Scanty yellow discharge, odorless, after excision. Normal yellow discharge. Prevention measures and important actions

Yellow discharge in women should not cause much concern, since they can acquire a slight yellowish tint for completely harmless reasons. Vaginal discharge that occurs in women throughout life depends on the state of health for this period, and is also influenced by other factors. The nature of the discharge can be a kind of signal by which it is possible to determine the occurrence of any abnormalities in the body. In order to be able to recognize alarming symptoms in time and at the same time not to succumb to unreasonable panic, you need to be able to determine what type of discharge is considered to be a deviation from the norm.

Characteristic features of secretions

According to doctors, the discharge that corresponds to the norm can be white or transparent. But sometimes, under the influence of various reasons, yellow discharge occurs. One of the reasons for this change may be hormonal changes, treatment with hormonal contraceptives, as well as strong emotional upheavals. Therefore, you should not be afraid of yellow discharge, especially when they do not cause inconvenience and do not cause pain, and also do not cause itching or burning. Also, the absence of an unpleasant odor allows us to consider such manifestations of the body as a normal temporary phenomenon.

The yellow discharge that occurred as a result of sexual intercourse, when the sperm, once in the vagina, gives them yellowness, is also considered the norm. Special attention to changes in the color of secretions should be given to pregnant women, in view of the fact that it is during this period that their body becomes most defenseless against the penetration of pathogens of various inflammations and infections into it.

Yellow discharge - the result of genital infections

Infections transmitted by partners during sexual intercourse are caused by various types of bacteria. Most often, changes in the color of discharge in women occur due to trichomoniasis. The development of this infection causes a foamy discharge and an unbearable burning sensation due to irritation in the genitals. The nature of these secretions also directly depends on the diseases associated with this infection. More often it coexists with gonorrhea, as well as with chlamydia. A disease such as gonorrhea stands out from other diseases in that it causes severe pain at the time of urination and provokes the development of inflammation in the vagina.

Similar manifestations are observed with such a frequent disease of the reproductive system as infectious vaginitis. It is expressed in the development of inflammation in the vaginal membrane caused by anaerobic bacteria, as well as a certain type of Candida fungus or Trichomonas. Green discharge in women occurs with inflammation caused by trichomonas vaginitis, which, in addition to a very abundant, frothy discharge with a strong odor, causes burning and pain.

Disease-induced changes

Bacteria are present in the vagina in women of any age, they contribute to the formation of a healthy microflora that protects against the penetration of harmful microorganisms. Often, a favorable microflora undergoes a change due to improper hygiene or due to the development of inflammatory diseases. These include erosion, inflammation in the fallopian tubes, as well as endometritis and salpingo-ophyte. Any of these diseases cause visible changes in the discharge, and the most common case among them is yellow discharge.

Indirect causes of color changes

The most natural and most common cause when the discharge turns yellow or becomes creamy is the female physiological cycle. Without having an unpleasant smell and without causing burning, they do not have an irritating effect.
Yellow discharge can occur as a result of improper use of hygiene products for washing, which are used in strong concentration, as well as when using deodorized panty liners.

In women who are in the menopause stage, a frequent case of yellowing discharge can be caused by manifestations of nonspecific vaginitis, as well as the occurrence of atrophy of the epithelium lining the vulva. Since during menopause there is a high probability of the occurrence of neoplasms of a malignant nature in the organs of the reproductive system, the appearance of yellow discharge at this age requires close attention and specialist advice.

One of the most important symptoms that are evidence of trouble with menopause is vaginal discharge. Their appearance is considered normal only during the period of activity of the reproductive organs. Their appearance during menopause, especially the altered yellow character, is considered a symptom of ongoing inflammation. The appearance of pain and burning sensation in the area of ​​the genital organs due to inflammatory processes is considered a frequent case of serious pathologies. In any case, such symptoms should serve as a reason for contacting a gynecologist.

The mucous membrane of the woman's vagina provides high-quality protection against infections. She constantly produces mucus. This is a normal physiological process that is observed in all periods of a woman's life. If yellow discharge is observed in women, then this may be the norm or indicate the presence of an inflammatory process.

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    Physiological causes

    Physiological secretions in women can have a variety of colors - from transparent to rich yellow. With the release of such a vaginal secret, no stains remain on the underwear of a woman. No more than 5 milliliters of mucus should be secreted per day. If a girl is ovulating or menstruating, the amount of discharge may increase. Also, this situation is observed before and after sexual relations.

