Consequences of Botox or what cosmetologists are silent about. Skin biorevitalization. Botox is addictive. What are the possible side effects

Do you know what is the most popular injection in the world? This is a Botox injection. Its popularity can only be compared with the number of myths around this drug. Today Alena Yuryevna Likhanova, a dermatologist and cosmetologist at the Laser Doctor clinic, will dispel the most common of them and reveal the whole truth about Botox injections. From the article you will learn exactly how Botox injections work, how safe they are, what result should be expected after the procedure.

-Alena Yurievna, tell us what is Botox?

Botox is based on purified and attenuated botulinum neurotoxin type A. Injections of the drug block the transmission nerve impulses entering the muscles, problem area thereby reducing its activity. The skin located above it becomes elastic, wrinkles are smoothed out.

Let's talk about myths

The most popular myth is that Botox is used only to eliminate wrinkles.

No, in addition to eliminating facial wrinkles, cosmetologists use Botox to treat hyperhidrosis ( excessive sweating) and gingival smile correction.

-There is an opinion that Botox enlarges the lips

Of course not. Do not confuse Botox with fillers based on hyaluronic acid. It is impossible to increase the volume of the lips with Botox. You can only influence the muscle tone in this area.

-Botox is said to immobilize the face

-Yes, many believe that due to Botox, the face turns into a frozen mask without any hint of facial expressions. This is completely untrue. If the dosage of botulinum toxin is chosen correctly, your face will never turn into a mask. Wrinkles will smooth out, and you will still be able to express your emotions with facial expressions.

Is it true that Botox is a poison and there is a risk of poisoning?

Yes, it is a toxin, but the doses used in cosmetology are absolutely safe. Judge for yourself: a dangerous dose of about three thousand units, and with intravenous administration. For one procedure, cosmetologists use from 15 to 100 units. And remember: this is a medical product that has passed the most stringent tests and is approved for use.

-Often I hear that Botox can only be used from a certain age, is that true?

In fact, Botox injections can be done from the age of 18 according to indications. If a young patient has hyperactive facial expressions, Botox can prevent the appearance of deep wrinkles in the forehead and between the eyebrows by relaxing the necessary muscles.

Can Botox cause muscle atrophy and nerve damage?

Botulinum toxin acts only on the area where it was injected. By blocking only the signal transmission from the nerve to the muscle. Thus, we achieve an aesthetic result. The blood supply and nutrition of the muscle is not disturbed, so there can be no atrophy or damage, even with repeated use.

-Is it true that if Botox injections are often made, then approximately after the 7th procedure, it will stop working?

Name cosmetic preparation has been around for a long time. But why is it needed and, most importantly, when - not everyone knows. Let's try to sort the information in order to understand where the myths are and where the whole truth about Botox is, and whether beauty without wrinkles is worth such sacrifices.

Botox is essentially a toxin, a poison. When injected into a muscle, it paralyzes its action - according to other sources, it relaxes - and the muscle ceases to contract and provide external skin changes. If to speak plain language, then the face becomes partially motionless and wrinkles do not form on it. And those that were are smoothed out.

Botox is good when you need to get rid of wrinkles:

  • horizontal on the forehead;
  • vertical between the eyebrows or around the mouth;
  • around the eyes - "crow's feet";
  • in the nasolabial folds.

Injections will also help to correct facial expressions:

  • lift the corners of the lips;
  • get rid of the second, third chin;
  • soften the longitudinal wrinkles that appear on the neck.

A good arsenal of possibilities, but is it possible to put "magic" injections in the amount necessary for reference beauty? Is it safe? Cosmetologists and researchers are ready to answer all the questions of curious ladies!

Botox: the whole truth about beauty injections

The consequences of Botox injections are very fond of showing the paparazzi on the examples of the "stars". Indeed, the unsuccessful work of cosmetologists who dragged the face of their wards just looks terrible. Complete immobility, puppetry, asymmetry, problems with facial expressions - this is just a small list potential problems. But is it all that bad?

