Eyes get tired very quickly. What to do? Tired eyes: what can be done

Eye fatigue syndrome occurs in almost every person who is forced to spend a long time at a computer monitor. But such a state is inherent in drivers, and writers, and teachers. An important role is played by such a bad habit as smoking - tobacco smoke is a powerful irritant, it leads to inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eyeball and a decrease in its functionality. Even if a person belongs to the category of passive smokers, being close to smokers, he exposes his eyes to a certain danger.

Tired eyes need to be able to provide assistance in time, this will help to avoid the development of pathological conditions and loss of vision (partial). Symptoms that indicate that the eyes are experiencing fatigue:

  • itching and burning sensation in the eyes;
  • profuse lacrimation;
  • a feeling of presence in the organ of vision of a foreign object;
  • redness of the protein;
  • swelling of the upper and lower eyelids;
  • visual impairment - the image is cloudy, blurry.

There are several ways to help the eyes with fatigue, you should not use them all at the same time, you need to focus on one thing. The best option would be to consult an ophthalmologist.

Special exercises for eye fatigue

If the eyes get tired regularly and this is due to their constant work, then you need to perform specially designed exercises. They go together:

  1. Rapid movements of the eyelids on the principle of "open / close" eyes. Imitation of the flapping of butterfly wings when the eyelashes are in use. With such frequent and rapid blinking, fatigue is removed almost immediately.
  2. Imagine a clock face in front of your eyes. Now start moving your eyes clockwise, holding your eyes for 1-2 seconds on each “number”. First, the movement of the gaze goes clockwise, then against it.
  3. Imagine a large number eight in front of your eyes and trace its contours with your eyes. First, the eyes move, "outlining the eight" from left to right, then in the opposite direction.
  4. Position your head straight, look forward and move your eyeballs left and right, imitating the movements of a pendulum. This exercise is performed in a relaxed state, only the eyes should move, and the head and neck remain in their original position.
  5. Remaining in the previous starting position, you need to slowly look up and hold it there for 2 seconds. Then the gaze moves down and also lingers for a couple of seconds. The head/neck remains motionless.

The simplest thing you can do to quickly get rid of severe eye fatigue is to sit comfortably, put your elbows on the table, close your eyes with your palms. You can’t press them hard, but you need to try to make sure that light does not penetrate to your closed eyes. In such a relaxed position with your eyes closed, you need to sit for 5-7 minutes, it is advisable to turn on quiet, calm music and try to abstract yourself from the outside world.

Such exercises should be done daily, ophthalmologists recommend performing them every 2 hours with a long stay at the computer monitor or with scrupulous work with small details.

What drops will help if your eyes get tired

In emergency cases, when the eyes are already tired, and there is no way to stop work and give them a good rest, you can apply. Such drugs have a restorative and protective effect, quickly remove the symptoms of eye fatigue. But we must remember that these are still emergency measures, eye drops for fatigue do not have any treatment and long-term effect. Therefore, they should not be used too often. The most popular and effective drugs in this category include:

  • Vidisik - quickly relieves fatigue and itching of the eyes with fatigue, it is advisable to use it when working at a computer monitor for a long time;
  • Ophthalgel - perfectly moisturizes the cornea and relieves tension;
  • Lakrisin - almost instantly relieves fatigue, moisturizes the cornea;
  • Taufon - restores the functionality of all structures of the organ of vision, even with maximum fatigue.

If your eyes get tired quickly and this feeling occurs every day, then you should give preference to the complex preparation Artelak Balance. It contains hyaluronic acid and vitamin B12. Such a complex creates a protective film on the eye, which prevents it from drying out and nourishes the tissues, making their work more stable.

Herbal and vitamin/mineral products

An additional stimulant for the excellent functioning of the organs of vision are preparations made on the basis of plant components. They will be especially effective for people in old age, when the eyes get tired often and for no apparent reason - especially age-related changes in the body. In this case, you should pay attention to:

  • blueberries - both fresh berries and syrups with tablets based on it help strengthen the optic nerves and muscle tissue of the organs of vision;
  • ginkgo biloba - improves blood circulation in the brain, contributes to the stabilization of circulatory processes in the organs of vision.

