Medicinal properties and methods of using preparations based on milk thistle. Medicinal plant milk thistle: description, properties, benefits and harms, use, indications, contraindications, recipes

The liver is a powerful filtering organ throughout the body. However, during constant work, such a gland also needs support and preventive treatment. Preparations based on milk thistle have proven to be the most effective means for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes.

Healing herb for the liver: the power of nature on guard of health

Milk thistle extract for liver treatment is an ideal solution. Against the backdrop of observations and many studies, it became known that the treatment of diseases of the liver, biliary tract and bladder is effectively eliminated due to the unique properties of the milk thistle plant.

In its composition, the plant has a powerful complex of flavolignans (known as silymarin). The most important advantage of such a component is the protection of the membranes of hepatocytes (liver cells), the restoration of damaged cells, as well as the normalization of oxygen supply to each gland cell.

Protection of liver cells today is one of the most pressing issues for a number of features of human life. Among the factors that lead to exacerbation of diseases and dysfunction of the body are:

  • Bad ecology;
  • Hard water with impurities of mineral salts;
  • Minimization of an active lifestyle, a decrease in the physical activity of a modern person;
  • The use of a large number of medicines without the advice of a doctor and proper examination;
  • The use of low-quality alcohol in large quantities;
  • Fatty foods saturated with carbohydrates and animal fats (especially processed foods, fast food).

It is for a number of such reasons that constant research and study of the beneficial characteristics of plant components are carried out. The best hepatoprotectors based on milk thistle seeds or oil are among the leaders. Many hepatoprotectors of modern production are based on extracts, concentrates and components of a medicinal plant.

Why is milk thistle good for the liver?

Milk thistle seeds contain (in addition to the above elements of flavolignans) vitamins: A, B, D, E, F, K, macro and microelements, essential natural oils, as well as phospholipids, tocopherols, acylglycerols. Such a unique composition can completely neutralize liver poisons, complicate the breakdown of chemical components, and also reduce the absorption of harmful compounds by liver cells.

Effective preparations with milk thistle

Today, milk thistle preparations for the liver can be produced both in the form of tablets and capsules. The following medicines are in demand among the population:

The active substance is spotted milk thistle, which is contained in the form of tablets. Karsil interacts with free radical compounds in the liver, thereby reducing the toxic effects on the organ. The process of lipid oxidation is interrupted during long-term treatment, the destruction of cellular structures is counteracted. Damaged hepatocytes undergo stimulation of protein synthesis (structural, functional). Due to this process, the cell membrane is stabilized, the loss of cellular microcomponents is reduced, and intracellular transaminase increases the natural process of regeneration of damaged gland cells.

Poisons and chemical harmful components are not absorbed by the liver, but are bound and excreted along with the urethra. It is prescribed for toxic liver damage, hepatitis, disorders of fat metabolism. The regimen of taking tablets in the process of preventive treatment consists of taking one tablet three times a day. In the treatment and symptomatic elimination of liver problems (more often in combination with drug treatment), the dosage is increased to two tablets three times a day 30-40 minutes before meals.

This medicine is also from milk thistle. However, the concentration of silymarin in one tablet is slightly lower than in capsules. The drug is also available in the form of powder, suspension and syrup. For adults, portioned intake of tablets or capsules is prescribed, for children - suspensions or syrups with a concentrate of the active substance. Additional components of the preparation (dandelion and artichoke) enhance the regenerating and detoxifying effect.

The process of activation of cell regeneration is observed against the background of a decrease in the level of bilirubin in the blood, and the outflow of bile reduces the impact of harmful components on healthy cells of the body. It is prescribed during the prevention and complex treatment of hepatitis, cholecystitis, alcohol intoxication, neutralization of the effects of chemical elements by concentration in the respiratory tract.

The composition of the medicinal complex additionally contains an extract of fumes. This component relieves soreness, eliminates acute spasms and nausea. Against the background of regular intake, there is a general improvement in the condition, normalization of the concentration of hepatic hormones.

The positive trend persists even after the end of the medication. It is only necessary to carry out preventive treatment every 6 months, regardless of whether there is pain and signs of the disease, or none. It is recommended to take the medicine after meals. Three times the use of 1 capsule every 4 hours for acute symptoms (but not more than 6 capsules per day).

Drugs with additional functions

The extract from the fruits of milk thistle (Silybum marianum) allows you to increase the hepatoprotective and antitoxic effects on the body. The drug prevents the absorption of toxic components from the external environment into the liver cells. Physico-chemical stabilization aimed at hepatocytes prevents the excretion of enzymes (transaminases), which makes it possible to enhance the protective functions of the entire organ.

