How are dental veneers made? Veneers: a snow-white smile without labor and pain. How ceramic veneers are installed

In the case when you need to quickly bring your smile to an ideal state, the dentist may offer to put veneers on the front teeth. The installation of such overlays belongs to the category of microprosthetics. The procedure is increasingly popular among people who dream of a perfect snow-white smile.

Important! Veneers are thin plates that are attached to the front of the teeth. Microprostheses in this case perform an exclusively aesthetic function, without having a therapeutic effect.

They allow you to instantly mask various defects, such as chips, cracks, as well as moderate orthodontic problems.
Fixation of the veneer is supposed to be on the front of the tooth, partially covering the cutting edge. Plates are not installed on chewing teeth.
Indications for the installation of veneers on the front teeth are:

  • wrong shape;
  • cracks, chips, stains on the enamel and pronounced yellowness;
  • severe crowding;
  • large gaps between teeth;
  • the presence of old fillings that have changed their color;
  • curvature of the teeth in case of refusal of orthodontic correction;
  • the patient's desire to have a perfect smile like Hollywood stars.

Veneers are thin plates that replace the outer layer of teeth and allow you to correct an irregular shape, hide cracks, chips, stains on enamel, gaps between teeth, get a Hollywood smile for little money.

Vining has a wide range of possibilities, allowing you to correct existing defects in the shortest possible time. The ideal option is to install microprostheses on 20 teeth included in the smile zone.


There are some restrictions on the installation of ceramic onlays. Microprosthetics is not recommended in the following cases:

  • with serious defects in the closure of the dentition (direct or reverse bite);
  • in the absence of sixes or sevens;
  • if the patient is prone to grinding teeth (bruxism);
  • with severe destruction of the crown part of the tooth;
  • in cases of thinning of the enamel;
  • in certain types of professional and sports activities;
  • if there are untreated foci of caries and various inflammatory diseases in the mouth.

Bruxism - periodic paroxysmal contractions of the masticatory muscles during sleep, accompanied by clenching of the jaws and grinding of teeth. This disease is one of the main contraindications for the installation of veneers.

In addition, the habits and characteristics of the patient should be taken into account. If a person does not take proper care of his teeth, is not able to limit himself in the use of solid foods (seeds, nuts), then it does not make sense to install veneers for him, since they will not last long.

Attention! With severe bite defects, it is worth first considering orthodontic treatment options that will help solve the problem at the root, and not hide it under decorative overlays.

Varieties of veneers

Decorative microprostheses can be divided into two large groups:

  • ceramic veneers;
  • composite veneers.

These two varieties differ significantly from each other in the materials used, the method of production and fixation, as well as in their performance characteristics.

Ceramic and composite veneers are the two main groups of micro prostheses, their difference is in the manufacturing method, aesthetic appearance, strength, manufacturing time and cost.

Ceramic microprostheses

This type of veneers is made in a dental laboratory using specialized equipment under the supervision of specialists. First, an impression is taken from the patient's teeth, according to which the future product is made.
The most common materials for ceramic onlays are zirconium and medical porcelain.
Porcelain microprostheses are more widespread, as they have been on the market for a long time. They can be produced in two ways:

  1. Layered plate formation technique followed by firing at each stage. Non-pressed products have high aesthetic properties, but are somewhat inferior in strength to veneers made by the second method.
  2. injection molding method. This production method involves high temperatures and pressure. The resulting products are characterized by higher strength and reliability.

Zirconium plates are made in a different way and have their own differences.

Attention! Zirconia plates from two layers. The construction is based on a zirconium support, which provides unsurpassed strength of the product. The outer part is made of porcelain material, which gives the necessary decorative properties.

Zirconium veneers are produced on automated equipment using the CAD / CAM method. The zirconium billet is prepared using a milling machine and 3D computer modeling.

Zirconia veneers are dental overlays made on a zirconium framework, on top of which a ceramic mass is applied.

All types of ceramic overlays are characterized by common properties:

  • stable characteristics that are maintained during the entire period of operation;
  • excellent aesthetic characteristics that allow you to create a natural smile, the origin of which can only be guessed by a specialist upon detailed examination;
  • hypoallergenicity of the installed products, providing good biocompatibility with the patient's teeth and the absence of an addiction period;
  • high price;
  • the possibility of breakage of products under the influence of mechanical factors;
  • the service life of microprostheses with proper care can be more than 10 years;
  • zirconia products are more preferable than porcelain ones, because they are more durable and have better aesthetic characteristics.

Attention! Front teeth veneers are popular for obvious reasons. This is the most affordable and fastest method to correct existing defects and make your smile perfectly even and snow-white.

