Treatment of skin diseases with kerosene. Aviation kerosene heals? Diseases treated with kerosene

Purified kerosene can be used to treat a variety of diseases. Below we give medical recipes using kerosene.

Respiratory diseases

Angina (tonsillitis)

Angina is an acute general infectious disease with the most pronounced local inflammatory process in the tonsils. More often affected palatine tonsils.

Angina is more often observed in spring and autumn (during the transitional season with unstable air temperature).

Treatment methods:

10 drops of kerosene diluted in 50 grams warm water. The resulting solution is gargled after meals every day for a week. Then a break is made for 1-2 weeks (depending on the result).

The use of kerosene in the form of a compress: a cloth is wetted in heated kerosene, then squeezed out and wrapped around the neck. A scarf or woolen cloth is applied on top. The compress is held as long as possible.

For the treatment of angina, lubrication with kerosene is also used. To do this, wrap cotton wool on a thin long stick and dip it in purified kerosene. Inflamed tonsils lubricate with kerosene every half hour. In the case of an advanced form of tonsillitis, when abscesses have already formed on the tonsils, it is strongly not recommended to lubricate them with kerosene.

Rinsing with a weak solution of purified kerosene is often used. For this purpose, in a glass of warm boiled water (the temperature of which should not exceed 25 ° C), you need to dissolve half a tablespoon of tea soda. 1 tablespoon of kerosene is added to the resulting solution. Well similar treatment is 6-8 days, the frequency of rinsing is 4-12 times a day.


Dandruff (oily seborrhea)

Method of treatment:

A mixture of vodka, kerosene and onion juice, taken in a ratio of 2:1:1, is rubbed into the scalp.

Other remedy: 1 part kerosene, 2 parts castor oil and 10 parts alcohol. Mix and rub the resulting mixture into the scalp.


Lichen is a group of diseases that occur for various reasons and affect the skin, mucous membranes and nails.

Method of treatment:

Prepare a mixture of 3 teaspoons fish oil and 1 teaspoon of kerosene. The resulting substance is applied to four-fold gauze and applied to the skin affected by lichen.


Scabies is contagious disease skin caused by the scabies mite.

Method of treatment:

Prepare an ointment of the following composition: 6 ml of kerosene, 1 g of green soap, 6 g of purified sulfur, 5 g of chalk and an ointment base (for example, wax ointment). Rub itchy areas of the skin.


Furuncle - inflammation of the hair follicle caused by staphylococcus aureus.

Method of treatment:

Lubrication of the affected areas of the skin with purified kerosene. By the way, some authors argue that it is permissible to treat furunculosis of the skin of the face with this method, others categorically do not recommend doing this.


Method of treatment: lubrication of warts with Todikamp.


Method of treatment:

The feet or hands are placed in kerosene for 10 minutes every evening. Then pour them cold water and wipe dry.


Treatment methods:

Kerosene ointment is used to heal wounds. To prepare it, you need to take 2 yolks, a piece of beeswax the size of a bean, one teaspoon of kerosene and 4 tablespoons of vegetable oil. Boil the oil, add wax to it and boil for another minute. The mixture is cooled to warm state and kerosene and yolks are added to it. Then mix well. The ointment is applied to non-healing wounds (including surgical ones).

Another prescription treatment for a long time non-healing wounds. Take 1 liter sunflower oil, 30 ml of freshly squeezed celandine juice and 100 ml of purified kerosene. Mix thoroughly and infuse for a week in a dark, cool place. The gauze impregnated with this mixture is applied to the wound surface. Bandage change - 2 times a day. Course - 2 weeks.

There is evidence that with the help of kerosene, you can also pull out a splinter. To do this, it is enough to lubricate the skin with kerosene and seal it with adhesive tape.

Alopecia (baldness)

Method of treatment:

Mix olive oil with kerosene in a ratio of 1:1. The resulting mass is rubbed into the hair roots once a week for 2-3 hours before washing.


Papilloma - benign tumor skin or mucous membrane, having the appearance of a papilla or "cauliflower".

Method of treatment:

Spend 1-2 times a day lubrication of papillomas "Todicamp".

Cancer diseases

The possibilities of using kerosene for the treatment of cancer cause (for obvious reasons) the most heated debate between supporters and opponents. this method therapy.

Crayfish - malignant tumor epithelial origin. A primary cancerous tumor can develop in all organs of the human body where there is one or another type of epithelium. Most often, cancer occurs in the lungs, stomach, uterus, breasts, esophagus, intestines, and skin. characteristic feature cancer is its unlimited growth: once having arisen in one or another organ, the primary cancerous tumor grows steadily and unceasingly, germinates and destroys the surrounding tissues and from here it is transferred through the lymphatic pathways to other organs, forming new cancerous tumors (metastases) in them. Cancer metastases can occur in all, without exception, organs.

Symptoms on early stages tumor development is usually absent. There is no spontaneous cure for cancer. The most radical method of treatment today is surgery (removal of the tumor). But even after these operations, relapses often develop and metastases occur. Along with surgical methods of treatment official medicine also uses chemotherapy (treatment with cytostatics - drugs that suppress the growth of both patients and healthy cells organism) and radiation therapy, which also do not guarantee a complete cure.

Tumor growth is a disorderly reproduction of body cells. It is still not known exactly what its cause is, but there are a great many theories. Below are the most "popular" of them.

  • The carcinogenic theory states that exposure to certain substances (carcinogens) can cause cancer.
  • According to the Rous virus theory, tumor growth is caused by viruses. In addition, according to Zilber's virus-senetic theory: in addition to ordinary viruses, there are oncoviruses that cause tumors.
  • The fissural theory states that cancer occurs when tissues are squeezed.
  • According to the theory of disembryonic rudiments, the rudiments of embryonic tissues remain in the human body, which, when favorable conditions develop into cancerous tumors.
  • And, finally, the polyetiological theory says that cancer arises under the influence of the most various factors. That is, to put it simply, it is easier to name the reasons, not cancer-causing than those that invoke it.

Methods of treating cancer with kerosene:

  • Treatment with Todikamp. 1 teaspoon - 1 tablespoon 3 times a day 20 minutes before meals. The course is 4 weeks. Number of courses - 3, with breaks of one month.
  • birch mushroom(chaga) with refined kerosene. You must first prepare the infusion of chaga.
    Dried chaga is crushed and poured with cold filtered water (1:3), after which it is infused at room temperature in a dark place for 4 hours. Then the water must be drained into a separate container, the softened pieces of chaga must be grated, poured with five glasses of warm water and infused for two days, after which the infusion is poured into a glass vessel and mixed with the water in which the chaga was originally infused.
    Chaga is taken orally simultaneously with a piece of refined sugar soaked in purified kerosene. Chaga is consumed with kerosene in the morning, just before breakfast.
    The course of treatment with kerosene with a solution of chaga lasts 26 days. For the next 30 days, only an infusion of birch fungus is taken, one glass 3 times a day, half an hour before meals. After that, the course of joint treatment with chaga and kerosene is resumed.

Other healing properties attributed to kerosene

AT recent times some preparations of kerosene are often associated with such effects on the human body as rejuvenating, cleansing and restorative effects. In this regard, Todikamp is most often mentioned.

For the purpose of rejuvenation, it is advised to take "Todikamp" 2-3 drops per 1/2 cup of warm boiled water 2-3 times a day for a prophylactic course of 6 weeks.

