I became very inattentive about what to do. Forgetfulness and distraction - treatments and methods to improve memory. Experts offer different ways to help get rid of absent-mindedness. We bring to your attention the most effective

Hello dear friends!

Sometimes we act strange. body goes on business, while the brain, meanwhile, is in prostration, coma or on a break. Have you ever caught yourself thinking that when you come to another room for something, you can’t remember why in a panic? Forgot to wish your friend a happy birthday? Didn't buy bread on the way home, even though you told yourself about it a billion times?

Or, opening the door of the refrigerator, for five minutes trying to realize what is actually happening and how did you teleport here? Sometimes at the wrong time forgotten keys and eternal question: “Did I turn off the iron, stove or cat?”, Annoy to such an extent that we are ready to bang our foreheads on the door.

How to stop being distracted and learn to react faster to what is happening? How to increase attention to details and trifles, without losing vigilance to more important and large-scale issues?

We blame and sin on our memory, although the root cause of the problem does not concern it. The reason for this whole series of misses is absent-mindedness.

Even at school, we could plunge into the world of dreams and dreams at the moment of the lesson for a long time. At that moment, it seemed to us that there, behind the walls or in the head, there were more interesting things. An inattentive child is said to be a grief in the family Seriously, this can really be a huge problem!

Try to complete urgent and important tasks today, otherwise they will follow you like a train and this fun can last for weeks until you safely forget about them.

5. Visual assistants

If you look for a hairbrush or a bag for two hours a day, how can you become an attentive and successful person in such chaos?

Friends, this is the point.

Subscribe to update my blog and recommend it to your friends. Tell us in the comments how you deal with forgetfulness and inattention?

See you on the blog, bye bye!

Distracted attention is a psychological term that is commonly understood as a violation of the central nervous system, and it is quite serious and can occur in almost any person.

Concept and varieties

In order to answer the question of what absent-mindedness is, you must first decide what we will understand by the word "attention". It's such psychological process, which allows you to process information coming from outside. In other words, mindfulness and attention can also be called the ability to focus on some object, object or action. Due to attention, a person not only orients himself in life, but can also carry out certain actions.

In the case when a person cannot concentrate on something and constantly forgets something, we can talk about absent-mindedness and inattention. It is noteworthy that they do not appear in a person from birth, but are acquired in the process of life due to certain circumstances. Distracted people can have a lot of problems, and this is not surprising, because it is extremely inconvenient to communicate with them, if only because they constantly forget everything.

There are three main types of distraction:

  • Functional.
  • Minimum.
  • Poetic.

The first type of inattention appears in people who do monotonous work for a long time. It can also occur as a result of headaches or sleep problems, as well as due to the presence chronic diseases(especially those associated with the central nervous system).

Minimal absent-mindedness is characteristic of those people who are deeply focused on their inner experiences and, therefore, concentrate little on what they consider not very important. This type of inattention in psychology is sometimes called professorial. Under poetic distraction it is customary to understand such inattention, which occurs because a person almost always hovers in the clouds or fantasizes. Often these are creative people - poets, artists, writers.

attention disorder in different people may manifest itself in different ways. For example, it may be insufficient concentration, due to which a person does not remember well what he saw or heard. This disorder can occur in both adults and children.

Absent-mindedness can also manifest itself in the form of rigidity - this is when a person slowly and sluggishly switches from one topic to another. It can manifest itself in people with mental disorders or be due to the type of temperament. In particular, this property is inherent in phlegmatic people.

A person who has such a trait as instability, i.e., can also be inattentive. jumpy attention. Such people jump from one topic to another and therefore cannot remember one or the other well. Often this happens in childhood, especially in hyperactive children.

A little about the reasons

Is it possible to cope with absent-mindedness, and in what ways to do it? These questions can be answered only if we understand what are the causes of absent-mindedness.

First, let's talk about what is physiological factors that lead to inattention. These include physical and emotional fatigue, insomnia, diets, as well as the presence of a profession that requires a person to perform tedious and similar actions. People who are overly focused on only one object or subject, let's say scientific work, may also suffer from such a disorder as lack of assembly.