Installation of ceramic overlays includes several stages:
  1. The dentist performs anesthesia, after which he proceeds to retract the gums. Manipulation consists in the separation of the gums and the release of the cervical region of the tooth in order to ensure a snug fit of the future micro-prosthesis.
  2. Preparation of the tooth surface, removal of the top layer as thick as the future overlay.
  3. Taking casts of the prepared teeth and sending them to the place where the veneers are made.
  4. Installation of temporary overlays to protect the turned teeth from external factors, as well as not to disturb the usual appearance of the patient's smile.
  5. Fitting and fixing ceramic plates with a special adhesive.

One of the stages of installing veneers is the preparation of the surface of the teeth, usually the length is shortened, the palatine surface and the lateral surfaces of the tooth are slightly polished.

Composite veneers

This type of lining is formed directly in the patient's mouth from filling composites. Such microprosthetics is called direct. At their core, such veneers are similar to a conventional light-curing filling that occupies the entire front surface of the tooth. Treated teeth are called lined.
Installation of such a design occurs according to the following scheme:

  1. Dental examination, as a result of which the doctor concludes that it is possible to install a composite veneer.
  2. Selection and tinting of the material in accordance with the natural shade of the enamel.
  3. Tooth surface preparation. Before installing the overlay, the enamel is grinded down to the thickness of the future composite layer.
  4. Gradually, layer by layer, a filling material is applied to the surface.
  5. The process of installing the veneer is completed by processing the resulting surface using polishing discs.

Important! Composite overlays are inferior in their aesthetic and operational characteristics to ceramic products. However, they also have some advantages. Such a design is formed on the tooth quickly, in one visit to the dentist, and is several times cheaper than a ceramic plate.

Composite veneers are characterized by:
  • affordability for almost all categories of customers;
  • the possibility of quick installation;
  • aesthetic characteristics at a satisfactory level. A tooth restored in this way is not conspicuous in comparison with neighboring ones;
  • the service life is about 3 years, but under ideal operating conditions it can be longer;
  • the ability to change its color over time;
  • brittleness, tendency to cracking and chipping;
  • loose fit to the tooth, which increases the risk of developing caries in this area.

Composite overlays are less preferred than ceramic ones, they require special care and regular visits to the dentist for preventive examination and polishing of the restored surface. The technology is shown for use in case of need to repair one tooth.
Ceramic veneers are the best option if you need to bring all the teeth in the smile area to the ideal. But at the same time, you need to understand that, having installed such a structure once, it will not be possible to return the teeth to their previous appearance. The only exception is Hollywood veneers (Lumineers).
The technology of installing veneers on the front teeth of the teeth provides for strict adherence to the recommendations for care. Do not forget about regular hygiene, preventive visits to the dentist, as well as making adjustments to your diet. You should abandon the habit of gnawing seeds and cracking nuts. With a careful attitude, a perfect smile will delight its owner for many years.

In modern society, such a thing as a flawless, radiant smile has become a kind of “trademark” of a truly confident and successful person. It is unlikely that anyone does not want to have perfect, even and healthy teeth. Fortunately, cosmetic deficiencies in the oral cavity are easily eliminated with the help of the latest developments in the field of dentistry. If your “perfect smile”, unfortunately, is not without defects, this is not a reason to despair - dental veneers will quickly and painlessly help you solve this problem.

What are dental veneers?

Veneers are ceramic coating in the form of thin plates (3-5 mm), which are applied to the front of the tooth. This procedure is the fastest way to restore them. When installing veneers, there is no need for significant grinding of the teeth, only the top layer of enamel is grinded, then an impression is made, according to which the necessary blank will be created. Next, linings on the teeth - veneers - are attached to them using a special composite adhesive, which hardens under light and chemical exposure. Using this method of fastening contributes to a longer service life. Veneers are installed not only on can be done and on depulped ones. Actually, they are more of an aesthetic nature, since they are used to eliminate defects, for example, bite. In addition, with them, the smile looks natural and beautiful. Veneers are also used to change the position of a tooth in a row, restore or correct its shape. Now that we already know what dental veneers are, we can decide in which cases they should be installed. Indications for the installation of veneers can serve as large gaps, chips, cracks, irregularities on the surface of the teeth and stains on them, the wrong position in a row, fillings that differ in color, and so on.

What are dental veneers

Veneers are made of ceramic, composite material, porcelain. First, let's look at the popular ceramic veneers - they are made using high quality materials. So, such records are produced only in the laboratory. Before installing them, patients must be diagnosed by an orthodontist, and only after his permission, you can choose the shape and color of future teeth. After that, the dentist grinds off the top layer of enamel by 0.5 mm and makes an impression. While the main prosthesis is being made, the client wears a temporary composite veneer. The methods of their production are different: the classic one, for example, is that powder is layered on the cast; in the casting method, press ceramics are used; if there are blank blocks, they are milled, and then the resulting veneer is painted to match the color of the patient's teeth. The final step is polishing the installed veneers. Materials such as aluminum oxide or zirconium are used to create porcelain veneers. Both are very durable. However, it looks more aesthetic because it can cover the darkened areas of the tooth.

