Immunity - what is it? If immunity bad - it is necessary to address to the immunologist. He will make an immunogram and help strengthen him

Before offering you a test to determine the level of immunity, let's briefly recall what it is.

If our immune system can't handle these attacks, we get sick. For example, if a common cold occurs several times a year, this signals a breakdown in the immune system.

The immune system consists of many organs, systems, tissues and special cells.

Tonsils."Outpost" of the immune system. Immune cells located in the tonsils detain "spies" who can enter the body through the nasopharynx.

Thymus. It is located behind the sternum, "trains" immune cells, T-lymphocytes, to recognize hostile microorganisms.

Spleen. This organ cleanses the blood, removing damaged red blood cells and other foreign elements from it, including bacteria. The spleen is also a reserve for immune cells.

Intestines. AT small intestine there are lymphoid (Peyer's) plaques that protect the gastrointestinal tract from pathogens.

Bone marrow. Produces white blood cells(leukocytes) and other blood cells.

The lymph nodes. Located on the paths of the flow of lymph. Immune cells guard here the invasion of bacteria into the body.

Failure of the immune system is called immunodeficiency.

Distinguish congenital, genetically inherent lack of immunity, when protective agents in the body are not enough from birth. Such people can only survive with constant special expensive treatment.

Much more common secondary immunodeficiency- the result of a violation of the normal resistance of the body.

The reasons: , negative emotions, lack of sleep, injuries, poor environmental conditions, excess ultraviolet radiation (too much exposure to the sun), excessive exercise stress, overheating or hypothermia, poor (insufficient) nutrition, smoking and alcohol abuse. Some medicines, such as antibiotics and anticancer drugs also suppress the immune system. In cancer patients, immunodeficiency is both a consequence and a cause of malignant tissue degeneration.

The experts came to the conclusion that allergy also associated with impaired functioning of the immune system.

Test "Check your immunity"

How do you know if your immunity is normal or not? Exists immunogram- a comprehensive study of blood, lacrimal fluid, saliva and cerebrospinal fluid. Other diagnostic methods have been developed using body tissue samples. These studies are not cheap and not accessible to everyone, they are done in difficult cases. However, you can get an assessment of your immunity without leaving your home. In Germany, a test has been developed to assess the state of the immune system.

This test is for adults who are not currently taking special treatment type radiotherapy and do not have serious illnesses immune system.

  1. Score 1 if you agree with the statement, 0 if you disagree.
  2. I get severe colds more than 3 times a year.
  3. I get other viral infections more than 2 times a year.
  4. I often suffer from herpes (blistering).
  5. For the past 12 months I have had shingles.
  6. I often suffer from gastrointestinal infections.
  7. Over the past 5 years I have had fungal diseases skin or mucous membranes (mouth, intestines, genitals).
  8. I have diabetes or others serious violations metabolism.
  9. I take medication 3 times a day or more.
  10. My scratches don't heal well.
  11. I have chronic inflammation gums or other organs.
  12. Over the past year, I have had a severe injury or surgery with anesthesia.
  13. My family members are more likely than other people to suffer from infections, chronic diseases or oncological diseases.
  14. My diet contains little fresh vegetables, fruits, vitamins and minerals.
  15. I regularly follow low-calorie diets.
  16. My body weight is below normal.
  17. I don't play sports.
  18. I often train to the point of being very tired.
  19. I smoke.
  20. I drink a lot of alcohol every day.
  21. I often go to the solarium or sunbathe a lot during my summer holidays.
  22. I have to work at night and sleep during the day.
  23. I never have enough time for anything.
  24. Almost every day I have to deal with people I don't like.
  25. I am often afraid of something.
  26. People who are interested in me do not want to communicate with me.
  27. I very rarely experience creative and emotional upsurge.
  28. I am not satisfied with relationships with loved ones (husband, wife, parents, children, etc.).
  29. I relax with difficulty.

If you are under 40 years old, add 2 points to the sum, from 41 to 60 years old - 4 points, over 60 years old - 6 points.

Evaluation of test results

From 2 to 15 points. The adverse effect on your immune system is small, everything is fine. To maintain your good shape, do not forget about a balanced diet.

