Detralex natural drug. Effective phlebotonic - Detralex

The composition of Detralex includes 500 mg of a micronized flavonoid purified fraction (Purified micronized flavonoid fraction), in which diosmin is 90% (450 mg), - 10% (50 mg).

Auxiliary components: gelatin, magnesium stearate, MCC, sodium carboxymethyl starch, talc, purified water. Ingredients p / o: macrogol 6000, sodium lauryl sulfate, orange-pink premix for p / o (magnesium stearate, , hypromellose, iron dyes - yellow and red oxides, titanium dioxide).

Release form

Tablets p / captivity. shell. In blisters of 15 pcs., packing No. 30; No. 60.

In other countries, the manufacturer may use the trade names Variton, Daflon 500, Venitol, Capiven, Ardium, Arvenum 500 for their product.

pharmachologic effect

Venoprotective and venostabilizing. Pharmacological group: microcirculation correctors and angioprotectors in combinations .

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Possesses angioprotective and venotonic action, reduces venostasis , extensibility of veins and permeability of capillaries, increases the tone of the venous walls, improves microcirculation and lymphatic drainage. Increases the ability of capillaries to maintain the integrity of the walls under mechanical stress.

The use of the drug Detralex helps to reduce the interaction and endothelium , as well as adhesion leukocytes in postcapillary venules, which reduces the severity of the damaging effect of inflammatory mediators on the leaflets vein valves and venous walls .

T½ - 11 hours. Excretion of active components is carried out mainly through the intestines. About 14% of the dose taken is excreted by the kidneys.

Indications for the use of Detralex

When are vein tablets prescribed?

Indications for the use of Detralex are organic and functional venolymphatic insufficiency of the lower extremities , which is manifested by swelling and soreness, a feeling of heaviness in the legs, trophic disorders, convulsions.

When is the drug used as a pill for hemorrhoids?

The use of Detralex is indicated for the symptomatic treatment of an acute hemorrhoidal attack.


Tablets Detralex: instructions for use

Instructions for using Detralex for varicose veins

At venolymphatic insufficiency recommended dose - 2 tab. 500 g per day. Tablets are taken with meals, one in the daytime, the second in the evening.

The drug is prescribed only for adult patients. To enhance the effect, the doctor may also recommend the use of external therapy - ointment or gel.

The duration of the course of treatment with Detralex varicose veins , as well as the need for repeated courses, the doctor determines.

Detralex for hemorrhoids. How long to take pills for hemorrhoids?

In the description that comes with the drug on how to take with hemorrhoids Detralex, it is indicated that in the acute stage of the disease (with ) it is necessary to take 6 tablets / day. during the first 4 days of treatment and 4 tablets / day. in the next 3 days. Take the medicine with meals, dividing the daily dose into 2-3 doses.

Treatment chronic hemorrhoids involves taking 4 tablets daily. They are taken with meals, 2 for each dose. After 7 days, you can reduce the dose by half and reduce the frequency of applications to 1 r. / day.

How long to take the medicine depends on the degree of neglect of the disease and the effectiveness of therapy. On average, physicians chronic hemorrhoids It is recommended to take pills in courses lasting 2-3 months. In an acute attack, treatment is carried out in short courses lasting 7 days.

If symptoms persist longer than this time, the patient should be examined by a proctologist.

Reviews about Detralex with hemorrhoids for the most part good. The main disadvantage of the drug, according to consumers, is its high price. However, given that Detralex is a remedy with proven effectiveness (patients often notice an improvement in the situation after 2-3 days of taking the pills), many people still prefer it, rather than cheaper analogues.


There are no reports of cases of overdose.


Special studies on drug and other forms of drug interaction have not been conducted. However, given the extensive experience of post-registration use of Detralex, to date there are no statements about its adverse interactions with other drugs.

Terms of sale

Without recipe.

Storage conditions

The drug does not require special storage conditions. Tablets belong to the category of potent drugs (list B), so they should be kept out of the reach of children.

Best before date

special instructions

The use of tablets for acute hemorrhoidal attack cannot replace specific therapy and interferes with the treatment of others proctological diseases .

