Broken capillary in the eye causes treatment. Why do blood capillaries burst? Help and treatment of a symptom in a child

What caused the vessel in the eye to burst and what to do? The visual organ has a rich network of capillaries that are responsible for blood supply. The vessel may burst due to serious illnesses, but more often the causes are safe for human health.

Let's analyze the classification by localization pathological symptom. The vessel can burst in different structures of the visual organ:

  1. If it bursts in the retina, then reddening of the proteins is observed. Man notices sharp deterioration visual functions: sees blurry, hard to focus.
  2. Hemophthalmos is a hemorrhage in the vitreous body. A protruding tubercle appears on the sclera. A person sees flashing spots, sparks. Dangerous complication- retinal disinsertion.
  3. Eye socket. Hemorrhage of such localization is characteristic of blood diseases, traumatic injuries visual organ. At the same time, the person notes that the eye is reddened, it hurts when moving, it protrudes forward, and many areas of hemorrhages appear.
  4. A hyphema is a blood clot in the anterior chamber. It shifts when the position of the body changes from horizontal to vertical.

Why does a vessel burst in front of our eyes?

A person usually easily determines the cause, after which the integrity of the capillaries is broken. The most common:

  • Sleep deprivation, fatigue. After hard work at the computer monitor, long use gadgets, a person may find that he has burst a capillary. Additional symptoms: fatigue of the organ of vision, redness of the sclera, lacrimation.
  • Heavy physical activity: lifting barbells, heavy dumbbells, heavy physical work at work. The symptom appears in isolation.
  • Straining during childbirth. Capillaries burst from strong eye strain during the straining period. The same is true for people suffering from constipation.
  • Diseases of the visual organ: conjunctivitis, keratitis, glaucoma, chorioretinitis, tumors, allergic reactions. There are symptoms of redness, swelling of the eyes, lacrimation, photophobia, visual disturbances, and sometimes itching.
  • Mechanical traumatization of capillaries: injuries, foreign bodies, burns. Symptoms - pain, lacrimation, redness of the sclera, swelling.
  • Diseases internal organs. High blood pressure, hematological pathologies, diabetes mellitus disrupt the structure vascular wall. The symptoms of the underlying pathology come to the fore. Vessels burst in the eyes - for the second time.
  • TBI: concussions, bruises of the brain received during an accident, fights, falls from a height. Symptoms - headache, dizziness, disorders of consciousness. Vessels can burst not only of the organ of vision, but also of other affected tissues.
  • Due to the fragility of the vascular wall, a vessel in the eye may burst, the reason is a lack of vitamins C and P. It is accompanied by damage to the capillaries of other localizations. A person notices the appearance of bruises on the body.
  • Incorrect use of lenses ( prolonged wear, poor-quality care) additionally causes swelling of the eyelids, redness of the sclera and lacrimation.
  • colds with high temperature. A strong strain when coughing or blowing your nose can break the integrity of the capillary. In the foreground are the symptoms of a cold.
  • Overheating: hot countries, prolonged exposure to the sun,. A person may complain of redness of the eyes, swelling of the eyelids.
  • Prolonged emotional crying in children. The child's eyes become swollen, reddened.

Watch a video about the causes of redness of the eyes:

What to do if you have a broken capillary in your eye

If a vessel burst in the eye for the first time, do not worry. This is usually not dangerous to your eyesight. If the vessels burst constantly, you should go through a series diagnostic measures. This may indicate the presence of diseases.

If there is a foreign body, then you need to remove it. If an injury occurs, apply cold to closed eyelids. The cold will help relieve swelling and redness.

Sleep deprivation, overheating, increased load on the visual organ, crying, excessive physical activity do not pose a danger. But these causes should be influenced in order to avoid relapses.

Ophthalmic and somatic diseases require mandatory treatment and observation by experts. May cause progression and the appearance of new symptoms.

Medical treatment

What to do if a blood vessel bursts in the eye? At normal conditions hemorrhage completely resolves in a few days. Help speed up the process drug therapy:

  • Antibacterial drops: Ophthalmodek, Tobrex.
  • At viral infections appoint immunomodulatory agents: "Ophthalmoferon", "Poludan".
  • Quickly remove redness, swelling of the eyelids will help drops "Vizin", "Defislez".
  • Healing eye drops improving metabolic processes: "Taufon".
  • Antiallergic drops: "Allergodil", "Kromoheksal". Be sure to rule out the allergen.
  • To strengthen the vascular wall: tablet forms of vitamins "Ascorutin", "Blueberry-forte" and drops "Emoxipin".

