The most unusual allergies. Allergy to exercise. Allergy to people: reality or joke

When a person is very unpleasant to us, we can say in our hearts: "I'm allergic to him, I can't see him." Is this really possible or is it just a figurative expression?

What is an allergy

An allergy is an inexplicable failure of the body, in which the body's defense mechanisms begin to work against itself. That is, the body sees a threat not in viruses and bacteria, but in ordinary and harmless things, such as flowers, fruits or water.

The list of substances that can cause allergies is practically endless, they are called antigens.

There are five types of allergies:

  • atopic;
  • cytotoxic;
  • immunocomplex;
  • delayed;
  • stimulating.

The most common is the atopic type, which, in fact, is considered an allergy. When the body comes into contact with some new substance, the immune system always meets it with antibodies. At the first contact with a new harmless substance, the body should normally recognize it as safe and stop producing antibodies to it. But when there is a failure, known in scientific circles as a hypersensitivity reaction, they continue to be produced, and the more of them are formed, the stronger the reaction will be. At this point, the situation can go in two ways: either everything will return to normal and resistance to the substance will develop, or sensitization to the substance will occur in the body. At the first time, a person will not even know that this has happened in his body, and he can easily continue contact with the substance. But with the second, upon entering into repeated contact with the substance, a person will show allergy symptoms. And the force with which they manifest themselves directly depends on how many antibodies were produced by the body at the first contact.

Allergy to humans - is it a myth or reality?

AT recent times cases of hypersensitivity reactions have become more frequent, especially in children. And unfortunately, an allergy to a person is quite a reality. Most often, allergies occur on men, as their excretory system works more actively.

The reaction can be caused by both close contact and just being in the same room. That is, an allergy to a person can be caused even by the fact that you breathe the same air with him. And since few people have heard of such a phenomenon, it is often quite difficult to guess what is happening.

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What exactly is the reaction?

The reaction in the case of an allergy to a person occurs on his discharge, for example, the following:

  • saliva
  • semen;
  • urine;
  • excretion of the female genital organs.

Moreover, both for the selection of a specific person, and for a certain selection in principle.

Medicine has met such rare cases as an allergy to any sperm or someone else's sweat. There were even cases when spouses lived for years and did not know that one of them was allergic to sperm and female secretions, and continued to have sex, exacerbating the situation.

Studies have shown that there is a hereditary predisposition to allergies specifically to humans. Therefore, it is imperative to warn your children about this. If you give birth to a child from a person to whom you are allergic, there is a very high probability that he will be allergic to his father or mother, and quite a strong one.


The symptoms of an allergy to a person are no different from the symptoms of an allergy to something more common. It affects organs and tissues that are in direct contact with the external environment:

  • skin covering;
  • liver;
  • mucous membranes;
  • respiratory system.

Hypersensitivity appears the following symptoms:

  • conjunctivitis;
  • runny nose and swelling of the nasal cavity;
  • peeling and eczema;
  • decreased intestinal motility;
  • indigestion;
  • nausea;
  • cough, in severe cases turning into asthma.

All these symptoms can be manifestations of a wide range of diseases, so only an allergist-immunologist for adults should diagnose an allergy. Since the mechanism of hypersensitivity reactions in children is somewhat different.

Why is allergy dangerous?

If the first signs may seem just an inconvenience, then it can get worse. The swelling of the nasal cavity is so severe that it becomes difficult to breathe. And pulmonary edema is fraught with Quincke's edema, in which fatal outcome so quickly that the ambulance simply does not have time to arrive. Another strong and terrible manifestation of allergies is anaphylactic shock. Therefore, if there is the slightest suspicion of an allergy, it is very dangerous to ignore it, no one knows what a particular case can lead to.

There are allergic reactions of immediate type and delayed. Their main difference is that in the first case, the reaction occurs within a couple of hours, and in the second it can occur after a day or more.


Sometimes it can be quite difficult to identify what exactly you are allergic to. If this allergic reaction immediate type, then it is easiest to determine. In the case of a slow one, difficulties often arise.

If you suspect an allergy, you must contact an allergist-immunologist for adults directly, bypassing the therapist. To begin with, the specialist will examine the patient to determine external manifestations. Then he will ask him a series of standard questions: did he eat a lot of fruits, did he visit exotic countries, and did he change his usual care products, cosmetics or household chemicals. At the end of the visit, he will tell you what tests to take for allergies to make sure that it is she. The fact is that when a hypersensitivity reaction is active in the body, the level of neutrophils in the blood will be increased.

If something unusual is revealed at the reception, then the allergist recommends removing everything suspicious from the diet and everyday life with a frequency of about once every 3 days, that is how much it takes for the allergic reaction to begin to fade away. Usually at this stage, the allergen is detected. But it happens that contact with everything new and unusual is completely excluded, but the symptoms only intensify. Then decide to do an allergy test. To do this, several incisions are made on the arm or back and an essence with one of the most popular allergens is dripped into each of them.

Causes of Allergy

Doctors haven't figured it out yet exact reasons its appearance, but the most likely are the following:

  • environmental degradation;
  • drug intervention in the immune system;
  • vaccination;
  • the rise of the chemical industry.

The causes of human allergy, most likely, also lie in poor ecology, because the toxicity of human excreta is directly related to what he eats and what he breathes.

But this is only an assumption, and in connection with the mechanism of the occurrence of allergies, many questions remain. For example, why some people can be in contact with certain substances all their lives and nothing happens, while for someone the slightest contact is enough for the strongest manifestation.


by the most the best treatment Allergy is the elimination of the allergen by completely avoiding further contact with it. Then the allergist will simply prescribe remedies that will help to quickly neutralize all the symptoms. But it happens that this is impossible, then new generation antiallergic drugs come to the rescue. And if you stop eating or using something household chemicals it’s still possible, then leaving a loved one because of the fact that such a reaction to him is quite difficult morally. Any allergy only intensifies over time, and in severe forms, continue to communicate with this person without taking antihistamines, could be fatal.

The famous "Suprastin" from allergies of such strength will not help, because this is only the first generation drug. That is, it simply blocks the symptoms for a period of no more than 5 hours. And drinking it all the time is pretty bad.

Second-generation drugs, such as Claritin, Fenistil and Zodak, have less side effects, but are contraindicated for cores.

"Zirtek" and "Cetrin" are third-generation drugs and have a minimal list of side effects. Approved for use by people with cardiovascular diseases.

And finally, anti-allergic drugs of a new generation, that is, the fourth. These are Levocetirizine, Cetirizine, Erius and many others. They quickly and permanently stop the symptoms of allergies. They have a minimum of contraindications.

The appointment of drugs of previous generations is also appropriate. It is up to the allergist to decide what exactly the patient will be treated with. A person without the appropriate education and experience cannot take into account all the nuances.

There is a chance to get rid of the disease and completely. There is such a method as allergen-specific immunotherapy. The patient's body is exposed to allergens in a certain way, thus causing resistance to them. Such therapy does not always work, but it gives hope to such couples for a normal life together.

Psychological reason

There is such an unusual phenomenon as a psychological allergy to a person. That is, one person literally cannot be next to an unpleasant person. And the reason lies precisely in personal hostility, in the fact that a person brings negative emotions. In this case, sometimes a smart organism gives such a strange, but, oddly enough, protective for nervous system reaction. When a person begins to smell the smell of someone who is very unpleasant to him, then great amount hormones that give a reaction similar to an allergy.