It will not be superfluous to take a course of preparations enriched with vitamins A and E, copper and zinc, lutein. Such funds normalize intraocular pressure, strengthen the optic nerves, and prevent fatigue.

Some ophthalmologists suggest that their patients treat eye fatigue with color therapy. It is well known that green and blue colors have a calming and restorative effect on the organs of vision. If a person spends a lot of time at a computer monitor, then above his desktop you can place paintings / photographs depicting tree foliage, summer sky, grass. It is enough to look at such an image once an hour for 3-5 minutes and you can really feel how the functionality of the eyes is restored.

If your eyes get tired regularly, then you should not experiment with drugs and special exercises. A reasonable decision would be to contact an ophthalmologist who examines the patient and gives competent recommendations. Otherwise, you can skip the start of development pathological process leading to partial or complete loss of vision.

Computer, tablet, TV are essential companions of a person of the 21st century. Some of us haven't forgotten about books either. Working on modern gadgets is hard on the eyes. As a result, a person gets pain and pain in the eyes, redness of the eyelids and redness of the eyeballs, tearing, pain in the forehead and fatigue.

These are symptoms of asthenopia, the so-called eye fatigue.


Asthenopia is not a disease, as many might immediately think, but eye fatigue that quickly sets in during long visual work. Often, asthenopia manifests itself in people who do not maintain the proper distance from the eye to the object. For example, they write what is called, "nose", reading lying down, watching a tablet, not following the rules of use.

Ah, this is not a disease, you thought and relaxed. Not worth it. This borderline condition cannot be treated negligently, otherwise asthenopia can flow into more serious ophthalmic diseases.

That is why it is very important to deal with the problem in time and eliminate it. If you notice frequent eye fatigue, consult an ophthalmologist.

From what, why? Causes of asthenopia

Eye fatigue occurs in people who have to work for a long time with documents or on a computer, drive a car or engage in any other activity that requires the eyes to maintain intense and prolonged focus. However, this is not always the root cause of asthenopia. Very often, the occurrence of asthenopia is a consequence of various deviations in vision. For example, farsightedness or nearsightedness, astigmatism or age-related changes when the eye loses the ability to focus on nearby objects.

In ophthalmology, there are two types of asthenopia: muscular and accommodative. In the first case, fatigue most often occurs with uncorrected myopia, less often with congenital weakness of the internal rectus eye muscles. In the second - with excessive tension of the ciliary eye muscle, which regulates the curvature of the lens, due to its fatigue, astigmatism and farsightedness.

What's happening?

Asthenopia can be manifested by the so-called "eye" and "visual" symptoms:

  • a veil before the eyes;
  • doubling and vagueness of the image;
  • distortion of the size and shape of visible objects;
  • eye inflammation;
  • lacrimation;
  • feeling of tired eyes;
  • an increase in their temperature;
  • sensation of discomfort, burning, pain or pain in the eyes.

Along with the above symptoms, irritability and headache often occur. Against the background of asthenopia, blepharitis or conjunctivitis may develop. Therefore, be attentive to your health, and at the slightest discomfort, consult an ophthalmologist. Competent advice from a specialist has never harmed anyone.

Diagnosis and treatment

Chronic (permanent) eye fatigue is a term for pain, weakness, or heaviness in the eyes associated with strenuous work. As we said, this is not a disease, but it will be useful to know how to prevent or alleviate such an unpleasant condition.

Firstly, everything that, one way or another, concerns health, should go through a doctor. The correct diagnosis can only be established by an ophthalmologist, based on characteristic complaints and on the results of a special ophthalmological examination.

Very often, along with the unpleasant symptoms of asthenopia, weakness of the ciliary muscle, farsightedness or myopia, astigmatism is detected. Without elimination or treatment of the causes, chronic eye fatigue in almost all cases leads to permanent visual impairment.