Features of ceramic veneers

Despite the fact that the thickness of the resulting ceramics is minimal, according to its characteristics, it is ideal for aligning teeth with veneers. The material has great strength, is practically not erased, and is immune to coloring drinks. In addition, it does not cause allergies at all. Ceramic veneer fits snugly to the tooth, which will not allow caries to develop. Due to the fact that this material has certain optical properties and transmits light, there is a whole palette of shades of veneers. It is almost impossible to distinguish a tooth with ceramic veneer from the “native”. However, such plates have some disadvantages, among them there is a mechanical effect on the enamel, the inability to change the position of the veneer after its fixation. The service life is 10 years. Due to the high complexity of manufacturing veneers for teeth, the price of which varies from 15,000 to 50,000 rubles, is quite an expensive pleasure. However, next we will consider more affordable options. Fortunately, medicine and technology do not stand still - now you can pick up a pad of almost any cost.

What are composite veneers?

To create these veneers, a composite reflective material is used. Depending on the manufacturing method, direct and indirect veneers are distinguished. These onlays are very popular because they require much less time to manufacture than ceramic veneers. Another difference is that minimal grinding of enamel is required. They can be installed in one visit to the doctor. But the complexity of this method of restoration lies in the fact that the dentist must have great skill: it is necessary to accurately repeat the color and shape, as well as the individual characteristics of the tooth right in the patient's oral cavity. The disadvantages of the species include their susceptibility to food dyes; under prolonged exposure to a toothbrush, their luster is lost. But if you take care of them properly, they will last about five years. Composite veneer crowns are the most affordable for most people, since they can be installed in the range of 2500-15000 rubles. However, if we are talking about the restoration of three or more teeth, then it would be wiser to install ceramic veneers.

What are porcelain veneers?

Also, high-quality porcelain is used for the manufacture of veneers, in this case, the thickness of the lining is 0.2-0.3 mm. Such veneers are called Hollywood veneers, they are divided into lumineers and ultraneers. What are porcelain dental veneers? Their main difference is that lumineers are patented in the USA and they are produced in only one place - in the "Cerinate" laboratory. Ultraneers are made in Europe. The main advantage of Hollywood veneers is that when they are installed, there is absolutely no need to grind down the enamel. Before applying such veneers, the surface of the tooth is cleaned, then it is treated with a special solution for the best adhesion. The veneers are then placed on the tooth using a special cement mortar. The service life of Hollywood veneers is from 15 to 20 years. If necessary, the overlay can be replaced without problems or removed altogether, since the enamel is completely untouched, which is impossible with other types of veneers. The main disadvantages of lumineers are their dullness and snow-whiteness, which distinguishes them from the more natural-looking ceramic veneers. This makes it impossible to correct only one or two teeth, it will be necessary to install overlays on the entire smile area. Due to the fact that Hollywood veneers are made only abroad, they can be installed in two visits to the dentist with an interval of 3-4 weeks. This is also the main reason for their high cost - from 15,000 to 50,000 rubles per piece.

Which veneer to prefer, contraindications to their installation

To decide what material to make a veneer from, it is worth understanding what it is for at all. If you only need to correct the whiteness of your smile, then Lumineers are inserted. If you decide on veneers and you still need to change their shape, a composite or ceramic overlay is installed. However, please note that there are contraindications to their installation. These include thinned enamel or its serious violations, protrusion, tooth mobility, exacerbated diseases of the teeth and gums. Regardless of which veneers are installed, it is imperative to monitor oral hygiene, as pieces of food can get stuck in the gaps between the veneer and the tooth, which will contribute to the development of caries, plaque formation and inflammation of the gums. If you take care of the oral cavity incorrectly, then staining of the adhesive material is possible. Veneers do not tolerate both sudden changes in temperature and strong blows. You can not chew nuts with your teeth or use it as an opener, otherwise the veneer may break off. In this case, it will need to be reinstalled. And with poor bonding with the tooth, the veneer can peel off, but everything is simpler here - just make an appointment with the doctor so that he re-glues it in place.

What to expect after installing veneers, reviews

If you intend to get a “perfect smile” by any available means, but still doubt whether it is worth making your choice in favor of veneers, the experience of those who have already managed to improve their lives in this way can be useful for you. Here is what people who have already had a similar experience say:

  • this is really the best way to correct teeth, the ability to make a “Hollywood” smile;
  • a way out for those who need to remove the “chip” between their teeth;
  • patients, as a rule, do not experience discomfort during their installation, everything is painless;
  • this helps many to solve psychological complexes, because people, due to the imperfection of their teeth, are embarrassed to laugh and smile;
  • due to the fact that today there is a wide selection of veneers, each patient can choose the right one together with the doctor - both according to the situation and affordable.

These are the positive reviews received by veneers, for many people they helped to correct significant appearance flaws - uneven teeth, malocclusion and many others.

