Alcohol tinctures, general information, preparation of tinctures. Propolis on alcohol: what helps, medicinal properties and contraindications

An amazing beekeeping product - propolis has extraordinary properties that have not been fully studied. It's bee glue. The extract collected from the buds of trees is converted by bees, thanks to enzymes, into an excellent building material. It is rich in vitamins, sucrose, trace elements. Since ancient times, people have considered propolis a miraculous remedy sent by the Gods. Propolis on alcohol is especially useful. From what a natural product helps, we will tell in our selection.

Propolis on alcohol - useful and medicinal properties

bee product:

  • disinfects;
  • regenerates;
  • fights bacteria;
  • neutralizes poisons;
  • eliminates inflammatory foci;
  • copes with skin diseases;
  • strengthens the immune system.

And it is also a very good antioxidant agent, it has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, promotes regeneration and healing of wounds.

Another amazing feature of the substance is not to lose its properties when heated, frozen. Since it is not always easy to use a fresh beekeeping product due to its dense structure, it is made soft, only not in water and not by heating, but by dissolving in alcohol. At the same time, bee glue reveals all its wonderful properties, enhancing the effectiveness of treatment.

How to make propolis tincture on your own?

This miracle cure made from bee glue is a must have in your first aid kit. Try to make it at home. To do this, grind propolis and fill it with water. Everything that does not need to float up, it must be poured out, and the pure propolis should be dried. Thus, ordinary water helped cleanse the propolis, and alcohol or vodka helped dissolve it.

There are two most common ways to prepare the tincture.

  • The first option involves taking ten grams of propolis, placing it in 100 ml of medical alcohol (70%) and heating the mixture to 50 degrees. Stir well, do not let it boil, remove from heat. Then pass through any filter - rag, gauze, cotton wool, pour into a glass vial and keep in a dark place for a week. When cooled, it loses its properties.
  • The second method is easier, but will take more time. 10 grams of propolis pour 100 mg of alcohol or vodka. Use only glass containers. Place the mixture in a warm place, protected from light, for a couple of weeks. Shake the mixture twice daily. After the time has passed, strain and start drinking. In the future, store in a dark cool place.

Application efficiency:

  • treatment of digestive problems - ulcers, hepatitis, pancreatitis;
  • bone pathologies, problems with teeth;
  • cardiovascular diseases, disorders of the vegetative-vascular system;
  • thrombosis, hemorrhoids, atherosclerosis, rheumatism;
  • treatment of pathologies of the respiratory system, including sinusitis, pneumonia, tuberculosis, asthma, diphtheria, and so on;
  • treatment of impotence, fibroids, prostatitis, cervical erosion, mastopathy, sexually transmitted infections;
  • skin diseases, as well as burns, calluses, allergies, psoriasis;
  • treatment of acute and chronic colitis.

This is not a complete list of those problems that can be solved with the help of propolis. It is usually taken drop by drop: from 20 to 60 drops, dissolved in half a glass of warm milk, tea or water. It is necessary to drink a healing tincture always before meals.

We must not forget that bee products can cause allergies. Therefore, it is necessary to start treatment with small doses.

To boost immunity

Propolis enriches the human body with many useful vitamins and minerals, thereby strengthening the immune system. It can be eaten with honey or simply chewed to strengthen teeth. The use of propolis tincture is indicated during the period of diseases, when immunity is reduced.

To boost your immunity you need:

  1. Eat propolis mixed with honey - a teaspoon three times a day.
  2. Drink tea or juice with propolis tincture at the rate of 20 drops per 20 ml of liquid. One hour before meals twice a day.
  3. Chew propolis one hour before meals in small pieces.

During the treatment period, smoking and drinking alcohol should be avoided.

Treatment of the stomach with propolis on alcohol

Propolis is able to eliminate the symptoms of many stomach problems such as nausea, heartburn, and pain. It fights gastritis and gastric and duodenal ulcers, dysbacteriosis and flatulence, and has a positive effect on oncological lesions of the digestive organ.

Usually, a cup of warm milk is given three times a day with 20% alcohol propolis diluted in it in the amount of 60 drops. It should be taken 1-1.5 hours before a meal for 18-20 days. If necessary, the course is repeated after one to two weeks.

The strictest observance of a dosage! Overdoses can reduce appetite, reduce vitality.

For colds

Ideally helps with any respiratory viral infections, due to the fact that it destroys bacteria and viruses. It helps to quickly cope with the flu, as well as bronchitis, sinusitis, rhinitis. In addition to its antibacterial and antiviral properties, propolis also has an immunomodulatory effect.

