Self-education theatricalization middle group. Self-education plan "Theatrical activities as a means of developing children's creative abilities

Plan of self-education of the educator MKDOU "Verkhnemamonsky Kindergarten 1" for the academic year Oleinikova A.I. Topic: "Theatrical activity as a method of comprehensive development of the personality of a preschooler"

Introduction The world of childhood, the inner world of a child is the key to many exciting problems of our life. The game helps to open the cherished door to the world of children's consciousness. The game connects children with each other, children with adults into a single whole. And if a child begins to trust adults, to believe - then you can create, fantasize, imagine. All life is full of play and every child wants to play his part. But how to do that? How to teach a baby to play, take on a role and act? Theater will help. The world of childhood, the inner world of a child is the key to many exciting problems of our life. The game helps to open the cherished door to the world of children's consciousness. The game connects children with each other, children with adults into a single whole. And if a child begins to trust adults, to believe - then you can create, fantasize, imagine. All life is full of play and every child wants to play his part. But how to do that? How to teach a baby to play, take on a role and act? Theater will help. The theater is a magical land where the child enjoys playing, and in the game he learns the world. Children of all ages love to play. Play is part of their life. Preschoolers are very impressionable, they are especially amenable to emotional influence. The theater is a magical land where the child enjoys playing, and in the game he learns the world. Children of all ages love to play. Play is part of their life. Preschoolers are very impressionable, they are especially amenable to emotional influence.

Explanatory note This topic was chosen by me not by chance, as theatricalization makes it possible to approach the work creatively. Classes are always held in a positive emotional mood and are remembered by children for a long time. And for the teacher, there are plenty of opportunities to improve skills in this area. This topic was chosen by me not by chance, since theatricalization makes it possible to approach work creatively. Classes are always held in a positive emotional mood and are remembered by children for a long time. And for the teacher, there are plenty of opportunities to improve skills in this area. The purpose of my work: The purpose of my work: 1. introduce children to theatrical art, to theatrical activities. 1. introduce children to theatrical art, to theatrical activities. 2. Contribute to the formation of a creative personality; develop speech and communication skills in children. 2. Contribute to the formation of a creative personality; develop speech and communication skills in children. 3. Create conditions for the development of children's creative activity in theatrical activities, provide conditions for interconnection with other activities in a holistic pedagogical process. 3. Create conditions for the development of children's creative activity in theatrical activities, provide conditions for interconnection with other activities in a holistic pedagogical process. The main difficulty in working with children of younger preschool age is the poor development of the speech of children, the violation of sound pronunciation. There are children in the group who speak poorly, do not pronounce words, sounds. Some children don't remember well. I was interested in the problem of speech development in children and ways of its implementation. It seemed to me very interesting the organization of the theatrical activities of children, the way children liberate themselves, try to say something, lose. Theatrical activity is very important in the development of children's speech. It allows you to solve many pedagogical problems related to the formation of the expressiveness of the child's speech, intellectual artistic and aesthetic education. The main difficulty in working with children of younger preschool age is the poor development of the speech of children, the violation of sound pronunciation. There are children in the group who speak poorly, do not pronounce words, sounds. Some children don't remember well. I was interested in the problem of speech development in children and ways of its implementation. It seemed to me very interesting the organization of the theatrical activities of children, the way children liberate themselves, try to say something, lose. Theatrical activity is very important in the development of children's speech. It allows you to solve many pedagogical problems related to the formation of the expressiveness of the child's speech, intellectual artistic and aesthetic education. Theatrical activity, an inexhaustible source of development of feelings, experiences and emotional discoveries, a way of familiarizing with spiritual wealth. As a result, the child: cognizes the world with his mind and heart, expressing his attitude towards good and evil; learns the joy associated with overcoming the difficulties of communication, self-doubt. In this, I believe that theatrical classes in the preschool educational institution can provide a huge help. They always delight children and enjoy their unchanging love. Theatrical activity, an inexhaustible source of development of feelings, experiences and emotional discoveries, a way of familiarizing with spiritual wealth. As a result, the child: cognizes the world with his mind and heart, expressing his attitude towards good and evil; learns the joy associated with overcoming the difficulties of communication, self-doubt. In this, I believe that theatrical classes in the preschool educational institution can provide a huge help. They always delight children and enjoy their unchanging love. I use various types of theatrical performances: picture theater, toy theater. For example: finger puppets can be put on a finger, they are small, soft, bright, they will not break, they will not break. They allow you to simultaneously include several analyzers: visual, auditory, tactile. It is modern and interesting for children. In addition, with these dolls, you can simply play while sitting, reduces fatigue and increases the efficiency of children. I use various types of theatrical performances: picture theater, toy theater. For example: finger puppets can be put on a finger, they are small, soft, bright, they will not break, they will not break. They allow you to simultaneously include several analyzers: visual, auditory, tactile. It is modern and interesting for children. In addition, with these dolls, you can simply play while sitting, reduces fatigue and increases the efficiency of children.

