Mitral insufficiency of the heart: causes, manifestations and treatment. Clinical manifestations in the early stages. Living with mitral regurgitation

The mitral valve is a valve located between the left ventricle of the heart and the left atrium. During systole, it prevents the backflow of blood. Failure mitral valve, which manifests itself as a violation of its function, is not an independent disease, and in most cases accompanies various diseases heart, such as mitral stenosis or malformations aortic valves.

Causes and types of mitral valve insufficiency

With the same nature of hemodynamic disorders, doctors distinguish two types of this pathology:

  • Functional (providing hemodynamic overload of the heart), caused simultaneously by an acceleration of blood flow and an increase in the size of the left ventricle;
  • Organic, resulting from pathology anatomical structure connective tissue plates heart valve and tendons that fix it.

Regurgitation of blood (its flow in the opposite direction) causes an increase in pressure in the aorta compared to pressure in the left atrium. Due to the incomplete covering of the atrioventricular opening during diastole, an additional volume of blood enters, which causes an overload of the left sections of the heart muscle and, accordingly, an increase in the strength of its contractions. In most cases, the onset of the disease is asymptomatic, but with an increase in left ventricular and left atrial hypertrophy, pressure in the pulmonary vessels increases. This gives rise to pulmonary hypertension, tricuspid valve insufficiency and right ventricular hypertrophy.

Mitral valve insufficiency symptoms

The main symptoms of mitral valve insufficiency are manifested as:

  • Heart rhythm disturbances and shortness of breath. At first, the disease is detected only against the background of physical exertion, and as it progresses, even at rest;
  • Increased fatigue;
  • Attacks of severe shortness of breath (cardiac asthma);
  • Swelling and pain in the right hypochondrium caused by an increase in the size of the liver;
  • Cardialgia;
  • Pastosity of the lower extremities;
  • Dry cough with sputum a small amount. Sometimes there is an admixture of blood in the sputum;
  • Pain in the region of the heart, which is pressing, stabbing or aching in nature, which do not depend on physical activity.

These symptoms in cases of compensation for mitral valve insufficiency for several years may be hidden, and the strength of the manifestations of the disease is due to the severity of regurgitation.

To make a diagnosis, it is necessary to undergo a series of studies:

  • Echocardiography (ECHOCG), necessary to detect hypertrophy and dilatation of the left heart;
  • Ventriculography, necessary to determine the presence and degree of regurgitation;
  • An electrocardiogram (ECG) that allows early stages to determine the manifestations of overload and hypertrophy of the heart (ventricle and left atrium), and with the progression of the pathology, to identify changes occurring in the work of the right heart;
  • X-ray of organs located in the chest, which allows you to explore the degree of pulmonary venous hypertension;
  • Ventricular catheterization, which allows to assess the dynamics of pressure in the heart ventricles.

Comprehensive diagnostics is essential for making an accurate diagnosis, since modern research showed that minor manifestations of regurgitation are not always a sign of the onset of the development of pathology.

Features of the course of mitral valve insufficiency of the 1st degree

The main feature of the course of mitral valve insufficiency of the 1st degree is the inability of the valve to sufficiently block the reverse outflow of blood that occurs against the background of hemodynamic compensation.

At this stage of the development of the pathology, there are no symptoms of circulatory insufficiency even with active physical activity, and ECG in most cases does not show signs of valve dysfunction. The disease can be diagnosed by the presence of systolic murmurs and a slight expansion of the borders of the heart to the left.

Features of the course of mitral valve insufficiency of the 2nd degree

With mitral valve insufficiency of the 2nd degree, the formation of a passive form of venous pulmonary hypertension is manifested. This stage is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • Tachycardia that occurs at rest and against the background of physical exertion;
  • Dyspnea;
  • Attacks of cardiac asthma and cough;
  • Hemoptysis.

During research, an expansion of the borders of the heart to the right (usually no more than 0.5 cm), to the left (from 1 to 2 cm), and also upwards is usually diagnosed. In addition, the ECG reveals changes in the atrial component, as well as the presence of systolic murmurs.

