What herbs help with cervical erosion. Cervical erosion: treatment with folk remedies is possible? How "work" folk remedies for the treatment of cervical erosion. The traditional way and folk recipes

Translated from Latin, "erosion" sounds like "corrosion." This is a superficial defect of the epithelium, in which wounds that do not tend to scarring are formed. The causes of pathology can be different. The most common are those that are caused by inflammation of the mucous membranes or irritating effects on them.

The defect can be observed on the mucous membranes of many organs, depending on which erosion of the cervix, stomach, esophagus, intestines (damage to the duodenum and rectum) is isolated. Less often, tooth enamel, eyes and skin are affected.

Official medicine offers enough methods to eliminate each type of pathology. At home, the treatment of erosion is to use the gifts of nature and improvised means.


The classic method of treating cervical erosion with folk remedies is the use of home-made intravaginal tampons. The recommended course of treatment is from a week to three.

  1. The introduction of the following composition helps to permanently get rid of the defect: a few drops of castor oil, 1.5 dessert spoons of honey, three teaspoons of aloe juice. The components are mixed. A tampon is moistened in the mixture, which is then inserted into the vagina at night. In the morning, douching is done with calendula infusion (a spoonful of flowers in two cups of boiling water).

    The mixture contains honey. It is known that bee products can cause allergies, even if not consumed orally.

  2. In equal parts, vegetable oil and rose hips crushed to a powder state are mixed. Simmer in a water bath for three hours, stirring regularly. In the cooled composition, moisten the swab. It should remain in the vagina until the morning. For the same purpose, you can use a mixture of crushed rose hips, flour and vegetable oil (1: 1: 1).
  3. Applications with pumpkin pulp help in the treatment. The fruit is crushed with a blender. Juice is not drained. A tampon is soaked in the resulting mass, inserted into the vagina overnight. Repeat three nights in a row.
  4. Applications with linseed oil give a similar effect. A swab is moistened in it. The therapy is carried out for four nights.
  5. Relief comes when using sea buckthorn oil. Fresh berries are washed and crushed. The juice is drunk, and 500 ml of vegetable oil are added to the cake, in the amount of three glasses. After three days, filter. The cake is again obtained and poured with the available oil. Withstand three days and filter. A swab is moistened in the finished oil. Leave overnight. The procedure begins at the end of menstruation. Repeat next month.
  6. A tampon with 10% propolis ointment is used for applications for two weeks. Holding time - 12 hours.
  7. The local use of fresh honey contributes to the rapid recovery of the cervix in pathology. A tampon is impregnated in it. Perform manipulations for 15 days, leaving for ten hours.
  8. Completely cured with an erosive lesion of the uterus, tampons with mummy allow. A solution is prepared from two grams of the product, soaking in warm water for 50 minutes. Applications spend ten days, leaving overnight. There is another recipe: 2 mummy tablets are dissolved in a teaspoon of liquid and mixed with a small amount of sea buckthorn oil. In the solution, moisten the swab abundantly and use it for its intended purpose, leaving it overnight.

    In fact, it is possible to be treated not at all with a mummy, but with a remedy made from rodent droppings, burnt sugar and clay, which is often passed off as an overseas medicine.

  9. For daily use, tampons with the following composition are suitable: one mummy tablet dissolved in a tablespoon of water, one tablespoon of vodka and 1 tsp. honey. A little olive oil is added to the components and mixed thoroughly.
  10. Five drops of tea tree oil and a similar amount of peach are dissolved in 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil. A tampon is dipped into the mixture, which is then inserted into the vagina for 2 hours, twice a day for about ten days. After a fourteen-day break, the course is repeated. A slightly modified version is also proposed: a few drops of tea tree oil are added to a tablespoon of vegetable oil.
  11. Take a piece of aloe (5 cm), cut lengthwise and turn inside out. The inside is inserted into the vagina. Leave until the morning. Repeat week. You can use another recipe: take a "fat" sheet, cut off the thorns, wrap with gauze and inject inside. The procedure is performed lying down. The next morning they take it out.
  12. Fifteen grams of viburnum berries are kneaded, mixed with 5 g of onion gruel, 5 g of honey and a similar amount of vegetable oil. The mixture is wrapped in several layers of gauze and inserted into the vagina at night.
  13. Take an egg yolk, add a teaspoon of honey and the same amount of rye flour. Knead. The mixture is applied to gauze, wrapped and inserted into the vagina (the presence of a “tail” is required for ease of extraction). Withstand the night, the next morning irrigate the uterus with infusion of chamomile.
  14. Peel and grate the blue onion. Mixed with sea buckthorn oil and inserted into the vagina at night in the form of a homemade tampon (placed on gauze). Treatment continues for two weeks, during which it is forbidden to have sex.
    Many women owe this recipe a burn and swelling of the mucosa.
  15. Take fifteen milliliters of tincture of calendula and propolis, add about 50 grams of lanolin. The ointment is impregnated with a swab. Leave in the vagina for 10 hours. Repeat once a day for at least five days.
  16. To get rid of uterine erosion, a swab with hardened honey is placed for two weeks. Take a week break and repeat manipulations with sea buckthorn oil.
  17. Thuja oil is prepared (finely chopped sprigs insist 21 days on olive oil). A tampon is impregnated in it, inserted into the vagina at night.
  18. Their two glasses of fresh nettle leaves are squeezed juice. A tampon is impregnated in it, which is injected inside at night. The procedure is continued for two weeks, starting from the second day of the completion of the next menstruation.
  19. Ten days, a swab soaked in melted goose fat is introduced.
    Goose fat can populate the vagina with pathogenic bacteria, which will significantly aggravate the course of the disease.
  20. Squeeze the juice from the washed burdock roots. Take one dessert spoon of juice, mix with a small amount of sea buckthorn oil and honey. Impregnate a tampon, enter it at night. Repeat no more than two weeks.
  21. Eight sheets of plantain are washed. Roll into a tube and wrap with gauze. A tampon is formed, which is inserted into the vagina daily at bedtime for a month.
  22. At home, freshly picked nettle leaves are rubbed. The plant should put out as much juice as possible. A tampon is impregnated in it. They are treated for no more than two weeks, repeating once a day.
  23. Grind raw potatoes on a fine grater. A gauze swab is made with gruel. Use the prescription until complete cure.
  24. A decoction of calamus is prepared: 15 grams of the root of the plant is poured into 220 ml of water and boiled under the lid for two minutes. Withstand half an hour. A tampon is lowered into the filtered agent, which is then inserted into the vagina at night.
  25. Three grams of stone oil is dissolved in 0.5 liters of warm liquid. A swab is moistened in the resulting composition. Enter into the vagina at night until recovery.
  26. Take 20 g of cinquefoil root, oak bark, serpentine, chamomile, St. John's wort. Grind, separate 1 tbsp. l. and pour a cup of water. Add 20 g of aloe juice and Kalanchoe, sea buckthorn oil. The mixture is impregnated with a tampon, which is used before bedtime.
  27. Mix a dessert spoonful of chopped blue onions, viburnum berries and linden honey. Add tea l. vegetable oil. The resulting mass is wrapped in gauze, forming a tampon. Use as directed for five to seven days in the evening.
  28. The celandine is rubbed and sifted through a sieve. The resulting powder is mixed with petroleum jelly. Soak a swab in the mixture. Seven times a day is injected into the anus. Therapy continues for a week.

