Is there black eyes? What is the rarest eye color in humans. Influence of eye color on character. Eye Color: Gray

Eye color is of great importance in a girl's life, even if we don't think about it. Very often, clothes, accessories and makeup are matched directly to the color of the eyes, not to mention the fact that, thanks to existing stereotypes, we, to some extent, form our initial opinion about a person, taking into account the color of his eyes.

Therefore, when special lenses appeared that changed the color of the eyes, many girls rushed to acquire them in order to create images with different eye colors. And besides lenses, Photoshop helps us, with it you can achieve any color, but unfortunately this is displayed only on the monitor screen and photographs.

What determines the actual color of a person's eyes? Why do some have blue eyes, others green, and some can even boast purple?

The color of a person's eyes, or rather the color of the iris, depends on 2 factors:

  1. The density of the fibers of the iris.
  2. Distribution of melanin pigment in the layers of the iris.

Melanin is the pigment that determines the color of human skin and hair. The more melanin, the darker the skin and hair. In the iris of the eye, melanin varies from yellow to brown to black. In this case, the posterior layer of the iris is always black, with the exception of albinos.

Yellow, brown, black, where do the blue, green eyes come from? Let's take a look at this phenomenon...

Blue eyes

The blue color is obtained due to the low density of the fibers of the outer layer of the iris and the low content of melanin. In this case, low-frequency light is absorbed by the back layer, and high-frequency light is reflected from it, so the eyes are blue. The lower the fiber density of the outer layer, the richer the blue color of the eyes.

Blue eyes

Blue color is obtained if the fibers of the outer layer of the iris are denser than in the case of blue eyes, and have a whitish or grayish color. The greater the fiber density, the lighter the color.

Blue and blue eyes are most common among the population of northern Europe. For example, in Estonia, up to 99% of the population had this eye color, and in Germany, 75%. Only taking into account modern realities, this alignment will not last long, because more and more people from Asian and African countries are striving to move to Europe.

Blue eyes in babies

There is an opinion that all children are born blue-eyed, and then the color changes. This is a wrong opinion. In fact, many babies are actually born light-eyed, and subsequently, as melanin is actively produced, their eyes become darker and the final color of the eyes is established by two or three years.

Grey colour it turns out like blue, only at the same time the density of the fibers of the outer layer is even higher and their shade is closer to gray. If the density of the fibers is not so high, then the color of the eyes will be gray-blue. In addition, the presence of melanin or other substances gives a slight yellow or brownish impurity.

Green eyes

This eye color is most often attributed to witches and sorceresses, and therefore green-eyed girls are sometimes treated with suspicion. Only green eyes were obtained not due to witchcraft talents, but due to a small amount of melanin.

In green-eyed girls, a yellow or light brown pigment is distributed in the outer layer of the iris. And as a result of scattering by blue or cyan, green is obtained. The color of the iris is usually uneven, there are a large number of different shades of green.

Pure green eyes are extremely rare, no more than two percent of people can boast of green eyes. They can be found in people in Northern and Central Europe, and sometimes in Southern Europe. In women, green eyes are much more common than in men, which played a role in attributing this eye color to sorceresses.


Amber eyes have a monotonous light brown color, sometimes they have a yellowish-green or reddish tint. Their color can also be close to marsh or golden, due to the presence of the pigment lipofuscin.

Swamp eye color (aka hazel or beer) is a mixed color. Depending on the lighting, it can appear golden, brown-green, brown, light brown with a yellow-green tint. In the outer layer of the iris, the melanin content is rather moderate, so the marsh color is obtained as a result of a combination of brown and blue or light blue. Yellow pigments may also be present. In contrast to the amber color of the eyes, in this case the color is not monotonous, but rather heterogeneous.

Brown eyes

Brown eyes result from the fact that the outer layer of the iris contains a lot of melanin, so it absorbs both high-frequency and low-frequency light, and the reflected light in total gives brown. The more melanin, the darker and richer the color of the eyes.

Brown eye color is the most common in the world. And in our life, so - which is a lot - is less appreciated, therefore brown-eyed girls sometimes envy those to whom nature has given green or blue eyes. Just do not rush to be offended by nature, brown eyes are one of the most adapted to the sun!

