Daily routine and its importance for young children. How to choose the right daily routine for a one-year-old child? Child skills and abilities

  • daytime sleep
  • Tantrums
  • You can raise a child, adhering to the regime and routine, or you can treat this more freely, starting from the momentary needs of the baby. However, experts say that children who are accustomed to a certain regimen from birth are less likely to get sick, tolerate stress better, and more easily adapt to a new environment. Is it necessary to follow the regime, and what routine to follow, says the famous pediatrician Yevgeny Komarovsky.


    Food, sleep, water, a sense of security - these are what children really need. In the mode, as such, not a single child in the world has a physiological and psychological need, says Yevgeny Komarovsky.

    From this point of view, the regime is no longer needed by the baby, but by his parents in order to remain capable adults who are able to raise the child.

    If a child sleeps and eats when he wants to, even in the middle of the night, then it is obvious that mom and dad will not get enough sleep, and will quickly turn into lethargic and little capable people with signs of nervous exhaustion. Since the child still really needs healthy and full-fledged parents, it is wiser to introduce a daily routine, and do it as early as possible. Ideally, immediately after discharge from the hospital.

    Mode is a great way to streamline family life, in which the baby grows, as well as prepare the baby in advance for a future visit to the kindergarten and school, because everything is on schedule there. However, parents will have to change their daily routine several times in the first years, since different ages require a different approach to organizing the regimen.

    Daily routine by month

    At the very first stage of life, the child should draw up a regimen with the obligatory consideration sleep norms which have significant age differences. A newborn, for example, needs at least 18 hours of sleep per day, a six-month-old baby needs 14.5 hours, and a one-year-old baby needs 13.5 hours. However, much depends on the temperament of the child himself.

    Some babies refuse daytime sleep after 2 years, but perfectly choose the 12-13 hours of sleep they are supposed to have at night. Parents' attempts to force the baby to sleep during daylight hours end in a complete fiasco - even if the child begins to sleep during the day, the quantity and quality of sleep at night deteriorates significantly. Therefore, drawing up a regimen will require parents to be flexible and understand the individual characteristics of their own child.

    Diet convenient for parents, but it also has its drawbacks, says Yevgeny Komarovsky. The child begins to produce gastric juice just when, according to his usual regimen, it is time for lunch or dinner. But as they grow older, circumstances may change, there will be a different regime in the kindergarten and lunch time will shift by an hour, at school - their own regime and the child will have to adapt again. The production of gastric juice in the absence of food does not benefit the body.

    Considering the hours of meals, they should be as close as possible to the routine that exists in the kindergarten that the child will attend or to the school routine.

    Walk Mode very important for the baby and for the older student. It is impossible to refuse walks in the fresh air even during an illness, especially if this illness is respiratory. The only reason not to go outside is the high temperature. But as soon as the fever subsides, then, despite the runny nose and cough, you need to go outside.

    During illness the child’s regimen can go astray, and this is completely normal, says Yevgeny Komarovsky. With a properly organized schedule, the child will quickly return to the usual "rut" after recovery.

    An approximate mode might be as follows.

    1-2 months

    At this age, the need for sleep is from 18 to 20 hours (depending on the temperament of the baby). At the same time, night sleep (about 12 hours) can be interrupted for 1-2 feedings. During the day, the baby sleeps 4-5 times, each episode of sleep lasts about 2-2.5 hours.

    The average number of feedings is 6-7, the interval between meals is from 2.5 to 3.5 hours. Any mother will be able to “adjust” this approximate plan to specific hours and minutes based on the daily routine of the family. If households go to bed early (at 21-22 hours), then water procedures and the last feeding should occur at 20.30. This implies that the family gets up at 5.00.

    If parents and other children in the family go to bed late (at 23:00), then the last evening feeding should be moved to 22:30, while the family (including the baby) wakes up at 7:00.

    3-4 months

    In children at this age, the intervals of wakefulness between episodes of sleep increase, so the regimen will require parental adjustment. Given that the baby may not sleep for 1.5-2 hours, the number of sleep episodes is reduced to 3-4, the duration of each episode is 1.5-2 hours.

    At night, the baby is supposed to sleep for about 11 hours with awakening for feeding. Children at this age eat 5-6 times a day every 3.5-4 hours. When adjusting, it is important not to mix evening treatments (bathing, massage and last feeding should remain at the same time as before).

    5-6 months

    The nightly need for sleep during this period remains the same - 11 hours. Daily periods last 1.5-2 hours. However, the number of these daily periods can be reduced to 3. The child is awake for 2-2.5 hours.

    At night, from six months, he may no longer eat, in any case, there is no biological need for night feeding from 6 months. Therefore, the number of meals is also reduced - up to 5 times a day. Between food, the baby is already able to withstand four-hour intervals. The total need for sleep is about 15 hours a day.

    7-8-9 months

    This is already an active and inquisitive baby who spends quite a lot of time in wakefulness. The number of meals - 4-5 per day. Feeding at night should be strictly avoided. The baby sleeps at night for about 10 hours.

