Pills that increase brain activity. Nootropics (brain stimulants). Glycine for brain function

The brain is complex mechanism, in which many processes are constantly taking place. Ability to process information, draw logical conclusions and memorize important information- a vital function for every person. In youth, people do not care much about the brain. It just works. However, with age, ego functioning can be disrupted, and then questions arise about how to get the brain working again and the memory to hold different facts. At present, medicine and in particular pharmacology have advanced far, and there are many drugs to improve brain function.

What can affect the efficiency of brain activity

Obviously, one of the strongest factors that impairs brain activity is the aging process. With age, the mind becomes less sharp, and the memory stores much less information. It is possible to fight these processes, but they are not reversible. Any person of age notices the changes that occur to his body. In addition, stress, abuse of alcohol, cigarettes, drugs, lack of sleep, as well as malnutrition can have a negative effect on the brain and its work.

However, there are more serious reasons, which can significantly reduce mental activity. it serious illness, which directly or indirectly touch the brain and make the gray matter not so active and receptive.

  • infectious diseases;
  • intoxication with strong drugs;
  • skull trauma;
  • circulatory disorders in the head.

To normalize the work, constant brain training is necessary, but first of all, you need to consult a doctor. He will give recommendations regarding the diet, lifestyle, conduct all the necessary examinations and, if necessary, prescribe pills that improve brain function. An experienced doctor can not only identify the problem, but also find the most effective method improve the performance of the brain and make it the least radical method.

What are the drugs

In general, drugs to improve brain activity are divided into several types:

  • nootropic drugs - improve metabolism in the brain, and also increase resistance to lack of oxygen;
  • medicines that help better circulation blood in the brain;
  • vitamins to activate and stimulate biochemical processes in the head;
  • medicines based on herbal ingredients, which generally improve immunity and affect the intellectual abilities of a person;
  • amino acids - participate in the transmission of nerve impulses, and also contribute to the production of biochemical substances;
  • stimulants of the central nervous system.

It should be understood that all drugs are medicines, which means they cannot be 100% harmless. The least harmful in terms of side effects are vitamins and amino acids. All other brain medications can have side effects. Such funds can be used only on the recommendation of a doctor. They are often used in the treatment mental disorders, diseases of the nervous system or brain damage. Another important point that many people forget about during treatment is that not a single medication of this kind works instantly. The course of treatment can last from several weeks to six months, and the drugs are used with a certain sequence.


Now the principle of their action has not been fully studied, however, it has been proven that, in general, such drugs have the following positive effects:

  • facilitate the transmission of nerve impulses;
  • stabilize and spur the mechanism of blood supply in the brain;
  • increase the resistance of the brain to a lack of oxygen.

As a result, the patient's memory function improves, the ability to learn is significantly enhanced, the brain becomes more resistant to aggressive environmental influences, and in general its performance increases.

The advantage of these drugs is their low toxicity, they practically do not disrupt the circulatory process, unlike other psychotropic substances.

The most famous pills nootropic action to improve memory and brain function are:

  • Piracetam;
  • Pantogam;
  • Acefen;
  • Phenibut;
  • Gammalon.

Such drugs are most often used to treat middle-aged and elderly people, as well as in patients with chronic conditions. The recommended terms of therapy are from 14-21 days to six months. The treatment takes place under the supervision of a doctor, while depending on the effectiveness of the remedy or lack of progress, the treatment regimen is adjusted. Use tablets to improve brain activity should be 3 times a day in the amount of 1 piece. The first signs of the action of the drug can be seen already after 10-14 days after the start of its administration.

Means for blood circulation

If the reason for the decline in brain activity lies in bad condition blood or blood vessels, then for treatment prescribe means that improve blood flow. Generally similar drugs divided into antiplatelet agents and anticoagulants. The purpose of both groups is the prevention of blood clots. The action of drugs is different principles so they got different names. Both types of drugs are used to treat pathologies. cordially- vascular system, after heart surgery, as well as to improve attention, concentration and blood supply different departments brain.

Antiplatelet agents:

  • Nicergoline;
  • Curantyl;
  • Clonidogrel;
  • Ticlopidin.


  • Solcoseryl;
  • Vasobral;
  • Cerebrolysin.

The above are far from complete lists tablets to improve blood flow and brain activity, but the most effective of them. It is worth considering that this group of drugs has contraindications and side effects, so you can drink them only after consulting a doctor.


The fastest acting drugs can rightly be called stimulants. However, their use can lead to dependence and addiction. As a result, the rise in mental activity will be rapid, but very short-lived. To maintain the effect, an increase in doses is required. This causes neuronal depression, severe headaches and increased fatigue. In addition, most stimulants are illegal drugs and only a few of them are allowed to be sold, but subject to a prescription.

Stimulants are found in food, but in small doses, as they are of natural origin:

  • coffee contains caffeine and type L theanine - they stimulate the speed of transmission of nerve impulses, activate the brain by improving blood supply;
  • cocoa and chocolate contain antioxidants that have a positive effect on brain biochemistry and also increase stress resistance.


People who are engaged mental activity, know that there are special vitamins for the brain. Their mission is to prevent premature aging and activation of mental activity.

