Laser vaporization of the cervix. Features of laser destruction. How is the recovery process after laser vaporization and possible complications

Girls, have a good day!

I'm not ashamed to touch on an important topic today women's health. I know that few will dare to make such an ailment public. But when the problem is already on the threshold, it turns out that we are not ready to meet it and send it off with dignity, to expel it from our body without consequences.

Probably need a little more about myself tell...

I am 31 years old. Didn't give birth.

Diagnosed with cervical erosion at the end of May 2015 . It was on schedule medical examination, bypassed all doctors. At the reception at the gynecologist there was a "wonderful" presentation ... Girls, this is beyond words. "Do you know that you have erosion?!!!" Said in a "fu" tone. I felt like the last dirty trash on the planet. To the question of whether it is possible to treat and what to do in general, a laconic answer was given: "You must have visited a gynecologist at least once before? So go to him!" With these words I was literally kicked out the door.

Naturally, I have been to the gynecologist more than once and have good habit visit "your" doctor at least once a year for examination and delivery of the simplest tests. She flew to her. Diagnosis - cervical leukoplakia .

Leukoplakia- a disease characterized by lesions of the mucous membranes, keratinization of the integumentary epithelium varying degrees expressiveness. Only mucous membranes lined with stratified squamous or transitional epithelium are affected - these are the mucous membranes of the oral cavity, esophagus, larynx, cervix, vagina, vulva and bladder.

Tests showed little inflammation. With all this, I felt great, nothing hurt anywhere, even during the examination. Menstruation also passes without pain in the lower abdomen.

They said that it is definitely necessary to do cauterization (we will return to this later).

Assigned a lung treatment for inflammatory processes :

  • Povidone-Iodine (or Betadine)
  • Dalmaxin

Also directed to human papillomavirus (HPV) test .This virus is very common in both women and men. It is transmitted sexually and can develop from several months to ten years without showing signs of illness. It is the main cause of cervical cancer (c/m) in women over 45 years of age. Unfortunately, we are used to seeking help from a doctor only when it already hurts. And this analysis should be taken every 3-5 years. Important! A condom does not provide 100% protection against HPV.

In general, the topic is extensive, it will pull on a separate review. Depending on the types of papillomavirus, the degree of risk of developing malignant cancer is determined. So, I have a low degree. In the question of treatment, the opinion of doctors is strangely divided. Some believe that killing this virus is not worth it and it can disappear in a few years. On the other hand, more dangerous ones can always be added to the existing ones. And in general, you can bring your health to the point of developing cancer.

Therefore, armed with the results of the analysis for HPV and other smears, I went to see an oncologist . He listened, looked at the tests, performed an examination, including a colposcopy with a special device. Diagnosis - cervical dysplasia .

Dysplasia- characterized by the presence of atypical cells on the cervix. Often does not cause any symptoms, it is potentially dangerous disease, as it can progress to cervical cancer, the second most important type of cancer that kills women, especially young girls.

And again important information! If you do not raise immunity and before cauterizing erosion, it may appear again after a time (a year or years).

I chose the average cost of treatment is approximately 2000.00 UAH. (at that time about $ 80), which included the price of medicines and a doctor's appointment (private clinic). It included:

  • Hexicon (vaginal suppositories)
  • Laferobion (anal candles)
  • Alfarekin 1 million (injections)
  • Water for injections
  • Insulin syringes

Treatment is designed for continuous 10 days. I lit candles at night. Alfarekin's injections into the cervix, went every day, chipped the erosion in several places. Repeated colcoscopy showed that the treatment had progressed, the lesion had decreased. But cauterization, unfortunately, was necessary.

Usually, before this manipulation, another biopsy is prescribed. I missed this step, because. the picture was clear. I trusted the doctor's opinion.


