Natural remedies for dental health. Why toothpowder is better than paste: detailed analysis and reviews Homemade toothpowder

Most people brush their teeth with toothpaste. And how often have you thought about what substances are in the toothpaste that you use day after day, month after month? Most people rely on the recommendations of the "Dental Association". And in vain.
One of the most famous and poisonous substances that make up classic toothpaste is fluoride.
Fluorine really significantly impairs the vital activity of bacteria, gradually poisoning them, as well as all other nearby cells along the way. Fluorosis is chronic fluorine intoxication. There are two types: dental and skeletal, expressed in terrible symptoms. In addition, fluorine has a negative effect on the thyroid gland, thymus and a number of other organs. Therefore, it is recommended to use natural ingredients for brushing your teeth.

Herbs for tooth powders: chamomile, horsetail, peppermint leaf (and all other mint plants), marigold flowers, currant leaf, nettle, yarrow flowers, calamus root, St. John's wort, oak bark, golden root, yarrow, hop cones, rowan fruit . Take different herbs, grind in a coffee grinder to the finest powder, sift. Well complement ground needles of cedar, pine, fir. Study the properties of the herb to get an idea of ​​how much and what to add.

Take one part (you can also in a different proportion, if desired):

1. white clay
2. herbal powder
3. sifted birch ash

Mix the ingredients, the powder is ready. Store in a dry place in a jar. Shelf life is at least one year.

Use as follows: apply powder to a moistened toothbrush and brush your teeth and gums. Repeat if necessary. A jar, of course, is better for everyone to have their own. Also, after each brushing your teeth, you need to rinse your toothbrush very well, because. particles of powder remain on it.

sage tooth powder

Tooth powder from sage or horsetail leaves and sea salt - Grind 2 teaspoons of fresh leaves in a mortar and mortar, put them in a small ovenproof dish with a spoonful of salt.
Preheat the oven. Put the dish in there. The leaves must be well dried to crisp. Remove, grind into powder, put in an airtight container.

Birch powder:

Folk remedy for teeth whitening from birch leaves: take fresh birch leaves, cut them into small pieces. Pour boiling water, when it cools down a little, strain it with this water, brush your teeth with a separate brush.

Sea salt tooth powder:

Mix 1 teaspoon of finely ground sea salt with honey until creamy and add 2 drops of clove essential oil (you can replace clove with tea tree oil, camphor, pine, lavender, mint).

Wood ash.

It is best to take birch. It should be only woody, without impurities.

If the teeth darken from powders, lubricate them with honey and then with vegetable oil.
It is very useful to chew honey in combs. Chewing honey in combs, you not only consume it inside, but also treat your teeth and gums. Another good way is to chew propolis. This is an antiseptic, and the sealing of microcracks, and general therapy. Propolis contains almost the entire periodic table. Propolis is a good prevention of acute respiratory infections. You can chew a little, then one piece is enough for a very long time. Chew propolis and be healthy!


There was a legend that by touching the resin flowing from the cedar with the teeth, a person is healed of diseases of the teeth and gums, gets rid of toothache. it is very useful to massage the gums with an oily solution of cedar resin.


For teeth whitening: finely chop fresh birch leaves. Pour boiling water, when it cools down, strain it with this water, brush your teeth with a separate brush. Do this every day.


M. Platen, a Russian balneologist of the 19th-early 20th century, considered wheat bran to be the best way to clean teeth and warned against the use of products containing acids and soap for this purpose.


White clay, sea salt, soda and various tinctures and herbal extracts. Powders containing these substances are recommended for people who have abundant deposits of tartar and plaque.
Teeth cleaning is done in the following way. First, the mouth is rinsed with water at room temperature in order to wash away the accumulation of mucus and food debris. It is recommended to add 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda or table salt to a glass of water to facilitate the dissolution of mucus. The toothbrush is then moistened with water, shaken off and dipped in toothpowder so that a small amount of powder adheres to the tips of the bristles throughout the entire surface of the brush.

In order to correct an unpleasant taste for some, peppermint essential oil is added to the tooth powder. Tooth powder should be evenly and thoroughly ground.