Silibinin in complex with free radicals converts them into non-toxic compounds. As a result of such a reaction, further destruction of cells is suspended, and the toxins themselves are neutralized.

Against the background of clinical and laboratory studies, the patient has a general improvement in well-being, normalization of all clinical and biochemical parameters, and a decrease in the level of the stress hormone in the body (cortisol). Former weakness, heaviness in the abdomen, loss of appetite and skin manifestations (itching, swelling) disappear after a week of taking the drug. Pharmacokinetics allows the use of such a drug both as a preventive measure and for the complex treatment of complex liver diseases.

The half-life is 2 hours. The process of metabolism occurs by deconjugation, and parallel reabsorption triggers the process of entero-hepatic circulation. Excretion of the drug occurs by producing an increased amount of bile (80% of silibinin is excreted in the form of glucuronides).

This hepatoprotective agent is a healing composition of extracts of birch, tansy and St. John's wort. The main active ingredient is medicinal milk thistle. Tansy works as an antimicrobial, antiarrhythmic component, and birch concentrate as an antioxidant and diuretic (during the first day, urine excretion with harmful compounds increases).

"Sibektan" is a powerful stabilizer of liver cells, eliminates pain, spasms and is considered a good natural stimulator of protein synthesis. In parallel, it is prescribed for diseases of stagnation of bile. Reception: 2 tablets 4 times a day (3 weeks). Reception of alcoholic beverages, tinctures is contraindicated (reduces the effect of active substances on the liver).

Are there contraindications?

Milk thistle liver preparations are considered one of the most effective treatments. However, it should be understood that any medicine is a specific recommendation for dosage and conditions of use. It is important to follow the manufacturer's recommendations, while at the same time fulfilling the instructions of the attending physician. The natural composition cannot guarantee complete safety, and therefore there are some contraindications that are important to know and remember:

  • The use of the tablet form of medicines should be used by adults, in accordance with the instructions for use (more often it is no more than 7 tablets per day);
  • Syrups and suspensions are convenient for children to take (it is easier to calculate the dosage, according to the weight of the baby);
  • It is forbidden to independently extend, change the terms of taking the medication;
  • The therapeutic effect of hepatoprotectors is more effective only if taken together with therapeutic drugs and enzymes for the liver;
  • Self-production of medicines based on milk thistle often turns out to be ineffective due to non-compliance with elementary rules (you cannot combine thistle with alcohol tinctures, brew and infuse).

For the liver, milk thistle tablets are the best alternative to expensive drugs. However, self-medication can negate all the beneficial properties of drugs. Follow the rules of admission and be sure to consult with specialists, conducting proper research and diagnosis.

You can endlessly look at three things - how fire burns, how water flows, and how the liver processes alcohol.

To imagine the work of the liver, try drinking five or six glasses of juice per minute, while clearly and unmistakably naming varieties out loud: this is apple, this is grape ... Make a mistake once - death.

This is how the liver works: every minute it passes 1.2 - 1.5 liters of blood through itself. This despite the fact that the total amount of blood in the body is from 4 to 6 liters. And not only skips, but also cleanses it of various poisons, kills microbes, and also simultaneously does other things.


The very name of the organ comes from the Slavic verb “furnace”, that is, to act with heat: in a fresh corpse, due to intensive metabolism, the liver feels warmer to the touch than the surrounding organs.

At the same time, several vital functions lie on the liver (scientists call them "vital"). Let's announce the whole list:

  1. hematopoiesis (in the fetus and young children);
  2. synthesis of substances indispensable (essential) for the body, including structural and transport proteins, enzymes, blood coagulation factors, carbohydrates, fatty acids, hormones, cholesterol;
  3. neutralization of poisons of internal and external origin;
  4. neutralization of biologically active substances after they are no longer needed;
  5. synthesis of bile pigments, production and secretion of bile;
  6. the synthesis of urea, as the end product of nitrogen metabolism in the body;
  7. vitamin metabolism - the liver is directly involved in the metabolism of vitamins A, B, C, D, E, K, PP, folic acid;
  8. maintaining a constant volume of circulating blood (by the way, it is the lack of blood volume that is the problem with a hangover, and not dehydration in general);
  9. destruction of microorganisms entering the blood through the intestines;
  10. excretion of foreign and unnecessary substances from the blood into bile for their removal through the intestines. For example, excess cholesterol can only be removed from the body in this way.

There are other features, but let's focus on those that are important for further discussion.

