What to do if you are bitten by a bee. Bites of rabid animals. When a child under one year old bites

Allergies caused by insects develop very quickly. The most severe are Hymenoptera bites. What to do if a wasp has bitten is important for everyone to know, especially parents of young children.

Allergies caused by insects develop very quickly. Hymenoptera bites are the most severe.

Many people know how badly a place stung by a wasp bakes. The sensation of a wasp sting is unpleasant, although not dangerous to healthy person. The area around the bite turns red, swells and hurts, and after 1-2 days all manifestations begin to disappear on their own.

However, in some cases, a stinging insect can actually harm a person. It depends:

  • from the type of wasp, as they sting in different ways;
  • from a person's reaction to the poison injected with a wasp sting.

Not all people are aware of their sensitivity to Hymenoptera bites. Therefore, every adult should know what to do if a wasp has bitten.

Thanks to this knowledge, you can save not only your own life, but also the life of another person.

The rules of assistance differ depending on which particular representative of the hymenoptera bit the victim. Without recognizing an insect, you can lose time (for example, looking for a sting in a place that has become inflamed after a bite) or use the wrong drug that will worsen the condition of the injured person.

Before brushing off an insect, you need to inspect it. The wasp is a slender representative of Hymenoptera, with clear stripes and spots. The bee is denser, its whole body is covered with many villi.

To get rid of mosquitoes and midges, as well as wasps and moths, our readers advise the Pest-Reject mosquito repeller. The operation of the device is based on the technology of electro-magnetic pulses and ultrasonic waves! Absolutely safe, ecological product for humans and pets.

Many people know how badly a place stung by a wasp bakes.

If he reacts instantly: the affected area will turn red and swell a little. If an insect has stung on the neck, lips, eyelid, the swelling will be greater. The reaction to a wasp sting in people with weak immunity and in allergic people it is expressed more intensely than in healthy people.

You need to know if you were bitten by wasps, which can manifest itself, in addition to edema, with allergies moderate:

  • annoying itching at the point where the insect stung;
  • around the wound after a wasp sting, in the area of ​​​​swollen and red skin, numerous bubbles with liquid may appear;
  • rhinitis, watery mucus from the nose;
  • eye redness, tearing.

In severe allergies, in addition to the main symptoms, the following may appear:

  • swelling of the face and neck;
  • the voice becomes hoarse, due to the severe swelling of the lips and tongue, it is difficult for the victim to talk;
  • nausea with vomiting, diarrhea;
  • heavy breathing, feeling of suffocation;
  • rapid pulse;
  • lowering blood pressure;
  • dizziness, fainting:
  • lethargy or, conversely, agitation, fever;
  • temperature increase;
  • throbbing pain in the temples;
  • pain in the abdomen.

An allergic reaction is expressed quite quickly, within 5-20 minutes. How stronger allergy the sooner symptoms appear. The well-being of the patient depends on how quickly they can help him.

Some symptoms are not immediately noticeable. They appear 1-2 days after the bite, and then gradually disappear. This reaction is typical for an allergy of moderate severity. But the most serious and dangerous reaction is anaphylactic shock(may develop instantly or within 30 minutes, the result is cardiac arrest) and Quincke's edema (probability of suffocation).

However, such complex cases are rare. With such a reaction of the body to a bite, it is very important to correctly and quickly provide assistance to the victim, to make an injection, since his life depends on it.

It is no less dangerous when a person is bitten by several wasps (or hornets). In this case, even if a person does not suffer from allergies, the body's reaction will be violent:

  • hemorrhages under the skin, as well as internal hemorrhages;
  • unstoppable body temperature, which can rise to critical levels;
  • face, neck and whole body gradually swell;
  • convulsions.

The reaction of the body of a healthy person to the first time received most often occurs in mild form. However, in the case of repeated bites, the body will react more severely.

What to do if a wasp or a bee has bitten (video)

First aid

It is simply impossible to ignore or not notice that you were bitten by a Hymenoptera representative, since the site of the lesion will be very hot, as if you were burned. In this regard, the wound is quite easy to detect.

The first thing to do if a wasp has bitten is to inspect the damaged area. If your “offender” was really a wasp, you will not see a sting: wasps do not leave it in the body of the victim. The exception is if you managed to kill the insect.

What to do with a wasp sting:

  • wipe the wound with an antiseptic;
  • put on the damaged area cold compress;
  • accept antihistamine that suppresses the action of the allergen;
  • constantly drink liquid;
  • if necessary, contact a doctor.

