Best dogs for kids. Dog breeds suitable for children. Features of choosing a pet for children of different ages

Many parents at least once heard from their children: “Buy me a dog!” After all, every child dreams of a beloved pet with whom you can walk, play and have fun.

Families who decide to get a dog for their baby are faced with a choice - which breed is best for the child, can become his friend, but will not pose a danger to him and show aggression.

There is an opinion that the decorative breed will be the best companion for children. Of course, it will be more difficult for a child to cope with a physically strong dog, but this does not mean that only lap dogs are suitable for him. It must be borne in mind that the baby will want his pet to participate in the games. Service breeds should be started if the child is not quite small, ready to train the dog and seriously deal with it.

Chow-chows, Dalmatians, huskies, huskies, spitz are very wayward and complex in nature, so they are not suitable for kids. You should not buy an American Staffordshire Terrier and Pit Bull Terrier for a child. These breeds are very strong and dangerous for your children.

So which pet to choose for your beloved child from a huge variety of breeds? Introducing the TOP 15 best dog breeds for children:

1 Labrador Retriever

This is one of the most popular and best family dog ​​breeds. Labradors are valued for their friendly nature and calm temperament. They are very intelligent and trainable dogs, affectionate towards their owners and very patient with children, even whimsical ones.

Labrador Retrievers are very mobile and can participate in games with babies. This breed is very fond of water and will make an excellent company during water games.

The disadvantage of the breed is that it sheds heavily.

The Golden Retriever is a great companion for your child. The dog is very smart, kind, patient and faithful, loves to play with children, treats them with tenderness.

Retrievers are very energetic, and their favorite game is to fetch sticks or other objects. This breed is also very fond of the water and will enjoy playing water games and swimming with you and your children. Golden Retrievers are highly trainable.

The disadvantage of the breed is that they are prone to chewing, and can chew on toys of babies, it is necessary to monitor them so that this does not happen.

3. Poodle

The Poodle is a highly intelligent, playful, loyal and easy to train breed. Even a preschooler can train her. Dogs are very fond of spending time with their owners, they can walk with them for a long time on the street, play with children.

Poodle owners note that these dogs have their own sense of humor. They are very fond of doing funny tricks that make all family members laugh. This breed is safe for allergy sufferers - poodles practically do not shed.

Beagles and children are perfect for each other. This breed is very active, loves to play, so it will make an excellent company for the child and can spend the whole day with him.

Beagles are very sociable, they easily get close to all family members. They are calm, affectionate and very smart.

However, dogs of this breed are prone to loud barking. On the street, the beagle must be led on a leash, because he can be distracted by extraneous smells and get lost.

5 Collie

Very intelligent, gentle and loyal Collies lend themselves well to training and are good friends with children of any age. Due to their activity and endurance, they are very fond of playing and running with children in the fresh air.

The only downside is that it needs a lot of grooming.

Excellent lifeguards on the water, they simply adore children, are always ready to protect them and always take care of them. Newfoundlands are calm, affectionate, patient and efficient. For such positive qualities, they become real favorites of the whole family.

The only drawback of the breed is profuse salivation.

The Pug is a small dog but a big personality. This dog breed is an excellent companion, good with children, affectionate, playful and friendly.

Pugs do not need long walks, they prefer quieter games and entertainment. They can keep children company, relaxing on the couch, sometimes they play outdoor games.

Dogs of this breed make funny sounds like sneezing, snorting and snoring. Pugs also shed heavily during the changing seasons.

Dogs of this breed are very friendly, sociable, cheerful and intelligent. They are very fond of making friends with children of different ages, and play outdoor games with them, both at home and on the street. In addition, corgis protect and take care of younger family members.

This breed is playful, but unobtrusive. They have only one minus - Welsh Corgis shed heavily when the seasons change.

The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is a companion dog for families with children, active people and even the elderly. Dogs of this breed do not show aggression, adapt to the rhythm of life of their owners and are very docile. Cavalier King Charles Spaniels are very sociable, love to be the center of attention and adore children.

This breed is unpretentious in maintenance and picky in food. The child will be able to take care of such a dog and even train it.

By its nature, the bulldog is a very peaceful and kind dog. They know how to control their behavior, so children get along well with English Bulldogs. Together they can mess around for hours, play various games.

Children really like to take care of their pets: walk with them, care for them, feed them. The English Bulldog in the family is a nanny for the child, also takes care of him and takes care of him. It is interesting to watch how children play tag, hide and seek, ball with bulldogs, ride down the hill and run together.

A minor drawback of the breed is that they snore.

Maybe you have not even heard of this breed of dog before, but this dog is ideal for children. Vizsla is very loyal, affectionate, has a soft and friendly character.

Vyzhly are smart and obedient, so even children can train a dog. Joint games and fun leisure in the company of children make this dog a family favorite.

The Irish Setter is a dog for active people living in their own big house. They are very smart and easy to train. If you decide to get your child just such a breed of dog, be prepared that you will have to walk a lot with it.

Setters get along well with children, even restless ones, due to their natural sociability. They can take part in children's games for hours, run after a stick and just be a good companion for a walk.

The nature of these dogs is very cheerful and cheerful. Bull Terriers love people and are very attached to children.

Dogs of this breed have a high pain threshold of sensitivity, so they are suitable for families with very young children who can pull their pet and carry it in their arms.

Bull Terriers get along well in large families because they are very mobile, active and energetic. True, they need constant training.

Dogs of this breed love to spend time with their owners and children. The Bichon Frize needs a lot of attention and love. These dogs adapt well to any environment, but do not really like to play outside, but indoor games with young children are the best entertainment for them.

The dog does not show aggression, gets along well with strangers and other animals.

The Pointer is considered one of the best family dog ​​breeds. They love children and are happy to take part in games with them.

Active and playful outdoors, the English Pointer is very calm indoors. The nature of this breed is quiet and patient, they are not aggressive towards people and other dogs. They love the attention of their owners.

Dogs are considered the most loyal and devoted pets. Do not forget that when choosing a dog for the smallest member of the family, you must consider the size, degree of activity and temperament of the animal.

In addition to the breeds of dogs listed above that are suitable for children, a mongrel dog can also become a good friend to a child.

Dogs are undoubtedly the most devoted friends of man, so animal lovers try to make this friend whenever possible. However, the choice of a pet should be approached much more responsibly when there are small children in the house. It is important to take into account the compatibility of the baby and the dog, since not all representatives of the four-legged will be able to patiently endure children's cries and games. Today we invite you to get acquainted with some breeds that, according to dog breeders, are as good-natured as possible, they can not only get along with children, but also take care of them and play with them.

Labrador and kids

Labradors are probably the most good-natured creatures on earth. They even say about them that they simply lack the “evil gene”. And indeed, looking into these angelic eyes, it is hard to imagine that he can offend someone. And if he is also brought up correctly, then he will never show aggression, whether it be someone else's or his own.

In 99.9% of cases, if a child and a Labrador live in a family, then these are two bosom friends who are naughty for a couple. Moreover, if you start swearing at one, then the second begins to protect him. The great advantage of Labradors is that they have a very high pain threshold, so if a child hangs on his friend, accidentally pulls his ear or knocks, he will not get angry at this, and even more so he will not bite. Experts say that only when the dog is still quite a puppy and does not understand that it is possible to bite with its teeth, by negligence it can injure the baby, but not from evil. Therefore, it is better for them to play under the supervision of adults. Although in practice this rarely happens.

