Caloric content Atlantic salmon (salmon). Chemical composition and nutritional value. What is the value of salmon

Salmon has orange-pink meat and also contains many vitamins and minerals necessary for the proper functioning of our body. Salmon is the undisputed fish king in our diet.

basic information

There are four types of fish: noble, common, European, Atlantic. Large specimens of salmon reach 150 cm in length and can weigh up to 50 kg. It is easiest to meet in the waters of the Atlantic Ocean, in the rivers of North America, as well as in the White, North and Baltic Seas. The Baltic salmon is endangered. The omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids found in fish are invaluable for our health. Protect against heart disease, relieve joint pain. Favorably affect the functioning of the brain. Omega-6 fatty acids prevent infections and speed up wound healing. Salmon also contains B vitamins, which are responsible, in particular, for normal work organs of vision, the nervous system and the heart, the appearance of the skin, the metabolism of proteins and carbohydrates, protect against anemia. In addition, the presence of vitamins such as A and E prevents the appearance of wrinkles. Vitamin D, calcium and phosphorus strengthen skeletal system. One serving of salmon contains daily dose iodine and potassium. The first of the elements regulates the secretion of hormones thyroid gland. The second - improves the functioning of the nervous system, positively affects the functioning of the brain and lowers blood pressure.

Salmon - fish for diabetics

Omega-3 fatty acids contained in salmon should be in daily diet every diabetic. Nearly 60 percent of patients have too high levels of fat in the blood. 80 percent of cases are due to excess production of triglycerides, i.e. organic chemical substances contained in simple fats. According to experts, omega-3 fatty acids reduce blood fat levels. In addition, they protect and improve the functioning of the heart and blood vessels.

This ocean fish is known for its great taste and orange tint to the meat. In shops you can find smoked, salted, frozen and fresh salmon. Many dishes are prepared from it, including the rather popular sushi. The composition of this fish is rich in vitamins and minerals. very often discussed by nutritionists of all countries.

Description and external signs

The salmon family includes such popular fish species as trout, pink salmon, salmon, sockeye salmon, brown trout and ishkhan. Salmon lives in the ocean, where it spends most own life. These fish live long enough. Their age very often reaches fifty years. Salmon are born and die in rivers. Rushing upstream, the females lay eggs and immediately die, unable to overcome the return path. Outwardly, they resemble fish of the herring family. Their height sometimes reaches two meters, and their weight is seventy kilograms. The body of all salmonids is laterally compressed with cycloid scales.

Composition of salmon meat

The benefits and harms of fish are often determined by its composition. This product contains quite a lot of proteins and fats. It contains practically no carbohydrates. This product is interesting because it contains great amount vitamin PP, which is responsible for the health of blood vessels and vitamin B3, which reduces the level bad cholesterol. Thanks to this combination, in a person who regularly eats a portion of salmon meat, blood vessels are cleansed and healed, the entire cardiovascular system is noticeably strengthened and brain function improves.

Thanks to the large number polyunsaturated acids Omega 3 and 6 is restored hormonal background and skin and hair are visibly rejuvenated. These acids have a rejuvenating effect on the entire body and are highly valued among fans. healthy eating. There are not many products on Earth that can boast great content these substances. Among the leaders are fish oil and linseed oil.

In addition, salmon meat is also a supplier of other B vitamins. Thanks to them, the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract improves and the immune system is strengthened. Among trace elements the largest number belongs to potassium, which strengthens the heart muscle and phosphorus. In addition, salmon contains manganese, iron, magnesium and sodium.

Beneficial features

This fish is part of diet food designed to recuperate after prolonged illness. And also with its help improve the condition of the skin and hair (the so-called anti-aging diet). The health benefits and harms of salmon are often discussed by experts. Doctors have long recommended eating this fish as a preventive measure. oncological diseases. It is quickly and easily absorbed by the body, so you can eat them from the very beginning. early age and ending old age. It does not create discomfort for the stomach and pancreas.

This product noticeably relaxes the nervous system and improves mood. It is recommended to be used by mentally unbalanced people and people with nervous and hard work. It promotes the absorption of sugar and prevents the onset of diabetes.

The energy value

The amount of calories in salmon is quite high. So, one hundred grams of the product contains two hundred and twenty kilocalories. it average figure, which will fluctuate depending on how the fish is prepared. For example, under big question is the benefits and harms of salted salmon.

For example, fried salmon will naturally have more calories than boiled salmon. Marinade or sauce will also increase the calorie content of the dish. However, it is very often preferred to cook it on the grill without adding oil. It is believed that this product is so perfect and self-sufficient that it does not need long cooking or seasonings.

Use in the kitchen

Very often, people do not think about the benefits and harms of salmon during cooking. Salmon is able to decorate any dish and make it festive. For example, salmon pie is not an everyday meal. This fish, cooked on the grill or in the oven, has proven itself perfectly. To do this, salmon fillets are placed in pre-oiled foil and wrapped. The fillet is baked quite quickly, within twenty minutes. You can find out about the readiness of the product by piercing it with a fork. When baking, the calorie content increases and already amounts to 255 kilocalories.

