There is a black dot in front of the eyes. Black dots before the eyes: why do they appear and how to treat? Useful video about flies before the eyes

Strings in the eyes, spots, flies, black dots are the result of minor or serious pathologies human visual organs. They may not manifest themselves in any way, be almost invisible or seriously interfere, leading to significant problems in life. If you have a black dot in the eye, find out what to do with a similar defect. If you experience discomfort - do not ignore the advice of a doctor, do not risk your health in vain.

What are black dots in the eyes

Such defects are associated with the occurrence of problems in the vitreous body and indicate its destruction (disruption of processes). There are no definite causes of the disease. Predisposition to pathology is caused by: nervous shocks, age, poor health. A common cause of blackheads is the death of cells that accumulate, reducing transparency. vitreous body.

With time dead cells too much occurs in the eye, and they become clearly visible to a person. The easiest way to identify them is to look at a light, uniform color object (preferably white). It is not the cells themselves that block the view, but they cast a distinct or blurry shadow, which a person sees as a “dark midge”. Depending on the characteristics of the patient's eyeballs, black spot in the eye can increase or remain very small forever. Apart from the inconvenience and the effects described above, it does not affect health in any way.


Black dots in the eyes can occur in the form of both single and multiple (filamentous) formations. In some cases, the flies are not noticeable at all and do not cause discomfort, while others seriously interfere with human life, turning into full-fledged lines. Dots in the eyes may be a symptom of more serious illnesses. Do not ignore their occurrence, especially if their area is rapidly increasing, consult a specialist. The faster dark blotches develop, the more serious the disease that caused them.

Black dots before the eyes are divided into two varieties:

  1. granular destruction. Hyalocytes (dead cells of the eye) enter the vitreous body, which eventually die off, join together and form black dots.
  2. Filamentous destruction. The development of pathologies metabolic processes leads to the death of some collagen fibers. A person begins to see threads or whole cobwebs in front of him, which significantly interfere with the recognition of objects.

The main feature of the disease is that with a sharp retraction of the head to the side, black lines or dots move in the same direction, creating a kind of train. Pathology occurs after suffering serious diseases that affect the eyes, when using drugs with aggressive substances, or after overcoming the age of 50. The risk group is also those who have been diagnosed with myopia, over the years, a change in vision only contributes to the occurrence of defects.

The reasons

The main reason for the appearance of black dots on the eye is the destruction of the vitreous body. It occurs due to problems with the lens, insufficient blood circulation that contributes to the destruction of collagen fibers with age, and serious diseases that affect the eyeballs. Fiber fragments are concentrated in one or more points of the lens, which interferes with the passage of light, creating spots. Bad habits stimulate the manifestation of this pathology. Causes of black dots in the eyes:

  • crystalline formations;
  • appearance malignant formations in the eye;
  • diabetic retinopathy;
  • exposure to aggressive substances (acids, alkalis, etc.);
  • getting into the eye of foreign substances, particles of dirt;
  • the occurrence of injuries;
  • migraine;
  • long exposure to bright light;
  • depletion of the visual organs;
  • other damage to the lining of the eye.

If black dashes fly before your eyes, this may be the result of more serious pathologies. Such problems are not always immediately noticeable, but due to the fragility of the vessels, they progress rapidly. Peripheral vision worsens, areas of clouding in the visual organs grow, sparks and flashes may occur. It is important to see a doctor immediately, and surgery may be needed. Such symptoms may be due to diseases:

  • fungal or viral infections;
  • hemophthalmos (bleeding into the vitreous body);
  • vascular pathologies;
  • tumors;
  • retinal detachment or other damage to it;
  • vitreous detachment.

To self-diagnose vision problems, look at a white or light-colored surface so that it covers 100% of the visual area. If before the eyes, except white color, there are defects, spots, the appearance of the flight of some particles is created - consult a doctor. You may not have a pathology, but you should play it safe. The doctor will diagnose and prescribe treatment.

How to get rid of black dots in the eyes

Vision is a key resource of the body, and it should not be neglected. Treatment folk remedies black spots and dots is impossible, the problem itself also does not go away. It is allowed to drink herbs approved by the doctor, they will help to recover faster and prevent the recurrence of vision problems. Do not self-medicate - it is dangerous.

