Symptoms and treatments for honeymoon cystitis. Recipes with honey. Why is cystitis called the honeymoon disease?

Cystitis is much more common in women than in men. This is due physiological structure female body: the urethra is wide and short, up to 4 cm, so it is easier for pathogens to enter the body of women and cause inflammation of the bladder.

Inflammation of its mucous membrane is called cystitis. Patients note an increase in urination, accompanied by a sharp stabbing pain. Sometimes false urges accompanied by the release a small amount blood with urine. In addition, pain in the groin is noted. If untreated, the infection rises up and affects the organs genitourinary system causing chills, fever, fever.

honeymoon syndrome

Postcoital cystitis develops after coition, i.e. act of intercourse in the next 3 days. This disease is typical for the fairer sex with an anomaly urinary organs. This phenomenon is characterized by the pathological location of the external opening of the urethra or its increased mobility.

So, with the introduction of the penis into the vagina, a deep immersion of the external opening of the urethra into the vagina occurs, as a result of intense frictions (movements of the penis), damage to the mucous membrane of the urethra occurs. It makes it easier to penetrate pathogenic bacteria, including coli, into the body.

Factors that provoke damage to the urethral mucosa include: prolonged sexual intercourse, the use of contraceptives with spermicides, as well as sexually transmitted infections.

Causes of the disease

Postcoital cystitis in women is often referred to as a syndrome honeymoon. This name comes from the time when girls kept their virginity until their wedding night, after which unpleasant disease attacked the female body. Today, there are several main reasons for the development of cystitis after sex:

  • anomaly of the genitourinary system. This is the most common cause as the urethra easily slides down into the vagina. As a result of damage defensive forces epithelium is sharply reduced, bacteria freely enter inside;
  • action of bacteria. With insufficient or improper care behind the genitals, when anal sex alternates with vaginal, E. coli penetrates into the vagina;
  • dryness of the vaginal mucosa. With prolonged intercourse or with insufficient lubrication, damage to the urethral mucosa occurs, which leads to infection with bacteria;
  • bacteria that are found on the mucous membrane of the penis. During intercourse, they mix with the microflora female vagina, penetrating into the urinary canal, and then into the bladder. Pathogenic microorganisms, affecting the mucous membrane, cause the development of cystitis;
  • the normal state of the mucosa disrupts the use as protection against unwanted pregnancy diaphragm or spermicide.


Postcoital cystitis is characterized by the following manifestations:

  • life history analysis. The patient notes the appearance of symptoms after intercourse, their severity and duration;
  • unexpected acute, often false urge to urinate. The phenomenon appears 2 days after infection or immediately after sexual intercourse;
  • pain, burning and cramps when emptying the bladder;
  • frequent false urge to urinate;
  • constant feeling of fullness of the bladder;
  • discomfort and discomfort lower belly;
  • increase in body temperature.

With the progression of the disease and the absence of treatment, the symptoms become more pronounced.

Risk factors

The risk group includes:

  • girls who are just starting to lead sexual life. Activation of one's own flora, as well as the ingress of partner bacteria, can cause disease;
  • when girls choose guys with numerous sexual relations in the past as partners. As a result, they are carriers of various pathogenic bacteria and microorganisms. Pathogenic agents provoke an inflammatory process in the urinary tract and urethra;
  • women suffering from chronic cystitis. Their immunity is affected and weakened, while each sexual intercourse with a new partner threatens to exacerbate cystitis. This is due to the conflict of genetic information in internal environment vagina. Recovery normal state the body spends large resources that provoke the appearance of inflammatory processes.

Diagnosis and treatment

If you have symptoms, you should consult a doctor who will prescribe studies:

  • general urine analysis. It is prescribed to detect inflammation;
  • urine analysis for microflora. Reveals certain kind bacteria that provoked the development of cystitis;
  • smear examination PCR method. This allows you to identify or exclude sexually transmitted diseases;
  • Ultrasound of the urinary system;
  • an examination by a gynecologist is recommended to determine the location of the urethra in relation to the vagina.

If discomfort occurs during urination, it is recommended to apply a warm heating pad to the perineum. However, this will not eliminate the action of bacteria, so a one-time antibiotic is recommended. If left untreated, cystitis progresses to chronic stage.

It is important to consult a doctor in a timely manner and follow the following recommendations:

  • take antibacterial drugs, strictly under the supervision of a urologist;
  • follow the rules of personal intimate hygiene;
  • exclude hypothermia;
  • take drugs that increase immunity;
  • if increased mobility is diagnosed urethra, then shown surgical intervention- transposition of the urethra.

