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Navruz in Farsi means "new day", and "bairam" is a Turkic word and means "holiday". This is one of the most ancient holidays on Earth, symbolizing the beginning of a new life.

Navruz acquired official status in the Persian Empire of the Achaemenids (VI-IV centuries BC). It continued to be celebrated after the Islamic conquests, right up to the present.

And although the celebration of Navruz is common among Muslim peoples, it is not a religious, but rather a folk holiday, which is associated with spring, the beginning of agricultural work, the awakening of nature and the onset of warm days.


The origin of the holiday is associated with the cult of the Sun and the name of the ancient Persian prophet Zarathushtra. The sacred book of the Zoroastrians "Avesta" is the oldest source, where the celebration of Navruz is mentioned.

According to the teachings of the Avesta, every spring people should celebrate the appearance of life on earth, which was born "in six forms" (sky, water, earth, plants, animals and man).

According to legend, many legendary events took place on this day, including Zoroaster was chosen by God to bring happiness to people, and the mythical king Tahmuras sent evil divas and ruthless people to prison. The origin of Navruz is also associated with the mythical king Jamshid, on whom the rays of the sun fell that day.

According to Turkic legends, on this day the Turks escaped from the encirclement by leaving Ergenekon (a territory surrounded by mountains). Therefore, Navruz was accepted by the Turkic peoples as the beginning of the New Year and is celebrated to this day.

The holiday, for many years of its existence, was either canceled or reintroduced. And today it is celebrated not in all Muslim countries. In the Middle East, the holiday is celebrated only by those peoples who lived there even before the arrival of the Arabs and the widespread spread of Islam.

The Arabs themselves do not celebrate this holiday. Moreover, Navruz is officially banned in Syria, and in Turkey the ban on its celebration was lifted only in 1991.

Navruz as the official beginning of the new year according to the astronomical solar calendar is celebrated on March 21 in Iran and Afghanistan, as well as in Iraqi Kurdistan, India, Macedonia and so on. Nowruz is also the beginning of the year according to the Baha'i calendar.

In the CIS countries, Navruz is celebrated as a national holiday by Tatars, Bashkirs, Kazakhs, Kyrgyz, Tajiks, Uzbeks and many other peoples. Depending on the country or region, the name of the holiday is pronounced differently - Novruz, Nauruz, Nuruz, Nevruz, Nauryz, Nouruz and so on.

© photo: Sputnik / Taras Litvinenko

Muslims during the celebration of the holiday "Navruz" in the Khan's Palace in Bakhchisaray

The duration of the holiday also varies. In some states it is celebrated for three days, while in others five or more. In ancient times Navruz was celebrated for 13 days. At the end of the celebrations, people went out into the field, where they celebrated the New Year. In the old days, it was believed that those who enjoy nature these days in the field will be accompanied by happiness and prosperity throughout the coming year. this tradition has been preserved.

This tradition has been preserved in some countries, including Iran, where people spend the 13th day of spring in nature with their relatives.

In ancient times, the date of Navruz was determined by astrologers. Now astronomers are calculating the date of the arrival of Navruz with an accuracy of up to a minute. In 2018, the Spring Equinox Day will come on March 20 at 16:15 UTC (Universal Coordinated Time), or 20:15 Tbilisi time.

The celebration of Navruz on the day of the vernal equinox is associated with the emergence of the solar chronology calendar, which appeared among the peoples of Central Asia and Iran seven thousand years ago, long before the rise of Islam.

This Navruz differs from the Muslim New Year, since the Muslim calendar is based on the lunar annual cycle. The Muslim lunar year begins with the month of Muharram, that is, the New Year begins on the 1st of the month of Muharram, which is the first month of the Muslim calendar.


Since ancient times, the importance of this period of the year for people's lives has given rise to many traditions, customs and rituals that are associated with magical actions, the cult of nature and fertility.

Muslims begin preparing for Navruz a month before the holiday - Tuesdays are considered especially pre-holiday. Each of the four Tuesdays (chershenbe) has its own name in accordance with the natural element (water, fire, earth and wind), to the "awakening" of which it is dedicated.


Baku celebrates "Earth Tuesday" before Novruz holiday

The awakening of these elements of nature portends the arrival of the fifth, main element, a new bright day - Navruz, the beginning of the revival and complete revival of the earth. Accordingly, every Tuesday has its own ancient traditions and rituals, many of which have survived to this day.