And here is another "elixir of longevity":

“Add 3 tablespoons of purified kerosene to 0.5 liters of fresh apple cider vinegar. The resulting drug should be taken 1 teaspoon per 1 glass of boiled water 1-2 times a day. It is only necessary to shake the vessel with the prepared "elixir" immediately before use. The prophylactic course of recovery lasts from 6 to 3 weeks.

To achieve the effect of cleansing the body, it is recommended to take "Todikamp" 8-10 drops in 2 tablespoons of honey once a day before meals. The course of treatment is not limited.

At the same time, when using a sparing scheme, it is recommended to take kerosene immediately before meals, and using complete scheme- half an hour before meals.

Fighting malignant neoplasms continues to be a struggle, and even the most modern chemotherapeutic agents are not always able to influence the course of the disease. Therefore, cases when official oncology signs its own impotence, refusing to treat a cancer patient or reducing professional medical care to eliminating the symptoms of the disease, are not as rare as we would like. In such situations, desperate patients often turn to alternative methods. Including those that pose a serious threat to health, sometimes no less than the cancer itself. Kerosene treatment is one of the most extreme "folk" ways to fight cancer, the use of which can lead to the exact opposite result. Especially if you approach the issue amateurishly.

Cancer treatment with "pure" kerosene according to the method of Paula Kerner

Paula Kerner is an Austrian nurse who is considered to be the founder of the kerosene method of treating cancer, which appeared in the second half of the last century and was patented in many countries of the world.

It should be noted that medicinal properties kerosene has attracted the attention of sorcerers almost ever since this oil refining product began to be actively used by man for various household needs.

However, it was Paula who first tried to oppose the destructive effect of kerosene to the sophisticated protection of tumor cells. She conducted the first experiment on herself after oncologists recognized her as terminally ill and discharged her from the hospital home to die.

This happened in the early 60s of the last century, when official medicine not only did not have such a wide choice of therapeutic manipulations to combat malignant neoplasms, but also the opportunity for accurate and timely diagnosis.

At the time of discharge from the hospital, Paula was diagnosed with stage 4 (terminal) bowel cancer. Shortly before this, Kerner underwent an operation during which oncologists removed a little less than a meter of the intestine with signs of tumor tissue degeneration.

However, the disease continued to progress, as a result of which the girl, who had lost 14 kg, developed complete intestinal paralysis. In addition, the tumor blocked access stool into the anus. The patient complained about complete absence appetite, excruciating vomiting, as well as constant severe pain in the abdomen, pelvic and lumbar region. The second operation was technically unfeasible, which was reported to Kerner by the doctors before discharge.

After listening to the “verdict” of oncologists, Paula remembered a story she once read, which, in particular, described the use of kerosene in medicinal purposes during the First World War on the territory of modern Serbia, Croatia and Slovenia. Understanding perfectly well the danger of ingestion of aggressive technical fluid, Kerner tried to reduce its destructive effect through preliminary filtration.

Purified kerosene girl took a teaspoon on an empty stomach for 6 weeks. The results were fantastic: already 3 days after the start of therapy, pain completely disappeared, and then intestinal paralysis. After a month and a half, Paula forgot about vomiting, her appetite returned, it returned to normal general state, which served as a signal for the end of the course of treatment.

Within a short time, Kerner regained his original weight, and after 11 months, Paula became a mother. One month after giving birth healthy woman donated blood for the first time and continued to do so throughout her life.

During her life, Kerner helped several dozen cancer patients, but the method actively promoted by her was not recognized by official medicine. Moreover, kerosene treatment continues to be one of the most controversial alternative methods anticancer therapy due to the high toxicity of this substance. However, terminally ill people easily accept the risks of both this and other alternative methods of fighting cancer with the help of dangerous toxins of various types and origins, as this gives them hope for life extension.

The essence of the treatment of cancer with kerosene according to the method of Paula Kerner

Compared to other official and alternative oncotherapeutic methods, the Kerner technique is extremely simple. The dosage of kerosene and the method of using it are the same for everyone: 15 drops of liquid on a sugar cube are taken daily. Treatment regimens for specific patients differ only in its duration, which is determined individually and depends on the diagnosis, general well-being, concomitant diseases, age and other objective reasons.

According to the creator of the method, taking kerosene in this dose does not cause fatal problems in work. internal organs, provides activation protective functions lymphatic system and, thus, helps to cleanse the lymph and blood from metastatic cells and their waste products. The only thing required condition- the use of kerosene, purified from highly toxic substances. Due to the peculiarities of the molecular structure of the latter, you can try to remove them using "handicraft" methods, which Paula used.

Methods for distillation (purification) of industrial kerosene proposed by Kerner

Paula suggested that her patients use any of the following 2 cleaning methods:

  • An equal amount of kerosene is poured into a large volume container and hot water so that a third of the can / canister remains empty. Following this, the tightly closed container is vigorously shaken for 2-3 minutes, periodically stopping and opening the lid for a few seconds. The mixture thus obtained is allowed to settle and the upper, purified layer of liquid is carefully poured into another container. Attention! A layer of flakes is formed on the border of "clean" and "dirty" kerosene: it is necessary to ensure that when draining the upper layer of liquid, these flakes are not captured along with it.
  • Fine oil is used to purify kerosene. salt. It is poured into an empty jar at the rate of 1 tablespoon per liter. Kerosene is poured into a jar of salt through a funnel, into which a home-made filter is first placed - a tight lump of gauze or cotton wool. A jar of filtered kerosene and salt is placed in a pot of boiling water - water bath- and left on low heat for an hour and a half, during which highly toxic substances bind to salt ( the water level in the pot must always be higher than the level of kerosene in the jar!). Attention! It must be remembered that the vapors of heated kerosene not only have a pungent unpleasant odor, but also cause poisoning when inhaled. Therefore, it is necessary to clean outdoors or in a room with intensive natural and / or artificial ventilation. After one and a half hours, the jar is carefully removed from the water and, without stirring, the salt, on the surface of which adsorbed dangerous substances, drain the purified kerosene into another dark glass container (you can wrap a transparent jar with dark paper). The output of ready-to-use liquid during such processing is 4/5 of the initial volume. You can store it in a dark place for a year.

Cases of cure of cancer by taking kerosene without the participation of Kerner

Attempts to treat oncology with kerosene, independently of Paula (approximately in the same period of time), were also used by other cancer patients. Below are two such examples that have led to positive results.

  • In 1961, the patient G.N. was diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer. After amputation of the mammary gland, the disease continued to progress. In 1962, a woman developed metastases in the uterus and ovaries, her general condition worsened, she was practically dying. Daily intake of kerosene in small doses already in the first days of treatment led to a rise in pressure to normal values, after this, the pain disappeared along with the cancerous foci.
  • Patient P.V. with a diagnosis of "stomach cancer" took kerosene 1 teaspoon 3 times a day for 14 days. During this period, the patient's condition steadily improved. After the end of the treatment, she felt completely healthy, along with the signs of the disease, the tumor itself disappeared. There were no relapses in the patient.

Both in these and other described cases, and in the practice of using kerosene by Paula and her followers, the main thing is missing: objective confirmation of the safety of kerosene and its real effect on tumor cells. Nevertheless, the method continues to be quite popular, but today pure kerosene has been replaced by tinctures based on it.

