Dried apricots - the benefits and harm to the body of oriental sweets. Why the harm of dried apricots can exceed the benefits if you eat more than you need a day

Hello dear readers!

Since childhood, each of us has known dried apricots, from which our mothers cooked delicious compotes, added them to oatmeal, and made all kinds of desserts. This amazing dried fruit has a pleasant taste, delicate aroma, moderately elastic texture of the pulp and a yellow-orange color spectrum.

Since ancient times, folk healers rightly believe that dried apricots bring people the energy of the Sun, while simultaneously transferring to them a piece of the natural power of the Earth. However, the benefits of dried apricots for the human body, as well as the harm, depend entirely on its chemical composition, which is represented by a large number of vitamin and mineral components.

Today, this dried fruit is used as an excellent alternative sugar-containing products with a mass of useful properties. It is successfully used not only in cooking, but also in traditional medicine to combat problems of the cardiovascular system, pathology of the digestive system or the thyroid gland.

Dried apricots allow a person to cheer up, recharge with energy, enjoy a pleasant taste. However, with all the positive aspects, the use of this dried fruit for a certain category of people has its own contraindications.

Therefore, in order for you to have a complete picture of dried apricots, I will tell you what is included in its composition, what energy value it has, what pros or cons it has. And I will also share with you some recipes so that you can use this amazing dried fruit with maximum benefit for yourself, while retaining all its beneficial properties.

For those who think that dried apricots, apricots and dried apricots are one and the same, I will clarify. Yes, the raw materials for the production of these products are ripe apricot fruits. However, it's all about technology. Under natural conditions of drying apricot fruits together with a stone in the sun, apricots are obtained.

But the fruits dried in special drying chambers without stones are already dried apricots. This quality product has a dense pulp texture, honey-spicy taste and an orange tint. The calorie content of 100 grams is 200 kcal.

During the drying process, fresh fruits lose most of their liquid during evaporation, which is why the finished product becomes more sweet due to the increased concentration of fructose and glucose here.

The presence of these nutrients, unlike sugar, is very important for a person. After all, they are more slowly absorbed through the walls of the intestine, allowing the body to receive energy for a longer time.

Dried apricots are very useful for both men, women and children. Heat treatment does not interfere with the maximum preservation of everything useful material ripe fruit, it contains:

  1. A bouquet of vitamins from groups A, B, E, PP, C. In 100 grams of dried apricots they contain from 5 to 12% of the daily requirement.
  2. Complex of important trace elements:
  • Gland;
  • potassium;
  • Copper;
  • Phosphorus;
  • magnesium.
  • Amino acid series:
    • Tryptophans;
    • Isoleucine;
    • Lizinov;
    • Tresninov.
  • Vegetable dietary fiber.
  • Pectins.
  • Beta carotenes.
  • organic acids.
  • Cellulose.
  • The effect of dried apricots on the human body

    Due to the unique combination of useful chemicals in dried apricots, it has excellent:

    • Anti-inflammatory;
    • expectorant;
    • painkillers;
    • Diuretic;
    • general strengthening;
    • antipyretic;
    • laxatives;
    • Immunostimulating properties.

    Doctors, nutritionists and traditional healers recommend its use to people to strengthen the body, lose weight, prevent or treat a number of diseases. After all, it allows:

    1. Stabilize the work of the myocardium;
    2. Normalize the insulin function of the pancreas;
    3. Stimulate intestinal peristalsis;
    4. Reduce the risk of a heart attack;
    5. Resist the attacks of immune diseases;
    6. Reduce cholesterol levels;
    7. Increase hemoglobin and blood quality indicators;
    8. Deal with anemia
    9. Fight hypertension or diseases of the endocrine system;
    10. Prevent the growth of cancer cells or the formation of blood clots;
    11. Strengthen the vascular walls;
    12. Improve vision and blood formation;
    13. Maintain normal acid-base balance.

    At the same time, I want to note a separate benefit of dried apricots:

    For adults

    For its extraordinary qualities and useful properties, dried apricots have long been called " women's dessert". Its regular use allows the fair sex:

    • Cleanse the body of radionuclides, toxins or toxins;
    • Improve the condition of the skin, hair, nail plates;
    • Postpone the aging process;
    • Increase the production of collagen and elastin;
    • Normalize hormonal background;
    • Prevent thrombosis;
    • Get rid of constipation;
    • Prevent the growth of malignant neoplasms.

