Causes of warts. Condylomatosis: genital warts in women, causes and treatment. Causes of genital warts in women

Condylomatosis is a disease caused by the papilloma virus. External manifestation diseases are growths or warts that prevent a person from leading a full-fledged sexual life.

Condylomas in women negatively affect sexual life

For women, warts are a cause for embarrassment and constant discomfort, which does not allow them to reveal their own female energy. Treatment of the disease is carried out in several stages, after which the woman undergoes a long, but mandatory rehabilitation. How to recognize condyloma in the initial stages of the disease?

Female condylomatosis

What is a condyloma? Growths formed on intimate places, look like heterogeneous warts with a "head" and a small leg. The loose structure of the neoplasm appears from a small bubble. Incubation period illness lasts from one month to a year. Depending on the patient's immunity and lifestyle, condylomatosis manifests itself a few weeks after infection. The first stages of the disease are almost asymptomatic. Notice small growths and determine their nature, a woman without medical education, will not work. How do growths manifest themselves?

There are several types of warts, striking women. The causative agent of the disease is the papillomavirus, which affects the male and female body in different ways. It is not easy to treat diseases, especially without further prevention. The immune system is unable to completely overcome the virus. The main effect of the treatment is the suppression of the virus and the elimination unpleasant symptoms. To remove the external manifestation of condylomatosis is the primary task of the attending physician and the patient.

Growths appear mainly on the mucous membrane and skin of intimate places. AT rare cases the skin around the anus can suffer from genital warts. Treatment of the disease excludes sexual intercourse of a woman. The patient is a carrier of the virus, which can pass to a healthy partner. Advanced forms of the disease are characterized acute symptoms and severe pain symptoms. The affected areas of the mucosa itch and hurt.

Differential diagnosis is made by exclusion similar diseases that cause a rash or growths on the genitals. The disease does not go away on its own, and the number of warts only increases with time. It is necessary to fight the papilloma virus immediately after the first symptoms appear. Time - chief assistant and an enemy for a woman who is trying to get rid of genital warts. How to determine the type of disease in a timely manner?

The first symptoms of genital warts may be itching in the intimate area.

External manifestation and forms of the disease

Condylomatosis occurs in women who are sexually active. One of the main sources of disease is unprotected sex and close bodily contact with a carrier of the virus. In rare cases, there is congenital condylomatosis and a disease that has been infected household way. Define accurate diagnosis can only experienced doctor who will conduct a complete examination of a woman. Additional tests will confirm the diagnosis and prescribe effective treatment. How to recognize a growth in intimate places?

Condylomatosis, like individual disease, is characterized by:

  • damage to the vagina and genital mucosa with characteristic papillomas;
  • outwardly, the growths are similar to papillae, but small in size;
  • appearance warts depends on the type and type of disease;
  • the size of condyloma rarely exceeds 2 cm in diameter;
  • most often, growths appear on the vagina, labia and around the anus.

General symptoms and the form of the disease will determine the type of condylomatosis. There are only three forms of the disease: latent, clinical and subclinical. The manifestations of genital warts differ in form. different types diseases appear in certain periods. The conditions under which the virus is actively spreading are also important.

Growths are only an external manifestation, a consequence of changes in the structure of epithelial cells. The only way to stop the spread of the virus is to complete examination the patient's body.

Condylomatosis that occurs in men grows in a completely different way. Formations are located on the head of the penis, and advanced forms of the disease are noted severe pain the patient during urination. Treatment of each form of the disease occurs in several stages, which allows you to suppress the virus and reduce its external manifestations. The diagnosis of condylomatosis is not a sentence, but only an opportunity to give own body more attention. What types of diseases are the most dangerous?

Condylomas in men also appear in the groin

Variety of genital warts in women

Condylomas in women are referred to as pointed formations. There are only 4 subtypes of growths that interfere with a woman at any age and with any lifestyle. Types of genital warts predetermine the duration of future treatment and complications that may affect the patient. Types of warts:

  • typical;
  • flat;
  • papular;
  • hyperkeratotic.

Warts can be micro (very small) or combined into multiple conglomerates. The location of individual growths in relation to each other determines the type of local therapy. A separate subspecies - wide condylomas, are formed as a result of the combination of primary and secondary neoplasms. After additional laboratory tests, the patient needs to undergo a full body examination. In women, condylomatosis is accompanied by pathologies of the uterus, vagina and external labia.

The most dangerous is uterine condylomatosis, which threatens not only the mucosa, but the entire female body. The consequences of the disease without treatment for the patient may be infertility or impaired reproductive function. Women with growths in intimate places because of pain refuse sexual contact. Over time, due to fear, the patient completely stops close relationships. Condylomatosis entails many psychological problems that also need the help of specialists.

Condylomatosis of the uterus threatens infertility

Causes of growths

What are the causes of the disease? The papillomavirus is one of the most common types of viruses on the planet. Its carriers are half of the world's population. For a long time, the virus may not appear and the patient, being confident in his own health, does not pay any attention to minor symptoms. The reasons why the virus enters the body have long been identified and studied. The disease can manifest itself only in people with weak immunity. Defense mechanisms must fight the virus and prevent its rapid development.

chronic diseases, inflammatory processes and even a lack of vitamins can trigger the development of the virus. A month, two, six months or a year after infection, the first growths appear. Against the background of weak immunity, warts grow rapidly.

