What vegetables can guinea pigs. What vegetables and fruits can guinea pigs eat?

Made with Word, you will find brief comments on the products, each product has a photo. It is worth paying attention that feeding should not be one-sided, otherwise, after a while, it will cease to be balanced. If there is an indication that this product can lead to bloating, this does not mean that it should not be given. It all depends on the individual reaction of the organism, and, as a rule, after gradual accustoming, in small quantities, the pigs react normally to it. Also, you should always follow certain rules for including a new product in the diet (introduce a new product in a small amount, one type at a time, monitor the body's reaction, if everything is fine, gradually increase the portion).

Since the instinct of nutrition in pigs is selective (they choose what they need at the moment and the tastiest), in the absence of variety, the pig begins to taste those plants that are unfamiliar to her. As soon as the pig is convinced of their edibility, she will most likely continue to eat them. Even when it gains diversity again. Therefore, if the pig does not eat something of the proposed, then this “experiment” can be used. Limit variety and let the pig focus on the new vegetable, fruit, or green. If not at all, then not at all. Since pigs have their own individual preferences and tastes. Diversity in food can be reduced by a maximum of a day once every two weeks.

Adult gilts require 10 to 20 mg of vitamin C per day. Vitamin C requirements may vary seasonally, under normal conditions, apartment gilts require 10 to 15 mg, pregnant females about 20 mg. Products lose part of their vitamins during long-term storage in winter, vitamin C in them is reduced by an average of 1/3. Many factors also affect the availability of nutrients, for example, storage conditions, types of varieties (different types of carrots, different varieties of apples), seasonality, etc. If you give fresh food, then you should not give additional vitamin C, because. it can only do harm. With an excess of vitamin C in the urine, acidity increases, a predisposition to kidney disease and skin irritation develops.

The calcium/phosphorus balance should be 1.5:1. In animals with impaired kidney function, an excess of calcium in the diet can lead to the formation of kidney and bladder stones.

Additional Information

Incompatible vegetables this termite means that these vegetables can do more harm than good Bulbous plants such as leeks, onions, garlic are toxic. Legumes (beans: lentils, peas, beans) can cause bloating, only small amounts of green seedlings are allowed. Raw potatoes contain digestible starch, green dots and green sprouts are poisonous (contain solanine). Radishes and radishes contain a lot of essential oils, which can lead to irritation of the mucous membranes and cause bloating. You can offer tops from these vegetables. You can use the radish itself, if it is not spicy. Rhubarb, due to its high content of oxalic acid, is toxic.
Incompatible fruitsthis termite means that these fruits can do more harm than good Stone fruits such as cherries, peaches, plums, nectarines, etc. contain too much sugar and water, in large quantities, lead to severe diarrhea, the stones contain a small amount of hydrocyanic acid, they should be removed before feeding. Exotic fruits can lead to serious digestive upset and should not be given. Some, like avocados, are even toxic to guinea pigs and cause diarrhea.

Herbs, leaves, flowers. If there is no reservation, then these plants can be fed both dry and fresh. It should be borne in mind that dry herbs contain 8 times more calcium, therefore they are used as a supplement to the diet in a small amount.

Note: as a rule, you can hear that cucumbers should not be given, because. contain a lot of water and little nutritional value. You can give cucumbers, but in moderation. In addition, you can hear that fresh food is rich in carcinogens and contains a lot of chemicals, as a rule, such remarks are the result of false panic and quickly spread in the media. In fact, all "harmful" substances are found in fresh foods, usually in very small quantities and are not harmful to health. If you see danger in everything, then the animals will simply have nothing to eat. For example, dill, which is now considered very healthy, has been dangerous for several years because it contains a small amount of safrole. In fennel, the proportion of safrole is so low that it is not even significant for medical reasons. Carcinogenic safrole is only effective in large quantities (for example, in nutmeg, safrole from it is used as a medicine).