Among the folk recipes for beauty and health, you can find many highly effective ones that really help people cope with many diseases. A separate milestone in the history of medicine is treatment with the use of bee products. Use honey, honeycomb partitions, bee venom. The most effective means include propolis, a substance with unique properties.

Propolis is a bioactive bee product. It can be used for treatment in its pure form. But folk healers advise to master the ability to make alcohol tinctures, they are the most effective. And how to make propolis tincture on vodka at home, what is needed for this and how to use the medicine correctly?

Propolis tincture on vodka can be easily made at home

This substance is essentially bee glue (or "bond"). For the life of the bee family, this substance plays a very important role.. In particular, with the help of the bee bond:

  1. Clog the letok for the winter.
  2. The combs are processed before laying eggs.
  3. A foreign object that accidentally got into the hive is disinfected so that it does not cause infection of the bee family.
  4. Glue cracks and cracks in a wooden beehive. By this, insects achieve the preservation of an optimally comfortable temperature in the home, which prevents the appearance of possible drafts.

Propolis plays a huge role in the life of bees

Without propolis, life in the hive would be simply impossible. And it is this beekeeping product that is the most valuable and healing. This increased attention is easily explained. After all, this substance has a large number of useful compounds. In particular:

  • 50% organic acids, esters and flavonoids;
  • 30% wax compounds;
  • 10% aromatic and essential oils;
  • 5% flower pollen.

The unique and beneficial properties of propolis have not yet been fully studied; large-scale studies of this bioactive substance are also being carried out by modern scientists.

Due to the uniqueness and balance of the composition, propolis is considered a highly valuable material. Especially effective bee glue in the fight against viruses, fungi and bacteria. Medicines made on the basis of propolis are actively used not only in folk, but also in classical medicine. It has already been established that propolis is a powerful immunostimulant, anti-inflammatory agent and disinfectant.

What is useful vodka tincture

Before proceeding with the manufacture of this miracle remedy, you should find out what propolis on vodka helps with. A variety of effective products are created from bee glue: extracts, essences, gels, ointments, pastes and creams. But according to the healers, the most effective is propolis tincture on vodka, the recipe and application of which is easy to implement at home.

Propolis is actively used in traditional therapy

Among the unhealthy situations and pathological conditions that the medicine successfully copes with, the following can be distinguished:

  • inflammation of the joints;
  • urinary diseases;
  • fight against fungal infections;
  • deterioration of the nervous system;
  • restoration of hormonal imbalance;
  • problems with the circulatory and cardiac system;
  • infections of the gastrointestinal tract and digestive system;
  • dysfunction of the reproductive system;
  • prevention and arrest of the growth of malignant cells;
  • neutralization of toxic compounds in the body, stonecrop from poisons of internal systems.

In addition to health and medical therapy, propolis tincture can also be taken as an anesthetic, antiseptic. For example, with toothaches (a cotton swab is impregnated with a drug and placed on the affected area). Propolis is also good as a prevention of seasonal colds.

Features of alcohol medicine

To prepare a healing agent based on bee glue, you can use medical alcohol. If it is not at hand, moonshine and good quality vodka are also successfully used. It should be remembered that preparing a medicine for alcohol requires more time (compared to infusion with water). But such a tool will be stored much longer.

Propolis is effective in a variety of cases

Propolis prepared with alcohol should not be taken undiluted for treatment - in such a situation it can cause severe burns of the oral mucosa and larynx. It is forbidden to use alcohol tincture in the following cases:

  • childhood;
  • diseases of the biliary tract;
  • stone-renal pathology;
  • with severe pathologies of the liver and kidneys;
  • pregnancy and lactation period;
  • allergy to bee products and ethanol.

Experts advise using vodka for making propolis tinctures on their own. These recipes are easier to follow. And the final product will not be as concentrated, and, therefore, easier to use.

The quality of raw materials is the main condition

But before learning how to prepare propolis tincture on vodka at home, it is worth preparing the main ingredient of the infusion - bee glue. It needs only the highest quality and freshest. Of course, this is not difficult for owners of their own apiaries, otherwise you can go on a visit to a beekeeping fair or market.

Propolis is a rather high cost product, one of the most valuable. For this reason, it is often counterfeited or various foreign ingredients are added to increase weight.

Propolis bees collect and produce from the spring buds of trees

In order not to make a mistake in choosing and purchase the freshest and highest quality product, you should pay attention (when buying) to a number of specific nuances. Namely:

  1. Color. In high-quality bee glue, the color can vary from dark ocher to deep brown with a noticeable admixture of greenery.
  2. Aroma. Good propolis smells pleasantly of young tree buds. The smell is slightly tart and gives off thick honey.
  3. Density. Be sure to feel the purchased glue in your hands. It is better to stock up on such propolis, which, when pressed, feels plastic and elastic, and fingers leave visible traces after pressing. This is indicative of fresh glue, with prolonged storage it loses elasticity and most of its useful qualities.
  4. Taste. Try chewing on a small piece of the substance. When chewing, bitterness should be felt, and after a while - a noticeable burning sensation.

