Raspberry leaves - medicinal properties and contraindications. Useful properties of vegetable raw materials. Raspberry leaves - useful properties and contraindications

Everyone has long and well known the benefits and excellent taste of raspberry fruits, but few people know that benefits can also be derived from such a much less well-known remedy as raspberry leaves. A very popular method of using this product in the household is brewing tea from it. This article aims to introduce you to the beneficial properties, as well as the possible harm from drinking raspberry leaf tea.

About the benefits of raspberry leaves

Tea made from raspberry leaves, unlike store-bought counterparts containing a large number of various preservatives, flavor enhancers and flavors, is a completely natural product. It is used as a component in the complex therapy of many diseases. The positive effects of this product are primarily based on the natural composition of the leaves, which include a huge amount of biologically active substances and vitamins.

Did you know? Raspberries have been known and cultivated as a fruit plant since ancient Rome. The first written mention of this bush was left by Cato the Elder, mentioning it as one of the fruit plants, in the 3rd century BC.

In addition to making tea, this product is well suited as a basis for creating various tinctures, infusions, and decoctions. Raspberry leaves are widely used in cosmetology, where various masks, creams, shampoos and rinses with a rejuvenating effect are made from them. Do not forget that leaves, unlike fruits, can be prepared for the winter without much harm to their miraculous composition, having collected the amount you need in time and dried it. In winter, tea from these leaves will serve as an excellent help in the body's fight against various infectious and viral diseases, help the immune system recover after a cold or speed up the treatment of a runny nose.

Chemical composition

Raspberry leaves contain a huge amount of biologically active substances, vitamins and minerals, which together make them one of the best, healthy and delicious products for making tea. They include:

  • vitamins C, E, PP, B;
  • vegetable fiber;
  • astringents and tannins;
  • fruit acids of organic nature (lactic, malic, succinic);
  • bioflavonoids and polysaccharides;
  • various mineral elements: iodine, magnesium, zinc, copper, iron, manganese, potassium, sodium, calcium, phosphorus;
  • salicylate - a substance that, in its properties, is similar to aspirin;
  • various antioxidants;
  • resins;
  • mucus.

Did you know? There is a purple raspberry, which was first obtained in Geneva in 1893 as a result of artificial crossing of black and red raspberries.

What are the benefits of raspberry tea

The high saturation of raspberry leaves with biologically active substances makes tea from it one of the most useful among other types of tea. Here is a list of the beneficial properties that such a drink carries.

  • Activates the body's immune function.
  • Helps to more easily tolerate and treat viral and bacterial diseases faster.
  • Preventively affects the formation of atherosclerotic plaques.
  • Helps to restore the correct heart rhythm.
  • Shows expectorant and antipyretic effect.
  • Accelerates the process of restoring the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract after illness.
  • Promotes detoxification processes.
  • Removes excess fluid from the body.
  • Makes it easier to tolerate a diet and lose weight faster.
  • Accelerates wound healing when used as a lotion.
  • Helps in the treatment of infectious diseases of the oral cavity (gingivitis, stomatitis, etc.).
  • It is used in the form of lotions for conjunctivitis.
  • Relieves pain during menstruation and reduces bleeding.
  • As baths, it is used to treat endometriosis and inflammation of the appendages.
  • Helps to cope with stress, has a positive effect on overall mood and vitality.

Is it possible

Despite the many positive properties of this product, in the life of every person there are moments of special vulnerability in relation to environmental factors. Below are some of these situations and the possible effects of raspberry leaf tea on the body during these periods.


There are no studies that state with certainty that the use of this product during pregnancy can cause any harm to the expectant mother or child, and, however, there are no studies proving the opposite. Some obstetricians do not recommend drinking this drink before the 32nd week of pregnancy, so as not to provoke the risk of premature birth.

Important! Before using this product, please consult with your obstetrician-gynecologist.

Traditional medicine, in turn, advises you to start drinking such a remedy from the very beginning of pregnancy, since it is believed that it helps to prevent the weakness of labor, softens the process of passing the child through the birth canal and contributes to a more complete opening of the cervix during childbirth.


There was no negative effect on the health of babies whose mothers regularly consume this drink. However, there is always the possibility of developing allergic reactions in response to antigens contained in tea that enter the milk from the mother's bloodstream. If you notice hives in your baby, try to give up tea for a few days, and transfer the baby to artificial feeding for this time. After that, resume breastfeeding.

This will make it possible to understand what is the cause of the allergy. In general, such a drink will have to saturate breast milk with vitamins and minerals useful for the baby, make it more useful and nutritious. The natural analogue of aspirin - salicylate, will help the baby better cope with abdominal pain, will have a calming effect, and antioxidants and vitamins that have entered the milk through the mother's blood from tea will participate in the regulation of homeostasis and strengthen the health of the baby.


Raspberry leaf tea is great for kids as a healthy and tasty alternative to store-bought tea. At the same time, vitamins, minerals and biologically active substances contained in it will contribute to their normal growth and development. Calcium, contained in large quantities in the leaves, will take part in the formation of a healthy skeleton, and iron will help to synthesize enough red blood cells in order to provide all the cells of a young body with enough oxygen.

Possible harm

This drink is not capable of harming the human body when consumed in moderation and without various abundant additives in the form of sugar, honey, sweets or other confectionery.

There is a risk of potential harm associated with the presence of the same salicylate - an overdose of tea from these leaves may cause symptoms such as dizziness, abdominal pain, ringing in the ears, nausea, increased sweating, stuffy ears. If you experience similar symptoms, we recommend that you consult a doctor.


Among the contraindications to the use of this product, the following conditions should be distinguished:

  • gastritis with high acidity of the stomach;
  • gout;
  • constipation;
  • individual intolerance to raspberries and any of its other components;
  • chronic renal failure;
  • peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum;
  • asthma;
  • some doctors do not recommend it in the 1st and 2nd trimester of pregnancy.

Raspberry tea: cooking features

After studying all the miraculous properties of this drink, you probably wanted to make it yourself. Below we will touch on all the aspects that will come in handy in order to brew the most delicious and most healthy tea from raspberry leaves.

Choosing leaves when buying

Given the cheapness of this product, many buyers do not pay due attention to the process of choosing leaves, and this is a completely wrong approach, since the use of spoiled leaves may not only not bring the desired effect, but also cause significant harm to your health. First of all, when buying, you should ask the seller to show him the fruits from the same bush from which you are going to buy leaves.

If they look unhealthy, have black or brown spots, if the raspberries are small, unsweetened or have a third-party flavor, it is better to refrain from buying such a product. Be sure to carefully examine the leaves in appearance, whether they have external damage in the form of various spots, whether they are solid in structure, whether they have damage left by pests.
Then smell the leaf, it should have a pleasant, strong aroma, with a slight hint of raspberry. Feel the leaf. Ideally, it should resemble a piece of paper in density, restore its original structure after light compression, and should not tear too easily. This behavior indicates that the leaf was recently plucked from the bush, has not yet had time to stale and is quite suitable for further processing.

Where to collect and how to dry the leaves

Since the leaves are not the most valuable component in the raspberry bush, finding them on the shelves can be quite difficult. Sometimes it also happens that unscrupulous sellers under the guise of raspberry leaves can sell you absolutely not what you need, and therefore, in order to be sure of their quality, it would be best to go on an independent journey for this material.

The best place to collect this material is wooded areas, forest belts and other places of potential growth of these bushes, which are located at a considerable distance from roads and large industrial facilities. Such a need is explained primarily by the fact that such leaves will be devoid of harmful impurities and will give you the maximum of useful and nothing harmful during the cooking process. Quite rarely, raspberry bushes can be found immediately, as soon as you enter the potential territory of their growth. Often they are a little deeper, most likely you will be able to find them in the very first forest clearing that you see in the process of deepening into the forest. It is worth carefully studying each bush for the presence of red or yellow berries on it, and sooner or later you will find what you were looking for.