From 16 to 25 points. Your immune system is being adversely affected by your lifestyle and past illnesses. Think about what you need to change in your behavior and habits so as not to weaken the immune system even more. To maintain the body, it is worth using biologically active additives to food, normalizing immunity.

More than 25 points. your lifestyle and past illnesses led to a significant weakening of the immune system. you are exposed increased risk infectious diseases. You need to change a lot: give up bad habits, adjust healthy eating, learn to relax, etc. You need to add the missing substances, vitamins and trace elements to your diet.

For maximum protection of the body from internal and external damaging influences, it is possible to recommend IMMUNOSTIMUL- an original balanced complex of natural biologically active substances, which has a tonic, anti-inflammatory and antiviral action. This is a domestic innovative product based on marine components (milk of salmon fish, squid ganglia and seaweed) from an ecologically clean Pacific region.

The body, increases the resistance of the body against infectious diseases, protects the body from the effects of adverse internal factors environment, increases stress resistance, reduces the level of anxiety, slows down the aging of the body.

Only the lazy do not know about the need to support immunity today. In the spring, it really fades away - there are few vitamins, there are a lot of viruses. Meanwhile, on March 1, the world celebrates International Immunity Day.

How to strengthen it and is it necessary to do it at all? Do vaccines give immunity? Under what circumstances defensive forces organism are significantly weakened? Do folk remedies help?

Ekaterina KOROTEEVA, a pediatric allergist and immunologist, answered these and many other questions in an interview with MK.

- Ekaterina Nikolaevna, what is immunity, how does it work and what does it consist of?

– Human immunity is a way of protecting the body from alien living organisms and substances, ensuring our survival as a species in conditions of constant aggressive external and internal environment. This is a scientific definition, and speaking popularly, it is the body's ability to recognize something foreign and protect itself from everything alien: viruses and microbes, protozoa and microscopic fungi, from defective, aging and tumor cells formed in the body. Such protection is provided by the immune system, which consists of central and peripheral organs - they never rest, like the heart. Every second, the immune system holds back the attacks of bacteria and viruses, of which there are more than a million in one cubic centimeter of air! The organs of immune surveillance are the bone marrow, thymus, as well as its assistants: the spleen, lymph nodes, lymphoid tissue of the mucous membranes and skin. The main cell of the immune system, the lymphocyte, is formed, matures and specializes in these organs. Each human cell has a label - a "passport", which determines its belonging to the owner. Everything that does not have such a passport must be destroyed by the immune system. When it becomes necessary to protect the body, for example, when an infection enters, the factors of innate (natural) immunity come into play first of all. These are mechanical barriers and physiological factors- Intact skin, saliva, tears, sputum and other liquid media that help eliminate microbes. For natural immune protection important right job sebaceous glands, the presence of the enzyme lysozyme and normal urine pH gastric juice and other body environments. The main cells in innate immunity are macrophages. They provide very important process- phagocytosis, which involves the absorption of everything alien, its destruction and excretion from the body. The quality of innate immunity is affected by the ability of cells to produce a special protective antiviral protein - interferon.

The second level of immunity is specific immunity. It's more complex and delicate process immune protection. It is carried out by B and T-lymphocytes, which neutralize foreign particles at a distance by producing immunoglobulin molecules, which are called antibodies and can last a lifetime, making a person resistant to certain infections, for example, to chicken pox, rubella.

Does immunity depend on age?

– The immune system, like any other system, undergoes age-related changes. Starting to form even before the birth of a child, the immune system reaches its peak development by the age of 16. In the process of formation, immunity goes through five critical periods. After the birth of a child, the first critical period is the first 30 days. At this time, the body encounters a massive impact various kinds irritants.

Second critical period– 3-6 months. During this period, there is a sharp decrease in the level of maternal immunoglobulins. This puts the baby at risk of developing respiratory infections. During this period, primary defects of the immune system appear.

The third critical period is the 2nd year of life. The system of local immunity is still immature, which is manifested by increased sensitivity to bacterial and viral infections.

- Children often get sick in the garden, this is known. What to do with it?

