Fig milk for cough. Figs for pregnant women and children. Using fresh figs for cough

The period of lactation, pregnancy, age up to three years are the main contraindications indicated in the instructions for the main number of drugs. In this case, the question may arise as to how to treat people who fall under this category? Almost everyone finds a way out traditional medicine using, for example, cough figs (a recipe with milk is given in the article below). For the most part, such products have no restrictions, and also do not contain any chemicals.

Of course, if we are talking about some serious illness, it is better to immediately consult a doctor, but such an ailment as a cold can be cured on your own. A simple fig will help you with this, use figs with cough milk. The recipe for this remedy is quite simple, as you will learn from the article below. The product is absolutely harmless, therefore, it can be used even during lactation and pregnancy. Figs are effective in treating coughs, and recipes with this fruit are very popular among the population.

The benefits of figs

Dried and fresh fruits contain tannins that beneficial effect on the work of the genitourinary system and kidneys. This sweet fruit is rich in potassium, one of the main elements in the treatment and maintenance of normal condition all circulatory system person.

Useful properties and calorie content of figs in official medicine have been used for many decades to treat various diseases. It was given to people after a long convalescence. In addition, this sweet berry has replaced candies for people for many centuries and served in the East as one of the main components of world-famous and very tasty and healthy oriental sweets. As mentioned above, they use figs for coughing. The recipe with milk pleases with its simplicity and naturalness.

The benefits of fruit for the body plays a very important role in the treatment and prevention of hypertension. Dried berries are consumed in venous insufficiency. It was found that the ficin contained in figs significantly reduces blood clotting, therefore, these berries must be eaten in the treatment of thrombosis, since they contribute to the effective resorption of blood clots.

Excellent hematopoietic properties of the fruit are used in the treatment of anemia, in addition, figs are useful in the treatment of diseases of the spleen and liver.

Composition of figs

Figs are an incredibly sweet berry, due to which many consider them to be very high in calories. In order to dispel all questions and doubts, you need to reveal the secret and note that this berry contains only 50 kcal per 100 grams of weight, in other words, it is not more nutritious than any yogurt. At the same time, there are practically no fats and proteins in the composition of figs, while you can have a snack with these fruits with pleasure, since 100 g of fruit contains 14 g of carbohydrates. Therefore, doctors and nutritionists recommend eating figs on the road or at work, since all dried fruits, without exception, perfectly satisfy hunger, which is the main benefit of dried figs, according to gourmets.

Fresh fruits in their composition contain 25% sugar, while in fresh not everyone likes to eat them, and basically these tender fruits, resembling huge black onions, are used to make delicious fig jam. Tourists, visiting the countries of Africa and Asia, the entire Mediterranean coast and the Balkans, will certainly bring with them a jar of very sweet and viscous jam with a unique aroma.

Dried figs with cough milk are also used (recipe in the article below). In this form, its composition changes - it begins to contain about 35% sugar, since with a similar method of harvesting these berries, moisture is evaporated until these berries acquire a recognizable beige color and elasticity. It is in this form that we mainly see figs for sale, and it is in this way that all its beneficial properties are revealed.

The benefit of the berry lies in its unique composition. It is a real storehouse of vitamins and nutrients. Figs are 80% fresh water, therefore, to improve its taste and useful qualities, moisture is evaporated, while retaining only natural properties this useful berry.

Figs are especially rich in vitamins A and B. In addition, the beneficial properties of the fruit demonstrate themselves in the set mineral salts that can compete with many mineral-vitamin complexes. It is especially rich in potassium, in addition, it contains magnesium, calcium, sodium and other elements important for the proper development and health of the body, therefore, the product is especially useful for anemia and after illness and for children.


This fruit, in addition to all the components listed above, contains a large amount of sugar and carbohydrates. All this makes it fatal for those who have diabetes.

Another contraindication is allergies. Cough figs are often used. The recipe with milk should not be used by those who have contraindications to casein. Figs contain a large amount of vitamin C. So, if a person is allergic to citrus fruits, then they will probably appear after eating this fruit.

Cough figs (recipe with milk in particular) have no other contraindications.

We treat cough with figs

In order to use cough figs effectively, it can be combined with other components. In addition, various decoctions and mixtures can be made from them.

Figs with cough milk: recipe

This is a very popular recipe. It can cure disease in as soon as possible. To prepare the remedy, take a liter of milk (goat or cow). It is advisable to take home product, since many useful substances are lost in the store after processing. In addition, the milk should be full fat, as this helps to warm the throat and also provides the effect of retaining this heat.

Next, what needs to be done is to pour the product into a container and gradually heat it over low heat. Take 5 pieces of figs, wash them and put them in milk. Cover the container with a lid and cook for half an hour. When this time has passed, remove the broth from heat, carefully wrap and remove for 3 hours. The medicine must be applied following scheme: consume fruits before meals, while milk - before bedtime, initially heated.

Cough treatment with figs with milk (recipe above) is very effective. A few days - and it will completely pass. You will feel relief after just one treatment.

Dried figs with honey

As we have already found out, cough figs have long been actively used. The recipe without milk is very simple. For cooking, you need to grind 10 pieces of dried fruit and add 10 tablespoons of honey to them. Stir the mixture. Recommended for best result apply blender. The resulting medicine should be consumed one teaspoon in the evening and in the morning. Do not eat for 30 minutes after taking. This remedy will help to cope with the disease supported by viruses and smoking.

Figs with ginger and lemon juice

Cough figs can also be used in the form of syrup along with lemon juice. So the body will receive vitamin C in enough which will significantly strengthen the immune system, while the healing process will be much faster. To do this, take eight figs, cut them into small pieces, then pour a glass pure water and simmer for about 20 minutes over low heat. Then add some sugar and 2 parts water. The syrup must be put on fire again, and then brought to a boil. It should be boiled until the sugar dissolves. Add a teaspoon of ginger and the juice of ½ lemon. Use a dessert spoon three times a day.

Figs with radish

Radish is often used in recipes to treat coughs. For example, it is used together with honey. No less effective combination with figs. To prepare such a remedy, you need to rub the peeled radish (preferably black). Perform similar actions with figs, taking 6 of them. Add 10 tablespoons of honey to it and mix all the ingredients thoroughly. Cover this product with a thin towel in order to completely limit the access of light to it and put it in a cool place for a day. Take a tablespoon in the morning.

The cough itself is not dangerous if taken necessary measures for his cure. But if you do not do this, then he will go into more serious illnesses- in bronchitis or pneumonia. This will help prevent figs. The recipes that are listed in this article are very effective when used regularly until the disease completely subsides. If you stop treatment in the middle, you can get a relapse. Only a full recovery will be a signal that the use of funds should be stopped. At the same time, observing all the necessary requirements, you will very quickly cope with a cough with the help of figs without any harm to health.

Figs have enjoyed well-deserved popularity since biblical times. Its beneficial properties were known in Arabia, Ancient Egypt and Greece. Avicenna (a medieval scientist and physician) recommended using the fruits to treat measles, fever, leprosy, tumors, and malaria.