The bushes tend to grow quite tightly, so you don't have to run from one place to another in order to pick up enough leaves. Drying sheets is a rather responsible process. They should not be dried in the sun, as this will lead to the destruction of many useful substances. In addition, it is necessary to observe low humidity and good ventilation in the room where the whole process takes place, since the leaves are very susceptible to various fungal diseases.

Important! All sheets that have become brown, damp or blackened must be removed from the total mass, as they can ruin all your prepared material.

The sheets are laid out in a thin layer on any fabric in a shaded room with good ventilation. For even drying, it is recommended to occasionally turn them over and lightly stir. A month later, you will receive ready-to-eat, slightly curled green leaves that crumble into fine dust when rubbed between your fingers.

How to make a drink

To prepare tea from raspberry leaves, you need to take 0.5 liters of boiling water for every 4 tablespoons of dried leaves. After you have poured the desired amount of raw material with boiling water, you will need to wait 2 hours, since it is during this period that all useful components pass into the water.

A combination of sheets with fresh berries is possible, this will help enhance the anti-inflammatory and antipyretic effects needed in the treatment of colds and flu. Drink the drink is filtered, cold, preferably without the addition of sugar or other sweeteners. Combinations with various other herbs, flowers and dried leaves are also possible.

What goes with raspberry tea

As already mentioned, it is undesirable to mix raspberry tea with sugar so that it does not lose its healing properties. However, for this purpose it is not forbidden to use honey or berries. Among other components with which this drink goes well, it is worth highlighting:

  • dry ginger root powder;
  • berries and currant leaves;
  • rose hip;
  • rose leaves and petals;
  • clover flowers;
  • mint;
  • various citrus fruits (lemon, orange peel, grapefruit);
  • oregano;
  • lingonberry and blackberry leaves.

Is there any benefit from a fermented product

Fermented tea based on raspberry leaves will undoubtedly have a more pronounced, rich and rich taste, however, it is necessary to clearly understand for yourself that during the fermentation process, many of the beneficial properties that were originally inherent in the leaves are lost, as the biologically active substances in them are destroyed. Of course, not all components await such a fate, but only some of them, for example, almost all vitamins and minerals will remain unchanged, however, substances that are more complex in their chemical structure, like the same salicylate, will inevitably be destroyed. Therefore, we can definitely say that the benefits of such tea will decrease. However, it should be noted that it will still be much more useful than many store counterparts.

raspberry products

After a fairly dense discussion of the properties of raspberry leaves and the characteristics of their tea, it would simply be unfair not to mention other constituent parts of this bush. Below you will find a summary of the benefits of other parts of the raspberry bush.


Raspberries have long been famous for their antimicrobial properties, the high content of vitamin C in their composition allows us to state that this is one of the best means that can normalize the immune system and help the body fight infection. The high concentration of B vitamins makes them an excellent remedy for people suffering from various pathologies associated with the nervous system, and the essential oils and fiber that make up them can normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Did you know? The ancient Greeks believed that raspberries were originally white, and they got red when one of the nymphs picked berries to feed little Zeus and wounded her hands in blood.


Raspberry sprigs have similar effects to leaves and fruits, but on a slightly smaller scale. It should be noted that raspberry twigs are just as suitable for brewing tea from them, as well as for preparing various decoctions and tinctures. First of all, all these drugs are used as medicines for various colds and diseases of the upper respiratory tract, but their scope is not limited to this. They can also treat hemorrhoids, skin diseases, heartburn, abdominal pain, problems in the gastrointestinal tract and many other diseases.
We hope our article has helped you get to know raspberry leaf tea better. Remember that even such a useful and effective remedy, without a doubt, cannot be the only component in the treatment of any disease. Any treatment requires an integrated approach and the use of both traditional medicines and folk remedies. Do not hesitate to contact your doctor in case of such a need and be healthy!

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Raspberries are very tasty and healthy. Probably, every person at least once had the opportunity to taste the fruits of this shrub or enjoy the superior taste of raspberry jam, which also has a lot of useful properties. This plant culture belongs to the Pink family, and prefers to grow on neutral or slightly acidic soils.

The botanical description of raspberries can be described as an upright shrub with small thorns located on it. Depending on the variety, the color of the fruit can vary from light pink to black (blackberry varieties).

Raspberry rhizome is perennial, which can develop biennial above-ground stems. The flowers of the tree are white with barely perceptible glimpses of a pleasant aroma. The flowering of the shrub begins in late May or early June, which lasts for 2 or 3 weeks.

Useful properties of raspberry leaves and for what diseases it can be used

The healing and beneficial properties of the leaves of the shrub are diverse in their purpose. A decoction of raspberry leaves is able to fight many colds and stimulate increased sweating to cleanse the body of harmful substances.

It perfectly relieves inflammatory diseases and pain in the joints, helps with skin rashes and is an excellent prevention in the event of pathologies of the female genital organs. Due to the astringent properties of the plant, it is able to treat prolonged diarrhea and bleeding.

The special healing effect of raspberry leaves is intended for pregnant women. Before childbirth with a post-term pregnancy, there is a need for artificial stimulation of labor.

In this case, it is possible to use folk methods using natural flora. A decoction of raspberry leaves prepared before childbirth causes softening of the ligaments surrounding the birth canal. This phenomenon contributes to the development of contractions with subsequent delivery.

A decoction of raspberry leaves can be used for such diseases:

  • eczema;
  • skin rashes;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • fever;
  • bleeding;
  • viral diseases;
  • diarrhea;
  • inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • depressive states;
  • stomatitis;
  • weakening of the immune system;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • delayed pregnancy.

Folk recipes

  • Collect raspberry leaves, put in a bowl and pour boiling water over them. After that, the mixture is infused for 2-3 hours, filtered and poured into a thermos. You need to take a remedy in half a glass 4 times a day, preheated. The use of such a remedy strengthens the immune system, facilitates the symptoms of toxicosis, eliminates leg cramps and indigestion. In addition, after such a medicinal effect, the risk of delivery by caesarean section or the use of a vacuum or forceps in childbirth is significantly reduced.
  • In addition to the leaves, raspberry branches can also be used, which have an effective astringent effect and are used for internal bleeding and heavy menstruation. A decoction of raspberry branches is prepared as follows: freshly picked raspberry branches are washed and put into a saucepan. Pour the required amount of water and boil over low heat for 10 minutes. After cooking, you need to let the broth brew for half an hour and use one third of a glass before meals 3 times a day. The liquid turns red when cooked. Store the resulting drink on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator.
  • For enteritis and diseases of the respiratory system, it is possible to prepare a healing recipe from 2 tablespoons of chopped raspberry leaves, which is poured with 1 cup of boiling water and infused. Thus, a more concentrated solution is obtained to extract the maximum benefit for the human body.
  • The use of a decoction of raspberry leaves is effective in the treatment of infertility and the preparation of the body before childbirth. Before use, it is necessary to consult a doctor with a dosage prescription.
    To prevent uterine bleeding and facilitate the course of childbirth, you can drink tea from raspberry leaves.
  • A decoction of raspberry leaves is not used in combination with the use of aspirin.
  • Before using any kind of medicinal plant, a doctor's consultation is necessary to prescribe dosages, as well as permission to receive a healing solution.
    It is not recommended to use a decoction of raspberry branches for gout and urolithiasis. It is also known that in some cases hormonal disruptions are possible due to inhibition of the functional features of the thyroid gland.
  • A decoction of raspberry leaves can be used to strengthen and stimulate hair growth.

The scheme for taking a medicinal decoction of raspberry leaves in the later stages is based on this principle.

