Symptoms and treatments for honeymoon cystitis. Recipes of traditional medicine. Cranberry Juice Helps Cure Inflammation

Urologists often encounter such a pathology in their patients as cystitis honeymoon. It's inflammation Bladder that occurs in newlyweds after unprotected sexual intercourse. This pathology occurs in both women and men. At untimely appeal see a doctor or self-medicate, the infection spreads and reaches the kidneys.

The development of postcoital cystitis in spouses

Honeymoon cystitis is predominantly female disease, in which there is an acute inflammation of the bladder mucosa. The risk group includes women who have not previously had sexual intercourse. This pathology Newlyweds are called postcoital cystitis. The causative agents of the disease are opportunistic microorganisms (E. coli, Klebsiella, cocci), which penetrate into urethra and bladder from the vagina or intestines.

Men are at risk of developing cystitis during anal intercourse without the use of barrier contraception(condom). In many newlyweds, the mucosa of the urethra and bladder is sensitive to changes in the microbial composition. Any adverse factors, reduced immunity can contribute to the activation of the infection. Very often, inflammation becomes chronic.

Etiological factors

Allocate the following reasons development of cystitis during the honeymoon:

  • neglect of condoms;
  • the presence of intestinal or vaginal dysbacteriosis;
  • alternation of traditional sex with non-traditional;
  • decreased immunity;
  • hypothermia;
  • the presence of diabetes;
  • the presence of chronic bowel disease;
  • non-compliance with the rules of intimate hygiene.

Risk factors include poor nutrition, obesity, pathology thyroid gland, the presence of STIs in a partner. The most common infectious agent is opportunistic flora. It is present in the intestines and vagina of a woman, but normally it is not present on the mucosa of the bladder and urethra. Ideally, the urinary tract and urine are sterile.

Microbes enter the external opening of the urethra and into the urethra itself. They move up and reach the bladder. The latter in women becomes inflamed more often, since their urethra is shorter and wider. The organ may be damaged by specific pathogens (chlamydia, fungi, Trichomonas).

Clinical manifestations of cystitis

Symptoms of postcoital cystitis do not have specific features. Acute inflammation proceeds with frequent painful urination, pain in the pubic region, fever, change in the nature of urine (it becomes cloudy). Fever is accompanied by chills, malaise, headache. The main symptom is pollakiuria.

During the separation of urine, patients are worried about pain. The frequency of mictions can reach 30-40 per day. Some people urinate every 30 minutes. Symptoms include bladder pain. It increases with the accumulation of urine in the organ. Some patients have to push to empty their bladder.

sometimes happens involuntary urination. Signs of postcoital cystitis include nocturia. At the same time, micturitions become more frequent at night. With the naked eye, one can see that appearance urine changes. It often contains sediment, flakes, blood, or pus. Symptoms of the disease appear within 2-3 days after sexual contact.

Often they subside and reappear after a while. When chronic course illness complaints persist, but the symptoms are less pronounced. In the acute phase, the signs of the disease differ little from acute cystitis.

Examination and treatment tactics

Patients should be treated after examination. The following studies are required:

  • palpation of the abdomen;
  • general urine analysis;
  • blood analysis;
  • Ultrasound of the kidneys and bladder;
  • analysis of a smear from the urethra;
  • uroflowmetry (assessment of urine flow velocity);
  • cystoscopy (examination of the bladder).

With cystitis, the following changes are possible in general analysis urine:

  • the presence of bacteria;
  • increase in specific gravity (more than 1030 g/l);
  • an increase in the number of leukocytes;
  • cloudiness;
  • the appearance of fungi (with specific cystitis).

Treatment for honeymoon cystitis is conservative. It is prescribed by a urologist, taking into account the tolerance of drugs.

Treatment involves compliance bed rest, drinking plenty of fluids, taking antibiotics and uroantiseptics, sitz baths or dry heat(in the remission phase), the use of diuretic herbs (lingonberry leaves).

At pain syndrome NSAIDs or antispasmodics are prescribed. Of the antibiotics, fluoroquinolones (Tsiprolet, Abaktal, Nolitsin), as well as uroantiseptics (Furadonin, Monural) are used. All drugs have indications and contraindications. They need to be taken into account. If specific microbes (viruses, fungi, chlamydia) are detected as a result of urine culture, other drugs are used.