Goals and objectives, the term for the implementation of the plan for self-education Purpose: to improve their theoretical level, professional skills and competence. Purpose: to improve their theoretical level, professional skills and competence. Objectives: Objectives: to stimulate interest in the proposed activity; stimulate interest in the proposed activity; involve children in joint theatrical activities; involve children in joint theatrical activities; form an idea of ​​​​the various types of theater; form an idea of ​​​​the various types of theater; develop speech, imagination and thinking; develop speech, imagination and thinking; help timid and shy children get involved in a theatrical game. help timid and shy children get involved in a theatrical game. to develop the interest of parents in joint work in this direction. to develop the interest of parents in joint work in this direction. Implementation period: 1 year (academic year) Implementation period: 1 year (academic year)

Stages of implementation Theoretical stage n / n n / n n / n / n Content of work Program content Work with parents Result September 1 Selection and study of pedagogical literature, reading Russian folk tales "Turnip", "Teremok", "Kolobok", " Hen Ryaba ", poems, nursery rhymes; riddles about the heroes of fairy tales; To acquaint children with Russian folk tales To develop interest in listening to works Consultation for parents "The role of theatrical games in the development of speech of preschool children" Joint work with parents to equip a file cabinet of audio recordings of Russian folk tales

October 2 To form a friendly attitude towards each other in children. Develop imagination, initiative. To teach children to find means of expressing an image in facial expressions, in gestures. Instructions to parents for the manufacture of finger theaters Replenishment of the theatrical corner with types of finger theaters Listening to sound recordings of children's fairy tales - “The Wolf and the Seven Kids”, “Gingerbread Man”, “Turnip”, “Teremok”, “Ryaba Hen”, “Cat, Rooster and Fox”, “ Three Bears”, Theatrical game “Animals” Showing the fairy tale “Gingerbread Man” to children, Palchikov’s game “At our Grishenka, under the cherry window”

The main stage s / s s / s s / s s / s Content of the work Program content Work with parents Result 3 November Consideration of toys and illustrations for fairy tales; Show puppet theater: "Teremok", "Turnip" Finger game "Once upon a time there was a bunny-long ears" Arouse a desire to participate in a theatrical game. Parent survey Parent survey "What is the significance of a fairy tale in your child's life?" Consultation "Development of communication skills of preschoolers through theatrical activities" Analysis of the survey of parents. Selection of consultations on this topic. Selection of consultations on this topic.

4December Russian folk tale "Zayushkina's hut" Theatrical game "What do you see, show." Finger game "This finger" Cause a positive emotional mood. Cultivate the ability to communicate without conflict. Distribution of tasks between parents (sew costumes, tie masks, replenish the corner with various theaters: table, finger, puppet) Preparation for the New Year's party Making attributes for the holiday

5 January Mini-sketch “Tanya and the ball” by V.I. Miryasova Study of nursery rhymes “A horned goat is walking ...”, “A fox walked through the forest ...”, “Kisonka-Murysonka ...”, “Water, water, wash my face ...” Finger game “Ladushki”, “Forty-white-sided” To cultivate friendly relations between children. Develop imagination and creativity. Develop interest in theatrical activities Designing an information stand on the topic “Dramatic play, its significance in folk Preparations for the Christmas holiday