The symptomatology of condylomatosis quickly passes from simple to sharp shape. It is necessary to find out the causes of malaise before the appointment. effective treatment. If the root cause of the disease is chronic diseases, they must be treated in parallel.

The reasons for infection are also simple - a person does not care about his own safety. It will not be possible to avoid infection, but to reduce the likelihood of catching the virus is within the power of each patient. The first step is to exclude the household route of infection. In no case should you use other people's personal hygiene products. Attention to the well-being of the partner will allow you to notice the first symptoms of papillomatosis before infection. Any causes can be predicted, but they cannot be completely eliminated.

The reasons for the complications of condylomatosis lie in the negligent treatment of one's own health. You can achieve a long-term remission if, for the purpose of prevention, you strengthen your own immune system and temper the body. Women Health should come first, because a woman is a mother and continuer of the family. The first signs of the disease will help to consult a doctor in a timely manner and fight back against the virus that threatens the patient.

To avoid infection with papillomavirus, you should use only your own hygiene products.

General symptoms of the disease

General symptoms are manifested in full or in part. The determining factor in the course of the disease is the condition of the woman's body. Forms of the disease occur atypically in patients with pathologies of the reproductive system. What symptoms indicate the type and form of the disease?

Primary signs of condylomatosis - good reason to consult with a specialist. Women are more open to discuss issues related to their own health, but representatives of the beautiful half of humanity often have unnecessary embarrassment. To be afraid to talk about such a problem as growths on intimate areas, not worth it. Primary Symptoms is a signal that the body sends. It is unreasonable and dangerous to delay the treatment of genital warts.

Symptoms that appear in patients with different form condylomatosis:

  • Latent period. It is very difficult to notice the symptoms of the disease. The virus enters the body, but does not manifest itself. It is possible to diagnose condylomatosis in the initial stages of the disease only by chance. During an examination of the whole body or a planned visit to the gynecologist, the patient learns an unexpected and frightening diagnosis. As long as the woman is not bothered by anything, the disease becomes clinical.
  • Symptoms appear in the third month after infection. Clinical form disease is characterized sharp deterioration the patient's condition. Small neoplasms that have appeared do not hurt and do not disturb the woman in any way. At this stage of the disease, only a doctor can distinguish genital warts from similar growths. The external manifestation of the papillomavirus resembles cauliflower or a rooster's comb. Over time, the growth increases, new warts appear around it, and warts change color. Horny layering appears in hyperkeratotic growths, but papular formations are more like ordinary warts.
  • Subclinical form of the disease. At this stage of the disease, flat warts appear, which resemble convex spots. These types of genital warts are the most difficult to diagnose. The danger of neoplasms of the subclinical form is that they can be detected only when the disease is advanced.

Symptoms of condylomatosis are difficult to miss if the disease is not treated at all for a long period. A slight itching becomes a pain that worries both day and night. It is a burden for a woman to treat the affected areas of the mucosa, and sexual life has to be completely abandoned. It is not customary to talk about problems of this kind, but condylomatosis without treatment - real threat for the female body.

Flat warts are difficult to diagnose

All symptoms get worse over time. Along with pain, there is a threat of secondary infections. Through the wounds formed after traumatism of warts, infections and bacteria enter the body. A weakened immune system is unable to withstand a new threat, and as a result, the infection quickly develops, causing new symptoms.

How to treat condylomatosis?

Treatment of condylomatosis is not carried out without determining the root cause of the disease. Infection with the virus occurs against the background of negative changes in the body of a woman. Without eliminating the causes of malaise, it will not be possible to achieve positive dynamics in the treatment. Why papillomavirus affects some women and is not dangerous to others. Protection human body lies in the structure of the body, vestibular apparatus, immunity and local defense mechanisms. healthy body works like a system.

weakened immunity after prolonged drug therapy transferred venereal infection or a sexually transmitted disease. Avitaminosis can weaken the whole body, and wrong image life to contribute to the rapid growth of neoplasms. Change hormonal background entails serious consequences and the spread of the papilloma virus. By identifying the root cause of weak immunity, the patient can begin the correct and effective treatment.

Treatment of female condylomatosis consists of several stages:

  • Medical therapy. Treatment of the papillomavirus with the help of drugs allows you to stop the disease. Without suppressing the virus, carry out further medical measures ineffective. Modern medicine offers many ways to contain the disease for years. Treatment involves prevention, which will delay the recurrence of condylomatosis.
  • Strengthening immunity and protective mechanisms of the body. Without an improvement in the state of immunity, the effect of treatment will be short-lived. The patient needs to take care of the whole body, otherwise the wounds after surgical excision will last twice as long. Weakened immunity is unable to withstand new threats, therefore taking immunomodulators is obligatory part complex therapy.
  • Proper care. Daily hygiene, especially with inflammation in intimate places, helps protect the mucosa from pathogenic microorganisms and bacteria. Non-compliance with the doctor's recommendations and neglect of personal hygiene entails aggravation of the condition of the skin and genital mucosa.
  • Removal of warts. Excision of neoplasms the only way how to get rid of growths, and relieve inflammation. Without this stage, treatment is not effective.