When buying, also rub a piece of propolis between your fingers. It is better to refuse to purchase the product if after this procedure any inclusions remain on the fingers or a distinct chemical smell is felt. And, of course, it is better to buy propolis from a trusted and familiar beekeeper.

How to insist propolis on vodka: a recipe

Before proceeding directly to the cooking process itself, bee glue should be prepared. That is, completely remove all extraneous and unnecessary impurities from the raw material. To do this, the product is frozen for 3-4 hours, and then rubbed into small chips with a grater. The resulting mass must be poured with chilled (ideally ice) water and left for 10-15 minutes.

This time is enough for a good, high-quality product to sink to the bottom. It must be used to prepare medicine. The rest of the water with floating particles, flakes, impurities can be poured out - it is not needed. Propolis shavings are dried (preferably in the fresh air) and proceed to the manufacture of the drug.

The most important thing in the manufacture of tincture is to use good and high-quality raw materials.

First cooking method (quick)

  1. We heat vodka (only good quality) in a water bath to + 45–50⁰С.
  2. Without removing from heating, carefully add the prepared propolis at the rate of 100 g of raw materials per 500 ml of alcohol.
  3. We heat the product until the bee glue is completely dissolved, not forgetting to stir regularly. Remember that the mass should not be brought to a boil.
  4. As soon as all the propolis is dissolved, remove the product from the heat and filter through cotton pads or gauze folded in several layers.
  5. The finished medicine is cooled to the usual room temperature and carefully poured into bottles. It is better to store the medicine in a cool place in dark opaque glass vessels.

The second cooking method (long)

  1. Mix immediately (without heating) in a dark glass container vodka and prepared propolis in the same proportion (100 g of bee glue per half liter of alcohol).
  2. Close the jar (or bottle) tightly and store it in a cool and dark room.
  3. The mass is infused for 2–2.5 weeks, while the tincture must be shaken every day.
  4. Filter the finished medicine and pour into opaque bottles.

The third cooking method (on calamus)

  1. Mix one crushed calamus root and propolis (80 g).
  2. Heat the mass in a water bath until the wax particles dissolve (about half an hour). When heating, the mass should be constantly stirred.
  3. Add vodka (in this recipe it is better to use moonshine) in the amount of a liter.
  4. Pour the medicine into an opaque glass container and send for infusion. Store the drug should be in a dark but warm place.
  5. Throughout the exposure period (it is about 15 days), the mass must be constantly mixed. It is better to do this 5-6 times a day.
  6. Filter the finished drug and bottle it. It should be stored in a cool place.

Homemade tincture of propolis and vodka can be successfully preserved for 2.5–3 years. But experts advise not to store it for so long and make fresh every year.. Well, if for some reason it was not possible to prepare the tincture on your own, it can also be purchased ready-made - at any pharmacy.

How to use it wisely

Propolis tincture can be used both internally and externally. When using the medicine internally, you should drink a tincture diluted in clean water (10-50 drops per 200 ml of water). The volume depends on the initial state and severity of the disease.

Propolis tincture should be taken depending on the underlying disease

When treating with an external method, the drug can be used in its pure (undiluted) form in the following ways:

  • irrigation;
  • compresses;
  • rinsing;
  • rubbing;
  • wet bandages.

The method of internal and external application of propolis tincture may vary slightly. It depends on the nuances of the disease. For example:

  1. With a stomach ulcer. Dissolve 20-30 drops of tincture in milk (200 ml) and drink three times a day. The medicine is taken 1.5 hours after eating.
  2. With osteochondrosis. Compresses are used (experts advise using an infusion with the inclusion of calamus root in the ingredients). It is better not to use a pure tincture with such a diagnosis, but dilute it with water by 1/3 (this is especially true for the treatment of elderly patients).
  3. With angina. Tincture is used as a rinse or irrigation of a sore throat. To prepare the solution, dissolve 10-15 ml of infusion in water (200 ml). Rinse or irrigate should be 2-3 times daily.

Let's summarize

Bee glue - a unique creation of hardworking bees, will help a person to quickly cope with a wide variety of diseases. A healing potion can be easily made on your own. But do not forget about the existing contraindications. And in any case, before starting therapy, you should obtain permission for such treatment from your doctor.

And if itching, coughing, swelling, red spots on the skin and rash appear during the reception, therapy should be stopped immediately. These symptoms are indicative of an allergic reaction. Therefore, in this case, you should opt for proven medications.