6February Staging of Ch. Perrault’s fairy tale “Little Red Riding Hood” Finger game “Good little boy, handsome little boy ...” Games with tabletop theaters “Three Little Pigs”, “Puss in Boots”, etc. Strengthen the ability of children to play independently with tabletop theater Short-term project “ Let's draw a fairy tale for children "Formation of a card library of illustrations for fairy tales

March 7 Staging of fairy tales “The Fox and the Hare”, “Three Bears” Didactic games “Name the hero affectionately”, “Say a word”, “Who says it like” Train clear pronunciation of sounds, train speech, memory, attention Questioning parents “Do you know how you organize the leisure of the child at home? Analysis of the results Selection of information for consultation of parents on this issue

Final stage s/p s/p s/p s/p Content of the work Program content Work with parents Result 9 May Project on the work done. Photo report Preparing a report on the work done Designing a stand with photographs "Our Theater" Polling parents "Your opinion about the work done."

Expected results arouse interest in the proposed activity; arouse interest in the proposed activity; involve children in joint theatrical activities; involve children in joint theatrical activities; form an idea of ​​​​the various types of theater; form an idea of ​​​​the various types of theater; develop speech, imagination and thinking; develop speech, imagination and thinking; to teach timid and shy children to get involved in a theatrical game. to teach timid and shy children to get involved in a theatrical game.




"UMKI"Smolko E.V.


In a dynamic, rapidly changing world, society is much more likely to rethink the social order of the preschool educational institution, correct or radically change the goals and objectives of education.

The main goal, which was previously defined as the formation of the foundations of a comprehensively and harmoniously developed personality, the education of people who know the basics of science, is now seen in focusing on the education of an active, creative personality, aware of the global problems of mankind, ready to participate in their solution to the extent possible.

Now we need people who think outside the box, who are able to look for new ways to solve the proposed problems, to find a way out of a problem situation. A new fashionable definition has appeared - creativity.

Creativity covers a set of mental and personal qualities that contribute to the formation of the ability to be creative. This is the ability to generate unusual ideas, deviate from traditional patterns in thinking, and quickly resolve problem situations. And for the development of creativity, a creativeprocess.

Creativity is one of the components of the overall structure of personality. Their development contributes to the development of the child as a whole. It is theatrical activity that is a unique means of developing creative abilities.

Theatrical activity and the development of a person's creative abilities are an integral part of the socio-economic and spiritual trends of the modern social order. Word"Creativity" in the social sense means to look for, to depict something that has not been encountered in past experience, individual and social. Creative activity is an activity that gives birth to something new; free art of creating a new product that reflects the personal "I". Creativity is not only the creation of something new in material and spiritual culture, but also the improvement of oneself by a person, primarily in the spiritual sphere.

Creativity is not a new subject of study. The problem of human abilities has aroused great interest of people at all times. However, in the past, society did not have a special need to master people's creativity. Talented people appeared as if by themselves, spontaneously created masterpieces of literature and art, made scientific discoveries, invented, thereby satisfying the needs of a developing human society.

In our time, the situation has changed radically. Life in the era of scientific and technological progress is becoming more diverse and more complex.

And it requires from a person not stereotyped, habitual actions, but mobility, flexibility of thinking, quick orientation and adaptation to new conditions, a creative approach to solving large and small problems. If we take into account the fact that the share of mental labor in almost all professions is growing, and most of performing activity is shifted to machines, it becomes obvious that the creative abilities of a person should be recognized as the most essential part of his intellect and the task of their development is one of the most important tasks in the education of a modern person. After all, all the cultural values ​​accumulated by mankind are the result of the creative activity of people. And how far human society will advance in the future will be determined by the creative potential of the younger generation.