If after a short time there is no rapid improvement in the severity of symptoms, the patient should be examined by a proctologist, and the doctor should reconsider therapy.

People with impaired venous circulation are recommended to increase the effectiveness of the drug:

  • avoid prolonged standing and prolonged exposure to the sun;
  • adjust body weight and diet;
  • wear compression stockings to improve blood circulation;
  • walk.

Analogues of Detralex: what can replace the drug?

Coincidence in the ATX code of the 4th level:

Drugs similar to Detralex with a similar mechanism of action, but an excellent composition: , , , Venolek , , Rutin , , , Yuglanex , Phlebopha .

Substitutes based on Hesperidine + Diosmin: Venozol , .

The drug and its analogues are used to treat functional and organic venous insufficiency , as well as at hemorrhoids (both acute and chronic).

The price of Detralex analogues is from 60 rubles. The cheapest analogues of Detralex are Rutin and Ascorutin preparations.

In Ukraine, Detralex, if it is not available in a pharmacy, may be offered to be replaced with drugs Venorin , Venosmin , Juantal , Dioflan , , Nostalex .

Which is better - Detralex or Phlebodia 600?

On the forums, the drug is often compared with its counterparts. And most often with the drug Phlebodia 600 . The basis of both funds is diosmin. Its concentration in Phlebodia 600 - 600 mg / tab., in Detralex - 450 mg / tab., however, in the latter, its effect is enhanced by the presence of hesperidin (50 mg / tab.).

At varicose veins Phlebodia 600 they drink 1 tablet / day, Detralex - 2 tablets / day, that is, the daily dose of diosmin in the first case is 600 mg, in the second - 900 mg.

If we compare the pharmaceutical effect of the drugs and the features of the application, then there are practically no differences.

However, due to the use in its production of a unique technology for processing the active substance, Detralex is absorbed faster and more completely than its analogue in the body, while its concentration in the blood plasma reaches a maximum after three to four hours.

Which is better - Detralex or Antistax?

Antistax - This is a herbal medicine that is used for violations of venous circulation. The basis of the capsules is the dried extract of red grape leaves with a high content isoquercetin and quercetin glucuronide - flavonoids, which contribute to the stabilization of cell membranes, the normalization of vascular permeability, and the reduction of edema.

However, if the effectiveness of Detralex has been confirmed during clinical experiments, scientific confirmation of the effectiveness Antistax today no.

Another difference between the drugs is that Detralex is allowed to be used during pregnancy, while information regarding safety and efficacy Antistax not for pregnant women.

According to experts, Antistax in vascular diseases, it can be recommended more as a prophylactic agent and as an addition to the main treatment.

Thrombovasim or Detralex - which is better?

is an enzyme preparation thrombolytic , cardioprotective and anti-inflammatory activity . Its active ingredient is a complex of proteinases produced by Bacillus subtilis.

The drug is prescribed as part of complex therapy for chronic venous insufficiency . It is strictly contraindicated in , pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Considering that Detralex and Thrombovazim have different pharmacological effects, it is not correct to compare them. Especially if you take into account that doctors often recommend taking them in combination.

Which is better - Detralex or Venarus?

Venarus - This is the Russian analogue of the drug. If we compare which is better - Detralex or Venarus , it can be concluded that there is no fundamental difference between them.

The basis of both drugs are substances and hesperidin , means only slightly differ in the composition of auxiliary components. Operating principle Venarusa the same as that of its counterpart, and the drug is prescribed for the same as for Detralex tablets.

Annotations to the drugs are distinguished by the fact that an additional contraindication to the use Venarusa the period of lactation is indicated. In addition, the cheaper analogue of Detralex is characterized by lower bioavailability and provokes side effects more often than the drug, which is produced by Les Laboratoires Servier.

For kids

There are no data on the use of the drug in pediatric practice.

Alcohol compatibility

There is no categorical prohibition on the use of alcohol during the period of treatment with Detralex. The active ingredients of the drug are flavonoids hesperidin and diosmin , which, according to Wikipedia, are plant pigments and powerful natural antioxidants, do not interact with other substances and do not have pronounced side effects.