Some symptoms are not immediately noticeable. They appear 1-2 days after the bite, and then gradually disappear.

If you have been stung by a wasp, everyone should know what to do in case of a more severe allergy.

  1. If you are allergic and have an autoinjector with you, use it immediately.
  2. Call a doctor.
  3. Make sure there is no stinger in the wound (if there is, carefully remove it).
  4. If the “prick” of the insect hit the arm or leg, fix the tourniquet above the injured area (instead of the tourniquet, you can take a belt, belt, scarf, fabric).
  5. If the stung area is on the body, where to apply pressure bandage impossible, be sure to first apply an acid-containing product (for example, a slice of citrus fruits) to the bite site: this will help neutralize some of the poison, then cover the wound with a cold compress or put a metal object in it.

It is necessary to remove all jewelry from yourself, as well as those clothes that, in case of severe swelling, can squeeze the body.

Doctor's call is required

When the first symptoms of an allergy appear, it is necessary to call a doctor in the following cases:

  1. If a wasp stung small child.
  2. The insect stung in the face area (lips, tongue, neck, chin).
  3. There are numerous bites.
  4. The symptoms are very mild, but the victim feels discomfort in the abdomen, there is painful urination, dark urine.

A bite in the neck is very dangerous for human life, as swelling can block the victim Airways. Even if the symptoms are not pronounced at first, be sure to dial 103.

How to help a child

If a child is bitten by a wasp, all parents should know what to do. The main thing is not to panic. Basically, with hymenoptera bites, children do not have a strong allergic reaction - with the exception of babies who are allergic. Sometimes it’s enough just to treat the stung place with an antiseptic or use a specially designed medication(for example, the “Rescuer” balm, which can be used for children of any age), the child will feel lighter and recover quickly.

Reassure your child before treating a wasp sting. Make sure that the damaged area does not come into contact with the fabric and does not disturb the baby. After that, clean, treat the wound and put a cold bandage on it. Be sure to visit your pediatrician.

What to do if a wasp stung (video)

The use of folk remedies

There are many medicines for allergies. If the reaction of the body is manifested only by redness of the stung place and a slight swelling, antihistamine and a cold compress will bring significant relief and help the victim recover faster from the bite.

Except drug treatment with a mild form of allergy, folk remedies can anesthetize and reduce swelling. At home, to eliminate the effects of a bite, you can do the following:

  1. Perform compresses (with ice, lemon, vinegar).
  2. Apply half an onion or an apple slice to the affected area.
  3. Treat the wound with parsley or mint juice.
  4. Soda will help remove redness and swelling (mix with water to a slurry state).
  5. A moistened piece of granulated sugar partially neutralizes the poison from the wound.
  6. Remove inflammation thyme juice.
  7. Kalanchoe juice will stop the burning sensation.
  8. Sorrel juice is used as a pain reliever.

There are many wonderful medicines, components, preparations and ointments that are aimed at reducing the consequences of an unpleasant neighborhood with the insect world.

Possible mistakes

What to do if a wasp stung is understandable. But not everyone knows what not to do.

  1. Don't waste time looking for a sting, wasps don't leave it in a wound.
  2. Do not crush the wound, as this will only aggravate the situation: the poison cannot be extracted in this way, but the speed of its spread through the body will increase.
  3. Do not scratch the wound so that it does not get an infection.
  4. Without a good reason, do not take strong antihistamines (if the allergy is moderate, it is enough to take a Suprastin tablet).
  5. Do not limit your fluid intake as plentiful drink will help slow down the process of poisoning the body with poison.

Why wasps sting

It is important to know that the wasp only bites when it is defending itself. If an insect appears near you, do not drive it away jerky movements, and also do not seek to bring down or kill the wasp with your hand. The best option in this case is to calmly step aside, brush it off with a newspaper (towel or any item of clothing).

On a note

People who get bitten by insects allergic reaction, in the spring-summer period, they are required to carry a passport issued by a doctor. In the document, the specialist will indicate all necessary information about the patient: full name, date of birth, place of residence, phone number, conclusion, number of the attending physician, medications, which will help the victim with a hymenoptera bite.

You also need to have a syringe and medicines with you, which are written in your passport. The availability of drugs and their expiration date should be checked regularly.

During the period of activity of wasps (bees, hornets), try to constantly use by special means that repel insects. When going out into nature, wear closed clothes, exclude perfumes and cosmetics, especially those with sweet smells.

If you are still stung by a wasp or other hymenopteran insect, immediately use the first aid kit and call an ambulance.

