What happens if you don't brush your teeth? The perfect (and true) horror story for everyone. What happens if you don't brush your teeth at all?

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Brushing your teeth is perceived as an everyday ritual, which we sometimes do not think about. From maintaining the oral cavity to healthy condition many processes occurring in our body depend, up to the state immune system, therefore, this significant procedure should be treated responsibly.

The main task of the jaw apparatus is the grinding of food for the further process of digestion. Human teeth are adapted for food of different hardness, and the jaws themselves are very complex structure. During chewing, food particles remain on the surface of the teeth and between them, forming a soft plaque. Soft plaque over time, it turns into tartar, for the removal of which you need to contact the dentist.

Harmful bacteria that accumulate in oral cavity, multiply, destroy tooth enamel. This is how caries occurs, the teeth begin to crumble, hurt, over time, pieces break off from them, and loss begins. The existing microflora of the oral cavity is disturbed, bacteria spread uncontrollably, which provokes persistent bad breath.

To avoid this, you need to brush your teeth regularly and undergo an examination by a dentist at least once a year, following all the doctor's recommendations on oral hygiene. You need to properly and thoroughly brush your teeth, select good pasta and others hygiene products(rinse aid, freshener, threads and powders). If teeth are misaligned—they are crooked, crowded, or have space between them—more food particles become trapped, which are more difficult to clean out with regular brushing. In such a situation, you should contact an orthodontist, since even teeth are not only aesthetics, but also a guarantee of health.

Besides modern nutrition simply obliges to clean even perfectly healthy teeth. Coffee, sugary drinks, chocolate and other sweets, juices, foods rich in fast carbohydrates- all this destroys our teeth, disrupts the microflora of the oral cavity. If you do not brush your teeth, but eat only healthy and natural food, exclude sweets from the diet, do not drink sugary drinks - you can delay the defeat of caries, but without cleaning the oral cavity will not be in the best condition.

You should devote time to hygiene from the very beginning. childhood, even when milk teeth have not yet been replaced by molars. Developed in early age habit will save you from further problems.

The issue of hygiene should be considered from the position of communication. In addition to the main purpose (chewing food), the oral cavity is involved in the implementation of speech communication. Communication is necessary for people to study, work, interact with others. When building relationships - business, friendship, romantic, family, it is important for us to make a good impression. Bad breath, caries visible to the naked eye will repel any interlocutor and can cross out the development of relationships in the future.

Dental health largely depends on genetics and is determined at birth. If by nature the enamel is weak, the teeth are crooked and prone to crumbling, then regular and thorough cleaning will not save you from the need for fillings and prosthetics. Such cases happen, nothing can be done about it, the only way out is to find good dentist and prevent launch.

Let's not miss another one important point. Teeth are the same human body like other organs and is subject to psychosomatic phenomena. Books on psychology on the topic of psychosomatics reveal the features of influence psychological problems on the physical state human body. Such literature may help to understand real reasons problems of the oral cavity and solve them first on the mental and then on the physical level.

If you brush your teeth rarely or not at all, they will deteriorate. Of course, a person was not born with a toothbrush in his hands, and to this day it is useful to gnaw a carrot or a hard apple, but we have become much more sweet and harmful. And that means efficiency. natural cleansing teeth today can be challenged. It is not in vain that dentists stubbornly repeat about the need to use toothpaste and brush, floss and rinses twice a day: the dangers to which we expose our own health by neglecting brushing our teeth are very serious ...

Danger #1 - Plaque

Plaque in the form of a film of food debris and bacteria forms on the surface of the teeth within a couple of hours after brushing. Every meal is additional source plaque formation. Developing, plaque creates conditions for the colonization of the surface of the teeth and the interdental space with bacteria that can cause caries.

Danger #2 - Breath odor

However, according to dentists, caries is not the main problem of oral hygiene. According to some specialized publications, the most common symptom pathological processes in the mouth - bleeding gums during brushing teeth. Excessively multiplied bacteria cause inflammation of the tissues of the oral cavity, and this, in turn, causes bad smell from mouth. And more seriously - gingivitis.

Danger #3 - Tartar

The third place among the dangers to the teeth is occupied by the so-called tartar - hardened plaque formed at the site of plaque and consisting of food debris, bacteria, dead cells, salts of phosphorus, iron and calcium. The smell from the mouth may also indicate the existence of stones on the teeth, and here already pastes and brushes are powerless - only professional cleaning in the dentist's office.

Danger number 4 - periodontitis

The sum of all previous dangers from plaque and odor to inflammation of the periodontium (tissues surrounding and holding the tooth in the bone, including gums) can lead to the appearance of such an unpleasant disease as periodontitis. Bleeding and inflammation of the gums, pathological mobility of the teeth, purulent discharge from periodontal pockets, bad breath - signs of the disease. And the treatment here will require surgical.

Danger number 5 - complexes

Constant feeling of uncleanness in the mouth, smell, gray or yellow coating on the teeth can poison the life of anyone. You can learn to smile with the corners of your lips, but you won’t be able to talk without breathing ... The deterioration of relations with others may well form painful complexes that will not affect the change in character for the better.

