Reasons why a child should be shown to a neurologist. The neurologist answers questions from parents. What causes frequent spitting up? Is there a need to seek professional help?

The human body is arranged in a complex way, where the central nervous system is responsible for the smooth operation of everyone. A neurologist deals with violations in its functioning. He considers all changes and the reasons for their occurrence.

Neurology studies the mechanisms of disease development, symptoms, methods of prevention and treatment, where correct and timely diagnosis is important.

Neurologist - who is he

The nervous system is in close interaction with all body systems. Every organ has nerves and blood vessels. A neurologist can identify many abnormalities associated with malfunctions of the nervous system, but does not deal with pathologies.

A neurologist will help with frequent dizziness and headaches, sleep and falling asleep disorders, tinnitus, decreased vision, hearing, memory, smell and touch.

The clinical picture of many diseases is exacerbated by an inattentive attitude to the state of the nervous system. That is why doctors of other specializations refer their patients to a neurologist. It is within the competence of this specialist to more accurately adjust the treatment prescribed to the patient.

If you notice negative manifestations of the functions of the spinal cord and brain, you should first go to a neurologist. Only this doctor deals in detail with the effective treatment of such manifestations of the disease.

What diseases are treated by a neurologist

You can not ignore such negative manifestations:

  • frequent and strong;
  • sleep disturbances, insomnia, frequent nocturnal awakenings;
  • disorders of consciousness, fainting and other deviations that you have not observed before.

Diseases with neurotic manifestations can be divided into groups:

  • Vascular:
  • stroke;
  • thrombosis, etc.

Chronic diseases caused by prolonged alcoholism, taking medications, beriberi.
Degenerative, with gradual addition of symptoms:

  • Parkinson's disease, Pick;
  • Alzmeiger syndrome;
  • spinal amyotrophy, etc.

Neurotic temporary deviations caused by infections and inflammation:

  • neuritis;
  • encephalitis;
  • meningitis, etc.

Bruises, ruptures of nerves, concussion and diseases of the vessels of the brain.

  • Observation of patients with epilepsy

Children's neurology has its own characteristics at each age. Diseases that arose in childhood are easier to prevent than to treat later in an adult, and to look for the causes of their occurrence.

When to See a Doctor

Very often, neurologists encounter behavioral and emotional disorders associated with stress and other traumatic factors in their practice. The relevance of disorders of this type is caused by the modern rhythm of life. The emotional state and general well-being are negatively affected by any type of overload, stress, irritability, lack of sleep.

Pain syndrome of various etiologies is also a frequent reason for visiting a neurologist. The patient is tormented by:

  • causeless, in his opinion, headaches;
  • radiculitis and osteochondrosis;
  • protrusion or hernia of the vertebral discs;
  • intercostal neuralgia;

  • neuritis, inflammation of the facial and trigeminal nerve;
  • rare and severe pain in the limbs and other parts of the body.

Movement disorders in the form of partial, short-term paralysis or involuntary movements are a reason to see a doctor. A neurologist will help with speech disorders, coordination of movements, tremor.

If you feel a violation of balance, hearing, vision, taste, smell or sensitivity - contact a neurologist. The doctor will consult and prescribe a course of treatment to correct the problem.

With a decrease in memory, attention, frequent dizziness and fainting, do not postpone a visit to a neurologist. Tell your doctor about your problems, and he will prescribe treatment or refer you for a consultation with another specialist.

Often, deviations in behavior, emotional and mental state are associated with manifestations of a stroke. Sometimes the intervention of a psychologist or psychotherapist is required. Often, neurological disorders need to be treated and treated at the same time as psychiatric disorders - they are interrelated.

Pediatric neurologist

Little patients need special attention and an individual visit to the doctor. Knowledge of the source of the disease and the right approach have a direct impact on the effectiveness of treatment.

A visit to a pediatric neurologist is necessary for a comprehensive assessment of the pace of development of the baby. The first examination of the child is in the first month from the moment of birth. Next, according to the schedule:

  • at 3 months of age;
  • when the baby is six months old;
  • at the age of one.

This is a schedule for healthy children, for whom it is only important to control indicators of growth, weight, sleep, appetite, nervous excitability, emotions and physical activity.