Attention, only TODAY!

Probably every adult at least once in his life experienced a wasp sting. But what to do in this case, what should you pay attention to Special attention and how to act in a situation threatening the development of anaphylactic shock - few people know about this.

In the vast majority of cases, a wasp sting leads to unpleasant, but not very dangerous consequences. If a wasp has bitten, the sting site, as a rule, swells up, hurts a lot, and later it starts to itch. However, all these symptoms gradually disappear on their own after a few days - you can even do nothing "special" to weaken their strength.

However, there are still situations when a wasp attack can be really deadly. Of course, a lot here depends, firstly, on the type of wasp (not all of them sting in the same way), and secondly, on the sensitivity of the human body to the poison of this insect.

So, for some people, even the bites of “our” wasps (the so-called paper ones) can become fatal, not to mention some exotic species and, especially, hornets. Moreover, a person may not even be aware of his special susceptibility until the very attack of an insect. That is why it is necessary for every adult to clearly imagine what to do if a wasp has bitten - in exceptional cases this knowledge will help save and own life, and the life of someone around.

On a note

At the time of the bite or immediately after it, it is very important to be able to distinguish the wasp from other stinging and biting insects. This is significant, if only because, for example, first aid methods for wasp and bee stings differ diametrically at some points. Therefore, even theoretically knowing what to do in such situations, due to incorrect identification of an insect, in practice one can behave completely wrong. A mistake will lead to a loss of time (for example, to search for a sting in a wound) or the use of funds that will only aggravate the situation. Therefore, no matter how painful it is at the time of the bite, it is advisable to take a good look at the offender before reflexively brushing it off the body. The wasp is a slender, light-colored insect with a small amount hairs on the body, and the bee is more dense, with a densely pubescent body surface.

Photo of a paper wasp:

Here is a photo of a honey bee:

As you can see, these insects are quite different from each other.

The danger of wasp stings: why it is so important to take action in time

Before talking directly about what needs to be done if a wasp has bitten, let's first find out what threats this insect's attack can pose.

So, the usual consequences of wasp stings are:

  • acute pain at the site of the sting;
  • fast developing edema soft tissues;
  • the appearance of itching at the site of the bite;
  • redness of the integument of the body, fever in the inflamed area.

Individual symptoms can reach their peak within a day or two after the bite, and then gradually pass without a trace. Such a response of the body to a wasp sting is absolutely natural and normal.

Another thing is when a victim begins to develop a generalized allergic reaction after a bite. In a simple form, it leads to the appearance of the so-called serum sickness (the immune response of the body to a foreign substance), accompanied by fever, nausea, pain in the head and abdomen. These symptoms do not manifest themselves immediately, but with some delay - in contrast to the redness of the affected area and extensive swelling, which are not long in coming.

However, the most dangerous possible consequences allergies after a wasp sting are not the above reactions of the body, but Quincke's edema and anaphylactic shock. The first can lead to obstruction of the larynx and subsequent asphyxia, and the second - in 12-15% of cases ends in death due to cardiac arrest or impaired lung function.

It is worth noting that such reactions to wasp stings happen, fortunately, quite rarely, but if they develop, then it happens so rapidly that they need to be taken very quickly to stop them. necessary measures first aid - delay here is really life-threatening.

On a note

Anaphylactic shock develops, as a rule, within 5-30 minutes after the bite. However, there are cases when the count went on for seconds. Therefore, if a person is aware of his susceptibility to insect bites, it makes sense for him to always carry an autoinjector with adrenaline (epinephrine), which in emergency can save a life.

In addition, a situation can be very dangerous when a person is bitten not by one, but by a whole group of wasps of 5-10 or more insects.

In this case, even a victim that is not susceptible to poison develops general intoxication, and sometimes even subcutaneous and internal hemorrhages can be observed.

Situations are even more dangerous when a person becomes a victim of an attack by many hornets - these wasp-like insects are larger and inject more poison into the wound in one bite.

“At that time I had no idea what to do if wasps bitten. When five wasps bit me at a picnic at once (I went to the toilet in the bushes and stepped right on their nest), I just anointed me with a soothing ointment and drank cognac. In short, I was brought to the hospital already unconscious, I opened my eyes from swelling only the next day. Huge bruises appeared at the bite sites, the whole body was swollen, the temperature was high and it was constantly brought down to me. I was in the hospital for three days, then another week at home, the doctor came to me and gave me injections. So we didn’t have a very good rest.”