Drug therapy suppresses the activity of the virus

The choice of method for removing warts depends on the wishes of the patient and the degree of neglect of the disease. Removal of growths with a laser or cryodestruction will avoid the formation of scars. Scars remain only after surgical intervention. The most effective today is the freezing of warts liquid nitrogen. Moxibustion is a painful procedure that does not promise permanent results.

After removal of the neoplasm, the patient should undergo a long rehabilitation. Recovery after a laser or removal of condyloma with liquid nitrogen takes up to two weeks. After rehabilitation, a woman can return to an active sexual life. Before passing full course treatment it is better to protect the partner from possible infection papillomavirus.

It will not be possible to cure condylomatosis completely. A persistent papilloma virus can only be suppressed. The period of remission directly depends on how much effort and time a woman has invested in therapeutic measures.

Most of the procedures and therapy takes place at home. A woman's health is in her hands. The sooner she asks for help, the sooner she gets rid of the warts.

Treatment with funds traditional medicine will improve the condition of the mucosa, but is not suitable for basic therapy. Without surgical excision, genital warts cannot be eliminated. Neglect methods traditional medicine dangerous.

Condyloma, like a wart, is a symptom of the manifestation of the human papillomavirus or HPV. This is one of the types of benign neoplasms that can appear on absolutely any part of the body. In women, for example, it can be limbs, face, tongue, and even female genital organs.

According to the reviews left on the forums, sometimes warts do not cause discomfort. But in some cases, especially if they are located in the vagina or on the labia, the woman experiences severe inconvenience. How to be in such a situation?

Causes of genital warts in women

So, the main cause of genital warts is HPV. For long period time after the infection has occurred, the virus may not manifest itself in any way. But at a certain point, he begins active work.

On the initial stage changes occur at the cellular level, so it is impossible to determine them with the naked eye. But as it develops, external signs appear.

There are several factors that provoke the occurrence of genital warts.

  1. Weakened immune system. The cause of this condition can be pregnancy, the use of antibiotics in the treatment, malnutrition, cancer, severe and frequent stress.
  2. Hormonal changes.
  3. exhaustion physical strength due to childbirth.
  4. Chaotic sex life.
  5. Lack of contraception during sexual contact with an infected person.
  6. Ignoring the rules of personal hygiene.
  7. Infections that are sexually transmitted.
  8. Smoking. Tobacco not only reduces immunity, but also leads to changes in the surface layer of the cervix.
  9. Deficiency of vitamins and microelements.

The most common route of infection is unprotected intercourse (80%). And the child can become infected during childbirth, namely when passing through birth canal. Less often, infection occurs when using common household items.

Knowing where warts come from will help protect yourself and your children from this unpleasant phenomenon.

The opinion of doctors about the most effective methods of treating warts and papillomas

Describes his vision on this subject chief physician Moscow City Hospital No. 62. Anatoly Nakhimovich Makhson
Medical practice: more than 40 years.

“I have been treating papillomas and warts in people for many years. I tell you as a doctor, papillomas along with HPV and warts can really lead to serious consequences if they are not dealt with.

Everyone has human papillomavirus on whose body there are papillomas, moles, warts and other pigmented formations. According to rough estimates, 80-85% of the world's population has it. By themselves, they are not dangerous. The problem is that an ordinary papilloma can become melanoma at any time.

These are incurable malignant tumors that kill a person in just a few months and from which there is no escape.

Unfortunately, in Russia and the CIS countries, pharmacy corporations sell expensive drugs that only relieve symptoms, thereby putting people on one drug or another. That is why in these countries such a high percentage cancer and so many people suffer from "non-working" drugs.

The only drug that I want to advise, and it is also officially recommended by WHO for the treatment of papillomas and warts, is Papinol. This drug is the only remedy that has an effect not only on external factors(that is, it removes papillomas), and also acts on the virus itself. On the this moment the manufacturer managed not only to create a highly effective tool, but also to make it available to everyone. In addition, within the framework of the federal program, every resident of the Russian Federation and the CIS can receive it for 149 rubles.

Symptoms of genital warts in women

As mentioned above, at first the woman does not notice any signs of condylomatosis. The asymptomatic period can last from several months to several years. It will help to determine the presence of the disease. Symptoms appear as the disease progresses.

  1. Severe itching and burning sensation. They are felt at a time when warts are just appearing. After their formation, these unpleasant phenomena disappear.
  2. The formation of noticeable growths of pink, purple or red.
  3. Bleeding.
  4. Irritation.
  5. Pain during urination.
  6. Pain during defecation.
  7. Profuse discharge from the vagina.
  8. Bad smell.
  9. Blood after intercourse.

If condyloma appeared in the epithelial layer, discomfort she won't call. Otherwise, you will have to face severe discomfort.

