Honeymoon cystitis - treatment, symptoms, causes. Vaccination - salvation from cystitis. Causes of honeymoon cystitis

Cystitis is much more common in women than in men. This is due physiological structure female body: the urethra is wide and short, reaching 4 cm, so it is easier for pathogens to enter the body of women and cause inflammation of the bladder.

Inflammation of its mucous membrane is called cystitis. Patients note an increase in urination, accompanied by a sharp stabbing pain. Sometimes false urges accompanied by the release a small amount blood with urine. In addition, pain in the groin is noted. If untreated, the infection rises up and affects the organs genitourinary system causing chills, fever, fever.

honeymoon syndrome

Postcoital cystitis develops after coition, i.e. act of intercourse in the next 3 days. This disease is typical for the fairer sex with an anomaly of the genitourinary organs. This phenomenon is characterized by the pathological location of the external opening of the urethra or its increased mobility.

So, with the introduction of the penis into the vagina, a deep immersion of the external opening of the urethra into the vagina occurs, as a result of intense frictions (movements of the penis), damage to the mucous membrane of the urethra occurs. It makes it easier to penetrate pathogenic bacteria, including Escherichia coli, into the body.

Factors that provoke damage to the urethral mucosa include: prolonged sexual intercourse, the use of contraceptives with spermicides, as well as sexually transmitted infections.

Causes of the disease

Postcoital cystitis in women is often referred to as a syndrome honeymoon. This name comes from the time when girls kept their virginity until their wedding night, after which unpleasant disease attacked female body. Today, there are several main reasons for the development of cystitis after sex:

  • anomaly of the genitourinary system. This is the most common cause as the urethra easily slides down into the vagina. As a result of damage defensive forces epithelium is sharply reduced, bacteria freely enter inside;
  • action of bacteria. With insufficient or improper care behind the genitals, when anal sex alternates with vaginal, E. coli penetrates into the vagina;
  • dryness of the vaginal mucosa. With prolonged intercourse or with insufficient lubrication, damage to the urethral mucosa occurs, which leads to infection with bacteria;
  • bacteria that are found on the mucous membrane of the penis. During intercourse, they mix with the microflora female vagina, penetrating into the urinary canal, and then into the bladder. pathogenic microorganisms, affecting the mucous membrane, cause the development of cystitis;
  • the normal state of the mucosa disrupts the use as protection against unwanted pregnancy diaphragm or spermicide.


Postcoital cystitis is characterized by the following manifestations:

  • life history analysis. The patient notes the appearance of symptoms after intercourse, their severity and duration;
  • unexpected acute, often false urge to urinate. The phenomenon appears 2 days after infection or immediately after sexual intercourse;
  • pain, burning and cramps when emptying the bladder;
  • frequent false urge to urinate;
  • constant feeling of fullness of the bladder;
  • discomfort and discomfort in the lower abdomen;
  • increase in body temperature.

With the progression of the disease and the absence of treatment, the symptoms become more pronounced.

Risk factors

The risk group includes:

  • girls who are just starting to have sex. Activation of one's own flora, as well as the ingress of partner bacteria, can cause disease;
  • when girls choose guys with numerous sexual relations in the past as partners. As a result, they are carriers of various pathogenic bacteria and microorganisms. Pathogenic agents cause inflammatory process in the urinary tract and urethra;
  • women suffering from chronic cystitis. Their immunity is affected and weakened, while each sexual intercourse with a new partner threatens to exacerbate cystitis. This is due to the conflict of genetic information in internal environment vagina. Recovery normal state the body spends large resources that provoke the appearance of inflammatory processes.

Diagnosis and treatment

If you have symptoms, you should consult a doctor who will prescribe studies:

  • general urine analysis. It is prescribed to detect inflammation;
  • urine analysis for microflora. Reveals certain kind bacteria that provoked the development of cystitis;
  • smear examination PCR method. This allows you to identify or exclude sexually transmitted diseases;
  • Ultrasound of the urinary system;
  • an examination by a gynecologist is recommended to determine the location of the urethra in relation to the vagina.

When discomfort during urination, it is recommended to apply a warm heating pad to the perineum. However, this will not eliminate the action of bacteria, so a one-time antibiotic is recommended. If left untreated, cystitis becomes chronic.

It is important to consult a doctor in a timely manner and follow the following recommendations:

  • accept antibacterial drugs strictly under the supervision of a urologist;
  • follow the rules of personal intimate hygiene;
  • exclude hypothermia;
  • take drugs that increase immunity;
  • if an increase in the mobility of the urethra is diagnosed, then surgery is indicated - transposition of the urethra.

