AIDS and its symptoms. First sign of AIDS. the first sign of HIV. Symptoms of the latent stage

HIV infection develops in stages. Direct impact viruses on the immune system leads to damage to various organs and systems, the development of tumor and autoimmune processes. Without highly active antiretroviral therapy, the life expectancy of patients does not exceed 10 years. Application antiviral drugs helps to slow down the progression of HIV and the development of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome - AIDS.

Signs and symptoms of HIV in men and women on different stages diseases have their own color. They are varied and increase in severity. The method proposed in 1989 by V.I. clinical classification HIV infection, which includes all manifestations and stages of HIV from the moment of infection to the death of the patient.

Rice. 1. Pokrovsky Valentin Ivanovich, Russian epidemiologist, professor, doctor medical sciences, President of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Director of the Central Research Institute of Epidemiology of Rospotrebnadzor.

Incubation period of HIV infection

Incubation period HIV infection is defined as the period from the moment of infection to clinical manifestations and / or the appearance of antibodies in the blood serum. HIV in the "inactive" state (the state of inactive replication) can be from 2 weeks to 3-5 years or more, while the general condition of the patient does not noticeably worsen, but antibodies to HIV antigens already appear in the blood serum. This stage is called the latent phase or the "carrier" period. Immunodeficiency viruses, when they enter the human body, begin to reproduce themselves immediately. But the clinical manifestations of the disease appear only when a weakened immune system ceases to properly protect the patient's body from infections.

It is impossible to say exactly how long HIV infection manifests itself. The duration of the incubation period is influenced by the route and nature of infection, the infectious dose, the age of the patient, his immune status and many other factors. Transfusion of infected blood latency period shorter than during sexual transmission.

The period from the moment of infection to the appearance of antibodies to HIV in the blood (seroconversion period, window period) ranges from 2 weeks to 1 year (up to 6 months in weakened people). During this period, the patient still lacks antibodies and, thinking that he is not infected with HIV, continues to infect others.

Examination of contact persons with HIV-infected patients allows diagnosing the disease at the “carrier” stage.

Rice. 2. Oral candidiasis and herpes rashes are indicators of a malfunction of the immune system and can be early manifestations HIV infections.

Signs and symptoms of HIV in men and women in stage IIA (acute febrile)

After the incubation period, the stage develops primary manifestations HIV infections. It is due to the direct interaction of the patient's body with the immunodeficiency virus and is divided into:

  • IIA - acute febrile stage of HIV.
  • IIB - asymptomatic stage of HIV.
  • IIB - stage of persistent generalized lymphadenopathy.

The duration of the IIA (acute febrile) stage of HIV in men and women is from 2 to 4 weeks (usually 7 to 10 days). It is associated with a massive release of HIV into the systemic circulation and the spread of viruses throughout the body. Changes in the patient's body during this period are nonspecific and so diverse and multiple that it creates certain difficulties in diagnosing HIV infection by a doctor during this period. Despite this, the acute febrile phase resolves on its own even without specific treatment and passes into the next stage of HIV - asymptomatic. Primary infection in some patients is asymptomatic, in other patients the most severe clinic of the disease quickly unfolds.

Mononucleosis-like syndrome in HIV

In 50 - 90% of cases of HIV patients in the early stages of the disease, men and women develop a mononucleosis-like syndrome (acute retroviral syndrome). Similar state develops as a result of an active immune response of the patient to HIV infection.

Mononucleosis-like syndrome occurs with fever, pharyngitis, rash, headaches, muscle and joint pain, diarrhea and lymphadenopathy, the spleen and liver are enlarged. Less commonly, meningitis, encephalopathy, and neuropathy develop.

In some cases, acute retroviral syndrome has manifestations of some opportunistic infections that develop against the background of deep inhibition of cellular and humoral immunities. Cases of development of oral candidiasis and candidal esophagitis, pneumocystis pneumonia, cytomegalovirus colitis, tuberculosis and cerebral toxoplasmosis.

In men and women with mononucleosis-like syndrome, the progression of HIV infection and the transition to the stage of AIDS is faster, and an unfavorable outcome is noted in the next 2-3 years.