    Gynecologists recommend introducing this dried fruit into the diet of women with heavy periods to raise hemoglobin and prevent iron deficiency anemia. And for pregnant women, its use will only contribute to the normal intrauterine development of the unborn baby.

    As for male population, then dried apricots have a beneficial effect on them:

    1. The state of the cardiovascular system;
    2. Stabilization of potency;
    3. Increased sexual desire;
    4. Removal of attacks of aggression, irritability or nervousness.

    For kids

    Today, dried apricots for our children is an excellent natural alternative to chips, crackers, incomprehensible "chocolate" sweets, which only harm their fragile body. However, only 5 pieces of dried apricots eaten by a child will allow him to get the daily norm of iron, calcium and other useful substances for:

    • Prevention of anemia;
    • Receiving an additional flow of energy forces;
    • Activation of brain activity;
    • Strengthening the skeletal system;
    • Stimulating the development of the child's body and its rapid growth.
    • Improving the absorption of vitamins and minerals from food.

    With all the positive characteristics of dried apricots, both adults and children should consume in moderation. With a special caution it should include people with:

    1. Chronic diseases of the digestive system;
    2. Individual intolerance;
    3. diabetes mellitus;
    4. pancreatitis;
    5. Hypotension;
    6. Allergic to apricots.

    You should always buy it from large, clean fruits, with medium hardness and elasticity. Wherein preference should be given dry fruits without a wine taste, pale yellow with a slightly grayish tint, which are inherent in the correct natural product.

    But it is best to refuse dried apricots with a brightly saturated orange color. Since here apricot fruits are processed with special sulfur compounds to improve the presentation of finished products, but harmful to the human body.

    As for the culinary processing of this dried fruit, it is used for:

    • Preparation of delicious infusions or compotes;
    • Additives to a variety of kissels, jelly or mousses;
    • Fruit sauces or gravies, pureed.

    Today, the most common recipe for most hostesses before the start of the winter period is an immunostimulating mixture with honey from an equal amount, passed through a meat grinder or blender:

    1. dried apricots;
    2. raisins;
    3. Prunes;
    4. Lemon.

    By eating just a teaspoon of this delicious mixture before work or school, you can protect yourself and your children from viral infections

    The benefits of dried apricots are well known. Only 5-6 fruits a day, and your cardiovascular system will work like clockwork, and hemoglobin will meet the required standards. Delicacy and medicine at the same time - dried apricots. Nothing exotic, dried sweet apricots, familiar from childhood, are an excellent vitamin and mineral supplement in the off-season, when the deficiency of nutrients is felt especially acutely.

    Delicious, Affordable, Easy

    Dried apricots are very popular among culinary specialists. Its discreet aroma and pronounced sweet and sour taste goes well with meat and complements desserts.

    Dried fruits are the main delicacy of those who fast or prefer vegetarianism..

    Women (and men too) often take dried apricots with them on the road or to work for a snack - a few berries will not settle on the waist, and they will relieve the obsessive feeling of hunger for a long time.

    Dried apricots are usually divided into dried apricots and apricots.. The latter has a more modest size and a bone. Dried apricots are made from large dessert varieties of apricots, from which the stone is previously removed without violating the integrity of the halves of the berry.

    There are several ways to dry an apricot. If this is an industrial scale, then the process cannot do without sulfur dioxide, although non-toxic, but still a chemical. It gives that unique golden and appetizing color that store-bought dried apricots have.

    The oldest and easiest way, which is also the most environmentally friendly, is to dry peeled apricots in the sun and breeze. The main thing is to make sure that the workpiece is not spoiled by sudden rain or cloudiness. Apricots are dried for at least 8-10 days.

    Modern housewives do not need to worry about the weather at all, since wonderful kitchen appliances for drying fruits and vegetables have been invented. Harvested homemade dried apricots or apricots will be much more useful and cheaper than imported dried apricots.

    A bit of history

    It is clear that the history of dried apricots goes in parallel with the history of the conquest of the world by the apricot plant. Mention of these trees appeared more than 4 thousand years ago. They were grown in northeast China.

    Due to the certain closeness of this ancient power, the spread of apricot trees around the world was rather slow.

    The first after the Chinese, the ancient Armenians and Mesopotamians tried the apricot fruits, and in 400 AD, the Arabs brought the seeds of the plant to the Mediterranean. England and Spain became aware of the existence of the apricot by the 16th century.

