rule, restless sleep and shifts in the usual diet. Sometimes the appetite disappears completely, and it happens that an uncontrollable desire to eat arises - in this way the body tries to compensate for the missing forces.

In the second stage, the work of internal organs is disrupted. In terms of the cardiovascular system, this is characterized by failures in pressure (it can significantly change performance), pain or a feeling of constriction in the region of the heart. Usually this stage is accompanied by weight loss. Sexual desire falls, women may experience irregular monthly cycles.

The third stage of overwork is already directly life-threatening. It is accompanied by serious pathologies that require treatment. Nervous or physical exhaustion during this period reaches its climax, and the person needs hospitalization and spa treatment. Otherwise, he is in danger of death.

Treatment and prevention of fatigue

Preventive measures include the normalization of the work schedule, the rational ratio of work and rest time. It is necessary to check for the presence of somatic diseases that could provoke overwork. In case of frequent cases of fatigue, it is already necessary to consult a doctor. Harmful occupational factors should be excluded, the influence of alcohol or smoking should be minimized. A period of rehabilitation in isolation from professional activities is highly desirable.

Doctor's recommendations regarding the daily regimen, dietary preferences and the proportion of physical activity should be given their due. A healthy lifestyle - and, as a result, a normal balance of power, are the key to good health and insurance against overwork and its consequences.

It happens that, it would seem, the black streak in life drags on. The most insignificant events grow to the scale of catastrophes, everything is so annoying that you want to run away to the ends of the world and not see anyone. A person is not able to concentrate on his usual work, not to mention the fact that everything new is frightening and causes a sharply negative reaction. Maybe it's overwork. Its symptoms are often disguised as somatic diseases or mental disorders. Despite the fact that this condition is reversible, it cannot be neglected. After all, this is a signal that the body has ceased to cope with the load. This means that it will not be possible to move on at the same pace.

Overwork: symptoms

They show up differently for different people. But the most common are irritability, nervousness, headaches, frequent bad mood, reduced body resistance to infections. For example, if a person has the flu or SARS several times a season, if the subfebrile temperature is constantly kept (about 37 - 37.5), it is possible that the main reason is overwork. Symptoms can also resemble gastrointestinal diseases (stool disorders, discomfort in the abdomen, heaviness, indigestion, nausea). Many body functions undergo more or less serious changes. For example, sleep patterns are disturbed. During the day, a person experiences irresistible drowsiness, is forced to stimulate himself with coffee and energy drinks. And at night he cannot sleep, often wakes up. This can mean both depression and overwork. Symptoms often resemble hormonal disorders. There may be fluctuations in weight, tearfulness, increased excitability.


Very often a person does not know where and to whom he should turn with his problems. On various forums, now and then there are messages: "Doing my usual work, I quickly got tired. Why?" or "How to cope with increased fatigue?" If this condition is neglected, then various diseases can really begin to develop. But another approach is also dangerous: many doctors tend to attribute all problems and complaints to overwork. Symptoms, as we have already said, often resemble somatic, hormonal, mental disorders. Yes, in fact, they affect all important functions. However, a competent doctor, in order to exclude more serious diseases, should prescribe a comprehensive examination. In recent decades, scientists have leaned towards the viral theory of CFS (Chronic Fatigue Syndrome). In addition, symptoms reminiscent of overwork can cause liver disease (hepatitis C and B), thyroid dysfunction. Latent depression is also often manifested by severe fatigue. Therefore, the treatment and measures in each case must still be determined by the doctor.

What can you do yourself

Reasonable doses of multivitamins will not hurt. In addition, by adjusting the daily routine and proper nutrition, you can improve your well-being. In your diet should be a lot of foods containing magnesium, calcium and vitamin B. These can be legumes, nuts, meat, bananas, dried apricots. If possible, it is desirable to change the type of activity at least for a while. After all, first of all, working capacity suffers, many errors appear, the most common actions take much more time. Take the opportunity to take an academic or creative leave. Sometimes a simple change of scenery helps to cope with overwork. Of the herbal preparations, lemon balm, motherwort, and nettle are recommended. Not everyone is helped by stimulants (such as ginseng or rhodiola), because they sometimes overexcite the nervous system, which is already on the verge of exhaustion. Overwork, the symptoms of which become noticeable only after a few weeks, or even months, will require a long recovery. Consider this and do not expect the impossible from yourself.

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