However, it should be borne in mind that, by affecting the CCC, alcoholic beverages provoke an increase in blood pressure and vasodilation, and a sharp blood flow causes an increase in its stagnation in places of accumulation.

Thus, alcohol reduces the effectiveness of therapy and contributes to the progression of the disease.

Detralex during pregnancy

Despite the fact that no teratogenic properties of Detralex were found in the course of studies, it is used with caution during pregnancy.

Due to the lack of information about the ability diosmin and hesperidin pass into breast milk during breastfeeding, the use of the drug should be avoided.

Studies in rats have shown that the drug does not have reproductive toxicity.

Reviews about Detralex during pregnancy allow us to conclude that the drug really helps with problems with veins and with hemorrhoids . Against the background of the use of tablets, pain in the legs disappears, the legs get tired less and do not swell (and if they swell, then not so much), development is inhibited varicose disease , disappear (or significantly decrease) hemorrhoids .

A low level of activity, malnutrition, age-related changes and genetic predisposition create an unnecessary burden on the vascular system. In order to avoid stagnation of blood, the veins need outside help. For this, Detralex is suitable.

Release form, composition

The preparation includes 1000 mg of a flavonoid fraction of a micronized type of deep cleaning. It included hesperidin (10%), and the main part is Diosmin. The medicine is created as tablets in a film-coated film. Detralex is packaged in two or four blisters of 15 cells.

The Detralex series includes a suspension for oral administration. This dosage form allows you to act faster, and the active substances enter the blood in larger quantities. This reduces the frequency of reception, which is suitable for busy or forgetful people.

Among the drugs with the same active ingredient is Detragel. It acts locally, which is important for people with liver and kidney pathologies. Especially often the medicine is used by women and people whose activity puts a load on the lower limbs. The gel has a watery consistency for faster absorption and better penetration of active ingredients through the skin.

Pharmacological properties and pharmacokinetics

Detralex tablets have a stabilizing and protective effect on the veins. They are able to positively influence the walls of blood vessels and improve the movement of blood through them. As a result, tissue nutrition and the appearance of the patient's limbs are improved.

Preparations of the Detralex series help to resolve the issue of congestion in the veins and prevent the occurrence of complications. They speed up the outflow of lymph, which reduces swelling. The strength of the walls of blood vessels increases several times, they are less likely to be injured and better conduct blood to organs and tissues.

The action of the drug is aimed at reducing the adhesive ability of leukocytes to the vascular endothelium. This prevents the destruction of valves and walls caused by inflammatory mediators. After interacting with the body, the drug leaves it through the kidneys and gastrointestinal tract. It takes 11 hours to clear half the dose.

Venous insufficiency is often detected in people of a fairly young age. Circulatory disorders cause hemorrhoids, varicose veins, and later thrombophlebitis.

For the treatment of these diseases, complex treatment is selected, and Detralex is often included in its scheme.

This medicine has its own indications for use, and in order to get a positive result of therapy, it is necessary to take into account all the nuances of using the remedy.

Instructions for use

Detralex belongs to a group of drugs with a venotonic effect. When prescribing it, it is important to choose the right general course of therapy, dosage and find out all the contraindications to the use of the medication.

Composition and form of release

The main active ingredients of the drug are two flavonoids, these are Diosmin and Hesperidin. These drugs have a positive effect on metabolic processes, microcirculation, and improve the condition of the walls of the veins.

Additionally, Detralex contains a group of excipients that allow the drug to be more easily absorbed in the body. High-tech processing of all components of Detralex allows to obtain microscopic medicinal particles, and this leads to a rapid therapeutic effect.

Detralex is available in the form of oval tablets, their color is orange-pink, yellowish at the break. On top of the tablets are covered with the thinnest shell-film. The package may include 15, 30 or 60 tablets placed in a blister.

Useful pharmacological properties of the drug

Detralex is a highly effective drug endowed with angioprotective and venotonic properties.