Additional information about substances:Tannins: tannins are tannins. Its content, especially in the branches of old trees, can reach 20%. Tannin is used both in medicine and for processing leather products. Once in the stomach of the pig, tannin is converted into gallic acid. And she, in turn, into pyrogallol, which belongs to poisons. In experiments on animals, there was a significant result: pyrogallol changes cells at the dna level.
Hydrocyanic acid: unfortunately, it is still widely believed that the branches of trees with stone fruits (like apricot, cherry, plum, etc.) contain hydrocyanic acid. This is not true! They do not contain hydrocyanic acid or amygdalin, which decomposes into hydrocyanic acid and fructose when reacting with water. Amygdalin is a constituent of the seeds in fruits, but not the bark and leaves.


Cute and adorable, guinea pigs are one of the world's favorite pets for many people, especially children.

Guinea pigs are a species of rodent from the family Caviidae and the genus Cavia. Contrary to their name, they have nothing to do with pigs. These small, fluffy rodents are quite adorable.

Proper nutrition can be categorized as the most important aspect of caring for them. Only the right diet can ensure the health of your pet. To have a happy guinea pig, it is important to provide fresh fruits and vegetables that this animal likes to eat. Their natural diet consists of grass, hay and dry food. Pellets can be found in almost all pet stores. But it is advisable to purchase high-quality dry food, because the health of your pet will depend on this.

Dry food

In general, alfalfa or timothy pellets are considered the best for your baby guinea pig. In addition to pellets, you can feed your guinea pig fresh Timothy hay. Many people choose to feed their guinea pigs alfalfa hay. But, as has been observed, alfalfa hay contains a lot of calcium, leading to the appearance of kidney stones. In addition, eating a lot of alfalfa can cause obesity. Therefore, it is best to maintain a balance between Timothy and alfalfa hay. Along with this, your little pets will enjoy grass and dandelions.

Vegetables and fruits

They just love leafy vegetables. However, excessive consumption of them causes diarrhea. So, give them vegetables only in moderation. These rodents love to eat parsley, beets, broccoli, celery, spinach, bell peppers, and red lettuce. In addition, fruits are another component of a balanced and healthy diet for your guinea pigs. They enjoy eating apples (without seeds), grapes, orange slices, bananas, strawberries and cucumbers. Like vegetables, moderation should be maintained while feeding on these fruits.

Foods to Avoid

Avoid feeding guinea pigs plants such as lily of the valley, mugwort, bracken, odorless chamomile, privet, ragwort, rhubarb, hellebore, wild celery, onion, belladonna, foxglove, iceberg lettuce, and plants that grow from bulbs, as they are considered poisonous to humans. guinea pigs. In addition, beans, popcorn, ice cream, sugary foods, chips, potatoes, meats, fish, and cheese should be avoided. Don't give too many dairy and caffeinated foods, including chocolate, lots of bread or biscuits.

This animal cannot synthesize vitamin C and therefore must obtain it from its diet. As a general rule, most dry foods are fortified with vitamin C. In addition, you can provide them with broccoli, apples, celery, spinach, and orange fruits and vegetables that are rich in this vitamin. The second important thing to note is that guinea pigs are sensitive to any sudden change in their diet. Therefore, it is better to introduce new foods into the diet slowly and gradually. You can also talk to your veterinarian and follow their advice. Finally, along with nutritious foods, drink fresh fresh water daily.

Keep the cages neat and clean, replace soiled utensils regularly, and keep your guinea pigs well cared for and healthy.

What can and cannot be fed to a guinea pig? Can nutritional supplements be used? Let's talk about how to create a healthy diet for your pet. After all, proper nutrition is the foundation of the health of any living creature.

Proteins, carbohydrates, minerals, vitamins, and water are essential nutrients for a guinea pig, as they are for any human being. To ensure a healthy diet, it is necessary to carefully select and arrange them in the right proportion, because an excess of one and a lack of another element can seriously undermine the health of your pet. Healthy eating is the main rule.

For optimal activity, guinea pigs should be provided with the following nutrients around the clock:

1) Water

2) Hay

3) Extruded granules(not as important as water and hay)

In addition, it is highly recommended that your guinea pig be provided with the following healthy nutrients and organic foods:

4) Vegetables (daily)

5) Fruit (occasionally)

6) Vitamin C (if not supplied in sufficient quantities through vegetables and fruits)

NOTE: Guinea pigs have a sensitive digestive system that can be easily upset. Always introduce new foods slowly and patiently. Start with a small batch, and if they like it, increase the next batch a little. How you introduce new foods is just as important as eating healthy.