In the blood, there is a decrease in CD4-lymphocytes and platelets, an increase in the level of CD8-lymphocytes and transaminases. There is a high viral load. The process is completed within 1 to 6 weeks even without treatment. AT severe cases patients are hospitalized.

Rice. 3. Feeling of fatigue, malaise, headache, muscle and joint pain, fever, diarrhea, severe night sweats are symptoms of HIV in the early stages.

Intoxication syndrome in HIV

In the acute febrile stage, 96% of patients have an increase in body temperature. The fever reaches 38 0 С and lasts 1-3 weeks and often. Half of all patients develop headache, muscle and joint pain, fatigue, malaise, severe night sweats.

Fever and malaise are the most common symptoms of HIV during the febrile period, and weight loss is the most specific.

Enlarged lymph nodes with HIV

74% of men and women have enlarged The lymph nodes. For HIV infection in the febrile stage, a gradual increase in the beginning of the posterior cervical and occipital, then submandibular, supraclavicular, axillary, ulnar and inguinal lymph nodes is especially characteristic. They have a pasty consistency, reach 3 cm in diameter, are mobile, not soldered to the surrounding tissues. After 4 weeks, the lymph nodes take normal sizes, but in some cases there is a transformation of the process into persistent generalized lymphadenopathy. Enlarged lymph nodes in acute stage occurs against the background of elevated body temperature, weakness, sweating, and fatigue.

Rice. 4. Enlarged lymph nodes are the first signs of HIV infection in men and women.

Rash in HIV

In 70% of cases in men and women in the early acute period rash appears. Erythematous rash (areas of reddening of different sizes) and maculopapular rash (areas of seals) are more often recorded. Features of the rash in HIV infection: the rash is abundant, often purple in color, symmetrical, localized on the trunk, its individual elements can also be located on the neck and face, does not peel off, does not bother the patient, is similar to rashes with measles, rubella, syphilis and. The rash disappears within 2 to 3 weeks.

Sometimes patients have small hemorrhages into the skin or mucous membranes up to 3 cm in diameter (ecchymosis), with minor injuries, hematomas may appear.

In the acute stage of HIV, a vesiculo-papular rash often appears, which is characteristic of herpetic infection and molluscum contagiosum.

Rice. 5. A rash with HIV infection on the trunk is the first sign of the disease.

Rice. 6. Rash with HIV on the trunk and arms.

Neurological disorders in HIV

Neurological disorders in the acute stage of HIV are noted in 12% of cases. Lymphocytic meningitis, encephalopathy and myelopathy develop.

Rice. 7. Severe form herpetic lesion the mucous membrane of the lips, mouth and eyes is the first sign of HIV infection.

Gastrointestinal symptoms

In the acute period, every third man and woman develops diarrhea, nausea and vomiting are noted in 27% of cases, abdominal pain often appears, and body weight decreases.

Laboratory diagnosis of HIV in the acute febrile stage

Replication of viruses in the acute stage is most active, however, the number of CD4 + lymphocytes always remains more than 500 per 1 μl, and only with a sharp suppression of the immune system, the indicator drops to the level of development of opportunistic infections.

The CD4/CD8 ratio is less than 1. The higher the viral load, the more contagious the patient is during this period.

Antibodies to HIV and the maximum concentration of viruses in the stage of primary manifestations are found at the end of the acute febrile stage. In 96% of men and women, they appear by the end of the third month from the moment of infection, in the remaining patients - after 6 months. The analysis for the detection of antibodies to HIV in the acute febrile stage is repeated after a few weeks, since it is the timely administration of antiretroviral therapy during this period that is most beneficial for the patient.

Antibodies to HIV p24 proteins are detected, with the help of ELISA and immunoblot, antibodies produced by the patient's body are detected. Viral load (identification of virus RNA) is determined by PCR.

High levels of antibodies and low rates Viral load levels occur during asymptomatic HIV infection in the acute period and indicate the control of the patient's immune system over the level of the number of viruses in the blood.

In a clinically pronounced period, the viral load is quite high, but with the advent of specific antibodies it falls, and the symptoms of HIV infection weaken and then disappear altogether even without treatment.

Rice. 8. Severe form of oral candidiasis (thrush) in an HIV patient.

How older age patient, the faster HIV infection progresses to the stage of AIDS.

