How quickly does a food allergy go away in a baby. Food allergies in babies. Why allergies are dangerous for infants

The spread of allergic reactions, primarily to food, has not bypassed newborn children, in whom, unfortunately, allergies often occur in a more severe form than in adults. Often, breastfeeding mothers mistakenly believe that in this case the child is immune from allergies. This is not the case, because allergens can also be found in breast milk. How to recognize the symptoms of allergies in a child, and what measures should parents take in this case?

Substances that trigger allergic reactions are called allergens. Food allergies are caused by proteins found in foods. Food allergens are able to change their properties during cooking, while some lose allergenicity, while others, on the contrary, become more allergenic.

What is the mechanism of an allergic reaction? In response to the allergen, immunoglobulins E are synthesized in the body, which activate a cascade of reactions leading to the development of allergic symptoms. Usually, allergic reactions occur soon after eating a food to which there is a hypersensitivity, but sometimes the allergy is delayed, manifesting itself only a few hours after eating the product.

Food allergy symptoms

So, food allergy is a state of hypersensitivity to food. It can manifest itself in different ways:

In the form of allergic skin lesions:

  • various rashes on the body,
  • redness,
  • itching and peeling of the skin of the cheeks (sometimes such phenomena are called "diathesis"),
  • persistent diaper rash, despite careful hygiene measures,
  • profuse prickly heat with slight overheating,
  • gneiss (scaling, peeling) on ​​the scalp and eyebrows, urticaria,
  • Quincke's edema (a type of allergic reaction, which is characterized by the sudden appearance of swelling of the skin, subcutaneous tissue and mucous membranes).

In the form of lesions of the gastrointestinal tract(with mucosal edema):

  • regurgitation
  • vomit,
  • frequent and loose stools with foam or an admixture of greenery,
  • constipation,
  • colic,
  • flatulence.

Less often - in the form of respiratory disorders(with swelling of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract):

  • allergic rhinitis,
  • bronchospasm (with bronchospasm, air does not enter the respiratory tract or enters with great difficulty - this is the most dangerous outcome of allergic edema).

Quincke's edema is especially dangerous for a newborn. When in the larynx there is suffocation, similar to an attack of bronchial asthma. With swelling of the larynx, hoarseness of voice first appears, then shortness of breath with noisy breathing. The complexion acquires a bluish tint, then sharply turns pale.

There are also combined lesions of the skin and intestines, skin and bronchi. Food allergies can be the forerunner of other allergic diseases: bronchial asthma, etc.

Causes of food allergies

Quite naturally, the question arises: why do babies have allergies? The fact is that in children who are breastfed, the cause of food allergies can be foods consumed by a nursing mother; if the baby is artificially fed - the products used by the baby.

What is the likelihood of a food allergy in a child? In the first place, heredity predisposes to the development of allergic reactions. An increased risk of food allergies exists in children in whose families cases of allergies have already been recorded. If one of the parents suffers from allergies, the risk of developing such a disease in a child is 37%, and if both parents suffer from allergic diseases, the risk level reaches 62%.

In addition to hereditary factors, allergic reactions in a newborn can be caused by the fetus (oxygen deficiency) during pregnancy and childbirth, acute respiratory viral and intestinal infections transferred by the baby, followed by a violation of the composition of the intestinal microflora. The occurrence of food allergies in infants is associated with the functional features of their digestive tract: the still low activity of enzymes, the low level of production of IgA - protective antibodies located on the surface of the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract. They provide local protection of the intestinal mucosa from foreign agents. And since the newborn is characterized by increased permeability of the mucous membranes, allergens easily penetrate into the blood. And of course, allergic reactions are associated with violations in, with the excessive use of highly allergenic foods by her.

Allergy diagnostics

If a child has symptoms similar to those described above, then it is necessary to consult a pediatrician, pediatric allergist or nutritionist. With pronounced symptoms of food allergy, especially with combined lesions, when there is, for example, a skin rash and manifestations from the gastrointestinal tract, hospitalization in a specialized hospital may be necessary.

Diagnosis is established with:

  • parent survey data
  • establishing a relationship between the occurrence of allergies and the intake of certain foods,
  • examining a child
  • blood tests: allergies are indicated by high levels of total immunoglobulin E, an increased number of eosinophils in,
  • ultrasound examination of the abdominal cavity, which allows you to exclude the non-allergic nature of symptoms from the stomach and intestines.

Indirect evidence that painful symptoms are the result of food allergies can be the disappearance of allergies after the mother stops taking allergenic foods and the positive effect of the use of anti-allergy drugs.

Another fundamental question: what exactly is the child allergic to? To identify causal allergens in children of the first year of life, blood is taken from a vein and the presence of specific immunoglobulins E is determined. For older children and adults, the skin test method is used: reference allergens are applied to the surface of the skin (a certain standard set of allergens, which includes eggs , citrus fruits, chocolate, fish, etc.) and after a certain time the results are evaluated. Such studies should be carried out before or after antiallergic treatment.

The so-called food diary helps to identify the causative allergen, in which the mother regularly (at least 3-7 days) notes all types of food and drink received by her or the baby during the day, indicates the composition of the dishes, the features of their culinary processing, the time of feeding and the appearance of unwanted reactions (loose stools, regurgitation, skin rashes, etc.).

Allergy treatment

Treatment of food allergies begins with diet, exclusion from the diet of a causally significant food allergen. But you should not "fight" with allergies on your own; otherwise it can be aggravated, in each case, the treatment tactics should be determined by a pediatrician, an allergist or a nutritionist.

If the baby is breastfed, then all potential allergens are excluded from the mother's diet for 1-2 weeks, including industrial products that contain crystalline sugar, preservatives, fat emulsifiers and artificial colors (on the label, these substances are and are marked - emulsifiers, dyes). Salt, sugar, strong broths, fried foods are completely excluded. Limit the amount of dairy products. Note that for a child with food allergies, it is important to maintain natural feeding.