    If yellow, odorless discharge is observed, then this is the norm. They have a liquid and homogeneous consistency. During ovulation, the viscosity of mucus and an increase in its density are observed.

    Normally, yellow, odorless discharge should not have clots. The normal flora of the vagina can saturate the discharge with a sour smell. Yellow discharge in women is not accompanied by itching or burning, which indicates the normal course of physiological processes.

    Mucus in some cases can be the first sign of pregnancy if its separation is not accompanied by discomfort.

    Pathological causes

    If yellow discharge with a smell is observed in women, then this indicates the development of pathological processes in the body:

    • Urogenital infection. During the course of this disease, the appearance of yellow discharge with an unpleasant odor is observed. The color of the slime is bright and saturated.
    • Erosion of the cervix. Yellow discharge in this disease is characterized by dirty shades. When it appears, many patients complain of the appearance of pain in the lumbar region. After sexual intercourse, along with mucus from the vagina, a small amount of blood.
    • Inflammatory processes on the external genitalia. In this case, yellow discharge and itching appear. During the gynecological examination, the doctor notes the presence of mucosal edema.
    • Inflammatory process in the fallopian tubes or ovaries. In this case, abundant yellow discharge appears. Patients complain of pain in the lower abdomen. Its strengthening is observed during the period of sexual relations or emptying of the bladder.

    Yellowish discharge also appears with allergic reactions. That is why a woman is not recommended to wear synthetic underwear, the use of chemical hygiene products and barrier contraceptives.

    If there is a yellow, odorless discharge, you should not worry. But their occurrence indicates the development of various infectious diseases:

    • Gonorrhea. During the course of this disease, the appearance of yellow discharge in women in a moderate amount is observed. The mucus may contain pus or blood. Their smell is unsharp. Patients complain of pain in the inner thighs, abdomen and lower back. During the emptying of the bladder, the pain may increase.
    • Chlamydia. With the development of this disease, the appearance of abundant white-yellow discharge is observed. The characteristic symptoms of this disease are pain and itching.
    • Trichomoniasis. In this case, the discharge is frothy and profuse, which has a greenish tint and a putrid odor.
    • Ureaplasmosis or mycoplasmosis. In these pathological conditions, yellowish discharges are observed, which have a light color. green color. With these diseases, patients experience itching and burning. The external genitalia may swell.

    The process of treating a pathological condition directly depends on the causes of its occurrence. That is why they must be determined by laboratory analysis. This is due to the fact that there are many diseases that are accompanied by this symptom.

    The most common reasons for discharge include:

    • Colpitis;
    • vaginosis;
    • endometriosis;
    • tumor processes.

    What is colpitis?

    It is an inflammatory process that occurs against the background of the negative impact of pathogens - streptococci, trichomonas, chlamydia. When this disease appears, a woman has yellow mucus, which in its consistency resembles foam. Patients also notice a characteristic unpleasant odor.

    With colpitis, the mucous membrane of the large and small labia and vagina may swell. Women complain of severe itching and a burning sensation. You can determine the presence of the disease by examining secretions and a general blood test.

    Blood after intercourse or during it - causes and methods of treatment

    How does vaginosis manifest itself?

    When this disease appears, the mucous membrane of the vagina becomes inflamed. It is characterized by the presence of lactobacilli, which protect the internal genital organs from bacteria and fungi. Vaginosis develops as a result of a violation of the microflora of the vagina. Often it is diagnosed with the development of hormonal disruptions in a woman's body. If the patient long time uses antibiotics, it leads to the appearance of the disease. The cause of the disease is often a decrease in the performance of the immune system.

    Deviations can occur against the background of various diseases that develop in the genitourinary system and endocrine glands. During the development of the tumor process, the appearance of a pathological condition can be diagnosed. The transmission of the infectious process is often carried out sexually. The cause of the pathological process may be venereal diseases. In this case, the appearance of yellow or yellow-green discharge is observed. Patients note the presence of a putrid smell of fish. The occurrence of vaginosis is often diagnosed against the background of exposure to pathogenic bacteria gardnerella.

    Vaginosis is a rather dangerous disease, especially during pregnancy. With its development, a woman may experience a miscarriage or premature birth. If the infection enters the uterus, it will lead to an inflammatory process in its mucous membranes - endometritis.

