How are adenoids removed under general anesthesia. How is the procedure for removing adenoids in a child? The use of physical energy in the treatment of adenoiditis

Adenotomy - removal of adenoids is considered a simple surgical intervention in ENT practice. Patients are rarely left overnight after the operation, usually after 4-5 hours the patient is allowed to go home. Let's try to figure out when the removal of the pharyngeal gland is required and how to prepare for this procedure.


Among other things, you should follow the doctor's recommendations regarding food and fluid intake. Dinner should be no later than 19.00 pm on the eve of the operation. Before going to bed, you can give your child a few sips of water to drink.

Do I need to remove adenoids, expert reviews:

Adenoid Removal Methods

The choice of the removal method is carried out after. With this procedure, the doctor can get a complete picture of the size of the nasopharynx, the degree of growth of the lymphatic tissue, as well as the condition of the inlet openings of the auditory tubes.


To remove adenoids, a special scalpel is used - Beckmann's adenoid. This is a special curved knife, equipped with a box into which the cut fabrics subsequently fall.

The instrument is inserted into the nasopharynx in such a way that all the tissue to be removed enters the knife ring. The adenoid is cut off, and the resulting bleeding stops on its own after a few minutes.

The only disadvantage of this procedure is its implementation "blindly". The doctor does not see the nasopharyngeal cavity and cannot control whether pieces of adenoid tissue remain, which can subsequently lead to new growths.

radio wave

Surgical intervention in this case is carried out using the Surgitron device. It has a special nozzle designed to remove adenoids. The cut is almost the same as with the instrumental method, but due to exposure to radio waves, cauterization of blood vessels occurs, which minimizes the risk of bleeding. The blood loss is minimal.

Laser removal

Laser surgery has long established itself as an effective procedure.

Under the influence of laser devices, the temperature of the tissue rises, as a result of which liquid evaporates from it.

This method of adenoid removal is bloodless.

The disadvantage of this method is the probability of heating healthy tissues in the area of ​​the laser beam.

Shaver (microdebrider)

Shaver or otherwise microdebrider - a special tool with a rotating tip in the form of a blade. With its help, the adenoid is crushed, parts of which are subsequently removed by an aspirator.

This procedure allows you to quickly and completely cut off the lymphoid tissue without damaging the healthy mucosa. This point is very important, because when a healthy mucosa is injured, scars can form, which subsequently prevent normal breathing. The risk of recurrence after the intervention is minimal.

How is the operation to remove the adenoid, see our video:

Endoscopic adenotomy

No less accurate and effective is the removal procedure carried out using an endoscope. After anesthesia has been administered, the device (in the form of a probe) is inserted into the nasal cavity. The doctor examines the adenoids, then proceeds to remove them.

For resection of hypertrophied tissue, various available instruments can be used: resection forceps, loop, electroknife. The procedure time is 15-20 minutes.

How painful is the procedure

Thanks to the use of modern means for anesthesia, the removal of adenoids is completely painless.

Small bleeding that occurs after surgery stops quickly enough without leading to any serious consequences.

The postoperative period is tolerated quite easily. In rare cases, a slight increase in body temperature is possible.

Nasal breathing is restored immediately after the intervention, but gradually the tissues swell, and may appear. Such symptoms disappear after 7-10 days without additional intervention. If the patient has chronic diseases, then the recovery period may be delayed for a longer time.


For children under 7 years of age, adenotomy is performed under general anesthesia, so small patients do not feel pain, which is a very important point for a child. Modern drugs are not toxic, do not give any complications and are quite easily tolerated.

Older children and adults can remove adenoids under local anesthesia. Before surgery, a sedative drug is administered intramuscularly to the patient, and an anesthetic solution is sprayed into the nasopharynx. Perhaps the use of Lidocaine or Novocaine. During the operation, the person is conscious and can observe the procedure.