Fig properties

Fresh berries are different high content salts of potassium, magnesium, acetylic and malic acids, vitamins of group B, calcium. Dried inflorescences have up to 70% fructose. With regular use, they can relieve mental and physical fatigue.

Due to the presence of essential oils, the blood is saturated with oxygen. According to the content of mineral substances, figs occupies one of the leading places among fruit and berry crops, and surpasses raisins in energy value.

Wine berry is especially useful for people of age. It contains fatty acids that help fight cholesterol, dissolve anti-sclerotic plaques and protect blood vessels from blood clots.

AT traditional medicine used for coughs, dysentery, respiratory diseases, digestive systems. Decoctions, infusions from the fruits of this fruit are useful for heart disease, hypertension, varicose veins. Pregnant women are advised to eat several fruits a day as a remedy for toxicosis.

Wood ash is insisted on water and used for an inflamed nerve. The milky juice of the leaves is treated initial stage cataracts, gas shell thickening.

The leaves are applied to cuts, abscesses, skin irritations. Unripe fruits are used if it is necessary to get rid of birthmarks or warts. Due to its diuretic properties, it is recommended to take it for hypertension and kidney disease.

Figs are used in diseases of the heart - vascular system, with anemia, prevention of hypertension, as a mild laxative, wound healing, burns. The fruits have a calming effect on stress.

In spite of great benefit, there are a number of contraindications for the use of berries:

  • high fiber content can be harmful in inflammatory diseases of the stomach;
  • dried fruits cause an exacerbation in pancreatitis;
  • allergy to the product;
  • diabetes;
  • lactose intolerance;
  • gout.

Figs for colds

Treatment of various diseases with folk remedies has always been popular. With a prolonged cough, when other remedies do not have the proper effect on the body, figs with milk will help to cope with the disease and increase immunity.

The remedy has a pleasant taste and smell, so children love it very much. A decoction of the fruit is used as an expectorant, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic. Figs in milk are indispensable product with whooping cough, hoarseness, inflammatory diseases of the larynx and oral cavity. Dried berries have a pronounced diaphoretic, antipyretic effect. The preparation of a miraculous drug is possible at home. When choosing fruits, it must be remembered that light fruits are not suitable for treatment. Dark figs should be purchased purple, dense texture.

A folk remedy for bronchitis involves the use of a decoction of fresh or dried berries on milk. Dairy product in a warm form by itself excellent tool from a cold, and in combination with figs, the effect comes much faster.

How to cook figs with milk so that the remedy has the greatest benefit? A decoction is best made from fresh fruits, but you can also use dried ones.

Recipe with figs for cough:

  1. 2-3 pcs. wash the berries. Dried fruits are best cut.
  2. Pour 1 glass of 3.2% fat milk into a saucepan with figs.
  3. Boil, simmer over low heat for 30 minutes. under a closed lid.
  4. Remove from heat, wrap in a warm blanket.
  5. Leave for at least two hours.

The finished product is drunk in 0.5 cups 3-4 rubles / day before meals. The course of treatment: from one week to a month.

Before use, figs with cough milk are heated to a temperature of 38 - 40 0 ​​C. If the voice is hoarse, the solution should be at room temperature.

A decoction with milk is used not only inside for sore throats and severe coughs, but also for skin diseases and abscesses.

Important! Children are allowed to take no more than 200 ml of drink per day and only after reaching the age of 6!

It is worth considering that the remedy has a slight laxative effect in both adults and children.

Cough recipes for children involve the use of high-fat milk. The higher the content of milk fat, the softer the solution envelops the delicate mucous membrane of the larynx, the greater the therapeutic effect.

There are others folk remedies from bronchitis and cough based on figs.

Wine berry helps with bronchial asthma, various diseases respiratory system, inflammation of the throat and oral cavity.

Cough recipes:

  1. 20 gr. dry fruits pour a glass of milk and boil over low heat for 10 minutes.
  2. 2 tbsp. l. Steam the berries with a glass of boiling water, cook in a water bath for 30 minutes. Add liquid to the original volume. Cough figs take 3 rubles / day for half a glass before meals.
  3. Syrup: 8 fruits pour 250 ml of water, cook for 20 minutes. Pour a glass of sugar and add liquid to the original volume. Return to heat and cook until the sugar dissolves. Put in the mixture the juice of ½ lemon, 1 tsp. ginger. Adults take syrup for 3-4 dess. l., children - 1-2. The recipe helps with flu, severe cough, digestive problems.
  4. Milk with figs for cough for children is steamed like tea and drunk 2 rubles / day, 100-150 ml each.

For speedy recovery honey, raspberries are added to the compositions. The product is gentle on respiratory system and has no side effects. Figs cause an expectorant effect, relieves conditions with laryngitis, tracheitis, influenza conditions.

Folk remedies for bronchitis in adults include: decoctions in milk, jam, syrups, compotes.

A wonderful folk remedy, the recipe for which you will learn, is perfect for children and adults, at any stage of the disease. The one who first used figs with milk for coughing, no one will remember, but a big thank you to him. I think it happened a long time ago, when no one suspected about pills, this recipe is present in the old medical books.

I am sure you will want to know why figs, when combined with milk, and not with water or other drinks, cure coughs. To understand, let's remember medicinal properties each of the products.

Medicinal properties of figs:

I wrote in more detail about the beneficial qualities of figs for health in another article, be sure to read it. We are also interested in the benefits of fresh and dried fruit, which it will provide to patients with a cold:

  • Dried fruit heals the respiratory system, improving the condition of the trachea, bronchi and nasopharynx.
  • Figs have an anti-inflammatory effect.
  • At high temperatures, it acts as an antipyretic.
  • Helps thin mucus and promotes better secretion, having a good expectorant effect when coughing.
  • Dried figs are a diaphoretic, I don't think I need to tell you how important it is to sweat well when you have a cold.
  • The fruit is a mild diuretic, laxative and helps during illness to quickly remove toxic substances from the body, cleanse the body.
  • Along with the treatment of coughs and colds, figs will strengthen the immune system and restore strength during and after illness.

Medicinal properties of milk:

The therapeutic effect of milk on coughing largely coincides with the work of figs in this direction, and effectively complements it.

  • Cow and goat milk - a healer with long history, in the old days there were practically no diseases that would not be tried to be treated with it. And first of all - a cold and a cough that accompanies it. Today, milk does not lose its relevance due to its availability; treatment with it is perfect for children and pregnant women.
  • Milk is used as a therapeutic agent in general strengthening health.
  • It has a bactericidal, anti-inflammatory and antipyretic effect.
  • Restores the balance of metabolic processes. Replenishes the level of potassium in the body, which is noted in diseases, including colds with coughs, as the electrolyte balance is disturbed.
  • Milk is able to cleanse the diseased body of toxic substances (it was not in vain that some enterprises used to give milk “for harmfulness”). Therefore, they are often treated with viral diseases - influenza, SARS, one of the symptoms of which is a cough.
  • And finally, the value of milk in nutrition is also high - a complete protein, fats, trace elements and vitamins. During illness, especially with a strong and dry cough, appetite often disappears. The body is rebuilt to a different mode of operation, in which heavy food is undesirable. We are deficient in essential trace elements, vitamins and other useful substances to cope with a cold. Milk will help us fight viruses - a product that is easily digestible.