Features of the course of mitral valve insufficiency of the 3rd degree

A characteristic symptom of grade 3 mitral valve insufficiency is right ventricular hypertrophy, which is accompanied by:

  • Pastosity of tissues;
  • Enlargement of the liver;
  • An increase in venous pressure.

Research indicates the presence of:

  • Severe systolic murmurs;
  • Mitral tooth;
  • Manifestations of left ventricular hypertrophy;
  • A significant increase in the size of the heart.

Treatment of mitral valve insufficiency

Early diagnosis allows you to make a diagnosis in time and carry out the necessary therapy, so it is recommended to consult a doctor if:

  • Feeling of heartbeat;
  • Long unproductive cough and shortness of breath that occurs at rest;
  • The appearance of edema on the legs.

The choice of treatment for mitral valve insufficiency is primarily influenced by the severity of the pathology. The size and functional state of the heart are also taken into account.

aim conservative therapy pathology is a decrease in the severity of regurgitation and control of heart rate. For this, digoxin, beta-blockers and verapamil are usually prescribed. Also mandatory are measures aimed at preventing the formation of blood clots. Application medicines justified in chronic and latent form pathology. With their help, you can restore the previous size of the heart muscle, however, they do not affect the state of the valve itself.

With severe regurgitation reconstructive surgery on the valve (valvuloplasty) or its replacement with a mechanical one must be carried out before the start development of irreversible changes in the left ventricle.

The result of treatment is determined by the dynamics of the development of pathology, the degree of regurgitation and the severity of valvular pathology. However, the current state of medicine early diagnosis and proper treatment insufficiency of the mitral valve in most cases allows to give quite positive forecasts.

  • Causes of the development of acquired valve pathology
  • The mechanism of development of mitral insufficiency of the 2nd degree
  • The main symptoms of the disease
  • Additional studies in mitral regurgitation
  • Diagnosis of an insidious disease
  • How to treat valvular disease?

Mitral insufficiency Grade 2 refers to an acquired pathology that leads to disturbances in the work of the heart. In the patient's body, changes in intracardiac and general circulation. Deficiency is hard to endure not only adults, but also children.

Causes of the development of acquired valve pathology

Patients with a history of rheumatic endocarditis or a systemic disease connective tissue, do not think about the fact that they form acquired changes in. Septic complications during special vascular cleaning procedures lead to valve damage.

Viral endocarditis affects all cardiac activity, weakening its strength. The heart reminds of itself when the walls do not fully connect during systolic contraction of the ventricles. The opening between the chambers of the heart does not close. Blood moves in the opposite direction from the left ventricle to the atrium, causing a certain noise to appear. There is an increase in its volume in, the values ​​of arterial pressure increase.

Depending on the etiology, organic and functional insufficiency are distinguished. An increase in the volume of the left ventricle after diseases of the heart muscle leads to functional changes in the valves.

Violation of blood flow and vascular tone as a result of VVD contributes to the appearance of disturbances in the work of the mitral valve of the 2nd degree. Changes in the valves occur in acute and chronic form. A fast-flowing process develops after the formation of an abscess in endocarditis or as a result of tissue trauma during surgery. Often the cause pathological condition factors such as:

  • damage in lupus erythematosus;
  • endocarditis of viral etiology;
  • changes in valve leaflets;
  • rheumatic process;
  • spontaneous tendon rupture.

The chronic form of the disease is accompanied by degenerative and inflammatory changes. Its development is facilitated congenital pathologies in the valvular apparatus, changes under the action of an infectious process.

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The mechanism of development of mitral insufficiency of the 2nd degree

With the defeat of the valve apparatus of the valves, tissue degeneration is observed: a scar is formed against the background of development inflammatory process. Changing the valves leads to their significant shortening. In the process heart contraction the resulting hole passes a significant part of the blood in the opposite direction from the left ventricle to the left atrium. The patient has an increase in the size of the left chamber of the heart and overload of the myocardium.

It is characterized by changes in, with an increase in the volume of extruded blood and muscle hypertrophy. With insufficiency of the second degree appear clinical symptoms to help the doctor determine accurate diagnosis. The patient's heart rhythm is disturbed, the amount of blood flow changes, the delivery of oxygen to the tissues decreases.