The consequences after Botox can be divided into myths and reality:

Myth 1. The action of the injections is short-lived, which means that you need to inject more. The first part of the statement is true - injections must be given at the interval set by the beautician. But the dose of the drug should not be increased - otherwise this is the path not to beauty, but to ugliness.

Myth 2. Botox does not work for everyone. This is true. Therefore, you should not immediately tune in to a magical effect, but first test the drug in a small volume. If it doesn’t fit, then don’t get upset, but study others.

Myth 3. Botox distorts facial expressions.. It all depends on the volume and number of injections. If the entire face is under the influence of the drug, then it will be really difficult to grimace.

Myth 4. If Botox is injected into the head, then the hair will become better.. The truth about Botox for hair is this: the remedy really restores curls well, but not with injections. There are whole lines of serums, solutions and concentrated mixtures from well-known manufacturers. And if you want to transform and improve the quality of your hairstyle, then you need to start by studying the material on the topic: hair botox - reviews and consequences.

Myth 5. Botox is a poison, and it gradually poisons a person. These are unconfirmed studies from a series of horror stories "the whole truth about Botox or what cosmetologists are silent about." Indeed, there are rumors that during the period of neutralization of the action of the toxin, the nervous system generally reduces its activity - the person "gets dumb" and thinks more slowly. But there is no evidence of this, and in any case, the effect is short-term.

Myth 6. Addictive. These are far-fetched negative consequences of Botox, since it is not a drug. Maybe, we are talking about the habit of seeing a young face, then yes: beauty and external charm for many women are stronger than the most powerful drug.

Do you inject Botox? Does it hurt? Scary? Dangerous? There are millions of questions, but they cannot be considered within the framework of an article or one analytics. It is better to contact a professional cosmetologist who will assess the condition of the face, the quality of the skin and express an opinion on the volume and need for a botox preparation. So it will be more correct and more reliable!

As a way to rejuvenate and fight wrinkles, it has been known for a long time and is actively used by cosmetologists, however, there is a large number of myths. We will try to voice, confirm or debunk the most common of them.

Myth one:

The use of Botox gives a temporary effect of rejuvenation, does not improve the condition of the skin and is not a prevention of wrinkles.

The process of skin aging continues whether you have had Botox injections or not, but, nevertheless, Botox prevents the appearance of new wrinkles and eliminates existing ones. For preventive actions, one should resort to - injections, vitamin preparations and other procedures that affect rejuvenation, cell regeneration.

Myth two:

Botox injections do not work for all patients, even with increasing doses.

The drug does not always have a blocking effect on the muscles. There may be several reasons for this. For example, the presence in the body of antibodies to botulinum toxin (the main substance of Botox) or vaccination against this disease. Antibodies can also be produced after the initial use of the drug, in the case of large doses or multiple small injections. Re-injection of Botox can be effective, but with a weakened effect. After a couple of years, sensitivity to Botox can be restored. Besides. There have been cases when Botox does not work on people with a negative Rh factor.
In this case, it's worth a try.

The most common reason that Botox did not block the right muscles is the negligence of the beautician if the drug is injected into the wrong muscle or in insufficient dosage.

Myth three:

Botox injections can be done after 40 years.

Not true.

Botox should be done in the presence of mimic wrinkles, regardless of age. Firstly, small wrinkles after injections disappear without a trace, unlike deeper ones, and secondly, in more young age facial expressions are more active, and the introduction of Botox is preventive measure, as it does not allow much grimacing.

Myth four:

Botox distorts facial expressions and makes parts of the face immobile.

Not true.

With absence neurological pathology, lesions facial nerve and standard anatomy and physiology of facial muscles, no changes in facial expressions occur. The cosmetologist must correctly calculate the dosage and have good qualifications, then no side effects should occur. Of course, you won't be able to grimace as intensely, but that was the purpose of the injections.

Myth five:

Botox is addictive reintroduction requires large doses.

Not true.

Botox injections are just as addictive as any other procedure that benefits your body. appearance. You will no longer like the reflection in the mirror, which seemed normal before all the procedures. There is such a thing as "beauty mania". A well-groomed face without wrinkles and defects becomes the norm. Botox does not cause any chemical addiction. The dose of the drug does not depend on the number of procedures performed.