You can choose how to treat a broken capillary. If you do not want to use drugs, try folk ways. They are less effective, but have almost no side effects and contraindications. Do not use if you are prone to allergic reactions.

Alternative treatment

When a vessel burst in the eye, what to do at home? Traditional medicine will help heal a broken vessel.

  1. Compresses. Soak the gauze pad in cold and hot water. Apply on closed eyelids for 5 minutes. Multiplicity up to 8 r / d.
  2. Aloe. Squeeze the juice from an aloe leaf, moisten a gauze pad or cotton pad and apply for 15 minutes. to the eyelid, in which the vessels in the eye burst.
  3. Arnica. Prepare an infusion by steeping arnica in boiling water for 1 hour. Drink 1 tbsp. l. 3-4 r / d.

When to See a Doctor

The help of a specialist is not required when blood vessels rarely burst before our eyes and quickly recover. You should seek medical attention if:

  • Vessels in the eyes often burst.
  • Broken capillaries in the eyes do not resolve on their own for more than a week.
  • There is a deterioration in vision.
  • Red eyes also hurt, itch, watery, fester.
  • There is a protrusion of the membranes of the eye.
  • Hemorrhage covers a large area.

Complications and prognosis

The prognosis is often favorable. Symptoms resolve within 5-7 days. Sometimes complications develop: the spread of hemorrhage over a large area (looks like a completely red eye), the attachment of an infection, a decrease in visual acuity. If the blood vessels in the eyes burst due to the fragility of the vascular wall or diseases of the internal organs, then competent treatment root cause will solve the problem.


A burst blood vessel in the eye requires attentive attitude to your health. Preventive measures will help protect the visual organ:

  • Switch to a vitaminized diet, normalize sleep.
  • Maintain hygiene: wash your face daily, remove makeup before going to bed. Do not rub your eyelids with dirty hands.
  • Limit the hard work of the visual organ.
  • Reduce the intensity of physical activity.
  • Protect your eyes from bright sun, dust.
  • Use a protective mask when working in hazardous industries.
  • Avoid contact with allergens if you are allergic.
  • Do exercises for the visual organ.
  • Remove contact lenses at night.
  • Treat ophthalmic and other diseases in a timely manner.

To exclude diseases of the organ of vision, it is recommended to visit an ophthalmologist. The doctor will assess the condition of your visual organ, identify diseases in the early stages.

The human eye is a complex organ, thanks to which it is visually perceived the world. The brain receives signals from the retina about the shapes, colors and shades of everything that the eye sees. For the retina to work properly, receive signals and send them to the brain, the capillary membrane covering it is responsible. It is thanks to the presence choroid the retina is nourished and saturated with oxygen. Even the slightest damage to the capillaries can lead to the failure of the retina.

Why does the capillary burst

From time to time, the capillaries burst in the eye of every person. If this does not happen often, is classified as an isolated case, there is nothing to worry about. Reasons for tearing thin blood vessel there may be many, and they do not necessarily signal the presence of a serious pathological condition. But if the capillaries are damaged regularly, the damage covers a large area, the eyes are constantly red, they feel heaviness, pain or other atypical sensations, the cause of capillary rupture can be serious and require treatment.

Important! In the functioning of the eye as an integral part of the visual apparatus, every smallest detail is important. Even a slight failure can impair vision and even lead to blindness. Even a broken capillary, if this happens systematically, should be a reason to visit a doctor.

How it looks and feels

The eye protein changes color, reddening dotted, partially or completely. In some cases, it literally fills with blood, and sometimes only “rusty” spots or reddish streaks appear on the surface of the protein. All these are signs of a broken capillary, one or more. Usually, redness goes away on its own in three to five days, but if it does not go away or occurs again, an appeal to an ophthalmologist is inevitable.

By the way. If the broken capillary is located in the visible part of the protein, not covered by the eyelid, then the redness will be clearly visible, but if the rupture occurs in a segment that is not visible, the person may not notice microhemorrhage if he does not pay attention to the sudden heaviness and sensation of interference in the eye .

Many people do not feel when the capillary bursts. Others or a mirror can tell them that they have a red eye. But for some, even with a single damaged capillary, a headache appears, fever or chills may occur, dizziness, and “flies” appear in the eyes.