"Suprastin" from this type of allergy is unlikely to help. Here you need to either somehow accept the inevitability of communication with this person and work it out with a psychologist, or simply exclude communication completely. Since this only happens when interacting with people who are truly unpleasant, it can be difficult to do this only social reasons. For example, if it is the boss or teacher of the child. But more often than not, this issue can be resolved.


Prevention of any hypersensitivity reaction is living in the most environmentally friendly areas and eating food that is as clean as possible from nitrates and growth hormones. In the conditions of modern life, this seems unlikely.

But everyone can drink fewer pills for the slightest reason, buy better vegetables and meat, and refuse instant products.

Other Unusual Allergies

Allergies to fruits, milk and medicines will not surprise anyone. But there are such types of allergies that are truly amazing. For example, there are allergies to the following:

  1. Water. Long term exposure on the skin causes peeling and atopic dermatitis.
  2. Sports and fitness, otherwise it is called "anaphylaxis of physical effort." When playing sports, a certain set of hormones is released into the human body, and a reaction occurs on them.
  3. Sunlight. Burns from prolonged exposure to the sun are familiar to many, but a small amount people, such burns occur instantly.
  4. plastic. In this case, you will have to surround yourself with exclusively natural materials, but outside the home, avoiding contact with plastic things in the 21st century is quite problematic.
  5. Metal. Saves one thing that kinds of metal a large number of and at once there cannot be an allergy to everything, since the composition of different alloys is strikingly different.

It is quite difficult for a person to exist with some types of allergies, but medicine does not stand still, and scientists do not lose hope of finding a cure for allergies that will be 100% effective.

Can a person be allergic? What to do in this situation? And what foods can not be eaten with an allergy to carrots? Candidate answers questions from readers medical sciences, head of the advisory department of polyclinic No. 1 of the National Medical and Surgical Center. N.N. Pirogova, expert of the program Irina Anatolyevna Zalem.

“I want to get pierced this spring. Is it possible to be allergic to metal?

— Yes, in recent years there are more and more cases of allergy to metals. Many of them, upon contact with human skin, can slowly dissolve and penetrate through it into the body. As a result, an allergic reaction develops. How quickly symptoms appear depends on the activity of the allergen, immunity and the age of the person. This can take anywhere from a few minutes to a year.

As a rule, the allergy happens on nickel alloys, copper, brass, cobalt. Less often - for silver and rarely - for. But sometimes in jewelry precious metals are alloyed with the same copper, nickel or molybdenum.

In addition, an allergy may occur to the skin treatment after a puncture. Irritated due to contact with metal, the skin constantly itches. In such a situation, an infection can also be added to the allergy.

“I heard that if you are allergic to carrots, you can’t eat parsley. What does this have to do with it?

- This is due to the existence of cross allergens and is called cross allergy. Some plants are related - their pollen allergens are similar in structure. Thus, if you are allergic to one of the plants in the family, you may be allergic to other plants in the same family.

For example, if you are allergic to birch sap, plums, peaches, apricots, cherries, cherries, olives, olives, apples, pears, kiwi, hazelnuts, walnuts, almonds, celery, dill, curry, anise, cumin or carrots, reactions to potatoes are possible , tomatoes, cucumbers and onions.

Cross-allergic reaction occurs not only on food, but also on herbal remedies, cosmetics with plant extracts. Houseplants, garden flowers, and wildflowers can also cause cross-allergen reactions.

“On contact with one of my work colleagues, she gets severe itching and skin rashes appear. Is there an allergy to a person and how to deal with it?

- An allergy to a person is impossible, but he may be a "carrier" of any allergens. The cause of your friend's itching and rashes may be the perfume or cosmetics you use. Try to replace them or completely abandon them. After that, the colleague may well feel relieved.

Another one possible reason- your home. When playing with a dog or cat, you accumulate allergens on your clothes. These are the smallest particles of the skin and saliva of animals.

If experimenting with cosmetics and clothing doesn't work, a colleague should see an allergist and have skin tests done on the most common allergens. This is plant pollen, mites house dust, animal allergens.

Based on the results of the examination, the doctor may prescribe treatment with microdoses of allergens that cause the most severe reactions. Or he will prescribe modern second-generation antihistamines. They are effective and do not cause drowsiness.

“After doing fitness, red spots appear on the body. What could it be?"

- Probably, this is how the skin reacts to your tracksuit from synthetic fabric. Try wearing different sportswear.

In addition, a similar reaction may be to the cream that you applied to the body before class. Remember that on the eve of fitness you can not use cosmetics. When the body warms up, chemical reaction and cosmetics change their properties.

“A friend says that I have an allergy on the background of stress. How can it be identified and how can it be treated?

- Stress cannot cause allergies if there is no genetic predisposition to it. However, it can affect the frequency and duration of allergic reactions.

Stress contributes to the active production various kinds hormones and biologically active substances that stimulate the work of all organs and systems of the body. As a result, the protective resources of the body are depleted.

Therefore, against the background of chronic fatigue, stress, the usual allergy lasts longer and in a more severe form.

For this reason, when approaching seasonal allergies it is recommended to reduce stress load. Learn to relax, get more rest, walk, play sports or your favorite hobby.

Men in modern world Allergies are becoming more and more common. It brings trouble to all representatives of mankind, even the smallest. Unfortunately, medicine has not yet found the most effective way in the fight against allergies, patients only have the opportunity to fight the symptoms of the disease, achieve remission, but with the next failure in the body, it manifests itself again.

Atypical Allergy

Increasingly, there are quite atypical types of allergies, such as allergies to hair. Many assume that this cannot be, but to the surprise of the majority, an allergy to human hair is no longer a rarity in the world of diseases, it does not occur very often, but it does happen.

But before you get upset, make sure that this diagnosis can be attributed to your case. Wool and, pollen indoor plants can cause similar allergic reactions. Therefore, only a very careful observation of the reaction of your body will help determine the source of the allergy. And when you are sure that you are allergic to human hair, you must immediately take measures to prevent further complications of your condition.

How to proceed?

And now, you are allergic to hair, what to do in such a completely unusual situation? After all, if an allergy manifests itself on the hair of a person close to you, then this can cause a lot of inconvenience for your relationship.

First of all, you need to make sure that the allergic reaction appeared precisely on the hair, and not on the hair product. Very often, an allergy to one's own hair torments women who have chosen the wrong hair or hair.

If you find yourself allergic to the hair of another person, you need to analyze your attitude towards him. Since very often the cause of such a reaction is psychological problems in relation to the object of allergy.

How does a hair allergy manifest itself?

As with any other allergy, when the culprit of the disease enters the body through Airways, a person has the following symptoms of a hair allergy:

  • constant sneezing, nasal mucosa itches and flows transparent selection, congestion appears, all these are signs of allergic rhinitis;
  • the eyes begin to itch a lot and lacrimation appears - these are signs of allergic conjunctivitis;
  • a cough begins, most often dry, wheezing and signs of suffocation are possible, some patients develop shortness of breath;
  • skin problems occur: hives, itching or simple rashes.

Some representatives of the weaker sex often have an allergy to hair extensions. This is due not only to the hair itself, but also to the drugs used in the extension. Very often, a similar phenomenon occurs with glue hair extensions, therefore, before proceeding with the procedure on the entire head, it is necessary to check the reaction to the glue on a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin.

How to treat?

First of all, the treatment of hair allergy consists in isolating a person from the allergen itself, but if this is not possible, then medical support for the body is often indispensable.