At the next stage, the neurologist observes the development of speech, hearing, touch, examines reflexes and muscle tone. A conversation with parents is included in the planned examinations of children. Parents should not be too emotional and restless - their behavior and condition is reflected in the psyche and nervous system of the child.
Additional consultations with a neurologist are necessary when the child sleeps and eats poorly, becomes very excited and calms down very slowly, cries often and for no apparent reason.

Trembling of the limbs and chin can be associated with disorders of the child's nervous system, and sometimes it's just a syndrome that goes away with age. Only a specialist can figure out whether this or that deviation in development is a problem, and whether it is worth correcting the condition and behavior of the child.

The first three years of a child's life are the most important in the formation of the nervous system and the development of brain structures. At this age, it is easy and simple to correct neurological abnormalities, if they are established.

The age of three is the period of the appearance of the first fears, obsessive states and involuntary movements that are not yet realized by the child. Sometimes their own movements or the pain that has appeared can frighten the child. There may be coughing without, sleep disturbances, excessive excitability or apathy. With proper communication with the child, all these conditions are easy to bring back to normal.

The next critical period is preparation for school. Frequent reasons for parents to visit a neurologist are violations of the functions of the genitourinary system, coordination of movements and speech development in children 4-5 years old. It is necessary to try to find the cause of the violations and eliminate it by the age of 6 years.

In school life, the neurotic problems of children are usually associated with a change in the daily routine and great psycho-emotional stress. As you get used to the new regimen, the condition improves, but in some cases, the help of a neurologist is needed.

A timely appeal to a neurologist, taking into account the complaints, behavior and general health of the child, will help to correct the behavior in a timely manner and avoid problems in adulthood.

The order of admission of patients

The path to recovery lies through finding the true causes of the disease and a thorough examination. The appointment of the correct individual treatment will return the patient to a normal state, and the unusual states will cease to disturb him.

The difficulty of the study is that the nervous system can neither be seen under a microscope nor touched. Therefore, it is not easy to find the source of the problem without questioning the patient and a detailed examination.

The reception consists of the following steps:

  • Consideration of patient complaints, determination of the prescription of problems and the dynamics of changes in the patient's condition.
  • The data of the results of previous examinations, if any, the doctor learns from the patient or from the available conclusions of specialists.
  • The initial examination of the patient allows an experienced doctor to obtain information about the general condition of the body and the nervous system. At this stage, motor coordination, speech and behavior are assessed. An experienced neurologist, based on the answers to well-posed questions, will be able to determine in which part there has been a failure.
  • Instrumental methods and clinical analyzes make it possible to draw a conclusion about the patient's condition and prescribe a treatment plan.
  • During appointments, the patient should visit the neurologist at the agreed time to assess changes and adjust the treatment regimen, if necessary.
  • Usually scheduled intervals of time between visits to the doctor are prescribed. The patient can come for a consultation if he does not need treatment or feels that the prescribed drugs do not have a noticeable effect.
  • If the drug helps, but is difficult to tolerate, the patient should immediately inform the attending physician. In this case, you need to change the drug or change the dosage.

In many situations, a neurologist needs to consult with specialists from the field of cardiology, internal medicine, psychiatry, radiography, ophthalmology, etc. in order to make a correct diagnosis.

It is a pity that the specialization of doctors in certain diseases is the panacea of ​​Western medicine. In the East, they treat differently: the human body is considered as a single system that requires the simultaneous treatment of all diseases present at the time of treatment, and not each separately.

While watching the video, you will learn about the neurologist.

Our citizens have to adapt to the realities of life and wonder which doctor to go to. Most often, for some reason, they turn to therapists, and the neurologist's office is bypassed. But in vain. Very often, the timely diagnosed cause of pain, disorders in the work of many organs is associated precisely with nervous disorders.

In children, the formation of the nervous system occurs continuously, so it is important not to skip the stages of its formation. A pediatric neuropathologist (neurologist) is a doctor who observes a child from birth to 18 years of age and checks the level of his development.