When a puppy gets into a new family, he, like any other dog, can make attempts to become the leader in the “pack”. Therefore, if you notice how a small four-legged is trying to bark or act cheeky, get up with your child and leave, stopping the game. This will remain in the puppy's memory and he will understand that you are the main thing here. Remember, a dog at any age should be the youngest. But the child also needs to be explained that the dog is a full-fledged member of the family and it is impossible to offend him.

Labradors are very devoted and begin to yearn if little attention is paid to them, so if the child appeared in the family later than the dog, then try to pay the latter no less attention than before. Otherwise, the latter may begin to be offended and mischievous.

French Bulldog

The French Bulldog is a lazy, calm and confident creature. However, this does not always happen. Often, even in this melancholic lump, children's enthusiasm wakes up and he begins to behave like a puppy even at an older age. They will gladly accept the offer of an active game, they will be happy to fool around and run around. These dogs are universal - they will brighten up the loneliness of a person and fit perfectly into a large family with small children. Its small size allows you to completely entrust the care of him to a child whose age is 6-8 years.

French Bulldogs belong to the group of companion dogs and that says a lot. These four-legged animals are characterized by an increased love for young children. They are not angry with them, on the contrary, they like to protect them so that no one offends them. There is no aggression in them. They are very kind and patient, tenderly love their owners. They will patiently wait until the owner pays attention to him, but he will not bother himself.

Finally, we recall once again that they are very affectionate, so there is no need to be afraid of them, but you need to get used to their laziness.


The poodle is one of the most popular dogs in the world. It is often called a female dog, but in reality it is a very athletic and strong dog, as well as proud and stylish. In addition, poodles have always been smart and quick-witted, but they are also spoiled, but on the other hand, this breed lends itself very well to training.

When starting this dog, you need to clearly realize that they really need not only the caress and praise of the owner, but also a lot of physical activity. Even if we are talking about a dwarf representative, they will not be satisfied with sitting on their knees all the time. All poodles are very playful and love to fool around. And who can 100% satisfy such needs? Of course, children! If you don’t play with a poodle, don’t run and don’t fool around, then he will certainly start fooling around alone, and even how, and he will also be mischievous. The poodle generally loves children very much, so it allows them to do with themselves everything that only comes to their minds.

It is very easy to get along with a poodle. Professionals even say that these dogs have a sense of humor. They can maintain good relations with everyone and have a peaceful disposition and lively temperament. But do not be led by his pretty and proud appearance. If necessary, the poodle will stand up for his masters and will not let them offend.

Huge cheerfulness, kind soul, perky character, an excellent defender and just a wonderful friend - isn't this what your family needs?

Cocker Spaniel

The Cocker Spaniel is a very gentle creature with a peaceful, gentle disposition. This is the same companion dog that is ranked among the best in every way. They also get along remarkably well with children and do not show any aggression towards them. The spaniel will be happy to fool around in the water, keep you company on a morning run and hunt with interest. He is especially appreciated by city dwellers, as his good nature is combined with small dimensions, because only in the most exceptional cases the height of the dog exceeds 40 cm at the withers. And this means that there is a place for him even in the smallest apartment.

However, it must be borne in mind that this lump is saturated with inextinguishable energy to the depth of each of its cells and it can only be compared with a perpetual motion machine. But this can be corrected by proper training, which, by the way, he is very easy to give in to. It is imperative to train him, because without this you risk getting an uncontrollable dog, which in hysteria can bite, although he himself will regret it later.

The Cocker Spaniel is not made to sit in one place - he needs outdoor games and constant adventures. Therefore, if your family appreciates calmness and measuredness, it is better to opt for a different breed. This dog gets along well with other animals, even with cats. The controversy of this dog is that they are very fond of walking on the street, they can chase in the fresh air all day long, but they are not designed for life outside the home. Cockers are very gluttonous and can constantly ask for food, but you can’t be fooled by “puppy eyes”, overfeeding will not lead to anything good.

Border Collie

The Border Collie is another representative of the good-natured four-legged animals. However, some dog breeders are of the opinion that this is a special breed of dog, which, in addition to high energy and sociability, is considered the smartest of all known breeds in the world. By the way, numerous studies have been conducted on this topic, on the results of which such conclusions are based. Border Collies miraculously create an atmosphere of comfort and joy in the house with just their presence, they have a very, very kind character. If you pay attention, then in most family photos, these dogs try to sit closer to the children. It is a pleasure to train a border collie, they understand the owner's command from the first time.

This dog is a legendary shepherd. And she applies her skills even now, when there is no one to graze. She will be happy to look after the child and make sure that he does not do anything and does not climb where he does not need to. At the same time, she is very playful and will not let the children get bored. With this dog, it is necessary to walk and play outdoor games as often as possible.

By the way, the dog of this particular breed went down in history as the only dog ​​that managed to remember more than two hundred simple human words. This smart guy's nickname is Rico. Moreover, he not only distinguished these words, but also understood their meaning. Scientists have undoubtedly become interested in this phenomenon, and numerous studies have also shown that the border collie can make independent decisions and is endowed with a fantastic memory. One of the experiments looked like this. The owner and the dog were placed in one room, and the dog's favorite toys were placed in the other. The owner called the dog a toy and asked him to bring it. In 38 cases and 40 the dog coped with the task. Moreover, then an object unknown to the dog was placed in the room, which the owner also asked to bring. And what was everyone's surprise when the dog brought it. She simply compared a word that she had never heard before and an object that she was not familiar with, so she decided to take it.

You can talk about the dog's high intelligence and marvel at its skills for a long time, but it's even better to make it your friend!

irish setter

This dog is the most popular among hunting dogs and, indeed, it will be problematic to find equals in this matter. By the way, even the name of the breed itself comes from the English word "set", which in translation in the slang of hunters means "to make a stand, freeze."

The Irish Setter is a very energetic dog, which makes it difficult to keep. The hunter's soul does not allow him to sit in one place, and simple walks on a leash will not suit him either. He needs to run around, constantly looking for something and sniffing out. A calm and measured life is not his forte. Of course, you can curb it, but it will be given with great difficulty. However, proper training of a four-legged pet will make him an obedient, good-natured and affectionate dog.

He is very friendly and sociable, gladly welcomes guests and gets along wonderfully even with the most restless children. The Irish Setter has to some extent a negative and at the same time a positive side. Due to the fact that he treats all people as bosom friends, he is simply not able to be a good guard. Guarding something is also not on the list of his talents, because out of boredom he will simply fall asleep and miss the robber, but they can scare. So, at the sound of the doorbell, they simply begin to bark deafeningly, which can scare away the guest.


Despite the fact that this dog was bred for hunting, it seems that he was bred as a man's best friend. This is a very cheerful dog who is not ready to part with the owner even for a minute. He will share with you all your hobbies, even if you lie on the couch all day, he will lie next to you. He will also happily support active games and other activities where there is physical activity. The main disadvantage of the beagle is that it is very difficult to train, so when taking him into the family, you need to prepare for this right away and not be nervous when the dog does not immediately understand the commands. What future owners may also not like is its incredibly loud and piercing bark. But this cute dog fits into any family without any problems, even if there are many children in it.

