Introduce meat puree to the child. How is meat introduced into complementary foods for a child

Complementary meat is very important for a child. Meat is a valuable source of animal protein, the need for which increases with age in children.

Meat contains heme iron, which is absorbed by 30% - much better than iron from vegetables, fruits and cereals (by 5-10%), even better (by 50%) it is absorbed only from breast milk, but by 6 months of life there is not enough iron in breast milk for the baby. Meat is especially important in the nutrition of children for the prevention and treatment of anemia.

In addition, it contains other useful trace elements: phosphorus, potassium, magnesium and vitamins.

When to introduce complementary foods meat?

It turns out that it appears in the child's diet after about 2 months from the start of the introduction of complementary foods. If you started introducing complementary foods from 4 months - you can give meat from 6, if you started introducing complementary foods later - and the period of acquaintance with meat shifts. But there is one exception. Children with anemia are advised to introduce meat quickly, so in such children you can start giving it immediately after vegetable puree, skipping porridge and fruit, but still not earlier than 6 months.

Lure meat What to choose?

  • the animals from which the puree is made should receive the best organic feed,
  • and ready-made canned food to be tested for the content of harmful substances and the compliance of the product with the age needs of the child,
  • in ready-made canned food there is definitely one indisputable advantage - convenience: I bought it, warmed it up and gave it to the child.

If you decide to start with mashed meat in jars, it is useful to know the following:

  • Meat purees, as well as vegetable purees, vary in the degree of grinding, depending on the age of the child.
  • Purees can be purely meat or contain more vegetables, cereals, broth, spices, vegetable oil, salt - carefully read the composition.
  • They start, as always, with homogenized monopurée, that is, with 1 type of meat, without additional additives, as chopped as possible.
  • With age, you can gradually move on to pureed and coarsely ground (they usually already contain broth and spices).
  • Meat puree is usually given in combination with vegetable puree that the child is used to (you can mix them or give them in turn).
  • An opened jar of meat puree is stored in the refrigerator for no more than a day.

If you decide to cook meat at home:

  • For a child, only the best lean meat without streaks is chosen.
  • The meat is washed, poured with cold water and boiled until soft (if you are not going to give the child broth, it makes no sense to drain the water during the cooking process).
  • Boiled meat is passed through a meat grinder twice, and then rubbed through a sieve or chopped in a blender - you can along with vegetables.
  • together with the meat added to it, bring to a boil, add 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil per 100 ml, cool and give to the child.
  • The child is given only freshly prepared puree.

Begin the introduction of meat puree gradually from 1-2 tsp in 7-10 days, bring the volume to 30 ml: 6 teaspoons, by 7 months the volume is not more than 30g, by 8 months - 50g, by 1 year 60-70g.

From 10 months you can make meatballs: roll the meat twice through a meat grinder, add bread soaked in milk, an egg, make meatballs, cook, chop finely or chop with a fork and give to the child.

Complementary Meat What kind of meat is healthier for a baby?

Beef Complementary Meat

Most often, complementary foods begin with beef, due to its availability and usefulness. It is distinguished by the content of the most valuable proteins, which include almost all essential and nonessential amino acids. It contains a lot of protein (20%), fat 10%, iron - 2.9 mg per 100 g of the product, zinc and B vitamins. Beef is absorbed in the human body by 75%, and veal (meat of calves up to 3 months) by 90 %. The most valuable part of the carcass recommended for baby food is tenderloin - meat from the lumbar region (it contains only 2.8% fat). Beef can cause allergies in a child. Beef is not recommended for children allergic to cow's milk.

Rabbit meat Lure meat

Hypoallergenic and easily digestible meat. In the human body, rabbit meat is digested by 90%, and protein from rabbit meat is digested by 96%. It contains more protein (21%), and less fat than beef. Although rabbit meat belongs to white meats, it contains more iron than beef: 3-4 mg per 100 g. Rabbit meat has less salt (sodium chloride), as well as purines (you can read more about them) than other varieties. The meat of young rabbits (up to 3 months) is the most valuable. For baby food, it is recommended to use the back of the rabbit carcass, it has less connective tissue fibers.

Turkey meat

Also low allergenic, rich in protein, relatively poor in fat (4%), cholesterol and easily digestible (95%). The turkey breast fillet (the recommended part of the bird) contains 24.5% protein and 1.9% fat. It has more sodium than other types of meat. A whole turkey has more iron than beef and even more than a rabbit 4-5 mg per 100 g, but its fillet (breast without skin) has less iron: 2-3 mg per 100 g. Turkey meat is very tender and tasty.


Horse meat also belongs to low-allergenic varieties of meat. Rich in complete proteins 21%, tenderloin contains about 4% fat, in terms of protein value and digestibility and iron content, horse meat is not inferior to beef.