Propolis - a beekeeping product created by insects from the sticky substances of birch buds and other natural components, contains more than 16 groups of organic substances, which allows it to be actively used for medicinal purposes. As a dosage form, propolis tincture is usually used, the use of which is justified in many diseases.

Medicinal properties of propolis tincture

The medicinal properties of propolis are due to the presence in its composition of a huge amount of biologically active substances. It:

  • polyphenols;
  • aldehydes;
  • alcohols;
  • aromatic acids;
  • proteins;
  • amino acids;
  • steroids;
  • flavonoids, etc.

In addition to the above, the product includes B vitamins, many enzymes, trace elements, essential components.

Due to this, propolis has the following effect on the body:

  • antibacterial;
  • antitoxic;
  • dermaplastic;
  • vasoconstrictor;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antioxidant;
  • immunomodulatory.

Today, bee glue is used not only by healers and herbalists, but also by representatives of official medical science.

Why is propolis tincture used in folk medicine

As mentioned above, propolis helps with many diseases. Methods of application of tincture in this case can vary significantly. Consideration should be given to the use of the drug on a case-by-case basis.

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

To prepare the tincture, 20 grams of propolis are crushed and poured into 80 ml of 90% or 70% ethyl alcohol. You can use vodka, but the concentration of ethanol in it does not allow you to completely extract the maximum amount of necessary substances from the product.

The components of the product are mixed, poured into an opaque glass dish, and then placed in a dark, cool place for 2 weeks. During this time, the drug is periodically shaken. After the expiration date, the tincture is filtered through several layers of gauze. This recipe is used for all diseases that are treated with bee glue.

For diseases of the stomach and intestines, the tincture is consumed in 20 drops, previously mixed in a glass of water. The frequency of admission is once a day. The course of treatment is six months. It is better if the composition is used on an empty stomach.

During treatment, the condition of patients improves significantly: gastritis and gastroenteritis disappear, chronic inflammation goes into remission. In the indicated dosage, the drug is safe for patients with peptic ulcer. However, its use requires prior consultation with a specialist.

Liver disease

Liver diseases are always accompanied by intoxication, which the diseased organ cannot overcome. Propolis tincture will help him with this. It should be taken for a long time, six months or more. Start taking 1 drop in a glass of water, once a day, on an empty stomach. The number of drops is increased daily until it reaches 40-50 per dose.

During treatment, the level of intoxication in patients decreases, the processes of regeneration of hepatocytes (liver cells) are accelerated. This fact was officially confirmed in the course of the research.

This is bee glue, i.e. substance produced by worker bees.

Propolis performs certain functions in the hive:

    closes gaps;

    if necessary, blocks the entrance - letok;

    closes the honeycomb with "lids" -;

    disinfects cells, maintains sterility in the hive;

    envelops foreign, potentially dangerous objects that enter the hive.

Propolis is able to stick together particles, because bees create it from sticky substances collected in the spring from the buds of black poplar, alder, warty birch, aspen and other trees. This "harvest" insects are additionally processed with their enzymes. Scientists still can not accurately establish the mechanism for the production of propolis.

Bee glue has a very complex chemical composition. It includes 16 classes of organic substances! Perhaps this is the reason for such a variety of properties of this beekeeping product. It consists of various resins, oils, alcohols, proteins, as well as wax, pollen, vitamins, sugar and other ingredients.

Propolis is a substance that is unusual in its method of preparation, composition, and has unusual properties.

Useful and medicinal properties of propolis

Propolis is a little-studied substance, so the full spectrum of its action has not yet been clarified.

Propolis has the following beneficial properties:








Disinfection - the destruction of pathogens of infectious diseases and the destruction of toxins. Propolis inhibits activity and kills bacteria and viruses, slows down the growth of some of them. In addition, this honey product neutralizes poisons released by decaying cells, accelerates the processes of regeneration and healing. There is debate about the anesthetic effect of bee glue. There is no scientific confirmation of this effect yet.

Propolis has a unique quality - even after treatment with high temperatures, it does not change its properties. This allows the production of a wide variety of propolis-containing products. The tincture always contains alcohol, and is called so because it is insisted, "soaked" without heating for some time. Propolis is difficult to use in its original form, because it is quite dense and becomes soft only when heated. "Soak" it under the force of only alcohol-containing solutions. They allow you to achieve maximum extraction of nutrients.

What does propolis tincture treat?

This drug is taken to treat various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, skin, respiratory tract, circulatory and genitourinary systems, and more. This is the versatility of propolis.

A miraculous natural remedy treats almost any disease, has a beneficial tonic effect on the entire body. Any ailment is caused by a malfunction in the body, which can occur due to the ingress of harmful substances from the outside or internal disturbances.