You can start therapy only after a visit to a specialist. For example, here are a few methods and procedures that can help prevent eye strain or relieve symptoms.

Voice them to your doctor and only after his approval can you resort to using them. These uncomplicated ways to relieve fatigue are very simple and suitable for home use.


Take a break from work, look at other objects - take a look at the world around you! Better yet, relax and close your eyes for a couple of minutes.

You can do an easy exercise:

  • close your eyes;
  • tangibly, but without pressure, attach the back of the palms to them;
  • remove your palms;
  • open your eyes.

Repeat the exercise 10 times in a row.


Just blink - consciously, intensely, often. This is a good relaxing exercise for tired eyes.


To easily get rid of redness, dryness and fatigue of the eyes, the pharmaceutical industry has specially developed and launched on the market an analogue of tear fluid - moisturizing eye drops. They moisturize the eyes and create a protective film on their surface. You can use such drops at any time, as soon as you feel discomfort or pain in the eyes. Most often, ophthalmologists prescribe: "Systane", "Vizin pure tear", "Artificial tear preparations", "Vidisik" and others. Drops suitable for people who wear contact lenses: Oksial, Khilozar-chest, Artelak, Hilo-chest and others.

Complexes for the correction of chronic visual fatigue

There are tools that contribute to the full functioning of the tissues of the eyes. They prevent deficiency of trace elements, vitamins and vegetable carotenoids, thus helping to overcome “eye fatigue”. One of these drugs is Complivit Ophthalmo. It is a balanced complex of essential vitamins and minerals, as well as vegetable carotenoids. The pharmacological action of the components supports the normal functioning of the organs of vision, helps protect the structures of the eye from adverse external influences.

tea bags

This procedure is best done in the evening, after a hard day before going to bed. In order for the action to be more effective, it is better to lie down with bags in front of your eyes.

Chamomile compresses

  • brew 2 bags of chamomile flowers with 250 ml of boiling water;
  • moisten cotton pads in warm broth;
  • apply to sore eyes for 15-20 minutes.

This remedy helps well not only with eye fatigue, but also with conjunctivitis.

Contrasting lotions of chamomile or dill

  • take 1 teaspoon of dried dill or chamomile flowers;
  • pour boiling water (0.5 cup);
  • let the potion brew for 10 minutes;
  • strain the liquid from the cake;
  • divide the infusion into 2 parts (you will use one hot, the second cold);
  • moisten cotton pads (gauze wipes) with infusions;
  • alternately apply hot and cold compresses to the eyes for 10 minutes;
  • The procedure is best done before bedtime.

Lotions from mallow petals

  • boil milk;
  • let it cool down completely;
  • soak fresh mallow petals in milk;
  • apply under the eyes for 15 minutes;
  • wash with mineral water.

Infusion of cornflower

  • take a spoonful of cornflower flowers;
  • pour half a liter of boiling water;
  • put for an hour in a dark place;
  • squeeze the infusion through gauze, and collect the liquid in a glass jar with a lid;
  • wipe your eyes with cornflower blue infusion 2 times a day.

Cucumber compresses

  • cut two circles from a fresh cucumber;
  • lie down;
  • apply the vegetable to the eyes for 15 minutes.


  • rinse a spoonful of millet;
  • pour half a liter of boiling water;
  • cook the cereal for 5-7 minutes over low heat, stirring constantly;
  • drain the broth and cool;
  • wash their eyes half an hour before bedtime.

For a stronger effect, put a gauze napkin soaked in preheated millet broth on your eyelids for 5 minutes before going to bed. This is a good therapy for tired eyes, especially if they are reddened and watery.


To eliminate inflammation of the eyes from lack of sleep, an ordinary raw potato is suitable:

Do not forget about the skin of the face.

After removing any of the above compresses, we recommend lubricating the area around the eyes with a special nourishing cream.

Very important!