So a toothbrush and paste is still the first weapon in daily struggle for a beautiful smile.

Everyone knows the importance of brushing their teeth daily. The need to maintain the cleanliness of the teeth is associated not only with the lack of bad smell out of the mouth and pleasant appearance but also maintaining oral health.

When a person forgets to brush his teeth, he can suffer from many different diseases, and tooth decay is far from the most unpleasant of them. Often a person does not brush his teeth simply because he is tired, he is lazy and it seems that nothing will happen from one time. But then it repeats again, and this behavior becomes natural. After reading the article, you can find out what will happen if you do not brush your teeth.

Can you not brush your teeth?

People began to use for dental hygiene a long time ago, back in the 17th century. But before that, I had to come up with the most different methods: chew resin or wood, brush your teeth with a cloth scraper.

Interesting! Already in those days, people realized that brushing your teeth is a vital procedure.

True, some famous people They thought that brushing their teeth was not so important. For example, the ruler of China, Mao Tse Tung, did not attach importance to this procedure. The reason for this was peculiar - he believed that since predators had beautiful white teeth without using a toothbrush, then he could achieve the same result. However, the Chinese ruler was still a man, and due to non-compliance with hygiene, his teeth deteriorated, acquired yellow, and from the mouth it began to smell unpleasant. This is primarily due to the fact that the diet of humans and predatory animals is different. After all, animals do not eat artificially created foods, which just create a favorable "soil" for the vital activity of bacteria.

What happens if you ignore oral hygiene?

Tooth enamel is the strongest tissue of the human body. At the same time, acids adversely affect it. It should be said right away that it is not sour food, since food acids do not harm the teeth. You should be wary of other acids - butyric, formic and propionic.

The appearance of these acids in the mouth is explained by vital activity harmful bacteria. Due to the carbohydrate fermentation caused by these microorganisms, these acids are released.

Important! Those with a sweet tooth need to be most wary of these acids.

When a person constantly forgets to brush his teeth, he develops plaque not only on his teeth, but also on his cheeks and tongue. The plaque contains various microbes and bacteria, the activity of which can lead to the following consequences:

  • dental . Hardening, plaque is converted into stone, ignoring which will lead to the need to remove the tooth. By the way, stones can only be removed by a dentist;
  • on the teeth. Food residues in which harmful organisms live are easily removed with a toothbrush. However, the effect does not last long - a few hours, and the bacteria come back. And if the teeth are always dirty, they are created best conditions for the survival of these organisms. As a result, the person will suffer from toothache;
  • Constant neglect of brushing your teeth leads to inflammation of the tissues around them. The result of such inflammation can be - with this disease of the gums, it smells from the mouth, pus is released, the teeth are loose and may even fall out. The disease will have to be treated surgically.

What else could be the consequences?

When a person ignores elementary rules oral hygiene, sooner or later he will face the fact that his teeth are no longer as good as before. Dentists advise not to be limited to simple brushing with a toothbrush and paste, you still need to use dental floss and conditioners.


This disease destroys tooth enamel, resulting in a hole in the tooth. Getting pieces of food into it causes pain, which people prefer to drown out. However permanent reception tablets leads to the fact that due to massive damage, the tooth has to be pulled out.

It is worth remembering that it leads not only to the removal of a tooth - it can provoke more serious problems. Since it is difficult for a person to chew due to pain, food will not be processed enough in the mouth, and this overloads the stomach.

Areas of tissue that have been affected by the disease are a breeding ground for infections. Once in the blood, microbes can cause cardiovascular disease. The stomach can suffer when the infection gets into it with saliva. The constant presence of these harmful substances in the body causes allergies. At all severe cases cause flux and pulpitis. However preventive measures simple - you just need to brush your teeth regularly.

Important! Keeping your teeth clean and your breath fresh is a concern not only for your image, but also for your health. Don't have to ignore simple rules oral hygiene.

Periodontitis and bone loss

Many people do not even think that they can develop or even destroy bone tissue simply because they do not brush their teeth. Experts say that bacteria create special enzymes that destroy bones.

Plaque in the form of a film of food debris forms on the surface of the teeth within 2 hours after brushing. As it develops, it creates conditions for the filling and surface of the teeth with bacteria that can cause caries.

However, according to dentists, the main problem of oral hygiene is not caries at all. As stated in some specialized publications, the most common symptom of the formation of pathological processes in the mouth is bleeding gums during brushing. Bacteria, having multiplied excessively, cause inflammation of the tissues of the oral cavity, and this, in turn, leads to the appearance of a bad smell from the last. Even more serious consequence- development of gingivitis.

If you do not brush your teeth, so-called tartar can form. This is hardened plaque that occurs at the site of plaque and consists of bacteria, food debris, dead cells, as well as salts of iron, phosphorus and calcium. Bad breath can also indicate the existence of tartar. In this case, brushes and pastes are powerless - only professional cleaning in the dentist's office can help here.