Conducted clinical trials have identified a group of positive changes after a course of treatment with Detralex, these include:

  • Strengthening of the venous walls.
  • Improvement of reduced vein tone.
  • Restoration of connective tissue elements of blood vessels pathologically altered in venous insufficiency.
  • Acceleration of the outflow of the resulting edematous fluid through the lymphatic vessels. This leads to a noticeable decrease in swelling of the lower extremities.
  • Strengthening the speed of venous blood flow, which leads to a decrease in congestion.
  • Removal of inflammation. Detralex inhibits the formation of prostaglandins responsible for the development of inflammatory changes.

Due to several mechanisms of action, Detralex acts in a complex and in several directions at once. This mechanism of action allows you to positively change all the disorders that occur as a result of venous insufficiency.

The uniqueness of the impact on the venous system lies in the molecular structure of all components of the drug. The size of each medicinal substance in Detralex is only a few microns and this allows them to quickly absorb and begin their work.

The dose-dependent efficacy of the drug has been proven, positive changes in its use are noted when taking a single dose in the amount of two tablets.

The processed components of the drug are mostly excreted during bowel movements, a small part is filtered by the kidneys.

Indications for use

The drug Detralex is prescribed in several cases.

Indications for the use of the drug are:

  • Symptomatic therapy and prevention of venous insufficiency. Venous insufficiency can manifest itself with such sensations as heaviness in the legs, swelling, pain. All these changes are especially disturbing for sick people at the end of the day. Over time, a violation of sensitivity develops, paresthesias and convulsions appear, in advanced cases, trophic disorders. Detralex allows you to get rid of these sensations and prevents their occurrence in people with a predisposition to venous insufficiency.
  • Treatment of acute and chronic hemorrhoids.
  • Preoperative preparation of the patient for surgical intervention on the veins and the recovery period after surgery.

The likelihood of this disease increases in people who work long hours in a sitting or standing position. It has been found that sedentary lifestyle, chronic constipation, pregnancy and complicated childbirth, overweight, hereditary weakness of the venous wall predispose to the development of venous disorders.


The effectiveness of treatment with Detralex largely depends on the choice of the correct dose of the drug.

  • In the treatment of hemorrhoids, the drug is prescribed depending on its form. In case of an acute disease during the first 4 days of illness, Detralex is drunk three tablets in the morning and in the evening at dinner, that is, the daily dosage is 6 tablets. Over the next three days, the daily dose is four tablets, they are divided into two doses. In the chronic course of the disease, it is recommended to be treated for one week with two tablets of Detralex, 2 times a day. Then the dosage is adjusted to two tablets once a day.
  • In the treatment of circulatory failure in the venous system, Detralex is taken two pieces twice a day for one week. Then the dosage is adjusted to one tablet, they must be taken twice a day.

Drink tablets with meals, chewing them is not recommended. The general course of therapy with this drug can be up to two or more months and should always be determined by the doctor after the examination.

Adverse reactions

The drug Detralex, like any other pharmaceuticals, when used, can cause a number of undesirable changes in the body.

It is always necessary to take into account the likelihood of developing adverse reactions, the most frequently detected of them include:

  • Changes in the digestive system, they are expressed by nausea, discomfort in the stomach, less often by vomiting and diarrhea.
  • Changes in the central nervous system are manifested in some patients with headache and periodic dizziness.
  • Allergic reactions. When taking Detralex, cases of skin rash, itching, and urticaria were recorded. In very rare cases, Quincke's edema develops.

Minor dyspeptic disturbances often disappear after a few days of treatment with Detralex. Therefore, if such sensations do not bring pronounced discomfort, then treatment should not be interrupted.

With severe headaches and allergic reactions, it is necessary to inform the attending physician, with such changes it will be possible to choose an analogue.

Cases of overdose when taking Detralex are not described in the medical literature. But in case of accidental or intentional use of several times higher doses of the drug, it is necessary to wash the stomach and contact a medical institution for the advice of a therapist.


There are no special contraindications to the appointment of Detralex. The medicine is not prescribed only in case of revealing individual intolerance to one of its components.

Do not use Detralex in the treatment of children, women throughout the entire period of pregnancy and nursing mothers. This is due to the fact that clinical trials on these groups of patients have not been conducted. If treatment is necessary during the period of breastfeeding, then it is necessary to transfer the child to an artificial mixture for the duration of therapy.