How the liver neutralizes external and internal poisons

Where do the poisons in our body come from, which we need to get rid of? We don't eat poisonous foods intentionally, do we? There are two ways:

  1. There are many different chemical compounds around us. They are alien to our body and are called xenobiotics. However, they are very useful to us: we eat them, breathe them, use them as medicines. Unfortunately, poisonous (toxic) substances are also found among them. But it's okay: in the process of evolution, we have already met with them many times, and therefore we learned how to neutralize them and remove them from the body in time (this process is called detoxification).
  2. Some poisons form right inside of us. They are formed as a result of normal, vital processes in our body. It’s just that now these substances have already served their purpose and we no longer need them: these are hemoglobin breakdown products, steroid hormones, catecholamines and other substances. They are called metabolites.

The liver deals with both internal and external poisons in the same way:

  1. First, it subjects these substances to either oxidation (removes electrons from them), or reduction (on the contrary, it attaches electrons), or hydrolysis (decomposes when interacting with water).
  2. And then some substance is attached to these resulting active chemical groups: for example, glucuronic acid, sulfuric acid, glycine, glutamine, acetylate, or others. Such reactions are called conjugation reactions, and the process of addition of substances is called conjugation.

In all reactions to neutralize toxins, the coenzyme NADP (NADP, nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate) and molecular oxygen are used. Some of the most key neutralization reactions are:

  • hydroxylation (attachment of an OH group);
  • epoxidation (attachment of one oxygen atom simultaneously to two adjacent carbon atoms in the hydrocarbon chain);
  • sulfoxidation (addition of oxygen to a sulfur atom in a molecule);
  • dealkylation (replacement of the CH3 group by hydrogen);
  • reduction of nitro compounds (replacement of oxygen atoms from a bond with nitrogen to hydrogen).

As an example of how the liver neutralizes external poisons, consider the neutralization of benzene. Benzene is formed in the large intestine along with other intestinal poisons. It is a product of incomplete protein digestion. In particular, it is formed when you eat alcohol with meat. Benzene, together with the blood of the portal vein, enters the liver. Working liver cells (hepatocytes) attach a hydrogen atom and an oxygen atom to benzene, due to which benzene is converted into another substance - phenol. Then this same phenol combines with glucuronic acid and forms a water-soluble phenylglucuronide, which can be easily excreted from the body with urine, sweat, saliva, etc.

But there is also a downside: the coenzyme NADP that helped us carry out this reaction has gone into an oxidized form, and will not be able to immediately carry out exactly the same reaction if toxic substances continue to flow. That's why you should eat moderately: if the NADP coenzyme has already neutralized the first kebab stick and went on a well-deserved rest, then a new portion of the kebab will not be digested and will poison your body until the morning.

An example neutralization of internal poison may serve to neutralize bilirubin, which is formed from heme (the active part of the hemoglobin molecule containing iron). Bilirubin is a toxic compound, especially to the brain. But in the liver, it combines with glucuronide and a non-toxic form of the substance is obtained, which dissolves in water and is relatively easily excreted from the body. As with the neutralization of benzene, the reduced form of the NADP coenzyme is also consumed here, turning into an oxidized one. Bilirubin is closely associated with the formation of bile pigments. That is why an increase in the concentration of bilirubin in the blood to a level of 2-3 mg / dl or more determines yellowing of the skin, mucous membranes, sclera of the eyes with a symptom of jaundice, in particular, with toxic and viral hepatitis.

Alcohol and the liver: all the nightmarish details

And now about exactly how alcohol harms the liver. It turns out that there are many, many different things.

  • Toxic action: alcohol and its decay products harm liver cells directly. Alcohol can dissolve in water, but it can also dissolve fats (amphiphilicity). It is thanks to this property that it hits cell membranes well, which, by their nature, are subject to the action of such toxins.
  • Stagnation of bile and the reaction of liver cells to inflammation: alcohol interferes with bile flow, and most bile acids (more on that below) can harm cells. When bile stagnates in the liver, its working cells (hepatocytes) begin to get damaged and die. Even worse: this whole picture complicates the work of the pancreas, and from this, harmful microorganisms multiply in the intestines. The disturbed microbial balance in the intestine, in turn, leads to the appearance of even more toxic bile acids that are absorbed into the blood, but cannot be sufficiently neutralized by the weakened liver.
  • Autoimmune reaction: when liver cells begin to disintegrate more often than usual and cell membranes are often destroyed, then the body's immune system, which is always ready to fight foreign organisms, begins to “beat on its own”. Altered under the influence of alcohol and disease processes, one's own protein is mistaken for someone else's, and killer cells, trained to destroy someone else's infection, begin to destroy liver cells. It turns out a vicious circle, which can be broken only by a means that will stop both external and internal strikes on the cells.
  • Oxidative stress: in the process of processing alcohol by the liver, it turns into toxic acetaldehyde, while free radicals are released into the body, which can damage liver cells by oxidation. Interestingly, the cell does not die directly under the action of free radicals: they simply trigger the mechanism of natural, programmed, cell death (apoptosis) ahead of time. By the way, exactly the same thing happens under the influence of alcohol with neurons - brain cells: they do not “dissolve” completely in alcohol, as many people think, but they die, because damage to the membrane triggers the death of the entire cell.