Signs and symptoms of HIV in men and women in stage IIB (asymptomatic)

At the end of the acute stage of HIV infection, a certain balance is established in the patient's body, when the patient's immune system restrains the reproduction of viruses for many months (usually 1-2 months) and even years (up to 5-10 years). On average, the asymptomatic stage of HIV lasts 6 months. During this period, the patient feels satisfactorily and leads a normal life for him, but at the same time, is a source of HIV (asymptomatic virus carrier). Highly active antiretroviral therapy prolongs this stage for many decades, during which the patient leads a normal life. In addition, the likelihood of infection of others is significantly reduced.

The number of lymphocytes in the blood is within the normal range. The results of ELISA and immunoblotting studies are positive.

Signs and symptoms of HIV in men and women in stage IIB (persistent generalized lymphadenopathy)

Generalized lymphadenopathy is the only sign of HIV infection during this period. Lymph nodes appear in 2 or more non-anatomically related locations (except inguinal regions), not less than 1 cm in diameter, remaining for at least 3 months, provided there is no causative disease. The most frequently enlarged posterior cervical, cervical, supraclavicular, axillary and ulnar lymph nodes. Lymph nodes either increase or decrease, but they persist constantly, soft, painless, mobile. Generalized lymphadenopathy should be differentiated from bacterial infections (syphilis and brucellosis), viral ( infectious mononucleosis, and rubella), protozoal (toxoplasmosis), tumors (leukemia and lymphoma), and sarcoidosis.

The cause of skin lesions during this period is seborrhea, psoriasis, ichthyosis, eosinophilic folliculitis, common scabies.

The defeat of the oral mucosa in the form of leukoplakia indicates the progression of HIV infection. Skin and mucosal lesions are recorded.

The level of CD4-lymphocytes gradually decreases, but remains more than 500 in 1 µl, total lymphocytes is above 50% of the age norm.

Patients during this period feel satisfactory. Labor and sexual activity in both men and women are preserved. The disease is discovered by chance during a medical examination.

The duration of this stage is from 6 months to 5 years. At the end of it, the development asthenic syndrome, the liver and spleen increase, body temperature rises. Patients are concerned about frequent SARS, otitis media, pneumonia and bronchitis. Frequent diarrhea lead to weight loss, fungal, viral and bacterial infections.

Rice. 9. The photo shows signs of HIV infection in women: recurrent herpes of the skin of the face (photo on the left) and mucous lips in a girl (photo on the right).

Rice. 10. Symptoms of HIV infection - leukoplakia of the tongue. The disease can undergo cancerous degeneration.

Rice. eleven. Seborrheic dermatitis(left photo) and eosinophilic folliculitis (right photo) are manifestations of skin lesions in stage 2 HIV infection.

Stage of secondary diseases of HIV infection

Signs and symptoms of HIV infection in men and women in stage IIIA

Stage IIIA of HIV infection is a transitional period from persistent generalized lymphadenopathy to an AIDS-associated complex, which is a clinical manifestation of HIV-induced secondary immunodeficiency.

Rice. 12. The most severe shingles occurs in adults with severe suppression of the immune system, which is observed, including with AIDS.

Signs and symptoms of HIV infection in stage IIIB

This stage of HIV infection is characterized in men and women severe symptoms violations cellular immunity, and according to clinical manifestations, there is nothing more than an AIDS-associated complex, when a patient develops infections and tumors that are not found in the AIDS stage.

  • During this period, there is a decrease in the CD4/CD8 ratio and the blast transformation reaction rate, the level of CD4-lymphocytes is recorded in the range from 200 to 500 per 1 μl. AT general analysis blood increases leukopenia, anemia, thrombocytopenia, in the blood plasma there is an increase in circulating immune complexes.
  • The clinical picture is characterized by prolonged (more than 1 month) fever, persistent diarrhea, profuse night sweats, pronounced symptoms of intoxication, weight loss of more than 10%. Lymphadenopathy becomes generalized. Damage symptoms appear internal organs and peripheral nervous system.
  • Identified diseases such as viral (hepatitis C, common), fungal diseases(oral and vaginal candidiasis), persistent and long-term bacterial infections of the bronchi and lungs, protozoal lesions (without dissemination) of internal organs, in a localized form,. Skin lesions more widespread, heavier and longer downstream.