  • Highly allergenic foods: fish, seafood, caviar, chicken eggs, mushrooms, nuts, honey, chocolate, coffee, cocoa, bright red and orange fruits and berries, radish, radish, kiwi, pineapple, avocado, grapes, broths, marinades, sauerkraut, salty and spicy dishes, canned food, spices, onions, garlic.
  • Products containing dyes, preservatives (canned food, semi-finished products): mayonnaise, sauces, adjika, tkemali, ketchups, chips, soft cheeses, smoked meats, ham, sausages, sausages, glazed drinks, kvass, beer.


  • Whole milk (only cereals), sour cream - in dishes. Bakery products and pasta from premium flour, semolina. Confectionery, sugar, salt.


  • Dairy products: cottage cheese, kefir, biokefir, bifidok, acidophilus, yoghurts without fruit additives, hard cheeses, etc.
  • Cereals: buckwheat, corn, rice, oatmeal, etc.
  • Vegetables and fruits: green and white coloration.
  • Soups: vegetarian and cereals.
  • Meat: low-fat varieties of beef, pork, turkey fillet, chickens in boiled, dried form, as well as in the form of steam cutlets.
  • Low-fat varieties of fish: cod, hake, zander, etc.
  • Vegetable oil.
  • Bakery products: wheat bread of the 2nd grade, rye, unleavened biscuits, pastries without custard.
  • Beverages: tea, compotes, fruit drinks, still mineral water

If the baby is on artificial or mixed feeding, most likely the cause of the food allergy was cow's milk proteins (a special examination will determine this for sure) that are in the infant formula; therefore, it is necessary to partially or completely replace the milk formula with specialized hypoallergenic mixtures (they are prescribed by a doctor) based on soy protein or special mixtures in which the protein is split to the level of individual amino acids (hydrolyzed mixtures) - in this case, the development of allergies is impossible. But there are also disadvantages in such a diet: a child may develop intolerance to soy protein, and hydrolyzed mixtures have an unpleasant taste and are expensive.

Further, if it is possible to identify the main source of the allergy, clarifications can be made to the previous hypoallergenic diet - the product that caused the allergic reaction is excluded. This diet should be followed for 1-3 months.

As a result of the exclusion of the allergen, the signs of food allergy should disappear or decrease, then you can gradually expand the mother's diet (however, highly allergenic foods are excluded).

In the treatment of food allergies, a doctor may prescribe antihistamines, adsorbents, various creams and ointments for local skin treatment, including hormonal ones, in severe cases, hormones are administered intravenously. The intestinal microflora is also corrected with preparations containing bifido- and lactobacilli.

If the baby is allergic, then:

Complementary foods should be avoided until the child reaches the age of 6 months; in addition, you should start with those types of baby food that are most likely not to cause an allergic reaction and consist of one component; cow's milk, chicken eggs, citrus fruits, products from wheat, fish, seafood, nuts are best introduced into the child's diet after 1-2 years;

  • remember that any product used in the nutrition of a child, especially of an early age, can cause allergic reactions;
  • it is necessary to monitor regular bowel movements, if the child has constipation, which increase the manifestations of the disease or are its main cause (allergens do not have time to leave the intestines in a timely manner, are absorbed into the bloodstream and cause allergies), solve the problem with the help of a doctor;
  • it is better not to use pharmacological agents in the form of syrups containing a variety of additives (dyes, flavors) that can cause or exacerbate allergies;
  • the water temperature during water procedures should be moderately warm, and the duration of the procedure should not exceed 20 minutes;
  • you can use only specialized children's hypoallergenic cosmetics (pH-neutral);
  • bathing water is better to filter or stand for 1-2 hours for the purpose of dechlorination, followed by the addition of boiling water; avoid swimming in pools with chlorinated water or take moderately warm showers using mild cleansers after the session;
  • do not rub the child's skin with washcloths; after bathing, the skin should be gently blotted with a soft towel and a moisturizing, skin softening agent should be applied;
  • the child's clothes should be made of natural materials, with severe allergic skin reactions it can be ironed; pillows and blankets should have synthetic fillers; the baby should be rationally dressed, avoiding overheating that provokes allergic dermatitis;
  • materials from which toys are made must meet all safety requirements;
  • the use of synthetic detergents (toilet soaps with additives, bath foams, shower gels, etc.) should be limited or should be labeled "hypoallergenic";
  • it is not recommended to keep pets and even aquarium fish, dry food for which can aggravate allergies;
  • the air in the housing should be clean, cool, moderately humid; with the child it is desirable to walk more.

Many parents wonder if a child's food allergies will stop with age. As growth improves, the functions of the liver and intestines, the immune system, which allows us to hope for an end to allergies to milk, eggs, vegetables, etc., especially if parents take anti-allergic measures. Only 1-2% of children develop food allergies into adulthood.

Select a rubric Allergic diseases Allergy symptoms and manifestations Allergy diagnostics Allergy treatment Pregnant and lactating Children and allergies Hypoallergenic life Allergy calendar

Allergy is an excessive reaction of the body to harmless irritants - a problem that almost everyone faces. Children's allergies, and especially allergic reactions in infants, are very common. Therefore, it is extremely important to imagine how to treat an allergy in a baby in order to help the child quickly and safely.

Today, the pharmacological market is replete with a wide variety of antiallergic drugs, and the Internet offers all kinds of options for folk remedies. It is easy to get lost among the tips, so we will try to systematize knowledge on this issue.

I would like to clarify, by periods of childhood: the term "infants" includes newborns and children under 1 year old.

Allergy symptoms in infants

Allergic diseases are extremely diverse. Among the most common are allergic rhinitis and conjunctivitis, urticaria, atopic and contact dermatitis.

Each of these diseases has its own symptoms.