When decompensation is formed, there is a change carbohydrate metabolism develops acidosis. A weak atrium has little tone and greatly expands. The pressure in the pulmonary vein increases. As a result of disease progression, stagnant processes in the pulmonary circulation, changes occur in the right ventricle, accompanied by blood stasis.

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The main symptoms of the disease

After examining the patient, the doctor may suspect the formation of changes in the mitral valve of the 2nd degree in the active phase of rheumatic heart disease. The patient has a systolic murmur at the apex and in the IV intercostal space, at the left edge of the sternum. There are no signs of circulatory disorders, indicating damage to the left valve.

After removing the rheumatic attack, the doctor establishes the presence of intense noise, indicating that it has formed. The final diagnosis is confirmed 6-12 months after the onset of the disease.

Patients with stage 2 disease usually do not present certain complaints for a long time. In the case of progression of the disease, the patient develops shortness of breath after a short load. As a rule, such changes occur after climbing stairs, accelerated walking or running.

In children and adolescents, the doctor observes increased heart contractions, the formation of a heart hump.

There are cases when there is a pulsation in the cardiac and abdominal region due to hypertrophy of the muscles of the right ventricle. In patients, confusion appears, and the pulse reaches the limits of the norm or slightly exceeds them. Arterial pressure rises slightly.

The doctor listens to the weakening of the cardiac current at the apex, which is formed when the valves are not completely connected during systole. Many patients develop loud noise during the contraction of the heart. It fills the entire systole and, with a weak heart muscle, disappears or becomes very weak. Noise persists at vertical position the patient, when inhaling, and also does not appear on the vessels of the neck.

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Additional studies in mitral regurgitation

Depending on the degree of development of the disease, there are changes in the electrocardiogram. AT initial stage disease ECG does not register any pathology. With the progression of insufficiency, data appear indicating hypertrophy and changes in the muscle of the left atrium. In patients with severe disease, there is a shift electrical axis hearts to the left. In the final stage of the disease, a violation of the heart rhythm is observed, extrasystoles and atrial fibrillation occur.

After active phase rheumatism, disturbances occur in the systolic phase, especially in patients with 2-3 degrees of insufficiency. Patients complain of persistent shortness of breath. The doctor notes the deformity chest, strengthening of the apical impulse, the formation of the cardiac hump. The boundaries of the heart expand by 1.5-2.5 cm, and the pulse increases significantly.

When symptoms appear, x-rays are taken. The blood filling of the pulmonary circulation is determined. With decompensation of the right ventricle, therapy is carried out until the formation of irreversible changes in the myocardium.

The patient has an enlarged liver, edema appears on lower limbs, shortness of breath increases.

The health of the heart depends on whether there are congenital abnormal changes in its structure. However, not everyone knows that smoldering foci of infection can also provoke heart disease. There are other diseases that can initiate this.

Knowing what affects the activity of the heart, what signs of the onset of the pathological process will help you seek medical help in time and avoid worsening the situation.

Features of the disease

It is by nature that the course of blood flow from the left atrium through the valve to the corresponding ventricle has no return. Violations different kind make it possible, with a push of blood (systole), to go some part of its volume back into the atrium. An anomaly of this kind can be detected at any age. For all age categories pathology has the same causes and manifestations. Violation refers to heart defects, which are very common.

Mitral insufficiency is, in other words, a valve that is designed to allow blood from the left atrium to enter the corresponding ventricle and prevent its backflow, does not fully cope with the task. The reasons why this happens are varied.

The defect can be congenital or appear as a result of negative changes. Then it is classified as an acquired defect.

valve insufficiency as independent disease occurs in 2% of patients. In other cases, the pathology is combined with other disorders.

More often related problem There is also narrowing of the mitral valve. These complementary disorders may be in the patient all at once or one of the variants.

Pathology can develop at different speeds.

Mitral insufficiency (scheme)


The chronic form is detected over time as a result of:

  • changes in the tissues of the structures of the heart as a consequence of diseases,
  • the development of pathology due to abnormal features of the congenital nature,
  • if the valve has been replaced possible violation implant structures.