If you suspect the presence of black spots and dots, contact an ophthalmologist who will conduct an examination and confirm or refute the symptom. Contact a public clinic or a trusted private clinic. It happens that black spots occur due to another disease (tumors, infections, etc.), and in private clinic you can only be treated for the symptoms, regardless of the pathology that caused the condition.

Medical treatment

During treatment in the hospital, defects that have already arisen are eliminated, and the source of the pathology is searched for. In most cases, it is possible to get rid of the disease that led to the appearance of black spots and dots, but it is not possible to clear the eye of defects. Dead cells are not removed from the vitreous on their own. If there are very few of them, and they do not interfere, it is recommended to leave them as they are. If the problem is serious, you will need emergency measures up to and including surgery.

AT rare cases the appearance of flies before the eyes, with minor problems, they are prescribed vitamin drops: Taufon, Quinax, ethylmorphine hydrochloride solution. Effective Elimination dark spots possibly with drops of potassium iodide. If it is necessary to accelerate the regenerative component of the vitreous body, Wobenzym, Emoksipin are used. For general strengthening visual organs are prescribed procedures: paraffin applications, electrophoresis, hemotransfusion (blood transfusion). Sometimes the doctor prescribes injections of biostimulants, vitamins B, C.

If the disease is detected in initial stages, it is recommended to take multivitamin complexes. The doctor prescribes examinations and procedures that eliminate the causes that caused vision problems. After getting rid of them, black spots on the eyes completely or partially disappear on their own. If the disease is advanced, serious measures may be needed. Modern technologies incredibly accurate, and surgical operation vision improves. At surgical treatment destruction uses the following methods:

  • Vitrectomy - surgical intervention, in which the vitreous body is partially or completely removed. It is replaced by an artificial environment. This extremely dangerous operation can lead to cataracts, retinal detachment, hypotension. It is used only in cases where other methods have not given any result.
  • Vitreolysis - with the help of a laser, the threads are broken, that is, clusters of points are destroyed. The eye is completely reanimated. The operation is complicated, it is performed only by experienced doctors.


To avoid problems with visual system, you need to monitor your health, do not smoke, do not drink alcohol, eat food, rich in vitamins. Try to play sports at least minimally, do not overstrain your eyes once again, take time to rest, be sure to periodically walk on the street, do not spend a lot of time in front of monitors of computer devices.

If you are nearsighted or farsighted, follow all your doctor's instructions. In order to avoid problems with vision, periodically give a discharge to the eyes, do not allow them to be strongly strained. If black dots fly before your eyes or other symptoms are observed, consult a doctor immediately. Timely help a specialist will allow you to quickly get rid of the disease and prevent deterioration of the condition.


Sometimes, fixing our eyes on a white surface, we see black dots or cobwebs that move with the movement of the eyes.

In some cases they disappear. Sometimes their number increases, filling the visual space. The stain can significantly worsen visual function eyes.

This situation will require therapeutic intervention or surgery.

It is important to know the symptoms of the disease in order to consult an ophthalmologist in time and prevent complications of the disease.

How is the dark dot formed?

The main part of the visual organ is occupied by the vitreous body. At the time of birth, it has a homogeneous structure and is in close contact with the retina. In the process age-related changes the substance is divided into liquid and fibrous.

fibrous part begins to peel away from the surface of the retina. If there are no symptoms of pathology, this is a normal process that does no harm.

When cell death leads to large formations, they cast a shadow on the retina. We see her as dark dot or cobweb. The destruction of the internal tissues of the vitreous body sometimes leads to the appearance of larger areas that do not transmit light rays.

Causes leading to cell death

  • mechanical injury;
  • Clogging of the eye with foreign particles;
  • Age degradation of tissues;
  • Avitaminosis, leading to malnutrition of the visual organs;
  • Long-term load associated with overstrain of visual function;
  • The appearance of blood clots due to vascular diseases or caused by the use alcoholic beverages and smoking;
  • Viral and fungal diseases.

The presence of a black dot in the eye can be a harbinger of the development of diabetes and retinal rupture. All situations require the intervention of specialists and timely treatment.

Dangerous symptoms requiring specialist advice

  • The appearance of black dots is accompanied by a deterioration in vision.
  • The number of dots increases, forming a dark curtain that interferes with the view and blocks the field of view.
  • A train of dots at sharp turn head moves in the same direction.