What can you feed your guinea pig, priority #1: Water

Guinea pigs need constant supply clean, fresh water at room temperature. For them, as for all living creatures, water is the primary source of life.

  • Do not use distilled water(it does not provide the pet's body with essential minerals).
  • Do not use water with high mineral content(especially calcium).
  • Do not add to water medicines, vitamins or any other additives.
  • It is generally not recommended to use untreated tap water(there is a high probability of contamination with chlorine and heavy metals), but this depends on the quality of the water supplied to your home.
  • Recommended for use bottled drinking water without taste or fresh spring water.
  • Organize the water supply in the cage using a special drip type (this way you will prevent contamination or spillage, which is common when using bowls as drinking bowls).
  • Clean the metal nozzle of your drip drinker as often as possible.(if not cleaned regularly, leftover food will promote the growth of harmful bacteria and block the flow of water).

What can you feed your guinea pig, priority #2: Hay

Guinea pigs are grazing animals. It is highly recommended to provide a guinea pig unlimited hay mainly for several reasons:

  1. Guinea pig teeth are constantly growing, so they must constantly graze and chew (hay or grass) to grind their teeth down to normal size.
  2. long straws help move food through the digestive system thereby maintaining its healthy state.
  3. She is does not get fat from hay no matter how much you eat. Hay contains only a small percentage of protein and nutrients.
  4. When buying, check that the hay smells good and is greenish tint. Buying fresh hay from a local farm will be the best choice in most cases.
  5. Do not buy dusty, brownish hay, odorless or foul-smelling. Your pet may even refuse to eat it.
  6. Be careful not to buy straw instead of hay. The straw is brown in color, much coarser than hay, and has virtually no nutritional value.

Hay comes in two different common varieties and you need to know which hay to use and when.

  1. Meadow grass hay: Every guinea pig should have access to such hay at all times. The most famous example of such hay is Timothy meadow hay.
  2. Legume hay: The best-known specimen of this species is alfalfa hay. This hay is only recommended for pregnant guinea pigs, young or sick guinea pigs, as alfalfa is high in calcium, protein and carbohydrates. Such hay is used as an additive, but not as a main replacement for hay. Due to its high calcium content, it is not recommended to feed alfalfa hay to adult guinea pigs as it increases the risk of bladder stones.

NOTE: Guinea pig food pellets cannot replace hay. Lack of hay can lead to misalignment of the teeth, which may require surgical correction, and gastrointestinal stasis - the cessation of the gastrointestinal tract, which often leads to death of the guinea pig.

What Can You Feed Your Guinea Pig Priority #3: Guinea Pig Pellets

  • Not essential like hay or water, but play an important role in providing essential nutrients.
  • Give your guinea pig about 1 meal 1/4 - 1/8 regular cup extruded food pellets without dyes.
  • Feed is best served in a small, relatively heavy ceramic bowl(to prevent rollover).
  • Buy pelleted food which contains vitamin C.
  • To preserve vitamin C, store kibble in dry, cool, dark place.
  • Always pay attention to the expiration date of the feed, use only fresh products.
  • Do not use pelleted food containing animal by-products or main ingredient is corn.
  • Do not feed your guinea pig pelleted food for other small animals, because their vitamin content is different, and if used for a long time, they can be harmful to your pet.
  • To prevent selective feeding and at the same time remove chemical ingredients from the diet, buy food with monotonous, monophonic, discreet granules avoiding the use of fun colorful granules.

4. Vegetables

  1. Feed your guinea pig mainly green leafy vegetables.
  2. Some vegetables can be given several times a day, and some are few times a week.
  3. Highly Recommended remove uneaten vegetables to prevent them from spoiling and rotting.
  4. Don't feed wilted or spoiled products.
  5. Don't feed your guinea pig the same vegetables every day - variety is key to keeping your guinea pig healthy.
  6. Be careful when using frozen vegetables - if the food is too cold, guinea pigs can get diarrhea.
  7. Not recommended: any cruciferous vegetables(a variety of cabbages, radishes, turnips, etc. These won't kill a mumps, but can cause bloating if used regularly), or beet greens (too high in oxalate, which contributes to the formation of insoluble deposits and further problems with the digestive tract).

