Goat fat helps. The use of goat fat for coughs in children. The use of goat fat

Goat fat for coughing in children is one of the effective remedies offered by traditional medicine to alleviate the condition of the patient and get well soon. It can be used as an independent product, or in combination with other medicinal components. Correct use goat fat allows you to quickly ease the cough syndrome, improve sputum discharge, soothe an irritated throat and speed up the recovery of the disease field.

Useful composition and properties of goat fat

Goat fat, also melted fat, contains in its composition:

  • vitamins of groups A, B, C, D, E;
  • semi-saturated fatty acids;
  • coenzymes;
  • lactoenzymes;
  • minerals (calcium, zinc, magnesium, selenium, potassium.

During the treatment of colds in children, goat fat helps to reduce high temperature body, improves the separation of mucus from the bronchi, reduces the risk of complications. This product also stimulates immune defense and actively opposes the development infection. In the season of colds, the spread of influenza and SARS, the use of the product allows for effective prevention.

What kind of cough does goat fat help with?

Goat cough fat can be used for any of its varieties. At the same time, it allows:

  1. Translate a dry, superficial cough into a deep, wet one.
  2. Facilitate expectoration in the wet variety of the syndrome.
  3. Eliminate irritation in the throat.

The product has pronounced medicinal properties that help in the elimination of chronic or acute bronchitis. It also speeds up healing. old cough relieves puffiness and inflammatory processes in the respiratory organs.

Goat fat can be used in children of any age, including infants. At the initial stage of the disease maximum benefit will bring pure fat. In the stage of development of the disease, more effective will be multicomponent formulations with his addition.

Any way to use goat fat to treat a cough can get a positive result. Traditionally, the product is applied externally or internally.

Presence of contraindications

The main contraindications to treatment with goat fat are impaired metabolism and the presence of individual intolerance to the product. Hypersensitivity The child may present with:

  • nausea and vomiting;
  • rashes on the skin;
  • general weakness.

In the event of the development of such phenomena, it is recommended to stop the therapy with goat fat from a cough in a child and replace it with another similar product (goose, badger fat).

Outdoor use

The application of fat to the skin causes a slight increase in body temperature, an acceleration of metabolism and an active removal of toxins. For the treatment of cough in children, rubbing will be effective.

Eliminate cough with a clean product

Before applying to the skin, the fat is slightly warmed up (in the hands, using a water bath, on a battery).

Then it is evenly applied to the sternum, avoiding the heart, and gently rubbed in a circular motion.

After completing the procedure, the child must be wrapped in a warm blanket, put on cotton socks on his feet, drink warm milk or herbal tea and leave in bed for at least half an hour.

Recipe with propolis

This tool helps to effective treatment from a cough associated with a cold.

A tablespoon of fat is melted in a water bath and mixed with 20 g of propolis tincture.

The second preparation option is to add a few drops of two types of essential oil to your choice (fir, eucalyptus, rosemary, mint, lavender) to a mixture of goat fat and propolis. Rubbing the sternum, back and heels is carried out before going to bed.

Goat fat and turpentine

A small amount of melted goat fat is combined with 2-3 drops of turpentine.

After grinding the resulting healing mixture little patient put on warm socks, wrap in a warm blanket.

In case of development severe cough this procedure can be carried out repeatedly throughout the day.

"Mustard plasters" from fat and honey

Mixture natural honey and goat fat, taken in equal amounts, is applied to paper sheets for compresses, and applied to the chest for 20-30 minutes. From above, the application area must be insulated. The procedure greatly facilitates the process of coughing.

Rubbing with a prolonged cough with wheezing in the chest

Rubbing when coughing can be performed only with the permission of the pediatrician. It is recommended to carry out such procedures not earlier than the patient reaches the age of 6 months.

Recipes for ingestion

Good effect in the treatment of children gives internal use product in pure form or in combination with other components. For combination it is recommended to use goat milk From cough.

Use in its purest form

Goat fat is taken in the amount of 0.5 teaspoon no more than 1 time per day. On the initial stage development of cough becomes sufficient 1-2 procedures to prevent further progression of the disease.

Goat fat, milk and honey

This drink can be prepared for a child if he refuses to use goat fat as an independent product.

Half a teaspoon of fat, melted in a water bath, mixed with a glass warm milk and 1 tsp. honey.

The tool should be infused for about half an hour. After consumption medical composition the patient should be wrapped in a woolen blanket and left in bed. After 2-3 repetitions of the procedure, the cough noticeably weakens.