A very successful tandem is milk with figs boiled in it, in the treatment of any kind of cough. Perfectly complementing each other, and acting together, remedy will relieve you of the symptoms: it will thin the sputum and facilitate its removal, relieve a sore throat, restore the missing voice.

Figs with cough milk - recipe

The recipe for preparing a cough remedy is not at all complicated, it is perfect for children and adults.


There are several recipes, two of which I gave in an article about the benefits and harms of figs. Here I give the most common one.

Take milk with a high percentage of fat, it softens the throat better, figs, if you find it, choose purple.


  • Milk - 1 glass.
  • Figs, fresh, dried - 3 - 4 pcs.
  1. Fill the figs with milk and put on a small fire (no hurry is needed here, the boiled figs should give off their healing power).
  2. After boiling, cook for half an hour under a closed lid.
  3. Remove from stove and wrap the pan well. And again, take your time: the medicine should sweat, and cool down as long as possible.
  4. Pour the cooled broth into a glass dish. Figs can be chopped with a blender, but I do not advise - kids like to catch fruit and eat it separately. You will cook a lot at once - the next day the drink will thicken a little, do not be surprised, this is normal, the therapeutic effect will not change.

How to take a remedy

Be sure to warm up the medicine before use. Cough treatment can be carried out for a month, or until complete recovery.

Take the remedy in three doses a day, before meals, the recommended dose for one dose is a glass. Drink milk and eat figs. Read more about children's use below.

Healing decoction is most often used inside. But other than that, you can rub your chest with it. But be sure to wrap up warmly to warm up well. traditional healers it is advised to do the procedures several times a day, but the tool works especially effectively if done this procedure for the night.

Warm decoction can be gargled several times a day to relieve sore throat and restore voice.

Cough remedy for children

A child will not refuse a tasty medicine for anything, since it is a real delicacy and children like to treat a cough with figs with milk (tested on their own child).

The cooking recipe does not differ from that proposed by adults; to improve the taste, add a little honey to the drink. The only thing that mom needs to do is to make sure that there is no allergy to the components of the product.

How to take milk with figs to children:

  • The allowable norm for up to 7 years is 20-40 ml., Which you need to drink 3 times a day before meals.
  • Older children can take half a glass of medicine.

During pregnancy

Are you expecting a baby? Then it is better to give up most drugs, and many herbs are banned. But neither milk nor figs this list are not included. An exception is individual intolerance to products.

For pregnant women, the recipe for preparing a delicious remedy has been slightly changed: you can take 1 - 2 pcs for a glass of milk. dried fruit. Take a drink three times a day, before meals, 100 ml, no more.

Figs for cough without milk

In case of lactose intolerance, other recipes for making figs, but without milk, will help you out, which will perfectly cope with a cough.

Cough syrup

Delicious syrup that even kids will love. Take three times a day, 3 to 4 dessert spoons for adults. For children, the daily dose is less - no more than 1 - 2 dessert spoons.

Cooking syrup:

  • Water is a glass.
  • Figs - 8 pcs.


  1. Boil the fruits in water over low heat after boiling for 20 minutes.
  2. Then add another glass of water and the same amount of sugar. Continue to boil the medicine slowly until the sugar dissolves.
  3. At the end, add a teaspoon of ginger and juice from half a lemon. Remove from heat immediately.

A decoction of figs

The decoction reduces heat well.

  • Pour 2 tablespoons of chopped figs with a glass of boiling water. Boil for 10 minutes and let it brew a little until the broth cools down.

Contraindications to treatment with milk with figs

Treatment of cough with figs boiled in milk has some contraindications that you need to know so that it doesn’t turn out like the well-known saying: “we treat one thing - we cripple another”.

  • Possessing a slight laxative effect, the remedy can aggravate the problem with indigestion and intestines, it is especially important to abandon it for enteritis.
  • The next contraindication is diabetes, you better choose a different remedy.
  • In case of violation salt metabolism, urolithiasis, use milk with figs in the treatment of cough with caution.

Use the tastiest and effective recipe cough treatment - figs with milk and be healthy! With love… Galina Nekrasova.

Autumn has come into its own, and the heating has not yet been turned on. At this time, we must remember that it is very easy to catch a cold. Coughing is common with a cold. It can be difficult to get rid of it quickly, and in some cases medications do not give good results.

In many families traditional ways treatments are accompanied by folk methods that are very effective and cause less harm to the body. One of the old recipes is figs with milk, which is good for getting rid of a cough.

Useful properties of figs and milk

What is so interesting about these two products and why exactly this combination has been used for more than one hundred years? The thing is that separately figs and milk are good for health, and their combination allows you to enhance their properties.

What is useful figs for colds

  1. It has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect.
  2. Helps reduce temperature.
  3. Liquefies phlegm and improves its expectoration.
  4. Favorably affects the composition of the bronchi, trachea, nasopharynx.
  5. Has a diaphoretic property.
  6. Facilitates the removal of toxins from the body due to the diuretic effect.
  7. Strengthens the body's immune abilities.

Benefits of milk for colds

The milk component of the drug is largely characterized in the same way as the fruit component. Milk is a very common ingredient in recipes to treat colds, sore throats, and coughs.

  1. Perfectly fights against inflammatory processes and bacteria.
  2. Helps reduce fever.
  3. Normalizes metabolic processes in the body.
  4. Compensates for the lack of potassium, which is necessary for a speedy recovery.
  5. Cleanses the body of toxins.
  6. The product includes many vitamins, micro- and microelements that are necessary for the body during illness with a natural decrease in the amount of food eaten.

Thus, a healing drink will help to quickly and safely cure colds, coughs and restore voice.

Figs and milk: chemical composition

Composition of figs

Fig is high-calorie product(about 250 kcal per 100 gr.), mainly consisting of carbohydrates (about 58 gr.). The amount of proteins is about 3 grams, fats in it are less than 1 gram. The product is rich in mono- and disaccharides (about 50 g in 100 g of figs). It contains acids, starch, fiber and water.


  • A necessary for vision, preservation of reproductive function.
  • IN 1 stimulates metabolic processes in the body, favorably affects the gastrointestinal tract.
  • IN 2 helps many elements to be better absorbed in the body.
  • E stimulates tissue regeneration, has antithrombotic properties.
  • RR takes care of the health of the vascular system, reducing the risk of atherosclerosis.
  • beta carotene is a provitamin A, which is converted into a full-fledged vitamin when ingested. It is important for many organs and systems. For example, for vision, skin, heart, immunity, it is an antioxidant.