Walnut extract in purified kerosene - a double whammy for cancer

Currently, in alternative schemes for the treatment of malignant tumors, as a rule, not pure kerosene is used, but its mixtures with vegetable raw materials. Primarily, we are talking about the walnut, used to treat the most various diseases by ancient Roman physicians. The richest in medicinal substances, in particular active iodine, are green walnuts in the stage of milky maturity. It is believed that with the help of kerosene, these substances penetrate more easily and quickly to the site of the lesion, both when the extract is used externally, and when the drug is taken orally.

At home, the tincture is prepared in the following way. Walnuts are crushed in a meat grinder or finely chopped, and then poured into a glass jar or other container, filling it by 2/3. Then pre-purified kerosene is poured into the jar. The mixture is infused in a dark place at room temperature for 3 weeks, during which the jar must be tightly closed with a lid. After that, the tincture is filtered through gauze or special paper filters into another jar, and stored in a dark, cool place. Ready mix is ​​suitable for the use within a year. Inside the liquid is recommended to take 15 drops per piece of sugar daily.

Attention! To reduce the negative effect of kerosene while taking the extract, it is necessary to drink at least half a glass of freshly prepared fruit or vegetable juices 3 times a day.

The above recipe of the famous folk healer (geography by profession) Mikhail Petrovich Todik has been used for several decades, during which the drug has been widely used for various diseases that are difficult to treat: arthritis and arthrosis, radiculitis, stomach ulcers, hypertension, inflammatory diseases of internal organs, etc. .

The drug is also used in alternative oncotherapy schemes, however, this is done episodically and haphazardly: there are no clear, and most importantly, reasonable recommendations on the use of the drug in oncology.

Todikamp and its modifications - modern plant extracts based on kerosene

The high therapeutic activity of walnut extract based on kerosene, called "todikamp" (from "Todika MP"), was recognized by representatives of official medicine after Todika not only completely got rid of chronic sciatica, but also helped to get on his feet a huge the number of people who came for help to the Moldavian geographer from all over the Soviet Union. However, this happened just a year before the death of the inventor of the mixture.

Today, todikamp is manufactured industrially. As a result of special processing, kerosene practically turns into a substance with new properties. The figures speak eloquently about the intensity of oil product processing: out of 20 tons of raw materials, only one ton is obtained in the manufacturing process medicinal base. Walnuts are also prepared in a special way during factory production, as a result of which the concentration and activity of herbal medicinal components are significantly increased. Thus, there is a big difference between an artisanal extract and an industrial preparation.

It is believed that the effect of todikamp when used in alternative oncology treatment regimens is associated with its stimulating effect on the protective and metabolic functions of the body, while directly on cancer cells walnut extract in kerosene does not have any effect.

On the basis of Todikamp, ​​two types of the drug have been developed: Todiklark and Phytodin.

In the manufacture of todiklark, American walnut is used instead of the usual walnut. According to some herbalists, the effectiveness of Todiklark is higher than Todikamp. seen positive effect when taking it with powders from medicinal herbs: wormwood, tansy, cloves. The course of treatment with todiklarkom takes one month, after which a monthly break is necessary. As a rule, three courses of therapy are carried out during the year. Single dose when taking the drug inside - a third or half a teaspoon

Phytodin is a complex complex drug based on purified kerosene, in which, in addition to walnuts, there are other plant components: eucalyptus, wormwood, cherry laurel, garlic, poplar, myrtle, birch buds. It is believed that these medicinal herbs can reduce the adverse load on the body when using the remedy. When phytodine is mixed with water and starch, talc or baby powder is added, an ointment is obtained from the liquid, which is used externally for applications to the affected areas.

Important point! Both todikamp and its modifications were developed PRIORLY for external use. In addition, clinical studies of drugs have not been conducted, therefore, taking tinctures orally is associated with a high risk of side effects and cannot be recommended for official use already for the reason that the result of their action cannot be predicted!

The reverse side of the method: recovery from illness or death from kerosene poisoning?

The main disadvantage of using pure kerosene or preparations based on it for the treatment of cancer is the complete absence of standardized clinical research, and, therefore, any official statistics on the results of using the tincture.

There are multiple cases of development of burns of the oral mucosa and primary departments digestive tract. Often this is accompanied by a complete closure of the lumen of the esophagus (its stricture), as a result of which the patient needs a serious operation, after which he still remains disabled.

No less dangerous complications of taking kerosene inside are irreversible damage to the liver and kidneys, through which oil products and their derivatives are excreted. Cirrhosis, nephropathy, liver and kidney failure, etc. - formidable diagnoses, often leading to death - a real danger not only to health, but also to the life of the patient.

Another important organ that suffers from oil products is the pancreas, whose tissues become inflamed and die under the influence of kerosene.


  • Treatment of cancer with kerosene requires a full awareness of the patients of all possible consequences, careful preparation of raw materials and compliance with the recipe for the preparation of liquids.
  • Even with the most strict adherence to the rules for taking drugs, there is no guarantee that purified kerosene or preparations based on it will not cause dangerous side effects.
  • The complete absence of official statistics does not allow predicting the probability positive result treatment.
  • When using the method, periodic examination of the kidneys, liver, pancreas and other organs, the work of which may be disturbed, is recommended.

Cancer is known to be one of the most intractable diseases. Traditional medicine has great amount various recipes that help to effectively deal with this disease. Among all treatments special attention deserves oncology treatment with kerosene. In this article, we will consider not only useful properties this tool, but also how to drink kerosene with oncology.

Therapeutic properties of kerosene in oncology

Remember that purified kerosene is used as a medicine.

How to clean kerosene

As mentioned above kerosene against cancer must be used in pure form. This can be done in the following ways:

  • Take a three-liter jar,
  • Pour one liter of water and one liter of kerosene into the jar,
  • Cover the jar with a tight lid
  • Shake the mixture for several minutes
  • Leave the jar for a while so that the mixture settles.

As a result, you will see how the kerosene has separated from the water. Without affecting the water level, carefully drain the kerosene into a separate container.

There is another method for cleaning this tool. To do this, follow these steps:

  • Take three tablespoons rock salt,
  • Pour the salt into a clean jar
  • Passing through gauze, pour kerosene into the container,
  • Put the jar in a deep saucepan and pour water into it (the water should be above the kerosene level),
  • Put the pan on the fire and boil it over low heat for an hour and a half.

Salt absorbs all harmful substances. After the expiration of time finished product neatly poured into a dark glass bottle.

Cancer treatment with kerosene, recipes

The use of kerosene in oncology possible in the preparation of the recipes described below.

Option 1

This recipe is used for malignant tumors of various types. It is prepared on the basis of kerosene and green walnuts. It is recommended to take such a drug during the cycle from new moon to new moon. And so for cooking, you need to perform the following steps:

  • Chop young unripe walnuts
  • Pour them into a jar (the jar must be at least 70% full),
  • Fill the nuts with kerosene.
  • Put the jar in a dark warm place for 40 days.

The finished product is taken one teaspoon three times a day before meals. At the same time, it is bred in sufficient in large numbers water. It is recommended to undergo at least two courses of treatment.