    Applications with celandine are very dangerous for the female genital organs.


Sitz baths treat erosion of the uterus and rectum. Therapy is recommended to be completed only when relief is achieved.

  1. To a liter of boiled water add half a cup of chopped horsetail. After fifteen minutes, filter. The duration of the procedure is twenty minutes. Similarly, use eucalyptus, chamomile, sage and knotweed. Indicated for the rapid treatment of the rectum.
  2. Potassium permanganate is added to a basin with warm water (the color should be saturated). The duration of the procedure is fifteen minutes. After that, it is recommended to lubricate the anus with an anti-inflammatory ointment.
  3. Half a kilogram of onion is boiled in a small amount of milk. Pour the slightly cooled composition into a bowl. Hold the anus over it for five minutes.
  4. To eliminate cervical disease, they take a can of fresh milk (three liters), put it in a warm place for 12 hours. The resulting yogurt is heated in a water bath and defended until the curd rises. Serum is separated, heated and drained into a basin. In the pelvis you need to sit until the composition cools. The therapy lasts a week, followed by a break. This is repeated three times.
  5. Treatment of the rectum is performed by collecting: sage leaves, oak bark, chamomile flowers (2: 5: 3). Pour 1.5 liters of boiling water. After 40 minutes, filter. Used once a day.
  6. In equal parts, take chamomile, calendula and St. John's wort. Separate 25 g and with two liters of boiling water, heat in a water bath for fifteen minutes. The filtered composition is used for baths for diseases of the rectum.
  7. Chamomile baths help in the treatment of the uterus. One and a half liters of boiling water take 30 grams of chamomile. Steamed, kept, poured into a bowl. The procedure lasts fifteen minutes daily, for a month.


  1. 35 grams of dry calendula is poured into half a glass of hot water. For fifteen minutes they are heated in a water bath, after 40 minutes they insist. The strained composition is diluted with water - a teaspoon of infusion per 60 ml.
  2. A couple of large spoons of chamomile and 230 ml of hot liquid, kept under the lid for a short time and strained. Use, diluting with water - 60 ml per dessert spoon.
  3. Take a dessert spoon of oregano and lemon balm. Add to a glass of water and simmer for half an hour in a water bath. After straining, dilute with clean boiled water (one to three).
  4. Mix 1 tbsp. l. fish oil, the same amount of aloe juice and one chicken egg. With the help of a syringe, the composition is injected into the anus. Repeat once for ten days.
  5. To 200 ml of boiled liquid add a handful of crushed strawberry leaves. After half an hour, filter. Perform enemas with warm infusion twice a day.
  6. To 30 ml of calendula infusion add 1 tbsp. l. boric acid 3%. The enema is performed in the evening. Treatment takes less than a week.


Herbal infusions for internal use are called an effective cure for various types of erosion. The duration of therapy can not be more than three months.

  1. Treatment of erosion of the cervix and stomach is carried out with chaga. The mushroom is cut into pieces, soaked in a liter of cold liquid for 5 hours, then passed through a meat grinder. One st. l. the resulting composition is steamed with 230 ml of boiling water and incubated for a couple of hours. Drink 30 ml three times a day, preferably before meals. Continue taking a week.
  2. An infusion of celandine treats a defect in the stomach and duodenum. A tablespoon of raw materials is poured into a cup of boiling water. Filter after two hours. Use a tablespoon three times a day before meals. Drink for a month.
    Reception of celandine is strictly prohibited for inflammation of the digestive tract and low blood pressure.
  3. Yarrow, chamomile, St. John's wort and celandine are mixed in equal proportions. Take 20 grams of the collection, pour 300 ml of boiling water. After half an hour, filter. Drink one hundred milliliters three times a day before meals. Thus, erosion of the esophagus and stomach is treated. If desired, celandine is replaced with peppermint.
  4. Gentian demonstrates a positive effect in case of a defect in the stomach and duodenum. tea l. raw materials are steamed with boiling water in an amount of 230 ml. Let rest until cool. Use every time before meals, 30 ml. The course is two weeks.
  5. Chamomile infusion is good for a defect in the female part. Soak 1 tbsp in a glass of boiling water. l. raw materials. Let it sit for half a day. Strained folk remedy drink a third of a cup before each meal. Treatment for seven days. The same remedy helps with the pathology of the stomach and duodenum.
  6. In the treatment of erosive lesions of the rectum, infusions of chamomile, calendula, dandelion and nettle are used. The selected herb in the amount of a teaspoon is steamed with a cup of boiling water and kept for at least 30 minutes. Filter and take two tbsp. l. several times a day.
  7. When the stomach and duodenum are affected, a mixture of chamomile, sage, yarrow and mint is used. Herbs take one large spoon, mix. Brewed with a liter of boiling water. After 7 hours, filter. Drink a glass before every meal.
  8. Mix 100 grams of celandine, succession, plantain and St. John's wort. Separate 1 tbsp. l., pour a glass of boiling water. After a few hours, filter. Drink four times a day, a tablespoon between meals. The recipe is suitable for the treatment of the stomach and duodenum.
  9. In the treatment of erosion in the female part, millet water is used. Grind a handful of millet in a coffee grinder. The resulting powder is diluted in a cup of warm water. Drink on an empty stomach half a cup three times a day.
  10. To eliminate discomfort in the female part, they drink an infusion of yarrow. Seven large flowers are poured with a liter of boiling water and kept for an hour. Accepted in any quantity.

    The advice may be dangerous for women with a tendency to thrombosis.

  11. Recipe for the treatment of the uterus - for 10 hours, pumpkin seeds ground to a powder are infused in boiling water (one to two). Drink half a glass a day.
  12. Another remedy for getting rid of a female problem is stone oil. 3 grams dissolved in a liter of boiled water, drink a glass three times a day before meals. Treated for at least two weeks.
  13. St. John's wort promises quick relief from erosion of the female organ. 15 grams of raw materials and 200 ml of boiling water and kept in a water bath for fifteen minutes. Defend for half an hour, drink 60 ml three times a day.
  14. With a female problem, take four tbsp. l. crushed boron uterus, pour a liter of boiling water, filter after three hours. Drink before meals 60 ml.
  15. To get rid of discomfort in intestinal pathology, bearberry is used. Five gr. leaves pour a cup of boiling water. They languish in a water bath for fifteen minutes, after which they leave it alone for 2 hours. Drink 10 ml three times a day before meals.
  16. A collection of bearberry, chamomile, thyme, flax seeds, volodushka and tansy taken in equal parts has a similar efficiency. Two st. l. the mixture is poured into a thermos. Pour 500 ml of boiling water, insist for several hours. Drink a strained folk remedy four times a day, 60 ml before meals. The course is two months.
  17. The rectum is treated with dandelion. Two dessert spoons of crushed roots are brewed with a glass of boiled liquid. After an hour and a half, filter. Drink 20 ml before meals twice a day.