Raspberry is a plant with fragrant berries. She has been well known to everyone since childhood. There are whole legends about its taste qualities, many songs have been composed and a large number of stories have been written. But raspberries are remarkable not only for their excellent taste. It is also a berry with medicinal properties. Suffice it to recall how they soldered someone with tea with raspberry jam if they happened to catch a cold. The healing properties of raspberries have been known since ancient times. They have long been adopted by folk healers. But not only the berries of this plant, but also the leaves have benefits.

The chemical composition of raspberry leaves

If we analyze the set of components that the leaves of this plant contain, then one wonders how generous nature turned out to be in relation to this plant. What you won't find here. The set of chemical components can be represented as follows:

  1. The leaves of the plant are rich in vitamins. They contain especially a lot of ascorbic acid and vitamin E. You can also find tocopherol, which takes part in the processes responsible for blood clotting.
  2. The content of fiber in the leaves is quite sufficient.
  3. Organic acids are represented by a wide palette. Here you can find succinic, lactic, malic acid.
  4. Many raspberries contain flavonoids and sugars.
  5. The leaves are characterized by the presence of tannic and astringent compounds.
  6. The mineral composition of the plant is very diverse. It contains a lot of iodine, manganese, calcium, and other trace elements.
  7. The presence of a unique biological substance salicylate is characteristic. By the nature of the action, it resembles a drug such as aspirin.
  8. Raspberries contain a large amount of substances with antioxidant properties. The mechanism of their action is associated with the inhibition of the formation of free radicals, which cause the onset of aging processes at the intracellular level.

Raspberries also contain a fairly large amount of mucus, resins and other substances with pronounced biological activity. All this wealth is contained in the leaves of this wonderful plant. In combination, they endow plants with medicinal properties, with the help of which it is possible to correct various undesirable pathological conditions. This, in fact, has long been done by folk healers, actively using this plant for their own purposes.

Beneficial features

The variety of useful properties allows the use of raspberries in various pathological conditions:

  • Feverish conditions.
  • Treatment of wound surfaces.
  • various inflammatory manifestations.
  • Pathology of the skin.
  • Haemorrhoids.
  • Acne.

Where is raspberry used?

The use of raspberries is characterized by a very wide range of uses. This possibility is due to the versatility of its action:

  1. Raspberry acts as a regulator of the digestive tract. If diarrhea has overcome, then drinking strong tea with raspberries will be a good helper. This will normalize the stool.
  2. Herbal remedies, which include raspberry leaves, improve blood composition.
  3. Raspberry leaves promote wound healing.
  4. The action of this plant allows you to reduce body temperature, which has found its application in the fight against fever.
  5. External application of raspberry decoction can stop bleeding.
  6. Raspberry allows you to defeat any cold respiratory infection.
  7. Tea from raspberry leaves can strengthen the immune system, and this, in turn, will help in the fight against colds and will not allow representatives of pathogenic microflora to infiltrate the body and do their “dirty” deeds.
  8. Drinking raspberry leaf tea greatly increases resistance to various infections.
  9. The leaves of this bush are widely used in practical gynecology. In this case, both shoots and raspberry inflorescences are used. Erosion of the cervix, the presence of inflammatory processes on the part of the female genital area are indications for the use of raspberry leaves.
  10. Leaf syrup is able to eliminate the condition associated with coughing. It will contribute to a better discharge of sputum, greatly facilitate the function associated with external respiration.

It is easy to understand that the indications for the use of raspberries are very extensive and multifaceted. But, despite this, like any other plant, raspberries have certain contraindications to their use.


They boil down to the following points:

  • It is not recommended to use raspberries for pregnant women with a period of up to 34 weeks.
  • It is contraindicated in persons suffering from chronic constipation.
  • We should not forget about cases of individual intolerance.
  • Jade, nasal polyps, gout are also contraindications to the use of raspberries.

Since the plant contains salicylates similar to aspirin, it is necessary to use raspberries with extreme caution for people with inflammatory diseases of the digestive tract. The fact is that aspirin can irritate the stomach lining. In addition, raspberries contain a lot of essential oils, and this is extremely unhealthy for asthmatics.

Otherwise, raspberries can be consumed without restrictions. But everything should be within reasonable limits and it is better to consult a doctor before doing this.

From the arsenal of folk remedies it will be possible to borrow the following recipes.

  1. We treat colds, other concomitant diseases and hemorrhoids with raspberries. Raspberry leaves in the amount of six tablespoons should be steamed with boiling water in a volume of one liter. The composition is taken warm several times a day. For sore throats, gargling using this composition is recommended. Such a composition will also relieve stomatitis. If you have overcome conjunctivitis, then this remedy can be instilled into the eyes. In the presence of hemorrhoids, it is useful to use trays with a similar composition.
  2. I'm preparing the ointment. It will help get rid of acne, pimples and other problematic conditions. The leaves are thoroughly washed and crushed with a blender. Vaseline is added to the resulting mixture in a ratio of 1:2. You can prepare the ointment in another way. Juice should be squeezed from fresh leaves. Then it must be added to petroleum jelly or melted lard. Everything is thoroughly mixed. Used as an external agent. 4 parts of fat are added to one part of juice.
  3. We lower the temperature. Dry twigs are required. They must first be crushed. After that, they must be taken in the amount of two tablespoons. To prepare the infusion, they fall asleep in a thermos and pour a glass of boiling water. In a thermos, the composition is infused for two hours. After the composition is filtered, it is ready for use. Take half a glass every three hours. The use of such an infusion will help people with gastritis, enteritis. You can take it if you have a fever.
  4. We stop the bleeding. Dry foliage in the amount of three tablespoons is added to a glass of boiling water. Insist composition for a quarter of an hour. Reception is carried out several times a day.
  5. If the genitals are inflamed, or there is a thrush, the use of a composition prepared according to the following recipe will help. Three tablespoons of medicinal raw materials are poured with boiling water in the volume of one glass. The composition is 10 minutes in a water bath. It is infused for an hour, and then used as a solution for douching.
  6. Raspberry leaves can help with ovarian dysfunction. They are mixed with currant leaves in a ratio of 3:1. Medicinal raw materials are poured with boiling water in a volume of 500 ml. The composition is infused for a quarter of an hour. Take half a glass several times a day
  7. Raspberries and infertility. It turns out that the plant can help even with this condition. The leaves are mixed with red clover in equal volumes. Add a cup of boiling water to them. The exposure time for infusion is 10 minutes. It should be taken one cup for 3-4 months.
  8. Bronchitis. It is required to mix raspberries, coltsfoot and oregano in equal volumes. If you measure 1 tablespoon of the collection, then a glass of boiling water should be added to this volume. Honey is added to improve the taste.
  9. If you are worried about heavy menstruation, then you can use the following composition. Raspberries, goose cinquefoil, oak bark and yarrow are mixed in equal volumes. One tablespoon of a mixture of medicinal raw materials is measured. 200 ml of boiling water is added to it. The composition is placed in a warm place and infused for 6 hours. Then it should be put on fire, brought to a boil and boiled over low heat for a quarter of an hour. It is consumed warm, one glass per reception for a week.

Renal colic
The following preparation is required:

  • dry raspberry leaves - about 20 g;
  • leaves of young birch - about 10 g;
  • cuff and cudweed leaves - 10 g of each type.

5 liters of boiling water are added to the entire volume of the mixture. The exposure time for infusion is exactly one hour. The composition is added in full to the water for taking a bath. The temperature in it should be 38 degrees.


To facilitate childbirth, pregnant women after 34 weeks can prepare the following composition:
  • raspberry leaves - dessert spoon;
  • boiling water - 1 cup.

Infusion is carried out for half an hour. The solution is then filtered and taken warm.