Black eyes

The black color of the eyes is essentially dark brown, but the concentration of melanin in the iris is so high that the light falling on it is almost completely absorbed.

Red colored eyes

Yes, there are such eyes, and not only in the movies with vampires and ghouls, but also in reality! Red or pinkish eye color is found only in albinos. This color is associated with the absence of melanin in the iris, so the color is formed on the basis of the blood circulating in the vessels of the iris. In some rare cases, the red color of blood, mixed with blue, gives a slight purple tint.

Purple eyes!

The most unusual and rare eye color is rich purple. This is extremely rare, perhaps only a few people on earth have a similar eye color, so this phenomenon has been little studied, and there are different versions and myths on this score that go far back into the depths of centuries. But most likely, purple eyes do not give their owner any superpowers.

Eyes of different colors

This phenomenon is called heterochromia, which in Greek means "different color". The reason for this feature is the different amount of melanin in the irises of the eye. There is complete heterochromia - when one eye is of the same color, the second is different, and partial - when parts of the iris of one eye are of different colors.

Can eye color change throughout life?

Within the same color group, color can change depending on lighting, clothing, makeup, even mood. In general, with age, the eyes of most people brighten, losing their original bright color.

Eye color in people plays one of the most important roles in the formation of both their character and external data. Often makeup, clothes, jewelry are selected under the eyes. From this in the future depends on the style of a person. Also, taking into account the shade of the iris that we see in the interlocutor, we can form a certain opinion about him. So, a rare eye color in people is remembered much better than some very common one. Well, now we will look at the rating of the rarest and most common shades of the iris and find out what effect it has on the character of the individual.

Most common shade

As it turned out, brown eye color is the most popular on the planet. This tone of the iris can boast of the inhabitants of all the southern countries of the African and American continents, as well as many southern Europeans, eastern races and most of the Slavs. Doctors claim that melanin gives such a shade to people's eyes, which performs not only a coloring function, but also a protective one. For those who have brown eyes, it is easier to look at the sunlight or at the whiteness of the snowy deserts. There is such a version that previously all people on the planet were the owners of brown eyes. However, over time, in the organisms of those individuals who lived far from sunny conditions, the melanin content in the body decreased sharply, due to which the iris also changed its color.

The influence of brown eyes on character

As it turned out, the brown color of the eyes of people tells us that they are pleasant in communication, sociable, kind and at the same time ardent. They are excellent storytellers, but the listeners of them, alas, are useless. Brown-eyed people are slightly selfish, but they are always open and generous to their loved ones. Research shows that brown-eyed people have the most pleasing facial features. Most people, based on their own taste, choose their companions with just such a tone of the iris, and this happens on a subconscious level.

A popular shade for the inhabitants of the North

Very often in the north of Russia and Europe can be found in people's eyes. It is this mix that is very popular, but if we see eyes of a clearly gray or clearly green tone, then this is already a rarity. Well, from a medical point of view, this shade is characteristic of the iris due to the fact that the vessels that are in it have a bluish color. At the same time, a small fraction of melanin gets there, which cannot color the eye in a brown or black tone, but can make it darker and give it a steel tint. As a result, we get chameleon eyes, the shade of which changes depending on the various processes taking place in the body.

The nature of such people

People who have gray-green eyes are quick-tempered and slightly brash by nature. However, this aggressiveness is only an external quality, and inside such individuals are always gentle, subject to the opinions of others and tend to accept all the suffering that falls on their age. A remarkable feature of such people can be considered the fact that they are able to live with a person whom they themselves do not love, but at the same time they feel something high in relation to themselves. In general, such an iridescent shade of the iris looks very attractive, as the photo shows us. Eye color goes well with clothes of any tones and harmonizes mainly with dark shades in makeup.

Blue-eyed: on the verge

What does it mean? Today, eyes are not considered a rarity, but you will not meet them at every step either. The iris can have such a shade due to the low content of melanin in the body. In this case, the red color of the vessels that make up the eyeball, due to its low frequency, is absorbed by blue, which is high frequency. Many capillaries that are near the surface can be painted in it. These vessels cover the fibers of the iris, which have their own individual density. If it is large, then we get blue eyes. The lower the density, the more saturated and dark the shade of the iris becomes.