Every child is an actor by nature, and a good actor who lives with emotions that are not yet limited by growing up. What kid has not dreamed at least once that his favorite toys, which have become best friends, come to life and speak? So that they can tell about themselves, become real partners in games. But it turns out that the miracle of a "live" toy is still possible! While playing, the child unconsciously accumulates a whole “bank of life situations”, and with the skillful approach of an adult, where the educational possibilities of theatrical activities are wide, introduces children to the world around them through images, colors, sounds, and the questions posed make them think, analyze, draw conclusions and generalizations . But no less important, the development of the emotional sphere of the child, to sympathize with the characters, to empathize with the events being played out, are the source of the development of feelings, deep feelings and discoveries of the child, introduces him to spiritual values. The shortest way of emotional liberation of a child, relieving constriction, learning to feel and imagine is the way through the game, fantasizing, writing. All this can give theatrical activity.

The relevance of my research is that theatrical games are a favorable environment for the creative development of children's abilities, since different aspects of a child's development are especially manifested in it. This activity develops the personality of the child, instills a steady interest in literature, music, theater, improves the skill to embody certain experiences in the game, encourages the creation of new images, encourages thinking.

Target:to make the life of pupils interesting and meaningful, filled with the joy of creativity. Each child is talented from the very beginning, the theater makes it possible to identify and develop in the child what is inherent in him from birth. The sooner you start working with children to develop their creative abilities by means of theatrical art, the greater results can be achieved.


    The study of theoretical and practical experience on this topic.

    Creating conditions for the development of children's creative activity in theatrical activities( organization and design of a developing object-spatial theatrical environment).

    Acquaintance with the basics of theatrical culture, with the main types of theatrical art

    Work on the culture and technique of children's speech.

    Work on etudes, rhythmoplasty, staging performances.

    Providing conditions for the relationship of theatrical activities with other types of joint activities, free activities of the teacher and children in a single pedagogical process.

    Creation of conditions for joint theatrical activities of children andadults (staging joint performances with the participation of pupils, parents, employees, organizing performances by older children in front of younger children).

    Contributing to the self-realization of each child through the creation of a favorable microclimate, respect for the personality of each preschooler.


Formation of the need for self-education, self-assessment

preparedness, awareness of the need for knowledge, setting

goals and objectives.

Planning work on self-education.

Theoretical study of the problem.

Practical activities (application of knowledge, skills and abilities in practice: making manuals and attributes, organizing and conducting practical work with children).

Develop a system of work on the formation of artistic and

figurative performance skills.

Improve the subject-developing environment for developmentcreative activity of children in theatrical activities

To introduce children to theatrical culture (to introduce the device of the theater, theatrical genres, with different types of puppet theaters);

Ensure the relationship of theatrical with other types

activities in a single pedagogical process;

Create conditions for joint theatrical activities of children and

Summing up the results of self-education.

"Confident person" - Diagnostics. Monument to A.V. Suvorov in Switzerland on the pass. A small amount of adrenaline won't do any harm. I have the right to choose my friends. Purpose: to develop students' self-confidence. Ladder of confidence. Useful tips. As Helvetius states: "Thought enters consciousness through the gates of the senses."

"Willpower" - Habit and willpower. Positive thinking. Personal development. Gratitude. How to develop willpower. Performance. Three ways to develop willpower. Take up meditation. Health. What is willpower. Useful habits. Become a person. Principles and goals. Go to only one goal at the moment.

"Youthful age" - The main acquisition of early youth is the discovery of one's inner world. Communication sphere. The short term becomes less important compared to adolescence. Physical development. Self-regulation of emotional states increases. The main functions of the diary: Adolescence is a period of active development and manifestation of creative abilities.

"Self-knowledge of personality" - Concept. Codifier questions. Human. The meaning of self-consciousness. World Mind. Nature. Components of self-awareness. Self-perception. Phases of self-knowledge and self-esteem. Identity acquisition options in adolescents. Identity. Images. The process of self-knowledge. Social cognition. The image of "I". Self-esteem. Scientific knowledge.

"The Formation of a Competent Personality" - Book. Oratory speech. List of questions on the text. Making decorations. Preparing for the performance. Performance. Making dolls. Puppet show. Comfortable conditions for self-realization of students. Historical comments. Sample text of the play. Learning to bow down. We divide into groups. Formation of a competent personality.

