The most aggressive dog breed. Aggressive breeds. place - Cuties with a "bad temper"

It is not so easy to make an adequate TOP-10 of the most aggressive dogs. A number of questions immediately arise, for example, who exactly do the representatives of the breed dislike? Are their relatives or are they still inclined to show in relation to a person?

Is it correct to include in the rating of the most aggressive four-legged dogs that were bred for and protection? What metrics to rely on? For example, if we take the statistics of human bites as a basis, it varies greatly according to the territorial principle. Let's try to be objective. Statistics is a fundamental science, but it always has an error. When compiling a table with the number of bites, no one takes into account the lifestyle of the "culprit", his mental state and motives, only the fact is taken into account.

Digging deeper, is it right to hang labels? Is it adequate to make a rating based on personal experience and the attachments of a group of people? But what about killer dogs living in families with children and acting as nannies? What about the pit bull that wandered through the woods until it found its 6-year-old owner? Is it possible to overlook the young, burned Rottweiler, who carried two small children out of a burning house and returned for their mother? So, the TOP-10 will be given below, but not breeds, but their groups that show aggression for various reasons.

Let's start the list of the most aggressive dogs with those breeds that are not able to cause serious damage, but if they are a little larger. Miniature dogs are not only prone to aggression, their rage is indescribable. The best defense is an attack, and if a dog is used to walking in a bag and never got the freedom to solve his own problems, he turns into a sociopath. Unfortunately, many owners do not take into account the natural needs of their 3-kilogram "predators", which results in mental disorders, grumpiness and a passive-defensive reaction towards animals and people. The crumbs that will "make you shiver" are:

  • Papillon.

Read also: Japanese Chin: breed description, maintenance, feeding, health (+ photo)

9th place - Breeds prone to bites in a state of excitement

Oddly enough, the best burrow hunters turned out to be here - Dachshund and. Both breeds tend to fall into the hunting game. Physically, the dog is experiencing overload, the eyes are covered with a veil, and heartbeats are heard in the ears. Such a state can be provoked by instincts or deliberate provocation on the part of a person. Even when biting, the quadruped is not fully aware of its actions, which is why self-control is so important for burrow hunters.

8th place - Cuties with a "bad temper"

Breeds that have nothing to justify ... they bite when they feel like it. Often, quadrupeds show their teeth to the owner, for example, if they are forced to do something. Cuties to be careful with are:

- A companion and protector bred in China, a shaggy lion, which may be a relative of the Tibetan Mastiff. Quadrupeds bite, defending their opinion and do not see anything supernatural in this action.

American Cocker Spaniel- a dog-mat, almost the Barbie of the four-legged world and suddenly aggression. It must be said that it is not easy to provoke a spaniel to bite. Quadrupeds can go to extremes, frightened or confused. The danger in the biting technique is that the dog is intercepted rather than held, inflicting many deep wounds in a short time.

7th place - Breeds prone to mental instability

- even at the dawn of the breeding of the breed, cynologists characterized it as difficult to control. Four-legged excellent guards, protection of the territory is their meaning of life, but with a lack of attention, education or chain (enclosure) maintenance, the Moscow watchdogs literally go berserk. Such a breed should not be started for fuzzy purposes - only protection!

The Moscow watchdog cannot be an “experiment”, and the owner must have a solid experience in raising dogs. By the way, the lists in which the most aggressive breeds are given are often made - good-natured companions, similar to the Moscow watchdog in appearance. Perhaps this is a “consequence of statistics”, in which the guilty quadrupeds, similar to the St. Bernards, are included.

(BRT) - the story is almost the same as with the Moscow watchdog. The breed is factory and "unfinished". BRTs are also prone to mental instability if they are not properly raised or maintained. Surely, the gigantic size played an important role in getting the breed into this rating. By the way, the BRT also has a "double" - which is often and unfairly ranked as an aggressor.

Read also: St. Bernard: history, breed standard, features of maintenance and care (+ photo)

6th place - Aggressive to relatives

Purebred fighting dogs do not harbor malice towards people - this is a fact. However, these breeds are aggressive towards other dogs and in the heat of a fight, anything can happen. In addition, "breeders" who sell semi-pedigreed puppies under the guise of thoroughbreds are more guilty of bloody consequences than the four-legged ones themselves. Killer dogs according to the media are:

  • Pit bull terrier.
  • Bull Terrier.