It is worth noting that while they do not suffer others psychological characteristics such as memory. On the contrary, it is improving - it's just that scientists often discard what they don't need and focus only on what they really care about.

Elderly people often suffer from inattention. In the elderly, concentration of attention weakens over the years and its disorders arise. But it also happens that quite young people can be absent-minded. For them, the reasons for this often lie in the violation of body functions or diseases, such as osteochondrosis, arterial hypertension, atherosclerosis, schizophrenia, epilepsy, etc. By the way, during pregnancy, women can also often experience impaired attention.

Separately, it is worth talking about the importance of inattention in childhood. The development of attention in children largely depends on the parents - in particular, on how much they engage with the child. The most important thing that adults should try to educate in their children is self-control. If it does not develop, then the child's attention will be "fluttering", he will not be able to concentrate deeply on anything.

By the way, scientists say that seemingly harmless things can be the causes of children's absent-mindedness: passion for sweets, preservatives and nutritional supplements, lack of magnesium and iron, etc. It is easy to notice that your child is prone to absent-mindedness - he is hyperactive, restless, constantly fussing, often switching from one thing to another, etc. Remove unnatural foods from the baby’s diet, or even better, contact a professional psychologist to advise on how to overcome the problems that arise.

Making life better

How to get rid of distraction and inattention? There are some tips that can help a person become more focused and understand how to deal with absent-mindedness. It is not necessary to immediately contact a doctor or psychologist. You can start with simple steps: establish a daily routine, try to avoid stress and conflicts, start eating a balanced diet, and also give up bad habits.

If this is not enough to overcome absent-mindedness, then the cause may be a lack of certain substances - folic acid and B vitamins, which can help overcome forgetfulness. The first is found in foods such as wild garlic, poultry liver, spinach, nuts, citrus fruits and eggs. Useful vitamin B12 is in sea ​​fish and other seafood, sour cream and cheese.

But how to deal with absent-mindedness forever? Only the regime of the day and proper nutrition often not enough to defeat her. There are special techniques for training memory and meditation.

It is worth noting that by nature women are more scattered than men. The fact is that they usually tend to perform several actions at once. For example, paint lips, watch your favorite series and talk on the phone. From this habit, if you caught yourself thinking that you are forgetting a lot, you should give up.

Try to distribute all your tasks and do them in a strictly defined order. After all, you must admit that nothing terrible will happen if you first talk on the phone, and then make up your lips. It is worth getting rid of inattention systematically: think over your actions a few steps ahead, and before starting something, first mentally do what you wanted. There are a few more tips: try to put things in their place, don’t put off “for later” small things, write yourself “reminders” - and after a while you will notice that absent-mindedness no longer bothers you ...

What is distraction and inattention

Absent-mindedness and inattention is the inability to concentrate on any object or action. These character traits cause a lot of problems for absent-minded and forgetful people who have them. They suffer themselves, because they forget about important promises and meetings, their relatives and friends suffer. It happens that for this reason they are even fired from their jobs.

These people try to focus, promise themselves to be attentive, but nothing works out for them. They make a list of things that they take with them on a trip, write down the things that they need to do, but as a result they forget where they put the notebook with the notes ...

And then they begin to think: maybe this is not a character trait, but a psychological deviation? Or maybe one of the symptoms of some disease? Perhaps the situation can be corrected by taking medications, vitamins, or adjusting the diet?

However, forgetfulness, distraction and inattention are so common that even the term "attention deficit disorder" has appeared. To some extent, all people are forgetful, because, probably, each of us at least once in our lives had to forget the purchased and paid for goods in the store. And an unturned iron or a forgotten and burnt kettle or pan are generally classic examples of absent-mindedness.

Psychologists distinguish three types of inattention

1. Fluttering attention

This is a weak concentration of attention, which is characterized by easy involuntary switchability. Such inattention is inherent, for example, in preschoolers. It comes with fatigue, after sleepless night, during a headache or during monotonous monotonous work. A variation of such absent-mindedness is road hypnosis, when a person falls into a state of half-asleep that occurs during a long trip along a calm road.