Pediatric neurologist - preventive visit

  • after the baby is discharged from the hospital or when he reaches the age of one month. Since at 1 month the child begins to see and hear.
  • in the interval from 3 months to 1 year, you should visit the doctor several times. Important changes are taking place: activity, contact with the external environment is increasing, the ability to pick up objects appears, crawling and sitting skills are acquired.
  • from 1.5 to 3 years - a pediatric neurologist will wait for you 2 times a year. During this period, the baby learns to speak, the first life experience and impressions appear, memory is formed, a line of behavior is built with parents and friends.
  • from 3 to 6 years old - an important stage in the life of a preschooler: the development of light motor skills, character traits are born.
  • from 7 to 11 years old - the child takes a place in society, learns to think abstractly, masters program teachings.
  • from 11 to 13 years old - a pediatric neuropathologist is needed in a given period of time. During this period, puberty occurs, the appearance, emotional background and behavior of a teenager change.
  • from 13 to 18 years old visit the doctor once a year.

This examination is carried out in order to check the correct development of the child at a certain age.

Symptoms that refer to a pediatric neurologist

When observing the following signs in a child, it is necessary to pay a visit to a neurologist:

  • cramps during sleep or fever.
  • complaints of frequent headaches.
  • or urine.
  • restless sleep.
  • loss of consciousness.
  • frequent spitting up in babies.
  • twitching arms, legs and chin at the baby.
  • distraction and lack of contact with peers.
  • violation of motor, speech, mental development.

A good pediatric neurologist will be able to choose an individual course of treatment for a child, taking into account his characteristics.

For what diseases do you see a neurologist?

A pediatric neurologist can not only check the development of a child, but also treat the following diseases:

  • perinatal damage to the nervous system.
  • birth trauma.
  • hydrocephalus.
  • cerebral palsy.
  • traumatic brain injury.
  • epilepsy.
  • brain.
  • nervous system inherited.
  • neuroses.
  • neuromuscular system.
  • neurocutaneous.
  • systemic disorders (eg, stuttering, enuresis).

Pediatric neuropathologist - treatment

When examining a baby, a specialist may prescribe additional studies:

  • UZDG.
  • eye examination.

After collecting the necessary information, the pediatric neuropathologist prescribes treatment, which includes both medications and physical actions (therapeutic massage, swimming, physical education, physiotherapy).

You should not delay the visit to the doctor, as a timely detected pathology is treated, and the recovery process proceeds faster.

A neurologist is a doctor who must monitor the health of your child at every stage of development, give advice on how to properly care for the baby, treat if the child is sick. A visit to the doctor is necessary almost every month.

An examination is mandatory even if the baby is absolutely healthy, especially since this may not be the case. Only a specialist can identify deviations from the norm. An examination is carried out once a quarter, since the status of a newborn changes almost every month. Each segment is marked by the formation of any skills, this happens due to the continuous growth and development of the body.

in the maternity hospital

When the mother and baby are discharged from the hospital, the baby is given an ultrasonography of the brain. A brain cyst is a common diagnosis in newborns. Why this pathology occurs in medicine is not fully known. If the tumor size is not more than 5 mm, then there is no cause for concern, and the tumor will resolve by three months. If a cyst was detected, then it is necessary to monitor the dynamics of its development every month.

The causes of CNS disease are:

  1. Pathological pregnancy;
  2. Complications during childbirth;
  3. congenital infections;
  4. Trauma, prematurity.
  5. You should not postpone an examination by a neurologist if you notice:
  6. restless sleep;
  7. Syndrome of regurgitation and vomiting;
  8. Tremor of arms, legs and chin;
  9. Paroxysms of varying duration.

Let's take a closer look at what a neurological examination is like at each stage of life.

Upon reaching one month

At one month, the neurologist during the examination pays attention to the reflexes and to the posture of the child. At the age of one month, congenital reflexes are most pronounced.

The neurologist pays attention to the state of the muscles, since newborns are characterized by hypertonicity, the position of their body is similar to what it was in the womb: the baby draws his legs, clenches his fists.

Muscles should be symmetrical on both sides. Different muscle tone signals the presence of pathologies. A newborn is able to stretch after sleep when he is one month old.

The body movements of a small person are chaotic and disorderly. In the first month of life, the baby begins to focus on the subject, carefully examines it, and is even able to follow its movements.

If in two weeks the baby can hold his head, then this indicates intracranial hypertension, which is treated by a doctor. During this period, the child begins to express emotions, for example, to smile when hearing his mother's voice. It is categorically impossible to ignore a visit to a neurologist at this particular age.