5th place - Breeds requiring disciplinary control

And Dogo Canario- two very serious breeds that should not fall into inexperienced hands. The mental health of the four-legged directly depends on the behavior and "position" of the owner.

The owner of the dog must be the leader of the pack in sickness and in health, and if this rule is violated, there will be trouble.

For unknown reasons, and gets into the rating of aggressors. Probably, the reputation of the breed is "tarnished" by its brethren and people's fear of the size of four-legged animals. If we are talking about big and really angry dogs, then it is more logical to call the Pakistani Mastiff or the Brindis Fighting Dog. However, the breeds are so rare that statistics bypass them.

4th place - Ancient breeds that carried natural aggression through the ages

- a very fashionable breed, which is called aggressive. In fact, Malamutes are specific, require loads, but do not suffer from fits of anger. But Alaskan Husky is a half-wolf, created and tamed by the peoples of the north. Unlike (registered), Alaskan dogs are not recognized and considered a group, that is, they do not have a clear standard and characteristics. The same can be said about the rare Sakhalin Huskies, it is known that they are hardy and resistant, but it is difficult to say how tolerant of others.

3rd place - Hybrids

Man is a rather strange creature, it is always not enough for him what he has. Out of curiosity, and maybe boredom, the human brain generates pretty crazy ideas, which include the creation of hybrids. It must be understood that a hybrid is a descendant of two individuals belonging to different species, and a mestizo is a mixture of a purebred and outbred animal. The most famous, desirable and at the same time dangerous hybrid is a cross between a wolf and a dog.(in factory work - German Shepherd).

During the Upper Paleolithic, which dominated the planet 40,000-12,000 years ago, people domesticated the wolf. As a result, a person acquired not only a hunting assistant and a vigilant watchman, but also a friend who demonstrates love for the owner, devotion and high intelligence.

Thanks to the painstaking work of breeders, today there are hundreds of breeds in the world. Among them, cynologists pay special attention to the most aggressive dogs - a group of animals that have inherited from their wild ancestor a vicious disposition and predatory instincts.

Sixth place - dachshund

Who would have thought that a small dog with a disproportionately elongated body, whose height at the withers barely reaches 25 cm, can show aggressive character traits? However, looks are deceiving. A funny short-legged creature with expressive eyes deservedly takes 5th place in the ranking of the most aggressive dogs. According to research by zoologists at the University of Pennsylvania, representatives of the breed are prone to unpredictability and uncontrollable outbursts of rage. Scientists have found that every 12th dachshund has bitten its owner at least once in its life.

The aggressiveness of dachshunds is explained by the belonging of these animals to hunting burrowing breeds. In order to overcome an obstinate badger or an angry fox, a four-legged fisherman must have cunning, perseverance and anger. That's why do not start a dachshund as a sofa dog- inept upbringing will turn a charming eared puppy into a stubborn wayward creature. Such pets snap at any touch that they find unpleasant.

Fifth place - Alaskan Malamute

Inseparable companions of the natives of the coast of Alaska, these powerful dogs with a height of 59–63 cm and a weight of 37–40 kg resemble large wolves. For centuries, the Eskimos and Indians have used Malamutes as sled dogs, capable of tirelessly pulling laden sleds. In addition, the animals carried out guard duty, driving away bears and wolves from the villages. The harsh living conditions left their mark on the character of the dogs. Representatives of the breed have a masterful disposition and lack of unquestioning obedience.

Malamute aggression is manifested in relation to other dogs, especially to individuals of the same sex. This is due to the inherent dominance of the breed. Under natural conditions, everyone tries to get the title of leader, entering into a fight with fellow tribesmen for an honorary title. Today, problems with the manifestation of uncontrolled viciousness appear due to the owners' lack of ideas about the proper upbringing of a pet. The owner of these majestic children of the North needs to know that the most important element in training a four-legged friend is discipline and early socialization.

