Physical and psychological dependence on alcohol. Alcohol addiction - causes, signs and symptoms, how to get rid of at home

Alcohol dependence implies a combination of various somatic, neurological, behavioral, cognitive disorders, the aggravation of which leads to the fact that alcohol intake begins to occupy a leading position in the system. life values person. Alcohol addiction is a combination of three pathological conditions- syndromes:

  • altered reactivity;
  • mental dependence;
  • physical addiction.

The formation and aggravation of the above abnormal conditions occurs during the progression of alcohol dependence.

Altered Reactivity Syndrome

This syndrome alcohol addiction implies the following conditions:

  • restructuring the form of drinking and regularity of drinking alcohol - the transition from episodic drinking to regular alcohol intake;
  • lack of protective reactions - an alcoholic does not have a gag reflex even when taking critical doses of products containing ethyl alcohol;
  • the establishment of high tolerance - an increase in “opportunities” to drink at one time several times more than a teetotaler is capable of;
  • change in sensations when intoxicated - over time, alcohol intake is not accompanied by the previous feelings of complacency and peace.

In the first stage of alcohol addiction, called the neurasthenic phase, altered reactivity syndrome is manifested by the gradual disappearance of adequate defense mechanisms. Even with excessive intake of a hot potion, the patient does not develop vomiting reflex. More than three times increased tolerance to alcoholic beverages.

Over time, the desire for further alcohol intake intensifies: a person is not able to stop after the first glass of vodka, since he does not have a sense of the threshold of the norm. Such absorption of alcoholic beverages leads to a pronounced state of "drunken frenzy."

With alcohol dependence, others are struck by a change in the subject's manner of drinking alcohol: a pronounced “greed” is determined, a person drinks a glass faster than anyone else. In state alcohol intoxication character traits of the patient are significantly sharpened. For example: a jealous person develops bouts of pathological jealousy, a proud person has an increased sense of his own superiority.

At the second (drug) stage of alcohol dependence the gag reflex is absent even when taking "deadly" portions of alcohol: the collapse is not preceded by the development of vomiting. Tolerance to vodka exceeds ten times the limit that moderate drinkers have. The drinking of alcoholic beverages takes on a regular character and occurs in the form of drunken drunkenness.

Alcohol addiction also changes the form of intoxication of the patient: partial memory lapses - amnesia become regular. After drinking alcohol, a person's behavior becomes inadequate. In the second stage of alcohol addiction, products ethyl alcohol begin to have a stimulating effect on the body. Sedation occurs only after taking very high doses of alcohol.

At the third (final) stage of alcoholism reactivity change syndrome is manifested by the development of true prolonged binges. Every day of binge drinking, a person's tolerance to alcohol decreases - to "maintain" the state of intoxication, he needs less and less doses of a strong potion.

As a rule, binges end with a state of severe physical weakness, when the subject simply cannot drink anymore. Alcohol intake does not demonstrate a stimulating effect, but only levels the patient's well-being. This syndrome at the final stage of alcoholism is also manifested by the inability of the subject to carry out vigorous activity.

mental dependence syndrome

Mental subordination in alcoholism arises and is aggravated in the structures of the brain of the drinking person. The mechanism of development of mental dependence in alcoholism is directly related to the violation of neurotransmitter metabolism and depends on the work of catecholamine dopamine and indolamine serotonin.

Dopamine plays the role of an internal reinforcement factor and is produced by the brain substance not only in the process of receiving pleasure, but also in anticipation of receiving a “reward”. A decrease in the level of serotonin in the brain provokes the development of depressive states, and hyperactivation of serotonin receptors causes hallucinations.

With regular drinking of alcohol, neurons (structural units of the nervous system) “get used” to being in an excited state. Subsequently, in order to reach the required threshold of intoxication, a person needs more and more portions of alcoholic beverages.

The syndrome of mental dependence is quite difficult to identify, since most patients have an internal setting for dissimulation. Unlike physical subordination, the presence of an irresistible mental craving for alcohol is not always realized by a person.

In most patients with alcoholism, it is the syndrome of mental dependence that is the dominant, and often the only factor in constant "breakdowns" and a return to binge drinking. The reason for the return to alcohol abuse is an irresistible craving to return to a state of mental comfort, to experience a sense of security and safety, to experience "incomparable" pleasure.

Alcohol dependence implies the presence in the subject of an obsessive irrational (obsessive) craving for substances containing ethyl alcohol. It is alcohol that acts as the subject of an irresistible craving, with the help of which the subject is able to normalize his psycho-emotional well-being and feel pleasure.

The syndrome of mental dependence is characterized by constant thoughts of the individual about alcoholic beverages. Alcohol acts as a measure of a person's mood: in its absence, a person feels depressed, irritable, dissatisfied. When taking or anticipating the use of alcohol, the patient's mood improves.

Alcohol dependence is manifested by the fact that at the initial stage of alcoholism a person tries to find “objective” justifications for his addiction, tries to convince himself and others of the advisability of taking it “on the chest”. In the first phase of alcohol addiction, the subject still recognizes the fact that drunkenness is dangerous, but in the future, constant binges become the only possible way of life.

AT further man with the syndrome of mental dependence positively characterizes everything related to alcohol, and perceives extremely negatively the facts that prevent alcoholization. A sick person firmly believes in the rationality and logic of her motives for drinking alcohol and perceives with hostility any encroachments of others to set her on the true path.

Alcohol for a person suffering from the syndrome of mental dependence becomes a way to solve life problems and overcome difficulties, however, according to an objective assessment, an alcohol-addicted person does not solve existing problems, but avoids everyday difficulties. If a teetotaler is able to experience pleasure in various life situations, then a person suffering from the syndrome of mental dependence feels pleasure only when drinking intoxicating drinks.

Alcohol addiction changes the hierarchy of human needs and values, deforms the personal "coordinate system", on the basis of which the subject evaluates his personality, his own and other people's behavior, relationships in society. A person undergoes changes in behavior, interpersonal relationships worsen. It is the transformation of a constructive thinking model into a pernicious hierarchical model that explains the strength of mental subordination from products containing ethanol.

In the course of aggravation of alcohol dependence, the appearance of other signs of mental dependence is observed - the mode and quality of higher nervous activity changes. Only being "drunk", a person is capable of productive mental activity: logical analysis, memorization and reproduction of information, concentration of attention. Only under the influence of alcohol can an individual perform purposeful, systematic work. In a state of sobriety, his powers of attention, memory, and thinking become very low.

As the psychic dependence worsens, inconsistent false beliefs - crazy ideas - appear in patients with alcoholism. With alcohol dependence, overvalued hypochondriacal experiences are also determined, depressive disorders and manic states. Dysfunction of higher nervous activity gives rise to the development of hallucinations. At the final stage of alcoholism, irreversible mental disorders now come to the fore in the clinic, complete disintegration sets in - personality degradation, which indicates organic lesion structures of the brain.