    Western, or rather "overseas" "apricot apples", or "peach plums", came to the territory of Russia in the middle of the 17th century. Very soon, the plant became a favorite tree and decoration of the monastery and boyar gardens.

    Later, in the 18th century, apricots were known everywhere, but they were still grown in greenhouse conditions and were just beginning to be cultivated in open ground in the southern regions of the country.

    Drying as a way of harvesting most food products has been familiar to mankind since the dawn of civilization, so it is not surprising that the history of dried apricots goes back several thousand years.

    Chemical composition

    Scientists claim that dried apricots are far from the champion in vitamin content, but its mineral composition can compete with any of the fruits.

    More about the elements that make up 100 grams of dried apricots:

    • nicotinic acid (vitamin PP) - 4 mg;
    • beta-carotene - up to 3.5 mg;
    • vitamin E - more than 5 mg;
    • retinol (vitamin A) - 580 mcg;
    • ascorbic acid (vitamin C) - 4 mg;
    • thiamine (vitamin B1) - up to 0.1 mg;
    • riboflavin (vitamin B2) - up to 0.2 mg;
    • protein - 5 g;
    • carbohydrates (including saccharides) - up to 50 g;
    • fats - 0.3 g;
    • fiber - up to 19 g;
    • saturated and unsaturated fatty acids - 0.1 g each;
    • organic acids - 1.5 g;
    • ash substances - 4 g;
    • starch - 3 g;
    • water - up to 18 g;
    • minerals: iron, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, potassium (1717 mg!).

    The calorie content of dried apricots is approximately 230 kcal.. Properly dried fruits have almost the same composition as fresh apricots, so you can support your body with tasty and healthy fruits all year round.

    Both adults and children know that dried apricots are useful. And why it is so important to use it every day, not everyone knows.

    1. Do not be afraid of the high content of carbohydrates - in dried apricots they are practically harmless, since they serve only as a source of long-term energy, and contribute to increased efficiency.

    2. Dried apricots prevent swelling, improve intestinal motility, remove decay products - toxins.

    3. The product helps cleanse blood vessels from cholesterol plaques and blood clots.

    4. Due to the high content of iron, it increases the level of hemoglobin, so dried apricots are recommended during pregnancy and for various types of anemia, as well as before and after surgery.

    5. Heavy metals will leave the body thanks to pectins and organic acids contained in dried apricots.

    6. As a mild diuretic, the product is acceptable for kidney pathologies and urolithiasis.

    7. Vitamin E and beta-carotene guard the beauty and youth of hair and skin.

    8. Dried apricots slow down the growth of benign and malignant neoplasms.

    9. Magnesium helps to cope with high blood pressure, so dried apricots are recommended for hypertensive patients.

    10. This delicacy has a very high content of potassium, which is indispensable for the work of the heart muscle. Dried apricots effectively replenish potassium reserves if a person is forced to take diuretics.

    11. Dried fruit is indicated for people suffering from diabetes, as it has a beneficial effect on hormonal levels..


    As for the harm of dried apricots for the body, one cannot speak of any strict prohibitions on the use of this dried fruit - it will not lead to fatal consequences.

    • Rather, it is necessary to mention caution, moderation or temporary rejection of this product in some cases:
    • if there are suspicions of exceeding the norms of chemicals in the production of dried apricots;
    • if a person is hypotonic (dried fruit helps lower blood pressure);
    • with excessive use of dried apricots, indigestion may occur;
    • if a person is allergic to apricots.

    When choosing dried apricots in a store or on the market, be guided by the one that was brought from Central Asia (Uzbekistan, Tajikistan) - it is often produced by traditional drying in the sun. But Turkish dried apricots undergo chemical processing. Be healthy.

    Bright sunny apricot is able to give us its beneficial qualities even in winter. You can eat it in the form of a delicious dried fruit - dried apricots. The properties of this product are so interesting that it is used not only in culinary business, but also in alternative medicine. “Dried apricots - benefit and harm”: this is the topic that we will consider in this article.

    There are quite a few types of dried apricots. It depends on the variety of fresh fruit, and on the method of obtaining dried apricots directly. Which representatives of dried apricot are the best?

    The appearance of this dried fruit is due to the fact that since ancient times people had to stock up for the winter. And at some point, the fruit began to dry. Since then, the best dried fruits are those that have been dried in the sun, in the most natural way. The same applies to dried apricots.