  • Chemical coagulation

erosion is treated with special solutions that corrode the altered cells


erosion is burned out with a high-frequency current using an electrode


erosion treatment liquid nitrogen, during which erosion freezes

  • Laser vaporization (Laser coagulation)

targeted impact of a laser beam using a CO2 apparatus on pathological tissue foci, the procedure is non-contact

  • Radio wave treatment

a method of incision and coagulation of soft tissues without damaging healthy areas, while under the influence of high-frequency current, the affected cells are destroyed

  • Argon plasma coagulation

new contactless method of exposure to a radio wave amplified by an inert gas - argon

  • Surgery

local surgery scalpel

  • ethnoscience

treatment with folk methods

Unfortunately, in normal antenatal clinic not much to choose from. because backward medicine on budget support cannot boast of progressive equipment. The most safe method in their case was offered to me in the form of cryodestruction (freezing), which is recommended for women who have not given birth. And they immediately advised to contact private clinic with a laser. It is whiter accurate, painless, bloodless, with short term healing and tissue repair.

Laser vaporization is carried out in the first phase menstrual cycle . They made it for me on the second day after the end of menstruation.

PREPARATION FOR THE LASER in fact, it consisted in relieving inflammation with candles, raising the "female" immunity with Alfarekin.


Anesthetize locally with lidocaine spray (I have no allergies to it). In the meantime, turn on the machine to heat up the laser. The part of the device itself, which is being manipulated, is a thin rod, which has a red glow at the end.

The procedure, if I am not mistaken, is non-contact - the laser is directed to the place of erosion and the foci are cauterized. At the same time, from the most interesting places smoke, smells of burnt skin. The association with a crazy chicken makes you involuntarily smile to yourself (well, so as not to get depressed).

If we talk about pain, it's rather unpleasant. Pulling sensations of varying intensity in the lower abdomen, as before the onset of menstruation. Sometimes it hurts, but it is quite tolerable, although it is impossible to endure. At such moments, the doctor stops and allows you to take a breath. And only you decide when you are ready to continue.

Duration - about 15-20 minutes. They do not fly by in an instant, but I assure you, the procedure is not terrible. The main thing is to abstract and not to think that in what part of the body this is all happening.

Like any woman, she is more concerned with one question, so that this treatment will give its positive result and allowed her to conceive in the future. For this, everything can be endured.

I was not prescribed any medication. The body restored itself.

Warned about yellowish-watery discharge. On the first day there was practically nothing, then just water poured, sorry for the details, this is how tissue regenerates. There were no odors. The discharge became slightly yellowish only towards the end of the second week after the laser.

There were aching dull pains all 2 weeks. Then I neglected the ban on lifting weights, I didn’t even pay attention. And it caused bleeding. The main thing is not to panic, lie down if possible. No, this opportunity needs to be found, more rest. Everything ended well, but the next thing you need to know.

It is forbidden:

  • go to the sauna, bathe in the bathroom, sunbathe for about a month;
  • have sex for about a month;
  • use tampons for the first two weeks, when ichor is possible;
  • lift and carry weights of more than 2 kg (fraught with bleeding);
  • self-medicate;
  • think that you are already healthy and you no longer need to go to the doctor.


At the scheduled appointment, the following stage of recovery was prescribed:

  • Salt baths
  • Methyluracil

These suppositories are anal, but gynecologists prescribe them in their own way - vaginally. Girls, candles work wonders. I didn’t see how quickly everything healed, but after the third candle I felt complete relief. All discharges immediately stopped, all sorts of discomfort. Like nothing happened. The course of 10 baths and 10 suppositories was completed without interruption.


Another scheduled appointment, which draws more obvious conclusions based on the results of treatment. It was necessary to see a doctor no earlier than 2 months after the laser. I delayed this moment and went exactly 4 months later, because. she felt great and had no sexual intercourse during this period, which can also exclude infections and recurrence of the disease.

So, a coloscopy was performed.

Colposcopy- diagnostic examination of the entrance to the vagina, the walls of the vagina and the vaginal part of the cervix using colposcope - special device, which is a binocular and a lighting device.

And very important to me verdict - cervical epithelium without signs of dysplasia . Damaged tissues were cured and fully recovered after laser intervention.

The doctor is satisfied with the outcome of the treatment, I am satisfied with his competence. No unnecessary tests, no money pumping. The treatment was carried out according to my capabilities promptly and effectively.