On the first Tuesday, they begin to plant "syamyan" - sprouted seeds of wheat, an integral symbol of Navruz. It is a symbol of life, wealth, health and well-being of the family.

Despite the fact that the name of the Muslim New Year in the languages ​​of different peoples sounds with different intonations, the traditions of its celebration in all countries are approximately the same. So, in Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan, there is a tradition to fumigate dwellings on the night before the holiday with smoking twigs of juniper in order to expel evil spirits.

Before the holiday, you need to repent of sins, reconcile with enemies, forgive debts. According to legend, on the days of Navruz, good farishta angels bring abundance and prosperity to those who have pure thoughts, who have a bright soul, who have a clean house. Therefore, before Navruz, the owners try to put the house in order, whitewash and repair it.

© photo: Sputnik / Evgeny Kostin

All household work related to the celebration of Navruz must be completed the day before, including cleaning, preparing festive dishes, decorating the home with green branches of an apple tree and a pomegranate.

Be sure to wash clothes, especially children's, as it was believed that water would wash away all the negativity. Even before Islam, the week before Navruz was considered dedicated to the souls of ancestors. Ancestors were commemorated, making offerings to them and asking them for help in the coming year, protection from troubles.

Customs and rituals

The custom to kindle ritual bonfires, light torches and candles has survived to this day, since the Zoroastrians were fire worshipers and considered fire to be a life force.

Therefore, before the New Year, symbolic rites of purification are carried out. Fires are lit on the streets of towns and villages, and people must jump over one fire seven times or seven fires once each. On the last night of the old year, it is customary to splash each other with water and jump over running water to cleanse oneself of last year's sins.

Navruz is the time of divination. Girls of marriageable age are especially fond of this. That evening, they throw a shoe over their heads and determine by the direction of its toe whether they will stay in their parents' house for another year or move to the house of their betrothed.

According to the old custom, on a festive evening with the onset of Navruz, it is customary to eavesdrop on the conversations of neighbors through windows or doors, and, depending on the pleasant or unpleasant conversation heard, determine how successful or unsuccessful the coming year will be for both eavesdroppers and owners.

According to popular beliefs, a lot on this holiday depends on the arrival of the first person in the house. The first guest of the new year should have a quiet and kind character, be with a good sense of humor, have a good name and reputation, and most importantly, have a "happy leg", that is, bring good luck to the house.

In Uzbekistan, they believe that the deeds done by a person during the thirteen days of Navruz will be done by him all year. Therefore, it is customary to forgive each other's debts, to live with everyone in peace.

Festive feast

On this day, all family members gather at the New Year's festive table, which is called "haft-sin". Depending on the region, the assortment of festive dishes is different, but magical items and products that symbolize purity, light, abundance, happiness and fertility in the New Year must be present.

According to tradition, there should be seven dishes on the table, the name of which begins with the letter "sin" (s): samyan (sprouted grains), seb (apple), sir (garlic), sumac (barberry), sirko (vinegar), sipand ( spinach), sonjit (olive).

© photo: Sputnik /

Various dishes of lamb, fish, chicken and eggs are prepared for the holiday, richly seasoned with various spices and decorated with herbs.

On a festively served table, there must be a ritual delicacy sumalak (malt halva), boiled from the juice of germinated wheat grains with the addition of sugar and flour.

A mirror and candles according to the number of family members must be placed on the table. These candles cannot be extinguished until they burn out to the end. Be sure to serve homemade bread, nuts, almonds, milk, cheese, fish, eggs painted green, a vessel with rose water, a bowl of water in which a green leaf floats. And, of course, the Koran should be on the table.

Traditional sweets are served on the festive table - shekerbura, baklava, badambura, gogal and so on, as well as sweet pilaf seasoned with sultanas and dried fruits and other goodies.

For guests who have come to the holiday, the host holds out a dish with barely sprouted grain, the eating of which symbolizes participation in the revival of all living things.

The festive ritual is not limited to a feast. On this day, children go from house to house and sing songs about Navruz, and they are presented with sweets. Artists perform on the streets, wits compete, songs and jokes sound.

© photo: Sputnik / Vladimir Pirogov

In Uzbekistan, folk festivals take place on this day, for example, the game of Kopkari, fights and horse races. There are similar traditions in Kyrgyzstan - during the festivities, the art of riding is demonstrated with the participation of local communities in such horse races as Kyz kuumai (competition in which the rider must catch up with the girl on horseback), Enish (rider wrestling) and Zhamby Atuu (shooting from an onion).