The appearance of spots and dots is usually accompanied by additional symptoms. It can be headaches and bouts of nausea. Feeling weak and dizzy accompanied by chills and trembling of the body. A person may have a problem with coordination of movement. There are complaints of double vision.

About availability serious pathological process may signal eye flashes and impaired function visual perception. Delays in treatment can lead to irreversible processes and complete blindness.

What types of diagnostics are used in the examination?

The study of the fundus and the condition of the cornea occurs using a slit lamp. It makes it possible to determine the structure of the formation and find the source of the hemorrhage.

Apart from intraocular examination to determine the diagnosis of the disease, you will need to take a blood and urine test and, possibly, undergo an encephalography or MRI.


Depending on the results of the examination, it may be assigned drug therapy and physiotherapy. Difficult cases may require surgery or its alternative methods.

Application medicines is prescribed in cases of violation of the functions of the vitreous body to strengthen the visual analyzers. Preparations normalize local metabolism and lead to the resorption of dark patches.

Physiotherapy techniques are designed to improving the functions of metabolic processes in eye tissues. They help improve visual acuity and eliminate opacities. Usually the doctor prescribes a complex of phonophoresis, vacuum infrasound massage or color pulse therapy.

Surgery - this is last resort treatment. Alternatively, vitrectomy and vitreolysis procedures can be used.

Microinvasive surgery method– vitrectomy allows you to remove pathological parts of the vitreous body with the replacement of the substance with silicone oil or saline solution. Vitreolysis allows you to eliminate formations by acting on them with a directed beam of laser beams.

Disease prevention

Periodic monitoring of the condition of the visual organs, proper nutrition, observance of the visual mode and healthy lifestyle life will help to avoid the occurrence of unpleasant symptoms.

Once every six months visit an optometrist. In cooking, use foods that contain B vitamins. Do not let your eyes overwork. Do exercises for the eyes. Do not abuse alcohol and tobacco products. Strengthen your immune system. Go in for sports.

Hello dear readers! If you are reading this article, most likely you are interested in the question of why black dots float in the eyes, what to do with them, and where to turn for help. Black "goosebumps" in the eyes can be the cause of dangerous ophthalmic diseases, so if you have such complaints, you should seek qualified medical help.

Causes of black dots in the eyes

The reasons for the appearance of black dots in the eyes are varied. They can be conditionally divided into physiological, which occur for a short time even in healthy people, and pathological. The first reasons include the following:

  • orthostatic collapse. When there is a sudden change in body position, sharp drop blood pressure. As a result, there is hypoxia of the brain, as well as the eyes, because. they have general nutrition from the carotid artery.
  • rise in blood pressure. May occur in patients hypertension, and during stress, heavy physical exertion in healthy people.
  • prolonged exposure elevated temperatures. When visiting steam rooms, walking in hot weather, there is a redistribution of blood in the body, thereby impoverishing the brain. AT this case The cause of dark spots in the eyes is hypoxia.

In any of the above cases, black dots disappear immediately after the factors that caused them are eliminated and do not require treatment.

Black floating dots in the eyes can be the following diseases:

  1. destruction of the vitreous body;
  2. cataract;
  3. corneal diseases;
  4. retinal diseases.

Destruction of the vitreous body is the main cause of floaters in the eyes. This pathology, varying degrees severity, affects half of the world's population over the age of 60 years. The vitreous body itself occupies almost 2/3 of the eyeball, and is a jelly-like mass consisting of transparent protein fibrils.

With age, in some diseases, these fibrils fold, thicken, and become opaque. It is these destroyed, cloudy proteins that cause complaints of floaters and decreased vision.

Destruction of the vitreous body appears in the following diseases and pathological conditions:

  • diabetes. With this pathology, the vitreous body can be completely destroyed - floats in the intraocular fluid a large number of protein inclusions, which ophthalmologists call the "golden rain" syndrome.
  • high myopia. Stretching of the eyeball in this pathology leads to clouding of proteins and their concentration in the center of the eye;
  • infectious diseases of the eyeball. Transferred, chorioretinitis also causes denaturation, crystallization of proteins and the appearance of floaters;
  • eyeball injury. Severe contusions, and even more so penetrating wounds, often lead to the destruction of the lens, clouding of the cornea and vitreous body;
  • glaucoma. Wherein dangerous disease rising inside eye pressure, which slowly destroys all tissues of the eye;
  • elevated blood cholesterol levels. Excesses of this substance in the form of salts are deposited not only in the walls of blood vessels, but also in the vitreous cavity, which causes characteristic symptoms floating goosebumps.