Head circumference reaches 35 cm. In the first month, it is important to monitor growth dynamics. Every month, the circumference should increase by one and a half cm. The neurologist draws attention to the condition of the fontanel.

Upon reaching three months

At this stage, the baby learns to handle his hands. The kid begins to study them, put his fingers in his mouth. By three months, the reflexes of the newborn practically disappear, since already the cerebral cortex begins to be responsible for regulation. The grasping reflex is replaced by conscious grasping of objects.

A three-month-old baby should be able to hold his head upright. If this does not happen, then the child is likely to have a delay in physical development or. This will be revealed on inspection.

At this age, an emotional-motor reaction addressed to an adult appears. It occurs during communication or when a new object enters the field of view. Children's laughter is heard more and more often in the house. The tone and tension of the flexors decreases, the postures become more relaxed.

At the age of six months

During this period, the neurologist during the examination looks at the child's skills. At six months, the baby should be able to roll over on his back and on his stomach, raise his head, lean on his elbows.

The child begins to recognize parents, to distinguish them from other people. The reaction to strangers is completely unpredictable: from a smile to a strong cry.

At six months, the baby is able to perform simple manipulations with toys, for example, shifting an object from one hand to another. Body movements acquire accuracy and confidence. Emotional reactions become less monotonous, the child begins to try to repeat simple combinations of sounds.

After six months, the circumference of the head increases by one cm. There are attempts to take a sitting position of the body, even with the help of adults.

older children

On examination, the neurologist pays attention to the baby's ability to sit without support, evaluates physical development. Children at this age begin to crawl and stand up.

As for fine motor skills, the child is already able to hold an object with two fingers. The child parodies the movements of adults: waving his hand, clapping his hands. The kid knows well who his mom and dad are, he is wary of strangers. The kid understands that this is impossible, can find the desired item among others, understands the meaning of the spoken words.

Examination at the age of one cannot be ignored, because the baby begins to become a full-fledged person. In a year, many children are already able to move independently, some take their first steps holding the hand of a parent.

In the year and third month, every healthy child should be able to walk. The ability to stay at the table is getting better: the baby holds cutlery, eats with them, knows how to drink from a mug.

The development of the cognitive sphere takes place by leaps and bounds: the child knows the names of objects, parts of the human body, the sounds that animals utter. The circumference of the head by this time increases by ten cm.

The most common questions parents ask a neurologist

What causes constant tension in the limbs?

Hypertonicity is a normal phenomenon inherent in all newborns up to a certain age. Babies bend their arms, press them to their chest, fingers tightly clenched into a fist, moreover, the thumb lies under the others. The lower limbs are also bent, but less than in the hands.

Dads and moms may notice that the tone changes, if you turn your head to the left or right, then the muscle tone will become higher on one side. This feature of the child's body is called. But do not be afraid of medical terminology, this condition is considered absolutely normal.

By four months, muscle tone becomes less and less, many muscle groups are involved in movement. Hypertonicity is not treated in any way, but it is permissible to do a massage that contributes to the harmonious development of the body. Advice on how to massage should only be given by a qualified specialist. At the examination, the doctor will tell you if there is cause for concern.

Is the tremor of the limbs and chin a sign that the child is cold or something is wrong with the nervous system? Is a visit to the doctor necessary?

Trembling in the body, or scientifically tremor, occurs in the early stages of life. The reason for this is not fully formed CNS. Tremor occurs due to emotional shock, physical stress, but sometimes the attack begins suddenly. Trembling can be both on both sides, and on one. Young mothers worry in vain when they notice a tremor in the body of a child. If the tremor repeats periodically, each time longer and more intense, then this is a reason to go to an appointment with a neurologist.

What is the sucking reflex? Why does the child constantly suck something: fingers, pacifier, breast? Maybe he wants to eat?

The sucking reflex is one of the main ones in children under one year old, it is innate. Any irritation of the mouth causes sucking movements in the newborn. The reflex ceases to manifest itself when it reaches four years. In infants, there is a search reflex, as well as a proboscis reflex. During meals, these reflexes increase, but this does not mean that the child wants to eat.

Why does the child twitch and spread his arms to the sides? Do I need to see a neurologist for an appointment?