As soon as you discover that you have an allergy, immediately contact an allergist. They will hold full examination organism and make sure that it is an allergy to human hair. For a complete picture of the disease, consultations are sometimes required. related specialists, since the cause of an allergy usually lies in the internal problems of the body, by treating which, you may also get rid of the allergy.

If hair allergies appeared due to psychological problems, then you should visit a psychotherapist to find out the causes of your inner anxiety and anxiety. It is necessary to do this, since very often an allergy manifests itself after severe stress or internal nervous tension.

To relieve allergic symptoms with drugs, the following antihistamines are suitable:

  • possessing sedative effect - ,
  • non-sedative new generation -,
  • not affecting the reaction of a person -, telfast.

For the treatment of external signs of allergy, corticosteroids are prescribed.

Help of nature in the fight against allergies

Alternative treatment for hair allergies is to use the gifts of nature to alleviate their condition. But before the treatment folk remedies make sure that you are not allergic to them either, since our body is unpredictable, it is better to prepare in advance.

Here are some very easy and very effective remedies:

  1. Prepare a slurry from chamomile, by brewing it with boiling water, and make compresses on inflamed areas of the body,
  2. You can make infusions from peppermint and consume three times a day.

Plants that contain azulene are very good for allergies. It has an anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic effect, found in yarrow and wormwood.

To ease your allergic condition sometimes you have to lose the most beloved, so do not start the disease and perhaps you will achieve a long-term remission, thanks to timely treatment.

The last decades have led to tangible progress in medicine and science, but the health of mankind as a whole has not changed. For the elderly, there are more and more new diseases. It seems that scientists are struggling with the treatment of some invincible misfortune, and at this time nature throws up more and more new tasks, as if offended by the inattentive attitude towards it.

Allergy is rightly considered the leader in the number of new forms. Relentless statistics show that such a disease is present in 25% of the inhabitants of the planet. The basis of most allergic reactions are immune processes that are activated when any objectionable microorganism or substance enters the body. Thus, there are a lot of factors for the appearance of allergies. The traditional agents of the disease are viruses, drugs, bacteria, pollen, wool and food.

However, in the 20th century, elements such as plastics, synthetic cosmetics, artificial building materials, and even radio waves were added to them. Today, more and more allergens are being identified, it has already become so commonplace that it does not surprise anyone. However, sometimes even doctors are surprised by the results and manifestations, because an allergy is an increased sensitivity to certain substances, which manifests itself in the form of unusual reactions to them.

Allergy manifests itself in different ways. These can be prolonged and exhausting bouts of sneezing, with discharge from the nose, there may be tearing and itching in the eyelids and nasopharynx, as well as on the skin. A rapidly developing allergic reaction can even lead to anaphylactic shock. Considering the fact that the disease can happen to anyone and at any time, we will talk about some of the most famous allergic reactions to quite common objects.

Allergy to the Sun. Spring is coming, followed by summer. People naturally want to warm up and sunbathe. But what should be done for those in whom the luminary causes not a beautiful tan, but redness, irritation, and even blisters? Allergy to the sun is a very common phenomenon, it is found in all more of people. The reason for the appearance of such a reaction (solar dermatitis or photodermatitis) is the exposure of sunlight to exposed skin person. By themselves, they are not allergens, and irritation can occur either due to external or due to internal factors. External factors include allergenic substances that gradually accumulate on the surface of the skin. It can be pollen from flowering plants, cosmetics or medicinal products, essential oils. They are exposed to the sun and cause an allergic reaction on exposed skin. internal reasons are usually diseases and disorders immune system and the effects of certain medications. All this leads to an increase in the sensitivity of the skin to the sun, which increases its vulnerability. The combination of ultraviolet light and drugs can be extremely dangerous, causing severe allergies. Its symptoms are similar to the usual skin reaction - exposure to the sun leads to reddening of the skin, burning and itching. Those areas of the skin that have been exposed get a rash similar to hives. Allergy to the Sun can also manifest itself in the form of swelling of the mucous membranes and skin in general. Interestingly, an allergy to the sun can also manifest itself in a solarium. Those who would like to give their skin a summer bronze tan go there in the cold season. However, artificial tanning as an unpleasant companion can also be allergic to a solarium. The symptoms of the disease are similar to photodermatitis, so the question of the benefits or harms of a solarium remains open.

Allergy to water. Everyone knows that water is life. It is all the more surprising to hear that there are those who are allergic to water. Usually, the disease occurs with a sharp drop in water temperature and usually manifests itself in residents of Africa, India and other countries with a hot climate. These people have limited access to fluids, and as a result, their skin becomes weaned from constant hydration. When it gets cold or hot water, then red spots, rashes and even microburns begin to appear on the body. Water brings peculiar problems to the organism that has become weaned from it. Similar but milder manifestations may occur with prolonged bathing in warm water. On the skin then formed small spots, which begin to itch and look like irritations. Although this type of allergy is quite rare, there were no fatal outcomes from it, although cases of instantaneous burns from water on the skin were recorded in India. Until now, scientists do not know real reasons such a strange effect of moisture on human body. There is a well-known case of a young Australian Ashley Morris, who received such an allergy after suffering from a sore throat in childhood. Doctors prescribed her drugs, which included a lot of penicillin. Soon the girl discovered that after taking a bath, a bright red rash appeared on her body. Dermatologists determined that the drugs changed the amount of histamine in the blood, which led to dysregulation of functions. Now any touch of water causes the girl to have an itchy rash and peeling. She can’t even walk down the street, as the sweat that comes out immediately leads to a skin reaction. But even in such a situation, Ashley finds her advantages - she will never have to do laundry and wash the dishes.

Allergy to alcohol. The very word "allergy" conjures up pictures of dust, wool, citrus fruits and more. However, there are people in nature who have a reaction to alcohol. It manifests itself in redness of the hands, face and torso. The skin gets rashes and itching, a runny nose attacks a person, and suffocation may even appear in especially severe cases. In the case of the possession of such reactions, it is better not to limit the intake of such alcohol, but to refuse it altogether. And it's not as hard as it seems. The most common intolerance to red wine, it occurs in 10-15% of people. However, allergies are most often caused not by alcohol itself, but by the polyphenolic compounds that are found in it (most often in the same wine). So it turns out that there is practically no allergy to vodka. Moreover, alcohol has been shown to reduce the allergenic properties of other foods. French doctors even recommend drinking strawberries with wine for those people who are allergic to it. In this case, it is recommended to choose natural white or red varieties of the drink, which should stand a little before use. It is claimed that this will help to avoid undesirable consequences.