It will be necessary to undergo an examination in another half a year and a year after the laser.

Lovely girls, girls, women!

I sincerely wish you to be healthy and loved. Do not neglect the most valuable thing you have - the opportunity to become a mother.

Intimate hygiene:


Medicine does not stand still. Every year, more and more new methods of surgical intervention are invented. The main goal of all innovations is to improve the previous method and minimize complications. Innovations do not bypass gynecology. In connection with the increasing cases of the development of pathologies of the cervix, they began to use such a treatment method as laser vaporization. What is it and what are the advantages of this procedure?

What is laser vaporization of the cervix?

This method is a process of removing the affected areas of the cervix using a high frequency laser. This operation is divided into two types:

  1. Contact. With this action, with the help of a laser, the diseased epithelium is evaporated.
  2. Innovative. With the help of a high-frequency laser, the cervix is ​​irradiated through other tissues. The laser penetrates deep into the tissues.

laser scalpel

Laser vaporization has a number of advantages, due to which the method has gained immense popularity.

  • Painlessness;
  • bloodlessness;
  • The possibility of vaporization in nulliparous girls;
  • Does not affect healthy cervical tissue;
  • Promotes tissue regeneration;
  • Easy recovery period.

All patients who had to undergo laser vaporization of the cervix unanimously claim that this best method removal of pathologies.

In what cases is the operation performed?

Laser vaporization is prescribed for women who suffer from the following pathologies:

  • Erosions of stages 1 and 2 are lesions of the cervix, which appear as redness and wounds on the surface of the epithelium;
  • Ectopia - pseudo-erosion, or that erosion that has not been cured;
  • Leukoplakia is a complication of erosion. Laser vaporization will be used only when the absence of atypical cells is confirmed;
  • Mechanical damage to the neck;
  • Cysts on the cervix;
  • Condylomas and papillomas;
  • Endometriosis is an abnormal growth of the intrauterine endometrium;
  • Polyps found on the surface of the cervix.

These diseases are the main indications for laser vaporization. However, these diseases are not always curable. surgical method. Sometimes another method of treatment is chosen. For example, medication.


Of course, no matter how good the method of intervention is, laser vaporization has a number of contraindications. The main one is cancer. In oncology, this method is not effective. In addition to cancer, there is another series of prohibitions on this procedure:

  • Polyps that are located in the cervical canal;
  • Pregnancy - absolute contraindication to any manipulations on the cervix;
  • breastfeeding time;
  • Dysplasia stage 3;
  • Any inflammation in the vagina;
  • If during colposcopy it is impossible to determine the boundaries between the diseased and healthy epithelium, then the operation is not possible;
  • Excessive damage to the surface of the cervix.

If any contraindication is found, then laser vaporization is carried out after the problem has been eliminated. In order for everything to go right and successfully, careful preparation is important.

How to prepare for vaporization?

Training can be divided into medical and independent. The first type of preparation is carried out by doctors and laboratory assistants to decide if there are any contraindications for laser vaporization. This training includes:

  • Gynecological examination using a colposcope. Under a microscope, the doctor determines the boundaries of the lesion of the cervix. During this examination, the neck is stained with indicators (iodine, vinegar) so that the boundaries are clearly defined.
  • ultrasound. This study helps to determine if there are any pathologies of the genital organs that could serve as a contraindication to the procedure.
  • A standard swab for cleanliness of the vagina, which shows the presence of inflammation caused by fungi and other bacteria.
  • smear for cytology. Which shows if there are atypical cells in the pathology that has affected the cervix.
  • Routine blood and urine tests.
  • Analyzes for serious illness sexually transmitted:
  • Syphilis;
  • Gonorrhea;
  • Papillomavirus.

After the doctor receives complete picture state of the body, and, if everything is in order, then sets the date for the procedure.

If any deviations or contraindications are found, then treatment is carried out, and then the tests are repeated.

Immediately before the operation itself, the girl should conduct the following self-training:

  • For a week, refuse sexual intercourse;
  • In the evening before vaporization, eat a light meal;
  • Sutra is better not to eat anything;
  • Take a shower.

