What is included in the rehabilitation of the oral cavity. What is the sanitation of the oral cavity before surgery. “Is it possible to sanitize at home?”

Everyone knows that in order to achieve a beautiful and bewitching smile, you need to observe daily oral hygiene and devote at least 10 minutes a day to this. If this procedure is not taken seriously, then through certain time appear serious illness.

Have beautiful teeth- this is half the battle, it is necessary that they are also healthy. To date, dentistry has advanced far and doctors with the help of modern technologies and equipment can do a real miracle. Dreams of a flawless and healthy smile can actually become a reality.

To achieve this dream, you need to fulfill complex of dental measures, which is called sanitation of the oral cavity. What does the term rehabilitation mean? Sanitation is preventive procedures, which are primarily aimed at improving the oral cavity, but in addition, getting rid of the source of inflammation in order to prevent dental diseases. Even in translation, this word means healing and healing. Sometimes during sanitation, the dentist can detect the following diseases:

  • periodontitis;
  • gingivitis;
  • stomatitis.

A set of measures for rehabilitation and its types

To begin with, you need to know what set of procedures is done by the dentist during the sanitation oral cavity:

There are three types of sanitization:

  • periodic, it occurs during the annual medical examination;
  • planned;
  • individual.

Planned rehabilitation is usually carried out in kindergartens, educational institutions, sanatoriums, camps, boarding schools, and also it should be done during pregnancy. In addition, planned sanitation should be done by people who suffer from dental diseases.

Periodic sanitization takes place in conscripts, disabled people and pregnant women. If an infection has appeared in the mouth, then it can become a source of infection for many organs in the human body. Therefore, it is imperative to carry out sanitation of the oral cavity before surgery, which reduces the risk of developing various complications, including purulent inflammation. Dentists are confident that if the focus of inflammation is identified in a timely manner and then cured, this will lead to a quick recovery.

There are several diseases in which the sanitation of the oral cavity is performed 2 times per year:

  • allergy;
  • rheumatoid arthritis;
  • diabetes;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • diseases of the ENT organs.

When carrying out sanitation, it is necessary to determine all its stages. Below is an example step by step plan:

The patient also receives recommendations from the dentist about proper brushing teeth, the best pasta and a toothbrush. Most people want sanitization only took one visit, but this is impossible. In most cases, all dental work cannot be completed in one day, especially if it is required before the operation.

Sanitation procedure

To begin with, the doctor completely examines the patient's oral cavity, and then opens a card in which he indicates all the stages of treatment. If the dentist detects serious diseases or the patient needs surgery, then a picture will definitely be required. Not all patients need to treat their teeth, in this case the doctor simply prescribes row hygiene procedures:

  • teeth are cleaned of various deposits;
  • the spaces between the teeth are cleaned;
  • cleaning gum pockets.

After completion of all manipulations, the specialist, at the request of the patient, can issue a certificate of sanitation. Usually such a statement required for employment, for decoration sick leave, when a child is admitted to a kindergarten or school, or before an operation.

Be sure to carry out sanitation of the oral cavity during pregnancy. During pregnancy, a woman's body is rebuilt due to changes in hormonal background and this can lead to gum disease. There are also changes in the acid-base balance of saliva. Thus, a woman quickly loses calcium, and her teeth may become thinner.

If for some reason sanitation was not performed during pregnancy, then pathogenic infection can enter the body affecting the fetus and breast milk. For this reason, many children in early age caries appears on milk teeth.

According to the results of the study, every second pregnant woman suffers from gum bleeding and inflammation. If a this problem is not solved, then gingivitis turns into more dangerous disease, for example, periodontitis and it is not so easy to cure it. For these reasons, during pregnancy in without fail should undergo oral hygiene. At the same time, it should be taken into account that all sanitation measures are best performed in the second trimester.

The whole complex of measures is carried out without harm to the health of the fetus. If you suddenly need to remove a pregnant woman's tooth, now there are special painkillers for pregnant women, which does not affect the child.

Sanitation in children

AT planned This procedure covers almost all children's institutions. Everyone knows that milk teeth are much more susceptible to caries and other diseases for many reasons. Therefore, the rehabilitation of the oral cavity of the child should be constantly. If at the first sanitation the dentist found caries in a child, then repeated procedure should take place in a year, but after that, sanitation should be carried out 2-3 times a year.

This can positively affect the condition of children's teeth, when milk teeth will be replaced by permanent ones, and then the child will have only strong and strong teeth in the future. healthy teeth. And the improvement of the oral cavity of the child plays an important role in the normal development child's body generally.