  1. Choline. The main task of this drug is to improve the functioning of the liver during the absorption of fats, while the neurotransmitter acetylcholine is released, which affects the ability to transmit nerve impulses. To increase brain activity, the drug must be drunk at 0.5-2 mg per day. The specific rate is calculated based on individual characteristics organism. Overdose may cause migraines.
  2. Omega 3. The tool is used for complex treatment age-related oppression of the ability to think effectively. It helps to restore the work of both hemispheres. Omega-3s are also called fatty acids and are found in nuts and legumes as well as fatty fish. 2 capsules fish oil cover the daily requirement of Omega-3. This drug It is useful to use it simply for prevention, and not only during the period of treatment.

Amino acids

Amino acids are needed to supply energy to the brain.

  1. Acetyl L-carnitine promotes carbohydrate metabolism, releases cell energy.
  2. Tyrosine - improves the functioning of the adrenal glands and thyroid gland and also affects the functions of the pituitary gland. In general, it provides positive impact on metabolism, is very important in the nutrition of people who are struggling with being overweight. Dangerous in diseases of the thyroid gland.
  3. Glycine is generally a mild sedative. Promotes good mood, the fight against stress and nervousness, helps to sleep better, increases efficiency. The drug is used to improve memory.
  4. Creatine Responsible for flow energy processes in brain tissues.

Herbal preparations

Natural wealth has always been a source of many useful substances. Tablets based natural ingredients choose in case initial stages development of the disease and minor abnormalities in the brain.

  1. Ginkgo biloba is derived from the Chinese Ginkgo tree. The drug produces vasodilating effect, helps to increase the resistance of tissues in case of oxygen deficiency, prevents the oxidation of fats. The product is not recommended for pregnant women and during breastfeeding, as well as during simultaneous treatment other drugs for blood flow.
  2. Vinpocetine is derived from the periwinkle plant. It is an alkaloid. It has a positive effect on blood flow in the brain. Do not take after a stroke, heart failure, as well as pregnant women and children.
  3. Biocalcium for the brain - a combined drug. Includes minerals, vitamins, antioxidants and amino acids. Recommended for the elderly.
  4. Asian ginseng - promotes glucose metabolism, has a tonic effect, stimulates the brain. It is recommended to drink this remedy with bad mood and increased irritability.
  5. Rose Rhodiola - promotes the production of serotonin and dopamine, necessary for the central nervous system. In general, it has a positive effect on the entire body, helps to feel always cheerful, improves vision, memory, attention and concentration.

All of the above remedies are preventive and are great for middle-aged and older people.

Choice of drugs

It was said above that in order to improve brain activity, it is best to consult a doctor, as he will be able to diagnose the disease and find the root of the disease. However, if the rate of inhibition of brain activity is sufficiently low and is rather associated with external factors(fatigue, stress, lack of sleep, and others), then you can independently choose not too powerful tools based on several criteria:

  • age;
  • side effects from drugs;
  • efficiency;
  • price.

Drugs sold in free form

Most serious brain-enhancing drugs are sold exclusively by prescription, however, there are a number of very effective and safe drugs that you can simply buy at a pharmacy.

  1. Glycine. One of the most popular drugs in Russia. It is used for stress, increased nervous excitability, as well as to improve sleep. Its task is to increase the activity of gray matter. Common among students, sometimes given to high school students. The drug has no physical or mental side effects. One tablet is taken three times a day.
  2. Vitrum Memory. The remedy is recommended for reducing the ability to concentrate and memory impairment. The drug performs several functions at once - it improves blood circulation in the parts of the brain, prevents hypoxia and, in general, helps to supply the brain with the necessary amount of oxygen. The recommended intake is one tablet twice a day for three months. Of the side effects, headaches, allergies in the form of skin irritation are possible.
  3. Undevit. A complex of vitamins recommended for the elderly, as well as during the recovery period after an illness. Vitamins should be taken one at a time - two tablets a day for a month.
  4. Aminalon. Contributes to the stabilization of nervous processes, improves metabolism, helps to remove harmful substances and toxins from the blood. Recommended for people with diabetes and those who have suffered traumatic brain injury. The recommended doses depend on the age of the patient. There are side effects, so you should strictly follow the dosage and use the medicine after consulting a doctor under his supervision.
  5. Bilobil. A sedative that helps with nervous disorders, sleep disorders, obsessive states. Promotes oxygenation of the peripheral parts of the brain. Dosage - one capsule three times a day for at least three months.

Brain boost without medication

To improve the functioning of the brain, the first step is to put in order the way of life. It is important to get enough sleep, observe the daily routine, eat right at least three times a day. In addition, you should limit the consumption of alcohol, coffee, and also stop smoking. Abuse alcoholic drinks very detrimental to intellectual activity. Alcohol affects the vessels of the brain and can cause them to spasm, which leads to an outflow of blood from the brain. The result of addiction to alcohol is memory impairment, inability to concentrate and hold attention for a long time.

The brain is a muscle, which means it can be trained. To do this, it is recommended to engage in intellectual activities at your leisure, for example, solve crossword puzzles, collect models, which is useful not only for the head, but also for fine motor skills. Should visit often fresh air because it contributes to the saturation of the brain with oxygen.