All of the above dangers can lead to the development of periodontitis. Signs of the disease are inflammation and bleeding of the gums, abnormal tooth mobility, bad breath, pus discharge from periodontal pockets. This will require surgical treatment.

Irregular brushing of teeth or complete neglect of this procedure can lead to the appearance of psychological complexes. Bad smell, feeling of staleness in the mouth, yellow or gray coating on the teeth can affect the internal sense of self, worsen the quality of life.

Alternative dentifrices

If for some reason you cannot or do not want to use toothpaste and brush, use dentifrices.

For example, you can use a disposable natural toothbrush. It is done in an elementary way. Take a sprig of pine or cedar, soften its end with your teeth to a fibrous state and use it to your health. Chewing needles, as well as resins of pine, cedar, larch and spruce in the fight against any disease.

To make natural toothpaste, you need to grind into dust a few dry ingredients: 1/2 tsp. sea ​​salt and dried tree resin, 3 tbsp. l. ash from a banana peel (it is a natural fluoride). Mix it all up, adding little by little olive oil until you get a pasty consistency. Use this tool should be 2 times a day, cleaning the gums and teeth with a toothbrush (ordinary soft or natural) or fingers.

To prepare a natural tooth powder, carefully grind cinnamon, cloves, chamomile, turmeric, lava, thyme and pepper to a powder. All this should be in equal proportions.

After brushing your teeth with such means, you need to rinse your mouth with a decoction oak bark, salt water, strong brewed thyme or mint.

Willow bark also cleans teeth well when chewed. It has a bitter taste, but a thin twig is enough to achieve the goal. You can also use calamus root. It is even more bitter, but even very neglected diseases.

Cope with cleaning the oral cavity and cereal herbs. To do this, you need to chew oats, wheat, wheatgrass, rye with all your teeth, adding to them a leaf of St. John's wort (mint, yarrow, thyme) or a sprig of mountain ash (willow, bird cherry).

Majority cultured people He does this every day, morning and evening. Sometimes it happens to skip brushing your teeth - because of laziness, intoxication or well-being - and it seems as if nothing terrible has happened.

Meanwhile, neglect of teeth (as well as gums and tongue) is fraught with a lot of health problems, even those that at first glance have nothing to do with oral hygiene.

In this note, we will try to summarize possible troubles, lying in wait for those who are not friends with a toothbrush, and common sense.

If a person for some reason gets used to not brushing his teeth and the surface of the tongue regularly, this leads to the formation of plaque - sticky, covered with a protective film, accumulations of microorganisms on the surface of the teeth, consisting of and strains. If plaque is not removed on time, then not only bad breath occurs, but also caries, which irreversibly disrupts the structure of previously healthy teeth.

If you forget about the toothbrush even for a day, bacteria literally take control of the oral cavity. It also means that food fragments remain in the mouth, the bacterial decomposition of which creates a bad smell that badly affects the reputation of the owner of the teeth (and the forgotten brush).

Cardiac ischemia

Oral microbes and their toxic waste products can enter the bloodstream and accumulate in coronary arteries. Because of this blood vessel blocked, leading to heart attacks or death. dangerous heart attack myocardium.

Bleeding gums

Brushing your teeth stimulates blood flow to your gums, which is important for oral health. If the teeth are not brushed, the gums often become inflamed and bleed.

loose teeth

Refusal of daily dental care causes over time. If not treated, bone the jaws begin to collapse, and the teeth no longer stay in their places, because of which they become loose and finally fall out. Moreover, a tooth lost due to periodontitis can be quite healthy.

You can forget about kisses

If a person's teeth rot due to insufficient care and food stuck between the teeth, then no matter how attractive he has, the chances of building a close personal relationship with someone are minimal. Random connections we do not take into account the drunken shop and the romance of the social bottom.

Discoloration of teeth

Clothes, shoes and hair for a man or woman can be of any color, but it is customary to have white teeth. However, the color of the teeth inexorably changes to an unhealthy side if they are not cared for daily. Colored substances from food and drink are retained by bacterial plaque. These can be red wine, coffee, or turmeric pigments ( full list- much longer). If the pigments are not removed with a toothbrush, the teeth can change color for a long time - so that their owner does not want to smile in a decent company. As for staining the teeth of smokers, tobacco lovers themselves are well aware.

Proper brushing technique

  • The cleaning process takes at least two minutes and is performed at least twice a day: in the morning before breakfast and in the evening before going to bed.
  • You should use a toothpaste containing fluoride and a toothbrush with soft bristles (“soft” grade).
  • Brush bushes, synthetic or natural, should be in contact with both the surface of the teeth and the surface of the gums. The brush is held at a 45 degree angle to the gums. Instead of moving the brush up and down or left and right, it is better to make light strokes. circular motions- without much pressure and with a moderate amount of paste.
  • It is highly recommended to replace your old toothbrush with a new one every three months. That is, for a year a decent person must "take down" at least 4 brushes.

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