Option 2

This version of the tool is prepared in the same way as in the previous one. Only the reception scheme differs. This option is recommended for patients who suffer from stomach cancer. Treatment of cancer with kerosene, dosage on this recipe is one tablespoon per day in the morning on an empty stomach. After taking it is forbidden to eat for 2 hours. The course is 15 days. 5 days to take - 5 days off. And so three times.

Option 3

This option suggests preparing a medicine from purified kerosene and chaga. For this:

  • Take purified kerosene and chaga (mushroom).
  • Mix all ingredients thoroughly

The finished product should be taken one teaspoon three times a day half an hour before meals. The course of such treatment is 4 weeks. After that, you should take a break and take only the infusion of chaga, eating it with refined sugar. It is recommended to take at least three such courses.


So, like any method, kerosene treatment has a number of contraindications and side effects. The first thing you need to pay attention to is that in case of an overdose, not only poisoning can occur, but also fatal outcome. Therefore, before starting the treatment with this method, be sure to consult a doctor. During this treatment, dizziness, nausea, vomiting may occur. If side effects occur, treatment should be discontinued. It is forbidden to use kerosene for pregnant and lactating women. Pay attention also to the fact that after treatment with this remedy, you should avoid being in the sun for two years.

    Diseases respiratory tract
      Angina (tonsillitis) Sinusitis Runny nose (rhinitis) Bronchial asthma Bronchitis Pulmonary tuberculosis
    Diseases of cardio-vascular system
      Atherosclerosis Myocardial infarction Varicose veins
    Diseases gastrointestinal tract Diseases of the nervous system
      Radiculitis Vegetovascular (neurocirculatory) dystonia Migraine
    Diseases of the urogenital area
      Chronic pyelonephritis and cystitis Urolithiasis (renal stones) disease Trichomoniasis (trichomoniasis) Prostatitis Prostate adenoma
    Diseases skin
      Psoriasis Eczema Erysipelas Pediculosis (lice) Dandruff (oily seborrhea) Lichen Scabies Furunculosis Warts Corns Wounds Alopecia (baldness) Papillomas Cancer diseases
    Other healing properties attributed to kerosene
Respiratory diseases
Angina (tonsillitis)

Angina is an acute general infectious disease with the most pronounced local inflammatory process in the tonsils. The palatine tonsils are most commonly affected. Angina is more often observed in spring and autumn (during the transitional season with unstable air temperature).

Treatment methods:

10 drops of kerosene are diluted in 50 grams of warm water. The resulting solution is gargled after meals every day for a week. Then a break is made for 1 - 2 weeks (depending on the result).

The use of kerosene in the form of a compress: a cloth is wetted in heated kerosene, then squeezed out and wrapped around the neck. A scarf or woolen cloth is applied on top. The compress is held as long as possible.

For the treatment of angina, lubrication with kerosene is also used. To do this, wrap cotton wool on a thin long stick and dip it in purified kerosene. Inflamed tonsils are lubricated with kerosene every half hour. In the case of an advanced form of tonsillitis, when abscesses have already formed on the tonsils, it is strongly not recommended to lubricate them with kerosene.

Rinsing with a weak solution of purified kerosene is often used. For this purpose, in a glass of warm boiled water (the temperature of which should not exceed 25 ° C), you need to dissolve half a tablespoon of tea soda. 1 tablespoon of kerosene is added to the resulting solution. The course of such treatment is 6-8 days, the frequency of rinsing is 4-12 times a day.


Sinusitis is an inflammatory disease of the paranasal sinuses. Depending on which of the sinuses are affected, they distinguish: sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, ethmoiditis and sphenoiditis.

Method of treatment:

A special ointment is prepared from lard and kerosene (4:1) and rubbed into the skin of the cheeks on both sides of the nose and forehead area, located directly above the bridge of the nose. The procedure is carried out simultaneously with the laying of tampons soaked in this ointment into the nasal passages for 3 hours (1 time per day).

Runny nose (rhinitis)

Treatment methods:

Cotton swabs are wound on 2 matches, then moistened with kerosene and inserted into both nostrils for 2-3 minutes before going to bed. The procedure is carried out every other day 3-5 times (this method is also suitable for the treatment of sinusitis).

With a runny nose, you can also lubricate the soles of your feet with kerosene.

Bronchial asthma

Bronchial asthma is a chronic relapsing disease characterized by asthma attacks due to bronchial spasm.

Method of treatment:

Prepare a solution of kerosene: 9 drops of purified kerosene - in a glass of warm water. This solution is taken orally daily, every 2 hours, 1/3 cup.

You can also rub your back and chest with an ointment of the following composition: petroleum jelly and kerosene in a 4:1 ratio.


Bronchitis is an inflammatory lesion of the bronchial tree.

Treatment methods:

For the treatment of inflammation of the bronchi, kerosene is used both externally and internally.

As an external agent, kerosene is used in the form of rubbing on the chest, which is carried out before bedtime. After the end of the procedure, the patient must be covered with a warm blanket.

Treatment of chronic bronchitis is also carried out with the help of special compresses with kerosene, which are applied to chest except for the region of the heart. Compresses are used for 14 - 15 days every 48 hours. The duration of each procedure should not exceed 4 hours.

Inside with bronchitis, kerosene is usually consumed with milk. The course of such treatment is 40 days. At the same time, one drop of kerosene is added per 100 g of milk overnight for 20 days, after which the dose is reduced by 1 drop over the next 20 days.

Inside, kerosene is also used in the form of an aqueous solution (7-8 drops of kerosene per glass of warm water), which is taken daily inside 1/2 cup every 2-3 hours.

Pulmonary tuberculosis

Method of treatment:

A mixture of mutton fat with kerosene in a ratio of 15:1 is used, which should be taken 2-3 times a day, 1/2-1/3 tablespoon after meals. The duration of the course is not limited.

You can also use a mixture of black radish juice with kerosene (5:1). The remedy is taken 3-4 times a day, one tablespoon. Course - 3 - 4 weeks.

Diseases of the cardiovascular system

Atherosclerosis is a chronic disease characterized by damage to the walls of the aorta with their thickening and formation connective tissue with lipid (fatty) plaques. Such changes narrow the lumen of the vessels and, with an increase in blood clotting, lead to the formation of blood clots.

The development of atherosclerosis is promoted by: genetic factors, eating disorders, smoking, hypertension.

Method of treatment:

To one glass of carefully crushed corn kernels, add 1 tablespoon of purified kerosene and carefully squeeze the juice out of them. The resulting remedy is divided into 3 servings and taken during the day half an hour before meals. Juice is drunk daily for 3 weeks.

myocardial infarction

Myocardial infarction - damage to the heart muscle due to blockage of the coronary artery or one of its branches.

The method of rehabilitation therapy after a heart attack:

Six drops of purified kerosene - in a glass of warm boiled water. Drink 1/2 cup 2-3 times a day 2 hours after meals. The course of treatment is 2 weeks.


Method of treatment:

A mixture of apple cider vinegar and purified kerosene (2: 1) is lubricated (but not rubbed) with varicose vein areas 2 times a day. The mixture must be thoroughly shaken before each use.

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract
Peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum

This is a chronic relapsing disease with the formation of ulcers of the mucous and submucosal membranes of the stomach or duodenum. The most characteristic symptom of peptic ulcer disease is abdominal pain (usually in epigastric region), vomiting and stomach bleeding. In addition to vomiting, other dyspeptic phenomena are also observed: heartburn, nausea, belching. Appetite is usually not disturbed, however, when severe pain appears, patients avoid eating for fear of their resumption.