Detralex does not have any effect on the speed of human reactions, therefore, when using it, you do not need to limit yourself to driving a vehicle or interrupt work related to handling complex devices.

special instructions

It should be borne in mind that with acutely developing hemorrhoids, Detralex is included only in the complex therapy. That is, other medicines are also used by proctologists to eliminate all violations. The timing of recovery and the rapid improvement of the patient's well-being depend on the correctly selected therapy regimen.

The duration of the entire course of treatment should not exceed the terms established by the doctor. If the signs of acute hemorrhoids do not decrease within a few days, then all treatment should be reviewed, and if necessary, additional examinations are prescribed to confirm the diagnosis or to identify other causes of deteriorating health.

Patients with venous circulation disorders need to understand that the maximum positive result of therapy depends not only on well-chosen drug therapy by doctors.

Be sure to additionally need to reconsider your lifestyle - devote more of your time to moderate and constant physical activity, choose a balanced diet, get rid of unnecessary kilograms, and avoid spending hours on your feet. Some patients are also recommended to wear properly selected compression underwear.

Interaction with drugs

There were no positive or negative effects of Detralex taken on the mechanism of action of other drugs. But it is always necessary before prescribing medications to put the doctor on the pharmacological preparations taken at the time of contacting the hospital.

Terms and conditions of storage

It is necessary to store the purchased Detralex tablets only in a dry place, the temperature should not exceed 30 degrees. Subject to all the nuances of storage, the medicine is suitable for use for 4 years from the date of its production. Be sure to keep the medicine in those places in the house where children cannot use it.

Price for Detralex

Before starting the course use of any medicine, most people are interested in its cost. This allows patients to understand whether they can complete the course of therapy. Detralex medicine costs depending on the number of tablets in the package.

The price of a package of 30 tablets in Russian pharmacies varies from 500 to 700 rubles. For long-term treatment, it is more profitable to buy Detralex with 60 tablets, its cost starts from 900 rubles. In Ukraine, a package with 60 tablets costs starting from 230 hryvnia.


In case of intolerance to the components of Detralex or if it is impossible to purchase it due to the price, the doctor can choose other drugs with a similar effect.

The most commonly used analogues of Detralex include:

  • Venozol.
  • Venorus.
  • Ginkor fort.

Any venotonic should be selected by a doctor based on the examination, only such an approach to treatment guarantees its rapid effectiveness.

For the treatment of diseases of acute and chronic hemorrhoids, the drug Detralex is used. It is also prescribed for venous insufficiency of the legs. You need to drink it under the supervision of a doctor.

Detralex - instructions for use

Clinical trials have shown high results against hemorrhoids and venous diseases of the legs. The dosage of the drug is highly dependent on the type of disease. So, the treatment course against hemorrhoids lasts only 7 days, while the duration of the course against vein diseases is several months. For this reason, self-medication is prohibited.


The drug is the property of the French trademark "Laboratory Servier Industry". In Russia, it is produced under license by Serdiks LLC. The main representative office of the company is located in Moscow on Paveletskaya Square, 2.

How the drug works

The drug normalizes venous tone and has an angioprotective effect. When using the drug, stagnation and extensibility of the veins decreases. The drug also acts on the capillaries, increasing their resistance and lowering their permeability.

Detralex is a small orange-pink film-coated tablet. All components can be divided into three classes - active medicinal substances, auxiliary components, and film shell components.

Active medicinal substances are a purified micronized flavonoid fraction. One tablet contains 500 mg of medicinal substances:

  • Diosmin - 450 mg (90%);
  • Hesperidin - 50 mg (10%).


  • Microcellulose - 62 mg;
  • Gelatin - 31 mg;
  • Sodium carboxymethyl starch - 27 mg;
  • Water - 20 mg;
  • Talc - 6 mg;
  • Magnesium stearate - 4 mg.