Strong cough remedy

You will need to chop a small onion and 3 cloves of garlic, then boil them for several minutes in a glass of milk. The mixture is filtered, a pinch of soda and 0.5 teaspoon of fat are added. The remedy must be drunk during the day, divided into 4 equal portions.

Propolis drink

Goat fat for bronchitis in combination with propolis can be used in the treatment of children over 12 years of age.

Half a teaspoon of melted lard is mixed with a glass of milk and a small amount of propolis tincture (1-2 drops).

Before going to bed, the child should drink half a glass of a warm composition.

Goat fat, milk and sea salt

Goat milk with salt and fat helps eliminate cough caused by sore throat and stop reproduction pathogenic bacteria on mucous membranes. Before use, the fat is dissolved in warm milk and a little sea salt is added.

When used properly, goat fat can not harm children's body. However, before using any folk recipes you need to consult a specialist. This will minimize the risk of developing allergic reactions.

How to choose a quality product

To get the maximum positive results use only high quality goat fat
. To choose this product correctly, it is useful to adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Purchase goat fat, which has a dense texture and clean White color.
  2. Pay attention to the absence of a pronounced odor ( quality product has a slight odor).
  3. An indicator of the freshness of goat fat is its ability to crumble under the knife.

You should not buy yellow, gray fat with bad smell. This state of the product indicates its expired shelf life. The best solution will be the purchase of goat fat from people who breed these useful animals.

Goat fat is natural general tonic, with which you can successfully deal with various diseases.

Fat is also used as prophylactic to boost immunity.

In order for the tool to have the expected effect, you need to know how to use it correctly.

The chemical composition of goat fat

The composition of the goat product contains a lot useful substances, vitamins, minerals, fatty acids. The latter include:

  • capric;
  • nylon;
  • caprylic acid.

Did you know? Goats don't get cancer. Preventive regular consumption of goat (internal) fat reduces the risk of cancer.

Vitamins (per 100 g of product):
  • A - 0.1 mg;
  • B2 - 0.14 mg;
  • B12 - 0.035 mg;
  • C - 2 mg;
  • D - 0.05 mg;
  • E - 0.2 mg;
  • B13 - 0.04 mg;
  • K - 0.006 mg;
  • choline - 17 mg;
  • β-carotene - 0.01 mg;
  • folic acid - 0.002 mg;
  • pantothenic acid - 0.47 mg.

Minerals (per 100 g of product):

  • calcium - 140 mg;
  • sodium - 57 mg;
  • phosphorus - 90 mg;
  • magnesium -15 mg;
  • iron - 0.2 mg;
  • copper - 20 mg;
  • selenium - 0.018 mg.
Calorie content - 898 kcal.

Useful and medicinal properties

Get the product in two different ways: in the first case, the internal fat is melted, in the second case, butter is made.

In both options, the final product is equally useful and has the following properties:

  1. The polyunsaturated acids found in the product have anti-inflammatory and antirheumatic properties.
  2. The product is rich in almost all known vitamins, there is even a little-known, due to the rarity, B13. This vitamin is necessary for the formation of amino acids, prevents cell aging.
  3. Of the minerals, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, copper and manganese can be isolated, which are necessary for normal operation heart, blood vessels, hematopoietic processes, bone tissue formation.
  4. Antioxidants and coenzymes prevent the development of oncological processes.

AT folk medicine goat fat treatment various diseases practiced for a very long time. Moreover, the product is used to treat completely different diseases, taking it both inside and as ointments.

Important! Goat fat is a light natural laxative, its use helps to remove toxins and toxins from the body.

Here are just some examples of the use of the remedy in traditional medicine:

  1. It is used to lower body temperature and as an anti-febrile agent.
  2. Used to treat tuberculosis.
  3. The product is well perceived by the body, quickly digested and absorbed, having a beneficial effect on digestion.
  4. As an ointment, it is known as a remedy for heel spur, various manifestations of gout, has a beneficial effect on the condition of the joints.
  5. Effective in the treatment of burns and frostbite, has antimicrobial action, accelerates tissue regeneration.
  6. Beneficial effect on the condition of the skin and hairline with a rejuvenating effect.
  7. Since ancient times, our ancestors have known that with the help of goat fat, you can successfully treat any colds: from coughs to pneumonia. Moreover, the remedy is applicable even for the smallest children.

In addition, it should be said that even adherents traditional approach in medicine tend to believe that regular use is not a large number this tool helps to strengthen the body in general and the central nervous system in particular.