The amount of information that a person needs to process on a daily basis in order not to fall out of context is increasing literally every year, which makes brain activity stimulators an almost indispensable tool in the modern information world. The brain, without the help of stimulating supplements, cannot even cope with the organization of everyday tasks, not to mention large-scale research on any significant topic or a systematic check of incoming conflicting data.

Everything takes time, which is accumulated by increased concentration and the ability to focus on tasks. In addition, the brain has no time to sort through the solution options, since such options great amount. Human efficiency is determined by the ability of the brain to creatively solve problems, that is, to choose a non-standard, but also the most ergonomic and economical way with maximum efficiency and effectiveness. And this is possible only with a high degree of neuroplasticity of the brain - its ability to connect new neural networks to the solution, combining them into a single conglomerate. Therefore, stimulants work simultaneously on:

  • ensuring the ease of passage of an electrochemical signal between individual neurons and entire networks (for example, stimulants with neurotransmitters);
  • increased vitality and stress resistance nerve cells(for example, vitamin complexes),
  • facilitating the transport of nutrients to cells (hematopoietic drugs and agents that improve the condition of the vascular system, including large vessels and capillaries).

"Home" brain stimulants

Definitely positive impressions shared by novice experimenters leave behind the effect of combining natural coffee with green tea. In order to stimulate brain activity for several hours, it is necessary to observe a 1: 2 ratio, where there are two parts of L-theanine for one part of caffeine. Without the use of dietary supplements, they strive for such a combination, washing down one small cup of coffee with two or three cups of infused green tea, which contains L-theanine. This results in an approximate ratio of 50 ml of caffeine to 100 ml of L-theanine.

These figures may vary depending on the characteristics of the coffee and how it was prepared. So the approximate ratio of caffeine (in mg) for a volume of 100 ml of drink is as follows:

  • Arabica (with drip brewing) -70.
  • Robusta (drip brew) - 110.
  • Instant coffee - 30.
  • Starbucks latte - 55 (using a large portion as an example).

By itself, coffee (caffeine) is also capable of producing a stimulating effect.

However, with a single exposure, a relatively short nervous excitation is replaced by rapid decline performance, which makes it necessary to repeat the "session" and drink cup after cup. (It is necessary to renew the “reserve” even taking into account the fact that caffeine blocks adenosine, the molecule responsible for signaling the need for rest). However, repeated drinking of coffee - 3-5 cups a day - according to years of research published by The New York Times - reduces the risk of dementia in old age.

American scientists observed a group of 1409 adults for 21 years. Those who have daily allowance coffee consumption was within 3-5 cups, were at risk of developing senile dementia 65% less compared to people who drink less than two cups a day. Dr. Kivipelto and colleagues explained this phenomenon as mediated addiction. Earlier studies have shown a reduced risk of type 2 diabetes in coffee drinkers. And since type 2 diabetes is a common cause of senile dementia, eliminating this factor reduces the risk of dementia itself.

A parallel study of the effects of caffeine in animals showed that it also reduces the likelihood of starch blood clots in the brain, has an antioxidant effect, that is, it protects neurons from oxidation.

A radical way to use coffee, which is suitable only for healthy people with an impeccable cardiovascular system, is the student cocktail "Alarm clock" - a mixture of coffee and cola (energy drink or cola are used instead of water when brewing).

In addition to coffee, at home, a short-term effect can be achieved with the help of dark chocolate. And long-term performance is ensured by products with high content Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids:

  • oily sea ​​fish(tuna, Atlantic salmon and herring, mackerel, halibut) and seafood,
  • flaxseed and oil (if during storage the ability of Omega-3 to oxidize and lose its properties under the influence of oxygen, sunlight and high temperatures is taken into account),
  • nuts,
  • beans, etc.

When using Omega-3, one should strive to combine them with Omega-6 in a ratio of 1: 1-1: 3, especially taking into account the fact that Omega-6 is significantly predominant in the usual Russian diet. Such an optimal combination can be found, for example, in linseed oil. It also contains:

  • a whole list of B vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B4, B6, B9), vitamins E, K, F, which are most important for brain function,
  • micro and macro elements phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, zinc, iron,
  • Lecithin, Beta-carotene Squalene (up to 7-8%), Thioproline, Linamarin, Phytosterols.

Biological supplements for brain function, which are bought in addition to compensate for the lack of certain substances in the diet, include the same set:

  • caffeine,
  • green tea extract,
  • Omega-3 in the composition of encapsulated fish oil,
  • vitamin complexes.

Often, manufacturers in the finished dietary supplement combine two substances at once, which enhance the effect of each other. So, for example, one capsule of the Now Foods Green Tea Extract dietary supplement contains up to 32 mg of natural caffeine, and one tablet of Sodium Caffeine Benzoate contains 100 mg. However, the use of such dietary supplements becomes appropriate with an advising lifestyle (increased physical and mental stress) or for medical reasons.

An alternative to coffee in dietary supplements is often guarana extract, a plant that contains 2 times more caffeine in fruits comparable in size to coffee. Moreover, it is believed that when using guarana extracts, there is no pronounced peak concentration, brain stimulation lasts longer than after coffee, and secondary heartbeat and increased pressure are leveled.