Other Novruz traditions include local street performances, a circus in Iran called Band Bazi, and the Buz Kashi sporting event in Afghanistan, which involves riders using a decapitated goat carcass to play with.

The Navruz holiday in September 2009 was included in the UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage List, and in February 2010 the UN General Assembly declared March 21 the International Day of Navruz.

The material was prepared on the basis of open sources.

Nowruz, which is translated from Farsi as "a new day" and symbolizes the beginning of a new life, is one of the most ancient holidays on Earth - it was celebrated as far back as the 7th century BC.

Navruz is common among Muslim peoples, but it is a folk holiday associated with spring and the awakening of nature, as well as the beginning of agricultural work.

Navruz was included in the UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage List in 2009, and the UN General Assembly proclaimed it International Day in 2010.

Navruz acquired official status in the Persian Achaemenid Empire (VI-IV centuries BC). Navruz was also celebrated after the Islamic conquests, right up to the present.

history of the holiday

The oldest source, which mentions the celebration of Navruz, which is associated with the cult of the Sun and the name of the ancient Persian prophet Zarathushtra, is the sacred book of the Zoroastrians "Avesta".

According to the teachings of the Avesta, every spring people should celebrate the appearance of life on earth, which was born "in six forms" - earth, sky, plants, water, animals and man.

On this day, according to legend, many legendary events took place, including Zarathustra, who was chosen by the god to bring happiness to people, and the mythical king Tahmuras sent evil divas and ruthless people to prison.

The emergence of Navruz is also associated with the mythical king Jamshid - the rays of the sun fell on him that day.

The Turks, according to legend, on this day left the encirclement of Ergenekon - a territory surrounded by mountains, therefore Navruz was accepted by the Turkic peoples as the beginning of the New Year and is celebrated to this day.

During its existence Navruz was either canceled or celebrated again. Currently, the holiday is not celebrated in all Muslim countries - in the Middle East, Navruz is celebrated only by those peoples who, before the arrival of the Arabs and the widespread spread of Islam, still lived there.

The Arabs themselves do not celebrate this holiday. Moreover, Navruz is officially banned in Syria, and in Turkey the ban on its celebration was lifted only in 1991.

According to the astronomical solar calendar, Navruz, as the official beginning of the new year, is celebrated in Iran, Afghanistan, Iraqi Kurdistan, India, Macedonia and so on. Nowruz is also the beginning of the year according to the Baha'i calendar.

Navruz in the CIS countries is celebrated as a national holiday by Tatars, Kazakhs, Bashkirs, Tajiks, Kyrgyz, Uzbeks and many other peoples. The name of the holiday, depending on the country or region, is pronounced differently - Nauruz, Novruz, Nauryz, Nuruz, Nevruz, Nouruz and so on.

The duration of the holiday is also different - in some countries Navruz is celebrated for three days, while in others five or more. Navruz in ancient times was celebrated for 13 days, and at the end of the celebrations people went out into the field, where they celebrated the New Year.

© photo: Photo: courtesy by Elsever Aliyev

People in the old days believed that happiness and prosperity would accompany throughout the year those who would enjoy nature in the field these days. In some countries, this tradition has been preserved to this day, including in Iran, where people, together with their relatives and friends, spend the 13th day of spring in nature.

On the day of the spring equinox, the celebration of Navruz is associated with the emergence of the solar chronology calendar - it appeared among the peoples of Iran and Central Asia long before the rise of Islam, seven thousand years ago.

Navruz differs from the Muslim New Year in that the Muslim calendar is based on the lunar annual cycle. The Lunar New Year begins on the 1st of the month of Muharram, which is the first month of the Muslim calendar.


The importance of this period of the year for the life of people from ancient times has given rise to many traditions, rituals and customs - all of them are associated with magical actions, the cult of nature and fertility.

Muslims begin to prepare for Navruz a month before the holiday - Tuesdays (chershenbe) are considered especially pre-holiday. Each of them has its own name in accordance with the elements of nature (water, fire, earth and wind), the "awakening" of which it is dedicated.

Every Tuesday has its own ancient traditions and rituals, many of which have survived to this day. On the first Tuesday, "syamyans" (sprouted seeds of wheat) are planted, an integral symbol of Navruz - a symbol of life, wealth, health and well-being of the family.