Is it possible to drink alcohol with problems with bile flow

With liver damage, including due to drinking, one way or another, any of the above liver functions may suffer. But when it comes to drinking, it is worth paying attention primarily to the function of neutralizing poisons and the synthesis of bile. Choleretic remedies for a hangover restore digestion, and also help to avoid problems with the liver and pancreas.

With a removed gallbladder, you can drink weak alcoholic beverages in moderation and without snacks.

With biliary dyskinesia, you should first know your type of dyskinesia. With hypokinesia, the following scheme is recommended: a choleretic agent, then a light meal, and only after that - alcohol in moderation. With hyperkinesia, you should drink weak alcohol without snacks at all.

Do I need to cleanse the liver of toxins?

No, it doesn `t need.

We have prepared a separate interesting article about this on the site.

Alcohol, the main attribute of any festive table, has long been part of the life of the inhabitants. Not a single celebration, gatherings with friends can do without it. Of course, everyone knows very well how destructive ethyl alcohol is, especially for the liver. This organ is the first to fight the poison, breaking down ethanol and removing it from the body. Once in the liver, alcohol is converted into acetaldehyde, a powerful toxin.

Then the toxic substance is processed into water and acetic acid and excreted from the body. But, despite the natural ability to regenerate, the possibilities of the liver have limits. Sometimes a situation arises when a weakened body needs support. And in this case, preparations for the liver with milk thistle come to the rescue.

Milk thistle preparations are considered one of the best remedies for treating the liver.

The liver organ has high regenerative capabilities, so small doses of ethanol, which rarely enter the body, do not cause much damage to it. With small volumes of alcohol, the liver easily and independently copes.. But another thing is when a person begins to abuse alcohol. In this case, additional help of hepatoprotectors is required.

Hepatoprotectors are a group of medicines aimed at protecting and restoring the liver. These medicines help protect liver cells (hepatocides) from the damaging effects of harmful factors on them.

With alcohol abuse, the liver simply cannot recover in a timely manner, which leads to a serious violation of the metabolism of carbohydrates and fats. Fatty compounds begin to accumulate in excess in the liver, gradually replacing still healthy cells. Steatosis sets in.

The liver neutralizes almost all alcohol and is most susceptible to its negative effects.

If at this stage you do not take up your mind and do not stop getting carried away with alcohol, steatosis will develop into alcoholic hepatitis, which soon turns into cirrhosis. The sad result is liver cancer. Sometimes 7-8 years of constant drunkenness are enough for the development of a fatal outcome. The situation is complicated by the fact that liver problems at the initial stage are sometimes asymptomatic.

People sometimes confuse the first alarming signals about developing steatosis with an ordinary hangover and often do not pay attention to them. These are signs such as:

  • loss of appetite;
  • feeling of heaviness in the abdomen;
  • constant weakness and apathy;
  • nausea, especially after eating.

When such symptoms appear, a person needs to consult a doctor. After carrying out all the necessary procedures, examinations, the doctor develops a treatment plan, the list of which must include hepatoprotectors.

Classification of drugs for the treatment of the liver

The range of use of these medicines is very extensive. Hepatoprotectors help in the treatment of not only alcoholic destruction of the liver, but also in the case of viral and toxic liver lesions. Among these drugs, the following types of natural and artificial origin are distinguished:

  1. Various dietary supplements.
  2. Bile acid.
  3. Preparations from a number of homeopathic.
  4. Medicines on an animal and vegetable basis.
  5. Synthetic. Created on the basis of ursodeoxycholic and acetylcysteinic acids.
  6. Derivatives of amino acids, which include ademethionine, methionine and ornithone. These medicines are enriched with vitamins E and B group.
  7. Phospholipid. These medicines stop the development of fatty degeneration of the liver and improve the performance of the organ by acting on cell membranes.