Postoperative period

The main task of therapy after adenotomy is to create good conditions for the regeneration of the mucosa at the site of the cut. It is necessary to strictly follow all medical recommendations in order to avoid the development of complications:

  • the room where the patient is located must be regularly ventilated;
  • from the diet it is necessary to exclude all foods that irritate the mucous membranes (spicy, salty, hot and too sweet dishes);
  • limit physical activity to avoid bleeding;
  • vasoconstrictors prescribed by the doctor should also be used;
  • antibiotic therapy may be prescribed to rule out bacterial complications.

In addition, regular visits to the otolaryngologist are required within two weeks after the operation. Medical control over the healing of the mucosa will help to suspect incipient deviations in time and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

How to maintain health

In the first 10 days after adenotomy, the patient's contact with others should be limited. This is necessary to exclude the possibility of infection. Since immunity suffers after the intervention, it is possible to use immunomodulatory drugs.

In the postoperative period, it is necessary to avoid visiting swimming pools, baths, saunas and other public places. In addition, the patient's exposure to the hot sun should be limited.


Absolute contraindications for removal of adenoids are:

  • blood clotting disorders;
  • anomalies in the development of the vessels of the nasopharynx;
  • oncological diseases;
  • the child is under two years of age.

Also, adenotomy is not performed in the acute period of infectious diseases. In adolescence, in girls, the operation is planned not during the period of menstruation.

About the indications for adenotomy, says Dr. Komarovsky:


With a timely operation, the risk of developing any complications is zero. Nasal breathing is fully restored. In rare cases, recurrence of the disease in the form of new growths is possible. In such cases, a second operation is possible.

Under what conditions is it necessary to remove adenoids in children, reviews of operations of this kind can be found on medical portals and parent forums. There are a variety of opinions. However, both doctors and parents unanimously assert that there are situations when only surgical treatment has a positive effect and returns the child to full breathing. So - a full life, without stuffy nose, snoring, drowsiness, lethargy and bad mood.

The operation to remove adenoids in children is called adenotomy. Among surgeons, it is referred to as "stream". This is one of the most frequent, short and uncomplicated operations in ENT surgery. Adenotomy does not apply to the type of emergency, urgent operations. Usually they prepare for it according to plan, prescribe a number of necessary examinations, re-diagnosis. The operation itself lasts no more than 10 minutes and is usually performed in the morning. After removal of the adenoids, the patient is under the supervision of doctors for about 5 hours, and in the evening he safely returns home. In rare cases, you have to stay overnight in the hospital if there are complications - bleeding or side effects of anesthesia. Most often, adenotomy is performed on an outpatient basis.

Indications for surgical treatment of adenoids

Should adenoids be removed for a child? It is worth it if, with all conservative methods of treatment, there is no effect, while inflammation of the adenoids (adenoiditis) becomes chronic. And this means: there remains a focus of infection in the adenoids, their swelling persists, and the rapid growth of adenoid tissue is diagnosed. What symptoms and diseases are considered mandatory indications for adenotomy?

  • Difficult nasal breathing. The child breathes through his mouth all the time, which provokes drying of the mucous membranes, frequent SARS and complications after them. Also, difficult nasal breathing leads to restless sleep, which affects the general psycho-emotional state of the child, leads to irritability, constant fatigue.
  • Breath holding during sleep, or sleep apnea. Life-threatening symptom. In addition, oxygen deficiency (hypoxia) negatively affects the functioning of the brain and the growing body as a whole.
  • Chronic otitis. Enlarged adenoids block the auditory tube, which provokes inflammation in the middle ear. During the year, the child suffers from otitis media 4 times, and hearing loss is also observed.
  • Deformation of the facial skeleton. There is a medical term "adenoid face". Enlarged adenoids lead to abnormal changes in the maxillofacial bones. Such consequences can be irreversible if the operation is not carried out in a timely manner.
  • Malignant tumors. Fortunately, cases of degeneration of adenoid tissue into a malignant tumor are rare.