    Excessive consumption of dandelion can lead to poisoning (headaches, nausea, vomiting).

  18. A collection of cinquefoil root, sage leaves and St. John's wort give a similar effect. Mix herbs in equal proportions, separate 5 g and pour a glass of water. Heat in a water bath for 10 minutes. Leave for half an hour, filter. Drink for the day.
  19. Intestinal lesions are treated with immortelle. A large spoonful of raw materials is combined with two cups of hot liquid. After two hours, filter. Drink half a cup three to four times a day for two weeks.
  20. The marsh cudweed has a wound-healing effect in the treatment of intestines. Canteen l. dry herbs are steamed with 250 ml of boiling water. Filter after two hours. Drink half an hour before meals, 80 ml. Repeat four times a day for a month and a half.
  21. Take 20 g of eucalyptus leaves, add to a liter of boiling water. When it cools down - strain. Drink 60 ml six times a day before recovery from erosion of the stomach.



  1. The esophagus is treated with an infusion of a mixture of hawthorn fruits, oregano grass, corn stigmas (20 g each), dandelion roots, nettle flowers, knotweed roots and calamus (10 g each). One st. l. composition and 500 ml of boiling water are boiled over low heat for 15 minutes. Strain after six hours. Drink 100 ml after meals three times a day. The course is one and a half months.
  2. In case of erosion of the esophagus, a decoction is drunk from the roots of geranium, comfrey, valerian, burdock leaves, cocklebur and tatar grass, flowers of viburnum and wormwood taken in equal proportions. Separate 30 grams, pour a liter of boiling water, boil for half an hour and leave under the lid for twelve hours. Strain and take 150 ml three times a day before meals.
  3. Intestinal treatment is carried out with a decoction of lime blossom, calendula, fireweed (20 g each), immortelle, horsetail, celandine, St. John's wort, valerian root, fennel (10 g each). One st. l. collection over low heat boiled in 500 ml of water for ten minutes. Filter after two hours. Drink warm 120 ml. Drink for the day. The first course lasts several months, the second - one and a half, the third - a month. Breaks are one month.
  4. A decoction of blue cyanosis has a calming and anti-stress effect, so a folk remedy is indicated for various types of illness. It is considered especially effective in the treatment of the duodenum. One st. l. roots are sent to the fire in 200 ml of water. Boil for half an hour. Drink 1 tbsp. l. four times a day after meals. The course of treatment is three to four weeks.


As a therapeutic agent in the treatment of erosion of the rectum (less often - the cervix), it is customary to use home-made suppositories (suppositories). They help in the restoration of the mucous membrane.

  1. From a raw potato tuber, a piece is cut in the shape of a candle. For half an hour, they are injected into the anus, repeating three times a day for a week, preferably after a bowel movement.
  2. Take a small spoonful of chamomile, plantain and motherwort. Grind and mix with melted wax. Several candles are molded from the resulting mass. Used twice a day for ten days. Candles are stored in the refrigerator.
  3. Prepare a mixture of flax flowers, oak bark and water pepper grass. Grind in a mortar until a powder is formed, pour pork fat. Twelve hours later, slightly heated and filtered. Spread a little money on gauze, form a tampon and insert it into the anus. Keep five hours. Repeat for three weeks.
  4. With the pathology of the female organ, suppositories are made from five tbsp. l. honey, five grams of propolis tincture and 150 grams of butter. The components are melted to a homogeneous state and cooled. Ready candles are placed in the refrigerator to solidify. Use daily at night for ten days.


Like applications, douches have been shown to be effective in treating uterine erosion. The course of treatment cannot exceed ten days. Ideally, it lasts up to seven.

Abuse of this method can result in drying out of the mucous membrane and washing out of beneficial bacteria.
  1. Copper sulfate is an effective folk remedy for the treatment of the uterus and appendages. To a liter of pure liquid add 1 tbsp. l. powdered copper sulphate and a similar amount of burnt alum. Stir. Keep on low heat for five minutes. Cool down. Pour blue water into a glass vessel, store in the refrigerator. Within ten days (after the completion of menstruation) 1 tbsp. l. liquids are diluted in a liter of boiled water and used for douching. The procedure is performed before going to bed.
  2. A collection is prepared from calendula, chamomile and yarrow taken in equal proportions. Chopped herbs in the amount of several tablespoons are brewed with two cups of boiling water. After two hours, filter. The procedure is repeated every evening. The course of treatment lasts about fifteen days.
  3. A handful of Ceylon tea is brewed in a liter of boiling water. Strain through three layers of gauze after 25 minutes. They douche twice a day.
  4. Bergenia has pronounced anti-inflammatory properties. Three Art. l. roots are poured with a glass of water and simmered over low heat until half the volume has evaporated. The resulting extract is diluted in one and a half glasses of boiled water and douched. Continue for two weeks. Repeat after a month's rest.
  5. The boron uterus has a complex effect in case of a defect. It is endowed with an astringent, bactericidal antiseptic effect. A decoction for douching is prepared as follows: two tablespoons of raw materials are soaked in 500 ml of clean liquid. Bring to a boil and strain. Cooled means douche once a day at night. The folk remedy is stored in the refrigerator and used within a day, after which it is considered unsuitable.
  6. For evening irrigation, a decoction of calamus root is used. For 500 ml of water - two tablespoons. Boil after boiling for five minutes. Withstand all day.
    During the procedure, you may experience discomfort - itching and burning. With regular use, edema is likely to develop.
  7. A gentle solution for douching is prepared on the basis of chamomile. Two st. l. crushed raw materials are placed in an enameled container, poured with one liter of hot water, preferably boiled, and sent to a water bath, previously covered with a lid. Twenty minutes later they defend (a quarter of an hour). Douching with a cooled composition is carried out in a standing position. Repeat for at least 14 days.
  8. Use the infusion of St. John's wort. For 2 liters of hot water - four large spoons of raw materials. Boil on low heat for ten minutes. Leave for half an hour and filter. The procedure for irrigating the uterus is carried out in the evenings.
  9. Dilute a teaspoon of eucalyptus tincture in a glass of water. They douche once a day, continuing the course for about three weeks.

    In some cases, douching with alcohol preparations causes itching and burning.

  10. 100 grams of crushed branches of viburnum and 600 grams of buttermilk are boiled in a liter of water for ten minutes. Leave for twelve hours, filter. Warm up slightly before use. The course of treatment continues for a month. At this time, it is recommended to refrain from sexual intercourse.
  11. Another recipe with viburnum involves preparing a collection of 100 g of finely chopped twigs and 300 g of pine needles. Pour in a liter of boiling water. After seven hours they sip. Use up to five times a day until recovery.
  12. Infusion of marigold flowers helps in getting rid of chronic erosion of the uterus. Half a glass is placed in a liter jar, poured into 500 ml of vodka, sent to the sun. Filtered after twelve days. Douche with one tsp. tincture diluted in a cup of warm water. Perform in the morning for three weeks, starting from the second day of the end of menstrual bleeding.
  13. 100 grams of celandine herb is steamed with a liter of boiling water. Filter after eight hours. Perform douching in the morning and evening for two weeks. There is another option for preparing the composition: fifteen grams of crushed celandine roots are poured with 230 milliliters of boiling water. Heated in a water bath for fifteen minutes. For douching use half a cup.