"Self-esteem of a teenager" - Intelligence-? Self-education. Reading books. The concept of self-esteem. Character- ? capabilities-? Temperament-? We learned a lot about ourselves. High self-esteem accelerates the development of a teenager. What we have learned about ourselves. Self-stimulation. Let's think. The senses- ? emotions- ? An only child in the family is more likely to have high self-esteem.

In total there are 20 presentations in the topic

Self-education work plan

Educator: Shalaeva O.L. middle group

Topic: "Theatrical activity as a means

speech development of children "


Childhood is not a small country, but a huge planet, where every child has his own talents. It is important to carefully and respectfully treat children's creativity, in whatever form it manifests itself. The shortest way to emotionally liberate a child, relieve constriction, teach feeling and artistic imagination is the way through the game, fantasizing. It is known that children love to play, it is unnecessary to force them to do it. While playing, we communicate with children on “their territory”. By entering the world of play, we can learn a lot ourselves and teach our children.

“A game is a huge window through which a life-giving stream of ideas and concepts about the world around flows into the spiritual world of a child. Play is the spark that ignites the flame of inquisitiveness and curiosity.”

(V.A. Sukhomlinsky).

And the words spoken by the German psychologist Karl Gross: “We play not because we are children, but childhood itself was given to us in order for us to play”

Goals: create conditions for the development of children's speech through creative activity in theatrical activities.


    Introduce children to theatrical art, to theatrical activities.

    Contribute to the formation of a creative personality; develop speech and communication skills in children.

    Enrich the theatrical corner in the group with various types of theaters (puppet, cone, shadow, finger, etc.), theatrical attributes, theatrical games card index, the Riddles about Fairytale Heroes card index, and activity algorithms.

    To create conditions for the development of creative activity of children.

    To form in children and parents an interest in the theater and joint theatrical activities.

    Develop children's artistic skills, imagination, emotions, fantasy, communication skills, speech.

    To educate in the soul of every child a sense of beauty and instill a love of art.

Planself-education work

Stages of work on self-education

Program content


Selection and acquisition

necessary material and equipment for theatrical activities.

Conversation "What is theatre?"

Selection and study of pedagogical literature, reading Russian folk tales "Turnip", "Teremok", "Kolobok", "Mitten", "Under the Mushroom", "Zayushkina's hut", "The wolf and the seven kids", poems, nursery rhymes; riddles about the heroes of fairy tales.

Making a card file "Mysteries about fairy-tale heroes", "Theatrical games"

Introduce children to Russian folk tales.

Develop interest in listening to works.

Parenting in children

interest in dramatization


Introduce children

theater, with rules of conduct.

Creation of a subject-developing environment in a group.


Conversation "Types of theater"

Types of theater: glove, table, finger.

Playing out poems, songs, nursery rhymes, mini-sketches, fairy tales

Preparation and holding of the holiday "Golden Autumn"

Puppet show "Yablonka"

Consultation for parents "Theatrical game is a source of creativity and self-expression of preschoolers"

Mastering the skills of mastering glove, table and finger theaters.

The development of facial expressions;

Emancipation through play activities;

Participation in the musical festival "Golden Autumn"

Introduce children to table theater.

Dice games: "Create a fairy tale"

"Who's screaming"

looking at toys and

illustrations for fairy tales;

Puppet show:


Mastering the skills of owning a table theater (staging fairy tales "Teremok")

Generate a desire to participate

Theatrical game.

Theatrical performance.

Staging of the Russian folk tale "Gingerbread Man"

Theatrical game "What do you see, show"

Making a theater out of spoons.

Preparing for the New Year's holiday.

Induce a positive emotional state.

Participation in the holiday "New Year's ball"

Development of fine motor skills of hands in combination with speech.

Instructions to parents on making Christmas decorations, helping children memorize poems and songs. Participation in a musical festival.

Acquaintance of children:

Plane finger walking theatre.

Making a finger walking theatre.

Playing out familiar fairy tales (“Turnip”, “Pockmarked Hen”) by roles with the help of a table theater.

Mastering the skills of owning a walking finger theater (staging of fairy tales)

To form the ability of children to observe the content and the correct course of the text; develop dialogue.

Work on intonation, diction, expressiveness of speech while memorizing poems.