Many representatives of the weaker sex are interested in the question: are such neoplasms dangerous? The answer is yes and it is easy to explain.

  1. First, any benign neoplasm with certain conditions can turn into malignant tumor. This process is called malignancy. Almost all types of condylomas are subject to it.
  2. Secondly, neoplasms are a sign of a decrease in the protective functions of the body. In addition, warts themselves affect the immune system. A person not only suffers from colds more often, but can also easily become infected with infections.
  3. And thirdly, work is disrupted internal organs. This is especially true of genital warts. They increase in size and over time occupy an increasing surface area. As a result, neighboring organs lose the ability to function normally.

What do warts look like? This growth is no larger than 2 cm. It is formed by cells of the papillary epithelial layer of the skin or mucous membrane.

It is worth noting that HPV has several forms. They differ from each other in terms of symptoms and appearance.

  1. latent form. The virus is sleeping. Its presence can be detected only during planned diagnostic measures.
  2. Clinical. The first warts appear. They can be single or multiple. This stage is characterized by the appearance of hyperkeratotic and papular growths.
  3. Subclinical. The main symptom is the formation of flat warts.

Flat and pointed formations are most common. Each type has its own characteristics.

  1. Acute warts can be found in the area of ​​the labia, near the vagina or anus, on the cervix. They can be red, purple or pink. Such warts bring with them pain and a lot of inconvenience.
  2. Flat. Affect the vagina and cervix. Almost invisible, which is great danger. This type of growths has a rather high risk of degeneration into a malignant tumor. Therefore, when the first unpleasant symptoms appear, it is necessary to take tests and start treatment as soon as possible.

A separate species is the wide condylomas of Bushke-Levenshtein. They are distinguished fast growth destruction of surrounding tissues, sticky discharge. Such a neoplasm rarely becomes malignant.

Condylomas in women in the urethra and on the genitals

As mentioned above, warts most often form on the genitals. They are also found in the intermediary region, in anus, in the vulva, inside the vagina.

The causes of neoplasms on the genitals are the same as in other cases:

  • promiscuity;
  • chronic skin diseases;
  • severe stress;
  • malnutrition;
  • unfavorable heredity;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • various infections.

Condylomas in the groin and in intimate places most often appear between the ages of 16 and 25 and from 35 to 40. It is during these years that a strong hormonal surge is observed in the female body.

be careful

The presence of papillomas, warts, warts, moles and spines on the body is the first sign of malignant melanoma!

We hasten to warn you, most medicines "treat" warts, papillomas, moles, etc. - this is a complete deception of marketers who wind up hundreds of percent on drugs whose effectiveness is zero. They do not cure the disease, but only mask the symptoms.

The pharmacy mafia earns a lot of money by deceiving sick people.

But what to do? How to be treated if there is deceit everywhere? Doctor medical sciences Anatoly Makhson held own investigation and found a way out of this situation. AT this article The doctor also told how to 100% protect yourself from melanoma, for only 149 rubles!
Read the article in the official source on link.

Warts in pregnant women

During pregnancy, the body future mother undergoing great changes. The most serious of them are hormonal disbalance and weakening of the immune system. It is these factors that provoke the development of HPV.

Warts do not have any effect on the fetus in the womb. However, when they appear, it is necessary to visit a doctor regularly, since infection of the child may occur during childbirth. The specialist will monitor their condition and the health of the woman herself.

Treatment of genital warts in women

Which doctor deals with the treatment of genital warts? This is a venereologist. It is he who determines how to treat the pathology and draws up a treatment regimen. He also decides whether to take medications or use folk remedies at home.

Attention! It is strictly forbidden to self-medicate, increase or decrease the dosage of medicines or prolong the course of treatment. This can lead to tragic consequences.

If warts cause severe discomfort, then treatment must begin with their removal. This can be done with the help of some cosmetic procedures.

  1. Laser therapy. Pretty efficient procedure. The growth seems to be evaporating. A crust remains in its place. It is not worth tearing it off, because in a few days it will fall off on its own. Benefits this method treatments are mass availability, simplicity, preservation of surrounding tissues.
  2. Radiosurgery. The procedure takes approximately 30 minutes. At this time, a beam of radio waves is directed to the condyloma, which painlessly and quickly copes with the neoplasm.
  3. Thermocoagulation. The growth is affected high temperatures. The treatment is quite painful, so the patient is given local anesthesia.
  4. Chemolysis. This is the removal of warts with the help of special chemicals. They destroy its structure, which contributes to the complete cleansing of the skin. One of the substances used is nitric acid.
  5. Cryodestruction. The growths are removed with liquid nitrogen. Under the influence of low temperature, they are destroyed from the inside. This method of therapy is characterized by low cost and high efficiency. It is better to carry out the procedure in a medical institution. With inept use of the product on healthy skin, burns can form.

If the listed methods of treatment have not brought results, the doctor may decide to remove warts surgically.

The procedures performed do not guarantee complete cure. The virus can manifest itself again and again, so there is a need for the use of antiviral drugs. These can be ointments for warts, suppositories for HPV, tablets, injection solutions.