The procedure is carried out strictly in the first half of the cycle, approximately 7-10 days. In this period female body able to regenerate quickly.

Order of conduct

The operation is performed on a gynecological chair. For a woman, everything goes painlessly, as the mother's neck is anesthetized. The operation time depends on the severity of the damage to the surface of the neck, but on average it is 10-20 minutes.

Stages of vaporization:

  • The surface of the neck is treated with iodine solution to clearly define the boundaries of the lesion.
  • Using a colposcope, determine exact position pathology.
  • The device must be set up correctly. Typically, parameters are chosen that correspond to a power of 25W and a beam diameter of 2.5 mm.
  • Start the phased evaporation. The doctor monitors the process on the monitor, on which the image is displayed.
  • The depth of impact depends on the degree of damage.
  • A woman can go home immediately or stay in the ward for several hours.

See below for an image of how laser vaporization works.

Recovery period

After laser vaporization, the body recovers quite quickly. This is due to the minimally invasive method. Full recovery mucosa after evaporation occurs in 4-6 weeks.

Immediately after the operation, the following phenomena may be observed:

  • Dizziness;
  • Nausea;
  • Colored selection in red;
  • Minor pain.

All this passes very quickly and after a couple of days the woman may not feel that she had any intervention. However, during the month, restrictions are imposed on it:

  • Do not have sex;
  • Do not visit ponds and pools;
  • Do not go to baths and saunas;
  • Do not use tampons;
  • Forget douching for a while.

Usually no intake is required after vaporization additional drugs. However, if a woman is in poor health, she may be prescribed restorative drugs and vitamins.

A month after the procedure, you should again contact the doctor for a final conclusion. If you follow all the instructions of the gynecologist, then there will be no relapse.

Possible consequences and complications

After this intervention serious complications occur very rarely. However, you need to know about them and be vigilant in order to consult a doctor in time.

  • Bleeding. Small reddish discharge is considered normal. When evaporating, only small vessels are touched, therefore heavy bleeding should not be. If it happens, then you need to urgently consult a doctor.
  • Increased volume of normal secretions. In the early stages, this is normal. However, if throughout postoperative period the discharge intensifies and has a purulent consistency, this is an occasion to consult a doctor for help. Perhaps the inflammation has begun.
  • Stenosis cervical canal. Such a narrowing can occur if there was a large area of ​​cervical damage. The defect is eliminated by bougienage.

Is pregnancy possible?

The main advantage of laser therapy is that it is used for those who are still planning to give birth. The laser beam affects only the diseased area and does not leave scars and scars.

Laser vaporization has no negative impact on conception, pregnancy and childbirth. Moreover, pregnancy can be planned a month after the operation! Indeed, the treatment of pathologies with a laser is the best method for young girls.


The price of the procedure depends on the clinic, the city and the apparatus with which cauterization is carried out. Below are several clinics in Russia that perform this procedure.

Yes, laser treatment is much more expensive than other methods of treatment. However, if you still want to have children, then you should not save on this.

So, according to the reviews of doctors and patients who have undergone laser vaporization of the cervix, they conclude that this is the best method of surgical intervention. This method has significantly reduced the percentage postoperative complications. Girls who described their feelings after the operation say that they experienced a minimum of discomfort. reproductive system completely regenerated within a month, and a woman can begin to think about conception. After evaporation, the cervix is ​​\u200b\u200bin excellent condition, which does not affect the birth process in any way.

Watch the video, which clearly shows the laser evaporation procedure:

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Surgical treatment is over and it's time to decide how to behave further. If the doctor considered possible laser vaporization, then you turned to him for early stage defeat intervertebral disc and the size of the protrusion is not more than 6 mm. Although it can be said for sure that neurosurgeons undertake treatment even with a protrusion size of 8 mm, the main thing is that the hernia should not be sequestered.

advantage this method is called the possibility rapid rehabilitation after the operation, as well as the fact that the intervention is carried out without general anesthesia. As with other surgeries, complications can occur after laser vaporization, although doctors say that this is extremely rare. These complications include damage to blood vessels, roots spinal cord, inflammatory processes. It is also possible that there is no effect after treatment or a return of the original symptoms. In such a case, perform reoperation, but in a different way.