Rice. 13. Bacillary angiomatosis in HIV patients. The causative agent of the disease is a bacterium of the genus Bartonella.

Rice. 14. Signs of HIV in men in the later stages: damage to the rectum and soft tissues (photo on the left), genital warts(photo on the right).

Signs and symptoms of HIV infection in stage IIIB (stage AIDS)

IIIB stage of HIV infection represents a detailed picture of AIDS, characterized by deep suppression of the immune system and the development of opportunistic diseases that occur in severe form, life threatening sick.

Rice. 15. Expanded picture of AIDS. In the photo, patients with neoplasms in the form of Kaposi's sarcoma (photo on the left) and lymphoma (photo on the right).

Rice. 16. Signs of HIV infection in women in the late stages of HIV. Pictured is invasive cervical cancer.

The more severe the symptoms of HIV in the early stages and the longer they appear in the patient, the faster AIDS develops. In some men and women, an erased (low-symptomatic) course of HIV infection is observed, which is a good prognostic sign.

Terminal stage of HIV infection

The transition to the terminal stage of AIDS in men and women occurs when the level of CD4-lymphocytes decreases to 50 and below in 1 µl. During this period, an uncontrolled course of the disease is noted and an unfavorable outcome is expected in the near future. The patient is exhausted, depressed and loses faith in recovery.

The lower the level of CD4-lymphocytes, the more severe the manifestations of infections and the shorter the duration of the terminal stage of HIV infection.

Signs and symptoms of HIV infection in the terminal stage of the disease

  • The patient develops atypical mycobacteriosis, CMV (cytomegalovirus) retinitis, cryptococcal meningitis, widespread aspergillosis, disseminated histoplasmosis, coccidioidomycosis and bartonnellosis, leukoencephalitis progresses.
  • Disease symptoms overlap. The patient's body is rapidly depleted. In connection with constant fever, severe symptoms of intoxication and cachexia, the patient is constantly in bed. Diarrhea and loss of appetite leads to weight loss. dementia develops.
  • Viremia increases, CD4-lymphocyte counts reach critically minimal values.

Rice. 17. Terminal stage of the disease. total loss the patient's belief in recovery. In the photo on the left, an AIDS patient with severe somatic pathology, in the photo on the right is a patient with a common form of Kaposi's sarcoma.

HIV prognosis

The duration of HIV infection is on average 10-15 years. The development of the disease is influenced by the level of viral load and the number of CD4-lymphocytes in the blood at the beginning of treatment, the availability medical care, adherence of the patient to treatment, etc.

Factors of progression of HIV infection:

  • It is believed that with a decrease in the level of CD4-lymphocytes during the first year of the disease to 7%, the risk of the transition of HIV infection to the stage of AIDS increases by 35 times.
  • The rapid progression of the disease is noted with the transfusion of infected blood.
  • Development of drug resistance of antiviral drugs.
  • The transition of HIV infection to the stage of AIDS is reduced in people of mature and old age.
  • The combination of HIV infection with other viral diseases negatively affects the duration of the disease.
  • Bad nutrition.
  • genetic predisposition.

Factors that slow down the transition of HIV infection to the stage of AIDS:

  • Timely initiation of highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART). In the absence of HAART, the death of the patient occurs within 1 year from the date of diagnosis of AIDS. It is believed that in regions where HAART is available, the life expectancy of HIV-infected people reaches 20 years.
  • Absence side effects to receive antiretroviral drugs.
  • Adequate treatment of comorbidities.
  • Sufficient food.
  • Rejection of bad habits.

The rate of development of any disease depends on the number of infectious agents that have entered the body, on the type of pathogen and on general condition human health at the time of infection.

HIV infection is most often diagnosed when clinical manifestations become apparent. Until the onset of the disease, the disease is asymptomatic, and the viral presence in the blood is not determined.

There are 4 clinical stages diseases:

  • incubation period;
  • stage of primary manifestations;
  • stage secondary diseases;
  • terminal stage (or AIDS).

Consider what are the main symptoms and signs of each stage of HIV infection.

After infection with the immunodeficiency virus, irreversible changes begin to occur in the human body. The number of viral particles in the blood gradually increases, they attach to the surface of immune cells and destroy them. main feature period is that there are no clinical symptoms of the disease.