    During the day he should go to bed 3 times, but sometimes this number is reduced to 2 (closer to 9 months). Periods of games and active knowledge of the world between episodes of daytime sleep can last up to 3 hours, the main thing is not to allow the baby to overwork and remain without sleep for a longer amount of time.

    10-11 months - 1 year

    Such a baby can already eat 4 times a day at intervals of 4 hours. The amount of daytime sleep is reduced to 2 times, but the intervals increase - up to 2.5 hours for each dream.

    The need for a night's sleep is 10 hours. At this age, it is important to include in the regime longer walks and developmental activities than before.

    1.5 years - 2 years

    At this age, it is important to adjust the regimen in accordance with the regimen of the preschool institution that the parents have chosen for their child. To do this, the mother needs to pay a visit to the kindergarten, talk with the teachers, write down the hours of breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea, hours of classes and walks.

    On average, children of this age eat 4 times a day (including dinner, which is absent in the kindergarten mode). The baby should sleep during the day 2 times, with a gradual transfer to 1 sleep (by 2-2.5 years). The duration of each "quiet hour" is 1.5-2 hours. The need for night sleep is 10-11 hours.

    The intervals, taking into account the individuality of the child, may differ from those indicated, it is important that the baby sleeps for about 12.5-13 hours a day, this norm is physiologically determined for him.

    How to fix the regime?

    If a child is not accustomed to the regime, and at 8-10 months old arranges nightly “vigils” for parents at the crib with loud demands for food, toys and attention, then Komarovsky advises parents to resolutely begin to establish a “dictatorship”. It will take about 2-3 days to establish the regime, after which the mothers and fathers of such babies will be able to forget about insomnia forever.

    The schedule of a one-year-old baby is different from the daily routine of a newborn baby. This fact is due to the intensive formation of the child. The daily schedule of the optimal day regimen for a child at 1 year old, as before, combines good nutrition, hygiene procedures, street walks, and exercises. However, the intervals between feedings, the volume of servings, and the diet are changing. Some hygienic actions during water procedures can already be entrusted to a one-year-old toddler, and with daily walks, the baby is more and more awake.

    How to organize the daily routine of a one-year-old child

    In order to properly organize the daily routine of children, it is better to teach them to live according to a schedule from the first months. If from the birth of a baby he becomes a habit of observing the regimen, then upon reaching the age of one year, he will not have to radically rebuild. An approximate schedule that parents of a twelve-month-old baby should adhere to consists of two sleeps a day, four meals a day with one afternoon snack, several walks in clean air, as well as morning exercises, developing active games and evening swimming.

    What to do if your baby is an owl

    Upon reaching one year, it already becomes clear what type of cyclical rhythm of life a particular child belongs to. Therefore, it is necessary to plan the regimen of a child at 1 year old, taking into account individual biorhythms. A baby with "owl" biological rhythms can be identified by difficulty falling asleep and waking up late in the morning around 9 o'clock. No need to try to rebuild the life cycle of your child, biorhythms are determined by heredity.

    Correct for an hour or two the time of falling asleep and waking up in a small "owl" is real. In order for the baby to fall asleep well in the evening, he must spend the day actively and preferably as much as possible in the fresh air. Toward evening, it is allowed to occupy the little one only with calm games. Perfectly soothes, relaxes and prepares for sleep a bath, especially with lavender, mint, lemon balm, and if after bathing the baby is given a massage, then a healthy sleep is ensured.

    The daily routine of a little "lark"

    The standard day regimen of a 1-year-old child with "lark" biorhythms does not require correction. This biological type of "early bird" for households often serves as an alarm clock. If you try to teach a child who is predisposed to early awakening to go to bed a little later, he will wake up anyway at his usual time. In this case, the behavior of the little one will be nervous all day, they become lethargic and capricious. There is only one way out for adults - to organize the morning leisure of their child, providing him with access to his favorite toys or activities after waking up.

    The diet of a child at 1 year old

    Closer to the age of one, the night break between feedings lasts from dinner to the first breakfast. The baby is trying to eat on its own. This process does not need to be hindered, because thanks to such initiative, the child develops useful skills, and you do not have to feed the child against his will. The process of eating takes place in an exciting cognitive-game form. If a one-year-old baby has a poor appetite, fruits before the main meal, walks in clean air and outdoor games will help improve it.

    The well-known pediatrician E. O. Komarovsky recommends "cooperating" with his baby when compiling his menu. The number of feedings should include four basic meals and one light snack after lunch in order to have time to get hungry for dinner. The volume of the main portions eaten by a child for breakfast, lunch, dinner varies from 300 to 450 g and about 200 g for an afternoon snack. The interval between feedings is no more than 3-4 hours.


    During the period of intensive growth of a one-year-old baby, it is very important to adhere to the correct daily routine. In children at this age, not only all organs are rapidly developing, but every month new abilities appear. Compliance with the daily schedule will allow all biological, psychological and physiological processes to occur correctly.

    morning exercises

    A full-fledged regimen of the correct day of a child at 1 year old is impossible without charging. Due to excessive activity during the day, many mothers believe that morning exercises are not needed yet. This is not so, because charging contributes to the rapid and complete activation of all the vital functions of the child's body. Exercises should be directed to all muscle groups and sections of the spine, including jumps, squats and bends.