    It is customary to call dried apricots directly a large dried apricot, from which a stone has been extracted. And dried fruit from small apricot fruits, which are dried directly with a stone, are called apricots.

    Moisture may affect the taste of this product. If drops of water fall on the fruit during drying, then the finished product has a darker color and changes its taste.

    The bright orange color of the dried fruit indicates that chemicals were used in its processing. On the one hand, such processing adds a shelf life to the product, but on the other hand, it is no longer a completely natural dried fruit.

    The wine flavor in dried apricots should alert you. It is a criterion that when harvesting dried fruit, not very fresh apricots were used.

    Natural high-quality dried apricots have a sweet and sour or sweet taste.

    What is dried apricots made of?

    Despite the fact that dried apricots are naturally classified as dried fruits, this product contains a rather large percentage of water. 100 g of dried fruit contains approximately 65 g of water. This product is also rich in carbohydrates. It contains about 26 g of them. The calorie content of dried fruit is 215 kcal per 100 g.

    Useful dietary fibers are also present here, about 3 g. Protein in dried apricots is only 1.7 g. And this dried fruit practically does not have fats, there are only 0.15 g of them.

    Dried apricots are also not famous for vitamins. All of them leave this product during the drying process. But still, you can find vitamin A in it. Also, dried apricots contain vitamins of group B.

    Enhance the effect of vitamins in dried apricots by the presence of useful substances, which, on the contrary, it acquires during drying, as well as the composition of trace elements. They are happy there. Most of the composition is copper, iron and manganese.

    Why is this product good for health?

    The benefits and harms of dried apricots have long been studied by nutritionists.

    Useful qualities of dried fruit, of course, prevail:

    1. First of all, it must be said that dried apricots are incredibly rich in pectin. This substance found in fruits can prolong youth. Pectin is often added to cosmetics. And when consumed internally, it helps to remove the accumulation of heavy metals and radionuclides from the body. The presence of this substance quite deservedly allows us to call dried apricots curative for the body.
    2. The plant-type fibers present are very good at improving bowel function. In principle, dried apricots can be used as a natural laxative.
    3. The vascular system also benefits from this dried fruit. Its use increases the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels, and it also fights the level of bad cholesterol.
    4. Product-based compote, also called uzvar, is extremely beneficial for kidney health. It is especially good for the body to drink it in the spring, when we experience beriberi.
    5. Improves dried apricot and blood quality. Thanks to him, more correct blood cells are formed in the blood. Their presence keeps the immune system in good shape and blocks the development of cancer cells.

    This dried fruit is also useful for weight loss and during pregnancy.

    The use of dried apricots during pregnancy

    I would like to separately note that it is especially important to include dried apricots in the diet during pregnancy.

    This applies to pregnant women who carry their babies in the autumn-winter period. During these seasons, it is more difficult to provide pregnant women with fresh fruits, where there are a lot of substances useful for the body. Dried fruits, and in particular dried apricots, are a real salvation here.

    The sweetness of this product can easily calm the nervous system of a woman during pregnancy. And at the same time, she will receive not a dose of sugar, but a dose of fructose from the product, which, of course, is much better for the body.

    Pregnant women often have muscle cramps. So, the regular use of this dried fruit or compote based on it will replenish potassium reserves, which will greatly help to relax the muscular system of pregnant women.

    The inclusion of this dried fruit in the diet of pregnant women is important not only for them, but also for their fetus. The composition of microelements will help the baby's body to form correctly.

    Constipation often occurs during pregnancy. The properties of dried apricots will easily help to cope with this problem in pregnant women. But here you need to know the measure.

    The norm of the use of the product is a maximum of 100 g per day. Otherwise, diarrhea may develop.

    Help dried apricots in weight loss

    Dried apricots play a positive role in the difficult task of losing weight. It is no secret that during weight loss you need to limit or completely eliminate sweets. We all understand this intellectually, but in fact, overcoming sugar cravings for the sake of losing weight is not so simple.

    So, in especially acute moments, when you want sweets, you can eat dried apricots. This allows you to make the composition of the product and its calorie content. Instead of sugar, which is so harmful for weight loss, you get fructose, but at the same time satisfy cravings for sweets. And the calorie content of the product makes it possible to call it dietary.

    Fasting days based on this dried fruit can also bring benefits to the body and the effect of losing weight. In order to carry it out, you only need 300 g of dried apricots and 2 liters of clean water.