    Disease endometriosis

    The cause of the disease in most cases are hormonal disorders. During the course of the disease, the mucous membrane grows potologically. With untimely treatment of this disease, infertility is often observed in girls.

    Endometriosis is accompanied by severe pain during menstruation. Women complain of the appearance of yellow-brown watery discharge, which is characterized by the presence of a pronounced odor. With endometriosis, female hormonal diseases are often observed, which are explained by tumors of the mammary glands of a benign or malignant nature.

    Tumor processes

    The appearance of yellow mucus from the vagina is often observed with the development of a tumor process on the external or internal genital organs. In some cases, they appear against the background of the development of a fistula, which connects the genital tract, as well as the intestines and bladder.

    The cause of the fistula is a tumor that is malignant. Also, a pathological condition can be diagnosed against the background of radiation therapy. Allocations are characterized by a bright yellow color if the disease occurs against the background of pathological changes in the bladder. With the formation of a fistula in the intestinal area, the appearance of dark yellow discharge, which has a brown tint, is observed.

    There are a lot of reasons for the occurrence of discharge in women.

    Medical therapy

    The choice of treatment method by the doctor is carried out depending on the reasons for its appearance. In most cases, to eliminate an unpleasant symptom, the use of medications is carried out:

    • Trichomoniasis. The disease occurs against the background of exposure to Trichomonas vaginalis. The pathological process is accompanied by yellow discharge from the vagina, which has an unpleasant odor. Patients complain of burning and itching, as well as swelling of the external genital organs. They claim that there is pain during sexual intercourse, as well as when emptying the bladder. This disease requires a comprehensive and individual approach. Otherwise, there will be a transition to the chronic form of the disease. The consequences of improper treatment of the disease are pathologies of pregnancy and infertility. The main component of the complex treatment of the disease is antibiotic therapy. In most cases, doctors recommend the use of Metronidazole or Tinidazole.
    • Gonorrhea. The disease occurs as a result of exposure to the human body of gonococci. Manifestations of the first symptoms of the disease are observed for 10 days after infection. When the disease appears, the color of the discharge in patients is from white to yellow. For the treatment of the disease, antibiotics are most often used - Doxocycline, Ceftriaxone, Azithromycin.
    • Salpingitis. This disease develops in the fallopian tubes and is inflammatory in nature. It is accompanied by nausea, vomiting, pain in the lumbar region. With a severe course of the disease, treatment should be carried out in stationary conditions. For this purpose, antibiotics, antihistamine drugs, immunomodulators, and physiotherapy are prescribed.
    • Adnexitis. This disease develops in the uterine appendages and develops against the background of exposure to pathogenic bacteria - streptococci, staphylococci, gonococci, Escherichia coli, microbacteria, etc. If there is no timely treatment, then the integrity of the epithelial lining of the uterus will be violated. The disease is treated with antibiotics. The choice of a particular drug depends on the individual characteristics of the woman. The patient also needs to take immunomodulators and multivitamins. To eliminate pain, analgesics are taken. In order to enhance the effect of traditional medicines, physiotherapeutic procedures are used.
    • Vaginitis. The disease is most often observed in patients who are of reproductive age. Antibiotics are used to treat the disease in most cases. You can also use local medicines that have a wide spectrum of action.
    • Chlamydia. This is a fairly common sexually transmitted infection. In most cases, it occurs as a result of unprotected sexual relations with new sexual partners. During the course of the pathological process, mucopurulent discharges are observed, which have a yellowish tint. Patients complain of burning and itching. With the disease, body temperature may slightly increase. The pathological process is characterized by the presence of symptoms such as pain in the lower abdomen and general weakness. To make the correct diagnosis of chlamydia, bacterial culture, PCR, enzyme immunoassay are used. Treatment of the disease is carried out by Azithromycin, Doxocycline.

    Treatment of diseases that are accompanied by yellow discharge in women, in most cases, is carried out using medical methods. In most cases, antibacterial drugs are used for this purpose. To improve the general condition of the patient, the use of immunomodulators, as well as vitamin complexes, is recommended.