Tooth Powder: Grind 2 tsp. sage, put them in a small ovenproof dish along with a spoonful of salt. Preheat the oven. Put the dish in there. The leaves must be well dried to crisp. Remove, grind into powder, put in an airtight container.

Fruits and vegetables

Eat fruits and vegetables that naturally whiten your teeth.

Apples are a great way to clean your teeth. Fruit acids found in apples whiten teeth. When we gnaw on apples, plaque is removed from the teeth, giving a yellow tint to the teeth.

Celery contains coarse fibers. When we chew celery stalks, a large amount of saliva is secreted in the mouth and plaque is washed off.

Miswak is a natural remedy for cleaning teeth. A toothbrush made from the twigs and roots of the arak (Salvadora Persian) tree, which, when chewed, separates the fibers and turns into a brush.

An excellent remedy for the prevention and treatment of caries in children's teeth, due to the content of fluid substances in it. Eliminates staining and mottling of tooth enamel due to the content of bleaching components.

Whitens teeth due to the content of silicon substances. Due to the content of sulfuric and galvanic substances, it does not allow bacteria to develop in the edges of the teeth. It is useful in inflammatory processes and the cut of new teeth, due to the content of trimethylamine.

Does toothpaste help? Don't want to brush your teeth with chemicals? Here are natural recipes for an alternative replacement for toothpaste.

Recipe 1:


calamus root



Birch buds

Nettle gives teeth and gums vitamins, enriches them, relieves tooth sensitivity.

Calamus root strengthens the gums, prevents tooth decay, relieves toothache, anesthetizes sensitive tooth roots.

Birch buds relieve toothache, strengthen teeth, are good for the prevention of caries, and also stop its development. Plus, it has a positive effect on the gums.

Chamomile protects teeth from caries, has an anti-inflammatory effect, narrows gum pockets, reduces gum bleeding, eliminates unpleasant odors, and reduces toothache.

Calendula is a means of preventing diseases of the teeth and gums.

Sage is good for diseases of the teeth and gums, relieves inflammation of the gums, and is useful for their bleeding.

Cloves are great for soothing toothache.

Rosemary - can improve blood circulation.

Thyme - perfectly destroys bacteria that have appeared in the human oral cavity.

Tea tree - will help get rid of caries and gum disease.

Peppermint - perfectly removes inflammation and pain during caries, can give freshness to a person's breath.

Also, all these herbs clean teeth very well, remove plaque, and give freshness.

Recipe 2: Just take stevia powder and brush your teeth with it. The result is excellent - no plaque, protection against caries. Children like this tooth powder, because stevia has a sweet taste, oddly enough, because it is a natural sugar substitute.

Recipe 3:

Black allspice;

Bay leaf (about 5-6 leaves);

Savory (I replaced with thyme or thyme);


Turmeric (don't worry if your shell turns orange)

Chamomile (one filter bag), can be replaced with mint

Put all the ingredients in the coffee grinder

Pour into a convenient container or mug

powder ready)

Recipe 4:

White clay.

Sea salt.


Pine extract.

Black pepper.

Lemon juice.


Mix everything to your liking.

Recipe 5. Ingredients:

pinch of cinnamon,

A pinch of fennel (powder)

A pinch of salt (sea)

Two tablespoons (tea) of baking soda,

Six drops of tea tree oil (you can take mint in the ingredients in the same amount),

One teaspoon of coconut oil.

1. Combine all prepared ingredients (except coconut oil) - mix thoroughly.

2. Coconut oil should be added only immediately before each brushing - then it is considered that the paste is ready for use.

In such a paste there are no chemical fillers and substances harmful to the human body. In addition, the toothpaste prepared in this way has a very pleasant aroma. It is recommended to store such toothpaste prepared at home in airtight packaging.

Recipe 6. Ingredients:

70 grams of white clay,

One teaspoon (teaspoon) of honey

Two drops of sage essential oil

Two drops of chamomile essential oil

Five to ten drops of water-based propolis.