Vegetables that you can feed your guinea pig every day:

  • Cucumber: Low nutritional value but high water content - especially appreciated in summer.
  • Bell peppers: Green and yellow - remove the seeds.
  • Carrots: Both root and green tops are recommended (however, note high in sugar and vitamin A require moderate consumption of this vegetable).
  • Green leaf lettuce.
  • cilantro.
  • Sweet potato leaves.
  • Chicory leaves.
  • Coriander.
  • Dill.
  • Zucchini.
  • Arugula.
  • Radicchio.
  • Artichoke.

Vegetables that you can occasionally feed your guinea pig (several times a week):

  • Sweet pepper: red or orange (remove seeds).
  • Asparagus (has a low content of vitamin C).
  • Turnip tops.
  • Basil.
  • Green leeks (tops) - give in small quantities.
  • Thyme.
  • Pumpkin (without seeds).
  • Watercress.
  • Spinach (in small quantities - otherwise kidney stones may appear).
  • Broccoli leaves and peeled stems belong to the cruciferous family, so limit the quantity.
  • Cauliflower belongs to the cruciferous family, so limit the quantity.
  • Ordinary cabbage - belongs to the cruciferous family, so limit the amount.
  • Chinese cabbage - belongs to the cruciferous family, so limit the amount.
  • Corn: hairs and hulls of the cob - give according to the season
  • Parsley and Root: Has a very high calcium content - use sparingly to avoid bladder stones.
  • Swede.
  • Celery: Cut into small pieces as they are very fibrous and can choke the guinea pig.
  • Celery leaves.
  • Fresh Grass: Clean, pesticide-free, free from dogs, cats, and other animals; not mowed with a lawn mower.
  • Tomato: Remove the poisonous green tail from the top of the tomato. Remove seeds when using a large tomato slice.
  • Beets: Use raw, not pickled. It is high in antioxidants and other nutrients. Feeding too often can turn urine red.
  • Carrot tops (has a high content of calcium, potassium and vitamin C).
  • Forage: common grass (avoid ornamental plants), gerbil, dandelions, young clover, plantain, anise, chamomile, yarrow.

CAUTION: Make sure forage grasses are not contaminated with chemicals, exhaust fumes or animal urine. It is best to collect them in nature, away from urban areas. Choose plants that are intact and look healthy.

5. Fruit


  1. Many fruits are full of natural sugar, have fruit acid, and sometimes have a low ratio of calcium to phosphorus, which can lead to bladder problems.
  2. Cut fruit into small pieces to avoid mouth irritation.
  3. Due to the high sugar content, fruit should be given occasionally as a treat. And moreover, in small quantities (for example, 1/8 of an orange, 1/8 of an apple, etc.), only once or twice a week.

Fruits that you can sometimes feed your guinea pig:

  • Apple: give it a thin slice with the peel, REMOVE THE SEEDS, which contain cyanide compounds.
  • Pear: Give it a thin piece with the skin but no seeds.
  • Apricot: serve dried, a couple of small pieces will suffice.
  • Banana: Relatively low in vitamin C, but banana is rich in other nutrients. BUT, it can cause constipation, so feed very small portions.
  • Blueberry.
  • Black currant.
  • Melon.
  • Seedless grapes or raisins: give only one thing and in very limited quantities.
  • citruses.
  • Strawberries: Another popular summer fruit that is very high in vitamin C.
  • Watermelon: Has a high water content and can cause diarrhea.
  • Cranberries: Has a very high content of vitamin C; in large quantities can cause indigestion.
  • Grapefruit: Pink, red, and white varieties are good sources of vitamin C, but may be too acidic for some guinea pigs. They have a high water content, which is great for refreshing in hot weather.
  • Kiwifruit: It is extremely high in vitamin C and is considered very beneficial for guinea pigs.
  • Mango: The high water content is very refreshing.
  • Raspberries: Some guinea pigs find them too acidic to eat; others love her.
  • Cherries: let's pitted.
  • Peach.
  • Nectarine.
  • Plum.
  • Figs.
  • Dates.
  • Dried fruits: They have a high concentration of sugar, so it is recommended to give rarely and in very small quantities.