All laser vaporization procedure lasts 20-30 minutes and after 3-4 hours the patient can rise in a semi-rigid corset. In each clinic, patients are kept under observation for different time. Some give recommendations and immediately send home. Others leave the patient to be treated in the hospital for up to 5 days.

In any case, you should not assume that this is a completely harmless procedure and will allow you to return to normal loads in a couple of weeks. It all depends on the individual characteristics of the body, age and many other factors. Most clinics performing this procedure write that rehabilitation period is 3-4 weeks, according to other sources it averages 4-6 weeks.

The proposed tactics of behavior after the procedure also differ.. In Dnepropetrovsk, Dr. Zorin is engaged in this type of treatment. In accordance with his recommendations, the first 12-14 days the patient should be mainly in bed, you can get up for 20-30 minutes to eat and go to the toilet. In this case, it is permissible that the pain may intensify. This is associated with swelling of the surrounding tissues at the site of the operation, which should take place within two weeks. One of the few, they warn about possible availability headaches after operations on the L5 - S1 disc. Pain in the back of the head or in the temples, associated with spinal anesthesia, may appear on the 2nd-3rd day and last up to 8-10 days, aggravated in the standing position. Does not require special treatment, to alleviate the condition, you can take spasmalgol, citramon. But, I would like to note that this does not really help, the pain persists for the allotted time and disappears on its own at the specified time.

Monitor body temperature after surgery, it is possible to raise it to subfebrile indicators up to 37.5 degrees within two weeks. If the temperature rises above or persists more time you should immediately consult a doctor for correction of treatment or re-examination.

After vaporization not allowed to sit Initially, we limit this time to 20 minutes. Since the patient lies more, you can do without a corset. After two weeks, you can walk more in a corset, gradually increasing the load. You can increase the sitting time according to your well-being. At this time, it is recommended to start performing the exercises of the first period, performed in a prone position.

After 1 month usually the patient feels well, there may still be a slight numbness, but it no longer restricts movement. Therefore, during this period it is already possible to go to work, which is not associated with physical activity, lifting more than 3 kilograms is not desirable. Despite the seeming ease of the procedure, in this center they are allowed to start physical labor in 10 months! In other clinics, this time is less. Perhaps doctors reinsure themselves and the patient from possible complications.

special drug treatment not required prescribed only non-steroidal anti-inflammatory and antimicrobials. The former should reduce postoperative swelling and pain. Preference is given to such drugs as ranselex, movalis, celebrex. The dosage is determined by the patient himself, but not higher allowable norms, reception time 10-15 days. Movalis is taken in doses of 7.5-15 mg once a day, ranselex and Celebrex 100-200 mg twice a day.

Antimicrobials are essential for prevention infectious complications. Your doctor may prescribe ofloxacin, norfloxacin, tsifran, or other drugs. Time of admission, dosage as prescribed by the doctor.

If the patient is in pain you can take painkillers (solpadein, ketones and others).

Physiotherapeutic procedures are not desirable to be carried out within two weeks after the intervention. Then it is possible to use magneto-laser therapy. Surface massage in the spine can be carried out no earlier than a month later. It is important to listen to your condition, if pain occurs during thermal procedures or exercise therapy, you need to adjust the treatment.

In a month you need to come to an appointment with a local neurologist, he will give further recommendations, if necessary, send to hospital treatment for rehabilitation.

You shouldn't think that the operation solved all the problems musculoskeletal system. Quite often, the patient after a couple of years again needs treatment, including surgery. It happens that this does not depend on the behavior of the patient, but is caused by an incorrect assessment of the condition by the doctor and inadequate surgical treatment, as well as disorders in other segments of the spine. Further state, even after a successful operation, largely depends on the patient himself.

Laser vaporization of the cervix is ​​a minimally invasive, highly effective method for treating organ pathologies. The advantages of laser vaporization include the short duration of the procedure and the absence of age restrictions.