    Traditional medicine

    To enhance the effect of traditional drugs, it is recommended to use traditional medicines. With their help, the intensity of secretions is reduced, as well as the normalization of their color. The most effective drugs include:

    • Infusion of periwinkle. The drug is widely used if the consistency of the whites is watery and mucous. To prepare a folk remedy, you need to take one teaspoon of the plant, which is pre-crushed and pour 250 milliliters of boiling water. It is necessary to infuse the drug for 15 minutes. After straining the infusion, it is used for oral administration. The traditional medicine must be drunk during the day in small portions.
    • Pine baths. To prepare them, you need to take pine needles and grind them. They fall asleep in a pan with three liters of boiling water. It is necessary to cook the drug for half an hour. After that, the folk remedy is removed from the fire. It must be infused until completely cooled. The drug must be filtered and added to a warm bath. It must be carried out for at least 15 minutes.
    • Gadgets. For the preparation of the medicinal product, round-leaved wintergreen and its shoots are used. This plant can be used fresh or dried. It must be taken 50 grams and poured into a glass container. Wintergreen is poured with 500 milliliters of vodka and infused for two weeks in the cellar. With the help of infusion, lotions are made. It is recommended to dilute before use. hot water.
    • Douching. To prepare the solution, it is recommended to use St. John's wort. Pour two liters into the pan pure water and boil. Three tablespoons of pre-chopped grass are poured into the container. The drug must be simmered for 30 minutes over low heat. After cooling, the goods are poured through gauze into another vessel. A medicine is used for douching in the evening.
    • Irrigation. For this purpose, garlic decoction is most often used. To do this, take a head of garlic, peel and chop it. The resulting mixture is poured into a glass of boiling water. After that, the drug is boiled over low heat for 5 minutes. After the folk preparation has cooled down, it must be filtered. Before using the drug, six percent vinegar is added to it in the amount of one tablespoon. The drug is filled with a spray bottle. From it it is necessary to irrigate the genitals medicine.

    Yellow discharge in women is normal only if it is not accompanied by additional symptoms. Otherwise, we can judge the development of the pathological process, which must be urgently treated. For this purpose, traditional or folk preparations can be used, depending on the characteristics of the course of the pathology.

A change in the color, nature and smell of vaginal discharge should definitely alarm a woman, since such phenomena may indicate the presence of various diseases in the body. They can turn out to be both completely harmless and fairly quickly passing, and those that require a lot of time and effort to treat.

To avoid unpleasant consequences, you should immediately seek medical help and conduct specialized. Only a quick reaction can catch a potential disease at a very early stage and prevent its development in an unpleasant and dangerous scenario.

If a woman has a yellow discharge with a sour smell, this can be both a variant of the norm and an indicator of the presence of various diseases.

Depending on what shade, consistency and smell the discharge has, they may have the following reasons:

  1. Hormonal imbalance. In this case, the discharge is rarely accompanied by itching or discomfort, does not have a sharply changed or unpleasant odor, has a watery or mucous consistency and appears mainly before menstruation, before, during or after sexual intercourse.
  2. . Depending on what type of infection caused the disease, the discharge can be yellowish, rich yellow, yellowish green, thick, cheesy, mucous, with an unpleasant pungent odor, accompanied by severe itching, irritation, inflammation, pain during intercourse and urination, pulling pains in the lower abdomen. STIs are a very large group of diseases that includes many different diseases. Some of them are quite common and may not occur due to unprotected intercourse, such as bacterial vaginosis, bacterial vaginosis, candidiasis, or thrush. Others are associated only with sexual transmission, for example, trichomoniasis, chlamydia, gonorrhea, genital herpes and so on.
  3. Inflammatory diseases of the female genital organs. This group can include such different problems as inflammation of the ovaries, cysts of these organs, adhesions, erosion of the cervix, the development of benign and malignant neoplasms, and much more.

What discharge is considered normal

In some cases, the appearance of yellowish discharge is a variant of the norm. In order not to be afraid of unpleasant consequences, the discharge should not be accompanied by pain, burning or itching, dysfunction of organs, redness and other unpleasant moments.

However, even an experienced doctor cannot make an accurate diagnosis based on discharge alone - it is necessary to pass tests and undergo mandatory diagnostic procedures, since a number of diseases of the female genital area can occur without the appearance of external changes.

Normally, the volume of daily secretions can be compared with a teaspoon, they have a translucent structure and a semi-liquid consistency, are devoid of bright color and never have an unpleasant, repulsive odor.

In some women, the amount of discharge before menstruation may increase slightly, and their color may be affected by the use of a number of medications, such as antibiotics.

Normal discharge is not accompanied by irritation of the external genital organs and any kind of discomfort, so yellow discharge with a sour smell, paired with itching or pain, is a direct reason for a quick visit to the gynecologist.