    Learning to wash

    It is necessary to start teaching the baby to wash himself from the moment when he knows how to stand firmly on his feet. You need to start with simple steps: wet your hands under running water, collect it in your palms, rinse your face and rinse your eyes. Then you need to teach the little one to brush his teeth, first just with a brush soaked in water. The child must master the actions with a toothbrush, and only then the use of paste is allowed.


    They walk with one-year-old children twice a day in good weather; on frosty days, you can reduce the number and duration of being outdoors. The duration of walks during the day is about 4-5 hours with pauses for sleeping and feeding the child. A one-year-old child is already more active on the street, prefers to walk and run than sit in a stroller.

    Developing classes

    At the age stage of one year, the development of the child is aimed both at the knowledge of surrounding objects and at the formation of correct speech skills, intellectual and creative abilities, fine sensory and motor skills. Developing activities must take place in the form of a game. They should not tire the baby, the optimal duration is from 7 to 15 minutes in one approach according to the mood of the baby.

    Hygiene before bed

    Water procedures should be taught to a child at a very early age. A one-year-old peanut may already be in the bath on its own under the supervision of adults. It is especially useful to carry out hygienic sessions before going to bed. It is advisable to start bathing after the baby goes to the potty. The well-being of the child, after he soaks in warm water, improves. It calms and relaxes, which promotes deep sleep.

    Sleep of a child per year

    The sleep schedule of a one-year-old baby begins to undergo age-related changes. The duration of sleep during the day is gradually reduced, the time intervals increase. More and more peanuts get by at night, and it becomes more and more difficult to put them to sleep during the day. So that the little one can fall asleep in the daytime, often one of the parents has to lull him lying down while the baby falls asleep. To observe the daily routine, if the child sleeps for a long time, you need to wake the baby.

    How much sleep should a baby sleep per day

    The total daily sleep duration of a one-year-old baby is 14.5-16.5 hours. Of this amount of time, about 4-5 hours fall on daytime rest in the first and second phases of the day. However, the body of each child has individual characteristics, so periods of wakefulness, and besides, the cycles of daytime and nighttime sleep may differ slightly even in children with similar biorhythms.

    Daytime sleep of a child at 1 year old

    The correct daily routine of a child at 1 year old should be organized taking into account the amount and duration of waste for sleeping in the afternoon. A two-time rest is considered the norm, but it often happens that a child sleeps only once. It is unlikely that a one-year-old baby will be able to be retrained, so it is better to adjust the entire schedule to the individual needs of your crumbs. To do this, you can increase the walking time by adjusting the additional hours of feeding.

    The daily routine of a one-year-old child by the hour

    In families where there are already children, parents are familiar with a certain routine throughout the day. It will be useful for young parents expecting their first child to study the approximate schedule of daily activity of babies with distinctive cyclical features of the life of the body. The table of the daily regimen for one-year-old babies with the biorhythm of "larks" reflects the daily regimen of a child at 1 year old with an early rise:

    Schedule elements Time
    Climb 6-7 hours
    Water procedures 6:00-6:15 or 7:00-7:15
    morning exercises 6:15-6:30 or 7:15-7:30
    1st meal (breakfast) 7:35―8:00
    Active games, walk in the fresh air 8:05―10:00
    2nd meal (second breakfast) 10:05―10:30
    Relaxation 10:35―11:30
    Dinner 11:35―12:00
    Walk 12:05―15:30
    Afternoon snack 15:35―16:00
    Evening walk 16:05―19:00
    Dinner 19:05―19:30
    Night rest From 19:35 to approximately 6:30

    Table of the daily schedule for a one-year-old child with an "owl" biorhythm. The correct day regimen for a child at 1 year old with a late rise:

    Schedule Items Time
    Climb 8-9 hours
    washing 8:00-8:15 or 9:00-9:15
    morning workout 8:15-8:30 or 9:15-9:30
    First feeding 9:35―10:00
    Outdoor games, walk on the street 10:05―12:00
    Second feeding 12:05―12:30
    day rest 12:35―13:30
    Dinner 13:35―14:00
    Walk 14:05―17:00
    Midday meal 17:05―17:30
    An evening walk 17:35―20:00
    Dinner 20:05―20:30
    Night sleep 20:35 to approximately 8:30


    With the advent of the crumbs in the family, parents have to change the schedule of their usual activities. However, time passes, the baby grows up, and mom or dad thinks if it’s time to accustom the younger family member to the regime.

    Many child psychologists argue about how strictly it should be adhered to: some argue that this is necessary primarily for the convenience of parents, others insist that the crumbs themselves cannot do without a routine. Let's see how necessary daily regime, what should it be for a one-year-old, two-year-old or three-year-old child.

    The value of the day regimen for a child

    First of all, it should be emphasized that with the help of the regime it is much easier to plan a day and have time not only to take a walk with the baby and feed him, but also to engage in educational games with him, pay attention to additional activities. Besides, compliance with the regimen of the child allows parents allocate time for household chores, rest (which is important for the atmosphere in the family).