Method of treatment:

In the first week, take 1 drop of Todikamp in 1/4 glass of water three times a day half an hour before meals. In the second week - 2 drops according to the same scheme. In the third week - 3 drops.

The course of treatment is 3 weeks.

chronic colitis

Chronic colitis is a chronic inflammatory disease of the large intestine.

Method of treatment:

Accept water solution kerosene (10 drops of purified kerosene - in a glass of warm boiled water) 1 - 2 times a day 30 - 40 minutes before meals. The course of treatment is 3-4 weeks.

Helminthiases (worms)

We most often meet the following types of helminths.

Ascaris is the most common helminth in the world. They reach a length of up to 40 cm. At the first stage of ascariasis, the respiratory organs and skin suffer, abdominal pain, allergic reactions occur, and the liver enlarges. In the second stage - abdominal pain, fever, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, headaches, fatigue.

Pinworms can cause intestinal diseases (including appendicitis) and genitourinary system.

Tapeworm (wide tapeworm) - a large worm, reaching a length of up to 9 meters. Infection occurs when eating poorly fried or boiled fish. Tapeworm causes hypovitaminosis (vitamin deficiency), diarrhea, constipation, nausea and vomiting, weakness, headaches.

Vlasoglav (trichocephalus) - a worm 3 - 3.5 cm long. Causes diseases of the intestines (colitis, appendicitis, etc.), stomach and gallbladder. It provokes the development of anemia and allergic reactions.

The liver fluke enters the human body when drinking unboiled water, unwashed vegetables. After 1 to 8 weeks, fever, weakness, and allergic reactions occur. The liver enlarges, jaundice occurs.

Method of treatment:

Drink purified kerosene (or Todikamp) in the morning on an empty stomach, 1 teaspoon for up to four weeks.


Cholelithiasis is a disease characterized by the formation of stones in the bile ducts, gallbladder or liver.

Method of treatment:

In the absence of seizures biliary colic(as a conservative treatment) a two-week course of purified kerosene with lemon juice is recommended: 3 tablespoons of freshly squeezed lemon juice mix with warm boiled water and three drops of kerosene; take one hour before meals. Contraindicated in hyperacidity gastric juice.


Dysbacteriosis is pathological condition intestinal microflora. Manifested liquid stool, increased gas formation. The main causes of intestinal dysbacteriosis are: medicines that adversely affect intestinal microflora(especially antibiotics), excess solar Activity, unfavorable ecological situation, change climatic conditions, intestinal infections, chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (cholecystitis, pancreatitis, gastritis, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, hepatitis, etc.), surgical intervention, malnutrition.

Method of treatment:

Drop 5-10 drops of kerosene on one teaspoon of sugar and drink it with water. Take every morning on an empty stomach.


Hemorrhoids - expansion of the cavernous veins of the lower rectum - nodes, sometimes bleeding, inflamed and infringed in the anus. Predisposes to hemorrhoids stagnation of blood in the rectum (constipation, sedentary lifestyle).

Treatment methods:

Take castor oil, vegetable oil and kerosene (2:6:1) and mix thoroughly. Take the prepared mixture at night, 3 tablespoons daily.

Applications. Soak a gauze pad in purified kerosene and apply to the area anus for 1 hour. The procedure is carried out daily at bedtime after emptying the intestines.

Joint diseases
Rheumatoid arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis is a disease characterized by chronic progressive inflammation of the joints of the extremities.

Treatment methods:

Rubbing. Take 200 g of salt and 100 g of mustard powder, add the same amount of purified kerosene to obtain a thick mixture; rubbed into the joints at night. Also, for rubbing, a mixture of kerosene and fir oil is used in a ratio of 1: 2, which for 15 minutes in a circular motion rubbed into painful area joint before bed. Rubbing should be carried out for 1 - 2 months daily.

Kerosene-soap compress. Dampen a piece of soft canvas (no synthetics) with kerosene and wring it out. One side of her is soaped laundry soap until a shiny layer is formed. With the soapy side outward, the compress is placed on the sore spot. The top is covered with oilcloth, then polyethylene is applied, a layer of cotton wool is applied and bandaged around the body.

baths. Kerosene is poured into a bucket or basin and the inflamed joint is lowered into it for 20 minutes.

In addition, arthritis is treated by rubbing Todikamp into the skin of the affected joint.


Gout is a chronic disease caused by metabolic disorders, with an increase in the content uric acid in the blood and the deposition of its salts in the joints, other tissues and organs. Manifested acute attacks arthritis, deformity of the joints with a violation of their function. Reasons: heredity, overeating (mainly the abuse of meat, alcohol).

Method of treatment:

A mixture of kerosene and balm is applied to the area of ​​the affected joint. Golden Star". After an hour, the skin is washed with warm water and wiped, after which a warming bandage is applied.

Heel spur

Spur - growths on the surface of the bones.

Method of treatment:

take the head onion and cut in half. Drop a drop of kerosene on the cut surface of each half of the bulb and apply it to the painful places of the calcaneus, bandage it. The number of procedures is not limited.

Diseases of the nervous system

Radiculitis is a disease caused by damage to the roots of the spinal nerves.

Treatment methods:

Rubbing. For rubbing, you can use the same mixture of salt, mustard and kerosene as for rheumatism. More effective next remedy: Grind 5 - 10 pods of red pepper, mix them with 250 g of sunflower oil and 250 g of kerosene, then infuse in a warm place for 9 days, shaking well daily. Rub into the painful area at night.

Beet-kerosene compress. To do this, you will need a piece of cotton fabric the size of 1/4 sheet and a piece of plastic wrap of the same size. 3 medium-sized beets are rubbed on a fine grater (not peeled, but thoroughly washed), squeezed through cheesecloth beetroot juice, for the compress you only need a cake. A large towel is spread on the bed, two layers of rags are on it, then plastic wrap. Beet cake is laid out on a film in the form of a rectangle and sprinkled with kerosene several times. Then a piece of cloth is spread on the cake, on which you need to lie down so that the compress is on the sore lower back. After that, the ends of the towel are tied on the stomach. The compress is kept up to two hours. After the procedure, to relieve redness, it is recommended to wipe the skin of the back with a damp swab and lubricate with petroleum jelly.

Vegetovascular (neurocirculatory) dystonia

Vegetovascular dystonia is a disease caused by a mismatch physical development and development of neuroendocrine function. More common in adolescence and is manifested primarily by neurosis-like states (weakness, fatigue, sleep disturbance, irritability).

Method of treatment:

Mix 4 tablespoons of parsley juice, 1 tablespoon of oat juice and 1 teaspoon of purified kerosene. Take every other day, once a day. The course of treatment is 4-6 weeks.


Migraine is a disease characterized by paroxysmal, often unilateral, headaches.

How to relieve a migraine attack: apply cotton balls soaked in purified kerosene to the temples and parotid cavities for 30-40 minutes.

Diseases of the urogenital area
Chronic pyelonephritis and cystitis

Pyelonephritis is an inflammatory disease of the kidneys.

Cystitis is an inflammation of the bladder wall.