Please note that before cooking, the frozen piece should be thawed. This is usually done in the microwave. It is highly recommended not to do this outdoors in summer heat. Fish meat absorbs microbes very quickly and becomes hazardous to health.

How to choose salmon

The chilled product usually contains maximum amount benefits and retains its taste. In stores, you can often see salmon fillets of a suspiciously orange color. Unscrupulous sellers sometimes paint over the meat with dye to give it a bright hue. The fact is that during storage, the meat turns pale. The stale product usually has light shade. Thus, thanks to the paint, sellers hide the true shelf life of meat.

Therefore, it is best to pay attention to the product that has a moderately rich shade and fishy aroma. If you buy a whole fish, then you will have to tinker with it. It is best to clean salmon when it has not yet completely thawed. Thus, the scales can be cleaned better. You can not wash the fish under warm water, otherwise its taste will deteriorate. It is also not recommended to leave the carcass raw. After water treatment Be sure to dry the fish with paper towels. The carcass is stored for three days on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. In the freezer, the shelf life, of course, increases several times.

Who is harmful

You can not eat salmon meat with gout, as it contains purines. It is not recommended to consume too much of this product for pregnant women, as there is a risk of getting large dose mercury. The fact is that some types of salmon may contain this substance. because of high calorie overweight people should eat salmon in limited quantities. In addition, people suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract may experience heaviness in the abdomen and nausea. At serious illnesses liver is also not recommended to eat fatty fish. The benefits and harms of salmon belly are also ambiguous.

This product contains a lot toxic substances obtained as a result of smoking or processing with liquid smoke. This threatens the occurrence of gastritis, diseases of the liver and gallbladder. The liver can be especially affected, since in addition to carcinogens, salmon also contains a lot of fat. After smoking, no more than 80% of useful substances remain in the fish. That is, 20% is lost during cooking. Even in this form, it still remains a source of polyunsaturated acids and vitamin PP.

As a rule, fish is prepared in three ways: using liquid smoke, cold and hot smoking. The benefits and harms of smoked salmon depend on the method of preparation. Cold-smoked fish brings the least harm. Due to the fact that wood smoke containing harmful substances passes through a whole system of pipelines, it practically does not fall on fish meat. Sometimes, when smoking, unscrupulous manufacturers use low-quality fish in the hope that the salty taste and spicy smell of smoke will not allow the buyer to identify the stale product. After smoking, most of the harmful microorganisms remain in the meat, since a temperature of 25 degrees does not have a detrimental effect on them.

Too salty smoked fish bad effect on the kidneys and liver. Therefore, people suffering from high blood pressure are not recommended to eat it.

salmon caviar

What are the benefits and harms of salmon caviar? In that unique product contains a huge amount of vitamin A and E. It is recommended to use it in winter time of the year when there is a lack of vitamin D. In addition, caviar contains a lot of iodine, which provides normal functioning immune system as well as phosphorus and calcium. These trace elements are responsible for the health of bones and the entire musculoskeletal system. It is completely absorbed by the body and contains no extra carbohydrates or unhealthy fats.

Scientists have noticed the property of salmon caviar to positively influence the functioning of the nervous system and brain. It is recommended to eat during studies or activities that require mental stress. In addition, this product improves male potency and even participates in the production of hormones. There is not only the benefit of salmon caviar, but also harm.

The disadvantage of caviar is the presence of a substance such as cholesterol. Therefore, it is not recommended to eat too much product in one day. It contains quite a lot of calories, and therefore overweight people should be careful. Also, patients with kidney disease or high blood pressure are not advised to consume a lot of red caviar because of the salt. Separately, it is worth noting a low-quality product from unscrupulous manufacturers, which ruins human health.

The benefits and harms of milk

Milk is the sperm of male fish. The benefits and harms of salmon milk are as follows. It contains vitamins and minerals similar to caviar. The protein protamine found in milk helps prolong the effect of certain medications. For example, it is extremely useful to use it together with insulin. Milk is very useful for women who want to preserve their youth and beauty. Due to the presence of unique substances, this product is able to rejuvenate the body and prolong the youthfulness of the skin.

The harm to milk is mainly due to the presence of harmful components that enter this product during artificial feeding. And also salted fish, as a rule, has very salty milk, which adversely affects the health of people with diseased kidneys.

Seafood and fish play important role in human nutrition since ancient times. Even the ancient Assyrians and Romans grew fish in ponds. For thousands of years, the Chinese have used their rice fields, when they are under, to raise fish. At different times, people ate both fresh and smoked and salted fish. And salmon has always occupied special meaning in the diet of many peoples. For Scandinavians, British and Russians, this fish is part of their national cuisine.

What is this fish

Salmon is an amazing fish with red meat and delicious. He is born in fresh waters, but spends most of his life in the seas. It returns to fresh water only for the spawning period. Scientists never cease to be amazed at the amazing memory of this fish. Salmon smell the waters where they were born, and only there they give birth to their own offspring. By the way, after spawning, they die.