Insect bites
If bitten by insects, then redness, itching and swelling appear at the site of the bite. To eliminate these phenomena, the composition prepared according to the following recipe will help:

  • fresh leaves - 5 tablespoons;
  • vodka 40 degrees - 1 glass.

It is necessary to insist within three weeks. The composition must be in a dark place. After the exposure is completed, it should be filtered. It must be used in the form of compresses. In parallel, 1 teaspoon is taken orally. Reception is carried out three times throughout the day.

Raspberry leaves and pregnancy

Raspberry is considered a female berry. It rejuvenates the skin and normalizes the activity of the reproductive system. And during pregnancy it will be a good alternative to many synthetic drugs. The use of raspberries leads to softening of the ligaments located around the birth canal. This will provoke the occurrence of uterine contractions. As a result, with the help of a natural natural remedy, it is possible to stimulate the birth process. But its use is allowed only in late pregnancy. Before 34 weeks, it cannot be used, since there is a real threat of miscarriage.

Video: raspberry leaf tea

Traditional medicine is quite popular today, as many understand that it, on its own or along with traditional medicine, can work wonders.

With the help of properly selected recipes, you can nourish the body with essential substances, minerals and vitamins, and treat many diseases.

It is very important to use this or that prescription only after a full diagnosis and consultation with a specialist.

Raspberry leaf tea

Many people know the sweet and tasty berry - raspberries. Everyone knows its main use - the treatment of colds. But not everyone knows that tea made from fresh or dried raspberry leaves has a lot of benefits for the human body. But in order for this part of the plant to bring maximum benefit, you need to know when and how to collect raspberry leaves to make delicious tea. Juice is squeezed out of fresh herbs and used as lotions. In addition, it is very important to learn how to brew fresh or dry raspberry leaves so that the beneficial substances enter our body completely. But first things first. First, let's figure out what are the benefits and harms of raspberry leaves.

Each leaf of a raspberry bush is a rich composition of biochemical components:

Vitamin C;

Organic acids;



Tannins and astringents;

mineral salts.

Tea from fresh or dried raspberry leaves is used for the same purpose as its berries: to alleviate the condition, as well as treat colds and flu. An infusion of this raw material tends to relieve inflammation, free the airways from accumulated sputum. Such tea can be used both for oral administration and for gargling or gargling the patient's mouth.

The composition of the leaves of this shrub includes flavonoids, which give them the ability to stop bleeding. That is why this plant is recommended for the treatment of diseases that cause internal bleeding. Raspberry leaves are used in the treatment of hemorrhoids, bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract, enterocolitis.

This raw material shows its astringent property in the treatment of diarrhea and indigestion. In addition, this tea is able to cleanse the body, removing toxins and toxins from it.

Another plus of raspberry leaves and tea from it is the stimulation of work and the restoration of our immunity. If you look at the composition of vitamin tea in a pharmacy, then it will definitely contain the leaves of this shrub.

For women, this tea has its positive properties. It is used to treat inflammation of the appendages. For the beauty and youthfulness of the skin, this ingredient is used as a wash. It is used to treat psoriasis, acne and other skin rashes.

But even, it would seem, such a useful product has its own contraindications, which should be taken into account when starting therapy with this drink. Starting to take raspberry leaves, its beneficial properties and contraindications must be taken into account without fail. Doctors call such cases in which it is better to refrain from drinking the drink:

Women in position in the early stages;

history of asthma;

Chronic constipation;

An allergic reaction to a berry or flowering shrub.

Let us remind you once again that the beneficial properties of raspberry leaves and its contraindications should be carefully studied before use, and it is better if this is done by a doctor. It is he who will be able to determine all the pros and cons of using this plant in a particular clinical case.

Tea made from dried or fresh raspberry leaves for the treatment of various diseases

The complex of useful and necessary substances contained in raspberry leaves helps to solve a lot of health problems. Consider cooking recipes and how to brew raspberry leaves for the treatment of various ailments.

1. Diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract. For the treatment of such ailments, you can take only a raspberry leaf and make a broth out of it, or make a kind of vitamin cocktail, supplementing it with raspberries and currant leaves. For one glass of boiling water, take approximately 2 tbsp. spoons of each product. Infused tea can be drunk with the addition of honey or gargle (tonsillitis, pharyngitis, tracheitis) or mouth cavity (stomatitis).

2. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Preparing such a broth is very simple by pouring 1 tablespoon of fresh or dry raspberry raw with boiling water. Such a drink will help to solve not only the pathological conditions of the gastrointestinal tract, but also relieve discomfort in the stomach, improve metabolism, and increase appetite. Taken with caution in gastritis.

How to brew raspberry leaves to boost immunity

Boosting immunity is a matter of concern to everyone. Raspberry tea (leaves) can very easily cope with this task, because it contains the very precious vitamin C that helps our body resist colds.

For this purpose, tea from raspberry leaves is prepared according to several recipes.

1. 3 servings of green tea, 2 servings of raspberries, 1 serving of blackberries, 5 g each of raspberry and currant leaves. To begin with, dry ingredients (shrub leaves and tea) are brewed in 1 cup of boiling water. Infused no more than 5 minutes. Then add another 250 ml of boiling water and berries and leave for about 3 minutes. The infusion is drained and decanted. To strengthen the immune forces drink 3 times a day, 200 ml.

2. For the next drink, ingredients such as the leaves of three shrubs (raspberry, blackberry, blackcurrant) are used in equal amounts. The finished mixture is poured with boiling water and put on fire for 10 minutes. Then insist no more than 2 hours and decant. This tea improves blood circulation and metabolic processes in the body, restoring the functioning of its systems.

3. Another recipe for strengthening immune forces. It is especially useful during the period of increasing colds. Daily prepare a drink from equal parts of raspberries (leaves), rose hips and mountain ash. It is taken twice a day in small portions on an empty stomach.

The benefits and harms of raspberry leaves for the treatment of women's problems

Women's diseases are treated by collecting the roots, stems and leaves of the shrub. Each raw material is taken in equal proportions and filled with water. Boil on fire for up to 10 minutes. Filter and take as douching or baths for the treatment of genital candidiasis in the complex therapy of inflammatory processes.

In the folk recipes of our great-grandmothers, there are also slips about the treatment of leaves of this shrub in combination with clover and problems with infertility. An infusion of these ingredients is taken for several months, 250 ml daily.

Three parts of a raspberry leaf and one part of currant greens are brewed in 500 ml of boiling water. This collection helps with reduced ovarian function. The resulting fat is divided into three parts and taken for these pathologies.

For the treatment of inflammation of the appendages, not only greens are used, but also raspberry color.

Such are the raspberry leaves and its beneficial properties, but contraindications should not be forgotten when using them for women. So, during pregnancy they are not recommended, as they have the property of toning. This can cause uterine tone and pregnancy problems. Raspberry infusion is especially not recommended during pregnancy up to 35 weeks.

How to collect raspberry leaves for making tea and how to properly brew raspberry leaves

For brewing, both dried leaves of the shrub and fresh parts of the plant can be used. It must be taken strictly according to the prescription for the treatment of a specific disease. If the recipe indicates that other ingredients should be added to the raspberry leaves, they must be present in the preparation of the infusion. This will help you achieve the desired result.

We remind you that many ailments are cured by long-term use of infusion and tea. Often, to achieve a positive result, you need to drink daily for a month or even several.

The benefits and harms of raspberry leaves largely depend not only on how to brew, but also how the product was collected. It's no secret that any plant receives the maximum amount of nutrients at a certain point in its growth. For raspberries, this is the end of May and the beginning of June. It is during this period that you can draw all the useful substances to the fullest.

How to collect raspberry leaves for making tea? Find shrubs that grow as far away from highways or industrial areas as possible. It is such raw materials that will be most useful and there will be no accumulation of heavy compounds for the body.