2. "Professorial" distraction

In the second type of inattention, there is high concentration attention with the difficulty of switching, which is characteristic, for example, of scientists who are focused on their thoughts - the so-called "professorial" absent-mindedness. Many great people were absent-minded, as they were focused on their work.

For example, N. Zhukovsky, who is called the father of Russian aviation, once received guests in his own living room. A few hours later he got up, put on his hat and began to say goodbye, apologizing that he had stayed at a party and it was time to go home.

And the English mathematician and physicist Isaac Newton once, deciding to boil an egg, put a watch in the water instead. It also came to such curiosities: the astronomer Galileo did not recognize his wife in the matrimonial bed, because he forgot that he was married. And the historian Mommsen, looking for his glasses, thanked the girl who gave them to him and asked her name. “Anna, your daughter, dad,” the girl replied.

The same type of inattention occurs in people who are being stalked. intrusive thoughts, or in people who are too absorbed in the implementation of an overvalued idea - a fixed idea.

3. Weak concentration

And the third type of inattention is a weak concentration of attention with even weaker switching. It is typical for people who have reduced strength and mobility of nervous processes. Usually in this case they speak of senile absent-mindedness. In healthy people, these processes decrease with overwork.

It is curious that psychologists, studying absent-mindedness and forgetfulness, during the experiment observed a group of people and noticed that in men these properties "aggravated" from 8 to 10 am, and in women - from 10 to 12 o'clock. And regardless of gender, the peak of making mistakes was observed from 4 to 6 pm and from 8 to 10 pm.

Reasons for absent-mindedness

To get rid of distraction, you need to know its causes. The main thing is that this is not an innate property of character, but acquired.

There is an opinion that absent-mindedness can occur:

  • on a subconscious level- if you do not want to do what you need to focus on;
  • with overwork, headache, fatigue, etc.;
  • during performing automatic actions in a familiar environment with a sudden distraction by external or internal factors. For example, a woman is peeling potatoes when her friend calls her with an exciting story. It is not surprising if, after listening, she automatically throws the potatoes into the trash can, and the peels into the pan. Or another story: a cashier working behind a cash register is mentally experiencing an upcoming divorce. Naturally, mistakes in her work are inevitable;
  • upon attempt do several things at the same time. People say about an absent-minded person that he considers a raven. That is, his attention is diverted from the main occupation of extraneous affairs;
  • with organic brain lesions;
  • with some mental illness (depression, anxiety disorders).

Often people who suffer from absent-mindedness and forgetfulness blame their memory, but it has nothing to do with it.

How to get rid of distraction easily

- not such a harmless property of character, therefore, psychologists are studying its causes. After all, the inattention of people who service, for example, dangerous equipment, can cause a catastrophe or a man-made accident.

Distraction is treated or corrected depending on the cause. With depression or anxiety, a psychotherapist selects antidepressants. If it is caused by overwork, then rest, change of scenery, etc. will solve the problem.

5 steps

If absent-mindedness becomes chronic and firmly settled in our lives, we can analyze our lifestyle and take the following steps:

  1. Set priorities and concentrate your attention on the performance of one task or only on one object. Most people are not good at doing two or three things at the same time. For example, a group of participants in a psychological experiment were asked to observe athletes at a volleyball match and count the number of balls thrown into the basket by team members in blue T-shirts. During the match, a man dressed as a gorilla walked across the field, but no one noticed him, as everyone was busy watching the players and counting the goals scored. After watching the game again, the participants in the experiment were very surprised that they did not notice such a clear fact;
  2. During work remove all items scatter attention and create chaos. Extra items on the desktop - books, magazines, irrelevant, photographs that lead to thoughts of relaxation, those who have problems with concentration should be put away;
  3. Use visual cues. Of course, you can keep a diary, where to write down upcoming tasks. Additionally, you can use some kind of object that will remind you of an important matter in the morning. For example, in the evening, put an ordinary sheet of paper or a book on the floor in the middle of the room. One look at them in the morning - and we will remember that we need to make an urgent call. This method is reminiscent of a grandmother's "memory knot". Such knots were tied on handkerchiefs by our grandmothers so as not to forget to do something important;
  4. Pause to collect your thoughts and fix your attention on the current moment. For example, leaving the apartment, think not about whether we have time for the bus, but focus on thoughts about its safety: check electrical appliances, gas, water, etc .;
  5. Solve all problems as they come, without delay. A pile of unfinished business also leads to chaos in thoughts and absent-mindedness.