    During the day, with the advent of hunger, eat some dried fruit and drink everything with water. As a result, you will get not only the effect of losing weight, but also cleaning the body.

    How to use dried apricots correctly?

    In principle, there are no hard contraindications to the use of dried fruit. Rather, here we can talk about the extent to which it should be used. The weaker your intestines, the less you need to eat dried apricots. So that its inclusion in the diet does not end for you with an upset stomach.

    Otherwise, dried apricot has a very good effect on the human body.

    There are even tribes where the main food is dried fruits, including dried apricots. And I must say that people in these tribes are distinguished by longevity.

    Here is what dried apricots are, the benefits and harms of this dried fruit.

    Dried apricots are an affordable product: if desired, you can buy it in almost any store or market. But not every one of those that sellers offer is useful. Often, poor quality is hidden behind the attractive appearance of the fruit. After all, purely yellow or orange dried fruits are definitely treated with sulfur dioxide, which can harm the human body. Unfortunately, such a product is more readily purchased than natural, unprocessed chocolate dried apricots or stained.

    What is chocolate chip

    They call it that for its unusual taste - it is very sweet, and really slightly resembles chocolate. Her taste is more saturated, it bears little resemblance to the taste of ordinary dried apricots, since it almost does not sour. The fruits are more tender and juicy. From above they are dark, matte, brown in color with a slightly gray bloom. And the inside is brighter.

    Despite the unsightly appearance, such a dried fruit is quite expensive. The price of such dried apricots is about 2 times higher than that of the usual one.

    Where and how is real chocolate dried apricots made?

    This delicacy is produced in eastern countries: in Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Turkey and Uzbekistan.

    For the manufacture of the product, be sure to take large red apricots that have managed to fully ripen. Previously, bones are taken out of them. The fruits are dried in a natural way - in the fresh air. No special substances and drying machines are required for production.

    The chemical composition of dried apricots

    The composition of the product includes many substances useful for the human body.

    Vitamins: A, B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, B9, C, E, K, PP.

    Macronutrients: potassium, calcium, silicon, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus.

    Trace elements: iron.

    Chocolate dried apricots contain a record amount of magnesium (32 mg per 100 g), silicon (26 mg per 100 g) and calcium (120 mg per 100 g). Human bones are made up of the last elements. Therefore, the product effectively strengthens bones and teeth, and also improves the condition of the skin, nails and hair.

    In addition, dried apricots contain fiber, organic acids, proteins, fats, sucrose, glucose and fructose, which give it a sweet taste.

    Calorie content of chocolate dried apricots - 215 kcal per 100 g.

    The daily rate of dried apricots - 3-5 pcs.

    Useful properties and benefits of chocolate dried apricots for the body

    • has diuretic properties
    • strengthens the protective functions of the body,
    • cancer prevention,
    • normalizes metabolism,
    • removes toxins, heavy metals,
    • eliminates constipation,
    • prevention of strokes and heart attacks,
    • increases the level of hemoglobin,
    • lowers cholesterol levels
    • improves kidney and thyroid function,
    • stabilizes the hormonal background,
    • relieves swelling,
    • alleviates the condition of diabetes mellitus,
    • strengthens the musculoskeletal system,
    • improves eyesight,
    • has a calming effect
    • slows down the aging process,
    • improves the condition of the skin, hair and nails.

    Dried apricots are highly nutritious and yet a dietary fruit. Regular consumption of it in food will strengthen the immune system, cure many diseases, significantly improve the functioning of the kidneys and pancreas.

    In addition, the product is useful for elevated levels of cholesterol in the body, is able to adjust the hormonal background, prevent the occurrence of problems with the heart and blood vessels. It is necessary for the prevention of heart attacks and strokes, the development of cancer cells in the body.

    Natural dried apricots normalize the intestinal microflora. At the same time, you can not be afraid of attacks of allergies or asthma - the fruits do not provoke them.

    In Tajikistan, chocolate dried apricots are considered an indispensable sedative and vitaminizer. It is recommended to eat it in the period of nervous disorders. And also it is useful for beauty - it smoothes wrinkles, makes hair and nails stronger.

    Dried apricots for the body during pregnancy

    Dried fruit is recommended for pregnant women to include in their diet. Thanks to such a rich and valuable composition, it ensures the healthy development of the fetus and the birth of a baby with strong bones. And the presence of a large amount of calcium allows expectant mothers to maintain a well-groomed appearance of their hair and nails.