Fruits to Avoid When Feeding Your Guinea Pig

Guinea pigs can eat most fruits, but some veterinarians believe that grapes contribute to kidney disease, so it's best not to give them to pets. If you still decide to give, then use seedless grapes.

6. Vitamin C

Guinea pigs, like humans, are one of the very few mammals that cannot produce their own vitamin C, so they must get it from food and supplements (the latter is not recommended). Guinea pigs are very prone to scurvy and reduced resistance to other diseases caused by low levels of vitamin C.

  • For a healthy, adult guinea pig, per day from 10 mg/kg to 30 mg/kg of vitamin C.
  • For sick or pregnant guinea pigs, the norm starts at 30 mg / kg per day.
  • Add Vitamin C water is not recommended (if the guinea pigs don't like the taste, they may even stop drinking the water).
  • Try to get enough vitamin C through fresh vegetables and kibble.

NOTE: Multivitamins are not recommended. Too much fat soluble vitamins like A and D can cause serious health problems in a guinea pig.

What not to feed a guinea pig

  • Processed food: Cooked, canned and otherwise processed foods.
  • Pickled vegetables.
  • Potato: the skin and eyes are poisonous, the vegetable itself is very starchy, has a high content of oxalic acid.
  • Nuts, seeds, lentils, beans (green beans are an exception).
  • Rhubarb.
  • Mushrooms.
  • Red hot chili peppers, hot herbs and spices.
  • Leaves of ordinary cabbage: can cause severe gas formation.
  • Chinese cabbage.
  • Dairy products, meat, fish, eggs, bread, chocolate.
  • Alcohol, tea, coffee, carbonated drinks, fruit juices (an exception may be made for unsweetened juices).
  • Peanut butter, cakes, cookies, pastries.
  • Corn kernels, popcorn: May cause suffocation.
  • Seeds: May cause suffocation.
  • Leaves and stems of tomatoes (green tops of tomatoes are also harmful).

Even experienced livestock breeders ask themselves questions: what to feed a pet, whether it is possible to give certain products. Before you get a guinea pig, you should find out which foods will benefit the animal and which can harm its health. The daily menu of a guinea pig should include vegetables, fruits, berries and cereals. Many vegetables and fruits can even be offered to your pet along with the peel. It should be remembered that not all foods that guinea pigs eat are equally useful for them. What rodents can eat and what not to feed a guinea pig is described in this article.


Can guinea pigs eat radishes

Only radish tops are allowed. The root crop contains essential oils that can irritate the mucous membranes and respiratory tract of the animal. Also, the vegetable causes bloating. Therefore, it is not recommended to give radishes to pigs.

Can guinea pigs eat celery

Celery can be given in any form - stems, leaves, roots. This vegetable is included in many dry food for rodents. Celery is enriched with vitamins B, PP, E, C, A and contains phosphorus, zinc, potassium, calcium, iron and magnesium. Wash the celery well before eating, especially the root.

Can guinea pigs eat tomatoes?

Ripe fruits can be included in the feed. Tomatoes are well absorbed by animals and contain vitamin C and carotene that are useful for their body. Solanine is present in green tomatoes, which can negatively affect the health of the pet.

Too many tomatoes on the pet's menu can cause loose stools.

Can guinea pigs eat cabbage

Cabbage can be included in the diet of the animal. Cabbage contains many vitamins and other substances necessary for pigs:

  • vitamin C;
  • B vitamins;
  • vitamins of the PP group;
  • folic acid;
  • sulfur;
  • calcium;
  • potassium;
  • phosphorus;
  • amino acids;
  • trace elements.

Today we have cabbage lunch

The vegetable is able to maintain the coat of the animal in excellent condition, strengthen its immunity. Give should be the top dried leaves. It is preferable to feed guinea pigs with Beijing cabbage and broccoli. White cabbage can provoke bloating.

Can guinea pigs eat potatoes

Green and sprouted potatoes are contraindicated for guinea pigs. Raw vegetables can be given occasionally, cut into small pieces. Boiled potatoes can be offered to your pet alone or added to grains and other foods.