Natural herbal remedies and nootropics of "soft" action

"Soft" effect on brain processes different stimulants created on a natural plant basis, such as HeadBooster, BrainRush, Optimentis. The term "soft impact" means that:

  • the drug shows its capabilities gradually, and maximum efficiency is achieved with the recommended course intake,
  • there are no sharp jumps in activity followed by sharp declines, but the result of taking the drug is still felt long time after the end of the course
  • while observing the dosages and recommendations while taking the drug, there are no negative side effects characteristic of potent "fast" nootropics.

In general, any nootropic - a drug that stimulates mental activity with the help of a quantitative factor - differs from psychostimulants and amphetamines (where a qualitative factor is used) in that its effect does not appear immediately, but as it accumulates. active substances. Therefore, it is assumed that if the definition of “nootropic” is applicable to the drug, then one should not immediately expect a quick, pronounced effectiveness in stimulating the brain from it.

However, “nootropics” are people who use brain stimulation to perform “dead-line” tasks that require quick activation. mental activity, - often increase the recommended doses, combine drugs and find a way to “squeeze” everything out of the nootropic at once.

Some nootropics do have a fairly strong effect, which, at certain dosages, is comparable to the qualitative effect on the brain of dangerous psychostimulants and addictive amphetamines. Such drugs are usually located in the "border zone", and they are either completely banned in Russia or their sale is limited. We are talking about Adderall, Ritalin and the like.

Recently, there has been a blurring of the very term “nootropic”, which is now almost universally applied to any drug that helps increase brain activity and endurance. Wherein general principle persists regardless of the terminology: the more active the brain “wakes up” and works more energetically under the drug, the more dangerous the side effects of such work.

In connection with this dependence, experienced experimenters recommend removing the contradiction between efficacy and safety by conducting early brain stimulation.

That is, if the need to strengthen intellectual abilities and endurance falls on certain period(end of the year, session, delivery of the project, etc.), it is better to start a course with “soft” drugs a week or two before the start of such a period, so that by “hour X” the brain will work in full force, without increasing risks.

Natural herbal remedies

  • headbooster. It has a complex composition, due to which the effect on the brain occurs in several directions at once:
    • increased transport of nutrients
    • improves tissue microcirculation,
    • neural connections are activated
    • increased stress resistance of neurons.

An important role in this is played by Ginkgo Biloba extract, which, when used correctly, also improves the condition of the walls of blood vessels, reduces the rate of thrombus formation and agglutination of red blood cells. Ginseng in the composition ensures the resistance of cells to adverse factors.

  • Optimentis. A pair of Ginkgo + ginseng is also present in this nootropic herbal remedy. Here it is supplemented with B vitamins and tocopherol (vitamin E), which enhances the antioxidant properties of the drug.
  • Brain Rush. The plant vitamin-neurotransmitter complex features an almost complete set of B-group vitamins in combination with glycine, an amino acid that stimulates the pituitary gland.

Often, Ginkgo Biloba extract (from different manufacturers) or tinctures of ginseng and eleutherococcus are used by workers mental labor as a self-sufficient tool. But since overdoses of Ginkgo increase the risk of developing strokes, and the desire to enhance the effect often cancels caution, it is recommended to use these components as part of complexes where it is possible to enhance one component by the action of another without increasing the danger.

"Soft" nootropics

Potent and forbidden mental stimulants

The danger of stimulants is manifested not only in headaches and dizziness, but also in the risk of addiction, the emergence of mental dependence and physiological "rollback" - a sharp energy decline, in which the general condition worsens. Among these are Pervitina, Relatina, Fanamina. Some drugs - for example, Modafinil - are banned in Russia, although neither "withdrawal syndrome" nor pronounced side effects were observed in the studies.

  • Modafinil. It is believed that this "fast" nootropic helps keep the brain in good shape for 1-1.5 days, and, according to some reviews, up to 4 days. The drug was developed in France back in the 70s, but has now been bought by an American pharmaceutical company.
  • Phenotropil. As a stimulant, more often causes a surge of energy and the ability to for a long time concentrate on complex tasks, which led to its use in aviation. However, it often causes attacks of drowsiness, aggressiveness, omnipotence, and sometimes creates the effect of "slow time".
  • Phenibut. It increases efficiency and relieves nervousness, but sometimes, to an extreme degree, makes a person unemotional and indifferent to mistakes made in the process of work.

Modern medicine opens up a huge number of opportunities for people. Regardless of the type of activity, medicine makes it possible to improve memory and nootropics will help in this, which we will discuss in detail in this article. These drugs will help you become more concentrated and have a positive effect on the flexibility of thinking, quick wit and activity.

Nootropics are neurometabolic stimulants that improve memory, activity and mental mobility.

Important! The use of drugs without first consulting a doctor can lead to back effect and make you feel worse!

Nootropics have a positive effect and strengthen:

  1. Memory
  2. Neuropalsity of cells
  3. concentration
  4. thought processes
  5. Strengthen the nervous system as a whole

Consider how nootropics work on the human body:

  • Stimulate blood circulation
  • Create barriers to oxygen starvation
  • Improve cognitive functions, that is, the processing and memorization of any information
  • When taking these drugs, the flow of glucose into the body improves.