You can find out more and see photos in the article on the portal:

All symptoms can be conditionally divided into:

Gastrointestinal symptoms:

  • nausea
  • diarrhea
  • vomit
  • belching
  • abdominal pain

This is how an allergy to a mixture manifests itself if it is made on the basis of cow's milk, an allergy to one or another medicine, to complementary foods (fruits, cottage cheese, eggs) and nuts, peanuts, wheat, chocolate, coffee, etc. consumed by the mother.

Skin symptoms

How to treat allergies in infants? - With strong skin manifestations cope with the help of special baths

Urticaria is characterized by a red-pink rash, itching, Quincke's edema (in severe cases). This can lead to both food and contact allergies.

For contact dermatitis characteristic:

  • peeling of the skin
  • dryness
  • burning
  • scab formation on the cheeks

Such a reaction manifests itself if there is an allergy to a cream or other cosmetics, napkins, clothing, washing powder.

Some photos of allergies in babies

Diathesis on the cheeks for a symptom of food allergy

Eczema as a manifestation of food allergy to milk

Severe allergic reaction to drugs

It is important to distinguish between prickly heat and diaper contact allergy. Prickly heat occurs as a result of insufficient skin care. It appears in the folds of the skin - in the groin, between the buttocks, on the neck. Its main manifestations are a red, finely bubbling rash, often weeping. If the skin in these areas is properly treated, symptoms do not appear.

A rash from an allergy to diapers appears on the priest, on the legs, even with sufficient hygiene, but only after using diapers. It can be due either to a frequent change in the manufacturer, or hypersensitivity to the gel that is used to treat the inside of the diaper to improve moisture absorption.

Should allergies be treated?

Photo: Allergy to milk on the cheeks of a baby

Many parents, based on the belief that treatment can only aggravate the situation, choose not to carry out any therapy. On the one hand, this is true: any medication can cause a new allergy, especially in predisposed children. On the other hand, allergic manifestations can cause a lot of discomfort to the child.

First of all, and without fail, it is necessary to exclude contact with the allergen.

The rest of the actions will be aimed at helping the body cope with the already existing manifestations of allergies. Dr. E.O. Komarovsky believes that further measures should be taken to alleviate the child's condition.

But if you still do not treat an allergy in a baby - what will happen?

Inflammation will take longer, the child will worry and act up, comb itchy skin, which will aggravate her condition.

In addition, there is a risk of an allergic march - the appearance of more symptoms and, as a result, the development of bronchial asthma.

How to treat allergies in infants?

When asked about how to treat allergies in infants, Dr. E.O. Komarovsky answers: a whole range of measures is needed. Their nature depends on the type of allergy and the severity of its manifestations.

Parents are well aware that, first of all, an allergic reaction manifests itself on the face of children.

From the article "" you will learn about the main causes of drug and food allergies, as well as the treatment and prevention of facial allergies in infants.

How to treat food allergies in babies

What is the treatment for food allergies in babies? First of all, it is necessary to find out which product the reaction occurs to, and exclude it from use.

When breastfeeding allergies, as already mentioned, occur on complementary foods or those substances that the mother consumes. Among the most allergenic:

Food allergies are the most common in children under one year old.
  • Fish and seafood
  • nuts
  • chocolate
  • red and orange fruits
  • pineapples
  • grape

Artificial feeding by itself carries an increased risk of allergy. First of all, casein is “to blame”, on the basis of which non-adapted milk mixtures are made.

The child's body often cannot properly digest this protein, resulting in hypersensitivity to its undigested residues.

How to treat cow protein allergy? It is better not to use non-adapted mixtures at all, not to cook porridge in cow's milk, not to introduce cottage cheese as complementary foods for up to 8-10 months.

If the allergy still manifests itself, there are rashes, itching, redness (more often on the face), the following are used:

  • Non-hormonal antihistamine ointments ("Fenistil", "Soventol");
  • Anti-inflammatory ointments ("Desitin", "Elidel") ointments.

For manifestations from the gastrointestinal tract, sorbents should be used. These substances help to “collect” toxins released from the bloodstream and neutralize them, relieving symptoms.

With the permission of the pediatrician, it is possible to treat allergies in infants with Polysorb from birth

From birth, drugs such as:

  • "Polysorb",
  • "Enterosgel",
  • "Smekta".

Adsorbent "Polysorb" It is used internally only when diluted with water. The dosage depends on the weight of the child.

If the weight is less than 10 kg, from 0.5 to 1.5 tsp. diluted in 30-50 ml of water (depending on the severity of the symptoms).

11-20 kg - 1 tsp in 30-50 ml. It is taken before or during meals, three times a day.

The taste of Enterosgel is often not liked by children, but it is an excellent assistant in the treatment of allergies.

A drug "Enterosgel" in a volume of 2.5 g (0.5 tsp) diluted in breast milk or water in a ratio of 1:3, given to the child during each feeding, but not more than 6 times a day.

Both of these drugs are contraindicated in case of individual intolerance to their components, as well as intestinal atony.

"Smekta" however, it has a wider list of restrictions, including some types of enzymatic deficiency (fructose, glucose-galactose, sucrase-isomaltase). Infants should be given it in the amount of 1 sachet per day for 3-7 days.

Suprastin for allergies has proven itself for a long time. When treating children with them, you must strictly follow the instructions.

Possible use of antihistamines

  • Suprastin,
  • Zyrtec (syrup)
  • Claritin.

So, ¼ tablet "Suprastin" is ground to a powder state, introduced into baby food and used 2-3 times a day for 5-7 days.

Most other antihistamines have an age limit (for example, Claritin - from two years old), so you need to consult a specialist to select a medicine.

Many parents are concerned about the question: how to treat the intestines with allergies in infants?

Only a pediatrician can answer it, because first you need to conduct an examination and find out whether the allergy caused problems with the digestive tract, or whether all changes are transient and will disappear in a couple of days.