The traditions of celebrating Navruz in all countries are approximately the same - in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan, there is a tradition on the night before the holiday to fumigate dwellings with smoking twigs of juniper to drive out evil spirits.

Before the holiday, according to tradition, you also need to reconcile with enemies, forgive debts and repent of sins. On the days of Navruz, according to legend, good farishta angels bring prosperity and abundance to those whose thoughts are pure, who have a bright soul, whose house is cleaned. Therefore, the owners before Navruz are trying to put the house in order, whitewash and repair it.

According to tradition, all housework associated with the celebration of Navruz must be completed the day before, including cleaning, cooking for the holiday, decorating the home with green branches of apple trees and pomegranates.

People believed that water would wash away all the negativity, so they always washed clothes before the holiday, especially children's. The week before Navruz, even before Islam, was considered dedicated to the souls of ancestors. They commemorated their ancestors, making offerings to them and asking them for help in the coming year, as well as protection from troubles.

Customs and rituals

The custom of kindling ritual bonfires, lighting torches and candles has survived to this day, as the Zoroastrians worshiped fire and considered it a life force, which is why symbolic rites of purification are performed before the onset of Navruz.

Bonfires are lit on the streets of cities and villages - according to tradition, people must jump seven times over one fire or over seven fires once. To cleanse oneself of last year's sins, it is customary on the last night of the old year to sprinkle each other with water and jump over running water.

© photo: Sputnik / Evgeny Kostin

Navruz, like most ancient holidays, is a time of fortune-telling, which especially girls of marriageable age are fond of. According to an old custom, on this evening they throw a shoe over their head and determine by the direction of its toe whether they will stay in their parents' house for another year or move to the house of their betrothed.

In the old days, with the onset of Navruz on a festive evening, it was customary to eavesdrop on the conversations of neighbors through doors or windows and, depending on the pleasant or unpleasant conversation heard, determine how successful or unsuccessful the coming year will be for both eavesdroppers and hosts.

A lot on this holiday depends, according to popular beliefs, on who is the first to cross the threshold of the house. The first guest in the new year should have a kind and quiet character, a sense of humor, a good name and reputation, but most importantly, have a "happy leg", that is, bring good luck to the house.

New Year's feast

At the New Year's holiday table, which is called "haft-sin", all family members gather on this day. The range of festive dishes differs depending on the region, but without fail, magical objects and products that symbolize light, abundance, purity, happiness and fertility in the New Year must be on the table.

According to tradition, seven dishes are served on the festive table, the name of which begins with the letter "sin" (s): samyan (sprouted grains), sir (garlic), seb (apple), sipand (spinach), sumac (barberry), sonjit (olive), sirko (vinegar).

For Navruz, various dishes are prepared from lamb, chicken, eggs and fish, which are richly seasoned with various spices and decorated with herbs.

© photo: Sputnik /

Not a single festive table is complete without the ritual delicacy sumalak (malt halva) - it is boiled from the juice of germinated wheat grains with the addition of sugar and flour.

A mirror and candles are placed on the table according to the number of family members. By the way, the candles must burn out themselves - they cannot be extinguished. Homemade bread, fish, cheese, milk, eggs painted green, almonds, nuts, a vessel with rose water, a bowl of water with a green leaf floating in it are also served on the table. The Quran must be on the table.

The festive table is decorated with traditional sweets - baklava, shekerbura, gogal, badambura and so on, as well as sweet pilaf seasoned with dried fruits and sultanas, as well as other goodies.

The owner of the guests who came to the holiday, holds out a dish with barely sprouted grain - eating it symbolizes the involvement in the revival of all living things.

Children go home on holiday and sing songs about Navruz, for which the owners give them sweets. Celebrations are held on the streets - artists perform, wits compete, songs and jokes sound.

Folk festivals on this day are held in many countries. So, for example, according to tradition, horse races and fights are held in Uzbekistan. There are similar traditions in Kyrgyzstan - during the festivities, the art of horse riding is demonstrated.

Other Navruz traditions include a circus in Iran called Band Bazi, as well as Buz Kashi, a sporting event in Afghanistan where riders use a decapitated goat carcass to play.

Material prepared on the basis of open sources

  • Glamour, society news
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  • Muslims celebrate the spring holiday Navruz

    Translated from Farsi, Navruz means "new day" - the onset of the New Year according to solar chronology, which coincides with the spring equinox. Nowruz is believed to have its roots in Zoroastrianism. Historians determine its age at more than 3 thousand years, and the birthplace of this holiday is Khorasan (a historical region of Central Asia).