The fact that the eye becomes frighteningly red and looks unaesthetic is not scary. The danger arises not when the protein has already turned red, but at the moment of capillary rupture. And, of course, the reasons that lead to a break can be dangerous.

List of reasons

A number of reasons why capillary damage occurs can be called internal or pathological, largely independent of the person.

  1. Changes from low to high, and vice versa blood pressure.
  2. state of hypertensive crisis.
  3. Disease diabetes.
  4. Tumors located in the region of the visual apparatus.
  5. Various eye diseases.

  6. The condition of capillaries, in which their walls have increased fragility.
  7. Avitaminosis.
  8. A blow or injury that caused a concussion.
  9. Ancestral strains.
  10. Strong alcohol intoxication.
  11. Physical exhaustion or heavy lifting.
  12. Visual fatigue.

  13. meteorological dependence.

As you can see, there are many reasons, and to determine which one caused the breakthrough vascular network only an ophthalmologist can. In addition to the above internal causes, there are still external factors, which can also become a reason for rupture of the capillary:

  • usage contact lenses;
  • visiting the sauna;
  • dry air in the apartment;
  • cold;
  • dust in the room;
  • smoke in the room or atmosphere;
  • wind, bright sunlight and other natural phenomena;
  • penetration into the eye of a foreign body.

Nonpathological Causes and Help

Even prolonged eye strain in the absence of rest for the eyes can put an excess load on the capillaries, which will lead to their rupture. Often the causes of microhemorrhages in the eye are, at first glance, ordinary actions and events that a person, as a rule, does not pay attention to.

By the way. Going to the sauna, drinking alcohol, hypothermia or overheating, being in the wind, carrying furniture, a quarrel accompanied by emotional cries and ending in tears - all this can help the capillary in the eye burst.

  1. If you're regularly sleep deprived, get plenty of rest, get enough sleep, and try to go to bed earlier and get at least eight hours of quality sleep.
  2. Reduce the load in case of constant physical overexertion that has caused damage to the capillaries.
  3. Avoid stressful situations, in which increased emotionality is manifested.
  4. Let your eyes rest more often during visual stress, do gymnastics, take care of high-quality lighting.
  5. Do not abuse alcohol and stop smoking until the walls of blood vessels are completely thinned.
  6. If the capillaries are weak, do not go to the bath and sauna.
  7. Take vitamins that will make the walls of blood vessels more elastic and strong.

By the way. If your capillaries for some reason have fragile walls, it is necessary to constantly carry out the prevention of hemorrhages and is not in a situation in which the vessels can be damaged.

What to do with hemorrhage due to pathologies

Depending on one or another reason for what happened, help is provided if the eye condition that has arisen needs to be treated.

Table. Reasons and help.

Cause descriptionWhat to do
Hypertensive crisis is one of the most common causes disruptive capillaries in people with hypertension. The pressure in the arteries "jumps", the capillaries overflow with blood and, unable to withstand the load, burst. A crisis can also occur due to excess alcohol, stress and other factors.The state of a hypertensive crisis must be urgently stopped by normalizing blood pressure. If crises are a frequent occurrence, any subsequent pressure drop can provoke a heart attack, stroke, or other life-threatening pathology.
Eye injury - is in second place among the causes of damage to the capillaries.It is difficult to protect yourself from external influences in the form of blows, bruises, concussions. Rupture can even be caused by surgery. eye surgery. To eliminate the consequences, the doctor must prescribe medications that will help the capillaries return to normal.
Physical activity, carrying weights, childbirth - the third item in terms of the frequency of the formation of a "red eye".If during childbirth it is difficult to control the behavior of the vessels in the eyes, then from excessive physical activity and weights can be protected.
Diabetes - not common, but can lead to damage to the capillaries, as the patient develops microangiopathy - weakness and fragility of the capillaries.The walls of blood vessels become thin and lose their elasticity, and this process is difficult to normalize. However, there are vascular strengthening drugs that diabetics need to take.
Keratitis and conjunctivitis - these and other eye diseases become a common cause of capillary hemorrhage.Keratitis can occur due to a burn or a fungus, an allergy or a virus, or any object that infects the eye. Conjunctivitis is a consequence of infection or external influence. In both cases, capillary hemorrhage is one of the manifestations of diseases that need to be treated as soon as possible.
Avitaminosis and fragility of capillaries. The lack of two trace elements causes thinning of the capillary walls - ascorbic acid and vitamin P. They also become fragile due to illness, alcoholism, taking certain medications, smoking and age.Need to get rid of bad habits and make sure that the body receives right amount vitamins that make the capillary walls healthy. You can either take tablet complexes of microelements, or carry out a nutritional correction in the direction of increasing the amount of products containing the necessary substances.
A tumor of any size and quality in the eye area can cause deformation of the vascular network.It is necessary to remove or treat the tumor, since severe deformation of the capillaries and their extensive damage in front of the eyes in this case can cause blindness.