    Making a daily routine and a suitable schedule for your childbe sure to consider the duration of sleep, which should be at least 13.5 hours per year, one and a half to two years - at least 12.5 hours, at three - about 15 hours.

    Remember that up to a year and a half, children, as a rule, sleep twice a day, and after - once. By putting your baby to bed at the same time, you will develop the appropriate habit in him, and the process of laying down will not take time and nerves. In addition, sleep "on schedule", according to pediatricians, is deeper, the baby has a better rest and wakes up cheerful and cheerful.

    It is very important to plan the timing of meals - this will prevent digestive problems and whims at the dinner table. By the usual time, gastric juice will be produced in the stomach, and the child will experience a feeling of hunger.

    Did you know? As for the schedule of games and walks, thanks to the regime, even a one-year-old child will know that noisy chasing is prohibited before going to bed, and after breakfast it's time for a walk.

    Repeated actions and rituals, according to child psychologists, are very important for babies, allow them to feel safe. Separately, it is worth mentioning the observance of the regimen during illness: during this period, the daily routine of both a one-year-old and a three-year-old child changes, and "live by the hour " does not work.

    You should not wake the baby if he fell asleep, and it's time for lunch, or put him to bed according to the usual schedule, if he just woke up recently. Listen to the wishes of the crumbs, and when your health improves, smoothly return the schedule.

    Important! Do not try to paint the mode every minute: it can be floating, but the sequence of actions should be strictly followed. This will allow the baby to adapt if conditions change on some day. In addition, such stability, according to psychologists, allows you to minimize the number of tantrums.

    Mode (routine) of the day for a child of 1-1.5 years

    During this period, most children still sleep twice during the day. According to statistics, a child's sleep schedule at the age of 1 year should include night sleep (on average lasts up to 10.5 hours), as well as two daytime sleep with a total duration of up to 3 hours.

    You should plan the day so that the baby is awake for no longer than four and a half hours in a row. Closer to a year and a half, this figure can be gradually increased by an hour.


    Lead time

    Getting up, morning exercisearound 6.30
    Breakfastaround 7.00
    Games, gymnasticsfrom.30 to 9.15-9.20
    Dreamfrom 9.20 to 11.20
    Games or walkfrom 12.10 to 15.00
    Dreamfrom 15.05 to 16.00
    afternoon tea16.10
    Hardening, walk or games, classesfrom 16.40 to 18.55
    Games, reading books by parentsfrom 19.40 to 20.00
    until 20.20

    Such a schedule should be developed gradually. If up to a year the crumbs did not have a schedule, you should not hope that the situation will improve in one day. Getting used to the daily routine in a child at the age of 1 year lasts somewhere around 1-2 months. Thus, if you decide to accustom the crumbs to the routine, be patient. It will take a few weeks and everything will work out.

    Important! If the baby starts waking up earlier, does not sleep well after dinner, you should smoothly make adjustments to the daily routine: sometimes a child is already a year and two months old with one daytime sleep.

    Here you need to put the needs of your baby at the forefront. In the same period, you need to think about how to teach a child to fall asleep without adults. It is convenient to develop certain rituals for this: for example, the baby puts on pajamas, lies down, his mother reads a book to him, gives him a soft toy, hugs and leaves. It is very important to keep the order of actions unchanged.

    Do not teach your child to sleep in complete silence, otherwise he will wake up at the slightest sound, and the dream itself will be less deep.

    Mode (routine) of the day for a child of 1.5-2 years

    Now babies can stay awake for up to five and a half hours straight, and one afternoon nap is enough. The number of meals remains unchanged - there are four of them. Also pay attention to the formation of hygiene habits.


    Lead time

    Getting up, morning exercisearound 7.00
    Breakfastaround 7.30
    Waking, playing, walkingfrom 8.00 to 11.20
    Dreamfrom 12.10 to 15.10
    afternoon tea15.15
    Walkfrom 15.40 to 18.55
    Gamesfrom 19.30 to 20.00
    Evening exercise, preparation for bedfrom 20.00 to 20.20

    If you plan to send your baby to kindergarten at this age, gradually bring the daily routine to “kindergarten”: this way it will be easier for a 2-year-old child to readjust and adapt to the new schedule and conditions.

    The regimen (routine) of the day of a child at 3 years old

    From the age of three, a child can stay awake for up to 6.5 hours in a row. The intervals between meals are also lengthening, now the baby can play or walk longer.


    Lead time

    Getting up, morning exercise7.00
    Breakfastaround 7.30
    Wakefulness, games, walk, activitiesfrom 8.00 to 12.00
    Quiet games, listening to books12.40
    Dreamfrom 13.00 to 15.00
    Gymnastics, gamesfrom 15.10 to 16.00
    afternoon tea16.10
    Walkfrom 16.40 to 18.55
    Gamesfrom 19.40 to 20.30
    Evening exercise, preparation for bedfrom 20.30 to 20.50

    During this period, as a rule, the child's schedule is adapted to kindergarten.

    Important! Remember that the baby may begin: the crumbs appear negativism in relation to the orders of adults, whims, attempts to do everything on their own. If before this time the daily routine has already been developed, it will be easier for the baby and his parents to survive such a period.