Blue-eyed personality traits

If you meet blue or blue eyes in people, be sure that you are real creators or geniuses who are prone to constant mood swings. Often, such individuals are very different from the general mass both in character and in natural data. They are characterized by contradictions, they can begin to feel sad in the midst of fun. Such people prefer eternal change to monotonous routine, they are fickle in their decisions and choices. However, behind all this confusion there can be sentimentality, sensitivity, the ability to truly love and give everything for the sake of a dear person.

Black eyes….

As noted above, the brown tone of the iris is a very common phenomenon. But it’s a completely different matter - these are black tones. The color of the eye, which completely merges with the pupil, is a very rare phenomenon, especially in people. Most often, black-eyed people can be found among Negroids, Mongoloids, and very rarely among mestizos. From a medical point of view, the resinous shade of the iris is due to the maximum content of melanin, which completely absorbs light.

Black-eyed character traits

What is so remarkable, from the point of view of psychology, people whose irises are black possess? An eye color that mimics resin or even shimmers blue means complete self-confidence and self-confidence. Such personalities are always stable, they make excellent leaders. In the company, they are the soul, the person that everyone aspires to. In life, such people are monogamous. They do not waste themselves on unnecessary relationships, but prefer to choose one partner to whom they will be faithful for all their years.

Amber eyes and the nature of their owner

The iris is an interpretation of hazel. However, unlike him, amber eyes that resemble wolf eyes are extremely rare. Their shade balances on the verge of light and dark, they often look transparent, and at the same time the color is very saturated. It is amazing, but individuals who are the owners of such eyes love loneliness. They often dream, hover in the clouds, but at the same time they always do their job conscientiously. People with amber eyes will not mislead those around them - everything is always very clear with them.

Red look... does it happen?

Many people are sure that you can only see the red iris in a retouched photo. Such an eye color actually exists, and it is characteristic of the notorious albinos. In the organisms of such people, melanin is completely absent. For this reason, the iris does not stain in any of the tones, and vessels and the intercellular matrix appear through it, which gives a rich tone. As a rule, such irises are always combined with colorless hair, eyebrows and eyelashes, as well as literally transparent skin. In some cases, if there is at least a small fraction of melanin in the body, it enters the ocular stroma. It, in turn, becomes bluish, and the mixture of these two colors (blue and red) gives the eyes a purple or lilac tint.

Date: 03/30/2016

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Yellow eyes are rare in humans, so they attract attention with their unusual colors, mystery and warmth. This color of the pupils is often found in cats, because of this, people with yellow eyes are credited with feline habits.

What determines the color of the pupil

Consists of two layers. Features of the distribution of pigments in the anterior layer of the iris and the density of its fibers affect the color of human pupils.

The color of the eyes of people is varied:

  • blue
  • grey;
  • blue
  • kareem;
  • black;
  • yellow and even red.

In this case, the color of the iris can be not only homogeneous, but also mixed. Blue eyes are very pretty. But how is this color formed? The outer layer of the iris is made up of fibers. In the case when these fibers are loose and slightly saturated with melanin, the shade of the eyes becomes blue.

Melanin is a pigment. It affects the color of the eyes, skin and hair. The more it is contained in the body, the darker the color. People with a higher density of collagen fibers in the outer layer of the iris have blue eyes. Since the fibers are light, it is no longer a saturated dark, but a lighter color that is formed.

Blue and blue colors are most often found among European peoples, as well as among the inhabitants of the Middle East. Such shades of eyes are also common among Jews.

Gray eyes appear with an even greater density of fibers on the outer surface of the iris than in the case of blue. With their average density, a gray-blue tint of the eyes is formed. The outer layer of the iris may contain a yellow or light brown pigment. It is his presence that contributes to the appearance of yellowish or brownish shades in the center of the iris. Gray shades of eyes are inherent in peoples living in the countries of Northern and Eastern Europe, the Far East, West and North Africa.