What it is

Laser vaporization of the cervix is ​​a treatment method that differs in:

  • no damage;
  • bloodlessness;
  • efficiency;
  • painlessness.

Therapeutic procedures have a positive effect on the neuroendocrine system of the female body:

  1. reproductive function is restored;
  2. the menstrual cycle returns to normal.

The procedure lasts 10-40 minutes, is performed on an outpatient basis, the patient is placed in a gynecological chair.

Timely treatment of diseases of the cervix - prevention of cancer.

Features of the procedure

Laser vaporization of the cervix is ​​possible after the final diagnosis is made. The patient is being examined on a chair and. The study shows the nature, extent of damage to the cervix, the presence comorbidities. A cytological examination is required.

The doctor conducts differential diagnosis, less often histological examination. These measures are aimed at preventing complications. In preparation for the vaporization procedure, microflora analyzes are taken, pathogenic organisms assess the risk of infection after laser destruction.

To prepare the patient for treatment, prescribe local prophylaxis antibacterial agents.

Vaporization of the cervix is ​​carried out strictly on the 5th-7th day of the menstrual cycle. On other days the procedure is not recommended.

Medical indications

Laser evaporation is prescribed for:

  • ectopia of the cervix;
  • leukoplakia;
  • small cyst;
  • endometriosis;
  • CIN I.


The procedure involves laser burning of the victims pathological changes cells. Full recovery after laser vaporization takes 3-4 weeks. The technology is applicable for women who have not given birth, as it does not violate childbearing function and does not cause infertility. On the internal tissues there will be no scars or scars. Therapy does not damage blood vessels blood poisoning is ruled out.

The laser treats diseased cells on the cervix without touching healthy tissue.

Laser burning does not require compulsory anesthesia. The need for anesthesia is determined individually. No risk of relapse. Erosion is burned out completely in one step, taking into account the characteristics of a particular pathology, with automatic control of the processing depth by the technique.

Upon completion of vaporization, healing takes place without itching and swelling, there is practically no discharge, and other unpleasant consequences.

Preparation for therapy

Preparation for vaporization consists in passing a series of examinations:

  1. for sexually transmitted infections;
  2. for the papillomavirus;
  3. oncocytological analysis;
  4. general smear;
  5. for AIDS, syphilis, hepatitis;
  6. blood and urine tests;
  7. extended colposcopy;
  8. biopsy (according to indications).

After receiving the results, the gynecologist determines whether laser vaporization is possible.


Laser vaporization is not possible with:

  • inflammatory process on the cervix and vagina;
  • the presence of cancer cells;
  • CIN II and III;
  • polyps in the upper part of the cervix;
  • during pregnancy and lactation.


After laser burning, a woman should:

  1. limit physical exercise at least 2 weeks;
  2. exclude intimate life for 14 days;
  3. avoid overheating, do not visit the sauna, bath.

One month after the procedure gynecological examination. In the future, a woman who has undergone laser vaporization is required to visit a gynecologist once a year and control discharge in order to avoid cancer.

When undergoing procedures on the cervix, the probability malignant formations above.

Possible complications

Unpleasant consequences after medical intervention rare and defined individual characteristics and non-compliance by the woman with the rules of rehabilitation. Fix:

  • Bleeding due to injury small vessels uterine mucosa. Pay attention to the nature of the discharge: if there is a lot of blood, urgently make an appointment with a gynecologist, as complications are possible.
  • Stenosis of the cervical canal. The phenomenon is likely if the external pharynx was processed. The reason is a defect on the mucosa, when a scar is formed during healing, narrowing the lumen of the canal.
  • Discharge associated with infection of the uterus. This is possible if the glands proliferate, secretory function exceeds the norm. At light secretions in a small volume there is no cause for concern, if the color is greenish, the nature of the substance is purulent, with bad smell should promptly treat the infection.

The duration of the rehabilitation process is associated with the period of menstruation. The following periods after the intervention remove the result of the vital activity of recovering cells from the body, and the surface of the cervix is ​​regenerated. During menstruation, the epithelium returns to normal, new healthy cells appear.