The ideal lifestyle for a beagle is active. As mentioned earlier, of course, he can lie idle for some time, but a regular sluggish life will lead to the fact that the pet will begin to use his mind in a different direction, coming up with the most sophisticated pranks. For example, he can hide things in the house, deliberately gnaw something and defiantly disobey his master. On a walk with him, you need to be more careful, as the awakened spirit of the hunter can make him run away for some kind of "game" and get lost.

Beagles are very good-natured and patient. They will easily keep the company of young children in their active games. Moreover, they simply adore small children and are ready to tirelessly spend all their free time with them. By the way, he is also ranked among a number of miniature dogs, so it is quite suitable for living in an apartment.

This breed is very attached to its owners and it lacks the instinct of dominance, and this characterizes it as absolutely not aggressive. The dog also puts children in the rank of his authorities, which makes him even more desirable as a friend. They are friendly with other dogs as well. Here are just small pets (ferrets, rabbits, cats) are perceived as potential prey and strive to constantly catch them. Therefore, it is highly not recommended to arrange such a neighborhood in the same room.


Collie is a very beautiful and noble dog, once a former shepherd. Like the previous four-legged, the collie has an increased love for barking, which, by the way, is not one of her quiet ones. This is especially inconvenient in apartments, when there are neighbors around. Therefore, special attention should be paid to its training. Otherwise, it will be difficult to walk with her even down the street, as she will bark at everything that is possible: cats, dogs, birds, passers-by. The positive side of the dog is also in its sensuality and complete dependence on its owner, which makes it easy to train. She is very malleable, but you can’t use such a character trait, as this can make her nervous.

It is best to give preference to bitches, as they practically do not seek to subjugate the owner, unlike cables. But each of these dogs is in dire need of a leader - this is undeniable. If there is no leader, the dog starts to get nervous. Collies fit into the family company very quickly, simply and at first they behave in such a way that the owners do not attach importance to its upbringing, thereby making a big mistake.

Collie is very important to receive praise from his owner, so she tries to do everything right. They also like to play and they have a perky character, only when performing the same tasks they can get bored, so the training and education program should be as diverse as possible. These dogs are very devoted, so if you manage to find a common language with her, then you will never regret it.

The connection between the owner and the collie is so high that she subconsciously feels the attitude of the first to the guests and interlocutors. If the owner feels tension towards the opponent, then the collie will feel the same, which will manifest itself outwardly. Ideally, this dog should grow up with a large group of people, as in this case it will not be so wary of strangers. It may seem that collies are not so good-natured, but these dogs are the embodiment of strictness and kindness. By the way, they are very good with children. In America, for example, these four-legged children have repeatedly rescued children, carrying them out of burning houses, pulling them out of the water, pushing them away from driving cars. They are very tolerant of children's antics.

However, from time to time the collie needs to be given a break in order to prevent her from getting tired. Otherwise, although this is unlikely, she can scare the baby by snapping.

German Shepherd

Despite the fact that the German Shepherd's appearance does not make it particularly relaxing, in fact, it is considered one of the best breeds in the role of a babysitter for children. This dog was originally considered a service dog, which means that it was simply born to protect both its owners and their property. By the way, the word "sheepdog" comes from the word "sheep", since in ancient times she served as a shepherd and did not allow the sheep to scatter. However, thanks to numerous TV shows and movies, many people get the impression that kindness and tenderness should not be expected from a shepherd dog, but this is an erroneous opinion.

At any age, a shepherd dog can become the best friend for children. Of course, ideally, when the puppy and the baby grow up together. Moreover, the shepherd dog begins to perceive the baby almost as its cub and becomes a very caring dog: it entertains the child and protects it. This breed is calm about all sorts of children's pranks, she will not bite and will not bark at the kids for stepping on her or accidentally hitting her eye with their little finger. It’s scary for many to watch how a child leaned on a lying dog and starts to shove, and then pull toys out of her mouth along with her tongue, but at the same time one can only marvel at how the dog calmly reacts to this. Even if the baby does something really sick to the shepherd dog, then she will simply squeal and run away to another place, but will not bite.

The dog will also show his care in children's games, he will bring toys that have rolled away from the baby, bring a far-gone baby for clothes. The dog can call the mother of the child when he woke up, and she, being in another room, does not see it or does not hear it.

There are numerous cases in history when a dog saved the lives of not only children, but also their owners. One of these cases occurred in 1966, when a terrible earthquake happened in Tashkent. Literally a few minutes before the disaster, the dog grabbed the child and pulled him out into the street, the owners chased after her, which saved everyone from death at the time of the destruction of the house.

We repeat once again - the German Shepherd gets along well with children, becoming not only their best friend, but also an excellent protector. This is a universal dog, becoming the owner of which you will not regret your decision for a minute.

st bernard

This is an extremely cute and gentle nature of the dog. And despite its large size, and St. Bernard is considered one of the largest dogs, he is perfect for the role of a pet. This breed was bred as a rescue dog, so a priori it cannot be angry and aggressive. They get along well with both small children and other pets, differing in increased patience.

St. Bernards are very smart dogs, in which it is in the blood to please the owner. They are very easy to train, especially since they really like it. In addition, they are very strong. They have a calm and balanced character, and they look more like cute bumpkins than dangerous monsters. However, most people are afraid of them. St. Bernard is ideal for apartments also because they are silent dogs, they do not like to bark. They begin to bark only when absolutely necessary, when circumstances begin to force them. Therefore, if a St. Bernard has voted, it is better to understand the reasons for this.

Since the St. Bernards were bred to save people, they really need human love and care, they are always happy to become part of a large family. They enjoy interacting with everyone, including small children and other animals. However, such a craving for people can harm him. Abandoned by the owners, the St. Bernard falls into depression. The consequences of it are very severe. Up to the point that the dog can deliberately harm itself.

If you decide to get a St. Bernard, then be especially attentive to them in the hot season, as they are prone to overheating. This is a very good-natured dog, which by default becomes the best friend of the family, love him, take care and then the years lived with him will become the brightest and warmest.


Some people mistake a Sheltie for a Miniature Collie, but this is wrong. It was bred as an independent breed. Sheltie, like some of the representatives from our list, was the best friend of the shepherds. The increased love for people on the part of the dog led to the fact that over time her intellectual abilities became higher and higher. These are very responsible dogs who could graze the sheep alone and at the same time make sure that none of them break out of the herd or climb into places where it is impossible. This responsibility is in her blood to this day.

By nature, this is one of the friendliest dogs that is very attached to its owners. However, he will never tolerate a rude attitude towards himself. If you show love and care for her, she will become a wonderful companion. Shelties are not accustomed to expressing nervousness, and in communication behaves very reservedly. It has delicacy and self-respect. She does not bother family members, but if someone wants to play, then she will be among the first to join the process.

The Sheltie is also distinguished by its intelligence, which makes the process of its training simple. She has very intelligent eyes, so when commands are given to her, it seems that she listens to them very carefully. This is a perfectionist dog who tries to get better and better every time. She makes a very responsible watchman and she meets any suspicious personalities with a growl. She shows love and care for children, especially those who live with her in the same house. Ideal for pets, suitable for both large families and single people.