Propolis tincture treats almost all types of diseases, including those caused by:

    physical causes - trauma,. Accelerates regeneration processes, prevents the onset of the inflammatory process, prevents infection.

    chemical - poisoning. Removes toxins from the body.

    biological - infectious diseases. Kills harmful microorganisms, promotes their removal.

    social - chronic fatigue, alcoholism, drug addiction. Supports the body with a complex of minerals and vitamins, removes toxic substances.

  • How to chew propolis?

    It is important to follow the dosage. Usually this is a few grams per day, but they should not be taken immediately. You need to start with a drop, carefully monitoring your well-being. The procedure should last no more than 20 minutes, otherwise the mucous membranes of the oral cavity can be burned. With some diseases, it is allowed to repeat it several times during the day, and with angina, even all day long. We must not forget, however, that with this potent remedy, jokes are bad.

    After a few weeks of such procedures, the disease and teeth should disappear. During pregnancy, the dosage should be reduced to 1-2 g every other day. Children before taking propolis should be tested for an allergic reaction. It can be done quite well at home. A small piece of propolis is briefly applied to the inside of the elbow bend. If there is no redness or itching, too.

    It is correct to chew propolis little by little, not forgetting about the danger of allergies.

    Propolis treatment, recipes

    The uniqueness of this medicine is that a wide variety of preparations are made from it: tinctures, aqueous extracts, ointments, pastes, creams, oils, tablets, sprays, candles, masks, it can be used for inhalations, compresses, rinses. Ouzu is used even in its original form - chewed.

    There are many recipes for the preparation of propolis formulations, but there is no organization that would issue them a safety certificate. Even if the recipe is correct and effective, no one can vouch for the quality of the ingredients used by the townsfolk. It is important not to be lazy and clean propolis from excess impurities before making a medicine. This will stretch the cooking procedure, but it will improve the quality of the final product. Pure bee glue is softer.

    Treatment with propolis is a powerful adjuvant in the treatment of many diseases. There are a large number of ways to use it. Usually they are somewhat different for pregnant women and children.

    Treatment of stomach ulcers with propolis

    This is a defect in the mucous membrane of the organ. For its treatment, the cause of the development of the disease is identified and dealt with, while accelerating the healing of the wound and supporting the weakened body. An ulcer occurs because the factors of aggression begin to prevail over the protective factors of the epithelium. The mucous layer is destroyed. Propolis creates a new protective layer, allows epithelial tissue cells to regenerate, relieves pain, destroys Helicobacter pylori bacteria, which tend to break through the body's defenses.

    Ulcers are given 60 drops of 20-30% propolis tincture diluted with warm milk (150 ml) three times a day half an hour before meals. The following dosage was tested abroad: 5 drops of a 5% tincture. Some doctors prefer to use an aqueous extract or oil. It is more effective to drink warm drinks with honey at the same time. Improvement comes in the first days. Nausea occurs less often, pain decreases, the level of acidity normalizes, the sore scars faster.

    Patients with an ulcer cannot fully eat, and propolis contains all the substances necessary for a person. In the treatment of ulcers with bee products, as in other cases of their use, the main thing is to avoid allergies.

    Treatment of gastritis with propolis

    Propolis stops inflammation of the gastric mucosa. Patients take oil, tincture or decoction with herbs. Dosage: 20-40 drops of 30% alcohol extract diluted with 100 ml of warm milk or boiled water. You can also drink 10 drops of 10% tincture, three times a day 60 minutes before meals for no longer than a month.

    Recipe for the preparation of propolis oil: 10 parts of an alcohol solution are mixed with 1 part of sea buckthorn, eucalyptus, sunflower, olive or unsalted butter, wait for the composition to boil, immediately pass through several layers of gauze. The finished product is best stored in the refrigerator. Take 20-30 drops with the addition of milk three times a day one hour before meals for 3 weeks.

    Herbal infusion recipe: 20 g of fruits, 20 g of root, 20 g of linden flowers, 20 g of peppermint are mixed, 3 cups of boiling water are added, boiled for 20 minutes, infused for 3 hours, 3 tablespoons of propolis honey are added. Drink 100 ml 2 hours before meals.

    Propolis treatment of fibroids

    Bee glue also affects tumor cells, inhibiting their development. Myoma develops from the wall of the uterus. Benign neoplasms are dangerous because they can change, cause cancer. Propolis effectively fights symptoms such as uterine bleeding and pain.

    Drink 20 drops of alcohol or water extract three times a day for 10 days. Tampons are moistened in a 10% aqueous composition or a mixture of 40 g of propolis, 40 g of butter and 120 g of sunflower oil. The healing effect can be enhanced by taking an infusion, water pepper, and/or yarrow.