Micro and macro elements:

  • Iron. The main property of the element is its participation in the synthesis of hemoglobin. Iron required for work thyroid gland and immune system, in addition, it is an antioxidant.
  • Potassium reduces fatigue and activates forces. Its sufficient content in the body allows you to normalize the pulse and pressure.
  • Calcium helps the body fight allergens, enhances various metabolic processes. Moreover, it is necessary for bone tissue and hearts.
  • Magnesium stimulates the functioning of the genitourinary, endocrine, digestive and cardiac systems.
  • Sodium prevents dehydration, activates metabolism.
  • Phosphorus participates in the synthesis of cells and is responsible for the strength of bones and teeth.

Composition of milk (cow)

The product is no less rich in vitamins and various elements. It also, like figs, contains vitamin A, B1, B2, E, PP. Of the elements potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus. The energy value milk is about 60 kcal.


  • AT 9- an element that is necessary for cleansing the liver and intestines. Also has calming properties.
  • AT 12 participate in the synthesis of red blood cells, needed for correct operation all nervous system.
  • FROM Considered the main element needed by the body during a cold, it enhances the immune capacity and helps to quickly get rid of toxins.
  • D required for the absorption of calcium, affects the functioning of the intestines, kidneys and muscular system.
  • K needed for blood clotting.

Micro and macro elements:

  • Iodine is an essential element involved in the synthesis of thyroid hormones. In case of their deficiency, there are various violations in the work of the whole organism. In particular, metabolism, brain activity worsens, the risk of atherosclerosis increases.
  • Cobalt necessary for the metabolism of amino acids and the production of blood cells. This element is necessary for the full functioning of the pancreas.
  • Manganese important for digestive tract, central nervous system, heart and bones.
  • Copper required for tissue respiration. The element is directly involved in the production of certain enzymes and proteins.
  • Molybdenum has detoxifying properties, retains fluorine in bone tissue, strengthens tooth enamel, stimulates the exchange of amino acids with sulfur content.
  • Selenium enhances immunity.
  • Sulfur required for protein metabolism. Protects the body from toxins.
  • Fluorine is one of the building blocks of bone tissue.
  • Choline is the main element cell membranes. Its main role is to maintain the functioning of the nervous system.
  • Chlorine essential for maintaining the necessary water-salt balance in the body and the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Zinc is one of important elements for work reproductive system men and women. No less important for the nervous system and brain activity.

Figs with milk: benefits for the body

The complex of useful substances of two components has the following effect:

  1. Helps to get rid of the beginning cough.
  2. Lowers temperature.
  3. Facilitates the removal of mucus.
  4. Facilitates breathing with an inflamed nasopharynx.
  5. Relieves nasal congestion.
  6. Helps with bronchitis and tracheitis.
  7. Treats dry cough.
  8. Helps to get rid of chronic cough.
  9. Returns voice.
  10. Improves sleep.
  11. Returns appetite.

Figs for pregnant women and children

In a special period of women's life, the choice of medicines for the treatment of colds and coughs is very limited. The combination of figs and milk is absolutely safe for future mother and baby. In addition to the fact that the drink will relieve cough, it will improve mood and sleep, and will have a beneficial effect on the heart and blood vessels.

Figs with milk can provide preventive assistance during the period colds. It is recommended to drink it if you need to visit clinics and hospitals.

Doctors have not come to the conclusion at what age the remedy can be used to treat children. Some believe that not earlier than 6-8 years. But there are opinions that already in the year the child's body is sufficiently prepared to absorb figs and milk. Serving volume should be less than for an adult and not exceed 50 mg for children under two years of age and 100 mg from 2.5 years.

Fig contraindications

Despite the fact that figs with milk are a healthy remedy that helps get rid of almost any cough and strengthen the body, there are a number of contraindications. Among them:

  • Allergy to one of the components. And most often it causes milk. There are people who are lactose intolerant or protein intolerant. cow's milk. Figs are considered a hypoallergenic product.
  • Diabetes. It's connected with a high percentage fruit sugar content. In the presence of a disease, it is necessary to abandon fresh and dried figs.
  • Poisoning and diarrhea. Due to the laxative abilities of figs, the problem can get worse.
  • Gout and kidney disease. The contraindication is caused by the content of oxalic acid in the fruit.

You should pay attention to the fact that dried figs are rich in fiber, irritating the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, its excessive use can exacerbate existing diseases.

And nzhira with milk for cough recipes

There are many recipes for making figs with milk. Sometimes other ingredients are added to them.

  1. For the simplest, you will need a glass of full-fat cow's milk and figs (3-4 pcs.). Fresh and dried berries are equally suitable for the drink.

Figs need to be put in a saucepan, pour in milk and put on a minimum fire. The slower the drink heats up, the better. After the milk boils, the figs in it should boil for 30 minutes. The lid must not be opened. After the decoction is removed from the stove, it should be wrapped up to allow the medicine to cool slowly.

The finished drink is stored in glass jar. If desired, figs can be ground with a blender. The medicinal product is recommended to be stored in the refrigerator for no more than a day.

You need to take five times a day, one-third of a glass, preheated. It is important not to overheat, as the drink should not be drunk hot.

This recipe is very effective in the treatment of dry cough. Visible relief will come in 2-3 days.

  1. More fast way making a drink from figs and milk, but no less effective. For him, it is recommended to use fresh fruits. One piece must be passed through a meat grinder, it should not be cleaned from the skin. Transfer to a saucepan and pour in one glass of milk. The mixture is brought to a boil and turned off. The drink should be drunk when it has cooled to an acceptable temperature. Because of the bones, which can be dangerous for children, it is recommended to strain the remedy first.

If you only have dried fruits on hand, you can use them. Figs must be cut into small pieces, pour milk and bring to a boil, then boil for 5 minutes. When the drink has cooled to such a temperature that it can be drunk, you should knock it down with a blender.

  1. Healthy sweets will appeal to all children. To make them you need 4 pcs. dried figs, melted butter (1 tbsp.), 1 cup of granulated sugar and 2 cups of milk. Figs need to be thoroughly ground and put in a saucepan, pour in milk. When the mixture boils, boil it over low heat for about half an hour.

Separately cook burnt sugar spreading sugar on a slow box in a metal container. The indicator of its readiness will be a dark golden color. Then it must be combined with ghee and mix the ingredients well.

Gently pour the mixture into the milk with figs, pouring in a thin stream. All components should continue to cook until the mixture becomes thick. Then it needs to be poured into molds and wait for cooling.

  1. Dairy free recipe. If a person is allergic to milk, he can still use figs to cure himself. For example, you can make syrup.

This requires 8 pcs. Pour fig fruits with a glass of water, bring to a boil and cook for 20 minutes on minimum heat. Then you need to pour another glass of water and pour a glass of sugar, continue to cook until the sugar is completely dissolved. Before removing the mixture from the stove, add the squeezed juice of half a lemon and 1 tsp. ginger.

Syrup should be taken 3 times a day for 3-4 tablespoons. For children, a single serving should be 1-2 tablespoons.