She has a diverse language of communication, which is unique to this breed. She can bark, and moan plaintively, and squeal, and howl, and even purr. She loves to bark loudly, but she can be quickly weaned from this. By the way, the nature of females and cables differs quite slightly. They do not like it when strangers approach them, but they will gladly approach someone who shows good nature to them.

Everything that we have described today is inherent in dogs by default, but in order for all this to manifest itself, you need to love your pet and educate it correctly. Aggression and evil will never give birth to good. Love your new family member as well as others and then he will give a thousand times more good!

And finally, a funny video about the best nanny for a child. In this case, the main character is a cute beagle!

Child and dog: advantages

  1. Psychologists have long discovered that children who grow up around animals very quickly develop a sense of responsibility for their actions. This is a very valuable human quality that is difficult to develop by spending time playing with plush toys or computers.
  2. The animal socializes children, making them less withdrawn and more sociable. In addition, a child who has a dog is often instantly the center of attention of other children, which makes it easy for him to make friends.
  3. German psychologists, based on an analysis of a number of experiments and studies, concluded that a dog in the house actively influences the upbringing of a child. They proved that, using the example of dogs, children learn very important human qualities: devotion, honesty, tolerance for the shortcomings of other people, inability to meanness, the ability to forgive, unconditional love.
  4. A dog will become a child's reliable friend, always ready to listen, console and support in difficult times, even when parents do not have time for this.
  5. The happiness of a child from communicating with a four-legged friend cannot be replaced by any toys and gadgets.

What is the right age for a child to buy a pet?

Professionals advise not to purchase an animal for children under 6-7 years old. Firstly, such a baby will not yet be able to take care of his pet, and all responsibility will fall on you. Secondly, at this age, the child does not yet have an understanding that an animal is a living being and that it is necessary to behave appropriately with it.

After 6 years, many children are already able to independently feed their dog and take care of him at home. For a walk, of course, it is better for an adult to take the dog out, because the kid may not keep the dog if something interests him.

The best dog breeds for children aged 6-7 are small dogs with a non-confrontational nature. Larger and more serious breeds are desirable to start when the child is already 12 years old or more. This is due to the need for a serious upbringing of the dog, which a small child, alas, cannot give to a dog, because it is much larger than himself.

Big or small?

The main rule that should be followed when choosing the size of a dog is that the weight of the pet should not exceed the weight of your child. Otherwise, he will not be able to keep the dog at a critical moment.

However, opting for a small breed dog is not always a good decision. This is due to the fact that often small dogs do not like to be treated roughly or carelessly, which is typical for small children.

For example, dog breeds such as Chihuahua, Pomeranian, Pekingese, Miniature Pinscher - usually do not tolerate such an attitude, they can growl and bite.

Another disadvantage of small breed dogs is that they are very fragile, it is enough for them to be harmed by negligence. In this regard, dogs of large breeds are much more tolerant.

10 best dog breeds for kids

1 Golden Retriever

The Golden Retriever is a hunting dog breed that originated in Great Britain in the 19th century. Today it is the second most popular dog in Europe. This is evidenced by the number of registered representatives of the breed in European dog handlers clubs.

Breed features

A feature of the breed is that the dog does not choose one owner in the family, all family members can train it or carry out hygiene procedures.


The height of males at the withers is 56-61 cm, females are on average 5 cm less.


They are good-natured and so human-oriented that they are ready to constantly express their love and devotion to him, they perfectly feel the mood of the owner and any person. These dogs are used in working with children with autism. They are able to perfectly console a person when he is upset or crying with something.


Golden Retrievers have an excellent sense of smell and outstanding training abilities.


Grooming a Golden Retriever is easy. The main thing is to accustom him to hygiene procedures and daily routine from puppyhood.


The lifespan of a Golden Retriever is 10-12 years.


The cost of Golden Retriever puppies depends on the availability of documents confirming its origin, on the presence of champions in the pedigree and on the prospects of the puppy itself as a show dog. The average cost of a puppy of this breed is 25 thousand rubles. The minimum bar rarely falls below 15 thousand rubles.

2. Welsh Corgi

The Welsh Corgi is a dog breed that originated in Wales. The breed is divided into 2 types: Pembroke and Cardigan.

Breed features

This breed has the rarest innate sense of humor, which was even included in the official standard. She is very fond of fun and is ready to laugh all day long, so that others do not get bored. Corgi's trademark is their smile. At the very least, they seem to be constantly smiling because of the black rim around their mouths.

The undoubted advantage of the breed is that corgis are not noisy dogs at all.


The height at the withers is 25-30 cm.

Weight is proportional to height: no more than 13.6 kg for males and 12.7 kg for females.


Corgis have a great sense of humor, great temperament, and a shrewd mind. These are very sweet, loyal and unpretentious dogs.

The breed is human-oriented, perfectly feels the mood of the owner, unobtrusive and knows how to support in time. They easily get along with cats and other animals. Carefully protect small children.

This breed moves quickly and dexterously, can develop good speed, swims well. Such a dog will gladly join your morning runs.


Welsh Corgis are highly trained. Training these dogs grasp everything on the fly and perform exercises with pleasure. For them, the norm is to remember the command from the second or third time.


Welsh Corgis are great for beginner dog breeders as a first pet. They are easy to keep even in small apartments, provided that they often play with the pet. They do not need complex care. Healthy dogs of this breed practically do not smell. Wool falls out twice a year only during molting.

They get along well in the city and adapt without much difficulty to any climate, but they feel better in frost than in heat.


The life expectancy of dogs of this breed is 12-15 years.


The price for this breed starts from 20 thousand rubles and reaches 80 thousand. The average cost of a puppy is 50 thousand rubles.

3. West Highland White Terrier

The West Highland White Terrier was bred in Scotland in ancient times and was originally created as a hunting dog breed.

Breed features

West Highland White Terriers, like most terriers, love to bark and dig loudly and a lot. So if you have a special garden design and expensive varieties of flowers, it is better not to let your dog in there. At the same time, it is extremely difficult to wean from this habit, since it is dictated by the hunting instinct, as well as the need for the dog to demonstrate its perseverance and independence.


The height of the dog ranges from 25 to 28 cm, and the weight is from 6 to 10 kg.


These are restless and cheerful dogs who love attention and constantly demand it. They are playful and peaceful, but always ready to defend their master fiercely and courageously, regardless of their size.


Like all terriers, they require training and education. But they learn quite easily and are quite manageable, although they can be stubborn. This is a common feature of all terriers.


In view of their small size, they may well live in a city apartment. But his body requires hunting loads: regular and active walking. This breed has such a large supply of energy that it constantly requires active play or sports.

West Highland White Terriers are also well suited to inexperienced owners. However, they are difficult to care for because of their fur. They need to be combed at least twice a week, and trimmed or cut two or three times a year.


With proper maintenance, it can live from 12 to 15 years.


Prices for puppies of this breed start from 25 thousand rubles.

4 Irish Setter

The speaking name of this breed indicates that it was first bred in Ireland.