Biologists distinguish between several types of salmon. More precisely, they classify all representatives of this species according to their habitat. Those living in the Pacific Ocean belong to the genus Oncorhynchus, the inhabitants of the Atlantic - to the genus Salmon, and the so-called wild salmon is found in the waters of Alaska.

And if scientists know only one species of migratory salmon in the Atlantic Ocean (), then among the Pacific there are 9 varieties of salmon (including king salmon, sockeye salmon, kitsch, and others).

Salmon meat is usually pink, but its color can vary from red to orange. Fillet of salmon and sockeye salmon is fatter than that of pink salmon and chum salmon, and kitsch occupies the golden mean in this characteristic. Most major representative salmon - chinook salmon, and the smallest is considered to be sockeye salmon.

The nutritional value

Like all seafood, salmon is an exceptional source of high quality, highly digestible protein, minerals, vitamins and, most importantly, . Vitamins A, D, E and are also abundant in this product, as are minerals such as selenium, phosphorus, zinc, calcium, and iron.

Nutritional value per 100 g raw product
calories231 kcal
22 g
14 g
0 g
85 mg
3.2 g
70 mg
DPK2140 mg
50 IU
0.3 mg
17.13 mg
1.6 mg
5.2 mg
4 mg
200 IU
2 mg
200 mg
485 mg
45 mg
30 mg
20 mg
40 mcg
1 mg
0.6 mg
20 mcg
0.3 mg

Benefit for health

Protein Source

Proteins, or rather their constituents, are important components for humans. They are essential for building cells, forming tissues, and forming enzymes and hormones. Proteins from salmon, like most other fish, are easily absorbed by the body. They usually do not have side effects and do not contain carcinogens like some other types of meat.

Vitamins and minerals

This type of fish is valuable rich in minerals and vitamins necessary for the proper flow of metabolic processes, health of nails, hair. The selenium contained in salmon is much better absorbed by the body than from other animal products. By the way, salmon is the richest source of this. Red fish contains more than 40% of the daily requirement of potassium and phosphorus. The former is essential for maintaining a proper heartbeat, while the latter is essential for DNA formation, enzyme production, and bone health.

Vitamin E is a powerful vitamin that reduces the risk of heart disease, prevents the oxidation of low-density lipoproteins, reduces the accumulation of plaque in coronary arteries. In addition, it protects against malignant formations, enhances immunity and protects against cataracts. This vitamin is ascorbic acid and beta-carotene large portions can be obtained from salmon. These substances affect the body at the cellular level, deactivating free radicals that can damage the genetic material, disrupt the structure of cells, which subsequently leads to incurable diseases.

Vitamin D is critical to maintaining health. Deficiency of the substance increases the risk of cardiovascular disorders, multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis and diabetes. Also important for humans are the B vitamins contained in red fish. They are indispensable for the nervous system, liver function and stable blood levels, the production of serotonin and the formation of new cells in the body.

Benefits for the nervous system and brain

Omega-3 increases the activity of brain cells, which as a result affects memory and the ability to effectively mentally work during the day. Along with amino acids, vitamins A and D, as well as selenium and fatty acids protect the nervous system from damage caused by aging. In addition, the mineral-vitamin complex acts as an antidepressant, relaxes the brain, protects it from Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases. And some studies show that mental capacity of people who regularly consume marine fish is significantly higher than that of people who refuse it.

Eye health

Prevent degeneration yellow spot, salmon will help get rid of dry retina, eye fatigue and loss of vision. It has been proven that fish lovers can boast better eyesight, which is preserved longer than meat-eaters.

Fatty acids in salmon: what are the benefits

The most beneficial omega-3s found in nature have been found in fatty fish. In this product, the substance is represented by two unique acids - eicosapentaenoic (EPA) and decosahexaenoic (DHA). They contribute to the healthy functioning of the brain, heart, joints, support general health organism. Back in the 1970s, scientists first started talking about the fact that the consumption of marine fish reduces the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases. They made this assumption after examining the Eskimos living in Arctic Greenland, for whom seafood is a traditional food. It turned out that the frequency of occurrence of cardio-diseases among the representatives of this nationality is extremely low. In addition, scientists have found that marine fish also helps reduce the risk of developing many types of cancer, as well as Alzheimer's disease, asthma, depression, diabetes, hypertension, macular degeneration, multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis. And all this, as researchers believe, thanks to Omega-3. And since the human body is not able to synthesize these fatty acids on its own, it is extremely important to restore their reserves from food. You can optimize the concentration of EPA and DHA in the body by eating fatty fish such as salmon, sardines, and tuna. Ideally, these foods should appear on the menu at least twice a week.

So, Omega-3s derived from salmon:

  • protect the heart
  • reduce the risk sudden death from cardio disease;
  • reduce the risk of stroke;
  • reduce the likelihood of diabetes;
  • necessary for the proper course of pregnancy and fetal development;
  • reduce bad cholesterol in the blood;
  • strengthen blood vessels;
  • facilitate the course of immune and inflammatory diseases, in particular skin rheumatoid arthritis, Crohn's disease;
  • reduce the risk of mental disorders and some diseases caused by disorders of the brain.