The effectiveness of each of these drugs is revealed on an individual basis, but so far no remedy has been found with a 100% guarantee of liver recovery. Milk thistle preparations for the treatment of the liver are considered one of the most effective.

Milk thistle preparations are considered the best hepatoprotectors

Despite the fact that hepatoprotectors with milk thistle have a proven effect and are herbal, their independent use is categorically unacceptable. Treatment is determined only by the attending physician.

More about the plant

Milk thistle (aka milk thistle) is a unique culture. Her homeland is the warm regions of the Mediterranean, but this unpretentious plant, similar in appearance to burdock, has perfectly adapted to our capricious climate. Surprising is the fact that birds and animals bypass milk thistle (they do not eat it), but during flowering, the aroma attracts a large number of bees, which then produce healing honey.

Milk thistle has taken root perfectly in gardens, it is an annual, rather tall plant (reaches a length of up to 1.5-2 m). At the end of the summer season, the culture forms seeds. They are used to make medicines. These funds have practically no contraindications, they are not allergic and are prescribed to patients of various age groups.

  • tyramines;
  • histamines;
  • vitamins K;
  • flavonoids;
  • fixed oils;
  • antioxidants;
  • flavanolignans;
  • beneficial macronutrients.

In addition to healing seeds, ripe fruits of the culture are also used in the production of drugs. Numerous studies have confirmed the effectiveness of medicines based on milk thistle and proved their high effectiveness.

In appearance, milk thistle is similar to burdock

Milk thistle and liver

Due to the rich composition, which includes exactly those compounds and substances that have a beneficial effect on the condition and functioning of the liver, preparations based on milk thistle come to the rescue when various liver problems appear. These medicines have a wide range of healing abilities. In particular:

  • strengthen the cystoskeleton;
  • stop inflammatory processes;
  • restore the state of hepatocides;
  • have an intense choleretic effect;
  • improve the condition of the outer membranes of liver cells;
  • cleanse the liver cells of all kinds of toxins and poisons;
  • accelerate metabolic processes, which leads to increased detoxification and filtration functions of the body;
  • stimulates the synthesis of phospholipids (cell walls), which helps to effectively restore the overall cellular tissue of the liver.

But, despite the availability and safety, these hepatoprotectors should only be prescribed by a physician. And after a thorough examination. Treatment with their help will take place with a guaranteed result, provided that you maintain a special diet, lifestyle and completely abandon all bad habits.

Milk thistle is especially beneficial for the liver

One of the main conditions for obtaining a good result in treatment is the complete rejection of alcohol consumption.

Milk thistle is actively used in folk medicine. Moreover, the medical hepatoprotector based on milk thistle is based on the use of only the fruits and seeds of the plant, and healers use almost all parts of the culture. By the way, to achieve a good result, experts recommend drinking two drinks during therapy:

  1. Green tea.
  2. Beet juice.

Good green tea is a rich source of antioxidants, and beetroot juice is a natural sorbent. The use of these drinks against the background of treatment significantly accelerates the processes of liver regeneration..

When milk thistle is contraindicated

The use of milk thistle is not always possible. Like any plant culture, milk thistle has its own contraindications. In particular, it cannot be used in the following cases:

  • epilepsy;
  • chronic asthma;
  • deep depression;
  • mental disorders;
  • the presence of stones in the gallbladder;
  • cholangitis or acute cholecystitis (in case of blockage of the bile ducts).

Also, when starting the treatment of medicines based on milk thistle, you should be prepared for the appearance of some symptoms that accompany treatment. It can be:

  • indigestion (diarrhea);
  • cramps, pains of a pulling nature in the lower abdomen.

You need to know that the fruits of the culture contain a lot of calcium and phosphorus. Therefore, it is impossible to increase the dose prescribed by the doctor without permission.. This can lead to calcification of the heart valve and provoke disruption of the cardiovascular system. Also, these minerals have a negative effect on the respiratory system, which (with an overabundance of the drug) leads to shortness of breath.

The modern pharmaceutical market is rich and diverse. For the treatment of the liver with hepatoprotectors based on milk thistle, a large number of drugs are presented. They can be divided into several forms of release.

Tablet form. These medications are most commonly prescribed by doctors. Pills are produced in a dosage of 500 mg. The average course of treatment is 1-1.5 months. It is recommended to take 2 pills on an empty stomach in the morning and evening.

capsule form. Contains 300 mg of active substance. Experts consider capsules as a rich source of flavonoids. They are prescribed to treat and protect the liver from exposure to toxins and poisons. On average, the therapeutic course is about a month. Take the drug 5 pieces daily twice a day in the process of eating.