Irina, Volgograd

First steps after a wasp sting

The first thing to do if bitten by a wasp is not to panic and calm down. Even if you are aware that you have or loved one dangerous allergies, there should be no place for panic and fuss, as this will only hurt in such a situation.

In the most common case, after a wasp sting, you should:

  • try to suck the poison out of the wound;
  • attach any product containing acid to the bite site - it can be a slice of an apple, a slice of orange or lemon, which will help neutralize part of the poison in a wound that has not yet healed;
  • then apply any cold object to the damaged area - meat from the freezer, cold metal, or, ideally, an ice pack.

After that, you can drink a Suprastin tablet - this drug in some cases is able to block the development of an allergy to the root and thereby prevent a possible severe response from the body. That is why it should be done as early as possible.

Another important point first aid after a wasp sting is an antibacterial treatment of the damaged area - this is especially true if the wasp has bitten a child. In almost 100% of cases, affected children scratch the bite site due to severe itching and can bring some kind of infection into the wound.

To avoid this, the bite must be treated with any available antiseptic - brilliant green, hydrogen peroxide, and if nothing of this was at hand in nature, then you can use ordinary vodka. But taking alcohol inside - even for the purpose of "prevention" - is strictly prohibited.

A separate discussion deserves the situation when a stung person has known high sensitivity to insect venom. As a rule, such people always have an auto-injector with them (it was already mentioned above), but it also happens that the victim of a wasp sting is lost and cannot immediately understand what to do - he starts to panic. That is why it will be useful for any adult to know how to use this item.

So, in a critical situation, the bite victim needs to enter medicine(usually it is adrenaline), and you need to do this as quickly as possible, sometimes it takes minutes. To do this, the cap is removed from the device, then the injector is strongly pressed against the middle part. outer surface thigh of the victim with a specially marked side and make an injection for 5 seconds. In such situations, it is possible to inject directly through clothing without wasting precious time removing it.

Preparations and folk remedies for the treatment of wasp stings, rules for their use

Now let's figure out what to do after first aid. First, you need to apply a compress to the wasp sting. Its essence lies in slowing down the blood flow, and with it the spread of the poison throughout the body, so the sooner the compress is used, the more effective its action will be.

As a rule, such a bandage is applied for 30-50 minutes, after which it is removed, and the wasp sting site is treated with special agents that help relieve itching and pain, as well as reduce inflammation.

Alternatively, the bite site can be treated before applying the compress. For example, in the case when the means for treating a bite are right at hand, they can be applied in the first place - nothing bad will happen. If you need to look for them for a long time, then it is better to make a compress for this time - it is only important not to leave the bite without attention at all.

One of the most famous and quite effective pharmaceuticals used after the bites of wasps and other insects, today are:

  • Fenistil gel, which reduces itching and pain, and also inhibits the development of inflammation and reduces the risk of developing allergies;
  • Insectline - imported remedy, which has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect, as well as reducing pain;
  • Menovazin is a relatively inexpensive anesthetic that relieves pain and itching;
  • Gardex Family and Gardex Baby are soft in their effect, but effective drugs for the treatment of bites in adults and children;
  • Soventol is a fairly good anesthetic ointment;
  • Advantan is a powerful gel that inhibits the development of an allergic reaction.

However, there are also a number of time-tested folk remedies for wasp stings. So, for example, after an insect attack, you can apply to the sting site:

  • chopped parsley root;
  • a slice of lemon;
  • chopped garlic clove or a piece of onion;
  • plantain leaf;
  • gauze moistened with natural essential oil.

Of course, in modern world preference is given to treating the bite site with specialized balms and ointments. However, and traditional medicine should not be discounted: if a wasp has bitten, then you can also do as our grandmothers once did - at least as a backup or emergency option.

Mistakes that should not be made

Knowing what to do if a wasp has bitten is certainly very important. However, it is equally important to understand what cannot be done categorically. Often, even inaction leads to less pronounced problems than incorrect behavior, which can result in serious complications.

Let's take a closer look at what not to do when a wasp bites:

  1. No need to look for a sting - wasps never leave it in the wound. This action will only lead to a waste of precious time.
  2. You can not try to squeeze out the poison. This contributes to increased blood circulation at the site of the wasp sting and, accordingly, to an increase in the rate of spread of its poison.
  3. It is dangerous to comb or pick a bite - this way an infection can be introduced into the wound, which will greatly complicate the healing process.
  4. It is fraught with applying earth to the wound or lowering it into dirty water in order to cool the bite site - these actions are also big share chances will lead to infection (sometimes much more dangerous than the bite itself).
  5. It is forbidden to independently "prescribe" powerful antihistamines without reliable signs developing allergies. Instead of strong enough Loratadine and Dimedrol, it is worth taking a Suprastin tablet.
  6. It makes no sense to limit yourself to drinking to prevent an increase in edema, as some people think. When a wasp bites, the development of a tumor does not depend on the amount of liquid drunk - here, on the contrary, drinking plenty of water will help reduce the symptoms of intoxication.