Treatment with figs with milk

There are several options for treatment with a drink:

  • Take in at warm form. Maximum duration course is 1 month. But most experts say that if there is no improvement after 2-3 days, another treatment should be chosen.
  • In order to soothe the throat, the remedy can be used as a gargle. It is recommended to perform the procedure several times a day. Gargling will also help restore the voice.
  • Chest stretcher. After the procedure, the treated area should be carefully wrapped. Apply the product several times a day and always at night.

How to choose figs and milk

Milk for a drink should be chosen the most fatty, as it has an enveloping effect and softens the throat.

When choosing dried figs, fruits of the same size should be rather soft to the touch. The color should be light beige or light brown. White coating indicates the sweetness of the fruit, not that it has gone bad. Dry and unpleasant to the touch figs indicate its expiration date.

When choosing fresh fruits, attention should be paid to their integrity, as any damage will shorten the shelf life and may contain pathogenic bacteria. Some experts advise for cooking healing drink choose purple varieties of figs. But in their absence, green-yellow ones are also suitable. Should be purchased large fruits. The sweetness of the pulp indicates maturity, and an unpleasant sour taste indicates that the fruit is not ripe.

Figs with milk is in an efficient way for the treatment of coughs and colds. Be aware of the contraindications and high calorie product.

There is an alternative folk remedy, milk with honey. You can read more in our article "Milk with honey for colds and coughs."

Modern people are increasingly turning to health recipes for folk wisdom. The reason is the desire to limit the intake of harmful chemicals into the body. Of course, it is difficult to cure current diseases with folk remedies alone, but it is quite possible to supplement therapy and make it as effective as possible. The clearest example is a recipe for figs with cough milk, popular against inflammatory processes in the lungs, as well as in the treatment of colds.

Cough treatment folk remedies associated with unpleasant goat fat and turpentine rubs. In fact, everything is not so bad. Even an all-natural medicine can be effective and taste good. Figs are a fragrant fruit used fresh and dried for coughs. Its combination with milk will appeal to children and adults, as well as significantly speed up recovery, relieve coughing and irritation in the throat.

What's in

Unlike chemicals, as well as herbal remedies, having many restrictions for use, figs belong to general strengthening products. This indicates the possibility of its use by adults, children and the elderly. The main condition for safety is the absence of an allergy to the product, which should be checked even before the start of treatment with a juicy fruit.

Milk is a product of animal husbandry, without which human life is practically impossible. Dairy products are sources of valuable protein, indispensable for human body amino acids. The mild milky taste is appreciated in cooking.

The fig cough syrup contains only these two ingredients. There is absolutely no point in adding sweeteners or other “taste maskers”, since a properly prepared medicine has a very pleasant taste, which means that children and adults will like it.

About the benefits of the product

The juicy berry of the fig tree is considered nutritious product which is easily digestible. It is a source of many useful substances. Benefits are:

  • vegetable fibers;
  • pectins;
  • Sahara;
  • organic acids;
  • fatty acid;
  • tannins;
  • vitamins;
  • minerals;
  • flavonoids.

The complex beneficial effect of the fruit on the body consists in a general strengthening and immunostimulating effect. Regular consumption of figs will prevent beriberi, as well as a deficiency in the body of mineral compounds. In addition, fresh fruit and preparations from it will provide protection against viral and bacterial ailments during the cold season. Other positive effects from eating figs:

  • improvement of the work of the heart;
  • cleaning vessels;
  • strengthening of the vascular walls;
  • normalization of hematopoiesis;
  • increased hemoglobin levels;
  • elimination of internal inflammation;
  • antibacterial action;
  • cleansing the body;
  • stool normalization.

The combination with milk gives the fruit new beneficial properties. The drink nourishes the body exhausted by the disease, provides a softening and enveloping effect. Stimulation of cleansing processes provides anti-febrile properties.

Figs with cough milk: recipes

Treatment of cough with figs with milk begins with the preparation of a mixture. It is important to follow the recommended proportions. It only takes two ingredients - fresh or dried figs, plus whole milk. It is better to use home-made products, but in the absence of such, the ingredients are purchased in the store, focusing on their quality. Fresh figs should not have external damage, dents or cracks. Dried fruit is the best to try. The taste will tell you how fresh the preparation is. Choose only whole dried berries. Take medium-fat milk, since a low-fat product will not provide a decent softening effect.

From fresh berries

Peculiarities. For cooking, you need a thermos, milk and fresh high-quality figs. It is better to choose purple varieties, since they have the highest concentration of organic acids and essential oil.


  1. Purchased berries (a couple of medium fruits) are thoroughly washed warm water, erasing the wax coating with your fingers. After drying the fruits in a colander or on a paper towel, they are cut with a sharp knife into small pieces. First, remove the stems.
  2. A glass of milk is brought to a boil, after which it is immediately poured into a thermos. Finely chopped figs are also added to it. Close the thermos tightly and shake the mixture.
  3. The mixture is insisted for two hours, after which it is filtered or thoroughly mixed until a homogeneous mass is formed.

From dried fruits

Peculiarities. Usage dried fruits in folk medicine is considered more preferable. In addition, such raw materials are freely available all year round.


  1. One and a half cups of milk is brought to a boil in a thick-bottomed saucepan.
  2. Three crushed medium dried fruits or four small ones are thrown into boiling milk. After boiling the mixture again, the fire is reduced to a minimum.
  3. Cover the pan with a lid, and then simmer the mixture, maintaining a minimum boil. Boil figs in milk for half an hour.
  4. After this time, the mixture is turned off, wrapped in a blanket or towel for an hour.
  5. After infusion, the mixture is made homogeneous or filtered.

When preparing a potion on dried figs, it turns out milk product with a sweet taste, characteristic fig aroma. If everything is done correctly, the drink has a beige color. The presence of white grains, a clear or cloudy liquid indicates curdling of milk. This treatment is not suitable.

What to consider

Sometimes housewives complain that milk with figs has curdled, become watery or nice smell. Avoid embarrassing failures and ensure maximum efficiency natural remedy cooked at home, knowledge of some of the intricacies of the process will allow. The nuances of preparation are as follows.

  • Freshness of raw materials. Before preparing the medicine, you need to make sure that the ingredients used are fresh. If you buy milk in a store, you should pay attention not only to expiration dates, but also to the production time. It is also important to taste the product. The freshness of figs is checked by touch - if the fruit is heavy and elastic, it means that it was plucked no more than three days ago. Dried figs should have a pleasant smell and taste, as well as an even brown color.
  • Cooking method. Milk curdles when boiled fresh figs - this is a proven fact based on the content of organic acids in the product, which provoke curdling. It is important to remember that only dried figs are cooked, and fresh ones are simply steamed. In the latter case, cooking is not needed, since fresh raw materials easily give useful material hot milk.
  • Cover use. In all recipes that say how to cook figs with cough milk, the moment of covering the mixture with a lid is emphasized to reduce evaporation. In fact, the lid should not be closed tightly, otherwise the milk will escape. The pot with the potion is simply covered, leaving a small space for steam to escape.
  • Product saturation. Strict observance of proportions will help to make figs with milk correctly. An increase in the amount of fruit does not mean an increase in the effectiveness of the potion.