    Recipe for herbal infusion with propolis for the treatment of fibroids: pour 20 g of crushed propolis, pine buds, celandine, wormwood, and marya root into a container, pour 0.5 liters of vodka or alcohol, leave for 2 weeks, shaking several times during the day, strain . Drink three times a day, 1/2 teaspoon half an hour before meals.

    Therapy with honey products is a good analogue of hormonal treatment and surgery.

    Treatment of nail fungus with propolis

    Dermatologists widely use propolis agents that kill pathogens, reduce pain and itching, and accelerate healing. Usually, bandages with ointments and oils are applied to the diseased parts of the body, and hot baths are made. Ointment and oil are easy to prepare at home.

    You can apply tampons moistened with a 20% tincture to the nails of the hands and / or feet. Change when dry. It is important to try to cover as much area as possible. The top layer of the affected nail will come off first.

    For steaming, add a teaspoon of tincture to hot water. The duration of the procedure is 10 minutes. Better to do it before bed. Then generously lubricate the fingers with propolis oil (mix the antiseptic essential oil with tincture) and apply a thick layer of natural propolis on the nails. The key to success in the fight against fungus will be the observance of hygiene rules. It is necessary to change socks daily, shoes can also be treated with propolis extracts.

    Fungi are very tenacious, sometimes sick people cannot cope with this infection for several years. Salvation for them is bee glue.

    Helicobacter treatment with propolis

    Helicobacter pylori is a bacterium that infects the stomach and duodenum. It can accompany an ulcer, atrophic gastritis, MALT-OM and other diseases. Propolis helps to get rid of the feeling of heaviness in the stomach, heartburn, belching, nausea and vomiting. The methods of its application are the same as for ulcers and gastritis. First of all, it is propolis milk containing at least 5 (for children) or 10 (for adults) drops of tincture. The therapeutic effect is increased by adding honey and lemon to the drink.

    A method has also been developed to get rid of Helicobacter pylori, which consists in the combined intake of an aqueous extract, propolis oil and Omeprazole for 2-3 weeks.

    Empirically proved the effectiveness of the use of 100-150 ml of a 30% aqueous solution twice a day. The duration of the course does not exceed 14 days.

    The success of the use of honey products even against such a strong bacterium as Helicobacter pylori once again confirms that propolis has unique antimicrobial properties.

    Treatment of pancreatitis with propolis

    This is inflammation of the pancreas, for getting rid of which the anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial qualities of bee glue, its fortified composition are very useful.

    Half a teaspoon of the alcohol composition is dissolved in half a glass of boiled water, they drink a little, in the mornings and evenings, half an hour before meals. The integrity of the mucous membranes of the gland is gradually restored, the regeneration process is accelerated. Also shown are propolis honey (diluted with a tablespoon of milk) or milk at night, chewing natural bee glue or propolis honey (zabrus is a special wax used by bees to cover honeycombs) before meals, an aqueous extract with herbal solutions twice a day.

    Honey products are best consumed before meals to prevent food rejection. Otherwise, a damaged organ interferes with digestion, causes nausea, and other unpleasant phenomena.

    Maxillitis is an inflammatory process in the sinuses that occurs with a complicated course of some infectious diseases. Propolis for therapy can be taken not only orally, but also locally. It stops infection and inflammation, relieves swelling of the mucous membranes. Sinusitis causes oxygen starvation, because. prevent breathing through the nose. This manifests itself in various ailments, one of which is. Honey products help the patient sleep peacefully, and also tone the body.

    Tincture, ointment, drops, oil, solutions for inhalation and lotions are used. This method of treatment is interesting: 2 cotton swabs are first dipped in propolis tincture, then in vegetable oil, inserted into the nostrils four times a day for half an hour. In no case should you overdo it, otherwise you can burn the mucous membranes.

    The recipe for the preparation of propolis ointment: a mixture of 10 g of honey, 10 g of propolis, 15 g of petroleum jelly, 30 g of lanolin, 3 g of anesthesin, mix until a homogeneous consistency in a water bath. Store the finished composition in the refrigerator. Use twice - thrice a day for 14 days.

    Propolis is very effective for the treatment of any respiratory diseases. This is a universal remedy, on the basis of which it is easy to prepare many medicines on their own.

    Propolis for hemorrhoids

    This disease is caused by a "collision" of the circulatory and digestive systems. Inflamed veins compress the rectum, leading to its dysfunction. The use of propolis in this disease will help relieve inflammation, normalize blood flow and digestion.

    It is used in the form of rectal suppositories - suppositories that anesthetize, relieve swelling, itching and burning, heal cracks and wounds, stop bleeding, and prevent infection. Hemorrhoids often occur in pregnant women. Most medications are contraindicated during pregnancy, so propolis suppositories are very helpful. The only problem is the possibility of an allergic reaction to honey products.