Method for the treatment of pyelonephritis and cystitis:

Take 20 g of heather grass and pour a glass of boiling water. Insist in a thermos for 2 hours, then filter. 2 tablespoons of purified kerosene are added to the infusion and the resulting mixture is heated over low heat for 15-20 minutes. Then it is filtered again through 4-6 layers of gauze. The resulting remedy is taken 1 tablespoon 3 times a day before meals for a course of up to three weeks. After 1.5 - 2 months, the course must be repeated.

Urolithiasis (kidney stones) disease

Urolithiasis is a disease that occurs with the formation of stones in the organs of urination.

Method of treatment:

A piece of woolen cloth soaked in kerosene is applied to the lower back (in the area of ​​the projection of the renal pelvis), covering it with a layer of polyethylene. The procedure can last up to 2 hours (depending on the degree of individual intolerance) and is carried out daily, once a day, in a course of 2 weeks.

Trichomoniasis (trichomoniasis)

Trichomoniasis is an infectious disease caused by Trichomonas. Infection is predominantly sexual. It is manifested by inflammation of the mucous membranes of the urinary tract (burning, itching, foamy or purulent discharge).

Method of treatment:

Take 1 cup of walnut partitions, grind in a coffee grinder and pour 1 cup of purified kerosene. Insist in a dark place for a day. On the first day, take 5 drops on an empty stomach, on the second - 10 drops, on the third - 20 drops, and continue to take 20 drops for a month.


prostatitis - inflammation prostate, usually of an infectious nature, with frequent painful urination, urinary retention.

Method of treatment:

On the area of ​​the perineum (between the scrotum and the anus), lotions with purified kerosene are applied 1-2 times a day. The duration of the procedure is 20 - 30 minutes.


Prostate adenoma is a benign prostate tumor.

Method of treatment:

Take purified kerosene 1 tablespoon 1 time per day 30 minutes before meals with a glass of boiled water with honey. The course of treatment is 3 weeks, followed by a ten-day break, and the course is repeated. Before the third course, a twenty-day break is made.

Skin diseases

Psoriasis is a chronic non-contagious skin disease characterized by scaly skin rashes. Despite several theories, exact reason disease has not been identified.

Method of treatment:

Take "Todikamp" 8 - 10 drops in two tablespoons of honey once a day before meals. Treatment is carried out until a noticeable improvement.


Eczema is an inflammation of the skin of a neuro-allergic nature, characterized by a long relapsing course, itching and rash.

Method of treatment:

Take dried dandelion and sucker roots, separately ground into powder, and add 100 ml of purified kerosene to each component. Then rub with a wooden spoon in an enameled bowl for half an hour. The product is stored in a glass jar with a lid (in a cool place). The resulting ointment is applied to the affected areas before going to bed.


Erysipelas is an infectious skin disease characterized by focal inflammation (in the form of "tongues of flame"), fever and intoxication.

Method of treatment:

Lubricate the focus of inflammation 3-4 times a day with kerosene. Kerosene is washed off the skin after 10 minutes. The course of treatment is 2-3 days.

Pediculosis (lice)

Treatment methods:

Kerosene compress: the hair is smeared with kerosene and the head is wrapped in a towel. The compress is kept for at least two hours, then the hair is rinsed and combed with a frequent comb.

Kerosene-oil compress: moisten the hair with a mixture of vegetable oil (linseed or sunflower) and kerosene (1: 1) and apply a bandage with waxed paper for 5-6 hours. After two procedures, the head is washed hot water with soap, then comb the hair with a fine comb.

Dandruff (oily seborrhea)

Method of treatment:

A mixture of vodka, kerosene and onion juice, taken in a ratio of 2:1:1, is rubbed into the scalp.

Another remedy: 1 part kerosene, 2 parts castor oil and 10 parts alcohol. Mix and rub the resulting mixture into the scalp.


Lichen is a group of diseases that occur for various reasons and affect the skin, mucous membranes and nails.

Method of treatment:

Prepare a mixture of 3 teaspoons of fish oil and 1 teaspoon of kerosene. The resulting substance is applied to four-fold gauze and applied to the skin affected by lichen.


Scabies is a contagious skin disease caused by the scabies mite.

Method of treatment:

Prepare an ointment of the following composition: 6 ml of kerosene, 1 g of green soap, 6 g of purified sulfur, 5 g of chalk and an ointment base (for example, wax ointment). Rub itchy areas of the skin.


A furuncle is an inflammation of the hair follicle caused by staphylococcus aureus.

Method of treatment:

Lubrication of the affected areas of the skin with purified kerosene. By the way, some authors argue that it is permissible to treat furunculosis of the skin of the face with this method, others categorically do not recommend doing this.


Method of treatment: lubrication of warts with Todikamp.


Method of treatment:

The feet or hands are placed in kerosene for 10 minutes every evening. Then douse them with cold water and wipe dry.


Treatment methods:

Kerosene ointment is used to heal wounds. To prepare it, you need to take 2 yolks, a piece of beeswax the size of a bean, one teaspoon of kerosene and 4 tablespoons of vegetable oil. Boil the oil, add wax to it and boil for another minute. The mixture is cooled to a warm state and kerosene and yolks are added to it. Then mix well. The ointment is applied to non-healing wounds (including surgical ones).

Another recipe for the treatment of long-term non-healing wounds. Take 1 liter of sunflower oil, 30 ml of freshly squeezed celandine juice and 100 ml of purified kerosene. Mix thoroughly and infuse for a week in a dark, cool place. The gauze impregnated with this mixture is applied to the wound surface. Bandage change - 2 times a day. Course - 2 weeks.

There is evidence that with the help of kerosene, you can also pull out a splinter. To do this, it is enough to lubricate the skin with kerosene and seal it with adhesive tape.

Alopecia (baldness)

Method of treatment:

Mix olive oil with kerosene in a ratio of 1:1. The resulting mass is rubbed into the hair roots once a week for 2-3 hours before washing.


Papilloma is a benign tumor of the skin or mucous membrane that looks like a papilla or "cauliflower".

Method of treatment:

Spend 1 - 2 times a day lubrication of papillomas "Todikamp".

Cancer diseases

The possibilities of using kerosene for the treatment of cancer cause (for obvious reasons) the most heated debate between supporters and opponents of this method of therapy.

Cancer is a malignant tumor of epithelial origin. A primary cancerous tumor can develop in all organs of the human body where there is one or another type of epithelium. Most often, cancer occurs in the lungs, stomach, uterus, breasts, esophagus, intestines, and skin. A characteristic feature of cancer is its unlimited growth: once having arisen in one or another organ, the primary cancerous tumor grows steadily and unceasingly, germinates and destroys the surrounding tissues and from here it is transferred through the lymphatic pathways to other organs, forming new cancerous tumors (metastases) in them. Cancer metastases can occur in all, without exception, organs.

Symptoms at the initial stages of tumor development, as a rule, are absent. There is no spontaneous cure for cancer. The most radical method of treatment today is surgery (removal of the tumor). But even after these operations, relapses often develop and metastases occur. Along with surgical methods of treatment, official medicine also uses chemotherapy (treatment with cytostatics - drugs that suppress the growth of both sick and healthy body cells) and radiation therapy, which also do not guarantee a complete cure.

Tumor growth is a disorderly reproduction of body cells. It is still not known exactly what its cause is, but there are a great many theories. Below are the most "popular" of them.