Fourth place - Dogo Argentino

The progenitors of modern white dogs are proud mastiffs brought to Argentine lands in the 16th century. Their appearance was the beginning of the popularity of dog fighting in the country. Infinitely courageous and hardy creatures led Professor Antonio Martinez to the idea of ​​​​creating dogs that absorbed the best features of the strong Molossians. A new breed was finally formed only in the XX century. Its representatives exceeded all expectations - muscular four-legged athletes 61–68 cm high at the withers not only successfully participated in the persecution of wild animals, but also showed excellent results as security guards.

Currently, the import and maintenance of Dogo Argentino is prohibited in Norway, Israel, Great Britain, Portugal, New Zealand and Spain. For a person who dares to acquire a fearless dog as a pet, it is important to know that violence is prohibited during training. Cruel punishments (shouting, beating) will destroy mutual understanding between the owner and the pet and provoke hatred and uncontrollability of the animal.

Third place - chow-chow

In the III century BC. e. in the Chinese chronicles there were already records of unusual dogs with thick hair, the body of a bear and the head of a lion. Cute creatures that charmed the local nobility with their exotic appearance and unique blue tongue arrived in Europe in 1785. The exterior standard (height at the withers - 46-56 cm, body weight - 20-32 kg) was developed in 1895. At the same time, Chow Chow was officially recognized as an independent breed.

Melancholy dogs behave with restraint, not showing affection and tender feelings to the owner. To strangers who want to stroke a pretty furry creature, the dog growls to understand that this is not worth doing. Chow Chows are also not friendly to other pets. Provoked to fight, they fight to the end. Gross mistakes in training lead to the transformation of cozy "teddy bears" into vicious aggressors. These dogs should not be trained as service dogs.. Having acquired guard skills, they begin to protect the owner even from imaginary enemies.

Second place - Doberman

In the second half of the 19th century, the court clerk Friedrich Louis Dobermann from the German city of Apolda set out to create a dog with vigilance, ferocity, fearlessness and intelligence. The result of his work were dogs, the main character trait of which was activity and viciousness. Their height at the withers reached 72 cm, and the mass of a muscular toned body was 45 kg. So that families with children could also afford the maintenance of representatives of the breed, Dobermann's follower, Otto Geller, softened the evil temper of the animal.

The aggressiveness of the Doberman is the result of an explosive temperament. These powerful dogs are devoted to the owner and are ready to protect him at the slightest manifestation of hostility. Unfortunately, dog handlers have recently faced another problem. In pursuit of a magnificent exterior, breeders often cross relative dogs. This leads to the birth of puppies with a deliberately inadequate psyche, characterized by cowardice, aggression or excessive excitability.

The most aggressive dog breed in the world

The American Staffordshire Terrier is the most aggressive dog breed in the world.. The history of the breed goes back to the Middle Ages, when fights involving dogs came into fashion. People artificially bred dogs capable of fighting not only with their own kind, but also with angry bulls. The forefathers of modern American Staffordshires were powerful hardy bulldogs and temperamental mobile terriers. According to the breed standard approved in 1971, the Amstaff is a dog with a powerful physique, compact body, developed chest, strong legs and a broad head. Height at the withers - 44-48 cm, weight - 25-30 kg.

American Staffordshire - dogs with a controversial character. They can be both affectionate family pets and fearless fighters. Improperly brought up death grip owners are a potential threat to society. The only way to control a pet is a firm hand and proper training, based on the absence of cruelty and rudeness. Unfair punishments will lead to aggression and uncontrollable behavior in the dog.

According to statistics, the Dachshund, the Alaskan Malamute, the Argentinean Great Dane, the Chow Chow, the Doberman and the American Staffordshire Terrier are considered to be the most aggressive dogs. However, breeders claim that only 17.8% of these breeds have behavioral problems. According to cynologists, dogs that did not undergo a course of training or were subjected to mistreatment showed a vicious disposition.

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Any dog ​​can bite. But some dogs do this much more often than other breeds. We tend to mistakenly believe that the most biting and aggressive are large and dangerous dog breeds such as Pit Bull Terriers, Rottweilers and Dobermans. It will come as a surprise to many, but more often than not, smaller breeds of dogs are more aggressive than truly dangerous.