Treatment and sex

Postcoital cystitis involves the use of antibiotics that disrupt the microflora of the vagina. During treatment, it is recommended to limit sexual activity, because with a weakened immune system, the risk of infection by other bacteria increases. During intercourse, additional irritation of the urethral mucosa occurs, which enhances the manifestation of the disease and complicates the treatment.

Since cystitis is an unpaired disease that is not sexually transmitted, the partner is not at risk of infection. If the disease is not caused by sexual infections, doctors do not prohibit having sex, you should only postpone it for the period of exacerbation of the disease. At the beginning of treatment, doctors prescribe large doses antibiotics to eliminate the infection, you can resume sexual activity when the exacerbation has passed. It is important to observe sexual hygiene and do not interrupt treatment until complete recovery.


If cystitis occurs due to an abnormal location of the urethra, antibiotic therapy or surgical intervention. But how to reduce the risk of postcoital cystitis so that it does not manifest itself with unpleasant symptoms?

  1. It is necessary to pass tests to determine genital infections to prevent inflammation of the bladder. If such diseases are present, they should be eliminated. Both partners are being treated.
  2. Intimate hygiene should be carefully observed. Wash your hands and external genitalia thoroughly before and after sex. Do not alternate between vaginal and anal sex since most cases end in cystitis.
  3. It is not recommended to practice postures that irritate the urethra.
  4. Avoid mucosal irritation. The use of some contraceptives causes dryness of the vaginal mucosa. As a result, microtraumas of the epithelium are formed.

Cystitis is a common disease in which the lining of the bladder becomes inflamed. Sometimes it occurs after the onset of sexual activity. This is the reason why it is called honeymoon cystitis.

The disease affects not only psychological state women, but also on intimate life. Condition requires qualified assistance, because in urinary organs infection was introduced. Today, honey cystitis is called not only the inflammation that arose after the first sexual intercourse, but also cystitis in general associated with intimacy.

It is especially dangerous to hit bladder coli. If the intestine is its usual habitat, then in the genitourinary system it begins to actively multiply, inevitably leading to inflammatory reactions. In addition, viruses, bacteria, fungi can become causative agents of cystitis.

honeymoon syndrome

Postcoital cystitis is often referred to as "honeymoon syndrome". This name was given to the disease in those days when girls kept their virginity before marriage.

The pathological process is a consequence of the reflux of infection from the intestines or genital organs. The urethra in women is shorter and wider, which creates favorable conditions for the rapid entry of pathogens.

Causes of honey cystitis

A number of reasons can lead to the appearance of the disease:

  • colpitis;
  • vaginal dysbacteriosis;
  • bacterial vaginosis of the vagina;
  • lack of proper observance of the rules of intimate hygiene;
  • disorderly sex life;
  • alternating vaginal and anal sex;
  • hard sexual intercourse;
  • prolonged sexual intercourse;
  • lack of lubrication;
  • dryness of the genital canals;
  • using a diaphragm or spermicide as a contraceptive;
  • the presence of sexually transmitted diseases;
  • diabetes;
  • obesity;
  • too spicy food;
  • change of sexual partner;
  • frequent hypothermia;
  • endocrine disorders;
  • smoking;
  • heavy physical activity;
  • urinary anomalies.

When the urethra is displaced down and inside the vagina or its excessive mobility, injury occurs.

Symptoms of honey cystitis

For honey cystitis characterized by a sudden onset. Soon after intimacy a woman can start to worry the following symptoms:

  • cramps in the lower abdomen, which may not stop for a whole day, and at times intensify;
  • frequent and painful urge to urinate meager secretions urine;
  • urinary incontinence;
  • hyperthermia;
  • the appearance of pus in the urine;
  • general malaise;
  • feeling of fullness in the bladder.

If the appearance of cystitis after sexual intercourse has become business as usual, which will inevitably have a negative impact on family relationships. Many women suffering from this disease are diagnosed with neuroses.

If a clinical symptoms arose after the first sexual contact, they usually disappear after a few days. But this does not mean that the disease has receded. It may reappear in a few months or even years. If the disease becomes latent form, it can lead to damage to the deeper layers of the bladder, and this threatens with further wrinkling of the organ.

The danger of this pathological process associated with the spread infectious process on ascending paths reaching the kidneys. As a result, serious ones that pose a threat to the health of a woman can develop.