© Timoshenko Elena, BBF.ru

What is distraction?

Experts define distraction, as a state of attention, expressed in the inability of a person to focus on events and actions. Distractedness is also called lack of concentration, inattention and forgetfulness; sometimes it is emphasized that this is not a vice, but only a property of nature, or character.

However, no person is born absent-minded - of course, we are not talking about innate mental disorders. Some people, wanting to console their inattentive acquaintances, call absent-mindedness a “cute flaw,” but there are many cases when this flaw has caused real tragedies: for example, it turned into a violation of industrial safety regulations or a traffic accident. Of course, not all scattered people pose a threat to the security of society, but they create enough problems: they are ineffective at work, and in the family they cannot build relationships, creating domestic “cataclysms” and forgetting about the urgent needs of loved ones - everything is attributed to absent-mindedness and poor memory.

Distractedness has nothing to do with memory impairment- this is a violation of attention, and this feature in the vast majority of cases is not innate - it is acquired in the process of life. Consequently, distraction can and should be eliminated if you want to improve your life and stop causing minor, and possibly major, troubles to yourself and others.

Reasons for absent-mindedness

Experts distinguish two main types of distraction: real and imaginary.

In the first case distraction may indeed be due to health problems: these are neurasthenia, anemia different types, diseases respiratory system and nasopharynx, syndrome chronic fatigue and severe fatigue. People in such cases can hardly keep their attention on something specific, and are easily distracted - in order to focus on an action or object, they have to make a lot of willpower.

The imaginary distraction, paradoxical as it sounds, often arises precisely because of concentration, but excessive, when attention is directed to one thing, and a person does not notice other objects and phenomena. This type includes the “absent-mindedness of the great”: scientists, professors, executives, and even businessmen and politicians often “suffer” from it - the absent-mindedness of the latter is quite costly for other people.

In Western culture, there is a belief that absent-minded people “cannot be fixed,” but this point of view is not based on anything - people simply do not want to take care of themselves. But in the east there are few scattered: oriental man it would not occur to him to justify his inattention to the world around him with a weak memory and character traits.

So that distraction is not a fatal property, and its causes can be completely eliminated on their own.

Violation of attention can be observed in both children and adults. Many cases of the development of this problem in childhood with its subsequent deepening at an older age have been registered.

Specialists characterize impaired attention as a process of narrowing the amount of attention (a person is distracted by side stimuli), as well as a decrease in the coordination of actions performed.

Types of inattention

Mindfulness disorders can be divided into 3 categories:

  1. "fluttering attention» or distraction can be characterized as the process of uncontrolled switching of attention to stimuli, as well as poor concentration. This type is usually present in schoolchildren, but can also occur in older people, usually with great fatigue.
  2. "Scientist's inattention"- difficult switching of attention from one process to another, as a result of a very deep focus on the process or on one's thoughts. A person with this type is characterized by the presence of obsessive thoughts.
  3. "Distracted old people"- a condition that is characterized by poor concentration of attention and the ability to switch it. The disease occurs in case of constant overwork, oxygen starvation brain, as well as in people, mostly the elderly, who suffer from cerebral atherosclerosis.

Attention Deficit in Adults

This syndrome can have not only a child, but also a completely adult person.
Constant absent-mindedness, poor self-organization, forgetfulness - this is what this can lead to.

To get over this psychological illness one must first understand its root cause.

In general, this diagnosis is made to children at an early age. school age, and then it manifests itself already at an older age. But sometimes a symptom is diagnosed for the first time already in adulthood.

The process of the course of the disease is also unique, the symptoms of adults are categorically different from those of children.