Other types of meat: they usually do not start complementary foods

Chicken meat

Chicken meat is considered even more allergenic than beef, so they usually do not start complementary foods with it. Chicken fillet contains 18-19% protein, 1.9% fat, 1.5 mg iron per 100 g. It is introduced later (from 7-8 months) and is given to the child 1-2 times a week. The recommended part is the breast.


Even later (from 8-9 months) pork is introduced. It also belongs to the hypoallergenic varieties of meat, but has a higher fat content. Meat pork used in children's nutrition contains approximately 14% protein and 33% fat. It is recommended to use pork tenderloin: 20% protein and only 7% fat. But of all animal fats, pork fat has the most beneficial properties, because it contains a certain amount of polyunsaturated fatty acids. Pork fat is easier to digest. Iron in pork is about the same as in chicken: 1.5 mg per 100 g.

Even in the nutrition of children, lamb is used, the meat is tougher, in terms of nutritional value it is not inferior to other varieties. Introduced from 9 months.

After the child gets used to the meat, different types of meat alternate. Preference is usually given to beef.

Beef liver



  • In the liver of animals, toxic substances are neutralized, therefore they partially accumulate in it.
  • Beef liver is now allowed up to 1 year only in the diet of children with anemia, not earlier than 6 months, as a champion in the content of iron, vitamin B12, vitamin A.
  • It is recommended to include it in the diet of a child with anemia no more than once a week in strictly limited quantities: up to 50g by 1 year.
  • For healthy children, it is recommended to give it only after a year, no more than 1-2 times a month.


  • After the child is accustomed to meat, they begin to give fish.
  • Not earlier than 8-9 months.
  • They choose: sea, as the most useful, white, as the least allergenic and low-fat: cod, hake, tuna, haddock, pollock.

Fish is one of the best sources of complete protein in children's nutrition. Fish proteins contain essential amino acids, including the amino acid methionine in large quantities. Fish proteins are easily digested and absorbed by 93-98%, because they practically do not contain connective tissue.

On average, the amount of protein in fish is 16%, but there are champions, for example, tuna -24%.

Fish fats are distinguished by the content of useful, polyunsaturated fatty acids (1-5%), due to which fish oil is easily absorbed. In baby food, lean fish with a fat content of up to 4% is used (cod -0.6%, haddock -0.2%). The meat of all types of fish is rich in magnesium, potassium and, especially, phosphorus, as well as iodine and fluorine. Fish contains vitamins A, D, E and B vitamins.

Fish often causes allergies, so it must be introduced with caution.

Fish puree is prepared similarly to meat. All bones are carefully removed before grinding. The maximum amount of fish puree for 1 year is 30g. Fish is given to the child instead of meat 2-3 times a week. Children's canned food is usually not purely fish, but fish with vegetables.

It's all about eating meat. Read more: about in the nutrition of the child, the timing of the introduction of complementary foods.

Meat. Everyone treats it differently: some are not able to live a day without hearty yummy, others deliberately refuse to use a valuable protein product for a long time (or for life). Moms, what do you think, is it necessary to feed a baby with meat?

To eat or not to eat? That is the question!

Can't do without it

Personally, as a mother of two wonderful children, I think that this product is necessary for children. That's why:

If the baby does not eat meat, he may develop beriberi.

You can eat, but be careful

We found out about the benefits. Another question: “What kind of meat to start complementary foods with?”

The first thing to offer the baby is a rabbit. Rabbit meat rarely causes allergic reactions, it is easily digested by a small tummy.

The rabbit contains more vitamins and minerals (especially iron) than other types of meat. Due to the low fat content, the rabbit is a dietary food product.

The turkey comes second on the infant feeding list. Rashes or other manifestations of allergies have not been noticed by any of the mothers so far. Turkey fibers, eaten, activate the work of blood vessels and the heart muscle, increase immunity, and increase appetite. Turkey is also a dietary food.

Turkey puree is a tasty and healthy dish for babies.

The third in the "food battle" comes pork - a fairly strong allergen. Therefore, pig meat puree must be introduced very carefully.

Pork must be processed more carefully than other types of meat before consumption.

Fourth on the list is beef, or rather veal. It is rich in iron, zinc, copper, sodium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium and cobalt. Contains a fairly large amount of carotene. Young beef is better digested. The product may cause allergies.

Not all kids love liquid beef puree.

Chicken completes the list. It contains a lot of complete essential amino acids and trace elements. This useful set is present only in fresh (not frozen) meat. Quite often it causes allergies in babies, so it is introduced into the complementary foods of the latter.

Lamb is not given to children under one year old, as it contains a large amount of fat.

If the baby does not get enough meat, he may develop. This disease is very important to diagnose in time! Timely treatment allows you to completely defeat the disease and avoid irreversible consequences. The most effective means of prevention: vitamins and.