Negative reviews about veneers, their disadvantages

Of course, not everything is as smooth as it seems at first glance. Installing a veneer or several, of course, is the way out for those who wish to aesthetically improve the appearance of their teeth, especially in the smile line. However, you should not hope that with their help you can solve serious problems with your teeth or gums. Also, when deciding which veneers to do, you need to understand that they are installed for a long time, so you should not save on them. Also remember that not all veneers can be installed immediately - usually a temporary cap is placed on the teeth sharpened under them, which some wear for up to two weeks. You will have to make several visits to the dentist to install them - up to 3-4. But each procedure has minor flaws, and in this case, in order to have beautiful teeth, you still have to put up with them and endure a little.

Conclusions and conclusion

In our article, we looked at what dental veneers are and how they can correct bite and appearance imperfections. Many people praise this method and, in fact, the veneers themselves. Moreover, the choice today is rich - together with the dentist, you can decide what you need. And also choose the procedure at the best price for you. The only thing to remember is that it is best to install veneers in a clinic with a proven reputation and with an experienced doctor, since this manipulation requires certain skills and experience. Other than that, veneers are a great way to give your smile a “Hollywood” look and make your mouth look perfect. Look at the photos in our article - veneers “before” and “after”, you will see how successfully all the defects of the teeth can be corrected with the help of these small overlays.

There is a lot of talk about such a topic as veneers, but most people have no idea how exactly this procedure works. Therefore, in this article I will tell you, dear readers, about how veneers are put on teeth.

What are veneers and what are they used for?

Everyone at least once in their life had to see false nails. Can you imagine how they look, how they are mounted on a natural nail? Only now the nail plate grows and the nail has to be constantly redone. A permanent tooth is not subject to growth. Therefore, such a thing is, as they say, seriously and for a long time.

Looks beautiful. Various kinds of defects that cannot be eliminated by any bleaching mask very well. It is especially pleasing when you have stains on your teeth or your teeth are slightly rotated along the axis. They grind them, put a veneer and you're done! Your smile looks so that others begin to compliment you.

Install ceramic plates and. The first are more expensive, but durable and do not darken over time.

Veneers - before and after photos

Most often, people put veneers on the front teeth so that the “smile zone” looks as beautiful as possible.

Video - Veneers. Correcting crooked teeth with veneers

Installation procedure

High-quality ceramics are not molded directly on the tooth. It is made from a mold in a special dental laboratory. Take into account the anatomy of adjacent teeth, their color and other parameters.

  1. First you need to make casts of the jaws.
  2. Then the tooth is slightly ground, a temporary crown / veneer is placed while the permanent one is being made.
  3. Next, a temporary veneer is removed, the surface is processed and a permanent one made of special ceramics is installed.
  4. Usually, such work is given a one-year guarantee from the clinic that performed the procedure.

It will take some time for you to get used to the small but foreign body that has appeared in your mouth. Over time, you will generally stop remembering the presence of such an overlay on the surface of your tooth.

If you decide to save money for now and choose composite veneers, the procedure will be performed on the spot. After all, here we are talking about applying the material directly to the surface of the turned tooth. There is one minus - they darken quickly.

Veneers for teeth

Nature makes us all very different. This applies not only to dimensions, skin and hair color, but also to some minor points like the color of the enamel of the teeth or their shape. Sometimes the teeth may be lower than they should be, or one may be irregularly shaped. This is where overlays come to the rescue.

Fluorosis, discoloration of the enamel after medication or nerve removal are all indications for the installation of veneers.

What types of veneers are placed?

The first thing they can advise you is composite materials. There are two types. The first is applied directly to the tooth, the second, which is called a componir, is made in a “factory” way. This is a finished product that combines all the advantages of laboratory ceramic veneers and conventional composites. The thing was created by the Swiss and is gradually gaining popularity with us.

The second option is porcelain, as people say, teeth. These are ceramic veneers. They can be transparent or match the color of your teeth. Durable, reliable.

The third option, which differs little from the second, is Lumineers. They look beautiful, transparent, but very expensive.

How to put ceramic veneers, I described above. You have to go to the dentist several times. But, believe me, it's worth it if you want the result not for a month, but for many years.

Video - Types of veneers

If you have strong, healthy teeth, albeit a little crooked, you should not touch them at all. It is better to walk around in braces than grind off enamel. But in the presence of defects, there is a sense in such a correction. In fact, this is a good analogue to many equally expensive procedures.

If you have a large gap between your front teeth that an orthodontist can't fix, veneers can make a big difference in your smile. When turning the tooth along the axis, it is often rational to place the veneer, rather than trying to turn the tooth.

Often you have to choose between installing . If we are talking about chewing teeth, which are subject to significant loads, prosthetics with crowns and bridges are recommended.