Treatment and sex

Postcoital cystitis involves the use of antibiotics that disrupt the microflora of the vagina. During treatment, it is recommended to limit sexual activity, because with a weakened immune system, the risk of infection by other bacteria increases. During intercourse, additional irritation of the urethral mucosa occurs, which enhances the manifestation of the disease and complicates the treatment.

Since cystitis is an unpaired disease that is not sexually transmitted, the partner is not at risk of infection. If the disease is not caused by sexual infections, doctors do not prohibit having sex, you should only postpone it for the period of exacerbation of the disease. At the beginning of treatment, doctors prescribe large doses antibiotics to eliminate the infection, you can resume sexual activity when the exacerbation has passed. It is important to observe sexual hygiene and do not interrupt treatment until complete recovery.


If cystitis occurs due to an abnormal location of the urethra, antibiotic therapy or surgical intervention. But how to reduce the risk of postcoital cystitis so that it does not manifest itself with unpleasant symptoms?

  1. It is necessary to pass tests to determine genital infections to prevent inflammation of the bladder. If such diseases are present, they should be eliminated. Both partners are being treated.
  2. Intimate hygiene should be carefully observed. Wash your hands and external genitalia thoroughly before and after sex. Do not alternate between vaginal and anal sex since most cases end in cystitis.
  3. It is not recommended to practice postures that irritate the urethra.
  4. Avoid mucosal irritation. The use of some contraceptives causes dryness of the vaginal mucosa. As a result, microtraumas of the epithelium are formed.

In urology, there is such a thing as honeymoon cystitis or postcoital cystitis. Many patients, having heard their diagnosis, misunderstand, moreover, their honeymoon period of life to cystitis. The fact is that the name of the disease is directly related to the cause of the inflammatory process in the bladder.

Reasons for development

The main cause of honeymoon cystitis is E. coli. This pathogenic microflora, penetrating into urinary tract may cause inflammation. As statistics show, the incidence of postcoital cystitis is affected by sexual life and very often the onset of the disease coincides with the onset intimate life.

Doctors explain this by the fact that women have several anatomical and physiological features of the structure of the genital organs. The ureters are much shorter and wider than in males, making it easier to penetrate pathogenic microorganisms inside the urinary system. This process is accelerated by excessive mobility of the urethra.

Contributes to the development of the disease change hormonal background female body and weakening immune protection, which are associated with hormonal surges that accompany the onset of puberty.

In addition, during intercourse, especially when intimate hygiene is violated, the intestinal microflora, as well as the microorganisms of the partner's genital organs, more easily penetrate the female body, causing an inflammatory reaction.

Risk factors

Honeymoon cystitis causes intestinal microflora, but other factors contribute to the onset of the disease:

  • ignoring the rules of intimate hygiene;
  • neglect of barrier contraceptives;
  • weakened immune defense;
  • physical or mental stress;
  • love for spicy foods and alcoholic beverages;
  • hypothermia.

Despite this, honeymoon cystitis is diagnosed in only a third of all patients. Doctors explain it individual features structure of the female urinary tract. In some of the fair sex, the external opening of the urinary canal is located lower than in the rest. This leads to his hypermobility. This process is facilitated by the presence of adhesions formed as a result of defloration. hymen. All these factors in combination provoke the development of postcoital cystitis.

How to recognize the disease?

The fact that an inflammatory process develops in the bladder is evidenced by multiple symptoms that cannot be confused with other diseases:

  • sharp cutting pain in the lower abdomen, which increases significantly during the act of urination;
  • frequent urge to urinate;
  • burning inside the urethra;
  • general weakness;
  • elevated body temperature.

In addition to the above symptoms, many women complain of sleep disturbance and mental state, because frequent and painful urges do not stop at night. At the same time, very little urine is released, and it can be detected in it when laboratory diagnostics a large number of erythrocytes, leukocytes and proteins.

Symptoms of the disease may not appear immediately after intercourse, but after 2-3 days. Sometimes the clinical picture is not sufficiently expressed, and aching pain disappear on their own. But do not ignore the symptoms of the disease, because the acute form of cystitis often becomes chronic.

Features of diagnostics

The diagnosis of honeymoon cystitis is made on the basis of the diagnosis and the collected history. To confirm the diagnosis, the doctor may recommend:

  • general urine analysis;
  • general and detailed blood test;
  • Bladder ultrasound.

The treatment of cystitis, the so-called "honeymoon", is handled by a gynecologist or urologist. It is enough for an experienced doctor to conduct an objective examination and collect an anamnesis of the disease in order to understand what kind of disease it is.