What is important to know

The operation can be prescribed even in infancy, if there are serious reasons and clear indications.

  • Adenotomy is contraindicated in children suffering from bronchial asthma, heart and blood diseases. Such patients are prescribed only conservative therapy. Read about the treatment of adenoids in children without surgery in our other article.
  • Frequent SARS is not an indication for surgery. If nasal breathing persists, adenotomy is usually not indicated.
  • Not always grade 3 or 4 adenoids need to be removed. For example, a child can be diagnosed with grade 1 or 2 adenoids, while he has difficulty in nasal breathing, snoring or sleep apnea, complications after SARS - otitis media, sinusitis, sinusitis. These are already clear indications for adenotomy.
  • Among the reviews of parents, you can find the following opinion: there is no need to rush with the operation. The opinion of several highly qualified otolaryngologists will not be superfluous.
  • If the parents still decide on the operation, it is necessary to consult with the surgeon who will operate on the baby.
  • Re-diagnosis is necessary for adenoiditis. If a child has had SARS, and two weeks later he is diagnosed with grade 2 or 3 adenoids, this is not a reason to sound the alarm and urgently “cut”. Enlarged adenoids are normal after an illness. Re-examination may show marked improvement.

There are times when the doctor recommends postponing the operation, if there are no extreme indications. This is due to the fact that the adenoid tissue grows intensively up to 6-7 years, after which the size of the adenoids begins to decrease. A child can "outgrow" adenoiditis, like many other childhood diseases.

Methods of adenotomy

The essence of adenotomy is the complete removal of adenoid tissue from the nasopharynx. What methods are used in modern medicine? Methods for removing adenoids in children can be classified according to the type of anesthesia and methods of adenotomy using various tools and equipment.

Types of pain relief

The first operations to remove adenoids began to be carried out at the end of the 19th century. Of course, there was no talk of any anesthesia in those days.

  • Local anesthesia. In this case, the level of the pain threshold, the temperament of the little patient, his psycho-emotional state and age are taken into account. Doctors often offer this type of anesthesia to older children. It is carried out in the form of spraying (spreading) an anesthetic on the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx. The child does not feel pain, but the sight of blood can scare him, the procedure itself can terrify. Therefore, often with local anesthesia, intramuscular administration of sedatives is additionally used. The little patient is in a blunted state of consciousness and is not violent. Adenotomy under local anesthesia is cheaper, faster, has no post-anesthetic side effects and complications. Parents agree to local anesthesia, knowing the persistent character and endurance of their child.
  • General anesthesia. In Western medicine, this type of anesthesia is practiced exclusively. It is also strongly recommended by domestic doctors: not only for humane purposes (to spare the child's psyche), but also for purely practical purposes - only in calm conditions can a high-quality operation be performed and all adenoid tissue removed. Most modern clinics are switching to general anesthesia. There are anesthetic risks and sudden complications with general anesthesia. The anesthesiologist must tell you about this.
  • Absence of anesthesia. Today, this fact may be shocking. Although more recently in Russia, adenotomy was performed without anesthesia. This is due to the fact that lymphoid tissues do not contain nerve fibers. “Supposedly it doesn’t hurt,” but it’s very scary. On parental forums, you can read vivid and unforgettable childhood memories: being tied to a chair, bloodied aprons, and so on. Many parents want to save their own child from such heartbreaking scenes and generally prefer general anesthesia.

The decision on the choice of anesthesia is made by the anesthesiologist after a thorough study of the child's health indicators, taking into account the presence of allergic reactions and the results of the necessary tests. If contraindications to general anesthesia are identified, local anesthesia is prescribed. If the child is registered with narrow specialists (cardiologist, neuropathologist, allergist, pulmonologist, hematologist), their consultation and conclusion is necessary.