The film shell consists of:

  • Hypromellose - 6.9 mg;
  • Titanium dioxide - 1.3 mg;
  • Macrogol 6000 - 0.7 mg;
  • Magnesium stearate - 0.4 mg;
  • Glycerol - 0.4 mg;
  • Sodium lauryl sulfate - 0.3 mg;
  • Iron oxide yellow - 0.2 mg;
  • Iron oxide red - 0.1 mg.

Active substance

The main active ingredient of the drug is diosmin. To enhance its medicinal properties, hesperidin is additionally added to the medicine. Diosmin belongs to the class of angioprotectors and venotonics.

When using it, venous tone increases, which increases the elasticity and extensibility of blood vessels, and also improves hemodynamic parameters. When Detralex enters the blood, the number of leukocyte adhesions to endothelial cells decreases. This reduces the amount of damage to the valve cusps of the veins by mediators.

In the production of tablets, a micronization procedure is used. The result of this treatment is an increase in the rate of absorption of the active substance in the body. Liver cells break down diosmin to phenolic acids. The half-life of diosmin from the body is 11 hours.

Indications for use

Detralex is used in two cases:

  • Treatment of venolymphatic insufficiency of the legs;

The drug effectively relieves symptoms such as heaviness and pain in the legs, swelling, night cramps, and also has a healing effect on trophic ulcers.

  • Treatment of hemorrhoids.


The medicine is safe. It should not be used only in such cases:

  • During pregnancy and lactation;
  • If a person has hypersensitivity to individual components of the drug.

When to use the medicine

Detralex is prescribed for various diseases of the venous vessels of the lower extremities and hemorrhoids. Clinical trials have shown high efficiency in hemorrhoids and varicose veins. Clinical trials have also shown moderate efficacy in eliminating lymphoedema.

How to take Detralex correctly

In order for Detralex treatment to show maximum effectiveness, you need to use the following recommendations:

  • Limit direct sunlight to the area of ​​skin with affected veins;
  • Avoid physical overload;
  • If you are obese, go on a diet to reduce stress on your legs;
  • In the later stages of the disease, it makes sense to do wet compresses that improve blood circulation;
  • About 45 minutes a day you need to give walking.


Taking pills depends on the type of disease. For venolymphatic diseases, use the medicine as follows:

  • You need to take two tablets per day. Take one tablet with food in the morning and evening.
  • The length of the course is determined by the doctor on a personal basis. Usually the course lasts several months. The maximum course duration is 1 year.

In acute and chronic hemorrhoids, the medicine should be used as follows:

  • The standard course lasts 1 week;
  • For the first four days, eat three tablets in the morning and three tablets in the evening after meals;
  • In the last three days, eat two tablets in the morning and two tablets in the evening after meals;
  • If after stopping the medication, the symptoms of the disease reappear, the doctor may prescribe an additional course.

Scheme of taking Detralex for hemorrhoids

Detralex for hemorrhoids is preferably taken after meals. The course lasts 7 days. For the first 4 days, take 3 tablets in the morning and evening; in the last 3 days, take 2 tablets in the morning and in the evening.

Detralex for hemorrhoids take seven days. After that, it is forbidden to take the drug. Before taking, consult your doctor.

It makes sense to drink the medicine also after operations on hemorrhoids. Full treatment after surgery includes:

  • Taking detralex 2 times a day;
  • Diet number 3;
  • The use of candles;
  • Treatment of wounds with antibacterial creams;
  • Rubbing the skin around wounds with vaseline oil.

A course of treatment

The length of the course of treatment depends greatly on the type of disease you are suffering from. For the treatment of hemorrhoids, the course is only 7 days, after which the drug should be stopped.

pharmachologic effect

Treatment is based on the pharmacological action of diosmin. This component reduces the extensibility of the veins, and also reduces venous congestion. This has a venotonic effect. The drug also affects the capillaries, reducing their fragility and permeability.

Overdose and additional instructions

Cases of overdose have not been recorded. In case of acute violations while taking the drug, immediately seek medical help.

Additional instructions:

Release form and price in rubles

This medicine is available only in the form of tablets. One box can contain 15, 30 and 60 tablets. The price for 30 tablets is 700 rubles.

Detralex candles

This drug is not produced in the form of suppositories.