Sooner or later, we all experience visual impairment. But I so want as long as possible not to know problems with the eyes. And this is within the power of everyone. Remember, you need to take care of your eyes too! After all, the best treatment is prevention. To prevent asthenopia, restorative therapy is necessary, correction of farsightedness and myopia - correct and timely, compliance with hygienic standards of vision, alternation of work and rest for the eyes.

Here are some common ways to reduce eye strain:

  • check the lighting: increased contrast increases eye strain. The lighting in the room should be uniform so that no additional load falls on the eyes;
  • observe reading hygiene: position the light source so that it is behind and slightly above; do not read in a moving vehicle; when reading, hold a book (tablet, phone, etc.), keeping a distance of at least 30 cm from the eyes to the object;
  • be sure to take a break every 40 minutes "five minutes": take periodic breaks, switching from work near to objects far away;
  • do "gymnastics for the eyes" or just close your eyes, letting them rest;
  • blink frequently to relieve eye strain;
  • eat properly and fully, saturating the diet with foods rich in vitamins A, B2, C, D and E, as well as zinc, plant extracts, carotenoids;
  • protect your eyes from damage and infections;
  • if you wear contact lenses or glasses, make sure your prescription is up to date. As time goes by, the prescribed correction for the eyes naturally changes;
  • visit an ophthalmologist once a year.

Vision is the most interesting of all types of human sensations, because it is it that gives the most complete picture of the world around us. Take care of him! And may the world around you always be filled with bright colors!

What to do when your eyes get tired

● In today's information-saturated age, people talk here and there about chronic fatigue. And most of all, patients complain that their eyes get tired very quickly. It is understandable - people do not leave the screens of monitors and TVs all day long. This condition occurs due to overstrain of the central nervous system in many businesslike, energetic, responsible people who do not spare themselves and are completely absorbed in work, spending their strength without a trace.

Hello dear blog readers!

● At first, the body compensates for long-term stress, but there comes a time when the reserve of forces dries up, as a result of which its resistance to external factors, including infections and stress, decreases. At the same time, the production of the joy hormone, serotonin, is sharply reduced, while the level of melatonin in the blood, a hormone that responds to the body's biorhythms, is increased.

● From this article, dear guests and readers, you will learn about the impact of depression and stress on chronic eye fatigue, the main symptoms of the disease and how to deal with this disease in everyday life using available methods of treatment, including traditional medicine recipes.

Why eyes get tired very quickly

● The causes of eye fatigue, as well as chronic fatigue syndrome, are not fully understood. Scientists in a number of countries suggest that this condition develops after suffering various infectious diseases, other experts blame chronic stress for everything, which sharply weakens the immune system, as a result of which the body is unable to fight pathogens.

● There may be other causes of chronic fatigue of the eyes and the body as a whole. This is poisoning with chemical pesticides (pesticides) or lead, as well as a sharp decrease in the level of estrogen in the blood. In all the cases listed above, there is a decrease in the defenses of our body with a decrease in its energy metabolism. This condition is most often experienced by women aged 20 to 40 years and even older.

● prevents a person from living, working - his usual work, which was easy before, is now given with great difficulty. Fatigue can last for many months or even years with varying symptoms. Often there are relapses of the disease.

● Medical statistics prove that every second patient suffering from chronic fatigue experiences depression, and one in four suffers from a mental illness. Chronic fatigue syndrome, in addition to eye fatigue and irresistible exhaustion, may be accompanied by nausea, headache, muscle weakness, insomnia, cramps and muscle pain.

Chronic eye fatigue

● As you understand, everything in our body is interconnected: endless stress, TVs, smartphones and computers put a lot of strain on the eyes. In addition to the general symptoms characteristic of chronic fatigue syndrome, more symptoms are added, expressed in rapid eye fatigue.

"The main symptoms of eye fatigue include dryness and pain in the eyes"

● How does rapid eye fatigue occur? In everyday life, a person often transfers the gaze of nearby objects to objects located far away - this trains the eye muscles, causes blinking and ensures the normal function of the visual organ. If we sit at the monitor for a long time, then for a sufficiently long time our eyes are focused on a picture located at a close distance - up to 100 centimeters.