Basic methods of surgical treatment

  • Classical operation with adenotome. Adenoid - a ring-shaped knife that is used to remove adenoids. The classical method uses a laryngeal mirror, a confident hand and a doctor's sharp eyesight. The downside of such operations: more intense bleeding during removal (some surgeons dispute this fact), insufficient visibility, as a result of which it is not always possible to remove adenoid tissue with high quality. If a small piece of tissue remains, there is a risk that the adenoids will grow back. During the operation, sometimes you have to resort to hemostatic agents (powdered powders, cauterization of blood vessels with a laser or radio waves). In modern surgery, radio wave adenotomes have appeared, which simultaneously remove tissue and stop bleeding.
  • Laser removal. Instead of an adenoid, a laser is used. There are different types of laser instruments that the doctor chooses depending on the complexity of the operation. Laser removal of adenoids is considered a low-traumatic and high-precision method. The sterility of the laser gives the lowest risk of secondary infections after surgery. Tissue healing after laser adenotomy is much faster.
  • Endoscopic removal of adenoids in children. The main advantage of the method is the visibility of the surgical field. Most modern surgeries are performed using endoscopic guidance. Thanks to the video endoscope, the surgeon performs adenotomy with high accuracy, effectively and efficiently removes adenoid tissue.
  • Cold plasma method, or coblation. The last word in otolaryngology. It is performed using a coblator - a cold plasma tool. It has a number of advantages: bloodlessness, painlessness, the most thorough removal of adenoid tissue, reduced risk of postoperative complications, rapid recovery after surgery. The only downside is the price.

Postoperative period

How is the postoperative period?

  • As a bonus for "ordeal" the patient receives ice cream. Cold promotes vasoconstriction, which is indicated after removal of the adenoids.
  • Pain, discomfort in the throat when swallowing can remain for several days. The doctor prescribes local anesthetics and painkillers.
  • Possible vomiting with blood. This happens if the child swallowed blood during the operation. For the same reason, violations of the stool are possible.
  • In the first days, the temperature may rise to 38 ° C. It is strictly forbidden to use antipyretic drugs containing acetylsalicylic acid, as it can cause bleeding.
  • According to the doctor's prescription, it is necessary to take astringent and vasoconstrictor drugs in the nose.
  • Within a week after the operation, it is forbidden to take a hot bath, go to the bathhouse, and be in the open sun.
  • The doctor will also recommend a sparing diet: hot, hard food that irritates the mucous membrane is excluded.
  • Nasal and nasal congestion is due to swelling of the mucous membranes after surgery. These symptoms usually disappear after a week.
  • Special breathing exercises, which the ENT will tell about, will be useful.
  • Fresh air shown! Excluded heavy physical activity during the month.

Only after a month, the ENT can adequately determine the effectiveness of surgical treatment. Although many patients experience a noticeable improvement within a week. In most cases, there are positive reviews after undergoing adenotomy.

Possible Complications

What are the consequences of removing adenoids in children?

  • Severe complications. Only in rare cases, there are intense bleeding during and after surgery, aspiration of the respiratory tract, complications after general anesthesia, trauma to the palate.
  • Temporary decrease in immunity. Otolaryngologists assure that there are no negative consequences after adenotomy: the child will not get sick more often if his adenoids are removed. Immunity after adenotomy decreases, as after any other operation. After a few months, the immune system returns to normal.
  • The child snores after removal of the adenoids. If snoring and squelching in the nose lasts for ten days after the operation, this is normal. Puffiness will go away - snoring will disappear. If snoring after adenotomy remains for a longer time, a mandatory consultation with an otolaryngologist is necessary.
  • secondary infection. After surgery, a wound remains in the nasopharynx, which, against the background of weakened immunity, can cause a secondary infection. Therefore, doctors recommend home mode and temporary restriction of contact with the children's team in the postoperative period.

Issue price

How much does it cost to remove adenoids for a child? It makes no sense to name specific figures. For they depend on many factors: the category of complexity of the operation, the qualifications of the doctor, the choice of anesthesia, the method of adenotomy, the clinic, the region. The more advanced the method and the higher the qualification of the specialist, the higher the cost. Russian parents who have gone through the financial costs of surgical treatment of children often share their personal experiences in networks. What is special about this purely Russian experience?