- If the child went to the garden, he will be sick at first respiratory infections more often a “home” child is a given. Any children's team is a source of viruses and bacteria. Each child is a carrier of his own, specific microbes, which he received in his family and to which he developed immunity. period of adaptation to kindergarten can last more than 6-8 months - this is the norm. Until the baby gets acquainted with fifty of the most common viruses, parents will have to be patient. According to statistics, by the age of 3, only 10% of children attending kindergartens remain in the “frequently ill” group. In a few years, the child's immunity will develop immunity to almost all the most common viruses.

Methods of 100% protection, of course, do not exist, but, in any case, some preventive measures will benefit the child.

Despite the fact that the benefits of hardening as a method of strengthening immunity have long been known, I do not recommend using this method in the classic version for preschoolers. There is a risk of harming the child more than helping. Much more effective, in my experience, are gentle hardening methods: a slightly warm shower in warm time years in the morning; dress the child according to the weather so that he does not overheat on a walk and indoors; maintain the temperature in the room where the child lives no more than 22-23 degrees; air it regularly.

Another method of prevention is teaching the child to the rules of personal hygiene. Many viruses and bacteria are very stable in the external environment: they settle on door handles, railings, toys. I recommend washing your hands often - more than 10 times a day, after visiting the garden, wash your face, rinse your nose saline solution, blow your nose.

If your child was often sick even before visiting the kindergarten, then it makes sense to vaccinate him against influenza, hemophilic and pneumococcal infections. These vaccines will save the child not only from a severe infection, but also from complications during a long course of SARS.

- And what about folk ways to strengthen immunity?

- "Grandmother's" methods for strengthening immunity - this is what applies to rituals, habits of formation healthy lifestyle life. I am for regular balanced diet with the possible inclusion in the diet of herbal teas (chamomile, thyme, St. John's wort), rosehip broth, cranberry, sea buckthorn juice. I am against the use of propolis and honey, black and red caviar in children as a method of immunostimulation, due to the highly allergenic properties of these food components. Echinacea extract is of limited use in children due to its ability to stimulate an allergic immune response. I support folk ways hardening by eating ice cream, resorption of ice cubes of frozen juice or herbal decoction.

If the child is still sick, do not try to cure him in 3 days, remember that cough, runny nose, fever are protective reactions of the body. Viral infection in the body develops according to certain laws and it is impossible to defeat it in less than 7 days. Moreover, as the temperature rises, more active production of the interferon protein begins, which helps to cope with the infection.

Increasingly, doctors are faced with the problem of uncontrolled self-administration of antibiotics, which ultimately leads to the development of resistance (insensitivity) of many microbes to drugs, as well as to dysbiosis, impaired local immunity and an imbalance in the overall immune defense.

Despite the peculiarities of the functioning of the immune system in childhood, it sufficiently ensures the adequacy of reactions to external and internal stimuli, does not allow the development of life-threatening infectious and other diseases, along with nervous and endocrine systems ensures the harmonious development of the body.

- What does the immunity of an adult depend on?

- The strength and durability of immunity directly depends on the lifestyle of a person. Therefore, there is no need to load the immune system with additional and unnecessary tasks, such as hypothermia, overwork, lack of sleep, malnutrition, alcohol abuse, low physical activity. Significantly saves the resources of the immune system timely treatment chronic diseases, whether it be gastritis or, for example, bronchitis.

In people with severe allergic reactions, we call them atopic, immunity is not stronger than in non-allergic people. Moreover, in a patient with a chronic allergic process, immunity is often reduced, antiviral protection suffers more. However, there are studies abroad confirming the fact of a lower incidence of oncology among atopics.

- After what diseases lifelong immunity is developed?

- after a row viral diseases such as smallpox, measles and yellow fever. These diseases are classified as generalized infections. At the same time, most adults get sick with the flu and SARS many times. In fact, you develop lifelong immunity to the flu. But, unfortunately, it is type-specific, that is, it depends on the type of influenza virus. More than 2000 of these types are known.

If respiratory viral infections occur more than 10 times a year or less often, but with complications, then this is a reason to contact an immunologist for help to find out the cause and select medicinal product that improves the protective functions of the body.