For drying, choose whole leaves. They should not be damaged by diseases, gnawed by yellowed caterpillars. You should not cut off too young or, conversely, old greens. Focus on choosing a medium-sized sheet.

Lay the collected sheet on a flat surface and dry at room temperature in conditions of moderate humidity and good ventilation. Avoid direct sunlight.

To understand that the product is dried, you need to take one of the leaves and rub it in your hand. If it crumbles and is brittle, then the workpiece is ready. To keep the collected leaves for a long time, pack them in cloth bags.

Only by following the rules of how to brew raspberry leaves, what to combine them with, how to collect raspberry leaves for making tea, you can improve your health. But do not forget that there are benefits, but there is also harm from raspberry leaves, so completely eliminate all contraindications before use and feel free to start therapy. If in doubt, it is better to consult with your doctor about the appropriateness of such treatment in your case.


Raspberry leaves - useful properties and contraindications

Raspberry is a semi-shrub plant from the rose family, with a branched root system. The shrub loves to settle in abandoned clearings, forests, river banks, and is bred everywhere in gardens. Breeders are developing new varieties of garden raspberries, including remontant and frost-resistant ones.

It blooms with small white flowers, in the place of which berries soon appear, from red to red-black. The plant is distributed throughout the temperate zone of the Northern Hemisphere, in Russia - throughout the European part, in Western and Eastern Siberia, up to Lake Baikal, in the Caucasus.

Almost everyone knows about the healing properties of raspberries - everyone in childhood drank tea with raspberry jam for colds. But raspberry leaves also have a lot of medicinal properties, with their help you can be treated not only for colds, but also for other diseases and ailments, up to bleeding and toxic poisoning.

The leaves of this thorny shrub are a real pantry of substances that are useful and vital for a person. What makes it unique is that it has practically no contraindications and it can be used by children, pregnant women and nursing mothers - it benefits everyone.

The beneficial properties of the leaves are explained by the fact that they contain vitamins: C, K, E, as well as:

  • cellulose;
  • fruit organic acids (succinic, malic, lactic);
  • tanning and astringent compounds;
  • flavonoids, sugars;
  • macro- and microelements: iodine, magnesium, manganese, calcium, potassium, sodium, iron, copper, phosphorus;
  • a unique biosubstance salicylate, which in its effect on the body resembles the well-known aspirin;
  • antioxidants, mineral salts;
  • resins;
  • mucus;
  • other biologically active substances.

This rich set provides the wonderful properties of the leaves, which have a positive effect on health.

The benefits and uses of raspberry leaf

If the anti-cold properties of raspberry leaves are known to everyone, then other beneficial effects for many will be a discovery.

They have not only diaphoretic and antipyretic properties, but also:

  • expectorant and anti-inflammatory effect;
  • immunostimulatory and antitoxic effect;
  • astringent abilities due to tannins;
  • able to stop bleeding and heal wounds.

Gargling from a decoction is used for sore throats, and sitz baths or douching are used for some gynecological problems. They also rub the skin if they want to get rid of acne, rinse the hair to speed up their growth and strengthen the structure.

Raspberry leaf ointments are used in the treatment of many skin diseases such as psoriasis, eczema, and skin rashes.

Internally, the decoction is taken in inflammatory processes of the gastrointestinal tract, the need to increase immunity, in the complex treatment of beriberi, cosmetic masks are made from them to nourish the skin and reduce facial wrinkles.

Mashed fresh leaves are applied to bruises, external hemorrhoids, non-healing wounds, insect bites and even snakes, for the same problems alcohol infusion is used, it is applied in the form of lotions to disturbing places to relieve itching and swelling.

Infusions cleanse the intestines of toxins and toxins.

Doctors use preparations from raspberry leaves in the following cases:

  • for the treatment of colds and SARS;
  • in the fight against such ailments accompanied by bleeding - hemorrhoids, peptic ulcer, uterine problems, colitis;
  • inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract, stomatitis, gingivitis and other diseases of the oral cavity;
  • in cosmetology in the treatment of acne;
  • conjunctivitis.

Raspberry leaves for women's health

Decoctions are recommended for pregnant women, but only at the 35th week of pregnancy. The fact is that it perfectly tones the uterus, softens its neck and increases the elasticity of the walls, which minimizes the risk of ruptures.

So, in Germany, in courses preparing women for childbirth, they are recommended to drink tea from raspberry leaves, and in England there is an old custom - two months before the resolution of the burden, drink a cup of broth every day. The only and main condition, both tea and broth should not be hot, but barely warm.

There is even a scheme on how to drink decoctions for future women in labor:

  • 35-36 weeks - a cup of chilled tea per day;
  • 37 week - 2 glasses;
  • 38 weeks - 3 cups;
  • 39 week - 4 glasses daily, but tea should be made hotter;
  • Week 40 - also 4 glasses of hot drink.

However, you should definitely consult with your doctor who monitors the pregnant woman.


In healing, the following drugs are used.

For the treatment of colds or diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

6 art. l leaves are steamed with a liter of boiling water and infused for 3 hours. Strain and drink warm glasses 3-4 r. in a day. If the throat hurts, drinking should be alternated with rinsing.

The same steam can be used for stomatitis, drip into the eyes for conjunctivitis, and do baths and douching for hemorrhoids and gynecological diseases.

Tea for pregnant women after the 34th week to facilitate childbirth

To prepare this drink, pour a dessert spoon of leaves with a glass of boiling water and leave to infuse for 30 minutes. Then strain and drink warm or chilled.

From itching, swelling and redness in places of insect and snake bites

Prepare an alcohol tincture, for which 5 tbsp. l. fresh leaves need to pour? glass of vodka and insist in a dark place for 21 days. Then strain and make compresses or take orally 1 tsp. three times a day.

For pimples, acne and skin problems

  • Ointment. Fresh leaves should be washed, drained and crushed with a pestle in a mortar or blender. Mix the resulting mass with petroleum jelly or unsalted ghee in a ratio of 1: 2.
  • Another way to prepare ointment. Mix the juice pressed from fresh leaves with petroleum jelly, oil or fat. For 1 hour of juice, 4 hours of fat will be required.

To lower the temperature

2 tbsp. put spoons of dry twigs and leaves in a thermos, pour a glass of boiling water and leave for 2 hours. Strain and drink half a glass every 3 hours. The same infusion is used for gastritis, enteritis and colds, to increase lactation in nursing mothers.

With gastric, uterine and other bleeding

3 art. spoons of dry foliage pour a glass of boiling water, leave for 15 minutes, drink half a glass 4 r. in a day.

With inflammation of the genital organs and thrush

Take 3 tbsp. l. leaves pour a glass of boiling water and soar in a water bath for 10 minutes, then insist for an hour. Use for douching.

With infertility

Mix equal parts raspberry and red clover leaves. 1 tsp collection brew a cup of boiling water, wait 10 minutes. and drink instead of tea a cup daily for 3-4 months. After a 2-week break, repeat the course if necessary.

With a drop in ovarian function

3 art. spoons of raspberry leaves mixed with 1st tbsp. currant leaf, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water and put for 15 minutes. in order for the decoction to infuse. Drink half a glass three times a day.

For the treatment of herpes

Apply gruel from mashed young twigs and leaves to sore spots several times a day.

With bronchitis

You should use tea from a medicinal collection of equal parts of raspberry leaves, coltsfoot and oregano. For a glass of boiling water you need to take 1 tbsp. l. collection. Drink very warm, you can with honey.

With renal colic

Make the following collection: 20 g of dry raspberry leaves, 100 g of birch leaves, 10 g of cuff leaves and cudweed marshmallow brew 5 liters of boiling water, leave for an hour, strain and pour into a bath with hot water 35-38 degrees.