Physical Dependence Syndrome

Physical subordination to alcoholic beverages in most patients occurs at the beginning of the second - narcotic phase of alcoholism. The drinking subject has new manifestations of dependence - compulsive craving for alcohol and withdrawal (withdrawal syndrome). The compulsive craving for alcohol implies a feeling of an overwhelming physical need to take alcohol.

The mechanism of development of physical dependence in alcoholism can be explained as follows: the constant ingestion of ethyl alcohol components into the tissues of the body turns into a prerequisite for maintaining homeostasis, altered chronic abuse alcohol. Long-term experience of alcoholism - continuous or with short periods of remission - leads to a change in the course of biochemical processes. In the narcotic stage of alcoholism, the activity of catalase, aspartate aminotransferase and other enzymes increases significantly. In parallel with this, there are significant shifts in the activity of other biologically active substances, because of which the body adapts to high doses of alcoholic beverages.

Alcohol dependence is manifested by a compulsive craving for alcohol, which is comparable to hunger or thirst. The absence in the body of the required level of ethanol breakdown products causes extremely pain. Drinking alcohol brings a person back to life: it causes a surge of energy, makes it active, and ensures good health.

In the absence of the required dose due to the abrupt cessation of alcohol consumption, a painful condition occurs - withdrawal syndrome. Alcohol dependence causes a deficiency of endogenous (internal) alcohol, which is accompanied by certain autonomic symptoms. Subject complains of intense headache, increased heart rate, intestinal disturbances, alternating chills and profuse sweating. An increase in blood pressure is determined, often to critical values.

A characteristic symptom of physical dependence is muscle tremor. Alcohol dependence gives rise to an asthenic state, combined with excessive irritability and causeless fears. There is persistent insomnia or interrupted sleep with nightmares and very early rises.

Alcohol has a disease-causing effect on the body: all organs and systems wear out and age prematurely. Therefore, the timely overcoming of the syndrome of physical dependence allows not only to preserve the health of the patient, but also to save his life. The possibilities of modern medicine are able to completely eliminate the painful symptoms of physical attraction to alcohol.

Overcoming the syndrome of mental dependence is a more serious work that requires long-term painstaking work of experienced specialists and the patient. Pass the recovery phase preferably in a calm and comfortable environment, where the support and help of others is palpable. Excellent conditions for the treatment of alcoholism are created in the Chelyabinsk center "Atmosphere". More detailed information available .

Such a condition as alcoholism is acquiring truly dangerous proportions, capturing all segments of the population, adversely affecting even children. Successful people, schoolchildren, students with brilliant prospects, young women are prone to drunkenness. Alcohol addiction manifests itself in various reasons, among which in the first place are psychological, fear of failure, social dissatisfaction, fear of looking “not like everyone else”.

What is alcoholism?

Such a condition as alcoholism is a dangerous social phenomenon, which is getting younger every year. According to statistical studies, every year children begin to drink alcohol, whose age is barely 12 years old. Already by the age of 18-20 they suffer various forms alcoholism, by the age of 30 they acquire serious diseases, become infertile. Alcoholism is a disease that must be fought by identifying the causes of drunkenness and completely eliminating them, convincing the patient himself of the need for treatment.

How do people become alcoholics? Usually it all starts with weak drinks used for company. Gradually, the dose increases, the morning begins with a glass or glass of beer, ethanol has an increasingly damaging effect on the body, destroying the nervous system. Bad habit turns into a pernicious one, it is almost impossible to give up alcohol on your own, that is, it is required qualified help specialist.

There are different types of alcoholism:

  • non-chronic forms;
  • chronic forms, pronounced and accompanied by various violations psyche.

In addition, there are such manifestations of alcoholism:

Why do people become alcoholics? Usually it all starts with simple everyday drunkenness - on holidays, for company, on vacation with colleagues or friends, the future drunkard begins to slowly drink one or two glasses. Gradually, this amount of alcohol increases, the day already begins with a mug of beer, which by the evening turns into four or five glasses or a couple of glasses of strong drink. At this time, the first signs of alcohol dependence appear, not yet too obvious, but still noticeable.

A bad habit turns into a pernicious one, it is almost impossible to give up alcohol on your own

The chronic form is continuing from household. Drinking on holidays turns into drinking alcohol for no reason. The amount of alcohol is no longer controlled, a person goes into many-day drinking bouts, completely unaware of what is happening. Why does alcohol addiction occur? strong family? It is at this stage that a chemical dependence on ethanol is formed, the body of a drunkard cannot cope with poisoning on its own, the liver does not perform its main function of removing toxins.

The criteria for alcoholism also suggest the division of this condition into two types - female and male. They have similar symptoms, but their effects are different. In women, the disease is more severe, it is much more difficult to cure them.

Reasons for alcohol addiction adolescence may depend on various circumstances, but more often it is social disorder, an unfavorable environment and drinking parents.

In addition, the types of disease are distinguished by the drinks that caused them. The most common is beer alcoholism, which develops slowly, but is extremely detrimental to the body. Wine drinking manifests itself faster, it is also dangerous, can lead to the most adverse effects if you do not start treatment.

Causes of alcoholism

The causes of drunkenness and alcoholism can be as follows:

  • low standard of living, unfavorable social environment;
  • general disorder, dissatisfaction;
  • failures in career, family;
  • the beginning of drunkenness "for the company."

But they still come out on top social causes alcoholism, prosperous, successful person, whose day is completely busy, and whose life is bright and eventful, is unlikely to spend his time forgetting in alcohol.

Of course, such a rule is not mandatory, but most often alcohol dependence syndrome is detected among people with a low social level.

Symptoms of alcoholism

Alcoholism - curable or not? Before answering the question posed, it must be taken into account that this problem is not so much physical as psychological. Therefore, it will not be entirely correct to look only for signs of bodily illness. Of course, the diagnosis of alcoholism is carried out, first of all,

External signs of alcoholism include:

  • deterioration in appearance, skin and hair become dull;
  • outwardly - constant fatigue, interest in life disappears;
  • there is a tremor of the hands, impaired coordination;
  • a person enters the stage of social nigredo, then gradually descends to the lowest levels of well-being;
  • there are drunken periods;
  • there is an increased threshold for rejection of alcohol, even with large doha, a person no longer feels sick, there is no vomiting, signs of poisoning;
  • external pathologies appear, skin aging, bags under the eyes, reddening of proteins and the appearance of spider veins.

Initial signs

Alcoholism is usually diagnosed at initial stages when it becomes visible externally. A person at this time loses taste, interest in life, the first pseudo-drunken days appear, followed by real binges. Can alcoholism be cured in men or women at this stage? Yes, at this time it is possible to overcome cravings for alcohol-containing drinks, quickly restoring the body and mental condition.

Running stage

The advanced stage is very dangerous, at this time irreversible changes occur, including a mental disorder, there is deviant behavior drunkards, aggressiveness. A person is already dangerous for his environment and himself, most often he needs forced therapy. Symptoms include multiple organ damage, serious violations psyche, which is extremely difficult to treat.