Which doctor should I contact?

In the event that a woman develops yellow discharge with a sour smell, accompanied by urination disorders, pain during and after intercourse, severe burning, itching and irritation, redness and inflammation of the mucous membranes, it is necessary to contact a gynecologist as soon as possible.

Since there can be many reasons for this condition, before visiting a doctor, in no case should you self-medicate, douche and treat with various disinfectants, or take medications. Any of these actions can distort the picture of the disease. And since various pathogens can cause such phenomena, then treatment will be required specific in each case.

The doctor will definitely prescribe a series of tests and perform the necessary examinations.

First of all, it will be a gynecological examination and taking, as well as bakposev for tolerance to antibiotics. Then, a smear test will be required for sexually transmitted infections, as well as a blood test by ELISA for possible hidden infectious diseases.

In some cases, it may be necessary to conduct to identify adhesions, cysts, tumors and inflammatory processes in the female genital organs.

Treatment Method

Yellow discharge with a sour smell is a symptom that can be inherent in many different diseases. That is why treatment can be prescribed only after an accurate diagnosis has been made. Based on it, the doctor will choose the most appropriate type of exposure, select medications and prescribe the necessary procedures.

If the disease is caused by a bacterial infection, then the antibiotics most effective against the existing type of infection will be prescribed. Sometimes, during infection, several microorganisms can be introduced, so you have to use combined preparations or use several medicines at once.

Treatment features:

  • Against a fungal infection, drugs are selected that are effective for use in such diseases, and against viruses, specific antiviral agents are selected. The defeat of the simplest microorganisms will require the selection of specific drugs that are active against this type of infection.
  • In addition to drugs that act directly against the underlying cause of the disease, symptomatic drugs may be required, such as anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antipyretic and immune-supporting drugs, antispasmodics, vitamins, and general tonic.
  • Drug treatment can be supplemented by physiotherapy procedures and other methods of exposure. At the end of it, it is imperative to take tests to make sure that all sources of infection have been eliminated. A couple must be treated, since during sexual contact the risk of infection is almost 100%. During treatment, intimacy is prohibited due to the danger of re-infection.
  • If the cause of the discharge in a woman was hormonal problems, the doctor will conduct detailed examinations and establish what became the trigger. In these cases, hormonal drugs are most often prescribed, sometimes oral contraceptives.

In case of detection of various neoplasms that threaten the health or life of a woman, the only way out may be surgery. After the surgery, the doctor may prescribe an additional course of treatment. For oncological diseases, this may be radiation, chemotherapy.

Any disease that is not cured in time becomes chronic or causes various complications. If we are talking about hormonal changes in a woman's body, then the most terrible complication can be the development of diseases leading to. The same applies to the majority - if they are not treated in time and correctly, the consequences for reproductive function can be disastrous.

In the presence of a variety of inflammatory processes and the presence of tumors, there is not only a threat to health, but also to the very life of a woman. Recently, the number of young women of reproductive age who have fallen ill with various forms of cancer has been constantly increasing. Sometimes the only indication of a problem is the appearance of various secretions from the genitals.

Useful video - What kind of discharge should alert women:

Timely seeking medical help will help a woman not only get rid of the disease itself, but also protect herself from many extremely unpleasant, and sometimes life-threatening complications.

The appearance of yellow discharge from the vagina is often a cause for concern. Their presence does not always indicate a violation. Consider the main reasons for their appearance, list the pathologies in which such symptoms are noted, methods for diagnosing diseases of the reproductive system in women.

Yellow discharge in women - causes

Yellow discharge observed at different periods of the menstrual cycle is often the reason for a visit to the gynecologist. At the same time, doctors note that normally the discharge should be colorless or have a slightly whitish tint. They are called whites. A change in color, consistency and volume indicates the presence of a violation in the reproductive system of a woman. Common reasons for their appearance include:

  1. Violation of the hormonal background. A change in the concentration of sex hormones in the blood may be accompanied by an increase in the production of secretions, changes in their color. At the same time, additional signs appear, in the form of a failure in the frequency, duration of menstruation, and their volume.
  2. Taking hormonal drugs. Prolonged use of oral contraceptives can lead to changes in the functioning of the reproductive system. In such cases, there is an increase in secretions, a change in their color.
  3. Overvoltage, stress. Against the background of experiences, there is an increase in the production of adrenaline, which suppresses the synthesis of sex hormones. As a result, their concentration decreases, which leads to menstrual irregularities.
  4. Sexual infections. Even at the beginning of the disease, the first sign of an infectious process or inflammation in the uterus is pathological discharge. The causative agent, multiplying, inhibits the growth of the normal microflora of the vagina, changing the pH values, creating favorable conditions for its further development and vital activity. In this case, the woman notes the occurrence of concomitant symptoms, including:
  • burning;
  • hyperemia;
  • swelling of the vulva.