Of the causes not related to changes in the vitreous body, cataracts are in the first place. If the opacities in the eyes do not float, but are fixed in one place, it means that this is a cataract. Changes in the lens develop predominantly in people over 50 years of age, and are currently successfully treated.

Another disease in which black dots appear different sizes in the eyes is macular degeneration. With this disease, destructive changes occur on the retina. dystrophic changes neuroepithelium and photoreceptors. The result of this process can be compared to punched out pixels on a monitor.


Due to the variety of causes that cause floaters in the eyes, treatment is carried out only after a thorough examination by an ophthalmologist, and is aimed at eliminating the causes and the black spots themselves.

With mild destruction of the vitreous body, conservative treatment is used in the form of eye drops:

  • aloe extract

All of these drops are instilled into the sore eye 3 times a day, for 1 month.

The effectiveness of the conservative treatment depends on the severity of turbidity. Of all the drugs, especially the one that contains azapentacene. This substance is able to break down dense protein molecules both in the lens and in the vitreous body. Other drugs only improve the metabolism inside the eyeball, and slow down the development of new protein opacities.

With the destruction of the vitreous body, and high risk development of retinal detachment surgery- vitrectomy. During the operation, the vitreous body is removed, and a special silicone or inert gas is pumped into its place. After 6 months, the silicone oil must be removed by reoperation. Vision becomes much better, black "flies" disappear, but only if the retina is not affected.

If the cause of the appearance of flying flies in the eyes is clouding in the lens, and vision is reduced, cataract surgery is performed. Modern operation lasts no more than 30 minutes local anesthesia. After it, you can immediately go home with a periodic examination by your doctor.

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To understand why they appear black dots before eyes, you must first find out how the eye works. The fact is that the space between the retina and the lens of the eye is by no means empty. It is filled with a substance resembling a gel in its consistency. This gel is called the vitreous humor.

Over time, when the body ages, the substance is divided into two components: liquid and protein fibers, which in essence are nothing more than dead molecules. That's what you see when you look out the window or stop looking at another light background. Of course, you do not notice these particles themselves, but only their reflection, the shadow they cast on your lens. Of course, you won't see anything in the mirror either.

The process in medicine is called vitreous detachment, because, in fact, it really moves away from the retina, but you should not be particularly afraid. This does not mean that you do not need to consult an ophthalmologist, the sooner you get to him, the better.

Aging by aging, well black dots before eyes can also be signs of a number of serious diseases, primarily eye diseases. For example, if there are too many black dots, then they can be formed by blood clots, and this is a sign of much more serious illness- retinal detachment.

What is the reason for the appearance of black dots before the eyes?

As mentioned above, the first reason and the most common is the general aging of the body. At healthy person such changes usually appear by age 60 and peak at age 80.

However, younger people can also be affected. The risk group includes, for example, patients with diabetes mellitus. A metabolic disorder also leads to detachment of the vitreous body (listen, diet lovers), vascular disorders. Often black dots before eyes occur after trauma to the eye or head, infectious or inflammatory processes in the body as side effect after eye surgery.

In most cases, the disease does not require any surgery, the risks of surgery are much higher than the expected benefits. However, in some cases it may be necessary to remove the vitreous. What to do is ultimately decided by the doctor.

How to treat black dots before the eyes?

The process of detachment of the vitreous body is absolutely painless, although, of course, unpleasant. But over time, you will begin to notice that black dots before eyes you are not so annoying anymore. The fact is that they gradually sink and fall out of sight, and those that remain become less noticeable simply because you stop paying attention to them.

The ophthalmologist carefully examines your eyes, examines the fundus of the eye with special devices will carry out the necessary tests. If it's all about a harmless vitreous detachment, then the doctor will most likely prescribe you eye drops, vitamin and iodine-containing preparations. If you see a doctor for early stages, therefore, you will start treatment on time, it is possible that the situation will improve significantly, the fibrous formations will sort of dissolve.