    The carcinogenic theory states that exposure to certain substances (carcinogens) can cause cancer. According to the Rous virus theory, tumor growth is caused by viruses. In addition, according to Zilber's virus-senetic theory: in addition to ordinary viruses, there are oncoviruses that cause tumors. The fissural theory states that cancer occurs when tissues are squeezed. According to the theory of disembryonic rudiments, the rudiments of embryonic tissues remain in the human body, which, under favorable conditions, develop into cancerous tumors. And finally, the polyetiological theory says that cancer occurs under the influence of a variety of factors. That is, to put it simply, it is easier to name the causes that do not cause cancer than those that cause it.

Methods of treating cancer with kerosene:

    Treatment with Todikamp. 1 teaspoon - 1 tablespoon 3 times a day 20 minutes before meals. The course is 4 weeks. Number of courses - 3, with breaks of one month. Birch mushroom (chaga) with purified kerosene. You must first prepare the infusion of chaga.
    Dried chaga is crushed and poured with cold filtered water (1:3), after which it is infused at room temperature in a dark place for 4 hours. Then the water must be drained into a separate container, the softened pieces of chaga must be grated, poured with five glasses of warm water and infused for two days, after which the infusion is poured into a glass vessel and mixed with the water in which the chaga was originally infused.
    Chaga is taken orally simultaneously with a piece of refined sugar soaked in purified kerosene. Chaga is consumed with kerosene in the morning, just before breakfast.
    The course of treatment with kerosene with a solution of chaga lasts 26 days. For the next 30 days, only an infusion of birch fungus is taken, one glass 3 times a day, half an hour before meals. After that, the course of joint treatment with chaga and kerosene is resumed.
Other healing properties attributed to kerosene

Recently, such effects on the human body as rejuvenating, cleansing and restorative effects are often associated with some preparations of kerosene. In this regard, Todikamp is most often mentioned.

For the purpose of rejuvenation, it is advised to take "Todikamp" 2 - 3 drops per 1/2 cup of warm boiled water 2 - 3 times a day for a prophylactic course of 6 weeks.

And here is another "elixir of longevity":

“Add 3 tablespoons of purified kerosene to 0.5 liters of fresh apple cider vinegar. The resulting drug should be taken 1 teaspoon per 1 glass of boiled water 1-2 times a day. It is only necessary to shake the vessel with the prepared "elixir" immediately before use. The prophylactic course of recovery lasts from 6 to 3 weeks.

To achieve the effect of cleansing the body, it is recommended to take "Todikamp" 8 - 10 drops in 2 tablespoons of honey once a day before meals. The course of treatment is not limited.

At the same time, when using a sparing scheme, it is recommended to take kerosene immediately before meals, and using the full scheme - half an hour before meals.

If conventional medicine does not help, simple folk remedies to restore health. In the treatment of many diseases: tonsillitis, bronchitis, sinusitis, runny nose, head lice and even cancer - kerosene will help.

* * *

The following excerpt from the book Treatment and purification with kerosene (M. V. Kuropatkina, 2007) provided by our book partner - the company LitRes.

Chapter 1

The word "kerosene" comes from the English kerosene, which, in turn, comes from the Greek word keros, which means "wax".

Receiving kerosene

What is kerosene? What is its origin? This is a hydrocarbon, which is a certain fraction of oil sublimation obtained by boiling oil in the temperature range of 200–300 ° C. Oil itself is a fossil product, which is a mixture of various organic substances.

Kerosene is mainly used as a motor and heating fuel for domestic purposes. It is somewhat lighter than water, and therefore does not dissolve in it, forming floating films.

The industry produces kerosene, which is characterized by different fractional composition and properties. It is produced mainly in 2 varieties: heavy (pyronaut) and light.

The density of a heavy one is 860 kg / m 3, while its flash point is 90 ° C. The pyronaut is more safe in terms of the possibility of a fire, it is used to illuminate mines, boiler houses and warehouses, as well as buoys, small ships, lighthouses, etc. d.

The density of light kerosene is 830 kg / m 3, and the flash point is 40 ° C. This fraction is used for domestic needs. Primuses and some lighting devices are filled with such kerosene.

For the treatment of edema, bruises, as well as diseases of the throat and some other diseases, people use household kerosene, usually used to illuminate the home.

For the successful passage of coal flotation processes, a specially produced type of kerosene is used. Its boiling point is 98% at temperatures up to 315°C, flash point is 40°C. This kerosene is also used as the main raw material in pyrolysis.

Kerosene is also used for heating various rooms, when firing porcelain and glass products, and for washing technical parts. In terms of properties, this special technical grade is almost the same as other grades, however, its flash point is 28 ° C, the presence of sulfur is up to 1%.

There is the so-called tractor kerosene, which is used as fuel for tractors.

The combustion process of kerosene deteriorates if it contains a large percentage of heavy fractions.

Therefore, distillates from the distillation of sour crude oil are hydrotreated. Lighting kerosene is used in household lighting and heating appliances. It limits the percentage of heavy fractions.

This grade of kerosene can be used orally for medicinal purposes after it has been cleansed.

Based on this property, kerosene is classified by its maximum non-smoking flame height, which is an indication of the quantitative presence of aromatic hydrocarbons. In this regard, the industry produces lighting kerosene of 3 grades.

Kerosene is a flammable product, since its flash point is 57 ° C with an open crucible, and self-ignition occurs at 216 ° C. In this case, kerosene ignites within a temperature range of 35–75 ° C, and its vapors explode within 1.4– 7.5% by volume.

Most wide application kerosene fractions are found as fuel in the operation of jet aircraft. This is aviation kerosene, which has a sufficiently high degree of purification, which should be taken into account when choosing a brand of kerosene for its use for medicinal purposes.

In the air, the maximum allowable concentration (MPC) of kerosene is 300 mg/m 3 . If the concentration of vapors exceeds this limit, then inhalation of air in such a room will lead to human poisoning.

The use of kerosene to treat various diseases

Various methods of treatment with kerosene are quite actively practiced in folk medicine. People suffering various diseases, use it for external and internal use, since kerosene has a beneficial, healing effect on the body with a fairly wide range of diseases. This tool can also be used in preventive purposes.

Kerosene is used in the treatment of:

- bruises, sprains, dislocations;

- with increased irritability;

- with sinusitis;

- with edema;

- with tuberculosis;

- as general tonic;

- with skin diseases;

- with blood diseases;

- with angina;

- with headaches;

- in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;

- at chronic diseases genitourinary system;

- in diseases of the cardiovascular system;

- at joint pain;

- for treatment oncological diseases;

- for general cleansing organism;

- as a prevention of many diseases;

- to rejuvenate the body.

Here are a few small stories who will be able to show how kerosene served as a medicine and helped to get rid of diseases and ailments to different people.

Tatyana suffered from sinusitis for 20 years. All means available to medicine have been tried. She lay in the hospital for a long time, did warm-ups, punctures and other procedures, but they gave only temporary relief. It was worth catching a cold, and the disease arose with renewed vigor.

Neither pills nor folk remedies could make the disease recede. And they tried a lot: salt, calendula tincture, honey, etc. It is not known how long this would have continued if she had not experienced another method of treatment.

Tatyana lubricated her sinuses, nose and cheeks with kerosene mixed with vegetable oil in a 1: 1 ratio. After a while, she began to feel much better. The woman was able to recover and cure her children. Endless medications and physiotherapy were no longer needed, as well as painful punctures.