Some historical facts:

  • The term "nootropic" in Greek means - "I change", "I turn" (Noos - mind, tropos - I change)
  • The concept of nootropics was developed by Belgian pharmacologists in 1963. The first drug of this group was -.
  • Before the creation of nootropic substances, there were predecessors, psychostimulants - substances that had the ability to temporarily increase a person's endurance.

Memory loss, as a rule, manifests itself in people of advanced age, when there is a violation of brain activity. The main reasons associated with the weakening of memory are:

  • Bad habits
  • Improper nutrition
  • Stress that adversely affects the entire body as a whole
  • Overworking the body on an ongoing basis

Of the vitamins that improve memory, folic acid (B9) is especially important and other compounds from the B subgroup are also useful. a nicotinic acid(RR). The intake of vitamin complexes, or drugs, must be discussed with your doctor, it is there that you will receive the right advice.

In order for the brain to function well without taking drugs, it is necessary to maintain healthy lifestyle life, follow the rules proper nutrition, however, there are cases when all this is observed by a person, but the functions of thinking are still weakening.

Nootropics are used for diseases of the central nervous system:

  • Alcoholism (psychoorganic syndrome)
  • Sequelae of traumatic brain injury
  • Impaired thinking, memory
  • Problems with speech
  • depression
  • Ischemic stroke
  • Neuroinfections
  • Hyperkinesis
  • urinary disorders
  • Migraine
  • Neurotic and neurological disorders

And also, upon detection of dementia, mental retardation and psychological development, and also, in order for an improving effect to occur.

Each medication has both indications for use, in this case, all of the above, and contraindications. Contraindications are:

  • Severe impairment of the functioning of the renal system
  • The period of pregnancy and lactation
  • With individual sensitivity of the human body
  • In case of tissue hemorrhage

Types of Nootropics

There are two types of nootropics, these are:

  1. Synthetic
  2. natural
  • Synthetic nootropics, The most common drug used for impaired attention, inability to concentrate, as well as in the presence of any other disorders, is piracetam.
  • Acephen is a drug that improves brain activity, stimulates memory.
  • Selegiline - the drug is used to treat the elderly. It was invented specifically for Parkinson's. When taking this nootropic, the mood rises, well-being becomes better.

Means are prescribed exclusively by a doctor after examination and are medicines. The list of drugs is much wider, we have only given the most common of them as an example.

natural nootropics. In addition to the use of drugs, along with them are also used and natural substances and amino acids.

Natural nootropics are: neuroexcel, lecithin, gotu-kola.

Classification of nootropics

  1. Means that tend to stimulate metabolic processes in nerve cells:
  • piracetam
  • aminalon, picamilon
  • pantogam
  • acephene
  • glycine, actovegin
  • vitamin B15, vitamin E, folic acid and others
  1. Means that have a positive effect on blood vessels:
  • istenon
  • vincepotin
  • cinnarazine
  1. Means that positively affect learning and memory:
  • galantamine
  • endorphins
  • corticotropin

In order to improve brain activity and memory, you need to eat right.

Foods that improve brain function: cereals, nuts, eggs, leafy vegetables, blueberries and black currants, fish, apples. Should be lead active image life and observe the correct mode of sleep and wakefulness. Sleep allows the nervous system to rest and recover. Do not forget about a straight back, straight posture is the key to mental health.

Side effects of drugs

When taking medications, the following side effects may occur:

  1. Headaches, insomnia;
  2. Hypersensitivity to external factors;
  3. Pronounced irritability;
  4. pressure drops;
  5. Nausea, discomfort inside the stomach;
  6. diarrhea, constipation;
  7. Also possible allergic reactions organism.

Nootropics are prescribed by doctors: a neurologist, a psychiatrist, an ophthalmologist, a cardiologist, a pediatrician, a neurosurgeon.

One of the Massachusetts psychiatrists named Emily Deans, believes that an absolutely healthy person does not need to take pills, in his opinion, they can only do harm.

While a large number of scientists say that the funds are created only to help the brain work productively, improve memory, some of them have shown the devastating effect of Alzheimer's disease.

In order to clearly decide, you should be examined by a doctor. It is not worth starting a course of medication on your own, it can turn into serious negative consequences for the body.

Nootropics for children are special medical supplies which help to strengthen the nervous system. With their help, the stimulation of the metabolic process is activated in nervous tissues child.

Properly selected medicines will be effective and safe for children. Pediatricians often prescribe drugs to increase brain activity and restore the body in cases where children have suffered injuries, there is cerebral infarction, internal hypoxia, if the child needs to increase their intelligence and flexibility of thinking.

Pills to improve brain activity can positively affect the child's body as a whole, and in particular:

  • Significantly improve the child's memory;
  • Stimulate memory to memorize information;
  • develop Creative skills The child has;
  • Increase activity and curiosity;

The neurologist will pick up effective means for the treatment of children different ages from newborns to adolescence.