Important! If any disease or pathological condition is diagnosed, which is subject to treatment, healing process it is necessary to start as soon as possible to prevent recurrence of tears, which can eventually lead to clouding of the cornea and loss of vision.

Treatment for broken capillaries

If the vessel has ruptured as a result of a pathological condition, it is necessary to consult an ophthalmologist and start treatment. Sometimes health care may be needed urgently, so do not hesitate to call an ambulance, for example, in a hypertensive crisis.

Advice. When patients take coagulants, capillary ruptures may occur due to excessive blood thinning and increased blood flow. It is necessary to consult a doctor and adjust the dosage regimen.

Medicines in drops from ruptured eye capillaries

There are a number local funds which the doctor prescribes in case of capillary rupture. They have an effect that normalizes the state of blood vessels, and may also have an anti-inflammatory effect.

Table. Drops from broken capillaries.

Name of medicineDescription

The drug relieves swelling and brings the vessels back to normal. It helps quickly, because it does not enter the bloodstream (with local external application), and acts directly on the capillary damaged in the eye. The effect of the use of drops is achieved almost immediately and lasts up to eight hours. On the first day, you can enter the drug four times a day. Basically, "Vizin" is prescribed if the capillaries burst due to allergies or conjunctivitis. It is recommended to use drops for no more than four days, because then addiction develops. Drops can be administered to those who use contact lenses, having previously removed them for a while, but they cannot be used with increased eye pressure and individual intolerance.

These drops strengthen the capillary walls while stimulating the intraocular fluid to circulate normally. The drug is prescribed for diabetes and glaucoma, which caused capillary rupture. In this case, the drug is administered twice a day for a period determined by the doctor. You can use "Emoxipin" once a day in preventive purposes with capillaries prone to weakening of the walls. You can administer drops to those who wear lenses, after removing them and returning them to their place after half an hour. Contraindications - intolerance. This medicine is not recommended to be combined with other eye medicines.

This drug is the most popular because it is inexpensive and at the same time has high efficiency. It is prescribed for conjunctivitis, cataracts, corneal dystrophy and other defects that cause capillary breaks. You can enter "Taufon" up to three times a day, two drops. Drops can be used long time, in accordance with the period prescribed by the doctor, more than two months. Do not use drops for the treatment of children and pregnant women. Individual intolerance is also taken into account.

Advice. Do not try to determine the cause of the gap yourself. In all non-isolated cases or extensive hemorrhages, as well as if the redness does not go away for more than five days, consult a doctor.

Folk methods

Naturally, folk methods can in no way be the main treatment, but they can act as auxiliary and strengthening methods.

  1. Cold compress, which alternately with a compress room temperature applied to the eyes. It will help narrow the vessels, then bring them back to normal, and moisturize the eyeball.
  2. Applications from infusion of chamomile or linden, in which cotton pads are moistened.
  3. Thin sections raw potatoes or cucumber for eyelids.
  4. Strengthening blood vessels with arnica infusion (10 g per glass of boiling water for oral administration).
  5. Chicory also strengthens and heals blood vessels.
  6. Water-soaked black tea bags for eyelids.
  7. Compresses of their cold curd.
  8. Cooled in the refrigerator and applied to the eyelids cabbage leaf.

Prevention of capillary rupture

This pathology can be prevented by taking timely preventive measures if the gaps do not depend on a serious disease and are not a consequence of it.

  1. It is necessary to take vitamin and mineral complexes, to do tests for content in the body essential substances to fill in the missing amount.
  2. Replenishment should also be made with a modified diet, which should consist of healthy food, including all groups needed by the body and vessels of substances.
  3. Quitting smoking in general and alcohol in its excess part is the best thing that can be done for the elasticity of blood vessels.
  4. It is also recommended to significantly reduce the consumption of coffee and tea, giving preference to herbal decoctions and clean water.
  5. It is necessary to establish a daily routine in which there will be no place for physical and emotional overload, but there will be time for good sleep and rest.
  6. Do not overload your eyesight, do exercises that help your eyes relax.
  7. Protect visual apparatus from any external influences which can lead to capillary rupture.