“Thank you for your advice, but it seems to have worked out. I’m generally allergic, so I was reinsured and after the bite I immediately ran home and drank Suprastin. Plus pain, plus heat, in general, I felt very bad for the remaining half a day and night, I was generally broken. Today, there is a lump at the site of the bite, but it does not particularly hurt, but only itches. I think that without Suprastin at night I would have been much worse.

Liza, Moscow

The specifics of the treatment of wasp stings in children

A wasp sting in a child always causes severe anxiety from his parents. Nevertheless, nothing supernatural needs to be done at the same time - the approach to treating a bite in babies is practically no different from that in adults.

The only feature is that children should not use the usual ointments and balms in such cases - it is better to use special children's products. An example is:

  • Gardex Baby already mentioned above, which can be used from 12 months;
  • balm Rescuer, allowed at any age;
  • Picnic Family for school children;
  • children's series specialized funds Mosquitall.

As a rule, in childhood Allergy to insect bites is much less common than in adults. Wasp stings in children are sometimes enough to simply antiseptic with alcohol or brilliant green, without using special balms and ointments. You can also apply the above folk remedies.

An equally important point for adults is to maintain their own calmness and self-control, because emotional condition children (especially very young ones) is largely determined by the condition of their parents. Therefore, no matter how you are afraid for your baby, he should not feel your fear (after all, you do not want to form insectophobia in him).

After a wasp sting, a parent needs to be able to calm his child and distract him with something. Fortunately, this is not so difficult to do - even with severe pain at the bite site, it is enough to attach something cold to it and, for example, tell the baby something “very important” so that he stops crying.

Also, adults need to take care of the clothes of the injured child - it should not rub the place where the wasp sting fell, as otherwise this can lead to increased swelling and pain.

How to prevent allergies and what to do if it appears

For people who have never experienced an acute reaction to wasp stings, it is enough to drink Suprastin, which will prevent the development of an immune response already on initial stage. If, after a wasp sting, hives appeared all over the body, too much swelling, headache, nausea, heat, shortness of breath, confusion or vomiting - urgently need to take additional actions to prevent further development allergies.

by the most the best option there will, of course, be an appeal to the ambulance for emergency advice.

However, if for some reason this is not possible, you should drink one tablet of Diphenhydramine, Loratadine or Prednisolone. With a continued deterioration in the condition of the bitten, it should be urgently taken to the hospital - otherwise the outcome can be fatal.

As mentioned above, allergy sufferers usually have a special auto-injector with them, which should be used immediately after a bite. How to do this is shown in the picture:

On a note

The above allergy remedies should not be given to children. If the child has the appropriate symptoms, Erius syrup (Desloratadine) can be used.

One of the most dangerous is a wasp sting in the neck area - with very acute reaction swelling can block the airways. If the victim has wheezing or wheezing breathing, you should try to insert a hollow tube into his throat, which will allow him to breathe with worsening edema. In exceptional cases, the bitten may require a conicotomy - a dissection of the anterior wall of the throat at the junction of the neck into the chest.

With massive wasp bites, a person may develop general intoxication of the body - this condition is also unsafe. To combat it, you should drink as much liquid as possible, take a 5-10% solution of calcium chloride and ascorbic acid. Activated carbon here, unfortunately, will not help.

Be that as it may, the main thing to remember in the event of a wasp sting: if any symptoms appear that go beyond local inflammation and pain, you should always consult with your doctor, at least by phone. And the sooner this is done, the less likely there will be any complications.

Useful video: first steps for a wasp sting, including in severe cases

From bites inflicted by people, suffers more people than from dog and cat bites. Such bites can cause serious damage to the skin, subcutaneous soft tissues, and even blood vessels.

Human bites are much more dangerous than those of any other mammal. Why? The human mouth contains many microbes and viruses that are dangerous to humans, including herpes, syphilis, tuberculosis, cytomegalovirus.


Bleeding from a human bite can be light or heavy. If a laceration forms from a bite, bleeding occurs immediately, and then bruising and swelling appear.