The vegetable contains solanine, which can harm the health of the animal if the pet eats too many potatoes. The mumps will become passive and catch cold quickly.

Can guinea pigs eat beets

Beets contain many substances useful for animals: vitamins C, A and B, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron. In excess, the vegetable contains fiber, so it acts on the body of the animal as a laxative. Purchased root vegetables may contain nitrates, which are very harmful to the small body of guinea pigs. It is better to offer your pet a home harvest. Also in the composition there is a large amount of oxalic acid, so it is better to limit the consumption rate of this product.

It is recommended to give beets starting from 2 months, it is especially useful in winter and spring, when there are no fresh vegetables. The daily dose should not exceed 200 g, and it is better to exclude beets from the diet of pregnant and lactating pigs so as not to provoke an upset stomach. Beetroot stains stool and urine red, so if the animal ate it, you should not be afraid of such changes.

Can guinea pigs pumpkin

Pigs can be given all varieties of pumpkin that a person consumes. For the digestion of herbivorous animals, such a product will be familiar and useful. Pumpkin contains vitamin C, calcium and phosphorus necessary for rodents. It should be borne in mind that this low-calorie vegetable will not be able to saturate the pig completely, so it is better to give guinea pigs pumpkin as a treat.

Can guinea pigs eat bell peppers

Another storehouse of ascorbic acid is bell pepper. Before use, the vegetable must be thoroughly washed and chopped, the seeds removed. It is better to give the product together with dry food.

Green pepper containing solanine is forbidden to animals, as well as pepper in the form of hot spices. Spicy food will damage the mucous membranes.

Can guinea pigs eat cucumber

Cucumbers do not have as many nutrients as other vegetables. You can offer your pet a cucumber. The vegetable can harm the health of the pet, causing digestive problems, only if consumed in large quantities.

Can guinea pigs eat zucchini

Zucchini is suitable for the diet of guinea pigs. They contain small amounts of vitamin C, calcium and phosphorus. It is better to prefer young vegetables, they can be given along with the peel, cut into crowbars.

Fruits and berries


Can guinea pigs eat a banana? A banana rich in potassium will benefit the guinea pig, but you should not give more than 1 per day.

The peel from the vegetable must be removed, as it is processed by substances hazardous to health (wax, chemicals, ethylene and pesticides). For safety, it is better to remove soft fibers from the fetus.

Eat a banana! Om-Nom-nom. I won't give you!

Can guinea pigs have a pear

The pear can be given with the skin, but without the seeds. The fruit is well washed and cut into pieces, along with it the pig should be offered water. Excessive consumption of pears due to their high sugar content can cause diarrhea.

Can guinea pigs eat kiwi

Kiwi is a very useful fruit for the animal. It contains a large amount of ascorbic and folic acids. It is also rich in vitamins E, iron, calcium, magnesium and phosphorus.

Give kiwi without skin in the form of small pieces. For a pet, you need to choose fruits that are harder. The amount of food eaten is better controlled. An increase in the dose of kiwi is permissible in autumn and winter, as well as when feeding females during pregnancy and lactation.

Can guinea pigs eat oranges and other citrus fruits?

Occasionally can be used. But vitamin C for guinea pigs is best obtained from other foods, avoiding citrus fruits. Possible complications:

  • oversaturation with vitamins;
  • skin irritation;
  • urine oxidation.

Can guinea pigs eat apples

Apples can be raw or dried. They have a balanced ratio of sugar and fructose (18:80%). It allows the pig to be active.

The fruit must be peeled and cut into slices. It is better not to give more than 3 pieces at a time.

Can guinea pigs eat strawberries, grapes and other berries

Strawberries contain enough vitamin C to pay attention to the berry when choosing a delicacy for a rodent. You can also give strawberry leaves to animals.

  • The pig might like grapes. You can offer the animal seedless grapes.
  • Currant once a week will also not harm the pet.
  • If not abused, then you can offer the pig berries and raspberry leaves, berries, leaves and branches of blueberries, blackberries and sea buckthorn, rose hips without seeds.
  • For medicinal purposes, cranberries are given. It has an anti-inflammatory effect on the mucous membranes in the mouth, stomach, bladder.