Breed features

The visiting card of the breed is its thick, long red hair. She glistens beautifully in the sunlight.


The height at the withers of an adult Irish Setter is 57-66 centimeters for males and 54-63 centimeters for females. Weight - about 32 kg and 27 kg.


This is a rather bold and energetic dog, so it is not suitable for lovers of a measured and calm life. The pet needs jogging and games, long walks and field trips.

With proper training, an obedient pet will be good-natured, affectionate and sympathetic. During trips, the pet will show calmness and poise. And at home, he will happily meet the owners after work and will be friendly with any guests.

Due to their natural sociability, the breed gets along well with restless children and unfamiliar dogs.


Since the Setter is quite intelligent and good-natured, typical training with repetition and drill does not work. This independent dog does not like rough handling and monotony. We need a gentle approach and a system of rewards with food and stormy praise. Classes should be regular.


The hunting excitement of the setter suggests certain difficulties in its content. But during the molt, which happens twice a year, you will not find the usual carpet of wool on the furniture, because the Irish setters do not have a short undercoat.


On average, Irish Setters live 11-16 years.


Puppies of the Irish Setter are sold on average from 15,000 rubles. However, if his parents are winners of prestigious exhibitions, the cost can be from 40,000 rubles and more.

5. Giant Schnauzer

This is the largest breed of dog from the Schnauzer group.

Breed features

Only this breed has a peculiar facial expression, which is so similar to human grimaces. Joy, surprise, indignation, dissatisfaction, sadness, curiosity and stubbornness - this is a list of what can be seen on his beautiful mustachioed-bearded muzzle. Surprisingly, even slightly dirty, they are able to express a sense of guilt.


The Giant Schnauzer is a massive, fairly tall, strong, agile and energetic breed. Their average height is about 60-70 cm, and their weight is 35-50 kg. This applies to both males and females.


Energy from the Giant Schnauzer is in full swing every minute. That is why it can be purchased without hesitation for a large family with small children. He loves kids of any age, he does not need to be "begged" for a long time to fit into an active game.

Schnauzers have a very strong sense of defender, so in an emergency they will rush to protect the owner.

This dog is able to open up only to its owner, friend, companion. As for strangers, here he behaves more than wary and attentive. He has an excellent memory and a great instinct. He will remember all the relatives and family members of his master, as well as his friends, neighbors and even just acquaintances.

But it is worth noting that their aggression is very difficult to control. If the schnauzer feels danger, he will instantly rush to the defense and it will be difficult to stop him. Therefore, from puppyhood, it is necessary to monitor outbursts of anger and stop it by shaking the collar a little.


It is worth being patient and realizing that raising and training a Giant Schnauzer is not an easy task and not for everyone. It is very important that all educational processes begin immediately after the pet is moved to the new owner's house. Otherwise, the role of the owner may pass into the paws of the pet itself.

Even small puppies are already distinguished by their stubbornness and desire to lead. Therefore, from the first days, he needs to gently, but authoritatively indicate that there is a time and place for food, sleep and games.


This dog will fit perfectly into any space, but it will be best for him in the fresh air, where there is a lot of space and freedom of action.

In the process of caring for a Giant Schnauzer, there is one very pleasant moment - this dog never smells like a dog. But even such a good quality can be ruined by improper and illiterate care. In principle, no special efforts and funds are required here, the most important thing for a Giant Schnauzer is wool. 1-2 times every 2 months, the hard coat must be trimmed, the only way you can keep this dog in proper shape.


The life expectancy of a Giant Schnauzer is 10-12 years


The price of Giant Schnauzer puppies mainly depends on their pedigree and the titles of their parents. The quality and level of cultivation also affects the cost. On average, today a puppy of this breed can be purchased from 20,000 rubles. and higher. It all depends on the nursery in which it will be purchased.

6 Labrador Retriever

The breed originates on the island of Newfoundland, on the east coast of Canada.

Breed features

The scent of Labrador Retrievers is 25% better than that of a German Shepherd.


The height at the withers for males is 56-57 cm, for females - 54-56 cm.


Able to charge everyone around with his love of life and optimism. His cheerfulness is so great that energy and activity overflow. Living in a family, the Labrador creates around him a calm and happy atmosphere of home comfort and harmony. In many countries, there was even a peculiar tradition to start this dog in young families.

This breed can hardly tolerate loneliness, or rather, it does not tolerate it at all and prefers to leave the owner's house than to yearn without human attention and communication.

The Labrador is ready to be friends with everyone: with children, adults, with cats, even with the postman. This is not at all the case when a dog viciously guards its borders. On the contrary, she is ready to let everyone into the house and play with them.


Differs in mind and ingenuity. They are easy and pleasant to train, they are even happy when they are trained, and strive to please the owner with the exact execution of all commands.

The only difficulty is that Labradors are very playful and often distracted, especially during childhood and adolescence, which lasts for them as much as 3 years. But intelligence and a strong desire to please make the Labrador the best dog to train.


The rules for caring for a Labrador are quite simple and follow the general criteria for caring for a dog. The main feature is a specific coat with a dense, almost waterproof undercoat. Such wool does not need to be washed unless absolutely necessary, it has the ability to self-clean. But you need to brush often.

Another important feature of caring for a Labrador is that he needs to provide physical activity. Walking on a leash is not enough for this dog. She needs to be allowed to run in nature, in the park or in dog walking areas.


On average, Labrador Retrievers live from 12 to 13 years.


For a thoroughbred Labrador puppy with a kennel brand and documents, the price will be from 20,000 to 40,000 rubles. A Labrador without a puppy card will cost less, but if he is a purebred, then the price still cannot be less than 8,000 - 10,000 rubles.

7. Poodle

The poodle is one of the most popular dog breeds in the world. There is an opinion that this is a "female" dog. In fact, the poodle is a very strong and athletic breed.

Breed features

There is hardly any other dog breed that offers as many size and color options to choose from as the Poodle.


This is the only breed that has 4 size options: large or standard (45-60 cm height at the withers), small or medium (35 to 45 cm high), miniature or toy poodle (28 to 35 cm high) and toy - poodle (24-28 cm). Regardless of size, all these poodles meet breed standards.


Poodles need your affection and praise every day. Large poodles need a lot of exercise. Even toy poodles want more than just sitting on your lap. Don't let their small size fool you. These dogs like to be active. They love long walks and want to be by your side at all times. They love to participate in various games. A bored and lonely poodle will not be happy and this can lead to bad behavior.

One of the main features of the poodle - he tries to maintain good relations with people, is a social animal. Likes to flatter his master and imitate his actions. Children are especially fond of him. He allows them to do with him whatever they please, and willingly joins them in games.


The poodle is very mobile, has an excellent sense of smell and is easier to train than other dogs.


The dwarf and toy poodle are very comfortable options. They are very good runners, quite hardy, very hardy and at the same time require even less space than the small poodle, which is very convenient when kept in modern small apartments.

Another great characteristic of the poodle is that they do not shed. You can squeeze and play with it and not notice a single hair on your clothes. Poodle is great for those people who are prone to allergies.


As a rule, poodles live 10-15 years.


The price for puppies of this breed starts from 15,000 rubles.

8. Bichon Frize

The Bichon Frize is a French small breed of dog from the group of lapdogs.