Methods of treatment and prevention

To quickly reach therapeutic effect, it is necessary to treat cystitis comprehensively. First of all, it is necessary to postpone all household chores and spend 1-2 days in bed. It is recommended to change the habitual diet, replacing harmful products with natural and healthy ones. In order for the body to cope with the disease faster, it is necessary to provide the patient with plentiful drink. It is desirable that these be natural fruit compotes, juices, fruit drinks.

Modern pharmacy offers a lot antibacterial drugs for the treatment of cystitis. The most popular are drugs that need to be taken once, which have a pronounced antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect. A drug such as Monural has proven itself well.

Apart from pathogenetic treatment, you need to take care of the state of the immune system, strengthening it with folk or pharmaceutical products. In particular advanced cases doctor may recommend local treatment, which consists in washing the bladder with antiseptic solutions.

From folk methods The following treatments can be used:

  • a decoction of dill, which is taken 3 times a day for 1/3 cup;
  • parsley helps to cope with pathogenic microflora, applying it in the form of an infusion of greens and the root of this plant;
  • as a local therapy, you can use a decoction of medicinal herbs (chamomile, calendula, acacia) for warm baths.

  • strictly follow the rules of intimate hygiene;
  • wear ordinary cotton panties;
  • do not use vaginal sex immediately after anal;
  • use barrier methods contraception;
  • trust a partner;
  • take care of your health.

When the first anxiety symptoms you need to consult a doctor and strictly follow his recommendations. Self-medication can be dangerous for a woman's health. All medicinal and folk remedies It is recommended to apply after consultation with the leading doctor.

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honeymoon cystitis

What is called honeymoon cystitis

Cystitis is an inflammatory process of the mucous membrane of the bladder. Often it is also called honeymoon cystitis due to the fact that it occurs after the first intimate night (the second name of the disease is honeymoon cystitis). Why can this disease progress so rapidly? - you ask.

The close location of the urethra and the vagina causes the development of cystitis after sex

The main cause of the onset of the disease is sexual intercourse, during which the microflora of the vagina moves into the urination canal, and since in women it is rather short and wide, all kinds of infections and bacteria penetrate there without difficulty.

The reason for this phenomenon may be hidden in a violation of the microflora of the vagina itself, or simply not observed. elementary rules hygiene (constant cleanliness of intimate areas and so on).

Unfortunately, today many suffer from cystitis, which appears after sexual contact. This disease leaves an unpleasant mark not only on the daily pastime of a woman, but also on her intimate life. At the first sign of cystitis, you should immediately seek help from a doctor. But, before you go for help to a specialist, you need to know the symptoms of cystitis.

Symptoms of the disease

Oddly enough, the symptoms of honeymoon cystitis are the same as with any form. this disease, namely:

It is important to know: the symptoms of cystitis can manifest themselves, both immediately after intimacy, and after a while (for example, discomfort can occur after a few days). The most important thing is not to start the disease and prevent its further occurrence. timely appeal to the doctor.

Causes of cystitis

As mentioned above, during intercourse, the urethra moves slightly towards the direction of the vagina and opens, thereby allowing infections to get inside. intimate zone. As a result, the conditions for the development of cystitis can be called ideal, and further active sexual life only aggravates the situation.

The onset of the development of the disease will coincide with the date of the first sexual contact. That is why doctors often use such a term as defloration cystitis (it is associated with trauma, violation of the virgin structure of the vagina), further sexual intercourse can aggravate it. But there are other reasons that contribute to its exacerbation and further development:

  1. Hypothermia of the body (in the intimate area).
  2. Too spicy food.
  3. Smoking.
When the hymen is torn, there is a possibility of developing cystitis

Important to know: you may be surprised, but honey cystitis can develop even after a change of sexual partner.

The dangers of honeymoon cystitis are as follows:

  • First of all, if you do not treat the disease, then after a while it will develop into a chronic form, and it is much more difficult to cure it.
  • In addition, honeymoon cystitis has an extremely negative effect on your intimacy with your partner, as discomfort haunts you.


What is the treatment strategy:

  • Treatment with medications and antibiotics to mitigate the symptoms of the disease.
  • Next, you will need to drink a course of antispasmodics and anti-inflammatory drugs.
  • A course of phytotherapy (treatment with the help of special medical teas).
  • It is also recommended to drink more fluids, as cystitis is accompanied by severe dehydration.
  • Lack of sexual activity.

Phytotherapy is effective for the treatment of the disease

It is best to prescribe treatment when the first symptoms of the disease appear, for this, contact a urologist who, after a series of tests, will prescribe you the most suitable treatment. Remember, drug treatment is prescribed strictly on an individual basis and for each person it is different (the principle and type of treatment is selected according to physiological features organism and the degree of development of cystitis).