It is very important to remember that patients with allergies, tuberculosis, autoimmune diseases (systemic lupus erythematosus, rheumatism, autoimmune thyroiditis) on your own, without consulting a doctor, you cannot use immunotropic drugs! Unreasonable use of immunotropic therapy, especially in pediatric practice, is fraught with consequences. One of the most unpleasant is the stimulation of the debut allergic disease. Only an allergist-immunologist should prescribe immunomodulators!

What are the reasons for the weakening of the immune system?

- Causes of weakened immunity in modern man many, and all these factors act negatively in the complex. After all, the immune system works in close connection with the nervous and endocrine systems. It is no secret that acute and chronic infections weaken the immune defense of a person; uncontrolled (untreated) chronic diseases; unbalanced diet(deficiency of vitamins and protein leads to impaired synthesis of immunoglobulins); uncontrolled use medicines, antibiotics; bad habits (alcohol abuse, smoking); stress, sleep disturbance, lack of physical activity, lack of insolation.

Do vaccines undermine immunity?

- I can not clearly and unambiguously answer this question. The question is complex, debatable, little studied.

- Does the immunity of the child depend on the immunity of the mother?

- Previously, it was believed that the immunity of the child, by and large, has nothing to do with the immunity of the mother (unless, of course, she suffers from immunodeficiency). However, studies have shown that in the external secrets washing the surfaces of the mucous membranes of the digestive, respiratory, genitourinary tracts, the predominant immunoglobulin is secretory immunoglobulin A (SIgA). Most high concentration SIgA is found in colostrum. Secretory antibodies of the IgA class are the main factor of local immunity digestive tract against a variety of enteropathogenic bacteria, viruses and toxins. The secret of the mammary gland of women also contains antibodies to various antigens: enterobacteria, strepto- and staphylococci, as well as to enteroviruses, rotaviruses, influenza virus and other microorganisms, that is, the child is on breastfeeding receives temporary protection from the mother (up to 3-6 months) in the form of immunoglobulins A, M, G. The antibodies of milk and colostrum are connected to the mucin layer covering the intestinal epithelium of the child, and thereby protect it from foreign antigens. From the level of the barrier function of the mucosa gastrointestinal tract largely dependent on the risk of food allergic reactions.

From the mother to the child, antibodies are transmitted to all infections that the mother has had in her life, but this happens during pregnancy. And of course, the presence of these antibodies in a child does not give a 100% guarantee of the absence of infection. However, these antibodies do not last long, they disappear within the first 6-12 months.

Over the past decades, oncoimmunology has been actively developing in our country and abroad. The interaction of tumor and immune cells is the subject of close attention of immunologists different countries. Looking for ways early diagnosis cancer by introducing methods based on molecular diagnostics. As well as immune methods of treating cancer - how to teach the immune system to recognize the oncological deceiver cell and destroy it in a timely manner?

– Are there ways to solve the problem of antibiotic resistance?

This problem is acute all over the world. In many countries, for example, in America and Australia, resistance to macrolide antibiotics reaches 60%, in our country, some authors give a figure of 40%. One of the ways to solve it is to create not new antibiotics, but modern bacteriophages(viruses for pathogenic bacteria). In the West, research is underway to explore the possibility of creating new medicines based on bacteriophages. For example, Vincent Fischetti, professor of microbiology at the Rockefeller University in New York, is working on the use of bacteriophage enzymes, which destroy the cell walls of pathogenic microorganisms.

It should be noted that abroad, all drugs that affect the immune system are strictly prescription drugs. Unfortunately, the “fashion” for drugs that improve immunity exists only in our country. And in this sense, we are leaders in the production of immunomodulators and interferon inducers.

Human immunity is a state of immunity to various infectious and generally foreign to genetic code human organisms and substances. The body's immunity is determined by the state of its immune system, which is represented by organs and cells.

Organs and cells of the immune system

Let's stop here briefly, since this is purely medical information, unnecessary common man.

Red bone marrow, spleen and thymus (or thymus) – central authorities immune system .
Lymph nodes and lymphoid tissue in other organs (eg, tonsils, appendix) are peripheral organs of the immune system .