Looking to buy a car seat for your newborn? Don't know what to choose? Then for you!

Ideal age

All this is good, but when to introduce meat into complementary foods? I started giving my son turkey at 8 months. My daughter got acquainted with the rabbit for about 7 months (as advised by our district pediatrician). Most modern doctors are of the opinion that it is best to introduce this complementary food from 7-7.5 months.

Is the baby already 7 months old? It's time to bring in the meat!

How to start

The first complementary foods with meat are introduced in the same way as all new dishes.

Mix ½ teaspoon of boiled and finely chopped rabbit or turkey meat with breast milk or mixture until it becomes a liquid gruel and let your baby taste it.

About food in jars

What about store-bought baby food jars? - mentally ask many of you.

I don't trust this kind of food. It is worth taking any jar from the window and carefully reading its composition: the content indicated in the name of the product puree does not exceed 50% of the entire contents of the jar. The rest is corn or potato starch to give volume and weight. Besides, canned meat can be poisonous(my friends had such an unpleasant case).

Canned puree is good only because it does not need to be cooked.

Based on the sad reality, I use either fresh or purchased and independently frozen clippings. I pre-roll the tenderloin in a meat grinder twice. The resulting minced meat is divided into small portions and frozen. This is very convenient: I took out 30-50 grams of frozen minced meat, put it in a saucepan and cooked it.

To be tasty and healthy

How to cook meat dishes for your baby, incorrect, many have already read on various forums for young mothers. I want to tell you about my experience: 10 grams of minced meat is enough for the first feeding.

Divide the minced meat into portions, so you will take as much as you need.

We lower the minced meat into a container with water and cook until soft (about 20-25 minutes).

Drain the broth through a sieve. Transfer the minced meat remaining in the sieve to a bowl, add your milk or mixture and beat well with a blender. The resulting puree can be additionally wiped through a sieve (you never know, suddenly lumps remain). Ready mashed potatoes should never be stored! You can feed your baby only freshly prepared food.

Fresh, hand-made puree will be appreciated by little children.


When the baby gets used to the new taste, you can add vegetables, cereals, a few crystals of salt, a small piece of pre-boiled chicken yolk to the minced meat (the film between the protein and the yolk must be removed). It turns out a very tasty, healthy and beautiful soup, which a baby is unlikely to refuse.

Vegetable puree is an excellent side dish for meat.

From 9-10 months, you can make independent meat puree (without adding vegetables), grinding boiled minced meat with a small amount of boiled water in a blender. Vegetables or grains can now serve as a side dish for a healthy puree.

A little later, the baby can be offered meatballs.

The baby's menu can be very diverse.

  1. Before cooking, it is necessary to get rid of the films and fat found in the muscle mass of animals.
  2. Then we make minced meat with the addition of wheat bread soaked in milk (mixture).
  3. Stuffing scroll twice.
  4. Add some more milk and egg yolk.
  5. Thoroughly knead the resulting mass.
  6. Roll up small balls.
  7. Boil the meatballs over medium heat for about 15-20 minutes.

There is a lot of controversy about how often to give meat to a baby. Experts do not recommend treating a child with this product daily (3-4 times a week is enough). However, many children willingly eat their favorite rabbit or turkey every day. If the baby refuses animal food, it is unnecessary to fight with him about this.

Cooking dinner together: priceless.

Such different mothers

“The doctor told us to introduce meat, even though we were only 7 months old. I give a turkey for about three weeks, about 40 grams at a time, but not every day. Thank God, there are no reactions at all. I mix with vegetables. We eat for lunch. Mac likes it."

“And we started feeding with homemade rabbit meat - I cooked broth from it, then poured out the broth and made soup on the water (rabbit + cauliflower + potatoes + a little carrot + onion + parsley) then threw all this into a blender, mixed and it turned out very tasty soup puree with meat.

“We started eating young beef at 7 months old. For the first week, she gave Nikita vegetable soup boiled in a broth diluted 1: 2, and then the meat itself appeared in the soup, and she began to add it to the puree, then they began to eat rabbit soup and thin puree (vegetables with rabbit), then they introduced porridge, and Now we are getting used to “milk”: first, cottage cheese, then there will be kefir, after that we will try chicken with Nikita in the same way as with beef (on the 2nd broth first), and later with meat.


“Tried the turkey. We take canned meat for ourselves. Somehow I don’t trust the store, it’s not so bad, we eat, but it’s scary to give to my son, he’s still quite small and weak. I think it’s better for kids to give canned meat prepared according to the rules, and as we grow up, we’ll switch to regular meat. ”

What to do if you see mucus in the feces of a baby? When to start worrying? What measures to take? It will be useful for young parents.