Medicines are medicines, but how to enhance their effect and support the body while taking them? This is where phytotherapy comes into play.

What is the purpose of herbal medicine:

  1. Strengthening the effects of your prescribed medications.
  2. Strengthens the immune system to protect the body.
  3. Accelerates and increases the urge to urinate throughout the day, as it is very important in the treatment of cystitis. After all, it is with urine that all pathogens are excreted.
  4. Phytotherapy helps to reduce pain and untidy sensations in cystitis several times, and makes them almost invisible and painless, which means they do not interfere with your normal life during the course of treatment.
  5. Decreases general intoxication organism.
  6. Saturation of the body useful vitamins and minerals.

Among other things, a course of herbal medicine to increase the effectiveness of medicines

Phytotherapy properties:

  • Soothing.
  • Painkillers.
  • Therapeutic.

Important to know: Remember, herbal treatment can be used as aid, but by no means as the main one.

So, as you already understood, honeymoon cystitis is a rather serious disease and requires immediate treatment. The main thing is to see the symptoms of the disease in time, understand the causes of its occurrence and consult a doctor in a timely manner to start necessary treatment.

More about honey cystitis months will go video conversation:

What is honeymoon cystitis

In women, inflammation of the bladder occurs more often than men, which is due to the peculiarities of the structure of the urinary duct. A wide and short urethra is more quickly affected by pathogenic bacteria.

Postcoital honeymoon cystitis develops due to the penetration of E. coli, trichomonas, chlamydia, staphylococcus into the vagina, the urethra of a woman after sex.

Causes of inflammation of the bladder in a woman on a honeymoon

In young girls, the main cause of the disease is the rupture of the virgin pleura during sexual intercourse. The consequence of the situation is the upward spread of infection through the urethra to the kidneys.

Weakening of local immunity is a provoking factor of inflammation. Physiologically, mucous membranes secrete substances that can destroy bacteria. Atrophy, lack of blood supply to tissues - a source of reduced local protection.

Diseases leading to immunodeficiency:

The inflammatory process of the bladder after sex does not occur immediately - for 1-2 days. The interval is needed for microorganisms to penetrate the wall and multiply.

Latent forms do not manifest themselves clinically, but cause the chronic course of the pathology. Painful urination may be temporary. In the absence of sexual intercourse, they disappear on their own. Frequent intimacy increases the likelihood of an inflammatory process in the genitourinary system.

The predominant route of penetration of microorganisms is ascending. Urethritis and cystitis in women pose a danger of bacteria rising to the overlying parts of the urinary system.

The second provoking factor is the incorrect anatomical location of the urethra, which contributes to the rapid infection of the urethra, pelvis, and kidneys.

The main symptoms of postcoital cystitis

The first symptoms of postcoital cystitis begin 2 days after intimacy. This period of development clinical picture does not allow to associate pathology with sexual intercourse.

Clinical symptoms honeymoon cystitis:

  • Increased urination;
  • Soreness in the lower abdomen;
  • Unproductive urges;
  • Rezi after intimacy.

The duration of symptoms and the time of occurrence individually.

Treatment for acute clinic allows you to completely cure the pathology.

The symptoms of the chronic form are difficult to effectively eliminate by conservative means due to the lack of clear manifestations. Hidden cystitis is difficult to treat because of the lack of symptoms.

signs chronic course:

  1. Frequent painful urination;
  2. Independent disappearance of signs 1-2 days after the onset;
  3. Recurrence after a few months;
  4. Shrinkage of the bladder on endoscopic examination.

Acute cystitis has a specific manifestation - constant feeling bladder fullness, unproductive urges. In the classical course, the symptoms disappear on their own for 3-4 days - manifestations of the first wave. With proper therapy, it is possible to achieve an earlier disappearance of signs, but the causes of the pathology are not eliminated. You can expect a second wave in months, and even years. The provoking factor is intimacy.

Principles of diagnosis of postcoital cystitis

Difficult to diagnose latent forms latent diseases. The danger of slow progression lies in the chronicity of the process leading to an irreversible condition - secondary wrinkling of the kidneys.

The absence of signs of the disease for several years excludes timely diagnosis pathology. The disease is detected during cystoscopy - the use of a probe to study the walls of the bladder. Optical examination reveals acute and chronic changes.

A number of studies help confirm the diagnosis:

  • Urine culture for flora;
  • General analyzes urine and blood;
  • Urine samples according to Nechiporenko;
  • Ultrasound of the small pelvis;
  • The study of the immunogram.