Most often, several types of drugs are used.

  1. Viferon. Produced in the form of cream / ointment / suppositories. The drug does not exist in tablets or in liquid form, since it will be ineffective in this way.
  2. Altevir. It inhibits the reproduction of cancer cells, thereby preventing the degeneration of benign neoplasms into malignant ones. Strengthens protective functions organism, causing the formation needed by the body enzymes and cytotoxins. The drug is administered in three ways: under the skin, intravenously, intramuscularly. The duration of the course of treatment and dosage is determined by the attending physician. The injection is carried out once every 7 days.
  3. Roferon A. Contains synthetic interferon, similar in structure to human. Takes an active part in strengthening the immune system. "Teaches" the body to properly respond to the invasion viral cells: complete destruction of the virus or neutralization of individual infected cells. Plus, the drug inhibits the reproduction of cancer cells, thereby preventing tumors from appearing.

In order for the treatment to be as effective as possible, it is necessary to strictly follow all the doctor's prescriptions. Otherwise, the condition will only worsen.

So, warts that appear on the female genital organs can be very dangerous. This is especially true in cases where the risk of developing cancer is increased. That is why it is important not only to conduct regular diagnostic measures, but also consult a doctor immediately after the first unpleasant symptoms are detected.

When warts are found in women, treatment should be prescribed by a doctor. without timely and adequate therapy complications may develop. As a result of constant friction against the fabric of underwear, warts are injured and disappear. In their place, bleeding sores appear, which are easily infected and suppurated. Over time, the growths become more and more. Formations similar to cauliflower inflorescences spread to healthy areas of the skin. A progressive disease can cause a sharp decline immunity. Some types of human papillomavirus, which is the cause of genital warts, can provoke the degeneration of cells into malignant ones.

After consulting a doctor, examining and determining the strain of the virus, they are prescribed medical preparations:


Kondilin is often used to treat genital warts. medicinal product is a 0.5% solution of podophyllotoxin. At topical application it causes the death of growth cells and its destruction. A woman can treat warts on her own in accessible places. Medicine Sold in a bottle with a convenient plastic applicator. Using the applicator, the substance is carefully applied to all neoplasms. Plots with healthy skin should be protected from drug ingress.

If there are too many genital warts, no more than 50 pieces are processed at a time. The area of ​​contact with Kondylin should not exceed 10 cm². The first time you apply the drug should be a doctor or nurse. Health workers will teach the patient how to handle warts on her own.

After applying the product, you need to lie down for a while, allowing the substance to dry. If it spreads to healthy areas, irritation and sores may occur on them. The procedure is repeated 2 times a day for 3 days. After 4 days, the course of treatment is repeated. General period application of Kondilin should not exceed 5 weeks. It should not be taken at the same time as medicines containing active ingredient podophyllotoxin.


The remedy for genital warts Solcoderm is a mixture of concentrated acids. It contains the following ingredients: nitric (70%), acetic (99%), lactic (90%) and oxalic acids, as well as copper nitrate. Immediately after treatment, the surface of the build-up is painted in yellow, and its tissues are mummified. It is important to prevent the aggressive substance from getting on healthy skin tissues. It is forbidden to apply the product yourself. The probability of contact of Solcoderm with healthy skin is very high.

Condylomas in women are treated by a doctor or nurse using a glass applicator or capillary. After the procedure, you must wait for the preparation to dry. For 1 procedure, you cannot process an area exceeding 4-5 If the removal of condyloma was not effective, re-treatment is carried out in a month.

After applying the substance, a woman may feel pain and burning. Later, hyperpigmentation spots or scars may appear at the site of the removed growths.

Treatment of warts with ointments

For the elimination of genital warts appoint Salicylic ointment(3% or 5%). It contains salicylic acid. Prolonged exposure to acid on neoplasm tissues causes their atrophy, softening and rejection.

Ointment from genital warts causes severe irritation healthy areas of the skin. To protect them from getting ointment, it is recommended to use a patch. A hole is cut out in it, the shape and size of which coincides with condyloma. The patch is glued to the skin so that the growth is in the hole.

The best result from treatment with salicylic ointment is observed in cases where the drug is applied for several hours. It is recommended to treat warts in women at bedtime. Do not rub the substance into the skin tissue. After applying the product to the affected area, you need to apply a bandage.

Salicylic ointment is applied 1 time in 2 days for a month. After treatment, warts disappear without a trace.


The drug Viferon contains human recombinant interferon alpha-2, tocopherol acetate (vitamin E) and peach oil. Interferon causes an increase in local immunity and has an antiviral effect. Tocopherol acetate has a regenerating effect. Peach oil stimulates metabolic reactions in the skin.

Viferon can be applied independently at home. Warts cover thin layer drug 3-4 times a day. The course of treatment is from 5 to 7 days. You can increase the effectiveness of treatment by using Viferon preparations in 2 forms at once: ointment and suppositories.

Effective home treatment with Oxolinic ointment. The antiviral properties of the drug are used to remove genital warts. Oxolinic ointment inhibits the growth and reproduction of viruses.