If immediate action is taken, infection may occur.

The symptoms of infection are as follows:

  • suppuration;
  • swelling;
  • redness.

What to do

If a human bite breaks the skin, see a doctor immediately. In this case, it may be entered dangerous bacteria or viruses.

Precautionary measures

  • Before giving first aid, put on latex gloves to protect against blood-borne infections. If gloves are not available, use waterproof material: plastic bags, oilcloth, several layers of gauze pads, or ask the victim to hold the bandage on the wound.
  • Wash your hands with soap and water before and immediately afterwards.

Treat the wound

If heavy bleeding no, wash the wound with soap and water for 5-10 minutes to prevent infection. Then rinse it under running water.

  • Do not rub the wound - you may damage the tissue.
  • Use antiseptics and home remedies only when superficial damage unless the skin is broken. You can use an antibiotic balm.
  • Do not cover or cover up the wound with anything. This increases the risk of infection.

Now apply pressure to stop the bleeding. Cover the wound with sterile gauze and apply a bandage.

Seek medical attention as soon as possible to ensure the best cleaning of the wound. The victim may need an antibiotic, a tetanus shot, and stitches.

How are human bites treated?

In violation of the skin, the severity of the damage is assessed. The wound is washed again. Samples may be taken from the victim to determine the presence of certain bacteria.

The doctor may remove dead tissue, especially for wounds on the arm. At deep wounds sutures are placed on the face. The affected person may need antibiotics and a tetanus toxoid shot to prevent infection.

Can you get AIDS from a human bite?

Cases of infection from a bite with AIDS are unknown. However, if you are bitten by a person with positive analysis for acquired immunodeficiency virus, get tested for AIDS immediately and retest after 3 months and after six months.

What to do if a child bites

Children different ages bite on different reasons. Your child can be both an attacker and a victim.

When a child under one year old bites

The child bites when he is teething or when he examines an object. When teeth appear, do not allow the child to bite you.

How to stop biting while breastfeeding

These bites can be quite painful. It is necessary to wean the child to bite the chest. Do not laugh or exclaim when a baby bites you - he may think that this is entertainment and will bite again.

Stop feeding immediately if bitten. Gently pry the baby's lips away from the breast with your finger. Weaning will help to wean the baby from biting.

If a baby's bite breaks the skin on the breast or nipple, see a doctor.

When the baby bites

A baby who is starting to walk bites when teething and when he experiences aggressive feelings. A child under one and a half years old does not understand that a bite causes pain to another.

Wean your child from bad habits

If your child bites other children, firmly say no and isolate them temporarily. If you are attentive and consistent, a preschooler will learn that biting other people is unacceptable.

When a student bites


Before giving first aid, put on medical gloves. If there are none in the house, use some kind of waterproof material - a plastic bag, oilcloth, several layers of gauze.

Examine the human bite marks. If skin damaged, clean the wound soapy water. Wash the damaged area for 5-10 minutes. This will help prevent infection. Rinse the wound clean water. Do the flushing carefully, being careful not to touch damaged tissues hands.

What to do if a person bites and? In this case, after washing, apply pressure to stop the bleeding. Cover the wound with sterile gauze, folded in several layers, and apply a bandage.

In case of superficial damage, if the skin is not broken, treat the bite site with some kind of home antiseptic. You can, for example, use a balm with antibiotics, brilliant green, iodine. In this case, it is not worth sticking the bite with a band-aid. This may increase the risk of infection. The bite is often serious even in the absence of visible damage on the skin. In this case, the infection often penetrates through microcracks and microabrasions.

Thus, a person can be quite dangerous. What to do in the first minutes is clear. But after first aid is provided, be sure to take the victim to a doctor. If the wound is serious, call the doctor at home. Remember that damage caused by human teeth can be very dangerous. IN oral cavity a person has a lot of bacteria that can cause, for example, tissue necrosis, rabies, hepatitis.

If your loved one was intentionally bitten by an adult and the damage is serious, he should contact law enforcement agencies. Then in the future he may not have to look for an answer to the question if a person has bitten. Such acts are considered mild (and sometimes severe) bodily injury. From the person who committed such an act, it will be possible to recover money for treatment and non-pecuniary damage.

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Helpful advice

One of the most dangerous is the damage to the “clenched fist”. This is when a person hits another person in the face and teeth. In this case, the skin on the knuckles is torn off. Such wounds very often become inflamed due to a penetrating infection.