Fully cure acute illness possible at the beginning. At right approach manages to neutralize the inflammatory process on initial stage, destroy pathogens.

Treatment of cystitis after intimacy

For the treatment of cystitis, local and general procedures. If inflammation occurs after intimacy, it develops acutely, warming procedures are required - heat is applied to the lower abdomen with a temperature of no more than 37.5 degrees. Hot baths are not recommended due to negative impact hyperthermia on the genitourinary organs, intensification of the inflammatory process.

Spices, spices are excluded from the diet, spicy dishes. Recommended fruits, dairy and vegetable products. Inclusion in the diet of lactobacilli, yogurt normalizes the efficiency of the colon.

At acute course drinking plenty of water is recommended. Increased diuresis promotes flushing pathogenic bacteria. Experts recommend that women go to the toilet before and after each intimacy to prevent stagnant changes.

You need to drink mineral water "Smirnovskaya", "Slavyanovskaya". Use medicines antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory type of action relaxes the wall of the bladder, eliminates pain in the lower abdomen.

Three times a day, 1 hour before meals with postcoital cystitis, the use of mineral water is prescribed at a dose of 0.3 ml per kilogram of weight.

Principles of conservative treatment of inflammation of the bladder

Uroseptic, antispasmodic, antibacterial drugs are the basis for the treatment of any inflammatory processes in the urinary tract.

Antibacterial therapy with uncomplicated cystitis, according to the recommendations of the Oxford Handbook, it is based on ciprofloxacin, amoxicillin, trimethoprim, co-trimoxazole.

Norfloxacin and ciprofloxacin are drugs that are used in pediatrics only for emergency indications.

In some scientific papers for the treatment of uncomplicated cystitis, the authors advise ampicillin. Domestic urologists recommend drinking antibiotics after receiving the results bacterial culture on the sensitivity of the flora to antimicrobials. Practice shows the maximum frequency of use of amoxicillin and ampicillin for inflammation of the bladder. The drugs are excreted by the kidneys, which allows you to create an effective concentration of the drug inside the bladder and ureter.

Classical cystitis is treated not only antibacterial agents. When nosology is carried out symptomatic therapy, restoration of immunity. Physiotherapy and physiotherapy is prescribed to strengthen the muscles of the bottom of the bladder. Physiotherapy procedures improve the blood supply to the pelvic organs.

Basic principles of postcoital cystitis:

  • Antibiotic therapy;
  • Taking anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic drugs;
  • Phytotherapeutic procedures;
  • Exclusion of sexual activity;
  • Plentiful liquid drinking.

In conclusion, we note the need to treat the disease at the initial stage, when there are no irreversible changes and infectious agents can be completely neutralized. For additional correction of the condition, phytotherapy is prescribed:

  • infusions lingonberry leaves;
  • A decoction of calendula flowers;
  • Tincture of wintergreen leaves;
  • decoction of parsley roots;
  • Warm bath with dill.

Combined treatment acute inflammation with timely detection allows you to completely get rid of the pathology. It is impossible to cure chronic forms, but proper therapy eliminates exacerbation, prevents recurrence.

What is honeymoon cystitis?

One of the most common diagnoses that urologists have to deal with is honeymoon cystitis. This disease is characterized by inflammatory etiology. It is usually found in newlyweds after unprotected sex. It affects both genders equally. If the pathological process is ignored and not treated, the infection can spread further and reach the kidneys.

What is honeymoon cystitis syndrome?

This is an inflammatory disease that spreads to the mucous membrane of the bladder. Most often, it occurs after the first experience of intimacy among the fair sex. Their urethral canal is quite short, due to which the microflora of the vagina or intestines easily enters it.

Especially dangerous is the penetration into the bladder of Escherichia coli. It is a natural inhabitant of the gastrointestinal tract. Getting into bladder, the bacterium begins to multiply intensively and adhere to the elements of the mucous membrane. As a result, an inflammatory process occurs. In addition to E. coli, its origin can cause chlamydia, Trichomonas, streptococci and staphylococci.

The disease can develop due to non-compliance with basic hygiene rules. Sometimes, a violation of the microflora of the vagina serves as a trigger, when a large amount of opportunistic flora appears on its mucosa.

Today, honeymoon cystitis is commonly understood as a disease that develops not only after the first intimate contact. This is, in principle, an inflammatory process, but it must also be preceded by sexual intimacy. All this negatively affects sexual life women, her psychological state.

Risk factors

Intimate intimacy is considered an indirect cause of the disease. Despite the structural features of the female body, cystitis is detected only in every third lady. What other factors can provoke the disease?