  • If this is a private, non-state clinic, then absolutely all services should be taken into account in the price list. Often, only the cost of the surgeon's work is indicated, the rest pops up later.
  • If this is a state clinic (hospital) and the money is given in an envelope, it is important to consider: to whom, how much and when to give. A separate and special "gratitude" is given to the anesthetist and surgeon. We must also not forget about the nurses who will look after the child. This is the Russian reality.

It is necessary to immediately stipulate the full financial costs, so that later there are no surprises and mutual claims.

Removal of adenoids in children is often repeated, especially if the operation is performed at an early age (up to 3 years). The secondary growth of adenoids is not always explained by a poor-quality operation. There may be other reasons as well. For example, relapses after adenotomy are more common in allergic children and patients with a genetic predisposition to intensive growth of adenoid tissue.


Removal of adenoids in children under anesthesia: how the operation goes and how quickly the child recovers after surgery.

Having learned about the presence of adenoids in their child, many parents begin to panic and wonder - is it necessary to remove adenoids from a child? After all, children often have consequences after anesthesia and surgery. Many are frightened by the thought that surgery is necessary, so caring parents begin to look for other methods of treatment. However, it is important to understand that adenoids cannot be cured with traditional drug therapy, as well as with the help of folk remedies. Adenoids can only be removed, there is no other way to get rid of them.

What are adenoids?

Adenoids are lymphoid tissue accumulated in the nasopharynx. In general, adenoids serve us to protect the body from infections that can penetrate into it from the upper respiratory tract. Removal of adenoids in children under general anesthesia is necessary when the adenoids begin to interfere with the normal respiratory process. At the same time, adenoids are not inflammation, they cannot be reduced, the only way to free the nasopharynx for normal functioning is to remove the adenoids.

Do not confuse adenoids with adenoiditis. This disease is a chronic inflammation of the tissues, and that's just how it can be cured in traditional ways, without surgery.

Why do adenoids need to be removed?

Adenoids in the nasopharynx do not allow the child to breathe normally, which is why he begins to breathe through his mouth. As a result, the upper jaw develops poorly, the child develops a pathology - an underdeveloped upper jaw. This is very strongly reflected in the growth of teeth, which occurs due to changes in the wrong way. The shape of the face also changes, it becomes more elongated.

Click: Choosing the treatment of adenoids with a laser in children

In addition, difficulties in breathing can cause oxygen starvation, which, in turn, threatens with constant headaches in the child. As a rule, the patient begins to study worse, to be less attentive to the learning process.

How is the operation going?

Many parents, out of fear, want to know how the operation for adenoids in children goes. Most adults know from their own experience that this procedure has previously been performed without any anesthesia. Actually, this is the cause of fear and anxiety in most cases. At the same time, today doctors have the opportunity to perform such an operation as endoscopic removal of adenoids in children, both under local anesthesia and under general anesthesia.

Parents are afraid to use general anesthesia, as it can be very difficult for many children to endure it. In addition, after the operation itself, complications may arise due to the use of general anesthesia. At the same time, local anesthesia does not guarantee complete anesthesia. Since the organs of the nasopharynx are very difficult to reach, sometimes the patient still experiences pain. And the child can simply be frightened of people in dressing gowns and surgical instruments. In Western countries, adenoid endoscopy in children is always performed under general anesthesia, while in our country the choice is given to parents.

Whether it is necessary to remove adenoids from a child is a simple question, here any doctor will answer positively. The question is, what methods of removal of adenoids in children should be chosen, and what kind of anesthesia should be used?