Those people who monitor their health will be without fail follow all the instructions of the dentist and carry out a set of hygiene procedures. It is these measures that can be carried out at home, but no more. Oral hygiene is important for dental health, but it is also a preventive measure. dental diseases.

It should be remembered that at home it is impossible to perform a full sanitation of the mouth. After all, there is no home for this special equipment, and this study is notable for its complexity.


If you regularly sanitize the oral cavity, you can avoid many dental infections and diseases, the teeth will remain intact and there will be no need for their removal or prosthetics. This will save money and time. This the procedure is safe and she should devote her time at least once a year. Without an examination by a dentist, people are unable to find out what is happening in the mouth. Therefore, you should not save on the health of your teeth and the whole body as a whole.

Oddly enough, but not everyone knows what oral cavity sanitation is, what types, forms and methods of sanitation are, and how to carry it out correctly. According to statistics, more than 90% of people around the world brush their teeth incorrectly. And that's just brushing your teeth, not to mention other meaningful activities.

What is oral hygiene? This is the aggregate therapeutic actions, preventive manipulations that are aimed at improving the oral cavity and preventing diseases of the teeth and gums. It includes: treatment of caries, root canals, removal of teeth that cannot be treated, restoration of teeth, hygienic cleaning.

What is the sanitation of the oral cavity and is it possible at home, what types (forms) and methods of sanitation exist, its significance for human health - about all this later.

Sanitation of the oral cavity (teeth) is ...

What is the sanitation of teeth becomes clear from the name. The Latin word "sanatio" in translation means treatment, recovery. So, as mentioned above, sanitation of the oral cavity is a complex of manipulations aimed at treating dental diseases and cleaning the oral cavity in order to prevent the development of new pathologies.

Beautiful, healthy teeth by nature are a rarity. And even in this case, they need permanent care, both minimal, at home, and complete, at the dentist. Therefore, the rehabilitation of teeth has great importance and is necessary. Doctors recommend doing it at least once every six months.

Oral care includes various methods and types of work, and often requires the involvement of not only one dentist, but also other specialists - an orthodontist, surgeon, orthopedist, periodontist. It all depends on what pathology the patient applied for.

Sanitation of the oral cavity is the following procedures:

  • - elimination of caries;
  • - treatment of inflammatory and degenerative diseases of the gums and oral mucosa;
  • - removal of teeth that can no longer be cured;
  • - orthopedic treatment- prosthetics, if necessary;
  • - correction of malocclusion, alignment of dentition;
  • - aesthetic restoration teeth;
  • - professional cleaning mouth and teeth - removal of plaque and calculus.

Depending on each individual case, the sanitation of the oral cavity may require not one, but several trips to the dentist. Many people are interested in whether sanitation of teeth is possible at home - more on this later, but first we will figure out what types of sanitation exist.

Forms (types) and methods of sanitation of the oral cavity

What are the forms and methods of sanitation of the mouth? There are such main types of sanitation of the oral cavity as individual, planned and periodic sanitation.

Individual form Sanitation implies an independent treatment of a person in a clinic. Planned (one-time) form must be held once a year for all children attending Kindergarten and school, as well as the working population for admission to work. Periodic type of sanitation covers people under dispensary supervision.

All types of sanitation of the oral cavity can be carried out in two ways - centralized and decentralized. The first one involves the rehabilitation of medical institution, and a decentralized method - sanitation is carried out in medical offices on the basis of a school or enterprise.

Forms and methods of sanitation of the mouth are selected depending on the case.

Sanitation of the oral cavity at home

Many people are interested in the question: "Is the sanitation of the oral cavity carried out at home?" This procedure provides not only the prevention of dental diseases, but also the treatment of existing ones. That's why complete sanitation oral cavity at home is not possible.

Prevention of dental pathologies at home is of great importance and should include thorough oral hygiene, the rejection of bad habits, proper nutrition with the restriction of sweet, the predominance of solid food.

What does oral hygiene mean for human health?

Many of us do not even think about what oral cavity sanitation means and what a huge role it plays for human health. Sanitation helps to get rid of dental pathology and avoid it in the future. It prevents the development of infection in the oral cavity and its spread throughout the body, the rapid loss of teeth.
And what does the sanitation of the oral cavity mean for a pregnant woman and the health of her unborn child is not even worth talking about!