Diagnosis of postcoital cystitis

On the early stages honeymoon cystitis is not difficult to identify, this will require the following studies:

  • general blood analysis. With cystitis will be visible inflammatory response: increased performance ESR and leukocytes;
  • general urine analysis. Proteinuria, hematuria, pyuria, bacteriuria are found;
  • . Usually given after a microscopic analysis of urine. It determines the number of red blood cells and white blood cells in one milliliter of urine;
  • urine culture for sterility. With the help of the analysis, it is possible to establish the causative agent of the disease and determine the choice of an antibacterial agent;
  • Ultrasound of the bladder and kidneys;
  • examination by a gynecologist to determine the position of the urethra in relation to the vagina;
  • gynecological smear for flora. It is taken from three places: the urethra, vagina and cervical canal. Needed to rule out STDs.

How to Treat Honeymoon Cystitis

General principles in the treatment of postcoital cystitis:

  • compliance bed rest;
  • plentiful drink to remove pathogenic microflora and their decay products from the bladder;
  • phytotherapy. Implied application medicinal fees with diuretic and anti-inflammatory effect;
  • diet food. A dairy-vegetarian diet is recommended. Foods that can irritate the bladder should be excluded from the diet: spicy, salty, smoked, fried, pickled, alcoholic beverages;
  • strengthening immunity;
  • antibacterial therapy;
  • symptomatic treatment, which involves the use of analgesics, antispasmodics, and anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • normalization of the natural balance of the microflora of the genital organs;
  • treatment of comorbidities.

If you consult a doctor in a timely manner and strictly follow his instructions, then in about a week you can return to full life. At the same time, one should not forget about the constant observance of hygiene of sexual life.

If the disease is running, it will be much more difficult to get rid of it. Treatment regimen includes whole complex events:

  • systemic antibiotic therapy;
  • introduction of antibacterial solutions into the bladder cavity;
  • therapeutic exercises to strengthen the muscles of the pelvis;
  • physiotherapy procedures.

The most popular agents in the treatment of honey cystitis are Furadonin and. As folk remedies warming, phytobaths, infusions and teas are used. Self use non-traditional recipes can cause serious harm.

In cases where the disease does not respond conservative treatment and sexual life becomes impossible, experts resort to surgical intervention. The essence of the operation is that the opening of the urethra is raised a few centimeters.

Can I have sex during treatment?

Antibiotic therapy violates normal microflora promoting the development of bacteria. For this reason, experts recommend giving up intimacy for the duration of treatment.

It is worth considering the fact that during intercourse the mucous membrane is subjected to additional irritation, due to which clinical picture may intensify, and the recovery process will be delayed.

Postcoital cystitis itself is not contagious, so you cannot pass it on to your partner. Therefore, it is theoretically possible to have sex during treatment, unless the disease was caused by sexual infections.

Sex during cystitis is not prohibited. It is simply desirable to postpone it for a period of exacerbation. After the antibiotic therapy has come to an end and the exacerbation has passed, you can return to sexual activity, while strictly observing intimate hygiene.

Prevention of honey cystitis

Prevention of honey cystitis largely depends on etiological factors. In the case of anomalies in the location of the urethra, surgery may even be required, although in many cases antibiotic therapy is sufficient.

Let's single out general measures prevention:

  • avoid casual sex, use condoms;
  • regularly undergo preventive examinations and get tested for STDs;
  • strictly observe sexual hygiene;
  • wash yourself in a timely manner;
  • change your underwear and sanitary pads regularly;
  • empty your bladder before sexual intercourse;
  • strengthen immunity.

They say you have to pay for pleasure. One of the evidence for this statement is cystitis after sexual contact. The disease cannot be ignored, as it is fraught with the occurrence serious complications. Proper and timely treatment will help to quickly get rid of the problem, and preventive measures help to avoid it altogether.

Urologists often encounter such a pathology in their patients as honeymoon cystitis. This is an inflammation of the bladder that occurs in newlyweds after unprotected sexual intercourse. This pathology occurs in both women and men. At untimely appeal see a doctor or self-medicate, the infection spreads and reaches the kidneys.

The development of postcoital cystitis in spouses

Honeymoon cystitis is predominantly female disease, in which there is an acute inflammation of the bladder mucosa. The risk group includes women who have not previously had sexual intercourse. This pathology Newlyweds are called postcoital cystitis. The causative agents of the disease are opportunistic pathogens (coli, Klebsiella, cocci), which enter the urethra and bladder from the vagina or intestines.

Men are at risk of developing cystitis during anal intercourse without the use of barrier contraception(condom). In many newlyweds, the mucosa of the urethra and bladder is sensitive to changes in the microbial composition. Any adverse factors, reduced immunity can contribute to the activation of the infection. Very often, inflammation becomes chronic.