Acquaintance of children:

mask theater

Theatrical games: "Guess by the sound", "Where we were, we will not say, but what we did, we will show"

Making a theater out of felt.

Simulation exercises

"Show how a bear, fox, bunny, frog walks"

Learning and staging the fairy tale "Mitten".

Mastering the skills of mastering the theater of masks (staging the fairy tale "Mitten")

To form the ability of children to improvise, display the characteristic features of heroes

Disclosure of children's creative abilities.

Didactic games "Name the hero affectionately",

"Who says what"

Theatrical performance.

Dramatization of the fairy tale "Geese-swans"

Train clear pronunciation of sounds, train speech, attention, memory.

To develop the ability to get used to the role, to convey the characteristic features of fairy-tale characters, to combine speech, movement and facial expressions.

Participation in a musical festival.

Acquaintance of children:

with shadow theatre.

Watching cartoons based on Russian folk tales:

"Mitten", "Kolobok", "Turnip", "Teremok", etc.

Learning and staging the fairy tale "Three Bears"

Mastery of possession skills

shadow theater (staging of a fairy tale

"Zushina Hut", "Three Little Pigs")

Generalization of children's knowledge about Russian folk tales.

Dramatization of Russian folk tales using various types of theater: table, finger, shadow, cone.

Presentation of the work done.

Show presentation at parent meeting.

To consolidate the knowledge of children about the types of theaters. Continue to develop the ability to expressively convey images using facial expressions and pantomime.

Theatrical activity allows the child to solve many problem situations indirectly on behalf of a character. This helps to overcome shyness, self-doubt, shyness. Thus, theatrical activity helps to comprehensively develop the child.



Municipal budgetary preschool educational

institution kindergarten "Smile" with. Pavlovsk

Plan for self-education of the educator

Murikova Natalya Yurievna

Theatrical activity as a means

all-round development of children"

for 2017-2018 academic year

With. Pavlovsk


Explanatory note

An analysis of the psychological and pedagogical literature allows us to state that the expressiveness of speech has an integrated character and includes verbal and non-verbal means.

Theatrical activities in the preschool educational institution will help a lot with this. They always delight children and enjoy their unchanging love. The educational possibilities of theatrical activity are very wide.

It is theatrical activity that makes it possible to form the experience of social behavior skills, due to the fact that each literary work or fairy tale for children always has a moral orientation (friendship, kindness, courage). Thanks to the fairy tale, the child learns the world not only with the mind, but also with the heart.

Theatrical activity allows the child to solve many problem situations indirectly on behalf of a character. This helps to overcome shyness, self-doubt, shyness. Thus, theatrical activity helps to comprehensively develop the child.

Target: development of the emotional sphere of preschoolers, creative abilities, development of vocabulary, oral speech.


  1. Create conditions for the development of children's creative activity in theatrical activities.
  2. Introduce preschoolers to theatrical culture (introduce the theater environment, theatrical genres, different types of puppet theaters)
  3. Provide conditions for the relationship of theatrical activities with other types of joint activities, free activities of the teacher and children in a single pedagogical process.
  4. Create conditions for joint theatrical activities of children and adults (staging joint performances with the participation of pupils, parents, employees, organizing performances by older children in front of younger children).
  5. Contribute to the self-realization of each child through the creation of a favorable microclimate, respect for the personality of each preschooler

Creative cooperation on the topic of self-education:

With kids:

  • According to the plan of self-education

With preschool teachers:

  • Report for educators for educators “Development of the creative personality of a preschooler through theatrical activities. Modern approaches”;
  • Show performances and dramatizations of fairy tales.

With parents:

  • Folder-slider "Home theater", "What is theater";
  • Consultations "Theatrical activity in the preschool educational institution", "Building an environment for theatrical activity", "Theatrical activity of preschoolers", "Development of children in theatrical activity";
  • Agitation of parents to visit theaters together with their children.
  • Demonstration of the creative abilities of children at holidays, matinees, theme parties.

Practical output:

  • participation in holidays and entertainment
  • a creative report on a theatrical presentation in the form of a presentation at the pedagogical council.

Plan on the topic of self-education for the 2017-2018 academic year.