Yellow, odorless discharge in women

In the absence of additional symptoms, in the form of structural changes in the structure of organs, burning, redness, itching, odorless yellow discharge can be considered as a normal, temporary phenomenon. When their duration exceeds 2-4 days, additional signs mentioned above appear - you should consult a doctor. Yellow discharge in odorless women should not be ignored, the causes of which are as follows:

  1. Adnexitis. Inflammatory process, localized in the uterine appendages, provoking yellow discharge in women. Often accompanied by copious discharge, which acquire a purulent appearance. When the process enters the chronic stage, the ladies, on the contrary, fix a daub - a small amount of discharge from the vaginal cavity. Over time, additional symptoms appear, in the form of pain in the back, lower back. Sexual intercourse is often accompanied by painful sensations in the groin. Frequent urge to urinate.
  2. bacterial vaginitis. The disease can provoke yellow discharge in women, odorless. With this violation, damage to the walls of the vagina by pathogenic microorganisms is noted. As a result, the nature of the discharge changes. All this is accompanied by aching, painful phenomena in the lower abdomen, a burning sensation in the vagina.
  3. Salpingitis. With such a violation, damage to the fallopian tubes is fixed. In the acute stage, yellow discharge is observed in women, pain in the side, from inflammation.
  4. Allergic reaction. Doctors have found that a change in the nature of vaginal discharge may be associated with the consequences of using synthetic underwear, the use of a certain type of hygiene products.

Yellow discharge with smell in women

A phenomenon such as yellow discharge with an odor may indicate the presence of an infectious process in the reproductive system. They are accompanied by severe itching, burning, swelling of the pubic region. Common illnesses include:

  1. . A clear symptom of the disorder is a frothy discharge of a green or yellow hue. A characteristic feature is the presence of the smell of spoiled fish. At the same time, hyperemia of the labia minora occurs, which causes itching. During sexual intercourse, the lady experiences severe pain.
  2. Chlamydia. Sexual infection caused by chlamydia. Yellow discharge in women during this period, as the disease progresses, becomes purulent. Burning also appears during urination, due to the fact that the process can pass to the mucous membrane of the urinary tract.

It must be said that such diseases are very similar in symptoms. Differential diagnosis is based on carrying out:

  • smear on microflora;
  • bacteriological seeding material.

yellow-green discharge

Yellow-green discharge in women appears with the development of inflammatory processes in the reproductive system. Pus gives them a green tint. Diseases with similar symptoms include:

  1. . There is an increase in the secretion of secretions, which become thick. In some cases, blood impurities may be recorded.
  2. . A disease affecting the female sex glands. As a result, the synthesis of hormones is disrupted, which leads to malfunctions of the menstrual cycle: delay, lengthening of menstruation, decrease or increase in the volume of secretions.

Light yellow discharge

It is worth noting that short-term, white-yellow discharge in women can be considered as a variant of the norm. At the same time, the lady is not disturbed by anything, discomfort and pain are absent. In the presence of impurities of pus, mucus, burning and itching, pain in the genital area, frequent urination, which is accompanied by pain, doctors make an assumption about the development of gonorrhea. For diagnosis, a swab is taken from the urethra and vagina.

yellow-brown discharge

The yellow discharge observed in women often acquires a brown tint, which indicates the presence of blood in them. Yellow discharge from the vagina, with impurities of blood, is recorded with such a violation as cervical erosion. The disease itself is characterized by the appearance of lesions of the mucous membrane, with the formation of ulcers that bleed. The discharge itself indicates the attachment of an infectious process, which requires appropriate antibiotic therapy.