With heavy menstruation

Make a phyto-collection: raspberry leaves, strawberries, yarrow herbs, goose cinquefoil and oak bark. 1 st. l. pour 0.2 liters of boiling water over the mixture and insist in a warm place for 5-6 hours, and then bring to a boil again and cook under the lid for 15 minutes. Cool, filter and drink warm in a glass a day for a week.

Collection and storage

As with all herbal preparations, harvesting time, proper collection of raw materials and storage conditions are of great importance.

In the case of raspberries, the leaves begin to be harvested in late May - early June, when they are still young and contain many useful substances. Breaking off the leaves, choose the healthiest, without any damage. The collection should be carried out not in rainy weather, preferably closer to noon, when the dew has time to dry.

You need to cut off the sheets in different places of the bush, trying not to expose the branches, so as not to damage the fruiting. The most optimal solution is to cut off up to 1/3 from one branch.

Dry the leaves in the fresh air, preferably under a canopy, where there is no wind and direct sunlight, so as not to burn them. The leaves are spread in one or two layers, periodically turning them over to prevent debate. As soon as the leaves begin to break easily, drying stops.

Store prepared raw materials in cloth or paper bags in a dry but cool place. Shelf life is two years.


Raspberry leaves have very few contraindications, but they still exist. With caution and only after consulting a doctor, they should be taken by women with a gestational age of up to 34 weeks.

Caution should be exercised by people suffering from:

  • individual intolerance;
  • chronic constipation;
  • jade;
  • nasal polyps;
  • gout.

We must not forget that the plant contains a natural analogue of aspirin, so everyone who suffers from gastritis or an ulcer with high acidity should be careful - the dosage must be strictly observed.

Everyone else can safely drink raspberry tea, remembering that overdoing it is always harmful.


Raspberry leaves: useful and medicinal properties and contraindications. How useful is tea and a decoction of raspberry leaves during pregnancy, before childbirth, with a cold?

From our article, you will learn how to collect, dry and take raspberry leaf decoctions.

For many of us, raspberries are associated with a delicious berry, the jam from which can be used to treat colds. Therefore, as a rule, we simply harvest from this plant and, in general, do not pay attention to its leaves.

Thus, we are making a huge mistake, because if we harvested leaves for future use in the summer, then in winter we would have a remedy that helped us fight many ailments.

Raspberry leaf: useful and medicinal properties and contraindications

raspberry leaf

Raspberry leaves are practically no different from berries in their composition. They also contain a huge amount of vitamin C, which helps fight colds. They also contain a lot of mineral salts and organic elements that help increase the body's defenses.

The presence of all these beneficial substances allows the use of this product for the treatment of very young children and women in an interesting position. In addition, raspberry leaves can be used as a safe preventive measure that prevents the development of hematopoietic diseases and pathologies of the cardiovascular system.

In addition, this product contains a lot of copper, which helps fight nervous tension. Therefore, raspberry leaf tea can be used to relieve stress and reduce headaches.

Medicinal properties of raspberry leaves

Raspberry leaves have the following medicinal properties:

  • Anti-inflammatory (relieve irritation on mucous membranes)
  • Antipyretic (reduces fever)
  • Expectorant (promotes expectoration)
  • Healing (helps fight skin problems)
  • Antitoxic (remove harmful substances from the body)
  • Astringents (stop bleeding)

Raspberries can be used to treat the following diseases:

  • Colds
  • Bronchitis
  • hemorrhoids
  • Colitis
  • diarrhea
  • Conjunctivitis
  • endometriosis
  • Inflammation of the appendages
Contraindications to the use of raspberry leaves

But despite all its useful qualities, in some cases the use of raspberry leaves is strictly prohibited. Moreover, it is impossible to take a decoction made from this product, not for treatment, not for prevention.

Contraindications to the use of a decoction of raspberry leaves:

  • kidney disease
  • First trimester of pregnancy
  • Asthma
  • Allergy
  • Individual intolerance
  • Gout
  • nasal polyps

What are useful raspberry leaves for women: recipe and application

Decoction for douching

Raspberry leaves are indispensable helpers of a woman in the struggle for her health and beauty. From this product, you can prepare teas, decoctions, tinctures and homemade ointments that will help fight colds, pathologies of the female reproductive system and skin problems.

In addition, the vitamins and minerals that are in this plant material have a beneficial effect on the nails and hair of the fair sex. But keep in mind that in order to get a positive effect, you need to take such a remedy for quite a long time.

If you take the prepared decoction literally a couple of times or stop drinking it as soon as you feel the first improvement, then with a high probability you can say that your problems will only intensify.

The benefits of raspberry leaves for the female body:

  • Reduce the symptoms of PMS
  • Relieve pain during menstruation
  • Promotes proper hormone production
  • Helps fight heavy periods
  • Relieve ovarian inflammation

Remedy for the treatment of thrush and candidiasis:

  • Take 2 tbsp. l of dry raw materials and fill it with 500 ml of water
  • Put it all on fire, bring to a boil and simmer for 5 minutes
  • Then turn off the stove and let the broth brew.
  • Strain it, warm it up a bit and use it as a douche.
  • For a complete recovery, you will need to carry out two procedures a day for 7-10 days.

Means for the normalization of the ovaries:

  • Take 3 tbsp. l raspberry leaves and 1 tbsp. l currant
  • Pour all 600 ml of boiling water, wrap in a towel and let stand for 15 minutes
  • Strain the resulting liquid, divide it into 3 equal parts and drink throughout the day
  • The course of treatment should last 10-14 days

What is useful tea and decoction of raspberry leaves during pregnancy?

Decoction of raspberry leaves during pregnancy
  • As mentioned a little higher, raspberry leaves are not inferior to berries in their beneficial properties, so if a pregnant woman simply prepares and drinks tea from this product, she will at least saturate her body with useful minerals and vitamins.
  • Also, regular consumption of this tea will help her maintain the body's defenses in a normal state. In the third trimester, raspberry decoction will help fight late toxicosis. But in the first and second trimester of pregnancy, such a remedy should be taken in the most minimal quantities.
  • Raspberry leaves contain a substance resembling acetylsalicylic acid in its properties. It can sufficiently increase the tone of the uterus, and this can lead to the opening of bleeding and termination of pregnancy. But still, it is not necessary to completely refuse to take a decoction of raspberry leaves.
  • After all, it is this, simple at first glance, a remedy that can saturate the body of a future mother with natural folic acid, which is necessary for normal well-being for both a woman and her baby.
  • In addition to this substance, raspberry leaves contain a lot of iron, so if a woman regularly consumes not too concentrated tea from this product, then she will not be afraid of iron deficiency anemia.

What is the use of tea and a decoction of raspberry leaves in the last stages of pregnancy before childbirth?

A decoction of raspberry leaves in the last stages of pregnancy
  • If we talk about the usefulness of tea in the later stages, then, of course, it is worth mentioning its high diuretic properties. Women who are faced with the problem of edema can quite easily replace them with pharmacy diuretics, which, together with excess water, remove useful salts from the body of a pregnant woman. Also, taking raspberry decoction will contribute to the fact that after childbirth, the newly-made mother will not have problems with lactation.
  • Usually, women who regularly drink such drugs produce breast milk in large enough quantities. Do not forget that this vegetable raw material contains a lot of calcium, which is necessary for the baby to properly form the bone skeleton. But, perhaps, this tool brings the greatest benefit to a woman just before childbirth.
  • It helps expectant mothers to establish the proper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, relieves them of constipation and calms the nervous system. In addition, a decoction of raspberry leaves helps the female body to properly prepare for the process of giving birth to a baby. It contributes to the fact that the ligaments of the birth canal become as elastic as possible, which in turn helps to avoid the formation of painful tears.
  • In addition, such tea can help a woman start the process of childbirth. If in the last days of your pregnancy you drink 3 glasses of raspberry broth, then labor activity will definitely begin at the right time for you, and everything will go as smoothly as possible.