Can guinea pigs have milk

Giving guinea pigs milk is not recommended. The enzyme responsible for breaking down milk sugar (lactose) is deficient in animals. If the pig drinks milk, the lactose will cause diarrhea and bloating. In the future, more serious diseases may develop, so it is better to show the pet to the doctor.

It is possible and even necessary to give milk to females during lactation. You can soak crackers in milk and offer the pig.

The ban also applies to other dairy products: cottage cheese, cheese, yogurt and others.

Other products


Can guinea pigs eat bread? Better to give.

  1. Fresh yeast bread is digested for a long time and causes fermentation in the stomach of the animal.
  2. White bread provokes bloating.
  3. Pets can eat stale bread, but not often.
  4. Dried bread with seeds, sesame seeds and raisins can sometimes be offered to your pet as a treat.

Can guinea pigs eat nuts and seeds

Nuts and seeds are among the permitted foods, but can cause obesity if not restricted. It is better to offer your pet almonds, walnuts or hazelnuts.

Is it possible for a guinea pig to have cereals

Cereals should be included in the pet's menu. The best option is dry oat grains. You can give 2 times a week for 1 tablespoon. Green oat shoots are perfect for a guinea pig. They are nutritious and healthy.

Can guinea pigs eat eggs

It is forbidden to give eggs to guinea pigs. They contain animal protein. It can harm the animal or kill it, as it is not absorbed in the body of pigs.

For a guinea pig, a varied diet is very important, including not only dry food, hay and grass, but also fresh vegetables, herbs and fruits. But not all foods will benefit these pets, so when feeding them, the question arises: “What vegetables can guinea pigs have?”. Let's deal with this issue.

To provide your pet with all the necessary vitamins and minerals, you need to include fresh vegetables and fruits in his diet. They should be given in small quantities, about 80-120 grams per day, thoroughly washed before feeding and cut into pieces, but not grated. The pieces should be small so that the pig can completely eat them. Uneaten pieces must be immediately removed from the cage and discarded, preventing decay. Spoiled and rotten foods should not be fed to guinea pigs.

It is best to use products grown in your own garden or garden. But if you don’t have your own land or summer cottage, then it is advisable to buy vegetables, herbs and fruits in season, avoiding products grown with the use of pesticides and products treated with various preparations.

Let's see what vegetables can guinea pigs and how they are useful for your pets.


Most often, the owners are interested in whether cucumbers are allowed for guinea pigs. These vegetables contain 2-6% of dry matter - sugars, fiber, protein, some vitamins and minerals. 94-98% of the total mass of the cucumber is water, so this vegetable has little nutritional value. But, despite this, the cucumber helps the body of the rodent to digest other feeds and the absorption of fats. You can give cucumbers to guinea pigs in small quantities and preferably your own, since poisoning often occurs due to the nitrates contained in purchased cucumbers. Overfeeding cucumbers can lead to digestive problems.


When asked if guinea pigs can have zucchini, the answer is yes. The pulp of this vegetable contains up to 12% of solids, including pectin, sugars, vitamins and minerals. Young zucchini fruits are suitable as food for pets.

radish and radish

If a lot of radishes have grown in your garden, and you want to feed them to your pet, but you don’t know if guinea pigs can have radishes, then it’s better not to do this. After all, radish and radish contain a large amount of essential oils, feeding which can lead to irritation of the mucous membranes and respiratory tract in the pet and the occurrence of bloating. Better offer tops from these vegetables.


Can guinea pigs eat tomatoes? These vegetables contain vitamins A and C, macro- and microelements, pectins and organic acids. Pets can only eat ripe vegetables, because greens contain solanine, a poisonous substance that breaks down when tomatoes ripen. It is impossible for pigs to green parts of a tomato - tops and leaves. Tomatoes should be fed in small quantities and only from your garden. Overfeeding tomatoes can cause diarrhea.

Green pea

Guinea pigs can eat peas as green food, just like other legumes. You can also give some young green peas along with the pods, only in limited quantities. It is not recommended to feed dry peas to pigs, although it is added to some dry food for these animals.