But in any case, the process is completely irreversible, so do not expect miracles. However, it is still necessary to protect the eyes in order to stop the progression of the disease. In addition, vision should be periodically monitored to find out if it is deteriorating, if new symptoms appear. It is especially important to notice in time the moment when a significant difference in the sharpness or size of the visual field between the two eyes begins to appear.

A simple comparison often reveals serious illnesses eyes at the earliest stages, which affects the success of treatment. For control, it is enough to periodically check the vision of each eye separately. To do this, simply close one eye, and look ahead of you with the other, focusing on some point. See if you can see well enough how wide the angle of view is from all sides, and notice the appearance (or increase in number) of black dots before eyes, as well as threads and flashes of light. Note any changes since the last check. Do the same with the other eye, and if there are changes, be sure to tell your doctor about it.

If the reason for the appearance black dots before eyes in something else, it may take a long time special treatment and even surgery. So, if, in addition to black dots, you notice that your vision has deteriorated sharply, something like a film has appeared that limits or completely closes the field of view of one eye, or there are too many black dots, you should never wait, you need consult a doctor immediately.

Alexandra Panyutina
Women's magazine JustLady

If a black dot appears in the eye that does not go away for a long time, in addition, against this background, a significant deterioration in the person's well-being has occurred, then it's time to see a doctor.

What can a dark spot in the eye indicate? What are the reasons for its appearance, and is it possible to get rid of it? Let's sort it out in order.

What are dark spots in the eyes?

The black dot in the eye is the so-called "fly", which may consist of:

  • blood clots;
  • crystals;
  • benign or malignant tumor cells.

In this case, the causes of black dots in the eyes are mainly associated with destructive changes in the vitreous body. At the same time, the closer the focus of turbidity is to eye retina, the more "flies" will appear and flicker in front of the sore eye.

When patients perform movements with the affected visual organ, the “flies” flicker and are distributed over the entire surface of the cornea, but when the eyes return to their original position, they will also return to their original places. At this time, a person can clearly notice how black dots float in the eyes, that is, they move in a floating way.

Causes and factors

The causes of black dots before the eyes can be associated with diseases of the visual organs, but they also often appear with other disorders in the body.

Consider the most common factors that can lead to the appearance of a black spot in the corners of the eyes:

  • Cardiovascular diseases, accompanied by jumps in blood pressure. Black spots before the eyes can occur with both hypertension and hypotension.
  • Stroke. If a black dot appears in the eye, this may be the result of a cerebral hemorrhage. Other symptoms should also be alert, which will be discussed below.
  • Violation cerebral circulation or vasospasm.
  • Bad habits can also cause the appearance of dark spots before the eyes. At the same time, than more people addicted to them, the more often “flies” flash before my eyes.
  • Avitaminosis is a pathology accompanied by many clinical signs, one of which is floating black dots in front of the eyes.
  • Traumatic brain injury (TBI).
  • Mechanical damage to the cornea can cause the formation of a dark spot on the white of the eye.
  • Pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Liver diseases.
  • black dot on eyeball may indicate the development of inflammatory processes in the tissues of the diseased eye.

Other reasons why black dots appear in the eyes are:

  • failure in the metabolic process;
  • mental and physical overwork, exhaustion;
  • prolonged hypoxia.

If a black dot runs in the eye, this may also indicate the development of diabetes. In any case, this is not normal, so a doctor's consultation is necessary.

Speaking about the reasons why black dots fly before the eyes (or they are localized on the iris) associated with the work of the visual organs, it should be noted. it dangerous pathology can lead to complete blindness.

Another reason why brown or black threads may appear before the eyes is leukoma. It is characterized by clouding of the cornea, which, if untimely stopped, can seriously damage vision or cause its absolute loss.

Clinical manifestations

A dark spot localized in the eye never appears on its own. Exist certain symptoms appearing along with it. These include:

  • nausea;
  • headache;
  • dizziness;
  • weakness;
  • trembling in the body;
  • feeling of chills;
  • vomiting (in severe cases);
  • fainting;
  • prostration;
  • double vision;
  • impaired coordination of movements;
  • ear congestion, etc.

Symptoms depend on the causes of dark spots before the eyes, so the above ailments are only big picture pathology. For staging accurate diagnosis you need to see a doctor and get tested.

Which doctor should I contact?