They begin to appear on average after 12 weeks. However, this period can be much less - from 14 days, and can stretch for years.

At the stage of HIV incubation in the blood, there are no indicators of the presence of the virus. Antibodies to it have not yet been determined. As a result, the incubation period is called the "serological window".

Can an HIV-infected person look different from a healthy person? No, he doesn't look different from other people. The problem is that minor signs that indicate infection are not perceived by a person as a disease. Only if there are factors predisposing to infection (contact with an HIV-infected person, work in medical clinic with the infected biological material) symptoms may raise suspicion of HIV.

These include:

  • subfebrile body temperature, not exceeding 37.5 ° C;
  • slight increase different groups lymph nodes;
  • moderate muscle pain;
  • weakness, apathy.

Such signs, when the cause of their occurrence is unclear, are an indication for diagnostic examination for HIV infection.

Despite the absence of hematological and clinical manifestations, the patient in the incubation period is dangerous to others. An infected person is already a source of infection capable of transmitting the disease to other people.

Signs and symptoms in the stage of primary manifestations of HIV infection

The transition of the disease to the second stage is marked by the development of seroconversion. The process by which specific antibodies begin to be detected in the patient's blood. From this point on, HIV infection can be diagnosed using serological methods research of biological materials.

The stage of primary manifestations of HIV can proceed in the form of three forms independent of each other.

Asymptomatic phase

The period is characterized total absence clinical symptoms. The person considers himself absolutely healthy. The phase can last up to several years, but a rapid course is also possible, lasting no more than a month. Statistics show that if a person has an asymptomatic infection for a long time, then after 5 years the symptoms of immune deficiency (AIDS) begin to develop only in 30% of those infected.

Acute HIV infection

Manifestation primary symptoms develops in 30% of infected people. First clear signs appear after 1-3 months from the moment the virus enters the human body.

Remind the manifestations of infectious mononucleosis:

  • an increase in body temperature up to 37 ° C and above, without visible signs diseases;
  • hyperthermia is not eliminated by taking antipyretic drugs;
  • there are signs of HIV infection in the oral cavity - sore throat, inflammation and enlargement palatine tonsils(like angina);
  • taking antibacterial drugs is not successful;
  • an increase in size and soreness of the lymph nodes in the neck;
  • an increase in the size of the liver and spleen;
  • the appearance of diarrhea;
  • insomnia, increased sweating at night;
  • small spots may form on the skin pale pink- maculopapular rash;
  • lethargy, loss of appetite, headaches and weakness.

The stage proceeds in the form of inflammation of the brain and its membranes (meningitis or encephalitis). Characteristic symptoms develop: severe headache, rise in body temperature up to 40 ° C, nausea and vomiting.

Another variant of the course of the acute phase is esophagitis - inflammation of the esophagus. The disease is accompanied by pain when swallowing, causeless pain in the chest.

In any of the listed cases, leukocytosis, lymphocytosis is detected in the patient's blood, atypical cells appear - mononuclear cells.

Generalized lymphadenopathy

swollen lymph nodes

This phase is characterized by an increase in lymph nodes. Lymphadenopathy is considered to be the defeat of more than two groups of lymph nodes, the exception of which is the inguinal. Most often there is an increase in the cervical and supraclavicular nodes. They reach a diameter of up to 5 cm, become painful. It is noteworthy that skin over them do not change, and there is no soldering with subcutaneous tissue. These symptoms in HIV infected person often appear first.

The average duration of this stage is 3 months. Towards the end, the patient develops cachexia (a sharp causeless weight loss).

Signs and symptoms of the stage of secondary diseases of HIV infection

The third stage of the development of the disease is characterized by persistent suppression of the human immune system. Features of the course of the disease in HIV-infected given period are changes in the blood: a decrease in the level of leukocytes, in particular, the number of T-lymphocytes is significantly reduced.

In the third stage, symptoms characteristic of various visceral diseases(affecting internal organs).

Kaposi's sarcoma

The disease is characterized by the formation of many spots and cherry-colored tubercles up to 10 cm in diameter. They are localized on any part of the body: head, limbs, mucous membranes. In fact, these formations are tumors originating from the tissues of the lymphatic vessels.