Vaporization of the cervix with a laser is a method called the gold standard of gynecology, since with minor damage to the epithelium, the affected tissues are removed. The procedure is painless, and healing is fast and safe.

Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). This diagnosis was heard by more than half of the males over 55 years of age. The risk of the disease increases in direct proportion to the increase in age, and over time, more than 80% of men become victims of the disease.

Among the currently widely used methods of treating prostate adenoma, endoscopic operations should be singled out, which are not inferior in efficiency to open surgery, and surpass any medicines. Transurethral vaporization of prostate adenoma today is one of the leading advances in the treatment of BPH.

Anatomical features and causes of development

The prostate gland is one of the parts of the male reproductive apparatus, adjacent directly to the bladder. Due to the fact that the enlarged prostate forms a rather elastic capsule from healthy tissues, its enlargement occurs mainly in the direction of the bladder, which causes squeezing of the urethra and subsequent problems with urination.

The growth of prostate adenoma is characterized by the formation of one or more nodules and occurs in 3 stages:

  1. Microscopic. Characterized by the absence severe symptoms with obvious enlargement of the gland.
  2. Macroscopic. There is pain, difficulty urinating, the appearance of residual urine.
  3. Clinical. At the third stage, atony of the muscular layer of the bladder occurs, complications develop ( urolithiasis disease, pyelonephritis, renal failure).

Until today, the reasons that provoke an increased division of the glandular cells of the prostate are not fully understood, but presumably, the following factors play a certain role in the growth of adenoma:

  • imbalance in the ratio of male and female sex hormones (androgens and estrogens) in the body of a man;
  • an increase in the concentration of dihydrotestosterone, which activates the synthesis of substances that stimulate cell growth (adenoma formation);
  • smoking;
  • overweight;
  • low sexual activity.

Important! Despite the lack of reliable information on the influence of all of the above factors on the formation of prostate adenoma, it has been proven that an increase in its volume occurs only in men with normal level male sex hormones.

The formation of an adenoma is characterized by the formation of nodules consisting of glandular tissue

Features and Benefits

Transurethral vaporization of prostate adenoma is a bloodless surgical intervention, performed, like all minimally invasive methods, through urethra. Today, this method rightfully occupies a competing position with respect to such widely used methods as:

  • transurethral resection (TUR);
  • holmium laser enucleation adenomas;
  • open adenomectomy.

This type of surgical intervention can be considered the safest, since it allows the procedure to be performed even in the presence of severe comorbidities:

  • acute renal failure;
  • cardiac ischemia;
  • heart failure;
  • diabetes.


The essence of the vaporization method is the so-called "evaporation" of tissues using electricity or a laser. Depending on the technology used for vaporization, the following types are distinguished:

  • electrovaporization;
  • laser vaporization with coagulation (photoselective);
  • laser vaporization using EVOLVE180 technology.

Transurethral electrovaporization (TUV)

This surgical method is based on the technology used in transurethral resection (TUR), but unlike the latter, it does not use a steel loop to which high-frequency current is applied, but a miniature roller electrode called a vapotrode.

The Vapotrode is a unique design with grooves to help widen the urethra. Upon contact of the vapotrode with prostate tissue, an instantaneous increase in the temperature of the intracellular fluid occurs, leading to the formation of steam. "Boiling" of fluid in the tissues leads to the destruction cell membranes and their subsequent bonding, which prevents the risk of bleeding (coagulation effect).

The TUV method, along with TUR, provides complete and immediate elimination of all symptoms when removing prostate adenoma. positive side electrovaporization method is:

  • relative affordability;
  • the ability to fully preserve sexual function;
  • minimal amount side effects;
  • fast recovery.

The essential difference between electrovaporization and electroresection is the creation of a larger coagulation zone, which reduces the risk of bleeding several times.

Photoselective laser vaporization

Treatment of prostate adenoma with the help of the high-tech Green Light system is the least traumatic method of all used today. The Green Light system consists of fiber optic equipment that delivers high-power radiation in the form of laser beam power of 80 W through the cystoscope in prostate. The direction of the beam provides vaporization of the prostate in three directions at once, affecting the middle and lateral lobes of the gland.