In the general attractiveness of a person, far from the last role is played by snow-white smile. However, not everyone has this advantage. In many cases, without the help of dentists, this cannot be achieved.

Often this requires a significant investment of not only time and labor, but also patience and understanding from the patient himself, because it is impossible to teach snow-white and perfect teeth for one visit to the dental clinic.

Even if by nature a person has a beautiful color of teeth and their shape, it is necessary to preserve this wealth. Not to mention those who have problems with their teeth.

In both options, a periodically conducted complex of dental measures, called oral sanitation, is required.

Description of the procedure

latin the word "sanatio" is translated as healing or treatment, which is consistent with the name of these dental activities, which involve complete recovery oral cavity and all tissues in it.

These measures are called therapeutic and prophylactic, as they also imply prevention. possible diseases and not just the elimination of existing problems.

What does it include?

The complex provides the work of several dentists. First of all, this is a therapist and hygienist, however, depending on the situation, it is possible to involve doctors and other specializations.

So, reorganization includes such measures:

  • treatment of the most common disease - caries;
  • elimination possible complications this disease - periodontitis,;
  • renewal normal state hard tissues of teeth that have been damaged, for example, with fillings;
  • orthodontic treatment - correction wrong position teeth relative to the jaw and each other;
  • orthopedic measures - prosthetics;
  • removal of any deposits from the surface of the teeth, such as calculus, plaque;
  • identification and prevention of the development of possible foci of infection;
  • removal of teeth that are not subject to restoration and preservation.

In addition to all of the above, there are various additional procedures that the oral cavity needs in specific cases. This is implied by the definition of sanitation as a complete recovery.


Despite the similarity, the set of procedures still differs depending on the specific type of sanitation. This means that the number of measures taken directly depends on the situation and the condition of the oral cavity.

The division into types is based on the frequency of the implementation, as well as on the need.

  1. Individual. It is most popular among conscious patients who understand the importance of self-control over the state of the oral cavity. Assumes own initiative patient and his treatment dental clinic. In each case, the physician necessary measures according to the plan drawn up after the inspection.
  2. Planned. This type covers almost all children. school age and those attending kindergartens. In addition, it is prescribed for employees of certain organizations and enterprises, where it is a condition for admission to work.
  3. periodic. Those patients who are included in the medical examination plan participate in the conduct.

Main steps

Sanitation always involves several stages. Depending on the type, their number may vary. Here is an approximate general step-by-step plan, which includes eight stages.

When do you need a certificate from a dentist about its passage?

There is a list of indications for the mandatory implementation of this procedure.

  • The course of pregnancy and management by a gynecologist.
  • Preparing the patient for the upcoming birth.
  • Almost any surgical intervention and the patient's upcoming surgery.
  • Production related to the category of harmful.
  • Official employment.
  • Admission of the child to an educational institution - a school or a kindergarten.

When women are registered for pregnancy in their clinic, a certificate of sanitation will be required by the local gynecologist. Also, this specialist will need a certificate when applying for a sick leave related to the birth of a child.

Children going to kindergarten or school should also be examined by a dentist. A health certificate is one of the documents required for admission.

The physician may insist on further treatment if the examination revealed insufficiently good condition of the tissues of the oral cavity and teeth.

Also, a similar document will be required for people before surgical operation. The fact is that bad condition mouth, possible presence foci of infection and inflammation can greatly impair recovery after surgery, as well as cause complications during surgery.

Another category of people who need to get a certificate from a dentist about sanitation are those who require a medical book. To obtain or renew it, you must pass scheduled inspection and treatment by many specialists. Including the dentist.

During pregnancy

Pregnancy is a difficult period in the life of any woman. At this time, the course of many processes occurring in the body changes. In many cases, this has a rather negative effect on the condition of not only the teeth, but also the soft tissues of the gums and the entire oral cavity.

Violation acid-base balance promotes rapid development caries and widespread infection. This happens because they create favorable conditions in order to activate the vital activity of microorganisms that cause this disease.

A change in the balance of hormones leads to the development inflammatory disease periodontal tissues - gingivitis. In the absence of appropriate measures, by the end of the child's gestation period, it can lead to periodontitis.

In addition, the presence of dental diseases infectious plan or any other can affect not only the well-being of the patient herself, but also harm the developing child.

Now a woman can not be afraid harmful influence dental procedures on a child. For example, a radiovisiograph, with which pictures are taken, affects locally, only a few square centimeters.

In addition, irradiation is ten times less in power than that of standard X-ray machines.