1. Mix clay with water until a paste is obtained.

2. Add propolis to the clay.

3. Take a teaspoon of honey, add two drops of selected essential oils to it.

4. Combine all components and mix thoroughly.

5. After preparing such a paste, you can brush your teeth with peace of mind.

Cooked toothpaste perfectly removes plaque and bad breath from a person, in addition, it also has whitening properties.

Recipe 7. Ingredients:

Half a teaspoon of sea salt (only it is important to use only crushed salt),

Two teaspoons of baking soda

Half a teaspoon of myrrh (powder) - you can replace it with bamboo - powder or licorice,

Half a teaspoon of white clay

Two spoons (teaspoons) of glycerin,

Three - four mint leaves, essential oil, and no matter what, rosemary, lemon, orange or sweet mint is recommended - from ten to thirteen drops.

1. Thoroughly mix all the cooked ingredients until smooth - the pasta is ready. Store prepared toothpaste in a hermetically sealed container (jar).

Some useful tips:

1. When using homemade toothpaste, you need to follow a few simple tips:

Baking soda, as an ingredient in the paste, is recommended to be added when washing only once during the week, on the other days you should brush your teeth without adding it. With frequent (daily) use of soda, you can only harm your teeth. According to dentists, the abrasive really whitens tooth enamel, but this happens only due to the fact that it is able to clean only the top layer of enamel. However, the periodic use of such a procedure can be harmful.

3. Citric acid is great for whitening. It is important to remember that after rinsing your teeth with citric acid, it is not recommended to brush your teeth for one hour.

4. A person’s teeth will also “feel” great, and he himself, if, after eating food, chew a little cloves or rinse your mouth with a decoction of oak bark or thyme.

Recipe 8. Ingredients: base - white clay, spring water, 1 tsp. honey, essential oil of sage, chamomile, water-based propolis.

How to do it: mix clay (about 60 g) with water and drip 5-10 drops of propolis, add two drops of sage and chamomile EO to a teaspoon of honey, mix with a toothpick and add to the clay.

Mix everything until smooth, put in a jar and put on a shelf in the bathroom. It will definitely stand for two or three weeks, it will not deteriorate. The taste of the paste is very soft with a neutral-sweet aftertaste, whitens teeth and heals wounds in the mouth.

Recipe 9:

For those who love complexity, another recipe: galenic (made from herbs) powder. To prepare it, you will need: erect cinquefoil powder - 2 parts, calamus powder - 2 parts and birch bark powder - 1 part. All the necessary ingredients can be found in the herbal pharmacy. Mix the components in the indicated proportions, dilute with a little warm water until a thick creamy consistency is obtained and use the prepared mixture as a toothpaste. Within an hour after brushing your teeth with such a paste, you can not eat.

Recipe 10:

For those who understand chemistry, wood ash is suitable. It contains potassium hydroxide, a compound that is absorbent and an excellent bleaching agent. Dip your toothbrush in wood ash and brush your teeth. You can mix wood ash with toothpaste or powder.

Bake eggplant (cut into small circles) in the oven or fry in a preheated pan until charred. Dip your fingers in this black powder and run them over your teeth for 3 minutes - the longer the better. This unattractive-looking powder not only whitens your teeth, but also perfectly strengthens them. It is advisable not to take anything by mouth for an hour after that.

Do not worry that your finger will remain dirty - eggplant "soot" is easily washed off with plain water. Naturally, the preparation of this remedy requires some time, so it is better to prepare it with a margin for several times.

Recipe 12. Whitening and treatment of teeth according to Neumyvakin.

It helps with almost any gum disease, and at the same time whitens teeth, dissolves tartar, and heals small wounds in the mouth almost instantly. Helps with periodontal disease, inflammation of the gums, blackness at the roots of the teeth, tartar and any painful condition in the mouth, as well as bad breath.

You need to make a simple paste: in 0.5 tsp. drinking soda add 10-20 drops of hydrogen peroxide (pharmacy) and a few drops of lemon. Pasta is ready!

How to apply:

Dip a cotton swab into the paste, and rub the teeth and gums inside and out with this paste. Lemon neutralizes baking soda and gives freshness, baking soda cleans plaque, and peroxide disinfects and whitens.