In Russia and on the territory of the republics former USSR One of the most common venomous snakes is the viper. Of course, this snake is not as aggressive as the Indian cobra or the American rattlesnake, but its bite to humans can be no less dangerous.

The main categories of residents of Russia, which the viper attacks most often, are mushroom pickers, hunters and fishermen. especially dangerous snake maybe in early autumn - in the midst of the mushroom season. At this time, the creeping predator loves to bask in the gentle autumn sun, while settling in a place where it is very difficult to detect. One awkward movement of a “quiet” hunting lover, and that’s all - he has already been bitten, but that he will need urgent help.

First aid for viper bite

First aid to a person who has been bitten by a viper should be provided immediately, since the snake's venom quickly spreads through human body. It is necessary to help the victim in the next 30-40 minutes after the bite, and if this is not done, the person may.

The first thing to do after a snake bite is to immobilize the victim. A person who has been bitten by a snake must himself understand that any muscle contraction, whether it be a movement of an arm or a leg, contributes to the spread of poison throughout his body. lymphatic vessels.

The victim should be helped to lie down in such a way that he lower limbs were above the level of the head - this will delay for some time destructive action poison to cerebral circulation.

After the victim is immobilized, it is necessary to remove as much poison as possible from the wound that the snake inflicted. Most best option- suck out the poison for 10-15 minutes. The procedure for suctioning toxic substances can be dangerous only if the person assisting the victim has wounds or ulcers in the mouth. After each suction, venom should be spit out.

After providing the necessary first aid to the victim, a loose bandage should be applied to the site of the snake bite. It is necessary to ensure that the person through whose body the poison circulates drinks any liquid as much as possible. If there is a deterioration in the condition of the victim, he should be injected intravenously with some kind of anti-inflammatory agent. For these purposes, "", "prednisolone" or "diphenhydramine" is quite suitable. By the way, every mushroom picker, fisherman and hunter traveling through the wilds of the forest must have a first-aid kit with all the necessary preparations.

What not to do with a viper bite

In no case should a tourniquet be applied to the bite site, as it can disrupt blood circulation in the victim's body. As a consequence this violation there is enough Great chance getting gangrene of the limb.

It is also impossible to cauterize, cut the bite site and moisten it even with the weakest solution of potassium permanganate. It is strictly forbidden to allow the victim to drink alcohol, because as a result alcohol intoxication the destructive effect of the poison on the body can only intensify.


  • First Aid Tips for Snake and Insect Bites

Wasp predators are different bad temper.

They often attack in packs, bite painfully and ruthlessly.

What to do if bitten by a wasp?

How to act in dangerous situation?

What to do if a wasp stung: unlike a bee

Despite the fact that bees and wasps are close relatives and very similar, they also differ in appearance, and on the characteristics of the bite. Wasps become especially aggressive in last days July and August, when the number of these insects is the highest.

Exists fundamental difference wasps from bees:

The bee leaves a sting in the wound, dies immediately after the bite;

The wasp pulls the sting out of the wound and bites several times;

A wasp sting is perceived more painfully, since the poison contains more neurotoxin, histamine, acetylcholine and others. active substances.

That is why first aid for a bee and wasp sting varies. This is especially important if a person has a tendency to allergic reactions and seconds count. What to do if bitten by a wasp? Render immediate help and do not try to pull out the sting. It is pointless to look for a sting and try to pull it out after a wasp sting: it simply does not exist.

Visually distinguishing a bee from a wasp is quite simple: the first has a dense, fluffy body, the second is slender, has a smooth body surface and pronounced stripes. Wasps are more dangerous precisely because they bite several times: the dose of poison with each bite becomes more and more. They can attack the whole colony, which is real threat life.

Another important detail: a romantic idea of ​​bees that feed on flower pollen, has nothing to do with wasps. These insects are real killers that ruthlessly destroy spiders, caterpillars, grasshoppers, flies, moths and enjoy carrion and waste. Therefore, on the sting and body of the wasp there are many pathogenic bacteria. If they enter the wound after a bite, they can provoke the development of an abscess or intestinal infection.

What to do if a wasp stung: symptoms of a bite

The first symptom of a bite is strong pain at the point of penetration of the wasp sting. The pain is accompanied by itching, the skin turns red, and swelling begins almost instantly. The severity of the reaction depends on where the insect bit. The most dangerous parts of the body are the face and neck, especially the mucous membranes of the lips, throat, and eyes. The consequences may be suffocation, inflammation of the membrane of the eyes (panophthalmitis).