How to make raspberry leaf tea for immunity: fermentation

Raspberry leaf fermentation

Everyone who has ever harvested raspberry leaves for the winter knows that if you just dry them in the sun, they will have a pronounced herbal taste and smell. In view of this, if you want to use not only healthy, but also tasty tea, then try fermenting the collected raw materials.

  • Spread fresh leaves in a thin layer on a clean sheet of paper and wait until they wilt.
  • While this process is going on, do not forget to periodically mix the mass so that it does not dry out much.
  • When you see that the leaves have lost their density, start taking them in small portions in your hands and twist them between your palms into small tubes.
  • If you do everything right, then the blanks will darken slightly and let the juice flow.
  • Then we lay the sausages again in one layer on a clean sheet of paper, cover them with a damp towel and put them in a warm place for 10-12 hours.
  • After this time, the tubes will need to be cut with a knife into pieces 1 cm wide and laid out on a baking sheet previously covered with parchment paper.
  • In this form, they will need to be put in the oven and completely dried at a temperature of 80 degrees.
  • The finished product can be brewed like regular tea and consumed 2-3 times a day.

Currant and raspberry leaf tea: recipe

Currant and raspberry leaf tea

If you want to make the most healthy and fortified tea, then make it from raspberry and currant leaves. Such a drink will effectively fight colds and pathologies of the stomach, intestines, kidneys and reproductive system.

It can also be a good prophylactic and anti-influenza agent. A huge dose of vitamin C, which will be present in this drink, will be able to overcome almost all viruses and infections.

Currant and raspberry leaf tea recipe:

  • Pour some boiling water into the teapot and let it warm up.
  • Literally after 1-2 minutes, drain the water and put raspberry and currant leaves into it in equal parts.
  • Fill them with water, cover with a lid and leave to infuse for 10-15 minutes.
  • After that, you can pour the drink into cups, add honey to it and enjoy its pleasant taste.
  • If in this form the drink seems too concentrated to you, then add a small amount of hot water to it.

How to prepare a decoction of raspberry leaves?

Suggestions for making a decoction

The preparation of a decoction, unlike tea, requires a lot of time. After all, if you want to get a truly useful tool, then the banal pouring of raw materials with boiling water will not give the desired result.

In order for the raspberry leaves to give the liquid a maximum of vitamins, minerals and essential oils, they must simmer in it for some time. But it is also impossible to boil them intensively. By doing this, you will simply kill most of the nutrients.

Tips to help prepare the right decoction of currant leaves:

  • Put 3-4 tablespoons of dried raw materials in a saucepan and fill it with water.
  • Bring everything to a boil, and then transfer to a water bath.
  • Hold the product for a couple of 30 minutes, turn off the stove and let it brew for 3-5 hours.
  • If you want the leaves to give the water the maximum amount of nutrients, then wrap the stewpan with a towel.
  • After the above time has elapsed, the liquid will need to be filtered and the broth can be taken.

How to brew raspberry leaves for fever, colds, bronchitis, coughs?

Medicinal Tea Tips

Raspberry leaf tea is an excellent remedy for colds, coughs and bronchitis. But in order for it to have the desired effect, it must be consumed warm and preferably freshly brewed. After all, if the finished drink stands for at least a couple of hours, then almost all of its essential oils will evaporate, and you will not get the desired effect.

Therefore, it will be better if you prepare this remedy immediately before use. In summer, fresh young leaves can be taken to prepare this drink, and in autumn, prepared and preferably fermented raw materials can be used.

  • Hold the glass over the steam until it warms up.
  • Put 1 tsp dried raspberry leaves in it and pour boiling water over them
  • Cover the glass with a tea saucer and leave to infuse for 10 minutes.
  • After that, add 1 tsp of honey to the tea, mix thoroughly and drink it still warm
  • To prepare a remedy for the treatment of bronchitis and cough, you can add 1 tbsp to a glass of liquid. l raw materials
  • Drink this tea 3-4 times a day

When is the best time to collect and how to dry raspberry leaves?

Dry raspberry leaf
  • If you want the raspberry leaf remedy to bring maximum benefit to your body, then prepare the raw materials for its preparation only in the summer. The optimal time is considered while the plant intensively releases young shoots and blooms. During this period, the leaves contain the largest amount of nutrients.
  • And as soon as the first berries appear on the bushes, they literally immediately take on some of the nutrients. That is why it is not advisable to harvest raw materials during the fruiting period. Yes, and do not pluck a large number of leaves at once.
  • Take only as much from the bush as you can dry. If you pick them more than you need, and they lie folded in a bag for several days, then their useful qualities will decrease very much.
  • The collected leaves can be dried in the same way that our mothers and grandmothers used, or you can try to ferment them. Since we described the fermentation method a little higher, now we will introduce you to a simpler method.
  • So, pick up fresh leaves and tie them in 5-7 pieces and hang them in a place where air circulates freely. Wait until they are completely dry, and then break them with your hands and put them in an airtight bag. Leaves prepared in this way should be stored in a cool, dry place.

Video: Fermented raspberry and cherry leaf tea / DIY


Useful properties of raspberry leaves, contraindications

Since ancient times, people have valued raspberries for their medicinal properties, and until now, housewives must prepare a couple of jars of raspberry jam for the winter in case of any colds. But not every person suspects that not only flowers or fruits of this delicious berry, but also its leaves can bring benefits.

Raspberry leaves are a fairly common remedy used to prevent many diseases. In this issue, we will analyze in detail what benefits can be obtained using raspberry leaves, how to use them correctly, and whether there are any contraindications and harm from their use as a medicinal tea.

Useful and medicinal properties of raspberry leaves

Before talking about the benefits of raspberry leaves, it should be noted that they have been used for a long time and very successfully both in folk (much more often) and in traditional medicine.

Traditional medicine uses raspberry leaves as a good antipyretic, as well as for wound healing and reducing inflammation. In addition, raspberry leaves have a good result in the treatment of acne and a number of other skin diseases, help to cure the acute form of external hemorrhoids.

Due to the astringent properties of raspberry leaves, they are able to stop bleeding and also save from diarrhea.

It is a pity that traditional medicine limits the benefits of raspberry leaves and considers them exclusively as additives to herbal teas that help cleanse the blood, as well as as a component of cold preparations. And by the way, the use of tincture of dried flowers and raspberry leaves brings a very significant result in the treatment of female diseases, a decoction of flowers helps to get rid of conjunctivitis, a syrup made on raspberry leaves, in case of a cold, works no worse than the notorious raspberry jam.

Also, one more thing can be added to the beneficial properties of the leaves - tea, which contains raspberry leaves, is very useful for use by pregnant women, though only in the last 2 months: it helps to relax the ligaments around the birth canal and facilitate the process of childbirth.

In the case of colds with fever, the use of the so-called "raspberry water", which is a decoction from the tops of this plant, as well as leaves, flowers, twigs and berries, is indicated. To prepare a decoction, 2-3 tablespoons of leaves are poured with half a liter of boiling water and infused for about an hour. The infusion has strong antipyretic and diaphoretic properties, can be used for coughing. An even greater result is achieved when used together with fresh berries or jam. Children can drink 1/4-1/2 cup about 3-4 times a day.

In the case of laryngitis, tonsillitis, laryngotracheitis, as well as sore throats, gargle with infusion every 1-2 hours.