If black dots appear in the eyes, then, first of all, you need to contact an ophthalmologist (oculist). He will spend primary diagnosis, and if deviations in the work of the visual organs are not noticed, the patient is sent for examination to other specialists:

  • If a black dot before the eyes caused jumps in blood pressure, the patient should be examined by a cardiologist.
  • Dark spots on the eyeball caused by spasms blood vessels head or stroke, require a consultation with a neurologist (neuropathologist). In some cases, there is a need to contact a neurosurgeon.
  • If from time to time black threads are observed before the eyes, appearing due to beriberi, then with complaints it is necessary to consult a therapist.
  • Black dots before the eyes, resulting from diabetes, are treated, like the disease itself, by an endocrinologist and an ophthalmologist.

In any case, it is necessary A complex approach to diagnosis, since dark spots before the eyes are often a symptom not only eye diseases but also pathologies internal organs.

Features of diagnostics

Dark spots at the corners of the eyes special attention, so if threads or dots appear on the cornea, you should not wait until they disappear on their own - you need to urgently make an appointment with a doctor. To study spots on the eyeball, use slit lamp. With its help, the doctor assesses the condition of the fundus and cornea, can detect a hemorrhage and understand what structure the thread or spot that floats in the eye has.

Another one diagnostic procedure, which can be carried out if a black dot or thread flickers in front of the eye - measurement of eye pressure. It is necessary when diabetes, after a traumatic brain injury, hypertension.

Black dots before the eyes, caused by pathologies of internal organs, require the use of other diagnostic methods:

  • general clinical blood test;
  • blood tests for fasting glycemia;
  • biochemical blood test;
  • urine tests;
  • blood pressure measurements;
  • encephalography or MRI of the brain, if black dots fly before the eyes due to a recent head injury, etc.

Qualitative diagnostics helps to correctly determine the cause of black dots on the iris, and prescribe the most effective treatment for the patient.

Therapeutic approach

Black dots in the eyes require mandatory treatment, which directly depends on the cause of their occurrence. Only one symptomatic therapy will help get rid of only the "flies" themselves, but will not eradicate existing problem, so you should not independently select medications.

Treatment also depends on the structure and size of the threads that fly before the eyes. If they are small and are not the result of serious pathologies, then you can get rid of them with the help of eye drops:

  • Emokipin;
  • Quinax;
  • Wobenzim and others.

However, the treatment of black dots in the eyes with the above medicines is possible only in case of violation of the functioning of the vitreous body. Bury them carefully, in a prone position. After the procedure, it is recommended to lie down for 1-2 minutes so that the drops have time to penetrate into the underlying tissues of the organ. These funds contribute to the normalization of local metabolism and the resorption of "flies", but it should be remembered that they help some patients, while others still continue to complain about floating black dots flashing before their eyes.

Other therapeutic methods

If the drops do not help get rid of the black dot in the eye on the cornea, the patient may need surgery. But this method is not as popular as instrumental procedures, and besides, it can lead to blindness.

Alternative methods are very popular in the treatment of a black dot that has appeared in the eye:

  • Vitrectomy, during which there is a partial or complete removal vitreous body. Manipulation is carried out only according to indications, mainly if black dots appear in the eyes due to ophthalmic diseases.
  • Vitreolysis is a procedure performed using a special YAG laser. By using laser beam, which is aimed at a dark spot located on the white of the eye, the “fly” is carefully removed without harming the integrity of healthy tissues.

The second manipulation, of course, is safer and more effective, but it is not cheap, which is its main disadvantage.

Preventive measures

Prevention of the appearance or formation of dark spots in the tissues of the eyes requires, first of all, the following simple rules:

  • move more, stay in one position less;
  • sport is the cure for all diseases, but physical exercise should be moderate, feasible;
  • hiking in fresh air for general strengthening of the body;
  • stop smoking;
  • reduce the consumption of alcoholic beverages;
  • provide proper nutrition;
  • give the body good rest, sleep well;
  • do not abuse coffee and strong tea;
  • avoid overexertion and overwork of the eyes.

Of course, these recommendations will not prevent the appearance of dark spots before the eyes if they are caused by neglected diseases of the internal organs. Therefore, it is necessary to regularly undergo preventive medical examinations not only with an ophthalmologist, but also with an endocrinologist, cardiologist and other specialists. Remember that a disease diagnosed and treated in a timely manner the best prevention severe complications.

Useful video about flies before the eyes

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