Remember: tonsils and appendix are NOT unnecessary organs, but very important organs in the human body.

The main task of the human immune system is to produce various cells.

What are the cells of the immune system?

1) T-lymphocytes. They are divided into various cells - T-killers (kill microorganisms), T-helpers (help recognize and kill microbes) and other types.

2) B-lymphocytes. Their main task is the production of antibodies. These are substances that bind to the proteins of microorganisms (antigens, that is, foreign genes), inactivate them and are excreted from the human body, thereby “killing” the infection inside the person.

3) Neutrophils. These cells devour the foreign cell, destroy it, while also being destroyed. As a result, a purulent discharge appears. A typical example of the work of neutrophils is an inflamed wound on the skin with a purulent discharge.

4) macrophages. These cells also devour microbes, but they themselves are not destroyed, but destroy them in themselves, or transfer them to T-helpers for recognition.

There are several more cells that perform highly specialized functions. But they are of interest to specialists-scientists, and the ordinary person is enough of those types that are indicated above.

Types of immunity

1) And now that we have learned what the immune system is, that it consists of central and peripheral organs, from various cells, now we will learn about the types of immunity:

  • cellular immunity
  • humoral immunity.

This gradation is very important for any doctor to understand. Since many drugs act either on one or the other type of immunity.

Cellular is represented by cells: T-killers, T-helpers, macrophages, neutrophils, etc.

Humoral immunity is represented by antibodies and their source - B-lymphocytes.

2) The second classification of species - according to the degree of specificity:

Nonspecific (or congenital) - for example, the work of neutrophils in any inflammatory reaction with the formation of purulent discharge,

Specific (acquired) - for example, the production of antibodies to the human papillomavirus, or to the influenza virus.

3) The third classification is the types of immunity associated with medical activities person:

Natural - resulting from a human disease, for example, immunity after chickenpox,

Artificial - appeared as a result of vaccinations, that is, the introduction of a weakened microorganism into the human body, in response to this, immunity is produced in the body.

An example of how immunity works

Now let's look at a practical example of how immunity is developed to the human papillomavirus type 3, which causes the appearance of juvenile warts.

The virus penetrates into the microtrauma of the skin (scratch, abrasion), gradually penetrates further into the deep layers of the surface layer of the skin. It was not previously present in the human body, so the human immune system does not yet know how to react to it. The virus is embedded in the gene apparatus of skin cells, and they begin to grow incorrectly, taking on ugly forms.

Thus, a wart is formed on the skin. But such a process does not pass by the immune system. First of all, T-helpers are turned on. They begin to recognize the virus, remove information from it, but they cannot destroy it themselves, since its size is very small, and the T-killer can only be killed by larger objects such as microbes.

T-lymphocytes transmit information to B-lymphocytes and they begin to produce antibodies that penetrate the blood into skin cells, bind to virus particles and thus immobilize them, and then this entire complex (antigen-antibody) is excreted from the body.

In addition, T-lymphocytes transmit information about infected cells to macrophages. Those are activated and begin to gradually devour the changed skin cells, destroying them. And in place of the destroyed gradually grow healthy cells skin.

The entire process can take anywhere from weeks to months or even years. It all depends on the activity of both cellular and humoral immunity, from the activity of all its links. After all, if, for example, at least one link falls out in a certain period of time - B-lymphocytes, then the entire chain collapses and the virus multiplies unhindered, penetrating into all new cells, contributing to the appearance of all new warts on the skin.

In fact, the above example is only a very weak and very accessible explanation of how the human immune system works. There are hundreds of factors that can turn on one mechanism or another, speed up or slow down the immune response.

For example, the immune response of the body to the penetration of the influenza virus is much faster. And all because he is trying to infiltrate the brain cells, which is much more dangerous for the body than the action of papillomavirus.

And one more clear example of the work of immunity - watch the video.

Good and weak immunity

The topic of immunity began to develop in the last 50 years, when many cells and mechanisms of the entire system were discovered. But, by the way, not all of its mechanisms are still open.