Myth six:

Botox except for use in cosmetic purposes are also used to treat certain diseases.

Preparations containing botulinum toxin are used to treat blepharospasm (eyelid spasms), strabismus, headaches, dysfunction of the facial nerve. Naturally, only a neurologist can prescribe treatment. In addition, Botox treats a violation of the activity of the autonomic nervous system, excessive sweating, the drug is also used in the treatment of cerebral palsy.

Myth seven:

After the use of Botox, muscle atrophy, a disorder of the nervous system due to the accumulation of botulinum toxin in the body can be observed.

Not true.

Botox does not penetrate into the blood. Botulinum toxin acts only on the area into which it was injected. The doses that are used for injections do not have any effect on the body as a whole, blocking only the signal transmission from the nerve to the selected muscle, which actually gives desired effect weakening of muscle contraction. Blood supply and muscle nutrition are preserved, so there can be no atrophy even after reusable. To protect yourself from negative consequences, you need to consider contraindications: neuromuscular diseases, skin infections, pregnancy and lactation, increased bleeding. And most importantly: choose your beautician carefully!

Myth eight:

The Botox injection procedure is simple and painless. You can make injections literally at lunchtime.

Not true.

Must comply certain rules after the injection: do not lie down for 4 hours after the procedure. During the week you can not sunbathe in the solarium, be in the sun; you should abandon facial massage and physiotherapy, visiting the bath. Alcohol is also contraindicated. Outwardly, swelling and swelling can be visible, so if you do not want to ruin your image at work or hide the fact of injections, better procedure do before the weekend.

Svetlana, there is such a term post-traumatic pigmentation. As a rule, the pigment appears if you were in the sun immediately after the injections.


Hello! Is it true that it is desirable in general, after Botox, not to go to the bath or sauna? What drug is excreted faster?

Hello! I'm 30 but mimic wrinkles- are very clear. 2 weeks ago, I tried DYSPORT, everything is fine, I like everything, only now I have a question: If I am going to continue to use this drug, then am I really not allowed to get pregnant ??? And if I get pregnant, what are the consequences??

govorat ne vreden, leschusy ot posledstviy use pol goda, posle botoxa raspuhlo lizo i zakrilis glaza, teper postoyanno bolit golova i ushi, nastupila gluhota i otupenie v mozgah, delala v znamenitoi klinike beljgii

Famous clinics, unfortunately, do not guarantee the professionalism of a doctor. I sympathize with you, I hope you managed to get compensation.

We plan to get pregnant in 2 months. And I want to make an injection the other day. is it possible or not?

Diana, you understand that pregnancy as a contraindication is based primarily on the fact that tests of this kind are not carried out. Read carefully the possible side effects and decide.


I did Botox injections on March 1, today I notice that the effect is disappearing. How can I explain this please. Did or made one year ago at other doctor kept months 5. Thanks in advance.

Svetlana, unfortunately, this happens quite often. It happens that immunity fights with botulinum, there is low-quality Botox. It is extremely difficult to determine the cause.


I would like to speak against the correct answer on the account of atrophy. Botulinum toxin or Botox has a neurotrophic effect, which means that by blocking the transmission impulse to the muscle fiber, muscle trophism is disrupted, which leads to muscle atrophy. And the “nutrition”, i.e., the blood supply to the muscle, is not disturbed, this is true. Only when blood circulation is disturbed, the muscle does not atrophy, but ischemia, i.e. leads to necrosis. It follows that a violation or normal blood circulation of the muscle does not lead to muscle atrophy, but a violation of nerve conduction leads to muscle atrophy. With prolonged use of Botox, muscle atrophy is a fact. And I think the author of this article should understand such issues. Thanks

“Speak out against the correct answer” is a great phrase)) Thank you, oh nameless neurologist! Special thanks to Captain Evidence for a subtle remark about atrophy, as if this muscle is blocked with Botox to be used later) At least re-read what you write)))

I did Botox injections 8 days ago, there are no changes at all. Perhaps there will be no effect? What to do in this case? Repeatedly prick (but suddenly nothing will change again) or make claims to the clinic?