Below we present the TOP 10 most aggressive breeds:

In second place in the ranking is an even smaller breed of dog - the Chihuahua. Recently, dogs of this breed have become very fashionable, many do not take them seriously. But in vain! When a Chihuahua is aggressive, not many dogs will outdo it. You are more likely to be bitten by a Chihuahua than a Rottweiler.

The leadership qualities of this breed are very developed, so the owners must properly educate their pets, socialize the Chihuahua in the company of other dogs from early childhood.

The third most aggressive dog breed in the world was not a pit bull or a Doberman, but another "toy" dog - Jack Russell Terrier. Terriers of all sizes do not tolerate rough handling and will be fiercely defensive. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure that children do not offend the dog.

Most often, Jack Russell Terriers show their aggression with other dogs. To make them calmer, a dog needs a lot of exercise, running and training.

The Pekingese cannot threaten people due to its small size, but this breed can be very jealous and aggressive. It is mainly directed at other dogs or strangers coming to visit.

It is quite difficult to re-educate a Pekingese. They are stubborn, and, as a rule, they choose only one person for themselves, with whom they are ready to get close and make friends. To the rest of the Pekingese are very wary and aggressive. They also do not get along well with small children.

Shar Pei are Chinese dogs listed in the Guinness Book of Records as one of the rarest breeds in the world. Dogs of this breed have a very independent and dominant character, they like to be the main ones in the family, so from childhood they should be explained who is the boss in the house.

In China, Shar-Peis have successfully taken part in battles, so their genes show aggression towards other dogs. In families, dogs of this breed live well, but do not always show patience with children. Early socialization of the dog can help keep aggression to a minimum.

Some will be surprised to see a Chow Chow in this ranking, but nevertheless, this breed is one of the most aggressive dogs in the world. At first glance, Chow Chows are very attractive and cute fluffies, also representatives of China. Before getting this dog, it must be remembered that adult Chow Chows should not be quietly allowed to play with unfamiliar dogs and left alone with children, because they are very irritable and defend the right to their food with an evil grin.

Chow-chows are also good guards, they are very devoted to their master and will not let a stranger to him and will not let anyone into their territory.

The Shiba Inu is a very ancient Japanese breed used for hunting in the highlands. The dog is very loyal, but at the same time showing that it can live without an owner. Early socialization helps this breed get used to people.

Shiba Inu does not get along well with other dogs, they are very aggressive towards them. In case of danger and aggression, the Shiba makes a strange sound, similar to screaming and howling. With such a dog, you need to constantly engage in, give it various physical activities.

Stylish and decorative Papillon bites very strongly. Most often, his aggression is directed at children, who quickly begin to annoy the dog, and can be bitten.

Papillons are great owners, and out of jealousy for the owner, they can fearlessly rush at a stranger. Therefore, although this dog is small, it is very aggressive. Early socialization of puppies will help to avoid deviations in behavior, as well as prevent aggression.


Shih Tzu is a dog from China, which means “lion dog” in translation, because it resembles the Chinese image of a lion. They are fearless, intelligent and temperamental dogs, but like any predator, they need to curb their temperament so that the Shih Tzu does not take on the role of a wayward leader.

Aggression can be caused by negligence towards this breed, resentment from a previous owner, or lack of communication. The dog can cling to the legs, bite and pounce on any objects, including people and children. Shih Tzu needs to be brought up correctly from childhood so that she does not show her aggressiveness.

The "danger" of a dog breed is influenced by many factors, and experts on this topic often disagree. Simply calling a dog dangerous is dishonest. However, in the case of some breeds, it can be said for sure that a dog of this breed will do more harm to its victim - if it decides to attack. It is on this principle that these 25 breeds are selected.

It is important to note, however, that almost all breeds are bred to obey their masters. So most of the incidents are due to improper training and unreasonable behavior of the owner.

1. Tosa Inu. The Tosa Inu is a massive dog. Initially bred as a fighting breed, it is considered dangerous, banned in some countries.