    • Do not try to work out a routine in a day or even in a week: involve the baby in the new rules gradually. Start by developing a clear sequence of actions, gradually setting time frames for them.

    • Before developing a regime, observe your child, determine his biorhythms. This will make it easier to build a mode or adapt the above examples to suit your baby.
    • Teach your child to the routine in a playful way: using toys as an example, telling fairy tales or short stories about the importance of this or that action (for example, why you need to brush your teeth in the morning).
    • If force majeure happens: a trip somewhere, a hike or a reception, the regime can be shifted a little, but later returned to it. Do not let the baby seriously stray from the routine (except in cases of illness).
    • Dad and mom (as well as grandparents and other relatives who are actively involved in upbringing) should agree in advance on what the routine of the tiny day should be, and everyone must adhere to it. This is especially true if the parents are divorced: no matter where the baby is, he must live according to the same schedule.
    • Gradually develop the skills of independence in the baby, minimize your help. You should not take a spoon from a one and a half year old child if he eats for too long, breaking out of the schedule. At the same time, it is important not to go too far: if the crumbs cannot quickly put on pajamas, help him, otherwise the baby will go to bed nervous and excited. Allow your child to do more and more skills every day.
    • When accustoming the baby to the routine, do not introduce additional innovations, for example, classes in development centers, visits to sports sections. Too many rules at the same time will not fit in a small head and can cause additional stress, excitement.

    Child mode after a year - video

    How necessary and mandatory is the schedule for children of different ages? How does the regime change when the baby is sick, is it worth sticking to the usual schedule then? Evgeny Komarovsky gives advice to parents, talks about the regime from the standpoint of pediatrics.

    Compliance with the regime gives the baby the opportunity to feel more comfortable, facilitates future adaptation to kindergarten. Psychologists say: children who live according to the regime are calmer and more confident.

    Having developed a certain daily routine, you will reduce the likelihood and number of children's tantrums, you will not worry about helping the baby become more independent. At the same time, the regime should not be an indestructible dogma, because it is just a flexible tool in the hands of parents.

    Does your child follow the daily routine, how did you organize the regimen? Tell us about it in the comments.

    Dec 29 2006, 03:31 PM

    Girls! Please tell us what is your daily routine for one and a half to 2 years? When do you wake up, how do you sleep during the day, how much do you walk during the day? and a very important moment for me, girls, tell me, do you really need to do all kinds of developmental games with your child all day? I read the forums, it seems that as soon as the child wakes up, the mother does not leave him at all, and works, and works with him. we have an “awl in the pope”, it’s impossible to make him do anything, that is, he practically develops on his own all day long, well, we still read books together, do household chores together, we dance, and lacing-sculpting, drawings are just fantastic for us, you won't sit down. tell me how are you? Am I the only one with this baby?

    Dec 29 2006, 05:13 PM

    In fact, at the age of a year and a half, few people deal with anyone right from the morning until the evening specifically .. there are only conversations ... along the way, of course, we read books and sing songs and play constructors, but for example, only in the evening .. when all the household chores are done .. and so .. we get up between 9 and 10 in the morning ... after breakfast ... we play by ourselves ... if the weather is good, then we walk for an hour .... then at 13-00 we sleep .. then at 14-30 we have an afternoon snack ... then it plays again .. well, it usually runs after me with its tail and we are there along the way, either we tell poems or sing songs .. then we draw ... then we eat again .... then we already play constructor or other games together. .then around 21-00 we change clothes, wash and sleep ...

    Actually, we are also very twisted twisted ... it is important that he chooses a game for himself ... otherwise he will walk and whimper ....


    Dec 30 2006, 12:52 AM

    Our routine is as follows: at 9-9:30 we wake up, have breakfast, play, walk. At 13:30 - lunch, sleep. At 16:30 - afternoon tea, game (on your own), 20:00 - bath, dinner, sleep. Everyone is very satisfied!

    Dec 30 2006, 10:37 PM

    What do you play with the kids? How are you developing?


    Dec 31 2006, 12:18 AM

    We play hide and seek, read books (rhymes), draw, and we also have a game (I don’t know what it’s called). A large box (or rather, a polygon), in which the sections are painted in different colors. In each section there are slots in the form of figures (square, circle, oval, star, etc.). And a set, respectively, of figurines. Here the baby is trying to insert the desired figure. It also remembers colors and shapes. We love it!

    Dec 31 2006, 11:00 PM

    We are not yet 1.5, but we live like this: we get up at 9-10, have breakfast. She plays by herself, but I usually cook or something else for the household, we walk, then we have lunch (about 2), we sleep, we have lunch, we play until 8 with me or with dad in a pyramid, a constructor, we insert figures into the slot , lying with toys on the floor, crawling over daddy's belly in different directions (this is the most favorite game), etc., whatever you want. Before the evening bath, we run naked around the house, then we wash ourselves. We read books and sleep.
    In general, we also have a "home tornado", she chooses all the games herself, I only support her undertakings.