Can it be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Pregnant women, in the absence of contraindications, goat fat can be taken without fear. The drug is also used to treat colds in infants. With caution, the drug should be taken only by those future mothers who have problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

Did you know? 1 teaspoon of goat fat contains 44.9 kcal.

Contraindications and harm

With reasonable use, the product is absolutely harmless, and of all the contraindications, you need to pay attention only to the following:

  • individual intolerance to the product, allergy;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • with caution should be used by people prone to fullness.
If you follow the recommended therapeutic doses, most likely none negative manifestations you won't feel. If you have skin problems various rashes, irritation), diarrhea appeared - there are signs of an "overdose". In this situation, you should reduce the consumption of the product.

Application in traditional medicine: recipes

In folk medicine, goat fat is used not only to treat colds, but also in many other cases. However, we will dwell in more detail on the anti-cold properties of the product.

When coughing

There are many traditional medicine recipes for the use of cough fat. The tool is universal, and it depends only on you how to take it: inside or as compresses (rubbing the chest and back). Basis for healing drink is milk with goat fat, it is suitable for the treatment of both adults and children.

Add 1 teaspoon of honey and goat fat to 1 glass of warm (+45–50 °С) milk, mix. Take the remedy for 5-7 days, 2-3 times a day. Be sure to take 1 dose before bed.

Rubbing with goat fat is effective tool to relieve cough in both children (including infants) and adults. For grinding, take a small amount of fat (if any, add 1 drop of turpentine), rub the chest and back and wrap the patient well. In the morning the illness will be gone.

With bronchitis

It is also used to treat bronchitis. The most effective use of compresses. Put the compress as follows:

  1. Mix 2 tbsp. l. soft warm goat fat with 1/2 tsp. mustard powder and the same amount of propolis.
  2. Apply the mixture thin layer on the dense fabric or paper.
  3. Apply a compress to the chest and back, secure tightly with a cloth or elastic bandage, from above they are wrapped in a warm blanket or downy scarf.
The procedure is carried out before going to bed for 5-7 days. A mixture (1:1) of fat and honey can also be used as the main substance.

With a cold

In case of the first signs of a cold, melt 1 tsp. fat and drink it before bed. For the treatment of colds in children, 1/2 spoon is enough.

At a temperature

At a temperature, rubbing should not be done, you need to be treated with drinks.

The following recipe is recommended for adults: cook 1 medium onion and 3 garlic cloves in 1 liter of milk, let cool slightly, then strain. Add 1 tsp to warm strained milk. goat fat and 1/3 tsp. soda.
Take the remedy in this way: 1 glass is divided into 4 parts and drunk throughout the day, last time- before bedtime. Store in the refrigerator, before use, heat up to + 40–45 ° С.

Application in cosmetology

The use of goat fat in cosmetology is primarily based on the properties of vitamin B13 and coenzyme Q10. These substances are simply irreplaceable in the beauty industry.

Did you know?After 30–35 years, the synthesis of coenzyme in our body begins to drop sharply, this circumstance turns on the mechanism of aging. Partially restore natural coenzyme deficiency human body capable of Q10, which is quite a lot in the composition of the goat product.

For hair

In order to improve the health of hair and give it shine and radiance, prepare nourishing mask, mixing in equal parts honey and goat fat, and rub the resulting mass into the roots of the hair. Leave the mass on the hair for half an hour, then rinse warm water with shampoo and conditioner. Repeat the process twice a month.

Face masks

To prepare a face mask, you need to mix goat fat, honey and blue clay. The resulting substance will be your base for the mask. Depending on the purpose, 10-15 drops of oil are added to the mask:

  • - it contains vitamin E, which has a rejuvenating effect, as well as vitamins A and B, involved in the regeneration of the skin, the use of this oil has a tightening and rejuvenating effect;
  • - used to smooth wrinkles;
  • - rich in vitamins A (has a moisturizing effect), C (strengthens the walls of blood vessels, takes part in the regeneration of the epidermis), F (very useful for oily skin);
  • - Promotes hydration of the skin high content antioxidants, smoothes wrinkles.

Use any other oil or plant extracts of your choice as a supplement. Can do without additional ingredients using only the basis of the three components above. Apply the mask to the face weekly, the duration of the procedure is 20 minutes.

Important! Goat fat, in addition to its nutritional effect, has a whitening effect on the skin.. Its use helps to remove age spots and wrinkles, it also moisturizes the skin.