In addition to the incomparable benefits for the heart and blood vessels, according to studies, Omega-3s are necessary for people suffering from psoriasis, ulcerative colitis, and lupus. These fatty acids can slow down the growth and reduce the size of tumors.

Who needs salmon?

It is clear that ideally this fish should appear in the diet of all people. But there are some circumstances in which salmon turn from healthy food into medicine. For this reason, red fish is indispensable for people with problems such as:

  • inflammation of the arteries;
  • indigestion;
  • increased risk the occurrence of cancer of the colon, prostate, kidneys;
  • dermatitis and other skin problems;
  • weakened hair and nails;
  • deterioration of vision.

Fat salmon - important food for the elderly and sick people. This fish is needed by those who are weakened chronic diseases or surgical operations.

How to choose a fish

For supermarket customers, salmon is presented in the form of fillets, steaks, fresh, frozen, smoked or canned. Fresh salmon should have a smooth and wet skin, silvery scales, bright red gills. White, gray or green gills are evidence of a very old fish. The eyes of a recently caught carcass are shiny, without a cloudy coating. The freshness of the fish is indicated by its smell: the carcass should smell like the sea. The color of the fresh fillet is pale pink. Brownish shades in the pulp indicate the old age of the fish, too red meat - the carcass was artificially colored. Salmon steaks should be elastic, fillets - with light streaks. After pressing on the pulp, it should quickly regain its shape. Fresh salmon is important to eat within a few days of being caught. If this is not possible, it is better to freeze the carcass.

If the choice fell on smoked or salted fish, it is advisable to give preference to the product in a vacuum package, but do not forget to check the composition - there should be nothing more than fish and salt.

Possible hazardous properties of the product

The main danger of any marine fish is the presence of mercury in it (contained in sea water, especially in polluted water areas). As a rule, the larger the carcass, the higher the level of the harmful substance in it. High concentrations mercury is usually fixed in fish such as tuna, tile, swordfish. Salmon, on the contrary, belongs to the seafood that does not harm the body, since there is almost no mercury in it. However, when we are talking about the diet of children and pregnant women, it is important to be completely confident in the environmental friendliness of the product.

But salmon grown on fish farms should be treated, if not with caution, then choose the carcass very carefully. Often as food for such fish are used genetically modified products containing pesticides. Pond water often contains fungicides, and dyes are added to fish food (so that the color of the carcass resembles wild salmon).

It is undesirable to abuse the product for people with chronic disorders work digestive organs or obese.

Red fish in the food industry

Salmon belongs to delicacy products. Its soft and tender meat nice color used to prepare the most different dishes- from banal baked fish to exotic dishes. But in any case, you can preserve the natural taste only with minimal use of spices. Delicious and useful option- salmon baked with vegetables, or grilled.

To diversify the taste of the fillet, you can use sweet and sour, sweet fruit or spicy sauces that go well with red fish. In salads, salmon is excellent in the company of cucumbers, eggs, onions and tomatoes, as well as olives, cheese, and other vegetables. Fried salmon can be served with mustard and herbs, which will emphasize the taste of fish, and baked salmon with lemon juice. In this version, red fish is suitable for a side dish of steamed vegetables, potatoes or. Many people like lightly salted salmon meat as a cold appetizer or sushi component. Thin slices of salted red fillet - perfect product for sandwiches. Well, speaking of salmon, one cannot help but recall another delicacy - red caviar, which is obtained precisely from fish of the salmon family.

Seafood lovers claim that the most wholesome food for the brain (and this is in direct meaning words) is a marine fish. And although nutritionists talk about the need to include it in the diet twice a week, gourmets say that you can enjoy this product daily. He will never get bored and will not harm the body.

Red fish is one of the healthiest foods on the planet. Due to its wide distribution, its value is known to everyone and everyone. However, few people know that salmon can be hazardous to health. What are the benefits and harms of salmon: learn more about what this popular product hides in itself.

Description and types of salmon

Salmon is common name several species of fish of the genus Salmoniformes. They live in the North Atlantic and Pacific Oceans and are anadromous. This means that most salmon species are born in fresh water, migrate to the sea and return to fresh water to breed or spawn.

The appearance of salmon varies greatly from species to species. Some fish are silvery blue in color, and some have black spots on the sides or bright red stripes. Most salmon maintain one color when living in fresh water and then change color when in salt water.

Most often, the following types of this fish are commercially harvested:

Vitamins and minerals in salmon

Salmon is one of the most nutritious foods. This healthy oily fish is simply loaded with nutrients, so it can minimize the risk factors for a number of diseases. In addition, it is tasty, versatile and widely available.

Salmon is one of the best sources of Omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA. Each serving of farmed salmon (one hundred grams) has 2.3 g of these compounds, a similar serving of wild salmon has 2.6 g.

Unlike other fats, omega-3 fats are known as "essential" fats, meaning everyone is encouraged to get them from diet because the body itself cannot create them.