● In this state, the eyes rarely blink, they are less often washed with tears, which leads to pain and dryness of the sclera.

"Note! The human eye normally blinks about 20 times per minute, during which time the tear film is renewed. Only in this way the eye is protected from dryness and adverse external influences.

Prevention of rapid eye fatigue and body stress

● If your eyes get tired quickly, try to get rid of unnecessary things and reduce the impact of stress, do not think that you can do everything in one day. Say "no" more often when needed. In the evening, sitting comfortably in an easy chair, listen to calm, classical relaxing music. It is necessary to master and regularly engage in simple exercises of the yoga system.

● During the period of maximum fatigue of the eyes and body, take a long rest. Increase the level of physical activity gradually, while avoiding excessive stress on the body. Start by brisk walking and swimming in the pool. As your condition improves, you can increase the duration and intensity of your exercise without getting tired.

“If your symptoms of fatigue are getting worse, but they pass quickly, you should rest at the time of the attack to shorten its duration.”

● Equally important is the diet for a patient with eye fatigue. A healthy balanced diet strengthens the immune system and increases the body's resistance to stress. It is necessary to reduce to a minimum the use of alcoholic beverages and caffeine, drink more fluids.

● Be sure to include sugary foods such as fruits and dates in your diet. But excessive consumption of carbohydrates in the form of white bread, sugar can lead to a sharp rise in blood sugar levels, followed by a feeling of fatigue.

simple eye exercises

● Blink very fast for 1-2 minutes.

● For one or two minutes, very slowly (at 20 second intervals) close tightly, then open your eyes.

● Make circular eye movements in both directions (clockwise and counterclockwise) 10-20 times.

● Look around, then up and down 10 times.

● Gently massage the eyelids of closed eyes for one to two minutes.

● All of the above exercises should be done several times a day.

eye fatigue treatment

● Recipe for fatigue relief:

- mix a teaspoon of freshly chopped rosemary with half a liter of olive oil; use the mixture for dressing and salad dressing.

● Complex herbal collection for fatigue syndrome:

- chop and mix a teaspoon, tenacious bedstraw, and echinacea; insist the resulting mixture for 2-3 hours in 200 ml of hot boiled water. Take a whole cup of infusion per day for six weeks, you can continue treatment for 3-4 months. Remember to take a break once a month for five days.

● Fatigue will help you perfectly licorice root, the active substances of which have an antiviral effect and raise the level of cortisol in the blood. And cortisol, as you know, is a hormone that helps fight depression and stress:

- simmer in a water bath for 20 minutes under a lid 5 g of dry chopped root in 100 ml of boiling water, then leave to infuse for 1-2 hours, filter and take three times a day in a tablespoon before a meal for 30-40 minutes. The course lasts 6-8 weeks;

- a break of 5 days once a month; if at the end of the course of treatment you feel better, gradually reduce the dose of licorice: take a teaspoon once or twice a day for another four weeks.

Stay healthy, my dears, God bless you!

Old age often comes to us, girls, unexpectedly and not always at the age of 92. And it is a mistake to think that it is only a matter of age and condition of the skin. The main trap for old age is in our head. Determine if your youth has left you, and start turning back the clock. How? Read on.

What you will learn from the article:

5 signs you're getting old

1. Appearance: dull look, dry skin, sometimes flabby, sagging and wrinkles - here, there, everywhere

Well, someone sighs sadly, someone throws up his hands, they say, there's nothing to be done. This is such a big mistake, girls! I saw girls with huge crow's feet around their eyes at 23!!!

What to do: actively smear the skin with creams, find your ideal cream and pamper your dry skin with it, do facial massages, vitamin procedures, and if you have a good income, then beauty injections (for the brave, plastic will do, the main thing is to make a feng shui face, establish yourself in my youth).

Please note: this is not about the cost of the procedure or its effectiveness. You can go to a beauty salon, or you can do a facial massage yourself. You can buy cream for three and four figures, or you can find your own for $2. The bottom line is that you take action. The rest will catch up! (including your skin)
Use it - you'll love it.