    The celebration of Navruz is common among Muslim peoples, however, this is not a religious Islamic holiday, but rather a folk one. So, the chairman of the Central Spiritual Administration of Muslims (TSDUM) of Russia, Supreme Mufti Talgat Tadzhuddin calls Navruz "a holiday for all who are waiting for spring," RIA Novosti reports.

    Mufti of the Perm Territory Mukhammedgali Khuzin, speaking of Navruz as a meeting of the New Year, writes in his blog on LiveJournal that "there is no more suitable time for this holiday than the day of the spring equinox, when all nature is ready for a stormy awakening, rebirth and fruiting."

    The holiday is rooted in the pre-literate era of human history. The oldest source mentioning the celebration of Navruz is the sacred book of the Zoroastrians "Avesta". Navruz acquired official status in the Persian Empire of the Achaemenids as a religious holiday of Zoroastrianism, it continued to be celebrated everywhere after the Islamic conquests, up to the present.

    According to Turkic legends, on this day the Turks escaped from the encirclement by leaving Ergenekon (a territory surrounded by mountains). Therefore, Navruz was accepted by the Turkic peoples as the beginning of the New Year and is celebrated to this day. In the Middle Ages, Muslim theologians, unable to eradicate the national holiday, introduced some Islamic components into it, tying the days of saints and rituals in their honor to Navruz, says a publication on the website.

    In 2009, Navruz was included by UNESCO in the list of intangible cultural heritage of mankind. And in 2010, the UN General Assembly declared March 21 the International Day of Navruz and called on all countries to make efforts to popularize this ancient holiday in the world.

    In Moscow, the celebration of Navruz will be held on March 22 at the state central concert hall "Russia" (Sports Palace "Luzhniki"). The program of the event includes exhibitions-fairs of folk art and traditional crafts, tasting of dishes of national cuisine of different peoples. Famous performers and professional creative teams from Tatarstan, the republics of the North Caucasus, Azerbaijan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and other CIS countries will perform at the concert.

    According to the department of interregional cooperation, national policy and relations with religious organizations of the capital, the guests of the event will be the ambassadors of Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan, authorized representatives of the Russian regions, national public associations of the capital and about six thousand Muscovites.

    Nowruz is currently celebrated on March 21 as a public holiday in Iran, Azerbaijan, Albania, Afghanistan, Iraqi Kurdistan, India, Kyrgyzstan, Macedonia, Turkey, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan. In Georgia, Navruz was declared a national holiday in 2010. In Kazakhstan, Navruz is celebrated for three days - from March 21 to 23, in Tajikistan - for four days (from March 22 to 25). Navruz is also celebrated locally in Tatarstan and Bashkortostan.

    How Navruz is celebrated

    According to an ancient custom, before the onset of Navruz, people must put things in order at home and pay off their debts.

    Approximately two weeks before the holiday, wheat or lentils are sown on the dishes. By the holiday, their green sprouts should reach 5–7 centimeters and become a table decoration, a symbol of the birth of a new life, the New Year. But the preparations don't end there. Closer to the holiday, the grain is germinated again - to become the basis for a festive dish. About a week before Navruz, the owners try to put the house in order, whitewash and repair it. Be sure to wash your clothes. Even in ancient times, the week before Navruz was considered dedicated to the souls of ancestors. Ancestors were commemorated, making offerings to them and asking them for help in the coming year, protection from troubles.

    Navruz is the time of divination. Girls are especially fond of this, who this evening throw a shoe over their heads and determine by the direction of its toe whether they will stay in their parents' house for another year or move to the house of their betrothed. In addition, on a festive evening with the onset of Navruz, it is customary to eavesdrop on the conversations of neighbors through windows or doors and, depending on the pleasant or unpleasant conversation heard, determine how successful or unsuccessful the coming year will be for both the eavesdroppers and the owners.