Green eyes are formed due to the content of melanin and yellow or brown pigment in the outer layer of the iris. In this case, the green color can be heterogeneous and have different shades. Pure green eyes are rare in people, and if they are found, then most often among the fair sex. Green eyes are more likely to be found in residents of Southern, Northern and Central Europe.

Amber eyes are obtained due to the presence of the same pigment in the iris as in the case of green. They have a uniform yellow-brown or green-yellow color.

In a person with brown eyes, the outer layer of the iris contains melanin in large quantities. This allows light of any frequency to be absorbed and reflected. Brown eyes are common in Asia, Africa, South America and Southern Europe. This shade is considered the most common eye color around the world.

Yellow pupils are less common in humans. This color is characteristic in the presence of a yellow pigment in the iris, which has a fairly light shade.

Sometimes the origin of this color has other causes, for example, it may be kidney failure.

Black eyes are not actually black, but a rich dark brown that appears black. This coloration is formed due to the fact that the light that hits the iris is almost completely absorbed. The iris of such people contains an excessive amount of melanin.

The color of the eyeball with black eyes is sometimes not snow-white, but gray or yellow. This eye color is inherent in the dark-skinned population, in particular the inhabitants of Africa and Asia.

Swamp pupils are highly variable. Their color is heterogeneous and varies depending on the brightness of the light. Brown, golden and green-brown shades can be combined. Swamp eyes are obtained due to the sufficient content of melanin and the presence of yellow pigment in the outer wall of the iris.

Red eyes are inherent in albinos. Albinos are people who have absolutely no pigment in their bodies that would color their hair or eyes. Since there is no melanin, the shade of the pupils determines the blood that is contained in the vessels of the iris. Purple eyes are extremely rare. It is a mixture of red and blue.

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unusual eyes

Human eyes always attract attention. The color of the pupils complements and decorates the image of people. Many years of research by scientists have shown that the color of the pupils is determined hereditarily. However, it happens that the child's pupils differ in color from the parent's pupils. There are also cases where eye color changes throughout life. For example, in newborns who initially had blue eyes, melanin can accumulate with age and the color of the pupils will change.

In older people, the color of the pupils sometimes becomes pale. This is due to depigmentation. It is caused by various diseases.

Rarely, but there are people with different eye colors. Previously, such people were considered special, as if they were endowed with unnatural abilities. However, medical research has shown that different-colored eyes are not associated with anything mystical. It all depends on the lack or excess of melanin in the iris. Different eye color in medicine is called heterochromia. In doing so, it happens:

  • complete;
  • partial;
  • central.

With complete heterochromia, eyes of different colors are observed. For example, one might be blue and the other brown. Some people are proud of this feature, while others are uncomfortable. To avoid it, you can buy contact lenses. Then the pupils will be of any shade.

With partial heterochromia, part of the iris differs in color. It may be a separate sector on one eye. With central heterochromia, the color changes in the form of rings around the pupil. The different color of the pupils does not have any effect on the quality of vision. People with this feature are not color blind and have excellent vision.

However, sometimes visual impairment, heterochromia, and other manifestations are symptoms of tumors, eye and other human diseases.

Like any other color, multi-colored eyes affect people's character traits. Their owners are rather contradictory, stubborn and selfish. Often they like to be alone and play pranks.

Their positive aspects are endurance, patience, generosity and foresight.

There are people with very beautiful unusual colors of pupils. For example, there are indigo eyes. They can change their shade depending on the brightness of the lighting, and they are also affected by the state of mind of the owner.

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Strengthening the charm effect

Sometimes you want your eyes to look as spectacular as possible. This raises the question of how to enhance eye color. Properly selected eye shadow will make the girl's look irresistible.

There are shades of different shades. Each of them will decorate and emphasize the color of the pupils. Owners of black eyes fit blue, green, beige shadows.

Olive, yellow, golden, emerald will look good on green eyes.

Aqua-colored eyes are emphasized by natural shades of shadows and black mascara. Brown-eyed people will suit cream, beige colors of shadows, brown mascara. Turquoise, gray, purple, brown, beige, pink - all these colors and their shades can be used for makeup for gray-eyed girls.

When applying makeup, it should be remembered that the beauty of the eyes must be emphasized, but at the same time preserve their naturalness and naturalness.