Additional drugs may be prescribed for plant-based(Canephron). Patients are advised to drink cranberry or lingonberry fruit drinks. They have a diuretic effect. For get well soon you need to eat right. The diet should be dominated dairy products, cereals, soups and various drinks (fruit drinks, kissels, compotes).

After the subsidence acute symptoms physiotherapy is carried out. It is important to prevent the transition of the disease to chronic form. If this happens, then etiotropic therapy is carried out. Chronic cystitis can lead to complications such as organ shrinkage, pyelonephritis, and urethritis. After the course of treatment, repeated tests are carried out.

Postcoital cystitis is common. In the absence of complications, the prognosis is favorable. To prevent the disease, you need to use condoms, increase your immunity, change underwear more often, use intimate hygiene products and antiseptics after sexual contact.

Supporters traditional medicine know that honey for cystitis is a universal, simple and main available medicine. Due to the pronounced bactericidal and antimicrobial activity, honey helps to cope with bladder disease in the most as soon as possible without any side effects for the body.

What do you need to know about the disease?

It is surprising that cystitis is most common among the beautiful half of humanity, and this is due, first of all, to the physiological characteristics of the female genitourinary system.

Symptoms of cystitis

As we know, cystitis is an acute infectious disease that is provoked by pathogenic bacteria. So why are women more susceptible to this disease than others? Because the vagina and anus are very close to each other, and the slightest neglect of personal hygiene threatens with big problems.

First, the bacteria enter the vagina, then through the urethra to the bladder. The symptoms of this disease are very, very unpleasant:

  • Pain when urinating.
  • Constant burning sensation.
  • The color of the urine is cloudy, possibly with blood
  • The smell of urine is pungent.
  • There may be pain in the abdomen.
  • A sharp deterioration in well-being: fever, vomiting and nausea.

Please note that the symptoms characteristic of cystitis may hide another serious illness therefore, any deterioration in health requires an immediate visit to the doctor.

With cystitis, every trip to the toilet is a whole test for the body, and most importantly, their frequency increases dramatically. If you do nothing with the disease, so to speak, release it on bail, then this threatens inflammation of the kidneys and the development of chronic cystitis. To date, there is no such variety of honey that would not help to alleviate well-being and completely get rid of cystitis.

Causes of cystitis

A whole chain of factors lead to this kind of infectious disease. Therefore, in order to protect yourself from this infection in the future, you need to know what cystitis appears most often from:

  • Severe or persistent hypothermia of the pelvis.
  • Unprotected and indiscriminate sex.
  • Constant stress and chronic depression.
  • Fatigue, weakness and no rash.
  • Violations of hygiene rules, which have already been mentioned.
  • Other infectious diseases in the body.
  • Wrong nutrition.
  • Weakened immunity.
  • Sedentary lifestyle without proper breaks.
  • Food allergy.
  • Indiscriminate medication.
  • Vitamin and hormonal balance in the body.

What is cystitis

Also, an unobvious factor that increases the likelihood of an infectious disease is wearing uncomfortable and tight underwear made from non-natural materials. Thus, three main reasons for the development of cystitis can be distinguished - this is hygiene, weak immunity and unprotected intercourse.

Precautionary measures

Alas, there is no universal instruction for preventing this disease, the main thing is to protect yourself from the above factors that increase the risk of getting cystitis. In more detail, you need:

  • Be sure to observe personal hygiene.
  • Avoid tight and unnatural underwear.
  • On the permanent basis take vitamins: fruits, vegetables and more.
  • Take as a basis to do morning exercises.
  • Forget about indiscriminate sex, or use protective equipment.
  • Eat right and follow a routine.
  • If possible, do not overcool.
  • When taking hot, spicy and fatty foods- drink more water.

You also need to forget about self-treatment and for any diseases, contact a specialized doctor. Any medication should be coordinated with the doctor, since their indiscriminate use can: weaken the immune system, and this, as we already know, will lead to the development of an infectious disease. The use of honey: for cystitis, it imposes some restrictions, which are discussed later in the article.

Honey and its properties

It's no secret that honey is almost the most popular product in folk medicine - it is part of many medicines: due to its exceptional properties and amazing chemical composition.

Today, honey is used to treat and prevent many diseases, including infectious diseases Bladder.

The secret of the bee product

The chemical composition of honey is still not fully understood, which gives this product some mystery. But, at the same time, everyone modern science It is known about more than 400 different organic components that are part of honey and give it exactly the properties for which it is known throughout the world. The main part of honey is occupied by carbohydrates, the most famous of which are sucrose, glucose and fructose.