    The holiday itself begins at dusk, when, having put on new clothes, the whole family gathers at a lighted table. The traditional ritual of Navruz is the preparation of dishes called "haft sin" (pers. هفت سین‎) and "haft shin". "Haft sin" consists of seven elements - fruits, vegetables and baked dishes, whose names begin with the letter C (S or Sîn) in the Persian alphabet. Haft Shin also consists of seven elements, whose names begin with the letter Ш in the Persian alphabet. All of them have a special meaning. Here is a list of them:

    Senjed - olives, a symbol of love

    Sib - apples, a symbol of beauty and health

    Sir - garlic, a symbol of medicine

    Samanu - bread pudding, a symbol of prosperity

    Sabzi - greenery (sprouted grain), a symbol of the rebirth of nature

    Serke - vinegar, a symbol of wisdom and patience

    Somag - sumac (fruit of the Rhus cotinu tree), a symbol of dawn

    For some peoples, instead of saman and somag, this list includes rue seeds - sipand and black bones - siahdane. In addition, a mirror is placed on the table and candles are lit according to the number of family members, which cannot be extinguished until they burn out to the end. Large festive bread or cakes are required, a bowl of water on which a green leaf should float, a bowl of rose water, fruits, nuts, almonds, fish, rooster, milk, curdled milk, cheese, colored eggs. In ancient times, each of the components was of particular importance for the harvest of the next year, for the fate of family members. Now this symbolism has been lost, but the tradition has remained.

    Swimming is getting ready. But the main ones on the table will be guja (for some peoples - halim or khalisa and sumalak (sumalak, saman). These dishes are prepared once a year and only for Navruz. They start cooking in the evening. All women are in a large family, and in cities - neighbors , are gathered at huge cauldrons, constantly stirring in them in turn so that the dish does not burn. Guja is prepared from seven types of cereals with the addition of meat, and everything is boiled to a state of homogeneous mass. And sumalak is halva made from sprouted wheat with a small addition of flour and sugar. In the morning, each woman will take home her share of the common cauldron - until the next Navruz. To the guests who come, the owner holds out a dish with barely sprouted grain, eating which symbolizes joining the revival of all life. Artists perform on the streets: both professional and amateur. Jokes are heard , wits compete, masharaboz clowns perform, songs sound... And when evening comes, numerous bonfires are lit in the streets and people jump over them everyone is welcome. Fun and laughter continue until late in the evening, and in the morning the holiday continues, although not with the same splendor, but simply in the home circle.

    In Uzbekistan, before the celebration, they choose the hostess of the holiday - Bahor Khanum - Spring. It should be a beautiful, hard-working, cheerful and smart girl. At another competition, Dehkan-bobo is selected - the grandfather-Farmer. They can be an aksakal (an elder, a respectable person) and a young man. At the third competition, Momoer - Earth is selected. The three main characters of the holiday dress up in colorful national clothes and open the holiday: they drive around the streets in a car decorated with flowers, accompanied by musicians and invite everyone to the main square of the city.

    According to an old tradition, each participant in the holiday must fulfill three conditions: plant flowers and at least three tree seedlings; set yourself up for good deeds and joy, make peace with those with whom you were in a quarrel; and strive to live in a new way, honestly and with dignity.

    In Iran, the celebration usually lasts for 13 days, of which the first five days are devoted to the meeting of Navruz and visiting relatives and friends. The ninth day is known as Shahryaran-Navruz ("Shah's Navruz"), and the thirteenth day is known as Sizda-bedar ("The thirteenth away from home"). People, together with their relatives, spend the 13th day of spring in nature, as if reconciling with it. And thus, the festivities associated with the advent of the New Year end with a visit to the ever-living nature and reflection on the signs of creation.

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    Hangover symptoms are familiar to many: headaches, changes in blood pressure, weakness, thirst, fever, chills and nausea. Pills for pain and nausea have long been invented, but some still use the most proven method - they drink brine. And it really helps. The fact is that the brine contains salts of potassium, sodium and magnesium. It is they who save from dehydration and intoxication and restore the metabolism in the body. However, you do not need to lean on the brine, it is enough to drink half a glass to make you feel better. If you drink the whole can in the hope that you will feel better, you risk your health. Tissue swelling and headache will only increase and the load on the cardiovascular system will increase. And two more important points! First, make sure that you are drinking the brine and not the marinade, because vinegar will not help your body in any way. Secondly, it is “correct” to drink cabbage pickle, because it contains succinic acid, which is able to cope with acetaldehyde harmful to the body. Rambler reports.