Do not be afraid of capillary rupture in the eye. This is, first of all, a signal that something in life needs to be changed for the better, healthy side. But if the phenomenon recurs, if there are serious diseases in the anamnesis, or if the body has not been diagnosed for too long, there is a reason to visit a doctor. Perhaps a broken capillary will reveal dangerous pathology and cure it in time.

Video - Why blood vessels burst in the eyes

The human eye is a complex system related to the sense organs. It enables a person to see the world around him. Most we draw information thanks to this ability, therefore, one should be attentive to the health of the organs of vision.

Rupture of a capillary in the eye common problem in ophthalmology. Next, let's talk about what to do if the capillary in the eye bursts and how to avoid it.

capillaries are the thinnest blood vessels in the human body. On average, their size ranges from 5 to 10 microns. They connect arteries with veins, and take part in metabolic processes between blood and tissues.

How capillaries connect veins and arteries

Reference. Capillaries were first described in his writings by the Italian scientist Malpighi.

Capillary walls lined with thin cells (endothelial) do not have muscle fibers. For this reason, they cannot be reduced.

In this regard, the blood moves through such vessels due to the pressure created by the arteries due to their rhythmic contraction. Also, this process is facilitated by the narrowing and expansion of the capillary vessels themselves, which is a passive process.

Capillaries are an integral part of tissues. They form a whole network of vessels interacting with cells. Carry out the supply of cells with nutrients and the excretion of the products of their functioning.

The organs also have many small vessels, provide blood supply to the eye.

How they will function depends on the vision of a person and the condition of the eyes. Therefore, we will further consider why the capillaries burst in the eyes, as well as how to prevent it.

Why can capillaries burst in the eyes

Most likely, almost everyone has encountered such a problem as a broken capillary in the eye.

The most common reasons why capillaries burst in the eyes include:

  1. Stress.
  2. Overwork.
  3. Alcohol abuse.
  4. Long stay in front of the TV or at the computer.
  5. Lack of vitamins.
  6. Increased eye pressure.
  7. High weather sensitivity.

Damage caused by such causes is not dangerous and most often disappears on its own, provided that the provoking factor is eliminated.

In such situations, it is necessary to devote more time to the health of the eyes, to do washings and to ensure that they have a good rest.

The capillary can burst both as a result of eye fatigue and as a result of the development of pathologies.

However this process may occur as a result of other causes. If a accompanied additional symptoms, then this may indicate the development of pathologies:

  • a sharp rise;
  • pathology endocrine system- diabetes;
  • ophthalmic ailments - conjunctivitis, keratitis;
  • injury to the eye or head;
  • allergy;
  • increase in body temperature.

AT similar situations you need to seek help, since a bursting vessel is a kind of body signal for help.

How to avoid damage

In order to prevent damage to the capillaries in the eye, one should be attentive to the health of the eyes.

Doing simple preventive measures will help provide not only beautiful appearance eyes, but also clarity of vision:

To prevent damage to the capillaries in the eyes, preventive measures should be taken.

  1. Observe day mode- you should make it a habit to rest at the same time and allocate for this enough time.
  2. Staying at the computer and watching TV should be limited and only from a safe distance.
  3. Read books or newspapers should be in good light.
  4. Monitor blood pressure levels.
  5. Ventilate and humidify the room regularly.
  6. Try to avoid getting hit ultraviolet radiation in the eyes.
  7. Do not use cheap and non-certified cosmetics.
  8. When using contact lenses, be sure to remove at night.

In addition, you should follow. It should be balanced and rich in vitamins.

These products have a beneficial effect on the condition of the eyes and vision.

Reference. Doctors advise eating more carrots, black currants, blueberries.

Also healthy lifestyle life and frequent stay on fresh air, render beneficial effect on the condition of the eyes and the body as a whole.

What can be done if the capillary burst

The main thing that causes concern in a person is an ugly appearance, so everyone tries to find a way to effectively get rid of the problem.

Reference. Assistance should be provided taking into account the factor that provoked this phenomenon.

At home, before going to a specialist, you can take the following measures:

At home, you can make a contrasting compress or simply rinse your eyes with boiled water or tea.