In no case do not buy honey in large retail chains - it is stuffed with preservatives, it is better to give preference to a small apiary.

In addition to them, honey is rich in:

  • Aroma oils.
  • Amino acids.
  • Enzymes.
  • Vitamins.
  • Minerals.
  • Flavonoids and hormones.

Such a rich complex of macro and microelements is due to the fact that hundreds and thousands of striped insects work on the production of honey. Who throughout their lives have been collecting nectar and turning it into such a useful and incredibly tasty product.

Useful properties of honey

Honey is a unique natural substance, not all known products can bypass it in terms of usefulness and healing properties. Therefore, if you still do not consume honey every day, you urgently need to change it, and the sooner, the better for you and your body as a whole.

Useful properties of honey

As mentioned above, honey has pronounced antiviral, bactericidal and antimicrobial characteristics. And this is exactly what the body needs, which is affected by an infectious disease - cystitis. Honey is also rich in vitamins and microelements, which help to strengthen protective functions organism, and make it more resistant to external influences.

In addition, honey has a beneficial effect on general state of a person, prevents fatigue, weakness and drowsiness, taking into account the fact that you eat right and follow the rest / work regimen. Honey is considered an effective diuretic, which, together with the infection, removes toxins and toxins accumulated in the body. Improves blood composition and triggers hematopoietic functions of the body, due to which internal organs begin to receive more oxygen and useful trace elements.

Honey has an amazing effect on the central nervous system, due to which it prevents or nullifies all the symptoms of depression and nervous breakdowns. Also, honey has excellent regenerative properties, and therefore is often used for external application, namely in the treatment of diseases of the skin and hair. Alas, honey is not a panacea, but only excellent tool which will bring positive effect only in combination with other drugs and this should not be forgotten.

Varieties of honey

As we already know, honey is a good diuretic. But, not every type of product has the necessary trace elements that can cause this effect. Therefore, in the table below: those varieties of honey are collected that are best suited for the treatment and prevention of infectious diseases of the human genitourinary system, and in particular cystitis.

Thus, it is these varieties of honey that have a diuretic effect. However, in the treatment of cystitis, the main thing is not only to remove the infection from the body, but to overcome the bacteria that cause the disease, strengthen the body's immunity and improve the general condition. And absolutely all varieties of bee products without exceptions have such characteristics.

Recipes with honey

To prepare the first recipe, you need to take:

  • 200 ml of water.
  • 5 grams of lingonberry leaves.
  • 1 tsp honey.

Pour the leaves with water, put on the stove and boil over low heat for about 5-7 minutes. Then the resulting broth must be cooled ( heat kills the usefulness of honey) and add honey. The whole broth should be drunk in the evening in small sips, such a remedy helps with inflammation and swelling of the bladder.

natural antibiotic

The following recipe says that you need to cook 1 liter. water, 100 grams of horsetail shoots and 250 grams of honey. Grind horsetail shoots, fill with water and cook in a water bath for about half an hour. Then add bee product and keep it on for 30 minutes. Chilled broth should be taken 1 tbsp. l. three times a day half an hour before meals.

Very simple and effective recipe with cranberries. To do this, you need to take a handful of cranberries and pour it over natural honey. It is necessary to eat such a delicacy twice a day before sitting down for the main meal. If only honey is at hand, then you need 300 ml warm water dilute 1-2 tbsp. l. nectar. Such a homemade drug has a strong antimicrobial effect, and you need to drink it 1 time for 7-10 days.

Still very useful tincture on viburnum, to cook it we take:

Pour boiling water over the berries, leave for about an hour and add honey to the already cooled broth. You need to take such a drug 70 ml three times a day.

For cooking homemade decoction in the treatment of cystitis, you need to take lingonberry grass and rowan berries in a ratio of 1 to 3. Carefully move, then 1 tbsp. l. Pour the mixture with a glass of boiling water and leave aside for 4 hours. Then strain, add 2 tsp. honey and drink 4 times throughout the day, always before meals.

If anyone does not know that black radish has unique bactericidal properties that multiply several times after adding honey. Therefore, you can easily prepare a homemade potion by mixing the juice of radish and honey in equal proportions. The course of treatment will be 30 days according to art. spoon after a meal.