The acute form of pathology manifests itself in short term time. Crisis situations lead to such a case:

  • myocardial infarction,
  • leaflet rupture due to infective endocarditis,
  • other acute conditions.

The following video contains detailed information about mitral insufficiency, filed in an accessible form:


The disorder is classified by the level of return of blood volume. Degrees:

  • 1st. The problem is minor. The volume of blood in its reverse course during the push of the ventricle (systole) reaches the surface of the valve. The situation does not bring failures in the work of the heart and is normal.
  • 2nd. The movement of blood into the atrium relative to the mitral valve is about one and a half centimeters. Violation is considered a moderate deviation from the norm.
  • 3rd. The blood return reaches the midline of the atrium. This abnormal movement of blood is referred to as a severe disorder.
  • 4th. When the blood in its reverse movement reaches the upper part of the atrium. The situation is referred to as severe heart damage.

Causes of mitral valve insufficiency

Regurgitation (return of blood) is caused by causes within the body:

  1. The problem may be related to functional disorders:
    • The tendon filaments that serve as the connecting link between the heart muscle and the papillary muscles are broken or stretched.
    • The muscles that are responsible for the movement of the valve leaflets (papillary) have changed their tone, and now it does not correspond to the norm.
    • The ring to which the valve flaps are attached has stretched.
    • The ventricle of the left half increased in volume.
  2. The return of blood may be due to the functional inferiority of the valve itself. The double-leaf design does not provide a tight closing of the wings when closing.

congenital ailment

In the variant of mitral insufficiency from birth, the causes may be factors that influenced the development of the fetus during pregnancy:

    • stressful situations
    • unfavorable environmental ecology,
    • contact with substances whose actions are harmful to the body;
    • influence of ionizing radiation,
    • the use of tablets without consulting a specialist.

Consequences of past illnesses

Mitral insufficiency occurs as a consequence of past diseases:

  • A tumor process that interferes with the release of the ventricle.
  • Damage or pathological changes in the elements in the structure of the heart as a result of:
    • myocardial infarction,
    • dilated cardiomyopathy,
    • rheumatism,
    • lupus erythematosus.


  • In the body, the correct distribution of blood is disturbed, so the patient feels poor performance, loss of strength.
  • Congestion in the blood supply to the lungs is manifested by shortness of breath.
  • The process that contributed to valve damage can disrupt the condition of the heart muscle. As a result, an arrhythmia occurs.
  • Stagnation of blood in the lungs initiates a cough. At the beginning of the disease, it has a dry character. In the future, sputum appears with the presence of streaks of blood.


The doctor analyzes the patient's symptoms, asks about the history of the disease and the presence of such problems in relatives. After that, he chooses ways to examine the patient.

  • Echocardiography is a method that will determine the possibility of returning blood volume to the atrium according to the state functional structures. When performing Doppler echocardiography, you can see if there is regurgitation during systole.
  • Magnetic resonance imaging allows you to see the image of the heart with all the structural details.
  • Catheterization - you can measure the pressure in individual chambers of the heart. These indicators make it possible to establish mitral insufficiency.
  • Phonocardiogram complements and refines the examination of the patient by listening with a stethoscope. Allows you to determine the noise in the area of ​​the mitral valve during the sending of blood by the ventricle into the aorta (systole).
  • Electrocardiogram - makes it possible to study the violation of heart rhythms.
  • A blood test - shows whether there is an inflammatory process in the body.
  • Coronary cardiography is a method of tracking the state of blood vessels using a dye. It in the picture shows the movement of blood in the heart and blood vessels.
  • An x-ray is a picture of the chest area. Determine the change in the size and shape of the heart.


If mitral insufficiency is up to the second degree, then often this situation does not require help. It is important to cure the disease that initiated the disorders that led to mitral insufficiency.


  • Appoint treatment courses to prevent the development of infectious processes.
  • Hardening procedures are recommended.
  • Physiotherapy treatment.
  • The direction of assistance is chosen to suppress the pathology that caused negative changes in the heart.
  • The doctor directs Spa treatment, where there is a necessary specialization.


If there are complications associated with the return of blood to the atrium, then drugs are used to maintain the patient's condition.