DHA and EPA are credited with several benefits to the body, such as reducing inflammation, lowering blood pressure, lowering cancer risk, and improving arterial cell function.

In addition, the benefits of salmon for humans are also explained by a considerable level of B-vitamins. One hundred grams of the product contains the following amount:

  • B1 (thiamine): 18% DV;
  • B2 (riboflavin): 29%;
  • B3 (niacin): 50%;
  • B5( pantothenic acid): 19%;
  • B6: 47%;
  • B9( folic acid): 7%;
  • B12: 51%.

These vitamins are involved in several global processes in the body, including converting ingested food into energy, rebuilding and repairing DNA, and reducing inflammation that can lead to heart disease.

All B vitamins have been found to work together to support optimal brain and nervous system function.

Important! Salmon fish is an excellent source of several B vitamins vital for energy, inflammation, and vascular and brain protection.

Among other things, salmon is a good source of potassium. This is especially true for wild salmon, which provides 18% of the daily requirement in one hundred grams. This mineral controls blood pressure levels, thereby reducing the risk of stroke. Therefore, the benefits of salmon for men over 50 are especially important.

The fish is different a high percentage Selena. This mineral has been proven to protect the health of the skeletal system, alleviate the course of thyroid diseases and prevent cancer.

Astaxanthin reduces the risk of heart disease by reducing LDL cholesterol(“harmful”) and increase HDL (“useful”). It is believed that the substance tends to react with Omega-3, protecting the brain and nervous system.

Nutritional value and calorie content of salmon

Salmon are protein product. Like omega-3 fat, protein is an essential macronutrient that a person should get from their diet.

It plays important roles in the body, including helping to recover from injury, protecting the skeletal system, and maintaining muscle mass during the aging process and weight loss.

Another property of fish is as follows. In addition, the tryptophan found in salmon is a source of serotonin, which may help manage depression.

In addition, since this fish is a great source of vitamin D, eating it may also help improve mood, protect against macular degeneration, and aid in bone health.

One piece of salmon weighing 125 g contains 22 - 25 g of protein. The calorie content of a portion of this size will be 185 kcal, which is not so much. This product contains 0.9 g of saturated fats, and unsaturated compounds that have healing properties, are contained in the amount of 3.6 g. It does not contain carbohydrates. Therefore, the benefits of salmon for pregnant and lactating women are indisputable.

Important! The human body needs proteins to maintain bone and prevent bone loss. muscle mass. Salmon provide 22-25g of protein per 125g.

Useful properties of salmon

It is believed that there is fish twice a week - great way improve heart health. People who regularly eat this product are protected from the development of many conditions that can cause harm. Omega-3s reduce inflammation in the body. This process is the basis of many health problems, including diabetes, heart disease, certain types of cancer, and arthritis. Omega-3 properties can prevent blood clots that cause serious harm.

Some studies also show that healthy fats may help slow cognitive problems such as Alzheimer's disease and age-related cognitive decline. In this regard, the benefits of salmon bellies, which contain the most fat, stand out.

For the heart and blood vessels

Eating salmon fish on a regular basis can protect against heart disease. This is due to the ability of salmon to increase omega-3 in the blood, which is able to balance the increased content of omega-6 fatty acids in the blood, which is characteristic of some people.

When the balance of the above two fatty acids is disturbed, the risk of heart disease increases.

For the brain and nervous system

All more Research shows that including salmon in your diet can improve brain function. It reduces depressive symptoms, protects fetal brain health during pregnancy, reduces anxiety, slows age-related memory loss and reduces the risk of dementia. salmon at breastfeeding recommended without fail, due to the above properties.

Important! Frequent consumption of salmon fish may help reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression, protect fetal brain health during pregnancy, and reduce the risk of age problems with memory.

For bones and joints

Bones are extremely important in the body - they provide structure to the body, protect organs and muscles, so it is important to take care of them. A balanced diet with enough calcium and vitamin D from salmon is a means of creating the building blocks for healthy bones as you age. The properties of this product are simply exceptional.

For vision

It has been proven that people who regularly consume omega-3s were at a lower risk of developing macular (retinal) diseases. Since salmon is rich in these substances, it beneficial features to improve vision are invaluable.

For skin

With age, dark spots, wrinkles and freckles begin to appear on the skin. In fact, younger women may have oily or dry skin that is prone to breakouts or flaking. Salmon is highly recommended for improving skin health.

Omega-3s, protein and vitamin D will help cells produce collagen, keratin and melanin. This beneficial property will help the skin retain water, thereby reducing wrinkles and blemishes. Astaxanthin helps to destroy bacteria and toxic oxygen radicals and improve skin elasticity. These properties speak of great benefit salmon for women.

For thyroid diseases

The beneficial properties of salmon, as already noted, are in the high content of Omega-3. Eating this fish has a direct relationship with thyroid health and due to its high iodine content. No wonder salmon is part of balanced diets beneficial in this disease.