For cooking alcohol tincture you need to take: 1 tbsp. alcohol (you can vodka), 250 ml of radish juice and 250 grams of honey. All ingredients this recipe mixed and infused in the refrigerator for at least three days. At the end of the period, you must take 30 grams of the drug 1 time per day.

Treatment of cystitis at home

cystitis is inflammatory process bladder mucosa, provoked by various endogenous (internal) or exogenous (external) factors. Women are more likely to get cystitis. This is due to the specifics of the anatomy of the female genitourinary system.

Often the onset of the disease is associated with defloration (violation of the integrity hymen), change of sexual partner, or with intimate relationship generally. Doctors conventionally refer to this condition as honeymoon cystitis.

Causes of honeymoon cystitis

The leading cause of honeymoon cystitis is the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms into the bladder mucosa through the urethra. Most often these are the following microorganisms:

  • conditionally pathogenic microflora intestines;
  • staphylococci;
  • streptococci;
  • chlamydia;
  • trichomonas;
  • fungal infection.

Most often, women get sick with cystitis, since their external opening of the urethra is located at a small distance from the vagina and anus. The female urethra is shorter and wider than the male urethra, so pathogenic microorganisms quickly and easily penetrate through it into the bladder cavity. The following factors contribute to the occurrence of honeymoon cystitis:

  • imbalance of the microflora of the vagina;
  • violation of the basics of personal hygiene by partners;
  • violent sexual intercourse;
  • violations of the synthesis of sex hormones (lack of estrogen, etc.);
  • some chronic diseases (diabetes, pathology of the thyroid gland, etc.);
  • certain sexual practices, in particular the alternation of anal and vaginal sex.


Such cystitis is characterized by an acute onset.

Shortly after intercourse, symptoms such as:

  • frequent but scanty painful urination;
  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • hyperthermia;
  • episodic enuresis (urinary incontinence);
  • possible hematuria (the presence of red blood cells in the urine).

Often, the symptoms of cystitis disappear on their own within a few days. However, this does not mean that the disease has been cured. In most cases, the absence adequate treatment leads to the development of a chronic form of cystitis, which is characterized by a long course with periodic exacerbations and can lead to serious illnesses kidneys and bladder.


When the first symptoms of honeymoon cystitis appear, you should immediately consult a doctor.

The specialist will advise you necessary tests and examinations, and based on their results, prescribe a course of therapy. A urologist treating cystitis should act in close cooperation with a gynecologist and other necessary specialists. Mandatory components medical process are:

  • antibacterial therapy;
  • symptomatic treatment (antispasmodics, analgesics);
  • anti-inflammatory therapy;
  • strengthening immunity;
  • normalization of the microflora of the genital organs;
  • treatment of concomitant diseases;
  • a dairy-vegetarian diet that excludes spicy and salty foods, alcohol;
  • herbal medicine, which includes diuretic, anti-inflammatory collections of medicinal plants.

On the honeymoon cystitis treatment time also recommended plentiful drink and sparing regime, excluding physical exercise and hypothermia.

Cystitis is much more common in women than in men. This is due physiological structure female body: the urethra is wide and short, reaching 4 cm, so it is easier for pathogens to enter the body of women and cause inflammation of the bladder.

Inflammation of its mucous membrane is called cystitis. Patients note an increase in urination, accompanied by a sharp stabbing pain. Sometimes false urges accompanied by the release a small amount blood with urine. In addition, pain in the groin is noted. If untreated, the infection rises and affects the organs of the genitourinary system, causing chills, fever, fever.

honeymoon syndrome

Postcoital cystitis develops after coition, i.e. act of intercourse in the next 3 days. This disease is typical for the fairer sex with an anomaly urinary organs. This phenomenon is characterized by the pathological location of the external opening of the urethra or its increased mobility.

So, with the introduction of the penis into the vagina, a deep immersion of the external opening of the urethra into the vagina occurs, as a result of intense frictions (movements of the penis), damage to the mucous membrane of the urethra occurs. It makes it easier to penetrate pathogenic bacteria, including coli, into the body.

Factors that provoke damage to the urethral mucosa include: prolonged sexual intercourse, the use of contraceptives with spermicides, as well as sexually transmitted infections.