Allergy to cow's milk. In its composition, milk has about 20 different proteins, including 4 main allergens. The most significant of these are alpha-lactalbumin, beta-lactoglobulin and casein. The latter consists of 80% milk proteins, it has 5 subfractions, of which alpha-casein and alpha-es-casein are noteworthy. Since casein is not part of the species-specific proteins, an allergy to it may be accompanied by an increase in sensitivity to cheeses and other dairy products of animals. The fact is that these substances also contain casein. 10% of all milk proteins are beta-lactoglobulins, which are part of the milk of all animals, and alpha-lactalbumin accounts for 5% of milk proteins. This allergen is also species-specific; an allergy to it may be accompanied by a cross-reaction to cow meat proteins. Other significant protein milk is a lipoprotein, it is much less active than those previously listed, but is responsible for the occurrence of reactions to butter. That is why it is important to remember that condensed and powdered milk contains all the same milk antigens, they are also present in products that are prepared with its use. In other words, an allergy to dairy products can also manifest itself when consuming white bread, ice cream, buns, mayonnaise, chocolate and so on. It happens that patients have an isolated allergy to cheeses, but there are no reactions to milk. Then we can talk about hypersensitivity not to milk proteins, but to molds used in cheese production. In general, milk allergy is most common in children, it usually manifests itself and begins with the introduction of complementary foods. This is especially clear in the presence of an allergy to beta-lactoglobulins. Usually significant allergic manifestations manifest in diarrhea and vomiting, but the exception is completely cow's milk from the diet can quickly lead to a significant improvement in the child's condition. By the second year of life, in addition, the baby may experience a spontaneous recovery associated with the maturation of the digestive organs and their defense mechanisms. In adults, true allergic reactions to milk are extremely rare, while poor milk tolerance is associated with a lack of enzymes that break down proteins. The activity of such substances decreases after puberty. Interestingly, half of people with this type of allergy develop immediate reaction, which is caused by immunoglobulin E and manifests itself in the violation of various functions of the body. This manifests itself in digestive disorders (diarrhea, vomiting, nausea), allergic skin reactions, allergic rhinitis and bronchial asthma. In the other half of patients, the reaction is of a delayed type, its symptoms are associated exclusively with the gastrointestinal tract.

Allergy to fish. This type of disease is quite common, especially in those countries and areas where food is traditional food. About a third of patients have a selective allergy to one type of fish, while the rest experience adverse reactions to many types at once. Wherein sea ​​fish more allergic than fresh, and heat treatment cannot destroy allergens at all. In rooms where fish is cooked, its antigens are abundant in the air, which leads to the formation of fish distillate. This, in turn, contributes to the inhalation of allergens into the human body. Also a strong allergen is caviar, but fish fat usually does not cause reactions, it affects only people with high sensitivity to this species allergens. It is worth mentioning that the human body can react most strongly to crabs, crayfish, lobsters and shrimp. If there is an allergy to crustaceans, then you should also be wary of inhaled allergens from daphnia, which are used as food for the inhabitants of the aquarium.

Allergy to vegetables and fruits. Reactions of this type can be caused by many vegetables and fruits - representatives of plant families. Tomatoes, all citrus fruits, bananas, carrots, peaches, garlic and onions most often lead to the appearance of pseudo-allergic and allergic reactions. It is curious that the prevalence of allergy to such products may be due to climatic and geographical features. For example, people over the age of 10 in the United States are more likely to be allergic to peaches than anywhere else. Recently, there has been a reaction to representatives of the laurel family. The most famous of the fruits of this group is avocado, do not forget the numerous spices and spices: laurel leaves, cassia, cinnamon. Interestingly, there is a structural similarity between avocado, banana, and latex antigens. The sap of rubber plants, usually the Brazilian Hevea, is used to prepare a group of products ranging from rubber products to chewing gum. Although latex allergy has its own characteristics, it is worth noting that antigenic crosshairs can lead to a reaction to rubber when eating products of the bay family, especially avocados. That is, after tasting such a fruit, you can get a rash from wearing hitherto unremarkable rubber gloves. As a result, the most allergenic fruits are pears, apples, stone fruits (peaches, cherries, apricots, etc.), as well as Walnut, almond, peanut and chestnut. From vegetables it is worth highlighting tomatoes, spinach, celery and parsley. Sometimes even simply storing or cutting kiwi fruits can cause a generalized reaction in individuals with hypersensitivity. Almost always, an allergy to vegetables and fruits is inextricably linked with an allergy to plant pollen. It has been noted that half of those who are allergic to apple pollen are also allergic to apples themselves. However, vegetable and fruit allergens do not tolerate temperature well, which is why they are destroyed during cooking.

Allergy to people. You can often hear how one person tells another that he is allergic to that one, thus expressing his irritation. However, it turned out that such a statement has a scientific basis, the symptoms of such irritation require the intervention of not psychologists, but doctors. In particular, it has been established that the smell of a person, or rather his sweat, causes allergies. Moreover, this statement applies most often to male odors. For the first time such reactions were registered in the middle of the twentieth century. But then it was considered something unusual, since the ecological situation was quite stable and nothing indicated that there were any prerequisites for the formation adverse reactions body to the smell of sweat. But recently, cases of women's reactions to men's sweat have become more frequent. Scientists believe that this is due to the general increase in the number allergic diseases and advanced qualifications of allergists. Such allergies are accompanied by asthma attacks, fever, diarrhea, vomiting, swelling, skin rashes and itching, and even loss of consciousness and circulatory disorders in the brain. Like any other form of allergy, this one can intensify over time and turn into more severe forms, the treatment of which will be already complicated.

Allergy to drugs. The person may also react to medications and medications, which is a specific response of the immune system to these drugs. This type of allergy occurs as a complication in the treatment of a disease, as well as Occupational Illness characteristic of people who have been working with medicines and medicines for a long time. This applies to pharmacists and medical workers generally. Statistics show that in an urban environment drug allergy is most common in women aged 30 to 40 years. This disease can occur for several reasons. These can be both hereditary factors, and the presence of other types of allergies, long-term medication may be to blame, and possibly simultaneous reception multiple drugs at once. Often the reaction to medications is associated with an overdose from them, such a reaction is called pseudo-allergic. It is now known that allergic reactions can be caused by almost any drug. The most common causes of allergies are antibiotics, local anesthetics, and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Having appeared once, drug allergy will occur again and again with each subsequent intake of the remedy. This type of reaction is characterized by the following symptoms: the skin begins to redden and itch, rashes appear. The reaction time to medications varies from a few seconds to 12 hours, while severe reactions such as urticaria, seizures are possible. bronchial asthma and angioedema. It is also possible that the appearance allergic rhinitis and conjunctivitis. The most severe manifestation of such an allergy is anaphylactic shock, which is caused by sharp decline blood pressure. During this shock, a person can lose consciousness and die. To understand the true causes of drug allergy not without research. With the help of an allergist, a series of diagnostic tests are performed to determine the patient's tolerance to certain medications. Then the specialist gives necessary recommendations about which of the prescribed means can actually be used. To protect yourself from drug allergies, remember the following:
1. The name of the drug that caused the allergy must be remembered or written down.
2. It is necessary to inform doctors about your reaction to certain drugs.
3. The use of an unfamiliar remedy must first be agreed with the doctor.

Allergy to progress items. Today around us is full of objects that are the achievements of progress. We carry with us mobile phone and a laptop, a TV is waiting for us at home, and a microwave in the kitchen. All these devices make our life much easier. Only here in some people the creations of progress cause allergies. There have been cases where a couple of hours of work at the computer was enough to cause allergic attack. And this phenomenon has its own scientific explanation. The fact is that about 15% of people have an increased susceptibility to magnetic fields. Most likely, there are people with supersensitivity. All equipment working around - a satellite dish, a TV set, a computer - is a source of an electromagnetic field. And wireless communication devices - bluetooth, Wi-Fi and the same mobile phone not only emit waves, but also create their own field. A complex broadband signal is unlikely to cause allergies for ordinary person, but for an allergic person, it can be a reason for an attack. In developed countries, literally everything is permeated with radio signals, wireless Internet is available everywhere. But allergy sufferers live from this hard. Not surprisingly, in America there have been cases of allergy sufferers protesting against wireless Internet. In Sweden, citizens with increased sensitivity to electromagnetic fields are even relocated to sanatoriums at the expense of the state. Despite the weak spread of such an allergy, the main thing that doctors call for in this case is not to panic. This allergy, like others, is treated, and quite successfully.