After such a cleaning, the teeth are so clean that they shine like pearls, and the light smell of lemon gives a joyful mood.

You can prophylactically rinse your mouth with a solution of hydrogen peroxide:

1-3 tsp peroxide in 50 ml of warm water for all painful conditions in the mouth.

It's not tasty! But it is very useful ... then the effect of teeth whitening is fixed, and they remain white, even if you no longer clean them with a cotton swab. But to fix the whitening effect - you need to do it REGULARLY!

Also, for those who decide to brush their teeth with paste "according to Neumyvakin", we advise you to remember - after brushing your teeth, do not rinse with anything for 15 minutes, do not eat or drink anything. We wipe the soda remaining on the teeth with a cotton swab, wipe the tongue with a dry cotton swab, and then “collect” everything with saliva and spit it out. Outwardly, the lips and around them are washed off with water. That, perhaps, is all.

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Ecology of consumption. Read the composition of modern toothpastes. Many components included in their composition are harmful to health. Choose toothpastes with ingredients that are clear to you, or there is an alternative to making natural toothpowders and pastes yourself.

DIY tooth powder RECIPES.

Read the composition of modern toothpastes. Many components included in their composition are harmful to health. Choose toothpastes with ingredients that are clear to you, or there is an alternative to making natural toothpowders and pastes yourself.


Herbs for tooth powders: chamomile, horsetail, peppermint leaf (and all other mint plants), marigold flowers, currant leaf, nettle, yarrow flowers, calamus root, St. John's wort, oak bark, golden root, yarrow, hop cones, rowan fruit . Take different herbs, grind in a coffee grinder to the finest powder, sift. Well complement ground needles of cedar, pine, fir. Study the properties of the herb to get an idea of ​​how much and what to add.


Take one part (you can also in a different proportion, if desired):
1. white clay
2. herbal powder
3. sifted birch ash
Mix the ingredients, the powder is ready. Store in a dry place in a jar. Shelf life is at least one year.

Use like this: Apply powder to a moistened toothbrush and brush your teeth and gums. Repeat if necessary. A jar, of course, is better for everyone to have their own. Also, after each brushing your teeth, you need to rinse your toothbrush very well, because. particles of powder remain on it.

sage tooth powder

Tooth powder from sage or horsetail leaves and sea salt - Grind 2 teaspoons of fresh leaves in a mortar and mortar, put them in a small ovenproof dish with a spoonful of salt.
Preheat the oven. Put the dish in there. The leaves must be well dried to crisp. Remove, grind into powder, put in an airtight container.

birch powder

Folk remedy for teeth whitening from birch leaves: take fresh birch leaves, cut them into small pieces. Pour boiling water, when it cools down a little, strain it with this water, brush your teeth with a separate brush.

sea ​​salt tooth powder

Mix 1 teaspoon of finely ground sea salt with honey until creamy and add 2 drops of clove essential oil (you can replace clove with tea tree oil, camphor, pine, lavender, mint).

wood ash

It is best to take birch. It should be only woody, without impurities.


If the teeth darken from powders, lubricate them with honey and then with vegetable oil.
It is very useful to chew honey in combs. Chewing honey in combs, you not only consume it inside, but also treat your teeth and gums. Another good way is to chew propolis. This is an antiseptic, and the sealing of microcracks, and general therapy. Propolis contains almost the entire periodic table. Propolis is a good prevention of acute respiratory infections. You can chew a little, then one piece is enough for a very long time. Chew propolis and be healthy!


There was a legend that by touching the resin flowing from the cedar with the teeth, a person is healed of diseases of the teeth and gums, gets rid of toothache. it is very useful to massage the gums with an oily solution of cedar resin.


M. Platen, a Russian balneologist of the 19th-early 20th century, considered wheat bran to be the best way to clean teeth and warned against the use of products containing acids and soap for this purpose.


White clay, sea salt, soda and various tinctures and herbal extracts. Powders containing these substances are recommended for people who have abundant deposits of tartar and plaque.