The prognosis for life in this disease depends on the form of its course. At acute course disease, people live an average of 2 years, with chronic form life expectancy reaches 10 years.

Pneumocystis pneumonia

With this type of pneumonia, the symptoms of the disease develop quickly. First, a high body temperature appears, which is not knocked down by antipyretics. Then chest pain, cough (first dry, then with sputum), shortness of breath join. There is a lightning-fast worsening of the patient's condition. Treatment antibacterial drugs ineffective.

Generalized infection

This form of secondary manifestations of HIV is most typical for women. Various infections in patients infected with a retrovirus, they acquire a generalized course, affecting the entire body as a whole.

These diseases include:

The course of the disease is extremely severe, with damage to the respiratory system, digestive system, brain. They are characterized by the development of sepsis.

Neurological symptoms of HIV infection

With this variant of the course, the brain is affected with depression of cognitive functions. Symptoms will be: memory loss, decreased concentration, absent-mindedness. An extreme manifestation of brain dysfunction is the development of progressive dementia.

The above diseases do not always develop with HIV, but their presence helps doctors identify the period of development of the disease.

Signs and symptoms of end-stage HIV infection

The last stage of HIV infection is called acquired immune deficiency syndrome. The symptoms of AIDS are the same in men and women.

In patients with AIDS, cachexia (weight loss) is pronounced, even the simplest infectious and inflammatory diseases are long and difficult. A characteristic feature is a significant increase in the size of the inguinal lymph nodes.

The last period when HIV infection turns into AIDS can be characterized by the following forms:

  1. Pulmonary - develops, having a severe course.
  2. Intestinal - associated with violations of the processes of digestion and absorption nutrients. Character traits: diarrhea, dehydration, weight loss.
  3. Neurological - severe course meningitis and encephalitis, development malignant neoplasms in the head and spinal cord. May manifest epileptic seizures, the duration and frequency of which increase with time.
  4. Mucocutaneous - symptoms appear on the skin, in the genital area. They look like ulcers, erosions, rashes. Often ulcerations can grow into underlying tissues (muscles, bones). Small wounds, cuts, scratches do not heal for a long time, which is an unfavorable prognostic sign.
  5. Common - the most severe form of AIDS, in which all organs and systems are affected simultaneously. Death, as a rule, occurs in the first six months from severe renal failure.

AIDS progresses and develops very quickly. with the terminal stage of HIV infection does not exceed 2-3 years. However, timely antiretroviral therapy can sometimes delay fatal outcome for a long period of time.


AIDS appears as a result of the impact of HIV infection on the body. The disease is terminal, i.e. leading to the inevitable death of the patient. Thus, AIDS is the last stage in the development of HIV - the disease is directly related to the activity of the virus, which causes the main symptoms of the disease.

On the very early stage HIV manifests itself as normal or influenza. AIDS itself does not specific symptoms- the disease can be detected only against the background of other disorders that occur as a result of a malfunction of the immune system.

The first stage of HIV infection can develop a large number of time. In some cases, the first significant symptoms may not appear until 10 years after infection. However, during an exacerbation, HIV progresses at a high rate (from 2 weeks to 4-5 months), after which an asymptomatic stage occurs, which subsequently leads to AIDS.

Many patients during the development of the virus experience chills, fever, rash, sore throat. Against this background, there is a significant increase in the size of the lymph nodes. May be noted excessive sweating and general weakness against the backdrop of weight loss. There is a strong constant fatigue, which does not go away even after a long and sound sleep. Appetite is disturbed, diarrhea is possible. For more late stage there are pains in muscles and joints, disorders respiratory system, shingles, herpes. However, such symptoms may appear as soon as a few weeks after infection, and after a couple of years.

AIDS patients are prone to fungal diseases, a signal of which may be the appearance of thrush, the formation of plaque on the tongue. Nails gradually begin to exfoliate and become brittle. Characteristic black (brown) lines may appear on the nail plates.

Esophagitis chronic diarrhea and colitis are also manifestations of lesions gastrointestinal tract. From the side of the nervous system, there is a high chance of toxoplasmosis, cryptococcal meningitis and leukoencephalopathy.

Unfortunately, the symptoms of HIV appear in most cases several months or even years after infection, which means that a person loses the opportunity to start treatment on time and protect their sexual partners from the disease. However, when the disease enters the advanced stage - AIDS - you can learn about it by its characteristic features.