  • measure blood pressure and with its elevated rates, take the prescribed antihypertensive agent;
  • give your eyes a rest- it is necessary for overwork, stress and prolonged stay at the computer;
  • rinse eyes with cool boiled water or tea(you can apply moistened cotton pads for a couple of minutes) - this will reduce inflammation, and hence redness;
  • contrast compresses- apply a cotton pad to the eye, first moistened with cool water, then warm. The procedure will have an anti-inflammatory effect and give the eyes a fresh, rested look. The duration of the procedure should not exceed 10 minutes, as prolonged eye contact with cold is dangerous.

After performing such procedures, you should immediately consult a doctor, especially if the gaps are repeated frequently.

This is necessary to clarify exact reason occurrence and appropriate treatment.

Preparations for treatment and prevention

For the prevention and treatment of a broken capillary in the eye as a result of overvoltage, with hypertension, drops are prescribed to narrow eye vessels:

  1. « Taufon» - stimulates recovery processes. May be used for eye strain.
  2. « artificial tear"- is designed to eliminate the "dry eye" syndrome associated with overstrain of the organs of vision.
  3. « Vizin» - is used to reduce the feeling of discomfort in the eyes and eliminate dryness. Able to relieve redness with small hemorrhages. The duration of action is 12 hours.
  4. « hyphen"- eliminates dryness, irritation, can be used for minor injuries.
  5. « Emoxipin» - used in therapy intraocular hemorrhages. The duration of therapy can be 1 month.

deal with external manifestations broken capillaries in the eye, these drugs can help

In the presence of eye ailments or formations, drugs should be prescribed only by a doctor.

Correctly chosen therapy can prevent the development serious violations in future.


A damaged vessel in the eye may indicate various negative processes occurring in the body.

In one case, to eliminate them, it is enough to change the lifestyle, in the other, to undergo the necessary and timely treatment in order to avoid consequences.

The eyes are one of the organs that have a decisive influence not only on the perception outside world but also on human mental development. Nature has taken care of their reliability and functionality, but even nature cannot withstand critical loads, mechanical or chemical damage, bad habits.

Important nuances

How more important body for the body, the more blood vessels it has to supply tissues with oxygen and nutrients. If everything is normal, then the vessels are invisible, their walls have a physiological thickness, the blood circulates freely, the circulatory system is invisible. Physiological disturbances can cause severe complications and vision problems. In this regard, it is so important to pay attention to in a timely manner, find out the causes and eliminate the consequences.

It must be understood that each vessel provides the vital processes of a certain part of the eye, if it bursts, then the tissues do not receive required amount oxygen and nutrients. This situation leads to their necrosis, and in some cases can provoke the development of tumors, including malignant ones. If such a phenomenon is permanent, then you should definitely contact an ophthalmologist, only he can put correct diagnosis and choose the appropriate treatment regimen. The same treatment to the hospital is needed after a severe mechanical or chemical injury to the eye. Knowledge of the structure of this organ will help to better understand the causes of damage to the vessels of the eye.

The structure of the eye

The eye is made up of eyeball, the main bundle of nerves, muscles that provide movement of the eyeball, eyelids, lacrimal glands and flow. We will consider issues with circulatory system eyeball, let us dwell on its structure in more detail.

The wall of the eyeball performs the functions of protecting against damage inner layers and consists of three separate and different in their functions shells. Inside the eyeball is vitreous body in which the lens is located. All chambers are filled with aqueous humor - intraocular fluid.

In order for vascular ruptures to occur due to external influences, the protective cornea and choroid must be damaged. These are quite complex injuries, they need to be taken very seriously.

External factors of bleeding

These factors can be determined independently, but to eliminate the consequences and prevent pathological changes eyes in any case it is better to consult a doctor.

Table. Causes of damage to blood vessels in the eyes.

Reason nameBrief description and description of the consequences

They must have relatively big sizes, only such bodies can leave deep cuts on the surface of the eyeball and damage the walls of blood vessels.

At low rates relative humidity in dry eyes begins severe itching. People scratch them with their hands, with too much effort, the thin vessels of the blood layer of the eyeball can be damaged.

Strong impact loads are the most dangerous mechanical damage to the eyes. They not only damage the blood vessels, but also the sclera, cornea, etc. They can lead to partial or total loss vision.

Blood vessels may burst due to severe eye strain while reading, working at a computer monitor. The eyes first turn red, the walls of the vessels become thinner and burst at the slightest external effort.