However, a good tool for the prevention of post-allergic bowel diseases are probiotics.

Probiotics are live microorganisms (usually lactobacteria or bifidobacteria) encased in capsules or fermented milk products.

  • "Linex"
  • "Bifidumbacterin"
  • "Acipol".

Dr. E.O. Komarovsky assures that often allergies are not only a consequence of the interaction of the immune system with the allergen, but also the result of improper feeding of the child.

A weak gastrointestinal tract cannot cope with large amounts of food, and therefore undigested substances that would not cause any reaction in an acceptable amount become strong allergens.

So, summarizing the above, we will give answers to the main questions

How to treat an allergy in infants to artificial feeding?

Use only adapted mixtures or special food for children predisposed to allergies (for example, Nutrilon. Amino Acids mixture)

How to treat gastrointestinal manifestations of allergies?

  • do not overfeed the child;
  • adsorbents;
  • antihistamines;
  • probiotics.

How to treat skin manifestations of food allergies?

According to reviews on the forums, the most common allergy is a rash on the body when using Johnson's baby oils And powder "Eared babysitter".

Parents whose children are prone to allergies should refrain from using these remedies, since it is better to prevent severe allergies in infants than to treat them.

When the question arises of which ointment to treat allergies in infants, one should not be guided only by reviews.

It is necessary to select a medicine, taking into account which symptoms are most disturbing. In short, there are hormonal and non-hormonal drugs.

Ointments based on hormones can be used only in the absence of infection in dermatitis (after consulting a doctor). Among the most popular drugs:

  • "Advantan",
  • "Elocom".

All non-hormonal ointments are divided into antihistamines, anti-inflammatory, agents with a regenerating effect. Their use can be combined with other antihistamines - Suprastin tablets, sorbents.

Treatment of allergies with folk remedies

Often, parents do not trust pharmacy products, worrying about their “unnatural” and that they can do even more harm. But certified pharmaceuticals have undeniable advantages:

  1. Many antiallergic drugs made from natural ingredients(for example, Gistan ointment), you can choose the safest;
  2. IN finished medicinal products accurately calculated dose, there are clear indications and contraindications, side effects have been studied, folk remedies are prepared and used "by eye", and often people do not know about side effects at all;
  3. Contrary to popular belief, folk remedies can cause allergies just like the drugstores.

And yet there are time-tested folk recipes. So, how to treat allergies in infants with folk remedies?


One of the most famous means is a series. It has an anti-inflammatory effect, relieves irritation and itching due to the active substances that make up its composition.

How to treat allergies in infants - folk knowledge will tell. It is not difficult to make an ointment from a series and it is quite effective for allergies.

You can bathe a child in baths with a decoction of a string, make lotions and homemade ointments.

Attention! Children should not drink a decoction of a string!

One of the most popular recipes

  • 1 liter of boiling water
  • 8 tbsp series

Infuse the decoction for 15 minutes, strain, add to the water poured into the bath for bathing.

Bay leaf

Bay leaf has been considered another good medicine since ancient times. It stimulates the immune system, relieves inflammation, strengthens the vascular wall, fights increased vascular permeability, and has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. They use lotions and compresses with bay leaves, make baths.

Taking decoctions of bay leaf inside is possible in adults, for children only external use is relevant.

Do not insist on a decoction of laurel for too long, so as not to get a highly concentrated remedy.

To prepare a decoction for rubbing the skin, you must:

  • 3 bay leaves;
  • 500 ml water

Bring the water to a boil, add the sheets there, insist for 10 minutes. Cool and wipe the affected areas of the skin with a cotton pad.

They also use dandelion, plantain, thyme, chamomile, valerian, elecampane - there are many recipes.

But remember: you can not completely rely on your own assumptions and knowledge and advice from the Internet.

All natural medicines - strong allergens, all these remedies, no matter how actively they are advertised by supporters of natural therapy, can aggravate the condition of the child. Allergy in infants: how to treat with herbs? The main answer is carefully and wisely.

The body of infants is not at all adapted to certain foods, therefore, at this age, food allergies are often found in infants.

For the first time, a rash or redness appears a couple of weeks after birth. The reaction is due to the presence of hormones that the newborn receives from the mother in the womb.

Clinical picture


Vice-President of the Association of Children's Allergists and Immunologists of Russia. Pediatrician, allergist-immunologist. Smolkin Yuri Solomonovich

Practical medical experience: more than 30 years

According to the latest WHO data, it is allergic reactions in the human body that lead to the occurrence of most deadly diseases. And it all starts with the fact that a person has an itchy nose, sneezing, runny nose, red spots on the skin, in some cases suffocation.

7 million people die each year due to allergies , and the scale of the lesion is such that the allergic enzyme is present in almost every person.

Unfortunately, in Russia and the CIS countries, pharmacy corporations sell expensive drugs that only relieve symptoms, thereby putting people on one drug or another. That is why in these countries there is such a high percentage of diseases and so many people suffer from "non-working" drugs.

Spots of this kind pass quickly. However, food allergies affect not only the condition of the skin, therefore they require treatment with a diet or medication.

Food allergy symptoms

You can identify food allergies by looking at the characteristic symptoms. The disease affects the condition of the skin, intestines and respiratory organs, which does not have the best effect on the overall well-being of the baby.

The table shows the characteristic signs of food allergies.

Some of the symptoms are similar to those of other diseases. For example, a disturbed stool can be a companion not only of food allergies, but also of poisoning.

Only a pediatrician can make an accurate diagnosis.

Causes of food allergies in babies

The main cause of food allergies is a weak immune system. Protective functions in infants are not able to fully cope with harmful factors.

An allergy is an immune response to an unfamiliar substance. That is why such a response of the body manifests itself more often in the first year of life of babies.