For cancer prevention

Cancer can be caused by an imbalance between Omega-3 and Omega-6 in the body, leading to toxic growth, inflammation, and uncontrolled cell proliferation. How can this harm be reduced?

Adding this fish to the diet can help increase the levels of the first component, thereby reducing inflammation and the amount of toxins in the body. It has been proven that the beneficial properties of salmon can be used to treat cancer and prevent its progression. They can also prevent chemo-induced muscle loss.

For diabetes

Receipt enough eating healthy fats on a regular basis is especially important for diabetics, who have an increased risk of heart disease and stroke.

DHA and EPA protect the cells that build blood vessels, reduce inflammation markers and improve arterial function after eating. People who regularly eat salmon have a reduced risk of heart failure and are less likely to suffer from heart disease.

Fish is an excellent source of high quality protein, which helps a person feel full. Moreover, the beneficial properties of salmon fillet speed up metabolism.

Important! Fatty salmon species contain omega-3 fats that reduce inflammation and other risk factors for heart disease and stroke.

Salmon for weight loss

Salmon consumption helps to lose weight and keep it off. like others high protein foods, they help regulate hormones that control appetite and evocative saturation.

In addition, the properties of this fish are such that after eating it, the metabolic rate increases. Fatty acids may promote weight loss and reduce belly fat in overweight people.

In addition, salmon is very low in calories. A 125-gram serving of salmon has only 206 calories, while the lower-fat varieties have even fewer at 182 calories.

Important! Eating salmon can help control weight and reduce appetite. This is due to an increased metabolic rate and insulin sensitivity.

At what age can salmon be given to children

Researchers have found that the fatty acids DHA and EPA, in certain combinations, can help reduce ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) symptoms in children. This combination has also been found to be beneficial for children with autism and dyslexia. Every nursing mother needs salmon, as its properties are amazing.

The harm of this fish to a child can be caused solely allergic reaction. If there are no such manifestations, you can safely make it a regular part of the children's diet. Medical advice two servings of fish per week are reported to be beneficial for the child. For children aged one to two years, this is 30 - 40 g of the product, 50 g - for the age of three to six years, 70 g - for a child over six years old.

It's believed that probable harm from fish can come from the content of mercury in it. However, salmon are considered safe in this regard.

Which salmon is healthier: farmed or wild

A healthy diet includes two to three servings oily fish in Week. Salmon is perhaps one of its most popular varieties. He doesn't have a strong fishy smell or pungent flavor, readily available and can be cooked different ways.

But in last years advice to choose wild salmon over farm salmon to get everything useful benefits and properties. There are several reasons for this.

First, farmed salmon live on an artificial diet. Some farms feed fish with food that cannot be found in the ocean: fishmeal and oil, chicken, grain and vegetable protein(most often soy). The result is meat that contains more calories and unhealthy omega-6 fatty acids that can cause harm.

The farmer's variety also contains more than twice more quantity fat, including saturated fat. However, both species have almost equal amounts of protein and cholesterol. Selenium levels are also twice as high in wild salmon as compared to farmed salmon. There are benefits from consuming such salmon, but it is better to choose wild species that have the best set properties.

Farmed fish can also be toxic, which can cause harm. For example, ready-made steaks from it, found on the market, are sometimes contaminated with polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs).

The benefits and harms of salmon caviar

Salmon caviar is not just a wonderful delicacy. It also has some outstanding benefits and health benefits. So, one tablespoon of caviar contains more than 1 gram of healthy unsaturated fats.

In addition, it is also an excellent source of vitamin B12, which is responsible for making red blood cells and helps the body use fatty acids. Selenium, whose benefits are undeniable, is also found in caviar. It works as an antioxidant in conjunction with vitamin E to protect cells from damage caused by free radicals and other compounds in the body that can lead to heart disease or cancer.

Caviar is also rich in vitamins A and E, which are essential for cell growth and immune system health. A tablespoon of caviar contains about one tenth daily allowance these compounds.

Salmon roe is also high in protein and low in trans fats and carbohydrates, which can be harmful if overused. This delicacy is also rich in potassium, which reduces blood pressure. Potassium is also thought to help prevent the accumulation of kidney stones, and some migraine sufferers find it helps in relieving symptoms.

The harm of salmon caviar may lie in the fact that it has a high level of cholesterol. The sodium content of the product is another disadvantage. Caviar is soaked in saline solution during processing, which leads to an increase in the content of this substance. The properties of this product are identical to those of salted fish. The benefits of such salmon are not disputed, but excess salt reduces it somewhat.

Benefits of salmon milk

Salmon milk can benefit the body due to high content proteins and healthy fats. Their properties are similar to those of the fish itself. You can cook them in a variety of ways: fry and use as a filling in pies, pancakes and so on. The only harm of this product is associated with a possible allergic reaction.

The benefits and harms of smoked salmon

Smoked salmon has beneficial and harmful properties. Like fresh, it is a good source of protein, vitamins B and D, magnesium and selenium. A large amount of DHA and EPA help reduce the risk of heart disease, prevent macular degeneration and Alzheimer's disease.