This behavior of the child is explained by the Mohr reflex. It persists for up to six months, often occurs with a change in body position or with loud sounds. If the child is picked up from the crib and then put back, the baby will involuntarily raise his hands up. Sometimes the Mohr reflex occurs involuntarily or as a response to a knock, scream or clap. Such hand movements are characteristic of all babies, not their presence, but their absence should cause concern. But upon reaching 5 months, the reflex should disappear.

What causes frequent spitting up? Is there a need to seek help from specialists?

Spitting up to five times a day is the norm, not a neurological disorder. Especially often it is observed in the first month of life. associated with the structural features of the gastrointestinal tract, its functioning: the ventricle is located horizontally, has the shape of a circle and a very small volume, no more than ten mm. Therefore, babies can gorge on small amounts of milk. The cardiac sphincter of the stomach is small in size, and the entrance to the stomach has a larger diameter. Because of this, food moves slowly through the digestive tract.

Spitting is also promoted by:

  • Excess food;
  • prematurity;
  • Deficiency in body weight;
  • The still imperfect process of breathing;
  • Lack of digestive enzymes;
  • Swallowing air while eating;
  • Short intervals between feedings.

What is the white stripe on the baby's eye? Why does she appear?

This phenomenon is called Graefe's syndrome. The presence of a strip between the iris and the eyelid does not indicate the presence of any pathologies; it occurs quite often in newborns.

It occurs due to a change in body position, a change in lighting, and also simply because of the individual characteristics of the body. Contributes to its formation and immaturity of the nervous system.

Graefe's symptom goes away on its own within six months. But if the symptom is accompanied by strabismus, high excitability, ZPR, then you should immediately visit a neurologist for the purpose of examination.

Why does the child bang his head?

Small children sometimes begin to bang their heads against surrounding objects. Scientists do not fully know what causes head bobbing in children under 3 years old. It is believed that in this way the kids train the vestibular apparatus and calm down. Surely you have noticed that shaking your head ends with falling asleep.

Sometimes children bang their heads to attract attention, protest. In psychology, this syndrome is called "self-punishment." The child knocks his head so that his mother and father will take pity on him. Such behavior can be avoided if no direct prohibitions are made. To prevent headbutting from causing serious physical harm, it is worth removing dangerous objects away from the baby.

Medicines prescribed by a neurologist

The potion often contains motherwort and valerian, both of which are renowned for their soothing properties. But the reviews indicate that you should be careful about these plants, because they greatly depress the nervous system. The medicine contains:

  • Diphenhydramine;
  • glucose;
  • Purified water without any impurities;
  • Sodium bromide.

Doctors prescribe drugs containing Magne B6 to babies. Reviews of moms and dads say that these drugs have a beneficial effect on the baby's fragile nervous system. If a pediatric neurologist has prescribed Magne B6 for a newborn, then keep in mind that it has a laxative effect.

When a speech therapist refers a child to a neurologist, parents have many legitimate questions. Why do we need to go to the doctor? How is neurology related to speech therapy? What to expect? Suddenly we will be prescribed aggressive medications? Is it possible to do without it? Thanks to the article, you will find answers to these questions and will be able to better understand the situation.

Specialists, and maybe some attentive parents, have long been aware of the close connection between speech therapy and medicine. Scientific studies have shown us that the mechanism of development of a number of speech disorders is associated with pathologies and characteristics of the nervous system. The complex organization of speech mechanisms requires the coordinated functioning of all its departments. Therefore, a pediatric neurologist is the best friend of a speech therapist and a child on the way to normal speech development.

  • What is the relationship between neurology and speech therapy?
  • What is the place of the nervous system in the development of speech pathologies?
  • When is it necessary to consult a doctor and what to expect from it?
  • Should I be afraid of a referral to a neurologist?
  • Is it possible to do without medical help?

Physiological aspects of speech pathology

For a better understanding of in what cases and for what purposes the baby should be shown to a neurologist, let's turn to physiology.

The bulbar centers of the brain, pathways, the associative center, sensitivity analyzers, various nerves (glossopharyngeal, vagus, facial, etc.) and other brain structures, primarily the cortex, take part in the formation of speech.