    Jan 3, 2007, 09:54 PM

    We are 1.10, we love to roll dolls in a stroller, draw and put pencils in a pencil case. We bought a large mazayka - I like it very much!

    Jan 3, 2007, 10:49 PM

    We are like everyone else: 10:00 wake up, breakfast, games, walk, 14:00 lunch, sleep, 17:00 afternoon snack, games, books, 21:00 bath and sleep
    She also spins all the time, and she almost always “reads” books in her own language, and chooses games for herself. Recently, he likes "role-playing" games: he feeds toys and puts him to bed, they help me wash the floor with a toy mop (this mop saves toys from bathing in dirty water).
    We draw occasionally, but with pleasure, with wax crayons. At first, Sonya was not very comfortable with paper, until it occurred to me to stick it on cardboard with adhesive tape, so the sheet does not wrinkle and you can carry it with you everywhere and sit down and draw everywhere
    And if the little one has a very peaceful mood, you can draw together, learn colors at the same time, or you can draw all kinds of animals and tell stories about them, and at the same time the child will learn to call them. But this rarely works out for us, once or twice a week, and so we shift more and more pans and hide daddy's slippers ...

    Mar 16 2007, 08:20 PM

    Moms with babies over two years old, tell us about your daily routine. It is very interesting what time the child gets up, go to bed for a daytime sleep, how much he sleeps, and what time he goes to bed later in the evening.
    My daughter just refuses to sleep during the day!!! And you can't do anything about it. But if you still sleep, then you can put it to bed only after one in the morning ... I just think, maybe you all get up very early? and this is our problem. We get up now at 9, go to bed after a good night kids. But she's still so small that she can't sleep during the day. How is it with you?

    Mar 16, 2007 09:52 PM

    Nyusha, I remember Katyukha also had problems with daytime sleep. I had to sit and constantly, strictly say: "Sleep!", Periodically pull her hands, because she began to roam. She always woke up around 8 in the morning, and also went to bed at night after a good night. Daytime sleep was 1.5-2 hours. In general, she is a very excitable child with me, at one time she gave her homeopathic "Valerian Hell". Became calmer. And now he doesn’t sleep at all during the day, since he was 4.5 years old.

    Masha S-Pb

    Mar 18 2007, 11:07 PM

    We are 1.9, but we are nurseries, on weekends we let them sleep off, then we get up at 9-10, eat, walk, have lunch at 13, then sleep 2 - 2.5 hours, then play together (since in the morning while playing - I try to do everything): we draw, sculpt from soft plasticine, learn short rhymes, play the sentezator, fine motor skills are still doing well (such as sorting the beans into cells from under the box of sweets), dancing and doing exercises for children's songs, presentations children's just with a bang, she even sometimes requires specific classes in general, enough, if again I have things to do - I put 3 games on her table (put wooden mushrooms of different sizes and colors on pins, such as a pyramid (also wooden squares, rectangles, triangles and circles - again on the pins and lacing) - you can go to cook or wash for 20-30 minutes, we go to bed at 22-23, in general, if you compare it with a weekday, everything shifts by about 1-1.5 hours

    Mar 19 2007, 12:25 AM

    8:00-9:00 we wake up
    OK. 10:00 breakfast
    at 11:00 we go for a walk for 1-2 hours
    at 13:30-14:00 we go to bed, sleep 1.5-2 hours, but we can oversleep all three
    at 17:00-17:30 afternoon snack
    at 18:00 we go for a walk
    OK. 19:30 dinner
    we go to bed at 22-22:30
    it all depends on what time she wakes up in the morning


    Mar 19, 2007 at 12:42 AM

    We are now 1.6...

    Wake up - from 8.00 to 9.00 - always in different ways, but not later...
    Breakfast 10.00
    Lunch 13.00
    Daytime sleep from 14.00 - further as it will turn out. Sleeping for 1.5 hours more often
    Afternoon snack 17.00
    Bathing 19.30
    Dinner 20.00
    Evening sleep - at 21 - compulsory reading of books

    In 99% of cases, everything is observed, which is very convenient. The child himself already knows when to sleep and eat ...

    Mar 19 2007, 08:10 AM

    We are one and a half.
    8-9 - rise
    9- breakfast
    11- walk for an hour and a half
    12.30 - lunch
    13.30 - sleep for 30-40 minutes
    15.30-16 - afternoon snack
    16.30 - walk or visit
    19.30 - dinner
    21 - sleep
    I do a little. Books can withstand no more than a page. Draw no more than 3-5 minutes a day, add cubes, pyramids, play, but I work with him no more than 10-15 minutes a day, it’s more difficult for him now, attention is scattered. And so he is basically left to himself, doing his own thing.

    Mar 19 2007, 08:18 AM

    We still sleep 2 times a day!

    Wakes up at 7:30, at 10:30 - the first dream, at 15:30 - the second. Not very convenient. We are trying to translate into a 1-time dream, until it turns out, or rather, every other time. We go to bed at 21:30. Doesn't wake up at night.