All drug analogues can be divided into three classes - full analogues (generics), partial analogues, as well as drugs with a different composition, but having a similar effect.

Full analogues (generics):

  • Venarus. Produced in Russia by the pharmaceutical company ZAO Obolenskoye. It contains the same medicinal substances - diosmin and hesperidin. The principle of action and pharmacology are identical to detralex. Represents tablets which are covered with a protective cover. The drug should not be used during pregnancy and lactation. Price - 530 rubles for 30 tablets.
  • Venozol. Produced by the Ukrainian-Russian company "LLC VIS". It contains the same medicinal substances - diosmin and hesperidin. The principle of action and pharmacology are identical to detralex. Available in the form of tablets with a protective shell, as well as in the form of a gel and cream. Not recommended for use during pregnancy and lactation. The price for 30 tablets is 850 rubles.

Partial analogues:

  • Phlebodia 600. Produced by the French pharmaceutical company Innotera Shuzi. It contains only diosmin in the amount of 600 mg per tablet. Represents tablets which are covered with a protective cover. The medicinal effect is similar to Detralex - venous tone increases and blood flow improves. The price for 15 tablets is 520 rubles.
  • Vacozet 600. Produced by the German company Stragen-Weiner Pharma. It contains only diosmin in the amount of 600 mg per tablet. Represents oblong tablets which are covered with a yellow protective cover. The medicinal effect is similar to Detralex - venous tone increases and blood flow improves. The price for 30 tablets is 890 rubles.

Other drugs that have a similar therapeutic effect:

  • Ginkor Fort. Produced by the French pharmaceutical company Bofur Ipsen. Consists of Ginkgo biloba extract, troxerutin and heptaminol hydrochloride. The drug has a venoprotective and venotonic effect. Release form - gel for external use and capsules. Can be used during pregnancy in the 2nd and 3rd trimester. With hyperthyroidism, it is forbidden to take the drug. The price for 30 tablets is 555 rubles.
  • Antistax. Produced by the German company Boehringer Ingelheim. It is a biologically active additive. The main medicinal component is a dry extract of red grape leaves. It has a venotonic effect. Represents tablets which are covered with a protective cover. The price for 20 tablets is 560 rubles.
  • Troxevasin. Produced by the Bulgarian pharmaceutical company Farmakhim. It is a chemical derivative of vitamin P (rutin). There is a decongestant effect on the body, and also improves the condition of the venous walls. It is also known under the names "Venoruton" and "Troxerutin". Available in the form of tablets, gels and solutions for injection. For 50 tablets you will have to pay 400 rubles.


Anna Petrovna, pensioner, 70 years old: “My legs hurt a lot. The veins were swollen, the skin was covered with brown spots. I went to the hospital, where the doctors prescribed me detralex. I drank it for 4 months. Although the brown spots remained, the pains were gone. I'm happy with the result."

Ivan Sergeevich, medical practitioner, 31 years old: “Doctors had high hopes for the French detralex. He was supposed to be able to treat a large number of diseases of the legs. However, clinical trials have proven effective only against venous diseases and hemorrhoids. However, this is also a lot.”

Igor Semenovich, construction worker, 32 years old: “One evening, my legs suddenly hurt. I went to the doctor - he said that I have varicose veins at an early stage. The doctor prescribed me Detralex for 1.5 months and also ordered me to stay at home. I had to take a vacation. But it was worth it, because the disease receded. After 2 months, I returned to the construction site.

Evgenia, mother of child 8 months, 28 years:"In the gynecological department, the doctors found hemorrhoids in me. Various ointments were prescribed. After the birth, they additionally prescribed detralex, which I drank for 2 months. The hemorrhoids have significantly weakened. As I later found out, the medicine was not prescribed immediately, so as not to harm the baby.


The information in the article is for informational purposes only. It is recommended to consult a specialist (doctor) before applying the tips described in the article.

Detralex is a drug used for venous circulation disorders. It is often used in proctology ().