Meat allergy. Meat allergens are species-specific, their effect is markedly reduced with heat treatment. Chicken meat (including chicken) and pork have always been considered the most allergenic. But for beef and mutton, the number of reactions is noticeably less, rabbit meat is the most neutral in this aspect. Recently, scientists have discovered that meat allergies are not as rare as they used to be. The cause of the reaction is the substance alpha-galactose, which is contained in this product. It is found in the body of mammals, causing the production of antibodies in humans. The reaction can follow 5-6 hours after eating, even anaphylactic shock is possible.

A non-standard reaction of the body can occur to the effects of almost any substance. Some of them (drugs, cat hair, plant pollen and a number of others) are among the common allergens, but there are also atypical types of substances, the impact of which leads to allergies. One of the frequently asked questions to specialists: can there be an allergy to sweat? Let's find out the opinion of allergists on this matter.

Sweat allergy or cholinergic urticaria is a skin reaction to substances contained in the fluid secreted by the human body. Moreover, an allergy can be observed, both to one's own sweat, and a reaction to the sweating of another person. Scientists believe that the cause of increased reactivity is autoimmune processes, when the body overreacts to the proteins contained in the natural fluid and begins to fight them, as well as an increase in the concentration of histamine in the blood, leading to edema, urticaria, and in some cases to the development anaphylactic shock.

Allergy to sweat - symptoms

The reaction to sweat is noted immediately after the act of sweating. The main symptoms of allergies are:

  • the formation of pale pink bubbles with a reddish border, which, spreading throughout the body, can merge with each other and occupy large areas;
  • swelling and redness of the skin;
  • severe itching;
  • increase in body temperature.

Allergic manifestations in the form of rhinitis (nasal congestion, sneezing) are possible.

AT rare cases the reaction can be severe and manifest as:

  • swelling of the face and neck;
  • hoarseness;
  • "barking" cough;
  • difficulty breathing;
  • disorders of consciousness.

Allergy to sweat - treatment

If you are allergic to sweat, you need to remove it from the body as soon as possible: take a shower using soap. In the future, having dried the skin well, you should apply an ointment with an antiallergic effect and take antihistamine pill. At severe itching and edematous phenomena, you should use a corticosteroid ointment and drink some sedative drug. Manifestations of allergic rhinitis can be removed with the help of vasoconstrictor drops with antihistamine components.

How to get rid of sweat allergy?

To prevent the development of a reaction to sweating, it is necessary to prevent the development of skin reactions. Measures include:

  • a ban on visiting the bath;
  • taking baths with moderately warm water;
  • reducing the time spent in the sun and in a stuffy room.

In addition, it is necessary to use products that reduce sweat (antiperspirants, Botox injections).

Do you know the feeling of dislike, or, as we often call it, hatred? It’s good when we understand the reason for our hostility: when a person simply “annoyed” us with something, and abruptly stopped liking us. And what happens if a person is simply unpleasant to you? He pushes you away with his whole being, with his every word, and you involuntarily twitch at the sound of his steps and the appearance in the field of vision! In such cases, it is sometimes said ambiguously that “they can’t stand the spirit” of this person. So what is it? Maybe a human allergy? And what to do if you have to see this “allergen” every day: if he is your work colleague or, God forbid, a relative?

Here are the explanations for the cause of the subconscious “human allergy” I found on the Internet:

- "transfer". For example, once upon a time there was an episode in your life that was extremely unpleasant for you. And suddenly there is a person who is somewhat similar to the one with whom they were connected bad memories in the past. Just a relative similarity is enough, and our subconscious mind "recognizes" it. And all those negative feelings, all hostility is transferred to him.

- "mirror". So, an exact copy, a mirror image in some other person of our carefully hidden negative qualities. In your environment comes across a person in whom you see yourself in all the negative "beauty" as in a mirror. And he also does not think to hide this shortcoming of his, or maybe he does not consider it a shortcoming!

Leader conflict. If life brings together two natural leaders in the same space, then they are unlikely to ignite love for each other.

Call of Duty. Do you owe something to a person? Unfortunately, this “debt” hanging around your neck is killing laid-back relationships.

Sexual desire, repressed. Unsatisfied sexual desire often develops into hostility.

Yes, it is always interesting to hear the opinion of psychologists, but I did not find an answer to my most important question: is there a cure for chronic hostility towards someone? And you know what I can say from my own experience? And there is no cure for such an “allergy”! No introspection! And you can't control this feeling! All those rare people, with whom I have a bad relationship, are the objects of hostility of very, very many others. These objects have a bad reputation, an ugly manner of communication, and they are famous for their readiness to meanness at any convenient moment.

So what to do? Disperse in time and space - that's the solution!

Your Evgenia Valerievna

The last decades have led to tangible progress in medicine and science, but the health of mankind as a whole has not changed. For the elderly, there are more and more new diseases. It seems that scientists are struggling with the treatment of some invincible misfortune, and at this time nature throws up more and more new tasks, as if offended by the inattentive attitude towards it.

Allergy is rightly considered the leader in the number of new forms. Relentless statistics show that such a disease is present in 25% of the inhabitants of the planet. The basis of most allergic reactions are immune processes that are activated when any objectionable microorganism or substance enters the body. Thus, there are a lot of factors for the appearance of allergies. The traditional agents of the disease are viruses, drugs, bacteria, pollen, wool and food.

However, in the 20th century, elements such as plastics, synthetic cosmetics, artificial building materials, and even radio waves were added to them. Today, more and more allergens are being identified, it has already become so commonplace that it does not surprise anyone. However, sometimes even doctors are surprised by the results and manifestations, because an allergy is an increased sensitivity to certain substances, which manifests itself in the form of unusual reactions to them.

Allergy manifests itself in different ways. These can be prolonged and exhausting bouts of sneezing, with discharge from the nose, there may be tearing and itching in the eyelids and nasopharynx, as well as on the skin. A rapidly developing allergic reaction can even lead to anaphylactic shock. Considering the fact that the disease can happen to anyone and at any time, we will talk about some of the most famous allergic reactions to quite common objects.

Allergy to the Sun. Spring is coming, followed by summer. People naturally want to warm up and sunbathe. But what should be done for those in whom the luminary causes not a beautiful tan, but redness, irritation, and even blisters? Allergy to the sun is a very common phenomenon, it is found in an increasing number of people. The reason for the appearance of such a reaction (solar dermatitis or photodermatitis) is the exposure of sunlight to the exposed skin of a person. By themselves, they are not allergens, and irritation can occur either due to external or internal factors. External factors include allergenic substances that gradually accumulate on the surface of the skin. It can be pollen from flowering plants, cosmetics or medicines, essential oils. They are exposed to the sun and cause an allergic reaction on exposed skin. Internal causes are usually diseases and disorders of the immune system, as well as the effects of certain medications. All this leads to an increase in the sensitivity of the skin to the sun, which increases its vulnerability. The combination of ultraviolet radiation and drugs can become extremely dangerous, causing severe allergies. Its symptoms are similar to the usual skin reaction - exposure to the Sun leads to reddening of the skin, burning and itching. Those areas of the skin that have been exposed get a rash similar to hives. Allergy to the Sun can also manifest itself in the form of swelling of the mucous membranes and skin in general. Interestingly, an allergy to the sun can also manifest itself in a solarium. Those who would like to give their skin a summer bronze tan go there in the cold season. However, artificial tanning as an unpleasant companion can also be allergic to a solarium. The symptoms of the disease are similar to photodermatitis, so the question of the benefits or harms of a solarium remains open.