In children

This procedure is routinely carried out not only in schools and preschool educational institutions - it covers all childcare facilities. This includes, in addition to those listed, also sanatoriums, boarding schools, recreation camps.

Children's teeth are more susceptible to caries and other diseases for a variety of reasons. Therefore, sanitation is prescribed to them regularly, and its frequency depends on the extent of the disease and the treatment prognosis.

The first (lowest) degree of caries requires a second visit to the dentist for sanitation in a year, the second - a little more than six months, and the third - only 3-3.5 months.

In addition, the rules imply that the ongoing treatment of almost any profile for a child also requires dental sanitation, which increases efficiency. medical procedures, enables the baby to have strong healthy teeth in the future.

Oral health is essential for normal development and overall health of the child.

Is it possible at home?

A person who takes care of his own health must follow the instructions of the dentist and carefully conduct full complex hygiene procedures. This, unfortunately, is the maximum that is possible for home use.

Of course, oral hygiene is very important for dental health and the prevention of any dental disease. It is she who is in the first place among the preventive preventive measures.

At home, a full-fledged sanitation of the oral cavity is impossible due to the lack of necessary equipment, and also because of the complexity of the study. After all, only an external examination of the condition of the teeth, gums and mucous membranes is available to the patient at home.


The cost of sanitation is affected, first of all, by the number of procedures that must be carried out according to the drawn up treatment plan. And this, in turn, is due to the state of the oral cavity, the presence of diseases and their severity.

The total cost can be determined unambiguously only after the inspection and all necessary research and developing a treatment plan. So, how much do the individual stages of rehabilitation cost:

  • x-rays - from 300 rubles;
  • caries treatment - from 1500 rubles;
  • professional cleaning - from 2 thousand rubles;
  • treatment of pulpitis - from 1 thousand;
  • treatment of periodontitis - from 1.2 thousand;

Also here you need to include the cost of whitening enamel, work different specialists and other treatments that the patient may require.

The need for regular visits dental office for sanitation and a set of hygiene procedures you will be told in the following video:

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Paste, brush, dental floss and mouthwash, all of which help keep teeth and gums healthy. If you start your morning with these personal care products and end your day using them, you are doing a lot to have a beautiful and healthy smile. But you can do even more! For those who want to prevent dental diseases on early stages and it is easy to eliminate them, there is sanitation of the oral cavity. What it is, you will learn from the article.

Sanitation of the oral cavity and its essence

So what is oral hygiene? The name came from Latin word"sanatio", which translates as "treatment" or "health". That is, sanitation of the oral cavity is a set of procedures aimed at detecting all kinds of dental diseases, their elimination and further prevention.

Ideally, refurbishment should be done every six months. Then you don’t have to gather your courage and go to the dentist for serious treatment already. advanced disease. With regular examinations, you can notice even the earliest inflammation of the gums or demineralization of the enamel and immediately eliminate them.

Planned sanitation of the oral cavity

Sanitation includes examination, diagnosis, treatment and prevention of dental diseases.

In order for the doctor to carry out sanitation, one wish of the patient is enough. Such sanitation will be called individual, that is, the patient himself took the initiative to carry it out. But there is also a mandatory planned rehabilitation oral cavity, which needs to be passed by a certain circle of people, among them:

  • employees of confectionery factories and bakery plants;
  • greenhouse workers;
  • children attending children's institutions;
  • people in contact with acid vapors;
  • conscripts and military personnel;
  • students of military universities;
  • people preparing for surgery;
  • women planning a child.

In addition, children aged 7 to 12 need regular sanitation of the oral cavity. During this period, the full formation of the jaw occurs. Therefore, it is very important to monitor the condition of the oral cavity. If deviations are found, the dentist can send the patient to, and the problem will be fixed in time.

People suffering from a series chronic diseases such as tonsillitis, rheumatism, bronchial asthma, allergies, as well as those with heart defects, sanitation of the oral cavity is recommended every 3 months.

Important: therapeutic and preventive measures can be carried out in polyclinics at the place of residence, work or study.

How is oral hygiene performed?

You are already in in general terms you know what the sanitation of the oral cavity is, but in order to fully understand what it is, let's look at its stages in more detail.

Arriving at the dentist's office, regardless of own will did you come or is it compulsory procedure For admission to work, the doctor will first examine the oral cavity. Then a card will be assigned to the patient, in which all stages of treatment and manipulations will be noted. The dentist will draw up a treatment plan that will be followed in the future.