Conclusions - pros and cons of installing veneers

Any technique always has both supporters and ardent opponents. Consider the positions of both sides. What do those who like the installation of veneers say? They say that this is a great way to hide the defects of the teeth, to achieve a beautiful smile in cases where no teeth whitening can be put in order. It's hard to argue with this.

Ceramic veneers

On the other hand, let's look at the issue from the point of view of medicine. Before such a design is put on your teeth, you will have to grind the enamel. And she, as you know, protects the tooth. Below it is dentin, then pulp with nerves, and so on. Now let's imagine that you decide to get rid of the veneer in a year. But the tooth is already damaged by the treatment. It will have to be treated, because without a layer of enamel it is subject to destruction. You can't argue with this fact either.

Therefore, it is worth consulting a doctor. Better even with several. The more opinions you hear, the easier it is to get some kind of “arithmetic mean” from the conclusions of experts.

Let everyone look at your teeth, say which option is most effective, and if anything, you will figure out later where and how to put veneers. With significant damage to the teeth, it makes no sense. Similarly with those teeth where there are large fillings. They usually have thin walls, so it is dangerous to grind them. Also a contraindication is the absence of a large number of chewing teeth. The load on the veneers should be minimal.

  • - unattractive appearance of the shape of dental crowns;
  • - unaesthetic shade of tooth enamel, which cannot be corrected by whitening without the use of veneers;
  • - restoration of chipped parts of the cutting edges of the teeth;
  • - increased distances from adjacent teeth;
  • - correction of moderate curvature of the teeth with veneers, without the use of braces and orthodontic treatment.

veneers before and after photos

Veneers: contraindications

  • - excessive abrasion of teeth;
  • - loss or removal of the sixth and seventh teeth on both sides of the jaw;
  • - symptoms of bruxism;
  • - pernicious habits of opening lids with teeth and cracking nuts;
  • - a pronounced irreparable deformation of the teeth from the back;
  • - the presence of large fillings on the palatal side of the plane of the teeth;
  • - uncorrected bite.

Experts from Moscow clinics do not recommend implanting veneers for people with an overly active lifestyle (martial arts, boxing). The use of veneers is unacceptable for teeth restored with resorcinol-formalin treatment. Among the individual contraindications for veneers, dentists note the too small thickness of the layer of the own enamel of the front teeth, which does not allow active grinding of the surface. In a normal state, before the installation of veneers, a layer of enamel is present on the front teeth of a person, the thickness of which is at least 0.5 mm.

In the process of turning the teeth for the installation of a veneer, the specialist manages to grind off only part of the coating. A veneer is attached to the remaining layer, its strength and reliability will significantly exceed the indicators of the patient's own tooth enamel. If the dentist completely grinds off the patient's own enamel under the veneer, the person will be left with only dentin. It is characterized by increased softness and sensitivity. In this case, it will not be possible to fix the veneers, since the dental framework will have insufficient strength.

Sometimes patients install a veneer due to the problem of the unattractive appearance of the teeth, which are in varying degrees of decay. A porcelain crown is placed on the destroyed incisor, and adjacent incisors are covered with porcelain veneers. This method of fixing the veneer gives the teeth an absolutely identical appearance.

What materials are veneers made from?

Only veneers made from a ceramic composition can be considered original. Sometimes in dentistry, visitors are offered to fix veneers from other materials - on an aluminum or zirconium basis. As a budget alternative to such veneers, veneers created from composite can be compared. The production of such veneers in the Russian Federation differs significantly from the technologies familiar to Europe.

Real composite veneers must be produced within the framework of a professional dental laboratory operating in dentistry. Veneers are given a shape identical to the parameters of the patient's teeth. This is achieved through the preliminary creation of casts. Casts for veneers are taken by orthopedic dentists in the process of preparing teeth for veneers.

In Moscow, most clinics do not have their own laboratories, so composite veneers are created in violation of real technology. Such veneers turn into analogues of ordinary filling masses. Veneers are fixed on the surface of the front teeth during medical procedures, using standard restorative compositions with light-curing fillings. This turns the veneer into a typical fabrication.

Ceramic veneers

Veneers made of high quality ceramics have long been awarded the title of Hollywood. Such veneers are often considered analogues of indirect veneers, orthopedic veneers. Such names are dictated by the peculiarities of manufacture. The creation of such veneers is not done in dentistry during the session, but in a special laboratory before the start of therapy.

In all the variety of ceramic veneers, two large varieties can be distinguished. In addition to porcelain veneers, Moscow dentists suggest considering the installation of zirconium alloy veneers.

Porcelain veneers

Porcelain is rightfully considered the base material for creating veneers. It is most similar to the appearance of human tooth enamel and its structure. It is impossible to ignore the increased strength of the material, the preservation of color throughout the life of the veneers. Additional translucency enhances the aesthetic qualities of veneers.

restoration of front teeth with veneers before and after photos

Quite often, patients are not satisfied with the state of restoration of the front teeth. To correct the situation, dentists offer to completely eliminate the unsuccessful restoration and fix first-class porcelain veneers on the teeth.