The application of the drug with a concentration of oxolin 3% is recommended to start with nearby healthy skin areas. Last processed central part growth. The ointment does not cause irritation of the mucous membrane, after its application, scars do not remain.

Apply the ointment 2-3 times a day, gently spreading it over the skin, but without rubbing. A bandage is applied on top. The course of treatment can last from 2 weeks to 2 months.

Tablet preparations

Treatment of genital warts in women is often carried out with the help of tableted antiviral agents. Drugs are prescribed in the presence of extensive lesions or large neoplasms, combined with drugs local action.

Alpizarin. The antiviral drug contains a specific substance plant origin mangiferin. It is received in the course of processing of a grass of the Alpine kopeck and mango leaves. Alpizarin inhibits the reproduction of viruses. Its maximum effectiveness is observed at the initial stage of the disease. Take the medicine three times a day. Removal of genital warts can take from 5 days to 2 weeks.

Cycloferon. Thanks to high content interferons, Cycloferon has a powerful immunomodulatory property. It also has a pronounced antiviral action.

Cycloferon is prescribed when a virus is detected with high risk oncogenicity. Its anti-carcinogenic properties inhibit the development and reproduction of dangerous pathogens, and also prevent cell degeneration. The drug is taken according to a special scheme, which is determined by the attending physician.

Acyclovir. The strongest antiviral drug has an immunostimulating effect. Acyclovir interacts with affected cells and breaks their connection with viruses. In this case, human cells are not damaged. The medicine is taken several times a day. Treatment may take several weeks.

Likopid is an immunostimulating drug. It increases the effectiveness of other means with which it is taken in combination. Studies have confirmed that the use of Likopid allows the body to defend itself against infections and prevent cell regeneration. The drug is taken daily for 2 weeks. If necessary, the course of treatment is extended after a week break.

Isoprinosine. Active ingredient Isoprinosine is an animal product of inosine pranobex. The tool has antiviral and immunomodulatory properties. It enhances the effect of other antiviral drugs. Drink the drug several times a day after meals for a month. In order for the removal of genital warts to be effective, the course of treatment is repeated twice more with a break of a month.

Isoprinosine should be taken with plenty of water. Doing so will speed up your recovery.

Removal of genital warts folk remedies

Excellent results in the treatment of genital warts gives celandine.

Neoplasms are cauterized with fresh juice of a plant or its alcohol tincture. It is recommended to extract juice from the lower part of the plant. In this place, the juice is especially concentrated.

To prepare the tincture, the stems of the plant are crushed in a meat grinder, placed in cheesecloth and squeezed out of them. It is diluted with vodka in a ratio of 1: 1.

Removal of genital warts with celandine must be carried out very carefully, without touching healthy areas. It is better to ask a relative or health worker to apply the remedy.

Effectively cleanses the skin with garlic juice. It is squeezed out of finely crushed cloves of the plant. Juice is applied pointwise several times a day. At night, you can make an application. To protect healthy tissue, it is recommended to use a patch with a cut-out hole.

Warts in women can be removed with gruel from crushed raw potatoes. It is applied to the affected areas at night for 2 months.

Helps get rid of growths soaked in vinegar onion. It is applied to the affected areas at night.

Before treating warts folk remedies you need to consult your doctor. The use of traditional medicines can be harmful to health.

And genital warts in women are growths that have formed in the area of ​​​​the external genital organs and the anus. main reason This disease, called condylomatosis, is the human papillomavirus. Pathogen dangerous possible development cervical cancer.

Causes and signs of pathology in women

What are the causes of genital warts in women and how they are transmitted? In most cases, the virus enters the body during unprotected intercourse, regardless of the form of execution. In this case, the sexual partner may simply be a carrier of the virus and not have specific manifestations on the body.

Facilitate the penetration of HPV into the body and factors such as:

  • neglect of the rules of personal hygiene;
  • trauma to the skin and mucous membranes;
  • nervous strain, accompanied by stress;
  • bad habits;
  • regular lack of sleep/malnutrition;
  • hormonal changes;
  • freezing or overheating of the body.

In each case, condylomatosis manifests itself in different ways. Clinical picture, that is, the symptoms of genital warts in women are very diverse. The onset of the disease is characterized by the appearance of reddish growths, the size of which can vary from a few millimeters to tens of centimeters if they grow and merge.

Genital are usually observed in places of friction during sexual contact. Favorite places for the localization of the virus are:

The photo may be different manifestations pointed in women (look on the Internet).

The lack of timely therapy for the manifestations of papillomavirus is fraught with the transformation of single formations into arrays of warts, similar to cauliflower or cockscomb. In this case, the disease is diagnosed as confluent genital warts.

In addition to physical discomfort, they can cause women and psychological problems. An inferiority complex can develop when warts on the genitals cause a feeling of disgust in a partner. And when they grow together around the vulva, they also interfere with sexual intercourse.

How to remove warts: modern hardware methods

Despite the painlessness of neoplasms, in general they are very unpleasant in appearance and interfere with a full-fledged intimate life. Therefore, when growths appear in the perineum, it is better to get rid of them through hardware exposure.