Signs of HIV infection in the acute phase

4-6 weeks after HIV infection, the first diseases may appear. It should be remembered that this happens only in half of the cases - often in the first months the disease is asymptomatic. If you notice at least one of these signs, be sure to consult a doctor and get tested. People often ignore these, because they also appear with severe, overwork and, therefore, it is important to be attentive to your health.

The main signs of HIV infection that may appear after the incubation period may include sore throat and muscles, diarrhea, and nausea. Even more characteristic symptom- temperature from 37 to 37.5 ° C, which lasts for 1-1.5 weeks. If a high temperature can not be explained by the development of other diseases, you need to pass on HIV as soon as possible.

characteristic feature diseases - an increase in lymph nodes without development inflammatory processes in general. Symptoms may also be prolonged diarrhea, candidiasis oral cavity, herpes that covers large areas on the body or appears in places where it usually does not occur. Additional feature disease development - sudden loss weight, the cause of which cannot be determined before HIV testing.

Signs of AIDS

AIDS is the last stage in the development of HIV infection. By the time the disease passes into this form, the immune system is greatly weakened, so many other diseases appear, it would seem, not related to HIV. Among them are tuberculosis, pneumonia, helminthiasis.

AIDS first manifests itself in the form of skin rashes. Extensive herpes, shingles, the appearance of blisters in non-specific places are its first signs. You can also notice that on

AIDS is a dangerous disease caused by HIV (human immunodeficiency virus). To date, scientists have not been able to create pharmaceutical agent, which could defeat this "killer". It is for this reason that the main method of combating HIV is its effective prevention. Scientists first started talking about AIDS in the 1980s. But in fact, HIV began to affect people from West Africa back in the thirties. Now this disease has become a modern "plague", as it infects everything more people. The consequences of AIDS are often deplorable (death).

- This is a whole group of different retroviruses, which are also called lenviruses or "slow". This name is due to their characteristic feature- from the moment of their penetration into the body, until the appearance of signs of pathology, it takes a very long time. This process may take more than one year. After the transfer HIV person, it penetrates into the bloodstream and attaches to those blood cells that are directly responsible for the reactivity of the body, that is, for the full functioning of the immune system. Inside such cells, HIV actively multiplies, and before an immune response occurs, infectious agents will spread throughout the human body. The first "target" is the lymph nodes, since they contain a large number of lymphocytes.

During the course of the disease, the body does not respond to the presence of HIV in it. This is due to the fact that the affected immune cells cannot function normally. It is also worth noting the fact that HIV can change its structure over time, so the immune system simply cannot identify the virus and destroy it.

It should be noted right away that the two terms "AIDS" and "HIV" differ from each other. They are not synonyms, as most people think. AIDS is a term for an immune deficiency that can develop as a result of prolonged exposure radiation, chronic ailments, taking potent pharmaceuticals. But in recent times This term is only used to refer to last stage HIV.


The source of HIV can be a virus carrier who does not show symptoms of the disease, or a sick person.

  • sexual transmission. HIV can be transmitted to a healthy person through sexual contact. greatest danger represents anal and vaginal sex;
  • perinatal route. In this case, the child is infected from a sick mother. A newborn can become infected already during the passage through birth canal women;
  • blood transfusion route of transmission. Infection occurs during the transfusion of blood, plasma, leukocyte and platelet mass;
  • Milky Way. A baby can become infected with HIV while consuming the milk of an infected mother;
  • injection route of transmission. It is more typical for people who consume narcotic drugs, and at the same time using one syringe several times. But it is not excluded infection in this way and in medical institutions where workers do not comply with the norms for the use of tools and syringes;
  • transplantation route. Transmission occurs through organ transplants or bone marrow from a sick person;
  • household route of transmission. In this case, HIV can enter the body through microtraumas on the skin and mucous membranes (if a person comes into contact with biological fluids AIDS patient).

You can't get AIDS:

  • through a kiss
  • while coughing or sneezing;
  • eating food with the infected;
  • through a handshake
  • in saunas and baths.


It is worth noting that HIV occurs in three stages:

  • acute febrile;
  • asymptomatic;
  • AIDS or advanced stage.