If there are many bites, general intoxication appears. Her symptoms:

Temperature increase;

Strong headache;

Tachycardia ( high heart rate), shortness of breath;

Pain in the heart and abdomen;

Nausea and vomiting;

weakness and fainting.

Allergy sufferers, asthmatics, diabetics, young children and pregnant women react the most to bites. They need mandatory monitoring of the condition under the supervision of a doctor within 2-3 days after the bite.

What to do if a wasp stung: first aid

After a bite, it is important to remain calm and not provoke an attack of the entire colony of insects. You can not wave your arms or try to crush the offender. The wasp must be gently brushed off. If you crush it, the sting may remain in the wound. In addition, special substances contained in the body of an insect can attract the attention of other individuals: sensing danger, they will surely attack.

What to do if bitten by a wasp? The sequence of actions is as follows:

Disinfect the bite site with hydrogen peroxide, alcohol, vodka, iodine. A bar of soap or a crushed aspirin will work. IN last resort you just need to rinse the wound with clean water.

Apply a compress to the bite site as soon as possible. Its task is to prevent the spread of poison throughout the body. The wound should be covered with a clean cloth (a bandage will do), put something cold. Ideally, this is an ice cube or something frozen. If there is nothing, you can do with a compress with cold water.

If a limb is stung, for the same purpose, a tourniquet should be applied above the bite site. A tight bandage will prevent the spread toxic substances.

After half an hour, the compress and bandage should be removed, and the wound should be treated with an anesthetic anti-inflammatory agent.

To remove wasp venom from the body faster, you need to drink a lot. good regular or mineral water, sweet weak tea. It is strictly forbidden to use alcoholic drinks, do not drink milk.

What to do if bitten by a wasp: urgent hospitalization

The human body is able to independently cope with the consequences of the bite of stinging insects. However, if a wasp stings a person with an allergy, the consequences can be tragic. The toxin is able to cause an instant reaction, and a person without an urgent medical care will simply die.

About development life threatening allergic reaction indicate the following symptoms:

Severe swelling eyelids, lips, face;

Deadly pallor of the skin;

Difficulty breathing, the appearance of a barking sharp cough;

Feeling of suffocation;

Loss of consciousness.

Often a characteristic rash appears on the skin - urticaria. Anaphylactic shock and Quincke's edema are deadly. In the first case, it instantly falls arterial pressure which can lead to cardiac arrest and lung failure. In the second case, the swelling of the larynx blocks the airways, and the person suffocates.

What to do if a wasp stung and an allergic reaction began? If a person knows that they are suffering from allergies, they should carry a syringe with adrenaline or epinephrine. You can make an injection through clothes, so as not to lose precious minutes. People suffering from asthma can relieve the first signs of suffocation with a special inhaler. Cardiac patients should definitely use drugs to support cardiac activity (valocordin, nitroglycerin, etc.).

If allergic attack started suddenly, you must immediately give any antihistamine. It will slow down dangerous development symptoms and will allow you to buy time to wait for an ambulance or take the bitten to the hospital.

Immediate qualified help a doctor should be obtained in the following cases:

A wasp has stung a pregnant woman or a small child;

There are five or more bites on the body of the victim;

The area of ​​​​the eyelids, neck, lips is affected;

Bitten by a person who suffers from an allergy (even if the symptoms are not overtly pronounced) or heart disease.

It is important to remember that the reaction to an insect bite may not develop instantly, but within a day. There are cases when small children were delivered to the hospital too late. Allergies do not necessarily manifest as suffocation. Tissue necrosis may occur, requiring amputation.

What to do if a wasp stung: folk remedies

For wasp stings, you can use traditional folk remedies to relieve pain and swelling. What to do if bitten by a wasp? Prepare a decongestant compress using any home remedy:

Weak vinegar solution:

Salt solution;

Solution baking soda;

Lemon juice.

It is enough to dilute a teaspoon of any indicated substance in a glass of water and soak the fabric with acidified or salt water.

Perfectly relieves swelling gruel from fresh leaves or parsley root. You can attach a cut clove of garlic, a slice of tomato, apple or onion to the wound. The imposition of a tablet of validol soaked in water helps well.

You can prepare a "green ointment" from medicinal herbs and treat the skin with this wonderful homemade antiseptic. They rub the same parsley, plantain, calendula, celandine in their hands and apply in the form of lotions to the affected area. As it dries, the lotion is changed.

When going out into nature, you should always remember about the danger of insect bites. Knowing what to do if a wasp or a bee has bitten, you can reduce the risk of developing negative consequences to a minimum.

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