With Wikium you can organize the process of concentration training according to an individual program

Diseases in which there is a violation of concentration

The list of such diseases includes:

  • depression;
  • hypoprosexia;
  • hyperprosexia;
  • paraprosexia;
  • epilepsy and head trauma.

Epileptics and people suffering from depression have a so-called stiff and "stuck" attention. In this case, there is a decrease in the activity of nervous processes, an inability to switch attention.

Hypoprosexia causes a weakening of concentration. Its variety is aprosexia, in which, in the case of numerous distractions, concentration and the ability to concentrate are completely absent.

An excessive concentration of a person on one thing, for example, on some actions or thoughts, is characteristic of hyperprosexia. This is the so-called one-way focus of attention.

With paraprosexia, deviations in concentration may occur, which are characterized by the appearance of delusions and hallucinations. This occurs due to the fact that the human brain is constantly tense, and this leads to such consequences.

This effect can be observed even in completely healthy person, for example, in athletes who experience enormous moral stress.

So the runner, while waiting for the start signal, by concentrating very much attention on it, can hear the signal in his head, even before it sounds in reality.

Symptoms of impaired concentration

Poor concentration in adults takes many forms:

1) Inability to focus on one task or business. You can easily be distracted by some object or sound, which leads to switching to another object or to another task. AT this case there is "freezing" and "wandering" of attention. A person is not able to concentrate on completing a task, does not pay attention to details, cannot focus, for example, when reading a book or in the case of a dialogue.

2) Another manifestation of the disease is the ability to concentrate on one thing. An example is listening to music or reading a book, in which we do not notice anything around. In some cases, this disadvantage can be used for work purposes, but we should not forget that this can sometimes bring inconvenience to you and others.

3) Poor self-organization, as well as constant forgetting, is a sign of poor concentration. The consequences of which are:

  • constant postponing of work tasks;
  • being late for work, etc.;
  • systematic loss of things, forgetting their location;
  • poor time orientation, inability to assess approximate time work, etc.

4) Impulsivity is another symptom of the disease. This may be accompanied by a lack of understanding of parts of the conversation, the experience of the interlocutor. You are able to first say or do, and only then consider the consequences. Tend to perform activities that can cause addiction.

5) Emotional problems can cause anger and frustration in patients. Symptoms of this form of the disease:

  • constant change of mood;
  • inability to motivate yourself and stay motivated;
  • low self-esteem, lack of perception of criticism;
  • hyperactivity;
  • constant feeling of fatigue;
  • frequent nervous excitement.

Hyperactivity in adults is much less common than in children, and this symptom does not always indicate a violation of concentration.

If these symptoms are present, you should contact a specialist in this field for examination and clarification of problems.

The main doctors who can determine the degree of morbidity are a neurologist, a psychologist and a psychiatrist.

Only after consulting doctors can you fully determine the problems and methods of treatment, since this can be specified only in an individual case.


In connection with the reasons voiced above, it is clear that there are a lot of factors affecting the violation of concentration of attention, and they are diverse, and therefore it is impossible to give one-word advice on how to avoid this.

At the same time, prevention is in your hands. After all, we know that it is better to prevent than to eliminate the consequences. On our resource, you can take a course of exercises on concentration, with the help of which, if possible, avoid situations that require the participation of doctors.

Do you know the feeling when you can't remember what you did a minute ago? Have you ever been told that you have your head in the clouds? A scattered person is less trusted than a collected one. Distraction can be a barrier to achieving goals. But she can be resisted. And then you will become more successful, you will be able to spend less time on solving problems, you will become more efficient and productive.

What is absent-mindedness, what are its causes and how to deal with it, you will learn from this article.

Consider several types of distraction:

True inattention

A condition that can be called prostration. You cannot focus on one thing, your mind wanders, and you seem not to be fully aware of what is happening around. You abstract from the external environment. Interest in what is happening around you is lost, and you practically do not fix randomly arising thoughts. Your attention is scattered and you can not cope with the task.

road hypnosis phenomenon

Have you ever lost your sense of time on the road? When it seems to you that it took about half an hour, but in fact it took about two? This is a kind of "failure in time", and it occurs not only while driving in a car. Everyone knows that when a person is busy with something, time passes faster for him, and when he has nothing to do, minutes seem like hours. A similar effect of "failure in time" can be caused by any monotonous and monotonous work.