Allergy to water. Everyone knows that water is life. It is all the more surprising to hear that there are those who are allergic to water. Usually, the disease occurs with a sharp drop in water temperature and usually manifests itself in residents of Africa, India and other countries with a hot climate. These people have limited access to fluids, and as a result, their skin becomes weaned from constant hydration. When cold or hot water gets on it, red spots, rashes and even microburns begin to appear on the body. Water brings peculiar problems to the organism that has become weaned from it. Similar but milder manifestations may occur with prolonged bathing in warm water. Small spots then form on the skin, which begin to itch and look like irritations. Although this type of allergy is quite rare, there were no fatal outcomes from it, although cases of instantaneous burns from water on the skin were recorded in India. Until now, scientists are not clear on the true reasons for such a strange effect of moisture on the human body. There is a well-known case of a young Australian Ashley Morris, who received such an allergy after suffering from a sore throat in childhood. Doctors prescribed her drugs, which included a lot of penicillin. Soon the girl discovered that after taking a bath, a bright red rash appeared on her body. Dermatologists determined that the drugs changed the amount of histamine in the blood, which led to dysregulation of functions. Now any touch of water causes the girl to have an itchy rash and peeling. She can’t even walk down the street, as the sweat that comes out immediately leads to a skin reaction. But even in such a situation, Ashley finds her advantages - she will never have to do laundry and wash the dishes.

Allergy to alcohol. The very word "allergy" conjures up pictures of dust, wool, citrus fruits, and more. However, there are people in nature who have a reaction to alcohol. It manifests itself in redness of the hands, face and torso. The skin gets rashes and itching, a runny nose attacks a person, and suffocation may even appear in especially severe cases. In the case of the possession of such reactions, it is better not to limit the intake of such alcohol, but to refuse it altogether. And it's not as hard as it seems. The most common intolerance to red wine, it occurs in 10-15% of people. However, allergies are most often caused not by alcohol itself, but by the polyphenolic compounds that are found in it (most often in the same wine). So it turns out that there is practically no allergy to vodka. Moreover, alcohol has been shown to reduce the allergenic properties of other foods. French doctors even recommend drinking strawberries with wine for those people who are allergic to it. In this case, it is recommended to choose natural white or red varieties of the drink, which should stand a little before use. It is claimed that this will help to avoid undesirable consequences.

Allergy to cow's milk. In its composition, milk has about 20 different proteins, including 4 main allergens. The most significant of these are alpha-lactalbumin, beta-lactoglobulin and casein. The latter consists of 80% milk proteins, it has 5 subfractions, of which alpha-casein and alpha-es-casein are noteworthy. Since casein is not part of the species-specific proteins, an allergy to it may be accompanied by an increase in sensitivity to cheeses and other dairy products of animals. The fact is that these substances also contain casein. 10% of all milk proteins are beta-lactoglobulins, which are part of the milk of all animals, and alpha-lactalbumin accounts for 5% of milk proteins. This allergen is also species-specific; an allergy to it may be accompanied by a cross-reaction to cow meat proteins. Another significant milk protein is lipoprotein, it is much less active than those previously listed, but is responsible for causing reactions to butter. That is why it is important to remember that condensed and powdered milk contains all the same milk antigens, they are also present in products that are prepared with its use. In other words, an allergy to dairy products can also manifest itself when consuming white bread, ice cream, buns, mayonnaise, chocolate, and so on. It happens that patients have an isolated allergy to cheeses, but there are no reactions to milk. Then we can talk about hypersensitivity not to milk proteins, but to molds used in cheese production. In general, milk allergy is most common in children, it usually manifests itself and begins with the introduction of complementary foods. This is especially clear in the presence of an allergy to beta-lactoglobulins. Usually significant allergic manifestations are manifested in diarrhea and vomiting, but the exclusion of cow's milk from the diet can quickly lead to a significant improvement in the child's condition. By the second year of life, in addition, the baby may experience a spontaneous recovery associated with the maturation of the digestive organs and their protective mechanisms. In adults, true allergic reactions to milk are extremely rare, while poor milk tolerance is associated with a lack of enzymes that break down proteins. The activity of such substances decreases after puberty. Interestingly, half of people with this type of allergy develop an immediate reaction, which is caused by immunoglobulin E and manifests itself in a violation of various body functions. This manifests itself in digestive disorders (diarrhea, vomiting, nausea), allergic skin reactions, allergic rhinitis and bronchial asthma. In the other half of patients, the reaction is of a delayed type, its symptoms are associated exclusively with the gastrointestinal tract.

Allergy to fish. This type of disease is quite common, especially in those countries and areas where food is traditional food. About a third of patients have a selective allergy to one type of fish, while the rest experience adverse reactions to many types at once. At the same time, sea fish is more allergic than fresh fish, and heat treatment cannot destroy allergens at all. In rooms where fish is cooked, its antigens are abundant in the air, which leads to the formation of fish distillate. This, in turn, contributes to the inhalation of allergens into the human body. Caviar is also a strong allergen, but fish oil usually does not cause reactions, it only affects people with high sensitivity to this type of allergen. It is worth mentioning that the human body can react most strongly to crabs, crayfish, lobsters and shrimp. If there is an allergy to crustaceans, then you should also be wary of inhaled allergens from daphnia, which are used as food for the inhabitants of the aquarium.

Allergy to vegetables and fruits. Reactions of this type can be caused by many vegetables and fruits - representatives of plant families. Tomatoes, all citrus fruits, bananas, carrots, peaches, garlic and onions most often lead to the appearance of pseudo-allergic and allergic reactions. It is curious that the prevalence of allergy to such products may be due to climatic and geographical features. For example, people over the age of 10 in the United States are more likely to be allergic to peaches than anywhere else. Recently, there has been a reaction to representatives of the laurel family. The most famous of the fruits of this group is avocado, do not forget the numerous spices and spices: laurel leaves, cassia, cinnamon. Interestingly, there is a structural similarity between avocado, banana, and latex antigens. The sap of rubber plants, usually the Brazilian Hevea, is used to make a range of products ranging from rubber products to chewing gum. Although latex allergy has its own characteristics, it is worth noting that antigenic crosshairs can lead to a reaction to rubber when eating products of the bay family, especially avocados. That is, after tasting such a fruit, you can get a rash from wearing hitherto unremarkable rubber gloves. As a result, the most allergenic fruits are pears, apples, stone fruits (peaches, cherries, apricots, etc.), as well as walnuts, almonds, peanuts and chestnuts. From vegetables it is worth highlighting tomatoes, spinach, celery and parsley. Sometimes even simply storing or cutting kiwi fruit can cause a generalized reaction in hypersensitive individuals. Almost always, an allergy to vegetables and fruits is inextricably linked with an allergy to plant pollen. It has been noted that half of those who are allergic to apple pollen are also allergic to apples themselves. However, vegetable and fruit allergens do not tolerate temperature well, which is why they are destroyed during cooking.