This is often the case with professional athletes. During critical loads rises sharply blood pressure, the walls of the vessels do not withstand and burst.

Damage to capillaries due to the above causes does not depend on general condition organism. When irritants or loads are removed, blood circulation gradually returns to normal on its own. physiological norms, traces of blood dissolve completely, no special drug therapy no need to carry out. Of course, this does not apply mechanical damage with inflammatory or more severe complications. Completely different clinical picture in cases where the capillaries in the eyes burst due to various diseases organism.

What diseases can cause damage to the blood layer of the eyeball?

If the gaps have a limited area and pass without treatment, then you should not worry, the body will cope with the problem itself. But such an effect can also be caused by specific eye diseases, and they require an immediate and correct response. To the most common eye diseases leading to includes keratitis and conjunctivitis.

There is a fear of light, the eyeball becomes very red, in some places capillary ruptures are found. Over time, the area of ​​blood outflow increases, in advanced cases it can occupy half or more of the eyeball. Keratitis is provoked by foreign bodies that enter the eye and injure it. Pathogenic organisms penetrate through microtraumas, cause acute inflammatory processes around which tissue dies. Necrosis eventually spreads deep into the eyeball and can reach the uveal tract (choroid). Under it negative impact not only capillaries are destroyed, but also venous and arterial vessels, blood pours out under the sclera and becomes visible.

Such a disease does not go away on its own, immediate treatment is required. therapeutic treatment. Medicines can only be prescribed by an ophthalmologist after determining the nature of microorganisms. The sooner treatment begins, the lower the risk of side effects.


Occurs on the outer shell of the eyeball - the conjunctiva, but in running can migrate to deeper layers. The cause of the disease is staphylococci, streptococci, gonococci and other pathogens. Blood vessels first dilate, and then begin to burst. The infection develops rapidly immediate treatment under the supervision of an optometrist. The disease may be viral or bacterial cause, only after special laboratory examination the doctor is able to make the correct diagnosis and develop an effective treatment plan.


Hemorrhages can be caused by both benign and malignant neoplasms. A tumor can only be identified in a hospital after analyzing a tissue sample.

Table. What drops are prescribed for broken capillaries of the eye.

Name of dropsDescription

Stimulate metabolic processes and regeneration of tissues of the eyeball, significantly accelerate the process of wound healing. Not recommended for persons under the age of eighteen and pregnant women.

Purified synthetic antioxidant, accelerates the resorption of hemorrhages, strengthens the walls of capillaries. As an additional effect, it protects the retina from harsh ultraviolet rays. Before use, it is necessary to check the body for hypersensitivity to active medicinal substances.

Reduces swelling of eye tissues, characterized by vasoconstrictor action, due to which the intensity of bleeding from bursting vessels decreases. Prohibited for use in children under two years of age, with corneal dystrophy and hypersensitivity body to the components of the drug.

Important. All of these drops contain active active ingredients, take them without consulting a doctor is prohibited.

There is no need to panic with broken capillaries, but you should not treat the problem without proper attention. A visit to the doctor will always have positive result, and in some cases help to avoid visual impairment.

Prevention of hemorrhages

Preventive measures are aimed at strengthening the walls of capillaries. What should be done to reduce the likelihood of a problem?

There are also universal rules- give up bad habits, do not smoke and do not abuse alcoholic drinks. And the last - annual visits to the ophthalmologist. You don't have to wait for eye problems. Some disease processes initial stage may be asymptomatic, over time, their treatment becomes much more complicated, often does not go away without side effects.

Video - Why blood vessels burst in the eyes

The problem of the so-called red eyes is familiar to many. This is one of the most frequent occasions contacting an ophthalmologist. And our readers ask: why, from what capillaries burst in the eyes, what are the reasons, and what to do, what to drip. All questions are answered by an expert: ophthalmologist Svetlana Surkova.

There can be several reasons for redness of the eyes:

  • burst capillaries;
  • an infection has taken root;
  • there was an allergic reaction;
  • had an injury etc.

Eyes may turn red acute attack glaucoma or elevated intracranial pressure. But that's enough serious illnesses and another topic.

Let's try to figure out why the capillaries burst in the eyes.

This will help us to know the basics of the anatomy of the visual organ.

They say that the eye is the brain brought to the periphery. Why? Because most of the layers of the eyeball are represented nerve cells and their processes (axons). But all these layers are not visible without special devices. We can visually examine only the anterior part of the eye. It is represented by the pupil, iris, sclera, cornea and conjunctiva.