It should be said that goat fat is not only remedy It can also be used for cooking. It's really useful product, which has a lot of unique qualities, which will never be superfluous in your refrigerator. It is only necessary to choose a fresh goat product on the market and melt it properly.

Goat fat: video

The healing and rejuvenating properties of goat fat have been known since the days when the concept of "pharmaceuticals" did not exist. The temperature level at which you can melt this product, is equal to 37 degrees, which is equivalent to the standard temperature of the human body. It is easily digestible, and its composition is much more useful.

Goat fat is extracted from the body of an animal or from milk. It preserves all valuable elements in its structure.

The highest nutritional value is fat extracted from mountain goats, which are grazed in the meadows of the Alps, famous for their clean ecology.

Interestingly, goat fat has a similar biological and chemical structure which is characteristic of the human. The product is enriched with fatty acids (approximately 67%), lacto-enzymes and minerals:

  • magnesium;
  • Phosphorus;
  • calcium;
  • copper;
  • Manganese.

Of the fatty acids in the product are: capric, caproic and caprylic acids. Goat fat accumulates a significant amount of vitamins:

  • All B vitamins;
  • Vitamin A (retinol) - 0.1 mg / 100 grams;
  • Vitamin C ( vitamin C) – 2 mg;
  • Vitamin D (calciferol) - 0.05 mg;
  • Vitamin B 13 (orotic acid) - 0.04 mg.

Of particular importance to it is the coenzyme Q10 contained in it, known throughout the world for the effect of slowing down aging.

The calorie content of the product is 897 kcal per 100 grams, which is about 45% of the acceptable daily calorie intake. To facilitate perception - 1 teaspoon of goat fat contains 44.85 kcal.


Goat fat is useful basis productivity of heat accumulation, which serves as a guarantee of a rapid acceleration of metabolism in the skin and blood circulation - this provokes the instantaneous penetration of valuable substances and the destruction of harmful toxins.

The use of the product helps to strengthen and improve digestive activity, since our body digests it quickly enough. It is characterized by a mild laxative effect.

Thanks to lacto-antioxidants in goat fat, the skin becomes elastic and velvety, which ultimately stops the process of its withering. Vitamin B13 (orotic acid) helps to avoid wrinkles, as it promotes the synthesis of nucleic acids and proteins.

Coenzyme Q10 is an indispensable element for human life, playing important role in regenerative reflexes of tissue respiration. The human body slows down the production of coenzyme after 30 years, which triggers the aging process of the whole organism. Therefore, coenzyme is the most promising component of various cosmetic creams and masks designed to correct wrinkles.

The use of the tool will help to achieve several tangible effects:

  • Eliminate severe puffiness on the face;
  • Forget about dermatological problems;
  • Moisturize, whiten and nourish the skin.

The benefits of the product are evaluated by the ability to deal with depression, an incessant feeling of fatigue and sleep disturbance, which prevents women and men from looking cheerful and well-groomed.


The use of goat fat causes harm only to those who independently set the dose of its intake, without adhering to the instructions or with individual intolerance to the product. If you abuse this product, you can get unwanted side effects:

  1. Allergic lesion skin in the form of rashes and irritation;
  2. With large ingestions, the laxative effect is enhanced, which causes diarrhea.

What are the contraindications? Goat fat can harm people who suffer from obesity and have a disturbed process of substances. If there are doubts about the use of the remedy, it is better to seek the advice of a doctor.

Application methods

In folk medicine, there are many recipes for both internal and external use of goat fat at home, but only in its natural form. In the pharmaceutical industry, medicines are made on the basis of the drug.

People who care about nutritional value of their diet, spend it for culinary purposes, so that the cooked dish becomes nutritious and healthy.

For those who follow the figure, replacing or margarine with goat fat is especially necessary, as it will help improve activity. digestive tract and add energy to perform physical activity. For general health organism traditional healers It is advised to use 1 teaspoon of the remedy every day.

In the beauty industry, goat fat cannot be replaced by another element, since it is able to eliminate all cosmetic problems on the skin. Coenzyme Q10 and vitamin B13 are the basis of most vitamin complexes for beautiful hair and radiant skin.

To prepare a face mask, it is mixed with such components in equal parts as honey and clay. There is another recipe: the mask is made with the addition of a few drops or powder on the tip of a knife of plant extracts to goat fat. Addendum essential oils enhance efficiency.

Goat fat nourishes and whitens the skin of the face, as a result of which dark spots become less noticeable. Masks from it are conducive to smoothing wrinkles and eliminating dry skin.