  1. endocrine disorders.
  2. Metabolic disorder.
  3. Abuse of alcoholic beverages.
  4. Frequent hypothermia.

Another cause of honeymoon cystitis is a decrease in immunity in a woman. With such a problem, one has to face against the background of some diseases. It could be diabetes, obesity or hypothyroidism.

Clinical picture

The pathological process is manifested by sudden and frequent urges to urination. If the disorder occurs for the first time, its symptoms usually disappear on their own after 2-3 days. The same cannot be said about the disease itself.

Symptoms of honeymoon cystitis reappear after a certain period of time. For some women, this period takes several months, while for others it takes many years. In this case, we can talk about the clinical picture of a latent form of chronic cystitis. Over time, the pathological process extends not only to the bladder mucosa, but also affects the submucosa.

Diagnostic methods

At the first sign of honeymoon cystitis, not all women seek medical care. Some try to cure the disease at home, others completely ignore it. Both approaches to solving the problem are wrong. At the initial stage of the pathological process, a visit to the urologist should be made.

Diagnosis of the disease begins with a study of the anamnesis and complaints of the patient. Then they move on to instrumental and laboratory methods examinations that imply the appointment:

  • general urine analysis;
  • urine analysis for microflora;
  • ultrasound examination;
  • cystoscopy.

The conducted studies allow to identify the inflammatory process and determine the type of bacteria that caused its development. For exclusion sexually transmitted diseases additional consultation with a gynecologist may be required.

Principles of treatment

The treatment of this disease is almost always conservative. It is prescribed by a urologist, taking into account the clinical picture and general condition patient.

How to treat honeymoon cystitis? The basis of therapy is taking medications. They will be discussed in more detail below. AT without fail woman shown bed rest and compliance special diet. The latter implies the exclusion of excessively spicy and salty foods. All foods that can irritate the bladder mucosa (sour, fried, smoked) also fall under the ban. The diet should be dominated by cereals and soups, dairy products, various drinks (fruit drinks, kissels).

Medication use

Treatment for honeymoon cystitis begins with antibiotics. On the early stages they give a quick effect. Monural is considered a potent medicine. A single dose is enough to completely overcome the disease. After the disappearance of unpleasant symptoms, it is necessary to visit the urologist again in order to exclude other pathologies that can cause a relapse.

With a strong pain syndrome, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or antispasmodics are prescribed. Of the uroantiseptics, Furadonin is used for therapeutic purposes. All medicines have contraindications, so only a doctor can prescribe treatment. If specific microbes (chlamydia, fungi, viruses) are found in the urine culture, other drugs are used.

Consequences of the disease

If honeymoon cystitis is not treated promptly, it can become chronic. In this case, antibiotic therapy is supplemented by taking medications to restore immunity.

Equally useful is therapeutic exercises. It helps to strengthen the pelvic muscles. The doctor at the reception should tell about the basic exercises. Physiotherapeutic effects are also prescribed for the advanced form of cystitis. Thanks to him, it is possible to enter into the cavity of the bladder various drugs. And the procedures themselves help to improve blood circulation in this area.

When conservative treatments fail, surgery is recommended. During the operation, the specialist raises the opening of the urethra up by about 1-2 cm. In most cases, this approach solves all problems.

Prevention methods

You can prevent the development of cystitis if you follow the recommendations of doctors:

  1. Never resist the urge to urinate. Stagnation of urine can provoke the reproduction of pathogenic flora.
  2. Follow the basic rules of personal hygiene. Instead of a bath, it is better to take a shower every day.
  3. It is necessary to monitor the drinking regimen. A day should drink at least 6 glasses of the most ordinary non-carbonated water.
  4. It is recommended to completely empty the bladder immediately before sexual intercourse.
  5. Avoid hypothermia.
  6. Timely treat all diseases.

Cystitis is a problem that modern world absolutely no one is safe. Any infection can get into urinary system causing inflammation. To defeat the disease, you can not self-medicate. It is better to seek qualified medical help and undergo a course of therapy prescribed by a doctor.

Treatment and prevention of honeymoon cystitis

Quite often, cystitis occurs with the onset of sexual life. This is due to the fact that at the time of sexual intercourse, an infection enters the bladder from the intestines or from the genitals of the sexual partner. This disease is better known as honeymoon cystitis, and in medicine it is defined by the term postcoital cystitis.

Reasons for the appearance

The disease is an inflammation of the bladder mucosa, provoked by a variety of endogenous (internal). or exogenous (external) conditions of influence. Girls, unlike men, are more likely to get cystitis, which is associated with the special structure of the female genitourinary organs.