Allergies can appear due to "bad" heredity. If parents have a tendency to allergic pathologies, it is likely that the child will also be predisposed to them.

An allergic reaction in a baby occurs not only after endogenous causes. The environment can also become an allergen. It can be caused by low-quality toys, paints, artificial building materials in the house, dirty air.

How long do food allergies last in babies?

A couple of hours after consuming the allergen, redness appears on the skin of the baby. The intestine makes itself felt for one or two days.

By identifying and eliminating the wrong product, you can prevent the development of the disease. Spots and allergic satiety will pass within the next few hours. But the intestines will need more time to recover - about 2-3 weeks.

The duration of a food allergy is influenced by the following factors:

  • How much allergen entered the body of the baby;
  • How soon he was identified and expelled;
  • What time or what day does a food allergy last;
  • Is the course of treatment prescribed correctly;
  • What is the state of the baby's immunity.

The baby's body does not perceive chicken eggs, milk and vegetables of bright colors. Intolerance to these foods often goes away on its own by the age of four.

However, an allergy, for example, to fish can remain for life. That is why they should not be included in the diet of a baby up to eight months.

How to treat food allergies?

Having discovered an allergy, the mother of a newborn or baby should not rush to switch to mixtures and introduce them during the period when the disease manifests itself. First of all, you need to adjust the menu and stick to a hypoallergenic diet.

You can get rid of food allergies only if you stop using the product that caused such a reaction in the body. If it cannot be determined, all possible allergens are excluded for a couple of weeks. Then little by little, every 2-3 days, they are introduced again one by one.

Sometimes medication may be indicated for infants. However, some drugs have side effects. Therefore, such drugs should be used only on the advice of a doctor.

To relieve the symptoms of allergies, Enterosgel is prescribed, it cleanses and removes the allergen from the body of the baby. From one year you can use "Fenistal", but it is not effective for extensive inflammation of the skin.

In the presence of conjunctivitis and tearing, the pediatrician may prescribe Zyrtec. After six months, Fenistil is prescribed, but it has side effects. In case of violations of the gastrointestinal tract, the use of activated charcoal is indicated.

Do not resort to the use of antihistamines. Such drugs quickly and effectively affect the skin of the baby affected by allergies, but the result is short-term.

These include Suprastin and Tavegil. Frequent use of these medicines causes dizziness and lethargy.

For infants on artificial nutrition, it is necessary to carefully select the mixture.

The composition of such food should not contain cow's milk. Be sure to consult your doctor regarding the selected manufacturer. Early feeding can also cause allergies, in addition, it generally does not have the best effect on the development of the baby.

What can be an allergen?

As mentioned above, most often allergies are caused by milk and chicken eggs. However, this is not the whole list of products that the baby's body does not tolerate.

Consider the food that most often causes a negative reaction:

  • Whole milk;
  • Porridge with milk;
  • Mushrooms;
  • Chicken and chicken eggs;
  • Chocolate and other similar sweets;
  • Nuts;
  • Black tea, coffee;
  • Vegetables and fruits of bright color, citrus fruits;
  • Oily fish;
  • Pickles, marinades, hot spices;
  • Onion and garlic;
  • Food and drinks containing dyes;
  • Carbonated drinks and alcohol;
  • Fast foods.

Following a hypoallergenic diet, it is necessary to abandon fried and smoked foods. Avoid spicy and very fatty foods. Limit the consumption of processed foods and food containing chemical additives. It is important to drink 2-3 liters of water a day.

Consider a list of foods that you can eat:

  • Natural sour-milk low-fat products (sour cream, yogurt, cottage cheese);
  • Kashi: buckwheat, oatmeal, polenta;
  • Hard low-fat cheeses;
  • Fruits and vegetables are not bright in color;
  • Low-fat meat and fish (perch, turkey hake or beef, chicken is contraindicated) and broths based on them;
  • Green tea, water.

You can not resort to conventional diets for weight loss.

The daily menu of a nursing mother should contain a complex of vitamins and useful components. You need to eat a little of everything: apples, milk, meat, cereals.

Allergy Prevention

In the first month, the mother of the baby should follow a hypoallergenic diet. Sometimes it is necessary to follow this diet for 2-3 months. When the child's body has adapted, you can introduce other foods into the diet. During this period, you need to closely monitor whether allergy symptoms have arisen.

It is better to eat new food from the third month of a baby's life.

You need to start with small portions, if there are signs of a food allergy, the product is removed from the diet. You need to introduce back gradually, after 3-4 weeks. Do not eat several new foods at once. With manifestations of allergies, it will be difficult to know which of them caused irritation.

Try to stick to breastfeeding for as long as possible.

With artificial feeding, carefully choose the mixture, it should be hypoallergenic. It is better to start the first complementary foods after six months. In order to avoid an allergic reaction, it is first recommended to give vegetable puree or kefir.

It is equally important to lead an active lifestyle with the baby. Do exercises, walk more in the air, swim. This will help strengthen the protective functions of the body and improve the overall health of the child.

Protecting your baby is easy for a mother who knows what happens after the use of prohibited foods and what a food allergy looks like. You should not get rid of breastfeeding, just because of the fear of such a disease.


Today, many parents are faced with such a phenomenon as an allergy in a baby. The prevalence of this disease among adults and children is growing all the time. In most cases, an allergy in a baby on the face is caused by the use of any food. Nursing mothers are usually interested in the question of whether a child who is breastfed can be allergic. This is possible if the newborn feeds exclusively on mother's milk, but does not mean that he is immune from allergies. Therefore, mothers need to follow a diet and carefully monitor their diet, as allergens contained in breast milk can cause a strong reaction in the child. Allergies in children under one year old can manifest themselves immediately after the allergen enters the body, or maybe after a few hours.

In addition to food, washing powders and baby skin care products, various medicines, and pet hair can cause allergies in babies. One of the common causes of an allergic rash in children during the hot season is the wearing of diapers.