The advanced stage is very dangerous, at this time irreversible changes occur

Can alcoholism be cured permanently? FROM medical point of view, such a disease is divided into four stages, but only in three of them are possible symptoms of recovery with the restoration of body functions.

As a conclusion

Becoming an alcoholic is quite simple, according to statistics, every year teenagers start drinking alcohol from the age of 15. Alcoholism develops by the age of 17-16, and by the age of 20, numerous diseases caused by alcohol develop. Also, according to studies, the age of drunkards is getting younger - it is not uncommon for low-alcohol drinks among schoolchildren 12-14 years old. You can learn about addiction to alcohol and ways to get rid of alcoholism from this video:

Such a problem as alcoholism, has long gone beyond the scope of medicine, is a socially dangerous phenomenon that affects almost all segments of the population. effective way There is no way to get rid of drunkenness, but prevention is showing more and more effectiveness, which is best started from childhood.


Today psychological dependence from alcohol is considered serious and one of the most dangerous problems humanity. Moreover, this disease affects more and more people every day. Dependence on alcoholic beverages is formed as a result of frequent use of alcohol. This disease is considered especially dangerous for a person, because he will constantly want to drink, from which diseases develop rapidly internal organs, as well as the aggravation of the personality of the alcoholic.

Narcologists say that alcohol addiction psychotherapy should be provided to a drunkard as soon as possible, since the restoration of the body with addiction requires a lot of effort and time. It is advisable to treat the disease in adults even at the first and second stages, when the addiction has not "destroyed" the personality.

Chemical dependence on alcoholic beverages brings a lot of harm to human health, because at this time the body is poisoned by alcohol poisons, and their great content causes addiction, which gradually turns into alcohol dependence.

It is known that the psychological signs of alcoholism are much more difficult to eliminate than the physical ones, since a person and his psychology are inextricably linked. So, how does alcoholism develop, and how is the blockade of alcohol dependence carried out?

What is alcohol addiction

Physical and chemical dependence on strong drinks develops in a person as a result of frequent drinking of alcoholic products. Based on the meaning of the word “addiction”, it becomes clear that an alcoholic becomes dependent on a glass of vodka and will no longer be able to exist normally without taking strong drinks.

A person with alcohol addiction not only likes to drink, but cannot live without alcohol, as this hobby becomes a part of his life.

At the same time, daily intake of a small dose of alcohol is not a development of dependence on this drink, but if a person tries to drink for any reason and does it constantly, this is a direct path to the development of alcoholism.

By the way, alcoholism and addiction are Different things. With the frequent intake of alcoholic beverages, alcoholism occurs, and after its formation, dependence follows. The signs of these conditions are also different: in the first case, a person drinks in moderate doses and can stop, for example, if the alcohol is over.

A drunkard with the development of addiction, in addition to a strong craving for alcohol, also undergoes strong changes in life - this drink “grows” into it so much that the alcoholic is forced to change his own values, outlook on life, and also reconsider his own hobbies. Usually, the daughters of an alcoholic and other family members cannot get along well with him, which leads to the destruction of the family and the loss of loved ones.

The most terrible thing is that an alcoholic’s value orientations “fade”, and he himself cannot understand this - usually it seems to such people that everything is fine in their life and they have nothing to worry about. But this is not so - the disturbed psychology of drunkards leads them to the complete destruction of their own lives.

What causes addiction

There are many reasons for the development of dependence on alcoholic beverages, however, the main ones can be called:

  • Alcohol, taken in small quantities, causes a pleasant feeling of rest and relaxation, as well as uplifting. Therefore, many people want to feel it as often as possible, which causes an increase in the dose of alcohol. And, as you know, the mechanisms for the development of alcoholism are also on the alert, and after a while it is difficult for people to stop and stop drinking strong drinks.
  • The lack of ability of many people to appreciate the first signs of the development of alcoholism. Unfortunately, many believe that drinking beer on Fridays does not pose any harm to health. But the fact that this happens systematically does not concern them.
  • Hot drinks are available now, so they can be easily purchased at many grocery stores. But most of all, it's a shame that this slowly killing drink often falls into the hands of teenagers, which causes even more aggravation of health.

Since the mechanisms of development of psychological and physical dependence are quite fast, given state able to overtake an inveterate alcoholic after 1-3 years of constant drinking. At the same time, it doesn’t matter how much a person drinks alcohol daily, what matters is that he does it regularly. Therefore, one should not be surprised if alcohol caused addiction, because it was known in advance that such a drink causes a strong addiction, which only a few managed to overcome.

Why alcohol causes addiction

The answer to the question - why alcohol causes addiction, many people would like to know.

In fact, the answer to it is quite simple - with the constant drinking of this drink, its decay, namely ethanol, is in the body in large quantities.

If a person began to take alcohol daily, this substance is practically not removed from him, but remains on for a long time. As a result, the body and internal organs get used to its presence and soon cannot fully work without ethanol. In this case, a person wants to constantly take another dose of alcohol in order to satisfy the desire. own organism, as well as normalize its usual functionality.

If this is not done, the alcoholic will feel a large amount of unpleasant symptoms, which include:

  • trembling;
  • strong thirst;
  • dry mouth;
  • lack of appetite;
  • general weakness;
  • prostration.

Moreover, these symptoms develop with any type of addiction, since their gender differences in this case are of no serious importance.

Stages of addiction, how and why they occur

The classification of dependency stages is as follows:

  • First stage. It is characterized by a drinking habit in which the person will frequently take alcohol. In this case, few people will be afraid for their own health, as they believe that in this way they rest and relax. With the development of the first stage, a person gets used to the systematic drinking of alcohol, so he no longer imagines any meeting with friends or an important event in life without taking strong drinks. In this case, the alcoholic can still quickly regain health - you just need to realize the problem and make the right decision to eliminate it. Narcologists advise in the treatment of this degree to use folk recipes, as well as a plaster against alcoholism, since to medical methods treatment is too early to start.
  • Second degree. At this time, psychological dependence begins to develop, which is characterized by hangover symptoms. A person begins to take alcohol in an increased amount, which adversely affects health. In this case, treatment is carried out by taking drugs against alcoholism, which can be bought on the Internet.
  • Third stage. With its development, a person does not care what time to take alcohol - he does it with or without it. At this stage, the symptoms of addiction are already more pronounced - there are problems with the functioning of internal organs, as well as a deterioration in appearance, gait, vision and impaired brain activity. Treatment of the third stage requires complex.
  • Fourth stage. It is characterized by the development of tolerance to alcohol. In other words, a person no longer gets drunk when taking a large dose of alcohol - intoxication occurs only if the alcoholic takes strong drinks for several days. Symptoms in the fourth stage are quite pronounced. In addition to them, a person also suffers from the development of alcoholic diseases associated with the liver, kidneys, brain and heart. In addition to complex treatment, the patient will also need the help of a psychologist.

Alcohol dependence is a progressive systematic use and irresistible craving for alcoholic substances. People who suffer from alcoholism are unable to control their desire to drink. They will continue to drink even when the habit starts to cause problems.