The active substances of the drug are diosmin and hesperidin. Due to the joint action of these substances, Detralex exhibits angioprotective and venotonic activity. It maintains normal vascular tone, strengthens the vascular walls, prevents them from stretching, improves lymphatic drainage, improves microcirculation, helps to reduce congestion, restore normal blood circulation.

As a result of taking Detralex tablets, capillary fragility decreases, blood microcirculation improves, puffiness is eliminated, pain sensations are stopped. Detralex is a micronized phlebotropic drug (diosmin particles are crushed to a size of less than 2 microns). As a result, Detralex is rapidly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract, which in turn leads to a more effective and faster action.

Detralex is found in the blood two hours after ingestion. There is a rapid distribution and accumulation of the drug in all vena cava and veins of the lower extremities, to a lesser extent - in the veins of the lungs, kidneys, liver and other tissues. It is excreted to a greater extent with urine, a little with feces and bile.

When is Detralex indicated?

Detralex is used in the complex symptomatic therapy of diseases such as:

  • Varicose veins of the lower extremities, which occurs as a result of impaired blood flow through the veins of the lower extremities and changes in the permeability of the vascular walls. Manifested by a feeling of fatigue and heaviness in the legs, swelling of the lower extremities, pain, cramps, trophic disorders, sensitivity disorders
  • Chronic lymphovenous insufficiency of the lower extremities
  • , acute and chronic
  • Preparation for surgical treatment or postoperative treatment of venous insufficiency

Who is contraindicated for Detralex

Detralex is contraindicated for use in children under the age of eighteen. Also, contraindications for admission is individual sensitivity to any substance that is part of the drug. Due to the lack of data on the penetration of the active substances of the drug into breast milk, it is recommended not to take Detralex during lactation.

How to take Detralex

The dosage of Detralex in chronic venous insufficiency is 2 tablets per day. In the first seven days, it is desirable to take one tablet in the morning, and the second in the evening. After a week, it is recommended to switch to a single dose of two tablets with meals.

With hemorrhoids, 6 tablets per day (3 tablets in the morning and 3 in the evening) can be prescribed for four days, 4 tablets per day (2 tablets in the morning and 2 in the evening) for the next days. The duration of therapy with Detralex depends on the form of pathology and the general condition of the patient. As a rule, chronic venous insufficiency requires constant symptomatic treatment. If an uncomplicated form of pathology is diagnosed, then the minimum course of drug therapy is two months.

Side effects and overdose

As a rule, Detralex, even with prolonged use of high doses, is well tolerated by patients. However, sometimes complaints of minor adverse reactions are recorded, which, in most cases, do not require discontinuation of the drug.

Most often, adverse reactions occur from the digestive tract and are manifested by nausea, vomiting (extremely rare), diarrhea,. These adverse reactions go away on their own without the use of appropriate therapy.

Very rarely, adverse reactions occur from the nervous system and are manifested by dizziness, headaches and deterioration in the general condition. These discomforts also disappear on their own a few days after the start of the drug. During the period of such violations, it is not recommended to drive a car and perform work that requires increased attention and speed of psychomotor reactions.

Cancellation of Detralex is required only if allergic reactions appear in the form of a skin rash, urticaria, isolated swelling of the face, lips of the veins, and angioedema during its administration. In this case, you need to consult a doctor for advice, you may need to change the drug.

Cases of overdose with Detralex and its toxic effects on the body have not been recorded. However, if there is concern that the deterioration is caused by an overdose of the drug, you should artificially induce vomiting, take activated charcoal and consult a doctor.

Detralex during pregnancy

In the body of a pregnant woman, changes occur throughout the entire period of pregnancy, among which changes in the hormonal background are not the last. There is an increase in the level of progesterone, which entails a decrease in the tone of muscles, blood vessels, including veins, which, in turn, leads to the appearance of edema, heaviness in the legs, thrombosis, varicose veins, hemorrhoids.

Clinical trials have shown that the active components of the drug do not adversely affect the developing fetus, the drug is well tolerated and does not adversely affect well-being. Therefore, Detralex belongs to the group of drugs that are not prohibited during pregnancy.

Therefore, some pregnant women are in dire need of taking drugs to solve these problems. One of these drugs is Detralex.

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