2. American bandog. This incredibly strong dog is a cross between the American Pit Bull Terrier and the Neopolitan Mastiff. Despite its formidable appearance, it was not bred to fight. Some, however, use dogs of this breed as fighting dogs.

3. Cane Corso. Very muscular dog. Considered a descendant of ancient Roman war dogs that were used as pickling gladiator dogs.

4. Bull Terrier. The dog is famous for its large egg-shaped head and incredible strength. The breed is not particularly aggressive, but it has a highly developed hunting instinct, which is why it is dangerous for smaller animals than it.

5. Rhodesian Ridgeback. South African breed. It is believed that he knows how to drive lions away from prey while the owner is hunting. Dogs of this breed are loyal and intelligent, but not very fond of strangers. They require reasonable positive training and a lack of abuse so as not to develop the aggressive side of the breed.

6. Dogo Argentino Large white muscular dog, bred in Argentina for hunting, in particular wild boar and cougar. When breeding, aggression towards people was not the goal. However, for example, in the UK, keeping dogs of this breed is prohibited.

7. Boerboel. A large mastiff bred in South Africa to guard a home or farm. Dogs of this breed are very loyal and are considered good guards.

8. Gul-dong, or Pakistani bulldog. A very strong dog, the breed was bred as a fighting dog. Aggressive and difficult to control.

9. Basenji, or African barking dog. Hound breed from Central Africa. It ranks second in the list of breeds that are difficult to train.

10. St. Bernard. The breed comes from the Swiss and Italian Alps. Originally a rescue dog. However, like dogs of any other large breed, they must be socialized with strangers and other dogs from childhood to prevent possible aggressive behavior.

11. American Bulldog. Heavy muscular dog. Known for their friendly demeanor, however, they can be incredibly stubborn. Bred as a breed to guard farms.

12. Great Dane. Known for its incredible size. A dog of this breed holds a growth record - 1.1 meters. Bred in Germany for hunting wild boar and deer.

13. Brazilian Fila, also known as the Brazilian Mastiff. Aggressive and impulsive dog. Due to size, temperament and potential aggressiveness, the breed is banned in many countries.

14. Dogo Canario. Large shepherd dog. Needs good training. In some situations, dogs of this breed can be aggressive towards other dogs and suspicious of strangers.

15. Akita Inu. Large spitz bred in the mountainous regions of Japan. Strong and independent dog. Loyal to owners, but suspicious of strangers.

16. Boxer. By nature, dogs of this breed are not very aggressive, but made it to the list of the most dangerous breeds due to the number of unpleasant incidents involving them from 1982 to 2012. The breed was bred in Germany. They are considered very energetic and self-willed.

17. Volkosob, wolf hybrid. The result of crossing a gray wolf and a dog, which explains the unpredictable behavior.

18. Chow-chow. The breed was bred in China. Despite the seeming friendliness, dogs of this breed require very good training. They can be very aggressive when defending their owner. From 1979 to 1998, 238 deaths were recorded. They need daily physical activity.

19. Doberman. This breed is famous for its loyalty and intelligence. Considered the best guard dog, it attacks only if it is provoked or the owner and his property are in danger. The breed was bred in Germany by Carl Friedrich Louis Dobermann. They can show aggression towards strangers and other dogs, but cases of aggression towards owners are extremely rare. Aggression, coupled with size and strength, make Dobermans potentially dangerous.

20. Husky. Northern breed bred for sledding. Due to their strong hunting instinct, they can be dangerous to smaller animals. They are known for their destructive habits when they are bored.

21. Alaskan Malamute. A breed related to the Siberian Husky. Such a dog needs daily exercise, otherwise it begins to languish, as well as show signs of aggression and disobedience. They are difficult to train at times and are poor guard dogs.

22. Rottweiler. A strong breed with well developed herding and guarding instincts. As with dogs of other breeds, the danger of the Rottweiler is often due to the irresponsibility of the owner, abuse, lack of training and socialization. The strength of the Rottweiler should not be underestimated.

23. German Shepherd. Smart, self-confident, alert and fearless dog. The breed is used by the police. They can be overzealous in protecting their owners and their territory. With the wrong upbringing, the German Shepherd can start attacking people.