With the help of a snapshot of the jaw, the doctor can draw up an accurate treatment plan.

If the oral cavity needs serious sanitation, the patient will need to do it. What's this? This is one type of radiography. Thanks to the picture, the doctor can find out about the condition, assess the position of the wisdom teeth in order to effective treatment. The image will display all the organs and tissues of the dental system: palate, zygomatic bones, mandibular canal, maxillary sinuses. Installed seals will be clearly visible in the picture, the doctor can evaluate the quality of the filling and, if necessary, retreat the teeth.

Not every patient needs to be treated or teeth removed, but almost always the doctor performs hygiene procedures:

  • the surface of the teeth is cleaned of deposits;
  • the spaces between the teeth are cleaned;
  • if necessary, gum pockets are cleaned.

After the removal of dental plaque, the enamel becomes noticeably whiter, and most importantly, due to this, the risk of developing gum disease and caries is greatly reduced. This cleaning should be done every six months.

Further, if the dentist has found teeth damaged by caries, he treats them: the affected tissues are drilled out, fillings are installed. If a patient has been diagnosed with gum disease or tongue infections, bite problems, or untreated teeth need to be removed, other specialists may be involved:

  • periodontist;
  • orthodontist;
  • surgeon;
  • orthopedist.

After the treatment, the dentist tells the patient how to do it, recommends remedies that can be used at home. On this sanitation of the oral cavity is considered complete. In some cases, the patient needs to be registered with the clinic. At the end of all manipulations, the specialist can issue a certificate to the patient about the sanitation of the oral cavity.

Features of sanitation of the oral cavity in children

What is the rehabilitation of the oral cavity in children, not all parents know. But in schools and kindergartens, camps and sanatoriums, it is carried out in a planned manner. This event allows you to timely identify in children such diseases of the oral cavity as caries, pulpitis, gingivitis, periodontitis.

Sanitation in children and adults does not have fundamental differences. In the same way, a treatment plan is drawn up for children, dental surfaces are carried out, old fillings are replaced with new ones, and decayed teeth are removed.

Younger patients are more likely to need additional treatment in an orthodontist, the need for prosthetics is observed much less frequently than in adults.

Do I need to get a medical certificate from a doctor?

If you decide to go through the rehabilitation of your own free will, you may not need a certificate. But in some cases it is worth taking it without fail:

  • a certificate from a dentist about the sanitation of the oral cavity may be needed for pregnant women when registering;
  • after childbirth, the same certificate will be needed to apply for a sick leave;
  • before carrying out almost any operation, a dentist's opinion on the sanitation of the oral cavity may be required;
  • if baby goes to a kindergarten or school, parents may be asked to provide a dental report;
  • a certificate is often required for official employment at enterprises;
  • it may also be required when extending the medical book.

By visiting your dentist regularly for oral hygiene, you can avoid the need for tooth extractions or implants. This not only saves your budget, but also eliminates discomfort, because it's no secret to anyone that the treatment of caries is much less painful than periostitis or.

Are the pledge wellness and give you confidence. Sick teeth can deliver discomfort during the consumption of products, can cause insomnia. When they are the source inflammatory processes, the development of pathologies in other organs is possible. And ugly and destroyed teeth reduce their own self-esteem, as they allow them to constantly doubt their own appearance and be ashamed of your smile. What does it mean when the oral cavity is sanitized?

Why is it important to take care of your teeth

When the chewing apparatus is in good condition: there are no caries, holes and people feel that they do not need to visit the dentist. This is only partly true. Since there may be other minor problems that can lead to the need for expensive treatment in the future.

In the presence of tartar, roots that have not been removed, microcracks and thinned enamel, it cannot be said that the oral cavity has been sanitized. It is for this reason that it is necessary to ensure regular complete care for her.

The list of these measures should include a consultation with a dentist, which should take place every six months. During the reception, he will carefully examine the condition of the teeth and gums, remove plaque and formed stone, help to choose the best remedies for the care of the chewing apparatus in accordance with the characteristics of each patient. It will also be able to eliminate the problems that have arisen on the very early stage development, which will help to avoid drastic measures for removal with subsequent prosthetics.

Help from an orthodontist

In some cases, you may need the help of an orthodontist. Frequent problem with which it is referred to is malocclusion. In this case, some teeth are subjected to excessive stress, which means they wear out and collapse faster. Usually, the orthodontist, together with the dentist, develops a plan of measures to improve the oral cavity.