    The effectiveness of this recipe has not been proven. In addition, celandine can cause serious harm to the mucosa.

  14. The following composition helps against uterine erosion and endometriosis: three tablespoons are taken per liter of boiling water. l. kirkazon and one tbsp. l. celandine. Steam for two hours, filter. Perform three irrigation procedures, repeating once a day.
  15. Green tea and calendula flowers are taken in equal proportions. Two handfuls of the collection are brewed with a liter of boiling water. Allow to stand for several hours, filter and dilute 1:1 with water. Douche in the morning and evening until the condition is relieved.
  16. 500 ml of vodka pour five tablespoons of peony root. After four weeks, the folk remedy is considered ready. Dilute two tbsp. l. in 500 ml of water and douching is performed, repeating for 14 days.
  17. 20 grams of elm bark is poured with a glass of boiling water and simmered for half an hour over low heat. Strained broth is diluted with water 1:1. They douche in the evenings.
  18. Take 20 grams of rosemary and sage leaves, yarrow herb, 40 grams of oak bark. Grind, combine with three liters of water. On low heat incubated for 20 minutes, cooled and filtered. Douche in the morning and evening for 12 days.
  19. The uterus is irrigated for a week with the following collection: 20 grams of birch leaves, sage, cudweed grass, oak bark, marigold flowers, 10 grams of bird cherry flowers, lavender, wormwood grass. Take 15 grams of the collection, brew with a liter of boiling water. Simmer on low heat for three hours. Strain with a gauze pad. The procedure is repeated twice a day.
  20. With erosion of the uterus and whites, they douche with infusion of mistletoe. Three large spoons of raw materials are combined with several cups of boiling water and kept for at least three hours.
    The plant is poisonous, so it can easily cause a serious allergic reaction.
  21. Similarly, an infusion of bedstraw flowers is used. For two cups of boiling water - four tbsp. l. raw materials. Settled for four hours and filtered.
  22. Squeeze juice from burdock leaves. Strain through gauze. Used for irrigation of the walls of the uterus twice a day for three weeks. Conduct several courses.
  23. For the treatment of the cervix, irrigation with fresh milk is performed. From the moment of milking a cow, no more than ten minutes should pass.
  24. After cauterization, they are treated with hemorrhage. A tablespoon of roots is poured into 230 ml of hot water. Hold in a water bath for a quarter of an hour, then filter. Dilute in a liter of clean water and use for douching twice a day.
  25. To cure erosion without cauterization, it is recommended to douche with warm urine. Repeat three times a day for a month.

    Following this advice will result in consequences in the form of complications. In addition, it has nothing to do with hygiene standards.

  26. Take two tablespoons of salt and a liter of boiled water, mix. The resulting solution is douched for ten days in the morning and evening. You can prepare a solution of salt and soda (1 tsp each) or replace soda with sugar.
  27. Boil the nutshell in an enamel bowl (until the water turns brown). The decoction is diluted with water one to one and used for douching in the evenings for 10 days.
  28. In a liter of water, a chopped fillet stalk is brewed. The finished product is used twice - in the morning and in the evening, repeating the procedure for two weeks.
  29. Peel the head of garlic, pass through a press. Pour a liter of warm water and leave overnight. Strain in the morning. Douche for a week, repeating once a day. If necessary, the course can be repeated after a three-day break.
  30. To half a glass of boiled water add a chopped slice of lemon. Leave for a while, then filter. Apply the remedy before bedtime.
  31. Five grams of stone oil are dissolved in 500 ml of warm water. The procedure is performed with a warm solution in an amount of 100 ml. Instead of water, you can use a solution of bergenia, which will enhance the therapeutic effect.
  32. Mix 10 g of bird cherry flowers, wormwood, lavender, 20 g of birch leaves, sage, oak bark, cudweed, calendula flowers, 30 g of chamomile. Fifteen grams of the collection is poured with a liter of boiling water. Withstand several hours, filter. Used for the procedure twice a week. Perform before bed.

Other folk methods

Erosion treatment at home occurs using a wide variety of improvised products.



Cowberry berries are called an effective assistant in the treatment of the duodenum and esophagus. Fruits harvested from autumn are poured with boiled water. Withstand the night. The next morning, the remedy is considered ready. It is drunk 60 ml before meals. Fresh water must be constantly added to the berries.


If the stomach is affected, it is recommended to eat 100 grams of fresh grapes every day before meals.


Potato starch is considered useful for home treatment of the esophagus. Dissolve a pinch of starch in half a cup of water. Stir. Drink daily, preferably every time before meals.


In case of damage to the duodenum, you need to consume several grams of lemongrass seed powder per day.


Known as the "ointment of surgeons," the remedy is used at home to treat uterine erosion. A tampon treated with ointment is inserted into the vagina at night. In the morning, they take it out and carry out therapeutic measures (washing, douching). Completed within a few weeks.

There are frequent cases of a negative reaction to Levomekol. Women complain of a severe allergic reaction and deterioration.

Healing mixture

With the pathology of the stomach, a mixture of honey and aloe is indicated. Five leaves of a plant older than three years are frozen, then crushed in a meat grinder and squeezed out the juice. It is mixed with five tbsp. l. linden honey. Means eat on a small spoon on an empty stomach for two to three weeks.


Soak the peeled onion in cold water for twelve hours. After crushing, juice is extracted. Mix the juice with 1 tsp. honey. Take on an empty stomach, drinking juice from several bulbs a day. Treated for a month with erosion of the esophagus.

Vishnevsky ointment

Honey oil remedy

Treatment of inflammation of the gastric mucosa is carried out with honey and butter. Mix in equal proportions. Eat a large spoon before meals four times a day.


Carrot juice is indicated to eliminate discomfort in erosive lesions of the esophagus. It accelerates the healing of the mucosa. At least 1.5 cups of juice should be consumed daily.

Quail eggs

To get rid of an erosive lesion of the cervix, four quail eggs are drunk in the morning for a month. Make a ten-day break and repeat the course.


A folk remedy is used in the fight against erosion of the stomach. One cup of well-washed wheat is poured onto damp cheesecloth and covered with another layer. Leave for three days, periodically moisturizing. Waiting for the moment of germination. The resulting sprouts are crushed. Six Art. l. mixed with thirty milliliters of olive oil and sent to a glass container. Take 1 tsp. five days. Better on an empty stomach in the morning.