Porcelain veneers can be made using two methods.

The first technique contributes to the achievement of maximum aesthetics, and the second is aimed at obtaining the maximum strength indicators of the incisors. The method according to which the specialist will act is determined by the dentistry you applied to. The average manufacturing time for a veneer is one to two weeks. At this time, your turned teeth will be covered with special temporary veneers made of high quality plastic.

Composite veneers

Installing veneers from composites has certain disadvantages. You can study the reviews of patients who have already applied to dentistry for this service. This will help you evaluate how these veneers are right for you. We have collected information from specialists who work in the best dentistry in the country.

They note that in the vast majority of cases, dentists create composite veneers directly during the session right in the visitor's mouth. This turns veneers into reinforced restorative fillings. The filling is distributed over the front surface of the tooth, but its cost is an order of magnitude higher than the traditional restoration. This technology has nothing to do with classic veneers and is unable to perform their functions. The manufacture of high-quality composite veneers is carried out outside of dentistry - the dental laboratory.

The task of dentists is to grind the teeth under the veneer coating and take reliable casts from them. The impressions must be sent to the dental technician. The specialist creates a veneer on a light composite, providing it with the necessary qualities. Such veneers acquire high performance properties, but in terms of their characteristics they cannot be compared with porcelain and zirconium counterparts.

Composite veneers: reviews of dentists

Restoration of the tooth with composite veneer. Photos before and after

Considering modern composite veneers, one can note their modest aesthetic qualities. Such a coating is not able to achieve the performance of ceramic veneers. Most patients face a problem when a visit to the dentist ends with a veneer fixation that does not match the rest of the teeth. Composite formulations are difficult to adjust to the characteristics of natural teeth.

Color stability of composite veneers

Among the indicators of composite veneers, the level of color stability ranks last. In the process of use, such veneers gradually begin to lose their brightness and color. Varieties of ceramic veneers are not subject to this, since this material does not change its color shade and translucency throughout the entire period of operation.

Material strength

Composite veneers are more brittle than ceramic veneers. Their reliability is incomparable with the indicators of veneers made of zirconium compounds, which have unsurpassed strength. Due to the high fragility, such veneers are installed with the obligatory overlap of the cutting edge of the tooth. This means that you will no longer bite off food with your own tooth, but with a veneer.

Manufacturing technology of composite veneers

Dentists have a difficult task ahead of them. They need to create a quality veneer in your mouth. Achieving the goal is hampered not only by time constraints, but also by high humidity and the presence of only artificial lighting. The desired color shade of the veneer can be achieved only by gradual layer-by-layer application of the filling composition. Under each layer, the desired shade of the veneer is selected. Creating high-quality veneers in laboratories takes longer and is much more expensive. As for their characteristics, these veneers will significantly surpass in their qualities analogues created in dentistry itself.

How veneers are installed

The creation of veneers is carried out in several successive stages. First, the dentist prepares the teeth. In the event that outdated composite fillings are installed on the surface of the tooth or the patient used braces, they are removed. Old fillings are replaced with new ones if the procedure involves the preservation of the base of the filling at the end of the preparation. This contributes not only to improving the aesthetics of the veneer, but also to improving adhesion between surfaces.

The second stage of work includes the choice of the color shade of the veneers. To do this, use special scales of shades and colors. They are standard and present in any dentistry in Moscow. In addition to tools, the specialist focuses on the personal wishes of the client.

Next, proceed to the preparation of teeth. Installation of veneers is carried out after grinding about 0.5 - 0.7 mm of natural tooth enamel located on its front surface. At the same time, the installed fillings are polished. The exact size of the enamel layer to be polished is determined individually in dentistry.

The fourth step is the production of dental casts. Impressions can be made after tooth preparation. They are sent to a dental technology laboratory operating in dentistry. For the period of making permanent veneers, the patient is given their temporary alternative. A temporary veneer is designed to protect the patient's bare teeth from aggressive environments and food ingress on their surface. As part of the laboratory stage, accurate plaster models of the client's teeth are made. They are necessary to create the most accurate ceramic or zirconium alloy veneers.

This example shows the stages of setting veneers. Photos before and after

At the final stage, the veneers are fixed on special pastes of two different colors. The color of the cement is matched to the color of the dental client's enamel as this determines the final shade of the finished veneer. The task of the dentist is to give the veneer a tone that is as close as possible to the color of the adjacent teeth. The desired shade can be achieved by alternating two shades of fixing pastes. A permanent veneer is glued onto the prepared base.

Being in dentistry, you can have a dialogue with a specialist and tell him about your claims regarding the quality of the veneer, its color or shape. From the moment the veneer is fixed on permanent cement, nothing can be changed. It is easier to remove braces than to correct a permanent veneer.