Imaginary absent-mindedness

Absent-mindedness caused by the inability to concentrate attention on all objects at once. Negative Consequence excessive concentration on one thing to the detriment of the rest. You must have met people who are thinking about some idea or are busy solving some important issue and not noticing anything around them. Creative people are called scattered for this reason. They often hatch some ideas or completely go into their own world, losing the real world from attention. When our thoughts are completely absorbed in one thing, then we lose sight of the rest and become distracted.

Motivation-driven inattention

This type of absent-mindedness was described by Sigmund Freud in his book The Psychopathology of Everyday Life, as well as in some of his other works. Absent-mindedness consists in the fact that a person deliberately (albeit not always consciously) avoids any objects or any action, which makes him seem absent-minded.

Causes of distraction and ways to get rid of it:

Unwillingness to concentrate. It would be best to quote here an excerpt from Freud's book "Introduction to Psychoanalysis":

“We noted that forgetting, i.e., not fulfilling an intention, indicates an opposite will that is hostile to this intention. This position remains in force, but the opposite will, as our research shows, can be of two types - direct and indirect. What we mean by the latter is best shown by some examples. When a patron forgets to put in a good word for his protégé, it may be because he is not very interested in his protégé and has no great desire to ask for him. It is in this sense that the protege understands the forgetfulness of the patron. But the situation may be more complicated. The will opposite to the fulfillment of the intention may appear in the patron for a different reason and manifest its action in a completely different place. It may not have anything to do with the protégé, but be directed against a third person who needs to be asked ... "

We forget to do something when we don't want to do it for one reason or another. Sometimes these reasons may not be realized by us and only indirectly relate to the action. You must have experienced it. Remember how you forgot to do something that you initially did not want to do. To avoid such absent-mindedness and remember to complete tasks, train yourself to record everything that you have to do. It would be best to buy a small notebook, a pen and carry them with you. In addition to the fact that you will not forget to do something and become more responsible and executive, you can always write down an unexpected idea. Because if the thought is not fixed on paper, then consider that it was not.

Also, don't forget the Brian Tracy rule and start the day with the most unpleasant activity. You are still full of energy and not so much stressed, which means you will cope better, and it will require less effort. And if you eat a frog in the morning, then the day promises to be wonderful. Nothing worse will happen.

Monotone. It causes the phenomenon of road hypnosis. If you are limited in time (for example, you have to go to a meeting in 2 hours, and you would not like to read a new book and be late), then you can simply set an alarm, and then you will definitely not be called absent-minded or non-punctual.

Limited working memory of the brain. The working memory of the brain is limited. Scientists say that at the same time you can hold no more than seven pieces of information in your head.

Let's take an example:

You go to the kitchen to put on the kettle. Your eyes fall on the table, and you think that you need to remember to buy a new tablecloth. Your boss calls you (the phone was in your hands) and says that you need to change the color of your company's website interface from blue to red, add contacts for feedback at the bottom of the page and add the “Media about us” section to the site menu. You diligently try to remember all the wishes of the boss, so that later you can start working on them. Then a friend calls, tells you that he saw Brad Pitt on the subway and invites you to go to your favorite band's concert on Saturday. Of course, you don’t believe him, but you remember the story and try not to forget about the concert. Then you trip over the fridge and think it's time to replace it with a new one. So, wait, why did you even come to the kitchen? Tablecloth, interface color, contacts, new section, Brad Pitt, concert, refrigerator - seven pieces of information. There was simply no room left for a kettle. I'm sure you know similar situation and you often encounter something similar. This is fine.

The amount of RAM in the brain does not change and is always seven plus or minus two (for different types of information).

The solution to this problem is obvious: do not overload RAM. Don't do multiple things at the same time. The ways how to get rid of multitasking are described. Perceive new information after the previous one has already been absorbed into long-term memory in order to avoid its displacement.