So, for example, science does not yet know how certain autoimmune processes are triggered in the body. This is when the human immune system, for no reason, begins to perceive its own cells as foreign and begins to fight them. It's like in 1937 - the NKVD began to fight against its own citizens and killed hundreds of thousands of people.

In general, you need to know that good immunity - this is a state of complete immunity to various foreign agents. Outwardly, this is manifested by the absence of infectious diseases, human health. Internally, this is manifested by the full working capacity of all links of the cellular and humoral link.

Weak immunity is a state of receptivity infectious diseases. It is manifested by a weak reaction of one or another link, the loss of individual links, the inoperability of certain cells. There can be quite a few reasons for its decline. Therefore, it is necessary to treat it, eliminating all possible causes. But we will talk about this in another article.

Diseases of the immune system

A-Z A B C D E F G I J K L M N O P R S T U V Y Z All sections Hereditary diseases Emergency conditions Eye diseases Children's diseases Men's diseases Venereal diseases Women's diseases Skin diseases infectious diseases Nervous diseases Rheumatic diseases Urological diseases Endocrine diseases Immune diseases Allergic diseases Oncological diseases Diseases of the veins and lymph nodes Diseases of the hair Diseases of the teeth Diseases of the blood Diseases of the mammary glands Diseases of the ODS and injuries Diseases of the respiratory organs Diseases of the digestive organs Diseases of the heart and blood vessels Diseases of the large intestine Diseases of the ear, throat, nose Narcological problems Mental disorders Speech disorders Cosmetic problems Aesthetic concerns

Diseases of the immune system include pathological conditions developing against the background of changes in the effector mechanisms of immunity. Diseases of the immune system are classified according to the activity of immune reactions: in case of hyperreaction to external allergens allergic diseases develop, with a perverted reaction to their own (endogenous) tissue antigens - autoimmune diseases. When the immune system is hyporeactive, immunodeficiency states occur, in which the body becomes vulnerable to various infections. The main organs of the immune system are the bone marrow, thymus, spleen, tonsils, lymph nodes, and lymphoid tissue of the mucous membranes.

Doctors of various specialties are engaged in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the immune system: allergic pathology and immune deficiency are in the field of view of allergist-immunologists, autoimmune diseases (depending on the leading syndrome) are in the competence of rheumatologists, endocrinologists, neurologists, gastroenterologists, cardiologists, etc. At the same time, in the occurrence of allergic, immunodeficiency and autoimmune pathology, close relationship. For example, with a deficiency of secretory immunoglobulin A, chronic infectious skin lesions may initially develop, which are further complicated by autoimmune diseases (dermatomyositis, rheumatoid arthritis, SLE, and bronchial asthma.

Diseases of the immune system, in which the state of immunodeficiency develops, can be primary - congenital or hereditary and secondary - acquired. The first group includes agammaglobulinemia, lymphocytic dysgenesis, Louis-Bar syndrome, Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome, etc. Secondary immunodeficiencies can develop against the background of infectious, lymphoproliferative, metabolic diseases, intoxication, radiation, medication (immunosuppressants, corticosteroids). With them, the cellular and / or humoral link of immunity, the phagocytosis system can be damaged. The most famous form secondary immunodeficiency is AIDS (HIV).

Common manifestations that accompany various immunodeficiencies are recurrent infections - pneumonia, urinary tract infections, meningitis, generalized candidiasis, herpes, furunculosis, etc. Immunodeficiency states are often combined with allergic diseases - eczema, Quincke's edema. To date, it has been proven that congenital defects or acquired deficiency of any immune factors play a leading role in the development of many oncological diseases. Patients with severe immune deficiency often die from opportunistic infections.

To identify or confirm immunodeficiency, a special laboratory study of the immune status is necessary: ​​determination of the number and morphology of lymphocytes, the content of immunoglobulins in the blood serum, the study of the complement system, the determination of specific antibodies, etc. A biopsy of the lymph nodes, chest X-ray, ultrasound of the thymus and spleen. Treatment of diseases of the immune system, occurring with immunological deficiency, involves replacement therapy(introduction of immunoglobulins, sera, transplantation bone marrow), immunocorrection, immunomodulation.