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The nature of the owner

Such a direction in science as physiognomy will help to supplement the idea of ​​a person’s character just by looking at his eyes. Yellow eyes speak of the eccentricity of its owner. People with such eyes are artistic and talented, they make excellent writers, actors, singers. They are always confident in themselves, they can openly tell a person what they think of him. Sometimes their actions are unpredictable, and in extraordinary situations, yellow-eyed people will find a way out and remain satisfied.

Green or amber eyes. This coloring characterizes a gentle and sensitive nature. A green-eyed person is kind, responsive, firm in decisions. He is well versed in people, he himself strives for the ideal and demands the same from the rest. People with amber eyes are very good conversationalists and true friends. In love, they are faithful, sincere and truthful. As for work, career growth and prosperity are important for them.

People with pure gray eyes are very hardworking and well-read. They are characterized by benevolence, diligence, practicality, determination, curiosity and tremendous patience. They can hold leadership positions, because they know how to make decisions on their own, bear responsibility, and are not afraid of obstacles and difficulties. Their negative traits are stubbornness and authority. In love, they are devoted and jealous. Sometimes they need a muse to further their prosperity.

The gray-blue tint of the eyes indicates the determination and determination of the owner. Such people are calm and confident. In relationships with loved ones, they show reliability, but sometimes they are indifferent. Character traits in a person can be different and coincide with the characteristics of gray-eyed or blue-eyed people. It depends on the concentration and proximity to a particular color of the iris.

People with gray-green eyes are fair, determined, hardworking and constant. In difficult situations, they will lend a helping hand and provide support. In a stressful environment, they are calm. Such people are accustomed to always and keep everything under their control. They have good intuition, common sense and high self-control.

Blue-eyed people are vulnerable, romantic and dreamy. They have a high creative potential and show themselves remarkably in the field of art. In love, their feelings are not so deep as to live with one partner all their lives. To opponents in their behavior, coldness and cruelty are manifested. With loved ones, they behave affectionately and disinterestedly. Negative character traits are capriciousness, resentment, frequent mood swings. Their positive aspects are purposefulness, activity, exactingness.

Blue eyes are inherent in emotional and romantic people. They are not easy to scare or confuse. Often they are characterized by arrogance and perseverance, even if they are wrong, it is difficult to argue with them. A blue-eyed person can take revenge and be offended. On the love front, it's easy for him. He can quickly fall in love and fall in love with his chosen one.

Eye color depends primarily on the genetic factor and is determined amount and distribution of melanin in the iris. This process is quite complex and involves several genes. As a result, three main factors determine the color: the melanin of the epithelium of the iris, the melanin of its posterior part, and the density of the stroma of this membrane. Lipochrome is another pigment that contributes to the final result. At the same time, two types of melanin are involved in the process of color formation: eumelanin, which has a dark brown tint, and gray-yellow-red pheomelanin.

Among all eye colors, with the exception of abnormal cases, the pigment eumelanin is present in large quantities in the epithelium of the iris. Therefore, variations occur due to the pigment of the back of the shell, and the ability of the stroma to absorb light in accordance with its density. This article will answer questions about what kind of eyes a person has, why they are different, how the color of the eyes changes, and others.

Factors that determine color

Scientific advances to date suggest that there are two kinds of factors that determine the color of the eye.

Anthropological factors

There is a relative uniformity of shades in the world, with the predominant number of people having brown eyes. However, the exception is Europe, where there is some variety:

  • Hazelnut color;
  • Swamp eye color;
  • Gray-green eyes;
  • Blue and gray eyes.

Initially it was thought to be a secondary effect due to natural selection and lighter skin to provide more vitamin D in latitudes far from the equator. However, skin pigmentation in most cases has little or no effect on the color of the eye.

They also put forward an assumption about the reason for such a variety of shades, which consists in crossing with Neanderthals. But as soon as the Neanderthal mitochondria genome was restored, it turned out that it had nothing in common with modern Europeans. In other words, the influence of their genes on those of Homo sapiens was not significant and cannot explain the high percentage of Europeans with light eyes.