  • potassium preparations - maintain the condition of the myocardium,
  • diuretics - to avoid edema,
  • nitrates - to improve blood circulation,
  • cardiac glycosides - relieve the condition in case of heart failure.


In the case of the development of pathology to the third and fourth degrees, surgical intervention is recommended. With the help of a radical operation according to the indications in a particular case, the following is carried out:

  • correction of structural defects by plastics,
  • valve replacement.

If the pathology severe form and due to the patient's condition there is no possibility of surgical intervention, his health is maintained with the help of drugs and therapeutic procedures.

In more detail about how the operation occurs for mitral heart failure, the video below tells:

Disease prevention

Speaking of warning congenital insufficiency mitral valve, then during the bearing of a child, any bad influence on him:

  • not be in an area where there may be ionizing radiation;
  • do not come into contact with harmful chemicals,
  • stay in an area with good environmental conditions.

To exclude the occurrence of an acquired disease, observe:

  • timely treat infectious diseases; prevent smoldering foci of infection;
  • prevent the appearance of other pathologies that can cause mitral insufficiency;
  • lead healthy lifestyle life,
  • eliminate acute stressful situations,
  • give the body a feasible systematic load, for example: walking, swimming.



  • the electrical impulse between the parts of the heart may be disturbed,
  • atrial fibrillation, and there may also be other rhythm disturbances;
  • inflammatory processes in the inner membranes of the muscles of the heart,

We will tell about the predictions for the correct treatment of mitral valve insufficiency of 1, 2, 3 degrees at the end of the article.


The perspective depends on several components:

  • condition of the muscles of the heart
  • how realistic it is to cure the disease that caused the pathology; its heaviness;
  • degree of abnormal valve malfunction.

With mitral insufficiency of the third degree, heart failure can develop. Almost all patients live for more than five years from the time of diagnosis. Live ten years or more 4/5 of total number patients with this problem.

With the second degree of development of the pathology, patients may not feel health disorders for several years.

The following video provides advice famous doctor regarding mitral insufficiency:

The mitral valve is a valve that is located between the left ventricle of the heart and the left atrium. Its function is to prevent regurgitation of blood into the left atrium during systole.

Mitral valve insufficiency (MIV) is the inability of the valve to block blood regurgitation from the left ventricle into the left atrium.

Regurgitation is a rapid blood flow that occurs during systole and has a direction opposite to normal movement.

Mitral insufficiency can rarely be observed as an independent disease (only in 2% of cases of the total number of heart diseases). It often accompanies aortic valve defects, as well as mitral stenosis.

There are two types of disease such as functional (relative) and organic mitral insufficiency. Functional CVD is caused by increased blood flow as well as left ventricular enlargement, which causes hemodynamic overload of the heart. Organic NMC arises as a result of the anatomical pathology of the connective tissue plates of the heart valve, as well as the tendon filaments that fix it. With regard to hemodynamic disorders of these types of disease, they are of the same nature.

Disease pathogenesis

Systole is a series of consecutive contractions of the ventricles of the heart, in which blood is ejected from the left ventricle into the aorta, and from the right ventricle into the pulmonary trunk.

The pressure of the aorta significantly exceeds the pressure of the left atrium, which causes regurgitation. During systole, there is a reverse flow of blood in the left atrium, which occurs due to incomplete coverage of the atrioventricular orifice.

As a result, during diastole (a relaxed state of the heart in the interval between contractions), additional portions of blood enter, which leads to an overload of the left sections of the heart muscle and an increase in the strength of its contractions. In this case, hyperfunction of the myocardium is observed. The onset of the disease goes unnoticed due to good compensation. But with the course of the pathological process, hypertrophy of the left ventricle and left atrium occurs, which provokes an increase in pressure in the pulmonary vessels. In turn, pulmonary hypertension, right ventricular hypertrophy, and tricuspid valve insufficiency occur.