Allergy to people. You can often hear how one person tells another that he is allergic to that one, thus expressing his irritation. However, it turned out that such a statement has a scientific basis, the symptoms of such irritation require the intervention of not psychologists, but doctors. In particular, it has been established that the smell of a person, or rather his sweat, causes allergies. Moreover, this statement applies most often to male odors. For the first time such reactions were registered in the middle of the twentieth century. But then it was considered something unusual, since the ecological situation was quite stable and nothing said that there were any prerequisites for the formation of adverse reactions of the body to the smell of sweat. But recently, cases of women's reactions to men's sweat have become more frequent. Scientists believe that this is due to the general increase in the number of allergic diseases and the increased qualifications of allergists. Such allergies are accompanied by asthma attacks, fever, diarrhea, vomiting, swelling, skin rashes and itching, and even loss of consciousness and circulatory disorders in the brain. Like any other form of allergy, this one can intensify over time and turn into more severe forms, the treatment of which will be already complicated.

Allergy to drugs. A person can also react to drugs and medications, which is a specific response of the immune system to these drugs. This type of allergy occurs as a complication in the treatment of a disease, as well as an occupational disease characteristic of people who have been working with medicines and medicines for a long time. This applies to pharmacists and healthcare professionals in general. Statistics show that in an urban environment drug allergy is most common in women aged 30 to 40 years. This disease can occur for several reasons. These can be both hereditary factors and the presence of other types of allergies, possibly long-term medication is to blame, and possibly the simultaneous intake of several drugs at once. Often the reaction to medications is associated with an overdose from them, such a reaction is called pseudo-allergic. It is now known that allergic reactions can be caused by almost any drug. The most common causes of allergies are antibiotics, local anesthetics, and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Having appeared once, drug allergy will occur again and again with each subsequent intake of the remedy. This type of reaction is characterized by the following symptoms: the skin begins to redden and itch, rashes appear. The reaction time to medications varies from a few seconds to 12 hours, while severe reactions such as urticaria, an attack of bronchial asthma and Quincke's edema are possible. The appearance of an allergic rhinitis and conjunctivitis is not excluded. The most severe manifestation of such an allergy is anaphylactic shock, which is caused by a sharp decrease in blood pressure. During this shock, a person can lose consciousness and die. To understand the true causes of drug allergies, research is indispensable. With the help of an allergist, a series of diagnostic tests are performed to determine the patient's tolerance to certain medications. Then the specialist gives the necessary recommendations on which of the prescribed funds can actually be used. To protect yourself from drug allergies, remember the following:
1. The name of the drug that caused the allergy must be remembered or written down.
2. It is necessary to inform doctors about your reaction to certain drugs.
3. The use of an unfamiliar remedy must first be agreed with the doctor.

Allergy to progress items. Today around us is full of objects that are the achievements of progress. We carry a mobile phone and a laptop with us, a TV is waiting for us at home, and a microwave in the kitchen. All these devices make our life much easier. Only here in some people the creations of progress cause allergies. There have been cases where a couple of hours of work at the computer was enough to cause an allergic attack. And this phenomenon has its own scientific explanation. The fact is that about 15% of people have an increased susceptibility to magnetic fields. Most likely, there are people with supersensitivity. All equipment working around - a satellite dish, a TV set, a computer - is a source of an electromagnetic field. And wireless communication devices - bluetooth, Wi-Fi and the same mobile phone not only emit waves, but also create their own field. A complex broadband signal is unlikely to cause an allergy for the average person, but for an allergic person, it can cause an attack. In developed countries, literally everything is permeated with radio signals, wireless Internet is available everywhere. But allergy sufferers live from this hard. Not surprisingly, in America there have been cases of allergy sufferers protesting against wireless Internet. In Sweden, citizens with increased sensitivity to electromagnetic fields are even relocated to sanatoriums at the expense of the state. Despite the weak spread of such an allergy, the main thing that doctors call for in this case is not to panic. This allergy, like others, is treated, and quite successfully.

Meat allergy. Meat allergens are species-specific, their effect is markedly reduced by heat treatment. Chicken meat (including chicken) and pork have always been considered the most allergenic. But for beef and mutton, the number of reactions is noticeably less, rabbit meat is the most neutral in this aspect. Recently, scientists have discovered that meat allergies are not as rare as they used to be. The cause of the reaction is the substance alpha-galactose, which is contained in this product. It is found in the body of mammals, causing the production of antibodies in humans. The reaction can follow 5-6 hours after eating, even anaphylactic shock is possible.

There is such a form of allergy: sneezing on others ... After all, an allergy is a pathologically increased reaction of the body to foreign substances. Even breathing the same air with others becomes more and more difficult, as if people are emitting substances that are not compatible with what my EGO accepts.

And what is the most alien to me? That's right: the neighbor, - atu him! We are allergic to the human environment or to its individual representatives.

Turning to the "traditional" allergies, for example, to food, we will see that those that have been in our kitchens for hundreds of years are suddenly no longer accepted by us. Rumor has it that even ordinary cheese can cause cancer. They say chemistry, biotechnology, etc. But the nearest is the most strong allergen for everyone, just unbearable. It seems to us that he constantly sticks his nose into other things, i.e. into mine, and that is why the mucous membrane of our ego is irritated. Apchi!

The disease, which was considered outlandish 50-100 years ago, is becoming more and more aggressive. Today, you can earn an allergy to your neighbor, starting from school, and at retirement age. Among the victims, most often there are residents of highly civilized, deeply economic countries. What is going on? Experts are sure: an allergy to a neighbor is a retribution for selfishness. It turns out that the growth of egoism triggers the mechanism of the emergence of an allergy to one's neighbor.

Paradox! We suffer so much from the problems in the world, but we continue to cling to the principle that we ourselves, with our mind, also, of course, selfish, are able to solve the problem. Alas, allergy to the neighbor, like all other types of allergies, is incurable. On the contrary, it is getting stronger. Previously, units sneezed, now crowds ...

Here's an example for you. The joy of the end of the crisis, which was victoriously announced to us, is a purely individual matter. Those flowers that the economy flourishes turn into a nightmare for the majority. We are talking about allergy sufferers, for whom their environment becomes enemy number one. Over the past 20-30 years, the number of people allergic to the promises of political leaders and self-interested economists has been growing in geometric progression. According to forecasts, by 2015, every second inhabitant of the Earth will sneeze from lies pouring from sources forced to lie.

The answer to the question of why the world was captured by a pandemic of allergy to the neighbor, scientists first of all began to look in genetics. In fact, there is a predisposition to allergies: if a parent sneezed on the neighbor, the child was 100% likely to be ready to buck and sneeze even further.

Allergy to neighbor is infection that struck everyone to everyone. There is a causal relationship between the development of egoism and the development of hatred, and there is no person free from it. Today, all structures of human society are covered by allergies: children sneeze at their parents, students at teachers, leaders at the people, business at the consumer. And all together we sneeze at the nature around us, apparently believing that we will not get a direct blow in the nose from it.

Why wasn't neighbor allergy such a severe pandemic 100-200 years ago? Answer: pollution of the human environment. Everyone's ego swells at an accelerated pace, saturating society with its poison, creating an increasingly dirty environment with each generation. One has only to breathe in the air of the environment that he chose, and there ...! A suspension of particles of the ego of all floats, no, stands in the air, causing an allergic reaction. And this happens if I have different interests with the environment. True, if the air of the environment coincides with my ideas, desires, it does not cause allergies in me. On the contrary: it seems to me the most pure and pleasant.