Based on milk thistle, many remedies have been created in various forms.

Milk thistle syrups. Mainly recommended to improve bile flow. It is taken in a tablespoon three times a day half an hour before meals. In addition to problems with the liver, syrups based on milk thistle are also prescribed in the following cases:

  • colitis;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • heart problems;
  • diseases of ENT organs;
  • disorders of the spleen;
  • diseases of the biliary tract.

Oil. The course of treatment is also a month. Drink this type of medicine 1/2 teaspoon with meals 2-3 times a day. In addition to various liver diseases, milk thistle oil is also effective in the following cases:

  • ulcers;
  • gastritis;
  • poisoning of varying severity;
  • as an external treatment for eczema, acne, lichen, baldness.

herbal tea. In addition to restoring the liver, it helps to normalize the digestive system. It is often recommended as a prophylactic. Herbal tea should be brewed in the usual way and drunk 3-4 times daily.

Schroth. It is a powder made from the crushed seeds of a plant. Doctors recommend it as the richest source of fiber. It is especially effective in various pathologies of the liver, spleen, pancreas, heart, intestines.. It helps in the treatment of colitis, hemorrhoids. Take orally a teaspoon 2-3 times daily with water.

Tablet form of the drug

Name purpose Peculiarities Contraindications
Karsil therapy for moderate to severe liver diseasehigh bioavailability
Sibektan hepatitis, gallbladder disease, cirrhosis, alcoholic dystrophyin addition to milk thistle contains extracts of tansy, St. John's wort and birchpregnancy and lactation
Silibor severe liver disorders of an alcoholic nature, infectious and toxic lesionsused under the supervision of a doctor, as it can provoke allergiesacute poisoning of various types
Silimar hepatitis, toxic liver damage, cirrhosispromotes protein synthesis, has a high antioxidant effectindividual intolerance

Capsule form of the drug (contains plant powder)

Name purpose Peculiarities Contraindications
Gepabene cirrhosis, fatty degeneration, hepatitis, biliary dyskinesianormalizes the production of bile, is also used during the recovery period after removal of the gallbladder

acute diseases of the liver and bile ducts;

age up to 18 years

Legalon various forms of liver dysfunction, cirrhosishas an increased amount of bioactive compoundsindividual intolerance
Bonjigar infectious and toxic hepatitis, alcoholic anorexia, steatohepatitiscan also be produced in the form of syrup

pregnancy and lactation period;

age up to 18 years

Liposil fatty hepatosis, severe hangover syndrome, cirrhosis, toxic lesions, hepatitis, as a prophylaxisstimulates the processes of blood purification, has anticarcinogenic and antitumor effectsindividual intolerance

So, preparations based on milk thistle become a reliable help in the battle for the health of the body.. This is one of the best modern remedies designed to restore liver function. But do not forget to get permission from your doctor for their use and do not engage in frivolous self-medication.

In short: Milk thistle contains the substance silymarin, which has a strong antioxidant effect, that is, it reduces oxidative stress on the liver. Long-term use of preparations from milk thistle improves immunity. With regular alcohol consumption, doctors recommend taking milk thistle hepatoprotectors (Gepabene, Sibektan, Silimar) for one month, two to three times a year, preferably in spring and autumn.

Benefits of milk thistle for the liver

The most popular milk thistle preparations are:

  • hepabene,
  • sibektan,
  • silimar,
  • heparsil,
  • karsil,
  • darsil,
  • hepatofalk,
  • legalon,
  • bonjigar (except for milk thistle, it also contains a lot of plant components).

Among the hepatoprotectors, a very significant share is occupied by preparations that contain useful substances (flavonoids) of the milk thistle plant: either natural, extracted from the plant, or semi-synthetic analogues. The main active ingredient in them is silymarin. Silymarin is a mixture of three main stereoisomeric compounds - silychristin, silydianin and silybinin. The latter is most of all in them, it also has the highest biological activity.

Silymarin helps with liver diseases. It is believed that this is due to its pronounced antioxidant action. It also has a so-called membrane-stabilizing effect. This is why milk thistle is an effective remedy for the liver.

Antioxidant effects of milk thistle on the liver

Explain what an antioxidant effect is. In this case, we are talking about counteracting the oxidative stress that the liver is exposed to, that is, the harmful effects of reactive oxygen species on liver cells. The role of oxidative stress in liver diseases has been intensively studied in the last 10-15 years. In general, the production of reactive oxygen species (peroxides, superoxide anion radicals) is a common occurrence in the process of cellular respiration, but the content of such substances increases excessively under the influence of alcohol, as well as certain drugs. Under conditions of inflammation of the liver, the cells of the inflammatory infiltrate serve as a source of production of reactive oxygen species. When exposed to alcohol, the work of mitochondria (intracellular power units) is disrupted, which is accompanied by the development of an energy deficit and cell death.