As a result, some geneticists, for example Luigi Cavalli-Sforza, believe that the reason lies in sexual selection. When one sex outnumbers the other, the individuals of the first group must compete with each other for their soulmate, resorting to strategies of greater attractiveness, such as having more expressive and brighter eyes.

Genetic factors

Eye color is determined by genetic inheritance as a result of the influence of several genes. Combinations of the following determine the final color:

More specifically, the reason for the diversity of shades lies in the polymorphism of simple nucleotides within the above genes. The specific number of such nucleotides is not known, but set value the influence of one or another nucleotide on the problem under consideration.

So, a study conducted at the University of Copenhagen found that the nucleotide located in the HERC2 gene is responsible for blue eyes in 74% of cases. Another study conducted at the Faculty of Medicine of the Erasmus University Rotterdam in 2009 showed that 37 nucleotides from 6 genes determine brown in 93% of cases, blue in 91% of cases and mixed shades in 73% of cases. The remaining nucleotides have practically no effect on this indicator. However, colors such as gray and amber have not yet been explained from a genetic point of view.

Brown eyes are found in 50% of the world's population. However, there are people with rare shades, which in total make up no more than 5% of the world's population. Below are the most common shades in humans, as well as the rarest coloration.

Common coloration

Common colors include brown, green, blue, gray and all their combinations and shades. Below are them description and genetic rationale.

  • Blue or light blue eyes contain a small amount of melanin in the front of the iris. This color is formed due to the fact that the stroma, which is a transparent collagen tissue that scatters reflected light beams. As a result of the refraction of light passing through the collagen, a blue tint occurs. Genetically, the blue color is associated with the action of recessive alleles of the EYCL1 and EYCL3 genes. Blue eyes appeared for the first time 10,000 years ago in a man who lived in the northwestern part of the Black Sea, and are the product of his mutation. Currently, blue eyes are found in the inhabitants of the Caucasus and Europeans. Approximately 8% of the population has this shade.
  • To date, no factors have been identified that lead to gray or silver color. However, there are two theories. The first is that the stroma, which is made up of a lot of proteins, appears in the path of the light and refracts it so that a gray color is obtained. The second theory is the amount and distribution of melanin in such a way that light gray and dark gray eyes can exist. The dark gray color is provided by a thin layer of melanin in the anterior part of the shell, while the light gray color is associated with a small amount of this pigment. It should be said that none of the theories presented has been confirmed genetically.

Rare coloration

Each of these colors is found in less than 1% of the world's population.

Eye color changes and anomalies

Very often, newborns have a minimal amount of melanin. As soon as the eyes begin to see sunlight, more melanin begins to be produced, and the color can change. So, at 3 years old, the baby already has 50% pigment density compared to that in the adult state.

In addition to the normal change in eye color during growing up man, there are also various anomalies.

  • Heterochromia. This anomaly is very rare and consists of a different color of the individual's eyes. There is complete heterochromia, when each eye has a color different from the other, the so-called chameleons, and partial, when individual sectors of the eye are colored differently. This anomaly can be either congenital, associated with any disease, or acquired. In addition to humans, heterochromia is also present in animals: dogs, cats, horses and others.
  • Aniridia is a hereditary disease characterized by the absence of the iris and the presence of only a black pupil. This anomaly is responsible for the gene on chromosome 11, which is responsible for the normal development of the eyeball. People with this disease have high photosensitivity and poor eyesight. In addition, aniridia can lead to the development of other diseases, such as cataracts, glaucoma, corneal clouding, and some others.
  • Albinism is a congenital anomaly characterized by the absence of melanin in the eyes, skin and hair. Coloring in the end depends on the degree of albinism of a person. With its light form, shades can be blue and light gray. In complete albinism, light passes through the upper layers of the eye and causes reflections off the blood vessels of its retinal tissue, resulting in colors such as purple and red. Patients with this anomaly often suffer from photophobia, strabismus, myopia, and astigmatism.
  • The Kaiser-Fleischer ring is another rare anomaly consisting of copper content in the peripheral areas of the cornea resulting in golden green colors. Such a ring is one of the signs of Wilson's disease, which is associated with a high content of copper in the body and, as a result, its poisoning. In 90% of cases, mentally ill people have this ring.