Causes of the disease

Postcoital cystitis in women is often referred to as honeymoon syndrome. This name comes from the time when girls kept their virginity until their wedding night, after which unpleasant disease attacked female body. Today, there are several main reasons for the development of cystitis after sex:

  • anomaly of the genitourinary system. This is the most common cause as the urethra easily slides down into the vagina. As a result of damage defensive forces epithelium is sharply reduced, bacteria freely enter inside;
  • action of bacteria. With insufficient or improper care behind the genitals, when anal sex alternates with vaginal, E. coli penetrates into the vagina;
  • dryness of the vaginal mucosa. With prolonged intercourse or with insufficient lubrication, damage to the urethral mucosa occurs, which leads to infection with bacteria;
  • bacteria that are found on the mucous membrane of the penis. During intercourse, they mix with the microflora female vagina, penetrating into the urinary canal, and then into the bladder. pathogenic microorganisms, affecting the mucous membrane, cause the development of cystitis;
  • the normal state of the mucosa disrupts the use as protection against unwanted pregnancy diaphragm or spermicide.


Postcoital cystitis is characterized by the following manifestations:

  • life history analysis. The patient notes the appearance of symptoms after intercourse, their severity and duration;
  • unexpected acute, often false urge to urinate. The phenomenon appears 2 days after infection or immediately after sexual intercourse;
  • pain, burning and cramps when emptying the bladder;
  • frequent false urge to urinate;
  • constant feeling of fullness of the bladder;
  • discomfort and discomfort lower belly;
  • increase in body temperature.

With the progression of the disease and the absence of treatment, the symptoms become more pronounced.

Risk factors

The risk group includes:

  • girls who are just starting to have sex. Activation of one's own flora, as well as the ingress of partner bacteria, can cause disease;
  • when girls choose guys with numerous sexual relations in the past as partners. As a result, they are carriers of various pathogenic bacteria and microorganisms. Pathogenic agents provoke an inflammatory process in urinary tract and urethra;
  • women suffering chronic cystitis. Their immunity is affected and weakened, while each sexual intercourse with a new partner threatens to exacerbate cystitis. This is due to the conflict of genetic information in internal environment vagina. Recovery normal state the body spends large resources that provoke the appearance of inflammatory processes.

Diagnosis and treatment

If you have symptoms, you should consult a doctor who will prescribe studies:

  • general urine analysis. It is prescribed to detect inflammation;
  • urine analysis for microflora. Reveals certain kind bacteria that provoked the development of cystitis;
  • smear examination PCR method. This allows you to identify or exclude sexually transmitted diseases;
  • Ultrasound of the urinary system;
  • an examination by a gynecologist is recommended to determine the location of the urethra in relation to the vagina.

If discomfort occurs during urination, it is recommended to apply a warm heating pad to the perineum. However, this will not eliminate the action of bacteria, so a one-time antibiotic is recommended. If left untreated, cystitis becomes chronic.

It is important to consult a doctor in a timely manner and follow the following recommendations:

  • accept antibacterial drugs strictly under the supervision of a urologist;
  • observe the rules of personal intimate hygiene;
  • exclude hypothermia;
  • take drugs that increase immunity;
  • if an increase in the mobility of the urethra is diagnosed, then it is indicated surgical intervention- transposition of the urethra.

Treatment and sex

Postcoital cystitis involves the use of antibiotics that disrupt the microflora of the vagina. During treatment, it is recommended to limit sexual activity, because with a weakened immune system, the risk of infection by other bacteria increases. During intercourse, additional irritation of the urethral mucosa occurs, which enhances the manifestation of the disease and complicates the treatment.

Since cystitis is an unpaired disease that is not sexually transmitted, the partner is not at risk of infection. If the disease is not caused by sexual infections, doctors do not prohibit having sex, you should only postpone it for the period of exacerbation of the disease. At the beginning of treatment, doctors prescribe large doses antibiotics to eliminate the infection, you can resume sexual activity when the exacerbation has passed. It is important to observe sexual hygiene and do not interrupt treatment until complete recovery.


If cystitis occurs due to an abnormal location of the urethra, antibiotic therapy or surgical intervention. But how to reduce the risk of postcoital cystitis so that it does not manifest itself with unpleasant symptoms?

  1. It is necessary to pass tests to determine genital infections to prevent inflammation of the bladder. If such diseases are present, they should be eliminated. Both partners are being treated.
  2. Should be carefully observed intimate hygiene. Wash your hands and external genitalia thoroughly before and after sex. Do not alternate between vaginal and anal sex since most cases end in cystitis.
  3. It is not recommended to practice postures that irritate the urethra.
  4. Avoid mucosal irritation. The use of some contraceptives causes dryness of the vaginal mucosa. As a result, microtraumas of the epithelium are formed.