A special category of diseases of the immune system are autoimmune disorders. In this group of diseases, cells of the immune system exhibit auto-aggression in relation to the tissues of their own body. Prevalence autoimmune diseases extremely high - about 5-7% of the world's population suffers from them. Diseases of the immune system with an autoallergic mechanism are divided into organ-specific - in which autoantibodies are directed against a specific target organ (autoimmune gastritis, autoimmune thyroiditis, autoimmune hepatitis, etc.), non-organ-specific - in this case, autoantibodies can attack various organs and tissues (scleroderma, SLE, rheumatoid arthritis etc.) and mixed.

Triggers that trigger a cascade of immunopathological reactions can be bacterial and viral infections, radiation exposure, medicinal and toxic substances, and stress. A number of autoimmune diseases are caused by hereditary factors. Many diseases of the immune system of this group are characterized by pain in the joints and muscles, skin rash weight gain or loss, fatigue, increased bleeding or a tendency to thrombosis, fever, muscle weakness. Most autoimmune diseases have a steadily progressive course and, if left untreated, can lead to severe disability.

The most valuable methods for diagnosing autoimmune diseases are laboratory research aimed at detecting autoantibodies to various tissues in the blood, circulating immune complexes, acute phase proteins, components of the complement system, and genetic markers. Since many antibodies are not specific for a particular pathology, but are found in a number of diseases of the immune system, laboratory diagnostics always complemented instrumental methods(radiography, ultrasound, endoscopy, scintigraphy, biopsy, etc.). AT last years significant progress has been made in the treatment of diseases of the immune system. Traditional approach includes immunosuppressive therapy, anti-inflammatory therapy with corticosteroids, efferent therapy (hemodialysis, hemosorption). Performed according to indications surgery(splenectomy for hemolytic anemia, pericardectomy for autoimmune pericarditis, thyroidectomy for autoimmune thyroiditis, etc.). Transplantation of CD34+ autologous hematopoietic stem cells opens up very promising prospects.

The "Immune Diseases" section of the "Beauty and Medicine" handbook contains a detailed list of immunodeficiency and autoimmune pathologies. After reading them, the reader will receive comprehensive information about the causes, course, modern possibilities diagnosis and treatment of diseases.

Nowadays, most people in the world understand that their health and well-being largely depend on strong immunity.

After all, the immune system is the natural biological barrier on the way of millions of different viruses and bacteria that every second try to penetrate the body and harm the state of human health.

What is immunity?

Immunity is the ability of the human immune system to cleanse the body of various foreign objects. It is the immune system that provides self-regulation of body functions at the molecular and cellular level.

The immune system is a complex multi-layered mechanism. When activated, the body becomes strong and resistant to various external influences.

The main functions of immunity:

  • protection of the body from viruses and infections of various origins;
  • help the body recover after surgery and serious illnesses.

To determine the weakness or strength of immunity, a special term was introduced - immune status. More details about the causes and symptoms of weak immunity will be discussed below.

Weak immunity: causes

Approximately 60% of human immunity is formed during the period prenatal development when phagocytes are formed from stem cells. Such immunity is called innate, it is responsible for the recognition and destruction of genetically alien cells.

After the birth and the first contacts with the outside world, the child develops acquired immunity, which protects the body from infections by producing antibodies to pathogens.

The synthesis of antibodies occurs in the spleen, thymus, lymph nodes, so these formations are called the organs of the immune system.

When the infection enters the body for the first time, immune system it takes time to recognize the pathogen and develop a defense mechanism. That is why people get sick more severely when infected with a new virus.

Subsequent infections with the same infectious agent are milder, as the antibodies left in the body from the last time begin to act quickly.

A child already from birth has antibodies to certain diseases. They are transmitted to him from the mother's body through the placental route. Interestingly, cells of the immune system are located not only in the thymus or spleen, but also in the bronchi, intestines, and liver.

The state of immunity is influenced by many internal and external factors. Weak immunity in an adult may be the result of dysfunction of the endocrine or nervous system. Stress, menopause or pregnancy in women can weaken the body's immune defenses, and so on.