Indications for the use of drugs

  1. Children's cerebral paralysis
  2. Lack of concentration
  3. backward development
  4. speech delay
  5. Damage to the nervous system during childbirth
  6. Hyperkinesis

Contraindications for use

  1. Decreased activity of the kidneys
  2. Degenerative diseases of the nervous system
  3. Increased intracranial pressure
  4. Intolerance to the body of the child.

Important! Experts noted that children tolerate treatment with nootropic substances more easily than adults. Medication will not interfere children's sleep, but for an adult, their use can turn into a side effect in the form of insomnia.

When children take nootropics, side effects are very common. rare cases and are of a weak character.

One of the popular pills for children is a medication called Pantogam. The remedy is prescribed by a doctor, in cases of hydrocephalus, as well as in the presence of various injuries. Pantogam reduces the number of seizures that affect the child's nervous system. One of the signs of neurological diseases is headaches, in this case, pantogam is also prescribed by a doctor, it also has an analgesic effect, and increases the child's concentration.

Along with Pantogam, there is another medicine, called Glycine, it is prescribed to patients of any age. Glycine is prescribed even to the smallest patients to increase attention, develop memory, and normalize night sleep.

Medications should be taken only after consulting a doctor and must be combined with moderate physical activity, proper nutrition, as well as various mental stress in the form of crossword puzzles and puzzles.

Without recipe

Without a doctor's prescription, you can buy in pharmacies:

  • Glycine. Application form: 1 tablet 3 times a day.
  • Undevit. A complex of vitamins A, B, C, E and P. Form of application: 2-3 tablets per day, applied daily for 20-30 days.
  • Aminalon. Form of application: 1/3 of the daily dose 3 times a day. Daily dose: children from 1 to 3 years: 1-2g, aged 4 to 6: 2-3g, over 7 years: 3g. It is applied from 2 weeks to 4 months.
  • Bilobil. Application form: 1 capsule 3 times a day for 3 months
  • Intellan. Application form: 1 capsule 2 times a day after meals in the morning and evening. It is used for 4 weeks
  • Ginko Boloba. Application form: 1 capsule (80 mg). Apply 2 times a day for 6-8 weeks
  • brainrush. Application form: 1 capsule (80 mg). Apply 2 times a day for 6-8 weeks


The human brain is a truly amazing and complexly organized mechanism that works without rest throughout life - from birth to death. The work of the brain is an autonomous and well-established process that coordinates and controls all other activities of the body. However, from time to time, even such a perfectly tuned structure can give a periodic failure, characterized by a decrease in brain function. Adequately selected therapy will help to solve the problem.

What factors affect brain function

Proper and balanced nutrition. For the full functioning of the brain, it is necessary to supply a sufficient amount of proteins (for the supply of vital amino acids), fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and trace elements. Especially the brain loves foods with a high content of glucose in the composition, because it is a universal nutrient substrate for neurons. Preference should be given to fruits, vegetables and cereals.

The same item includes meals every 4-5 hours (so that the brain cells do not starve and do not lose their efficiency) and a regular breakfast - after long break within 7-10 hours the brain needs recharge more than ever nutrients for normal activities.

Compliance drinking regime . For the proper functioning of neurons, the onset of a state of dehydration is highly undesirable. Even a slight lack of fluid negatively affects the processing of information and the compilation of complex neural connections.

Sleep compliance. A person needs at least 8 hours a day to restore the body. Regular lack of sleep leads to the irreversible death of brain cells, reduced performance and depression of the general condition.

stressful situations. At high psycho-emotional stress there is a rupture of neural connections, memory deteriorates and intellectual abilities decrease.

Bad habits. It is possible not to mention their common negative impact on the body as a whole, but it is worth noting that they act especially aggressively on the brain.

Too much information. In the absence of pauses and rest between the incoming streams of new knowledge and skills, it becomes more difficult for the brain to process and retain information in memory.

Lack of physical activity. Daily feasible physical activity prevents stagnation, increases blood circulation and saturates it with oxygen. It is not necessary to torture yourself with grueling strength training, even banal ones. hiking within a few hours can significantly improve the situation.

Indications for the use of drugs for brain function

  1. Dizziness, memory loss.
  2. Sleep disorders (anxiety, tinnitus.
  3. Increased fatigue and decreased concentration.
  4. Medicines are indicated for people experiencing prolonged mental and psycho-emotional stress, staying in long stressful situations and depressive states.
  5. Recovery after strokes alcohol intoxication, traumatic brain injury, neuroses.
  6. Migraines (with and without aura), speech disorders.
  7. Delays in mental and psychological development.
  8. Neurotic and neurological disorders.
  • Gingko biloba (plant antioxidant);
  • Glycine (amino acid);
  • Omega - 3 fatty acid;
  • Vitamin complexes C and E;
  • Piracetam (synthetic nootropic).


Stimulant drugs that activate metabolic processes in nerve cells, improving memory and mental abilities. Among nootropics, it is customary to distinguish between synthetic and natural. Synthetic ones include Piracetam, Acephen. To natural - lecithin and gotu-kola.

Herbal medicines

Tanakan, Vitrum Memory, vitamin complexes with ginseng extract (for example, Vision), preparations with eleutherococcus extract.