Breed features

The Bichon Frize has an advantage over many other dogs - they do not shed and almost do not smell. In addition, their wool is hypoallergenic.


The height at the withers is on average from 24 to 29 cm.

Weight in the range from 3 to 6 kg.


The Bichon Frize does not tolerate being alone very well. If he is left alone for long hours, he may start chewing on his own skin or wool out of anxiety. Boredom can also start to bark loudly, which is unlikely to please your neighbors. As for barking, you should be prepared for the fact that the Bichon Frize often barks. The Bichon Frize has excellent hearing and will bark at anything and everyone.

At the same time, the Bichon Frize is an excellent family dog, it is recommended to everyone who has children.


Dogs of this breed are very well trained and driven by a sense of pleasing their master. However, when it comes to teaching indoor cleanliness, these dogs can be especially stubborn and difficult to train. A combination of consistency, purposefulness and positive rewards is essential for proper training of this breed.


Bichon Frize very quickly adapts to any conditions of detention. They calmly react to extreme cold or heat. They require constant care. The coat of these dogs, like human hair, never stops growing, so they need to be sheared every 6-8 weeks.

In addition, the coat must be thoroughly combed daily with a slicker brush and combs with medium and fine teeth.


Experts say that the Bichon Frize is one of the healthiest breeds. These dogs live an average of 15-20 years.


Prices for puppies start from 20 thousand rubles.

9. Airedale Terrier

The picturesque valley of the River Eyre in Yorkshire, England was the birthplace of the Airedale Terrier.

Breed features

Airedales can be trained to do any job. If you enjoy jogging or cycling, then Airedale Terriers will be perfect companions for you as they love to run.


The average height at the withers of an adult Airedale Terrier is 58-61 cm in males and 56-59 cm in females.

Weight reaches 20-30 kilograms.


Puppies of this breed are tireless creatures. They go to literally every place.

Airedales are incredibly intelligent. They grasp what they are taught very quickly. For this reason, they quickly get bored with everything.

They are great with children, but keep in mind that they are large and very active dogs that love to play pranks. Therefore, this breed is well suited for older children.


When training an Airedale Terrier, use praise rather than punishment more often. The Airedale Terrier is easy to train and learns new commands fairly quickly.


Adult dogs need an intense walk twice a day for at least 20 minutes. They love to run off leash. If you let your Airedale off the leash, make sure he listens well to your commands. Because, like all terriers, he will prey on small animals.

Whether you live in the city or in the countryside, Airedale Terriers adapt to any environment. Airedales almost never shed, they have a unique two-layer coat that must be combed out by hand.


The life span of Airedale Terriers is 10-13 years.


Prices for puppies start from 15 thousand rubles.

10. Beagle

The short and capacious word "beagle" comes from the Old English "Beagle" , which means "small".

Breed features

The beagle clearly manifests such character traits as courage, determination and friendliness. They are aggressive only to small animals, which are perceived as prey, and therefore it is not recommended to keep ferrets, chinchillas, decorative rabbits and cats in the house.

Beagles are dogs of strong but not coarse build. Height - from 33 to 40 cm. Weight - 10-11 kg for the male and 9-10 kg for the female.


These are good-natured dogs, active and cheerful. These are real entertainers for children's games, they love the company of children and are able to play with them for hours, allowing them to do almost everything.

Beagles are very affectionate to their master, they do not have a tendency to dominate, so even a child is an authority for them, and often they choose him as the head of the family. Therefore, so often this once hunting dog is bought as a friend for children.


Representatives of this breed are distinguished by intelligence and ingenuity. They are very inquisitive and love when the owner is engaged in them, but, oddly enough, it is not so easy to train them. The fact is that Beagles are distinguished by their "charming arrogance" and try to influence their owner with it, not wanting to obey the standard rules.

For example, they are not so easy to accustom to a place, they like to rush around the house and sleep where they will be overtaken by sleep. Some owners note that their curiosity borders on indefatigable curiosity, when Beagles stick their black nose into everything: where they should and where they shouldn't. This trait is a bit of a hassle if left alone in the house.


We should not forget that the beagle is primarily a hound breed that needs physical activity in the form of long runs. They are able to run several tens of kilometers a day without getting tired. A beagle that runs around a lot is a guarantee that your apartment will not be destroyed, because when he returns home, he will sleep. Therefore, think about whether you can provide the beagle with such loads. Running and playing in open areas is important not only for the order in your house, but also for the health of the dog.

If we talk about cosmetic procedures, then basically they are standard, as for other breeds: bathing, combing dead hair with a stiff brush.


The life expectancy of the Beagle breed is 12-15 years.


The average cost of a beagle puppy is 20 thousand rubles. From the hands of the ad, you can find representatives of the breed without a pedigree for 7-10 thousand rubles. Show class puppies cost more than 30 thousand rubles. In the middle category with prices from 10 to 30 thousand rubles, you can buy beagle puppies with a pedigree. The spread of prices depends on the presence of champions in the pedigree, on the ambitions and fame of the breeders, and on other subjective factors.

As you know, a dog is a friend of a person, in particular a small child.

Any parent, sooner or later, should be prepared for the fact that their baby will ask permission to get a little friend. Before buying a dog for a child, you need to take this issue seriously, you need to choose it with a calm, balanced character. In no case should you get aggressive pets: fighting, service, hunting.

It is not worth buying a dog for very young children, it is better when he is already at a conscious age so that he can learn to take care of his pet on his own. The minimum age will be approximately 6-7 years old.

It is better to choose a friend for your child who is calm, who will easily relate to increased attention to himself, will play and not show aggression. This is the disadvantage of small breeds. They are not very patient, but a child can pinch and pull by the ear.

A pet will undoubtedly become a friend for your child and teach him kindness, responsibility, tolerance, teach him how to care and how to properly care for him.

And so, we present the TOP 10 best dog breeds for your little child:

No. 10. English bulldog

very balanced and good-natured dogs, behave calmly and therefore are great for families with small children. Due to their restrained temperament, they will not cause trouble to the owner with their behavior and will not bring danger to small children, they get along well with other animals.

This is a short-haired dog, there will not be much hair in the corners. They do not need long walks in the fresh air, jogging, but on the contrary, these dogs like calmness more and various loads are contraindicated for them. They are even called lazy.

No. 9. Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

The main advantage of the content is that she is madly in love with communication with the owners. She is very smart and resourceful.

The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel loves to participate in children's games with screams, squeals. This dog will never harm a child, because it is gentle and patient, it is intended to be a good friend for the baby, as it stands out for its obedience and calmness to children's pranks.

She will calmly relate to riding in a stroller and being wrapped in diapers. In general, such a pet is very good even with other people's guests who will come to your house.

No. 8. bull terrier

They really need human attention, they madly in love with little children and are energetic and strong enough to be wonderful companions for children of all ages, from the smallest to the older ones. The disadvantage of such pets, perhaps, is that they cannot stand being teased, so you need to explain to the child how not to behave with a dog.

But they do not get tired and can play with children as much as the child needs.

No. 7. st bernard

These are calm and gentle dogs, which, despite their large size, are perfect for families with children. They are gentle and patient, get along well with other pets and can play with your little ones.