Rice congee

Recommended for erosion of the esophagus. Rice in the amount of a cup is poured with water and sent to the fire. You need to boil until the cereal is boiled. Strain and drink the decoction before meals for half a cup. In a similar way, you can prepare a decoction of oats.

potato juice

Potato tubers are crushed on a grater along with the peel. Before meals, drink 70 ml of juice. The course lasts a month. Thus, they fight against erosion of the stomach.

Egg white

Recipe for the elimination of pathology of the esophagus. Every day for a week on an empty stomach, you need to eat one chicken protein mixed with salt.

Violation of the integrity of the cervical mucosa is called ectopia or erosion. Traditional medicine suggests treating the disease by douching with herbal solutions, suppositories, tamponade with decoctions or ointments. Before using them, you should consult with a gynecologist.

Decoctions for douching

Herbs help reduce inflammation of the mucosa, relieve pain, and promote rapid recovery. Treatment of cervical erosion with folk remedies involves the use of decoctions from medicinal plants for douching. You can prepare solutions according to the following recipes:

  • Take 2 tbsp. l. dry chamomile leaves, pour 1 liter of hot water. Evaporate the resulting solution on a steam bath for 15–20 minutes. Use the cooled liquid for evening douching for 10 days.
  • Measure out 2 tbsp. l. dried field horsetail. Add 250 ml of boiling water. Infuse the solution for 15-20 minutes. Use the cooled liquid twice a day. The course of treatment is 14 days.
  • Pour one tablespoon of St. John's wort with one and a half liters of boiling water. Let it brew for 25 minutes, then filter. Folk remedy use for douching twice a day. The minimum course of treatment for cervical erosion is 2 weeks.
  • Finely chop fresh sage leaves. From the total mass, measure 2 tbsp. l., pour 250 ml of boiling water. Put the container in a water bath, simmer the broth for 15 minutes. After cooling, add one and a half cups of warm water. Use the remedy until the erosion of the cervix disappears completely.

Solutions and ointments for tampons

Tampons with medicinal solutions or ointments help to remove inflammation, heal damaged areas of the cervical mucosa. The following folk recipes have proven themselves well:


Cooking method

Application features

  • honey - 1 tsp;
  • juice of 1 leaf of aloe.

Mix all ingredients. Fold the bandage into a bandage, roll it into the shape of a tampon.

Tamponation of the vagina to carry out at night. The course of treatment of cervical erosion - 10 days.

  • burdock root juice - 1 tsp;
  • honey - 1 tsp;
  • sea ​​buckthorn oil - 1 tsp

Mix all the ingredients, soak a gauze pad with them.

Enter into the vagina at night for two weeks.

Raw potatoes - 1 tuber.

Grate potatoes on a fine grater. Fold the gruel into a bandage, form a tampon.

Enter at night into the vagina until complete recovery.

  • vaseline - 5 tbsp. l.;
  • propolis - 1 tbsp. l.

Dissolve Vaseline over steam. Mix with honey. Cool the mixture.

Lubricate tampons with ointment and insert into the vagina twice a day. The course of erosion treatment is 5-7 days.

Funds for internal reception

Folk remedies for cervical erosion in the form of infusions and decoctions help to increase immunity, have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. You can prepare medicines according to the following recipes:

  • Grind 1 tbsp. l. millet. Pour 1 glass of warm water. Insist for 3-4 hours. With erosion of the cervix, take the medicine 100 ml 3 times a day for a month.
  • Mix 1 tbsp. l. dry petals of peony, chamomile, lemon balm. Pour 1 liter of hot water over the herbs. Leave for about an hour. Strain the finished drink, drink instead of tea 3 times a day, 200 ml each. The course of erosion treatment is 3-4 weeks.
  • Pour nine yarrow flowers with a liter of water. Cook over low heat for 20 minutes, then let stand for about an hour. Strain the cooled broth. It is necessary to take a folk remedy 2 times / day, 200 ml each for a month.
  • Pour a tablespoon of marigolds with 350 ml of boiling water, bring to a boil in a steam bath. Let stand 10 minutes, strain. Take 50 ml 3 times / day for 3 weeks.


Folk remedies for erosion, which help to restore the vaginal mucosa and heal ulcers, relieve inflammation, remove unpleasant symptoms of cervical erosion in a short time - these are suppositories. How to make candles:


Cooking method

Application features

  • unsalted lard - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • honey - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • aloe juice - 1 tbsp. l.

Melt lard and honey in a water bath. Add aloe juice, cool. Make candles up to 4 cm long from the mass.

For cervical erosion, use suppositories 2 times / day for 5-7 days.

  • butter - 200 g;
  • honey - 6 tbsp. l.;
  • propolis tincture - 1 tsp

Melt butter with honey. Add propolis tincture, cool the mixture. Blind 10 candles.

Use at night after douching. The duration of erosion treatment is 10 days.

  • honey - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • fish oil - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • butter - 1 50 g;
  • aloe juice - 1 tbsp. l.

Melt butter with honey and fish oil. Add aloe juice. Cool the mixture, form 15 suppositories.

With erosion of the cervix, suppositories are inserted into the vagina in the evening for 10 days.

  • honey - 5 tsp;
  • propolis or mummy - 3 g;
  • lard - 150 g.

Melt all ingredients, cool. Form 10 candles.

Suppositories according to a popular recipe must be inserted into the vagina at night. Duration of use - 10 days.

How often can you hear women complain about unsuccessful operations to cauterize cervical erosion! And immediately after a negative review about a doctor or procedure, a woman shares the folk way in which she was finally able to cure such an “incurable” erosion.

The paradox is that patients do not endure the healing period, but begin to experiment with self-treatment, "since the operation has not helped." But rehabilitation after one or another method of cauterization of erosion can last up to six months, it all depends on the individual characteristics of the woman. During the rehabilitation period, erosion can manifest itself in different ways, sometimes with very frightening symptoms in the form of discharge or pain.

In this case, you need to go to an appointment with a doctor who will make adjustments to the treatment regimen. But this is not for "our" women! They complain to a neighbor who gives out a whole "bunch" of folk remedies that helped their mother, sister, grandmother, and the rest of their circle of acquaintances. Let us analyze which means are unacceptable for use, and which have the right to exist.

Alternative treatment of cervical erosion with honey

Common methods of honey "treatment" are candles and douches.

The composition of the candles: 150 grams of melted butter, 5 tablespoons of honey and 5 grams of propolis mix thoroughly, cool to a dense mass. Form candles, keep in the refrigerator. Advisers assure amazing results.

Solution for douching: Mix 250 ml of warm boiled water and 20 grams of honey until the latter is completely dissolved and douche twice a day.

What is the danger. In any case, honey is the strongest allergen. The degree of the body's immune response to the regular receipt of a considerable dose of honey can be the highest. Cases of suffocation from honey in the vagina are, of course, rare (there must be a strong allergy), but swelling, itching, pain and other extremely unpleasant consequences are very likely.

Douching also removes the beneficial bacteria present there from the vaginal cavity, which must fight the “pests”, and sweet honey water contributes to the rapid development of fungal diseases. And then a trip to the doctor and taking expensive now fungicides is inevitable.