Teeth cleaning is done in the following way. First, the mouth is rinsed with water at room temperature in order to wash away the accumulation of mucus and food debris. It is recommended to add 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda or table salt to a glass of water to facilitate the dissolution of mucus. The toothbrush is then moistened with water, shaken off and dipped in toothpowder so that a small amount of powder adheres to the tips of the bristles throughout the entire surface of the brush.

In order to correct an unpleasant taste for some, peppermint essential oil is added to the tooth powder. Tooth powder should be evenly and thoroughly ground.

Fruits and vegetables

Eat fruits and vegetables that naturally whiten your teeth.
Apples This is an excellent tooth cleaner. Fruit acids found in apples whiten teeth. When we gnaw on apples, plaque is removed from the teeth, giving a yellow tint to the teeth.
Celery contains coarse fibers. When we chew celery stalks, a large amount of saliva is secreted in the mouth and plaque is washed off.


An excellent remedy for the prevention and treatment of caries in children's teeth, due to the content of fluid substances in it. Eliminates staining and mottling of tooth enamel due to the content of bleaching components. Whitens teeth due to the content of silicon substances. Due to the content of sulfuric and galvanic substances, it does not allow bacteria to develop in the edges of the teeth. It is useful in inflammatory processes and the cut of new teeth, due to the content of trimethylamine. Helps to quit smoking. published

The modern cleaning industry carries more marketing than benefits. And, in fact, we are not supporters of the fact that teeth should be brushed daily, and even after every meal. As you know, dentists themselves cannot come to a consensus when, with what and how much you need to brush your teeth in order for them to be healthy.

Tooth accessories - paste and brush is, first of all, plastic garbage, which fills up all landfills and water expanses of our planet. And if you still think that you can’t do without toothpaste, then take large packages to leave less garbage behind. And avoid triclosan in the first place.
In Pervorod we found an interesting selection of recipes on how to make toothpaste from natural ingredients at home. It will help you reduce the amount of waste and not poison your body with chemical additives that are necessary to increase the shelf life of store-bought pasta.
7 toothpaste recipes

Recipe 1.
a pinch of cinnamon,
a pinch of fennel (powder)
a pinch of salt (sea)
two tablespoons (tea) of baking soda,
six drops of tea tree oil (you can take mint in the ingredients in the same amount),
one teaspoon of coconut oil.

Combine all cooked ingredients (except coconut oil) - mix thoroughly.
Coconut oil should be added only immediately before each brushing - then it is considered that the paste is ready for use.

In such a paste there are no chemical fillers and substances harmful to the human body. In addition, the toothpaste prepared in this way has a very pleasant aroma. It is recommended to store it in sealed packaging.

Recipe 2.
70 grams of white clay,
one teaspoon (tea) of honey,
two drops of sage essential oil,
two drops of chamomile essential oil,
five to ten drops of water-based propolis.

Mix clay with water until a paste is obtained.
Add propolis to the clay.
3. Take a teaspoon of honey, add two drops of selected essential oils to it.
4. Combine all components and mix thoroughly.
5. After preparing such a paste, you can brush your teeth with peace of mind.
- cooked toothpaste perfectly removes plaque and bad breath from a person, in addition, it also has whitening properties.

Toothpaste - recipe 3.
- half a teaspoon of sea salt (only it is important to use only crushed salt),
- two teaspoons of baking soda
- half a teaspoon of myrrh (powder) - you can replace it with bamboo - powder or licorice,
- half a teaspoon of white clay,
- two tablespoons (tea) of glycerin,
- three - four mint leaves, essential oil, and no matter what, rosemary, lemon, orange or sweet mint is recommended - from ten to thirteen drops.
1. Thoroughly mix all the cooked ingredients until smooth - the pasta is ready.
Store prepared toothpaste in a hermetically sealed container (jar).

Cooking toothpaste - recipe 4.
1 Ingredients: base - white clay, spring water, 1 tsp. honey, sage EO, chamomile, water-based propolis.
How to do it: mix clay (about 60 g) with water and drip 5-10 drops of propolis, add two drops of sage and chamomile EO to a teaspoon of honey, mix with a toothpick and add to the clay.