On the other hand, smoked salmon has a high dose of sodium. For example, 120 g of the product contains 666 mg of sodium, which is more than one third of the daily value.

Before the fish is smoked, it is processed by adding salt in the form of brine (a mixture of salt, water and spices) or its crystals. Salt reduces the moisture content of salmon, which helps extend its shelf life. It also helps prevent the growth of microbes that can cause food poisoning.

Most smoked salmon is cold smoked, meaning it is cooked at a temperature that is not high enough to potentially kill harmful bacteria. Therefore, Listeria monocytogenes, a bacteria that can cause rare but serious food poisoning, is possible, especially among pregnant women, the elderly, and people with weakened immune systems.

Hot smoked salmon is lighter in color and looser. It is processed at a temperature of about 80 ° C and is completely ready for use. Despite heat treatment, it can also be harmful if technological processes are violated.

There is also concern that eating smoked foods may increase the risk of cancer. Smoked salmon contains nitrates and nitrites, by-products smoking. Their harm lies in the fact that they can be converted in the body into N-nitroso compounds, which are carcinogenic. Thus, there are both benefits and harms of smoked salmon for the body.

Is canned salmon healthy?

Canned salmon is rich in protein, vitamin D, calcium (from the bones), and healthy omega-3 fats. Therefore, its usefulness seems obvious. The ideal serving of these canned foods is 75 g, or half a glass (125 ml).

All types of canned salmon (pink salmon, coho and sockeye salmon) will be useful choice. It is better to purchase canned bones to get the most calcium. Harm may be elevated content sodium, so it's best to look for the least salty product.

The benefits of salmon oil

First of all, benefit fish oil salmon lies in its property to reduce inflammation. This is a very dangerous process. It can cause weight gain, joint pain, autoimmune conditions, stomach ulcers, and stroke. The omega-3 fatty acids present in salmon oil regulate the hormones responsible for this. The latter, in turn, activate cellular pathways, gene expression and anti-inflammatory biomolecules that prevent migraine, arthritis, psoriasis, ulcerative colitis, multiple sclerosis, Crohn's disease, inflammation-induced obesity, etc.

The benefits of salmon fish oil are that it improves skin health, promotes hair growth and prevents hair loss by providing nourishment to the follicles.

Cooking salmon at home

Salmon has healthy and tasty meat that is easy to cook. It is delicious baked, pan-fried or grilled, added to salads and pies, and so on. To extract from salmon maximum benefit for health and reduce harm, it is advisable to use fat-free cooking methods.

Salmon in cream sauce

Most salmon recipes call for eating it with the skin on. But to get the maximum benefit from the product, it is better not to use it. In order for salmon in a creamy sauce to turn out really tasty, you need to use thick heavy cream.

One of these recipes requires:

  • 3 art. l. lemon juice;
  • 1/4 cup chicken or fish broth, or white wine, or water
  • 2/3 cup heavy cream;
  • 1 st. l. frying oils;
  • salt;
  • freshly ground black pepper;
  • 700 g salmon fillet;
  • parsley for garnish.


  1. Cook lemon cream sauce. To do this, pour lemon juice, broth and cream in a small saucepan and bring to a boil.
  2. Reduce heat to low, cover pot and simmer gently for 10 minutes, adding salt and pepper.
  3. AT last minute or two pans should be opened and the cooking temperature increased to thicken the sauce a little.
  4. While the sauce is cooking, wash the salmon in cold water and wipe with paper towels.
  5. Pour oil into a saucepan, heat it over high heat for 90 seconds.
  6. Then the fillet is laid out in a saucepan.
  7. Fry it for 3 - 5 minutes, depending on the thickness of the fish. Fillet 3 cm thick will be fried for about 5 minutes.
  8. Turn with a metal spatula and cook for 1 to 5 minutes more.

The prepared salmon fillet is laid out in a deep plate and poured with hot sauce. Sprinkle chopped parsley on top to garnish.

Salmon pickling

For salting raw fish placed in a mixture of salt and sugar. The process continues for 4 days in the refrigerator, after which lightly salted salmon is thinly sliced ​​and eaten cold.

It is usually served as an appetizer, but also great on sandwiches or as a main course. Salted salmon is similar in taste to smoked salmon, but has a firmer texture. In addition, there is much less harm from this method of preparation and more benefit, since the processing of lightly salted salmon is minimal.

For the recipe for salted salmon you will need:

  • salmon fillet - 500 g;
  • 2 tbsp. l. salt;
  • 2 tsp Sahara.

If the salmon fillet is thicker than 1.5 cm, it is better to cut it into 2 layers.

Salmon is placed in a glass dish, sugar and salt are rubbed into it from all sides.

The container is closed with a lid, placed in the refrigerator and left to salt for 4 days, after which the salted salmon can be eaten.

Harm of salmon and contraindications

The harm of salmon may lie in the content of purines in it, which can cause exacerbation of attacks in gout. Therefore, in the presence of this disease, fish should not be eaten.

Another possible harm for the body can bring possible allergic reactions.