Many people have cast aside their prejudices before using such an unusual drug as kerosene. traditional healers methods of treating people with the help of various drugs, which included this tool.

This example, like many others, shows that you should never give up.

It is necessary to look for and try different methods of treatment, then you will definitely find available remedy that can help you fully heal. AT this case this was made possible by kerosene.

A simple lubrication with kerosene not only brings relief, but completely eliminates such a serious disease as sinusitis.

And here is another story. Nikolai could not cope with the pain (his legs and lower back ached). The pills did not work, and he stopped taking them, especially since, as you know, many drugs have undesirable effects. side effect and, curing one organ, can adversely affect the condition of another.

He was advised to use kerosene. When rubbing it into the skin on sore spots, Nikolai felt relieved, the pains were gone, and now, if the need arises, he always uses this simple method.

During the Great Patriotic War, village women saved the wounded Soviet soldier who escaped from captivity. In the leg, which was hit by a bullet, tissue necrosis has already begun. To cure the fighter, an urgent operation was required - amputation of the leg below the knee. But the women took kerosene, soaked a clean cotton cloth with it and tied the wound around.

The next day, after a short-term deterioration of the condition, the development of gangrene stopped.

The dressing was changed daily, and day by day the area of ​​redness decreased, as did the swelling. It's been 2 weeks and the wound has healed. So Russian women were able, in the absence of medicines and special medical knowledge, not only to cure the soldier’s leg, but also to save his life, preventing the blood poisoning that had begun to spread.

Pauli Geiner suffered from intestinal damage, metastases appeared, and she had to undergo an operation, as a result of which a significant part of the small intestine was removed.

Already almost desperate and resigned to her fate, Paula suddenly remembered the old stories of soldiers about how the inhabitants of the province of Herzegovina rubbed sore spots and drank kerosene for various diseases.

The woman daily on an empty stomach began to take a teaspoon of pure kerosene. First, the paralysis disappeared, the pain receded. After 13 days, the vomiting stopped and Paula began to get up. After about 40 days, she began to regain her weight for the first time in for a long time she had an appetite. Gradually she regained her lost health.

The whole world was told by the story of how a woman named Paula Geiner at the age of 50 was able to heal from such a terrible disease as cancer. Her story is even more amazing because, having fully recovered, she helped restore health to 20,000 patients with a similar diagnosis.

This woman proved by her own experience that kerosene is really capable of healing. In her opinion, the intake of pure (aviation) kerosene especially helps with blood diseases. She recommends that all people take this remedy (15 drops per sugar cube) as a preventive measure, starting treatment with taking 1-2 drops of kerosene 3 times a day.

To cancer patients who turned to Paula for advice, she talked about her experience of healing with kerosene, how to prepare this wonderful remedy, how and when to take it.

By that time, Paula Geiner already had a patent in many countries. Thanks to her advice, about 20,000 people were cured of cancer.

Now also many types of diseases, and not only oncological ones, are successfully treated using a different recipe. remedy- kerosene tincture, which includes green walnuts.

When starting treatment with kerosene, it is necessary to inform the attending physician about this, who, taking into account the state of health of the patient, as well as the presence of concomitant diseases in the latter, will prescribe the right dosage drug.

This drug has proven to be so effective, effective remedy that some firms are interested in them. In particular, the Technoekos Scientific and Technical Center for Environmental Problems began to manufacture and sell it to the public through pharmacies and drugstores. He has a patent for the preparation and use of a therapeutic agent based on naphthel derivatives of oil and walnuts.

Cleaning kerosene in the laboratory, under the supervision of specialists, frees patients from the need to carry out this procedure at home in an artisanal way, which is a rather dangerous occupation.

Nut extract on kerosene was called "Todikamp". This anti-inflammatory drug for external and internal use has successfully passed several commissions (including toxicological) of the Pharmaceutical Committee of the USSR, which approved the Todikamp pharmacopoeial article, and also conducted clinical trials.

This drug has strong immunoactivating properties, antioxidant, analgesic, tonic effect, non-toxic, stabilizes cell membranes.

Walnut-kerosene tincture is intended for the treatment of acute inflammatory processes musculoskeletal system, infectious diseases of the upper respiratory tract (tonsillitis, etc.). Walnut-kerosene extract can be successfully used for the treatment of cancer patients, including the 4th degree. At the same time, the vast majority of patients (⅔) show improvement: pain disappears, blood normalizes, impaired functions are restored, while the tumor and metastases are reduced.

"Todikamp" is most effective in oncological diseases of the lymphatic system, as well as tumors of the neck and head.

Outdoor use

When using kerosene externally for medicinal purposes, certain rules should be strictly adhered to.

Before starting treatment, you need to make sure that there is no allergic reaction to this remedy. It is necessary to lubricate a small area of ​​​​the surface of the skin behind the ear with purified kerosene. If redness or rashes do not follow, then the reaction of the body is normal.

There are many different recipes and methods for the external use of purified kerosene. At very sensitive skin lotions should not be abused, as inflammation may follow. To prevent this from happening, you can use a mixture of kerosene with vegetable oil for rubbing and lubrication.

It is necessary to act very carefully so that the kerosene does not get into the eyes - it is dangerous for the eyesight.

Positive dynamics is observed in a significant number of cases of treatment of oncological diseases with the help of kerosene, and these changes are stable.

Kerosene dressings must be changed every day, controlling the condition of the skin. The technique of applications, lotions, lubrication and rubbing is given in the description of specific diseases.

Internal application and cleansing

You can take kerosene inside for treatment, as well as for preventive purposes, to consolidate the results achieved in the healing process, or as a general tonic.

You can use kerosene different ways, depending on the disease. So, for example, it can be used in the form of drops, the number of which increases daily in accordance with a special schedule. Purified kerosene can also be taken orally on a piece of sugar (not instant) and in the form of tinctures. The drug "Todikamp" - a tincture of green walnuts - has proven itself well. It is taken according to the instructions.

With any method of using the drug, which includes kerosene, and when using it in its pure form, it is necessary that its dose does not exceed 20 g. more kerosene can cause poisoning. In order for ordinary kerosene to be used as a medicine, it must be purified.

Purification of kerosene

Most best method used to purify this liquid is distillation. But at home, it is not recommended to perform it, because this requires special devices. Other distillation methods outside laboratory conditions very dangerous, they can lead to explosions and fires.

Exist available ways purification of kerosene at home.

Aviation white kerosene is considered the purest, although it must be refined before it can be used as a healing agent.

Pour 1 liter of kerosene and the same amount of hot water into a three-liter glass jar, the temperature of which should be 60–70 ° C. The contents of the jar should be shaken thoroughly for 2–3 minutes, after closing it with a plastic lid. It is recommended to wear gloves on your hands to avoid burns. During the shaking process, be sure to open the lid from time to time in order to avoid overpressure and, as a result, an explosion of vapors.

The liquid should stand for a few minutes (with the lid open). When it exfoliates (where the layers separate, dirt accumulates), you need to carefully drain the kerosene layer, which will be located at the top, so that flakes do not get into the drained liquid.

All actions must be carried out in the presence of a well-functioning hood, ventilating the room, because concentrated kerosene vapors can cause not only poisoning and kerosene pneumonia, but also an explosion.

End of introductory segment.

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