    Mar 19 2007, 11:35 PM

    We are one and a half years old. I will not describe our full schedule. But do it - do it! I will not say that the whole day, maybe a total of 1.5-2 hours per day. We don’t like to read, or rather, doesn’t like someone to read to him, he chooses a book and sits “reading” it, but so that someone doesn’t allow it, he grumbles Recently, he loves to draw sooooo much! We try to walk twice a day, before lunch and after. Of course, we love all these things like pyramids and constructors and play, collect. We can do it ourselves, but we can do it with our parents

    Apr 4 2007 05:37 PM

    QUOTE(Childking @ Mar 19 2007, 12:35 PM)
    We are one and a half years old. I will not describe our full schedule. But do it - do it! I will not say that the whole day, maybe a total of 1.5-2 hours per day. We don’t like to read, or rather, doesn’t like someone to read to him, he chooses a book and sits “reading” it, but so that someone doesn’t allow it, he grumbles Recently, he loves to draw sooooo much! We try to walk twice a day, before lunch and after. Of course, we love all these things like pyramids and constructors and play, collect. We can do it ourselves, but we can do it with our parents

    Mode for a child aged one to one and a half years

    The daily routine of a child aged from 1 year to 1 year 6 months should provide sufficient sleep during the day, intervals between meals and periods of wakefulness, corresponding in duration to the needs of the body of a child of this age. In addition to its enormous importance for the health of the baby, the correct, strictly observed regimen is also important because it brings up discipline, eliminates the ground for a number of clashes between adults and the child.

    When setting the child's daily routine, it is necessary to take into account the habits and needs that have developed in him. For example, it is more expedient to feed a baby under the age of one and a half years after sleep, then he will eat better. A well-rested and fed child is cheerful, cheerful and plays well. Having played enough, he will quickly and soundly fall asleep. Thus, the sequence: sleep, feed, play and again sleep before feeding - is the most rational, and it should be maintained until the child switches to a one-time daytime sleep.

    It is possible to maintain such a correct sequence and not violate the regimen if the child quickly falls asleep and sleeps for the entire set time, that is, until the feeding itself. If the child does not fall asleep for a long time and falls asleep only when the time for feeding comes, then, awakened by hunger, sleepy, he will become capricious while eating and the whole regime will be violated.

    In order for the child to quickly fall asleep and sleep soundly, you should take him out to fresh air during sleep and return from a walk to the time of feeding.

    A one-year-old child can be awake from 3 to 3.5 hours in a row. The period of wakefulness lengthens with age, and by the age of one and a half, the child may no longer sleep for 5 hours in a row.

    From a year to a year and a half, the child's regimen is approximately the same as at 10 months, i.e.: at 8 o'clock. - breakfast, at 12 - lunch, at 16 o'clock. 30 min. - afternoon snack, at 19 o'clock. 30 min - dinner; from 10 o'clock morning until 12 noon. day - the first daytime sleep, from 15 o'clock. until 16 o'clock. 30 minutes. - second. Thus, at this age, children sleep 2 times a day, eat 4-5 times. Night sleep should start at 20:00.

    Weakened after illness or premature babies should sleep twice a day until 1 year 8 months.

    After a year, the child is usually no longer breastfed. If he turns a year in spring or summer, then he should not be weaned until autumn.

    Some parents transfer the child to a one-time daytime sleep at the age of one, and not from one and a half years. In this case, the child, although he sleeps once, but for a long time - 3 hours in a row. This mode, of course, is convenient for adults, as it leaves more free time for homework. However, this is harmful to the child, because in this case he usually sleeps during the day from 10-11 o'clock. until 13-14 hours, and night sleep begins at 20-21 hours. Thus, between daytime and nighttime sleep, the child is awake for 6-7 hours, which is tiring for him. In addition, in the evening, all adults return from work, they talk and play with the baby, he is overexcited, and this has a very adverse effect on his nervous system.

    When transferring a child to a one-time daytime sleep, parents often explain this by the fact that the second time he falls asleep badly and, obviously, the second daytime sleep is unnecessary for him. In reality, this is far from being the case: it is precisely nervous, excitable children who are overwhelmed with impressions and who especially need a second sleep that fall asleep badly. Therefore, in order for them to fall asleep quickly, the necessary conditions should be created.

    Doctors note that it is precisely those parents who turn their children to a one-time daytime sleep mode too early to go to the consultation with complaints of “whims”, unbalanced behavior, inexplicable crying of children.


    A child up to one and a half years old will be less sick and tired if you choose the right daily routine for him and follow it. This mode is the basis of a healthy upbringing of a child. During this age period, the child's nervous system is very unstable, so he needs to be given as much attention as possible. It is important for parents to know that a child of one and a half and three years old should live according to different sleep and activity patterns. During this period, you need to practice three different regimens of the day. We present a daily routine for a one-and-a-half-year-old child.

    The best routine of the day

    It will be considered optimal if the child's day schedule is designed in such a way that it coincides with his natural needs. If the child sleeps during the day at 13.00, then it is best to plan daytime sleep during the day at this time. If a child’s habits are changed dramatically, his nervous system will suffer, and such a daily regimen will not bring benefits. Therefore, the daily routine for a child aged 1-1.5 years old should be as soft as possible. Parents can judge the success of their regimen by the good mood and good health of the child.