Honeymoon cystitis develops by the following reasons:

  • dysbacteriosis or bacteriosis of the vagina;
  • coli;
  • chlamydia;
  • fungal diseases;
  • trichomonas;
  • streptococcus;
  • violation of intimate hygiene in both partners;
  • staphylococcus;
  • violent sexual intercourse;
  • impaired synthesis of some sex hormones;
  • constant alternation of anal and vaginal sex during one sexual intercourse;
  • chronic diseases(thyroid disease, diabetes mellitus, etc.);
  • hypothermia.


There are a lot of symptoms that accompany honeymoon cystitis, and all of them quite specifically indicate the onset of the disease. Let's consider the main ones.

  1. Urinary incontinence.
  2. Urination accompanied by pain or discomfort.
  3. Hyperthermia.
  4. Cutting pains lower abdomen.
  5. The presence of blood in the urine.
  6. Frequent urination with a small amount of urine.
  7. Burning sensation in the vagina.

Symptoms may appear both immediately after the end of sexual intercourse, and after a few days and sometimes disappear on their own, but this does not mean recovery. Cystitis of the Cretaceous month continues to develop and, in the absence of opposition, can turn into a chronic or acute form, so at the first appearance of signs of the disease, it is necessary to urgently seek medical help from a specialist. In accordance with the results of the tests and the identified symptoms, the doctor will be able to prescribe appropriate treatment.

First aid

If it is not possible to go to the doctor right away, then a folk remedy prepared on your own will help relieve the symptoms of cystitis: a warm bath (35 - 37 degrees) with the addition of a special herbal decoction. Such a procedure will calm the body and relieve pain, but you should not spend it for more than 15 minutes, because a long stay in such a bath can backfire and only aggravate the disease.

Treatment and prevention

In a situation where the prescribed treatment does not contribute to recovery and the disease continues to progress, the girls are prescribed an operation in which the canal of the genitourinary system is raised by 1-2 centimeters. After that, you can safely continue to have sex.

To prevent honeymoon cystitis, you must:

  • do not overcool;
  • eat properly;
  • drink at least two liters of water a day;
  • do sport;
  • eat more fruits;
  • timely start treatment in case of illness;
  • use condoms during sex;
  • go to the toilet before and after intercourse;
  • systematically observed by a gynecologist (urologist);
  • carefully observe body hygiene.

By secret

  • Incredible… Can be cured chronic cystitis forever and ever!
  • This time.
  • No antibiotics!
  • This is two.
  • During the week!
  • It's three.

Honeymoon cystitis is a fairly common form of cystitis that occurs with the onset of an active sexual life. It is quite easy to explain the nature of the disease - during the sexual intercourse, the bladder migrates a significant amount of infectious and fungal agents or genitals of the sexual partner. This form of illness is official medicine most commonly referred to as postcoital cystitis.

Cystitis manifests itself inflammatory processes mucous membrane of the bladder. At the same time, the pathogens that caused the disease can be of both endogenous and exogenous origin. Women get sick more often than men. This is due anatomical features organs of the genitourinary system.

Main reasons:

  • intestinal dysbacteriosis;
  • bacteriosis of the vagina;
  • Entering the body of Escherichia coli, chlamydia, Trichomonas, Staphylococcus vaginal, anal, oral and other possible ways;
  • fungal pathologies;
  • Non-observance of intimate hygiene by one of the partners;
  • Violent sexual intercourse;
  • Total hormonal imbalance;
  • Exacerbation of one or more chronic diseases(thyroid diseases, diabetes mellitus, others);
  • Overheat;
  • Hypothermia.

If a person suffers from several negative factors contributing to the development of the disease, then the likelihood of getting sick with postcoital cystitis is very high. Anyway, accurate diagnosis can only be delivered by an experienced urologist.

Clinical picture of postcoital cystitis

Honeymoon cystitis manifests itself in a number of ways characteristic symptoms. The first signs indicating the rapid development of the disease:

  • Urinary incontinence (complete or partial);
  • Urination that is accompanied by palpable pain syndrome and general discomfort;
  • Redness of mucous membranes and dermal tissue;
  • Cutting pains in the lower abdomen, worse before urination;
  • Hematuria in the urine;
  • Frequent urge to go to the toilet, often unproductive;
  • Burning sensation in the urethra and in the vagina.

Remarkably, honeymoon cystitis develops instantly, with symptoms occurring immediately after intercourse. AT rare cases first signs developing inflammation occur only after a few days.

Acute and chronic forms of the disease

Sometimes unpleasant symptoms can suddenly disappear. However, this does not indicate speedy recovery. Sometimes there may be no symptoms at all. This development option is considered the most unfavorable.