List of procedures

A visit to the doctor begins with a conversation and examination of the oral cavity. On this basis, a conclusion is made whether the patient needs any procedures. If problems are identified, then a list of them and corrective measures are compiled. The latter may include:

  • elimination of caries with subsequent tooth filling;
  • with pulpitis, it will be necessary to remove the nerve;
  • ultrasonic cleaning of teeth;
  • dental treatment;
  • extraction of teeth;
  • removal of roots;
  • treatment of diseases of the oral mucosa;
  • bite correction;
  • prosthetics.

And if the dentist says that the oral cavity is sanitized, what does this mean? This is the best conclusion that a doctor can give, meaning that the teeth, gums and mucous membranes are absolutely healthy and there is no need for treatment.

Sanitation of the oral cavity for pregnant and lactating women

The health of the chewing apparatus is of great importance for a woman during pregnancy. This is due to the ongoing changes in female body associated with its restructuring under the action of hormones, an increase in the need for vitamins, minerals and trace elements.

A visit to the doctor is necessary for a pregnant woman not only because a certificate of sanitation of the oral cavity is included in the list of mandatory medical documents. Exist additional factors, health threatening teeth. For example, deterioration of the blood supply to the gums, which makes it doubly difficult to supply them nutrients. In addition, saliva, which is responsible for cleansing the oral cavity, changes its chemical composition. Therefore, the observation of a doctor should be a conscious choice of every expectant mother, since the threat of losing teeth is very high.

And if the oral cavity is sanitized, then there is no source of infections that can harm the health of the baby and the woman herself.

During breastfeeding all useful material, required by the child for normal development, will come from the mother's body with milk. This can lead to their deficiency, which means it will significantly deplete the body. Therefore, the risk of dental problems may increase. To avoid this, it is recommended to increased attention oral care and visit the dentist in preparation for childbirth.

Features of pediatric dentistry

Regular dental consultation is essential for young patients. In addition to evaluation general condition oral cavity, the doctor conducts training proper care behind the teeth, recommends which toothbrush and paste to use.

Because as the child grows dental system is undergoing significant changes, it is necessary to monitor these processes. AT this case more emphasis is placed on disease prevention. With the constant management of the child, the dentist can right time refer him to another specialist, such as an orthodontist. Especially milestone is the period of change of milk teeth to permanent ones.

But it is important to start sanitation of the oral cavity in early childhood, since caries can also develop on milk teeth. Due to the fact that the first teeth of the child are more delicate than the molars, quite often the enamel requires additional strengthening. Therefore, fluoridation is useful procedure, which is quite often recommended by a specialist.

The need for treatment of milk teeth and fillings may have Negative influence for the normal development of molars. Therefore, these procedures are classified as undesirable, which must be avoided. To do this, do not neglect prevention.

Preparation for surgery

Some diseases require surgical interventions that are planned. Especially when it comes to the need for surgery in the head and face, it is important for the doctor to know that the patient's oral cavity is sanitized. Existing infection can cause complications postoperative period and hinder full recovery.

Gastroenterologists often worry about a healthy oral cavity in patients. Since saliva goes directly into gastrointestinal tract, it can be a conductor of infection and cause problems in this part of the body.

When applying for a job

Some areas of work provide for the presence of a medical book and the passage of a regular medical examination. The list of documents includes a certificate of sanitation of the oral cavity, which is issued by the dentist. This category includes professions that involve working with children, in the field of catering, medicine and cosmetology.


Everyone knows that prevention of a disease is always better than its cure. But its complexity lies in the need to spend time, which is always not enough. So that the subsequent elimination of problems does not turn out to be too expensive, it is worth visiting a dentist who will tell you in detail what the prevention of dental diseases is.

The program of activities, drawn up together with a specialist, will save you from the need for self-selection of hygiene products, this is a guarantee. They are recommended to be cleaned after each meal. Since this is not possible for the majority, one should not neglect chewing gum. In addition to toothbrush and paste, you should start using dental floss.

You should also be careful about your diet. AT daily diet should be foods rich in vitamins and minerals. Minimize consumption of sugary foods and drinks. Bad habits, such as alcohol consumption, coffee and smoking, harm not only the teeth, but the whole body. Therefore, the rejection of them will have a general healing effect.

If you do some simple recommendations and find time to go to the dentist every six months, then there is Great chance hear from him that the oral cavity is sanitized. What does it mean? That there is no need to look for time in your schedule and money in your wallet to fix problems immediately.

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