    The best daily routine is the one that teaches the child to order, organizes his leisure. Then it will be much easier for the child to get used to kindergarten and school.

    If you do not follow the daily routine

    If parents are illogical in observing the children's daily routine, then they force the child to comply with it, then they let everything take its course, this negatively affects the baby's nervous system. He may have these health problems.

    • Capriciousness, irritability, nervousness
    • Fast fatiguability
    • Fluctuations in activity and rest
    • mood swings
    • Lack of sleep, poor sleep
    • poor appetite
    • Insufficient assimilation of information
    • Unwillingness to clean up after themselves, help mom

    Age features of a child 1-1.5 years old

    When a child turns one year old, he begins to develop more rapidly than before. And at the same time, a child at this age still has many inconsistencies. Physically, the child is not yet able to withstand the whole day without sleep, he quickly gets tired. At the same time, the child loves to run and jump a lot and actively, however, he gets tired very soon and needs to rest. The coordination of the child's movements is still insufficient, despite the fact that he wants to play for a long time and a lot.

    A child at this age can fulfill the request of an adult to bring or serve something, his active vocabulary begins to expand rapidly. A child at this age throws a pacifier, begins to eat with a spoon. True, it sheds a lot at the same time.

    Sleep of a child 1-1.5 years old

    Daytime sleep in the schedule of a child of this age should be planned twice. The first time the child should sleep from two to 2.5 hours, and the second time - up to two hours.

    In order for the child to fall asleep normally, half an hour before this, active games must be stopped. Ideally, if the child takes a walk with his mother in the fresh air an hour before bedtime. So his nervous system will calm down, blood flow will be activated, the blood will be more saturated with oxygen. It is very important that every day the schedule of sleep, as well as other activities of the child, is planned at the same time. So the child will develop habits, conditioned reflexes that will allow him to follow the schedule in the future, not to disrupt sleep and activity.

    When you teach your child to go to bed at the same time, you need to wake him up at the same time. True, it is permissible to “overexposure” the baby for 15 minutes or wake him up a quarter of an hour earlier, if it is convenient for the child. After sleep, you need to start teaching the child to dress on his own, helping him and showing him how to do it. At the same time, you need to show the baby clothes and name them.

    Sleep in the summer is good in the fresh air. In the cold season, before putting a child 1-1.5 years old to bed, you need to properly ventilate the room. But the baby should not sleep in a draft - he will get sick.

    How many times to feed a child aged 1-1.5 years?

    Feeding should not be less than four times a day. Approximately 3-4 hours should elapse between feedings. After feeding, the baby should take a walk. And then you can sleep, and after sleep the child is fed again. With this daily routine, the child grows and develops well. After sleeping and eating, the child is calm, plays well, does not act up, his nervous system is calmer than those of those children who do not get enough sleep and are malnourished.

    When you spoon-feed your baby and teach him how to use this device on his own, you can apply a little trick. If the child cannot eat from a spoon, you need to first put thick food into it, and then, when everything starts to work out, you can scoop liquids with a spoon: soup, jelly. No need to overstrain the child: let him learn quite a bit, 3-4 spoons are enough, and then dad or mom will feed the baby. At the end of feeding, you can apply a bonus for the baby - allow him to finish eating with a spoon when there is very little food left.

    Activity of a child 1-1.5 years old throughout the day

    As we have already figured out, the crumbs sleep during the day for about 4-4.5 hours. The same amount of time falls on the period of activity. Changing the daily routine, that is, reducing the period of sleep or the period of activity, is not worth doing, because this may adversely affect the health of the child. The child may suffer from increased fatigue or, conversely, lethargy.

    To make the child's activity throughout the day more diverse, it is necessary to include bathing and educational games in the daily routine. Books, bright toys, pyramids, cubes are a very good way to diversify the period of wakefulness of a child aged 1-1.5 years.


    A one-year-old child should also be given a walk at least twice a day. Fresh air is very good for the health of the child. This walk should last at least an hour and a half, and in summer up to two hours if the weather is good.

    Bathing and hardening

    Before the afternoon snack, you need to bathe the child. If not bathing, then wiping, it is also very useful for hardening. First wipe the child's arms, then the chest, then the legs, then the back. The water temperature should not exceed 35 degrees Celsius. To temper a baby under the age of one and a half years, you can gradually reduce the temperature of the water. Once a week or five days, when bathing and rubbing, the water temperature is reduced by 5 degrees, as a result, the water temperature remains 24 degrees. Do not give up hardening - it greatly strengthens the nervous, immune and respiratory systems of the child.

    How to properly dress a child at 1-1.5 years old?

    The clothes of such a child should be free and preferably made from natural materials. Clothing will absorb moisture well, protect the child from hypothermia and heat, and give him the opportunity to run and jump freely. Therefore, clothes should be equipped with a minimum of ties and ribbons - they can harm the child.

    What should be taught to a child 1-1.5 years old?

    It is imperative at this age to teach the baby to wash their hands, brush their teeth, use a spoon, napkin, pot.

    The daily routine of a child from 1 to 1.5 years

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