Briefly, what a new mother needs to know:

  1. Meat should be eaten, but in moderation.
  2. A rabbit or turkey can appear on the table 3-4 days a week.
  3. The ideal age to start solid foods is 7.5 months.
  4. The benefits of canned food are questionable.
  5. Meat can be combined with vegetables (except potatoes) and cereals.
  6. Children are given boiled meat.

Meat is the source of all the nutrients that are needed to maintain energy and strength. Meat puree for the first complementary foods must be introduced in a timely manner. Only a high-quality, fresh and properly prepared dish can benefit. To do this, you need to know how to choose the right meat, what kind of meat is best for the baby, and be sure to know the recipe for baby puree.

Mom needs to know the basic characteristics of different types of meat in order to decide where to start. You can start cooking dishes from rabbit, turkey, veal. In the event that there is an allergy, the child should not be given chicken.

Meat complementary foods should be introduced already up to a year. Such dishes ensure the growth of cells in the body, activate and improve the functioning of all systems, increase immunity and stimulate mental activity.

How many months is it allowed to introduce meat into the baby's diet? It is introduced when the baby has tried and got used to vegetable, fruit dishes and cereals. Formula-fed babies are allowed to introduce meat at 6 months. Those who are on breast milk should start introducing meat later - about 8 months.

The child should cook meat 2-3 times a week. You need to start with small portions, as the body gets used to, the portion is increased. How many grams of this product can be given to a baby? Initially, 20 g per day is enough. By the age of one year, the portion increases to 70 g.

What kind of meat should be given to a child for the first time? For the first feeding, it is better to choose turkey or rabbit meat. They are lean meats. Allergies to these products are rare.

An allergy to a turkey can manifest itself in two cases: heredity or the presence of chemical additives in the form of medicines. The latter are used for the rapid growth of birds and the destruction of various infections. Allergy in this case is manifested by a rash, nausea, vomiting. The baby may have a runny nose or cough.

For later acquaintance, you can cook beef or veal. If there is an allergy to cow's milk protein, then it is better not to introduce these types of meat temporarily.

Pork can also be given to babies, but if he does not have problems with digestion. A piece must be chosen without layers of fat.

Chicken should be given with caution, and only closer to a year. Often there is an allergy to chicken meat in the form of a rash, dry skin and itching. The baby develops a disorder of the stool, colic, vomiting may begin. An allergy to chicken meat can occur for the following reasons:

  1. Allergy to a protein found in meat (albumin and purines).
  2. The presence of additional components in the meat. These include vitamins and antibiotics that birds feed on.
  3. Remains of skin or feathers in pieces.
  4. hereditary factor.

The liver should be introduced into the baby's diet no earlier than 8 months and after the baby gets acquainted with meat. You can choose rabbit, chicken or beef liver.

In order for the baby to accept new food, the meat can be mixed with your favorite vegetable dishes..

How to make the right choice

Meat supplements can be purchased at the store or you can make your own at home. Stores offer a large selection of ready-made meat products for babies. There is no need to cook them. It is enough to open the jar and feed the child. But is it really that useful?

Pros of this purchase:

  • puree production is under control;
  • you can store the product for a long time, it is convenient to carry it with you when traveling on vacation or visiting;
  • cooking time is not required;
  • The age of the child is indicated on each jar. The consistency is selected in accordance with age characteristics;
  • the dish is additionally enriched with vitamins and microelements.

However, there are some things to be doubted:

  • the quality that is being tested is on the conscience of the manufacturer;
  • you can not be guaranteed to be sure of the composition of the puree;
  • the cost of one jar is quite high.

You can spend a little time and effort instead of money. Then the meat dish will only benefit.

  1. Mom controls the correct recipe and cooking conditions herself.
  2. Babies can be given a fresh dish prepared before each feeding.
  3. Given the tastes and preferences of the baby, you can choose a side dish.
  4. Adults can definitely be sure that the product does not contain preservatives and dyes.

Among the disadvantages of self-cooked meat are the following:

  • it is not always possible to choose a quality product;
  • it is not recommended to transport the finished dish;
  • you can store the product for no more than a day;
  • it will take time to prepare a small portion.

Rules for preparing meat dishes for a baby

Meat for a small child should be given in a chopped form. The consistency of the puree will depend on the age.

  • If the introduction of complementary foods began at 6-7 months, when the child does not yet have teeth, then the meat should be minced as best as possible. There should be practically no lumps in the dish.
  • When the child is 8-9 months old, he begins to learn to chew. At this age, lumps up to 1.5 mm in size are acceptable in the dish.
  • By 10 months, teeth appear, the baby is already learning not only to chew, but also to gnaw. You can grind the meat to particles about 3 mm in size.

To cook meat for a child, you need to follow some rules.