1. Yes, thanks to cryodestruction female body is released from genital warts due to exposure to low-temperature liquid nitrogen, cooled to 196 degrees. Due to its painlessness, the procedure does not require anesthesia.

2. Cauterization of genital warts electric shock high frequency is known as electrocoagulation. The procedure is painful, so on the eve of it, patients are offered the introduction of anesthetics. Also, after cauterization, scars may remain.

3. During laser treatment spiky, women may experience mild pain. But the manipulation is carried out very quickly and does not cause bleeding and scarring.

4. The radiosurgical technique for influencing warts involves irradiating them with high-frequency radio waves. Although the procedure is expensive, it is very effective - the healing of the treated area occurs over the next day.

5. Chemical removal of genital warts in women provides for loyal treatment. To carry out the manipulation, the specialist selects special medicinal substances that destroy tissue growths.

The development of a precancerous condition is the most dangerous consequence appearance of genital warts. The provoking factor in this case the accumulation of papillomavirus in the tissues surrounding condylomas acts.

Conservative and alternative treatment of genital warts

Conservative therapy for condylomatosis involves the use of pharmaceutical products causing necrotic changes in tissues.

These include:

  • Podophyllotoxin, Kondiline Nycomed - they are applied twice a day with a special applicator attached to the drug. Between applications, it is important to maintain a 12-hour interval. After a 3-day treatment, they take a break for four days and continue treatment until the warts are completely eliminated.
  • Treatment of warts with Imiquimod - 5% cream, is carried out for a week. Problem areas of the body are lubricated at night, and washed in the morning warm water with soap. The maximum period of use of the cream is 16 weeks.
  • Interferon is a drug for internal and external use, injected intramuscularly or used to lubricate genital warts. His side effects are the symptoms inherent in the flu: worsening general well-being, headaches, chills, etc. But at the same time, the effectiveness of treatment with Interferon remains high and surpasses other methods of external exposure.

Before prescribing treatment, the doctor must differentiate condylomatosis from syphilis with skin changes, molluscum contagiosum and symmetrical micropapillomatosis.

You can get rid of the manifestation of papillomavirus by resorting to a folk recipe.

1. Healers advise rubbing warts on the genitals with celandine juice and applying garlic and onion compresses to them at night. To avoid burns of the surrounding skin, it is necessary to apply vegetable plates to the growths, cut in accordance with the size of the neoplasms.

2. Flatten spiky women the egg will help. For treatment, they take protein and lubricate the growths with it.

3. Effective in home treatment and onion compresses. The remedy is prepared by soaking the vegetable in vinegar, and then applied warmly to the warts overnight. In total, 7 such procedures must be carried out.

Genital warts are small growths infectious nature on the skin in the genital area. They are a manifestation of a disease that is transmitted mainly through sexual contact. Outside the medical field, they are called genital or genital warts. What causes their appearance and how to get rid of genital warts, we will discuss in the article.


Genital genital warts are a manifestation of papillomavirus infection (PVI), in particular, the HPV-6 and HPV-11 virus. Infection occurs during sexual intercourse through injured skin or mucous membrane.

Most carriers of the virus do not suffer from clinical manifestations, but they easily become a viral reservoir for their healthy partner without even knowing it. The disease is not sexually selective. Both men and women are at risk, but females clinical manifestations more visible.


In addition to the sexual route of transmission, PVI is characterized by a contact route and a vertical one (from mother to child during labor activity). Statistics show that 80% of women are infected already a few years after the onset of sexual activity.

Genital warts appear after about a few months. The manifest period can be delayed up to 9-12 months from the moment of infection. Some types of virus can cause the development of malignant neoplasms. However, not all variations are so aggressive. It all depends on the strain of papillomavirus and the human immune system.

The clinical picture of infection

Genital wart (genital wart) is considered an exophytic form, that is, protruding above the surface of the skin or mucous membrane. Favorite locations:

  • Cervix;
  • walls of the vagina;
  • vulva;
  • crotch;
  • anal area.

Genital warts in women like to be located on the small and large labia, clitoris, external opening of the urethra.

Visual characteristics and colposcopic examination make it possible to diagnose three main types of growths, although they are united by the term "spiky":

  • papillary;
  • papular;
  • actually pointed.

The formations of all three groups have a different appearance, but the same structure and growth characteristics. The value can vary from little speck to an extensive tumor with spiky growths. have light or dark color(brown and even black).

Genital warts, photos of which can be seen on specialized sites and pages of educational literature, may not bother an infected person at all. In other patients, discomfort appears, however, mainly due to a violation of the aesthetic appearance. Patients complain of anxiety, guilt, complexes, decreased self-esteem, anxiety due to the fact that they may have problems with the birth of children or malignancy.

During sexual contact, the skin and mucous membranes are easily injured, which causes the appearance of pain syndrome, itching, burning, bleeding.

Should I abstain from sexual activity?

Until genital warts are healed and completely disappear, experts recommend abstaining from sexual intercourse (including oral and anal). Using a condom as protection against infection will not work, since direct contact with the partner's skin is an important link, and this is a fairly large area.