What are the signs of an allergy in babies? Its main symptom is the appearance of rashes on the face and various parts of the body. The rash can be of various shapes and sizes, can be flaky and itchy and have a weeping character. Most often, an allergy in a one-month-old baby is manifested by urticaria. A pediatric allergist can determine the allergy and choose the tactics of treatment.

Causes of allergies in a child

Many parents who are faced with this problem are concerned about the question of how to determine the cause of an allergy in an infant. The development of allergic reactions in children is strongly influenced by heredity. If one of the parents is allergic, then the child's chances of developing this disease are greatly increased.

Also, the occurrence of allergic reactions in infants is associated with malnutrition of the mother during pregnancy. The use of chocolate, nuts, honey, chicken eggs, whole milk, citrus fruits during the gestation period must be reduced, as these foods are strong allergens. Their use forms an increased allergenic background in an infant.

In addition, the appearance of food allergies in a child under one year old is due to the peculiarities of the gastrointestinal tract. Due to its immaturity, babies produce an insufficient amount of enzymes to digest food. Together with a low level of production of antibodies that protect the intestinal mucosa, this leads to the fact that allergens easily enter the bloodstream.

Often the causes of allergies in infants lie in transferring it from breastfeeding to infant formula or feeding with cow's milk. Cow's milk protein is the strongest allergen, very often causing a strong reaction in the child's body. Another factor that provoked an allergy in a child may be a change in infant formula. Therefore, it is recommended not to change the mixture, provided that it is suitable for the child.

The weakened immunity of the child, the viral and intestinal infections he has suffered, also increase the chances of developing allergic reactions in him.

Most often, in a child who is breastfed, an allergic reaction is associated with malnutrition of a nursing mother and her use of allergenic foods.

Allergic reactions in adults have a very wide range of manifestations: from small skin rashes to Quincke's edema. And how does an allergy manifest itself in infants?

Allergies in infants usually present with the same symptoms as in adults. The reaction to the offending product can be mild to very severe, requiring hospitalization. First of all, in newborns, allergies manifest themselves in the form of rashes on the skin. These can be redness and rash on the body, itching of the skin of the cheeks, persistent diaper rash, urticaria, scaling on the scalp and eyebrows, etc. The appearance of edema of the skin and mucous membranes characterizes the most severe type of allergic reaction - Quincke's edema.

In addition to external manifestations - skin rashes, allergies in children under one year old are accompanied by a number of disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. Vomiting, frequent regurgitation appear, there are problems with the stool in the newborn, the child suffers from colic, increased gas formation in the intestines.

Allergy manifestations in infants from the respiratory tract are much less common.

The most dangerous outcome of edema of the respiratory mucosa is bronchospasm, a condition where air almost does not enter the respiratory tract due to severe edema.

Quincke's edema is deadly for a newborn, in which suffocation occurs, similar to an attack of bronchial asthma. Due to swelling of the larynx, the child develops a barking cough, then shortness of breath, breathing becomes noisy. The face acquires a bluish tint, then turns pale. Quincke's edema develops very quickly, therefore, if such symptoms occur, you should immediately call an ambulance.

Treatment of allergies in infants

The main condition in the treatment of allergies in children under one year old is a clear definition of the cause of such a reaction, and not just the elimination of symptoms. A pediatric allergist, based on the data of a parental survey, blood tests of the child and other necessary studies, should identify the cause of the allergic reaction and exclude the non-allergic nature of disorders of the digestive tract.

How to determine which product an infant is allergic to? To accurately determine the product that caused the allergy, it is recommended to keep a food diary of feeding the child. In infants, allergies often occur with the introduction of the first complementary foods. Therefore, it is necessary to introduce new foods very carefully, fixing the reaction to them in a food diary. If after the use of any product allergy symptoms appear, the product is excluded from the diet for a long time.

Diet of a nursing mother with allergies in infants

Treatment of allergies in a breastfed newborn involves a strict diet for the nursing mother. At this time, all foods that can cause an allergic reaction in a child should be excluded from her diet. Products that need to be completely excluded at this time include:

  • fish;
  • nuts;
  • chocolate, coffee, cocoa;
  • chicken eggs;
  • spicy and salty dishes;
  • fried foods;
  • fruits and berries of red and orange color;
  • whole milk;
  • mayonnaises, ketchups, sauces;
  • cheeses, sausages;
  • carbonated drinks.

The use of bakery and pasta made from white flour should also be limited. During the treatment of allergies in infants, it is impossible to transfer it to artificial feeding, as this can provoke a new reaction. Products recommended for use by nursing mothers during this period include:

  • cereals (buckwheat, oatmeal, rice);
  • fermented milk products (cottage cheese, kefir, yogurt) without additives;
  • soups on the water;
  • vegetables and fruits of white and green color;
  • lean meat (beef, poultry);
  • bakery products from flour of the 2nd grade;
  • tea, compote, still mineral water.

This diet for a nursing mother should be followed for 1-2 months. This period may last longer until the child's allergic rash disappears completely. Then, when it becomes clear that the child's rash has passed, it will gradually be possible to introduce new foods into the mother's diet. But this must be done very carefully, adhering to the schedule. You can enter one product per week, starting with a small amount, and be sure to note the reaction to this product in the food diary.

Very often, formula-fed or mixed-fed babies are allergic to cow's milk protein.

How long does an allergy last in a baby? As soon as it is possible to identify the product-allergen, it is necessary to exclude it from the diet of a nursing mother. As a rule, allergies in infants go away for a long time. After 1-2 weeks, the baby's skin should become clearer, the rashes will gradually disappear. If the rash does not go away after the withdrawal of the allergen product, then, in addition to the diet, treatment with medications is necessary.