24. Pitbull. The term "pit bull" can refer to the American Pit Bull Terrier, Staffordshire Pit Bull Terrier, and American Bulldog. Initially, the breed was bred for baiting bulls and bears, but was also used in dog fights. In America, it is considered the most dangerous dog.

25. Caucasian Shepherd Dog. Bred to protect the herd. The typical Caucasian Shepherd Dog is assertive, stubborn and fearless. In the case of bad upbringing and poor training, dogs of this breed can show uncontrollability - not to accept people who are not familiar to it.

One can endlessly discuss the diversity and amazingness of the animal world of our planet. We have already managed to find out that the fastest animal, the cheetah, accelerates to 120 kilometers per hour, we learned that the maximum weight of the animal exceeds 30 tons. In past topics, we realized that small insects can be much more dangerous than huge elephants and even tigers. It is time to open a narrower topic about dogs. You can first find out about the smartest friends of a person. However, this time we will talk, on the contrary, about the most dangerous dog breeds for people. Some of them are not so friendly.

10 most angry and aggressive dog breeds in the world


Opens the rating of the most dangerous breeds Boxer. For the first time this species was bred in Germany. The dog is distinguished by the presence of powerful paws and strong jaws. Once in them, the victim will not be able to get out. The danger lies in aggression. They are difficult to control. Boxers are often independent, stubborn and generally wayward. Even when training these dogs, a number of rules must be observed. Otherwise, you can stumble upon disobedience, and even an attack. There have been many cases in history when a dog attacked his master. They are very vindictive.

A funny incident, but Chow Chows look pretty cute. Playful and funny dogs perfectly confirm the fact that looks can be deceiving. They can be quite harmful if they don't get the attention they deserve. Demanding and irritable dogs are dangerous to people who do not respect them. Especially angry when someone claims their food. Sometimes, they seem to have a sense of ownership. Sometimes, they get furious at the sight of strangers. Some experts believe that Chow Chows are descended from wolves.

This is not only about a dangerous breed of dog, but also about a truly unique species. The dog is native to the Canary Islands. This dog is distinguished by natural behavior, which, for sure, is due to the efforts of nature itself. As with babies, dogs of this breed need eye to eye. They need a strict upbringing. Otherwise, they will grow up undisciplined and dangerous. They can calmly get angry and even attack the owner. In some countries they are used for illegal fights. Very aggressive dogs are distinguished by a terrible rage that manifests itself in battle.

Surprised? Indeed, this funny, somewhere clumsy dog ​​breed is dangerous for humans if it is pissed off. Dachshunds are often aggressive for no reason. Previously, the dachshund was used to catch wild animals that lived in burrows. To this day, crossed dachshunds are used to catch marmots, foxes and various badgers. Many mistakenly believe that a dog cannot harm a person, but this is more true for non-purebred dogs.

The Pit Bull Terrier is a dangerous breed that was originally considered a fighting dog. At present, the trend to enlist such assistants for home security is growing. The dogs are really loyal and well guard the owner. But there is one problem - they have practically no sense of fear and self-preservation instinct. If the dog is very angry, he will even attack a bear. If you do not educate this breed, you can grow a murder weapon. Imagine if such a hunter breaks out from under the chain during the visit of welcome guests...

Dogo Argentino is the name of one of the most dangerous dog breeds on the planet, which was bred in Argentina. Do you know what kind of dogs were crossed to get this "monster"? Imagine a cross between an Irish Wolfbreeder and a Great Dane. It turns out an excellent hunter of large size. He even hunts mountain lions, not to mention large birds and foxes. Sometimes attacks and successfully defeats cougars. On average, 4 dogs were used to defeat the cougar, 2 of which were defeated in a deadly fight.

Fairly calm dogs that rarely get out of a state of mental balance. However, they have an amazing, awesome cruelty. They were bred in Japan to bet on street fights. They are a cross between mastiffs, mastiffs, bull terriers and bulldogs. Even these dogs fight without much emotion, that is, silently. It is worth noting that this dog is extremely stubborn and distrustful. It can be afraid of even the owner for a long time. And you won't guess when he decides to attack!

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