Veneers: service life, reviews

Dental patients often have doubts about the strength of veneers, because their thickness is very small. Porcelain belongs to the high-strength materials, but is fragile. In order for the veneer to gain durability, it is fixed to a solid base of natural tooth enamel. This allows you to achieve a strong, durable and reliable design.

Experts conducted studies to evaluate the "survival" of veneers. After 7 years of use, in 86% of cases, veneers that do not overlap the cutting edge of the tooth have retained their appearance unchanged. For veneers that covered the incisal edge of the tooth, the survival rate was as high as 96%. this indicates the incredible reliability of ceramic veneers and the minimal likelihood of problems with them. More often, dental patients complain about braces than they experience difficulties with veneers installed on their teeth.

Often, braces and veneers lose their characteristics due to the fault of the clients themselves. Violation of oral hygiene, severe severe injuries, exposure to critical temperatures on teeth is unacceptable.

Composite veneers: reviews

The service life of composite veneers is limited to 2-3 years. In an ideal situation, if the dentist strictly followed the technology, the period of use of veneers will increase to 4 years. Like braces, they require periodic maintenance. Composite veneers need to be polished regularly. This will not stop the gradual tarnishing and darkening of the surface.

Veneers: pros and cons

The greatest difficulties for patients of dentistry arise when choosing between the installation of crowns or veneers. If the specialist has not identified any contraindications for the installation of veneers, then it is better to give preference to them. When contraindications are still present, stop at crowns. Minor crooked teeth can be corrected with braces.

Which is better - veneer or crown?

What are the differences between crowns and veneers? To install a crown, the teeth are sharpened from all sides, removing up to 2 mm of enamel. The prepared tooth will resemble a small stump. Fixing the veneer requires processing only the front surface of the tooth, and the specialist removes a much thinner layer of enamel.

Which is better: veneers or restorations?

Among the characteristic qualities of porcelain veneers, one can note their unique ability to imitate the natural tissues of human teeth. Porcelain has a structure that is as similar as possible to tooth enamel, due to which excellent results can be achieved. The specialist gives the veneer the required translucency. The material will reflect light just like a real human tooth.

The performance of light-polymer filling compositions cannot be compared with the characteristics of porcelain veneers. The restorative composition will not be as noticeable under braces, but it cannot fully perform the function of veneers. It does not have the required translucency and is extremely limited in color palette. Filled anterior teeth have poor aesthetics due to all of the above.

Restorations tend to darken as they are worn, so fillings need to be changed regularly. Often, a darkened border appears on the border between healthy tooth enamel and the filling composition, which gives the patient a lot of discomfort. Porcelain veneer will not lose its color and transparency for several decades.

Which is better: braces or veneers?

This example shows a patient who chose veneers over braces. Photos before and after

To make a choice between veneers and braces, it is necessary to assess the degree of deformation of the teeth and the violation of their normal position. Veneers are able to deal with only minimal defects. Braces will help to refrain from grinding the healthy enamel of a number of teeth and restore the normal position of the incisors with the least loss.

The concept of high manufacturability can be applied to modern braces. Such braces are able to eliminate traces of slight crowding of teeth for six months. It takes up to a year and a half to get rid of complex violations. In addition to standard metal braces, Moscow dentistry also offers invisible models made of transparent sapphire.

In favor of the installation of veneers instead of braces, those patients of clinics for whom it is important to eliminate minor dental defects in a short period of time, not exceeding three weeks, refuse. We hope you found answers to your questions in our article and learned a lot about veneers for teeth and their main differences from other methods of eliminating aesthetic defects of teeth.

For the restoration of damaged teeth, veneers are widely used in dentistry, the wearing period of which depends on the material. They are plates - composite, porcelain, replacing damaged surfaces. They are also placed as a protective barrier against contact, for example, with the mouthpiece when playing the trumpet.

To understand what veneers look like, it is necessary to analyze their classification list. There are three key types based on the material used to make them.

  1. Porcelain veneers with a thickness of 0.3 ÷ 0.5 mm are considered reliable due to their strength. They are made in the laboratory using zirconium dioxide, as well as medical porcelain. They completely match in shade with natural teeth for a long time.
  2. Composite plates give way to more modern and durable counterparts. They are quickly installed, but they are not aesthetically pleasing and wear out quickly.
  3. Porcelain lumineers with a thickness of ≥ 0.2 mm, which came from California, do not require preliminary grinding of teeth, are quickly installed and have a long service life.

What are veneers?

Techniques for making veneers

For many, the term remains incomprehensible: veneers for teeth, what is it - a universal remedy for getting rid of problems or a serious medical intervention. These are simple dental structures with an excellent effect of restoring the former beauty of a smile.

There are several ways to make ceramic devices:

  • the classical technique is the application of ceramic powders in layers, which are then fired;
  • press - ceramics or casting of durable micro prostheses under pressure;
  • milling the desired plates from blocks.