Goat fat will useful tool in home first aid kit, will help to recharge your batteries, improve your well-being, increase immunity and saturate daily diet substances valuable for health.

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The health of the family is in the hands of a woman - a Simple Queen in the home kingdom

Today, on a frosty day in February, I will tell you how I use goat fat for coughs for children. I think this information will be relevant for many mothers. Often, a strong lingering cough accompanies babies for a long time after bronchitis transferred viral infections, after severe colds. In such cases I usually use camphor oil, which also copes well with this problem, but does not have a very good smell and is not suitable for all children.

Recently, my beloved aunt Sasha gave me excellent tool from many colds - natural goat loy (fat). What a valuable product! Goat fat perfectly treats cough, both in children and adults, which allows you to once again refuse to take completely harmless syrups and tablets.

How to use goat oil for coughs for children

If the child has a temperature above 37 ˚С, then it is impossible to rub it with fat. In such cases, taking goat's loy inside helps well. Here are some great recipes using this product:

Heat milk (should be a little hot), add honey, soda on the tip of a knife and a piece of fresh goat fat. Drink children 3 times a day for coughs and sore throats.

For bronchitis and severe cough in children, boil an onion and 4 cloves of garlic in milk (for a glass of milk, chop the onion). Strain, add a pinch of soda, a piece of goat fat and water the child 4-5 times a day for a quarter cup. Store milk in the refrigerator, heat it up before use and add soda and fat.

For children over 12 years old, I give a slightly different composition for any colds respiratory tract: add honey, 2 drops of pharmacy and a piece of fat to hot milk (glass). Drink 2 times a day (required before bedtime). Adults can be treated the same way.

Milk with goat fat

An excellent effect is given by rubbing with goat fat, but they can be done only after the temperature drops to 37 ° C.

Melt the goat fat in a water bath (on fire in an old spoon, in the microwave) and rub the chest with a warm mixture, bypassing the heart area, back and legs of the child. Dress the baby in an old natural pajamas, cotton socks on the legs. To give warm drink and put to bed. Do better at night.

If there is no temperature, I rub my children with this mixture:

I melt goat fat, add a couple of drops of propolis pharmacy tincture and mix. It turns out a transparent mixture with dark patches. I rub the children's back, chest and feet well before going to bed. I treat even the youngest, who is not yet two years old. Tolerates well, cough is treated quickly. You can insulate the back and chest with cotton wool. Be sure to wear socks on your feet!

At wheezing in the chest, persistent cough no temperature I add a pinch of dry mustard powder (by eye) to the melted fat and mix. I rub the children with this mixture at night. It also helps a lot.

Goat fat for bronchitis in children

The recipe for such treatment was given to me by my aunt, it has been tried repeatedly on older children. They can treat babies from 3-4 years old. So, with bronchitis at night, make such a compress:

per sheet compress paper(you can take ordinary clean thick paper) pour melted goat fat, sprinkle the sheet with propolis tincture and quickly, until it cools down, attach to the baby's chest. Do the same for the back. Warm the compress with cotton wool and tie with a scarf or an old scarf. Keep all night. Do it for several days in a row, or even more, until relief comes.

How to choose a good quality treatment product

Fresh goat fat of excellent quality has a white color and a dense texture. good fat practically odorless and easily crumbles into pieces with a knife. If you are offered to buy goat gray or yellow color with a strong specific smell - refuse such an acquisition. Most likely, this product is old, having lain for more than one year. Strong smell in fresh fat indicates the untidy maintenance of the animal and bad care behind him.

by the most the best option will buy the fat directly from the people holding the goat. But here, too, you need to carefully examine the product for color and smell, so as not to acquire a long-standing stale loy. The fact is that goat fat can be stored for years, and when initially good performance product, it is suitable for external treatment, but for ingestion, fat should only be used fresh (this year).

I hope, dear mothers and grandmothers, that my simple methods of using goat fat for coughing in children will help you deal with this trouble quickly and without unnecessary worries.

All health!

With love, mother three times Irina Lirnetskaya

Animal fats are solids. They are made by melting from adipose tissue, bones. To date, animal fats include ghee and butter, interior fat birds. Traditional healers especially often use goat fat as a basis for cooking medicinal ointments or included in funds for internal reception. Goat fat has long been used to treat coughs in children and adults. How to use the product correctly? Can he harm?