Sea buckthorn as a folk remedy for the treatment of erosion

The method involves inserting tampons richly moistened with sea buckthorn oil into the vagina.

Scientific approach. Sea buckthorn oil really has a healing, restorative property, it is used by traditional medicine in the complex treatment of various pathological processes of the mucous membrane, ENT organs, gastrointestinal tract, as well as in gynecological practice.

But why you can not use oil in home practice:

1. a woman cannot independently firmly attach a tampon on her own to a damaged area at home - she simply does not see the damage;

2. there is a chance that you will not get the tampon by yourself if you put it deep;

3. no changes in the mucous membrane of the vagina and cervix are visible with possible side effects;

4. serious problems with overdose and uncontrolled use: epithelial rejection and necrosis, menstrual irregularities, convulsive seizures, loss of consciousness, diarrhea, skin rash, urinary retention with kidney failure, and even shock.

Accordingly, a conscious woman cannot afford to insert an oily sea buckthorn tampon at home without consulting a doctor.

Onions in the "folk" treatment of cervical erosion

Explanation of the absurdity of the method. As for onion tampons, more than one woman with burns and swelling of the mucous membrane of the cervix and vagina owes this "brilliant" invention. The anti-inflammatory and vasoconstrictive effect of onion juice is nothing more than a myth. There are an incredible number of patients who turned to doctors with burns of the mucous membranes after using onions. But the bitter experience of others does not save the next "clients" from using folk onion remedies. And it turns out "onion grief"!

Upon contact with water, thiopropanol-S-oxide is transformed into sulfuric acid - an extremely poisonous, the most toxic of the existing acids. Despite its small share in the entire folk mixture described, it can cause enough harm. Sulfuric acid kills the nerve endings, the woman does not feel pain, and in vain she rejoices at the cure.

Getting on the mucous membrane, the onion has an irritating effect, stimulating swelling with a strong blood flow. As a result, inflammation of a bacterial, viral or traumatic nature is accompanied by severe swelling and burns, and requires additional treatment.

Folk remedy for cervical erosion: mummy

The well-known, sensational at one time, mummy, folk healers practice to use it in the treatment of gynecological diseases, including erosion.

Tampons for vaginal administration: Dissolve 2.5 grams of mummy in 150 ml of warm water, moisten a cotton swab and insert overnight for two weeks. Take a ten-day break, and repeat until cured.

Is there any sense in the tool. Indeed, shilajit is an important component of Ayurvedic medicine. It is used to rejuvenate, increase life expectancy and prevent aging. The population of Nepal and the northern regions of India regularly use shilajit, almost daily. They say that the remedy prolongs life and treats a whole range of diseases, moreover, enhancing the effect of other drugs.

After many studies, physicians have identified a positive effect in the prevention of Alzheimer's disease and improvement in cognitive functions after taking mummy. All other "miraculous" effects have not yet been confirmed, and doctors do not have the right to prescribe such a drug.

The danger of the tool also lies in the fact that not everything on which “Mummy” is written is such. You can buy not an overseas substance, but a mixture of rodent droppings, clay, sea buckthorn oil, burnt sugar, canned meat, sand or soil.

Are you sure that you are inserting a real mummy into your vagina?!

Treatment of erosion with goose fat

Means recipe: put a cotton swab dipped in melted goose fat overnight on the damaged area of ​​the cervix. Repeat for at least ten days.

What is fraught with. The first thing that should alert the patient, as soon as she hears such a “fat” method, is the origin of fat, its composition and the intended therapeutic effect. Goose fat is really digestible. People who make it in their diet instead of other animal fats have a better state of the cardiovascular system. But they do not stick it into their organs covered with mucous membranes!

In addition to colonizing the vagina with pathogens, goose fat will not have any effect on the treatment process.

Cervical erosion is "afraid" of pumpkin

Folk recipe: choose the pulp without seeds from the pumpkin, grind it into gruel, put it in gauze, roll it up and insert the resulting tampon into the vagina in the evening for the whole night. Repeat for at least 10 days.

To feel better, according to "experts", should quickly, and erosion will disappear forever.

Is there any benefit of pumpkin? To normalize digestion with any acidity of the stomach, with dietary nutrition, pumpkin is ideal. Its pulp contains a lot of sugar, up to 20% starch, vitamins of different groups, and even more carotene than carrots. Proteins, enzymes, salts, a number of trace elements and acids - pumpkin is very healthy! But only when it is consumed baked, boiled, fried or as juice, and not in the form of a tampon in the vagina!

If you are of the opinion about the effectiveness of treating inflammation with a mixture of sugar, starch, acid and salt, then you can safely try pumpkin tampons for erosion and expect an amazing effect.

What really helps with cervical erosion

The answer to this question can only be given by a doctor at a face-to-face consultation after an examination and the necessary tests. It may well be that no treatment is needed at all. True erosion goes away on its own after a couple of weeks, after the trigger disappears. Most likely, it is in this case that folk remedies “help”. As they say, if a runny nose is not treated, then it will pass in a week, and if treated, then in seven days. So in the case of the treatment of erosion with folk remedies.

When the disease is caused by an STD or a fungus, then neither onion, nor sea buckthorn, nor mummy, and even more so pumpkin fat, will not help get rid of the virus or bacteria. Only adequate modern medical treatment will relieve cervical erosion. Fortunately, there are plenty of methods!

Cervical erosion is a problem faced by many women. Moreover, the disease can manifest itself both in nulliparous women. Solving the problem surgically or will entail the formation of scar tissue, prone to rebirth, as well as ruptures during childbirth. The use of folk recipes contributes to a longer, but natural and gentle healing process.

With self-treatment using folk remedies, the main thing is patience, accuracy and regularity of procedures, otherwise there will be no effect.

Is the treatment of cervical erosion effective with alternative methods?

The result of such treatment for each organism is individual, often depends on the general state of the hormonal background of women. For some, 3 weeks is enough, and for others, it takes a lifetime. Then the treatment of erosion should be carried out in a complex with other diseases that interfere with healing.

It is worth knowing that usually in the case of cervical erosion, the endocrine system becomes to blame. Without the restoration of its normal functioning, the impact on erosion at the local level is useless. Folk recipes are more effective for healing from erosion of an infectious origin.

With self-treatment, it is important to adequately control the process and evaluate the result by contacting your gynecologist for regular examinations.

When observing positive dynamics, it is worth repeating the course. If there is no change, then try another tool. It happens that in difficult cases it is necessary to resort to traditional methods of treatment. Prevention will help prevent this from happening. In case of early detection of minor erosion, folk recipes will be effective.

In any case, if erosion has developed to a condition requiring treatment, then at first it is worth trying traditional medicine. Since you can always cauterize, but the consequences are inevitable. So, in our article we will talk about how to treat cervical erosion with folk remedies.

Folk remedies for the treatment of cervical erosion

All methods of using traditional medicine for the treatment of cervical erosion are mainly reduced to douching and the introduction of tampons. You can either buy tampons or make your own, depending on the recipe.