Click: The most effective folk remedies in the treatment of adenoids

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Postoperative period after removal of adenoids in children

The rehabilitation period after the operation for the child will last about a month. However, some side effects can be observed. Firstly, the child's body temperature may rise to 38 degrees. Sometimes, after removal of the adenoids, the child snores, but there is nothing wrong with that. Everything will pass as soon as the swelling subsides. At first, the patient will feel nasal congestion and speak in a nasal voice. There may also be stool disorders, vomiting with blood clots may occur. All these symptoms disappear within ten days. However, the child is not recommended to engage in physical education for the next month and in general to expose himself to any physical exertion. In addition, you do not need to visit the bath, sauna bathe in hot water.

After the removal of adenoids in a child, the reviews of parents are mostly positive, since the operation is not complicated and passes quite quickly. The recovery period does not take long. Therefore, when asked whether it is worth removing adenoids to a child, the majority answers in the affirmative. With this simple operation, the child is able to breathe freely.

Cost of adenoidectomy surgery

For the removal of adenoids in children, the price may differ depending on the clinic, region, method and anesthesia during surgery. However, in general, the cost of the operation is not large and each parent has a wallet. For example, to remove adenoids for a child in Moscow, the price for endoscopic removal will be about 1000 rubles, when using the method of laser removal of adenoid tissues - no more than 700 rubles. Additionally, funds may be needed to pay for a preliminary consultation with an otolaryngologist and anesthesia.

If doctors suggest removal of adenoids in children under general anesthesia, then many parents are seized by severe anxiety, turning into panic. They begin to doubt whether their child needs such an operation?

With inflammation of the adenoids, no medications will help to effectively treat this disease. They should only be removed, and this should be done immediately, since the procedure will help prevent the spread of inflammation over the entire surface of the nasopharynx. Refusal of timely surgical intervention contributes to the growth of adenoids.

Parents believe that there are other methods of dealing with inflammation of the adenoids, but this is a big misconception. Swelling of the adenoids occurs as a result of the individual anatomical nature of a person. This is not an inflammation that can be treated with medicinal and physiotherapeutic procedures. The disease should not be confused with adenoiditis, which is characterized by an inflammatory process of a chronic type. Therefore, if edema of the adenoids occurs, the only effective means of eliminating it is surgery (adenotomy).

If doctors offer to make a child an operation to remove adenoids, then you cannot refuse it. Although most people do not know how adenoids are removed. Currently, modern medicine offers 2 ways to perform such an operation: under general and under local anesthesia. The decision on how to perform it is made only by doctors after an individual examination of the patient.

If the operation is refused, the child may experience other serious health problems, among which are the following:

  • enlargement of the tonsils;
  • difficulty in nasal breathing;
  • oxygen starvation;
  • headache.

In addition, difficulty in nasal breathing forces the child to make respiratory movements with his mouth. This is very dangerous, because it interferes with the full development of the upper jaw apparatus. The delay in its development leads to the growth of crooked teeth, and the child's face becomes elongated. Such violations in the development of the facial part cause the appearance of otitis media and a decrease in hearing function.

As noted above, adenotomy is performed under local anesthesia and under general anesthesia. When using general anesthesia, the child falls asleep for a short period of time, during which doctors perform the procedure for removing the adenoids. After the end of the operation, the patient does not feel pain. This method avoids traumatizing the weak child's psyche.

But much more often adenotomy is performed under local anesthesia, during which the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx is lubricated with painkillers. Often, an anesthetic spray method can be used to lower the pain threshold. For this, a special nozzle is used, which allows the anesthetic to be evenly distributed over the entire surface of the adenoids.

If anesthesia is done with high quality, then with local anesthesia, the presence of pain in patients is completely excluded.

A significant disadvantage with local anesthesia is that during the operation, the patient can observe all its stages: he sees surgical instruments and blood. This can lead to a stressful state not only for a child, but also for an adult. To avoid unpleasant situations, a sedative injection can be given to the patient before anesthesia. In some cases, anesthesia during adenotomy is not performed, since the patient may have contraindications to its use. According to physiologists, adenoids do not contain nerve endings, so anesthesia can be neglected. But still, the person will experience pain during the operation. Therefore, anesthesia for adenotomy is not used extremely rarely.