Some housewives advise scalding fresh figs with boiling water before preparing the product. Like, it will cleanse it of germs and prevent curdling. In fact, the use of boiling water does not affect the cooking process in any way, since the reason for the failure lies in the composition of the fresh fruit.

Who can drink medicine

A mixture of figs and milk is a completely natural product that can be consumed by children, adults and the elderly in the absence of allergies to the components. Due to the presence of a large number of seeds in the berry, milk with figs for coughing is given to children from the age of three.

Home medicine can be used during pregnancy, after agreeing this moment with the doctor. Adding drug therapy natural medicine, you can speed up recovery, alleviate the condition, and avoid complications of infectious and inflammatory nature. Properly prepared potion with figs will have the following effects:

  • eliminate dry barking cough;
  • overcome night attacks;
  • accelerate the elimination of bronchitis;
  • will have a soothing effect on the throat;
  • relieve inflammation with laryngitis;
  • relieve sore throat with angina;
  • relieve the tension of the vocal cords;
  • will provide restoration of voice with hoarseness;
  • prevent the development of pneumonia.

In addition, the drug has pronounced stimulating properties for immunity, and also has anti-febrile activity, which allows you to quickly reduce the temperature, eliminate general weakness with SARS. Milk with figs can be recommended for men with reduced potency. The same remedy, drunk at night, helps to stabilize the nervous system.

Caution should be taken by people suffering from diabetes and gout. Due to the high calorie content, it is worth limiting the medication during the period of weight loss or overweight.

How it works

In the process of boiling figs in milk, useful substances from the fruit pass into a liquid medium, and therefore are absorbed fully and quickly. In this case, the following action is observed:

  • inflammation passes - thanks to tannins;
  • toxins are removed - this is facilitated by organic acids;
  • the temperature decreases - due to increased sweating;
  • immunity is strengthened - thanks to vitamins and minerals;
  • lung function normalizes - as a result of improved blood circulation;
  • bacterial agents are eliminated - on the surface of the mucous membranes.

At the same time, fat from milk gently envelops the mucous membrane of the throat and larynx. Protein substances provide restoration of damaged areas. In general, there is accelerated recovery, and due to the energy intensity of the product, the patient becomes alert, filled with strength.

How to use

Milk mixture according to the indicated recipes is prepared for one or two doses. You can stock up on a tool for a couple of days if you increase the number of starting products. At the same time, it is important to remember that the finished product cannot be stored in the refrigerator for more than three days, and for the treatment of children, fresh medicine should be made every time. Dried figs with milk for colds are taken orally up to five times a day. The frequency of admission during pregnancy is reduced to three times. The medicine should be taken half an hour before meals, so that everything active ingredients acted effectively. Dosing methods are as follows:

  • for adults - half or a whole glass up to five times a day;
  • for the elderly - half a glass four times a day;
  • for pregnant women - half a glass three times a day;
  • for children from three years old - a quarter cup three to four times a day.

In the case of preparing a homogeneous mixture, the required dose is eaten with a spoon. When straining the mixture, it is advisable to eat a part of the fig, and then drink it with a part of the filtered milk. The mixture resembles a liquid dessert in taste and consistency, and difficulties with its intake are rare.

Reception is possible for 10-30 days, until the symptom is completely eliminated. In acute pulmonary diseases, the use of the product is stopped with the transition of cough to wet form. In chronic cough, treatment can be extended by reducing the frequency of taking the medicine to two or three times a day.

What if milk is not allowed?

For the treatment of children and adults who do not like milk, have a lactase deficiency or do not consume the product for other reasons, the benefits of fig fruit are also available. Cough figs for children without milk are used to prepare an aqueous syrup that well eliminates any form of cough, and also softens the throat.


Peculiarities. The composition includes figs, ginger, and lemons, so it is important to make sure that you are not allergic to these components.

Preparation and application

  1. Approximately ten dried fig fruits are placed in a saucepan, poured with one and a half glasses of water.
  2. The mixture is heated to a boil, boiled for half an hour, after which a glass of water is poured in and a glass of sugar is added, stirred until the crystals are completely dissolved.
  3. After the syrup thickens, it is stopped heating, pour in a couple of tablespoons of lemon juice, a pinch of dried ginger.
  4. After cooling, the product can be consumed in a tablespoon for adults and a teaspoon for children. The multiplicity of reception - three to four times a day.

In addition to effective antitussive and expectorant effects, the syrup has a softening, enveloping, anti-inflammatory and immunostimulating effect on the body. It can be used up to a month.

Milk with figs for cough is unconventional method therapy for inflammatory cough. The effectiveness of the drug is due to the pronounced diaphoretic, anti-inflammatory, anti-edematous actions. It has a beneficial effect on the mucous epithelium, restoring its structure.

There are several basic recipes that effectively alleviate the symptoms of acute obstructive bronchitis, tracheitis, sore throat and sore throat against the background of a cold. Milk-fig remedy often prescribed in pediatric practice as complex treatment bouts of dry and wet cough.


Milk with figs can be taken orally to improve the general condition against a debilitating cough, as well as at night to eliminate night attacks. There are only three main recipes for treating cough in children with the help of a milk-fig composition.

traditional recipe

For cooking, you need 500 ml of fresh goat or cow's milk. Recommended milk with high fat content to create a kind of protective film on the mucous membranes of the larynx. Milk is placed in a glass bowl and put on a slow fire. It is important that the milk does not boil, but is hot enough. After washing 5-6 figs, cut in half and placed in milk. The composition is left on low heat for about 30 minutes.

After the saucepan with milk and figs is removed from the fire and put in a blanket. For efficiency, you can close the pillows. The product should stand for 4 hours. The ingredients are applied separately. Figs can be eaten before meals, divided into equal portions. Milk, 250 ml each, is drunk warmed up at night. The remaining portion can be stored in the refrigerator and drunk the next day.

Figs for traditional recipe you can choose both fresh and dried or dried. Especially useful are the dark purple figs.

Soup-cream of milk and figs

For cooking, you need to choose 4-5 purple figs and 400 ml of full-fat milk (you can use rustic natural or pasteurized). Figs are washed well, soaked in boiling water for 2-3 minutes and rinsed under cold water. The berries are placed in a saucepan, poured with milk and put on low heat. It is important not to bring the milk to the maximum boil.

Fig berries are simmered in milk for about an hour, stirring frequently. This time is enough for the milk to be enriched constituent components figs. Milk should be sweetish and have a brown tint. The saucepan should be removed from the fire and let it brew for room temperature. After that, you can combine milk and fruits well with an immersion blender until a creamy liquid mass is obtained. Children will love this drink. It can be eaten with a spoon like soup or drunk like jelly. It is important that the composition is slightly hot.

Figs with milk and ginger

To prepare the recipe, you will need ginger root, 5 figs and 300 ml of milk. The berries are washed, cut in half and poured with boiled milk. Rub a little ginger on a fine grater (1 teaspoon). The composition is insisted for about an hour, after which it is again heated and drunk. The sweetness of the figs overcomes the bitterness of the ginger, so you can take the remedy without worrying about the deterioration of its taste.