Carrot is a very useful vegetable containing pectin, carotene, vitamins C, E, K, group B, microelements. Substances contained in carrots have a beneficial effect on the metabolic processes in the pig's body, which improves vision, hearing, the condition of the skin and coat of the pet. You can also feed carrot tops, which are also useful. From the use of this vegetable, the urine of the animal can turn orange.


Beets are good for guinea pigs because they contain many vitamins and minerals. But beetroot should be given in small quantities, as it weakens. This vegetable is not given to piglets under two months old, pregnant and lactating pigs. You can feed beet tops, some pigs eat it even better than the root crop. After eating beets, the litter and urine of pigs turn red.


But is it possible for guinea pigs to have potatoes, most guinea pig breeders are interested. Potatoes contain a large amount of starch, proteins, vitamins. Giving potatoes to guinea pigs is not advised. Raw potatoes contain indigestible starch, so if you decide to give your pet potatoes, then give a very small amount of it. Green tubers, green sprouts and potato tops contain a lot of poisonous solanine. Therefore, it is impossible to feed green and long-stored tubers.


Can guinea pigs eat cabbage? There is an opinion that cabbage is contraindicated for guinea pigs, that this vegetable causes problems with the digestive system. In fact, cabbage is a healthy vegetable that contains a lot of protein, vitamins and trace elements.

If you have a healthy, bloat-free pet and gradually and in small amounts introduce cabbage and other succulent foods into the diet, then the guinea pig will not have digestive problems. And if you do not follow the pet's diet and immediately introduce new foods without accustoming the mumps to it, then problems with the intestines cannot be avoided. You can feed infrequently a small amount of cabbage, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, broccoli and kohlrabi. Do not give early, greenhouse cabbage.


Bulgarian pepper contains a large amount of ascorbic acid and carotene. Before offering this vegetable to your pet, you must remove the green part and seeds. Pepper should only be given in a season that is not grown in a greenhouse. Spicy varieties of pepper should not be given to guinea pigs - they irritate the mucous membranes.


Rutabaga contains fiber, glucose, proteins, vitamins and minerals. These nutritious and vitamin vegetables are good for pets, from late autumn to early spring, when there is not a large selection of vegetables and herbs.


Guinea pigs can be given stems and leaves of corn. Leaves can be fed both fresh and dried. But it is undesirable to give grains, since they contain a large amount of starch, are poorly digested and contribute to obesity.


Can guinea pigs eat pumpkin? Pumpkin pulp is rich in fiber, proteins, sugar, vitamins, macro- and microelements. Pumpkin is very healthy for guinea pigs and can be fed along with the rind. The seeds are also rich in vitamins and minerals. Feeding pumpkin seeds contributes to the prevention of helminths. Guinea pigs can be offered all kinds of gourds that are edible to humans.

Jerusalem artichoke

The whole Jerusalem artichoke plant, leaves, flowers, roots, is edible for guinea pigs. Jerusalem artichoke contains a large amount of fiber and essential amino acids - lysine, leicine, arginine. Root crops contain inulin, a natural analogue of insulin, which is why Jerusalem artichoke is recommended for those prone to diabetes. But root crops should not be given to marine fish often, as they are considered concentrated feed, and young tubers contain poorly digestible starch, which can cause intestinal disorders.


Guinea pigs in the summer, in season, you can give a little watermelon. Try to give ripe pulp, and it is advisable not to give the white part closer to the crust, since nitrates accumulate in this part. For the same reason, pigs should not be given early vegetables. Watermelon is a diuretic, so indulge your pet infrequently.


The same goes for melons. This vegetable is given from its garden or bought in season. It is also not recommended to give melon often, it is very sweet and can contribute to the development of diabetes.

We tried to consider in as much detail as possible and give answers to the question "What vegetables can guinea pigs." As you can see, most vegetables not only can, but should be given to guinea pigs. The most important thing is a properly composed and balanced diet for your pet, including products grown without chemicals. To keep your guinea pig healthy and cheerful, stick to proper nutrition and the pet will thank you with its playful behavior and healthy appearance.

So, we figured out the question of what vegetables can guinea pigs have, but about whether we described the grass for your pet, you may be interested in this information.

What vegetables can guinea pigs eat

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