Like all diseases, alcohol dependence can occur in people of any gender, race, social status and demographic location. hard to define right reason occurrence of the disease. According to experts, alcohol addiction is the result of a combination of genetic, environmental and behavioral factors. Those who suffer from this ailment become physically dependent on alcohol. This is because alcohol affects the neurochemicals in the brain. Individual attempts to stop cause alcohol withdrawal symptoms.

Alcohol and drug addictions are very common. They are a serious problem in today's world. 50% of deaths from accidents, murders and suicides are somehow related to the use of alcohol or drugs. Often teenagers experiment with certain types of substances out of curiosity or for company. Many of them do not attach importance to the fact that the dosage and frequency of use are gradually increasing. Eventually addiction develops.

What happens when alcohol enters the body?

When a person drinks, alcohol enters the bloodstream and flows through the body, reaching the brain, heart, muscles, and other tissues. As the concentration of alcohol in the blood increases, alcohol intoxication occurs. Due to the influence exerted on the central nervous system, the reaction to stimuli gradually decreases, changes in behavior occur.

There are 6 stages of alcohol intoxication:

  1. Euphoria. This state is characterized by the appearance of a feeling of happiness, fun. Usually occurs immediately after taking the first dose of alcohol. At this stage, there is a decrease in concentration, a slowdown in reactions, a feeling of confidence and emancipation appears. A person can begin to do and say things and words unusual for him.
  2. Loss of control. This is the stage at which a person begins to perceive information more difficult, the reaction is slow, vision may become blurred. At this stage, it is increasingly difficult to maintain balance, a feeling of drowsiness appears.
  3. Confusion of consciousness. At this point, the ability to correctly perceive color, shape, size and movement disappears. Muscle coordination is impaired, which can lead to loss of balance and a fall. Speech becomes incoherent, emotionality rises.
  4. Stupor. This is happening total loss motor functions. Frequent cases of vomiting, loss of bowel control, and bladder.
  5. Coma. There is a loss of consciousness. Body temperature may rise or fall sharply. Sometimes there are problems with breathing and circulation.
  6. Death. Respiratory arrest occurs, death occurs.

It seems obvious that a person should stop drinking as soon as the euphoric stage sets in. But in reality this happens very rarely. The problem is that with the weakening of the mind, the ability to make reasonable decisions comes to naught. How more people drinks, the more he wants.

Symptoms of alcoholism

Alcohol dependence can manifest itself in different ways. The signs and symptoms of the disease vary greatly between people. For example, some people consume alcohol on a daily basis. While others drink periodically, thereby effectively hiding their condition from relatives, friends and colleagues.

People who struggle with alcohol addiction feel that they cannot exist without alcohol. Drinking has a high priority in their lives.

The following are some common symptoms that indicate a drinking problem:

  • Constant desire to drink, which distracts from daily activities.
  • Lack of control and willpower. A person starts drinking daily, cannot stop.
  • Increased tolerance to ethanol.
  • Drinking alcohol at any time of the day. First of all, waking up, a person reaches for a bottle.
  • Drinking alcohol in situations where it is inappropriate, irresponsible or dangerous.
  • Lack of interest in work, any other activity, family.
  • Negation. A person who suffers from alcohol addiction does not see this as a problem.
  • Lie. Hiding the fact of drinking.
  • Detoxification. When you stop drinking alcohol, a withdrawal symptom occurs. Irritability, unsteadiness, trembling, nausea, anxiety, fatigue and insomnia appear.
  • Changing social circle. The appearance among friends of drinking companions.

How does alcoholism develop?

Alcoholic and drug addiction is a problem with many causes. For some patients, psychological traits such as impulsivity, low self-esteem, and a need for approval lead to the use of stimulants. Some people drink to cope with emotional problems.

Social and environmental factors, such as peer pressure, the easy availability of alcohol, may play a key role. Poverty, physical or sexual abuse also increase the chances of developing alcohol dependence.

Stages of alcoholism

There are three in total:

  • At the first stage, people develop psychological dependence, alcohol is perceived as a way to solve problems. psychological problem. Drinking fills the void, helps to forget negative situations for a while and relieve the stress associated with them. Psychological addiction is not the result of chemical changes in the brain. The addict takes alcohol on a regular basis to relieve emotional stress. The first stage of the disease is characterized by an increase in doses and frequency of ethanol intake. Psychological dependence is manifested by a feeling of dissatisfaction in a sober state, constant thoughts about alcohol, raising the mood before drinking alcohol. The stage lasts from one to 5 years.

  • In the second stage, people who feel the need to drink for pleasure, emotional enjoyment, have a physical addiction to alcohol. Even the sight, thought, or smell of alcohol can cause a feeling of pleasure. This is due to chemical changes in the brain. Over time, the body gets used to the systematic intake of alcohol. Amount of drink to achieve desired effect enjoyment increases. When trying to stop, the person experiences intense withdrawal symptoms (withdrawal). Stage II alcoholism has a progression period of 5 to 15 years.

  • At the third stage, alcohol tolerance decreases, intoxication occurs after taking small doses of alcohol. Observed long binges, decrease in intellectual abilities and mental degradation. The stage lasts 5-10 years and most often ends in death.

Causes of alcoholism

Alcohol addiction is a disease. The causes of abuse are still unknown. The craving experienced by an alcoholic can be as strong as the need for food or water. There are a number of factors that can cause alcohol addiction in a person:


Alcohol addiction has a negative impact on a person's body and mind, their appearance, as well as their personal and professional relationships. Most importantly, alcohol addiction kills. Those who suffer from addiction may die in painful and extremely unpleasant ways. It can be infections, bleeding, accidents. The following are some of the consequences of alcohol abuse:

1. The influence of alcoholism on appearance:

2. The effect of alcohol on the body. Health problems that alcohol abuse can cause include:

3. Impact on consciousness. Alcoholism not only affects the appearance and physical health, but it can also cause serious damage to the mind. Alcoholism is thought to increase the risk of the following symptoms:

  • depression,
  • dementia,
  • hallucinations,
  • personality disorder,
  • memory loss,
  • loss of consciousness,
  • mood swings,
  • decreased sex drive,
  • emergence of suicidal thoughts,
  • suicide.

4. The effect of alcohol on relationships. The addiction is extremely strong. Close and dear people have an incredibly difficult time in the fight against addiction. Often patients deny their addiction, which makes treatment even more difficult.

Female alcoholism

About 12% of women abuse alcohol compared to 20% of men. Research also shows that this gap is gradually narrowing. This trend is due to the fact that it is developing faster. Alcohol-related problems, such as brain atrophy or liver damage, are also more common among women.

Women are more vulnerable due to some biological factors. First, they tend to weigh less than men. The body of women contains less water and more adipose tissue, in which alcohol is retained. Secondly, women are more emotional, more difficult to tolerate stress and more prone to depression.