Weak immunity: possible symptoms

If a person has a weak immune system, this can be easily noticed. For example, if a person has a cold a couple of times a year and recovers quickly, then his immunity is considered normal.

If colds and other "infections" such as herpes bother a person 6-10 times a year, then this is a sign of weakness in his immune system.

Weak immunity in an adult is also manifested by a sensation constant fatigue and overwork, allergic reactions, skin problems, joint and muscle pain, digestive problems.

Insomnia or drowsiness, fever, frequent exacerbations of chronic diseases can also be due to the fact that a person has a weak immune system.

Weakening of the immune system is one of the symptoms of a number of serious illnesses requiring immediate treatment. Don't treat a weak immune system as inevitable. In most cases, if you start treatment on time, you can bring the state of the body back to normal in a fairly short time.

Weak immunity in a child

If a child is periodically sick, this does not mean that he has a weak immune system. Moreover, diseases stimulate the immune system and make it stronger. During illness, the body learns to properly respond to viruses and bacteria, and also produces antibodies to them.

If a child has a cold 3-4 times a year, then there is usually no talk of a weakness in his immune system.

Children with weak immunity can get colds such as flu or SARS more than 7 times a year.

Another possible symptom weakness of the immune system is the course of infectious and colds without temperature. It is known that an increase in body temperature is one of the responses of the body's immune system to the penetration of infection. Therefore, if there is no temperature, then this may be evidence of the weakness of the child's immune system.

Weak immunity in a child can be manifested by weakness and an unreasonable deterioration in the general condition. The child has pale skin, bluish circles under the eyes. Truth, similar symptoms can also be observed in anemia and other blood diseases, so a specialist consultation is necessary.

If a child has weak immunity, then his axillary and cervical lymph nodes, enlargement of a spleen is sometimes noted.

Immunocompromised children are often allergic to food products. Another possible symptom of a decrease in the body's immune defense is the development of dysbacteriosis, which is manifested by a decrease in appetite, increased gas formation, rumbling in the stomach, diarrhea, constipation.

Weak immunity: diagnosis

First of all, the doctor prescribes general analysis blood, the most important link of which is the preparation of the leukocyte formula.

Then, a study is made of immunoglobulin molecules that circulate in the blood and have the functions of antibodies to genetically modified cells, viruses, and bacteria.

To control the state of immune defense, immunocompetent cells are studied, which change under the influence of allergic reactions, infectious agents, and certain drugs.

An immunologist deals with the study of the causes of a decrease in immunity, the diagnosis and treatment of this problem.

Weak immunity: treatment

The main thing to remember before starting treatment is that you can not use immunosuppressants (drugs that suppress immunity) in an immunodeficient state, and immunostimulants - in an autoimmune state.

Weak immunity, the causes and symptoms of which can manifest themselves in different ways, can be strengthened with special means, immunomodulators.

One of the most powerful drugs this group is the Transfer factor. This is a new generation immunomodulator, which, when it enters the patient's body, has the following effect:

  • reinforces beneficial features other drugs and stops possible side effects from their use;
  • restores the ability of the immune system to quickly recognize foreign elements and destroy them;
  • “remembers” information about bacteria and viruses in the body and, if they re-enter, immediately gives a signal to the immune system to destroy them.

It is very important that thanks to natural composition Transfer factor has no contraindications and side effects. In addition, it can be taken in conjunction with any other drugs.

Weak immunity: prevention

Main preventive measures at weak immunity are:

1. Leading a healthy lifestyle, playing sports.

2. Water procedures, hardening of the body.

3. The use of prebiotics and probiotics. The drugs of these groups restore the beneficial flora of the gastrointestinal tract, which contains a large number of immune cells of the body, which leads to increased immunity. The most powerful and effective probiotics are:

  • Vetom;
  • Santa Russia;
  • Symbionts of Kutushov;
  • Unibacter.

4. Refusal of bad habits.

5. A balanced healthy diet with a predominance of vegetable coarse fiber foods. Refusal of fatty fried, canned food.

In addition to all of the above, with weakened immunity, the use of immune preparations and multivitamin complexes.

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