Various studies say that eye color matters in determining the risk of various diseases.

For example, a study by the University School of Medicine in Otago, New Zealand, found a relationship between internal eye pressure and eye color. The more saturated the color, the higher the pressure in the eye. In turn, high eye pressure increases the risk of glaucoma.

Another study conducted at an eye center in Massachusetts found an association between melanin content in the eyeball at risk of cancer. The lower the content of this pigment, the higher the risk of transferring skin cancer - melanoma to other organs.

On the other hand, the Detroit School of Medicine investigated the association between eye color and age-related decline in visual acuity, which is most commonly seen in people with white skin. Studies have found an increased risk of this disease in people with low levels of melanin.

Attention, only TODAY!

How do children inherit eye color? Is it possible to predict what it will be like in a child? Why are albinos pink? If both parents have brown eyes, can they have a blue-eyed baby? How is the color of the iris formed? These questions are relevant at all times. The answer to them is contained in the totality of internal and external signs of the organism, formed on the basis of the genotype, as well as acquired as a result of individual development. What does this mean and what determines the color of a person's eyes?

This characteristic is determined by the pigmentation of the iris (iris), consisting of the ectodermal (back) and mesodermal (front) layers. That is, the color of a person's eyes depends on the nature of the distribution of fuscin (it promotes the production of visual pigment, absorbs light and prevents it from scattering and reflecting, as a result, the clarity of visual perception of the image improves) in the pigment cells of the posterior layer and melanin (natural dark substance) in pigment-containing and reflective cells. cells (chromatophores) of the anterior layer. The color is also affected by the condition of the vessels and fibers of the iris, the different amount and nature of the pigment, which, in turn, is determined by genetics. Eye color is determined by genes. But not all of them have been studied.

Melanin is a coloring substance that affects not only eye color, but also hair and skin tones. What does eye color depend on? The more melanin is contained in the mesodermal layer, the darker the iris, and the less it is distributed in the pigment cells of the anterior layer of the iris, the lighter it will be. There are brown and black melanin (or eumelanin), as well as yellow (or pheomelanin). Certain genes are responsible for the nature and quantity of this natural substance and its distribution. As a result, the color of the iris can be blue, blue, gray, marsh, brown or black. The child will inherit the resemblance to the possessing parent (brown, hazel, and green) and will not inherit the eye color of the parent with recessive traits (blue or grey).

The posterior layer is colored blue due to vessels formed by collagen fibers, the anterior layer is characterized by a minimum content of melanin. Blue differ from blue in a greater density of whitish fibers: the higher their density, the lighter the iris. The gray color of the eyes is due to an even greater density of collagen. In the front layer of greens there is a small amount of melanin, due to the blue color of the back layer, the iris is heterogeneous green and of different shades. What determines the color of the eyes of amber? The pigment lipofuscin ensures their uniform color. With a moderate content of melanin in the outer, they become marsh or nutty. Hazel occurs when the chromatophores contain a lot of melanin. Blacks are characterized by a high content of this pigment, which completely absorbs light. In albino, it is absent, and the iris appears pink or red due to the reflection of the color of the blood vessels.

Newborns have a blue iris, but it may darken over the next few years. What explains this and what determines the color of the child's eyes? Melanin in the body at the time of birth in the fetus is not produced, since until that time protection from ultraviolet rays was not required, which is performed by dark pigment. Its main purpose is to prevent radiation damage to body tissues. After childbirth, the production of melanin by specialized cells (melanocytes) begins. Therefore, the true color of a child's eyes can be determined not earlier than at the age of three, although changes sometimes occur up to 10-12 years. In adults, the color of the iris may also change under the influence of drugs or due to poor health. For example, a yellowish color appears due to the accumulation of lipofuscin.

Usually brown eyes are considered dominant, and blue eyes are considered recessive. But modern science has proven that things are not so simple. The darker the color, the more dominant it is: brown over blue. But not always the child will be brown-eyed if the iris of mom and dad is brown. It may differ in children. It is usually caused by faulty development of pigment transport, local trauma or in the womb or shortly after birth, and a genetic disorder.

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