Taking antihistamines in newborns

An allergic rash in children of the first year of life is a fairly common occurrence, so parents are often concerned about the question of how to treat allergies in infants. Given the fact that this is a serious disease and the deterioration of the child's condition can occur instantly, treatment must necessarily take place under the supervision of a doctor. In no case do not give your child hormonal drugs without consulting a doctor.

When treating allergies in newborns, a doctor may prescribe antihistamines. Now there is a large selection of such drugs of a new generation. They are distinguished by a small number of side effects, do not cause drowsiness and addiction, therefore they can be successfully used in the treatment of allergies in newborns. These drugs include:

  1. Fenistil;
  2. Claritin.

In order to relieve itching and reduce an allergic rash in children, antihistamine ointments, such as Bepanten or Fenistil, are also successfully used. In cases of a severe allergic reaction, the child may require hospitalization and treatment in a hospital setting. In the hospital, hormonal antihistamines are administered by drip or intramuscular injection.

Treatment of allergies in infants will be faster and more effective if the body is cleansed of toxins. For this purpose, newborns can be given enterosorbents (Enterosgel). At the same time, with the help of drugs (Linex, Bifiform), it is necessary to support the intestinal microflora of the child.

In case of bronchospasm or suspicion of Quincke's edema in a child, an ambulance should be called immediately.

Ask your doctor which antihistamine to give your child before the ambulance arrives and its dosage.

Non-food allergies in infants

It happens that an allergy in a one-month-old baby does not appear due to the use of any food for food, but for other reasons. The strongest allergic reaction can be caused by pets, household chemicals, cosmetics, perfumes, insect bites.

How does a non-food allergy manifest in a baby and how to treat it? When choosing treatments for allergies, you need to understand that the very first step is to determine the substance that provokes the reaction. In order to find out what exactly the baby is allergic to, a series of skin tests is performed. After doing them, parents will receive a list of substances that the child should avoid. In order for the disease not to take a chronic form, it is imperative to exclude all contact with the allergen substance, otherwise the treatment will be ineffective.

Non-food allergies in infants often present with atopic dermatitis, which should be treated under medical supervision. If the rash is small, you can try bathing the child in decoctions of herbs. The most popular herbs for these treatments are string and chamomile. If the symptoms intensify, then ointments based on glucocorticoids cannot be dispensed with. They are prescribed only by a doctor, based on the age of the child and the degree of reaction.

With properly selected and timely therapy, atopic dermatitis in a child will not manifest itself in later life.

As the body matures and the immune system improves, allergic reactions will no longer bother him. But it can also happen that over time this non-food allergy will turn into, for example, bronchial asthma. Therefore, when allergy symptoms appear in a newborn, treatment should be started immediately. These signs should not be ignored, as over time they can lead to more serious consequences.

According to statistics, 20% of babies have symptoms of a food allergy. “Artificial” babies experience this disease more often than their breastfed peers. But allergens easily pass into breast milk. Let's figure out which foods usually cause a negative reaction, and what it looks like. We will also find out how allergies are treated, including the recommendations given by Dr. E.O. Komarovsky.

Causes of Allergy

A food allergy is an immune response to the ingestion of proteins from certain foods. Most often, the cascade of reactions starts immediately after contact with the allergen, less often, signs appear two to three hours or days after eating the dish.

The main factor predisposing to allergies is heredity. In addition, the increased sensitivity of infants to food is associated with some physiological characteristics of their body, including:

  • low enzyme activity
  • insufficient level of synthesis of antibodies that protect the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract
  • high tissue permeability

The risk of allergies increases if the baby experienced hypoxia during prenatal development, and also suffered intestinal and respiratory diseases at an early age.

Any product can cause a negative reaction, but there are goodies that provoke it most often:

  • red and orange vegetables and fruits - apples, grapes, tomatoes, beets
  • chicken, pork
  • exotic vegetables and fruits - kiwi, orange, persimmon
  • wheat, rye
  • oily and red fish, as well as caviar
  • fish, meat and mushroom broths
  • seafood
  • nuts
  • mushrooms
  • any products containing dyes, preservatives and other synthetic substances

These delicacies should not be consumed by a nursing mother, and also offered to a baby up to 12 months old (if there are allergies in the family - up to 3 years old).

In artificial babies, allergies occur due to the components of the mixture - milk, sugar and its substitutes, chemicals.

Dr. Komarovsky believes that in many cases, a violent reaction of the immune system does not occur due to a specific product, but due to overeating. Such a conclusion can be drawn if all the above products are excluded from the menu of the mother and child, and allergy symptoms persist.


What does a food allergy look like in babies? The most common signs of dermatitis are:

  • skin rash in the form of pimples or hives
  • areas of redness (usually near the mouth and anus)
  • peeling of the epidermis
  • gneiss - scales on the head and near the eyebrows

In addition, many children experience symptoms of disorders in the gastrointestinal tract:

  • liquid stool with mucus and foam
  • flatulence
  • constipation
  • profuse regurgitation

In rare cases, the use of allergen products causes a reaction from the respiratory system - a runny nose and cough.

How long does an allergy last? Rash and digestive problems may disappear 1 day after the removal of the provocative dish from the menu or persist for 7-10 days. How long it takes for treatment depends on the aggressiveness of the allergen, the amount that the child has consumed, and the characteristics of his body.

One of the most severe allergy options is Quincke's edema. It is characterized by swelling of the skin and internal mucous membranes. It can be indicated by the baby's hoarse voice, dry cough and noisy breathing. A child with these symptoms needs emergency medical attention.


Diagnosis of food allergies in infants is carried out by a pediatrician or an allergist. Methods are used such as:

  1. Collection of anamnesis. Parents are surveyed regarding the nature of the child's diet. Symptoms of the gastrointestinal tract and respiratory system are established. It is clarified if there are allergies in the family.
  2. Baby examination. The doctor determines whether the rash is a manifestation of an allergy or a sign of another disease (chickenpox, seborrhea).
  3. Blood study. General analysis shows an increase in the number of eosinophils. Immunological tests can detect an increase in the level of immunoglobulin E.
  4. Additional methods - ultrasound of the digestive organs to exclude other pathologies, analysis of feces for dysbacteriosis.