Alcoholism treatment

There are many ways to overcome alcohol addiction. Treatment tactics are selected on an individual basis, depending on the stage and duration of alcohol abuse. Currently, there are many among them - "Esperal", "Colme", ​​"Proproten-100". The first two make it extremely unpleasant to drink alcohol after taking it. This leads to a reflex aversion to the taste and smell of alcoholic beverages. "Proproten-100" is a homeopathic remedy for reducing cravings for alcohol. Also, along with drug therapy, psychological support is an important aspect of treatment.


The first step to recovery is admitting existing problem. People struggling with alcohol abuse can easily convince themselves that they don't have a problem. Or that they are doing everything possible to combat this disease. But these thought patterns are fundamentally wrong.


Second important step is the detoxification of the body. Typically, this requires the patient to be hospitalized. To cleanse the body and remove hangover syndrome detoxification therapy. It consists of several stages:


The next step in drug abuse treatment consists in choosing an alcohol addiction rehab center. In such institutions, an individual approach to each is carried out, appropriate therapy, diet, special physical exercises, control and monitoring of the patient are prescribed. While in rehabilitation center due to alcohol dependence, the patient is away from the usual company, the intake of alcohol-containing drinks is excluded. In a word, there is no temptation. This is a definite plus in addiction treatment.


It is also widely popular as one of the ways to treat alcohol addiction. This method consists in psychological or physical impact per person. Coding can be carried out by a specialist both at home and in a hospital. There are the following methods:

  • psychotherapeutic (hypnosis),
  • block,
  • intravenous,
  • intramuscular,
  • laser technique.

Problem solving at home

Alcoholism is a tragedy both for a person and for his loved ones. Is it possible to get rid of alcohol addiction at home? Can. It is worth noting that not all people who decide to give up addiction forever achieve results. Most often, after a short abstinence, a breakdown follows, after which a person begins to drink even more. As a rule, the problem lies in an illiterate choice. The most important thing in treatment is the desire and willpower of the patient. Help and support of loved ones also play important role in the fight against abuse.

To treat alcohol addiction at home, the first step is to stop communicating and meeting with drinking buddies.

An important feature in the treatment of alcohol dependence is the lack of free time in a person. To do this, you need to devote yourself to a hobby, such as drawing, reading, horseback riding.


How to get rid of alcohol addiction at home? To treat cravings for alcohol, you can try to apply the methods of traditional medicine. It can be various tinctures, decoctions, tea. They have diuretic, tonic properties, which is an additional support in the fight against alcoholism. Below are a few recipes for alcohol addiction:

  • Bearberry decoction. Required Ingredients: 2 tbsp. l. bearberry, 200 ml of water. Pour the leaves of the plant with water and bring to a boil. After 15 minutes, the decoction is ready for use. Take a tablespoon daily.
  • Herbal tincture. For cooking, you will need plants such as yarrow, wormwood and thyme. Mix all ingredients. Pour in boiling water. Leave for a couple of hours. Strained broth is taken 4 times a day. The duration of treatment is 2 months.
  • Herbal tea. The necessary ingredients must be taken in 20 grams. These are wormwood, St. John's wort, yarrow, cumin, angelica, mint. Pour a mixture of plants with boiling water and let it brew.


What can be done to reduce the risk of addiction to alcohol or drugs? Tips for preventing alcohol addiction are given below:

  1. Refuse to drink alcohol. Do not be afraid of the negative reaction of friends or unfamiliar people.
  2. Choose the right social circle.
  3. To be able to enjoy life without the influence of alcohol or other stimulants.
  4. Know the enemy by sight. Have an accurate understanding of the consequences of the harmful effects of alcohol or drugs on the body.
  5. Be smart, have your own opinion and control your life. Don't be influenced by other people.

Alcohol addiction. Reviews

Alcohol has a serious impact on the health of both young and old people. Timely treatment and support from loved ones reduce the risk of addiction recurrence.

According to reviews, the fight against alcohol addiction is a long and difficult process. Self-medication can not only not bring positive result, but also be dangerous for the patient. Former alcoholics claim that the most effective way to recover is through rehabilitation in specialized centers for alcohol addiction.


Alcohol addiction is a terrible tragedy of the 21st century. According to statistics, about 4 percent of the population suffers from addiction to alcohol.

Alcohol abuse can have Negative consequences not only for human health, but also for overall quality life. self wrestling with alcoholism is quite difficult due to the widespread and easy availability of alcohol. However, there are proven treatments. They can help you manage your addiction, fight it, and regain control of your life.

Regardless of the chosen treatment tactics, it is necessary to adhere to the correct lifestyle, not only until the moment of obtaining results, but throughout life.

The American Society for Substance Abuse Medicine defines it as follows: “This is a primary chronic disease, the development and manifestation of which is influenced by genetic, psychosocial and microenvironmental factors.

The disease is often progressive and can lead to premature death.


It is characterized by a continuous or intermittent course, reduced control over alcohol consumption, concentration of all interests of the individual on alcohol, alcohol consumption despite harmful consequences, and impaired thinking.

Modern experts believe that alcohol dependence can be mental and physical:

  • mental addiction is formed at the brain level and is associated with neurotransmitter metabolism, in particular, with dopamine. Under the influence of alcohol, brain cells get used to a specific state of intoxication, which is adequate to a drug one. To get positive emotions, a person increasingly needs alcoholic doping and an increase in the amount of alcohol they drink. As a result a serious symptom development of alcoholic disease is the loss of dose control. Control over the situation also disappears, behavior is disturbed, memory lapses appear for some events;
  • physical addiction from alcohol is associated with metabolic disorders, in particular, with a deficiency of endogenous (internal) alcohol and increased activity of alcoholic enzymes in the body, and manifests itself in the form of an abstinence (hangover) syndrome and the formation of drunken states.

It should be noted that it is necessary to distinguish between such concepts as regular alcohol consumption and alcohol dependence. As a rule, the development of dependence is preceded by a period of regular alcohol consumption. Researchers identify the following motivations for regular drinking of alcoholic beverages:

  • hedonistic- Drinking alcohol is associated with a thirst for pleasure. The reasoning boils down to the following: “Why should I deny myself the pleasure of drinking, because life is one, there will not be another like it. And in general, why live if there is no pleasure”;
  • ataractic- alcohol is used to alleviate affective disorders, relieve the state of emotional stress, anxiety, anxiety, and uncertainty. "Doctor, I had to switch off from unpleasant memories";
  • submissive- alcohol consumption is associated with increased subordination, inability to resist the environment. “I drink like everyone else, I don’t want to be a black sheep”;
  • with behavioral hyperactivation- alcohol is used as a dope in order to raise the tone, increase activity and improve performance. "I drink when I'm tired to cheer up";
  • pseudocultural- alcohol is consumed in order to attract the attention of others with a complex cocktail recipe, rare brands of wines. Such patients consider themselves subtle connoisseurs of alcohol;
  • traditional- alcohol is consumed on sanctioned holidays.