In addition, St. Bernards are silent and only bark when there is a good reason for it, which means they will not interfere with your child’s sleep.

They do not require special care, not fastidious, can live both in an apartment and in a private house, very smart and easy to train, which means they can be trained to be obedient.

No. 6. Pug

Good, patient dogs, only when they are still at a young age, they like to be very active: they run, jump around the apartment, but, as a rule, this is not for long, so you will not be annoying.

Since these dogs are very patient, they will not refuse to play with children, they don't like to be alone and are very bored when they are left alone. Therefore, when you come home, they will show their attention and gratitude to you. Where you are, there they are. A child with such a dog will definitely not be bored.

No. 5. Newfoundland

Non-barking breed, which is very good in families with small children. They get along well with both small children and grown-ups.

Newfoundlands are patient with increased attention to themselves and endure children with love and calmness, during the game they can even monitor their safety.

They are not picky, do not require complex personal care, the child will not be bored with such a wonderful friend. These dogs can easily get along both in an apartment and in a country house, but love walks in nature.

No. 4. Dalmatian

The Dalmatian will be a good friend for your child. They are sociable, make good contact, get along well with other pets.

These dogs love to play and always want to be the center of attention, the only problem may be that they may seem too intrusive or even annoying to your child.

But if you have a fairly active baby who loves to play, then such problems will not arise. With such a dog never get bored.

Number 3. german spitz

They find contact with children more than with adults. Very gentle and friendly, patient, quickly accustomed to a new family. They love children and are playful with them. These dogs are quite inquisitive and want to take part in all family affairs.

They do not require special care, but they need attention, love and care.

No. 2. toy poodle

They have a friendly nature. They practically do not bark, only if its owner needs protection, which means they will not disturb your child's sleep. They will become a good friend for the baby, because they are playful, not large in size and not picky. They can live both in a private house and in an apartment. Unlike most other dogs, they can be alone for long periods of time and tolerate it calmly.

No. 1. Labrador retriever

Fairly calm dogs, despite their huge size, they will not bring danger to the family, especially the one where there is a child. They get along well with other pets, love outdoor games, won't let your kid get bored. These dogs love long walks on the street and get along well both in the apartment and in a private house.


Which pet to choose for your baby? The choice is yours. You need to take into account all the features of your child and understand what kind of dog you can take as a friend for your beloved baby.

We should also not forget that the most friendly dogs are mongrels, so it is not necessary to opt for a thoroughbred dog.

So, persuasion and begging eyes are behind, and a decision was made at the family council: your child will have a dog! To begin with, let's define what "a dog for a child" means.

It should be understood that the “dog of the child”, no matter how your child promises to look after her and do everything, the animal and the responsibility for it will still lie on the shoulders of the whole family. Therefore, when deciding to get a dog, re-evaluate your capabilities. And, of course, choose the right breed.

Which one is suitable?

The main and main criterion - safety ! You must be 100% sure that the animal will not harm the child (ideally, the reverse situation should not arise). Focus on the rule “the weight of the dog cannot exceed the weight of the child,” or better, be less so that your baby can hold the animal.

There is an opinion that the smaller the breed, the safer, but this is not entirely true. Often, small animals are more aggressive, for example, a Pekingese or Spitz can bite for a careless attitude towards their tail and paws. But imposing large breeds are fabulous good-natured and even allow you to ride on horseback. So you need to select, focusing on the characteristics of the breed: good temper, strong psyche, disposition to children.

Advice: A child should not get a dog before the age of 6. Before that, the baby simply will not be able to really distinguish it from a plush toy - this is fraught for both parties.

Also, in addition to size and character, it matters:

  • The nature of your child. If he is mischievous and likes to run and play, the Dalmatian is perfect - he can run for hours, even behind a bicycle, and not get tired, collie, labrador. If the baby is calm and spends more time at home, something like a cute fat pug or a “sofa dog” like a Maltese will do.
  • Gender of the dog. For a child, it is definitely better to choose a bitch. True, during estrus, an adult will have to walk her (unless you are thinking about spaying), but bitches are softer, more attached to the house and the owner and less inclined to dominate. The child will be able to establish control over the animal without any problems.
  • Difficulty in care. There are very beautiful breeds, but think about whether the baby will be able to take care of this particular animal, and you, in which case, help him? If so, then you can pay attention to the long-haired handsome men, who often have to be combed and bathed. If not, take someone with short hair and not white.
  • Price and pedigree of the animal. Keep in mind that a dog is not a cheap pleasure, especially breeds that are now popular. Of course, the temptation is great to bring a fluffy ball from the market, or buy a cheap handsome man without a pedigree. But it is better not to do this: it can turn into a tragedy. You will not know the genetics and characteristics of such an animal, while breeders, if there is a manifestation of aggressiveness, reject the entire litter.
  • Possible susceptibility to disease. Having picked up a breed, ask what it is sick with: many artificially bred species have a tendency to diseases of the kidneys, bones, etc. A sick pet is not only a big expense, but also a huge stress for the child, so it is better to choose a pet that is not prone to serious illness and long-lived.
  • Allergy. Unfortunately, if your baby develops an allergy to wool, you will have to say goodbye to the pet. You can avoid this by doing an allergy test in advance or by choosing a hypoallergenic breed - these exist.

Babysitters: names with photos

Having a dog that will be like a nanny to your baby is not great. Such breeds are rightfully considered the best for an apartment and a family. By the way, this is a practice that has been common since ancient times: earlier, when a baby was born in a wealthy family, a dog was immediately chosen for him - as a companion and a nanny.

Interesting: According to research, children who grow up with dogs learn responsibility faster than their non-pet peers!

The nanny dog, ideally, should understand when your child is naughty and call the parents. She will accompany the baby in all his games (explaining that riding an animal on horseback, dressing it up or pulling its tail is not fun, you yourself will have to, because the “nannies” are also very patient). In addition, such a dog will understand when someone wants to harm the baby, and will be able to protect him.

Nanny dogs easily find a common language with all family members, but the greatest preference is given to babies. They calmly endure children's pranks, affectionate and kind. What are these breeds? These include:

For an apartment

For a private home and security

  1. Collie

    Don't be intimidated by the word "sheepdog" - this breed is also known as a collie. They are very beautiful, with a long silky coat that is so pleasant to stroke. By the way, a collie never minds being stroked. Collies easily get along with kids and are quite patient, able to endure their pranks, so they are rightfully considered suitable breeds for children.

    And the main value of collies is that they were bred as shepherd dogs. They will take care of your child, they will not let you go far on a walk, they will accompany you everywhere. And, of course, they will defend themselves with their breasts. Every year in the US, hero dogs are awarded. Awards are often given to collies who have saved children on the roads, in fires and on the water.

  2. German Shepherd

    This breed is quite controversial: it, without any doubt, requires careful training and a hard hand. She may try to dominate the adult host.

    But, nevertheless, the baby will be safe with her: German shepherds are well aware that they have a child in front of them, and that he needs care. They are extremely smart and will always support the baby in his games. In addition, with such a fanged nanny, no one would dare to harm a child.

    Important: this does not apply to other varieties of shepherd dogs, especially the Caucasian one - they are prone to unmotivated aggression.