  1. The product must be boiled or steamed. You can not fry or bake meat. It will be possible to add salt and other spices only after a year.
  2. Give the dish from a spoon in small portions.
  3. It is recommended to give meat at lunchtime.
  4. At first, the dish can be further diluted with milk.
  5. Gradually, vegetables and cereals are added to the puree. Meat and potatoes are a rather heavy combination for the stomach of a small child. Therefore, up to a year it is better not to mix them.
  6. The prepared dish should be stored in the refrigerator for no more than a day. Therefore, you need to cook, counting on 1-2 times.

Where to start cooking? Meat complementary foods need to be prepared, given the following recipe.

  • The meat must be washed well, cartilage, film, fat layer, skin removed.
  • For one feeding, a small piece (about 10 cm) is enough.
  • Dip the prepared meat in a pot of water and put on fire.
  • A few minutes after boiling, drain the water and pour new water. Cook until meat softens. Turkey, veal are cooked for about an hour and a half.
  • The boiled piece is finely chopped and crushed with a blender. You can add vegetable broth.

Meat products should not be thawed several times, this leads to the growth of bacteria in them.

Recipes for cooking dishes from various types of meat at home are simple and do not require great culinary skills.

1. Recipe for mashed beef meat

Peeled piece of beef (40 g) cut into small cubes and cook for two hours. The finished meat should be passed through a meat grinder, and then chopped in a blender. Add vegetable broth to the resulting mass, put on fire and bring to a boil. When adding breast milk, do not boil. You can add butter.

2. Recipe for mashed turkey

To prepare a delicious dish, take a turkey fillet, fill it with water and boil for an hour. Boiled meat is brought to a homogeneous mass in a blender. Turkey meat is dry, so the puree is diluted with water with the addition of vegetable oil.

3. Recipe for meat with vegetables

As the main ingredient, you can take rabbit meat. It cooks quickly and is mild in taste. Separately, cook the fillets for about 45 minutes. Vegetables can be any (zucchini, carrots, cauliflower). They fall asleep in boiling water for 15 minutes. The finished components are mixed and vegetable broth is added. Bring to a boil.

Rabbit meat contains many vitamins, including an almost complete group of B vitamins. There are many trace elements in meat: magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, iron. The calorie content of the product is small. In 100 g of rabbit meat - about 160 kcal. The protein from this meat is almost completely absorbed by the body. Allergies to this type of meat are rare. Rabbit meat has a beneficial effect on the digestive organs.

4. Rabbit Meat Puree Recipe

Boiling time for rabbit meat in water is about an hour. When the water begins to boil, you should carefully monitor the formation of foam and remove it in time. After boiling, the water can be drained and filled with new water. Cut the finished meat into small pieces, skip twice through a meat grinder. Add vegetable broth and bring to a homogeneous mass with a blender.

The liver contains iron and protein, which is easily absorbed by the body. It is able to strengthen the immune system, fight anemia. It is best for a child to give a liver with a vegetable side dish.

It is better to choose chicken or beef liver, as they have a delicate taste and are not bitter.

5. Recipe for mashed chicken liver with vegetables

Rinse the liver (100 g), separate the films and veins. Cut into small pieces and boil in water. Separately, boil the carrots, cut into thin rings. When the products are cooked, pour the broth into a container. Grind the liver with carrots with a blender, add the broth. The consistency of the dish should resemble thick sour cream.

Beef liver is 70% water, the rest is protein. 100 g contains about 130 kcal. The introduction of this food product into the diet is necessary for the child. There is a lot of vitamin A in the liver, which strengthens vision, the skeletal system, improves skin and hair. Beef liver is useful for babies who have disorders in the nervous system. Vitamin B 9 is involved in hematopoiesis. Removes harmful toxins from the body. Loss of strength from physical and mental stress is completely compensated by this product.

Liver should be consumed in moderation. How many months can this offal be introduced? At 7-10 months. It is necessary to give the liver, as it contains many valuable substances necessary during the period of rapid growth and development of the body.

Before introducing any type of meat into the child's diet, you need to seek the advice of a specialist.

It is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of the functioning of internal organs, the presence of allergic reactions. Choosing the right recipe, you can cook a dish that will be not only healthy, but also tasty.

The nutrition of children in the first year of life is very important. Right now, the gastrointestinal tract is tuned to full-fledged work, and a growing body requires more and more nutrients. In the first months of a child's life, only breast milk is enough, but very soon the situation will change. Moreover, it is very important not to start introducing foods into the child’s diet that his body is not yet ready to absorb. Today we want to talk about how to introduce meat into complementary foods.