Medications that improve memory in the elderly

  1. Piracetam (Nootropil) is very effective in senile dementia, after strokes and in the treatment of coma of various origins (vascular, traumatic, toxic).
  2. Preparations folic acid(its concentration is sharply reduced in the elderly, which leads to memory impairment, problems with concentration and depression).
  3. Choline (increases the content of acetylcholine in the body and eliminates the signs of senile dementia).
  4. Phenibut (with special severe conditions).
  5. Glycine (for the treatment of sclerosis and amnesia).

Medicines to improve brain function in children

Taking medications for this category of patients should be carried out only under the strict supervision of a doctor and with careful control of the dosages taken. Most often, children are prescribed the following drugs:

  • Glycine. Works effectively during periods of active preparation for tests and exams.
  • Piracetam - promotes better assimilation school material.
  • Tanakan. Well relieves mental and mental stress, promotes rapid memorization of information.

Mexidol is an excellent medicine for improving brain function and memory

The drug is available in the form of tablets. Increases the body's resistance to different kind shock situations (hypoxia, ischemia) and exposure negative factors(severe poisoning with alcohol and neuroleptics). It improves microcirculation and blood supply to the brain, reduces the amount of cholesterol in the blood, has anti-stress characteristics (normalizes sleep, memory and brain activity), eliminates the effects of severe stress and traumatic brain injury.

Glycine for brain function

Packaging with tablets - Glycine

Glycine is widely known in Russia and has been used to normalize brain functions since the Soviet era. The range of application is wide, it is prescribed for both the elderly and children. It restores sleep in patients, reduces anxiety and aggressiveness, increases efficiency and emotional stability. Among the side effects, allergic reactions are noted, so it is recommended to take it only as directed by a doctor and with strict monitoring for the manifestation of hypersensitivity reactions.

Folk remedies to improve brain function

In addition to the use of drugs industrial production, patients widely use means traditional medicine and traditional recipes based on natural ingredients.

Good dynamics in the treatment of memory disorders is demonstrated by tinctures based on clover and red ashberry bark, infusions of mint and sage, healing mixtures from the root of elecampane with the addition of vodka. To further maintain the result, freshly squeezed juices of blueberries, onions, tomatoes, carrots, and beets are made. It is recommended to eat (in moderation) nuts, seaweed, salads from raw carrots and beets, seafood and vegetable oils cold pressed.

To improve memory and brain activity, it is enough to follow some simple rules. Thanks to them, you can keep a bright and sharp mind for a long time.

  • Solve Sudoku and simple arithmetic problems in your mind, solve crosswords and puzzles.
  • Learn verses by heart and in reverse order.
  • Use enough water and eat right.
  • Remember faces and names as best you can more of people.
  • Keep a diary with an accurate recording of all the events that occur.
  • Learn new languages cooking recipes, master unusual hobbies- in a word, everything that was previously unfamiliar to the brain.
  • Do sport.
  • Invent and build associative chains even for the simplest objects.
  • Develop vocabulary and use new words as often as possible in the correct context.
  • Sleep enough hours a day.
  • Try to write memoirs with the most extensive coverage of all life incidents, starting from early childhood.
  • Memorize and sing your favorite songs, at the same time you can memorize melodies and motives.
  • Set your life on a positive wave, worry less about trifles and avoid stressful situations.

As many say that best medicine to improve brain activity is maintaining the right lifestyle and a positive mood.

In our age, it is becoming increasingly difficult to cope with the avalanche of information that floods us every day. Already in the lower grades, schools daily require retelling of long paragraphs of the text, and then the institute and work follow, where you have to memorize and memorize even more. It is not surprising that by old age, and sometimes even earlier, the brain wears out and begins to let us down more and more often. To troubleshoot its work, they created nootropics with which the brain begins to function actively. Below is a selection of drugs from this group and their brief description.

5 over-the-counter memory boosters

1. Noopept

A new generation drug developed by a group of Russian scientists with a dual action mechanism.

Firstly, it improves memory, learning ability, acting like a natural "memory peptide" of the brain, has a pronounced stimulating effect on all three phases of memory - input and primary processing information, consolidation and reproduction of information.

This feature makes it possible to greatly facilitate the processes of memorization and thinking, to retain the necessary fragments in memory for a long time.

Secondly, Noopept has a complex neuroprotective effect: it not only protects brain neurons from damage and helps restore their functions, but also improves their blood supply and microcirculation.

Noopept also improves concentration, which is especially important when used in the elderly, whose brain cannot work with the same briskness, and in people whose profession requires increased concentration, for example, drivers. The drug is contraindicated in pregnant women, during breastfeeding and children who have not yet turned 18. Patients with hypersensitivity may experience allergies, and those suffering from severe hypertension may have a rise in blood pressure.

2. Bilobil

The drug is based on the extract of ginkgo biloba. Its action is associated with the improvement of blood circulation in peripheral vessels and vessels of the brain, strengthening of blood vessels, antioxidant action.

It is effective in violations of memory, attention, sleep patterns caused by serious illnesses and injuries, circulatory disorders in the vessels of the periphery, dizziness.

Not recommended for children under 18, patients with hypersensitivity, myocardial infarction, gastritis, accompanied by the appearance of erosions on the gastric mucosa, peptic ulcer stomach in the acute stage. From side effects allocate headache, dizziness, allergies, nausea, vomiting.