Mix everything until smooth, put in a jar and put on a shelf in the bathroom. It will definitely stand for two or three weeks, it will not deteriorate. The taste of the paste is very soft with a neutral-sweet aftertaste, whitens teeth and heals wounds in the mouth.

Cooking toothpaste - recipe 5.
For those who love complexity, another recipe: galenic (made from herbs) powder. To prepare it, you will need: erect cinquefoil powder - 2 parts, calamus powder - 2 parts and birch bark powder - 1 part. All the necessary ingredients can be found in the herbal pharmacy. Mix the components in the indicated proportions, dilute with a little warm water until a thick creamy consistency is obtained and use the prepared mixture as a toothpaste. Within an hour after brushing your teeth with such a paste, you can not eat.

Cooking toothpaste - recipe 6.
For those who understand chemistry, wood ash is suitable. It contains potassium hydroxide, a compound that is absorbent and an excellent bleaching agent. Dip your toothbrush in wood ash and brush your teeth. You can mix wood ash with toothpaste or powder.

Cooking toothpaste - recipe 7.

Bake eggplant (cut into small circles) in the oven or fry in a preheated pan until charred. Dip your fingers in this black powder and run them over your teeth for 3 minutes - the longer the better. This unattractive-looking powder not only whitens your teeth, but also perfectly strengthens them. It is advisable not to take anything by mouth for an hour after that.
Do not worry that your finger will remain dirty - eggplant "soot" is easily washed off with plain water. Naturally, the preparation of this remedy requires some time, so it is better to prepare it with a margin for several times.

4 tips for using homemade toothpaste
1. Baking soda, as an ingredient in the paste, is recommended to be added when washing only once during the week, on the other days you should brush your teeth without adding it. With frequent (daily) use of soda, you can only harm your teeth. According to dentists, the abrasive really whitens tooth enamel, but this happens only due to the fact that it is able to clean only the top layer of enamel. However, the periodic use of such a procedure can be harmful.
2. In order to whiten the teeth, it is recommended to rinse them with salt water. It is with the help of salt that the Greeks whiten their teeth.
3. Citric acid is great for whitening. It is important to remember that after rinsing your teeth with citric acid, it is not recommended to brush your teeth for one hour.
4. A person’s teeth will also “feel” great, and he himself, if, after eating food, chew a little cloves or rinse your mouth with a decoction of oak bark or thyme.

Useful properties of plants:
cloves, which are used in homemade toothpaste ingredients, can also soothe toothache;
sage - useful for bleeding gums;
rosemary - can improve blood circulation;
thyme - perfectly destroys bacteria that have appeared in the human oral cavity;
tea tree - will help get rid of caries and inflammation of the gums;
peppermint - perfectly removes inflammation and pain during caries, can give freshness to a person's breath.

7 dental care products
1. Coarse salt, sea salt is better. You need to lower a clean toothbrush into it, with which you then brush your teeth.
2. Thyme - dip a brush into finely ground dry leaves and brush your teeth with it. disinfectant properties.
3. Activated charcoal - finely ground tablets.
4. Horsetail collected in a damp place will help against caries. It must be dried and ground into flour and brushed with a mixture.
5. From blackened teeth, smokers will be helped by orris root, which must be cut into small pieces and dried in the oven.
6. Also, finely crushed charcoal will help from blackened teeth.
7. Lemon - it can whiten the surface of the teeth if rubbed with lemon from time to time.

Recipe for whitening and treatment of teeth according to Neumyvakin.
It helps with almost any gum disease, and at the same time whitens teeth, dissolves tartar, and heals small wounds in the mouth almost instantly. Helps with periodontal disease, inflammation of the gums, blackness at the roots of the teeth, tartar and any painful condition in the mouth, as well as bad breath.

You need to make a simple paste: in 0.5 tsp. drinking soda add 10-20 drops of hydrogen peroxide (pharmacy) and a few drops of lemon. Pasta is ready!

How to apply:
We dip the cotton wool in the paste, and rub the teeth and gums inside and out with this paste. Lemon neutralizes baking soda and gives freshness, baking soda cleans plaque, and peroxide disinfects and whitens.

After such a cleaning, my teeth are so clean that they shine like pearls, and the light smell of lemon gives a joyful mood.