    Why You Shouldn't Throw Away Socks Without a Pair
    Socks are mysterious things, because they are most often lost, and only one of them disappears without a trace. The second, with enviable constancy, catches our eye and annoys us with its restlessness. But it doesn't have to be thrown away. Better to use on the farm. Firstly, you can store things in a sock, especially during a trip. For example: expensive and fragile miniature things, the same souvenirs so that they do not break on the road; a spare pair of shoes. Socks perfectly keep your favorite shoes or boots from scratches and bumps; balls from moths and grass for a pleasant smell. They are convenient to hang in a sock somewhere in the closet; small parts for board games; glasses if the case is broken or lost; In addition, bottles of sticky liquids can be wrapped in socks for transportation or storage in a closet. If the bottle breaks or leaks, the sock will absorb the liquid. And for wine, socks with an interesting pattern can become an element of stylish decoration. Especially when it comes to a gift. Secondly, a sock can replace a rag. Moreover, after cleaning it is not necessary to wash it, but you can simply throw it away. It can be used when washing a car or to remove dust from all surfaces. Socks can be put on the legs of chairs and tables so that they do not scratch the parquet when moving. By the way, with the help of a sock, you can level the table if one leg is shorter than the other. If you are painting something, then socks can be put on shoes to keep them from stains. If necessary, you can even make an elastic band for hair out of a sock. To do this, you need to cut off the upper part of the sock, and cut it into several strips. This is reported by Rambler.

    For the Iranian and Turkic peoples, the holiday of spring and the onset of the New Year, according to the solar chronology, coincides with the day of the vernal equinox. We tell you what Novruz holiday is, its history and traditions.

    When is Novruz Bayram celebrated?

    What does the name of the holiday mean?

    Novruz means "new day" in Farsi. "Bayram" is a Turkic word and means "holiday". Novruz Bayram is one of the most ancient holidays on the planet. It symbolizes the beginning of a new life.

    history of the holiday

    Novruz acquired official status in the Persian Empire of the Achaemenids (VI-IV centuries BC). It continued to be celebrated after the Islamic conquests, right up to the present.

    It is believed that the origin of the holiday is ancient Iranian. Novruz Bayram is associated with the cult of the Sun and the name of the legendary prophet Zarathushtra (variant spelling - Zoroaster, Zardusht).

    According to legend, on the day of the celebration of Novruz Bayram, many religious events took place. People believed that on this day Zoroaster was chosen by God to bring happiness to people.

    The most ancient source, where Novruz is mentioned, is the holy book of Zoroastrianism "Avesta". It says that every spring people should celebrate the appearance of life on earth, which originated in six forms (sky, water, earth, plants, animals and man).

    How is it customary to prepare for the holiday?

    Since ancient times, people have had many customs and rituals that are associated with the holiday. Traditions were associated with magic, the cult of nature and fertility, beliefs in a dying and resurrecting nature.

    For example, two weeks before the holiday, people sowed wheat or lentils on dishes. On the day of the celebration, the sprouts were supposed to grow up to five centimeters. They became the main decoration of the table, a symbol of the birth of a new life, the New Year.

    And before Novruz, one must definitely repent of sins, reconcile with enemies, and forgive debts. By the way, this custom is found in almost all religions.

    Also, do not forget about the cleanliness of the house. Before Novruz, people try to put the house in order, whitewash and repair it. Also, before the holiday, they decorate houses, remove garbage on the street.

    Big Wash

    In addition, on the eve of the Novruz celebration, all clothes, especially children's, were washed. It is believed that water should wash away the evil eye, envy and failure.

    How to guess right at this time?

    Novruz has been considered a time for divination since ancient times. This was especially popular among girls who dreamed of marriage. On the eve of the holiday, they throw a shoe over their head and determine by the direction of its toe whether they will stay in their parent's house for another year or move to the house of their betrothed.

    There is another interesting tradition of this holiday: in the evening with the onset of Novruz, it is customary to eavesdrop on the conversations of neighbors through windows or doors. From what you hear (a pleasant or unpleasant conversation), you can determine how successful or unsuccessful the coming year will be, both for the eavesdroppers and for the owners.

    The main dishes of the holiday

    Guja and sumalak were considered the main dishes on the table. These dishes are prepared once a year and only for Novruz.

    Guja is prepared from seven types of cereals with the addition of meat, and everything is boiled to a state of homogeneous mass. Sumalak is a halva made from germinated wheat germ, which is ground and then boiled in a cauldron in cottonseed oil with the addition of flour. These dishes are very healthy, but the cooking process is very complicated. Therefore, they are prepared only once a year and only for Novruz.

    And traditionally (and quite logically) pilaf is prepared for the holiday.

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