Beneficial features

If you use goat fat correctly, it will help you recover from severe overwork and also this the best remedy from anemia, nervous exhaustion. Goat fat is especially useful for. It is enough to warm it up a little, rub the back, breast, and in the morning it will become much easier.

you suffer peptic ulcer? Try a fat enema. This tool is much more effective. pork fat because it contains many useful components.

Using fat can improve digestive process, strengthen bones. For men, traditional healers recommend using a tablespoon of the product to increase potency. What if you feel really bad? Add some fat to milk and drink, you will sleep like a baby.

Goat fat can be used internally and externally. The product has already established itself in cosmetology for a long time. It is added to various creams, ointments, used as a basis for the preparation of preparations. Goat fat quickly helps to heal burns and wounds.

Most of all in the fat of vitamin B13 (orotic acid). With the help of vitamins, you can rejuvenate the skin. The fat also contains the protein casein, which has hypoallergenic properties.

Goat fat contains a lot of fat unsaturated acid, minerals - magnesium, calcium, manganese, phosphorus. Due to such vitamin complex a person recovers quickly after an infection.

Ways to treat a cough with fat

Chronical bronchitis

With a disease, he constantly worries, so healers recommend using this recipe: boil 400 ml of milk, wait until it cools down, then add honey (a tablespoon) + the same amount of fat. The mixture should be drunk in large sips. Then immediately you need to lie down under a warm blanket. The medicine is drunk at least 3 times a day. After you have recovered, do not rush to give up milk with fat, it will strengthen the immune system and restore strength.

Cough with a cold

Often worried, which does not allow you to sleep normally, what to do? It is necessary to take propolis tincture + goat fat (one tablespoon each). Heat the fat, add 20 ml of propolis tincture, stir until the alcohol has evaporated (the liquid will be of a homogeneous consistency). When the product has completely cooled, put it in the refrigerator. If you need to cure a cough, cut off a piece of fat and rub it on your body. After that, you need to dress warmly and lie under the covers.

How to use goat fat for a child?

Attention! If the child's temperature rises to 37 degrees, rubbing is prohibited. In this case, it is better to give a little product inside. You can use these recipes:

  • Warm the milk a little, put soda (at the tip of a knife), fresh goat fat (a small piece) and honey (a tablespoon). Does your child have a sore throat, cough? Let him drink the mixture in the morning, afternoon and evening.
  • It is necessary to take a small onion (finely chopped), garlic (4 cloves) and boil in milk. Strain the mixture through cheesecloth, add a little soda, goat fat (it is best for a child to take a small piece). During the day, drink the baby with healing milk broth. Medicine will help get rid of a strong cough, quickly cure.
  • Older children (after 12 years) with colds, flu, tonsillitis, bronchitis are recommended to give this healing agent: take milk (200 ml) + honey (tablespoon) + (2 drops) + a small piece of goat fat + grated (teaspoon). Give your child water in the morning and before going to bed. Just do not go outside, otherwise the child will sweat and may get even sicker.

Rubbing with cough fat

Method number 1

If there is no temperature safer than a child grind. To do this, you need to melt the fat a little, then take a small amount in your hand and rub the baby’s chest, just do not touch the back, the heart area and the baby’s legs. Then put on the child's old warm pajamas, and be sure to put cotton socks on the legs. Also, be sure to give something warm to drink and put to bed.

Method number 2

Prepare goat fat, drip into it pharmacy tincture from propolis. You should get a clear ointment with small patches of dark color. Rub the child's chest, back and heels before he goes to bed. The method is easily tolerated and helps quickly.

If with wheezing in the chest and there is no temperature, you can add quite a bit of dry mustard. The mixture is also applied at bedtime.

How to buy a quality product?

  • Buy only fresh fat. It should be thick and white in color.
  • High-quality odorless fat, quickly crumbles with a knife.
  • In no case do not buy yellow, gray fat with an unpleasant odor. Most likely, such a product is already several years old.
  • Strong unpleasant odor fat indicates that the owner did not care for his animal well. You should not buy such a product.
  • Your best bet is to buy fat from people you know who keep goats.

Important! Indeed, fat can be stored for several years, but it is only allowed to be used externally. Be sure to use a fresh product inside.

Harm of goat fat

Do not abuse the product, otherwise it can lead to irritation, rashes on the skin. Do not increase the dose in people with overweight, metabolic disturbances.

Let's hope that "grandmother's recipes" with goat fat will definitely come in handy for you. Within a few days you will forget what a cold, cough, runny nose is and help your child recover quickly. Be healthy!

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