After 3 years, children are prescribed skin allergy tests: a small amount of the allergen is applied to the integument, after which the doctor checks the reaction. In infancy, such testing is considered uninformative.

Based on the examination, the doctor prescribes a treatment that includes several important points: the removal of the allergen from the menu, drug therapy and child care. Dr. Komarovsky believes that the latter aspect is of great importance.

Menu correction

It is impossible to cure an allergy without excluding the product that caused it from the diet. The difficulty is that it is not always easy to identify. If the baby is breastfed, then the mother's diet needs to be adjusted.

First of all, the highly allergenic dishes listed above should be removed from the menu.

The mother's diet should consist of:

  • low-fat dairy products
  • gluten-free cereals
  • white and green vegetables and fruits
  • lean meat and fish
  • bread from flour of the second grade and so on

Sugar and whole milk may not be excluded, but they should be limited. The diet should be as varied as possible. Dishes are best boiled, baked and steamed. Before heat treatment, it is advisable to soak vegetables, cereals and meat for several hours.

Allergy treatment involves keeping a food diary. It is required to record not only the mother's menu, but also the condition of the child's skin on different days. This will allow you to track the reaction.

In most cases, if the mother follows a low-allergy diet, unpleasant symptoms disappear within 5-14 days. But in some cases, the standard diet correction does not help. It is necessary to continue the search for the allergen. Sometimes it turns out to be very unexpected, for example, buckwheat or zucchini.

To establish the cause of food intolerance is possible only experimentally - removing foods from the diet. A forum where mothers of allergic children exchange information will help to compile a list of possible provocateurs.

After determining the culprit of the allergy, the mother's diet can be expanded. It is important to remember that the reaction does not always appear immediately. You should not enter more than one new dish in the menu in 5-7 days. Keeping a diary should be continued.

The cause of allergies in "artificial" -. Most often, problems arise due to cow's milk protein. This condition must be treated by changing the diet. Alternative options:

  • soy protein nutrition
  • hydrolyzed mixtures (the protein in them is split to the level of amino acids)
  • products with goat milk protein (it is easier for children to digest)

It is necessary to select the mixture together with the doctor.

Prevention of overeating

Dr. Komarovsky believes that in many cases, allergies are caused by the fact that children receive too much food, and it simply does not have time to be digested. Signs of overfeeding - overweight, regurgitation, colic, impaired stool. How to solve this problem?

If the baby is breastfed, you must:

  • observe the intervals between meals (minimum 2 hours)
  • do not hold the baby at the breast for more than 15 minutes
  • try to reduce the fat content of milk - mom should give up butter, condensed milk, nuts, fatty dairy products
  • offer the baby water, not just milk, especially in the heat

With artificial feeding, Komarovsky advises:

  • make the mixture less concentrated, keeping its volume
  • feed as many times as it should be according to age norms
  • make sure that the hole in the nipple is not too big

Medical assistance

You can treat allergies with medicines only with the support of a doctor. On the global network, it is easy to find a forum containing a lot of information about drugs and folk recipes that help with a rash. But this information should not be taken as a guide, because the body of each child has its own characteristics.

The following groups of drugs are commonly used:

  1. Antihistamines of systemic action in the form of drops and syrups - Fenistil, Zirtek, Zodak, Diazolin, Loratadin. They block the mechanism of allergy development, eliminate external manifestations and itching.
  2. Antihistamine gels and creams - "Fenistil", "Psilobalm". Their purpose is to quickly relieve itching and reduce redness.
  3. Sorbents - "White Coal", "Smecta", "Enterosgel". They help remove allergens and toxins from the body.
  4. Enzymes ("Creon") and probiotics ("Bifiform", "Linex"), which improve digestion.
  5. Hormonal creams and ointments - Elocom, Flucinar and others. They are prescribed in severe cases of allergic dermatitis and allow you to quickly normalize the skin condition.

Komarovsky believes that treatment can be limited:

  • diet
  • sorbents
  • calcium preparations - with a lack of it, the allergy is aggravated
  • laxatives - lactulose syrup or glycerin suppositories if constipation is observed

The doctor advises not to be afraid to smear hormonal creams on areas with a rash and redness, but as the situation improves, their dose should be reduced. In addition, he insists on creating the right conditions for the child's life.

Baby care

Komarovsky draws the attention of parents to the fact that the manifestations of food allergies always increase under the influence of external negative factors - hot, dry air and skin contact with chemicals. Without their elimination, drug treatment will not work.

  • maintain the temperature in the room no higher than 20 ° C and humidity no lower than 50%, remove all dust accumulators, regularly ventilate and clean
  • bathe the baby in non-hot water, having previously cleaned it of chlorine using filters and boiling
  • use a minimum of household chemicals, thoroughly rinse children's clothes
  • use only hypoallergenic cosmetics and detergents designed specifically for babies
  • put on a child things made of natural fabrics of a soft color, the same applies to bed linen
  • buy quality toys, as inexpensive materials are often very toxic
  • if the baby is sick, treat him with products without dyes and sweeteners
  • when purchasing products, analyze the conditions under which they are grown or produced
  • refuse to buy pets until the moment when the child's allergy passes

Food allergies in infants are not a life sentence. In 98% of children, it goes away with age. If you study the thematic forum, you can conclude that many parents notice relief of symptoms by 3-5 years. The reason for this is the maturation of enzyme systems, the liver and intestinal microflora, as well as the strengthening of the barrier functions of the skin. But this condition must be treated with diet and proper care of the child. An allergy that is left unattended is dangerous because it can develop into atopic dermatitis or bronchial asthma.

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