Postoperative rehabilitation

After the operation, many patients experience an increase in body temperature, up to 38 degrees. This is a normal reaction of the body as it recovers from organ rejection. Moreover, blood clots will be released from the throat, accompanied by vomiting. Nasal congestion and nasality will appear. There may be stool disorders, accompanied by severe pain in the abdomen. A similar reaction of the body continues for 8-10 days.

Further, the patient is discharged from the hospital and undergoes a course of outpatient treatment. The duration of this course is on average 1-2 weeks and depends on the individual characteristics of the body. After completion of treatment, the child can go to school, but at the same time he cannot do physical education and perform any physical activity for 1-2 months. During this time, his body will be able to fully recover.

In addition, during the recovery period, patients should not be exposed to direct sunlight and visit the bath. The first 2-3 weeks after the operation, you should wash in the shower, while the water temperature should not be higher than 36 degrees.

You also need to pay close attention to your daily diet. All solid foods should be excluded from the menu so as not to damage the injured part of the nasopharynx. The diet should contain food enriched with vitamins, and the use of highly high-calorie foods is contraindicated.

To accelerate the healing of the damaged area, vasoconstrictor drops should be used, which are instilled into the nose. This will help the wounds heal more quickly. Apply drops during the first 5-7 days after completion of adenotomy. Then astringents are used (flaxseed tincture, Collargol, etc.).

To increase the effectiveness of restorative drugs, they should be combined with breathing exercises.

Adenoids are a collection of lymphoid tissue located in the nasopharynx. When performing their normal function, adenoids protect the body from upper respiratory infection.

Adenoids and anesthesia

In most Russian hospitals, adenoid surgery is performed under or without anesthesia. It should be noted that local anesthesia during removal of adenoids is difficult to carry out qualitatively, therefore, when it is used, some sensation of pain still remains.

In Europe and the USA, removal of adenoids is most often performed under (anesthesia). Carrying out anesthesia during the removal of the adenoids provides the patient with a loss of consciousness and ensures that there is no sensation of any pain during the operation. All manipulations during the operation of adenoidectomy are performed on the head, which limits access to the airways, therefore, to reliably maintain the passage of air through the airways, (endotracheal anesthesia) or a laryngeal mask are used. At removal of adenoids under anesthesia with an endotracheal tube, the airways are more securely protected, but the time of awakening from anesthesia is longer and waking up is more uncomfortable, in contrast to the removal of adenoids under general anesthesia using a laryngeal mask.

When conducting anesthesia during the removal of adenoids, it is possible to use various ones - both inhalation and non-inhalation. For a quick exit from anesthesia and a speedy return to normal, it would be better if propofol or some modern inhalation anesthetic (isoflurane, sevoflurane, desflurane) is used for anesthesia when removing adenoids.

Unfortunately, in many domestic clinics there is still the practice of removing adenoids without anesthesia. And that hurts enough. To this day, I remember all the sensations of pain from the operation to remove the adenoids, which was performed on me in childhood without any.

Indications for removal of adenoids

Most often, indications for the removal of adenoids under anesthesia are frequent rhinitis, difficulty in nasal breathing, as well as sleep disturbance associated with it.

Features of adenoidectomy

An adenoidectomy is a minor operation in which the adenoids are removed. After the introduction into anesthesia, the patient's mouth is slightly opened using a special tool. Adenoids are removed after determining their position, using one of the methods: curettage with a curette or cauterization of the adenoids using diathermy. The operation is completed when the bleeding from the vessels stops.

Operation time

The duration of the operation to remove adenoids under anesthesia is about 30 minutes.

Complications of adenoidectomy

Removal of adenoids under anesthesia is a fairly safe operation. The most common complication is bleeding (0.4-1% of cases). The risk of developing serious complications such as aspiration, infection, and dental damage is very low.

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