The chemical composition of raspberry leaves

The leaves of this plant contain such useful components:

  • organic acids;
  • cellulose;
  • manganese;
  • folic acid - useful for women who want to get pregnant;
  • vitamins E, C and K - increase the body's immunity;
  • flavonoids - help with diseases associated with blood loss;
  • iodine - used to prevent atherosclerosis, helps restore normal heart rhythm;
  • magnesium;
  • potassium - highly indicated in the case of cardiac pathologies;
  • copper - relieves the body of stress and excessive nervous strain.

Application in cooking

Basically, raspberry leaves are not a widely used ingredient in food, as a rule, berries are still taken. Most of all, the leaves are used for various teas, for example, vitamin, fermented, herbal, and they are also sometimes used in the preparation of liqueurs, for example, raspberry leaves are used in the preparation of currant liqueur. Also, recipes for cooking rice with raspberry leaves have recently appeared, unfortunately, such dishes are not very common, so a very small number of housewives cook them.

Raspberry leaves have gained great popularity in dietetics - they have a pronounced diaphoretic and diuretic effect, and due to these qualities, they are often used as part of a variety of weight loss supplements. Plus, they allegedly contain raspberry ketones - a new mega-popular weight loss remedy that should help burn excess calories - in reality, raspberry leaves contain a minimal amount of ketones, so their entire effect in losing weight is determined solely by removing excess fluid from the body.

Since raspberry leaves are practically not used for cooking, it is rather difficult to say which dishes they would go well with. Definitely, raspberry leaves can be used as a decoration for ice cream and various desserts, they add exoticism to the dish and bring new, unusual notes to its taste.

It is best to collect raspberry leaves in the months of June-July, this process is done closer to noon - it is at this hour that the dew dries completely on them. Only leaves of young, green shoots are torn off, it is better when they are absolutely clean, do not have any pollution and flaws. Most of all, it is the young leaves that are as close as possible to the top of the plant that have healing properties. When collecting this medicinal raw material, you need to pay attention to the place where it grows - it is desirable that it be as far as possible from enterprises, roads or industrial zones.

After harvesting, the leaves must be dried outside, in a place protected from direct sunlight. Then they are finely chopped and stored in paper bags.

Contraindications for use

Until now, it has not been precisely identified what side effects raspberry leaves have. We can say for sure that they can bring harm in such situations:

  • with individual intolerance;
  • when there are contraindications to their use;
  • in case of self-treatment, without consulting a doctor.
Abuse of teas from raspberry leaves to pregnant women for up to 32 weeks can provoke premature birth, as this plant stimulates the uterus to labor.

There are also pathologies in which you can not use the leaves of this plant:

  • chronic constipation;
  • nephritis;
  • gout.

Also, raspberry leaves contain a fairly large amount of acetylsalicylic acid and resemble aspirin in their action, so you should not drink them along with this drug so that there is no overdose.

Raspberry leaves are an excellent cure for many diseases, but when using them, you should definitely consult a doctor and follow the recommendations for their use. Maybe you know some more information about raspberry leaves? Be sure to tell us about it in the comments after this article!

Walnut medicinal properties and contraindications

Raspberry is a unique shrub, all its parts are extremely useful. But if the majority knows about the benefits of its berries, then few have heard about the healing properties of raspberry leaves. And this is wrong, since the leaves contain the same substances as the berries, which means that the healing effect is no less.

In folk medicine, various dosage forms made from raspberry leaves are used. However, it is worth remembering that they can be used after consulting a doctor.

Vitamins and other useful substances

Raspberry leaves contain a huge number of useful elements: vitamins (C, E, K), minerals (potassium, calcium, sodium, iron, copper and others). There are other useful substances in them, for example, salicylates that have an astringent effect.

All of them have a positive effect on the functioning of the body and help get rid of many diseases. A particularly strong effect of their use is noticeable in the autumn-winter period. when a person especially catches a cold.

In addition, in the spring, during the period of beriberi, it will also not be superfluous to drink delicious and fragrant tea from the leaves.

Use in traditional medicine

Young raspberry leaves are especially valued in medicine. Their properties are so varied that decoctions of them help fight numerous diseases and pathological conditions:

That is why raspberry leaves are loved by common people. Even official medicine recognizes their benefits.

Contraindications for use

Like any most useful medicine, raspberry leaves have useful properties and contraindications. Do not use drugs from this raw material if a person has:

  1. Allergy.
  2. Frequent constipation.
  3. Kidney inflammation.
  4. The presence of polyps in the nose.
  5. Gout.
  6. Inflammatory processes occurring in the digestive system.
  7. Asthma.

Even one of these conditions is already a contraindication, and if there are several diagnoses in a person’s medical history, then you should be very careful about the use of drugs. You should not completely abandon the healing drink, but you can use it very carefully, reducing the dosage recommended for a healthy body.

If the expectant mother is less than 34 weeks pregnant, then she should definitely consult with her doctor about the use of such healthy drinks from the leaves.

These are all conditions in which you need to be more careful about treatment and always consult a doctor.

Basic rules for collection and storage

Having figured out whether the raspberry leaf has useful properties and contraindications, you need to figure out how to properly collect and store it. To obtain a quality product, certain recommendations must be followed.

First of all, you need to remember that you need to collect young leaves only in late May - early June. This is the best time at which you can pick up high-quality, intact leaves and not harm the shrub.

Plants should not be treated with pesticides. In addition, the use of nitrogenous fertilizers is not welcome. It is best if this is the garden plot of the person who is harvesting the leaves. In this case, he will be able to say with confidence about the purity of the plants and not be afraid to get poisoned.

From each bush, you can pluck no more than one-third of the foliage, so as not to harm the plant. If you take more, then the plant will not be able to give a rich harvest and will hurt.

Dried leaves should be stored in a dry, dark place in linen bags, paper bags or tightly closed glass jars. Subject to these recommendations, the raw materials can be stored for two years without losing their medicinal properties.

How to prepare medicine

You can prepare an infusion, decoction, tincture, tea and even an ointment at home with your own hands. There is nothing difficult in this.

To prepare a decoction, you need to take 20 g of crushed dry leaves, pour them with two glasses of water and, putting on a slow fire, bring to a boil. It takes about seven minutes to boil. Then cool the resulting broth, strain, squeeze the leaves. Take a solution 3-4 times a day before meals for 0.5 cups. This tool is also often used for rinsing hair. The decoction strengthens and stimulates their growth.

The infusion is best prepared in a thermos. You need to take 10 g of raw materials and pour one glass of boiling water. An hour later, strain the resulting infusion and use it topically for inflammatory processes occurring on the skin, oral mucosa, and also for conjunctivitis.

To prepare tea, pour 1 tablespoon of crushed dry raw materials with a glass of boiling water, cover and brew for 10 minutes. The drink is effective for the treatment and prevention of colds and flu. It must be remembered that raspberry leaf tea, the benefits and harms of which are exactly the same as those of the decoction, must be drunk regularly to achieve the desired effect.

To prepare a tincture from leaf plates, it is recommended to grind dry raw materials, take 5 tablespoons, and pour 100 ml of vodka with a strength of 40 degrees. Cover the dishes tightly with a lid and put in a dark place for 2-3 weeks, just remember to periodically shake and shake it. The resulting tincture is filtered and drunk one teaspoonful. This remedy strengthens the immune system. The resulting medicine also lubricates the skin at the sites of insect bites - the tincture relieves inflammation and relieves itching.

An ointment prepared from fresh leaves is very effective for the treatment of skin diseases. To do this, the leaves are thoroughly rubbed, and then the juice is squeezed out of them, which is mixed with pharmacy vaseline or oil at a ratio of 1: 2. It is best to store the resulting ointment in the refrigerator.

Thus, the leaves are no less useful for delicious raspberries. Only when using medicines from sheet plates, as well as when using medications, in order to achieve positive results, it is necessary to follow the instructions and be sure to consult with your doctor.

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