The wavelength of 532 nm and the depth of absorption of the beam of 800 microns provide high power inside the tissues, which contributes to the high intensity of "evaporation". Extremely an effective supplement To the laser work are thin sutures formed in the tissues, which, in combination with hemostasis, make it possible to carry out an almost bloodless procedure.

Surgical intervention is performed when the size of the prostate gland does not exceed 60 ml, in outpatient settings. After the end of the procedure, patients feel significant relief and positive dynamics in the assessment of existing symptoms. All negative feelings after surgery are assessed as minimal and short.

Important! The catheter is installed for 24 hours after the operation, after which the patient is allowed to go home.

Possible complications include:

  • dysuric phenomena;
  • retrograde ejaculation (reflux of semen into the bladder cavity);
  • recurrent growth of adenomatous tissue.

The negative side of adenoma removal using photoselective laser vaporization is the limited size of the prostate, this is due to the small depth of penetration of the laser beam.

Fiber optic laser cystoscope used in the Green Light system

Laser vaporization using EVOLVE180 technology

The technique for performing endoscopic intervention is almost identical to similar operations. However, using the latest laser technology, having a power of 180 W and a wavelength of 980 nm, can significantly increase the efficiency of the procedure.

The laser unit has a curved tip located on a flexible light guide, with the help of which vaporization is carried out under the control of the surgeon's eye. The doctor sees the whole process on a video monitor. Due to the high power of the laser used, tissue evaporation is carried out at a rate of about 4 g per minute, with the simultaneous formation of a coagulation zone.

The increased wavelength, in comparison with the Green Light system, allows not only to increase the evaporation rate, but also to minimize the risk of damage to nearby tissues. This effect is associated with the high absorption of radiation by water and hemoglobin.

Unlike the Green Light system, where the 532nm wave is well absorbed in hemoglobin and significantly worse in water, resulting in surface evaporation and good coagulation, the 980nm wave is much better absorbed in water, allowing you to increase the depth of vaporization, avoiding bleeding.

Laser Vaporization Technique

Evaporation of adenomatous tissues is carried out in layers. The tissues that have undergone destruction are washed out of the bladder cavity with a washing liquid. Due to the fact that the laser absorption depth is constant at 1 mm or more, there is no risk of excessive cutting of tissues, which often occurs when working with a hot loop during TUR.

Laser vaporization of the enlarged lobes of the prostate is performed simultaneously (using Green Light technology) or alternately (using EVOLVE180 technology). In the latter case, they start with the most pronounced share, which is deeply included in bladder(usually this is the average share). After removing the middle share, proceed to the evaporation of the side.

The curved light guide avoids damage to the seminal tubercle and sphincter apparatus during the procedure. As a result of the work done, the urethra acquires normal width, which is about 3 mm and the absence of such side effects as erectile dysfunction, urinary incontinence and retrograde ejaculation.

The result of the operation depends entirely on the professionalism of the surgeon, since the entire procedure is performed under his control.

Recovery period

recovery period after endoscopic operations may take the same amount of time as after open operation to remove the prostate, that is, about 2 months. However, due to the absence of incisions, minimal blood loss, and spinal anesthesia, the recovery period is much easier for the patient.

During the rehabilitation period, the following rules should be observed:

  • completely eliminate heavy lifting and sudden body movements;
  • use a large number of liquids;
  • adhere to a diet that excludes salty, fried and smoked foods;
  • conduct a course of antibiotic therapy;
  • refrain from sexual activity within 1 month;
  • completely abandon alcohol and cigarettes;
  • include mandatory walks in the daily routine fresh air or exercise.

Regular visits to the doctor are also obligatory part recovery period, even if negative sensations are minimal or completely absent

Despite such great advances in medicine, in rare cases surgical intervention does not achieve the desired results. This usually occurs in the case of rapid recurrent growth of adenomatous tissue. With repeated re-treatment of the patient, a prostatic stent is used to expand the urethra, which does not allow blocking the lumen of the urethra.

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