    You can make candles at home, but they are usually purchased at a pharmacy. Such homeopathic preparations as "Gemo-Pro", "Adonis", "NOVA VITA", "GEMOPROST-T", "EBILOM-HEMORRALGIN" are known. Also, for the treatment of hemorrhoids, you can make lotions with an aqueous extract of propolis.

    Treatment of gastroduodenitis with propolis

    With an inflammatory disease of the duodenum and stomach, propolis is taken in the same ways as for gastritis. It is a tincture, oil or herbal decoction. The tincture can be diluted with water and taken 30 minutes before meals. Oil with propolis is drunk on an empty stomach in a teaspoon 2-3 hours before meals. It is also recommended to eat a teaspoon of propolis honey in the mornings and evenings. The course of treatment is 1-2 months.

    Recipe for nut milk with propolis for the treatment of gastroduodenitis: pour 10 g of peeled and crushed milk into a glass of milk, boil, strain, add a teaspoon of honey and a few drops of tincture. This volume is enough for a day, drink in 3 divided doses before meals. The healing effect will appear from the first days of treatment.

    Treatment of the liver with propolis

    The largest internal organ of a person is treated with a 20% tincture or an aqueous extract of propolis. Dosage to get rid of jaundice: 20 drops of an alcohol solution per glass of boiled water for a week. Then the dose is increased by 10 drops, and so every 7 days (but not more than 40 drops) until complete recovery.

    Recipe for chaga tincture with propolis: place 30 g of purified crushed propolis and 500 g of birch chaga mushroom in an earthen vessel, pour 1 liter of boiling water, leave for the whole day, strain. Take 3 tablespoons before meals.

    In the treatment of various liver diseases, bee glue has a powerful anti-inflammatory and antitoxic effect.

Propolis is a bee glue used by insects to insulate a home, preserve foreign objects, and flies. It is collected with a special tool and medicines are prepared from it according to old recipes. Alcohol tincture is very popular.

Before starting to consider the benefits of the product, it is important to understand the unique composition of "bee glue". It contains a huge amount of resins, essential oils, aromatic compounds, micro and macro elements, vitamins (A, E - responsible for beauty, group B - for calming the nervous system). The ratio of all of the above components depends on the type of propolis.

To date, the following healing properties of the bee product are known:

  • relieves inflammation;
  • destroys fungal microorganisms;
  • has an antimicrobial and disinfecting effect;
  • normalizes the water balance in the body;
  • accelerates the healing process of wounds, minor scratches, abrasions;
  • choleretic action;
  • improves immunity;
  • used for the treatment and prevention of viral diseases;
  • relieves various pain sensations.

In addition to all of the above, the tincture removes genital infections, pathogens of toxic infections, and is also used to treat and prevent the formation of thrombosis.

How to prepare propolis tincture with alcohol

The preparation of tincture according to the classic version involves 4 stages:

  1. Purification of propolis from additional unnecessary components. Place the fresh product in the freezer for 2 hours. Then finely chop, put in a container and pour clean cold liquid. After 20 minutes, drain the water with unnecessary components, and carefully lay the “bee glue” on a dry towel, dry.
  2. Compound. The dried ingredient is placed in a glass jar, filled with alcohol (vodka) and closed.
  3. Aged 14 it in a dark dry room at room temperature. It is important to remember that the contents of the jar must be shaken once a day.
  4. Filtration occurs through gauze and a fine sieve.

The infusion is stored in a glass container, preferably dark in color, for no more than 3 years. The concentration of the agent directly depends on the ratio of propolis and alcohol:

  • 5% infusion - 1 tsp of propolis and 95 ml of medical alcohol;
  • 50% - 50 g of the main ingredient and 50 ml of an alcoholic drink.

According to the above recipe, a high-quality tincture is obtained, which retains all its useful properties.

The second cooking option is fast. This will require:

  • alcohol 70% - 100 ml;
  • bee product - 15 g.

Pour alcohol into a suitable container and heat a little in a water bath. Remove propolis in the freezer for 40 minutes, and then finely chop on a grater, combine with an alcohol-containing ingredient. Stir, wait for complete dissolution.

It is important not to let the composition boil. After strain through cheesecloth and a sieve with small cells, pour into a dark glass container. Store the tincture closed in the refrigerator and no more than 12 months.

Instructions for the use of alcohol propolis

It is allowed to use for treatment both a ready-made solution sold in glass bottles in a pharmacy, and made at home.