First difficulties

Not all children are happy to eat meat. If you started complementary foods with fruit purees and curds, then most likely your baby will not like it. Therefore, it is very important to stick to the food calendar that your pediatrician should have told you about. Up to 6 months, additional foods in the diet are not only not useful, but also harmful. The baby's body is not yet ready to absorb anything other than breast milk or its substitutes. Until 6 months, the child's body does not yet have the necessary enzymes that could digest new types of food.

We act according to plan

Since it is necessary to introduce meat into complementary foods only from 7-8 months, and at 6 months the baby's body already needs additional products, let's look at the optimal nutrition scheme. Starting from six months, you need to offer the child vegetable purees. Be sure to accustom him to vegetables first, because after a sweet banana and an apple, he will definitely not like an ordinary pumpkin. It can be zucchini or cauliflower, carrots or broccoli. Vegetables should be well stewed and chopped in a blender.

From 7 months on, add a little. It can be buckwheat, rice or corn grits, boiled in water and well mashed. Gradually, you will teach the baby's body to absorb ordinary food, now you can move on to the next step.

The best source of protein

It is by 7-8 months that the baby is brewing the need to build muscle mass. He learns to sit, crawl, walk, interact with various objects, which means that he cannot do without muscles. Now the child is recommended daily consumption of meat. If the baby has symptoms of anemia, then it is recommended to give him meat from the 5th or 6th month of life.

How to introduce meat into complementary foods? This is an important moment in the life of an infant, since such products are extremely important for the renewal, construction of tissues and the formation of body cells. They also provide the baby with the most important vitamins A, B12, which are easily absorbed. However, you need to start giving it in small portions, literally on a spoon, carefully monitor the condition of the skin and the child's stool. Until you understand how the body has accepted a new product, it is not recommended to give anything else. Even the cereals and purees that you have mastered to date are temporarily cancelled. Since you need to introduce meat into complementary foods gradually, we will give a scheme that you can use.

Permissible dosage

The most important thing to remember is that at the first sign of an allergy, you must stop giving your child meat until the condition is fully restored. Then you can try again. If everything goes well, the baby does not suffer from allergy attacks, then you can gradually increase the dosage. We start with 5 g per day, this is a quarter of a teaspoon of mashed meat. For a week, adding the amount daily, you bring the daily dosage to 30 g per day. So, we have already indicated when to introduce meat into complementary foods for a child (starting from 7 months). The adaptation period ends, and from 8 months you can already give 50 g per day. After 9 months feel free to increase the dosage to 60-70 g per day.

Which products to choose

In terms of time, you can vary slightly, depending on the condition and development of the child, his weight gain. Also, when to introduce meat into complementary foods for a child, how to do it correctly, you can additionally discuss with your pediatrician. And what kind of meat is best to choose so that the delicate body of the child perceives it most easily? Give up the idea of ​​offering him pork or lamb - fatty meat is too heavy for the baby. An ideal option would be lean beef, turkey or rabbit. These are hypoallergenic and easily digestible varieties that will help the body get used to a new type of food.

Ready-made canned food

They are sold in every store, it is very convenient to use them. It is enough to click the lid - and the dinner is ready in front of you. However, even when it is possible to introduce meat into complementary foods, it must be remembered that the child's body is still poorly prepared for such loads. Therefore, for now, give up experiments like "rabbit-turkey with broccoli." While the simpler the better, choose one-component canned purees. This is especially true for children with allergies, the selection of products for which is a certain difficulty. Gradually, you can expand the diet due to meat and vegetable components, but the smoother this process goes, the better.

pay special attention

Never hesitate to contact your pediatrician for help, at any time you can ask how to properly introduce meat into complementary foods. There is an important point: meat with vegetables is very useful, and from the age of 9 months it is very good to give the baby combined purees. If they contain broccoli or zucchini, then you can safely introduce them as a daily product. But carrot puree can be given no more than twice a week to avoid the appearance of carotene jaundice.

We cook ourselves

Many parents decide that they will prepare food for the baby themselves, so that only fresh products are included in the diet. This is the right decision, as canned food is more of an emergency snack option than a daily staple anyway. And again the question arises: what kind of meat to introduce first into complementary foods? It is best to use lean beef. To do this, a suitable piece must be cleaned of veins and films, boiled well and passed through a meat grinder twice.

Do not forget that only the freshest products should be in the child's diet. Therefore, you need to cook meat every day, immediately before eating. If your baby refuses such a treat, you may need to wait a little longer. All tables that tell us at what age to introduce meat into complementary foods give average values ​​\u200b\u200bthat your child may not fit into. Therefore, do not force, just offer the meat again after a few weeks.

Parents often go for a little trick. First, having taught the baby to soups and vegetable purees, they begin to add a small piece of meat to these dishes and grind them in a blender. The most important thing is that there should be little meat so that the taste does not change too much. By gradually increasing its rate, you will accustom the child to an important product.