The factors that lead to the development of regular alcohol consumption into an irresistible addiction (and, accordingly, the development of alcoholism) are the following main reasons:

  • Psychological:
    • individual (psychological) predisposition to addiction to alcohol;
    • self-medication (taking alcohol as a medicine);
    • manifestation of mental illness;
    • the influence of the environment (social pressure), which increases addiction to alcohol;
    • prolonged stressful situation;
    • chronic fatigue;
    • neurosis, accompanied by self-doubt;
    • various depressive states that occur not only as a temporary reaction, but also as an illness;
    • problems in personal life;
    • social maladaptation, when a person does not have a permanent job, there is no family, there are no stable interests and favorite activities, when a person experiences a state of loneliness and boredom;
    • the presence among the population of mass frustration states, anxiety disorders;
    • personal psychological features(suspiciousness, self-doubt, difficulty in communication, stiffness, notoriety on obvious or imaginary defects in appearance).
  • Social:
    • financial and economic difficulties of citizens;
    • increase in public and private production and import of alcoholic beverages;
    • dependence of the country's budget on the sale of alcoholic beverages;
    • entering the market of low-quality alcohol;
    • massive offensive advertising of alcohol using all forms of mass media;
    • the availability of alcohol at any time of the day;
    • violation of the rules of trade (sale to minors, etc.);
    • the existing traditions of the imposed rhythm of alcoholism "on the occasion of ...";
    • marital disharmony;
    • stressful situations at work;
    • children imitate the behavior of adults;
    • children begin to drink alcohol under peer pressure.
  • Biological:
    • genetic differences in predisposition to the development of alcohol dependence;
    • disproportionately high levels of alcoholism in men compared to women (5:1);
    • increased risk development of alcoholism in sons/brothers of male alcoholics;
    • data on adopted twins indicate an increased risk (by a factor of 4) if the biological parents suffer from alcoholism.

Thus, we can formulate a model of the disease: alcoholism as a result of the interaction of biological, psychological and social factors.

Currently, the following main signs of alcoholism are distinguished:

  • the growth of the body's resistance to alcohol: in order to achieve a comfortable psychological state from intoxication, everything is required large dose alcohol (in this case, the protective gag reflex is lost);
  • loss of dose control: a person intends to drink a little, and as a result gets drunk;
  • a painful craving for alcohol, when a person regularly seeks to change his mental state due to alcohol;
  • hangover syndrome, when a new dose is required in the morning to "improve health";
  • drunken states (a consequence of a hangover syndrome), when a person is forced to drink alcohol without a break from several days to several weeks without any external causes. That is, if he wants to - he drinks and does not want to - he also drinks.

According to G. M. Entin, the diagnosis of alcoholism is confirmed with regular, systematic use of alcohol in an amount equivalent to 0.5-0.75 liters of vodka.

The clinic of alcoholism is divided into two groups of syndromes, the so-called clinical-forming factors:

Altered reactivity syndromes:

  • loss of protective reactions when drinking alcohol (with genetically complicated forms, it is immediately absent);
  • syndrome of altered tolerance ("trapeze");
  • syndrome of altered forms of intoxication (shows the nature of reactivity) - appears at the 2nd stage of the disease - psychopathic sharpening, but may initially be psychopathic personalities and organics:
    • dyssomnic variant (sleep disorders - or increased drowsiness or insomnia;
    • depressive option;
    • with a wide range of psychopathic manifestations, as a rule, with a dysphoric tinge (annoyance, suffering, painfully low mood);
    • with a disorder of desires (binge drinking, running away from home, promiscuity);
    • like hebephrenia with absurd foolishness;
  • with transient cerebroorganic disorders (memory disorders).
  • Altered Alcohol Use Syndrome:
    • pseudobingers;
    • true binges;
    • intermittent drunkenness;
    • constant drunkenness against the background of low tolerance.

Syndromes of drug addiction.
A vivid manifestation of the syndrome of drug addiction is alcohol withdrawal (hangover) syndrome.

Alcohol withdrawal syndrome (AAS) is a symptom complex of somatovegetative, neurological and mental disorders that occurs in a patient due to a sudden cessation of alcohol consumption or a significant reduction in its doses, and taking small doses of alcohol greatly facilitates his well-being. Withdrawal syndrome is accompanied by depressed mood, feelings of shame, remorse and guilt. A pronounced depressive state with suicidal thoughts and intentions can form. AT severe cases Withdrawal syndrome is accompanied by convulsive seizures, hallucinations, lack of sleep. Variants of alcohol withdrawal syndrome:

  • with asthenovegetative disorders;
  • with vegetative-somatic and neurological disorders;
  • with mental disorders:
    • decreased mood with a hint of melancholy or anxiety;
    • phobias (as a rule, fears of the everyday plan);
    • unstable ideas of attitude;
    • explosive reactions;
    • painfully low mood;
    • with delusions of perception;
    • with a convulsive component.

The prevalence of alcoholism in different countries may vary. In most developed countries, it falls within the range of 2-4% of the total population or 3-5% of an adult. And in the wine-growing (France, Italy) countries - even 8-10%.

There is evidence that, for example, the lifetime risk of developing alcoholism in the general population of men in the United States lies between 8 and 10%. The prevalence of drunkenness is judged by alcohol consumption per capita (usually in 100 liters of alcohol per year).

If it is less than 5 liters per year, then it can be considered moderate, if more than 10 liters per year - very high.

Consumption of more than 8 liters of alcohol per year is dangerous for the physical and mental health, and in Russia for each inhabitant - 14 liters per year, and for each adult man - 160-180 bottles of vodka per year. Alcoholic visceropathy, toxic manifestations occur more often earlier than addiction.

Over the past decades, there has been a significant transformation of various aspects of alcohol problems. The structure of consumption of alcoholic beverages has changed.

If earlier in our country traditionally about 65-70% of consumed drinks were strong alcoholic beverages (vodka, cognac, moonshine), now beer has taken the first place in terms of consumption, which has changed the nosological structure of dependence (stating beer alcoholism as a clinical reality in drug addiction).

Regional features of alcoholization began to emerge (for example, the predominant consumption of home-made wines in the agricultural area and, as a result, the prevalence of wine alcoholism). The total consumption of absolute alcohol reached 11-12 liters per capita per year (excluding surrogate consumption).

There has been a widespread trend in the formation of alcoholism in young age, there is an increase in the frequency of dependence in females, the emergence of more severe, therapeutically resistant and criminogenic clinical varieties of alcohol dependence and alcoholic psychoses, and the number of emergency drug conditions has increased.

Considering the problem of alcohol addiction, it is impossible to bypass such a variety of it as beer alcoholism. There are many reasons for the huge demand and consumption of beer. Explanatory dictionaries interpret beer as a low-alcohol fizzy drink.

Powerful beer advertising in the media (television, radio, newspapers, magazines, specially published brochures, billboards at intersections) calls to become beer lovers, and even songs imperatively command: "Drink beer!" When polling passers-by on the streets of cities on the topic “Do you consider beer an alcoholic drink?” many give a negative answer, believing that beer is not fraught with any danger. However, do not forget that beer is an alcoholic drink and the development of dependence on beer fully falls under the description of the "classic" clinical picture alcoholism.