You can prophylactically rinse your mouth with a solution of hydrogen peroxide:
1-3 tsp peroxide in 50 ml of warm water for all painful conditions in the mouth.
It's not tasty! But it is very useful ... then the effect of teeth whitening is fixed, and they remain white, even if you no longer clean them with a cotton swab. But to fix the whitening effect - you need to do it REGULARLY!

Also, for those who decide to brush their teeth with paste "according to Neumyvakin", we advise you to remember - after brushing your teeth, do not rinse with anything for 15 minutes, do not eat or drink anything. We wipe the soda remaining on the teeth with a cotton swab, wipe the tongue with a dry cotton swab, and then “collect” everything with saliva and spit it out. Outwardly, the lips and around them are washed off with water.

How to make Tooth Powder based on clay, soda, natural salt, spices and essential oils.

Our grandparents didn't have toothpaste, but they did have toothpowder! And the more I study the topic of a healthy lifestyle, the more often I come to the conclusion that they knew better than us. They knew what to eat and how to brush their teeth.

Modern toothpaste contains substances that do nothing to improve the condition of the oral cavity. To be honest, I did not look for dentifrice powder in stores, but simply decided to make it myself at home. All the same, in this way I can personally control its composition!

Homemade tooth powder perfectly cleans and remineralizes teeth and refreshes the oral cavity, fights inflammation and caries. And all this without toxic Fluorine and preservatives.

Why use Tooth Powder?

Because ordinary toothpaste is not so useful for our teeth. It contains substances that are toxic and contribute to the destruction of tooth enamel. And by the way, this even applies to some natural and organic toothpastes. Therefore, I do not get tired of repeating that the composition must be read always and everywhere!

Many tooth blanks contain:


Praised by dentists as protecting our teeth from cavities. To begin with, it would not hurt to know where exactly the destruction of tooth enamel begins and what exists.

Fluoride is a toxin. Recently, a Harvard University study found that fluoride toothpaste was associated with lower IQ, musculoskeletal, thyroid, and metabolic problems in children. Read more about why you need to choose fluoride-free toothpastes.

Sodium Lauryl Sulfate

A substance that helps form foam. Widely used in shampoos, powders and so on. The problem is that it mimics the female hormone estrogen. In addition, it causes inflammation of the gums and mouth ulcers.


Seems like a safe ingredient, but only if you don't put it in your mouth. In toothpaste, it is used in order to obtain a uniform soft consistency. Glycerin covers our teeth with a film and does not allow them to recover - mineralize.

So if you want to brush your teeth safely and effectively, I recommend making your own tooth powder at home.

How to make Tooth Powder?

We will need a few simple, but necessary ingredients for a healthy oral cavity:

Bentonite clay (Bentonite Clay)


Yes, regular baking soda. Mechanically removes stains from tooth enamel. It also has an alkaline property. Illuminates the breath. I buy regular soda from the store and always read the ingredients list as some of them contain unnecessary preservatives.

natural salt

It can be sea or pink Himalayan. Natural, not white table salt, contains 80+ minerals, which helps to saturate tooth enamel with minerals. Antiseptic, fights bacteria in the mouth. I buy pink Himalayan salt from Auchan.

Clove and Cinnamon

These spices have not only a strong smell, but also an antibacterial property. Helps fight gum disease.

Homemade Tooth Powder:

  • bentonite clay- 5 tablespoons
  • Soda- 1 tablespoon
  • sea ​​salt or pink himalayan- 1/2 tablespoon
  • Carnation, powder - 1/2 teaspoon
  • Cinnamon, powder - 1/2 teaspoon
  • Peppermint essential oil or tea tree- 10 drops

Cooking method:

  1. In a small bowl, mix all ingredients until smooth.
  2. Pour into a small bottle with a lid (I have a glass spice bottle from IKEA)

How to use:

  1. Wet the toothbrush with water and dip it in our powder.
  2. We brush our teeth as usual.
  3. After that, I advise you to use.

For a healthy mouth and beautiful teeth, use regular floss, natural toothpaste or powder, a proper toothbrush and

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