The cerebral cortex is a structure that covers the cerebral hemispheres with a mantle. It consists of the so-called "gray matter" and forms a huge amount of convolutions. This is the youngest formation of the nervous system, which is responsible for higher mental activity. It is in the cerebral cortex that the main speech centers are located:

  1. Broca Center. It is located in the region of the third frontal gyrus of the left hemisphere (for right-handers, for left-handers - the right hemisphere). This is the motor center of speech, which coordinates the muscle fibers of the tongue, palate, pharynx and other areas responsible for articulation. Thus, Broca's center provides the motor organization of speech. What happens when this structure is damaged? Violation of speech formation. The child will understand the speech of others, but he will not be able to speak normally.
  2. Wernicke region. It is located in the zone of the superior temporal gyrus of the dominant hemisphere of the brain. Its function is the process of digestibility of speech (both written and oral). In this case, the child does not understand the content of the words and cannot convey his thoughts.

The main speech disorders that may be associated with the pathology of the nervous system and the elimination of which requires the intervention of a neurologist:

  • aphasia
  • Dysarthria
  • Alalia

Why do you need to contact a neurologist and can you do without it?

Any organic pathology requires the intervention of a doctor. Sometimes parents spend a huge amount of effort, time and money on all kinds of developmental activities, but the problem persists. This suggests that the child needs comprehensive assistance, which consists not only in speech therapy correction, but also in following the recommendations of a neurologist. Without this, the effectiveness of classes with a speech therapist decreases and the time to achieve results becomes unpredictably long.

There are situations when the root of the problem lies deeper than you think or want to think. Namely, it is associated with organic disorders of the nervous system. There can be a lot of reasons for this: toxicosis of pregnancy, asphyxia, past infections, injuries, and more. All these are quite common phenomena, the consequences of which are not always immediately visible. Sometimes the only warning sign that parents notice is a speech disorder. If such a situation is suspected, an experienced one should refer the child for a consultation with a pediatric neurologist. This need is due to the fact that only a qualified doctor can conduct the necessary examination, which will identify the cause of the disturbing symptoms and help to carry out a full correction.

Classes with a speech pathologist, of course, are an integral part of the fight against speech disorders in organic pathologies. They allow you to achieve faster and better results. But it is necessary to understand that if you do not influence the focus of the problem itself (the bulbar system of the brain, its cortical structures, pathways and other structures of the nervous system, depending on the situation), but apply only external methods of correction, then success cannot be achieved. If you do not contact the right specialist in a timely manner, the problem will worsen. With age, such children begin to experience more and more difficulties in communicating with peers and loved ones, it is more difficult for them to study, it becomes difficult to lead a full life, they withdraw into themselves. Fortunately, all this can be successfully avoided if you consult a doctor in time. So is it worth the risk? We think not.

Visiting a Neurologist: What to Expect?

The neurological appointment is similar to the pediatric one, only with an emphasis on the study of the nervous system. The volume of diagnostic measures will depend on the results of the consultation and the proposed diagnosis.

In addition to physical examination, the most clinically significant methods are electroencephalography, MRI of the brain, Doppler ultrasound. These and other methods are prescribed if necessary and are absolutely safe.

If an organic pathology is detected, treatment is prescribed. Do not worry: only the mildest and most modern drug therapy is used, which will help to remove the symptoms and make it much more effective.

It is important to start the treatment of organic speech disorders in a timely manner. Then, depending on the disease and its stage, drug treatment may not even be needed. Sometimes doctor's appointments are limited to exercise therapy, massage and breathing exercises. In any case, a more accurate definition of the problem and an integrated approach of a neurologist and a speech therapist will achieve the maximum effect.

It is recommended to choose one specialist neurologist and be observed only by him, because this is the only way to fully observe the dynamics of clinical manifestations. The state of the child is influenced by many factors: from the emotional state to the already started treatment. Therefore, a new specialist who does not know all the intricacies of your case and has not seen the child before the start of therapy cannot always correctly assess the situation.

Remember that a number of speech disorders are not independent signs, but are a manifestation of a nervous system disorder. Therefore, sometimes you can not do without going to the doctor. Fortunately, practice shows that the timely joint work of a neurologist and a speech pathologist yields excellent results. With the right approach, you can count on eliminating the problem and completely normalizing speech.

The nervous system of children is subjected to serious influences during both the neonatal period and subsequent childhood. If this system suffers, the coordination in the work of internal organs and adequate responses to external stimuli and stimuli may be disturbed. It is far from always that parents themselves can notice that there are problems in the functioning of the nervous system and serious problems are forming. In addition, only a doctor with an already developed disease in children knows how to correct it correctly with the help of medications or non-drug methods.