Etiological factors

Allocate the following reasons development of cystitis during the honeymoon:

  • neglect of condoms;
  • the presence of intestinal or vaginal dysbacteriosis;
  • alternation of traditional sex with non-traditional;
  • decreased immunity;
  • hypothermia;
  • the presence of diabetes;
  • Availability chronic diseases intestines;
  • non-compliance with the rules of intimate hygiene.

Risk factors include poor nutrition, obesity, pathology thyroid gland, the presence of STIs in a partner. The most common infectious agent is opportunistic flora. It is present in the intestines and vagina of a woman, but normally it is not present on the mucosa of the bladder and urethra. Ideally urinary tract and urine are sterile.

Microbes enter the external opening of the urethra and into the urethra itself. They move up and reach the bladder. The latter in women becomes inflamed more often, since their urethra is shorter and wider. The organ may be damaged by specific pathogens (chlamydia, fungi, Trichomonas).

Clinical manifestations of cystitis

Symptoms of postcoital cystitis do not have specific features. Acute inflammation proceeds with frequent painful urination, pain in the pubic region, fever, change in the nature of urine (it becomes cloudy). Fever is accompanied by chills, malaise, headache. The main symptom is pollakiuria.

During the separation of urine, patients are worried about pain. The frequency of mictions can reach 30-40 per day. Some people urinate every 30 minutes. Symptoms include bladder pain. It increases with the accumulation of urine in the organ. Some patients have to push to empty their bladder.

sometimes happens involuntary urination. Signs of postcoital cystitis include nocturia. At the same time, micturitions become more frequent at night. With the naked eye, one can see that appearance urine changes. It often contains sediment, flakes, blood, or pus. Symptoms of the disease appear within 2-3 days after sexual contact.

Often they subside and reappear after a while. When chronic course illness complaints persist, but the symptoms are less pronounced. In the acute phase, the signs of the disease differ little from acute cystitis.

Examination and treatment tactics

Patients should be treated after examination. The following studies are required:

  • palpation of the abdomen;
  • general urine analysis;
  • blood analysis;
  • Ultrasound of the kidneys and bladder;
  • analysis of a smear from the urethra;
  • uroflowmetry (assessment of urine flow velocity);
  • cystoscopy (examination of the bladder).

With cystitis, the following changes are possible in general analysis urine:

  • the presence of bacteria;
  • increase in specific gravity (more than 1030 g/l);
  • an increase in the number of leukocytes;
  • cloudiness;
  • the appearance of fungi (with specific cystitis).

Treatment for honeymoon cystitis is conservative. It is prescribed by a urologist, taking into account the tolerance of drugs.

Treatment involves bed rest, drinking plenty of fluids, taking antibiotics and uroantiseptics, sitz baths, or dry heat(in the remission phase), the use of diuretic herbs (lingonberry leaves).

At pain syndrome NSAIDs or antispasmodics are prescribed. Of the antibiotics, fluoroquinolones (Tsiprolet, Abaktal, Nolitsin), as well as uroantiseptics (Furadonin, Monural) are used. All drugs have indications and contraindications. They need to be taken into account. If specific microbes (viruses, fungi, chlamydia) are detected as a result of urine culture, other drugs are used.

Additional drugs may be prescribed for plant-based(Canephron). Patients are advised to drink cranberry or lingonberry fruit drinks. They have a diuretic effect. For get well soon you need to eat right. The diet should be dominated dairy products, cereals, soups and various drinks (fruit drinks, kissels, compotes).

After the subsidence acute symptoms physiotherapy is carried out. It is important to prevent the transition of the disease to chronic form. If this happens, then etiotropic therapy is carried out. Chronic cystitis can lead to complications such as organ shrinkage, pyelonephritis, and urethritis. After the course of treatment, repeated tests are carried out.

Postcoital cystitis is common. In the absence of complications, the prognosis is favorable. To prevent the disease, you need to use condoms, increase your immunity, change underwear more often, use intimate hygiene products and antiseptics after sexual contact.

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Doctors call cystitis "honeymoon disease" because intense lovemaking often leads to inflammation of the bladder.

This disease mainly affects women. childbearing age. When inflammation of the bladder worries frequent urination, burning sensation or pain during urination. Urine becomes cloudy, sometimes stained with blood.

The first sign of cystitis is acute, often cutting pain when urinating. Gradually the pain spreads to lower part abdomen, goes into dull pain in back. The patient has a fever, she feels a general malaise.

In men, the infection first enters the urethra, then into prostate and bladder. Re-infection of the bladder is usually due to chronic bacterial inflammation prostate.

Men, unlike women, suffer from cystitis less often - they are protected from this infection anatomical structure body: long length The urethra prevents bacteria from reaching the bladder and infecting it.