Cooking food

Mom will have to comply with all sanitary and hygienic standards and the rules for preparing dishes for a little man. We will list the main ones so that you can use this list as a practical guide:

  • Avoid adding sugar and salt to your meals. The child should get used to the natural taste of the products. Of course, the body needs salt, but so far it receives it from mother's milk. After a year, you can gradually add salt to the dishes. Sour compotes and kissels can be sweetened with honey if the child is not allergic to it, or with fructose.
  • It is necessary to introduce complementary foods in a well-cooked form. It is best to boil in a small amount of water or steam. Such food is more tender and retains all the nutrients, vitamins and minerals.
  • At the time of the introduction of meat into the diet, the child sometimes already has 1-2 teeth, so you need to wipe all the products as much as possible to a puree state. However, soon the need for this will disappear, it will be enough just to cut into pieces.
  • Be sure to cook the meat for one meal only.

Use of by-products

Since they start introducing meat into complementary foods for babies from 7 months, when they still do not have teeth (as a rule), you cannot ignore such products as the tongue, heart and liver. They are much easier to grind, as they contain less connective tissue. It is very useful to turn on the heart. It is low in fat and high in protein. The language has similar advantages. But the liver, despite its benefits for the body, is included in the diet only after a year. This body is engaged in the neutralization of harmful substances, which means that cooked dishes may contain their decay products.

Fish meals

After the baby has mastered meat products, it is recommended to offer him fish. This should be done no earlier than he is 8-9 months old. At the same time, sea fish is selected, lean and as useful as possible. It can be pollock or cod, hake or tuna. If your child has taken the fish normally, then this is very good. It will be an excellent source of protein and essential amino acids, fatty acids. However, it often causes allergies, so fish should be introduced into the diet with caution. Cooking dishes from it is not difficult, just steam it, remove all the bones and chop. The maximum amount of fish puree for an 11-12-month-old child is about 30 g per day (you need to give a couple of times a week).

Meat is the most important source of proteins and fats, a storehouse of calcium, phosphorus, vitamins and useful microelements. No mother doubts that meat puree for babies must be introduced into the diet. But the question arises: when to introduce meat into the crumbs menu? And how to do it? Modern manufacturers offer a wide selection of ready-made canned poultry and beef for children, but isn't it better to make mashed potatoes yourself?

About the benefits of meat, as well as how to make tasty and healthy mashed potatoes for your baby, read on.

Why is meat useful?

Despite the assurances of vegetarians that you can live without meat, animal fats are essential for human health. They are especially important for a child - all life-supporting systems are just starting to work correctly and smoothly, and a growing body requires more and more useful substances.

Properly selected, high-quality meat is able to satisfy the crumbs' need for iron, calcium, and phosphorus. It performs many useful functions:

  1. participates in the formation of red blood cells and increases hemoglobin;
  2. helps to strengthen the nervous system;
  3. improves the functioning of the stomach and intestines;
  4. stimulates appetite;
  5. helps to strengthen bones;
  6. allows the child to grow strong, healthy and develop harmoniously.

In addition to all this, in our cold climate, eating meat dishes is necessary, as they give a boost of energy and increase the production of heat by the body.

Of course, all this does not mean that you need to put the baby on a meat diet, because, despite all its usefulness, meat is only in fourth place in the food hierarchy. The most useful for babies are cereals, vegetables and fruits.

But it is impossible to completely refuse the child in animal food. The diet should be varied and balanced.

When can you introduce meat puree?

A healthy baby begins to eat "adult" food from 4-6 months. As a rule, complementary foods begin with cereals and, then dairy and sour-milk products follow, and only then is it recommended to introduce meat.

Pediatricians advise starting meat complementary foods no earlier than 9-10 months, when the baby's digestive system has already formed enough to digest a heavy product. However, there are exceptional cases where mashed meat can be introduced as early as 6 months. Such cases include the following situations:

  1. the child is not gaining the desired weight;
  2. the baby has low hemoglobin;
  3. The baby is deficient in B vitamins.

But, speaking of meat complementary foods, it is worth noting that ready-made canned mashed potatoes contain less fat and are easier to digest than home-cooked ones. That is why, if you are forced to introduce meat earlier than at 8-10 months, it is better to give preference to purchased purees.

How to choose meat for a baby?

The health and well-being of your child depends on the choice of quality products, so this issue must be approached with all responsibility. Meat, all the more so, must be chosen carefully, since this product is fraught with many dangers and its wrong choice can lead to very unpleasant consequences.

What meat is best?

First, let's decide what is better to buy. In supermarkets, you can find many different products, up to exotic venison and wild boar, but what is suitable for a baby?