If there are doubts about the neurological health of children, alarming symptoms occur, it is important for parents to contact a neurologist for advice. Many deviations can be perfectly corrected without medical intervention, usually drugs are used for severe and advanced pathologies. In addition, the timely visit of parents to the doctor will help to avoid many complications in children. If children require attention, the doctor will recommend additional examinations to confirm the diagnosis or exclude certain pathologies. If these are young children with an open fontanel, they are shown an ultrasound of the brain, it is carried out both during screening examinations and additionally. In older children, other methods of examination are applicable, which will help in determining the localization of the lesion, its severity and the volume of therapeutic measures.

Anxiety manifestations in children: sleep disturbance, tone and tremor

Young children have certain deviations in the functioning of the nervous system, which are often noticed by the parents themselves, and which should be consulted with a neurologist. First of all, this is poor sleep, frequent shuddering and causeless crying, difficulty falling asleep. These can be both the physiological characteristics of the child and the influence of external factors, as well as excessive excitability of the nervous system, organic brain damage, and even a sharp increase in intracranial pressure. Often, when sleep is disturbed, doctors initially prescribe a change in regimen, the creation of a comfortable climate, and sleep rituals. If this does not help and sleep does not normalize, its disorders affect other functions of the body, it is possible to use more serious, both herbal and medications. Initially, herbal decoctions and drugs are prescribed to normalize sleep, if this does not help, then more serious remedies are used.

Parents should visit a doctor if children older than 3-4 months have a tremor (trembling) of the chin during excitement, crying, whims or physical exertion. This usually indicates the immaturity of the nervous system, but may be the first sign of organic brain damage. It is also worth doing if children spit up too often, are naughty, there are violations in the development of children in order to exclude various pathologies.

At a certain age, babies should have a variety of skills that speak of the full development of children. If they do not have certain skills by a certain date, it is worth consulting with a neurologist. Initially, this is holding the head, then lifting on the forearms, as well as flips from the back to the barrel and back. Then the development of children involves the development of the skill of sitting, crawling and standing. And the crown of mastering the skills is the first independent steps, turning into independent movement. If there are deviations in the functioning of the nervous system, then the development of children, both physical and psychomotor, naturally suffers. As a result, the development of skills is delayed, and due to problems with muscle tone, the baby may not master the movements correctly (crawls sideways, rolls over only in one direction, falls on one leg). Massages and gymnastics, taking certain medications and herbal baths can help in the full development of children.

When is the help of a neurologist needed? Neurosis, enuresis, trauma

There are situations in which it is necessary not to postpone the appeal to a neurologist for a long time, and sometimes immediately consult a doctor. These include headaches in which children lie with their heads tilted back, or in a forced position, or those that are localized in one half of the head. It is important to immediately see a doctor if a headache occurs after a cold, while there are problems with vision or hearing, coordination is upset, there is a neurosis (obsessive movements, actions). It is important to consult a doctor after head injuries, which were accompanied by loss of consciousness, dizziness or vomiting.

An examination of the child is needed if the fontanel of the baby sinks or bulges, if the child constantly screams or is too lethargic. It is also dangerous if the child has convulsions or nosebleeds, if his development lags behind his peers in physical or speech development.

It is worth going to the doctor if neuroses are detected in children, as well as enuresis, the eye twitches (nervous tic) or there is logoneurosis (stuttering). The reason for the appeal will be such neuroses as obsessive movements, hysteria, neurasthenia and many others. They can significantly complicate the child's condition, but the most severe neurosis will be associated with physiological functions - enuresis and encopresis (urinary and stool incontinence).

It is also important to go to a neurologist with complaints of pain in the back and neck, numbness of the extremities, sensory disturbances, if vision is very low.

You should immediately call a doctor, contact a neurologist or call an ambulance if the child loses consciousness. If this happens with parents, you need to place the child on his side, pull the nipple out of his mouth, unfasten his clothes. It is important to determine whether he breathes well, whether he can move his limbs, what is his general condition, the color of the skin and the reasons for the loss of consciousness. If the child's condition has returned to normal, it is important to show it to a neurologist. He will find out the causes of such a violation and determine the treatment.

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