Acute febrile

This stage appears 1-2 months after infection. It does not appear in all patients, but only in 50-70%. In the rest, the incubation period is replaced by an asymptomatic phase.


  • sore throat;
  • slight hyperthermia;
  • diarrhea;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • pain in the joints;
  • possible appearance on the skin of various elements of the rash.


Runs throughout long period time. In half of the patients it lasts up to 10 years. The rate of progression of this stage is significantly affected by the rate of virus reproduction in cells. Symptoms of the disease in the asymptomatic phase are not observed, but in rare cases an increase in some groups of lymph nodes is possible.

AIDS or advanced stage

This stage is characterized by activation conditionally pathogenic microorganisms that live in the body of each person. The symptoms of AIDS in women and men are the same. The entire pathological process can be divided into two stages.

The first signs of AIDS (stage 1):

  • weight loss by 10%;
  • often appears;
  • hairy mouth - a characteristic symptom of AIDS in men and women. A white coating accumulates on the lateral surfaces of the tongue;
  • decrease in blood concentration. This causes the appearance of a hemorrhagic rash on the limbs;
  • the patient often has, and so on;
  • an increase in several groups of lymph nodes;
  • increased sweating at night;
  • decreased visual function.

In the second stage of the disease, there is a decrease in body weight by more than 10%. To the above pathological processes join such infections:

  • hyperthermia;
  • diarrhea;
  • Kaposi's sarcoma.


If a person shows the first signs of AIDS, he should immediately contact medical institution for diagnosis, confirmation or refutation of the diagnosis. Confirm that there is dangerous disease can only be a competent doctor after examination and obtaining test results. You can detect the presence of HIV by taking a blood test.

Today, AIDS is one of the top five killer diseases (including cancer, diabetes, and pneumonia) that cause death on our planet. the largest number of people. disease is growing and covering more and more regions.

AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome) is a stage of the human immunodeficiency virus, when, due to its development and the gradual decrease in the immunity of an infected person, his condition is characterized by constantly occurring opportunistic infections (diseases caused by viruses and bacteria that do not cause healthy people with normal disease immunity), tumor and other noncommunicable diseases.

very immunodeficiency syndrome insidious disease. The first ones are very easy to miss, because most often in the early stages of this disease there are practically no symptoms. However, they can sometimes appear even after a short period of time after infection.

In order not to miss it in time, you need to know what they include:

1. Causeless and asymptomatic elevated temperature the patient's body to 37.5-38 degrees, which passes as suddenly as it appears.

2. Enlarged lymph nodes in the groin, in the armpits, on the neck. They do not hurt and have a compacted structure to the touch.

3. Red spots all over the body.

4. Fatigue.

5. Periodic fever and night sweats.

6. Sometimes occurring discomfort in the throat, pain when swallowing.

7. Problems with stool, diarrhea.

Such symptoms are characteristic of a simple cold or flu, so many people do not pay attention to these signs. However, the first signs of AIDS disappear and reappear over time, and this may mean that the disease is progressing.

Symptoms of the disease are also recurring pneumonia, herpes, cytomegalovirus infection, tuberculosis.

In a person who is HIV-infected, the first signs of AIDS are also frequent illnesses, which in people with normal immune system go away on their own or are easily treated; they can lead to a state when diseases of the internal organs begin to develop, often ending in the death of a person.

Additionally, other first signs of AIDS may appear: white spots in the oral cavity, as well as rapid and significant individual symptoms in women and men.

The first may be frequent infectious diseases pelvic organs and vaginal infections that are difficult to treat, abnormal cervical smear.

The first signs of AIDS in men that do not appear in women are, firstly, a rash that appears from one week to a month and may look like multiple patches of discolored skin. Secondly, men who have this disease often have headaches. Unlike women in men, the symptoms of AIDS are very vague and short-lived.

Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome is running stage HIV infection is very dangerous and difficult to treat. In order not to miss the moment and not endanger your life, it is better, at the slightest suspicion, to take an immunodeficiency virus test, which today is the only reliable way that gives a 100% result to identify this disease. Even if HIV has entered the body, with its timely detection, it is possible to control its reproduction and with the help of modern medicines stop development in the body.

Take care of yourself and remember possible consequences your weaknesses.

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