Cystitis is an inflammatory process of the mucous membrane of the bladder. Often it is also called honeymoon cystitis due to the fact that it occurs after the first intimate night (the second name of the disease is honeymoon cystitis). Why can this disease progress so rapidly? - you ask.

The close location of the urethra and the vagina causes the development of cystitis after sex

The main cause of the onset of the disease is sexual intercourse, during which the vaginal microflora moves into the urination canal, and since in women it is rather short and wide, all kinds of infections and bacteria penetrate there without difficulty.

The reason for this phenomenon may be hidden in a violation of the microflora of the vagina itself, or simply not observed. elementary rules hygiene (constant cleanliness of intimate areas and so on).

Unfortunately, today many suffer from cystitis, which appears after sexual contact. This disease leaves an unpleasant mark not only on the everyday pastime of a woman, but also on her intimate life. At the first sign of cystitis, you should immediately seek help from a doctor. But, before you go for help to a specialist, you need to know the symptoms of cystitis.

Symptoms of the disease

Oddly enough, the symptoms of honeymoon cystitis are the same as with any form. this disease, namely:

It is important to know: the symptoms of cystitis can manifest themselves, both immediately after intimacy, and after a while (for example, discomfort can occur after a few days). The most important thing is not to start the disease and prevent its further occurrence. timely appeal to the doctor.

Causes of cystitis

As mentioned above, during intercourse, the urethra moves slightly towards the direction of the vagina and opens, thereby allowing infections to get inside. intimate zone. As a result, the conditions for the development of cystitis can be called ideal, and further active sex life only exacerbates the situation.

The onset of the development of the disease will coincide with the date of the first sexual contact. That is why doctors often use such a term as defloration cystitis (it is associated with trauma, violation of the virgin structure of the vagina), further sexual intercourse can aggravate it. But there are other reasons that contribute to its aggravation and further development:

  1. Hypothermia of the body (in the intimate area).
  2. Too spicy food.
  3. Smoking.

When the hymen is torn, there is a possibility of developing cystitis

Important to know: you may be surprised, but honey cystitis can develop even after a change of sexual partner.

The dangers of honeymoon cystitis are as follows:

  • First of all, if you do not treat the disease, then after a while it will develop into a chronic form, and it is much more difficult to cure it.
  • In addition, honeymoon cystitis has an extremely negative effect on you and your partner. intimacy, as unpleasant sensations do not give rest.


What is the treatment strategy:

  • Treatment with medications and antibiotics to mitigate the symptoms of the disease.
  • Next, you will need to drink a course of antispasmodics and anti-inflammatory drugs.
  • A course of phytotherapy (treatment with the help of special medical teas).
  • It is also recommended to drink more fluids, as cystitis is accompanied by severe dehydration.
  • Lack of sexual activity.

Phytotherapy is effective for the treatment of the disease

It is best to prescribe treatment when the first symptoms of the disease appear, for this, contact a urologist, who, after a series of tests, will prescribe you the most suitable treatment. Remember, drug treatment is prescribed strictly on an individual basis and for each person it is different (the principle and type of treatment is selected according to physiological features organism and the degree of development of cystitis).

Medicines are medicines, but how to enhance their effect and support the body while taking them? This is where phytotherapy comes into play.

What is the purpose of herbal medicine:

  1. Strengthening the effects of your prescribed medications.
  2. Strengthens the immune system to protect the body.
  3. Accelerates and increases the urge to urinate throughout the day, as it is very important in the treatment of cystitis. After all, it is with urine that all pathogens are excreted.
  4. Phytotherapy helps to reduce pain and untidy sensations in cystitis several times, and makes them almost invisible and painless, which means they do not interfere with your normal life during the course of treatment.
  5. Decreases general intoxication organism.
  6. Saturation of the body useful vitamins and minerals.

Phytotherapy properties:

  • Soothing.
  • Painkillers.
  • Therapeutic.

Important to know: Remember, herbal treatment can be used as aid, but by no means as the main one.

So, as you already understood, honeymoon cystitis is a rather serious disease and requires immediate treatment. The main thing is to see the symptoms of the disease in time, understand the causes of its occurrence and consult a doctor in a timely manner to begin the necessary treatment.

More about honey cystitis months will go video conversation:

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