  • It is better to start meat complementary foods with rabbit meat and beef (veal). This is the least fatty meat, it is easier to digest for a child who is accustomed to plant and dairy foods. But if the baby has a lactase deficiency or an allergy to cow protein, beef as a complementary food is not suitable.
  • Next, you can offer the baby chicken. If your child is allergic, substitute chicken for turkey.
  • Pork is quite fatty, so you should wait a few months and only then introduce it into the children's diet.
  • Last but not least, nutritionists recommend introducing lamb.

Rules for choosing good meat

Now it is difficult to find organic meat - all animals are grown on artificial feed and antibiotics. But it's worth trying to find the best option. The following tips will help.

  • The color of the meat should be even and uniform: for beef - red, for pork - pink. The veins should be white, not yellow.
  • If you press a good piece with your finger, the dent will disappear almost immediately.
  • Smell the meat. A quality product should have a fresh pleasant smell.
  • Touch the tissue to the piece. If the product has dyed the paper, it means that dyes are present in it.
  • For baby puree, choose tender, lean parts without fat.
  • Avoid meat that has been frozen several times. For complementary foods, only pieces that have been frozen no more than two times are suitable.

How to cook meat puree?

To prepare complementary foods, take a small piece of any meat. It needs to cook for about 15 minutes. Next, drain the “first” broth, and rinse the meat, fill it with new water and leave it on fire for 40-60 minutes.

When the meat is cooked, the broth must be drained, and a piece must be passed through a meat grinder (twice - to obtain a more uniform consistency) or chopped in a blender with the addition of boiled vegetables or vegetable broth. This is necessary in order to make the puree softer and more tender. Breast milk can be used for the same purpose.


  1. Before cooking, the meat must be thoroughly washed and cleaned of fat and veins.
  2. No need to add salt and spices to the meat.
  3. To make the puree more homogeneous, it must be rubbed through a sieve.

How often and how much meat to give?

To begin with, the baby should be given no more than half a teaspoon of mashed meat. If he does not develop an allergy, the next time you can offer him a whole spoon, gradually increasing the volume.

You need to give meat at intervals of 1-2 times a week. When the child reaches 10 months, you can increase the number of "meat" days to 5-7 per week.

  • At 7-8 months, you can offer your child mashed meat 1-2 times a week.
  • By 9-10 months, the baby can receive several tablespoons of heavily chopped meat 2-3 times.
  • By 10-11 months, you can transfer the baby to a coarsely ground product.
  • At the age of one year, you can offer the baby cutlets and steamed meatballs 5-7 times a week.

How to introduce meat puree into complementary foods?

The rules for introducing meat complementary foods are simple and similar to the general rules for introducing a new product into a baby’s diet.

  1. Make sure your child is healthy and active. Also note that he does not have rashes and allergies.
  2. For complementary foods, you can prepare either a one-component puree (turkey, rabbit), or a mixture of meat and vegetables familiar to the child, to which he is not allergic.
  3. Refrain from introducing a new product during a heat wave or after a baby has been vaccinated.
  4. Make sure that at least two weeks have passed since the introduction of the previous complementary foods.
  5. Each time, cook a new piece of meat for the baby, and do not offer the rest from yesterday.
  6. It is better to feed the child with a dish prepared at home, but you can also use high-quality canned food.
  7. It is better to give meat puree in the afternoon. This will allow you to observe the reaction of the crumbs until the evening.
  8. Puree should be warm. It should be offered from a spoon.

Overview of popular brands of baby puree

If you do not trust home-made mashed meat, or you do not have time to cook it yourself, you can buy ready-made mashed potatoes for babies from well-known manufacturers.

  • "Topic"

This is an inexpensive puree of relatively low quality. In addition to meat and vegetables, the composition includes milk powder, fat, cereals, salt. This is not very good, because the fewer components the complementary foods include, the better.

  • hipp

A German brand that produces products approved by pediatricians in several countries. This food contains many useful trace elements. However, the composition includes onions, therefore, only babies who have reached the age of 8 months can use the product.

  • "Agusha"

Complementary foods are sold in a metal can, and this scares off many parents. Nevertheless, the products of the Agusha company are quite high quality and, moreover, inexpensive.

  • Gerber

Despite the fact that many parents love this company and are happy to feed it with baby products, her biography is not so clean. The manufacturer processes animal meat, from which mashed potatoes are made, with chlorine, which, of course, negatively affects the quality of the product.

  • "Grandma's basket"

High-quality and reliable domestic products. As a thickener, rice flour is introduced into the composition, and not starch, which is much more useful.

  • "Frutonyanya"

Many parents opt for this puree, as it is inexpensive and fairly well known. The composition contains vegetable oils, water, starch. Due to the content of the latter, the product has a rather thick consistency, which not all kids will like.


Prepare homemade meat supplements according to a simple recipe or buy ready-made, each parent decides for himself. One thing is for sure: meat is a necessary product in the diet of a child.

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