What to do with a dull look? Look in the mirror and state - the look is tired. After that, blink well and correct on all the listed points. Then again and go to the mirror and state - the eyes are burning and ahead, oh, how many interesting things!

2. chronic fatigue, both physical and moral

This is also not always related to age. But the fact remains - when you are young, you are carefree, you move a lot and are easy-going (not for everyone and not always, but if you are 20 and this is not about you - read this paragraph to the end!).

What to do: move, play sports, any, but regularly. Moreover, this will help not only with physical fatigue, but also with moral. Feng Shui says: everything in the world is interconnected - the physical is pulled up behind the spiritual. The law works and vice versa. It happens that you wash the window - and in finance, speaking in Ukrainian, “get apart”.

If it’s really bad with energy, yoga, the Eye of Rebirth, salutation to the sun and any other energy practices will do. By the way, if you practice Feng Shui, this also greatly raises the level of energy - both physical and spiritual.

It stimulates energy and activity well, and also chanting chakras cures many diseases (you are welcome and I advise everyone!).

A PLEASANT BONUS - a beautiful body, toned and slender - though not tomorrow.

3.lack of goals and desires

Here we go to the main one. Do you have a wishlist? What about the dream card? Are you planning something for the weekend? Have you been buying something for yourself for a long time just like that, because passion is what you wanted? Not?

What to do: the answer is simple - make a list of at least 48 wishes (may be difficult at first - but you'll get tense), (you can based on the wish list), figure out what to do on the weekend (let it be anything, but not always), and finally buy the first thing you like - turning off your brain, not looking at the price (well, you'll figure it out, really J) and rejoice at such a charming and, perhaps, absolutely useless purchase (believe me - there are more benefits from it than from of all combined purchases for the week!).

4. feeling, sense and placement

If you go somewhere, then with a goal. If you invite friends - so cook for three days and three nights, scrub the apartment and generally by three o'clock in the afternoon. If, again, you buy something, then only at a discount and only what you need for a thousand percent, and then it’s not a fact that you need it. If in the cinema, then only on weekends. If you go to bed, then no later than ten ...

What to do: Sometimes just walk, without a goal, along the road that is further, but you rarely go there.
Arrange a spontaneous meeting, gather friends one evening without telling them that someone else will be there.
She talked about shopping.
Go to a movie theater at night.
Sometimes at night the stars are so huge that they do not fit in a handful. Don't believe? Check it out!

5. grumbling, shouting, sortie is not one's business

Well, 15-year-olds don’t care that one of their relatives watches TV all day, or didn’t put away their cup, or scattered socks, or didn’t show up on time. We so often climb into our own business, trying to remake loved ones and not close ones. And this is not a sign of youth.

What to do: Reclaim your carelessness. At first, you will have to catch and control yourself. But in essence - leave your loved ones alone, let them be who they are, and do everything the way they can and see fit. Let them be different from you.
Does not work? Start small - one day a week, focus only on yourself. Do you want to criticize someone? Stop, listen to the sensations, why do you need it, live your emotions - pain, irritation, anger, ridicule ... What catches you in others is certainly there in you.
So - one day a week, exercise only on yourself. You'll like it!

Of course, aging has many more faces. But first, deal with these if you have at least one of them. To get you started, here's a video

Rejuvenating lifting facial massage from the beautiful Olga May


If you love mantras as much as I love them, then

Vision is an integral part of the full functioning of a person, so his condition must be taken seriously. Today, there are a lot of different factors that worsen our vision and spoil our eyes (poor lighting, working until night, computer, watching TV, mobile phone, e-books and much more). Often, by the end of the day, many people feel tired in the eyes, burning, sometimes pain, which can last for several hours.

Reasons why our eyes get tired

The first reason is scientific and technological progress, which gave mankind mobile phones, computers, laptops, tablets, e-books, TVs, etc. The fact is that a person quickly gets used to such miracles of technology and it becomes impossible to refuse them. This improves our performance, and we save time, but our eyes, which are incredibly strained, suffer from this in the first place. It happens that the stress lasts more than a working day.