Milk with figs can also be used topically in the form of rubbing the chest and back. Before use, the mixture should be warm, but not very hot. After rubbing put on cotton underwear. You can apply compresses. To do this, a mushy mass of milk, grated figs and ginger is spread on a gauze bandage and applied to the sternum or back. Then they fix it with a warm scarf and go to bed.

You can gargle with a milk-fig mixture several times a day after each meal.

Milk with figs excellent remedy to alleviate coughing fits in children over 3 years of age. In more early age foods can cause allergic reactions. In the absence of positive dynamics for 3-5 days, it is necessary to consult a doctor for diagnosis and drug therapy.

cure cough without medical preparations sometimes it can be quite difficult, especially if the symptom has manifested itself for a long time and has managed to gain strength. Tablets are most often big list contraindications and are not recommended for people with an unhealthy stomach or for pediatric therapy. Meanwhile, sometimes it is simply necessary to help the body cope with a cough in order to save the patient from the risk of complications.

Figs with milk will help relieve cough

In order not to injure the body, already weakened by the disease, using pills, you can start drinking figs with cough milk - a very useful tool that will strengthen the immune system, reduce inflammation and help with expectoration of stagnant mucus. It is completely natural and suitable for the treatment of patients of all ages.

The benefits of figs

The fruits of the date tree have many names - from the banal fig to the fig. They have been used as a medicinal ingredient for a very long time. Even in ancient Arabia, the cultivation of this plant began. It is loved by many not only for its taste, but also for medicinal qualities. Made from the fruit of the tree great amount drugs for a variety of diseases - cardiac, nervous, affecting the genitourinary system.

Once in the body, figs have the following effect:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • diaphoretic;

Eating figs can cause excessive sweating

  • diuretic;
  • laxative;
  • expectorant.

Figs are rich in nutrients, including vitamins A and B, as well as calcium, magnesium, iron, potassium and many others. More than a third of the fruit consists of sugar, and therefore has a bright sweet taste - medicines based on it, they turn out to be very pleasant, they are highly appreciated and willingly accepted by children.

Attention! Figs cannot be treated for coughing by people with diabetes - taking such a remedy provokes insulin shock, and therefore it would be better to replace it with alternative therapy (inhalations, decoctions, compresses, etc.).

Although figs ripen in subtropical climates, they can be easily found in any grocery store. It is sold fresh or dried - in both cases, all useful substances are preserved inside the fruit. Largely due to this property, figs at one time began to be actively cultivated, and now can be used as an effective cough remedy.

How figs cure cough

Figs with cough milk is a simple and tasty remedy. This fruit is ideal for eliminating the symptoms of infectious diseases. It not only has an effect directly on the respiratory system, but also helps to strengthen the body's immune forces while fighting the disease. Since this is a natural medicine, it is well absorbed and practically does not cause allergic reactions. Milk, in turn, further softens the throat and removes puffiness.

For the treatment of cough, figs are used due to the following properties:

  • expectorant;
  • antiseptic;
  • diaphoretic.

Figs help facilitate the process of expectoration

The most important thing in the treatment of cough is to ensure productive expectoration. The symptom most often develops as a result of stagnation of mucus in inner surface respiratory tract, which even the most severe attacks cannot bring out. Figs, getting into the throat, soften phlegm, and in the process of absorption, it begins to act on lower divisions- bronchi.

Figs have a pronounced antiseptic property. When ingested, the beneficial substances contained in it are quickly absorbed by the walls of the stomach and intestines, enter the bloodstream and reduce inflammation in any part of the body, including the throat.

During illness, sweating is also important. Due to it, along with the liquid, toxins are also excreted, which are released as pathogens spread through the tissues of the respiratory tract. They poison the body and cause severe inflammation, high temperature and other unpleasant consequences.

The classic recipe for figs with milk

To cope with the symptoms of the disease without the use of drugs, you can use figs with cough milk, a simple recipe for which does not require serious material costs or special equipment.

To prepare figs in milk, you will need 2-3 fruits (fresh or dried), as well as 300-350 ml of milk. Can also be used large quantity, depending on the desired quantity finished product. However, you should be guided by the following proportions - 1 fruit accounts for 100 ml of cow's milk. The latter should be as fat as possible, preferably 3.2%.

The process of preparing the mixture is described as follows:

  • Rinse figs thoroughly under cool running water. Any dirt left on the fruit can carry an infection. Some pathogens can survive even after many hours of boiling, so hygiene should not be neglected.

Cooking figs with milk is easy, just follow the instructions

  • Prepare a suitable enamel pan and pour milk into it. After that, put the container on medium heat and add figs. After boiling, the liquid should be covered with a lid, and the power of the burner should be reduced to a minimum.
  • Figs in milk should be completely boiled, so the process takes an average of one and a half to two hours. This is necessary for the fruit to give all the healing substances.

When the liquid becomes thicker and acquires a brownish tint, this will mean that the product is ready. It is removed from the fire and left for some time in a cool place to cool. However, you should not bring the mixture to a cold state, it should be consumed warm during the day - a third of a glass is enough. Boiled fruits can be mashed with a small spoon to a paste and also used for treatment. The course of treatment is 20 days, every day you will have to prepare a fresh portion.

Figs with milk - not only healthy, but also very tasty

Figs with honey and milk

Figs with cough milk can be prepared a little differently - this recipe also includes the addition of honey as an effective antiseptic ingredient. Such a remedy has a deeper effect, affecting not only the throat area, but also the bronchi.

For cooking you need a blender. It is necessary to load about 8-10 fruits of the date tree into it and grind it well. The resulting mass should not contain individual inclusions and be completely homogeneous. Before use, a little honey is added to it. Drink the remedy should be 1 tbsp. 3-4 times a day with boiled warm milk.

Fig cough syrup

For people suffering from lactose intolerance, you can cook figs for cough without the use of milk. The resulting preparation will be in the form of a sweet syrup - a great option for young patients. Such a remedy will not cause allergic reactions, having a similar medicinal action. To begin treatment, you only need to prepare the ingredients and familiarize yourself with how to prepare such a medicine.

Figs can also be used to make a delicious cough syrup.

Figs for cough in the form of syrup - recipe:

  1. The fruits of the date tree in the amount of 10-12 pieces are sent to a small saucepan, into which 1.5 cups of cold water were previously poured.
  2. The liquid is boiled at medium heat for 20-30 minutes, then another glass of water is added, the same amount of granulated sugar and continue to cook, stirring, until the latter is completely dissolved.
  3. After cooking, add lemon juice and ginger, stir and leave for a while so that the liquid cools down and does not burn the throat when consumed.

This remedy also contains lemon juice and ginger.

This mixture will help wet cough or in its unproductive forms. It is worth noting that at the beginning of the course, it must be continued for at least a month, even if the cough has already completely disappeared. You need to take, as in the previous recipe, 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day.