September 2017

Work with children :

  1. Reading Russian folk fairy tales: "Turnip", "Gingerbread Man", "Ryaba Hen" , poems, nursery rhymes, riddles about the heroes of fairy tales.
  2. Watching cartoons: "Gingerbread Man", "Ryaba Hen".
  3. Listening to an audio recording of a fairy tale"Turnip".
  4. Examination of toys and illustrations for fairy tales.
  1. puppet show theater "Kolobok"

Working with parents:

  1. Parent survey for topic: Do you like theater?
  2. Conversation with parents about the need to take children totheatrical performances, cinema, circus; talk about how this affects the development of the creative abilities of the child.

Literature study:

  1. Kodzhaspirova G. M. Theory and practice of professional pedagogical education. M. Enlightenment 1993
  2. L. V. Artemova Theatrical games for preschoolers.

October 2017

Literature study:

  1. Methodological development "Theatrical activities in preschool age» Railo I. M.
  2. Berezkin V. I. Art of performance design-M-1986.
  1. Vygotsky L. S. Imagination and creativity in childhood-M. 1991

Working with parents:

1. Consultation for parents on topic: "Meaning in the upbringing and development of preschool children.

Work with children :

  1. Theatrical games: "Fox and Bunnies", "Wolf toothy", "Sun and Rain", "Cat and Mice".
  2. Desktop display Theater "Repka"
  3. Reading Russian folk fairy tales: "The wolf and the seven Young goats", "Teremok".
  4. Watching a cartoon"Teremok".
  5. Visiting theater community performances.
  6. Learning poems for the holiday of autumn(teach children to speak in public, speak loudly and clearly).
  7. Puppet theater "Teremok"
  1. Reading and memorizing tongue twisters.

November 2017

Literature study:

  1. Churilova E. T. Methodology and organizationtheatrical activities of preschoolers and younger schoolchildren M-2001.
  2. Pobedinskaya L. A. Holiday for children M-2000.

Work with children :

  1. Theatrical play"Teremok".
  2. Reading the fairy tale "The Three Little Pigs".
  3. Watching a cartoon"Three pigs" .
  4. Performance "The Three Little Pigs".
  5. Visits to general gardenstheatrical performances.
  6. Learning poetry"Cucumber", "Three Hens Outside".
  7. Inclusion of elements theatrical morning exercises.

Working with parents:

  1. Conversation with parents about the benefits of introducing elements theatrical games in the role-playing games of the child.
  2. Advice for parents"Reading tongue twisters as a means of developing a child's speech".

December 2017

Work with children :

  1. Mimic studies with gestures.

The emotional state of the character

Child's actions

We are sad

Wipes away tears

Sad face

Sighs, shrugs

We are having fun



Clapping hands, jumping

We get angry

Furrowed brows

Fists are clenched, we stomp our feet

We got scared

Sit down, hands in fists in front of you and tremble

We are tired

Sit on a chair, arms and legs relaxed

We don't want, we don't need

Palms, as it were, move away from you

We are surprised

Spread your hands, look and say in surprise"Oh"

We love to eat

Shake your head and stroke your stomach with your right hand in a circular motion.

  1. Reading fairy tales : D. Mamin-Sibiryaka"The Tale of the Brave Hare, long ears, slanting eyes, short tail"; L. Voronkova "It's snowing", "Masha is confused"; E. Permyak "How Masha got big".
  2. Retelling of the fairy tale "The Three Little Pigs".

Working with parents:

  1. Conversation with parents about the need to play mimic studies at home.
  2. Remind parents to repeat poems and songs at home.

Literature study:

Gritsenko Z. A. You tell a fairy tale to children ... Methods of introducing children to reading. M. Linka-Press, 2003

January-February 2018

Work with children :

1. Movement studies.

Title of the study

Children's actions

important cockerel

Hands on the belt, walk slowly, raising your knees high

Kittens "Hands-paws"

Hands in front of you with fingers forward

The cat is scratching

circular motions with brushes

The cat washes

Hand movements on the cheek

Dogs "Hands-paws"

Just like kittens.