There is controversy regarding the health benefits of raw salmon. Doesn't he have harmful properties? In fact, it is not harmful if you consume a fresh, certified product purchased from a reliable source.

How to select and store salmon

If you want to buy wild salmon, you should choose Pacific. This is due to the fact that the commercially available Atlantic species is in almost all cases grown on farms.

Fresh salmon should never smell like fish. The meat should be bright and moist, not discolored around the edges. When buying a whole salmon, pay attention to the following signs: his eyes should be bright and clear, his skin should be silvery, shiny and elastic to the touch.

Raw fish is best consumed immediately after purchase. Otherwise, the benefits of raw salmon will come to naught.

Chilled fish can be stored in the refrigerator for up to two days.

There is a way to save fish in a saucepan with ice. To do this, place the fish on a layer of crushed ice in a saucepan and cover with a second layer of ice. Ice will need to be added as needed.

Whole carcass of fish, as well as fillets and steaks perfectly retain their qualities in freezer up to three months.


Knowing the benefits and harms of salmon, we can draw the following conclusions. This fish is nutritious food, which has several impressive properties for humans.

Consuming at least two servings per week will help meet your body's nutrient needs and reduce your risk of heart disease, cancer, and a range of other diseases.

In addition, salmon is easy to prepare and delicious. Adding to a regular diet can significantly improve the quality of life.

The nutritional value and numerous properties of salmon make it very useful for regular consumption, ensuring the intake nutrients, but you need to pay attention to the calorie content.

Salmon fresh and smoked - differences

Salmon is a very widely used fish in all cuisines of the world, perhaps precisely because it has a very good taste, excellent appearance and a rich set of nutrients.

On sale you can find both fresh and smoked salmon. You might mistakenly think that these two products are not very different in properties.

  • fresh salmon are parts of gutted fish. They have not been processed in any way..
  • Smoked salmon, instead, is pieces of salmon fillet after cold working , which are first salted, and then smoked at relatively low temperatures, not higher than 40 degrees. Compared to fresh, smoked salmon contains much less fat, since the lean parts of the fillet are used for its preparation.

Calorie and nutritional value of salmon

Salmon is one of the most valuable types of oily fish, as they have a very pleasant taste and texture of meat.

AT 100 g of fresh salmon contains 185 kcal divided between:

  • carbohydrates - 1 g
  • proteins - 18.4 g
  • fats - 12 g
  • cholesterol - 35 mg

100 grams of smoked salmon contains 153 kcal divided between:

  • carbohydrates - 1.2 g
  • proteins - 25.4 g
  • fats - 4.5 g
  • cholesterol - 50 mg

Of the vitamins, most of all are A and B3, while among mineral salts sodium, phosphorus and potassium are released.

Properties and benefits of salmon - not only omega-3

Salmon should be part of everyone's diet from the first months of life, because it is an important source of good fats, polyunsaturated fatty acids, vitamin D and proteins.

Let's take a closer look at the properties of fresh and smoked salmon:

  • for growth: The proteins present in both fresh and smoked salmon are critical for tissue growth. Salmon is one of best products for athletes whose goal is to increase muscle mass, as well as for children who need a good amount of protein in the diet from the first months of life. However, smoked salmon is not recommended for children and newborns because it contains too much sodium.
  • Against osteoporosis: salmon contains high levels vitamin D, which is important for fixing calcium in the bones. In order to prevent brittle bones, it is useful to eat both fresh and smoked salmon.

In addition, important benefits of salmon consumption are associated with the presence of omega 3 polyunsaturated fats , which are indispensable, since our body is not able to synthesize them from other substances.

They are important for the body because they perform several functions:

  • For the cardiovascular system. Omega 3 lowers triglyceride levels, preventing the accumulation of fat on the walls of blood vessels, which at the level of the arteries can lead to partial or complete occlusion- as a result, cardiovascular diseases even such as strokes and heart attacks.
  • Cholesterol Reduction. Omega 3s increase the production of HDL, specific cholesterol transporters that play the role of "scavengers" that cleanse the blood of excess cholesterol.
  • Anti-inflammatory properties. Omega 3 inhibit platelet aggregation and inflammation, which prevents the formation of atherosclerotic plaques or blocks the progression (anti-atherogenic effect).
  • For muscle growth. Some Scientific research have shown that omega 3s increase muscle protein production by activating cell growth factors.

Salmon Contraindications

Fresh and smoked salmon have some contraindications:

  • Pregnancy: consumption of salmon should be avoided during pregnancy, since, like all large sea ​​fish, it accumulates in the meat heavy metals such as mercury. She can harm nervous system fetus during development.
  • Cholesterol: cholesterol present in salmon does not adversely affect fat metabolism. But, you should not abuse it, and even more so combine with other foods rich in cholesterol, such as cheese and eggs.
  • High blood pressure: In case of hypertension, the consumption of smoked salmon should be avoided, as it contains too much sodium, which inhibits diuresis and promotes water retention, which worsens hypertension.
  • Overweight : salmon is rich in calories, so in order not to accumulate weight, you should not eat it too often: once or twice a week is enough.
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