Hello Anna. The effect may appear within 10-14 days from the day of injection. If the effect is weak, then it makes sense to pierce, but if there is no effect at all, then there is no point in piercing. Of course, you can try to make claims, but there are so many reasons for the lack of action of Botox, far from all of them are the fault of the clinic.


pierced Botox a month ago, the effect is zero.
Didn't work at all.
This is the second time in a row. The first time I pricked a year ago, it also did not work.
Now what, in the future, should I not inject him?
Won't work?
Answer please.

Elizabeth, unfortunately, most likely Botox is unlikely to work. Try dysport, at least some chance.

Evgenia Ilyinichna

is it possible to do facial massage if injections are made with hyaluronic acid

how long after botox can meso be done or can it be done immediately in one procedure?

Hello! Tell me, please, is it possible to inject Botox after injections of Laenek?


Almost every woman knows about such a method of skin rejuvenation as Botox. Many have seen examples of its use in programs and films. But the question still remains - is it worth injecting Botox? Let's figure it out.

Botulism has been known for a very long time, but only in 1987, scientists discovered that this disease occurs as a result of intoxication with a poison produced in foods by anaerobic microbes. Of the currently known types of toxin, only three cause botulism - A, B and E. The most potent - botulinum toxin type A - has become the basis for effective medicinal product to relax muscles.

What does he represent? It is a purified lyophilized preparation protein origin. Its action is based on a long-term blockade of impulses in neuromuscular synapses, which, in fact, leads to muscle relaxation.

Botuloxin type A is shown on Russian market cosmetology with several drugs from different companies: Botox - American manufacturer Allergan, Dysport - French manufacturer Ipsen Pharma, Xeomin - German manufacturer Merz Pharmaceuticals and Lantox (Lantox)Chinese manufacturer LIBP.

Botox injections are one of the most famous in cosmetology, they are widely used in the practice of many world beauty professionals. The drug botulinum toxin helps not only temporarily cope with mimic wrinkles, but also other skin defects, such as those that occur during childhood. cerebral palsy. The action of Botox is that it relaxes the muscles of the neck and face, thereby allowing wrinkles to smooth out.

The effect of Botox injections appears on the second or third day. The standard effect of the drug lasts from four to nine months. If the effect was not achieved, the drug is re-administered.

There is an opinion that the Botox procedure deprives the human face of expressiveness, all the patient's emotions become identical. A similar effect may exist for the first few days, but with proper administration the right amount Botox should not cause such complications!

Another myth about Botox is related to the fact that Botox can allegedly increase the lips. Dear women, this is not true! For such purposes, there are other drugs specially used in this area - fillers. Botox has nothing to do with such drugs.

Many people are convinced that botulinum toxin therapy is expensive procedure that you can buy the injections themselves after the procedure from a beautician and do them at home on your own. But in fact, with self-administration of the drug, situations can arise from the most terrible myths that only exist about this drug. AT best case, the injection simply will not have an effect, at worst - with the wrong dose, facial asymmetry or another side effect may occur.

You've seen all those pictures showing the effects of Botox. They frighten and discourage any desire to risk their beauty, but why then do cosmetologists scream about the complete safety of this drug? We think you yourself know that you can’t believe everything that is written on the networks. But let's figure out where is the truth and where is the myth and finally dot the i's.

Botox is a drug whose main component is small dose botulinum toxin. That's what the poison is called sickening botulism. In its course, muscle paralysis develops, leading to lethal outcome. But with a precisely calculated dosage, the effect is only on certain muscle fibers. As a result, spasms disappear, the face relaxes, wrinkles are smoothed out.

The question of whether Botox is harmful to the body always worries customers. After all, many of them have heard about severe complications and even deaths. But, according to statistics, these episodes do not exceed 1%. And they often concern medical use botulinum toxin to treat spasms large muscles. For this, a higher concentration of the substance is used.