As a rule, manifestations of the disease are absent with good compensation. In turn, severe pathology has the following symptoms:

  • violation of heart rhythms and shortness of breath, first during physical activity, and then at rest;
  • attacks of severe shortness of breath (cardiac asthma);
  • increased fatigue;
  • cardialgia;
  • swelling and pain in the right hypochondrium caused by an enlarged liver;
  • dry cough with small sputum secretions, sometimes with blood impurities;
  • pastosity of the lower extremities;
  • pain in the region of the heart, which are stabbing, pressing, aching in nature, and not associated with physical activity.

In the case of compensation for mitral valve insufficiency, the symptoms may be latent and not appear for several years. In turn, the strength of the manifestations of the disease is due to the severity of regurgitation.

The following methods are used to diagnose this pathology of the heart:

  • electrocardiogram (ECG), which makes it possible to determine the manifestations of overload and hypertrophy of the left atrium and ventricle, and in the third stage to identify changes in the work of the right heart;
  • echocardiography (EchoCG), which allows to detect hypertrophy and dilatation of the left heart;
  • chest x-ray, which is aimed at examining the degree of pulmonary venous hypertension;
  • ventriculography, which determines the presence and degree of regurgitation;
  • ventricular catheterization - a method for determining the dynamics of pressure in the heart ventricles.

To date, overdiagnosis of mitral insufficiency is observed, i.e. often there are erroneous medical conclusions about the presence of this pathology of the heart in the examined. In its turn modern methods diagnostics have shown that a minimal degree of regurgitation can occur even in a healthy body.

1 degree

The first degree of the disease is characterized by compensation of hemodynamics, as well as the inability of the valve to block the reverse flow of blood. At this stage of the disease, there are no symptoms, so the patient does not experience manifestations of the disease even with active physical exertion.

Symptoms of NMK 1 degree are systolic murmurs and a slight expansion of the borders of the heart to the left. In turn, the ECG does not show signs of valve dysfunction.

2 degree

This degree is manifested by the formation of a passive form of venous pulmonary hypertension. Main symptoms:

  • dyspnea;
  • tachycardia, both during physical exertion and at rest;
  • attacks of coughing and cardiac asthma;
  • hemoptysis.

When examining a patient, an expansion of the borders of the heart to the right (up to 0.5 cm), to the left (1–2 cm) and upwards is revealed, and systolic murmurs are also present. The ECG also shows changes in the atrial component.

3 degree

In the third degree of this pathology, hypertrophy of the right ventricle is manifested, which in turn has such characteristics as: liver enlargement, pastosity of tissues, increased venous pressure.

Diagnosis reveals a significant expansion of the boundaries of the heart, as well as pronounced systolic murmurs. The ECG shows manifestations of left ventricular hypertrophy and the presence of a mitral wave.


The choice of treatment method depends on the severity of the pathology, as well as the size and functional state hearts.

Conservative therapy of the disease aims to control heart rate, reduce the degree of regurgitation, and also prevent the formation of blood clots.

With a latent and chronic form of the course of the disease, the use of medicines may favorably affect the restoration of the size of the heart muscle, but have no effect directly on the condition of the valve itself. AT this case surgical intervention is needed.

Normal at healthy person The mitral valve completely closes the opening between the left ventricle and the atrium to prevent backflow of blood. If the valve is defective, the hole does not close completely and leaves a gap. In the systole phase, blood flows back into the left atrium (a phenomenon of regurgitation), where its volume and pressure increase. After that, blood enters the left ventricle, and volume and pressure also increase there.

Description and causes of pathology

Adults are more affected by this pathology than children. Often mitral insufficiency is accompanied by defects blood vessels and stenosis (compression of the lumen). AT pure form is extremely rare.

This defect is less often congenital and more often acquired. Degenerative changes in some cases, they affect the tissues of the valves and the valve and the structures under it. In others, the chords are affected, the valve ring is excessively stretched.

One of the reasons acute insufficiency mitral valve are strong blunt trauma hearts or . With these diseases, the papillary muscles, chords of the tendons are torn, and the valve leaflets are also torn off.

Other causes of mitral regurgitation:

  • inflammation of the joints;
  • restrictive cardiomyopathy;
  • some autoimmune diseases.

With all these systemic diseases observed chronic insufficiency mitral valve. Genetic diseases with chromosomal mutations, accompanied by connective tissue defects of a systemic nature, lead to mitral valve insufficiency.