Douches and tampons against erosion

  • Sea buckthorn oil.
    Sea buckthorn is famous for its wound healing properties and is effective folk remedy for cervical erosion. This remedy is often prescribed to patients and professional doctors. An ordinary tampon is abundantly lubricated with oil, inserted into the vagina for 15-20 hours. Underwear will be protected by a daily pad. The course of treatment is about 2 months. If the method is suitable, then the result is already noticeable for 3-4 days. Bleeding stops, discomfort disappears. After 3 weeks, many are cured completely.
  • Honey. Lime is preferred. Treatment is carried out in two ways: douching (dilute a tablespoon of honey in a glass of warm water, hold for 10 minutes) and introducing honey-lubricated tampons. This option is possible: wrap a tablespoon of honey in several layers of bandage or gauze and bandage it. Enter before bed. Duration - 2 weeks.
  • Aloe juice. Good on its own, and in combination with honey, enhancing the effect of the latter. Especially effective remedy for bleeding erosion. A mixture of aloe juice and honey (in equal proportions) is applied to a swab, which is inserted before bedtime. Swab option: turn the aloe leaf outward with pulp, wrap with a bandage. There is evidence of healing after a month of use.
  • Calendula. For douching, make a solution: a teaspoon of alcohol tincture in a glass of warm water. A three-week course of treatment is carried out. Another option: pour a tablespoon of seeds with 50 ml of boiling water, leave for 10 minutes. By daily douching with this infusion, a 10-year-old erosion was cured in a week.
  • Infusion of medicinal chamomile. 2 tablespoons of herbs are poured with a liter of boiling water, the broth is simmered for about 15 minutes, then infused for half an hour. Douche before bed for two weeks.
  • Birch buds. Pour two tablespoons of kidneys into 500 ml of boiling water and simmer for half an hour over low heat. The effect of the treatment will enhance the alternation of a 10-day douching with a decoction of chamomile with a 10-day course of douching with a decoction of birch buds.
  • Pumpkin. All pulp without seeds is selected from the pumpkin. Approximately a handful of pulp is wrapped in gauze in the form of a tampon and injected overnight. Duration about 2 weeks.
  • Badan root. Three tablespoons of raw materials are boiled in 250 ml of water until half of the liquid boils away. For douching, dilute two tablespoons of the resulting decoction in 500 ml of water. Treatment within 2 weeks.
  • Burdock juice. Using a meat grinder, press a half-liter jar of juice from fresh burdock leaves. Douche 2 times a day for two to three weeks. There are cases when chronic erosions were treatable in this way after 2 courses with a break of 10 days.
  • Ointment "Levomekol". A tampon, richly lubricated with the agent, is inserted overnight for 2 weeks. Douching is necessary in the morning. For example, a decoction of chamomile or calendula.
  • Copper vitriol. Pour a liter of water into an enameled container, add a tablespoon of burnt alum and the same amount of copper sulfate in powder. Let it boil for about 5 minutes, then cool, strain, cork the jar and place in the refrigerator. The solution for douching is prepared from one spoon of the product per liter of water. The course is 12 days. There were cases of complete cure in 10 days.
  • Propolis. The effectiveness of this tool is confirmed by research. It is used in the form of an alcohol 30% solution by lubricating the vagina with a moistened swab daily. Enhances the therapeutic effect of the simultaneous intake of propolis inside: 10% solution of 10-15 drops three times a day for half an hour before meals. Epithelialization of damaged tissues occurs in 90% of patients.
  • Borova uterus (grass). Pour 2 tablespoons of dry grass with 2 liters of water, boil, cool. Use a decoction to wet tampons and douche during a weekly course. Broth to store no more than a day.
  • Calamus root. Boil 2 tablespoons of crushed roots for 5 minutes in 500 ml of water. Douche daily for about 2 weeks. During treatment, discomfort, burning sensations are possible. But that's okay, you have to be patient.

Learn all about: an effective and painless solution.

What suppositories for cervical erosion can be bought at a pharmacy? You can find the full list in .

Cheap analogues of Jeanine and which contraceptives are better to buy:

Making healing candles against cervical erosion

A more laborious method, but very effective. Would need:

  • high-quality honey - 5 tablespoons;
  • about 150 gr. natural cow butter;
  • 5 gr. propolis tincture.

All components are melted in a water bath, then the mass is cooled. Candles of a standard pharmacy size are formed, placed in the refrigerator. Insert one into the vagina at night. In 5 days, in 50% of cases, a therapeutic effect is achieved. The course is 10 days.

Infusions for oral administration

Erosion treatment will be faster and more effective when using an integrated approach.


  1. Pieces of chaga mushroom soaked in water at room temperature for 5 hours, then passed through a meat grinder. Pour a tablespoon of gruel with a glass of hot (about 60 degrees) water, leave for 15-20 minutes. Take a third cup three times a day 30 minutes before meals. A woman sent for cauterization, waiting for the equipment to be repaired, cured the erosion in a week.
  2. Seven inflorescences of yarrow pour a liter of water, boil for 20 minutes. Drink in the same amount as regular tea throughout the day. Course reception 2 weeks.
  3. a tablespoon of peony rhizome brewed with three glasses of water, infused for half an hour. Drink 3 times a day.
  4. pumpkin seed, twisted in a meat grinder, pour boiling water in a ratio of 1 to 2. Leave for at least 10 hours, take ½ cup once a day.

The raw materials for the above recipes are available at almost any pharmacy. This is only a small part of the folk methods used to treat cervical erosion.

As for the treatment with herbal infusions and decoctions, in order to achieve a tangible effect, it is necessary to use several types or fees. For example, douching with calendula will give a positive result when alternating with yarrow and chamomile.

Folk recipes, like traditional methods of treatment, do not work equally effectively for everyone. You need to learn to understand your body, to feel its reaction. Then it will be easier to choose an individual effective treatment regimen with folk remedies.

See also a video recipe for a folk way to treat cervical erosion:

Cervical erosion is a disease of the genital organs, which is accompanied by the formation of wounds and sores. Among the most effective methods of counteraction is the treatment of erosion at home with folk remedies.

Sea buckthorn oil

Treatment of erosion at home with the help of such a tool is safe and not accompanied by pain. It is possible to reduce inflammation and overcome the infection. It should also be noted that sea buckthorn oil has excellent healing properties and is non-toxic, therefore it is suitable for pregnant and lactating mothers.

Application: gauze is twisted into a tourniquet, moistened in a substance and inserted into the vagina. The procedure is repeated every day at bedtime for 14 days. The next morning, the swab is removed. Washing (douching) is not necessary. After two weeks, they take a break for 14 days, and then the procedure is resumed.

The result will be noticeable in ten days. Treatment should begin immediately after the end of menstruation. Why? The fact is that it is after the menstrual cycle that regenerative processes occur.

It should be noted that the oil is poorly washed, so it is recommended to use gaskets during its use.

The advantages of this method include: the absence of discomfort and pain during treatment, as well as the low cost of the remedy.

However, before starting to deal with a gynecological disease, you need to consult a doctor. The fact is that much in the treatment of erosion depends on the individual characteristics of the patient's body.