Everyone knows what a pupil is. It lets light into back departments eyeball, thanks to which we see.

The iris is what is “colored” in the eye. It is the iris that determines the color of the eyes of each person.

The sclera is the shell of the eye, which is its frame and support. It supports a certain size of the eyeball, all oculomotor muscles. Vessels pierce the front of the sclera. These are the anterior long ciliary arteries. They can burst and form subconjunctival hemorrhages, while the eye turns red.

The cornea is a transparent membrane located directly above the iris. It provides the refraction of the light beam. It is on this shell that vision correction operations (LASIK, LASEK) are performed.

The continuation of the cornea is the conjunctiva. It covers that part of the sclera that is visible to the naked eye. This shell performs protective and trophic functions. It is supplied with blood due to the branches of the vessels that feed the eyelids and the same anterior long ciliary arteries as the sclera. They also burst with the formation of hemorrhages in the eye.

Having dealt with the anatomy, let's move on to the next question: What are the causes of redness?

Why do blood vessels burst in the eye?

Parents often tell their children: “Don't sit at the computer for a long time! Eyes will be red! They are completely right! But tired eyes in adolescents should not be confused with red eyes when using drugs. Parents should know this sign!

The most common cause burst capillaries in the eyes - this is a long-term increased. Human body pretty smart. When the load increases, it gradually adapts to new working conditions. turn on compensatory mechanisms. The same thing happens in the organ of vision. With a long load, he gets tired, he lacks nutrition and oxygen. The vessels no longer provide the eye enough for it to cope with its task. The brain receives a signal: STARVE, HELP! In response to the request, substances begin to be released that stimulate vasodilation and an increase in blood flow velocity. And my eyesight is saved! But, there is a limit to everything and decompensation will come with time. The vessel will have nowhere to expand more, and it will simply burst. There will be a hemorrhage and a person will come to the doctor with a complaint of broken capillaries in the eyes.

Another common reason why capillaries can burst is blunt trauma . Here the mechanism is much simpler: the impact leads to a pressure drop and tension in the wall of the eye vessels. It cannot withstand the load and breaks. The eyes become red.

Capillaries may burst conjunctivitis, since any infection affects not only the mucous membranes, but also the capillaries.

In the elderly and in people suffering from arterial hypertension, the eye capillaries burst for no particular reason. Indeed, in the organ of vision, the vessels are the same as in the whole body. If they are unhealthy, they can break at any time. At arterial hypertension and in old age thinning of the capillary wall occurs, it becomes very fragile and vulnerable. Therefore, you need to do everything necessary to normalize the pressure.

But teenagers have red eyes - alarm symptom drug use may be hidden behind this symptom. Parents should know this sign!

These are the most common causes of redness of the eyes due to burst blood vessels.

What to do to prevent hemorrhage?

The first is to observe the visual mode. The eye, like any other organ, gets tired. It is necessary to alternate the visual load near with a look into the distance. There are many exercises that can help relax our visual organ. The simplest exercise is the “mark on the glass”. Need to draw on the window black dot marker and alternate looking at her with a look into the distance outside the window. The duration of the exercise is 3-5 minutes. You need to do the exercise every 30-40 minutes of close work.

Secondly, monitor the condition of your vessels and control the level of blood pressure. Bad as very high and very low value HELL. Be sure to control cholesterol in old age. It should be noted that people with diabetes are at risk for the occurrence of hemorrhages in the eye.

And, thirdly, conjunctivitis should be treated by a doctor, as well as injuries to the organ of vision. Self-medication can be dangerous.

How to treat broken capillaries in the eyes?

What to do if blood vessels burst?
It is necessary to normalize nutrition on your own. To eat fresh fruits and vegetables rich in vitamins (especially C and rutin).
In order to quickly resolve the hemorrhage, drops are prescribed: Taufon, Vizin, Sulfametizol 4%, Solcoseryl (drops or gel). Sometimes doctors prescribe Diclo-F. He acts quickly and efficiently. But this hormonal drug, so it must be used with caution.
Often patients have a question: why does the doctor prescribe an antibiotic for redness in the eye? In the form of prevention of complications (attachment of infection), antibacterial or antiseptic drugs are prescribed.
It must be remembered that everything medications have contraindications. Therefore, the most the best solution- contact a specialist.

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