Ischemic valve dysfunction occurs in 10% of cases. , tears or shortening of the mitral valve with elongation of tendon chords and papillary or papillary muscles also lead to mitral insufficiency.

Relative mitral valve insufficiency may occur without its structural changes as a result of expansion of the left ventricle and annulus fibrosus. This can happen when:

  • malformations of the cardiac aorta;

Very rarely, mitral valve insufficiency is due to calcification of the valve leaflets or hypertrophic myopathy.

Congenital mitral regurgitation is characterized by the presence of the following diseases:

  • parachute valve deformity;
  • splitting of mitral valves;
  • artificial fenestration.

Symptoms of heart valve disease

Symptoms of this pathological process increase as the deficiency develops. During the period of compensated mitral valve insufficiency, symptoms may not appear. This stage can give a long course (up to several years) without any symptoms.

Subcompensated degree of insufficiency is accompanied by:

  • the development of dyspnea in the patient;
  • appears fast fatiguability during physical and mental work;
  • weakness;
  • palpitations even at rest;
  • dry cough and hemoptysis.

During the development of stagnation in venous circle blood circulation develops, manifested in the form of a nocturnal cough, the patient "does not have enough air." Patients complain of pain behind the sternum in the region of the heart, radiating to left shoulder, forearm, shoulder blade and hand (anginal pain).

With the further course of the pathology, insufficiency of the right ventricle of the heart develops. There are symptoms such as:

  • acrocyanosis - cyanosis of the extremities;
  • swelling of the legs and arms;
  • neck veins swell;
  • ascites develops (accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity).

On palpation, there is an increase in the liver. The enlarged atrium and pulmonary trunk compress the laryngeal nerve, hoarseness appears - Ortner's syndrome.

In the decompensated stage more patients are diagnosed.

Types of pathologies of the mitral valve

Depending on the course of the pathological process, acute or chronic mitral insufficiency occurs.

For reasons of occurrence, there is ischemic and non-ischemic mitral valve insufficiency.

If there is a pathology on the part of the valve structure, then they talk about organic mitral insufficiency. In this case, the lesions affect either the valve itself or the tendon threads that fix it.

In diseases of the heart muscle, it can occur due to hemodynamic overstrain. As a result of this, relative or functional insufficiency of the mitral valve develops.

The degree of the course of the disease

Depending on the size of the lumen and the severity of regurgitation, determine clinical degrees manifestations of mitral insufficiency:

  • Mitral valve insufficiency of the 1st degree - compensated is characterized by a slight blood flow (less than 25%) and violations only from the valve structure. The state of health at the same time does not change, there are no symptoms and complaints. ECG diagnostics does not reveal pathology to this extent. During auscultation, the cardiologist hears minor noises during systole when the valve leaflets close, the borders of the heart are slightly wider than normal.
  • For mitral insufficiency of the 2nd degree, subcompensated, the atrium is filled with blood to almost half (up to 25-50%). To release the atrium from the blood develops. The person at this moment suffers from shortness of breath, even during rest, dry cough. ECG diagnose changes in the atrium. During listening, noises are determined during the systole period, the boundaries of the heart increase, especially on the left (up to 2 cm).
  • Mitral valve insufficiency of the 3rd degree is accompanied by filling the left atrium with blood up to 90%. Its walls increase in size. The decompensated stage begins, in which blood is not removed from the atrium. There are symptoms such as edema, an increase in the size of the liver on palpation. There is an increase in venous pressure. ECG signs are diagnosed: an increase in the left ventricle, a mitral tooth. During auscultation - increased noise in systole, expansion of the cardiac boundaries, especially the left.
  • 4 degree of mitral insufficiency is called dystrophic. There are pathological structural changes in the valve, stagnation of blood in the pulmonary circulation. Significantly increasing symptoms of the third degree. Surgical operations are very widely used at this stage and give a favorable resolution.
  • 5 degree - terminal. Patients experience clinical picture third stage cardiovascular insufficiency. The patient's condition is very serious and does not allow surgical interventions. The prognosis for the course of the pathology is extremely unfavorable, most often it is fatal outcome due to complications.