Thus, summarizing the foregoing, we can conclude that alcohol dependence is a severe disease with a diverse clinical picture and related to both medical and socio-psychological pathologies.

Therefore, strategies for the treatment of alcohol dependence should be based on a thorough diagnosis of both immediately present symptoms and an analysis of the clinical picture of the development of the disease, but also on accounting and close examination numerous factors and the reasons for the formation of dependence - both biological, and psychological and social. The success of the treatment of alcoholism can be achieved only with the full and correct compliance of the chosen methods of therapy (both medical and psychological) with the reasons that underlie the formation of alcoholic disease in each individual patient.


Alcohol dependence in men and women - stages of the disease, methods of treatment and coding

Excessive love for alcoholic beverages is the scourge of modernity. Regularly drinking man unable to control their actions, work, can not get along in a society of normal people.

Alcohol dependence can develop imperceptibly, so it is important to understand what alcoholism is, to be able to distinguish an alcoholic from normal person, to know what narcological methods of withdrawal from hard drinking exist.

What is alcohol addiction

A person who likes to spend an evening in good company with a glass of wine or beer cannot yet be called an alcoholic or suspected of dependencies. However, if such a pastime occurs on a regular basis day after day, there is a reason for the development of addiction. What is considered alcoholism:

  1. physical dependence on alcohol;
  2. the appearance of an irresistible craving to drink alcohol;
  3. inappropriate behavior;
  4. unmotivated aggression towards others.

Doctors believe that alcoholism is, incl. mental illness, which is very difficult to cope with without outside help.

Prolonged binges lead not only to the mental degradation of the personality, but also devastating consequences for the body.

Alcoholism is one of the main causes of damage to the liver, brain, disorders in the work of the reproductive and of cardio-vascular system organism. There are three stages of alcoholism, each with its own characteristics.

Addiction develops when drinking becomes a habit. A person begins to drink regularly to relax after a working day or to cheer up at each meeting with friends.

Gradually the habit develops into an addiction, it becomes difficult to do without drinking. A person does not know how to behave with friends, what to do after work.

Scientists believe that mental causes are a common factor in the development of beer alcoholism.


This one is a continuation of the psychological addiction. The body gradually gets used to ethanol, the symptoms of alcohol intoxication disappear, the psyche is gradually disturbed, the person ceases to control the dose and drinks alcoholic beverages to the last.

At this stage, binges occur. If a healthy person after a large number alcohol in the morning will feel disgust for him, then the alcoholic will reach for an additional dose in order to "improve his health."

It is still possible to stop drinking on your own at this stage, but very difficult.


Resistance to alcohol reaches a maximum, complete intoxication of the body occurs. The chronic alcoholic has jumps blood pressure, trembling in the limbs, disturbed heartbeat symptoms of psychosis may appear.

Such changes are called alcohol degradation. At this stage declining physical activity of a person, social rejection develops, a person loses interest in everything around him, becomes disabled.

Why does addiction develop? alcoholic beverages No doctor can give a definite answer. There can be many reasons for this, which are usually divided into several groups:

  • Psychological. A person drinks to achieve inner harmony, to relax, to achieve peace of mind, cheer up.
  • Socio-psychological. These are psychological attitudes created by society over the years. Most people can't imagine a celebration without alcohol, whether it's a wedding, name day or funeral.
  • Biological. Passion for alcoholic beverages can be triggered by malfunctions in the nervous system, metabolic disorders, a genetic predisposition to alcohol (when the child grew up in a family of alcoholics).


Depending on the form of intoxication and the duration of alcohol consumption, there are several stages of addiction:

  • Zero degree, or domestic drunkenness. It affects those who drink on holidays or with friends. Such people rarely drink themselves unconscious and can give up alcohol at any time.
  • The first stage of alcoholism. Alcohol dependence occurs against the background of an increase in dosages and frequency of alcohol intake. The body gets used to ethanol, vomiting, nausea, headache disappear. This stage lasts from 1 year to 5 years.
  • Second stage. This stage lasts from 5 to 15 years, alcohol dependence syndrome is characteristic. Temporary binges occur, memory lapses appear, worsens mental activity, the psyche is disturbed.
  • Third stage. The duration of this stage is 5-10 years and, as a rule, ends in death. At this stage, the body's resistance to alcohol completely disappears, even small doses lead to complete intoxication. With a detailed diagnosis, the patient is diagnosed with cardiomyopathy, polyneuropathy, cirrhosis of the liver.

Signs of Addiction

A person who has a persistent addiction to alcohol rarely admits that there is a problem and asks for help from loved ones. However, the characteristic signs of alcoholism help to distinguish an alcoholic from a healthy person.

The drinking man looks older his age, his skin becomes flabby, his face red. Sloppiness in clothes, uncleanliness, indifference to one's appearance are frequent.

In chronic alcoholism, psychosis often develops, which can be chronic or acute in duration.

withdrawal syndrome

One of the deviations in the work of the internal organs of an alcoholic is a metabolic disorder, while the metabolism changes so much that alcohol is the only way to maintain normal performance.

With withdrawal syndrome, the patient increases sweating, the heart rhythm is disturbed, there is a feeling of weakness, trembling in the limbs, and blood pressure rises.

Symptoms go away after taking strong drinks.

Delirium tremens

The most common type of psychosis, which in medicine is called delirium tremens. The syndrome develops in patients who drink for more than 10 years.

The onset of delirium tremens is always acute - it appears a few minutes or hours after drinking alcohol. The first symptoms are similar to withdrawal symptoms: sweating, hand tremor, sleep disturbance.

Over time, these signs are added:

  1. instability of mood (euphoria is quickly replaced by aggression);
  2. incoherent speech;
  3. visual hallucinosis.

Alcoholic epilepsy

Occurs in alcoholics with ten or fifteen years of experience. By outward signs seizures are no different from other types of epilepsy, but always occur only after taking certain doses of alcohol.

At first, the person turns pale, there is a feeling of dizziness, the lips turn blue. During attacks, vomiting may occur, foam from the mouth, convulsions begin.

As a result of a sudden fall, there may be injury varying degrees of severity.


Getting rid of addiction- the process is laborious and lengthy. The treatment of alcoholism always takes place in several stages and includes both medication methods and psychotherapeutic effects.

First, the patient is taken out of the binge, the symptoms of intoxication are eliminated, and the internal organs are diagnosed. In the presence of diseases, symptomatic treatment is prescribed.

Then they work on developing disgust to alcohol, have psychological support at the stage of recovery.


It's a whole group psychological methods, the purpose of which is to get rid of mental dependence on alcohol. The patient is convinced that he will die if he drinks alcohol at least once more. There are many different encoding methods, which can be roughly divided into two groups:

  • Psychotherapeutic impact - impact on the psyche of the patient without the use of drugs. most popular and effective methods psychotherapy is coding according to Dovzhenko, the method of Saykov, Rozhnov and other author's programs.
  • Medical coding, or “sewing”, “filing” - taking drugs that develop cravings for alcohol. These can be subcutaneous implants (Torpedo, Esperal), solutions for intravenous administration(Algominal), tablets for oral intake(Kolme, Teturam).