    During this period, pregnant women especially need to maintain their immunity. Chocolate dried apricots saturate with vitamins, thereby fighting beriberi. In addition, it has a diuretic effect, removes excess fluid from the body, thereby reducing swelling.

    The product will also be useful for constipation and toxicosis, which many women face.

    Is it possible to eat dried apricots with diabetes

    As mentioned above, natural dried fruit helps with diseases of the kidneys, thyroid and pancreas. Since dried apricots normalize the work of the last insulin apparatus, it will be very useful for people with high blood sugar, subject to the daily norm:

    • type I diabetes - 50 g,
    • type II diabetes - 100 g.

    It is desirable to eat dried fruit in its pure form, after soaking for several hours in water. Do not heat treat it.

    Contraindication and harm of dried apricots for health

    Despite the fact that dried apricots are a useful product, in some cases their use can be simply harmful to the body. For example, if:

    • individual intolerance,
    • in the body, water-salt metabolism is disturbed,
    • have serious kidney disease
    • have gastritis with high acidity,
    • ulcers and inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract.

    It is also worth carefully including dried apricots in your diet for hypotensive patients, since it tends to reduce pressure.

    In no case should you abuse the product. Excessive intake can cause indigestion.

    Give preference only to natural dried fruits. Dried apricots with an unnatural color are only harmful to health. It can lead to poisoning and even provoke bronchial asthma.

    What are the medicinal properties of dried apricots

    There are many ways to use dried apricots for the benefit of your body. Consider the most popular and simple of them.

    For immunity. A mixture of chocolate dried apricots with prunes, honey and walnuts is often used as a means of strengthening the body. Pass the ingredients in equal proportions through a meat grinder or chop with a blender. Add honey at the end.

    For the prevention of anemia, lack of vitamins, problems with the eyes and stomach. Within a month, 2-3 times a day, you need to eat dried apricots with honey.

    This mixture is made as follows: 100 g of fruits are crushed together with 2 tbsp. honey. 2 weeks after the end of the course of treatment, you need to go through it again.

    For cleansing. Compotes from dried fruits, thanks to the pectin that is part of them, remove stones from the kidneys, cleanse the body of toxins and accumulated harmful substances.

    From chronic constipation. On an empty stomach, you need to drink an infusion of dried apricots, which is prepared quite simply: 5-6 pieces must be thoroughly washed and poured with a glass of boiling water. And then, closing the lid, leave overnight. Thanks to this tool, you can improve the functioning of the intestines.

    The use of dried apricots for weight loss

    I must say, dried apricots in chocolate are a very sweet, high-calorie product. Nevertheless, it is quite possible to use it during diets and include your diet on fasting days, consuming only dried apricots that day. 500 g of product will be enough. At the same time, it is important to regularly drink plenty of water and take walks in the fresh air. Thanks to this diet, you will get rid of toxins, extra pounds and puffiness.

    Dried apricot contains:

    • Potassium. It normalizes the work of all internal organs.
    • Calcium. An irreplaceable element. Strengthens bones, muscle tissue.
    • Iron. The substance is especially valuable for people suffering from blood diseases. It saturates the body with oxygen, raises the level of hemoglobin.
    • Copper. Responsible for feminine beauty. Makes skin elastic.
    • Retinol. It is necessary for the normalization of vision, improves reproductive function.
    • Riboflavin. Normalizes metabolism. Valuable for the child's body. Improves memory, calms the nervous system.
    • Vitamin C. Strengthens the walls of blood vessels, improves immunity.
    • Vitamins E. The main purpose is to nourish the cells with oxygen, slow down the aging process. It is actively used in cosmetology, strengthens nails and hair.
    • Niacin. Prevents the formation of cholesterol plaques, is involved in metabolism.

    As you can see, the composition is really unique. They contain substances that together form a wonderful tandem. Any disease will be bypassed if a few pieces of dried apricots are used daily.

    What ailments can dried apricots help with?

    It is impossible to cure a serious disease with the help of dried apricots, but the product is ideal for prevention and support of the body:

    1. Recommended for people suffering from diseases of the cardiovascular system. Dried apricots are best eaten with honey, daily 3 times a day. At the same time, it is possible to normalize blood pressure, increase the level of hemoglobin, and prevent the formation of blood clots and plaques. Recommended for children with anemia. But the dosage is better to coordinate with the doctor.
    2. Well normalizes blood sugar levels. Dried apricots are valuable because they help produce glucagon in the pancreas, which acts like insulin.
    3. If colds, migraines have not bypassed you, pay attention to dried fruits. Good mix: dried apricots, raisins, nuts, honey. This mixture will restore immunity, give strength to the body.
    4. In folk medicine, there is an opinion that dried apricot can cope with cancer cells. But this fact has not been scientifically proven.