This asymptomatic form of the disease can pass from acute form to the chronic stage in a matter of weeks. In this case, the treatment of the disease will be long and associated with a number of symptoms.

The main signs of chronic postcoital cystitis:

  • painful urination;
  • The urge to go to the toilet is more often than normal, and urine is always excreted in small quantities;
  • Symptoms of the disease occur from time to time, but disappear after 2 to 3 days on their own;
  • Again, unpleasant manifestations of the disease occur only after a few months.

At endoscopy the diagnostician can clearly notice the abnormal wrinkling of the walls of the bladder. There can be no such changes in the nome.

Diagnostic measures

Latent forms of pathology are difficult to diagnose. First of all, the patient himself may ignore a minor ailment and not seek medical help.

Reveal pathological processes in the bladder and the causes that caused the problem, you can resort to the procedure of cystoscopy. The doctor uses a special probe to examine the walls of the bladder. To make a definitive diagnosis, the doctor may prescribe the following diagnostic measures:

  1. Sowing urine for microflora;
  2. General blood analysis;
  3. General urine analysis;
  4. Samples according to Nechiporenko;
  5. Ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs;
  6. Immunogram followed by analysis of the results obtained.

How to Relieve the Pain of Honeymoon Cystitis

Given the fact that postcoital cystitis occurs quite suddenly, in order to relieve unpleasant symptoms, it will take some effort. A moderately warm bath (up to 37 degrees), to which a concentrated herbal decoction is added, will help to cope with unpleasant symptoms.

Just 15 minutes and a person can feel significant relief. This method is relevant only as a first aid. It will help to transfer the symptoms as comfortably as possible until the moment of going to the doctor.

Key aspects of therapy

For the treatment of cystitis, local and general procedures are used. The main drugs are uroseptics, antispasmodics, antibiotics.

The main drugs for antibiotic therapy:

  • Ciprofloxacin;
  • Amoxicillin;
  • Norfloxacin;
  • Ciprofloxacin.

To enhance the overall therapeutic effect, patients are advised to drink plenty of fluids. Should not be used plain water, a medicinal infusions and decoctions:

  • Infusion of lingonberry leaves;
  • Otar of chamomile and calendula;
  • A decoction of wintergreen leaves;
  • Infusions on the roots of parsley;
  • Warm teas with dill.

Pay special attention to diet. Spices, excessively spicy, salty, peppery dishes are completely excluded from the menu. All of them can irritate the already damaged structure of the bladder. The diet is enriched with dairy products, which will normalize the work digestive tract especially the large intestine.

It is unacceptable to treat postcoital cystitis at home on your own. Only a competent doctor will be able to study all the features of the disease, conduct proper diagnostic measures and only then choose the most effective drugs.

Cystitis is an inflammation of the bladder, which occurs 3 times more often in women, since the structure of their genitourinary system predisposes to this disease. Honeymoon cystitis, due to the fact that sexual attitude become more intense and the female genital organs, suffer from an unusual load and violations of sexual hygiene. Which together leads to the onset of the disease.

How does cystitis manifest?

The main signs of cystitis are:

  • frequent and painful urination

  • soreness increases at the end of urination, while the amount of urine excreted decreases,

  • feeling of heaviness and pain in the lower abdomen, back pain,

  • weakness, sensation of cold sweat, chills.

Is it possible to have sex during cystitis?

If necessary, refrain from sex until complete recovery.

If you have experienced this disease at the beginning of your family life, do not hide your problem from your husband. Explain to him how you feel. Tell him that it is neither your nor his fault in what is happening and that with the right timely treatment you'll be up and running soon. Together, think about how you can get out of this situation. Discuss what alternative erotic games can help you refrain from direct sexual contact.

Treatment of cystitis

Try to lie in bed more. Drink as much as possible, preferably water or chamomile tea, tea with milk. If you have the opportunity, take an antispasmodic and pain reliever. To reduce the feeling of pain, you can apply a warm heating pad on or between the legs. Warm baths of chamomile infusion for the perineum also help well.

Keep your legs and lower back warm. Beware of hypothermia. During the period of cystitis, swimming in the sea and being in direct sunlight are contraindicated.

As soon as possible, contact a urologist or the emergency room of a nearby hospital to clarify the disease and prescribe drug therapy.

Prevention of cystitis

  • Empty your bladder before and

  • Follow the rules of personal hygiene before and after sex,

  • For frequent and extreme sex, use lubricants and a condom.

  • Do not overcool and do not overheat, strengthen your immunity.

Remember prevention is easier and more enjoyable than cure.

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