Creating a plate from a block of zirconia begins with tooth preparation and taking an impression. Then, using a computer, a veneer model is created, which is automatically machined on a milling machine. It is fixed on the cement composition.

Teeth with veneers

It should be understood, when studying composite dental veneers, that these are micro-prostheses that have passed a fairly long period of use.

They are traditionally made using two technologies:

  • therapeutic method implemented directly in the dental chair. Having removed the enamel layer, the doctor applies thin layers of a special composite material from a series of light-polymer compositions, restoring the tooth surface to its previous healthy state;
  • a technique for making a veneer by a dental technician based on a cast of a pre-turned tooth by a dentist.

Installation Motivation

The question of what veneers are for teeth often arises in an emergency when it is necessary to carry out a gentle restoration of tooth surfaces that have lost their former beauty. There are many such reasons:

  • enamel erosion;
  • noticeable unaesthetic yellowness of the anterior planes;
  • defects with significant damage to dental tissues;
  • darkening after depulpation;
  • significant interdental spaces;
  • ugly shape;
  • chips;
  • fluorescent spots;
  • excessive crowding of the incisors;
  • unsuccessful restoration procedures;
  • incorrect rotation of the tooth;
  • the presence of other color fillings.

Veneers - photos before and after treatment

Single teeth are to be restored, but the result is more effective when the plate is applied to several adjacent surfaces. Increasingly, this technique is resorted to in order to gain a “Hollywood smile”.


Before placing veneers, you need to understand that the restoration of teeth with the use of micro prostheses, like any medical technique, has certain contraindications, which an experienced dentist will certainly inform about:

  • malocclusion;
  • destruction of enamel from the wrong side;
  • pathological, progressive tendency to wear teeth;
  • significant absence (more than six) of chewing teeth;
  • pronounced involuntary grinding of teeth;
  • activities (for example, boxing) that lead to jaw injuries;
  • habits that negatively affect enamel: open bottles, gnaw seeds, crack nuts, bite nails;
  • the presence of a large filling.

Potential buyers of a dazzling smile will certainly be interested in the pros and cons of veneers in order to assess the degree of risk.


Excellent in terms of the effect achieved, the technique for acquiring ideal evenness of teeth has many advantages:

  • manufacturing speed;
  • durability of ceramics;
  • great external aesthetics;
  • proximity to the natural shades of tooth enamel.


When deciding on a trip to the dentist, it is advisable to comprehensively study veneers, the pros and cons of their installation. In addition to the undoubted advantages, a modern erudite person will certainly pay attention to some shortcomings:

  • insufficient strength of composite materials;
  • the inability to completely mask significant defects;
  • high cost of ceramic plates;
  • with each subsequent fixation of the structures, it will be necessary to grind the enamel.

Installation process

The algorithm for working with ceramic veneers involves a number of sequential operations.

  1. The shade of the future plate is being selected.
  2. Depending on the degree of damage to the tooth, before the veneers are placed, the tooth surface is treated.
  3. Using a special plastic mass, an impression is taken, which is sent to the technicians in the laboratory.
  4. A temporary plastic overlay is fixed on the worn teeth.
  5. According to the cast, the master first casts a plaster model, which serves as a prototype for the manufacture of the plate itself.

It clearly demonstrates how veneers are installed on teeth, photos before and after restoration. In the dental office, they are fixed with a special glue, followed by bite control and surface cleaning from excess adhesive.

A more gentle technique without grinding came to dentistry with innovative dental structures - lumineers. Outwardly, they resemble thin petals that are easily attached to the restored surface with dental glue. How this installation of veneers on the teeth looks like, the photo allows you to see in all the details.

Standardized lumineers are selected according to certain parameters from ready-made sets. Individual plates are specially made for a particular patient in the laboratory.

Lumineers for teeth

Recovery period

How much the appearance is transformed, the veneers make a person younger, before and after photos make it possible to fully appreciate this.

To save the installed veneer, you need to follow the recommendations of the doctor. Usually, a follow-up examination is scheduled after half a month, which allows you to determine the degree of reliability of the design and evaluate the reaction of the surrounding tissues and gums to the appearance of the plate.

Patients sometimes note an increase in sensitivity to drinks, both excessively cold and hot. In cases where the processes of destruction of the restored tooth are detected, a decision is made to protect it with a crown.

Choice of option

When deciding which veneers are best to put, you should pay attention to several factors.

Ceramic structures are made longer than composite ones, but their service life is much longer.

If we analyze the financial benefits, then composite veneers will cost less to install. Considering that in about five years they will have to be changed again, the savings are rather doubtful.

Veneers - before and after photos

How strong and excellent ceramic veneers ennoble the teeth, the photo demonstrates clearly and impartially. Such plates practically do not lose their original whiteness, and composite materials tend to change color. But when installing more modern veneers, the teeth are subjected to more grinding.

The decision is made jointly with the doctor, since only a specialist can give an exhaustive consultation.

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