Another reason why eyes get tired is bad ecology. Polluted air directly affects the eyes, which are not protected by anything. Even sunglasses don't help.

Our desire to sunbathe and be beautiful sometimes negatively affects the condition of our eyes. By neglecting glasses and hats, we are exposing our eyes to radiation that has a devastating effect on the eyes.

What to do to soothe tired eyes?

If we talk about home methods for relieving eye strain, then you can use an effective and not complicated method in which you will need potato . Pre-peeled potatoes, cut into two halves and put on your eyes and lie down for 20 minutes. Such medicinal potato circles will perfectly cool and soothe the eyes.

A very popular way to soothe the eyes in a few minutes is tea bags that have already been brewed. Put warm bags on your eyes and after 10 minutes you will feel relief, and such a compress will relieve redness. In addition to tea bags, it is useful to make lotions from infusions chamomile and linden, birch leaves, thyme, elderberry. These infusions should be taken 1 tablespoon and diluted in a glass of water. Lotions from these medicinal herbs must be used freshly brewed and warm, so that the effect is faster and more noticeable. Great help and 5% hydrocortisone ointment.

With the appearance of cramps, allergies to flowers and flowering trees, swelling and redness of the eyes, an effective method will be profuse lacrimation, which can be “caused” if you blink intensively for 1-2 minutes. The release of tears perfectly affects the condition of the eyes, especially since Tears are the natural protection of the eyes. . At the same time, the eyes are well washed, and all irritants are washed off.

Many ophthalmologists recommend for a slight unloading of the eyes, look into the distance, since at the same time the eyes tense up, squint and narrow, the eye muscles move. This is a very payload for the eyes, which, unfortunately, does not happen when a person watches TV or works at a computer. The eyes simply get a load, but do not move, thereby getting very tired. Ophthalmologists recommend once an hour to move away from the TV (computer) screen and blink, close your eyes for a couple of minutes and look out the window. With such simple exercises, you will give your eyes the portion of movement they lack and will develop the ability to see at long distances inherent in every person. Scientifically proven cases when, as a result of this technique, many patients improved their vision.

Eyes are most tired of blue-violet and red colors , but yellow, green and shades of blue do not tire the eyes at all. Therefore, try to avoid, if possible, monotony in the coloring of your home interior.

Many psychologists recommend to relax, looking at the greenery , i.e. green. If your job is to strain your eyes, then at home you can paint a room or one wall in a pleasant light green or mint color so that when you are at home you give rest to your eyes. Or at the end of the day, open a bright green picture on your computer and look at it for 5 minutes.

Also, eye fatigue occurs with lack of sleep, frequent stress and improper lifestyle. In such cases, you need to give your eyes a little rest, sleep well , and so that eye fatigue passes quickly, for example, for a date or a serious meeting, it helps well contrast wash . Recovery baths for the eyes can be done on the basis of salted water in a ratio of 1: 2 salt and water. Or instead of salt, you can take tea in combination with boiled water, and with this composition you need to wash your eyes before going to bed.

In certain cases of eye fatigue, special eye drops , but use often their many doctors do not recommend . And in more complex cases (infection, foreign body entering the eye, etc.), it is not easy to calm the eyes. A good way would be special eye bath into which a decoction of chamomile is poured. In such a bath, it is necessary to lower the eyes or attach it to the open eye, then quickly throw back the head and rinse the eyes in this position for several seconds, and the washing liquid should be warm, that is, have the temperature of the human body.

And if, in addition to tired eyes, you have eye bags and puffiness , then put away all these symptoms can using compresses of parsley decoction or arnica infusion , which must be done in the morning for an average of 10 minutes.

good folk remedy to soothe tired eyes is to wash them with very cold water, as it stimulates vision, but first you need to do some muscle exercises (look at the eyebrows, nose, left and right shoulders). Such exercises increase the tone of the muscles of the eyeball.

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