    How to choose

    In order for dried apricots to be useful, they must be chosen correctly. This must be done based on its presentation. Everyone is used to seeing a bright orange, glossy dried fruit. But try drying an apricot at home, and you will understand that you will not achieve such an effect.

    The completely natural product has a pale yellow, even grayish color. If it was dried incorrectly, moisture got on it, the product acquires a grayish tint.

    Those dried fruits that are on store shelves are treated with chemicals. If all technologies are observed, there will be no harm from them. Useful properties of apricot will be preserved.

    Be sure to try apricots, you heard a pronounced sweetness and wine aroma, you should not buy products.

    How to use

    Dried fruit is often used in cooking. Used as a filling in pies, cakes, added to various desserts. Fans of Uzbek cuisine probably know that natural pilaf cannot do without this product.

    Chefs say that dried apricots go well with cereals. By adding such a dish to breakfast, you can be sure of energizing for the whole day.

    You can also make a dried fruit cocktail. Such a drink is recommended to drink no more than one glass a day.

    dried apricot cocktail

    Ingredients and preparation:

    1. Dried apricots - 300 g.
    2. Peach juice - 1 liter.

    First, steam the dried apricots with boiling water. It should be infused for about an hour. Do not pour out the liquid, it has a lot of nutrients. Grind the steamed dried fruit in a blender to a puree state. Add freshly squeezed juice. If the drink turned out to be very concentrated, add the water in which the dried apricot was steamed.

    How to use: Take a glass a day. You can add a few drops of lemon juice, fresh mint and ice.

    Result: Immunity will be strengthened.

    This drink perfectly quenches thirst. It is recommended to drink to people who are actively involved in sports. Pediatricians advise giving a drink to children, especially schoolchildren. It will strengthen the memory, give strength and vigor. You shouldn't do this regularly. After a month of taking, take a break (2-3 weeks). At the first sign of an allergy, stop giving the drink.

    Vitamin Blend

    Ingredients and preparation:

    1. Dried apricots.
    2. Raisin. Look at dried grapes. It is better to use an oblong, light product.
    3. Prunes (pitted).
    4. Nuts. If possible, make a mix (walnut, cashew, hazelnut).
    5. Natural honey.

    Take an equal amount of ingredients. Grind them in a blender or pass through a meat grinder. Stir, pour honey. It is better to take a little more than the main components. Honey should not be candied. Better use May varieties.

    How to use: Eat a teaspoon of the mixture every day (on an empty stomach). You can drink green tea or water with lemon.

    Result: You will bring great benefits to the body, get rid of toxins and toxins.

    Be sure to store the mixture in the refrigerator.

    Effect on the female body

    Despite the fact that dried fruit is quite high-calorie (232 Kcal per 100 g), girls like to eat it. And this is no coincidence. The product helps to cope with PMS, relieves nervous tension, has a positive effect on the condition of nails and hair.

    Many nutritionists recommend this dried fruit as the main ingredient for fasting days. The bottom line is to consume drinks based on dried apricots during the day. It can be tea, compote, cocktail and even coffee with dried apricots.

    Separately, I would like to touch on the topic of pregnancy. Many doctors recommend eating dried fruit during this period. The justifications are as follows:

    • Excellent helps to cope with the pressure that occurs, as a rule, in the last trimester.
    • Diuretic decoction, relieves swelling well. Contraindications - kidney problems.
    • If a girl has high sugar, dried apricots can be his replacement.
    • Dried fruit acts as a mild laxative.


    Like any other product, dried apricots have a number of contraindications. Among them are the following:

    • Stomach problems: diarrhea, gas, metabolism. When taking the product, the symptoms will only intensify.
    • Diabetes of the second degree. In this case, a person should consult a doctor to determine a clear dosage.
    • Individual intolerance. It occurs quite rarely. Manifested in the form of skin rash, itching, swelling.
    • Hypotension.

    The list is not very extensive. It is noteworthy that you can use dried apricots from birth. Even babies with constipation are recommended a decoction of dried fruit.

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