Causative agents of cystitis

causative agents of cystitis intestinal bacteria E. coli groups. Like other bacteria that inhabit our body, they are safe as long as they are in their "native" environment.

However, when E. coli enter the urethra and bladder from the intestines or vagina, problems arise. E. coli multiply rapidly in urinary tract. Among women anus, the entrance to the vagina and the exit of the urethra are located next to each other, so often bacteria penetrate from one of them to the other.

An overgrowth of bacteria leads to inflammation, which can spread throughout urethra into the bladder and then through the ureters to the kidneys, causing inflammation of the renal pelvis (pyelitis). If left untreated, pyelitis develops into kidney damage.

An attack of cystitis can provoke different periods in life or events. Often cystitis is associated with the onset of menstruation. To reduce the risk, you need to teach the girl to wash herself daily. warm water and wipe from front to back. Use pads instead of tampons.

Inflammation may appear due to inaccurate suturing of the perineum in the hospital. In this case, you should definitely consult a doctor, and to reduce irritation, take hot baths with special salt.

The risk of cystitis increases with impaired patency of the ureters.

Sex and cystitis

Doctors call cystitis "honeymoon disease". And that's why. Couples who rarely had sex before marriage usually do it very actively in the beginning. life together. From intense lovemaking, inadvertent penis insertion or inept hand stimulation, the entrance to the vagina and the area around the urethral opening are often injured and inflamed. Bacteria, normally living in the perineum, "seize the opportunity" and enter the bladder. Reproducing, they cause cystitis.

To active intimate life did not lead to cystitis, observe simple rules. Apply gel lubricant to the vagina, and rinse the vagina with water after intercourse.

Certain birth control methods can lead to cystitis. For example, some spermicides can irritate the area around the urethra. It happens that cystitis is provoked by hormonal birth control pills.


If you suspect that you have cystitis, you need to be examined and begin treatment as soon as possible. Otherwise, the treatment will be delayed and difficult.

It is known that every fifth woman cured of cystitis falls ill with it again 3-4 times a year, some even suffer every month.

In the early stages, cystitis can be stopped by taking antibiotics. First, the patient's urine is analyzed. It is sent for sowing to determine the type of bacteria - the causative agent of the infection. Then the specialist checks the sensitivity of this type of bacteria to antibiotics, and prescribes the most effective of them to the patient.

The symptoms of cystitis can be reduced if the urine has alkaline reaction. It is enough to drink the solution daily drinking soda or potassium citrate.

If the doctor has identified a local estrogen deficiency, he will recommend using a cream that contains this hormone. The cream is applied to the vagina for several days. This improves the condition of the mucosa and reduces susceptibility to infection.

If the doctor is unclear about the diagnosis, he may order an intravenous pyelogram or a CT scan. These examinations will help to obtain information about the condition and function of the kidneys and ducts, and about possible reasons diseases.

Cystitis is an inflammation of the bladder, which occurs 3 times more often in women, since the structure of their genitourinary system predisposes to this disease. Honeymoon cystitis, due to the fact that sexual attitude become more intense and the female genital organs, suffer from an unusual load and violations of sexual hygiene. Which together leads to the onset of the disease.

How does cystitis manifest?

The main signs of cystitis are:

  • frequent and painful urination

  • soreness increases at the end of urination, while the amount of urine excreted decreases,

  • feeling of heaviness and pain in the lower abdomen, back pain,

  • weakness, sensation of cold sweat, chills.

Is it possible to have sex during cystitis?

If necessary, refrain from sex until complete recovery.

If you have experienced this disease at the beginning of your family life, do not hide your problem from your husband. Explain to him how you feel. Tell him that it is neither your nor his fault in what is happening and that with the right timely treatment you'll be up and running soon. Together, think about how you can get out of this situation. Discuss what alternatives erotic games can help you avoid direct sexual contact.

Treatment of cystitis

Try to lie in bed more. Drink as much as possible, preferably water or chamomile tea, tea with milk. If you have the opportunity, take an antispasmodic and pain reliever. To reduce the feeling of pain, you can apply a warm heating pad on or between the legs. Warm baths of chamomile infusion for the perineum also help well.

Keep your legs and lower back warm. Beware of hypothermia. During the period of cystitis, swimming in the sea and being in direct sunlight are contraindicated.

As soon as possible, contact a urologist or the emergency room of a nearby hospital to clarify the disease and prescribe drug therapy.

Prevention of cystitis

  • Empty your bladder before and

  • Follow the rules of personal hygiene before and after sex,

  • For frequent and extreme sex, use lubricants and a condom.

  • Do not overcool and do not overheat, strengthen your immunity.

Remember prevention is easier and more enjoyable than cure.

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