Yellow discharge and itching

Yellow discharge and itching in women can be recorded with a disorder such as candidiasis. It's called a fungus. As the disease develops, a woman fixes the appearance of a curdled discharge, which is accompanied by severe itching. Yellow discharge with a sour smell is a classic symptom of vaginal fungal infection. Treatment is reduced to the normalization of the vaginal environment, by prescribing antifungal ointments, which are used topically.

yellow discharge before period

According to the physiological characteristics of the female body, during the ovulatory process, an increase in the intensity of leucorrhoea occurs. The reason for this is an increase in the concentration of the hormone progesterone. Under its action, girls can fix yellow discharge. At the same time, they are short-lived, disappear on their own after 2-3 days, do not cause additional symptoms.

yellow discharge after period

Abundant yellow discharge after the last menstrual period is a sign of violations. Among those:

  1. . Inflammation of the vaginal cavity. Pathogenic microorganisms, fungi can provoke this process.
  2. . Inflammation of the uterine cervix, which is accompanied by profuse purulent discharge.

yellow discharge during pregnancy

During gestation, a woman does not notice menstruation. At the same time, small, colorless discharges, similar to daily ones, are fixed. Yellow-green, odorless discharge in women in position may indicate a complication such as an infected abortion. As a result, the death of the baby occurs, the pregnant woman fixes the appearance of the following symptoms:

  • chills;
  • increase in body temperature;
  • signs of inflammation in the blood test.

In the absence of these symptoms, the pregnant woman feels normal, doctors may assume that odorless yellow discharge during pregnancy is caused by a change in hormonal levels. With the onset of gestation, a restructuring of the hormonal system occurs. Because of this, in the short term, pregnant women can record a change in the volume, color and consistency of discharge. At the same time, the expectant mother is not worried about anything.

Yellow, odorless discharge can be both the norm and the pathology. You should know the signs and symptoms of various diseases in order to consult a doctor in time.

Normal discharge

The vagina is a sexual organ that is a connecting bridge between the external environment and the internal reproductive organs.

The acid-base balance of the vagina is shifted towards an acidic reaction, which prevents the penetration of infections and the occurrence of inflammatory processes. This acidic environment is created by bacteria that live on the mucosa. The cells of a healthy vagina produce secretions or secretions for cleansing and self-regulation, much as saliva cleanses and regulates the oral environment. Such discharges are considered the norm. Any intervention in the delicate balance of the vaginal secretion creates conditions conducive to the development of infection.

The quality of the secretions

All women have vaginal discharge. Normal discharge is white, slimy, clear, light white, yellowish and yellow. They may also contain white flecks and sometimes be thin and stringy. Changes in their quantity, quality and consistency occur for many reasons, including during the menstrual cycle, with emotional stress, the use of drugs, including birth control pills. They also depend on the state of nutrition, the course of pregnancy and increase with sexual arousal. Yellow, odorless discharge can be the norm, and sometimes a sign of pathology.

Hormonal influence

The menstrual cycle affects the vaginal environment. You may notice an increase in moisture and clear discharge around day 10-14 of your cycle. The acid-base balance of the vagina fluctuates during the cycle and is the least acid just before and during menstruation.

This creates a favorable environment for various bacteria, therefore, at this time there is a risk of contracting sexual and viral infections. Before and after menstruation, some women experience yellow, odorless discharge, sometimes streaked with blood. Every woman knows her discharge during all the days of the menstrual cycle.


Yellow, odorless discharge during pregnancy is considered the norm, provided that no infection is detected during the examination and the pregnancy does not proceed with the threat of termination. All this is diagnosed when contacting a gynecologist after a complete examination. In pregnant women without any pathology, the amount of leucorrhoea increases. This is a physiological phenomenon associated with hormonal changes in the body.

Yellow, odorless discharge during pregnancy may appear if sanious discharge from the cervix is ​​​​added to the whites. An accurate diagnosis can only be established by a doctor after an additional examination.

Pathological discharge

Signs of abnormal discharge are changes in color or amount. This indicates an infection. These conditions are common, and most women will experience some form of vaginal infection during their lifetime. These symptoms make a woman visit a gynecologist:

  • discharge accompanied by itching, rash or soreness;
  • persistent discharge, with an increase in quantity;
  • burning during urination;
  • white massive whites (like cottage cheese);
  • gray-white or yellow-green discharge.

Common causes of abnormal leucorrhea

Pathological yellow vaginal discharge occurs for many reasons, but this is usually a sign of infection and not only. With adverse factors, the natural balance of bacteria or yeast in the vagina is disturbed, which are necessary to keep the vagina clean and ensure reproductive function.

Various diseases of the internal genital organs, such as adnexitis, metroendometritis, can cause a woman to have yellow vaginal discharge. Such whites are odorless, but are accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen, fever, and sometimes symptoms of intoxication.