Treatment during pregnancy

For the fair sex, expecting the birth of a child, there are no contraindications for the use of all the above recipes during treatment inflammatory diseases throat and bronchi, in which there is a cough. Figs will be very useful and will give the body many of the substances necessary for the proper development of the fetus, and will help to quickly get rid of the symptom.

Milk with figs, taken by the mother for coughing, is absolutely safe for unborn children, however, before starting the course, you should still consult a therapist by checking for allergies.

Pregnant women take figs for cough is not prohibited


Figs (both with milk and without it) are a natural medicine, which almost completely eliminates its rejection by the body. However, there are a number of restrictions on the use of this tool.

The fruits of the date tree with milk are not applicable for the treatment of cough with: individual intolerance to the components of the remedy, diabetes mellitus and indigestion (due to the laxative properties of figs).

In the following video you will find a recipe for how to cook figs with cough milk:

Modern medicines contain various chemical substances which, one way or another, can oppress immune system Therefore, more and more people are resorting to traditional medicine. Undoubtedly, folk remedies cannot become a panacea, but they are quite capable of supplementing the therapy prescribed by the doctor and speeding up the healing process. This is especially true when it comes to children. After all, it is children's body most susceptible to attacks by viral infections and colds, accompanied by painful cough. Figs with cough milk is one of the most effective folk ways to combat inflammatory processes in the lungs.

Indications for use

A drink made from milk and figs is considered the safest remedy and is used both for the treatment and for the prevention of diseases accompanied by coughing fits.

These include:

  • various forms of bronchitis;
  • SARS and acute respiratory infections, tonsillitis;
  • pharyngitis and laryngitis;
  • pneumonia;
  • cough provoked by an allergic reaction of the body;
  • hoarseness or loss of voice as a result of disturbances in the functioning of the body.

This remedy will be most effective in cases where the child has a dry cough, viscous, thick sputum, and there are difficulties with expectoration. It renders positive impact to the top Airways, helps to facilitate the process of breathing with congestion of the sinuses.

The healing properties of this fruit were recognized even by official medicine. In addition to effectively fighting cough, it will also be beneficial for some pathologies in the work of the heart, sudden drops blood pressure, diseases of the kidneys and stomach, with anemia and blood clots. Possessing calming properties, figs are able to normalize the functioning of the nervous system, restore sleep patterns.

The fig drink is not used as a main or the only method treatment of the disease. He is auxiliary means and is used in conjunction with the appointments of the attending physician.

Prolonged, not passing more than a week cough, accompanied by weakness or elevated temperature body requires immediate medical attention.


Despite all its benefits, a milk-fig drink, like any other remedy, has some contraindications. Among them:

It also has some laxative effect.

Contraindications include intolerance to lactose contained in milk. In this case, it is recommended to use sugar syrup.

Impact on the child's body

During the cooking of fig fruits, useful trace elements and substances from them are excreted into a liquid medium, and due to this, they are much better and faster absorbed by the body. Milk fat in a decoction gently envelops the walls of the larynx and the mucous membrane of the child, restoring damaged areas. A large number of tannins in the drink helps to relieve inflammation, and acids remove accumulated toxins. Among the positive qualities of the fruit is a beneficial effect on blood circulation, it helps to normalize lung function.

The use of fig-milk mixture fills the child's body minerals and essential vitamins, strengthening his immunity, giving strength and vigor.

The advantages of such a remedy include the fact that the child will easily agree to drink such a decoction, because it is characterized not only by a pleasant smell, but also by taste. Such a medicine is presented to a child in an unusual interesting bowl or other dish, in the form of a dessert, or simply decorated with a straw.

How to cook figs with milk

Preparing figs with cough milk is quite simple, it does not require much effort and time. There are some of the most popular and effective options preparations: from fresh fruits, from dried fruits and with the addition of ginger.

  1. Fresh fruit recipe. In the recipe, preference is given to varieties of figs that have a purple hue, since they have the most high concentration essential oils and various organic acids. Rinse 2-3 fruits in warm water, remove wax deposits from them. Then put the fruit on a paper towel, remove the stalks and cut into several pieces. Bring a glass of milk to a boil, then add chopped fruit. Cover the pot tightly with a lid and shake several times. After the broth is infused for a couple of hours, carefully strain until a homogeneous mixture is obtained.
  2. Dried fruit recipe. This method is considered the most effective and preferred. It is necessary to bring 1-1.5 cups of milk to a boil, add 3 dried fruits, previously cut into several pieces. As soon as the mixture boils again, the fire is reduced to a minimum and boiled for 30 minutes under a closed lid. Then wrap the pan with a towel for an hour so that the mixture is infused. Strained broth should have a homogeneous mass. At proper preparation the drink will have a beige tint, a pleasant aroma and a sweet taste. The presence of a cloudy liquid or white grains in it indicates a violation of the preparation technology and is not recommended for use.
  3. Recipe with ginger. This recipe will allow you to do everything as quickly as possible, since it does not provide for the process of cooking fruit.
    Mix chopped figs with a glass of hot milk and let stand for a while until the fruits soften. Then grate them and a small piece of ginger on a fine grater and add to milk. A cocktail prepared in this way will be an excellent way to treat a cough in a child, and will also be useful in order to prevent colds.
  4. Recipe without milk. If the body is lactose intolerant or if the child categorically refuses to drink milk, there is another version of the recipe.

Pour a dozen dried fruits with 1-1.5 glasses of water, cook for 30 minutes. Then add 1 more glass of water and the same amount of sugar, cook until the sugar dissolves. When the mixture becomes thick, remove it from heat and add 30-40 grams of lemon juice.

Application features

Medicinal decoction prepared from milk and figs should be stored in a container with an airtight lid in a cool place. If, upon cooling, the consistency becomes denser and thicker, this means that the cooking technology has not been violated. With a cough caused by any of the above diseases, the drink is heated before taking:

  • with angina or laryngitis - warm to room temperature;
  • at acute form cough - the mixture is drunk hot.

There are no strict restrictions on the adoption of a milk-fig drink, but it must still be borne in mind that drinking it after a meal can lead to increased gas formation and bloating. Therefore, it is safer to drink this mixture before meals.

The dosage for preschool children is recommended to be agreed with the attending physician. Children over 7 years of age can be given half a glass at a time no more than 3 times a day - before breakfast, at lunchtime and at night. The recommendation is related to the likelihood of an allergic reaction in the child to the constituent components. Nevertheless, fig fruits do not harm the body even with prolonged use.

The course of treatment with such a drink is selected by the doctor based on individual features body and the severity of the disease in the child. As a rule, it ranges from 10 to 30 days, and treatment for a month leads to the complete recovery of the child and the strengthening of his immunity.

A mixture of figs and milk has long shown itself to be safe remedy against various forms cough in children and adults. This is confirmed by the reviews of those who have tried the medicine on themselves, and official medicine. Still, do not forget that folk methods treatment should be used exclusively in conjunction with the doctor's recommendations. Self-medication and the desire to limit the child's use of pharmaceutical drugs due to their chemical components can not only not be beneficial, but also aggravate the condition. Therefore, before taking medicines, even as safe as figs with milk, you should first consult with a specialist.

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