The main indications for use are the following:

  • with diseases of the upper respiratory tract - tonsillitis, otitis media, laryngitis, otitis media, etc.;
  • inflammation in the oral cavity, bleeding gums;
  • with the appearance of toothache and other complications, paradantosis;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastrointestinal tract);
  • SARS, acute respiratory infections, herpes;
  • chickenpox (externally);
  • gynecological diseases, including infections;
  • cuts, wounds, skin diseases (seborrhea, dandruff, psoriasis, eczema, acne);
  • arthritis;
  • depression, insomnia;
  • recovery of the body after a severe illness;
  • diseases of the respiratory tract.

Depending on the type and degree of the disease, from 20 to 60 drops of infusion is taken orally, washed down with 1/2 cup of warm liquid. During the day, the procedure is repeated up to 3 times, the treatment time is from a week to a month.

For external use (treatment of wounds) - a cotton pad is impregnated with a substance, the right place is wiped. For mucous membranes - a concentrated alcohol solution must be diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 2.

The use of tincture in diseases

To achieve the maximum result in the treatment with alcohol propolis, there is a certain dosage, which is not recommended to be exceeded.

Angina, pharyngitis Dilute 30 ml of tincture in 200 ml of warm liquid. Rinse 3-4 times a day.
Strengthening the immune system Take the substance as follows: on the first day 1 drop, on the second 2 and so on, add until the dosage becomes 30 drops. In the second month of treatment, the reception is carried out in descending order.
ARI, SARS Dilute 20 drops in 100 ml of freshly brewed tea, take 3 times a day for 2 weeks.
Bronchitis Inhalations: add 2 drops of tincture to 10 ml of distilled water, 3 times a day.

Inside: in 200 ml of warm milk (tea, water), add 30 drops of the main agent. Drink half an hour before meals up to 3 times a day.

Flu (first signs) Add 25 drops to a warm drink. Take only in the morning, until complete recovery.
Otitis Drip 2 drops into each ear canal once a day.
Colitis, gastritis (initial and acute stage) Add 40 drops of the product to a glass of warm milk and drink in small sips 60 minutes before meals, 3 times a day. Treatment time - 2 weeks.
Stomatitis, the initial stage of paradanthosis Treat the oral cavity with hydrogen peroxide, let the problem area dry a little. Put 2 drops in the right place, let dry again. For treatment, it is enough to carry out 8 procedures.
Prostatitis Add 50 drops of tincture to 80 ml of warm milk. Drink 40 minutes before meals 3 times, for 1.5 weeks.
Inflammation of the female genital organs, thrush Add 30 ml of tincture to 1 liter of warm liquid, douche at bedtime for 1.5 weeks.
Runny nose In each nasal passage, drip 2 drops, 3 times.

Propolis tincture with milk: application

Tincture of "bee glue" in combination with a dairy product is used to eliminate inflammation not only inside (organs), but also outside. The composition is used to increase immunity and performance, restore tissues, fill the body with energy.

The main purpose of the mixture:

  • relieves asthma attacks (bronchial);
  • treats cough, prevents the development of pneumonia;
  • normalizes the work of the digestive tract;
  • eliminates the feeling of fatigue, nervous tension;
  • relieves during menstruation.

Dosage, course of treatment for each disease is different:

Colds and respiratory system organs Children from 3 to 12 years old take 2-6 drops of alcohol infusion diluted in milk (0.5 cup) with a teaspoon of honey.

Children 12 years and older: 1/2 cup milk drink and 10 drops of main ingredient.

Adults 200 ml milk product and 40 drops. Used only at bedtime.

Polyarthritis Add 30 drops of alcoholic propolis to 3/4 cup of milk, drink 3 times a day 2 hours before meals.
Reproductive system (men/women) Add 30 drops to 200 ml of milk product. Take courses for 10 days, then a break and you can repeat the treatment again.
Type II diabetes In 30 ml of milk, mix with 1 drop. Every day you need to add 1, bringing up to 15. Take 3 times a day. After a little rest and repeat, the course of treatment is 6 months.
Eczema 140 ml of a dairy product is mixed with 25 drops of tincture. Drink 10 days exclusively at night. The course of treatment is six months.


When taking the drug, it is necessary to strictly observe the dosage of the components. Otherwise, side effects may occur, in the manifestation of which the use of the substance must be abandoned:

  • lowering blood pressure;
  • allergic reaction;
  • disturbed heart rhythm;
  • dizziness;
  • prostration.

It is strictly forbidden to use the tincture when:

  • bearing children;
  • breastfeeding;
  • children's age up to 3 years.


  • diseases of the kidneys, liver, biliary system;
  • malignant tumors;
  • pancreatitis.

We bring to your attention a video describing the recipe for the preparation of propolis tincture and its medicinal properties:

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