You can also do the following trick to artificially increase your working memory:

  1. Read .
  2. Select locations by semantic blocks and write down information on them. If we take the example above, then this is a store (you can buy a tablecloth and a refrigerator there), your workplace(for memorizing the instructions of the boss at work), your friend (imagine how he holds concert tickets and Brad Pitt put his hand on his shoulder). There was room for a kettle, and for something else.

Now you know what types of absent-mindedness exist and what causes them. Forewarned is forearmed. If you start applying the recommendations from the article, you will become less distracted, and therefore more effective and productive. It will be easier for you to work, and you will be able to cope with more tasks. Stop being distracted and become the best version of yourself. Good luck!

Today it has become not just a problem, but the cause of many troubles and even tragedies. For example, how can society be threatened by the inattention of a person performing complex and responsible work, including those related to technology?

Of course, you can try not to think about this, but it’s better to train your attention from childhood: then there will be much fewer adults who are unable to adequately solve life problems, perceive information, concentrate at the right moments and just work normally and productively.

Types of attention and inattention

Scientists distinguish several types of attention.

Arbitrary (passive, emotional) attention is called attention that manifests itself regardless of our efforts, or “by itself”: when we meet a person in a crowd dressed brightly and unusually, or we suddenly hear loud sounds etc.

Such attention is called emotional because people under the influence of emotions may or may not notice certain phenomena, objects and events. An upset person, walking down the street, is unlikely to pay attention to a bright flower bed or children playing merrily, but he will see garbage and dirt, and passers-by will also meet sad and sad people. This type we need attention: if it "turns off", we can stop responding to danger and lose caution - such people are called "scattered", but here everything is more complicated. The ability to respond to extraneous and unexpected stimuli can also play a negative role: paying attention to what is happening around us, we are distracted from work.

Arbitrary attention is called, helping to focus on a specific task or object: we ourselves make an effort of will and direct attention, striving to achieve some goal. This is where problems begin for many: not everyone manages to direct attention to where it is needed. interferes with the set various factors: fatigue, agitation, irritation and other conditions that occur more often towards the end of the day, but most working people are in these states almost all the time. Often, when we come to work in the morning, we find that we cannot “get together”, and this is even more annoying.

Depending on the state of health and mood, inattention can be caused by distraction - attention "flutters" from one object to another - or fatigue of the nervous system - we lose interest in what is happening around.

Where does carelessness come from?

You should not leave everything “as is”: you may need the help of a specialist, although you can often deal with the problem of inattention on your own. We just need to understand and understand what prevents us from being attentive.

Technology is now developing rapidly, and all in order to make life easier for us. As a result, life is "facilitated" so much that we almost stop moving, and sedentary image life dulls memory and weakens attention. Therefore, many people experience insomnia: although a person feels "exhausted" mentally, he cannot sleep, as many physiological processes are violated. And lack of sleep is also a cause of inattention: it leads to irritability and inability to concentrate, and performance is markedly reduced.

In addition, at work, we are often “loaded” so much that we stop thinking and lose orientation in time: for example, working with important documents, we are simultaneously trying to correspond in in social networks, and we also talk on the phones, both on official and mobile phones.

The picture, unfortunately, is typical, and inattention is a consequence of such behavior, so it is better to handle your brain more carefully. Instead of "reminders", try using a regular diary, entering everything into it. important information: attention is activated already because you will begin to hold a pen or pencil in your hands more often. BUT mobile phone and even the Internet is sometimes worth turning off: having arranged a break from them for at least a day, you can do a lot of accumulated work and finish a lot of things.

Lack of movement and lack of sleep can also be dealt with. Not everyone can go to the gym, but do morning exercises we were taught back in school - it's time to remember this. And walk as soon as you can: Fresh air and the sun improve the ability to think clearly and concentrate. Do not think that not walking will save time - as a rule, everything turns out the other way around. And when you start exercising regularly and walking, sleep will normalize “automatically”: insomnia will go away, and working capacity and attentiveness will begin to improve.

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