Disorganization of mitochondrial membranes under conditions of peroxidation is accompanied by leakage of cytochrome C into the cytoplasm (intracellular environment) and activation of apoptosis, a process of programmed cell death. The antioxidant effect of silymarin is due to its interaction with free radicals in the liver and their transformation into less aggressive compounds. Thus, the process of lipid peroxidation (what cell membranes are made of) is interrupted and no further destruction of cellular structures occurs.

The antioxidant effect of silymarin and the inhibition of peroxidation reactions have been clearly demonstrated in laboratory conditions. Milk thistle flavonoids exhibit 10 times higher antioxidant activity than the reference tocopherol (vitamin E) in this sense. So the benefits of milk thistle for the liver are beyond doubt.

Normalization of immunity

That's not all. There is evidence of immunomodulatory properties of milk thistle flavonoids in alcoholic liver disease. Their long-term administration (about 6 months) helps to reduce the activity of the cytotoxic link (the content of cytotoxic lymphocytes) and reduce the production of gamma globulins. Additionally, silymarin stabilizes hepatocyte membranes, reducing the susceptibility of cells to many harmful effects by blocking transport systems that promote the transfer of toxic substances through the membrane. Milk thistle flavonoids are also able to stimulate protein synthesis and support the process of regeneration of hepatocytes. Silymarin directly has choleretic properties due to the presence of both choleretic (increased secretion of bile acids) and cholekinetic (elimination of spasm of the biliary tract) action.

Consider several representatives of this group of hepatoprotectors, as well as the benefits of specific preparations of milk thistle for the liver.

Hepatoprotector hepabene

Antioxidant, membrane stabilizer, protein synthesis stimulant, choleretic.

Gepabene, in addition to the milk thistle fruit extract, contains an extract of the herb fumarin containing the alkaloid fumarin, which also normalizes the amount of secreted bile, relieves spasm of the gallbladder and bile ducts, facilitating the flow of bile into the intestines. The standard dose of the drug for alcoholic liver damage is 1 capsule 3 times a day.

Hepatoprotector Sibektan

Antioxidant, membrane stabilizer, protein synthesis stimulant, antispasmodic, choleretic.

Sibektan, in addition to the milk thistle fruit extract, also contains tansy flower extract, herb and St. John's wort flower extract, birch extract. The presence of tansy may slightly increase blood pressure during a hangover, but at the same time it will have an antimicrobial and antiarrhythmic effect. The action of St. John's wort is described in the appropriate section. Birch has antioxidant, antimicrobial and diuretic effects. The peculiarity of the choleretic action of sibektan causes contraindications for use in cholelithiasis.

The drug is taken 2 tablets 4 times a day. The course of treatment during the period of abstinence from alcohol is 21 - 25 days. If necessary, treatment can be continued for another 10-15 days.

Hepatoprotector silimar

Antioxidant, membrane stabilizer, protein synthesis stimulator

Silimar- a hepatoprotector in the form of tablets, which contains only milk thistle fruit extract for the treatment of the liver. With prolonged use of drugs or alcohol, it is used for at least one month, 2 tablets 3 times a day, half an hour before meals.

Milk Thistle for the Prevention of Liver Diseases

If you regularly drink, but do not fall into binges, then the above preparations based on milk thistle can be taken to prevent liver diseases. Taking the above doses for one month at least twice a year, preferably in spring and autumn. It is possible and three: additionally on New Year's holidays, but not more often.

It should be borne in mind that many people are hypersensitive to milk thistle preparations, including in terms of the development of allergic reactions.

An allergic reaction can occur not only to drugs, but also to alcoholic beverages. Read a special article about which alcoholic beverages most often cause allergies, and which alcoholic beverages are the safest for allergy sufferers.

The article was last updated: 2019-01-23

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Milk thistle or milk thistle is one of the amazing plants. Animals and birds do not eat it, but bees visit with pleasure, attracted by the amazing aroma of buds. In addition, milk thistle-based medicines have proven themselves in the treatment of liver problems. With virtually no contraindications, drugs are prescribed to patients of different age groups.

Classification of hepatoprotectors

Medicines prescribed to patients with impaired liver function are called hepatoprotectors. The range of medications is quite wide: hepatitis C, toxic, viral, alcoholic lesions of the organ. Milk thistle-based hepatoprotectors are considered the most effective.