Dogs dig the ground

Children, crouching, dig"paws".


Hands in a semicircle in front of you below"fingers to toes"

Raise your hands forward, up, forward, down.

Shake your head left and right, lower your head forward, raise it.

Right toe strikes

Walk on toes, hands behind the dress.

  1. Singing a children's song"Two happy geese".
  2. Table theater "Kolobok", "Turnip".
  3. Building a house for animals.
  4. Listening to music works: "Engine from Romashkino", "Antoshka", "Song of the Bremen Town Musicians".
  5. Memorizing a poem by A. Barto"Ship".

Working with parents:

  1. Consultation on the topic: " Theatre as a means of development and education of children junior preschool age.
  2. Involving parents in tailoring costumes fortheatrical activities.

Literature study:

  1. Mikhailenko N. Ya., Korotkova N. A. “Organization of a plot game in kindergarten: a guide for a teacher. - M: publishing house"Gnome and D", 2001-96.
  2. Olifirova L. A. The sun laughs: holiday scenarios,theatricalperformances for preschoolers. Moscow: publishing house"Educating a Preschooler", 2003.

March-April 2018

Work with children :

  1. Tree drawing.
  1. Listening to music works: "Song of the Crocodile Gena", "Song of the Mammoth", "Song of grandmothers Yozhek"
  2. Reading and memorizing speeches, for example :

Sha-sha-sha, sha-sha-sha Our porridge is good.

Ry-ry-ry, ry-ry-ry Oh, and bright balls.

  1. Reading and retelling

Latvian fairy tale"Fox, rooster and grouse"

Bulgarian fairy tale"Brave fellow."

Russian folk tale"Cat, Rooster and Fox"

Russian folk tale"Fox and Hare"

  1. Puppet theater "Fox and Hare"
  1. Preparation for the holiday on March 8, learning poems, songs, dances, games.
  1. Mobile games with elementstheatrical play: "Fox and Hares", "Airplanes", "Sparrows".
  2. Watching a cartoon"The Fox and the Hare".
  3. Table theater "Repka"

Working with parents:

  1. Consultation on the topic: “We read to children (3-4 years old);
  2. Consultation on the topic: "Children's games with toys-characters"

May 2018

Work with children :

  1. Preparation of a holiday for mothers by March 8.
  1. Reading and retelling of fairy tales: K. Chukovsky"Confusion"

Latvian fairy tale"Forest Bear and the naughty mouse"

Russian folktale"Fear has big eyes…"

Russian folktale"A cowardly bunny and a wolf stump"

  1. Visiting theater performances in kindergarten.
  2. Memorizing a poem by S. Cherny"Private".
  3. Table theater "Kolobok", "Turnip", children on their own show the show.
  4. Games with children: "Picture some animal".
  1. Solving riddles about fairy tales.

Working with parents:

  1. Advice for parents"Teach children tongue twisters and nursery rhymes".
  2. Advice for parents"Fine motor skills games as a means of developing children's speech".


  1. Antipina A.E. Theatrical activities in kindergarten. - M.: TC Sphere, 2006.
  2. Magic holiday / Comp. M. Dergacheva/. - M.: ROSMEN, 2000.
  3. Goncharova O.V. and others. Theatrical palette: Program of artistic and aesthetic education. – M.: TC Sphere, 2010.
  4. Guskova A.A. The development of speech breathing in children 3-7 years old. - M .: TC Sphere, 2011.
  5. Zinkevich-Evstigneeva T.D. Fairy tale therapy training. St. Petersburg: Speech, 2005.
  6. Ivanova G.P. Mood Theatre. Correction and development of the emotional and moral sphere in preschoolers. - M.: “Scriptorium 2003”, 2006.
  7. Kalinina G. Let's arrange a theater! Home theater as a means of education. – M.: Lepta-Kniga, 2007.
  8. Karamanenko T.N. Puppet theater - for preschoolers. - M .: Education, 1969.
  9. Karpov A.V. Wise hares, or How to talk to children and compose fairy tales for them. - St. Petersburg: Speech, 2008.
  10. Kryazheva N.L. The world of children's emotions. - Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, 2001.
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