  3. Great Dane

    Yes, the size of this noble animal raises some doubts. But, nevertheless, the dogs are very responsible and devoted.

    True, there is nuance: the animal must grow with the baby, because a large dog can cause harm unconsciously. But if a dog puppy is raised by your child, it is better not to find a nanny and a defender.

  4. irish setter

    This dog was bred as a hunting dog, but due to its pleasant and calm nature, it is excellent for caring for naughty babies.

  5. Newfoundland

    It is also called "bear dog". And the truth is, it’s scary to let such a “bear” near the baby! But in vain. This dog, like the St. Bernards, was bred as a rescue dog. She should be able to take care of the helpless and weak, have a good disposition.

    Thanks to patience and open disposition, the Newfoundland easily finds a common language with kids, and an older child becomes an excellent companion for games. But do not forget to watch that the child does not abuse the good nature of a huge dog.

Important: the breed of "nannies" does not guarantee 100% safety for the child.

This is still an animal, and it is completely impossible to understand what is in his head. The dog may be tired, not in the mood, or sick. So the communication between the baby and his pet should be looked after with at least one eye.


How to choose a pet for a child with allergies? And it's not about the mess that a furry resident is guaranteed to bring into your life along with joy, but about a banal allergy? There is a way out - here are the best breeds to choose:

10 best and kindest

1. Labrador retriever

Labradors are extremely popular as family dogs. They are calm and gentle towards their owners. The Labrador will need to be trained diligently, but when he understands what is required of him, he will do just that. Even with the most capricious child, the dog will be patient. In addition, the breed needs active movement and loves water, so it will be able to keep the baby company during any games.

2. Beagle

A great option for a restless child. This breed loves to play. So the beagle can easily take your baby for the whole day and take part in the most active games. True, there is a drawback: beagles are lovers of very loud barking! Also, the beagle should not be let off the leash on the street: it is easily distracted by extraneous smells and can get lost.

3. Pug

A small, funny companion that is suitable for a calm, dreamy child. It is unlikely that he will be able to share active games with him, but from time to time playfulness attacks the pug. The rest of the time, he will sleep peacefully on the couch, touch with his appearance and never offend!

4. Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

It is considered a companion dog that can adapt to the rhythm of life of both a child and an elderly person. This is a very docile animal, never showing aggression. What is important, the breed does not require special conditions for life, picky about food. The child will be able to take care of the spaniel and train it.

5. English bulldog.

Yes, this stocky and dangerous at first glance fat man is actually peaceful and, what is valuable, knows how to control his behavior. With children, he can mess around for hours and is even able to learn how to play hide and seek and a ball.

6. hungarian vizsla

This breed is not very common - but in vain. For children, she is ideal: smart, obedient so that even a child can train her, with a soft and cheerful character. In addition, the vizsla is very beautiful.

7. Bichon Frize

The best choice for home and kids. Affectionate, hypoallergenic, small and very beautiful dog. It requires a lot of attention, because it has a beautiful white coat, but it does not shed.

8.english pointer

A good family dog ​​that will be active outside and calm in the house. She needs the constant attention of the owners, so it is better to have such a breed for a child of 7-8 years old, when he will not have a soul in her and not leave her alone.

9. Bernese Mountain Dog

This is the so-called "farm dog", very imposing and caring. She will never leave the baby. At the same time, the sennenhund will like it much more at home on the couch than on the street.


A dog made for love and cuddles - it really is perfect for a baby!

Interesting: in America, a puppy of this breed is considered a traditional gift to a child for Easter




Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

English bulldog

hungarian vizsla

Bichon Frize

english pointer

Bernese Mountain Dog

golden or golden retriever

10 that don't fit

Strictly speaking, all dogs are accommodating and patient with children: they understand that you can’t take much from a fool. And yet it is better not to start a dog from this list: either the child will not cope with training, or they can theoretically harm each other:

  • chihuahua;
  • Pekingese;
  • Caucasian Shepherd Dog;
  • chow-chow;
  • ridgeback;
  • husky;
  • bullmastiff;
  • dachshund;
  • pit bull;
  • doberman.


We talked about nanny dogs and dogs that can make a great company for a child. And what breeds are able to sincerely love your baby? There are many. For convenience, we divide them into three groups:


  1. Leading, of course, St. Bernard. He is calm, reliable, and has a trustworthy past as a rescue dog. This animal will sincerely love your baby, and will become not only a nanny, but also a friend.
  2. Newfoundland. A good-natured dog with amazing intuition. The Newf is perhaps the only breed that will calmly allow itself to be ridden and that sincerely loves children's games.
  3. Giant Schnauzer or Giant Schnauzer. This is a friendly and loyal dog that needs attention. She will love whoever provides it to her - including a child.
  4. Cane Corso. Don't let the appearance intimidate you: this dog's loyalty to children is legendary. Cynologists call this breed a governess nanny: they are even ready to give their lives for a baby.
  5. Boxer. Yes, he will have an excellent relationship with the child: he has an increased love of children.

Cane Corso
Giant Schnauzer


Which representatives of medium-sized breeds love small children:

  1. Sharpei. A sedate and at the same time funny dog ​​can become an excellent defender. They can be ferocious, protecting the child like a lion.
  2. Samoyed dog. She is very beautiful and loves to play with children, but will require a lot of care.
  3. Border Collie- a fast shepherd dog, extremely intelligent and affectionate. She will "shepherd" the baby - and she will do it with love.
  4. English bulldog Yes, he is considered a medium sized dog. It is better to start it with an older child: for all its affection for children, this is a rather stubborn breed. In addition, these medium-sized animals are very suitable for an apartment!
  5. Cocker Spaniel. The dog will get along well with a hyperactive child: they will become inseparable!

Border Collie


Important: such a dog should not be given to a baby, he can inadvertently crush it.

The advantage of small dogs is that they are suitable for any apartment, and often these little tails are very fond of children.

  1. York- a beautiful, flexible and hypoallergenic baby.
  2. Papillon- a charming dog with huge ears and long hair.
  3. Spitz- very attentive to the owner, and the child will adore.
  4. Miniature Pinscher. Smart, can attack someone who, in his opinion, is a danger to the baby - and usually turns out to be right.
  5. Coton de Tulear- obedient and devoted baby. Easily gets along with other animals.

Coton de Tulear


Which one to choose?

Guided by these tips, you will be able to decide which ideal nanny or four-legged companion to buy for your child. Remember the main thing:

  1. Before you get a dog, make sure that both you and the child are aware of the responsibility.
  2. You should not take a dog in an unverified place or succumbing to fashion trends.
  3. The best breed is the golden retriever. She will definitely never hurt a child.
  4. Among large breeds, there are also excellent nannies! The main thing is the character of the dog, a tiny but capricious Pekingese can bite.
  5. The kid should not take too small a dog, he is able to cripple her. Similarly, the dog should not be too large.
  6. There are breeds that are categorically not suitable for families with children.

Nevertheless, a variety of dogs live in families. Sometimes both the boule and the large mongrel get along with the baby.

If your pet gets along well with a child, show off a warm family photo in the comments! Share how you managed to raise an affectionate and faithful friend. Or is it entirely the merit of your child?

And remember: the happiest can be called the childhood that passed with the dog.

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