So, the reason for the appearance of a sneeze on a neighbor is his opposite to me. In recent years, relations between us have become aggravated, because the intolerance of our neighbor has increased markedly. We become more and more aggressive and more and more allergic, we do not want to adapt to the habits, characters of others. Let him be better!

The development of egoism led to its terrifying manifestations. They even came up with a word - "genocide" to give a name to the hatred that reigned between people. It is terrible to say so, but it seems that genocide is only the beginning. The world is steadily moving towards homocide - the destruction of humanity by the hands of humanity itself. These hands are called the selfish desires of man. So what to do?

Allergy equals hate. The selfishness of each prevents the emergence of love for people. And from love there can be no allergy, because love is the opposite of hate. Of course we are talking about love for one's neighbor as the only cure for allergies.

Allergy to humans - reality or myth?

Allergy is a response of the immune system to foreign substances that affect it. It is generally accepted that it manifests itself only in response to inanimate objects (for example, wool or pollen). However, the history of the emergence of an allergy to a person becomes quite real. It used to be a myth. Today it is a reality.

Allergy to humans manifests itself in various forms accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • Pain in the eyes.
  • Edema.
  • Runny nose.
  • Cough.
  • Irritation in the nose.
  • Hives.
  • Sneezing.

Allergy to a person is expressed in the form of rejection of the impact of it on you or his personality. Between close people, this reaction often develops when relatives get into your affairs without asking. Sometimes it seems that you cannot breathe the same air as the person you hate.

Human allergies are becoming more common, aggressive, popular and frequent. This is due to a large concentration of people in one area, disrespect for personal boundaries and other factors.

The considered allergy is psychological, when it becomes unbearable for you to be in the company of another person. However, there are also manifestations of an allergic reaction to people who absolutely do not cause any emotions in you and even attract. What could be the reasons?

Doctors of the site claim that human allergy does not exist, it is a myth. The reality is that backlash manifests itself in response to those substances that are on the body or clothing of another person. An allergy does not arise on a person, but on those allergens that he carries on himself. It can be:

  • Smells cosmetics or perfumery.
  • pollen from plants.
  • Hair from a pet that the person has been in contact with.
  • Smells of allergenic food, etc.

By itself, a person cannot be an allergen. However, it can produce or carry substances that provoke allergies. In this case, your personal attitude towards him becomes unimportant.

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Causes of human allergy

The main causes of human allergy are called rejection of the individual or a reaction to the saliva, hair, epithelium of the individual. The symptoms that appear in this case:

  • Skin itching.
  • Desire to scratch.
  • Cough.
  • Tears.
  • Rash.
  • Sneezing.
  • Edema.
  • Rhinitis.

Scientists observe this allergic reaction as a manifestation psychological problems in relationships between people. Developing selfishness and lack of personal space cause internal and deep hatred of others.

To physiological reasons doctors note allergies to humans genetic predisposition. If a parent was allergic to their loved ones, then the child may show the same abnormal immune response. And yet, the causes of allergies to people are identified in psychological factors:

  1. A negative reaction to a person who is opposite or dissimilar in character or temperament.
  2. The smell of another person is annoying.
  3. Hormonal explosion due to the similarity with a person in character and temperament, which leads to improper functioning of the immune system.

Experts note an increasing increase in the development of allergies in people to each other. They note the reasons for the growth of selfishness and the lack of sufficient personal space for everyone. People get into each other's affairs, they want to manage, control other people's actions. This causes resentment.

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What selfishness can cause an allergic reaction?

Yes, almost any

  • When another person is concerned only with his own desires and interests, imposing them on others.
  • When another person gets into other people's affairs without hearing what they are asking him to do.
  • When another person infringes on the freedom of others, not wanting to admit their mistakes.
  • When a person considers himself the only right one, demanding changes, changes and perfection from others.

To all this are added negative emotions, which today is more customary to express than happiness, love. They try to “lower” a happy person, return to real life, devalue. When a person is unhappy, his emotions are supported by society.

This causes internal resentment. A person does not feel complete, free, strong and healthy. Aggression is directed at the surrounding people who support the "unhealthy" state of the individual. As a result, an allergic reaction occurs as a somatic disorder to people who internally irritate, oppress, cause hatred.

FROM philosophical point vision, an allergy to a person arises as a result of selfishness and cynicism, excessive demands on the individual. Everyone considers himself normal and right, while demanding changes from others.

Obviously, there are many reasons for the occurrence of an allergy to a person. There are both medical and psychological factors that provoke this disease modern society where subconsciously people simply hate each other if they do not agree on opinions, interests and character.

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Human Allergy Treatment

Treatment methods for an allergy to a person completely depend on the causes of its occurrence. It has already been noted that the reasons are physiological and psychological.

  1. If a person has an allergy with obvious hostility or hatred for another individual, then you should contact a psychologist for a solution to the problem.
  2. If a person has an allergy in the absence of any negative emotions or even good attitude to another individual, then you should contact an allergist. He will spend diagnostic measures (skin tests), which will help to identify which allergen a negative reaction occurs to. Most likely, the other person is a carrier or producer of some allergen to which the individual has a negative immune response.

If the causes of allergies are caused by physiological factors, then they should be treated in the usual ways, for example, with antihistamine drugs, corticosteroids, vitamin complexes. You should exclude the allergen from the environment, for example, ask the other person not to use perfumes to which you are allergic.

If the causes of allergies are caused by psychological factors, then there is only one treatment - to consult a psychologist. There are many internal conflicts that will have to be resolved by a person together with a psychologist. Their elimination will allow you to get rid of allergies, which exist as long as a person is irritated, nervous, and stressed.

The main areas of psychological treatment are:

  • Cessation of contact with the person to whom the allergy occurs. If the lack of communication does not affect the quality of life, then you should part with your partner.
  • Showing patience with the characteristics of the other person. Recognize the fact that other people have the right to be different from you.
  • Stop prejudice against those people to whom an allergic reaction occurs.
  • Eliminate excessive demands on others and stop the pressure of others on yourself by allowing yourself to be imperfect.
  • The acquisition of a personal territory where you can relax, be alone, relax.

Preventive measures that help prevent human allergies are:

  1. Stop contact with the person to whom the allergic reaction occurs.
  2. Walks in parks, sea coast, forest. Fresh air promotes psychological relaxation.

Allergy to humans is a rare occurrence from a medical point of view. Often somatic symptoms appear due to psychological factors. Should be eliminated social problems that arise in relationships between people. At the same time, whatever the reasons, while the problem is being solved, the allergen, that is, the person, should be excluded from the environment.

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Allergy to a person does not affect life expectancy. This is a type of allergy that is not provoked by complications in the form of anaphylactic shock or Quincke's edema. However, it can significantly reduce the quality of life when a person shows "unhealthy" symptoms that worsen his state of health. The prognosis is unfavorable, because with reduced immunity, a person becomes susceptible to various infections infections.

The mind affects the state of health. Stress and irritants of a constant nature affect psycho-emotional state. A person ceases to take care of his own health while he is busy eliminating factors that annoy or oppress him.

The modern civilized world is full of situations when a person is forced to obey someone, to be constantly in sight, not to have an opinion and give up personal desires. Selfishness of others provokes selfishness in the person himself.

The genetic predisposition, which many experts blame, can also be attributed to the child's tendency to repeat the behavior of his parents. If parents are selfish, cynical and irritable towards others, which comes to the appearance of allergic symptoms, then the child will develop similar qualities in himself.

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