Burdock/burdock juice

This tool has excellent healing properties. It will be possible to improve the appearance of the skin, increase immunity, strengthen bones, and also get rid of erosion. The use of burdock for erosion: squeeze the juice from the plant and mix it (1 tsp) with honey in proportions of 1: 1. Before going to bed, moisten a gauze tourniquet in the resulting composition and insert into the vagina.

If, in addition to erosion, the patient has uterine fibroids, it is recommended to drink a decoction prepared from burdock root daily.

nettle juice

Treatment of erosion at home with folk remedies allows you to achieve success in a short time (week-month).

Using nettle juice at home, it will be possible to achieve complete healing of the scar. To achieve this, you need to take a few branches of nettle - crush and press the juice.

A tourniquet made of sterile gauze is moistened in the resulting liquid and inserted into the vagina. This should be done so that the tourniquet does not touch the walls of the uterus. Removed after two hours. The course of treatment lasts until the scar heals.

Badan decoction

Another no less effective treatment of erosion with folk remedies at home is a decoction of bergenia rhizomes.

To carry out treatment at home, you need 3 tsp. dried rhizomes of bergenia, which must be filled with water. Boil 30 minutes. Filter, tightly close, wrap the container with the drug with a towel, and then place in a dark, warm place for a day. After the expiration of the period, washing can be carried out. Before the procedure, the broth is heated.

Douching (washing and disinfection) should be done daily for two weeks before bedtime.

Calendula combined with green tea

Erosion treatment at home can be done with a decoction of calendula and green tea. To do this, you need to mix both plants in a dry form 1: 1 and pour boiling water over it. A jar of medicine is wrapped in a towel and insisted for a day. At the end of time, the broth is filtered. Before taking the drug is diluted with water 1:1.

With the help of the solution, the vagina is washed before going to bed, and then a tampon is inserted into it (removed in the morning). The course lasts until complete recovery.

St. John's wort

To carry out effective treatment of erosion with folk remedies at home, you can use a decoction of St. John's wort, which helps to speed up the healing process and relieve inflammation.

What do I need to do? So, dried grass needs to be filled with water and put on slow gas. Cooking time is ten minutes. Then strain and chill.

Drink a decoction (1/2 cup) every day before eating.

Flask of the Evasive Peony

To carry out the treatment of erosion using this method, 5 tsp should be taken. marina root (aka evading peony) pour alcohol (0.5 l). Put the resulting product in the refrigerator for a month.

To cure the disease at home, you need to use alcohol tincture three times a day, 1 tsp. The treatment lasts two weeks. Next, you should take a break (five days), and then continue treatment.


With the help of dried marigold flowers, it will be possible to get rid of an old (five-year-old) erosion. To do this, you need to pour raw materials (half a glass) with vodka (0.5 l) and put in the sun for two weeks. Then the tincture is filtered and poured into jars.

Application: in the morning, before eating, dilute the tincture (1 tsp) with warm water and douche. The procedure should be done daily for 21 days, starting from the second day after the end of the menstrual cycle and until the next period.


Treatment of erosion with the help of celandine infusion contributes to the achievement of a quick result. The result will be visible in a week.

To carry out the treatment of erosion at home, you need 3 tsp. pour dry celandine with boiling water (1 l). Then let it brew (it will be enough to leave the product for an hour). Then the infusion is filtered and divided into six equal portions, placing each in a separate container.

The resulting infusion is used to disinfect and wash the vagina. Before the procedure, the infusion is diluted with warm water. The duration of the course of treatment is three weeks.


A decoction of wormwood will help get rid of the scar. Recipe: 2 tsp dried herbs are poured with a liter of water and boiled for 10 minutes. Filter, pour the composition into a container and place in the refrigerator.

Application: washing and disinfection of the vagina. Before the procedure, the decoction is diluted with warm water 1:10 and heated. Washing the vagina is done before going to bed every day.


Treatment of erosion with aloe juice is carried out most often in advanced cases. In addition to the leaves of an adult plant, you will need pork fat and honey.

Aloe leaves keep for two weeks in the refrigerator. At the end of the term, they are taken out, crushed and squeezed. The resulting juice is mixed with honey in equal proportions.

Erosion treatment: suppositories are inserted into the vagina after waking up and at bedtime.


In the treatment of erosion, the juice of a home plant, Kalanchoe, is often used. To treat a gynecological disease, you need to add juice squeezed from the leaves of a houseplant (kolanchoe) and honey 1: 1 to pre-boiled and cooled sunflower oil. Infuse the resulting mixture for a week in a place away from sunlight.

Application: before going to bed, a tourniquet made of gauze is moistened in the resulting composition and inserted into the vagina. The next morning, they remove it and douching with chamomile. In order for the scar to heal, this procedure must be done daily for ten days.

Birch buds

In order to get rid of erosion, you need 2 tbsp. l. kidneys pour 0.5 liters of water and cook for 30 minutes. Application: for ten do daily rinse the vagina. To enhance the effect, the next ten days you can do douching with a decoction of chamomile.

An ordinary bulb will also help from erosion. It can be grated, mixed with honey in equal proportions or used in its pure form. The elongated core of the bulb is dipped in the composition and wrapped in a bandage. Next, insert into the vagina. After five to ten such procedures, the scar will heal. It should be noted that this method is not suitable for those who are intolerant to this type of product.

Honey is another remedy with which to get rid of erosion. This remedy has been popular in folk medicine since ancient times. This method of treatment is not suitable for those who are allergic to honey.

Please note that during the procedures, a burning sensation may occur.

Recipes with which you can get rid of erosion:

  1. Aloe juice (3 tablespoons) is mixed with honey and castor oil (1.5 tsp).
  2. Grated onion (1 tablespoon) and sunflower oil are mixed with honey and years of viburnum. Application: a gauze tourniquet is moistened in the resulting composition and inserted into the vagina. Washing and disinfection can be done with a decoction of calendula or chamomile.

The procedure is carried out every other day, alternating honey and sea buckthorn oil. The course of treatment with honey is 20 days.


Treatment of erosion at home with folk remedies is not only painless, but also effective.

Propolis is another remedy with which you can get rid of a gynecological disease. For these purposes, an aqueous infusion of propolis is used - it has an anti-inflammatory effect, improves immunity and nourishes damaged tissues of the mucous membrane.

  1. Using concentrated (10%) propolis ointment, it will be possible to eliminate the ulcer and prevent further progression of the pathological process. Application: the swab is moistened in ointment and inserted into the vagina for 10-12 hours.
  2. Alcohol tincture of propolis (3%) is diluted with water. In the poured solution, a swab is moistened and inserted into the vagina at night. This procedure should be repeated every day for two weeks.


To treat erosion, you need to make a candle from the pumpkin pulp, after removing the peel and seeds, and wrap it with gauze. Insert a tampon at bedtime. The procedure is repeated daily for a week.

However, before starting treatment with folk remedies, it is recommended to consult a gynecologist. The fact is that the method of treatment and its result largely depend on the individual characteristics of the organism.

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