In case of untreated diseases of the internal female organs or in case of untimely access to a doctor, abundant yellow odorless discharge is observed in women. Such symptoms are characteristic in most cases of a tubovarial abscess (pus in the fallopian tube) when it is emptied.

Beli in girls and postmenopausal women

For young girls and girls, yellow vaginal discharge is a pathology. If this occurs, a common cause is vulvitis (inflammation of the vulva) caused by a streptococcal infection.

If a woman in menopause notes that she has a yellow, odorless discharge, then you should consult a doctor as soon as possible. Possible reasons include:

  • sexually transmitted infections;
  • cervical polyps - benign neoplasms in the uterus or in the cervix;
  • prolonged wearing of the intrauterine device.

During the examination, it is important to exclude oncological processes of the uterus and cervix.

infectious factors

The most common reasons are:

  • thrush, or candidiasis;
  • bacterial vaginosis;
  • trichomoniasis;
  • gonorrhea;
  • chlamydia;
  • genital herpes.

Only a gynecologist can establish the correct diagnosis, prescribe treatment after an additional examination. For this, analyzes of secretions for flora, cytology, bakposev of secretions, analysis of the contents of the vagina for examination by PCR, and ultrasound of the pelvic organs are used.

Bacterial vaginosis

Many factors influence the development of this disease. Similar to the appearance of thrush, there is an overgrowth of bacteria that are normally produced in small quantities by the vaginal mucosa. At the same time, the delicate balance of the vaginal environment is upset.

Bacterial vaginosis may present as a single inflammatory process, but may accompany other infections. Women who have multiple partners and do not use personal protective equipment are at an increased risk of contracting bacterial vaginosis.

Signs and symptoms:

  • increase in secretions;
  • gray-white, sometimes yellow discharge;
  • watery leucorrhoea, sometimes with a fishy smell;
  • change in the smell of discharge immediately after intercourse.

Nearly half of women with bacterial vaginosis have no symptoms.


This infection is caused by the introduction of unicellular protozoa. Trichomoniasis is most often transmitted sexually. However, these pathogens can survive for twenty-four hours in a humid environment, making wet towels or bathing suits a possible vehicle for transmission of this infection.

Most men and some women do not feel any symptoms, but most often the disease is accompanied by such symptoms:

  • yellow discharge, odorless, sometimes with a greenish tint;
  • foamy whites;
  • inflammation of the vulva and vagina;
  • increased frequency of urination;


In the absence of an infectious agent in the vagina, there is a small amount of yeast (candida) present in the vagina. Thrush occurs when there is an overabundance of yeast, often caused by a change in pH balance.

Some factors that can increase yeast cell production are:

  • use of oral contraceptives;
  • diabetes;
  • pregnancy;
  • use of antibiotics (protective bacteria are destroyed by antibiotics, allowing fungal infections to grow).

Signs and symptoms:

  • increased amount of secretions;
  • white color and consistency of cottage cheese;
  • redness, itching, burning of the vagina and vulva.

Yellow discharge from the vagina with such a lesion is due to inflammation and thinning of the mucous membrane and the addition of a blood secretion to the discharge.

Prevention and principles of treatment of vaginal infections

You should not self-medicate. Only your gynecologist will be able to choose the right treatment regimen for you in accordance with your general condition and the pathological process in the vagina or other reproductive organs. And the preventive measures are:

  1. The use of condoms during intercourse with promiscuity.
  2. Eat well, get enough sleep, drink enough fluids.
  3. Compliance with the hygiene of the vaginal area.
  4. Wearing cotton underwear.
  5. Wiping the genitals from front to back after urinating or defecation.
  6. Avoid using deodorized pads or tampons.
  7. Do not use Vaseline or other oils for lubrication.
  8. Use medicines as directed or as directed by your doctor.
  9. Avoid sexual intercourse until the completion of the course of treatment.
  10. Do not scratch or scratch infected or inflamed areas; this may cause further irritation.
  11. If it is intended to use the drug inside the vagina, do not use it on the days of menstruation.
  12. If there is an infection during critical days, use pads, not tampons.
  13. Avoid vulvovaginal irritants, including perfumed deodorants or shower gels.

If symptoms persist after completion of treatment, a re-examination is scheduled. For the accuracy of the results, it is not recommended to douche and insert suppositories or tablets into the vagina for 48 hours before visiting the gynecologist.

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