Important! Despite the abundance of such medications, milk thistle formulations have a proven treatment effect, but only a specialist makes appointments. Exceeding the dose of admission, as well as self-administration of medication for treatment is dangerous!

The classification of hepatoprotectors to restore or maintain liver function is as follows:

  • phospholipid preparations;
  • derivatives of amino acids;
  • components of animal origin;
  • bile acid;
  • herbal preparations;
  • dietary supplements;
  • homeopathic remedies.

The effectiveness of any composition is determined on an individual basis, however, a remedy that helps in 100% of cases has not yet been found.

The effect of milk thistle on the liver

Milk thistle, "Gift of the Virgin Mary" - the plant has many names, but it has one effect: restoration of liver cells, removal of inflammatory processes, cleansing cells of toxins and an intense choleretic effect on the body. Numerous studies have confirmed the effectiveness of the drug in the treatment of many diseases and proved that milk thistle preparations for the treatment of the liver do not cause allergies and have a minimum number of contraindications. As part of a medicinal plant, an increased content of antioxidants, as a result of which the drugs are useful for:

  • strengthening the cystoskeleton, the outer membranes of the cellular composition of the liver;
  • protection of cellular structures of hepatocytes from the negative effects of alcohol, toxins, decay products of alcohols, other metabolites, drugs, free radicals;
  • acceleration of metabolic processes and metabolism in the liver, which increases the filtration, detoxification functions of the liver;
  • stimulation of the synthesis of elementary cell walls - phospholipids, which leads to the restoration of the overall cellular structure of the organ;
  • improvement of the outflow of bile.

Despite positive reviews and indications, the medicine is prescribed only by a professional based on the initial examination / examination. In order for preparations based on milk thistle to be as effective as possible, it is necessary to follow a diet, drink regimen, normalize lifestyle, give up bad habits, and completely give up alcohol.

Today, a huge number of medications are offered, including milk thistle. Let's take a look at the most famous ones. Milk thistle tablets for the liver:

  1. Karsil. The drug is prescribed in a course (from 90 days), characterized as a drug with high bioavailability. It is used to treat destructive disorders of the liver of moderate and severe order. Adverse reactions: alopecia, disorientation in space, malfunctions in the digestive system.
  2. Sibektan contains not only extracts from milk thistle, but also extracts of birch, St. John's wort, and tansy. The drug is more often prescribed for diseases of the gallbladder, hepatitis, cirrhosis, liver dystrophy of an alcoholic nature. Contraindications: pregnancy, lactation. Side effects: confusion, digestive problems.
  3. Salibor is a hepaprotective agent for children and adults. It is used only under the supervision of a doctor, it can cause allergies. It is used for the treatment of moderate cirrhosis, as a means of maintenance therapy for severe disorders of the organ of an alcoholic nature, for toxic, infectious lesions.

There is a capsule form of release containing milk thistle powder:

  • Gepabene is an antispasmodic hepatoprotector that normalizes the volume of secreted bile. The course of treatment is individual. It is used for chronic intoxication, fatty degeneration, cirrhosis, hepatitis, biliary dyskinesia, during the recovery period after removal of the gallbladder.
  • Legalon is a medicine prescribed for children from 12 years of age and adults. It contains a huge amount of active substances, but does not suppress vital processes and does not cause allergies. It is prescribed for moderate, severe forms of liver disorders, cirrhosis, including alcoholic, toxic.
  • Bonjigar is a capsule or syrup indicated for use in the treatment of the liver, gallbladder in case of alcoholic steatohepatitis, anorexia, toxic, infectious hepatitis. Contraindications: pregnancy, lactation, patient age up to 18 years.

Milk thistle: how effective in treatment?

The World Health Organization has included milk thistle preparations for the liver in the list of drugs indicated for use in the treatment of the organ. The plant is applicable not only to cleanse the bile ducts, but also to restore the functionality of organs, as a supportive therapy.

The action of a medicinal plant is based on the regenerative ability of the organ at the cellular level. Thanks to the drug, hepatocytes are formed, toxic poisoning at the cellular level decreases and stops. Milk thistle restores the normal functioning of the liver, and the tableted medicinal form includes only the fruits of the plant, and traditional medicine allows the use of all parts of the plant.

Important! Recent studies confirm the effectiveness of milk thistle in the advanced stages of liver cirrhosis. Positive dynamics is observed in alcoholic/toxic/viral hepatitis. However, the drugs work only with the complete rejection of alcohol, maintaining a diet.

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