Drugs for alcohol dependence

There are drugs that block the brain receptors responsible for the appearance of euphoria after drinking alcohol. With regular use, these drugs reduce cravings for alcohol, improve the mental state of the patient, normalize sleep. These include:

  • Proproten 100 - helps not only to get rid of addiction, but also to smooth out the symptoms of withdrawal syndrome. The drug is developed on the basis of herbs and plant extracts, therefore it has a minimum of contraindications and is suitable for all groups of patients.
  • Vivitrol is an intravenous powder that helps fight off cravings for alcohol. The drug has many contraindications, so injections with it are carried out only in a hospital setting. The action of the injection lasts for 1 month.

Other drugs help to cope with the consequences of giving up alcohol, eliminate many symptoms of intoxication, and normalize the patient's mental state. These include:

  • Lamotrigine - anticonvulsant. Appointed upon detection alcoholic delirium, epilepsy. The drug has no contraindications, but can cause many adverse reactions - sleep disturbance, increased seizures, hepatitis.
  • Haloperidol is an antipsychotic, often used for complex treatment alcoholism. The drug helps to suppress indomitable nausea, has a minimum of side effects.

To maintain the body throughout the treatment and in order to prevent the development alcoholic encephalopathy patients are prescribed vitamin complexes and probiotics, which are designed to eliminate the disturbance of the intestinal microflora and improve the absorption of nutrients. At the stage recovery The body of a former alcoholic especially needs:

  • magnesium;
  • potassium;
  • sodium;
  • phosphates;
  • folic acid.

Psychological help

It is difficult to get rid of chronic alcoholism with drugs or coding alone.

To prevent relapses, depression, alcoholic psychosis, at the stage of rehabilitation after addiction, the patient will need psychological support.

These can be classes in an anonymous alcoholics group or private visits to a psychotherapist, the purpose of which is to help a person re-learn how to live and adapt in society.

How to cure alcohol addiction at home

Drug treatment can be supported by traditional medicine. With the consent of the attending physician, on the basis of herbs at home, you can cook medicinal teas and non-alcoholic tinctures. Depending on the action performed, there are:

  • Means that develop dislike for alcohol. This category includes plants that, when interacting with alcohol, worsen physical state. These are herbs hoof, ram, thyme.
  • Plants with a detoxifying effect. They help eliminate the symptoms of intoxication, improve the physical well-being of the patient. These include: St. John's wort, birch buds, dandelion, chamomile.
  • Tonic herbs. They are used during recovery and help to establish the work of the cardiovascular, nervous and respiratory systems. These include Chinese magnolia vine, ginseng, eleutherococcus.


alcohol addiction

One of the components of heavy and dangerous disease is alcohol dependence - a condition that is characteristic.

Alcoholism is an insidious and often inconspicuous developing disease: sometimes only realizing that without alcohol the colors of the day are no longer so saturated, and life is not so joyful, a person realizes that he has fallen into a trap.

One of the components of a serious and dangerous disease is alcohol dependence - a condition characterized by a craving for alcohol on a psychological or physical level.

And, if you do not determine the addiction to alcohol that has already appeared in time and do not eradicate it completely - complete failure from alcohol - the chances of avoiding alcoholism are reduced to zero.

Alcohol addiction is one alarm call, which should become decisive for a person in choosing a future path. Having overcome it, and even then - in the early stages, he gets the opportunity to preserve his health and human appearance, without sliding into the abyss of alcoholic degradation.

By ignoring the signs of alcohol addiction and continuing to drink more, a person will almost certainly end up with a sad outcome, knowing all the bitterness and humiliation of the status of "alcoholic".

Although, however, in the third stage of alcoholism, this will no longer matter to him: dependence on alcohol at the very last step diseases can cause only one anxiety - the anxiety that there will be nothing to drink in the next few hours.

Dependence on alcohol can be both psychological and physical in nature, respectively, manifests itself in different ways and on different stages alcoholism. The only stage, which some classify as a separate stage of the disease, and in which alcohol dependence does not appear, is stage zero.

It is characterized by irregular consumption of alcoholic beverages, usually in small quantities, but sometimes uncontrollably. At this stage, a person can always stop drinking alcohol without much difficulty and any consequences, but often, staying long time at the zero stage, there is still a person getting into dependence on alcohol - psychological.

And then he automatically goes to the first stage of alcoholism.

It is characterized by regular consumption of alcohol, mainly with the aim of “relaxing” and relieving emotional stress. A person can already drink alone - while reading a book, in front of the TV. He begins to form a social circle based on whether he is surrounded by people who consume alcohol - it is much more interesting for him to communicate and drink with them.

And even if he is not interested in people as interlocutors, he will still prefer their company - only for the reason that there is "someone to drink with." characteristic symptom the first stage of alcoholism is the disappearance of the gag reflex: the body is no longer able to fight it toxic substance. There are memory lapses after drinking too much.

Moreover, at a time that a person will not remember later, in reality he can behave quite adequately - so that those around him do not even suspect how drunk he is. Psychological dependence on alcohol is difficult to treat, but it is still treatable.


And it is necessary to eliminate it urgently, because the next after the first - the second stage of alcoholism - will not keep you waiting.

And along with the second stage of alcoholism comes physical dependence on alcohol - it firmly enters a person's life, integrating into the metabolism and provoking a desire to drink at the physiological level. Due to the fact that alcohol becomes a separate participant in the metabolism, a person feels a need for it, equivalent to thirst or hunger.

In parallel with dependence, resistance to alcohol increases - five times or more. But upon stopping drinking, the body "rebels" and begins to take revenge on the owner - alcohol withdrawal begins.

If in the initial stages of alcoholism the withdrawal syndrome was expressed by all the thirst in the morning, weakness, lethargy, heavy head and headaches, bad mood, physical dependence on alcohol exacerbates withdrawal.

To all the symptoms of a “traditional” hangover, there is added internal tension and dissatisfaction with life until a new dose of alcohol enters the body, an unbridled and irresistible desire to get drunk, visual and hearing impairments against the background of the absence of alcohol in the body – up to delirium tremens. Personal degradation is rapidly developing and comes the last - the third degree of alcoholism.

It is characterized by dependence on alcohol, both psychological and physical: the third degree of alcoholism is a complete captivity. Fallen and deprived of everything, a person lives with one thought: where to find money, or where to get a drink, and intoxication comes almost from one glass.

The binge in this case is permanent, and upon its termination, severe delirium sets in, epileptic seizures are possible, involuntary urination, uncoordinated movements and inability to think adequately.

Complete dependence on alcohol gradually completes the destructive processes that began in the second stage of alcoholism, and which affect gastritis, ulcers, pancreatitis, liver cirrhosis, hepatitis, heart disease.

Especially for - Tatyana Argamakova

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