FDA representatives provided a scientific report. It says that the main victims of Botox are children under 16 years of age suffering from static paralysis. In their treatment, the off-label principle was used. Its basis is an individual dosage, which is calculated based on personal experience the doctors. In cosmetology rare complications do not threaten the life of the client.

Cause of complications

Botox can be dangerous if the dosage is incorrectly calculated. Maximum allowable dose- 42 units / kg of body weight. The cosmetologist determines the impact zones and the number of injections. With insufficient concentration of the substance, wrinkles will not smooth out. In case of an overdose, asymmetry of the face, drooping of the eyelid, thickening under the skin may appear.

Negative side effects also appear when the drug is administered incorrectly. Specialists from special attention should work in the eye area. When touched upper eyelid it may not close completely.

Because of this, before the removal of Botox, a woman will feel mild pain, cutting and dryness. And when it enters the facial artery, the gel-like agent will clog the vessel. In this case, the lack of oxygen impairs vision and brain function.

Before the session, the cosmetologist always conducts a consultation at which he talks about the advantages and disadvantages of the method. It checks for contraindications, which include:

  • diabetes;
  • oncological diseases;
  • liver disease;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation period.

In controversial cases, the doctor postpones the procedure until the results of the diagnostic study are considered.

Myths about Botox

The unusual effect of Botox, misunderstanding of the principle of action of the drug gives rise to many myths and misunderstandings. Beauticians debunk the most famous of them.

Leads to muscle atrophy

A small fraction of botulinum toxin selectively acts on certain muscle fibers, causing their temporary paralysis. After 6-7 months, the toxin is completely eliminated from the body. The mimic muscles move again, showing the depth of emotions. However, if you inject the drug more often than once every six months, the facial frame weakens and sags.

Treats all types of wrinkles

Botulinum toxin smoothes only mimic wrinkles. In the upper part of the face, he relaxes the forehead, between the eyebrows " crow's feet". On the middle area - a fold near the lips, smoker's purse-string threads. In the lower zone, the bottom of the chin and the top of the neck are worked out. Botox can't handle age-related changes skin visible at rest.

Injections are painful

The injection method of administering botulinum toxin does not require anesthesia. Doctors use the same syringes they use to deliver insulin to diabetics. Botox acts instantly, "freezing" the muscles. Therefore, he himself acts as an anesthetic.

Many women in the reviews note that after the sessions they became less likely to experience dizziness, pain, migraines.

Care rules

The result of Botox exposure is manifested a few days after the injection. All this time, a woman must follow certain rules. In the first hours she is forbidden to make jerky movements head, bend down, lie down.

Otherwise, the toxin can spread to the adjacent muscle, resulting in facial asymmetry. Within two weeks, the client is forbidden to play sports, visit solariums, baths, saunas.

When taking medication, a woman should be aware that antibiotics reduce the effects of the toxin. Anticoagulants lead to the appearance of redness and bruising. During recovery, you can not drink alcohol, energy drinks.

Fatty, salty and smoked foods retain moisture in the tissues. Edema on the face worsens the appearance, makes it difficult to consider the result, to identify side effects.

Despite the safe effect of botulinum toxin on health, care should be taken in the first weeks of facial care.

You can not steam, rub the skin, apply masks, cauterize acne. All cosmetic procedures(mesotherapy, peeling, massage) should be postponed until the muscles are completely frozen.


Reading about the dangers of Botox for the body and face, women are looking for safe analogues. However, all drugs similar action in rare cases cause complications and side effects. So, on the basis of botulinum toxin, two more products have been developed - Dysport and Xeomin.

They are also meant to be injected under the skin to freeze muscle fibers. Each of these drugs has different concentration base substance. Therefore, the dosage is calculated only by a cosmetologist.

Women who are afraid of injections buy creams based on snake venom. The main substance of the remedy - Syn-Ake tripeptide blocks the transmission of nerve impulses to muscle fibers. However, for a lasting result, this caring cosmetics must be rubbed into the skin regularly.

As a result, many girls feel burning, itching, allergic reaction. In addition, unlike Botox, it is contraindicated for freezing armpit muscles with hyperhidrosis.

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