Created on the basis of aminoacetic acid, which has an inhibitory effect on the nervous system, which causes a sedative effect (drowsiness). Thanks to active ingredient improves metabolism in brain tissue. Glycine is used for symptoms of nervous strain, excitability, reduced mental activity, and sleep disturbances. Contraindications include hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, and among the side effects, allergic reactions can be distinguished. But Glycine has a mild effect on the body, so it is not always effective for serious brain disorders.

4. Aminalon

A drug containing gamma-aminobutyric acid, which improves metabolism in brain tissues, stimulates memory and the psyche. Reduces blood sugar levels in people with diabetes mellitus, has an anticonvulsant, hypotensive effect. Among the indications for the use of Aminalon residual effects TBI, stroke, encephalopathy of various origins; alcoholic ponyneurapotia, cerebral palsy, consequences of birth trauma in children. The drug is recommended for use in children lagging behind their peers in intellectual development. Contraindications include hypersensitivity to components, childhood up to 1 year, acute kidney failure, and side effects may change blood pressure, dyspeptic, allergic phenomena, nausea, vomiting, insomnia.

5. Intellan

The drug was created on the basis of plant extracts containing flavonoids, amino acids, vitamins. Improves blood circulation of brain tissue and metabolism. It has a neurostimulating effect, due to which it can be used not only for circulatory disorders in cerebral vessels but also in depressive anxiety states. Contraindications to taking Intellan are severe diseases of the cardiovascular system, pregnancy and breastfeeding, hypersensitivity. Sometimes, while taking Intellan, allergies, sleep disorders, dyspeptic disorders, rise in blood pressure.

5 prescription drugs to improve memory

1. Cerebrolysin

Produced in ampoules, it contains a concentrate of a peptide preparation obtained from pig brain. Improves the condition of nerve cells, prevents the effects of harmful factors on them. It is indicated for Alzheimer's disease, complications that have developed after a stroke, brain injuries and their consequences, mental retardation and mental development in children. Contraindicated in patients with hypersensitivity, epilepsy, severe kidney disease. In rare cases, it can cause loss of appetite, depression, changes in blood pressure, weakness.

2. Picamilon

A nootropic drug containing a derivative of gamma-aminobutyric acid as the main component. Improves blood supply to the brain vessels, is effective in combating migraine, asthenic, depressive states in the elderly, vegetovascular dystonia. Contraindicated in children under 3 years of age, women during pregnancy and breastfeeding. The drug should be used with caution in persons with severe renal impairment. May cause headache, rash, nausea, nervous irritability.

3. Encephabol

It has its effect due to pyritinol, which is able to normalize metabolic processes in the brain and has antioxidant properties. It is indicated for atherosclerosis, consequences of TBI and serious illnesses brain, encephalitis. It is used in children to treat encephalopathy and mental retardation. Contraindicated in hypersensitivity, and those suffering from severe renal impairment and autoimmune diseases should be careful when taking. May cause dyspepsia, loss of appetite, fatigue, allergy. The drug is administered with caution to patients rheumatoid arthritis. A large number of side effects when taking Encephabol make it difficult to use it in the wide practice of therapists and neurologists. When prescribing Encephabol, the doctor also needs to perform additional laboratory research which is uneconomical for the patient.

4. Nootropil

The drug based on piracetam accelerates the metabolism in the brain, the processes of learning and memorization. It is used for Alzheimer's disease, chronic headaches, disorders of cognitive functions, memory, astheno-depressive syndrome. Contraindicated in psychomotor agitation at the time of prescribing the drug, Huntington's chorea, acute disorder cerebral circulation(hemorrhagic stroke, severe violations kidney function, hypersensitivity to components, pregnancy, breastfeeding, with extensive surgical interventions, severe bleeding, impaired hemostasis. May cause impaired concentration, dyspepsia, anxiety, appetite disorders.

5. Cavinton

The active component of the drug vinpocetine improves the metabolic processes of the brain and rheological properties blood. Effective with increasing stroke, atherosclerosis, encephalopathy that developed after injury. Contraindicated in severe arrhythmia, coronary artery disease, lactation and pregnancy (no safety data available). May cause palpitations, decrease in blood pressure, increased arrhythmia, dry mouth, dyspepsia, migraine.

In order for the brain to work productively, you can memorize a short passage of a poem or other text every day, comprehending what you read. Crossword puzzles, sudoku, chess and checkers are perfect for training memory and thinking. In your diet you need to include foods rich in vitamins B, E and C (meat, fish, currants, cheese, milk, oranges, nuts, various cereals), iron and iodine. It is useful to move a lot, to develop fine motor skills(embroider, bead weaving), observe sleep patterns and avoid stress.

Conclusions about the clear superiority of Noopept.

All drugs have their advantages and disadvantages, but a very promising one definitely deserves attention. innovative drug Noopept. Not only is it effective for a multitude of conditions, it is also safe. Noopept is not approved for use in children under 18 years of age. there is not enough clinical data for the safety of the drug. But it is possible that in the near future the drug will be allowed for use in pediatric practice.

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