Diagnosis of pathology of the mitral valve

Diagnosis of mitral insufficiency should be carried out on the basis of the following complex measures:

  • conversation, examination, palpation and percussion, auscultation of the patient;
  • data ;
  • chest x-ray data;
  • data ;
  • ultrasound data of the heart;
  • results of sounding of cardiac cavities;
  • ventriculography data.

A competent history taking during a thorough questioning, examination, palpation and percussion of the patient can coordinate the doctor for further research for an accurate diagnosis. With percussion, the expanded borders of the heart are determined, especially on the left side. During auscultation, depending on the degree of mitral insufficiency, systolic murmurs of varying intensity are detected.

According to the X-ray and ECG, the expansion of the left ventricle and atrium is diagnosed.

Most informative method diagnostics - echocardiography, here you can assess the defect and the degree of damage to the valve itself. For more specific diagnosis in the presence of atrial fibrillation, a transalimentary echocardiogram is used.

Treatment of cardiac pathology

With mitral valve insufficiency, treatment should be prescribed only by a cardiologist. You can not self-medicate and resort to folk methods!

Treatment should be aimed at eliminating the cause that caused mitral insufficiency, that is, at the previous pathological process disease.

Depending on the degree of mitral insufficiency and severity, the condition can be carried out drug treatment in some cases surgery is necessary.

Mild and moderate degree requires taking medications, the action of which is aimed at reducing the heart rate, vasodilators(vasodilators). It is important to lead a healthy lifestyle, not to drink or smoke, to avoid states of physiological overwork and psychological stress. Outdoor walks are shown.

With mitral valve insufficiency of the 2nd degree, as well as with the third, anticoagulants are prescribed for life to prevent vascular thrombosis.

Surgical solution to the problem

Starting from the third degree, with pronounced pathological changes, they resort to surgical recovery valve. You need to do it as early as possible so that irreversible dystrophic changes in the left ventricle.

There are the following indications for surgery:

  • the reverse outflow of blood is more than 40% of the ejection of blood by the heart;
  • No positive effect in the treatment of infectious endocarditis;
  • irreversible sclerotic changes in the mitral valve;
  • severe dilatation of the right ventricle, systole dysfunction;
  • thromboembolism of vessels (one or many).

Perform reconstructive operations on the valve leaflets, its ring. If such an operation is impossible, then the valve is reconstructed - the damaged one is removed and replaced with an artificial one.

Modern medicine uses the most high-tech xenopericardial and synthetic materials for mitral valve replacement. There are also mechanical prostheses that are made from special metal alloys. Biological prostheses involve the use of animal tissues.

AT postoperative period the risk increases, therefore, appropriate medications are prescribed. AT rare cases there is damage to the prosthetic valve, then another operation is performed and a second synthetic valve is replaced.

Forecast and prevention

A favorable prognosis for mitral insufficiency of 1-2 degrees is given in almost 100% of cases. The patient can keep his working capacity for many years. It is important to be under the supervision of specialists, to undergo consultations and diagnostic examinations. In such phases of the disease, even pregnancy and childbearing are allowed. Resolution from childbirth in these cases is carried out by performing a Caesarean section.

Stronger pathological changes in case of insufficiency, they lead to severe disorders of the circulatory system as a whole. Unfavorable forecasts usually assumed when attached to a vice. Mortality rates in this category are quite high.

Mitral insufficiency is a serious defect, therefore, its detection, diagnosis, and treatment should not be delayed.

The main preventive measures of this pathology are aimed at preventing the development of complications. First of all, it is:

  • healthy lifestyle of the patient;
  • moderation in food;
  • refusal of fatty and spicy;
  • giving up alcohol and smoking.

Primary prevention starts at childhood and includes elements such as hardening, timely treatment infectious diseases including dental caries and inflammatory diseases tonsils.

Secondary prevention consists of taking drugs that dilate blood vessels (vasodilators), improve blood flow, and lower blood pressure.

Mitral insufficiency can relapse even after surgery. Therefore, you need to take care of yourself, take all the drugs prescribed by the doctor, follow his advice.

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