Disease differentiation

Genital warts (genital warts) should be differentiated from wide papilloma, dermatitis, psoriasis, polyp, cancerous tumor, hypertrophied sebaceous glands.

What is the differentiation Features
molluscum contagiosumThe wart has a curdled content and retraction in the center
Syphilitic wide wartsThey have a flat shape, pink-red color, dense
Squamous papillomasOutgrowths of connective tissue that do not fuse with each other. Cytology determines the presence of normal squamous epithelium
PsoriasisPlaques protrude above the skin, covered with rough scales
Allergic dermatitisThe protrusions protrude slightly above the skin, merge with each other, have a pink tint. After the use of antihistamines disappear or sharply decrease
Fibroepithelial polypCharacterized by the absence of atypical vascular arrangement
Papular penis necklace in menThe presence of individual papules located near the frenulum or along the circumference of the penis, each up to 2 mm in diameter
Eversion of the mucous membrane of the urethraManifestations are localized only near the external opening, the condition is normalized after the use of creams with estrogen
Oncological diseasesConfirmed by cytological examination

Diagnostic measures

The doctor conducts a visual assessment, determining the following characteristics of genital warts:

  • color;
  • amount;
  • localization;
  • form;
  • dimensions;
  • merging with each other.

If genital warts are located in the urethra, vagina, or anus, ureteroscopy, colposcopy, or anoscopy, respectively, is performed. AT exceptional cases use a biopsy - in the presence of pathological pigmentation, atypical form, recurrent growths, the presence of ulcers, necrosis, complicated diagnosis.

To clarify the diagnosis, a test with a 5% solution is carried out. acetic acid. To do this, a liquid is applied to a medical napkin and applied to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bformations for 5 minutes. Confirmation will be if the warts become whitish.


Scientists have proven that the PVI clinic is accompanied by changes in general and local immunity, which suggest the activation of the virus. This leads to uncontrolled prescription of immunopreparations. The use of the latter is unreasonable, their effectiveness is not confirmed by data obtained in clinical trials.

Experts argue that more attention should be paid to provoking factors and deal with their appearance. These include:

  • STD;
  • frequent change of partners;
  • bad habits, especially smoking;
  • menstrual irregularities.

Removal of genital warts

Treatment of genital warts depends on their morphological characteristics, size, location, number, age, presence of pregnancy. Traditional Methods fight against genital warts:

  1. Cryodestruction - the affected area is treated with liquid nitrogen. The procedure is repeated every few weeks until all growths disappear. May cause skin pigmentation disorders.
  2. Laser destruction - doctors use non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation, which allows you to selectively act on the affected area without touching the surrounding tissues.
  3. Electrocoagulation is a less gentle procedure, but it has best result. The operated area heals quickly, but anesthesia is required.
  4. Argon plasma ablation - the action of the energy of the electromagnetic field with the help of a torch of argon plasma. Causes heating and coagulation of the tissue.
  5. Mechanical removal of genital warts with a scalpel and medical scissors using local anesthesia.

The choice of treatment method is carried out jointly by the doctor and the patient.

Medical therapy

Efficiency local preparations based on their ability to cause necrosis and

"Kondilin" is a drug with antimycotic and cytostatic effects. The agent blocks the reproduction of cells at the metaphase stage. Application to the area of ​​genital warts causes the development of necrosis and mummification of the latter.

The kit comes with special applicators that allow you to collect the solution and apply it in such a way as to protect the surrounding tissues from contact. The tool processes no more than 50 outgrowths at a time. The course of treatment - twice a day for 3 days.

"Solcoderm" - a mixture of acids (acetic, nitric, oxalic, lactic) and copper nitrate in the form of a solution. It is applied to the infected area with an applicator, coloring it yellow. Processing is carried out medical worker. If necessary, the procedure is repeated after a month.

In the treatment of medium and large papillomas, Imiquimod is used, a cream that allows the immune system to fight the pathogen. Apply three times a week at bedtime, and wash off in the morning with warm water and soap. The result is noticeable after a few weeks of treatment.

Efficient and safe remedy during pregnancy. Violates protein synthesis in pathological growths, causing their death. The drug is a concentrate and may cause a burning sensation at the site of application, but it disappears quickly enough.

Gel and ointment "Viferon" have not only antiviral, but also immunostimulating effect. They are prescribed in combination with other drugs to enhance the result of therapy. The product is applied up to 5 times a day for a week.

The use of any of the drugs requires consultation with a specialist. Self-medication in this case is not allowed.

Preventive measures

Compliance with the following rules will prevent the appearance of genital warts and PVI infection:

  • monogamous sexual relations;
  • avoiding contact with strangers;
  • strengthening the immune system;
  • the introduction of the quadrivalent vaccine "Gardasil", which not only protects against papillomavirus, but also is the prevention of cervical cancer.

It should be remembered that it is impossible to completely cure the disease. and the use of medications can eliminate local manifestations but the virus remains in the body. Preventing infection will not only save budget and fortune nervous system but also health in general.

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